KEEPING OUR COMMUNITY CONNECTED during a pandemic takes creativity. So who better to take on the challenge than Barstow’s exceptional arts faculty? With their guidance, students continue to produce innovative theatre, perform ovation-worthy concerts, create inspirational art, debate on a national stage and document a historic year. THE PERFORMING ARTS
“Most of the students were like, ‘Oh my gosh, that
Director of Theatre Bob Kohler learned to teach act-
is so great!’ They were excited and proud about what
ing via Zoom, with some surprising results. “After the
they accomplished,” Markley said. Using those tech-
initial adjustment, the students became quickly adept,”
niques, students recorded additional songs and facul-
he said. “They enjoyed recording themselves, editing
ty and staff even performed “Lean on Me” as a summer
creatively and showing off their work.”
One of the challenges for Middle
sendoff for students. “My main goal in April and May was to keep stu-
& Upper School Choral Music Director
dents connected,” Lower School Music Teacher Kristi
Dr. Josh Markely was combining many
Mitchel said. She directed Zoom sing-alongs, created
voices from multiple locations into a
music videos starring her students, and scheduled tal-
singular choir. Upper school singers
ent shares so they could sing and play instruments for
especially wanted to perform “Dirait
their classmates. Early Childhood Music Teacher Jen
On,” a complicated arrangement for accomplished
Carr kept Barstow’s youngest students engaged with
choirs, from the spring concert program. Dr. Markley
activities like kitchen compositions and musical egg
created vocal and piano practice tracks for each part
hunts that were fun and easy for parents assisting
and recorded himself conducting the piece so stu-
from home.
dents could continue practicing at home. After some
technical trial and error, he gathered individual re-
cordings and used sophisticated software to edit the
Barstow became the first school in the region to stage
performance together. The result was a high quality
a completely remote musical in July. Kohler, Carr and
concert piece that blends many singers into one voice.
Dr. Markley collaborated on “The Big One OH!” with