| Issue 8 | Volume 146 | Tuesday, November 8, 2016 | theavion.com |
Imiage Courtesy/NASA
Water, Wind, and Fire: New Ways to Access Space
Henry Neiberlien News Editor
What’s Inside
Starfighters Aerospace, a private company based at Kennedy Space Center, maintains a fleet of antique Lockheed F-104 fighter jets capable of speeds more than Mach 2, and they want to launch satellites with them. Although the F-104 first flew in 1956, this aircraft is unique in the speed it can achieve, and that speed allows it to fly up to attitudes of 120,000 feet on a parabolic suborbital trajectory. Starfighters Aerospace has developed a small missile sized launcher for microsatellites, and the F-104 can launch it during a parabolic arc. For low weight payloads, this is a very cost-effective method for launch. The F-104 can carry a 1500-pound payload to 100,000 feet in less than four minutes, and twin seat aircraft are also available. This means that these flights can also be used for suborbital science,
suborbital human spaceflight, commercial astronaut training, and spacesuit testing. Utilizing this cold-war era plane instead of spending R&D funds to develop a vehicle of similar performance is an excellent use of existing resources, especially since most people probably did not even think it was an option. Another company, Ripple Aerospace located in Norway, wants to make use of the largest spaceport on the planet, the oceans. Ripple Aerospace has proposed a new launch vehicle called Jormungandr, or The Sea Serpent. This rocket is powered by an aerospike engine, which is a very high performance rocket engine that does not compromise aerodynamic efficiency. Its nozzle is the opposite of a conventional rocket motor. Instead of a bell, the nozzle resembles a spike; it is also where it gets its name. The motor is not the most exciting part of the vehicle. It is designed to be built in a dry-dock,
Opinion: Where Are Foreign Relations Headed After Election Day?
towed out to sea, the back half sunk into the ocean, and then launched vertically. Utilizing the ocean to launch rockets is revolutionary; it allows coastal nations that have shipbuilding facilities to have access to space. However, finding calm waters in the North Sea will be a challenge, not
to mention the damage salt water does to fragile components such as space vehicles. In New Zealand, the American commercial spaceflight company Rocketlab plans to tackle the cost of launching to space. They are developing a new lightweight launch vehicle made of composite mate-
rials called the Electron, and they plan to launch one every week. The high-frequency of these launches will drive the cost down for the customer and hopefully offer more companies and countries the opportunity to launch into LEO. The test program for the Electron
Image Courtesy/RocketLab Above: The Electron launch vehicle, which is being developed by RocketLab. RocketLab is based in the United States, but launches out of New Zealand. RocketLab plans to launch once a week, a goal many doubt is possible.
MacBook Pro: Performance Over Ports?
Microwave Food Recipes: Cooking With “The Trashy Chef”
is scheduled to conclude this year with the first commercial flights commencing in 2017 with a starting price of $4.9million. This price seems like a lot to the average citizen, but it is drastically lower than the price offered by other launch providers. These companies are opening the door for more people to access space with innovative ideas. Everybody knows about the big players like United Launch Alliance, and SpaceX. However, the aerospace industry might want to keep an eye on these companies as small satellite technology continues to attract more and more money and attention. Perhaps innovative ideas are incubating in the minds of students here at Embry-Riddle, and our students are the future of the industry. I know we all cannot wait to see what technological innovations and industry changing events our students can provide to commercial spaceflight.
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08 2016
Students Evacuate Only Hours Before Matthew Makes Landfall
Collin Anderson Correspondent
This past week reminded us that hurricane season is not over yet. Hurricane Matthew’s appearance left many without power, roadways washed out, and even claimed lives of people who lived in Volusia County. As the Embry-Riddle campus and Daytona Beach community rebuild, there is one question on everyone’s mind; why were the dorms not evacuated until six hours before the hurricane hit? On Tuesday 4 October at 1758, every student received an email from Jeannise Johnson stating that classes after 1230 on 6 October would be cancelled and, that on Friday, the campus would be closed. The email also stated they were expecting “deteriorating weather conditions Thursday and tropical storm force winds into Friday.” This information was distributed despite the fact that Matthew was predicted to make landfall in Daytona Beach
as a Category 3/4 hurricane by NOAA and other trusted agencies. The email also stated very clearly that the dorms would remain open for resident students through the storm. According to Embry-Riddle’s website, under “Emergency Notification, Response, and Evacuation,” and under the heading “Hurricane Precautions,” the following can be read: “In the event that hurricane-force winds are forecast for the Daytona Beach area, the campus will begin evacuation procedures.” On Wednesday 5 October at 0912, Daytona Beach University Housing sent an email to all residential students stating again that the resident halls will remain open. At this time, NOAA had determined Matthew had gained strength and would be projected to hit Daytona as a Category 4. That afternoon, at 1638, housing sent out another email stating that the dorms would remain open, for a third time. In this email, they again say they were expect-
ing “deteriorating conditions Thursday with the strongest winds occurring from Thursday evening through Friday evening.” On Thursday 6 October at 1046, the inevitable happened. An email was sent by university communications stating that “Due to the increasing expectation of hurricane force winds, all Embry-Riddle residence halls will begin evacuations this morning. Residence halls will close at 4PM.” Bands of the hurricane were supposed to be getting to Daytona six hours from when the email was sent. A few hours before that email was sent, Governor Rick Scott ordered everyone on the coast to evacuate because “this storm will kill you.” Many students did not have evacuation plans due to the school reassuring them, more than three times, that the dorms would not be evacuated. It comes as no surprise when many students were forced to pack a go-bag and go to either Mainland
High School, another shelter, go to the west coast of Florida, or flee the state entirely. This was all to be done in a five-hour window. Parents that had just dropped off their child for freshman year of college not 2 months ago, were now worrying about their child’s well-being as Matthew worked up the coast. Some of these parents not even in the country, let alone state. Many students, faculty, and parents are left wondering. Why would Embry-Riddle implement their evacuation plan a mere six hours before a major hurricane? Why is no one being held accountable for this irresponsible and senseless decision? Why was a plan for evacuating the fleet implemented before one was executed for the students? Embry-Riddle has these and a lot more questions to answer in the coming months. The school uses the motto, “Students First,” but, in this instance, actions speak louder than words.
Campus Safety Response - Full Jeannise Johnson Campus Safety The Embry-Riddle Emergency Operations Team (EOT), made up of administration and a cross-section of qualified faculty and staff, is charged with managing campus emergencies to include severe weather conditions. Student safety is of paramount importance in all of the EOT’s decisions. Severe weather monitoring is a very active process because in monitoring tropical storms, potential hurricanes or hurricanes, their forecast development and track is subject to many dynamic variables. The university advises everyone to have a personal hurricane plan and we provide regular updates when conditions affect our area. Hurricane forecasts and strike probability zones become more accurate as we get closer to the storm affecting a given area. Monday, October 3, we were looking at a forecast that kept the storm well off the east coast of Florida and impacts to Daytona Beach were expected to be minimal. Tuesday, the forecast track began to shift to the west, closer to the coast with stronger tropical storm
force winds being predicted for Daytona Beach. Because of this migration, the EOT made a safety decision on Tuesday, October 4th to close the campus on Thursday afternoon. Consideration was also given at this time to keep the residence halls open as the structures are able to withstand these conditions. The EOT also understands a significant number of our students encounter challenges when finding alternate accommodations. Wednesday morning analysis indicated further migration toward the east coastline. Accordingly, the EOT decided to close the campus all day Thursday. During this timeframe, consideration was also being given to securing and protecting our fleet. Decisions for evacuation of the fleet have to be done well in advance (about 1-2 days) before campus evacuation decisions for several reasons. One reason is the logistical complexity regarding where the fleet will go and where the transporting pilots will lodge. Also, pilots must have 8-12 hours of rest prior to evacuation. For optimal safety, planes must depart before outer bands of the storm approach the flight path. Of major significant
consideration, the fleet must evacuate before the ATC system becomes saturated (IFR Clearances). Our aircraft are sensitive to high winds and should be hangered if the winds are projected to be tropical storm strength. Assuming that we had enough hangar space, not all of the available hangers are rated at a strong hurricane wind speed. In particular, the doors of a hangar are subject to failure. With most of the hangar space that we procured having doors that were facing north (the prominent wind as this storm passed) we determined that there would be a higher probability of door failure. Because we have to make our decision about the fleet so early, we are a bit more risk adverse when we are analyzing the models. Once the probability of hurricane force winds in our area went up past 30% the decision to evacuate the fleet was made. Thursday morning the forecast indicated a significant probability of hurricane force winds in Daytona Beach. Volusia County shelters opened at 0800. Because safety is our number one priority, the decision was made to evacuate the residence halls so students would be either a safe dis-
tance from Daytona or in a designated County shelter. While our structures are built to withstand such a storm, the EOT was well aware of predicted power outages. Every student who needed transportation to a shelter was provided it via a campus shuttle. Food and water was made available to evacuating students. These transports were largely completed around midafternoon. All of these decisions, evacuations, and responses occurred in advance of any significant tropical storm or hurricane impacts on campus. Again, because we are a residential campus, we make every effort to keep the residence halls open as long as we can safely do so. While some students began to evacuate the area according to their own personal hurricane evacuation plan, we know that many students likely have difficulty in evacuating the area due to living out of state, out of country, or having limited means to implement travel. We are re-examining the information obtained during our decision making process and our reaction to the information in an effort to incorporate lessons learned into our hurricane preparedness plan for future storms.
CORRECTION Last week, the Avion did not replicate the article, “Campus Safety Response,” in its entirety. The Avion regrets the error. The Campus Safety article has been replicated in full above, along with the Letter to the Editor to which the article was written as a response.
08 Campus ERAU Hosts Halloween Carnival for Local Daytona Beach Community Page
The Avion
Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter
of McKay and walk them around a loop, stopping at all designated treat rooms to pick up goodies. Last year’s Carnival was in the Student Village. It was rather narrow, trying to get people up and down the two elevators in each hall so they could stop at the treat rooms on each floor. This year, there was only one floor. I remember families stopping in my treat room and appreciating the model airplanes I had on display. That helped me to see the holiday not as one to be scared of, but one to be thankful for the joy and happiness that came with helping the young ones have fun.
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Two students dressed as a pineapple and a strawberry pose outside one of the designated treat rooms with their bowl of candy ready to distribute to local children. There was a large variety of student costumes showcased at the Carnival, and some of them were quite ingenious for the low budget college student.
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Three students pose outside their treat room dressed as a NASA astronaut, a farm girl, and a Stormtrooper ready to welcome local families with candy.
Left: ERAU Housing and Residence Life set up numerous carnival booths for local kids to enjoy, including a bounce house and tattoo booth.
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper
On the eve of Halloween, the local Daytona Beach community was invited to the Embry-Riddle campus to have a safe place to have fun and engage in the traditional door-to-door trick-or-treat regimen. Students in McKay Hall volunteered their rooms to act as “treat rooms” where local kids can accept candy. The “treaters” dressed up too, creating a scene that was filled with kids young and old running around either in Residence Life uniform or a costume. Notable costumes included fruits, Marvel superheroes, Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars characters, Thomas & Friends, vampires, or Disney characters. A section of Doolittle Hall was made up into a kid-friendly “spooky trail” and Residence Life student staff guided folks through the creepy hallway. Outside on the basketball courts, various booths and games were set up. There was a bounce house, corn hole, popcorn, and of course, lots of sweets. Everyone seemed to enjoy dressing up and seeing the little kids running around the residence hall getting candy from the students. Residence Life staff would gather families together at one end
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Housing staff led local families on treating runs through McKay Hall. Here a student hands out candy to a young boy dressed as a firefighter’s Dalmatian.
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper A stretch of Doolittle Hall was transformed into a kid-friendly “spooky trail.” The dim-lit hallway was lined with various scary props, such as a giant spider and lots of scraps that make perfect bait for mice and rats. Families pretended to brave the eerie feel of the hallway as they walked through.
08 2016
The Avion
The Mars Experience: Why the Red Planet Fascinates Mankind
Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter
Mars, our next-door planetary neighbor. While it may look like a barren wasteland, this planet has captivated humanity since the ancient times. Its red glow and retrograde motion in the night sky has been associated with things such as warfare, violence, or fire. Now, mankind is looking for a way to colonize space, and Mars is being looked at as a stepping stone. Hosted by the President's Speaker Series, the event consisted of a live performance by the Embry-Riddle Pep band and an interactive panel Q&A involving three faculty members answering questions provided by either moderator Marc Bernier or the small audience attending the talk. The panel members were professors Jason Aufdenberg and Ashley Kehoe from the Physical Sciences Department and Reverend David Keck from the Center for Faith and Spirituality. Topics discussed in the panel Q&A included Hollywood's fascination with the planet, its astrological connections, the search for signs of life on the planet,
and the future of the planet, particularly mankind's goal of becoming an interplanetary species. Mars was once thought as a "bringer of war." The name "Mars" is the Roman name for the Greek god Ares, god of war. Its bright red color comes from a large amount of iron oxide (or rust) present in the soil. Iron was one of the chief materials used in making weapons during the ancient times. This connection could be one of the reasons behind the superstition that the sight of the planet in the night sky marked the presence of violence in the world. The belief of conflict centered around the Red Planet has led to multiple Hollywood productions on it. Such productions include “The Martian,” “John Carter,” and others. These works stem from attempted colonizations of the Red Planet that run into problems after a successful establishment. “The Martian” centers around a manned mission that was aborted due to a sandstorm, later to be revived into a daring rescue effort. “John Carter” is almost a sci-fi fairy tale that involves the transport of an 1800s runaway to a dying
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Moderator Marc Bernier addresses a three-person expert panel consisting of Professors Jason Aufdenberg, Ashley Kehoe, and Reverend David Keck. Largely audience-centered, the discussion centered around humanity’s fascination of The Red Planet.
Red Planet that he has to save. In a way, humanity's quest to colonize this "dying world" can be seen as a rescue effort. Do we see the colonization of Mars a possibility? Well, it is far off (the 2030s), and it is not an easy process. There are a lot of steps to take to get there, and the major ones are yet to come. We have to get equipment
there that will enable us to make our own supplies and grow food. Relying on shipments from Earth will be too expensive and the wait time will prove too long for reliable support. For effective colonization, you have to be able to generate supplies at your new location; otherwise, the effort will fail. Outer space is not like another continent on Earth.
It is much more hostile, and it will take government and private space companies working together to establish a sustainable colony. With a lot of the Red Planet left unexplored, we still have a lot more work set out before us. The first challenge is to set up a reliable and affordable transport system between the two bodies. It will have to reduce the travel
time to Mars from months to weeks and be able to operate independently of the two planets' locations in the solar system plane at any time. We will need more rovers or landers to explore uncharted areas and test environments at various locations on the planet. Sooner or later, we will be able to send astronauts for the first time.
Opinion: Where Are Foriegn Relations Headed After Election Day? Hugo Fonck Corresondent While this piece was written several days in advance of the most consequential election of our lifetimes, the conclusion bases its value in our future despite what outcome we face. It has become evidently clear of foreign involvement in domestic politics, especially in regards to the presidential race between two of the most unfavorable candidates in history. On the right, Donald Trump has denied any Russian influence in United States politics, despite being briefed with classified information from state officials telling him about the existence of ongoing attempts. This has led to widespread fear among the American public as well as diplomats from foreign countries and mem-
bers of NATO, who have expressed concern that the candidate either does not believe in intelligence briefings, ignores them, or does not care. To complicate the situation, Trump has surrounded himself with advisers and associates with economic and familial ties to Russia, with several instances of high-ranking Trump camp officials having mysterious and troubling ties to Russia. On the left, Russia has targeted the Democratic National Committee, releasing thousands of e-mails about the primary process which showed broad internal favor for Hillary Clinton winning the nomination over her primary rival, socially democratic Bernie Sanders. In the months since the Democratic National Convention where Clinton was nominated, WikiLeaks has targeted
the Democratic establishment and centered around Hillary Clinton. The man that is likely behind all of this? Russia’s President and strong-arm, Vladimir Putin. It is safe to say that regardless of who is elected this week, Vladimir Putin wins. His presence in this election in the fight between the left and the right has captured public interest and brought publicity to Russia’s deniability of any involvement in United States politics While Hillary Clinton is arguably diplomatically weak in regards to foreign relations, Trump has become a widely regarded “puppet” for foreign relations, especially with Russia, where Trump even praised Putin and proposed a friendly relationship with the leader as well as disavowing the idea that Russia was behind
any cyber attacks. All of these actions only fan the flames of Putin’s personal war against western democracy, and in the coming years, we may see it continue to intensify as it has done under the Obama Administration. Meanwhile, there is a second player in this complicated game, and while this nation has been notably quieter in politics, its role will be much more prominent and present after the election is finished. Also known as the largest growing economic powerhouse in the world, China faces little choice in foreign policy with the United States regardless of whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump wins. As American politics have shifted into their typical anti-Chinese rhetoric that comes with every election cycle, China has responded much more
strongly but subtly in this election cycle, with Chinese President Xi Jinping pushing military and economic nation building – a force that strengthens China’s position as the American economy and military capabilities continue to stagnate. As far as US-China relations are concerned, it is generally agreed that Hillary Clinton will take a stricter, harsher line with China. However, this could prove tumultuous as China as a global leader strengthens and has more economic ties to America. Meanwhile on the right, Donald Trump’s stances towards China have been downright dangerous, with Trump proposing throwing out trade deals and trying to renegotiate from square one, a move that effectively could put the United States in a trade war
with China. If this were to happen, the chances are favorable that the Chinese economy would survive, but due to the massive dependence of the United States consumer economy on Chinese goods, it is likely that a trade war with China will cause an economic depression in the US that could rival the Great Depression of the 1920’s. After this election, it is likely that regardless of whether a democrat or a republican becomes President that foreign relations with these two countries will be made more turbulent. This illustrates the incredible importance that every American needs to consider as they head to the polls and decide our nation’s future. While not ideal, our next President’s behavior towards these two foreign powers could greatly affect all American’s lives.
The Avion
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper Shaesta Waiz poses in front of her Beechcraft Bonanza at the Dreams Soar static display booth. Waiz is the first civilian pilot from Afghanistan and plans to fly around the world by herself to promote STEM programs for women.
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper Piaggio Aerospace had their famous PIaggio Avanti on display inside of the Orange County Convention Center.
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper Dassualt-Falcon was on-hand showcasing their extensive line of private business jets. Other companies showcasing private jets included Gulfstream and Boeing Business Jets.
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper Embry-Riddle had a booth allowing for alumni to reconnect with one-another before, during, and after the event.
08 2016
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper Roger Chen, a Prescott campus student, plays table-tennis on the showroom floor. His opponent was a US table-tennis Olympian.
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper Many companies at NBAA were either selling aircraft or promoting their businesses’ services.
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper Honda had a booth dedicated to their answer to the growing general aviation market: The Honda Jet. At Orlando International Airport, Honda had some aircraft on display.
Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper NBAA president Ed Bolen poses with US Olympians Timothy Wang and Lily Zhang after defeating Zhang in a round of table-tennis, Attendees had the opportunity to challenege Wang and Zhang for a round of table-tennis at the Jet-Professionals booth.
08 2016
This Week On Campus
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Amanda Saunders, Senior, Spikes the ball towards Tampa. Saunders led the offense, accounting for 16 of ERAU’s 27 kills.
The Avion
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Paola Virella, Junior from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, spikes the ball toward Tampa. Virella helped her previous team achieve a national raninking of No. 7 in the final regular season.
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Senior, Isabelle Haaranen, fights aggressively with #25 from Florida Tech. The Eagles lost 3-1.
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Junior, Birgir Baldursson, assists ERAU to win the game with a final score of 4-2
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper One of the stars of the game, Birgir Baldursson continues to assists ERAU in a win.
Photo Courtesy: Jack Taylor/The Avion Newspaper
The Avion
08 2016
Bombardier Global 7000 Makes First Flight Airshow Center NAS Pensacola Open House - Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show Pensacola, Fl November 11-12, 2016
• In celebration of the 101st NAS Pensacola training station, the best military and civilian pilots, including the Blue Angeles, will be performing. _________
Image Courtsey: Bombardier
This Week in Aviation History November 8, 1978
First flight of the Bombardier Challenger 600 took off at Montreal – Two years after the go-ahead decision. With Canadair‘s chief test pilot, F.D. Adkins, at the controls, it was airborne for 50 min with the undercarriage down and the flaps slightly extended.
November 9, 1957
A Convair RB-36H-10-CF Peacemaker, 51-5745, of the 71st Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, is destroyed by an explosion and groundfire at Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico, all crew members survive. This is the 32nd B-36 written-off in an accident of 385 built and will be the last operational loss before the type is retired.
November 10, 2005
The Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner establishes a new world record for nonstop distance by a commercial airplane, flying 11,664 nautical miles in 22 hours and 42 min from Hong Kong to London.
November 11, 2009
Swedish airline MCA Airlines declares bankruptcy.
November 12, 1912
A Curtiss Triad becomes the first aircraft to be launched by catapult, at the US Navy’s Washington Navy Yard.
November 13, 2011
The Dubai-based airline Emirates orders 50 Boeing 777 airliners worth about US$18,000,000,000 – the largest order in terms of commercial value in Boeing’s history – with an option to purchase 20 more 777s for another $8,000,000,000.
November 14, 1935
Prototype Noorduyn Norseman was tested at Pointe aux Trembles, Quebec by WJ McDonough.
November 15, 1956
A Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) Douglas DC-7 C sets a new distance record for commercial airlines by flying 6,005 miles nonstop from Los Angeles to Stockholm, Sweden, following the Great Arctic Circle route.
The Canadian aerospace company Bombardier, famous for its CRJ and Learjet series, is expanding its lineup of long range corporate aircraft. Designed to compete against the Dassault Falcon 8x and Gulfstream G650 the Global 7000 conducted its two hour and twenty-seven minutes long maiden flight on Friday, Nov. 4. The Global 7000 is 54 feet long, cruises at altitudes up to 51,000 feet and speeds of Mach .92. With a range of 7,000 nm, its namesake, you can fly from New York to Shanghai non-stop. While demand for private aviation is dwindling, the Global series is one of the most profitable lines within bombardier’s fleet. With a price of $73 million, it is the most expensive of the global series, but also the highest performing in terms of range and capacity, able to seat 17 in its luxurious interior. With the very expensive C Series regional jet line, which almost bankrupted the company at one point, Bombardier hopes the global series and bring in some much-needed capital. The C Series is currently in service with Swiss Global Airlines, and the Global 7000 enters is slated to enter service in 2018.
Cirrus Sets Sights on Personal Jet Hugo Fonck Correspondent On Oct. 30, Cirrus proudly announced the FAA certification of its jet, ten years in the making – the SF50 “Vision.” Designed as a true “personal jet,” with a single, small FJ33-5A engine producing 1,800 pounds of thrust, this aircraft features a fully-digital interior cockpit using a modified Garmin G3000. With ample room for seven in the luxurious cabin,
the aircraft performs moderately well for its market segment, with a top speed of 300 knots, a service ceiling of 28,000 feet and a range of 1,000 nautical miles. Despite setbacks in the development process, the aircraft does include the parachute system that is standard on other Cirrus aircraft. Cirrus co-founder and CEO Dale Klapmeier shied from numbers but stated “We’re changing the way customers live their lives. Today we have the type certification for the Vision
Jet, ten years in the making. It is a plane that is going to change the industry – change how we think about travel.” Deliveries of the Vision Jet to customers will commence this December, and initial plans set the delivery schedule in 2017 at one aircraft per week. Expansion plans are currently in place on the company’s facility in Duluth, Minnesota and expansions are almost complete at its facility in Knoxville, Tennessee, which will allow Cirrus to increase production levels further in the future.
Image Courtesy: Cirrus Pictured above is the Cirrus Vision SF50, a seven seat jet aircraft.
The company currently claims it has a back order of 600 deposits for aircraft. The current list price is $1.96 million. As an avid fan of the Vision
Jet since its inception in 2006 – I have been provided with a sense of closure with the jet’s certification last week and look forward to flying this aircraft in the coming years.
China shows off the J-20 Stealth Fighter Henry Neiberlien News Editor Since before its first flight in 2011, the United States has closely watched the development of the Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, or PLAAF. However, its first public appearance was during a brief flyby of two early production airframes at the Zhuhai Air Show in Guangdong Province, China. Their appearance seems to indicate that the J-20 is close to operational capability. If it becomes operational, China will enter the “Stealth Club” being only one of two countries with operational stealth fighters, the other of course is the United States. The main question is how does the J-20 compare to the F-35 and F-22 stealth fighters in the USAF inventory. Well the J-20 can possibly thank government-backed Chinese that participated in a data breach of F-35 aircraft data in 2009.
Although it seems the J-20’s engine inlets, nose, and jagged edge panels for the landing gear are reminiscent of the F-35, it does not seem that the engines themselves, the canopy, the aircraft’s sensors, or even the stealth coating are of similar quality to the F-35. Besides the data breach, China has had direct contact with the stealth coatings on the American F-117 Nighthawk and UH-60X Stealth Blackhawk or “Ghosthawk.” The F-117 was shot down in 1999 during the war in Serbia, and the remnants of the Ghosthawk was recovered from Osama Bin Laden’s compound the night after the famous raid on May 2, 2011. Debris and pieces of the aircraft from both of these events were reportedly sent to China. The J-20 was possibly developed using American technology, which gives it a massive disadvantage if it is to go up against US aircraft. The United States has had stealth technology since
the 1960’s and the US military is very familiar in the strengths, and more importantly, weaknesses of our stealth coatings and designs. The J-20’s design itself, being suspiciously similar to the Russian Mig 1.44 prototype, is probably not as stealthy or maneuverable as the F-22 or even F-35. The J-20 is the largest stealth “fighter” in development, and with fighters, the bigger and heavier the aircraft, the less maneuverable it is. The canards on the front of the J-20 have been argued to compromise stealth, and the engines in the J-20 are based on a Russian cold war design, lacking technologies that minimize heat signatures. New engines are in development in China, but they are reportable not going to be ready for some time. The J-20 is more of a strike fighter than a dogfighter. Defense analysts suggest it is not supposed to be a dogfighter against US air superior, but
deliver stealthy strikes against our Pacific fleet: specifically targeting our aircraft carriers. Although it may be far below the performance of the F-22, the J-20 is still a very significant jump from the current aircraft China operates, which are Chinese built SU-30’s, and J-10 which is eerily similar to the Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon. Instead of a wholesale knock-off, the J-20 is a blend of many different aircraft design techniques, which indicates China may be picking the best features from foreign aircraft and incorporating them into their designs. The J-20 is not the only stealth aircraft China is developing, though. On top of several stealth UCAV designs and a hypothetical stealth bomber, China has another stealth fighter called the J-31, which has been shown off in previous defense and air shows in and outside of China.
The J-31 is a hybrid design of the F-35 and F-22, but just like the J-20 it seems to be lacking in some areas (thrust vectoring, stealth coated canopy, etc.). The J-31 is reportedly being developed for the PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army Navy) for use onboard aircraft carriers. The J-31 could be used as a carrier launched stealth fighter for air superiority over, with the J-20 striking warships from land bases such as the new airbase on the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. Both these new aircraft show that China is developing new technologies rapidly and catching up with Western military faster than previously thought. Even though they still lag behind the west in some areas, the Chinese military is still a potent threat, especially when it looks at territory close to home. In the years to come, the Pentagon and NATO may be keeping closer look than ever at the rise of the mighty dragon.
08 2016
The Avion
Students Attend Air Safety Conference in Iceland
Andy Lichtenstein Former Editor-in-Chief
Aviation safety leaders from around the world gathered in Iceland last month for the International Society of Air Safety Investigators’ annual conference. Commonly referred to as ISASI, this professional affiliation includes approximately 1,600 aviation safety professionals from manufacturers, airlines, unions, educational institutions, and government agencies abroad. This year’s conference, themed “Every Link is Important,” hosted 309 professionals and students from 42 countries, including three students and one professor from the Daytona Beach campus. I was fortunate enough to partake in this year’s conference alongside Carly Shoemake, an aviation safety minor, and Brent Curlee, a fellow Aerospace and Occupational Safety student. Anthony Brickhouse, Associate Professor of Aerospace
and Occupational Safety, was also in attendance. Embry-Riddle alumni from both campuses also joined us in Iceland. Some of these individuals were employed with Delta Airlines, the NTSB, the FAA, and the Icelandic Transportation Safety Board. Other Organizations Present
•• Airbus •• Boeing •• Embraer •• Southwest Airlines •• ICAO •• ALPA •• Transport Canada •• Transportation Safety Board of Canada •• Australian Transportation Safety Bureau •• Dutch Safety Board •• French Office of Investigations and Analysis •• Air Accidents Investigation Branch of the U.K. •• Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Every year, students are openly invited and encouraged to apply for the Rudolf Kapustin Scholarship. Named in memory of a Senior Investigator from the NTSB, the Kapustin Scholarship is awarded to a student who writes a superior essay addressing a challenge facing an air safety investigator in today’s industry. This year saw five Kapustin winners, including Carly Shoemake, an aspiring air safety investigator from the Daytona Beach campus. Four other students represented the University of Southern California, Cranfield University in the United Kingdom, and the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. These students were able to discuss their topics and solutions in front of industry leaders, and field inquiries through a brief question and answer session that followed their presentations. In addition to listening to technical and industry presentations, this
year’s conference allowed for some magnificent exploring and adventuring. Iceland is quite unique in its landscape, weather, wildlife and culture. There are dozens of waterfalls, glaciers, volcanoes, and black sand beaches free to enjoy, all within a short driving distance from the capital city of Reykjavik. If you have a passion for aviation safety, are interested in networking, and love exploring the world, ISASI is your organization. ISASI has a student chapter for the Daytona Beach campus, which usually meets on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. in the CoA, Room 350. Guest speakers and alumni come back to share their experiences as aviation safety professionals. These on-campus networking opportunities have routinely resulted in internships and full-time jobs for students. Carly, Brent, and I will be sharing our professional experiences and Icelandic adventures on Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 1 p.m. in CoA 350.
Combined dues for the student chapter and international organization total less than $100 per year. However, dues for the student chapter are only $20 per semester, and you need not be a member of the international organization to benefit from these on-campus opportunities. A student membership will also allow you to participate in field trips to Delta Airlines in Atlanta and the NTSB in Washington, D.C. The student chapter’s primary objective is to connect students with industry professionals. Please consult Professor Brickhouse, the ISASI Advisor, for inquiries regarding the student chapter or how to join the international organization. ISASI’s next annual conference will be held in August 2017 in San Diego, California. Details about ISASI, how to apply for the Kapustin Scholarship, and information regarding the annual conference can be found at isasi.org.
Launch Control Center GOES-R - Atlas 5
Nov. 19 @ 4:42-6:42 p.m. Cape Canaveral, Florida SLC-41
WGS 8 - Delta 4
Dec. 7 @ 6:53-7:42 p.m. Cape Canaveral, Florida SLC-37B
CYGNSS - Pegasus XL Dec. 12 @ 8:00-9:00 a.m. Cape Canaveral, Florida L-1011
This Week in Space History November 8, 1984 Launch: Space Shuttle Discovery STS-51-A at 12:15:00 UTC. Mission highlights: Multiple comsat deployments, retrieval of two other comsats Palapa B2 and Westar VI which were subsequently refurbished on Earth and reflown. November 9, 1967 Launch of the Apollo 4 mission, an unmanned Saturn V, the largest launch vehicle ever to fly successfully. November 9, 2005 Launch: Venus Express, the first exploration mission of the European Space Agency, launched from Kazakhstan. It arrived on Venus the following April, and sent back data until December 2012.
Andy Lichtenstein/The Avion Newspaper The above image shows how Iceland is unlike any place on Earth. Many of the rock formations are covered in moss and low lying foliage. This was captured off of Highway 1 in southwest Iceland.
The Avion Newspaper
Right: A small waterfall cascades down the side of a mountain off Highway 1 in southwest Iceland.
Andy Lichtenstein/ The Avion Newspaper
Andy Lichtenstein/
Left: Mountainous terrain lines the southwestern Icelandic coast. The shaded areas of the ridge highlight the volcanic sand that blankets much of the island.
November 10, 1970 The first of two Russian, unmanned lunar rovers, Lunokhod 1, was launched. As mission Luna 17, the craft was the first remote-controlled robot to land on another celestial body, sending back images and data to Russia until the following September. November 11, 1982 Launch: Space shuttle Columbia STS-5 at 12:19:00 UTC. Mission highlights: Multiple comsat deployments. First EVA of program canceled due to suit problems. November 12, 1981 Launch: Space shuttle Columbia STS-2 at 15:09:59 UTC. Mission highlights: First reuse of a manned orbital space vehicle; first test of Canadarm robot arm; Truncated due to fuel cell problem.
The Avion
08 2016
2016 Macbook Pro: Performance Over Ports? Billy Nguyen Photo Editor As a current owner of the Early 2013 15 inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display, say that five times fast, I was very eager and excited to hear what Apple had in store for the newest MacBook Pro. Contrary to popular belief, there are some things that I like about Apple, and the MacBook Pro is one of them. They are very solid, sturdy workhorse computers that many of us rely on every day, and they can last for more than five years if taken care of properly. As you could tell from the year it was introduced, my MacBook Pro is going strong three years later. With the addition of a newer sixth generation Intel i7 processor and faster RAM, this makes the 2016 MacBook Pro faster than the 2015 MacBook Pro, and a huge upgrade from my 2013 MacBook Pro. Also, Apple’s Touch Bar was a well received and welcomed addition to the MacBook Pro. The Touch Bar, a touch screen display that replaces the traditional functions keys on a keyboard, can change its appearance and functionality to work with apps and programs currently on the screen. For instance, when using Microsoft Word, the Touch Bar would be populated with font choices, sizes, and colors; allowing you to change these settings without having to physically change them in the program itself. Other examples include the ability to select emojis while using iMessage and seeing bookmarks and
tabs while using Safari. Because Apple is allowing developers to use the Touch Bar standard development kit (SDK), the possible applications of the Touch Bar are essentially limitless. The only limitation is that it is only available with the 15 inch MacBook Pro. The trackpad is also a lot larger, and it utilizes Force Touch technology to simulate “clicking” on a regular trackpad. For a demo, hold down the screen of your iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, 7 or 7 Plus. In addition to the new trackpad, Apple also updated the keyboard mechanism which may be hit-or-miss with many users. So while the new MacBook Pro features newer hardware and a slimmer design, this all comes at the cost of fewer ports. Apple’s decision to only have four Thunderbolt 3 ports instead of the traditional assortment of interface ports has received mixed reviews from many users in the tech community. On paper, Thunderbolt 3 is a wonderful piece of technology because of what it stands for: “The one port to rule them all.” Unlike like its predecessor Thunderbolt 2, Thunderbolt 3 is capable of faster file transfer, video output, and charging devices using only one cable. A good example would be the USB Type-C port introduced with the 2015 MacBook. In fact, Thunderbolt 3 is essentially the same port as USB Type-C. Despite having a few minor differences, both share the same type of connector. The major problem about Thunderbolt 3 and USB Type-C, in general, is that consumers haven't
fully adopted both ports. While many companies are slowly embracing USB Type-C, a large majority of devices still use USB 2.0 and 3.0. Also, by making all of the ports on the MacBook Pro Thunderbolt 3, Apple is essentially shutting out a large majority of their customer base since many users still heavily rely on USB 2.0 & 3.0. Given its intended use as a workhorse computer, it was expected that the MacBook Pro would have the same array of ports and connectors currently offered by its 2015 counterpart. Since my external hard drive uses USB 3.0, I’m forced to stick with USB 3.0 which prevents me from using Thunderbolt 3 natively. Sure I could buy an adapter or dock to fix this issue, but I run the risk of having my having files or devices corrupted if I were to use a faulty or poorly assembled adapter accidently. Also, if I were to use an adapter, there’s a chance that I would be unable to use the full transfer speed of Thunderbolt 3, which is 40 Gigabits per second. For reference, USB 2.0
Photo Courtesy/ Apple Inc. The Macbook Pro 2016’s Keyboard with added Touchbar replacing the function and escpae keys.
has a transfer rate of 480Mbps and USB 3.0 has a rate of 5Gbps which is nearly ten times faster, according to BackBlaze, a company that specializes in cloud storage. I could also go out and buy a USB Type-C external hard drive, but they are currently too expensive. It’s to be expected that Apple would give the new MacBook Pro a major overhaul, however, the severe removal of inter-
face ports was not expected. For what it is, though, the new MacBook Pro definitely has the performance and hardware to make up for it. While the price for the 2016 MacBook Pro maybe a bit high, MacBook Pros tend to be more expensive. So where does that leave people like me who want a MacBook Pro but still want the ports? The 2015 MacBook Pro logically would be the better option
for me, but there’s no real reason to upgrade for me. The 2015 MacBook Pro is only slightly faster than my 2013 MacBook Pro, but aside from more RAM and better graphics, there’s no real justification to upgrade, especially for the price. Sadly, with the direction Apple is going, it looks like all the ports we all used to know and love are long-gone. At least they spared the headphone jack.
Protocol 3: Titanfall 2 Review
Henry Neiberlien News Editor
The original Titanfall, released in 2014, was disappointing, to say the least. Being multiplayer only, lacking campaign, and missing a co-op mode, it was an insulting to charge full price for it. While the gameplay was good, and the concept was sound, lacking depth, being multiplayer only, and an Xbox and PC exclusive led to its downfall. Well, you can forget about the first game because EA and Respawn Entertainment blew it out of the water (and into space) with an amazing, must-buy, sequel could be my personal first person shooter of the year. Respawn learned from the first game; Titanfall 2 has a great, and surprisingly emotional, campaign, and engaging multiplayer with deep customization for
Titans and pilots. Multiplayer now has six Titans instead of three, and they are all greatly different from each other. Be prepared to spend time getting to know your Titan. Many new weapons, abilities, and awesome new game modes, like bounty, have also been added, making multiplayer an amazing chaotic battle fantasy of joy and destruction. Sometimes I am truly amazed how the game maintains a solid 60 frames per second when I am grappling on to a titan during three nuclear ejections (yes, that is a thing), while literally punching my way through hordes of robot soldiers. The most important feature of the game, in my opinion, is the campaign. You take control of a new recruit rifleman named Jack Cooper who quickly becomes a pilot of Titan BT-7274 after his pilot was
killed during a massive battle early in the game. BT-7274 is autonomous, and throughout the campaign, he seems to become more and more sentient, and less robotic. He strictly sticks to three protocols given to him by his former pilot. “Protocol 1: link to pilot, Protocol 2: uphold the mission, and Protocol 3: protect the pilot.” BT holds these objectives above all else throughout an amazing campaign that includes fighting interesting (although forgettable) bosses, prevent the evil Interplanetary Manufacturing Corporation, or IMC, from blowing up a planet, and even traveling through time and space. Be prepared to laugh, cry, and be on the edge of your seat as Jack and BT learn to work together while fighting to survive. In conclusion, Titanfall 2 is one of the best video game
sequels I have ever played, a massive improvement on the original. Its multiplayer is both fast paced, but slower than Call of Duty so it is easier to get a hold of, but difficult to master. The joy of seeing your Titan barrel out from the sky in a fireball landing next to you in a crater, grabbing you and throwing you into the cockpit and marching into battle holding a mini-gun the size of Volkswagen is exhilarating, to say the least. If you are even remotely interested in FPS games go out and buy it, it is a must-play. It is a shame it is being overpowered by Battlefield and Call of Duty in a crowded release schedule, as Titanfall 2 is truly a diamond in the rough. BT, your new partner, friend, and Titan is waiting for you, and he will always remember protocol 3.
Titanfall 2
The Avion
08 2016
Doctor Strange: A Marvelous Experience Micah Knight Managing Editor Marvel just keeps getting better and better at making movies. They deliver actionpacked stories of people who become something extraordinary which are laced with humor and ultimately have a deep, meaningful message at their core. Ever since Antman was released last year, Marvel’s movies have been as humorous as actionpacked. Though Doctor Strange begins with a fairly solemn note, the majority of it is full of comic relief from one-liners, irony, and hilarious situations. The overall mood is ultimately light and witty, despite the deep and serious moments that occur throughout it. As a superb example of this complex picture, Doctor Strange is a shining star in the Marvel universe. It takes one of Britain’s finest actors, Bene-
dict Cumberbatch, and solidly establishes him alongside the Avengers to save the world in a different facet of the universe. Furthermore, it displayed Cumberbatch’s rather decent American accent, which is very strange to hear from his mouth. The plot is nearly complete but seems rushed at some points. Of course, trying to compress such a complex story into a two hour period is difficult, so despite the discomfort, so it can’t really be faulted. There are also a couple of minor plot points that are left unfulfilled for the viewer, but perhaps they will be resolved when Doctor Strange returns in another Marvel movie. The movie initially has a serious, somber mood. Like the beginning of any Marvel character, the main character loses something and in turn tries to find himself. He finds it, and ultimately himself, in the mystical side of the universe.
Though what he finds initially seems almost cult-like, the movie is ultimately a basic struggle between good and evil and shows the mystical powers as a tool that can be used for either good or evil. But the struggle in the movie is not purely between good and evil. There is also a secondary struggle within the good of what is natural and should be left alone, and what rules may be broken to bring about the greater good. Though the conflict between right and wrong is resolved, this alternate, more ambiguous theme is left hanging for the viewer to consider. Though there is not a complete explanation of how one taps into the mystical powers used throughout the film (much like Star Wars with The Force), there are loose references to time travel, multiverses, and other sophisticated themes that will
make any geek excited. The character development throughout is excellent. Personally, the deep message struck home. Doctor Strange started out much like Iron Man – one of the most successful men in the world, who could have anything he wanted, but was deeply selfish and only thought of himself. Throughout his journey, Strange learns that, though he is an insignificant speck in the universe, to only think about himself has such little meaning, and gives no satisfaction or purpose. He learns to think beyond himself, to do so much more than not be a failure in his endeavors. He truly learns one of the most important lessons in life – that “It’s not all about you.” Tucked appropriately amidst the action and humor, this somber message strikes home. Ultimately, the movie is a crowd-pleaser with its action, humor, sophistica-
tion, and excellent story. The most compelling part is the very real, true principles and the message it conveys through the relatable story of a man who learns to think bigger than himself. The
only weakness was some aspects of the plot being rushed or left unanswered. Doctor Strange delivers a great story from Marvel Studios, so The Avion is happy to give him 4.5 out of 5 Jets.
Trolls Pleases Adults and Children Alike Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief “Trolls” was a colorful and joyful journey, full of excellent music and humor for everyone. The theme of the movie was happiness, and how people cannot rely on outside sources alone to bring that feeling. Happiness comes from within, though some people may need to help them find that happiness, and that’s okay. The plot centers around the unlikely duo of Poppy and Branch, voiced by Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake, respectively. Poppy is the princess of the Trolls who is unendingly optimistic and positive. She loves to sing and dance and hug and is a great scrap booker. Branch, on the other hand, is a cautious outsider and a downer, unwilling to take part in any of Poppy’s favorite activities. Circum-
stances throw these two together on a rescue mission that will determine the fate of all Trolls. The Trolls in the movie were based on the toy brand of the same name, which was first developed by the Danish woodworker Thomas Dam. Originally known as the “Good Luck Troll,” the small wooden plaything eventually became an iconic toy that can still be found in Goodwill toy bins to this day. One thing that sets “Trolls” apart from other animated musical comedy romps aimed for children is the variety of music in the movie. The musical directors crossed genres and included pop, hip-hop, rap, and even EDM in the playbill. The results were refreshing and musically lovely. A lot of the humor was delivered through music as well, with multiple songs being either punchlines or comedic
devices. These songs were beautifully performed, of course, by musical talents like Ariana Grande, Earth, Wind & Fire, Gwen Stefani, Zooey Deschanel, Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick. The humor in this movie was not aimed at children or adults - it was aimed to be funny for all. This film would not be an effective politician - it did not pander to any specific target demographic in its humor. It worked very well and kept everyone in the theater laughing throughout the movie. The animation style of the movie was genuine and consistent, with a lot of creativity and color. It seems that the animators were very proud to show off their texture work, which was impressive. Most impressive was their fuzz animation,
which was found in many character, object and scene designs. Fuzz is difficult to animate, like hair, but the team for Trolls did a great job. According to Andrew Bronshteyn, Webmaster of the Avion Newspaper, “it seemed like the directors gave creative control for character and set design to the animators, and the animators decide to take their software to the very limits.” One final note: one of the songs in the movie was a cover of Lionel Richie’s “Hello,” by Zooey Deschanel. While the version in the film had quite humorous visual accompaniment, the original video with Lionel Richie is an order of magnitude more hilarious. It is a non-negotiable must-see. It is a cultural touchstone that must be seen and appreciated for how weird and wonderful it is. Hint: it involves
a clay sculpture and a creepy teacher. Definitely see Trolls if you have the money, or see it when Touch-N-Go shows it on a Thursday
night next semester. It is lots of fun and the music is awesome. Also, make sure to watch the Lionel Richie video for “Hello.” It is worth it.
C3 Dining The Trashy Chef: Week 1 Page
08 2016
The Avion
Arrival Nov. 11, 2016 A linguistics professor leads an elite team of investigators when spaceships touch down all around the world. As nations teeter on the verge of global war, they must race against time to find a way to communicate with the extraterrestrial visitors.
Devin Edwards Staff Reporter For most college students living on campus, they have very little access to cook food. For most students, the only access they have to a kitchen is in the form of a microwave. A lot of the students probably think that the only thing you can cook is popcorn and Ramen noodles. However, that is not entirely true. We are going to show you how to use your microwave to its full capacity in our new corner: The Trashy Chef. On a weekly basis, we will show you how to make easy breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas that are probably better than the Sodexo meals you eat and the Ramen you make. We will mainly highlight meals and show how everyone can make good snacks when you are on the go. The Avion invites you all
Nov. 18, 2016 The year is 1926, and Newt Scamander has just completed a global excursion to find and document an extraordinary array of magical creatures. However, an incedent causes the escape of many into 1926 New York
Moana Nov. 28, 2016 An adventurous teenager sails out on a daring mission to save her people. During her journey, Moana meets the once-mighty demigod Maui, who guides her in her quest to become a master way-finder.
Microwaved Bacon
Instructions: Flip a bowl upside down with a plate underneath Place bacon on top of the bowl and place in the microwave for 1 minute or until favorable outcome. Coffee Cup Chilaquiles
Ingredients: 1) 1 Egg 2) 1 Tablespoon of milk 3) Salt 4) Ground black pepper
5) 1 Tablespoon sharp cheddar cheese 6) Desirable amount of tortilla chips 7) A table spoon of salsa 8) Sour cream 9) Queso 10) Chopped green onion Instructions: Beat the egg and milk with a fork in a coffee cup. Add salt and pepper for some flavor. Add cheddar and stir. Place desired amount of tortilla chips in the mug. Stir everything and then add salsa. Microwave for about 1 minute and 10 seconds. When done, add as much sour cream, queso, and green onion as you please. Be sure to let the dish cool down before eating. I wouldn’t want you to burn your tongue before you taste the deliciousness that is before you. You can also add anything else you please.
Macaroni and Cheese
Ingredients: 1) Half cup macaroni or shell pasta 2) Half cup of water 3) ¼ Teaspoon salt 4) ¼ Cup milk 5) Half a cup of cheese of your choosing Directions: Combine pasta, salt and water into the bowl and place in the microwave for 2 minutes. Repeat the microwave step till the pasta is cooked. Once cooked add the milk and cheese and then stir. Place in microwave for 30 more seconds. I hope you enjoyed these recipes and stay tuned for next week’s reviews and recipes. We found these recipes at kitchen at greatist.com.
Peach Valley Cafe Review Sariah Adviento Business Manager
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
to join us as we explore new things you can cook in your microwave every week. We will post our ratings and the recipes in the issues to come and on our Facebook page. Hope everyone enjoys.
Saturday afternoon I was on my way to Lake Mary, which is about 45 minutes inland from Daytona Beach, and I realize that I have not had my daily dose of caffeinated goodness. So before reaching my destination, I resorted to asking my best friend Yelp for nearby suggestions as to where I could get a satisfying cup of coffee. Saving the day, Yelp recommended a place a few lights down the road on S. International Parkway called Peach Valley Café. Like any normal person, I scrolled through some photos before finalizing my decision. Driving into the plaza, I did not have a difficult time finding my destination since the majority of the plaza traffic was located in front of the café. The walk to the café from my parking spot was surprisingly lax considering the numerous cars driving by looking for parking. It was the peak of brunch, around one o’ clock, so it seemed logical that the plaza seemed as busy as it was. The first thing you notice as you walk into the double door entrance of the café is the refreshing ‘hustle and bustle’ of the waitresses and waiters making their rounds. It was quite refreshing, cute even. I stood at the front contemplating whether I should just order to-go or dine in. After sitting down
and looking through their menu, I thought to myself, “Why not?” and asked to be seated. After situating myself at the counter seats, I found the decision to be the right one. I immediately ordered a Belgian Waffle with pecan and banana toppings, a side of corned beef hash and a double shot espresso. The mesh of indistinct conversations in the background in combination with the busy staff surprisingly created a relaxing and enjoyable ambiance. The café had counter and booth seating arrangements, as well as patio seating outside. The patio seating was placed nicely: there was the view of a beautiful large pond and also a mini park area with trees providing a perfect amount of shade for those sitting below them. Especially on days like this, sunny and not too humid, the patio seating would have been wonderful. I could tell that the café is a popular spot for customers of all ages. There was the general group of elderly couples or grandparents sitting with their respective friends and family. There were the parents who had brought their little children. It would have added to the refreshing background if it were not for the wailing cries of some of the previously mentioned young ones. The place also seemed popular for older teenagers. However, it seemed as though they preferred
the outdoor patio seating more so than indoor seating. The likely reason was that it avoided the faster paced vibe the inside of the café had. As my server approached with my order, the first thing that came to mind was, “Is it worth the overpriced prices?” I was slightly disappointed to see the skimpy amount of toppings on my waffle: 3 small slices of banana and a small sprinkle of pecans. I had paid $2 for each topping. In my perspective, the unbalanced ratio also took a lot away from the presentation of the platter. I remained optimistic and hoped the waffle would compensate for the lack of toppings and presentation. The waffle was thick, crispy, and far from dry: it was a satisfactory waffle. I wish I could say it was great, but over time, the more you ate, the more you noticed the gooey and non-fully cooked areas. Do not get me wrong, some people like their waffles slightly underdone, which I usually do. However, in this specific instance, it was hard for the gritty taste of batter to go unnoticed. If it were not for the double shot espresso, I am not sure I would have finished the majority of the waffle. On the plus side, at least their pecans tasted fresh. Moving onto my side of corned beef hash, I thought it was good. It was not too salty, something that I find most restaurants overdoing with their corned beef.
There was a nice balance between the potatoes and beef. The only thing I wish they had was bigger portion sizes for their sides, but then again, they are sides. Something that caught my attention was Peach Valley Café’s Onion and Peach Pepper Sauce. Trying it on the corned beef hash was a great idea. The sauce had a pleasantly sweet flavor that followed with a smooth, smoky pepper taste that you felt infiltrate your senses. I loved it. It was a great way to end my meal. Taking into consideration my whole experience dining at Peach Valley Café for brunch, I asked myself this question: “Would I come back?” Surprisingly, my answer is “Yes.” The meal overall was not spectacular, but it fulfilled its purpose. The meal did not leave me asking for more, but the café as a whole has this alluring feeling that just tells you to come back and try the rest of its menu. Even if the waffle was not as great as I expected it to be, I would like to think that it was due to the kitchen staff trying to serve the heavy flow of brunch orders coming in. I recommend trying it and seeing for yourself whether the café would be enjoyable for you. Instead of driving 40 minutes out to Lake Mary, there are two Peach Valley Cafés in Ormond Beach. I would also recommend using Yelp. It is not just my best friend; it could be yours, too.
Comics and Games
“That’s actually the original Japanese version of A Million Random Digits, which is much better than the American remake the book was based on.”