| Issue 6 | Volume 146 | Tuesday, October 18, 2016 | theavion.com |
INSIDE - SPECIAL EDITION AVIOFF But first, regularly scheduled Avion content:
Dreams Soar to New Heights
Mike Shekari Correspondant
On Oct. 12, Shaesta Waiz, dual alumni of Embry-Riddle and the Founder and President of Dreams Soar, Inc., returned to Daytona Beach from San Diego in the Beechcraft A36 Bonanza. In California, Waiz spent a couple of months of intense flight training and aircraft modifications in preparation for the Dreams Soar global flight. Waiz, an Afghan native, estab-
lished Dreams Soar, Inc., a nonprofit organization, to inspire the next generation of STEM and aviation professionals. In spring 2017, Waiz will depart from Daytona Beach International Airport at Sheltair Aviation to circumnavigate the globe solo. The journey will have 30 stops across 18 countries on five continents, flying over 25,000 nautical miles, while aiming to be the youngest woman to circumnavigate the globe.
Waiz and her family fled to the United States nearly 29 years ago at the height of the Afghan-Soviet war. After earning her private pilot certificate while attending Embry-Riddle, Waiz discovered she was the first civilian female pilot from Afghanistan. Making her desire to influence and empower more young women to pursue aviation and STEM even stronger. Supporting Waiz in this great endeav-
or is the “Dream Team,” which is comprised primarily of Embry-Riddle undergraduate and graduate students. The Dream Team assists Waiz on matters of flight planning, aircraft maintenance, climatology, marketing and social media strategies, international security planning and STEM-focused outreach events along the route. Dreams Soar was also once supported as an Embry-Riddle initiative.
Unfortunately, the university severed ties with the organization during the spring 2016 semester; around the same time that the university decided to cancel the bi-annual Wings and Waves Airshow. However, Waiz and the Dream Team persevered and have developed many partnerships with other members of the aviation community, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Bendix-
King by Honeywell, Textron Aviation, Garmin, JSSI, and Bose. Readers can learn more about Shaesta Waiz, the Dream Team, and Dreams Soar by visiting the organization’s website, www.dreamssoar.org, or by following Dreams Soar on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Dreams Soar will also be featured at the upcoming NBAA conference in Orlando with the Bonanza on the convention exhibit floor.
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper
Spotlight - Aviation Maintenance Science Located next to the Flight Operations Center near the flight line is a 48,000 square foot, state of the art facility. This building is the location of one of the founding departments of ERAU that specializes in one of the most important pieces of the aviation industry: aviation maintenance. In the Aviation Maintenance Science Department (AMS) students have
the opportunity to enroll in either the associate's or bachelor's degree program, or both. One of the advantages to the associates offered through the AMS department is that students can get their airframe and power plant certifications, and still pursuing a Bachelor's degree of their choice. The AMS program here at ERAU is unique when compared to over 170 other schools in the nation that offer the A&P certification. ERAU offers more
resources, a higher quality of instruction, and an unmatched combined 600 years of industry experience held by its instructors.
Graduates of the AMS program have gone on to do amazing things and work for major industry players.
Students access to
Henry Neiberlien News Editor
also have industry-lev-
el equipment and training materials. In the FAA part 145 certified engine repair station, part of the AMS program since 1956, students will be participating in the complete overhaul of engines used in ERAU training aircraft. This means that the students actually participate in real world scenarios as opposed to just to training aids. Students are also assigned a team and an operational engine in their turbines courses were
they disassemble the jet engine down to the last bolt, inspect it and reassemble the engine and test it in of the department’s engine test cells. Students also learn about the structure, maintenance and operation of propellers and turbine blades. When it comes to the airframe curriculum, the students in the AMS program will learn how to build a wing surface from scratch in a variety of materials that include composite
materials such as carbon fiber, and sheet metal. Students also have an option of taking an avionics minor, which takes one semester to complete. The avionics minor includes the installation, maintenance, and coding for digital and analog avionics systems. Everything from steam gauges such as an altimeter and attitude indicator to advanced digital system like the Garmin G1000 will be thoroughly covered. Continued on A5 >>
The Avion
18 2016
Iran Unveils Threatening UAV
Executive Board Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Business Manager Photography Editor Advertising Manager
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Staff Contributors Reporters
Michael Weinhoffer Henry Neiberlien Zach Fedewa Keenan Thungtrakul Billy Nguyen Zach Fedewa Shaian D’Costa Jack Taylor
Michael Weinhoffer Staff Writer
On Saturday, Oct. 1, news broke that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), equivalent to the U.S. Special Forces, had developed a new combat drone based off the U.S. Lockheed Martin Q-170 Sentinel drone that was captured in Iran in December 2011. The source comes from the unofficial news agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tasnim News Agency, and it has certainly caught the media by surprise. To understand how Iran was able to develop such a sophisticated drone, the original RQ-170 incident must be explained. On Dec. 4, 2011, the drone was captured by the Iranian army in northeastern Iran with supposedly minimal effort on part by the Iranian cyber warfare unit. The CIA admitted that they had lost control of a drone near the Afghanistan-Iran border, but did not ini-
tially acknowledge that it was captured. A few days later, the Obama administration kindly asked for the drone to be returned, but to the surprise of no one, Iran held on to it and released a video of Iranian officials curiously inspecting the craft. There is still dispute over how the drone was captured, but the video of the drone inspection was evidence that the U.S. messed up big time. To worsen the embarrassment, the IRGC quickly asserted that they were going to reverse engineer the UAV and make their own stealth drone, but U.S. officials did not seem to be worried. The incident was considered to be closed until the latest news broke that the Iranians had done the “impossible,” and rewarded themselves with a new piece of deadly military equipment. In April of 2012, the IRGC proclaimed that they had extracted all of the data from the captured drone and had begun
reverse engineering it. In early 2013, the IRGC released a video from the captured drone apparently landing in Afghanistan during a U.S. mission, proving both that Iran had the drone the U.S. said was missing and that all of its data had been decoded. In 2014, a static model of the drone was displayed, followed by successful test flights later that year. And now, more than four and a half years later, the Iranians unveiled their masterpiece, which they named “Saeqeh” (Lightning). Pictures on the Tansim News Agency website show the underbelly of the “flying wing,” with four bombs attached. According to the commander of the IRGC, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, “The drone is capable of carrying out combat missions with a long operational range.” Technical specifications of the drone seem to be classified, but we can be sure that actions are being taken to make sure our drones
no longer get captured so easily by nations with possibly malicious intents. It is unclear what the Iranian armed forces will use the drone for, but hopefully, it will not be used against our own UAVs. Iran is a more legitimate threat to the western world than a country like North Korea, mainly due to their proximity to Israel and the rest of the conflict-filled Middle East. Iran is also likely getting help from China and Russia, and the country is in a very precarious geographical and political position. This UAV will certainly be used when tensions boil over, so we must prepare our defenses and defuse the various conflicts in the Middle East. Iran has the equipment and the capability to greatly complicate and worsen the Middle East crisis, so the United States should respond diplomatically, swiftly, and appropriately to this event to gain some much-needed self-esteem and keep Iran at bay.
Correspondents Mike Shekari, Hugo Fonck, Dwayne Clark
Staff Advisor Ginny-Beth Joiner, Avion Advisor
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Photo Courtesy: Tansim News Agency Pictured above is Iran’s “reversed-engineered” RQ-170 Sentinal with four guided munitions underneath it. The Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sential in question was an unmanned reconnaissance drone, also known as a UAV, that was captured by Iran after the United States lost contact with it in 2011.
Samsung Cancels Note 7 The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.
Hugo Fonck Correspondent Following widespread reports of “safe” replacement Galaxy Note 7 devices catching fire in the US, this past week Samsung officially recalled all devices and ceased production of the Note 7 immediately. Currently, Samsung is still in the process of determining what is causing these fires to occur. Further adding to the fire was the decision by the FAA to ban all Note 7’s on airline flights as the
number of overheating incidents approaches 100. Effective noon on Saturday, Oct. 14, Galaxy Note 7’s must be confiscated at airport security and will not be allowed on the aircraft; trying to sneak one on could lead to fines and even prosecution. Many, including myself, are praising Samsung’s decision to kill the Note 7, with most citing the fact that despite an expected $3.1 billion loss from the product, Samsung is taking a move to save the company and its brand instead of let-
ting the phone sink them. The company hopes that it will be able to slowly move on from this debacle and begin to win over the public’s trust again with future phones. To add to that, the company is being deliberately discreet in the media, purposefully announcing the product cancellation during the middle of the second US Presidential debate – an event that distracted all major media for an extended amount of time. From a technological standpoint, this event
has illustrated the dangers of trying to innovate too quickly, where design flaws can go unnoticed. But from a business standpoint, Samsung is focusing its effort flawlessly at pushing through this situation, despite the expected social and financial setbacks. Samsung is undoubtedly going to survive this scandal and will continue to be a significant player for many years, with its crisis management capabilities mastered and its product development capabilities stronger than ever before.
The Avion
18 2016
Be Confident When Called On: Tips for Impromptu Speaking This article was originally published in the August 2016 issue of the Toastmasters International Magazine and was reproduced with permission. On the first day of the business-school class I teach, my students fear me. Not because I am mean or unsympathetic, but because, like my fellow professors, I wield a tool that is simultaneously humbling and scary. The “cold call” is an age-old device to test students’ acumen on the spot. You simply point to a student and ask him or her to respond immediately to a question. I am not a fan of cold-calling in my teaching, and when I explain this to my students, you can hear the collective sigh of relief. However, I immediately tell them that we will work together to hone their impromptu speaking skills so they will be more comfortable and confident when confronted with cold calls or a litany of other spontaneous speaking situations in the future. To me, spontaneous speaking refers to any situation where you are asked to speak off the cuff and in the moment. The reality is that spontaneous speaking is much more prevalent than planned speaking (e.g., presentations). Think of being called on to introduce someone to others, or having your boss ask you for feedback on a new idea, or handling questions at the end of a
meeting. These situations occur all of the time. As all Toastmasters know, Table Topics is a great way to practice this skill. Among the many members who praise the benefits of Table Topics training is Jeremey Donovan, DTM, co-author of the book How to Deliver a TED Talk. “Over the last 20 years, I have relied on countless Toastmasters skills to accelerate my career, but by far the most helpful have been the impromptu speaking skills that I developed practicing Table Topics,” he says. To boost your skills, combine your Table Topics practice with the following three steps. 1. Get out of your own way. The first thing that gets in your way when speaking off the cuff is you. Your desire to do well, to give the right answer, to have your feedback be meaningful and memorable, actually works against you. Before you speak, you likely judge what you intend to say and weigh it against your internal criteria: What I plan to say isn’t ___ (fill in the blank … insightful, helpful, worthy, relevant, etc.). This pre-speaking evaluation inhibits you. Rather than striving for greatness, dare to just accomplish the task at hand—answer the question, provide the feedback, introduce your colleague. Reduce the pressure you put on yourself and you will increase your chances of doing well. Simply put: Setting greatness as
SGA Updates The COA Forum was held on Sept. 29. The College of Aviation Representatives brought out a model runway and five balsa wood airplanes for students to compete in landing the plane on the runway. If the students were successful, they earned a $20 VISA gift card. There was Jimmy Johns catering and students really seemed to enjoy it. Currently, Spirit Committee is working on Bikeshare on campus, getting rid of the SafeRide card, and creating a volunteer system of drivers that would be more effective than calling
a taxi. If you are interested in participating or helping them with any of the above initiatives, please reach out to Brian Reedy at reedyb@my.erau.edu. In regards to SafeRide: “The Safe Ride Committee is the transportation section of the Student Government Association. This committee was established with its introduction of the Safe Ride program which provides Embry-Riddle students with transportation from unsafe areas. and from Orlando International Airport for students traveling during the holidays.”
By giving yourself permission to respond in the moment, rather than get it “right,” you can get out of your own way and speak well.
Matt Abrahams Toastmaster
your goal gets in the way of you getting there. Of course, this is easier said than done. You are working against the muscle memory you’ve developed over the course of your life with a brain that reacts very quickly to help you solve problems. But by giving yourself permission to respond in the moment, rather than get it “right,” you can get out of your own way and speak well. 2. See it as an opportunity, not an obstacle. You must also change how you perceive the speaking situation you are in. See it as an opportunity rather than an obstacle or a threat. For example, when I coach executives on handling the Q&A session after their presentations, they often view the session as an adversarial experience—them versus the media, investors, whomever. I work with these senior leaders to change their perception. A Q&A session is actually an opportunity— to clarify, to understand, to dialogue and engage. If you look at impromptu speaking as an opportunity to explain and expand, you will interact with your audience in a more connected, collaborative way. Let us say you are at a
corporate dinner, and your boss turns to you and says, “You know our guest better than the rest of us. Would you mind introducing her?” Respond by saying, “Great, thank you for the opportunity.” And do think of it as an opportunity rather than thinking: Oh no! I better get this right. Improvisation exercises provide a great resource for this type of situational reframing. One of the tenets of improv scenes between partners is the phrase, “Yes, and…” This mindset guides improvisers to not only embrace the scenario offered by their partner but to expand on it, rather than to shut down the partner’s suggestion. The “Yes, and…” philosophy opens up myriad opportunities not just in spontaneous speaking but in life. Patricia Ryan Madson, the author of Improv Wisdom, says, “A ‘Yes and’ approach to life keeps you open to possibilities that you otherwise might have never seen, or worse yet, prevented yourself from being taken advantage of.” 3. Leverage structure. Now that you have moved out of our own way and reframed your situation as an opportunity, what do you do next? Simply put: You respond. However, you do not respond with a stream-of-consciousness rambling. Rather, you respond in a structured manner. Some call this telling a story. Structure is important because it increases the audience’s ability to process the information.
According to John Medina, a biologist and the author of Brain Rules, structured information is processed approximately 40 percent more effectively and efficiently—it is understood more easily and retained longer—than non-structured information. Many structures exist, but here are two of the most useful. Problem-solution-benefit. You start by addressing what the issue is, the problem. You then talk about a way of solving it, and then describe the benefits of following through on your plan. This structure is persuasive and effective. I used the “problem-solution-benefit” structure with this article. I started by explaining the challenge of impromptu speaking and then moved to potential ways to address the problem, and I will end by describing the benefits of adopting these strategies.
What? So what? Now what? You start by talking about what “it” is (e.g., what you are answering or giving feedback about), then you discuss why it is important to the recipient(s), and finally, you explain what the next steps are (i.e., how the recipient can apply the feedback or answer). I often use this structure when providing feedback to MBA students in my Strategic Communication class. For example, after a student successfully presents her case analysis, I might say, “The portion of your talk that addressed the detailed steps of the communication rollout
plan (the ‘What?’) were very helpful because they clearly laid out the metrics for success (the ‘So what?’). Please leverage that type of analysis in the other aspects of your next case analysis (the ‘Now what?’).” The reality is that when you are in a spontaneous speaking situation, you have to do two things simultaneously: figure out what to say and how to say it. These structures give you a format for how to present your message. When you become comfortable with the structures, you will be able to respond more quickly to impromptu situations. The last day of my business-school class is very different than the first. We do an activity where each of my students stands up and gives an unprepared toast to something of value they are taking away from our time together. Invariably, they express their gratitude for learning how to speak in spontaneous situations … and the best part is, they excitedly demonstrate their ability to present this way in the toasts they give! By getting out of your own way, reframing your situations as opportunities rather than threats, and leveraging structures, you can become a more compelling, confident and connected spontaneous speaker. T Matt Abrahams is the author of Speaking Up without Freaking Out, a lecturer at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business and co-founder of Bold Echo, LLC.
Get to Know your SGA Richard Alquist General Manager, The WIKD 102.5 FM Senior, Homeland Security
My name is Richard Allen Alquist, and I am the General Manager of the WIKD 102.5, Daytona’s only free format radio station. I was born in San Diego, California and moved to Jacksonville, Florida when I was twelve. I joined the radio station in my first semester back in 2013 and have been a part of it ever since. I have my own radio show and even a DJ name. My favorite genre of music is Metal, and I have probably been to more concerts than my entire team of station members combined, I am sure of it.
18 2016
The Avion
Colonizing Other Planets: Venus v. Mars Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter I came across a Washington Post article presenting the question of whether we chose the wrong planet to colonize first come the 2030s. President Obama writes that his administration seeks to set a clear goal of sending humans to Mars and safely returning them home, with the ultimate plan being sending them there for an extended time. However, according to the article, one NASA researcher thinks Obama may be missing an easier target: Earth’s twin, Venus.
At 25 million miles away at its closest point, Venus is closer to Earth than Mars, which is 34 million miles away at the closest point. Despite the crushing atmospheric pressure at the surface, the upper atmosphere is rather habitable. Geoffrey Landis, a NASA scientist, has spent his career coming up with ways to make a manned trip to Mars feasible. In a 2003 paper, he stated that at about 50 kilometers above the surface, the atmosphere of Venus comes close to being Earth-like. The temperature is hot, but not unbear-
able, and the barometric pressure is equivalent to one atmosphere. Venus’s gravity is about 0.9 times that of Earth. There would still be sulfuric acid to deal with, but that will not be an issue unless human skin is directly exposed to the vapor clouds. Regarding the actual colony, proponents look to science fiction for ideas. From Star Wars, for instance, Venusian colonies can be set up as “floating cities,” built with materials that can withstand the sulfuric acid clouds. Oxygen can be produced from the atmosphere, and in the
event of a breach, there will not be a catastrophic decompression like there would be on Mars. NASA has already taken steps to research the idea of a manned mission to Mars. The High Altitude Venus Operation Concept Project, HAVOC, is a plan being developed to explore Earth’s twin. A video embedded in the article depicts a blimp being deployed in the atmosphere and inflating, enabling data collection and human reconnaissance. Eventually, “cloud cities” could be built and supported by
buoyancy forces. All this is still conceptual, so it is hard to tell when we will start to see the world of Bespin come to life. Mars, on the other hand, is smaller and farther away from Earth. Its gravity is only 0.4 times that of Earth, and its atmosphere is thinner. Plus, one would need a heavy spacesuit to go out there. Solar radiation levels are higher, which could pose a serious health risk. Mars may seem like a feasible target, but we might want to reconsider a bit. We are so occupied with flag-planting and land-claiming, but
can we stop for a moment and think about the practicalities first? Venus is thought to be a good “practice” planet for space colonies. It is similar to Earth, and conditions are different enough that humans will have to adapt to survive. In contrast, jumping straight to Mars could be like sending a rookie pilot out on a dangerous mission. Maybe we need another stepping stone between Mars and us first. If we aim not to end up like Mark Watney from The Martian, then we may want to rethink our strategy for the final frontier.
Film Industry is Audited By The Accountant Dwayne Clark Correspondent Ben Affleck is back with another home run performance. The Accountant is directed by Gavin O’Connor and stars Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, J.K. Simmons, and Jon Bernthal. The film follows the story of a man (Ben Affleck) with a neurodevelopmental disorder, also known as autism, who goes about his life using his incredible math skills as a means of doing business as an accountant. However, as the film progresses, we find out that there is a
AMS Continued from A1 >> According to Neil Fulbright, an instructor for avionics line maintenance, this training allows students “to be able to troubleshoot any system on any aircraft.” The skill learned in the AMS program can also be applied to a wide variety of areas within the aviation industry. Mitch Geraci, a professor for the AMS department, is currently working with the FAA on a project to help create standards for the safety and maintenance of UAS systems. This is good news for aviation technicians because aircraft without an onboard pilot still need to be serviced. Graduates of the AMS program have gone on to do amazing things and work for major industrial players. Just last summer students in AMS participated in internships for companies like Amway Aviation, American Airlines, and VF Corporation. These internships
bit more than accounting going on in his life. Before even getting into details, it is definitely worth noting that this is an excellent film. Ben Affleck brings yet another top notch performance with his portrayal of a person dealing with autism. A performance so good that many individuals who have experienced the disorder themselves, whether it is first hand or just being around someone, have applauded the accuracy of his character. Anna Kendrick and J.K. Simmons also performed well in the film, but the other standout performance for the film
goes to Jon Bernthal. While his screen time is limited, there are segments in the movie where his chemistry with other characters works out surprisingly well. Cinematography for the film was also breathtaking with wide shots and also the thankful lack of what many call “shaky cam” for the fight scenes. For those unaware, shaky cam is essentially the name; it is when the camera is shaken about during scenes of action to cover up possibly poor fighting scenes. The Accountant does not use that technique. Overall, The Accountant is an incredible film,
can lead to long careers at these businesses and others like Boeing, Airbus, Gulfstream, Rolls-Royce, and Bell Helicopters. Students have also been hired to service the corporate fleet of non-aviation related companies such as Heinz, Gerber, and Hershey. The program coordinator for the AMS program, Isaac Martinez, assures students that graduates of the AMS program can find positions in the workforce with relative ease because of the quality of instruction incorporated into the curriculum. The industry is also suffering a drastic shortage of technicians; Boeing has estimated that the world will need 679,000 new technicians by 2035. The AMS program is a challenging environment for students. The program has oversight not just from the university but from the FAA itself. The AMS curriculum is regulated by FAA part 147 and has to meet those requirements to certify its students for the airframe and powerplant certificate. The AMS de-
partment also operates on a 7-point grading scale as opposed to the 10-point scale the rest of university uses. This helps prepare students for the FAA exams. Classes in the AMS program are an average of 4.5 hours long; AMS students’ schedule on average is 8 hours a day five days a week. This ensures ample time for classroom theory and gives students plenty of hands-on experience in labs. Although this may sound like a drastic change to students in other programs, the payoff for graduating the program is worth it. The classes and labs in the program along with tons of hands-on experience which make learning fun. If you like working with your hands or tinkering with cars, and also love aircraft, the AMS program may be for you. If you are already involved in another degree program, fear not; AMS is also offered as a minor which can complement your bachelor’s degree. If you are interested, contact your advisor and the AMS department for more information.
one that has elements of the Jason Bourne films but also the dramatic tone of films like Gone Girl. There is one warning for the film, however, and that is its genre classification. While it is being marketed as an action film, the movie is largely a drama with action elements. It is captivating throughout the film without many boring segments, but there are definite lulls in it where not much on screen is going on outside of talking. Other than that it is definitely an enjoyable film and probably one of the overall best of the year.
The Accountant
Giuseppe’s Review Zachary Fedewa Advertising Manager Upon entering the restaurant, I noticed that it felt like something from Pittsburgh, PA. There were photos of drag racing, old license plates, and of course, Pittsburgh Steelers photos hanging on the wall. Not only did I appreciate the ambiance of the restaurant and the friendliness of the waitresses, but the food was also excellent. For starters, I ordered the garlic knots (which seemed like a hot item). I would highly recommend these rolls of buttery goodness. Secondly, since I was at a pizza establishment, I had to order a slice of pizza. In the Steel City (Pittsburgh) of Pennsylvania, they believe in thin crust pizza. It was probably the best slice of pizza I have ever had. How about you
go out and try it? Shortly after my pizza, my Philly cheese steak sub came, and I was so excited. After eating the entire thing within a few minutes, I realized that I just ate the greatest thing in my life. I have had pseudo-Philly cheese steaks from other restaurants, but nothing compares to what they make here at Giuseppe’s. In conclusion, this restaurant is a very homey biker friendly eatery that has excellent food and a very friendly staff. The garlic knots, the Philly cheese steak sub, and the pizza were all excellent. As far as pricing goes, I’d say it is a little on the expensive side. Fortunately, they have a very
good deal on single slices of pizza if you aren’t terribly hungry. My Philly cheese steak sub ran me around $12, which I felt was well worth it. My server on the other hand, was excellent! She saw me arrive at the restaurant on my motorcycle and when it came time to leave, she kindly packaged up all my leftover food so I could fit it in my backpack without a problem. Yes, I did leave her a nice tip! I highly recommend going to this restaurant. They have a very good selection of food on their menu that will not fail to please you. Why am I only giving this 4.5 out of 5 stars? Because nothing is perfect.
ERAU Hosts 1st An
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper
The Avion
Upcoming Games: Tuesday Women’s Volleyball vs Rollins Daytona Beach, FLA. @ 7 p.m.
18 Sports ERAU’s Last-Minute Win Over Saint Leo
October TH
vs ERAU: 2 Wednesday Women’s Soccer vs Palm Beach West Palm Beach, FLA @ 7 p.m. Men’s Soccer vs Palm Beach Daytona Beach, FLA @ 7 p.m.
Thursday No Games
Friday Women’s Volleyball vs Lynn Boca Raton, FLA. @ 7 p.m.
` Saturday Women’s Volleyball vs Barry Miami Shores, FLA. @ 4 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs Lynn Daytona Beach, FLA. @ 6 p.m. Men’s Soccer vs Lynn Boca Raton , FLA. @ 6 p.m. Men’s Cross Country Invitational Hardeeville, S.C. Women’s Cross Country Invitational Hardeeville, S.C.
Sunday No Games
Women’s Golf Invitational St. Augustine, FLA.
Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics Andrea Froshaug's goal with 29 seconds remaining in regulation lifted the Embry-Riddle women's soccer team to a 2-1 win over Saint Leo, Saturday at the Embry-Riddle Soccer Stadium. The win was one of the most exciting of the season and snapped a two-game losing skid for the Blue and Gold, improving their record to 6-3-1, while the Lions fall to 8-3 on the year. Froshaug accounted for both Eagle goals and kept the Saint Leo defense busy with her eight shots on the night. Fanny Kristiansson went the distance for ERAU in the nets, collecting five saves in the win. "We needed this tonight!" ERAU Head Coach Samantha Bohon remarked. "This team has stayed committed and hard-working despite things not bouncing our way recently. We did a great job of execution and intensity in the first half. And you could see how our entire team was excited to see Andrea get rewarded for her hard work on that first goal. It's not typical to dog-pile a first half goal,
Saint Leo: 1 but she's been so unlucky this season. She was due!" The scoresheet showed both sides evenly matched in the shot column in the first half with five shots each, but it was ERAU who had the advantage on the scoreboard. After forcing a full extension save from Saint Leo goalkeeper Megan Charlton in the 29th minute, Froshaug found the back of the net in the 40th minute on her fourth shot of the evening. Guro Naess Berge collected the ball in the middle third of the pitch and completed a pass to Froshaug about 25 yards away from the goal. Froshaug deftly dribbled around a pair of Lion defenders and slotted a low shot past Charlton to give the Blue and Gold a one-goal advantage at the half. In the second half, both ERAU and SLU tested their respective opponents' defense eliciting strong saves from each goalkeeper. The Eagles maintained the lead and created a few more chances to score, including an Isabelle Hararanen header from close range that drew a quick reactionary save from Charlton. However, the
Jack Taylor/The Avion Newspaper #16 Andrea Froshaug owns the night by scoring both the goals on Saint Leo. The winning goal occured with less than 30 seconds on the clock.
game's next goal came from SLU Arielle Kabangu who leveled the score at 1-1 in the 73rd minute. The goal shifted the momentum in the Lions' favor, but the Eagles turned back their challenges and as the clocked ticked down toward the end of regulation, the game seemed on its way to extra time. In the 90th minute, Gudrun Johnson collected the ball just inside the Lions' half of the field, spun and lofted a pass to Froshaug on the run. The senior took a few touches before depositing the
ball in the lower right corner of the goal to give ERAU the win. "We expected St Leo to come out strong in the second as they're a competitive, talented group," Bohon continued. "I don't think we did a great job of playing our style in the second half, but we never quit working. I told the team we created our own luck tonight by working hard. I'm so happy for them." The Eagles go back on the road on Wednesday, traveling to West Palm Beach for a 7 p.m. tilt against Palm Beach Atlantic.
ERAU Men’s Soccer Bested by Florida Southern Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle men's soccer team was bested by Florida Southern 6-2 on Wednesday. The Eagles' record falls to 2-4-3, while the Mocs bring their record to 5-3-1. Joao Belmonte and Knutur Bjornsson scored one goal each for the Eagles. Richard Dearle had six saves in 78 minutes, and Felix Lohmeyer made one save in his debut as an Eagle goalkeeper. In the 23rd minute of the first half the Eagles took the lead after Bel-
monte received a pass from Felix Moller in the box and slipped the ball past the Moccasin goalkeeper. The two sides combined for 13 shots and seven shots on goal in the half, but Belmonte remained the lone goal scorer. "The first half was very positive," said Head Coach Dave Gregson. "We thoroughly deserved to be in the lead." The second half was dominated by Florida Southern. The Mocs tallied 14 shots in the half, scoring three goals in the first 12 minutes. The Eagles answered in the 57th minute with a goal
vs FSC: 6
of their own by Bjornsson who scored into the left side of the net with an assist by Pierre Hertin. Less than a minute later, Florida Southern came back with another goal to double its lead to 4-2. FSC added two more goals in the 72nd and 73rd minutes to account for the 6-2 final score.
"We are not going to be very successful in this league just gifting goals to the opponents," Gregson continued. "We have to put this down to experience and learn our lessons for the remaining games." The Eagles return to action this Saturday with a road game against Saint Leo at 7 p.m.
B3 Sports Volleyball Completes Perfect Crossover with 3-1 Win Over Lee
18 2016
Michael Pierce ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle volleyball team capped off a perfect 3-0 weekend at the South Region Volleyball Crossover presented by Junior’s Catering with a 3-1 win (25-22, 25-23, 23-25, 25-16) over Lee on Saturday afternoon. With the win, ERAU moves to 9-7 on the year, while LC drops to 8-10. In a rematch from Sept. 9 that saw the Eagles earn a 3-1 win on the strength of 17.5 total team blocks, the Blue and Gold followed the same playbook on Saturday, racking up
The Avion
an identical 17.5 total team blocks in the victory. Embry-Riddle hit .286 with 11 attack errors, compared to the Flames’ .160 hitting percentage and 33 attack errors. Amanda Saunders was dominant in September’s meeting and put up another strong performance on Saturday, leading all players with 19 kills and hitting .378 with eight digs and seven blocks. McKenna James chipped in 11 kills while hitting .556 with seven blocks and Ella Duggan added 10 blocks (two solo) and six kills. Olivia Roa led all players with 21 digs
while Jordan Nakayama (22 assists) and Alyssa Rudd (19 assists) shared the setting duties. In set one, EmbryRiddle used a 10-1 run to turn a 7-4 deficit into a 14-8 lead, a run that included four blocks. The Flames fought back with six straight points to tie the set at 14-14 and the frame stayed close from that point on. A kill from Alex Reese sparked a quick 3-0 run that put ERAU in front, 23-20, and a kill from Theresa Jordan gave the Eagles a 25-22 win. Set two followed a near-identical blueprint as the first, with ERAU going on a 10-3 run to take
a 15-9 lead only to see Lee rally back to eventually draw even at 21-21. Reese came up with another big kill, putting the Eagles on set point at 24-22, and she also punctuated the set with yet another kill, ending the frame at 25-23 and giving the Blue and Gold a 2-0 lead in the match. The third set saw Lee find it’s footing a little bit better than the first two sets. The Flames went on an 8-2 run to pull out to a 17-11 lead, but ERAU turned the tables and clawed back to within a point at 21-20. An attack error brought the Eagles to level footing at 23-23, but Lee got a pair
vs ERAU: 3
Lee: 1
of kills to end the set with a 25-23 win. After the Flames jumped out to a 5-0 lead in set four, Saunders took over. She registered three kills and two blocks as part of a 7-0 Eagle run to give Embry-Riddle a 7-5 lead. The Blue and Gold increased its lead to 14-9 and never looked back, eventually running away with a 25-16 win.
In the set, Saunders accounted for 12 points – nine kills, two blocks and an ace, while hitting .818 (9-0-11). The Eagles land back at home Tuesday, Oct. 18 to host Rollins in the second meeting between the two schools this year. ERAU defeated the Tars on the road last month, 3-1. Tuesday’s match is set for a 7 p.m. start.
Hanna Rolfsen Junior player #7, Hanna Rolfsen, setting up a hard pass.
Isabelle Haaranen Senior player, Isabelle Haaranen, #15, in the middle of the action.
Shaian D’Costa/The Avion Newspaper
Shaian D’Costa/The Avion Newspaper
Women’s Soccer Falls to NAIA No. 6 Lindsey Wilson 5-0 Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics The Lindsey Wilson women’s soccer team proved to be too much for Embry-Riddle on Tuesday. Ranked sixth in the NAIA, the Blue Raiders got four goals from Annika Koemm en route to a 5-0 win over the Eagles, improving their overall record to 7-3, while the Eagles fall to 5-3-1. The Eagles had chances to get on the scoreboard early in the contest with perhaps their best chance
coming in the 11th minute. After Andrea Froshaug was brought down inside the penalty area, Guro Naess Berge took the resulting penalty kick but LWC goalkeeper Johanna Henriksson, who committed the foul, made up for her miscue by coming up with a save to keep the Eagles off the board. The Blue and Gold continued to threaten and had five shots in the first period compared to seven by the Blue Raiders. Despite the chances, the Eagles found themselves
in a 3-0 hole at the end of the first 45 minutes of play. The Blue Raiders got a pair of goals from Koemm in a two-minute span and another from Ivana Damnjanovic in the 36th minute to give the visitors a three-goal advantage at the intermission. Koemm wasted little time in completing her hat trick in the second half, scoring her third goal less than two minutes into the period. While the Eagles outshot LWC 6-3 in the second half, it was the Blue
Raiders who were more dangerous in the final third of the field, and Koemm sealed the victory with her final goal at the 74:40 mark. “Drew [Burwash], once again, showed he has the Midas touch late in the season,” ERAU Head Coach Samantha Bohon commented. “Man, did they put on a finishing clinic tonight with five goals on 10 shots. Annika had a special night and we just couldn’t contain her. I think if we had finished our penalty kick chance
vs Lindsey Wilson: 5
in the first half, the game might have had a different feel. It’s strange to outshoot a team, create some good chances, and still walk away with such a lopsided loss. But, I don’t want to take anything away from them. They were connected and had
a great performance. We are going to keep pushing forward and are anxious to watch some film and get back to training.” The Eagles’ next game will be at 6 p.m. on Saturday when they host Saint Leo at the ERAU Soccer Stadium.
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“This seems more like a way to attract turkey vultures.” “My mom always told me a turkey vulture is a great friend you haven’t met yet, usually because you don’t smell enough like decaying meat.”
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