Connecting with Baldwin Baldwin has several publications and resources that will keep you informed of events, important dates, programs and new initiatives. Every Day q
The Parent Portal – a password-protected area on the Baldwin website that contains items such as: c The online family directory c Registration, medical and other required forms c The Student Handbooks c Teacher web pages to find important information about class activities, schedules, upcoming events, photos and more c Report cards c Links to SmartTuition and MyKidsSpending accounts c The monthly lunch menu c And more!
Weekly The Lower School Tunic Times enewsletter to Lower School families from the Lower School Director q The Lower School Thursday Folder containing flyers and other announcements q The All-School Bulletin enewsletter containing information important to all families q
@baldwinschool @baldwinalumnae @baldwinathletics @marisaporges @marisaporges
Monthly In the Middle enewsletter to Middle School families from the Middle School Director q The Upper Story enewsletter to Upper School families from the Upper School Director q Grade Page emails from your class parent representatives highlighting grade-specific happenings q
Six Times Per Year q
Polar Bear Post enewsletter from Baldwin’s Athletic Director
Twice per Year q
Echoes – a magazine for all members of the School community that summarizes key news articles and events
@baldwinschool @marisaporges
Alumnae Group
Parent Handbook