Power Play Program 11/2/18 Bentley VS Sacred Heart

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SACRED HEART 11/ 2& 11/ 3



NOVAKNAMED ATLANTI CHOCKEY ROOKI EOFTHEW EEK Wal t ham,Mas s .–Bent l eyUni v er s i t y ’ sJakovNov ak ( Wi nds or ,Ont ar i o)hasbeennamedt heAt l ant i cHockey Rooki eoft heWeek,i twasannouncedT ues day . Nov akhadt wopower pl aygoal si nBent l ey ’ s 74wi nov err i v al Hol y Cr os sl as tFr i dayni ght atBent l eyAr ena.The goal scamej us t1: 56 apar tl at ei nt he2nd per i od,andgav e Bent l eyl eadsof53 and64.Heal s owon 1524f aceof f s . Adr af tpi ckoft he NHL ’ sOt t awa Senat or sbacki n June,Nov akhas got t enhi sBent l ey car eerof ft oa s t r ongs t ar t ,s kat i ng ont het eam’ st opt wo l i nesands eei ngal otof t i meont hepowerpl ay .

BETW EENTHEGLASSW I TH OTTAWA SENATORSDRAFTPI CK,J AKOV NOVAK OnJune23,2018JakovNovakr ecei vednewst hati sever yhockey pl ayer sdr eam.Jakovwassel ect edbyt heOt t awaSenat or si nt he2018 NHLDr af t .AsJakovandhi sf ami l ywer ecel ebr at i ng,sowast heent i r e Bent l eyHockeycommuni t y .

Novaki st hef i r stdr af tpi cki nBent l eyhockeyhi st or y ,andt hi sseason hei st heonl ydr af tpi cki nt heent i r eAt l ant i cHockeyAssoci at i on.The exci t ementar oundNovakf r om t eammat es,st udent s,andt heent i r e col l egehockeycommuni t yi sunpr ecedent edf oraf r eshmanhockey pl ayeratBent l ey . OnOct ober26,Novakscor edhi sf i r stt wocar eercol l egi at egoal s, hel pi nghi st eam wi noverAt l ant i cHockeyr i val ,Hol yCr oss.When t al ki ngaboutget t i ngt hatf i r stgoaloutoft heway ,Novakwasr el i eved andr eadyf ormanymor e.

“ Ther ewasal i t t l emonkeyonmyback.I ’ veal wayswant edt ogett hat f i r stgoaloutoft heway ,gr i ppi ngmyst i ckal i t t l et ot i ght .I ’ mj ust pl ayi ngwi t hsomemor econf i dencef r om her eonoutandhopef ul l yI cankeepput t i ngt hepucki nt henet ”sai dNovak. Af t erpl ayi ngt woyear sofj uni orhockeyaf t erhi ghschool ,Novak choseBent l eyUni ver si t yf ort wor easonsaboveal lel se.One,t he endl esssuppor tf r om t hecoaches,andt wo,t her eput at i onof Bent l eyUni ver si t y . “ Thebi ggestt hi ngsf ormewer et hecoachesandt hesyst em her e. Thesuppor tIgotf r om t hecoacheswasneverendi ng.[ Pai rt hat ]wi t h how goodofaschoolBent l eyi sandt henew r i nki ssomet hi ngel se. ” Wheni tcamet ot hatdayonJune23,Novakwassur r oundedby f r i endsandf ami l yast heOt t awaSenat or ssel ect edhi m wi t ht he2nd pi cki nt he7t hr ound. “ It unedi nt ot hedr af tar oundt he6t hr oundandsaw mynamepop upandi twasj ustf ul lofexci t ement .Myphonewasbuz z i ngonand of fandj ustgotendl esssuppor tf r om mypar ent sandf r i ends. ” Af t ercat chi ngt heendofaFal conspr act i ce,i twasevi dentt het eam i suni t edandcar esf oreachot her .Whenaskedaboutt hedynami cof t het eam,Novakspokeabouthow cl oset het eam i s,aswel lashow l eader shi pcomesf r om mor et hanj ustt hecapt ai nsandcoaches. “ Ihaveneverbeenonat eam t hati st hi scl ose.I tr eal l yi sl i keaf ami l y i nt hei randwehavesomanyl eader sont het eam.Event heguys wi t houtl et t er sar el eader sandi thel psusr ooki esoutal ot . ” Af t erhi st wogoal sscor edi nBent l ey’ svi ct or yoverHol yCr oss, Novakwassel ect edast heAt l ant i cHockeyRooki eoft heWeek. Lookf orNovakt okeepmaki nghi smar kf ort hef al consast he seasoncont i nues.

Aut hor :Mat t yO’ Br i en

FALCON FANS,EXPECTTHEUNEXPECTED: Games2and3i nt heBent l eyAr enaf ol l ow sui tofexc i t i ngseasonopener

TheBent l eyAr ena,Oct ober26-Bent l ey’ st wogamehome st andagai nstAt l ant i cHockeyr i valHol yCr ossandHockey Eastel i t e,UmassLowel l ,waschal kf ul lofcr az i nesst hat hockeyf ansj ustdon’ tseeal lt hatof t en.However ,wi t hhow t heseasonhasst ar t edi nsi det heBent l eyAr ena,maybet hat cr az i nessandexci t ementi ssomet hi ngt oexpecti fyou’ r ea Bent l eyHockeyf an. Af t erat hr i l l i ngandcont r over si alendt oBent l ey’ sseason openeragai nstHockeyEastopponentMer r i mack,t heFal cons secondweekendi nt heBent l eyAr enadi dnotdi sappoi nt . Fr i dayni ghtf eat ur edagoalscor i ngexpl osi onf r om t he Bent l eyof f enseandSat ur daywasf ul lofi nt ensi t yast hegame camedownt ot hewi r eyetagai n.

Fi r stt her ewasapenal t yshot .JakovNovakwascal l ed f or sl ashi ngasaRi verHawkf or war dcamer aci ngdownt hei ce t owar dsgoal t enderAi denPel i no.Manyf answer econf used wi t ht hecal lasi tl ookedl i keanyt hi ngbutapenal t y .AsFal con f answer el ef tscr at chi ngt hei rheads,Pel i nomadeaf ant ast i c savet ogetever ybodyi nt her i nkont hei rf eet . Howeveras t he Fal cons wer et aki ng overt he game wi t h mi nut esl ef ti nt het hi r dper i od,t heof f i ci al smadeanot herhead scr at chi ng cal lf orBent l ey f ans.Wi l lGar i n was cal l ed f or r oughi ngonapl ayt hati st ypi cal l yl etgoi naonegoalgame. Wi t ht hescor eat32Ri verHawksand2: 44l ef tont hecl ock, Bent l ey’ spenal t yki l lhadt ocomeuphuge. Despi t emaki ngat oughcal lneart heendofaonegoalgame agai nstBent l ey ,of f i ci al sseemi ngl yl etgo a bl at anthol di ng penal t yonUmassLowel l i nBent l ey’ sdef ensi vez one.Seconds l at ert heRi verHawksscor edont hepowerpl ayt owi n42. I twasdéj àvuf orFal conf ans,l ef texci t edandshockedatt he end ofa game.The exci t ementand cont r over sy t o end Bent l ey’ sseason openerwasunexpect ed,butt o havet hat exci t ementi n al lt hr ee games f ort he Fal con’ si sr ar e and somet hi ngf ansshoul dt akeadvant ageof . Maybet heunexpect ed i swhatFal conf ansneed t o expect wheni tcomest ohockeygamesi nt heBent l eyAr ena.Af ast , ski l l ed, and har dwor ki ng t eam such as Bent l ey br i ng exci t ementandener gyt oever ygame.

Aut hor :Mat t yO’ Br i en

Bentley Falcons FORWARDS No. 6 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27

NAME Brendan Hamblet Brendan Walkom Dylan Pitera Jakov Novak Will Garin Luke Santerno Sam Kauppila Michael Zuffante Jake Kauppila Will Schlagenhauf Jonathan Desbiens Ryner Gorowsky Matt Riggleman Cody DePourcq Drew Best Drew Callin

DEFENSEMEN No. 3 4 5 7 12 14 18 24 28

NAME Luke Orysiuk Tanner Jago Ethan Roswell Connor Brassard David Giunta Matt Lombardozzi Brett Orr Alexey Solovyev Charlie Marchand

GOALTENDERS No. 29 30 34

NAME Jake Bryniarski Aidan Pelino Fraser Kirk

YR So. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. So. So. Jr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr.

HT 5-11 6-0 6-1 6-3 5-11 6-3 6-1 5-10 6-0 5-9 5-9 5-9 6-1 5-7 5-9 6-3

WT 180 190 190 210 185 195 185 175 195 175 175 180 190 155 185 205

Shoots R L L L R R R R L L L R L R R R

HOMETOWN/PREVIOUS TEAM Hopkinton, Mass. / The Rivers School (Prep) Pittsburgh, Pa. / Madison Capitals (USHL) Culver, Ind. / Culver Academy (Prep) Windsor, Ontario / Janesville Jets (NAHL) Mound, Minn. / Brooks Bandits (AJHL) Smithers, B.C. / Trail Smoke Eaters (BCHL) Gurnee, Ill. / St. Lawrence Univ. (ECAC) Bloomingdale, Ill. / Minnesota Wild (NAHL) Gurnee, Ill. / Trail Smoke Eaters (BCHL) Carmel, Ind. / Muskegon Lumberjacks (USHL) Montreal, Quebec / West Kelowna (BCHL) Lino Lakes, Minn. / Fairbanks Ice Dogs (NAHL) Milford, Mich. / Sioux Falls Stampede (USHL) Penticton, British Columbia / Penticton (BCHL) Plymouth, Mich. / Univ. of Vermont (HEA) Middleton, Wisc. / Janesville Jets (NAHL)

GP 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 3

G 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

A PTS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 3

YR Fr. Sr. Fr. Jr. So. So. Jr. Sr. So.

HT 6-0 6-0 5-10 6-1 6-0 6-1 5-10 6-2 5-11

WT 190 190 180 190 185 200 180 205 190

Shoots R L L R R L L L R

HOMETOWN/PREVIOUS TEAM Edmonton, Alberta / Fairbanks Ice Dogs (NAHL) Brandon, Manitoba / Portage Terriers (MJHL) Paradise Valley, Ariz. / Jr. Bruins (NCDC) Fitchburg, Mass. / Jersey Hitmen (USPHL) Lynnfield, Mass. / Coquitlam Express (BCHL) Leominster, Mass. / Carleton Place (CCHL) Elkhorn, Manitoba / Portage Terriers (MJHL) Moscow, Russia / Lone Star Brahmas (NAHL) Calgary, Alberta / Brooks Bandits (AJHL)

GP -- 3 2 1 -- 3 3 3 3

G -- 1 0 0 -- 0 0 2 0

A PTS -- -2 3 0 0 0 0 -- -0 0 1 1 0 2 1 1

YR Sr. Jr. Fr.

HT 6-3 6-1 6-2

Glove L L L

HOMETOWN/PREVIOUS TEAM Rochester, N.Y. / Bay State (USPHL) Oakville, Ontario / Chilliwack (BCHL) Burlington, Ontario / Newmarket (OJHL)

W-L-T -- 0-2-1 --

WT 185 195 200

Head Coach: Ryan Soderquist (Bentley ‘00), 17th Season Assistant Coach: Ben Murphy Assistant Coach: Jon Coleman Volunteer Goaltending Coach: Clay Adams Athletic Trainer: Charlie Carkin Equipment Manager: Richard Citrano Captains: Tanner Jago & Ryner Gorowsky

L 1-0 L 5-4 (ot) T 4-4 (ot) 7:05 pm 7:05 pm

NOVEMBER 2 Sacred Heart* 3 Sacred Heart* 9 at Air Force* 10 at Air Force* 16 Army West Point* 17 Army West Point* 23 at Boston College 24 at Holy Cross* 30 Mercyhurst*

7:05 pm 6:05 pm 9:05 pm 9:35 pm 7:05 pm 5:05 pm 3:00 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm

DECEMBER 1 Mercyhurst* 4 Harvard 30 at New Hampshire

7:05 pm 7:05 pm 5:00 pm

GAA -- 3.24 --

SV% -.889 --

Chained Evolution 502 Main St, Waltham MA 02452 www.chainedevolution.com One Stop Shopping for all your

Bentley 2018-19 Schedule (0-2-1, 0-1-1 AHC) OCTOBER 12 Merrimack 16 at American Int’l* 18 at American Int’l* 26 Holy Cross* 27 UMass-Lowell

GP/GS -- 3/3 --

JANUARY 5 Dartmouth 11 at Robert Morris* 12 at Robert Morris* 18 RIT* 19 RIT* 25 at Canisius* 26 at Canisius*

7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:35 pm 4:35 pm

FEBRUARY 1 Air Force* 2 Air Force* 8 Canisius* 9 Canisius* 15 at Niagara* 16 at Niagara* 22 Holy Cross* 23 at Holy Cross*

7:05 pm 7:05 pm 9:05 pm 9:35 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm

MARCH 1 at Army West Point* 7:05 pm 2 at Army West Point* 7:05 pm

Fitness Needs!

Bentley Notes • Bentley welcomes in Holy Cross on Friday night and UMass-Lowell on Saturday night this weekend. Friday’s game will be the first at Bentley Arena between the longtime rivals Falcons and Crusaders, while UML will be the second Hockey East team to visit this season. • In last week’s series against AIC, defenseman Alexey Solovyev scored two goals to lead the team, while Drew Callin, Luke Santerno and Tanner Jago each had three points. • Bentley has beaten a Hockey East team in 8 of the last 10 seasons. They defeated UML 3-2 last season in overtime.

Sacred Heart Pioneers FORWARDS No. 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

NAME Mel Melconian Jason Cotton Ryan Steele Stephen Hladin Jordan Kaplan Nick Boyagian Zach De Concilys Matt Tugnutt Vito Bavaro Hunter Fargey Austin Magera Austin McIlmurray Marc Johnstone Jackson Barliant Marcel Godbout Todd Goehring

DEFENSEMEN No. 3 4 5 6 7 10 16 18 21 22

NAME Mike Lee Liam Clare Christian Lloyd Max Luukko Ruslan Rakhmatov Alex Bates Marcus Joseph Michael Gilroy Josh Allan Mike Crocock


NAME Drennen Atherton Josh Benson Brett Magnus

YR So. Jr. Fr. Sr. So. Fr. Sr. So. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. So. Sr. So. Fr.

HT 6-0 6-3 6-1 5-11 5-10 6-2 6-0 5-10 6-2 6-0 6-1 5-11 6-0 5-8 5-9 5-11

WT 180 190 182 165 170 181 185 185 195 195 185 185 180 165 190 175

Shoots R R L L R L R L R R L R R R R R

HOMETOWN/PREVIOUS TEAM Toronto, Ontario / Aurora Tigers (OJHL) Parker, Texas / Northeastern (HEA) Stratford, PEI / West Kelowna (BCHL) Mississauga, Ontario / Georgetown (OJHL) Bridgewater, N.J. / New Jersey Jr. Titans (NAHL) East Greenbush, N.Y. / New Jersey Titans (NAHL) St. Catherines, Ontario / Trenton (OJHL) Peterborough, Ontario / Kemptville (CCHL) Sarasota, Fla. / Brooks School (Prep) Belleville, Ontario / Trenton (OJHL) Suwanee Ga. / Lincoln (USHL) Coral Springs, Fla. / Coquitlam (BCHL) Cranford, N.J. / Chicago (USHL) Santa Fe, N.M. / Bay State (USPHL) St. Clair Shores, Mich. / Sioux City (USHL) Wayside, N.J. / Chicago (USHL)

GP 2 3 3 3 2 -- 1 3 3 -- 3 3 3 3 3 3

G 0 1 0 0 0 -- 0 1 0 -- - 1 0 0 0 0

A PTS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- -0 0 2 3 0 0 -- -- 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

YR Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. So. So So. So. Sr.

HT 6-0 6-0 5-11 6-3 6-0 5-11 5-9 6-3 5-10 5-10

WT 190 175 200 190 190 175 180 205 200 180

Shoots L R L L L R L L R L

HOMETOWN/PREVIOUS TEAM Hamden, Conn. / Vermont (HEA) Georgetown, Ontario / Georgetown (OJHL) Oakville, Ontario / Lloydminster (AJHL) Avalon, N.J. / Philadelphia Jr. Flyers (USPHL) Moscow, Russia / Chicago (USHL) Parker, Colo. / Wentachee (BCHL) Mountain Top, Pa. / Nanaimo (BCHL) North Bellmore, N.Y. / P.A.L. Jr. Islanders (USPHL) Orillia, Ontario / Trenton (OJHL) Brantford, Ontario / Kingston (OJHL)

GP 3 3 -- 3 -- 3 3 1 -- 3

G 1 0 -- 0 -- 0 0 0 -- 0

A PTS 1 2 0 0 -- -0 0 -- -0 0 0 0 0 0 -- -0 0

YR Fr. Fr. Sr.

HT 6-1 6-1 6-4

Glove L L L

HOMETOWN/PREVIOUS TEAM Winter Haven, Fla. / Northern (USPHL) Stillwater, MN / Fairbanks (NAHL) Montreal, Quebec / Powell River (BCHL)

W-L-T -- -- 0-2-1

WT 185 190 200

GP/GS -- -- 3/3

GAA -- -- 3.57

SV% --.878

Head Coach: C.J. Martottolo (Northeastern ’89), 10th Season Associate Head Coach: Craig Height Assistant Coach: Scott McDougall Captains: Liam Clare & Mike Crocock Assistant Captain: Marc Johnstone

Sacred Heart Notes

SHU 2018-19 Schedule (0-2-1, 0-0-0 AHA) OCTOBER 12 Northeastern 13 Northeastern 20 Providence

L 5-2 L 5-0 T 2-2 (ot)

NOVEMBER 2 at Bentley* 3 at Bentley* 9 at Army West Point* 10 Army West Point* 16 Mercyhurst* 17 Mercyhurst* 23 at Canisius* 24 at Canisius* 30 Robert Morris*

7:05 pm 6:05 pm 7:05 pm 2:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 1:05 pm 1:05 pm 7:05 pm

DECEMBER 1 Robert Morris* 7 at RIT* 8 at RIT* JANUARY 4 at Vermont

8 12 15 19 20 25 26 29

American Int’l* at Yale American Int’l* Air Force* Air Force* Holy Cross* Holy Cross* at UConn

7:05 pm 7:00 pm 7:05 pm 2:05 pm 4:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm

2:05 pm 7:05 pm 5:05 pm

FEBRUARY 1 at Robert Morris* 2 at Robert Morris* 8 at Niagara* 9 at Niagara* 15 RIT* 16 RIT* 22 Army West Point* 23 at Army West Point* 28 at American Int’l*

7:05 pm 4:05 pm 7:05 pm 4:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:05 pm

7:05 pm

MARCH 2 at American Int’l*

1:05 pm

• Sacred Heart was off last weekend, and is playing its first Atlantic Hockey games of the season this weekend. Their three games so far have come against Hockey East teams. Two against Northeastern and one against Providence. • Sophomores Marc Johnstone and Matt Tugnutt lead the team in points so far with three. Johnstone has 1 goal and 2 assists, and Tugnutt has 3 assists. • Senior Brett Magnus has started all three games in goal thus far for the Pioneers. He has started 97 games in his career, and has a career goals against average of 2.95

Today’ sgamemar kst he cul mi nat i onoft heWhi t eRi bbon Campai gn.Thecampai gni s or gani zedbyt heEqui t yCent er , andi t spur posei st oenddat i ng vi ol ence,domest i cvi ol ence,and ot herf or msofgender based vi ol ence.TheWhi t eRi bbonCampai gni soneoft hepr ogr ams onBent l ey’ scampust hathi ghl i ght sOct oberasDomest i c Vi ol enceAwar enessMont h. Accor di ngt ot heCent er sf orDi seaseCont r ol ,onei nt hr ee women and one i nf our men wi l lexper i ence physi cal vi ol ence f r om a r omant i c par t nerovert he cour se oft hei r l i f e.Asmember soft heBent l eycommuni t y ,wecant akean act i ve r ol ei n di sr upt i ng t he cul t ur e ofvi ol ence i n our soci et y . I ndi vi dual s who suppor t t he Whi t e Ri bbon Campai gncommi tt o: •Pr omot er espect ,di gni t y ,andequal i t yf oral lpeopl e; •Speakoutagai nstat t i t udesandbehavi or st hatcont r i but e t osexualassaul tanddomest i cvi ol ence; •Recogni zet hatdomest i cvi ol encei sani ssuet hataf f ect s ever yone,r egar dl essofgender ;and •Conf r ont sexi sm, homophobi a, and ot her f or ms of oppr essi on. I fyou ora f r i end want st or epor tan i nci dentofdomest i c vi ol ence,youcanvi si tUni ver si t yPol i ceoncampusorcal l ( 781)8913131. · TheEqui t yCent eri sl ocat edi nt heSt udentCent er ,r oom 310A and i st he home f orsever alst udentor gani zat i ons– i ncl udi ngPRI DE,St udent sAdvocat i ngGenderEqual i t y ,and t heEqui t yCent erEducat or s.

KEEPUPW I THTHELATEST ON SOCI ALMEDI A Fol l ow PowerPl ayont heI SSUUFeat ur e! I SSUU. COM/ t hebent l ey ar ena

Fol l ow usonI nst agr am f ori nsi deraccess,behi ndt hescenes l ooksandexcl usi vepr evi ewsofourevent sandi ni t i at i ves.

HEAD COACH:RYAN SODERQUI ST RyanSoder qui stent er shi s17t h seasonbehi ndt hebenchathi s al mamat erBent l eyUni ver si t yf or t he201819season. At wot i meAt l ant i cHockey Coachoft heYeari n2009and 2012,Soder qui sti st he wi nni ngestcoachi npr ogr am hi st or ywi t h213car eervi ct or i es andcount i ngent er i ngt hi s season. I n 201314, Bent l ey f i ni shed i n 2ndpl acei nt her egul arseason, i t shi ghesteverf i ni shi nAt l ant i cHockey ,and won19games over al lt oequalt hepr ogr am Di vi si onIr ecor df orwi ns,seti n 200809.Thet eam al sor eel edof fapr ogr am Di vi si onIr ecor d ni negameunbeat enst r eak.Thef ol l owi ngseasoni n201415 t heyf i ni shedT 3r di nAt l ant i cHockeyandwon17gamesover al l . Hebecamet hewi nni ngestcoachi npr ogr am hi st or ywi t ha32 vi ct or y overConnect i cuton Nov .19,2010,whi ch was t he 102ndofhi scar eer ,movi nghi m pastJi m McAdam andi nt o1st pl ace on t he pr ogr am’ s al l t i me car eerwi ns l i st .Soder qui st begi nst he201617seasonwi t h187car eerwi ns.

Notj ustsuccessf ulont hei ce,Soder qui st ’ st eamsexceli nt he cl assr oom and ar eact i vei nt hecommuni t y .Bent l eyi sr egul ar l yamongt hemostwel l r epr esent edschool sont heAt l ant i c HockeyAl l Academi ct eam.Thepr ogr am post ed af our year Academi c Pr ogr essRat e scor e of997 ( outof1000)f ort he 200711 academi cyear s,whi ch measur est her et ent i on and el i gi bi l i t yofschol ar shi ppl ayer s. A2000gr aduat eofBent l eyandt heschool ’ sal l t i mel eaderi n goal s and poi nt s,Soder qui stwas named t he head hockey coach athi s al ma mat eron Mar ch 7,2002,becomi ng t he youngesthead coachi nDi vi si onIhockey .Hehad spentt he 200102seasonasanassi st antunderMcAdam. I n hi sf i r stseason att he hel m,he wasnamed t he 200203 MAAC HockeyLeagueCoachoft heYearaf t erl eadi ngBent l ey t omor ewi ns( 15)t hant heyhadi nt hepr evi oust hr eeseasons combi ned. Soder qui stf i ni shed hi s pl ayi ng car eeratBent l ey wi t h 84 goal s and 89 assi st sf or173 poi nt s,24 poi nt s hi ghert han Bent l ey’ sf or merst andar dbear er ,John Magui r e’ 84.The84 goal sar eal soaschoolr ecor dandt he89assi st sar et i edf or 4t hont heal l t i mel i st .Asasophomor ei n199798,hesett he pr ogr am’ ssi ngl eseasonr ecor df orpoi nt swi t h59andgoal s wi t h33.Bot hr ecor dsst i l lst and. The r eci pi ent of numer ous honor s dur i ng hi s car eer , Soder qui stwasBent l ey’ scapt ai nf ort wo seasons.Af t erhi s r ecor dbr eaki ngsophomor eyear ,hewasnamedanSI D’ sf i r st t eam Di vi si on I IAl l Amer i ca.Asaseni or ,hel ed t heconf er ence i n poi nt s pergame and assi st s,was second i nt ot al poi nt sandwasnamedf i r stt eam Al l MAAC.

ASSI STANT COACH:J ON COLEMAN JonCol emanbegi nshi sf i r stseasonont heBent l eyhockeycoachi ng st af ff ort he201819season. Anexper i encedcoachand pl ayer ,Col emanwas pr evi ousl yanassi st antcoach atBabsonbegi nni ngi n2015. Hi spr evi ousst opwasast he HeadCoachandDi r ect orof HockeyOper at i onsoft he Cant onBul l dogsi nt heMPHL. Asapl ayer ,Col emanwasa 2ndr oundpi ckoft heDet r oi t RedWi ngsi nt he1993NHL Dr af t .Thatpr ecededa st andoutcar eeratBost on Uni ver si t y ,whi chsaw hi m wi n t he1995Nat i onal Champi onshi pwi t ht he Ter r i er s. I ndi vi dual l y ,hewasnamedanAl l Amer i cani nbot h1996and1997, was named f i r stt eam Al l Hockey Easti nt hose seasons as wel l , whi l ehel pi ngt heTer r i er st ot heFr ozenFourbot hseasons. Af t ergr aduat i ngf r om BU’ sSchoolofManagementi n1997,hewent on t o pl ayi nt he AHL f orsever alseasons,f ol l owed bypl ayi ng i n sever all eaguesar oundEur ope.

ASSI STANT COACH:BEN MURPHY The201819seasonwi l lbeBenMur phy' s 10t h as an assi st antcoach atBent l ey Uni ver si t y .A f our year pl ayer at t he Uni ver si t y ofMai ne who pl ayed i nt wo NCAA Champi onshi p games, Mur phy' s r ecr ui t i ng ef f or t s and eye f ort al enthas hel ped l ead t o Bent l ey’ s sust ai ned success and sett he pr ogr am up f ora br i ghtf ut ur e. Mur phy came t o Bent l ey af t erspendi ng t he 200809 season as a gr aduat e assi st ant coach at Cast l et on St at e Col l ege i n Cast l et on,Ver mont .Whi l e on t he Spar t ans’ coachi ng st af f , Mur phy hel pedCast l et onSt at et oa1592r ecor d over al land an 1162r ecor di nt he ECAC Di vi si on I I IEastconf er ence, whi ch wasgood f orsecond pl aceand t hebestr egul arseason f i ni sh i n schoolhi st or y . Pr i ort ohi st i meatCast l et onSt at e,Mur phywasanassi st antcoachwi t h t he Wi chi t a Thunderoft he pr of essi onalCent r alHockeyLeague f ort he 200607 season.Mur phy pl ayed f ort he Thunderdur i ng t he 200506 season,appear i ngi n55games. Mur phypl ayedcol l egi at el yatMai ne,hel pi ngt heBl ackBear st ot heNCAA Tour namenti n each ofhi sf ouryear s,and t ot he NCAA Champi onshi p gamei n2002and2004.Asaj uni ori n2004,hescor edt hegamewi nni ng goali nt r i pl eover t i meoft heHockeyEastChampi onshi pgameagai nstt he Uni ver si t yofMassachuset t s.Mur phypl ayedi n141gamesoverf ouryear s andr egi st er ed15goal sand33assi st sf or48poi nt s.Hewasawar dedt he Howar dGr i f f i nUnsungHer oAwar dasaj uni or .Hegr aduat edf r om Mai ne i n2005wi t hbachel or ’ sdegr eei npol i t i calsci ence.

The 2018-19 Bentley Hockey Team

#3, Luke Orysiuk Fr., Defenseman

#4, Tanner Jago (C) Sr., Defenseman

#5, Ethan Roswell Fr., Defenseman

#6, Brendan Hamblet So., Forward

#7, Connor Brassard Jr., Defenseman

#9, Brendan Walkom

#10, Dylan Pitera

#11, Jakov Novak

#12, David Guinta

#13, Will Garin

Fr., Forward

Fr., Forward

Fr., Forward

So., Defenseman

Fr., Forward

#14, Matt Lombardozzi So., Defenseman

#15, Luke Santerno So., Forward

#16, Sam Kauppila So., Forward

#17, Michael Zuffante So., Forward

#18, Brett Orr Jr., Defenseman

#19, Jake Kauppila Jr., Forward

#20, Will Schlagenhauf Fr., Forward

#21, Jonathan Desbiens Jr., Forward

#22, Ryner Gorowsky (C) Jr., Forward

#23, Matt Riggleman Jr., Forward

#24, Alexey Solovyev Sr., Defenseman

#25 Cody DePourcq Sr., Forward

#26, Drew Best Jr., Forward

#27, Drew Callin Sr., Forward

#28, Charlie Marchand So., Defenseman

#29 Jake Bryniarski Sr., Goalie

#30, Aidan Pelino Jr., Goalie

#34, Fraser Kirk Fr., Goalie

EQUI PMENT MANAGER:RI CH CI TRANO Team Ni ckname:“ Ri chi eBub” Homet own:St oneham MA Age:22( Gr ad2018) Wor ki ngt owar dsDegr ee: Mast er sofSci encei nFi nance2019 Year swor ki ngwi t ht het eam:4 Hi ghl i ghtwi t ht het eam:2017 Fenwaybeat i ngAr myandset t i ng upshopi nt henew ar enawhi chno onehaseverdonebef or e I nt er est i ngt hi ngsi nyourwor k:Hockeygoest hr oughmor e dubbl ebubbl et hanabasebal lt eam Thi ngspeopl ewoul dn’ tknow:t hebl adesar er emovedf r om t he act ualskat ebef or eshar peni ngt hem,t hatI ’ m ast udent . Favor i t es: Food-Chi nese Spor t-Gol f Team -New Engl andPat r i ot s Musi c-Count r y

BENTLEY SEATI NG & TI CKET I NFORMATI ON Ti cket st ot heBent l eyAr ena BUYONLI NEAND SKI P THEGAMEDAY LI NES! ! ! ForAl umniPur chaser s: UseyourBent l eyAl umniI D whenaskedt o ent eryourmember shi pI D. ForSt udent ,Facul t yandSt af fPur chaser s: UseyourBent l eyEmai li nALLCAPSwhen askedt oent ermember shi pI D.

STUDENTGA:$5. 00 Wantt oshow upear l yandcl ai m yourspace i n one oft he most act i ve and gr owi ng st udent sect i onsi nal lofcol l egehockey? St udentGAget syoui nt ot heTop Shel fSt udentsect i on116117at t he Bent l ey Ar ena. Wi t h mor e t han 60% sol dt o season t i cket hol der s,t hese seat sgo qui ckl y! I fyoumi ssout ,youwi l lbeabl e t ogetSRO t i cket st ohangouton t he vi br ant concour se or t ake your chance f i ndi ng seat s el sewher e af t er t he f i r st TV t i meout .


STUDENTCENTER RESERVED:$7. 50 Doyoudesi r eamor ef l exi bl eopt i ont hatal l owsyou t opur chaseupt osi xt i cket sf oryou,yourf r i endsor f ami l y? Show up on yourt i me and show of ft he bui l di ng t o your f ami l y and vi si t i ng f r i ends wi t h t i cket st hatal l ow you t o buyanywher eavai l abl ei n t hear ena. STUDENTEND RESERVED:$5. 00 Takeyourt i meget t i ngt ot hear enabyhavi ngyour seat swai t i ngf oryou!Youdon’ tevenhavet osave t hatspacef oryourf r i ends.Buyupt of ourt i cket s andever yonecanshow upont hei rt i me.St udent Reser ved End seat si n 107110 wi l lhave you cheer i ng on t he Bent l ey goal i e as t hey make hi ghl i ghtr eelsaves.

W HAT I STHECUBE? The Cube i s a pr emi um eventspace t hatpr ovi des guest s wi t ha

r el axi ngspacebef or e,dur i ngandaf t ert hegame.TheCubeopens90 mi nut esbef or epuckdr opandi ncl udesacompl i ment ar ybuf f et ,sof t dr i nks,cof f ee and t ea;and an excl usi ve cash barwi t h pr emi um of f er i ngs.

Pr i ce:$55( i ncl udesgamet i cketandpar ki ngpass) $35asanupgr adef ormostt i ckethol der s( $42wi t hpar ki ng) Spacei sal soavai l abl ef orgr oupevent songameni ght s. Formor ei nf or mat i onaboutt hecubeandt opur chaset i cket s,pl ease cal l7818912289oremai lAr ena@Bent l ey . Edu

“ TheCubeex per i encei sgr eat .Sof arI ’ v ebr oughtagues tt ot hef i r s tt wo gamesandt heywer ebot hv er yi mpr es s ed.I t ’ scomf or t abl e,pr i v at eandt he f oodands er v i cear eex cel l ent .I tal s opr ov i despl ent yofpr i v acyf r om t henoi s e andt r af f i coft hear ena,wi t ht hef l ex i bi l i t yofgoi ngoutt oy ours eati nt hear ena t obeapar toft heact i onany t i mey ouwant .Bei ngabl et owat cht hewor l d s er i esal ongs i det heBent l eyhock eygameont hatgi anthi ghdeft . v .wasal s oa hugeconv eni ence/ per k . Ihav enohes i t at i oni nbr i ngi ngacl i entorbus i nes sas s oci at et ot hear enaand Cube,es peci al l ywi t ht hepar k i ngpr i v i l eges .Y oucant al kbus i nes s ,enj oys ome gr eathock eyandmak eagr eati mpr es s i onal l att hes amet i me. ” JohnLampi r i s’ 87

“ Ihav er eal l y enj oy ed t he “ pr emi um t i ck et ”Cube ex per i ence t hus f ar .I t pr ov i desagr eatoppor t uni t yt oar r i v eear l yatt hear enaandenj oyf oodand dr i nk sbot hbef or eanddur i ngt hegame.Manypeopl ear es t ay i ngi nWal t ham af t erwor kt ogr abdi nnerbef or et heyat t endhock eygames ,whynots pendl es s t hany ouwoul datar es t aur ant( $35al l y oucaneatand$5f orwi nei snotadeal t haty ouwi l lf i ndany wher eel s e)andenj oyt hecompanyofcol l eaguesand al umni ?! I wi l l behar dpr es s edt onotpur chas epr emi um t i ck et sf ort her emai ni nggames t hatIpl ant oat t endt hi ss eas on.“ Ex ecut i v eDi r ect or ,Bent l eyUni v er s i t y

STANDI NG ROOM POLI CY I fyourt i cketsays“ SRO”oni t ,you havet hepr i vi l egeofbei ngi noneof t hebestvi ewi ngspacesi nal lof Di vi si on1hockey .TheBent l ey Ar enaconcour sewasdesi gnedf or comf or t abl est andi ngr oom wi t h count er sont henor t hsi deandr ai l ont hesout hsi de.

I fyou’ r et hi nki ngaboutsneaki ngdownt ot hose cent eri ceseat sont hegl ass. . . GO FOR I T! ! !As soonast hef i r stTV t i meouti nt hef i r stper i od occur s,we al l ow al lSt andi ng Room orSRO t i cket st ogof i ndaseat . Ar et heyyour snow? Sor r ybutno.I ft het i cket hol derdoesshow up,youwi l lneedt omove andf i ndanew seat . Justr emember !Whent hatr edl i ghtgoesonatcent eri ceaf t er10mi nut esof gamepl ay ,youar ef r eet oupgr adeyourvi ewi ng,havef unandenj oyt her estof t hegame!

BEHI ND THEPOW ER PLAY Theof f i ci algamepr ogr am f ort heBent l eyFal conshasbeenbr ought t oyoubyBent l eyUni ver si t y’ sownst udent s.

FEATURED W RI TER Mat t yO’ Br i eni saFr eshmanatBent l eyUni ver si t yf r om Rockl and,MA. Hei scur r ent l yamemberoft hemen’ sl acr osset eam andt hecol orf or Bent l eyhockeygames.I n hi gh school ,Mat t ywr ot ef orhi sschool ’ s newspaperwher ehef oundhi spassi onf orwr i t i ng.Hehasal sopl ayed hockeyf ormostofhi sl i f e.Mat t ynow get st o combi ne hi sl ove f or hockeyandwr i t i ngact i ngast heaut horbehi ndt hi spr ogr am’ sf eat ur ed st or y ,“ Fal conFans,Expectt heUnexpect ed” .

Cai t l i n Mal l oy i s a Juni oratBent l ey ,or i gi nal l yf r om Manchest er ,MA.She i s cur r ent l y st udyi ng Mar ket i ng wi t h a mi nor i n I nf or mat i on Desi gn & Cor por at e Communi cat i on and i s wor ki ng as a gr aphi c desi gn st udentunderMi keGol dber g,anI DCC pr of essoratt he uni ver si t y . Thr ough Pr of essor Gol dber g’ s company , I DCC Desi gnHouseSt udi o,Cai t l i nwasabl et odesi gn Bent l ey’ s br and new “ PowerPl ay” ,t he of f i ci algame pr ogr am f ort heBent l eyFal cons.

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