Avion Issue 10 Spring 2018

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Issue 10 | Volume 149 | April 10th A: Campus Life B: Industry and Technology C: Sports and Motorsports D: Entertainment

theavion.com (386) 226-6049

These Colors Do Run

“ The run was started to

raise money for a past women’s soccer player, Kate Waidmann, to help her with her medical bills to fight appendix cancer.

Samantha Stirmel Business Manager

The Color Me Kate 5K reached its 5th year in April of 2018. The run has happened every year, and more people from both the Embry-Riddle community and Daytona Beach community keep coming out each year. The run was started to raise money for a past women’s soccer player, Kate Waidmann, to help her with her medical bills to fight appendix cancer. The Color Me Kate 5K reached its 5th year in April of 2018. The run has happened every year, and more people from both the Embry-Riddle community and Daytona Beach community keep coming out each year. The run was started to raise money for a past women's soccer player, Kate Waidmann, to help her with her medical bills to fight appendix cancer. The first year that the race took place, about 14 thousand dollars to help Waidmann pay for her medical bills. Sadly, Waidmann passed away in November of 2014, but the race has continued with the donations going to appendix cancer research. More specifically the donations from

the event go to Waidmann's doctor, Dr. Sugarbaker, so that he can continue his research into her cancer. Part of the donations also go into Waidmann's foundation, Souls of the Beach; there's also a scholarship in her name given out to women's soccer players on campus. Head coach for the women's soccer team, Samantha Bohon, and her team in connection with the Embry-Riddle fraternity FIJI, host this event yearly and participate in it. Bohon explained that the reason why they started this race was because Waidmann was a big part of the Embry-Riddle sports community, and when she needed help, they wanted to do what they could. When coordinating the race, they wanted to bring in more of Waidmann's loving and fun spirit, so the sports marketing director, Jenni Craig, came up with the idea to add color to the run. Everything done with the run is to honor Waidmann's spirit. Part of the women's soccer team and some other volunteers line up on the soccer field showering runners as they go past in Yellow and Blue chalk paint.

The runners start on the side of the ICI Center and run through the fence into the soccer field, run around the four corners, and come back out the fence to continue along the roads around the back of the softball fields. They continue around the ICI Center going under banners that have the ‘Color Me Kate 5K' in bright letters. Runners were given white shirts and blue sunglasses, which were promptly covered in blue and yellow. Clouds of the colors drift through the air and stain the field as over 200 runners for the 2018 race tromp on to the end. Bohon hopes to continue this annual race for as long as possible, in hopes that Appendix Cancer will finally be close to having a cure. The Color Me Kate 5K is also a 1-Mile Kids Fun Run and happens around the same time every year. If interested, runners can participate in the 6th annual race next year. ERAU Students can participate for $10, for the community they can participate in the 1-Mile for $10 and the 5K for $20. Anyone who would like to contribute but not run can donate online at: www.colormekate5k.com.

Samantha Stirmel/The Avion Newspaper

This Week’s Waves

Daytona Beach, FL




2-3 ft


3-5 ft


3-4 ft




2-3 ft






The Avion


10 2018


You Are Not Alone Executive Board

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Business Manager Photography Editor Advertising Manager

Henry Neiberlien Collin Anderson Rajan Khanna Samantha Stirmel Vipul Telang Payton Muglia

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Henry Neiberlien Nick Hernandez Mike Shekari Victoria Jordan Jaclyn Wiley Vanessa Burkett Jorja Gwaltney Andrew Bronshteyn Samantha Stirmel Sean France-Beckford Brandon Collins Brandon Collins Sarah Fairchild

Staff Contributors Reporters Keenan Thungtrakul Vanessa Burkett Mike Shekari Emily Rickel Brandon Collins Abigail Johnson

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Correspondents Juliana DiMeglio, Chris Weil, Dynamite Obinna, Lauren Drake

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editor@theavion.com managing@theavion.com news@theavion.com business@theavion.com photo@theavion.com advertising@theavion.com

Website: theavion.com

Dynamite Obinna President, NSCS Did you know that suicide is a leading cause of death among college students claiming the lives of more than 1,000 students each year? Although we have been fortunate at ERAU not to have anything like that in a very long time, we still need to draw attention to the silent struggle that some students face every day. For young people who struggle in silence with mental health, knowing that they are not alone makes a big difference – and we all can make a difference! You can be a friend to someone who is struggling, but you may never know if you do nothing. A simple conversation can be critical to supporting struggling students and help end the silence around mental health and suicide at ERAU. On Thursday, April 5, the National Society of College Scholars held an event titled, “You Are Not Alone” to help speed mental health awareness and to create the space to talk about mental health issues at Embry-Riddle. Various departments came out to support the cause including the Counseling Center, Health Services, the Dean of Students Office, Veteran

and three-quarters occur by age 24. However, young adults ages 18 to 25 are the least likely to receive mental health services. Mental health issues impact students’ ability to succeed: • One-third of college students report having felt so depressed that they had trouble functioning. • Mental health issues in the college student population – such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders – are associated with a lower GPA and a higher probability of dropping out of college. • 86% of college students felt overwhelmed by their workload in the past year Mental health issues can be deadly but are treatable: • Suicide is a leading cause of death among college students claiming the lives of more than 1,000 students each year.

• More than half of college students have had suicidal thoughts, and 1 in 10 students seriously consider attempting suicide. • 56% of college students tell a friend that they are feeling suicidal, 35% tell significant other, and 19% tell a roommate. • 63% of students with suicidal thoughts in the past year have received treatment, 49% sought help from a counseling center, and 32% sought help from a provider in their local community. The purpose of this event was to change the culture and remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issue, and the Society hopes that it helped create an environment that empowers students to speak openly about mental health to educate others and encourage those that need help to seek it.

Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper

Dozens of Student Researchers to Present at Discovery Day Emily Rickel Staff Reporter

The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.

Affairs, Student Veterans Organization, and Disability Services. There were also various activities for participants including Bubble Soccer, Corn Hole, Can Jam, Portable Disc Golf, Titan Pong, and Giant Bowling. Why is it important to promote mental health awareness? Mental health is a leading barrier to academic success among young people. Untreated mental illness in the college student population — including depression, anxiety, and eating disorders — is associated with a lower GPA and a higher probability of dropping out of school. Treatment is effective and available, yet mental health does not get discussed often enough. As a result, too many students are suffering in silence. Need more reasons? The numbers speak for themselves: Mental health issues are prevalent among college students: • About 39% of students have an apparent mental health problem. • 36% of students report having at least one mental health diagnosis. • Most often, 23% of students experience depression and 25% experience anxiety. • Half of the mental illness cases begin by age 14,

On April 10, dozens of student researchers will flood into the Henderson Welcome Center to present their research at the 6th Annual Discovery Day. The Office of Undergraduate Research hosts the event, and it will feature 57 undergraduate poster presentations, 13 faculty and graduate student presentations, and eight undergraduate oral presentations. "Discovery Day is a celebration of students' research and scholarly pursuits over the course of the past academic year," explained Wes Lewis, Associate Director of Undergraduate Research. "We encourage undergrad-

uate and graduate students to show off their great work to the campus community. Additionally, we encourage all members of the campus community to stop by to see all the wonderful research occurring on campus and to support students in their endeavors." Aside from sharing their research results with the ERAU community, there are many ways in which students can benefit from presenting at Discovery Day. "Discovery Day helps students learn how to communicate their research to a wide audience and gives them a taste of what a professional conference might look like," Lewis mentioned. Students can also use Discovery Day

as a way to learn more about other disciplines and to organize future research collaborations with other students. While all submissions have been accepted for Discovery Day 2018, students can still participate as audience members to support over 150 student authors during the poster and oral presentations. The following is a schedule of events for Discovery Day on April 10 in the Henderson Welcome Center: • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.: Graduate and Faculty Poster Presentations • 1:00 - 1:45 p.m.: Undergraduate Oral Presentations • 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.: Undergraduate Poster Presentations

• 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.: President's Reception By attending Discovery Day as an audience member, students can generate ideas for their research project as they gain a better understanding of the quality of research expected for a student conference. Additionally, students who attend can vote for the People's Choice Award for the best poster. Poster viewing and voting will begin at 12 p.m. and students who vote will be eligible to win door prizes. For students interested in participating in next year's Discovery Day, submissions for Discovery Day 2019 are currently open. For more information, visit https://commons.erau. edu/discovery-day/.



10 2018




The Avion

Pinwheel Project: Sexual Assault Awareness Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter It was a beautiful day on Tuesday, April 3. Students walking between classes happened upon a colorful mosaic of pinwheels spinning in the breeze. The pinwheels were arranged in the shape of a ribbon, symbolizing awareness. Well, April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. That is why the pinwheels are out there. Sexual assault is a hard topic to talk about, but the issue will not go away. According to national statistics supplied by the ERAU Counseling Center, 1 in 5 women (20%) and 1 in 16 men (6.25%) are victims of sexual assault. Translated to the Embry-Riddle Daytona campus, those statistics put roughly 282 women and 307 men as potential victims. While this representation is not necessarily accurate, the figures are still higher than what is perceived. The statistics for transgender people are even worse: 50% are believed to be victims. Members of the Counseling Center set up the pinwheel exhibition out on the Connolly Quad and hoped to raise awareness about sexual assault and invite students to stand with survivors by writing messages of encouragement on whiteboards and having their photos taken to be shared on official social media with the students' consent. They wanted to ensure that people know that this is everyone's issue, and everyone has a part to play in mitigating it. ERAU students Nick Van Riper and Zachary Briggs wrote that they

stand with survivors because "nobody should be alone." Another, Bailey Porter, wrote that she had family members who were survivors. She knows full well the meaning of this exhibit. Joel Tostado and his girlfriend Skylynn Bree Roxo said that standing with sexual assault survivors is the right thing to do. Everyone deserves someone who cares about them and values them. Peppino, the Counseling Center's in-house service dog, also came out to greet students as they went between classes. Students even had a chance to meet with a representative from the Office of Title IX Compliance and the Volusia Rape Crisis Center. Title IX is a specific federal regulation that prohibits sex and gender discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Should anyone fall victim to a crime that is related to Title IX, know that there are resources available for you to make sure the perpetrator receives justice and that you have access to emotional and medical support when needed. The Volusia Rape Crisis Center provides a 24/7 hotline for victims to report their cases and to seek counsel and begin making their case heard before law enforcement. As stated in their official brochure, "for victims to become survivors, they need empathy, understanding, and a listening ear." Coming off of this is the history of the #MeToo movement that trended on Twitter in 2017 when Harvey Weinstein's sexual assault case came to light. The movement did not start with Weinstein; rather, it

Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Bailey Porter, an aerospace engineering freshman, shows her support for sexual assault survivors.

began 11 years ago when activist Tarana Burke heard the story of a little girl whose mother's boyfriend had abused her. That story led her to ignite the "Me Too" to create a network of people, for men and women alike, who could empathize with survivors. It is essential for one's friends and family members to know the sign of a potential case before it is too late. Common signs that an assault may have taken place are persistent feelings of helplessness, denial of claims or statements, self-blame or abrupt mood changes. The best way to sense these signs are by careful observation. Have you noticed someone acting differently among your group of friends? Has it been a persistent observation? If so, consider talking to the person to see what the problem is; other-

wise, that person may have no one else to turn to for support. Having friends who care for you during the times of good and bad is critical to help anyone who is making the transition from victim to survivor. Embry-Riddle previously hosted "Take Back the Night," an open-space forum for students to share their stories of sexual assault in an environment that is safe and secure from gossip or any other negative speech. Last fall, the Counseling Center was able to put out several hundred flags in its annual Field of Hope exhibit and add more flags as students wrote new messages to encourage and inspire survivors that they are not alone. The Pinwheel Project is based on this idea, as is the "You Are Not Alone" mental health awareness event that took place Thursday.

Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Zachary Briggs and Nick van Riper, both ERAU students, share why they stand with survivors of sexual assault during the Pinwheel Project, held on Connolly Quad on April 3, 2018.




The Avion


10 2018



Rob Consolo: SGA Vice President

Chad Stearns: SGA President

Lauren Hanbidge: Treasurer

Student Life


10 2018




The Avion

Phi Beta Lambda Wins at State, Heads To Nationals Lauren Drake PBL District II VP Four members of ERAU's Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) chapter attended the Florida PBL State Leadership Conference (SLC) in Orlando on March 22-24. PBL is the college component of Future Business Leaders of America, as well as a nationally recognized honor society dedicated to developing leadership, communication and team building skills applicable to business experience, personal growth and community activities. PBL is a nationally recognized organization that continues into a professional division that provides scholarships and awards to students who attend Conferences. The four students, Lauren Drake, Nicholas Hernandez, Henry Neiberlien, and Justin Flemons, were accompanied by their chapter advisor, Professor Raymond Sanders. Justin Flemons, an MBA candidate, presided over SLC events as the outgoing 2017-18 State President. As Presi-

dent, Justin focused on growing state membership and developing career growth initiatives. Justin was inducted into the "Who's Who of Florida PBL" for service in the organization. Justin also held a workshop for the Florida SLC and recently presented it to the North Carolina SLC. The PBL members celebrated fantastic success in their competitions. The three competing members brought home a total of seven awards between them. Lauren Drake, an Engineering Physics sophomore, placed 5th in Personal Finance, 3rd in Retail Management, and 3rd in Programming Concepts. Nicholas Hernandez, an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Science junior, placed 4th in Justice Administration. Henry Neiberlien, a Spaceflight Operations senior, placed 5th in Marketing Concepts, 5th in Management Concepts, and 2nd in Impromptu Speaking. The group earned the opportunity to compete at the PBL National Leadership Conference this June in Baltimore, Maryland.

Nick Hernandez/The Avion Newspaper Newly inducted state officers 2018 PBL State Leadership Conference

Raymond Sanders/ Phi Beta Lambda Advisor From left to right: Henry Neiberlien, Lauren Drake, Nicholas Hernandez, all placed at the State Leadership conference and are headed to Nationals over the summer.

While we are a business honor society, you do not need to be a business major to join the organization. All you need is to have a business mentality and a willingness to keep an open mind. In addition to earning competitive awards, Embry-Riddle's PBL chapter boasts two state officers for the upcoming 2018-19 year. Lauren Drake was elected the Florida State Vice-President for District II, and Nicholas Hernandez was elected the Florida State Secretary. Lauren commented, "I am very proud of Embry-Riddle's PBL group. Even though we are a small chapter, and a young club on campus, the academic variety and performance quality of our members is promising. I hope our success at State Conference encourages more students to consider joining Phi Beta Lambda." The thing that makes these wins so important, is Embry-Riddle’s Phi Beta Lambda was only reinstated in 2015. Currently the chapter only has a fraction

of what it started out with. Embry-Riddle was the smallest chapter to attend the State Leadership Conference, but we are now the chapter with the most State Officers. We as an organization wanted to show not only the university, but also the national organization that we as a small group can complete large tasks. This is our second year going to nationals, and we know it will not be our last. Wile only three students from the organization went to the State Leadership Conference, all members who join are eligible to attend the next State leadership conference. We invite all student to come to our meetings and see what we do first hand. Maybe you could be the next Embry-Riddle student wearing a medal, or holding a plaque heading to nationals. You never know until you try. The State Officers will be heading to training at a Nationals preparation seminar in St. Petersburg that will not only give Embry-Riddle its name in this organization, but prove that its students are here to make a difference.



The Avion


Space Coast Warbird Airshow 2018 10 2018


History Takes Flight at TIX Henry Neiberlien/ Samantha Stirmel Editor in Chief/ Business Manager This past weekend the Space Coast Regional Airport held their annual Space Coast Warbird airshow. Unlike some of the other airshows in Florida, this airshow is dedicated to combat aircraft new and old. Relics for the second world war like the P-51 Mustang and replica A6M Zeros, through Vietnam veterans like F-4 Phantom and UH-1 Huey, all the way to modern day warriors like the HH-60 Pave hawk and F-16 Viper were on display. Among the rows and rows of American weapons of aerial warfare were a few unique aircraft and the even more astounding men that flew them such as retired Royal Air Force pilot Malcolm Brand. Malcolm Brand was in attendance at the airshow with the Canberra TT18, representing the Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum. Brand was very proud of the plane and had flown it himself during his time in the British Royal Airforce. He started in the Royal Airforce in 1962 and flew a number of planes including the Chipmunk, Bulldog, and Nimrod; all of his flight time totaled over 9,600 hours. Brand has over 33 years of flight experience and works for both the Warbird Museum and the Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia. He seemed very excited to talk about his flight experience throughout the years and the planes he has been in; so much so that he has an entire binder filled with just pictures of every single aircraft he has flown throughout the years. When asked about his most memorable flight during his years of experience, he responded, “When I crashed!” He went on to explain that he was on board the Nim-

rod when they were flying to a destination and engine three blew up. They lost control over an already shaky plane as it was, and as the fire spread, they decided to dump it in the water at a speed of 140 knots. He also explained that the mechanics on the base had nicknamed the plane ‘The Beast’ because of how vast and complicated it was to control. So memorable was this experience that Brand even remembered the tail number, XW666. Thankfully, Brand said that when they ditched the plane in the water there was a nearby boat and by the time they settled to rest, helicopters were already above them for rescue. Another rare plane from the Vietnam era was in attendance at the Warbird Airshow: the DHC-4A Caribou. The Caribou at the airshow is one of two Caribous across the world that still has flying capabilities. This particular one being the only one in the northern hemisphere. When talking to the chief mechanic of the plane, he explained that there were over 40 bullet holes in the plane from Vietnam, with about half of them being internal and very hard to see. The 21 holes on the outside were each patched up and covered with an American flag. The plane was built in 1962 and has resided for the last couple years in the Cavanaugh Flight Museum in Addison, Texas. The Caribou can have a full crew of professional skydivers in the back jumping out of the rear door during flight, or even two jeeps. During the airshow, flights were allowed on this unusual looking aircraft that is one of a kind. According to the crew chief of the plane, after the Warbird Airshow, the plane will be going to another show in Georgia, then Alabama, and then back home to its museum. The Caribou along with many other air-

Payton Muglia/The Avion Newspaper

A beautifully restored Lockheed T-33 flown by Doug Mathews buzzes the crowd during a photo pass.

craft such as T-6 Texans, Boeing-Stearman PT-17s, and even the B-17 Flying Fortress from the movie Memphis Belle, were giving rides to attendees all day ride. As these beautiful aircraft continued giving rides the real show began. Initially, the show included impressive displays from Waco, and Eagle biplanes defying gravity during impressive aerobatic maneuvers. Then the Walkabout Tiger aerobatic display pushed their Yakovlev Yak-55 stunt planes to the absolute limit during their routine where they jumped through hoops. The real highlight of the show came shortly after a WW1 dogfight demonstration and WWII warbird parade. The highlight of the show was the Commemorative Air Force’s Tora! Tora! Tora! This demonstration recreates

the havoc of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The replica Zeros, Kate, and Val aircraft “attacked” show center with an endless volley of explosions and strafing runs. This display captured how scary it was during the surprise attack, as the planes seemed endless, and so did the attack. After the demonstration which set the stage on fire (the grass fields in this case), the aircraft flew by in a somber memorial to those who gave their lives desperately trying to defend our nation from a war they did not know they were participating in at the time. The Warbird airshow at Space Coast regional airport was an impressive display of living history, an actual playground for any history buff or aviation enthusiast.

Henry Neiberlien/The Avion Newspaper

A United States Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentry from Miami Coast Guard Air Station on static display.


10 2018


Space Coast Warbird AirShow 2018



The Avion

Payton Muglia/The Avion Newspaper “Red Baron and Snoopy� perform a mock dogfight like those seen in the Great War.

Samantha Stirmel/The Avion Newspaper The Tiger Airshow Yakolev YAK-55s piloted by Mark Sorensen and Mark Nowosielski perform an inverted mirror.

Samantha Stirmel/The Avion Newspaper Gene McNeely, former member of the Aeroshell Demo team, performs in his T-6 Texan during his solo act.

Samantha Stirmel/The Avion Newspaper A DHC-4A Caribou demonstrates a combat approach and landing at the Space Coast Warbird AirShow.

Payton Muglia/The Avion Newspaper A member of the Air Sports Parachute Team floats down after jumping out of the Caribou down to show center.

Payton Muglia/The Avion Newspaper A Lamborghini Gallardo driven by a member of Precision Exotic Racing cruises past the crowd on the taxiway after lining up to race the MiG-17 piloted by Randy Ball.


Zach Capra

Age: 25 Bachelor’s of Science in Aeronautics

“Fair Winds and Following Seas”

Samantha Stirmel/The Avion Newspaper




The Avion

Airshow Center Sun’n Fun Fly-In

Michael Weinhoffer Staff Reporter

• In 1974, SUN ‘n FUN was created by a small group of dedicated aviation enthusiasts. The annual event, held in April, has grown into the second-largest event of its kind in the world and is Florida’s largest annual convention.

On April 1, at approximately 8:16 p.m. EST, a Chinese space laboratory named Tiangong-1 safely re-entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up over the South Pacific. The mainstream media widely covered the event, and The Aerospace Corporation, the European Space Agency, the Chinese Manned Space Agency, and the U.S. Air Force Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) all provided re-entry forecasts. Despite uncertainty about where the spacecraft would re-enter over, no debris is known to have reached the ground, and the Chinese space program continues to steam forward. The Tiangong-1 spacecraft was launched in September 2011 and served as an early prototype of the core module of the future Chinese space station. The laboratory received supplied by an unmanned mission in 2011 and two manned missions in 2012 and 2013. The spacecraft was shut down after the last manned mission and ceased functioning in March 2016. Two more prototype spacecraft were sent up in 2016 and 2017. In 2019, the first module of the full space station will be launched by the nation's new heavy-lift rocket, the Long March 5. The space station project is the most ambitious project yet of the Chinese program and further cements the nation as a significant spacefaring power. The Chinese Manned Space Agency first informed the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs in May 2017 about the re-entry of the Tiangong-1. In that note, the spacecraft was predicted to reenter between October of 2017 and April 2018. As the reentry day approached in late March, there was a deluge of press coverage stating that the spacecraft was "out of control" and "going to crash into Earth." Although it was classified as an uncontrolled reentry because there was no active attitude control, multiple agencies and corporations around the world were carefully tracking it up to its demise. It is the nature of atmospheric re-entries that they have an exact time and location of re-entry, which can only be determined a few hours before

Vero Beach Air Show Vero Beach, FL April 21 - 22, 2018

• The Vero Beach Air Show will feature the Screaming Sasquatch Jet Waco, Rob Holland, Bill Stein, the GEICO Skytypers, the Prowlers of the Pacific and US Navy the Blue Angels. Also performing are the F-16 Viper Demo Team, and the McCart Jet Motorsports Homewrecker rig. _________

Fort Lauderdale Air Show Fort Lauderdale, FL May 05 - 06, 2018

• The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds will head-

line the 2018 Ford Lauderdale Air Show on May 5-6, 2018 that will feature some of the nation’s most popular military jet demonstrations, parachute teams, civilian aerobatic acts and formation flight teams. Many more performers will be announced in the coming weeks. _________

MacDill AB Tampa Bay AirFest Tampa, FL May 12 - 13, 2018

• MacDill AFB once again rolls out the red

carpet for our friends and neighbors through a showcase of extreme aviation capabilities. The headlining U.S. Navy Blue Angels are joined this year by the F-22 Demo team and the A-10 Demo Team (flying air shows for the first time in 7 years). _________

Miami Beach Air & Sea Show South Beach Miami, FL May 26 - 27, 2018

• The Air & Sea Show will feature military

demonstrations and musical talent, all culminating with a special night-pyro parachute demonstration by the U.S. Army Golden Knights Parachute Team. Additional performers include a USAF F-16 Viper Demo and the USAF F-35 Heritage Flight team.

10 2018


Opinion: Chinese Space Station Safely Deorbits

Lakeland, FL April 10 - 15, 2018



the event occurs. Because of Tiangong-1's orbit, the re-entry location was put somewhere between the latitudes of 43° North and 43° South. This area covers the vast majority of the world's population, but the location became more and more accurate as the reentry date approached. They then confirmed that the spacecraft would re-enter over the Easter weekend, with all of the agencies eventually settling on the morning of April 2, Beijing time. None of the predictions was spot on, but the time was correct within a half-hour or so, and the predicted location was accurate enough to determine that the spacecraft would burn up over the ocean, which luckily covers 71% of Earth's surface. It is also worth noting that the roughly nine-ton Tiangong-1 barely cracks the list of the top 50 largest spacecraft to re-enter Earth's atmosphere. The US Skylab space station weighed approximately 85 tons and safely re-entered over Western Australia in 1979. The Russian Mir station weighed 143 tons and burned up in the South Pacific in 2001. The last significant spacecraft to re-enter the atmosphere was the joint Russian-Chinese Fobos-Grunt Mars probe that burned up in 2012 at two and a half tons. China

received a lot of the blame for doing an uncontrolled re-entry, but they followed all of the protocols for a re-entry event and had very accurate predictions. Besides, an uncontrolled re-entry is exponentially better for the future of space exploration than having the spacecraft remain in orbit for decades as another piece of junk. The re-entry was in the space industry's interest and did not put much risk at all on the public, given the extremely low probability of getting struck by a piece of debris. Congress currently forbids NASA from working with the Chinese National Space Administration, and the negative press China received for this event will unfortunately not ease any tensions. Like it or not, China has a capable space agency that is actively working on both a space station and manned missions to the Moon. They have also been sending a steady stream of astronauts (called taikonauts in China) from Chinese soil into space since 2003. The successful reentry of Tiangong-1 proved that China could be trusted in outer space, despite past incidents. Maybe it is time to put differences aside and thaw relations between NASA and the CNSA, so more nations can work together, not against each other, in reaching for the stars.

Photo Courtesy: Chinese National Space Administration The Chinese space station Tiangong-1, the first launched in 2011, reentered over the Pacific Ocean on April 1.

Virgin’s Return to Flight This Week in Aviation History April 11, 1952

The Piasecki H/CH-21 Shawnee tandem-rotor helicopter makes its first flight.

April 12, 1971

The US Air Force’s first Aerospace Rescue Squadron evacuate Charles Lindbergh and a group of scientists from Mindanao Island, Philippines, after their helicopter had crashed.

April 13, 1940

The Royal Air Force begins deploying sea mines around Germany’s coastal waters. The United Kingdom entered into WWII following the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany.

April 14, 1906

In Dayton, Ohio, the Wrights send letters to the German, Italian, Japanese and Russian ministers of war offering to sell their airplane.

Rajan Khanna News Editor On Thursday, April 5, Virgin Galactic returned to flight after three years on the ground. The VSS Unity brought Richard Branson's company back to the skies with the carrier aircraft, WhiteKnightTwo. The spacecraft was released from WhiteKnightTwo at 46,500 ft. over the Sierra Nevada Mountains and began its ascent. The flight marked VSS Unity's first flight utilizing the onboard rocket motor. The motor ignited, and the spacecraft ascended to a parabolic path with the apogee reaching 84,271 ft. It reached a speed of Mach 1.87 during the 30-second ascent burn. On its descent, the spacecraft entered the ‘feathered' configuration, which puts the tail of the spacecraft into a 60-degree angle relative to the fuselage. The configuration assists in aero-braking and stability through the decent stage of the flight. The

descent phase is where the VSS Enterprise fell apart. Enterprise had a malfunction with the locking pin that kept the tail locked to the fuselage so it could not pivot. The pin failed and caused it to release early and resulted in catastrophic failure, killing one pilot and injuring the other. Fortunately, this stage went smoothly in the recent flight. The feathering system underwent a redesign, and Virgin Galactic included a "control inhibit" which prevents a premature release and deployment of the tail. "Our new control inhibitor for the feather was installed and active, as it has been on previous flight tests. It is designed to prevent applying the feather system early. As planned, during today's flight, the vehicle was not in conditions to need the inhibitor," Virgin Galactic Chief Executive Officer George Whitesides wrote in an email to Space.com. Overall, this test met all goals, and the company is moving forward in their flight-test program. Whitesides said

they expect commercial passenger service to begin before the end of 2018. Virgin Galactic is a commercial spaceflight company developing human-rated commercial spacecraft. Their goal is to provide suborbital flights to civilians or space tourists. They also look to provide a means to launch suborbital science experiments which require microgravity. Eventually, they would like to offer commercial orbital spaceflights. They exclusively use the Scaled Composites Model 339 SpaceShipTwo spacecraft for suborbital space flights and the Scaled Composites Model 348 White Knight Two as the carrier aircraft. The company has overcome many obstacles since its founding in 2004 but has not given up their goals. They currently have two spacecraft under construction for use in addition to VSS Unity. Pending the speed of the progress made from this point forward, Virgin Galactic should carry passengers on schedule.



10 2018


Star Gazing on Campus

Mike Shekari Staff Reporter

On one of the first days of class in PS 224, Introduction to Astronomy, Professor Terry Oswalt poses an interesting question. “Do you think the average person 2000 years ago knew more about what was going on in the night sky than the average person does today?” For many, if not most, the answer would be yes. Today’s society perhaps possesses more knowledge of how the cosmos work because of an understanding of physics and modern equipment. However, an individual today probably knows far less because we pay less attention to what is going on in the stars at night. People of the ancient past paid far more attention to the night sky because it had a central role in people’s lives, everything from being able to tell time to religious prophecy. The Greeks and Romans even thought that patterns in the stars represented their gods. These thoughts made ancient people track things that we often no longer pay attention to today, such as lunar phases and orbits of other planets in our solar system. In a world where usually focus our eyes

on what is directly ahead of us, it is easy to forget about the beauty that lies above in the night sky. PS 224, particularly its accompanying lab, gives students an opportunity to gaze into the night sky and see things they might otherwise never notice, such as the cratered surface of the Moon or the dust cloud in the Orion Nebula. The course also helps students understand how the universe functions without diving too deeply into the mathematical realm of physics. However, the lab is also exciting for those who have an interest in photography and understand the basics of how cameras work because many of the same concepts are also used with astronomy instruments that measure light both on and off the visible wavelength scale. Light filters on the telescopes, such as the image of the Moon using a red light filter accompanying this article, also allow us to see details that might be difficult to distinguish with the naked eye or a non-filtered telescope lens. PS 224 is a class that could be enjoyed by students who do not have strict requirements on what they must take for their physical sciences general education in their degree program or students who have an extra elective space to fill outside of their major.

Microsoft is making a movement that feels a bit like violation of privacy. According to an article in “The Register”, Microsoft is advising customers to refrain from using curse words on their platforms. If a customer is found using offensive language in an Outlook email, Office 365 Word document, or Xbox Live, it is “a potentially account-closing offense” according to its new terms of use. Microsoft plans to instate the new terms of agreement on May 1, 2018, and it tells users: “Do not publicly display or use the Services to share inappropriate content or material (involving, for example, nudity… offensive language, graphic violence or criminal activity.” Violation of

this can lead to consequences; from stopping provided service to punishments as harsh as canceling your ability to use any of their applications. There have been many questions in the regard of previous documents or if Microsoft is listening in during voice chat sessions. How is this not considered a privacy violation? Rest at ease, Microsoft is not making any attempt at violating other people’s documents or going into Skype calls without permission. An explanation of how the process works is located in the terms of use. It becomes a problem if someone reports cursing or harassment from another Microsoft user. For example, the cyberbullying on Xbox Live has resulted in multiple reports of bullying. Cyberbullying equals upset parents, and angry par-

Photo credit: Rocket Lab The first Electron rocket was launched May 25th, 2017 in New Zealand.

The incredible phenomenon of commercial space travel is about to be revolutionized with a new up and coming design by the company Rocket Lab. Rocket Lab is a new rocketry and space research company that is thinking outside of the box to change the way we think about the ordinary rocket, such as the Saturn V or the Atlas V. Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck has taken the technology of the modern decade and integrated it into the design of his “Electron Rocket.” The most incredible part of the Electron Rocket is how fast it can be manufactured. Nine Rutherford electric propellant engines power this small rocket that stands only 17 meters tall. The engines are produced by a 3D printer individually in just 24-hours. It is the first engine to have most of its primary parts 3D printed. In its kick stage at the top of the rocket, the Electron Rocket also has a smaller Curie Engine that is also 3D printed. Another exciting part of the Electron

Launch Control Center April 12 @ TBD Satish Dhawan Space Center Sriharikota, India

AFSPC 11 - Atlas 5

April 14/15 @ 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Cap Canaveral Air Force Station, FL SLC-41

TESS - Falcon 9

April 16 @ 6:32 p.m. - 6:33 p.m. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL SLC-40

Mike Shekari/The Avion Newspaper Image of the moon captured in PS 204 Lab.

ents mean bad business for Microsoft. Add the ethical and understandable concern on this matter and it is no surprise they felt it necessary to act. If another user calls to report a user cursing at them and harassing them during gameplay, the new terms of use agreement allows Microsoft to go through the files about the report and do what they deem necessary. So technically, they can go through your files, but only if another person reports you for it. Microsoft is taking a gamble in losing customers once they follow through with banning offending users. However, if this works, it will also allow for not only helping players feel more confident and protected but also secure Microsoft for being a platform that is friendly for every generation.

New Zealand: Rocket Lab and the Future of Space Travel Abigail Johnson Senior Reporter


The Avion


The Cyber Sheriff Is In! Vanessa Burkett Correspondent


Rocket design is how these 3D engines are powered. Rocket Lab has implemented a system of pumps that are run by a particular kind of power source. DC motors connected to batteries power the pumps that provide enough thrust for the rocket to take off and reach Low Earth Orbit. With the light carbon composite layered materials, 3D printed engines, and DC motors, this rocket can lift off the launch pad with only 162 to 192 kiloNewtons of thrust. Beck’s fantastic achievement in the aerospace industry is going to change the way we launch vehicles from Earth into space. However, Rocket Lab is still in “testing mode,” meaning it hasn’t had an official mission quite yet. While it has had successful test flights as well as failures, Rocket Lab’s future looks very promising. This year, they plan on launching six low earth orbit missions for customers ranging from small satellite companies to NASA. Rocket Lab has gotten the attention of the entire world, and the future looks promising for the young company which has enormous goals.

ISS Sightings Tuesday - April 10

8:39 p.m. - The ISS will be visibile for three minutes, appear from the North, reaching amaximum height of 13 degrees, and will disapear in a NE direction.

Wednesday - April 11

9:23 p.m. - The ISS will be visibile for two minutes, appear from the NW, reaching a maximum height of 48 degrees, and will disapear in a NNW direction.

Thursday - April 12

8:30 p.m. - The ISS will be visibile for five minutes, appear from the West, reaching a maximum height of 10 degrees, and will disapear in a East direction. 10:07 p.m.- The ISS will be visibile for less than one minute, appear from the West, reaching a maximum height of 10 degrees, and will disapear in a West direction.

Friday - April 13

9:15 p.m - The ISS will be visibile for less than one minute, appear from the west, reaching a maximum height of 10 degrees, and will disapear in a West direction.

Saturday - April 14

8:23 p.m. - The ISS will be visibile for 35 minutes, appear from the NW, reaching a maximum height of 29 degrees, and will disapear in a SE direction.

This Week in Space History April 10, 1992 A Delta II launches a GPS satellite. April 11, 1972 Saturn V launches the manned Apollo 13 mission to the moon. April 12, 1981 Space Shuttle Columbia launches on the Space Shuttle program’s maiden flight, STS-1. April 15, 1984 A Soyuz-U launches the Progress 20 spacecraft to resupply Salyut 7. April 18, 2008 A Airane 5ECA launches Star One C-2, and Vinasat-1, Vietnam’s first satellite.


Major Stephen Del Bagno Age: 34

Master’s of Business Administration in Aviation Management student Embry-Riddle Worldwide

“Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, --and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of --Wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air... Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark or even eagle flew -And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.” -John Gillespie Magee Jr

Samantha Stirmel/The Avion Newspaper




The Avion

10 2018


ERAU Baseball Fails to Hit it Off

Tuesday, April 10 Wednesday, April 11 Thursday, April 12 Friday, April 13 Saturday, April 14 ERAU Softball vs. Lynn @ 3:45p.m.

Allison Smalling ERAU Athletics

Softball vs. Lynn @ 5:45p.m.

Sunday, April 15 Softball v. Lynn @ 11:45 a.m.

Monday, April 16 Athlete Spotlight

Fanny Kristiansson Fanny Kristiansson is a sophomore from Stockholm, Sweden. She’s 20 years old and majoring in Civil Engineering. She’s the goalkeeper for Embry-Riddle’s women’s soccer team. She got started in her sport when she was five years old. “I played all kinds of sports when I was young, soccer, tennis, golf, gymnastics, dancing, skiing. But when I got older, soccer was what I loved doing the most. I played for the district team in Stockholm and went up to the highest team in my club when I started high school.” When asked why she chose Embry-Riddle, Fanny responded, “My whole life I have been traveling and I always loved exploring the world. Early on, I got the dream of studying abroad. Thanks to soccer this became a reality. When Coach Bohon contacted me and I understood how amazing my team, coaches, athletic department, and ERAU from an athletic standpoint was, my dream of studying abroad changed to my dream of coming to ERAU, a dream that became true.” After graduation, Fanny wants to continue on in Civil Engineering and go for her Master’s. After her second degree, she wants to work with disaster relief to help people who need it most. “If I get the opportunity, I would love to continue playing soccer. I have always believed that the combination of sports and academics is a great combination. Soccer has taught me to work towards tough targets in an organized way. This knowledge and experience is something I use to reach my educational objectives. My academic studies has also helped me to become a more intelligent soccer player. Here on the athletic program at ERAU, we talk about the concept ‘Student-Person-Player,’ a concept I believe not only brings success to the athletic department or the individual players, but to the school as well. Considering the average gpa of a student athlete is higher than the average gpa of a student here at erau, that speaks for itself. My team had a gpa of 3.71 last semester when we were in season, something that we all are proud of. So this successful combination of sports and academics can be a successful combination with my professional career, I have no doubt.” Keep being a rockstar, Fanny!


Saktiswaran Jeyaganesh/The Avion Newspaper The Eagles could not overtake the Spartans.

The fourth-ranked Tampa Spartans scored the final 11 runs of the game on Friday night as they downed the Embry-Riddle baseball team, 15-6 to open up the weekend series at Sliwa Stadium. The Eagles (10-20, 1-12 SSC) took a 6-4 lead in the fifth before a four-run sixth for the Spartans (26-5, 15-1 SSC) gave them the lead for good and a fiverun eighth put the game away. Tampa put together a two-out rally in the first against Aidan Brady to take a 1-0 lead, but Brady kept it just a one-run game until the third as another two-out rally from the visitors pushed the lead to 3-0. ERAU was able to get to UT starter David Lebron in the bottom of the third inning, starting with a Cole Habig single and a Kyle Guttveg double to get ERAU on the board. Jake Malone came through with a single to left center to plate Guttveg and cut the deficit to 3-2 before Lebron was able to get out of the inning. Cody Bogart tied the game with his first home run of the season in the last of the fourth, a no-doubter down the left field line, but UT quickly answered in the fifth on an RBI groundout from Darren Miller to allow Drew Ehrhard to score an

unearned run for a 4-3 advantage. Guttveg started the Eagle fifth with a walk, and after Malone walked, Mark Moclair entered for Lebron, immediately giving up a single to Kyle Marsh to score Guttveg and tie the game. Moclair spiked a ball during Luis Olivier’s at-bat, allowing Malone to score all the way from second, giving ERAU the lead and Olivier followed with a double that stayed just inside the first base line, pushing ERAU’s cushion to 6-4 before Moclair struck out back-to-back Eagles and got a ground out to end the inning. The final lead change came in the top of the sixth as UT loaded the bases against Brady with two outs, getting a bases-loaded walk to push across a run before Harrison Bragg singled to right center over a leaping Marsh to score two and give Tampa the lead. An infield single brought in another Spartan run before Dominic Jeancola came in and got the final out of the inning. ERAU could get nothing going against Moclair the rest of the night, and UT put the game away with a five-run eighth, including a grand slam before adding on two more runs in the ninth for the 15-6 final. Guttveg, Olivier and Habig each finished with two hits for the Blue and Gold, while a quartet of pitchers saw action for the Eagles.

Men’s Tennis Returns to the Win Column Allison Smalling ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle men’s tennis team returned to the win column with a 6- defeat of Sunshine State Conference foe Florida Southern, Thursday at the Moccasins’ Winnie Warden Tennis Center. The 12th-ranked Eagles notched their fourth SSC win of the year, improving to 4-2 in the league and 11-5 overall. Ranked No. 45, the Mocs are now 8-8 overall and 2-4 in conference play. Juan Ortiz Couder and Lucas Bos got the scoring started for the Blue and Gold with

their 8-0 shutout of Miguel Alvarez-Hevia and Oscar Soderland at No. 2 doubles. Second-ranked Rodolfo Arreygue and Andres Donayre made it a 2-0 lead for ERAU with their 8-4 defeat of Derek Bell and Tim Becker at the top spot, but Blaine Miller and Victor Ahlbeck got a point back for the Mocs when they bested Deepak Vishavkarma and Mickael Faucher 8-6 at No. 3. No. 44 Ortiz Couder won his first set 6-1 and was up 1-0 in the second when his opponent, Alvaro Arias, retired with an injury to give the Eagles their first singles point of the day. No. 33 Donayre was next

off the court after dispatching Ahlbeck 6-0, 6-2 at No. 3 singles, and Faucher earned the clinching point with his 6-3, 6-2 win over Matt Matsuyama on court six. The Eagles also got a win at No. 5 singles where Bos topped Vossaguetter 6-2, 6-4. However, the last two points of the afternoon went to Florida Southern as Alvarez-Hevia topped Vishavkarma 6-4, 6-2 at No. 2 and Becker held off Arreygue 6-4, 6-4 on court four. The Eagles’ next match will be against top-ranked Saint Leo at 11 a.m. on Saturday at ERAU’s Crotty Tennis Complex.

FSC Causes a Racquet in Daytona Allison Smalling ERAU Athletics Sabrina Ehrenfort and Kathryn Bock earned straight set singles wins for the Embry-Riddle (6-11, 1-7) women’s tennis team, but it was 17th-ranked Florida Southern (12-6, 5-3) that won the match 6-3 at the Lady Moccasins’ Winnie Warden Tennis Center in Sunshine State Conference action on Wednesday. Florida Southern recorded the first point of the afternoon with Lorenda Rionda and Natalija Popovic’s 8-1 win over Lydia Carter and Sabrina Ehrenfort at No. 3 doubles. The Eagles’ Georgina Wood and Roberta Krvajica evened the score, defeating the Lady Mocs’ pair of Magda Stepnik and Nina Schwab on court two. At No. 1 doubles, Bock and Maria Turrillo grabbed a 7-4 advantage, but FSC’s

11th-ranked team of Sasha Ninova and Selin Devrimci staved off match point and stormed back to win five straight games to take the match 9-7 and put the home team up 2-1. Avery Hunter’s 6-0, 6-0 shutout of Carter and No. 68 Rionda’s 6-2, 6-4 win over Turrillo extended the FSC advantage to 4-1. After being edged 7-6 (5) in the first set, Krvajica handled Devrimci 6-0 in the second and had match point in the third, but once again, the Lady Mocs’ second flight singles player was able to mount a comeback and clinched the match with a 7-5 win in the final set. The Eagles’ singles points came at the fourth and fifth spots, as Ehrenfort was victorious over Stepnik (6-3, 6-3), and Bock battled Lola Asis to a 7-5, 6-4 win. Embry-Riddle is back at home on Saturday for an 11 a.m. match against 11th-ranked Saint Leo.

Samantha Stirmel/The Avion Newspaper Georgina Wood (pictured above) beat the Lady Mocs with doubles partner Roberta Krvajica.



10 2018




The Avion

ERAU Hockey Moves to Southern Collegiate Hockey Conference Korbin Martin Staff Reporter The Embry-Riddle Eagles Ice Hockey Club played exceptionally during the 20172018 season. The Eagles stormed to a 13-7-

0 record, sweeping the conference 11-0-0 on their way to winning the East Florida College Hockey Conference (EFCHC) and the coveted Sodexo Cup for the second year in a row. The Eagles turned a few heads, and now they are being rewarded for

Korbin Martin/The Avion Newspaper The Eagles had a great 2018 season, with a clean sweep of 11-0-0, and won the coveted Sodexo Cup.

their high level of play. In a big shakeup, the Eagles were accepted into the Southern Collegiate Hockey Conference (SCHC), a more prestigious conference with a higher level of play. This occurrence is the first time the Eagles will be playing in a conference besides the EFCHC, which the Eagles helped to create. The Eagles are the newest member of the SCHC and will now face Florida Gulf Coast University, University of Central Florida, University of Tampa, University of South Florida, and the University of Miami for in-conference match-ups that will be sure to excite. Florida Gulf Coast University dominated the conference in the 17-18 season going 7-1-2, but with the addition of the Eagles, it is hard to say how the standings will shake out. I got the opportunity to speak with the Eagles' Coach Bob Joyce, and he was very excited about the conference change. The SCHC offers a higher level of play against more skilled opponents, and the Eagles are sure to have a challenge this season. The Eagles have already played some teams of a similar caliber, the University of Tampa who is a member of the SCHC as well as Florida State University. The Eagles performed well in those match-ups, so expect them to be competitive in the SCHC.

One of the key strengths that led to the Eagles' success the past seasons was the ability and depth at the goalie position, which was helped by the strong Freshman class of 2017. Coach Joyce told me that he has six players who logged minutes at goalie, and they all performed well. Coach Joyce says "They are a great group and they all contributed a huge part." The average combined save percentage among the goalies during the 17-18 season was a solid 87.5%. It can be somewhat of a challenge deciding on minutes for them, but as Coach Joyce put it, "It is a great problem to have." Coach Joyce anticipates that the goalies will have to defend more shots in the SCHC; however, I believe our Eagles will continue to see success despite the stiffer competition possibly creating more shots. On the flip side of the coin, the Eagles averaged an impressive 6.1 points per game in the 17-18 season. Ryan Marks led the Eagles, scoring 2.11 points per game, and Spencer Kuhlman scoring two points per game. If the Eagles can continue to score in this fashion, while keeping to be relentless on defense, the future looks bright. The 18-19 season kicks off on Sept. 1, 2019, so make sure to come out and support our Eagles. The Eagles play home games at the Daytona Ice Arena.

Eagles’ Softball Loses 4-3 to Rollins College Luke Halgerson ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle softball team completed game two on Sunday afternoon after lighting suspended the contest the previous evening. The Eagles failed to overcome a late-game deficit and lost by a final score of 4-3 to Rollins College. ERAU falls to 27-12 overall and 15-9 in Sunshine State Conference play while Rollins moves to 23-19 and 9-12 in SSC play. Rollins increased their lead steadily throughout the contest, scoring four runs through four innings of play. The Tars picked up their first run of an RBI single in the top of the first. Rollins added another run in the second, increasing the lead to 2-0 going into the third. RC homered in the third and tacked on another run in the fourth, extending their lead to 4-0 going into the bottom of the frame. The Eagles would not go quietly, putting two runs on the board in the bottom of the fourth. Mackie Chandler hit an RBI single down the left field line to score Maggie Scott. Mariana Pereira knocked in Chandler on a single through the left side. The Eagles trailed 4-2 in the top of the fifth, however, the game was postponed due to inclement weather.

After a 16-hour delay, the teams continued play in the top of the fifth. Both teams went scoreless in the fifth and sixth inning, setting up a thrilling finish in the seventh. ERAU held Rollins in check and went to the bottom of the seventh trailing 4-2. Katy Thompson started the seventh with a single to right. Peqe Lopez walked, advancing Thompson to second. Destiny Carroll grounded out to third, advancing Lopez to second and Thompson to third in the process. ReAnne Drayton sac fly to score Thompson cut the Rollins lead to one. Unfortunately, that was as close as the Eagle would be to tying the game as they fell by a final score of 4-3. Ilona Andringa picked up the loss for the Eagles, pitching seven innings, off eight hits, two runs (one earned), walked one and struck out four. Kailah Rain went 2-for-3 with two singles in the contest. Thompson, Pereira, and Chandler all went 1-for-3. Embry-Riddle returns to action on Saturday, April 14 to take on Sunshine State Conference foe Lynn University. The two schools will play a three-game series in Daytona, with a doubleheader on Saturday and one game on Sunday. First pitch of game one is scheduled for 4 p.m.

vs Rollins College: 4


Juliana DiMeglio/The Avion Newspaper First baseman, Lisa Hop (#5), gets a needed out during the 4th inning.

Rajan Khanna/The Avion Newspaper



The Avion


Upcoming Races: NASCAR Camping World Truck Series NASCAR CWTS Race at Dover Dover International Speedway May 4 at 5:00 p.m.

NASCAR XFINITY Series Fitzgerald Glider Kits 300 Bristol Motor Speedway April 14 at 1:00 p.m.

Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Food City 500 Bristol Motor Speedway April 15 at 2:00 p.m.


10 2018


The Great Downforce Debate

Christopher Weil Correspondent

In the two largest open-wheel racing series, Indycar and Formula 1, there has been a lot of debate about how to make the on-track action better. In Formula 1, the 2017 rule changes heavily increased downforce in order to increase corner speeds for faster lap times, which in theory would make things more exciting to spectators. In Indycar, however, they had a rule change in 2018 to decrease downforce and put more emphasis on the driver’s ability to keep the car under control. So who got it right? There’s no question that Formula 1 has the absolute best drivers in the world; many times they will go to Indycar and manage to win races and championships there, just like how former F1 drivers Juan Pablo Montoya, Alexander Rossi, and Takuma Sato have won the Indy 500 in 2015, 2016, and 2017 respectively. The addition of downforce into the Formula 1 cars has allowed the drivers to push even harder to get more out of them, and there’s no doubt that these cars are capable of exciting moments, but it’s been made very clear that the majority of excitement

is during the Saturday qualifying session as opposed to the Sunday race session. The issue with increasing downforce is that clean-air becomes emphasized, as you get a lot less air on the wings of a race car when in the wake of another competitor. Unfortunately for Formula 1, this means that there’s a distinct lack of passing. At the season opener in Albert Park, Australia, there were only 5 on-track passes, and 1 lead change that happened in the pits. These are appalling numbers from the best drivers in the world, and the proof is in the pudding as 2016 had 40 on-track passes, which shows how damaging the downforce is to the action. On the other side of the world in St. Petersburg, Florida, Indycar had a season opener that showed a lot of promise. The decrease in downforce meant the drivers were sliding around, searching for grip, and able to make passes. Since clean air wasn’t a priority, drivers could follow each other without losing pace in corners. As a direct result of this, the race featured 366 total on-track passes, and 11 lead changes. The eventual race winner, Sebastien Bourdais, took the lead with a pass in turn one with only two laps to go, which showed just how unpredict-

able and exciting the event was. The excitement for Indycar was during the race, not during qualifying, and the race wasn’t decided by a chance safety car, but rather actual on-track action, a direct mirror of Formula 1’s race. There’s no doubt that the St. Petersburg Grand Prix was a much more exciting race than the Australian Grand Prix. Not all of it has to do with the levels of downforce in the car, but it’s very clear that it makes a huge difference. In Formula 1, Mercedes driver Valterri Bottas started 15th and could only work his way up to 8th despite Mercedes having the best car in the field. In Indycar, Graham Rahal started dead last and managed to finish 2nd. Even Sebastein Bourdais started 14th and went on to win. It showed that you could win from anywhere in the field, and that it was down to the driver’s ability to wheel the car, not the individual car itself. The debate is over and Indycar has won; less downforce is clearly the way to go. It creates more exciting racing action, as well as more opportunities for drivers to pass each other. Even if it makes lap times a little slower, it will make the overall racing product a lot more exciting, and that’s really what fans want to see.

WeatherTech SportsCar Championship Bubba Burger Sports Car Grand Prix

Long Beach Street Circuit April 13 at 1:05 p.m.

FIA Formula E Championship 2018 CBMM Niobium Rome E-Prix Circuito Cittadino Dell’EUR April 14 TBA

Rajan Khanna/The Avion Newspaper James Hinchcliff drives the No. 5 Honda for Schmidt Peterson at St. Petersburg in the new Dallara IR-18 common aero-kit for road cources in the Verizon IndyCar Series. The major difference between cars is only the engine with the new aerokit.

FIA Formula 1 World Championship Formula 1 Heineken Chinese Grand Prix

Shanghai International Circuit April 15 at 2:10 a.m.

Verizon IndyCar Series Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Street Circuit April 15 at 4:00 p.m.

Photo Courtesy: Artes Max Marcus Ericsson tests out the C37 chassis during pre-season testing at Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya. Ericsson is on the Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 team.


10 2018





The Avion

TT Isle of Man: Ride on The Edge

Vipul Telang Photo Editor

Each discipline of motorsports has that one race that gives thatseries a sense of pride: Formula One has the Monaco Grand Prix, NASCAR has the Daytona 500, and Indycar has the Indy 500. For motorcycles, the Isle of Man TT is that race and is held every year on the Isle of Man around the Snaefell Mountain Course. The 37.73-mile, 264-turn course is run on public roads and holds the record for one of the deadliest motor races, claiming 146 lives since 1907. TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge, which was produced by Kylotonn Games and was released on 6 Mar. 2018, accurately depicts both the insanity and thrill that bikers seem to love, hurtling themselves at triple-digit speeds around narrow, backcountry roads that barely seem wide enough to allow cars while aiming for the fastest lap time possible. It’s nearly impossible to compare motorcycle games to other racing franchises such as Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo because the mechanics and gameplay are so different. This was my second experience with driving motorcycles, the first being with the MotoGP series. . My initial impression of driving was that the controls are so much more sensitive compared to the heavier, four-wheeled cars I was used to driving in the Forza franchise. The bikes have incredibly quick acceleration and braking, and I really felt the top speed on the long straights, which was aided by motion blur, slight camera shake, and the howl of the engine off the trees and bushes right against the track. Unfortunately, the best part of driving the bike was on the straight parts, as the bike felt incredibly unstable in the corners, requiring me to slow down much more than I would have preferred in order to keep my character from flying off his seat. Throwing a bike over a crest in a hill could very well send you into a house or a tree if not careful enough. The rumble strips that markthe apex of the turns are unrealistically dangerous, almost always causing my bike to oversteer into the opposite direction. Almost all the tracks in TT Isle of Man are fictional, save for the Snaefell Mountain Course which is probably the main selling point of the game. Driving those tracks during the beginning of career mode felt repetitive and I lost interest pretty quick-

ly driving the same few tracks over and over. However, it’s understandable considering the developer isn’t Turn 10 or Sony and the entirety of the Snaefell is replicated almost perfectly, which is no easy task. The Snaefell track, which takes nearly twenty minutes to complete a lap, is divided into multiple segments allowing players to race around segments rather than the whole track to set the fastest time. Career mode had two modes of racing: time trial

is one of the most frustrating things about this game. Colliding with another driver almost always sends your avatar skidding or flipping across the pavement in a comical, ragdoll way. The amount of times I had to brake and lose speed to correct oversteer almost completely put me off from the game. Another issue that I had with TT Isle of Man was the lack of a rewind feature, which meant that I often found myself restarting three-and-four-lap races frequently to avoid

much because the bikes are just that fast. Shadows play across the track, hiding half of a turn in shade while the outside apex is brightly lit by the sun. Bikes are vibrant and colorful, and the customizable driver’s suit adds a level of personality to the avatar. I would have liked to change the color of the driver’s avatar after buying a new bike to match, but the avatar is locked in after you select it for the first time. In all, TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge is a great addition to the motorcycle racing video game market. Kylotonn Games nailed the graphics and sense of speed, which really appeals to a casual gamer. Unfortunately, there needs to be a lot of work on the career mode and handling model before I think the game achieves its true potential. The Avion Newspaper would like to thank Maximum Games for providing a review copy for the Xbox One.

Summary • Available on: Xbox One, Playstation 4, Windows Vipul Telang/The Avion Newspaper An in-game screenshot from the Snaefell Mountain Course on Ryan Kneen’s Kawasaki ZX-10R during a quickrace.

and group racing, but did not give the player the option to choose. The career mode interface could be improved. The player is invited to events and must win in order to keep the bank account balance positive, but most of the races seem repetitive and many of the tracks are the exact same especially when starting out. Some of the fictional tracks are so narrow at points that even the A.I. doesn’t bother to pass, making the race feel more of a parade than a competition. In addition, the number of superbikes and supersport motorcycles is extremely limited, but motorcycle enthusiasts will be happy to see that at least a few of the big names and manufacturers in bike racing have made its way into the game. Although the game takes away a portion of winnings for “bike repairs” after a race, there is no understandable way of figuring out how much damage you actually did to the bike.The collision system

Vipul Telang/The Avion Newspaper The career menu is awkwardly laid out, causing confusion in choosing events with the bike that the player owns. During my time playing career mode, I decided to choose Martin Jessopp’s Triumph Daytona 675 bike.

placing last after falling off my bike to avoid the shame of finishing in last. The learning curve is pretty steep, and at times I was frustrated for overshooting a turn and ending up sprawled on the tarmac as the A.I. calmly whizzed past my prone body. The controls are easy but touchy, as too much throttle will cause a wheelie from which the driver cannot recover from and too much brake can cause the rider to be launched over the handlebars. I found the driving line to be both a blessing and a curse – as I found myself staring at the driving line much more than I stared at the scenery surrounding the track. If there was something that Kylotonn Games did well, it was in the graphics department. They really made sure to pay attention to detail on the Snaefell Mountain Course, and the graphics look stunning. In a twist of irony, you actually don’t have enough time to admire the scenery all that

• Pros: Great Scenery Graphics, Sense of Riding “on the edge” • Cons: Lack of engaging career mode, no rewind feature, Collision System needs rework.

Buy It, Rent It, Ignore It

Vipul Telang/The Avion Newspaper The view from behind the handlebars during a career race. Players can choose from morning, midday, and sunset.




The Avion


10 2018


“Ready Player One” Review Nicholas Hernandez Webmaster Ready Player One is a book to movie adaptation from the novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline released in 2011. The movie adaptation is not accurate to the written version, but in this review, we will discuss the aspects of the movie itself, and then bring into view the comparison between silver screen and paperback. The movie, directed by Steven Spielberg, is set in 2045, in a world ruled by virtual reality. There is only one place to go in this virtual world, and it is known as Oasis, a place where you can be anyone. The Oasis is a substantial part of the movie because there are references to many famous movies, television shows, video games, and novels in Ready Player One. Some examples include characters from Iron Giant, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, movie cameos from the Shining, Back to the Future, Monty Python, and throwbacks to Atari, Capcom, and Nintendo. The main character lives in "The Stacks" which looks like trailer homes stacked on top of each other creating makeshift skyscrapers. Since the movie takes place in 2045, it seems as if this might be a possibility in our near future. The film follows a challenge given by the creator of Oasis,

where he left three keys around the Oasis, hidden like Easter Eggs for players to find. To find the keys, you must complete challenges that you must discover from hints given by the creator. The acting in the film is well done considering the vast array of actors used. When compared to the book, the story is more linear and flows very well with action in-between. The last hour is filled with action and suspense which wakes you up from the few lulls in between actions scenes and sped things up for the finale of the two and a half hour film. The CGI in the film is impressive; because everyone in the Oasis is an avatar of their own creation. The most remarkable use of CGI is in the challenges, the first of which is a race between all contenders, and the second as a dance battle in zero gravity. If you were to compare the movie to the book, the general idea is the same, it is just how they got there that changed. The most prominent change is how the main character got the significant quarter at the end of the film. Another difference is how soon he meets his in-game allies in the real world. But overall the general idea was preserved. In conclusion, the film was well developed with a smooth storyline, great CGI, and fantastic actors. I would see it again if I had the chance.

Ready Player One See It, Stream It, Shun It

Head South For North Turn

Photo Courtesy: Florida Beach Bar An image of the interior bar and seating of the North Turn Restaurant in Ponce Inlet.

Collin Anderson Managing Editor If you head south on Clyde Morris Boulevard and then go east on Dunlawton Avenue, you will cross the Inter-

costal and come to A1A. Turn right at that light and keep heading south and you will arrive at one of the Daytona area's hidden treasures. Racing's North Turn is tucked away from the rest of the tourist-packed parts

of Daytona and is located in beautiful Ponce Inlet right along the beach. Their claim to fame is that the restaurant sits on the exact location where racing in Daytona Beach first began. On Feb. 15, 2007, the Ponce Inlet Historic and Archaeological Preservation Board announced that they would recognize Racing's North Turn as a historic landmark. On Feb. 18, 2012, that moment happened. Upon entering the restaurant, memorabilia and souvenirs from events throughout the history of racing greet you. These valuable items remain enshrined in glass in the very front of the restaurant in what is known as the Racing Museum. The friendly staff will be more than happy to seat you outside or inside. The back deck is their bread and butter. On a clear and warm day, there is nothing like enjoying your food and beverage within a stone's throw distance from the Atlantic Ocean.

The menu has many options to choose from with typical appetizers such as flatbreads and wings to entrées like seafood risotto and crab cakes. The best dinner option is probably the blackened Mahi-mahi fish tacos. With three soft tacos piled high with fresh Mahi-mahi, pico de gallo, lettuce, and tartar sauce, you cannot go wrong. They stock the bar to its gills. They serve your typical alcoholic beverages as well as some unique ones. While the unique ones are not exactly cheap, they are basically "alcoholic milkshakes" and come served in a carved coconut that you can take home. Overall, comparing the price with the food, you get what you pay for, and you will not leave feeling hungry. The staff is incredibly friendly, and the food is delicious. At Racing's North Turn, you can enjoy a fantastic meal with your friends and family while watching the waves crash against the coastline.



10 2018




The Avion

Far Cry 5: “The Power of Yes�

Photo Courtesy: Ubisoft

Brandon Collins Copy Editor Far Cry 5 is Ubisoft's latest game and its fifth main installment into its Far Cry series. In its opening week, the game more than doubled first week sales of Far Cry 4, and is currently Ubisoft's second-biggest launch, being only beaten out by The Division in 2016. It is an open world sandbox game set in the fictional Hope County, Montana. This game is the first Far Cry to take place in the United States of America. The game follows an unnamed sheriff deputy and his fight against the Seed Family and their cult, the Project at Eden's Gate. The Seed Family members are the primary adversaries of the game. Led by Joseph Seed, these siblings lead the Project at Eden's Gate and herd the locals in the cult. The Project at Eden's Gate has used both coercion and violence to bring the existing residents of Hope County into its cult and is in direct conflict with The Resistance Movement. The oldest brother of the Seed Family, Jacob is the herald of the northern Whitetail Mountains region of Hope County. Jacob is a 47-year-old U.S. Army veteran and is in charge of the security of both his family and of the cult. Throughout the game he is seen in a mix of his army fatigues and civilian clothes. As a child, he often fought his parents and stood up for his younger siblings as their protector. Known as "The Soldier," he has forced many of the locals to join and has tortured all of those who have resisted him. Besides training the cultist, he also trains feral wolves to attack those who do not submit to the Project.

Photo Courtesy: Ubisoft

The youngest brother of the Seed Family, John is the herald of the western Holland Valley region of Hope County. John is a lawyer who is prepared to defend the family through the legal system at all costs. In the game, he is known as "The Baptist" and wants to know all of his victims' sins. He carves people's sins on to their body with a knife, so everyone knows what that person did to sin. Abused and beaten senseless as a child, John said at one point that all he could say was yes, which sparks his motto of "The Power of Yes." The adopted sister of the Seed Family, Faith is the herald of the eastern Henbane River region of Hope County. Lonely and depressed as an adolescent, Faith turned to drugs for comfort. When she met Joseph, he brought her into the Project at Eden's Gate, where they welcomed her with open arms. Known as "The Siren," Faith manufacturers the drug Bliss for the cult, which she uses on her followers to give them commands. The middle child of the Seed Family and main protagonist, Joseph Seed is the main antagonist of the game. He is the founder and current leader of the Project at Eden's Gate and believes that he was chosen by God to save people because the end of the world was coming soon. His one goal since then was to protect his followers from the end of the world and lead them to the Gates of Eden. For those who have played any of the previous Far Cry games, the overall structure of the Far Cry 5 will appear very, very familiar. Much like its predecessors, the game has another beautiful landscape populated by wild animals that are severed by human-made violence that is orchestrated by the Seed Family who try to pull you into their cult and overall madness. Unlike the last several Far Cry games, Far Cry 5 does not feature the repetitive mandatory radio towers that players were required to climb to unlock the map. One of the significant changes to Far Cry series with this game is that they allowed for players to fully customize their characters. From facial features to clothing worn, this is the first Far Cry where players can decide how their characters look and allows for more immersion by being able to make the characters look like themselves. Ubisoft's choice to keep the character unnamed and quiet enable the players to experience more immersion but also makes the character feel more customized.

Much like in the previous games, a perk system wholly handles the player's level progression. However, unlike most of the Far Cry games before this, the entire perk system is almost entirely open from the beginning. A handful of the perks require you to meet and befriend characters throughout the game or via resistance progression. In the new leveling system, the perks can be purchased in any order that the player chooses, with the only limit players have to deal with is the number of perk points they have acquired. This new system allows for players to level up their characters to match their preferred playstyle from the get-go without any hindrance. Players can obtain perk points from prepper stashes and other bunkers throughout the world, as well as obtain the points through completing a variety of in-game challenges. One of the best things about Far Cry 5 is that from the very beginning following the open scene is that it is open world. Unlike its predecessors, players can go wherever they want, whenever they want. Rather than having to unlock sections of the map as they progress through the story, they can now wander around all across the map without any hindrances. Another difference is the removal of the mini-map. The developers decided not to include the minimap so that players would have to watch where they are going and discover things rather than just following points on a map. The Gun for Hire system is brought back for the latest entry of the series. The Gun for Hire system allows for both companionship and new combat possibilities throughout the game via a variety of choices. There are a number of different specialists, each with their own personality and form of attacks, that can be recruited, offering assistance in the form of air support and sniper shots. The game also brings back the Fangs for Hire system from Far Cry Primal in the form of a dog named Boomer and a bear named Cheeseburger, both of which can help you terrorize and fight enemies across the game after you unlock them as allies. Just like every video game, this one is not perfect. The story is a little lackluster, the driving and flying mechanics could use some work, and the fighting/enemies get very repetitive after awhile. Although the story is interesting, it still has the repetitive feeling that players feel in all of the Far Cry

Photo Courtesy: Ubisoft

Far Cry 5 Buy It, Rent It, Ignore It games. After a while, you just need to take a break and play something else. The driving and flying mechanics could also use some work. The driving controls for Far Cry always seem weird and unique in their own questionable way. It takes awhile to get used to, and even when you get used to them, it is still a struggle to remember sometimes. The flying mechanics are also weird. The controls are a little wonky and takes some getting used to, but they are easier to remember then the driving controls because not a lot of games feature flying mechanics that can cause muscle memory confusion. "Far Cry 5, like the real Montana, is a vast and gorgeous playground filled with colorful stories for players to enjoy and share," stated Laurent Detoc, the current President of Ubisoft, Americas, in a press release. "We are grateful to newcomers and fans of the series who have joined us in Hope County and have collectively grown our community." Dan Hay, the Executive Producer of Far Cry, stated in the same press release that, "I am proud that the culmination of years of passionate work from the team is paying off, and that Far Cry 5's experience resonates with so many people. We are humbled by players' reception of Far Cry 5 and fired up to keep growing and supporting the Far Cry community in the months and years to come."

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