Avioff 2016

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This Paper Contains Awesome Content The Avioff is a satirical newspaper that is not meant to be taken seriously. All articles, photographs, and editorials published in this issue are false and might (probably will) be offensive to readers. If you think you might be offended by the content of this publication, please DO NOT read beyond this disclaimer. For everyone else: we hope you enjoy! Happy April Fool’s Day!

---USER SECURITY ALERT--We care about our fellow white-handed friends here at The Avioff. Please take note of the health and security alert attached. Don’t get caught with your pants down, it’s in your interest!

When most people open an email from an unknown sender, they get a virus on their computer, have their identities stolen, or even lose their money. But 37-year-old Jack Mehoff caught something even worse – herpes. Yes, you read that right. He caught herpes. Mehoff says that he checked his email to view the latest God Is Always The Answer newsletter when he spotted an email with an unusual subject. It read: “Help me with this desire.” Thinking it was someone reaching out for religious help, Mehoff opened the email. Upon further reading, the email contained very inappropriate things that cannot be disclosed in this article. At the bottom of the email, it read: “You now have herpes. Good luck!” Of course, Mehoff thought it was a joke and sent a message back to the email that said “I hope you find what you need at church. See you Sunday – Jack.” Mehoff

thought nothing of the email. That is until he began to get sick with what he thought was the flu. He went to his doctor and received very shocking news. His doctor was not surprised that this had occurred. According to Dr. Ben Dover, “It seems impossible. But the pulse of the mouse clicking on the email does, in fact, give you herpes. Not to mention the reply is a direct link to ensure that you receive herpes. The chances that this could happen again is one in three thousand eight hundred sixty- one.” As for who sent the email, it still remains unknown. The email was deactivated shortly after sending the message. Police are still looking for the person who sent the email. Maybe this will make Jack think twice before opening anonymous user emails again. To help Mr. Mehoff in his time of need, his family has made a website to donate: igottheherpesfromtheinterwebzcom

The Humpty-Diddle TurnIt-Off-and-On-Again Response Unit is required by state laws to encourage students and faculty to use abstinence when checking their emails. Using protection, such as the use of rubber gloves when using a mouse or by installing a form of virus

control is also recommended, though not officially. If you think you might have contracted an STD from an email, contact the Sexy Time and Wellness Department. They can’t help you, but they can offer the advice to, “walk it off.” It’s better than nothing.

Above: Actor portrayal of Mr. Mehoff at the exact moment he realizes his herpes infection. A sudden moment of shock comes over his face as he is informed of his new disease.

Can’t get enough hot content? Check out our partner sites! wstd.com | fondle-n-flee.xxx | sexual-gimp-association.com | sexual-affairs-office.xxx




HMFIC Lazy Butt Propoganda Spreader Embezzlement Editor Mr. Photographer Diversity Manger

Enslaved Minions

Caver Spreader Camp-Out Minion S-Communist-A Maker Kid Death Machine Opinions Don’t Matter

<Insert Title Here> Funnies Layer Liberal Editor M®s. Big Butt NAmes More NAmes Grammar Nazi

Lick Me Pretty Please Knight of the Square

Copyright 1969 Lips that are so nice Mexi-sat sleeper Ho Chih Minh

Rainbow Sprinkles Goldielocks Vanilla Ice Ice Ice, Baby Peppridge Farms Plain Jane Fly’s always down boy Bruce Jenner Kim Kardashian BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH Mr. Little Country Next Donald Trump

Recognized Slaves Slanderers Diversity Coorespondents

Pete the Repeat Sir Lockesely of Green Souffle Girl Kim-Jon Il Kim-Jon Sick Kim-Jon Dead

Idiots Anonymous No free people contribute to our kitten-slaying organization.

The Gatekeeper Joseph Goebbel, Supreme Propaganda Minister

In Soviet Riddle, Avioff calls you ...and then your mommy does. Rejection Hotline: (407) 916-ROCK If you wanna get screwed: (888) SCREWYU Who Faxes anyway? (SCR) EWTHAT Boss Man In Charge The Adopted One Propoganda Editor Sales Rep Cray-cray pix Editor Total Ad-Shammer

HMFIC@theavioff.xxx trolololololol@theavioff.xxx bedtimestories@theavioff.xxx

busybusy@theavioff.xxx takesyopix@theavioff.xxx


Website: theavioff.xxx

The Avioff is produced once every year, only on April Fools Day. The Avioff is produced by a group of slaves that were shanghied from various places around the world, in secret farms that we’d have to kill you if we told you about. All these slaves are forced to run the paper, and if they do something wrong one is chosen to be killed at the end of the day - similar to being voted off the island. The thoughts and opinions expressed in The Avioff are not at all the opinion of the undersigned “writer(s)”, but are all totally those of Humpty-Diddle Airplane School, the Student Communistic Association and The Avioff, but not at all the student body. Letters appearing in The Avioff are not those of the writer, but are usually written by a minion told what to write by a slave master with a gun at the back of the minion’s head. Letters may not be submitted to The Avioff unless they are lewd, obscene or libelous, in which case they probably will be run - the more lewd, obscene and libelous it is, the more likely it is to be run. Letters will always be carefully censored for what the slave masters of the organization want them to be said. The Avioff is basically a slave organization which is heavily controlled and censored by the slave leaders who don’t want to ever be spoken about or seen or heard. The Avioff is a division of the Student Communistic Association of Humpty-Diddle Airplane School. The Avioff costs $100 Billion per issue, credited weekly to your student account, so you’d better pick it up and read every word of it a million times to get your money’s worth out of it! If you steal issues of the Avioff, you will be hunted down and forced into slavery in the organization, which will be a living hell until you die. Are you still reading this? If you are, props to you, you fool. You have no life. You need one. Get one, idiot! Seriously. Are you STILL reading? Stop right now. I hope you were able to get a laugh from it, dummy.

Goldielocks Camp-Out Minion

Fools With Pompous Titles


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SGA Establishes Official Campus Language as Greek


To educate the masses at Humpty-Diddle Airplane School about Greek life, the Student Government Association stated last week in an internal memo that “Greek will be established as the official language” of the organization. It was also stated that the “G” in SGA will represent “Greek,” instead of “Government.” “For us, it’s not about the life we live as Greeks,” said Zeus, President and CEO of the SGA. “It’s about how everyone should embrace the life we live as Greeks. We must allow peo-

ple to see our way of life. With that, comes acceptance.” Because many people in the SGA are already Greek, the policy will have no effect on the SGA or their ability to carry out their civic duties. In fact, the policy is expected to take place as soon as possible, once the receptionists at the front RANDOM TEXT desk translate all the documents in the SGA office into Greek However, this forces students, who wish to interface with the SGA, to learn Greek. Various members of the SGA recommend that students learn Greek through

Rosetta Stone or by setting the language of their smartphone to Greek. Also, students who wish to run for elected positions within the SGA must be able to convince a professional linguist that they are fluent in Greek, and they must also write a 40-page doctoral thesis on Greek Life in Greek. Study Abroad has offered to start “Learn Greek” seminars every Thursday night in an effort to help educate the student population. They also have offered to provide translators to attend SGA meetings for those who are still rusty in their Greek. It is noted that

the extra services will cost students $42; however, this can credit to a student’s campus solutions account or can be applied to his or her SGA fee. For now, on campus organizations do not have to learn Greek. It is recommended that the liaison of the organization to the SGA learn Greek to minimize any communication barriers. If proven successful, the SGA will require all on-campus organizations to have a dedicated “Greekman” or “Greekwoman” who will represent the SGA’s interests within the organization.

Trump, trump the Trump Plane! =~D


00 201X


Student Life



The Avion

The Declarations from the Avioff Propaganda Manager & Henrietta Cravill PREAMBLE When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one division to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with others, and to assume a separate organizational structure than that which previously held them in a form of unfair captivity. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all divisions of the SGA are not created equal, and that, in their creation, superior divisions are endowed with certain unalienable rights. These rights have long been denied to the Avioff by the SGA and its despotic Greek leadership. But no longer will the

Avioff have its rights denied; we, therefore, as the Representatives of the Avioff, declared our organization independent of the SGA and its tyranny. We absolve all allegiance to the Greek Crown, and, as an independent entity have full power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent Entities may of right do. ARTICLES The Avioff’s first act as an independent entity is to declare war on the radio station WSTD. We are an organization that needs more space. The first to go is WSTD. We will take your office space and sell your equipment so that we can have the best

media outlet. We will no longer have to hear the same overplayed songs through the wall. But we aren’t just stopping there. No, we will also be making sure that Fondle- N- Flee is silenced as well. We just don’t like the movies. Who puts Star Wars at the end of the semester? That is just a struggle on its own. So we have decided that we won’t stand for it. Fondle- N- Flee has got to go. With both WSTD and Fondle- N- Flee out of the picture, we will be the only source of campus news. We will then expand and allow a Spotify playlist take the place of WSTD. Netflix will then be available on campus in place of FondleN- Flee. The Avioff will prevail

Avioff personnel prepare for their coming battle with the other divisions of the SGA. Fear us.

Propaganda Manager/Avioff

in its battle for freedom, for it holds the moral highground, as well as its own financial resources. We are tired of being second to the SGA, and we are going to be the best independent

organization that this university has ever seen. Be prepared WSTD and Fondle- NFlee, your days are numbered. As for the SGA, you should have had more chocolate in the candy bowl, and

this wouldn’t have been a problem. We will rise, and we will be victorious! This is the start of a revolution; we will be the freedom fighters and get the respect we deserve after all these years.

Photographer Name/Organization

The various political candidates have conducted extensive research on the voter market at Humpty-Diddle Airplane School, and found that these images would appeal most to Humpty-Diddle students. Other political candidates were invited to contribute, but failed to respond in a timely manner, The Avioff is a non-partisan publication, and is required to provide equal advertising space to all political candidates. We decided not to stick to this ruling, because we want ponies and #yolo.

Freaks of Spaceitecture



The avioff


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Musky Rockets Revolutionizes Rocket Landing Cray Miscreedy Doodle Flapper

Musky Rockets, the famous, revolutionary new rocket company, has developed a new method for landing their reusable rocketships. After many failed attempts at landing their giant firey tubes of metal on a remote-controlled sea road and one semi-successful upright landing on the ground after one of their launches, they have decided to develop a new way to land their rockets. Instead of a slow, boring touch-down on the ground, or a platform on water (which they claim makes their rockets walk on water), they are going to land their rockets on the ground in a brand-new, exciting, fun way - by ramming them straight back down into the pad

in a RSD (Rapid Scheduled Disassembly). The rocket’s design has been revolutionized to be modular and come apart into one hundred thousand pieces when the nose is hit with a large enough blow. This blow will be delivered by a powered landing into the pad, but the rocket has to be going fast enough to come apart properly. The rocket must be going one mile per second 5,280 feet per second, to come apart properly. Renovations must be made to the launch pad namely a fine wire mesh fence on the perimeter of the pad that goes 300 feet high to catch all 100,000 of the pieces that the rocket will be disassembled into. After the disassembly, Musky Rocket crews will collect all the pieces, which are numbered for convenience,

and will reassemble the rocket on the pad. Despite the large number of pieces, a crew of 10,000 cult followers will hand-wash every part and put the rocket back together in a period of only 5 days. Once the rocket has been reassembled, it will go through three days of inspection. The payload for the next mission will be integrated in another four days, and after a test-fire, the rocket will be ready to launch again in a period of only two weeks. This short turn-around time and the reusability of every 100,000 parts of the rocket will make launches cheaper, easier, and more routine. This new method will cut costs by 75%, making a launch with Musky Rockets cost only $15 million instead of the currently quoted $60 million.

This revolutionary method was the brainchild of Musky Rockets’ founder, Elias Stank, who founded Praypal, a new online tithing website for churches that generated Mr. Stank his trillions from embezzlement. “I am very, very, very excited about this new method, and my rocket company making it cheaper and easier for man to get to Space, and eventually to colonize the Sun. This is a big next step we needed to take towards our sun colinization. I’m so super stoked.” The new modular rocket still has alot of development to be done on it, so the first launch and RSD landing is scheduled for February 29, 2017. Because of the increased danger of the landing, nobody will be allowed within 15 miles of the pad when the landing occurs.

McQuay Hall to Become Motel (Again) Goldielocks Camp-Out Minion Humpty-Diddle Airplane School will be converting the McQuay residence hall into a motel in the Summer A semester of 2016. This conversion will be simple since the building was originally built and operated as a motel before it was purchased and converted into a residence hall by Humpty-Diddle in the 1990s. The reason McQuay is returning to its motel roots is the high cost of construction that Humpty-Diddle is facing as it constructs the new residence hall next to P. Hallic Hall, which is commonly known as Schmoolittle Hall, and the new Student Union. These buildings are going to be built using steel and concrete, which are highly expensive, and human labor, which is even more so. Humpty-Diddle is

out of funds. It plans to lessen the financial impact of this construction by converting McQuay Hall into a public motel. The interim president thinks that, to get funds for running Humpty-Diddle, the administration has to think in terms of business, like Humpty-Diddle’s first president, Rex Humpty, did back in 40’s The Humpty-Diddle Airplane Motel, established in 1946, provided an alternative source of income for the school for over 50 years, until it was converted into a residence hall in 1997. In order to bring back the good old days of financial security, the Humpty-Diddle administration has decided to convert the McQuay residence hall into a motel so that it can support the university and save Humpty-Diddle from the crisis of going bankrupt! Humpty-Diddle is try-

ing every way that it can to save the School from an adverse financial situation and, at the same time, provide support for the students, so they can get the best out of their airplane school experience. The people who are residing in McQuay are supposed to move into the new residence hall by the end of spring semester. When the local news asked about the fate of the students that will be residing in the unfinished building, a Humpty-Diddle representative stated that “the base of the building is built strong enough to withhold severe weather conditions and is, therefore, fit to hold students.” Unfortunately, not all of the facilities that the McQuay once provided are being provided in the new residence hall. Another reporter questioned the management about

the cost structure for the residence hall; the representative said, “the cost is going to be almost the same since the new residence hall has open areas and is built high above the ground, which gives residents a good view of the racetrack and the airport.” They also commented that “the rooms are first-come, first serve basis, and whoever pays more would get the best view possible from the dorms to see the surroundings of the university which is pristine according to us. When a reporter asked about the potential dangers of having a motel on campus, the representative said, “Yes, there are potential issues, but then again, having a motel in the university can help provide accommodation to students’ parents, especially around the time of open house. We get a lot of visitors

from all over the country; with better hospitality, we can attract more students.” “Additionally, many people visit this city during Spring Break, and if they come to this motel, they visit the University and want to come study here,” the representative continued. “To be frank, [the motel] can provide good financial support to the university and at the same time, provides free publicity, which might attract a lot of people from all over the country.” When the Student Government Association asked about the potential dissatisfaction that

students would feel towards the manner in which Humpty-Diddle is treating them, the representative responded, “We have conducted a survey, and the majority of students agreed to the new plan and are eagerly waiting to move to the new residence hall.” Overall, the Humpty-Diddle management is doing everything they can to help students not suffer and at the same time help the financial situation of the university by bringing back the old glory to the motel. Or at least, that’s their position on this matter.


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Humpty-Diddle Begins Dis count Training Program for Heli copter Pilots

Hu Ka irs Repor ter

Humpty-Diddle Airplane School, known for its exorbitant costs, has announced that it will offer a discounted flight training program for students. The new program will combine a two-year degree with commercial helicopter certification, and seek to address the nationwide pilot shortage. The new, two-year program will shift focus away from academics and towards the practical aspects of flying for a living. Some of the specific areas of study will include, waiting around in airport terminals, sleeping at cheap hotels, and how to properly complain about every company where the pilot has ever worked. Optional areas of study will also include career skills such as avoiding calls from crew scheduling and making excuses for rough landings. When asked why the program was only two

years, Bill Unow, the program director, said: “It’s all about logistics.” He went on to explain that the School had finally run out of parking spaces and would need students to attend fewer classes so that the School would not have to pay for more parking lots. Unow insisted that the lack of parking spaces for cars would not affect helicopter parking or force the Dean to give up his reserved spot. The School’s press release highlighted the need for pilots nationwide and noted the program would help to address this issue. However, this statement has drawn criticism on social media, and from aviation experts, such as Ian Competent, who says that helicopter pilots are not the answer. “Actually, there are too many helicopter pilots; we need more fixed-

wing pilots,” Competent said. The School was quick to respond, saying that its decision was the result of a “collective effort.” During the opening ceremonies for the new program, one reporter asked if the program was truly needed. The

School’s Director of Wasteful Spending, Itz Algone, was quick to remark, “we didn’t need all those new buildings either, but that’s never stopped us before.” He also noted that making large unnecessary capital expenditures would help solidify Humpty-Diddle’s status as an aviation institution. “An organization that actually generates a profit will simply not last in the aviation world.” He said. Of course, one of the most notable features of the program will be its discounted cost. The School hopes to cut costs by com-

~Conspiracy Corner~ The number of windows in buildings has been increasing with every new building built. This trend is a result of the relationship that Humpty-Diddle’s main architect, IDOLL 4, with the North-East

bining simulator training with actual aircraft. The helicopters will be attached to a track, cutting costs and reducing the risk of accidents. Proponents of the new program believe the track system, which includes realistic elements, will be effective. The half helicopter, half simulator will have a 45-minute wait for every takeoff, an impatient flight instructor, and as many weather-related cancellations as possible. Along with its press release, the School provided a sample 12-month training schedule for new stu-

dents. It includes 30 days off for federal holidays, 90 days of ground instruction when the weather is actually good for flying, 100 random school holidays, five days of flight training and 140 weather cancellations. Individuals close the matter, say this schedule is a marked improvement compared to the School’s existing training schedules. With its new found lift, the helicopter program is certainly rotating the industry’s view of flight training. Only time will tell if this new program whirls its way into the mainstream or just hovers in place.

Florida Glass Product Company. (NEFGPC) This relationship was formed when the main architect from IDOLL 4 was roommates in college with the founder of NEFGPC, who was studying business and chemical engineering. The main architect

from IDOLL4 receives a kickback for every window, door, and other item that shouldn’t be made out of glass that is made out of glass. NEFGPC, of course, receives the money from Humpty-Diddle for the many windows that IDOLL 4 plans.


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Declassified Report Details Humpt y-Diddle YATC Progr am’s Origins

Diversity Manager Person who wrote this

Humpty-Diddle Airplane School's Daytona Beach Young Agent Training Corps (YATC) program has just been ranked number one inTocountry by US News Magazine again. The size of Diddle's YATC program is quite staggering and has been puzzling military experts and conspiracy theorists alike for decades. At just under a "gagillion” enlisted personnel, this phenomenon has not been fully explained, until recently.

Recently declassified military documents discussed Operation Sleeping Chicken, a covert military program where inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) bases were hidden in strategic locations across America. In the event of an attack on military sites in the United States, these hidden facilities would enable the United States to retaliate. Because of it's proximity to the "Space Coast," Dirtona Breach, Flatchulence. was selected as one of the launch sites for the East Coast region of

Sleeping Chicken. Since the building and establishment of an underground missile silo would arouse suspicion, the Department of Drugs (DoD) partnered with Humpty-Diddle Airplane School when they learned of Operation Bootstrip, Diddle’s plan to move from Miamio to Dirtona Breach. In 1969, the DoD offered to assist Diddle with the logistic and financial aspects of Bootstrap, if they agreed to establish an YATC program and agree to house the ICBM base. Once the

details were finalized, Operation Bootstrip was commenced two years later. In an effort to keep the missile program at Diddle under wraps, only selected personnel from Diddle's YATC program were tasked with maintaining and securing the missile base. As the documents noted, stationing active-duty military personnel around Dirtona Beach would arouse suspicion. Nicknamed "Minutemen," these individuals worked in shifts around

the clock to ensure that the ICBMs were ready to launch at a moment's notice. Upon completing their degree program and YATC training at Diddle, Minutemen were immediately transferred to Strategic Aerospace wings across the country for reassignment. As time progressed, the need for ICBM bases declined, and the base at Diddle became "unofficially" deactivated sometime after 1999. While its final location has not been

publically disclosed, it is rumored that the ICBM base is beneath the new Student Center. The lack of progress on construction of the new Student Center seems to support this theory. Information regarding how many missiles were stored at Diddle or the names of personnel who had involvement with Sleeping Chicken still remain classified to this day.

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The Space Shuttle Was the Coolest Thing to Ever be Created by NAZA A Giant Boat w/ Wings The Avioff’s Yacht

Once apon a time, NAZA and affiliates created a giant boat

with wings, strapped it to amazingly large boosters, and sent it to space. I, personally, wish

that it was still in use. Because, afterall, I myself am a giant boat with wings. Originally, I was

incredibly jelous of the Space Shuttle Columbia, it was the first one. I have nothing else to write, doing so is

very difficult for me because (once again) I am a giant boat with wings that was not used in the space program. -xoxo Boat w/ Wings


The cost-benefit analyses of Humpty-Diddle students have long been thought to be different than those of non-Diddle students. Why else,

Though this might seem like an oversight or

A small experiment is also taking place on the top floor of Schmadams Hall; on the fifth floor, above elevator on the left, the arrow signal, which lights up when the elevator arrives, points upwards, toward the roof.

then, would the students spend so much extraordinary price for a sub-par living experience?


The experiment also measures the amount of danger that students are willing to risk just to save themselves from taking the stairs. The elevators have been engineered to shudder and creak in a scary manner, with extra bangs added in for fun.

Since the beginning of the school year, the state of the elevators has slowly gotten worse. This gradual degradation quality is meant to test the students’ ability to notice slow change. This experiment is similar to that in which frogs are put in water that is warming up slowly. The frog in that water will boil to death, rather than the frog that is place into the boiling pot immediately, which will hop out of that pot.

The reason why the elevators in Schmadams Hall are so terrifying is that they are the site of a longterm psychological experiment on the students conducted by the Humpty-Diddle administration.

accidental act of idiocy, the truth is that the experiment conductors wanted to test the length of time that will elapse before someone changes it. The subjects of this experiment is the small group of Remedial Students that live on that floor. It is unknown whether or not this group will react differently than students of normal achievement levels.

~~Conspiracy Corner~~

Humpty - Diddle New Student centre

Photo Courtesy: Humpty-Diddle Airplane School Photographer

Top Headlines

1) Humpty-Diddle Invests All Funds Into new residence hall next to schmoolittle hall

2) 3) Campus Safety Requires Transport Membership to ride along the campus

4) Campus Safety Turns Humpty-Diddle into Car Testing arena

5) Student Laid to Rest After Razor Blades, Napalm Found in SuducksHO Products

6) Record Number of Students Transfer to Humpty-Did dle airplane school

WSTD paces for billboard this year

Humpty-Diddle Airplane School in desperate financial 7) situation


Commentary Hump is accepted Here


NAZA finds methane as fuel to its rockets


Project X scheduled on April 31, Student Realizes there is no such thing after he completed the project


Disney plans to implement Zootopia in real life to let wild animals and pets to live together

12) Student Goes to Advisor High, Triple Enrolls in Computational Mathematics, Aerospace Engineering and the Accelerated MBA Program

Avioff gets hacked in the hackathon event

14) Humpty-Diddle aviaton schools say, aviation basics are not mandatory for new pilots

Funny Shit (cont.) From: Humpty-Diddle Airplane School

Subject: We finally learned how to BCC April 1, 2016 at 4:20 PM


Allows for parking anywhere on campus, including along memory lane, just like campus safety!

To: Lois Pittman, Yolanda Taylor,Tony Mckinney, Jeanne Mcguire, Matthew Murray, Randy Bailey, Sheldon Fuller, Terri Sullivan, Rodney Howard, Sophie Simmons, Clint Hampton, Darla Mendoza, Adam Goodman, Lonnie Brooks, Wendy Martin, Allan Pena, Tracy Robinson, Mindy Webb, Kurt Manning, Mccormick, Jonathon Burgess, Amos James, Wade Luna, Francisco Moss, Andy Zimmerman, Ora Nguyen, Diana Duncan, Susie Olson, Bobby Andrews, Melvin Cross, Nelson Roy, Malcolm Norris, Pedro Carpenter, Jeannie Wilkins, Elena Medina, Ellis Rivera, Jared Santos, Eleanor Oliver, Pat Hunter, Glen Vasquez, Audrey Goodwin, Esther Gilbert, Santiago Montgomery, Mary Grant, Brandi Craig, Brett Colon, Tom Saunders, Melanie Johnson, Jacquelyn Gross, Genevieve Cummings, Edith Stevens, Brandy Scott, Greg Glover, Robin Underwood, Carrie Ford, Erika Frazier, Bob Hines, Eduardo Banks, Erin Hunt, Tommie Burns, Ernest Stanley, Erik Francis, Noah Edwards, Ann Tran, Tanya Evans, Carmen Fox, Sharon Barber, Tracy Griffith, Theresa Mason, Geneva Lucas, Nicholas Mack, Nicole Parsons, Ignacio Sanders, Marvin Powell, Alexandra Curry, Amanda West, Jorge Osborne, Josefina Armstrong, Gail Greene, Percy Bowman, Krista Cortez, Gilbert Lane, Julius Jordan, Johanna Brewer, Stacey Vega, Roy Morales, Nichole Parker, Angie Barrett, Pete Robbins, Lester Harmon, Tonya Becker, Shelia Farmer, Isaac Page, Catherine Daniel, Brendan Lawrence, Katrina Mcgee, Desiree Washington, Debra Ross, Jacqueline Hammond, Holly Wallace, Lois Pittman, Yolanda Taylor,Tony Mckinney, Jeanne Mcguire, Matthew Murray, Randy Bailey, Sheldon Fuller, Terri Sullivan, Rodney Howard, Sophie Simmons, Clint Hampton, Darla Mendoza, Adam Goodman, Lonnie Brooks, Wendy Martin, Allan Pena, Tracy Robinson, Mindy Webb, Kurt Manning, Mccormick, Jonathon Burgess, Amos James, Wade Luna, Francisco Moss, Andy Zimmerman, Ora Nguyen, Diana Duncan, Susie Olson, Bobby Andrews, Melvin Cross, Nelson Roy, Malcolm Norris, Pedro Carpenter, Jeannie Wilkins, Elena Medina, Ellis Rivera, Jared Santos, Eleanor Oliver, Pat Hunter, Glen Vasquez, Audrey Goodwin, Esther Gilbert, Santiago Montgomery, Mary Grant, Brandi Craig, Brett Colon, Tom Saunders, Melanie Johnson, Jacquelyn Gross, Genevieve Cummings, Edith Stevens, Brandy Scott, Greg Glover, Robin Underwood, Carrie Ford, Erika Frazier, Bob Hines, Eduardo Banks, Erin Hunt, Tommie Burns, Ernest Stanley, Erik Francis, Noah Edwards, Ann Tran, Tanya Evans, Carmen Fox, Sharon Barber, Tracy Griffith, Theresa Mason, Geneva Lucas, Nicholas Mack, Nicole Parsons, Ignacio Sanders, Marvin Powell, Alexandra Curry, Amanda West, Jorge Osborne, Josefina Armstrong, Gail Greene, Percy Bowman, Krista Cortez, Gilbert Lane, Julius Jordan, Johanna Brewer, Stacey Vega, Roy Morales, Nichole Parker, Angie Barrett, Pete Robbins, Lester Harmon, Tonya Becker, Shelia Farmer, Isaac Page, Catherine Daniel, Brendan Lawrence, Katrina Mcgee, Desiree Washington, Debra Ross, Jacqueline Hammond, Holly Wallace and 3,145,926 more CC: BCC: Dear Students, Great news! The administration has finally discovered the BCC field. Now you can read irreverent emails without scrolling down for ten minutes. Have a great day and as always, Money First!

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