| Issue 6 | Volume 147 | Tuesday, February 28, 2017 | theavion.com |
Devin Edwards/The Avion Newspaper
Thunderbirds Over Campus
Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief
What’s Inside
The Daytona 500 took place on Sunday, Feb 26, and brought thousands of people to Daytona Beach. Though the roads were clogged and restaurants crowded, Embry-Riddle students were happy for the race-time crowds. Among the crowds were a group of extremely talented pilots, who make up part of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. The Thunderbirds are a United States Air Force Squadron that performs at airshows and events all around the country. Famously, they do the flyover for the Daytona 500. The Thunderbirds traditionally perform a flyover above the Daytona 500 at the end of the National Anthem. The Thunderbirds flew into Daytona International Airport a few days before the race and perform practice maneuvers in the days before the race. These
maneuvers were visible from campus, and many students observed them. Some students specifically waited to see the Thunderbirds. “I waited for over an hour and a half on the roof of the AMS building for an excellent flyover, which I haven’t seen in over five years,” said Zachary Fedewa, a sophomore studying civil engineering. “I saw the Thunderbirds practicing all week, and it gave me motivation to continue studying what I’m studying,” said Collin Anderson, a junior studying aerospace engineering. Others were not expecting it when the F-16 flew over. The author of this article saw the Thunderbirds performing turns over the airport on Thursday, while she was near the Tomcat Annex. Some students saw the Thunderbirds around the Daytona Beach area. “I actually saw the Thunderbirds flying around when I was driving to a restaurant. I was on International
Touch-N-Go Casino Night
Speedway Blvd, and one of them banked in the air near my car. It was awesome,” said Andrew Bronshteyn, a sophomore studying aerospace engineering. Devin Edwards, a sophomore studying civil engineering, said, “The first time I saw the Thunderbirds fly over, it was amazing and being able to take photos of it was even more so. It was an incredible experience.” One of the photos that Edwards took
accompanies this article. This photo was taken from the roof of the Emil Buehler Aviation Maintenance Science Building. “It was epic seeing them land on Saturday!” said Micah Knight, a senior studying aerospace engineering. “They fly over the airport and then come around and land nice and slow. It was awesome!” “I saw the Thunderbirds at an airshow once… they were really cool! I was really
happy to be able to see them practice from campus,” said Sariah Adviento, a sophomore studying aviation business administration. The Thunderbirds are famous for their precision flying, performing in both four-ship Diamond maneuvers and solo flights, both of which showcase the power and the grace of the F-16. “In a time of uncertainty in America, it was really amazing to see a symbol of our freedom
fly in our nation’s skies,” said Henry Neiberlien, a junior studying commercial space operations. “Honestly, it was amazing.” To learn more about the Thunderbirds and their mission, visit their website at http://afthunderbirds. com/site/. To learn how to join the Air Force and potentially work with this squadron, visit an AFROTC officer on campus or https://www.airforce.com/.
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Trump and the White House vs. the Media
Sniper Elite Four Review
The Avion
Executive Board Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Business Manager Photography Editor Advertising Manager
Jaclyn Wiley Micah Knight Henry Neiberlien Sariah Adviento Zach Fedewa Devin Edwards
Page Editors Front Editor Campus Editor Student Life Editor Space Editor Sports Editor
Entertainment Editor Comics Editor Copy Editor
Jaclyn Wiley Emily Rickel Billy Nguyen Keenan Thungtrakul Jack Taylor Zachary Fedewa Rachel Dooley Micah Knight Zachary Fedewa Andy Bronshteyn Collin Anderson Henry Neiberlien Sariah Adviento Nicole Drevlow
Staff Contributors Reporters
Jaclyn Wiley Keenan Thungtrakul Collin Anderson Henry Neiberlien Zachary Fedewa Carlos Romero Devin Edwards Zachary Fedewa Keenan Thungtrakul
28 2017
The Grapes of Wrath: A Tale of Courage Amidst Struggle Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter
On Feb. 21, the Arts and Letters Committee hosted the National Players’ production of John Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath.” The traveling theater troupe consists of a team of actors who take on multiple roles during a single show and create the sets for whatever stage they may perform on. Here, the actors put their set up on the floor of the IC Auditorium. They used an array of props to simulate a house, truck, a shantytown and whatever else the scene may require. Their incredible performance that night was met with a standing ovation from the audience at the end. The actors held a “talkback” session after the show where the audience had the chance to give feedback about the play and ask any questions they may have. The main point from that
session was that those people were here to tell a story, a story that stems from one of the greatest works of American literature. Set in the heart of the Great Depression, “The Grapes of Wrath” follows the fictional Joad family, a tenant farmer family who works their land for a living and pass it down through generations. When the Great Plains became the Dust Bowl, crops failed, and dust covered everything. The Joads were “tractored off ” their property and forced to emigrate. Packing their belongings into one rickety truck, the family of twelve set out along Route 66. Their destination: California, where the handbills say there is plenty of work to be done in picking fruits. The Joads travel on, trying to keep the family and the car together over the long journey. Death moves in with the family, and two members are taken away
during the trip. With no resources for a proper funeral, they bury them out in the barren fields. Upon arrival in California, the family comes faceto-face with reality. The handbills were wrong: sure, there was work, but there are just too many workers. Wages are rock-bottom, and the Joads soon learn what a “Hooverville” is. To escape persecution, the Joads flee to a federal care facility and get work as peach pickers as part of a strikebreaker team. The family is further torn apart when lead protagonist Tom Joad gets into a fight and violates his prison parole while the family friend and former preacher Jim Casy gets involved in a violent strike. Worse, mother-to-be Rose of Sharon suffers a stillbirth because of malnutrition. Desperation turns to courage when Ma Joad does her best to keep the family together and look
after Tom who went into hiding to avoid arrest. Ma Joad is portrayed excellently in this performance, and I could not ask for a better actress for that role. The show featured intermissions set to either guitar or banjo music, and a narrator would help the audience with the transition from scene to scene. These breaks allowed the audience to clearly follow what was going on. I had the chance to read Steinbeck’s novel in full as part of my AP English Language class. I could recall the key plot lines of the novel during the show, and I will say that they did a good job adapting the novel to the theater. Not everything can be included of course, but the National Players did a good job in telling a story of true hardships and how incredible courage and determination shines through the bleakness of a turbulent era.
Correspondent Alisse Palmer
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editor@theavion.com managing@theavion.com news@theavion.com business@theavion.com photo@theavion.com advertising@theavion.com
Website: theavion.com
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Ma Joad embraces her son, Tom Joad, after he is released from prison. After the reunion, the family of twelve sets out for California in hopes of work.
The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.
Go on a Semester Abroad to a Country of Your Dreams! Sidney Bradbury Global Engagement Studying Abroad is an incredible opportunity for you to explore and experience new culture around the world while studying. We send students from all degrees on a Study Abroad. There is a bilateral exchange and a GE3 exchange. The bilateral exchange is open to all students regardless of his or her degree; it all
comes down to where they want to go. On the other hand, GE3 is only open to engineers. This program offers a world of opportunity for engineering students to continue their studies while living in another country. Many of the partner universities offer their courses in English or their native language if the student prefers. These member institutions are also spread across the
entire globe, so be sure to check the GE3 homepage to find a complete list of places to explore! There are so many benefits in going on a study abroad. There is no need to worry about credits because they are transferred towards your degree, and all the classes you take are pass/fail. Meanwhile, many students ask if it costs more to study abroad. In reality, no. All you will need to pay
abroad is your housing, food and cost of living. All your tuition and fees are Embry-Riddle prices. You will pay as if you are here in Daytona as a student. Financial aid does apply towards your abroad. If you have any questions regarding studying abroad feel free to email us at Goglobal@ erau.edu or you can stop by our office located in the “HUB” in suite 200 anytime between 8-4 p.m.
Casino Night
28 2017
The Avion
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Last Friday night, Touch-N-Go held their semesterly Casino Night in the JP Riddle Student Center.
Joshua Asiaten/The Avion Newspaper WIKD member Thomas Beaudoin deals cards at a blackjack table.
Joshua Asiaten/The Avion Newspaper Billy Nguyen, the SGA Webmaster, gambles his life savings away at a craps table.
Joshua Asiaten/The Avion Newspaper
Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief Touch-N-Go brought the Mardi Gras spirit to Embry-Riddle with the recent Casino Night event. The John Paul Riddle Student Center was turned into a casino with glowing tables and hundreds of students. Students were encouraged, but not required, to dress nicely, and many showed up in their best to try their luck. Casino Night was free to all students and was a Bonus Bucks event. Participating students were given a voucher for $5000 worth of chips. The voucher was turned into a dealer at a game table in return for chips. These chips could
then be bet in any number of the games, which included craps, roulette, and blackjack. Student reactions were overwhelmingly positive. Henry Neiberlien, a junior studying commercial space operations, described the event as, “An exhilarating experience that had lots of fun and games.” “It was a lot of fun,” said Devin Edwards, a sophomore studying civil engineering. “It was even more fun considering we were not playing with real money.” Though the chips had no monetary value, participants could trade in $5000 worth of chips for a raffle ticket. There were many prizes up for the raffle,
including LED light strips, a longboard, a computer monitor, and video games. Non-gamblers were also accommodated; bingo was one of the most popular games, with each win securing the winner a raffle ticket. The bingo caller was Dustin Beech, Assistant Director of Campus Activities, who made the game very interesting with different patterns needed to get a bingo. “Bingo was the best game to play,” said Andrew Bronshteyn. “Every game you won was worth $5000 of chips!” Most popular of the night were the game tables, where students could play a variety of games. Some students,
Students test their luck at Gabrielle Bonowski’s blackjack table.
like Edwards, won it big on the game tables. “From two hands of Texas Hold’em, I won about twelve thousand dollars’ worth of chips. It was awesome!” The author of this article also attended the Casino Night event, and had a very lucky night, winning 20 thousand dollars’ worth of chips in one hand of Texas Hold’em and getting seven 21’s in blackjack. The author of this article also won an item in the raffle at the end of the night. Others were not doing quite so well. “I went all in on a hand of Texas Hold’em and lost it all,” said Andrew Bronshteyn, a sophomore studying aerospace engineering. He was not discouraged, however.
Billy Nguyen, a junior studying aerospace engineering and the webmaster of the SGA, said, “This year’s Casino Night was lit – figuratively and literally.” He was referencing the glowing tables on which many of the games were played. “The neon tables were really cool. Two thumbs up.”
This year’s Casino Night was lit – figuratively and literally.”
Roulette was one of the many games avaliable to play at Casino Night.
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Free pizza and drinks were also provided to students on the Flight Deck. Also on the Flight Deck
was the Avion Newspaper, which offered a photo booth where students could take fun photos with an assortment of props. “It was really cool to see the students really enjoying themselves in the photo booth. Everyone really liked the photos, which were emailed to them later,” said Neiberlien, who worked at the photo booth briefly, and also was photographed. “My photo came out really well - I set it as the background on my friend’s computer.” Casino Night was a resounding success for Touch-N-Go and a lot of fun for the student participants. Touch-N-Go hosts a Casino Night event once a semester.
28 2017
Student Life
The Avion
President Trump vs. the Media Collin Anderson Staff Reporter It is no secret that President Trump dislikes and distrusts the mainstream media. He says that they don’t cover him fairly which, in the past, has been true. So much so that The New York Times’ publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., apologized to its subscribers saying, “Trump’s sheer unconventionality lead us and other news
outlets to underestimate his support among American voters.” Donald Trump has been president for a little over a month and we have seen how he and his administration react with the media. This ranges from Kellyanne Conway giving “alternative facts” on live TV to the President himself calling CNN “fake news.” On Friday, February 24th, the White House blocked a handful of news
agencies from attending an off-camera press briefing in Sean Spicer’s office while simultaneously handpicking other reporters who could attend. The agencies that were uninvited were CNN, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, BuzzFeed, the BBC and the Guardian. Following this, agencies who were not blocked stood in solidarity with their media outlet brothers and sisters and decided not
to attend said meeting. On Saturday, the President announced that he would not be attending the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. The White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner is an annual opportunity for media personalities, celebrities, and comedians to come to the White House. It also allows comedians to make friendly jabs at the President. It was at this dinner
in 2011 where Seth Meyers taunted Trump which could have been one of the things to push him to run for president in 2016. If President Trump follows through with not going to this event, he will be the first president in 36 years to not go. The last president not to go was Ronald Reagan in 1981 and he didn’t attend because he was recovering from an assassination attempt. The fact that most of
mainstream media leans left is not a debatable topic. That is fact. That being said, the President is walking a fine line. Part of the job that comes with being president is facing criticism on, arguably, the largest scale possible. Not everyone is going to like you or everything you do. That’s just a fact of life. If that’s a mindset that can’t be overcome, then this will be a long three years and ten months for everyone.
the 1981 absence being Ronald Reagan, who was recovering from an assassination attempt. The annual dinner, run by the White House Correspondents Association has the goal of presenting journalism awards, as well as being a fundraiser for student scholarships. However, the dinner has long been an event where celebrities and comedians alike poke fun at the President, with the Pres-
ident themselves contributing to the humor of the night. The President of the WHCA, Jeff Mason, said in a statement, “The WHCA takes note of President Donald Trump’s announcement on Twitter that he does not plan to attend the dinner, which has been and will continue to be a celebration of the First Amendment and the important role played by an independent news media
in a healthy republic.” The decision not to attend the dinner comes in a time of increased tension between the current administration and the press. Also on Twitter, President Trump criticized the New York Times, telling them to “try reporting accurately & fairly!” This follows negative experiences for President Trump in the past at similar dinners in 2011, where was mocked at the
Press Correspondents Dinner, and earlier this year when he endured heckling at the Alfred Smith Memorial Dinner, a similarly comical event. Trump may not be the only one declining to attend the dinner this year. Bloomberg News, which has historically co-sponsored the afterparty with Vanity Fair for the event, has announced that they will not host the afterparty this year. CNN
has, reportedly, considered skipping the event altogether. The New Yorker magazine, who typically holds a kick-off party, has also announced they will not be doing so this year. The comedian Samantha Bee, meanwhile, has committed to hosting an “alternative event.” The White House has stated that they intend to continue the tradition of the Press Correspondents Dinner, despite all of this.
White House Clashes With Press
Alisse Palmer Political Correspondent In a Twitter announcement on Saturday, President Donald Trump stated that he would not be attending the annual White House Press Correspondents Dinner and wished the best to all those attending. This came as a surprise, and will make President Trump the first President to miss the annual dinner since 1981:
Butterfly Release: Honoring Lost Loved Ones Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter After a hard week, I was nearly out of mental fuel. One more problem would have caused me a breakdown. I had seen the Butterfly Release advertised on the UC television screens throughout the past week, and I figured it would be nice to go and let one loose as a means of stress relief. After my fourth exam, I made my way to the Center for Faith and Spirituality to see what it was all about. The Chaplain’s Office, the Counseling Center and the African Students Association co-hosted this event to help students remember loved ones who have passed on. Upon joining the crowd of people gathered in front of the center,
I felt a wave of peace rush over my aching mind. The AcaFellas helped set the mood, then a good friend of mine was invited forward to give a few words to the audience. When he spoke, tears began to fill his eyes. The emotion spread quickly, and some reached for the small box of tissues on a table near the sidewalk. I bowed my head in remembrance, calling out to the spirits of those loved ones whom I lost over these past two months. It is so hard to let them go, but one day I will have to. They will be missed, but I cannot let worry take over me, especially when there is a lot to worry about. We all have things to worry about, and I feel the full force of this realization. Instead of letting them take over my mind, I decided
to let them go. Everyone in the crowd was invited to take an envelope with the word “Hope” printed on the front. Inside that folded piece of paper was a live butterfly, a traditional symbol of the soul, rebirth and elevation from earthly matters. The different life cycles that this creature goes through represents the idea that we are continually morphing into better and more beautiful human beings. Seeing a butterfly invites joy and bliss, which helps calm the mind. As I let my butterfly fly free, I am reminded that my current life cycle is not over yet. I am still changing, and so are we. While it is good to remember those whom we love, it is important that we focus on the present and look forward to the future.
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Keenan, one of The Avion’s senior reporters, releases his own butterfly to honor those he lost and relieve stress.
Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper The AcaFellas perform for the crowd to help set the mood for the commemoration and butterfly release.
28 2017
Airshow Center TICO Warbird Air Show Titusville, Florida March 10-12 2017
• There will be static displays and flights of modern and vintage warbirds and aerobatic flyers on Friday night, as well as a fireworks show. All performers will return on Saturday and Sunday for more performances. There will also be a car show, a carnival for the children, and displays of operating military equipment and tanks. _________
Melbourne Air and Space Show Melbourne, Florida April 1-2 2017
• There will be performances
by the US Air Force Thunderbirds, the Patrouille de France, Kent Pietsch and more at this event. There will also be a static display with a large variety of civil and military aircraft. _________
Sun’n’Fun International Fly-in & Expo Lakeland, Florida April 4-9 2017
Gulf Coast Salute Tyndall AFB, Florida April 21-23 2017
• There will be performanc-
esby the Thunderbirds, the F-22 demonstration team and many more at this airshow, which is free to the public. _________
Gateway to Florida Air Show Lake City, Florida April 29-30 2017
• The Thunderbirds, USSOCOM Parachute Tea, and many others will perform at this airshow.
This Week in Aviation History March 4, 1994
Chuck Yeager shot down his first enemy aircraft with his P-51 ‘Glamorous Glenn’ aircraft. He shot a Messerschmidt Me 109. Sadly, the favor was returned the next day when he was shot down by three FW-190’s.
March 5, 1936
The Supermarine Spitfire flew for the first time 81 year ago. Known for its good looks equally impressive performance, this British aircraft served in every combat theater in WWII. Two dozen varients were made over its lifetime.
The Avion
Dragon and Progress, Makes for One Busy Day on the ISS Henry Neiberlien News Editor It was a very exciting time at the International Space Station as the orbiting laboratory received two cargo vehicle dockings in a single twenty-four-hour period. The SpaceX cargo Dragon capsule launched last Sunday arrived early Thursday morning after its initial approach was scrubbed due to technical difficulties in the GPS guidance system. On the same day of these technical problems, a Soyuz-U launcher carrying a Progress cargo spacecraft blasted off from snow-covered Baikonur. This was the first successful return to flight for the Progress spacecraft after the last mission was lost due to a fault in the upper stage. The progress greeted an already berthed dragon very early on the morning of Friday, Feb. 24. This is the first time in history two spacecraft have docked at the ISS in such a short amount of time. Luckily the two vehicles use different methods to dock at the space station. The Dragon was reeled in using the station’s Canadarm robotic arm and
bolted to the universal docking adapter on the Earth-facing side of the Harmony module. The Progress vehicle, however, docks itself autonomously and is currently attached to the bottom of the Pris module on the Russian segment. Both these vehicles carried over 10,000 pounds of supplies to the ISS, replenishing the food and water store along with new equipment, replacement parts,
and even new experiments like a lightning imagining sensor. The ISS crew has a lot on their plate as now they have to unload both these vehicles at both ends of the station. The Dragon capsule is scheduled to stay for 30 days and detach in late March for a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. The Progress vehicle will have a different fate when it undocks in a month, as the Progress lacks any heat protection
it will burn up in reentry with very little material reaching the surface. The cargo service to the ISS is non-stop and the next vehicle, an Orbital ATK Cygnus spacecraft, is scheduled to blast off from the Cape on board a ULA Atlas V on March 19. The next Russian cargo mission to the space station is not scheduled until May. However, Roscosmos will launch the next crew for the ISS to the April 20. Left: SpaceX Falcon 9 lifts of from LC-39A for the first time. The Dragon struggled to reach the desired altitude initially, requiring an extra day to adjust and rendezvous.
Jack Taylor/The Avion Newspaper
• There are many performers at this airshow, including the Patrouille de France Alpha Jets and the Blue Angels. _________
NASA Authorization Bill Calls for Orion ISS Study Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief The Senate recently unanimously passed a NASA authorization bill that will require NASA to complete a study on the feasibility of the Orion capsule's use to transport crews to and from the ISS on a vehicle other than the SLS. This presents a challenge because the Orion capsule would have to be adapted to work with another launch vehicle, which presents technical challenges as well as legal ones. An additional challenge is the fact that a crewed Orion capsule must be launched on a humanrated launch vehicle. The United States requires that all entity members of the commercial crew program have a
human-rated launch vehicle. Despite efforts made in that direction, there are currently no American launch vehicles that are human-rated. This means that the Orion capsule has no launch vehicle to go up on if it's not going up on the SLS. While it is technically possible for the Orion to be fitted to ride on another launch vehicle, the legal framework for the United States prevents a crewed launch. It is highly unlikely that NASA will allow the Orion Capsule to be flown on a foreign launch vehicle, like the Russian Soyuz or the Chinese Long March 2F. The Orion Capsule has had a complicated history. The first iteration of the Orion capsule was announced in 2004, by President George W. Bush,
under the name of the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). The CEV was originally part of the Vision for Space Exploration plan and became a part of the Constellation program. After Constellation was canceled under the Obama Administration, the Orion CEV was renamed to the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV). The MPCV was designed to be able to support a crew for 21 days. The first experimental flight of the Orion MPCV, Exploration Flight 1 (EFT-1) took place in December 2014. The Orion rode up on a Delta IV Heavy launch vehicle for a four and a half hour flight. The mission was uncrewed since it was a test flight. This means that the launch vehicle that the Orion capsule launched
on did not require a human rating. An additional change in the NASA authorization bill is the requirement that NASA develops a better policy for transferring excess property and infrastructure. This is not a new goal - one of the reasons why NASA leased launch pad 39A to SpaceX was to reduce NASA infrastructure burden. The earliest that the Bill will be voted on in the House of Representatives is February 27. If it passes, the NASA authorization bill will be sent to the President to either approve or veto. The Trump administration has previously stated that it is pro-commercialization but has been vague on other aspects of space policy. The future is not clear, but hopefully pro-space.
Launch Control Center WGS 9 - Delta 4
Mar. 8 @ 6:35-8:36 p.m. Cape Canaveral, Fla. SLC-37B
EchoStar 23- Falcon 9 Mar. 12 @ 12:34-4:04 a.m. Kenedy Space Center, Fla. LC-39A
OA-7 - Atlas 5
Mar. 19 @ 10:56-11:26 p.m. Cape Canaveral, Fla. SLC-41
SES 10 - Falcon 9 Mar. (TBD) Cape Canaveral, Fla. LC-39A
Intelsat 35e - Falcon 9 No Earlier Than April Cape Canaveral, Fla.
Koreasat 5A - Falcon 9 Jul. (TBD) Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
ISS Sightings February 27
6:11 a.m.- The ISS will be visible for three minutes, with a max height of 39°. It will appear 10° above SSW, and disappear 38° above ESE.
February 28
5:19 a.m.- The ISS will be visible for three minutes, with a max height of 17°. It will appear 10° above S, and disappear 16° above ESE.
March 1
6:02 a.m.- The ISS will be visible for six minutes, with a max height of 59°. It will appear 13° above SW, and disappear 10° above NE.
March 2
5:12 a.m.- The ISS will be visible for three minutes, with a max height of 53°. It will appear 53° above SE, and disappear 10° above NE.
This Week in Space History February 28, 1959 Sun Probe Discoverer 1 failed to reach orbit and crashed into Antarctica. March 3, 1972 Pioneer 10, the first mission to the planet Jupiter, launched from CCAFS. It was also the first satellite to achieve escape velocity of the solar system.
Photo Courtesy: Carlos Romero
The Avion
Upcoming Games: Tuesday Men’s Golf at Stetson Invitational Longwood, FL
28 Sports ERAU Baseball Splits Doubleheader at Rollins February
vs Rollins: 7 Wednesday No Games
Thursday Women’s Tennis vs Flagler Daytona Beach, FL @ 3:30pm
Friday Baseball vs Florida Memorial Daytona Beach, FL @ 5pm Softball vs Florida Tech Daytona Beach, FL @ 6pm Men’s & Women’s Track and Field Tampa, FL
Saturday Baseball vs Florida Memorial Daytona Beach, FL @ 1pm Softball vs Florida Tech Daytona Beach,FL @ 1pm Softball vs Florida Tech Daytona Beach, FL @ 3pm Baseball vs Florida Memorial Daytona Beach, FL @ 3pm
Michael Pierce ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle baseball team snapped a seven-game losing streak on Saturday by winning a 12-inning affair in the second game of a doubleheader at Rollins, 14-10. The Blue and Gold dropped the front end of the double dip 7-3. With the split, ERAU now stands at 4-9 on the season, while the Tars move to 9-3. Game 1 - RC 7, ERAU 3 The Tars got on the board early, plating three runs in the first to take a 3-0 lead. Embry-Riddle answered back in the top of the second with a pair of runs thanks to an RBI single from Robbie Hanlon and a sac fly from Kyle Guttveg, trimming the deficit to 3-2. Rollins built its lead up to five (7-2) with single runs in the fourth and fifth and a pair of runs in the eighth. Guttveg knocked in Cody Bogart with a base hit in the ninth but the Eagles couldn’t come any closer, falling by a 7-3 final score. Troy Naab (0-2) took the loss, allowing five runs
vs ERAU: 3
ERAU: 14
Rollins: 10
(four earned) on 10 hits, walking three and striking out eight. Guttveg went 1-for-4 with two RBIs while Bogart was 2-for-4 with a double and two runs scored and Hanlon finished 2-for-4 with an RBI.
home A.J. Mazzurco, Christopher Medina singled in Howard and Maxon drew a bases-loaded walk to push ERAU to an 8-2 lead. Medina scampered home on a wild pitch in the seventh to put the Eagles ahead 9-2. That score would hold until the bottom of the ninth when the Tars sent 13 men to the plate and took advantage of four walks and one hit batter issued by the Eagle pitching staff to score seven times, tying the game at 9-9. After allowing the game-tying two-run double and an intentional walk to load the bases with only one out, Matthew Russell got a strikeout and a pop out to escape the inning and send the game to extras. The pitching staffs took over in the 10th and 11th as nobody reached base in either inning. The 12th inning, however, was a different story entirely. Hanlon and Maxon drew back-to-back walks to open the inning and Bogart put the Eagles in front with an RBI single. Two batters later, Jonathan Camp delivered an RBI single to make it 11-9 and Guttveg scored on a wild pitch two
batters after that increase the lead to 12-9. Franklin pushed across two more insurance runs with a twoout base hit, giving the Eagles a 14-9 lead. The Tars took advantage of an error in the bottom of the 12th to scratch across one run but Russell limited the damage and got the final out to secure the 14-10 win for the Blue and Gold. Kenny Burkhead started the game for ERAU and tossed 8.1 innings, allowing five runs on five hits with four walks and eight strikeouts. Russell (1-1) earned the win, pitching the final 3.2 innings, giving up just one unearned run on two hits and a walk with five strikeouts. The Eagles pounded out 15 hits in the game, led by Medina’s 3-for-7 effort, while Franklin was 2-for-6 with two runs and five RBIs and Maxon finished 2-for-4 with a double and two RBIs. ERAU is back on the field next weekend when they host former Sun Conference foe Florida Memorial in a three-game series, beginning with a single game on Friday at 5 p.m.
Game 2 - ERAU 14, RC 10 (12 inn.) Game two saw both teams do plenty of damage on offense, as both clubs combined for 24 runs on 24 hits. The game started off quite the opposite, as neither team was able to get a baserunner until the third inning, and the scoring didn’t commence until the fourth. The Blue and Gold opened the scoring in the top of the fourth, beginning with a three-run home run off the bat of Justin Franklin, his first as an Eagle. ERAU tacked on two more runs with RBI doubles from Hanlon and Ryan Maxon to open up a 5-0 lead. Rollins answered back with a pair of runs in its half of the inning, only to see ERAU counterpunch with three runs in the fifth. Zach Howard doubled
Sunday Baseball vs Bellevue Daytona Beach, FL @ 3pm Photo Courtesy: Carlos Romero Three Embry-Riddle players: Ryan Maxon #28, Quinn Bourque #20, and Logan Malphurs #6, are walking back after prepping to begin the game. Left:
Right: Embry Riddle player slides into base. Photo Courtesy: Carlos Romero
Softball vs Mount Olive Daytona Beach, FL @ 4 pm Softball vs Mount Olive Daytona Beach, FL @ 6pm Men’s Golf at FL Tech Invitational Viera, FL Men’s & Women’s Track and Field Daytona Beach, FL
Photo Courtesy: Carlos Romero
Embry Riddle removes their caps for the national anthem.
28 2017
The Avion
Spartans Best Women’s Tennis Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle women’s tennis team was unable to overcome a slow start in doubles, falling to Tampa 6-3, Saturday at the Crotty Tennis Complex. The Eagles are now 1-6 overall, while the Spartans remain perfect at 2-0. The first point of the
vs Tampa Spartans: 6
ERAU Eagles: 3
day went to the Spartans when Liley Nice and Maddie Stephens won the match-up at No. 2 doubles, 8-0,
over Maria Turrillo and Georgina Wood. On court one, Maud Mrad and Alexis Marshall fell behind a break,
but bounced back to go ahead of Caroline Lozo and Emily Hewland, and rolled through the next four games to win 8-3. Tampa moved back in front, however, when Ava Sowell and Danielle Beyes topped Kathryn Bock and Ana Gonzalez-Hoy to give the Spartans a 2-1 lead. Moving up in the lineup for the first time this
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Alexis Marshall slunges to intercept the ball at the tennis match on Saturday, February 25.
season, Turrillo made quick work of Hewland, dispatching the Spartans’ No. 2 player 6-0, 6-0, but the Spartans were able to break the 2-2 deadlock with Sowell’s 6-0, 6-1 win over Gonzalez-Hoy at the fifth position. At the top spot, Mrad battled Lozo to a 6-4 win in the first set and pulled the Eagles’ level once again with an easy 6-0
victory in the second. The last three matches off the court all went to Tampa as Nice bested Marshal 6-4, 6-3 at No. 3 singles, Beyes topped Lydia Carter 6-3, 6-0 on court six, and Sowell held off Bock 6-1, 3-6, 6-2 at the fourth position. The Eagles’ next match will be at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday when they host Flagler at the Crotty Tennis Complex.
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Maria Turrillo hits the ball back to Tampa in a match on Saturday.
Women’s Basketball Victorious Over Barry on Senior Night Alisson Smalling ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle women’s basketball team capped the 2016-17 season with a 65-50 victory over Barry, Saturday at the ICI Center. Winners of their last three games, the Eagles closed out its third season of competition at 17-9 overall. Prior to the start of the game, ERAU Women’s Basketball recognized seniors Mercedes Jorge and Laniere Coleman. Coleman was unable to play due to injury, but Jorge shone in her final game in an Embry-Riddle uniform, record-
vs ERAU Eagles: 65
Barry Bucs: 50
ing 11 points, nine rebounds six assists and two steals in her 36 minutes of action. “I am so happy that we were able to get the win for our two seniors tonight,” said ERAU Head Coach Lisa Nuxol-Wilson who got win No. 100 as a head coach on Saturday. “I can’t say enough about Mercedes and Laniere and the impact they have had on our new program.
A huge thank you to them for sacrificing the opportunity to compete in postseason to help build our program. We will miss them a ton! “ Tara Fields was the game’s high scorer as she finished with 24 points and 12 rebounds for the first double-double of her career. Sabrina Whiting also scored in double digits for the Blue and Gold with 13 points, three
boards and two steals. The Eagles got their offense going early, opening the game on a 9-0 run. ERAU shot 70 percent (7-of-10) from the field in the first 5:20 and held a commanding 26-9 lead at the end of the first quarter. An even second frame saw each side tally 10 points as the Eagles’ shooting cooled to just 27.3 percent, but the early advantage helped ERAU to a 36-19 cushion at the half. The third quarter saw both the Bucs and the Eagles connect on six of their respective field goal attempts, but five Barry trips to the free throw line compared to none by the Eagles
allowed the visitors to cut the lead to 12 (49-37) heading into the fourth. The Bucs outscored ERAU 5-2 in the final minutes of the third quarter and managed to extend that streak to start the fourth as a Melanie Jordan free throw and a Lauren Seyranian three made it an eightpoint (49-41) game with 7:57 left to play. Following missed shots by both teams, Whiting knocked down a mid range jumper at the 6:03 mark and that keyed a 16-9 Eagle run that firmly swung the momentum back in the Eagles’ favor and secured their eighth double-digit win of the year.
“I’m very proud of this team and thoroughly enjoyed coaching them this year,” Nuxol-Wilson commented. “My assistant coaches did a great job this season and I’m truly blessed to be able to continue to build this program with this group of young ladies and staff.” The 2016-17 campaign marked Embry-Riddle’s last season of provisional membership in NCAA II and the Sunshine State Conference. The Eagles, who were 14-6 against SSC foes, will be eligible to compete for conference championships and in the postseason beginning in 2017-18.
The Avion
All Photos: Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Senior Night
28 2017
The Avion
28 2017
“For Honor” Game Review
Henry Neiberlien News Editor
When I first saw Ubisoft’s “For Honor” I was immediately intrigued, as I am a big fan of the medieval era where the game is set. They also took a really cool artistic liberty of uniting the most famous factions of that period and pitting them against each other. Seeing Samurai going toe to toe with Vikings and Medieval Knights is any kid’s (or man-child like myself) wildest dream. Upon starting the game’s campaign, you are thrust into a world torn apart by a millennium of war and you a tasked with stopping a villain that wants nothing more than for that war to continue for eternity. Unfortunately, that is about the entire plot. While it has some epic moments and jaw-dropping set pieces, this is as
deep as the campaign’s story will go over the course of its six-hour campaign. Like “Rainbow Six Siege,” the campaign is just an advanced tutorial to get the player used to the dueling system in the game. The dueling system consists of three stances, up, left ,and right; along with guard breaks and other special abilities. Right away this game has a learning curve that is closer to a 90-degree incline than an actual curve. I found myself fumbling over the controls and not really grasping the concept of matching my opponent’s stance to block him. Be prepared to sink long hours into this game and do not expect to jump in and instantly become some invincible super-solider. Although, the heart of this game, the multiplayer, seems to want to make you feel all powerful. In
the main game mode, Dominion, you can easily decimate wave after wave of cannon fodder minions, only for your testosterone high to be crushed by a max level prestige Viking warlord who will then proceed to remove your head from your body in a less than gentle way. The core gameplay can also change drastically depending on which hero character you pick. I recommend picking one with a playstyle you like and sticking with him/her for the long haul. It will take time for you learn all the abilities and tricks that hero brings to the battlefield, and you will also have to learn how to counter the attack and defensive abilities of the other heroes you encounter. The main problem I have with the game is not the gameplay, performance, or even content (even though this
game is lacking, just as RS6 did on launch). The main problem with this game is the choice Ubisoft made to have the game’s multiplayer use a peer to peer connection system instead of using dedicated servers. Having to rely on a stranger’s internet connection speed to time your blocks correctly is infuriating and at times seems very unfair. It really did not make sense to have the game rely on a connection between players instead of a central server for a game so reliant on timing. Besides its connection issues, “For Honor’s” combat system is satisfying when you get used to it, and it becomes surprisingly addictive. “For Honor” is a unique game and I hope that the series gets off to the right foot to support future titles. However, at the time of writing, the game could use some
For Honor
stability improvements, better net code, and maybe some tweaks to the combat timing. All of these can be improved over time with patches, and I hope to see the game will find its place just as “Rainbow Six
Siege” did last year. If you like fighting games, competitive multiplayer, and medieval times; it is worth your time. Just wait until the price comes down a bit and a few big patches before making the jump.
Review for “Sniper Elite 4” Henry Neiberlien News Editor The Sniper Elite franchise has built a name
for itself in recent years for its ultra-realistic ballistics, stealth tactics, and, of course, the infamous x-ray bullet
Sniper Elite 4
camera. Even after three games since V2’s reboot it never gets old. Waiting ever so patiently for your target, maliciously lining up the shot and accounting for wind speed, wind direction, and target distance is paid off instantly when the bullet leaves the barrel. A slow-motion camera then follows your bullet all the way to the target and gruesomely shows what the impact does to the victim’s internal organs and bone structure. There is nothing better than watching a bullet gently tunnel its way through the eyeball and brain of a Nazi Waffen SS Soldaten. Sniper Elite 4 also moves the setting from the African theater to the beautiful Italian landscape. Italy adds so much color to the game with locales like small
coastal islands, fishing villages, and even secret Nazi bunkers high up in the Italian Alps. Karl Fairburne, the main protagonist, also has the opportunity for dialog with the supporting cast before setting out on a mission this time around. This adds a nice change of pace between having your heart beating so loud you are afraid the Germans will hear you as they walk by the bush you are hiding in. To be clear, this is not an action game; be prepared to take your time and test your patience as stealth is necessary for survival. The enemies are very unforgiving, even on lower difficulties, where one to two bullets are lethal, and I do mean lethal. This can
be very frustrating, as I found myself just having to restart the entire level or giving up If my cover was blown. However, the autosave system is robust and saves after every successful, or not- so-successful encounter, with an enemy soldier. When it comes to the weapon variety, it adds several more period accurate firearms than its predecessor, but I still found the selection limited. The story campaign is about eight to ten hours long depending on your personal pace and preferences. “Sniper Elite 4” also offers online 4-player co-op for its entire campaign and several separate missions. This is where the game truly shines as you work together with your friends to liberate
Italy. You can even have your partner serve as the spotter and you the sniper or vice versa. Online competitive multiplayer is also offered; however, it really just comes down to who has the best hiding spot. The campaign is definitely the main reason to pick up “Sniper Elite 4.” The game is also a little too similar to its predecessor, and sometimes I do not think it innovates enough to be a complete sequel; but "if it's not broke, don't fix it," and they definitely nailed the formula in V2. Overall, “Sniper Elite 4” is a solid game, and a must-buy for fans of stealth games, sniper aficionados, and WWII buffs (even if some parts are not exactly historically accurate).
28 2017
The Avion
Hidden Treasure Bar & Grill Restaurant Review
Zach Fedewa Photo Editor
Just mere feet from the historic Ponce Inlet Lighthouse sits a waterfront bar and grill known as Hidden
Treasure. This very nice seafood restaurant is geared towards taking on crowds of tourists. This is due to its many dining spaces and attached “Hidden Treasure Gift Shop.”
Do not let the bright colors and small knickknacks deter you. The food is actually excellent! They have a variety of their own special creations, and favorites such as the
fish sandwich and fish n’ chips. I chose to take a chance and get something I have never had before but sounded interesting. Pictured to the left is the Shrimp & Grits. The restaurant described this as a seafood version of a traditional breakfast.
The wait staff were very pleasant and attentive...
I would give this dish an overall rating of 4 out of 5 stars simply because of the price of the meal. You might think that
Pictured above is the Shrimp & Grits dish that the author of this review ate at Hidden Treasure Bar & Grill.
Delta Upsilon Dating Game Zach Fedewa Photo Editor
Delta Upsilon held their annual Dating Game this past Wednesday, Feb. 22. If you did not get a chance to go out and see it, the dating game event is exactly like the TV show back in the 80s called the Dating Game. Essentially what happens is one of the two hosts asks the audience for a volunteer, either male or female. Once the volunteer is chosen, they are sent backstage and made to wait, as the hosts go around the room looking for more volunteers. Once they are done, the rest of the chosen volunteers are hidden from the main one. The main one then gets to ask a series of questions to each of the other volunteers and decides which one they would like to take on a date. The most interesting thing about this event was that it was not PG. People coming up on stage had the opportunity to say whatever they liked. That’s what kept the show going. Delta Upsilon held six fun date rounds and one real date round. In the end, Delta Upsilon was able to make a good amount of money for their philanthropy, Global Service Initiative. They hope everyone who came out had a blast and are hoping to see everyone come back next year!
Keenan Thungtrakul/ The Avion Newspaper
something that simple would cost maybe $12 or $14, but they decided to charge a whopping $18! Although the dish was very flavorful, I feel like it lacked some texture elements. Those fried triangles are actually just solid bricks of grits. When you slice into the grits, they start to soak up the sauce, and paired with the shrimp creates a fork full of something beautiful.
Unfortunately, the shrimp and sauce are gone before you can even delve into the second block wedge of grits. The wait staff were very pleasant and were attentive to refilling drinks and offering daily specials. If you are willing to pay a steep price for a quality waterfront seafood restaurant, then Hidden Treasure Tiki Bar & Grill will not disappoint!
Hampton’s Restaurant Review
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Keenan Thungtrakul/ The Avion Newspaper
Hidden Treasure
If you are looking for a home style diner where the waitress knows most of her customers by name, then this is the goto breakfast location. Overall, I would rate this restaurant a 3 out of 5 simply for the looks of the outside of the restaurant. It is in a pretty sketchy part of Mason Avenue. Fortunately, once I stepped foot inside, it felt somewhat homey, and I was greeted with a warm smile and some hot coffee. Within a matter of minutes of ordering, I was served biscuits and gravy as well as a fantastic omelet. I was very impressed with the coffee they served as it was hot and did not taste bitter. The omelet was very cheesy, and I could tell that all of their omlets would be excellent, not just the western omelet that I tried. Unfortunately, their potatoes were slightly cold and a little salty. This is part of the reason why I am only giving 3 out of 5 stars. I knew this was real home cooking when I could overhear one of the
cooks say they had run out of buttermilk and the next thing I knew, one of the waitresses ran off to the store to pick up more. The waitress that was taking care of me was extremely pleasant, and we had a good conversation
while I enjoyed my meal. The cost of the whole meal was very reasonable. As pictured below, I received a western omelet, potatoes, a biscuit and gravy and coffee for $11. I would definitely eat back here again.
Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Pictured above is the breakfast that the author ate at Hampton’s Resaurant. The breakfast consisted of a western omlet, potaties and a biscuit and gravy.
Comics and Games Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy Parker February 27, 2017 typical ChelACROSS 11 If X=Y and 39 Much-visited sea galleries 1 ChoppedY=Z, then mausoleum 44 Thing cabbage X=Z, e.g. 43 Filmmaker 46 Lesser of dish 12 Barracks Hitchcock two ___ 5 Newcomer picture of 44 Classical 49 City of to West old concert halls abomination Point 13 Hidden 45 Droid kin 51 Where you 10 Continuity stockpile 46 Showy, may find an problems 21 “A Tale of flashy old board? 14 Vacuum ___ Cities” success 57 Unreliable cleaner part 22 Much of Asia 47 Singer’s witness 15 Like a 25 Like a neat asset 58 Muse of beaver, bed 48 Beyond silly poets proverbially 26 Tablet and 49 Drain59 Firstborn, 16 Freeway PC company clearing typically off-ramp 27 Paddy reptile? 60 Unflattering 17 Brother of product 50 Eight things, marks of Cain 28 Purposely collectively adolescence 18 “___ Manskip over 52 About 500 61 “American sheets of agement” 29 Heavy weight Idol” singer paper (Sandler film) 31 Frilly and Clay 53 Great Lake 19 Pinta delicately 62 “___ Chrisname companion patterned tie” 54 Prefix with 20 Working out 32 Six-toed bird 63 Prepared to “diction” and watch33 Common golf (with 55 Ruler’s ing what one answer to “up”) product eats “How are 64 Is introduced 56 Historic time 23 Preyou?” to periods adolescent 34 Campus mil. 65 Brenda, 24 Grunt of training Tommy and skepticism 35 Busy at a Bruce 25 Strand on an task DOWN island 37 Certain 1 Onetime 28 Name that’s caregiver ruler of Iran uplifting to 38 Nitro’s relative 2 Ear part many? 3 Not even 30 Sulfuric, for PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER close to the one pier 31 Certain 4 Wealthy citrus 5 Female 33 Opposite pheasant of to 6 Weapon to 36 Removal tilt with of harmful 7 Prod or urge substances 8 Unflattering 40 Poet’s word with “before” “has” 41 In its entirety, 9 Does as a film 2/26 something 42 Prefix of incorrectly negativity © 2017 Andrews McMeel Syndication www.upuzzles.com 10 Brainiac 43 Like stereo-
“The World’s Most Expensive Fireworks Display”
CON GAME By Timothy E. Parker
“RIP, Gary.”