The Best You December 2012

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december 2012

life Without limits





No person has the right to rain on your dreams.

December 2012

- Martin luther King Jr.



6 Paul McKenna


The Magic of Goals

10 Surviving against all odds


8 Top Tips for you and your Teens, Part 2


What is love? Facts and Figures

a self-educated man

Paul Connolly on how he fought to survive

14 Secrets of the Secret Millionaire



ageing - It's all in the Mind


reiki - Mastering your energy


Why it's Great to Stay Positive

Marisa Peer on how to stop growing old

The Best you investigates this mysterious therapy

So many reasons to look on the bright side of life

Bolt of lightning


Crazy Sexy Bean Chilli


5 Ways to Fight Christmas Calorie overload

dr Stephen Simpson profiles the world's fastest man

ny Times best-selling author serves us up a tasty treat ...

The Best you helps keep your waistline in check

10 2

Kate Benson continues her series on creating better family relationships


The Best you guides you to happiness through the minefield of dating


order is everything in exercise


What Colour is your Mojo?


Water, a drop of heaven

Cain leathem on avoiding simple exercise mistakes


Janet Murray on the power of asking yourself strange questions

The health-giving benefits of drinking more water



Cover photo by Steve Shaw

Gill Fielding on her money-making success

Brian Mayne on why it is great to set goals in your life


The Ten Second Philosopher


2012: a Fine Vintage for Investors?


Have a Jolly Festive Season (without leaving a huge debt)

We talk to derek Mills about his new book

Peter Shakeshaft on why now is the time to invest in wine

21st CENTURY LIVING 64 65 66

Selling online: Putting The Customer First damon Segal on how you can get the edge selling on the net

Thinking Time in The digital age Martin Carter on how to stay focussed on the internet

Tablets, tablets, everywhere! The tablet war is well and truly underway with lots of options for all your consumer needs ...

T. Harv eker on saving money and having fun through the festive season 3

CoNtrIButors Kate Benson

is the International director of education for the Society of nlP, the only licensed Master Trainer of nlP in the field of education and is an internationally-recognised trainer. She has 20 years experience in teaching thousands of teachers to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

Janet Murray

is a london-based life coach with over 20 years experience in the corporate world and as a successful entrepreneur. She is author of two eBooks, “divorced But not desperate” and “new Single you”. @janet_murray

Kris Carr

is an american actress and filmmaker as well as the new york Times bestselling author of "Crazy Sexy diet," a motivational speaker and wellness coach @kris_carr

Marisa Peer

is an award-winning author and therapist, who has spent 25 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and olympic athletes, Ceos and media personalities. @marisapeer

eDItorIAL T. Harv Eker

is an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation. He is the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. @T_Harv_eker

Damon Segal

is the managing director of emotio design Group, Ceo of Intenix, Co-founder of Telaeo and sits on the Superbrands expert Council. These businesses help clients get the most out of their online presence. @damonsegal

Cain Leathem

is one of the UK’s leading exercise and nutrition consultants having studied extensively aspects of the human body, exercise principles and nutrition, biomechanics, phlebotomy and neuro linguistic Programming among many other related disciplines. @gbfitness

Peter Shakeshaft

is the founder of Vin-X limited, a fine wine investment specialist in the UK. Vin-X specialises in introducing private individuals to the benefits of investing in fine wine and helping clients access the potential of the fine wine market.

The Best You Magazine Editor and Publisher: Bernardo Moya Deputy Editor: david Saunderson Associate Editor: Matt Wingett Technical Consultant: Martin Carter Advertising: Carla Phipps Layout: aaron Paterson The Best Group International 5 Percy St, london, United Kingdom, W1T 1dG Tel: +44 (0)845 230 2033 | 4

Brian Mayne

is an award-winning author, speaker and creator of the Goal Mapping achievement System. His books have been published in 11 languages and he is moving closer than ever to achieving his main goal of helping give a lift to 7 million lives. @brian_mayne

Stephen Simpson

is a Karl Morris Certified Master Mind Factor Coach and has incorporated his own methods into his sports coaching techniques, taking the best from the frequently confusing world of hypnosis, meditation, Zen, nlP, philosophy, and even quantum physics. @dr_sr_simpson

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what Andy Murray's success can teach us

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HoW oFTen HaVe you heard it asked, "What is the difference that makes the difference?" often, it can be very little that distinguishes greatness from the ordinary - but that seemingly unimportant extra ingredient can be everything. look at the amazing tennis finals we've seen this year between nadal and Federer, or nadal and Murray. and think about how up to this year Murray could never quite win the final, and suddenly he did. His diet and his training regime is going to be just as rigid as the other two... so what changed? and what can we all learn from his success? The change that came this year for andy Murray is that he started finding people who could really help him. after taking advice from Ivan lendl, he hired sports psychologist alexis Castorri, who helped lendl become the greatest tennis player on the planet. and he also takes mentoring from lendl himself. What a change it has made. Boris Becker recently said: “lendl was the first one who had an entourage, someone responsible for stringing his rackets, someone taking care of his diet and a personal trainer... He made tennis a business; and the reason players today have their own team is because of Ivan. andy walks around differently now and the other players regard him with greater respect - and lendl is the one who has made the difference."

Murray,who famously won olympic Gold and a US open title this year reveals that it's not all about what's going on in the court. He gets advice from Castorri about things away from the game. as he says: "That was refreshing, because when I’d spoken to psychologists in the past, I’d only spoken about tennis." With Castorri, it's different: “I spoke about things away from the court that may affect you and stop you from being fully focused on tennis." The big lesson we all can learn is that we need to surround ourselves with the best. People who have the know-how, and not just in your chosen pursuit - but in life generally. of course, we can't surround ourselves with top psychologists and sportsmen, but we can get at their ideas and their brilliance through their books, their dVds and other products. We can even get their advice for free on youtube, or through tips and articles free to download or read online. However you do it, my advice is: Get the right advice. If you are in business, get a business coach. If you are in sport get a sports coach. If you need to turn your life

around get a life coach. Personally, I swear by them and use different people at different times. dave Brailsford the man behind the success of Team GB cycling team puts those tiny changes individuals can make to your performance into context: “… It’s important to understand the ‘aggregation of marginal gains’. Put simply… how small improvements in a number of different aspects of what we do can have a huge impact to the overall performance of the team.” b all the best! Bernardo Moya @bernardo_moya

We want your stories

The Best You is all about inspiring people. If you have a tale to tell that you think will help someone become the best they can be, please tell us.  email:  Twitter:@thebestyou_  

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Cover story

Paul McKenna

A self-educated man In the past 20 years, Paul McKenna has been one of the world's widest-reaching life-changers. With his groundbreaking book Change Your Life In 7 Days selling over 3 million copies worldwide, a revolutionary weight-loss program and numerous TV shows revealing how easy it can be to change, it's difficult to underestimate his influence. So, how did he get there? And what does he really care about? The Best You finds out. Photographs by Steve Shaw


If you could sum up what drives Paul McKenna, it's tempting to say "education". From the seminars he does with richard Bandler (co-creator of the revolutionary methodology known as nlP), through numerous books and TV shows, Paul offers people ways to learn whole new ways of living. Perhaps his own bad experience at school made him seek out better ways to learn. "Basically I don’t approve of the factorystyle education system," he says, with feeling. "I think it was probably relevant at the time of the Industrial revolution. you had to take a human being with all its amazing creativity and squash it and break it to fit a very particular mould. Unfortunately, that's what our education system does to this day."


But Paul also believes there are rays of hope. "Changes are happening. (education expert) Ken robinson talks about how the exceptionally creative can really struggle in the education factory. "If you look at the recent BBC documentary on Michel Thomas, you'll see it's possible to learn a language in a week. at school it still takes years to learn things because we’re learning by one of the stupidest methods possible - which is learning by rote." So what would the result of a good school education be? "How intelligent somebody is shouldn’t be the only mark of success in school. It should also be how well someone does both emotionally and psychologically. "The system is the way it is because it’s been that way for a long time. But it’s due for a change."

I think one of the most important things you can have is emotional or psychological resilience. I can’t show you how to go and get a job but I can show you techniques that will improve your chances

Cover story

Paul McKenna

Considering his extraordinary rise to fame and fortune, it's fair to say there are things to learn from Paul McKenna. But it wasn't all TV and glamour. When he left school, his first job as a store detective at Harrods lasted for one day. "I knew I was no good at it because I thought I saw a suspicious character and this person was looking at me and they thought I was suspicious and so we both ended up calling security." He laughs. "The thing is, he was another store detective!" Paul then worked in Top Shop as a dJ. Playing music all day and being surrounded by pretty girls wasn't a bad place for a young man to be, but ever-ambitious, he moved on. He learned about hypnosis after a hypnotist helped him overcome stress and he went on to become a radio 1 dJ. But still he wasn't happy. So how did he decide what to do next? "I sat down and made a list of all of the assets I had. First of all I went back five years and I remembered what had happened and I came to the present moment. Then I said to my unconscious show me five years ahead. It was a very clear picture of me sitting there as a dJ but just more paranoid and unhappy." Paul then asked his unconscious to show him what it would be like if he could do anything he wanted. "It just felt like it was limitless, you know, that I can do anything." after that Paul had to decide who he would become. What would he do if he knew he couldn’t fail? The answer was startling. "I would have to become a different person. I’d have to be prepared to take risks. I’d have to educate myself." amazingly, within a month, Paul had a TV show. So what are the elements of his current success? one of them is most definitely passion. The passion he feels about education is matched by the passion he feels about weight loss. I even detect a sense of justice in bringing the diet industry to heel and doing his utmost to give people an alternative way to lose weight. It's clearly not about the money - although it's a great side-effect of the work he does. and that's down to his audience and the people who've supported him along the way, like richard Parks who gave him a break and backed him to put his first show on in the West end. "I believe that all success is also about backing. you know, if you’re a politician you need your voters to back you, a grocery store your customers are backing you. all success in life comes down to people backing you." It's also about focus. as Paul often says: "you know I think we get more of what we 8

You know I think we get more of what we focus on. My advice is that where you’re putting your attention is what you'll get more of

paul McKenna has sold

focus on. My advice is that where you’re putting your attention is what you'll get more of. If you wake up saying to yourself: Why am I this way? Why is it so unfair? or Why is it like that? then you're putting your attention on how wrong things are. "a smarter question would be: How can I solve this problem? What is it I really want to happen?” It's also about learning from the best. Paul trained with nlP co-creator richard Bandler in order to learn hypnosis from the best hypnotist in the world. He continually learns from the best, who he believes will be able to educate him to further excellence. So, what does Paul advise for the future? "Well there’s no doubt we live in uncertain times. We’re not out of the woods economically and there are dangers and opportunities. "I think one of the most important things you can have is emotional or psychological resilience. I can’t show you how to go and get a job but I can show you techniques that will improve your chances. "More than anything I can get you into a place, or you can get yourself into a place using nlP where you are positive and you’re emotionally resilient. "Then you’re going to have the strength to keep going for job interviews. you’re going to be more desirable as an employee because you’re a good person to be around. Skills are one thing, but I think emotional strength and resilience is a really important thing at this time of uncertainty." The message once again is about learning the things you don't know, yet. Paul is clearly dedicated to making changes for the good - and to teaching people how to teach themselves to get on in life. after all, it's what he did for himself. He invites you to do the same. b

6books,Million translated into 30 languages in 34 countries.

Paul McKenna At A Glance  did not enjoy school and found those years challenging  Became a dJ and once he came across hypnosis, he knew this is what he wanted to do  Trained with and modelled the best to become the best  Has changed millions of people’s lives around the world  Very passionate about what he does  He believes in the constant self improvement

 Buy Paul McKenna Products at The Best you 9


Paul Connolly



In and out of trouble with the law since he was very young, Paul Connolly was not well pleased when, in his twenties, two policewomen came to his door. The news they told him stunned him. Of all the children in his dormitory at the abusive orphanage where he'd grown up, only he and one other were still alive. Most likely as a result of the horrendous sexual abuse they had suffered, nearly all his friends had committed suicide. The news made Paul reconsider the direction of his whole life and start to make something positive from it. The Best You discovers how despite the worst of beginnings, Paul Connolly became a famous celebrity fitness trainer and a bestselling author - even though he only learned to read when he was 25 years old. SCan Qr Code To See PaUl Connolly'S aMaZInG STory aGaInST all oddS!


hen Paul Connolly was just two weeks old, his mother put him out with the rubbish. "one of the neighbours heard me crying and called the police. They came and got me, and I was taken away by social services." Born the seventh boy of eight children to an Irish Catholic family in Stratford, in london's east end, he spent his earliest years living with nuns in a convent. Then, at the age of eight he was moved to St leonard's children's home in Tower Hamlets. It was to be a life-changing move, for all the wrong reasons. From the Principal, down, the home was run by a paedophile ring. From then on, Paul's childhood and schooling was filled with violence and mental torture. With no real schooling and no positive male role models, Paul gained a reputation as a violent schoolboy, which at least protected him from the attentions of his potential abusers. When he was nine, he joined a boxing club. Here, he finally found a group of men who took him in, trained him and fed him. "These were the first sort of serious role models that I found weren't trying to bugger me or beat me up." he recalls. He left school at 14 and started work on a veg stall in romford 11


live your life without limitsTM

Paul Connolly

I started training celebrities and went from strength to strength

elle Macpherson market. He looked set to become a professional boxer and was about to sign a contract at the age of 18, when a severe accident meant that he technically died from loss of blood. The next few years were a struggle. realising he couldn't have the physical lifestyle he had expected, he decided to learn to do something that was seriously lacking from his chaotic childhood: how to read and write. He gained qualifications to become a fitness trainer, brought himself back to fitness and became the first personal trainer in the City of london. Whilst working in this role he was asked by a film company

These were the first sort of serious role models that I found weren't trying to ... beat me up


to work with elle McPherson in making the pilot for The Body video. It was another massive turning point. "I started training celebrities and went from strength to strength." nevertheless, his violent background came back to haunt him. He was arrested for Grievous Bodily Harm when he was attacked by five men while working as a doorman. "I had to wait a year and a half to go to Crown Court, and all I could hear was the people who'd brought me up in children's homes saying to me you're a low-life Irish scumbag and the only place you're gonna end up is in prison." Paul was acquitted when the judge directed the jury to find that he was acting in self defence, but that moment was terrifying for him. He recalls how his "legs went to jelly" standing in the dock. "It would have been the end of my life, going to prison," he adds, in all seriousness. Then came another of those big turning points in his life. The visit from two police officers who told him that he and one other, out of his entire dormitory at St leonard's were the only two left alive. The rest had all committed suicide in different ways and the other survivor was serving a double life sentence. To his dismay, three of his abusers got very light sentences due to a mistake made by the Crown Prosecution Service. It was in the memory of his dead dorm-mates that he decided to kill them himself. He got very close to doing it indeed. He bought a gun and followed two of them to a pub, but just at the last minute backed out.

"There must have been a scrap of decency left in me," he says, before adding: "...if I’d have done it... I wouldn’t be here; I’d still be in prison, I’d be in prison for a long, long time." So why did he back out? " Because I had people around me who were saying to me you’re gonna end your life and then what kind of revenge is that? "That’s no revenge; your life is over, your revenge should be to go on and have a happy family and to be a successful man and prove these people wrong." In the end, that is the choice Paul made. He went on to train a-list celebrities like elle Macpherson in Hollywood and has now written a chart-topping book telling his remarkable story which has been optioned for a movie - all the way from being thrown out with the rubbish to his rise to success. It's a story to put the heart into anyone who is struggling with life. you can watch a longer interview with Paul here - and watch out for the full length interview, soon to be screened on The Best TV. b

Paul Connolly At A Glance  Thrown out with the rubbish when two weeks old  abuse in orphanage  learned to box  Pronounced technically dead  learned to read at 25  UK's first personal trainer  Worked with elle Macpherson  nearly killed his abusers  Wrote a chart-topping book  His story considered for a movie







Secrets of the

Gill Fielding

...the self-education, the self-awareness, the self-development... was the thing that made the massive difference...

Secret Millionaire Gill Fielding grew up in London’s East End and left school when she was 16 with no formal qualifications. She is now a multi-millionaire. What does she know that we don’t? Bernardo Moya talks to her to find out.


Fielding Financial Family Website


SCan Qr Code To FInd oUT HoW one WoMan Made HerSelF ToTally FInanCIally SelF-SUPPorTInG!

ill Fielding first came to prominence in the UK as a "secret millionaire" on the Channel 4 series of the same name. In the show, she went undercover to work alongside ordinary working people to find deserving causes she could help with a gift of cash. For Gill, with her no-nonsense east end attitude to life, this was a heart-warming experience that took her back to her roots to meet other women who grew up just like herself, and even went to the same school in West Ham. So, what made it possible for her to make a multi-million pound fortune her peers could only dream of? In The Best you's video interview with Gill Fielding, Bernardo Moya finds out more about the West Ham girl who made good. Some of her story involves a sense of self belief and some of it is to do with living in a nurturing environment, despite having no money. Gill says of her childhood that she was raised in the

gutter, spending her time playing on the street outside her house, in some ways a lonely and isolated child. even though her family and friends had very little, Gill was surrounded by what she calls a sense of abundance which came from the generosity of relatives. It was through those relatives that she acquired her very first £5 note something that made a very deep impression on her. For Gill, education taught her diddly squat. as is so often the case with people who decide to make a difference in their lives, things had to get bad before they got better. She found herself leaving school with no formal qualifications when she was 16 and getting work in a library in a very lowly position. Her realisation that this would be the reality of the rest of her life unless she did something about it was the impetus she needed to start making changes in her life. Gill went to University and got a degree in teaching, and then went on to work at Price Waterhouse Cooper as an accountant. Her life changed beyond recognition as she took charge of her finances and made some very wise investments.

In 1997 she realised that she was a millionaire. The way she relates realising that she was going to be financially free for the rest of her life through her investments is disarmingly honest. Gill herself has been heard to say that the old saying "you can take the girl out of the east end, but you can't take the east end out of the girl" rings true with her down-to-earth approach to life, to family, to education and to money making. Find out her opinions on all of these things in the video interview with Bernardo Moya. And - coming soon on The Best TV the full interview with Gill Fielding. b

Gill Fielding At A Glance         

Born into an impoverished family no formal education left School at 16 Knew she had to change her life Got a university education Became an accountant Invested wisely Became a millionaire now helps others to do the same! 15





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life Without limits


Ageing - It's all in the Mind Marisa Peer on how to stop growing old

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Reiki - mastering your energy The Best you investigates this mysterious therapy

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Ageing It’s all in the mind!

Inner yoU: MARISA PeeR

T There's plenty of advice out there about slowing the appearance of ageing but how do you slow down ageing itself? Marissa Peer tells all!

o be younger physically and mentally you must change how you think about ageing. However young you may look you need to feel young too - and that means changing your mind-set. Thinking younger is about keeping your mental faculties, staying sharp and on the ball and using techniques to physically slow down the ageing of your body. That way, you stay quick-thinking, focused and have a fantastic memory. Here are some simple things you can do to extend your life span and delay ageing - so you feel and look younger at every stage of your life

Words to the Wise. Stop saying I

Thinking younger is about keeping your mental faculties, staying sharp and on the ball and using techniques to physically slow down the ageing of your body 18

feel old, knackered, past it or anything else along those lines. don’t refer to yourself as ancient or geriatric. your mind believes every word you say so describing yourself as an antique, even jokingly, causes your mind to picture what that is - then your body works to meet the picture. your mind and body act in a way that matches how you describe yourself - so instead of saying I look old which is permanent - say I look tired which is temporary.

Mix It Up. embrace change and new challenges and you will slow down ageing. Make routine your enemy. It stops your body and brain being challenged. Make variety and change your friend. do things that communicate to your brain and body that you are young. Tufts University Medical School ran a series of tests proving the power of thought can cause the body to become 12 years younger than it really is.

Exercise Your Mind. Sudoku, crosswords and joining in with quiz shows keep your brain agile. The neurons in your brain remain strong and continue to renew themselves with use, whereas they wither and become inert without use. The mind and body work on the use it or lose it principle, so use your brain like a muscle and you will slow down mental and physical ageing.

Supplement Your Youth. you are not what you eat you are what you are able to absorb. Take Co-enzyme Q10 to help your body to absorb nutrients from food. another great supplement is Gingko Biloba, which forces blood through micro-vessels and helps keep ageing illnesses at bay. In Scandinavia it is given to older people because of its agedelaying properties.

trampoline? Tests have shown that jumping on a mini tramp for 10 minutes a day gets rid of bags under your eyes. The age you feel is also affected by time listening to music, dancing and laughing, all of which cause your body to produce hormones and chemicals associated with youth. My Cd younger skin from within is designed to send messages to your body that slows down ageing.

Don't Irradiate! Keep your phone or laptop away from your bed at night. The electro-magnetic frequencies will age your body. Move appliances out of the bedroom, use a battery clock and a non-cordless phone, too. Get Your Beauty Sleep. Be in bed

by 12.00 several nights a week. at 2.00am your body begins its cycle of cell repair, which it can’t do if you are still awake. Staying up Have Sex. Have Fun. Sex tricks your body late every night means your body sets aside into thinking you are younger. Having frequent cell repair which accelerates ageing. sex tricks your mind into believing you must be trying to conceive and as a result it has an Nut-brown Hair? It doesn't matter anti-ageing effect on older people. orgasm is whether you're blond, raven, brunette or very good for your skin and makes nK (natural ginger, eating walnuts (which are rich in killer cells) that fight illness . copper) stops hair going grey.

Become Immune to Ageing. Skin brushing boosts immunity. Brushing lymph sites in your groin, armpits and neck boosts your lymph system keeping you healthy and looking and feeling younger. Keep a Spring in Your Step with Exercise and Music. If your body isn’t active you begin muscle wastage - so why not bounce back to health on a

Hair Circulation. Hair loss is linked to lack of blood supply across the scalp. Brush and massage your scalp to stimulate blood flow. Standing on your head will boost hair growth. It’s as effective to kneel with your head cupped into your palms, then move on to your feet so your head is more inverted. This boosts blood flow to your scalp, nourishing hair follicles and encouraging healthy hair growth. b 19


Inner yoU: GuIDe To ReIKI

Reiki - It’s all about energy FolloW US on TWITTer

The Best You Investigates

lIKe US on FaCeBooK

Developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, Reiki is a complementary therapy that manipulates Qi energy, the life force at the heart of much Eastern medicine. The Best You looks into Reiki ...

 Reiki - the basics

The Japanese word reiki, meaning "mysterious atmosphere", comes from a Chinese word meaning "supernatural influence". It was first used in english in the 1970s and is often translated as "universal life energy". Chinese Qi or Japanese Ki is a form of universal energy that ancient eastern tradition states permeates and forms the universe. In classic Chinese medicine, Qi exists in two main forms , the yin and the yang. The yin is the feminine principle associated with dark, earth and cold and the yang is the masculine principle associated with light, air and hot. This is the same energy that is manipulated in acupuncture for health and in martial arts to break bricks with bare hands. a dynamic balance between yin and yang is the ideal for health.

 Reiki In Practice

The reiki Practitioner believes that because everyone's body is made of Ki, we all generate a Ki field. The skilled practitioner of reiki alters the Ki field of a client through manipulation of his own Ki field in proximity with theirs. This can mean that a reiki practitioner may even do reiki without touching his client. 20

 Reiki - East Meets West

There are two main traditions of reiki - the Traditional Japanese and the Western. In the former, an emphasis is placed on the intuitive skill of the practitioner, while the Western tradition has a more schematic approach to the hand placements employed. Both traditions typically have three degrees of practice, each degree giving the practitioner further skills in reiki.

 Reiki and Health

reiki practitioners claim to be able to help all manner of illness, from claims that it promotes relaxation and encourages the body to heal itself, through to claims for depression, anxiety, PTSd, anorexia and bipolar disorder. other claims include healing of tissue injury. one website boldly states that "if you have a disease, reiki can heal it."

 Does it work?

at the moment, there has been no conclusive scientific evidence that reiki can help, although there are many anecdotal reports of problems disappearing after attending a reiki session. While many websites claim to be able to cure all manner of illness, the national Centre for Complementary and alternative Medicine advises: "do not use reiki to replace proven

First Hand Experience

conventional medical care or to postpone seeing a health care provider about a medical problem. advice from most practitioners is to use reiki as a complementary medicine, not as the sole source of treatment for an illness."

 How widespread is it?

The 2007 national Health Interview Survey revealed that more than 1.2 million adults - 0.5 percent of the U.S. general adult population - had used an energy healing therapy, such as reiki, in the previous year. as a test sample, there are 132 reiki businesses listed in the yellow Pages as reiki healers in london alone. add those who do not advertise and those healers who incorporate reiki as part of a range of treatments, and it's safe to put the number of reiki healers in thousands, if not tens of thousands in the UK alone. as with most complementary therapies, there is no centralised board, although several Federations and associations incorporating lists of healers and espousing a code of ethics are readily found online throughout the world. b

READ The Reiki Blog

Sarah Hayns, an nHS ultrasound specialist speaks of her visit to a reiki master after getting a back injury doing Taekwondo. "It was strange. The reiki master asked me to lie down on my front and simply placed her hands on my body through my clothes. She had never met me before, and although I had told her I had a back injury, I didn't tell her how I got it. She spent a few moments in quiet examination and then told me that she had detected that I must do a lot of sport, since I had a lot of wear on my ankle and knee joints. She then told me that I was feeling some aches because it was my period. I have no idea how she knew that. She also told me she had detected damage to a muscle in my back. She put her hands over the area and I felt intense warmth coming from her hands, and a feeling of wellbeing. My back was much better after that. although there's no scientific evidence, I'd say there must be something to it. on the other hand, reiki people also talk about being able to affect people at a distance, and that I think is too big a leap of faith for me!"

Ki Energy Exercise

you can experience the basics of Ki energy by performing a simple meditation. Sit in a comfortable position, and pay attention to your breathing, as you inhale and exhale through your nose. Breathe from the diaphragm slowly and steadily, allowing your mind to clear as the meditation calms you. Gently hold your tongue against the gum at the base of your upper front teeth and continue calmly breathing in this way, through your nose. now, with each breath in, visualise inhaling energy in through your nose and down the middle of your body to the base of your tummy, behind your bellybutton. With the next breath in, imagine the same energy moving under your body to the small of your back. now imagine it going up your spine and down your arms, jumping over across your hands travelling back up the arms and meeting at the spine between the shoulder blades. With your next breath, take it over the centre line of your head and down around your body, taking in more energy as you go, with your next breath in. do this for twenty minutes, and notice how energised you are. This is the starting point of learning how to control your Ki energy, and is drawn from the ancient Chinese art of Chi Kung.

reiki & the Seven Chakras: your essential Guide to the First level 21

Advantages of being positive

eNJoy LIFe

laughter, sport, humour, travel, love, dedication, joy - these add the sparkle that makes life worth living. Climbing a mountain, giving to others, starting a family, embracing life... What are the things you wish you had done, but haven’t yet? life is no rehearsal - find ways to enjoy it, whenever you can!

#positive #TheBestyou

life Without limits


 Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress.

 Better psychological and  Positive emotions physical well-being. such as gratitude and appreciation  reduced risk help athletes perform at a higher of death from level. cardiovascular disease.


Ways to stay positive

Being positive is not just a nice way to live. It's the way to live.

 Greater resistance to the common cold.


limit your negative news intake. Pay attention to what you read, why listen to negative stuff? Talking about HoW Bad it all is and watching it on TV does noT help.

A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can't do. I always look on the positive side of what I can do

The Positivity Blog

-Chuck norris

appreciate the simple things in life, walking, seeing, talking, breathing, sunshine, your kids…

appreciate what you’ve got. There is always somebody worse off than you out there...

Bolt of Lightning

dr Stephen Simpson profiles the world's fastest man

read stories and books of inspirational people. If there is someone who inspires you, read his/her book, attend their course.

Take care of yourself physically. you need to be moving and taking care of yourself. “Mens sana in corpore sano”

 Is there anybody that needs your

crazy Sexy Bean chilli

ny Times best-selling author serves us up a tasty treat ...

help? Helping others is a great way of appreciating what you have and feeling alive.

Plan positive stuff… Make big positive goals, plan what you want.

 Plan your holidays, where you want

to live, what you want to do with your kids, Put them in writing and review them frequently

Recommended reading Wishes Fulfilled, The Shift (Deluxe Edition) & Experiencing The Miraculous  dr Wayne dyer Three of dr Wayne dyer's most inspiration works on dVd in one pack! 22

5 Ways to fight christmas calorie overload The Best you helps keep your waistline in check

The Best you website is packed with loads of great books, dVds, Cds, downloads, free articles and reports. Check it out at

Personal Enhancement

 dr richard Bandler The Personal enhancement Cd set is an easy, effective way to access more of the power and potential of your incredible brain using nlP.

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

 napoleon Hill The father of self-help teaches us whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.


Inspire others with your personal story of change. Email us at 23

enJoy lIFe: DR STePheN SIMPSoN

of Lightning The Best You profiles Usain Bolt - the world's fastest man

ď‚ş 24 25

Jamaican runner Usain Bolt is the world's most famous athlete. The 100 metre and 200 metre Sprint and 4 x 100 metre relay World Record Holder has massive popular appeal drawn from a huge "sport" and "non-sport" fan base. He's also the highest paid athlete in history, with a net worth estimated at over $20 million. Dr Stephen Simpson uncovers what makes him a world beater.


he london 2012 olympics held some serious question marks for Bolt. Poor previous form, persistent rumours of injury, training setbacks and a controversial disqualification for a false start in the heats of the 2011 World Championships left many wondering if he could still perform. His starts had long worried him until his coach's assurances that his phenomenal late-race acceleration would trump his faster rivals' starts. Focussing on the positives paid off for Bolt in london, who set a new World record of 9.63 seconds in the 100 metres final. The audience were delighted with his broad smile, his relaxed chatter to the volunteer at the blocks, his play-acting to the cameras, his victory pose and his five push-ups celebrating his five gold

medals. Post-race, he reiterated, ‘I won because I stopped worrying about my start.’ like in 2008, Bolt was so far ahead he could slow down in his last few strides. This time he held his left finger to his mouth, a signal to silence his critics. So what are the secrets of Bolt’s stellar performance? He says there are no secrets, but this is his secret. He keeps things simple and does not paralyse his mind with technical thoughts. He has no special diet, and eats and drinks whatever he likes. In the starting blocks he claims to think about which pizza to order after the race. In a recent TV interview Bolt was asked for his five top tips for sprinters. He said: 1. Be fast out of the blocks 2. Move easily through transition 3. run tall at the end of the race

I won because I stopped worrying about my start His interviewer politely pointed out that these were only three tips. Usain looked puzzled, then finally replied that he couldn't think of any more. Why complicate it? In other interviews, he says he stays relaxed before a race, only focuses to a state of 'tunnel vision' when he is in the blocks. Bolt sometimes lacks motivation for tough training, and counters this by

repeated affirmations to himself, such as ‘I am the Best’. affirmations work at the unconscious level. His mind accepts that to be the best requires commitment to train harder than his closest rivals. other secrets, which are so obvious to him, would be worth applying to your sport, work, or personal life, too: Pick the right coach who will explain what you need to know, not what you want to hear and who understands that peak performance demands the exquisite balance of physical, technical, mental and spiritual qualities. Bolt chose Mills because he knew his tough disciplined approach would counter his relaxed approach to life, bring out his best qualities and toughen him to compete against the world's finest athletes. Mills also stressed to Bolt not to fear injury. Though not welcome, injury demonstrated that Bolt was pushing himself to the limits. Many athletes can't handle defeat, but successful athletes turn it to their advantage as a learning opportunity. They compete without fear of failure, knowing that all possible consequences have positive benefits. no surprise, then, that the "no fear" mindset increases the chances of winning. Bolt himself says, ‘you have to learn how to lose before you can learn how to win.’ all athletes aim to treat all races the same, whether in practice or the olympic finals by maintaining the same routines, rather than special preparations for the most important events. Bolt is also an entertainer. For him it is a great way to reduce stress. It is preferable to think of something pleasant, rather than the importance of the race. another secret is to train with a friend equally committed to winning as you, and who performs almost as well. This adds spice to practice and prevents complacency. yohan Blake performs this role for Bolt, and presumably Blake believes it helps his preparation too. long distance runner Mo Farah does the same with Galen rupp. Finally, never underestimate the power of laughter. Keep in mind that life is meant to be fun. If your job or sport is the equivalent of day jail, change it. Willpower alone won't make you win. With more money than he will ever need, Bolt runs for fun. Setting new world records is almost incidental, a welcome by-product of doing what he likes doing - and doing it better than anyone else. b

Bolt olympic Gold Medals 100m 100m 200m 200m 4x100m 4x100m – 9.69 seconds Beijing, 2008

– 9.63 seconds london, 2012

– 19.30 seconds Beijing, 2008

– 19.32 seconds london, 2012

– 37.10 seconds Beijing, 2008

– 36.84 seconds london, 2012

world Junior record 200m

– 19.93 seconds Kingston, 2002

Stats world records 100m 200m 4x100m

– 9.58 seconds Berlin, 2009

– 19.19 seconds Berlin, 2009

– 36.84 seconds london, 2012

world Championship Gold Medals 100m 200m 200m 4x100m

– 9.58 seconds Berlin, 2009

– 19.19 seconds Berlin, 2009

– 19.40 seconds daegu, 2011

– 37.31 seconds Berlin, 2009

Source: 26 27

Crazy Sexy Bean Chilli

enJoy lIFe: KRIS cARR

New York Times best-selling author of "Crazy Sexy Diet", motivational speaker and wellness coach Kris Carr serves us up a tasty treat ...

Kris Carr's Website

W Crazy Sexy Kitchen is available from


elcome to the WellneSS reVolUTIon! you’re invited to a marvellous soiree, a wellness revolution to be exact. and the sooner you rSVP the better because wide-sweeping change is happening in homes right across the world. More people than ever before are embracing the transformative power of a plant-based diet. and it isn’t just hippies in hemp and patchouli or Prius-driving latte-guzzlers. From truckers to the First lady, professional athletes to soccer moms, veg-centred consciousness is skyrocketing. Some people flock to plant-empowered living for better health; others from spiritual beliefs, animal welfare, respect for the environment, or, best of all, because it tastes great. The simple, fresh flavours in plant-based meals create layers of taste, while the smells intoxicate and satisfy our senses. This food has style and rhythm, texture and glamour.

Plant-strong cuisine is taking the culinary world by storm, igniting the internet, and permeating the media and pop culture. I am extremely proud to be a voice in an evergrowing movement that will change the course of our health-care systems, and thus, our history. In my new book, CraZy, SeXy KITCHen, I provide a kind of Veggie Manifesto for gourmands and novices alike. My goal with the book is quite simple. I want to redefine today’s kitchen. The kitchen has heart, soul and powerful medicine. It’s not only fun to get to know this sacred space, it’s truly liberating. The goodness born in the kitchen will enrich your health, your home and the planet. The recipe I wanted to share with you is my Crazy Sexy Bean Chilli. It’s a real crowd-pleaser and great for no-stress weeknight dinners. Serve it over brown rice and pair with a side of steamed greens and corn tortillas. enjoy! b

Recipe Crazy Sexy Bean Chilli 1 1/2 tablespoons cumin seeds 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 white onion, diced 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 jalapeño, finely diced (for less heat, remove seeds and/or use half the pepper) 2 tablespoons chili powder 1 1/2 cups ground seitan (alternatives: crumbled tempeh [wheat-free] or finely diced mushrooms [soy-free]) 1 zucchini, diced 1/2 cup diced potato (any kind) Two 15-ounce cans of black beans, rinsed one 15-ounce can of kidney beans, rinsed one 14-ounce can of crushed tomatoes (San Marzano recommended) 2 cups water 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 bunch of fresh coriander 1 cup kale, chopped diced avocado (optional) Fresh coriander (optional) This crowd-pleaser is a go-to dish for pot lucks, football-watching shindigs, and no-stress weeknight dinners. Serve over Serve over brown rice and pair with a side of steamed greens and corn tortillas. Cumin's nutty, peppery flavour is popular in Mexican and Indian cuisines. Chili powder contains a unique blend of paprika, onion,garlic, oregano, and cayenne, giving your chili the traditional flavour that keeps you coming back for more. 1. Toast cumin seeds in dry soup pot on medium heat, for 2 minutes until you smell the robust aroma. (This process releases the full flavour of the spice.) 2. add the olive oil, onion, garlic, and jalapeño. Stir consistently until the onion is golden and translucent. 3. add in the chili powder, seitan, zucchini, and potato, and stir well. Saut for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring to avoid sticking. 4. add in black beans, kidney beans, tomatoes, water, maple syrup, sea salt, and coriander. Cover with a lid, reduce heat to low, and allow to cook for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender. 5. remove from heat, and stir in the kale. 6. Serve hot. Garnish with diced avocado and a handful of coriander, if using. 29

5 ways to fight Christmas Calorie overload Christmas and the festive season has been known to expand many a waist size but it doesn't need to be that way. The Best You gives you some tips to get through the holidays without a crash diet in January.


➊ don't go to a party hungry. Christmas

➍ drink plenty of water. not only because

parties have lots of delicious-yet-fatty treats. eat before you arrive and the temptation to hog down mince pies won't be so hard to resist.

alcohol, coffee and caffeinated soft drinks dehydrate your body - but also because drinking water can give you a feeling of fullness, making you less likely to fill up on high-calorie treats.

a new technology graduate school in new york has come up with a fantastic innovation for its students that will smooth the path between research and entrepreneurship. as well as offering great classes, Cornell nyC Tech applied school has a US Patent and Trademark officer as a member of staff, and the school is set to enrol its first class next year. In a step that brings innovation to the innovators, the 'innovation and outreach coordinator' at Cornell nyC Tech is a novel effort to help innovators on campus— and in the city at large—get advice on capitalizing on their ideas. The intention is to "tear down the walls between university research and the federal support that has the power to help move that research from the lab to the marketplace." The staffer may consult one-to-one and give classes on such topics as how to best write a patent application, what financial help might be available and what commercial strategy to pursue. It's a great way to foster and nurture the next generation of innovators!

Watch your portion. Sure, drink and feast on all those yummy pastries and sugary snacks, but go for smaller portions. This way you get to try everything without going overboard.

➌ Think about what you are eating,

Get out and take a walk. enjoy the company of your family and friends by going for a wander and pre-empt the new year's weight-scales shock.

#christmas #TheBestyou

especially high fatty foods. yes, it is Christmas time but calories don't take a holiday.


LIVe LoVe LeGAcy


What do you want to be remembered for? What are your relationships like with those around you? How does life treat you - and how do you treat your life? There is so much good in you. enrich your life with the passion you feel and the connections you make.

life Without limits


Innovation in the World of Innovation

The Magic of Goals

Brian Mayne on why it is great to set goals in your life

8 Top Tips for you and your Teens, Part 2

Kate Benson continues her series on creating better family relationships

What is Love? Facts and Figures FREE DOWNLOAD 7 Powerful Secrets to Improve Your Voice by Laura Spicer

Recommended reading Nutrition For Dummies

 Carol ann rinzler, nigel denby & Sue Baic nutrition experts advise you on how to establish healthy eating patterns and how to maximise the health benefits of what you eat. 30

The Best you guides you to happiness through the minefield of dating

The Best you website is packed with loads of great books, dVds, Cds, downloads, free articles and reports. Check it out at


 Colin Montgomerie one of the greatest golfing characters in the world discusses trying to achieve the necessary personal and professional balance.

They Did You Can: How to achieve whatever you want in life with the help of your sporting heroes

 Michael Finnigan Michael Finnigan interviews sporting celebrities to discover just what it was that helped them make it.


Inspire others with your personal story of change. Email us at 31

lIVe loVe leGaCy: BRIAN MAyNe

The Magic of Goals It is the master key to life-long success, that everybody has heard, but few really understand, and only 4% choose to live by; the life-changing magic of goals. Brian Mayne tells us more

✤ long-term Success is never an accident; it is 'on purpose'.

✤ If you don't set goals, your subconscious-sat-nav will follow your strongest thoughts instead.

✤ learn and live by the principles of success, and you will achieve it for yourself.

✤ Many people think more about what they Fear, than what they desire and thus self-sabotage.

✤ The number-one success-skill is 'goalachievement'; it's the one that helps you gain all other skills and achievements.

✤ Goal-setting captures your success thoughts and makes them stronger than your failure thoughts.

✤ achieving goals is a natural ability, and like other natural abilities, it must be nurtured and exercised to grow strong. ✤ although goal-setting is natural it must also be studied. a goal set wrongly won't be achieved. ✤ your subconscious works like a personal 'sat-nav' system; goals are the postcode for our destination.

✤ Turboboost your goals by using words and pictures to activate your whole-brain and powerfully command your subconscious-sat-nav to success. ✤ Capture your best thoughts in a goal, and it enlivens your winning attitudes, empowers your actions and invariably enriches your life. ✤ The most powerful people in the world become so through goal-setting, and the most powerful system I have discovered to set goals is called Goal Mapping. b

FREE DOWLOAD Create your Goal Map for FREE here

FolloW US on TWITTer lIKe US on FaCeBooK 33

lIVe loVe leGaCy: KATe BeNSoN


top tIps For You AND Your teeNs, pArt two

In My laST arTICle I gave 4 tips each for both teens and parents to improve their relationship. These tips were:  relax  remember who's who  Keep up, slow down  Stay connected and keep the freedom. It's just a matter of making some adjustments to navigate through an exciting and formative change in your relationship. The most useful skill you can gain is to smile take yourselves lightly and enjoy the ride." In this article I'd like to add to those tips,with more insights and ideas for you to consider and try out. Who knows, you might start noticing a big difference in the way things work at home! b

Kate Benson continues her article on getting the best from the parent-teen relationship.

Parent Tip 5

Teen Tip 5

Mind your language

Mind your language

Most of the problems parents have with their teens are to do with how they say things not what they say. Parents often talk to their teenagers using words that are guaranteed to upset them. Parents try to get their teens to do what they want with phrases such as: you have to…. you must… you need to… you can’t…. More often than not these phrases spark an argument or a ‘bedroom stomp’. Practise saying ‘George – tidy your room before you go out please… thank you.’ ‘Mary put your dishes in the dishwasher please… thank you. notice what a difference simple, straightforward and polite instructions can make to your communications.

Certain phrases you are likely to use will have a very negative and upsetting effect on your parents. Save your colourful language, street terms and swearing for when you are with your friends. Behave with your parents like you do when you visit your friend’s houses and are wonderfully polite to their parents. obviously this will be very difficult and you will not always manage it but do try. It will make a big difference to how they are with you and you may find that you are allowed much more responsibility because they think you are sensible – so more points scored!

Parent Tip 7

Teen Tip 7

What are you looking at?

What are they looking at?

Most parents are aware of the hormonal changes taking place in their teenage children but you may not be aware of changes that are taking place in their brains. Some of the ‘brain pruning’ that is taking place means that it is very difficult for teens to recognise and understand the subtle facial expressions you use. I will talk more about this on the nlP for parents day, but for now It’s important to be explicit about what you may assume is implicit. For example your ‘concerned face’ may be read by your teen as your ‘angry face’. When you are worried about your teen, say ‘I am looking at you like this because I am concerned about you’. This way it helps your teen to re-learn to read facial expressions.

When your parents are not smiling at you it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are mad at you! you may think that the only response they have to you is to be cross, but sometimes they appear cross because they are worried about you or want to talk seriously to you. you may not want to hear what they have to say but it is important to do your best to listen carefully to what they say and then have your say. If necessary take a time out and go away and think about what you want to say in response to them rather than resort to ‘you are so unfair’!

Parent Tip 8 respect their space. If at all possible keep out of your teen’s bedroom. as they grow up it's important that the teens feel they have somewhere that is their own territory. your visit to their bedroom to collect dirty dishes and laundry will be taken as a major infringement of civil liberties. negotiate under what circumstance and when you will enter their room without their permission and at all other times knock or ask before entering. If necessary put a sign up saying ‘abandon all hope ye who enter here’ and leave the cleaning until they leave home unless it becomes a major health hazard.

Kate’s General Advice: K "Like the rest of life, you're going through something with those around you that's new, unexplored and potentially really exciting. It will have its ups and downs, but remember that flexibility and engaging with what's going on around you can really make a massive difference. The reality is, the power is in your hands to make this fun, rewarding and exciting through the choices you make. But my number one word of advice is a simple one: Smile. When you do that you start to take yourself lightly and enjoy the ride." - Kate Benson director of education for the Society of nlP.

Teen Tip 8 Parent Tip 6 Make a date with your Teen Forget the trips to the zoo or family gatherings, and think about things that you and your teen have in common that you could share in this new phase of life. do you share the same taste in music? Well probably not but maybe you share the same taste in comedy or films. Find something that you can share together and include one of their friends and make a night out together. In this way you can begin to build the beginnings of an adult relationship with your teen. 34

Teen Tip 6

Make a date with your parents every now and again have a night out with your parents. It’s great because they will pay and you will get an enjoyable night out. look through the ‘what’s on’ pages of your local paper and find something that you will all enjoy. Invite a friend and go on a Tuesday when there isn’t anything exciting happening. you never know you may have a great time and if not you can always chat on Facebook if you get bored plus you get more points to trade later.

Take care of your own space. you will increasingly feel the need for privacy and your own space, where you control the music and activity. your parents may take some time to adjust to this as they are used to your room being part of their house. The best way to make sure it is your space is to look after it. This doesn’t mean you have to spend hours cleaning but it really helps if you take your own dishes to the kitchen and put your laundry in the basket. This way your parents have no excuse to invade your privacy.

#teenagers #education #TheBestyou 35


What is Love? Facts & Figures They say love is blind, but you don't have to go into dating with your eyes shut with these helpful facts and figures from The Best You

online dating Tips



life Without limits


Great reading, viewing and listening to empower,entertain, enrich, delight and enhance. The Best you rounds up classics and new books and media products that will make such a positive difference in your life!

❤ Post the best and most attractive

➽ 1 out of 8 couples married in the US last year met online.

photo you can find.

❤ remain aloof and let yourself be chased.

❤ always reply to emails at least 3 days after receipt.

➽ The most common time for breakups is around three to five months.

❤ never provide your real email or phone details.

❤ always date safely and protect yourself at every turn.

❤ ensure your login name is cool and

➽ Four common date blunders include showing up late, talking about yourself too much, revealing too much about your ex, and an obvious overeagerness.


of women would consider dumping a boyfriend if her friends didn't like him.

➽ research shows that men know they're falling in love after just three dates, but women don't fall in love until date 14.

sexy, as well as enigmatic.

❤ do not login for hours on end. Short, rapid visits are best.

do not assume the person you are talking to is destitute or sad.

❤ If you don't want to date married ➽ researchers at the University of Chicago found that people were twice as likely to find a date through friends and family than through the bar scene.

 anthony robbins discover how to close the gap from where you are to where you want to be in your relationships. 36

❤ Come across as cool and sophisticated for best results

➽ on average, it takes between 12 to 14 dates before couples will trade house keys.

Recommended reading Love & Passion, the Ultimate Relationship Program Boxed Set

people, spell it out in your profile.

The Best you website is packed with loads of great books, dVds, Cds, downloads, free articles and reports. Check it out at

The Secret & The Secret Daily Teachings

 rhona Byrne These two bestsellers give you the tools to transform your life into total joy.

You Can Have An Amazing Life In Just 60 Days

 dr John demartini What you will find in this book are 60 inspiring laws that will show you how to live an amazing life.

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities - J. K. rowling

BooK reVIeWS

Top To Toe Nicky Hambleton-Jones Famous for her TV show 10 years younger, nicky Hambleton-Jones has burst on to the media scene with a powerful blend of wise advice and giving it to you straight. In this beautifully-presented book, nicky takes you through the things you want in life and shows you how to make that make-over happen. It's not just that you can get a atter stomach and look better using nicky's advice - it goes deeper than that. like a caring sister, she shows you how to organise your life to get a more inspiring job, a better relationship and far bigger goals, too. all the while, she's at your side giving you the boost you need. Her no-nonsense attitude is inspiring, insightful and immensely practical. and what's more, all that advice is wrapped up in a beautifully presented volume that is a delight to read and hold as well as being powerfully effective. Many people who have put her advice into action say they were inspired and motivated by the way she spells out the things you need to do to make the changes you want. Prepare to make a change - from Top to Toe!

Nicky takes you through the things you want in life and shows you how to make that make-over happen 38 39

BooK reVIeWS

Against All odds Paul Connolly

Paul Connolly is a physical trainer to the stars, with several top-grade clients in Hollywood, and was the adviser on elle Macpherson's video The Body. This extraordinary book tells how he got there, from one of the toughest childhoods imaginable. literally thrown out with the rubbish when he was two weeks old, he was taken into "care", into a regime of horrendous abuse that had terrible consequences. years later he was to discover that only one other child had survived from his dormitory. The others had, in various ways, killed themselves. The ups and downs of his life, the violence, the moments of despair and darkness are told with utter frankness, as are the funny life-affirming moments. For anyone wondering what it is to be a survivor and what it takes to put your life behind you, Paul Connolly's story will inspire, shock and affirm in equal measure. a truly moving tale, all the more extraordinary for being completely true.

A truly moving tale, all the more extraordinary for being completely true 40 41

BooK reVIeWS

how To Win Friends And Inuence People Dale Carnegie dale Carnegie's book is one of the absolute classics of self-help. In the pages of this famously titled book, Carnegie reveals the skills he used to get on in the world and make a massive success of his life. He doesn't only do it by telling what he did, but uses numerous true stories to illustrate his point, drawing on such examples as abraham lincoln and Thomas edison to really get his point across. Carnegie's book is now 76 years old, yet the lessons it teaches about maintaining relationships, getting the best out of others and yourself and leaving a positive impression are as relevant today as they have ever been. In many ways, this book is one of the founding works of modern self-help. Carnegie was born into poverty in Missouri, but became a hugely successful sales and business trainer, who was the embodiment of his message that you can get better results out of your life. one of his key messages is that you can illicit very different behaviour from others if you just change the way you react to them. This message of empowerment combines with his world view to create a powerful manual for self improvement. It's a book as relevant today as the day it was published.

In many ways, this book is one of the founding works of modern self-help 42 43

BooK reVIeWS

Banishing Phobias Dr Richard Bandler dr richard Bandler, co-creator of nlP (neuro-linguistic Programming), has long established himself as one of the masters of beating phobias. In this fascinating dVd filmed live at one of his nlP training seminars, richard takes three phobics with a fear of spiders, snakes and enclosed spaces, and shows them how to overcome them. richard also highlights how he does it, giving clear insights into the workings of the brain as it processes fear. richard's skill in this area is legendary, and this dVd is a useful tool for any therapist wanting to help clients overcome fears, as well as providing hope for phobia sufferers themselves.Filled with humour and profound insight, this dVd shows richard Bandler at the height of his powers.

Filled with humour and profound this DVD shows Richard Bandler at the height of his powers. 44 45

BooK reVIeWS

The Bridal coach DVD 101 Tips for your wonderful wedding day Michele Paradise Getting married should be the happiest day of your life, but for many brides all that investment in time, in money and emotion is not matched in investing in themselves. you can spend a fortune on your dress and shoes, but not know how to stand in them, or how to walk in them elegantly. you can make sure that all the plans for the day are absolutely right, but have no control over your emotions. Michele Paradise, ex-catwalk model and specialist in presentation and staying calm and collected in pressured situations shows the bride how to really enjoy her day. It's all very well making it all "perfect" out there. If you haven't paid attention to getting your nerves under control and making sure you enjoy the best day possible, what should be a wonderful day ends up filled with stress. Under her guidance, real brides-to-be are taken through their paces, shown the best way to get the very best from themselves and the people around them, and make their day go wonderfully. This dVd is the perfect gift for the bride who has nearly thought of everything, but is struggling with nerves. But far more than that, it shows anyone how to look and feel great - and teaches them the habits of confidence, and a lot more besides. a lot of fun!

This DVD is the perfect gift for the bride who has nearly thought of everything, but is struggling with nerves 46 47



The Best you Magazine is an exciting new online publication that aims to encourage, enlighten, entertain and inspire others to improve their lives.


FeeL & LooK GooD

Feeling good about yourself makes the joy shine from your eyes and your skin. It makes others respond to you in new ways, and it gives you a whole new outlook on life. looking good draws others to you and enhances your lives in ways you haven't yet imagined. It's great to find new ways to feel and look good now!

life Without limits


order is everything in exercise Cain leathem on avoiding simple exercise mistakes


What colour is your mojo?

Janet Murray on the power of asking yourself strange questions




Water, a drop of heaven The health-giving benefits of drinking more water


Inspire others with your personal story of change. Email us at

Floor stretches for hip and lower back flexibility

Feel & looK Good: cAIN LeATheM

Order is Everything in Exercise

Sit and Reach Test Sitting with legs outstretched in front of you. With legs locked straight reach forward down the shins and assess where you can reach, feeling for areas of tightness (e.g. back, hamstrings, calves).

Single Knee To chest as above but with one leg only. Pull the knee to the same side of the outer torso so that it comes down further, keeping the other leg straight and on the floor.

#excercise #sporttips #TheBestyou

Press ups

Fitness expert Cain Leathem says many people fail to get real results from their exercise regimes because they make simple mistakes ...


n effective exercise regime should achieve results (sounds pretty obvious!) but so many don’t. one principle that will make the difference is exercise order. For example, many people start their programs with cardio-vascular (aerobic) work and move on to resistance (weights) work afterwards. This is not taking advantage of the body’s natural order of utilising energy substrates. a simple, yet amazingly effective rule is simply to reverse this order. after doing 5-10 minutes warm-up carry out your weight-training program (to improve strength, posture, stability, lean muscle tone etc). This requires sugars for energy (in the form of blood sugar and stored glycogen from muscle and liver stores). Then move on to your cardiovascular work. Since your sugar stores have been depleted, your body is forced to utilise more fat-stores as an energy source - resulting in more fat loss. Sounds pretty good, huh? The stimulation of muscle from the resistance work will increase your resting metabolism, providing you have adequate rest and nutrients (e.g. protein). So this program 50

As far as resistance exercise routines are concerned there are an array of formulas for reps, sets, sequences etc will result in an increased metabolism, increased fat breakdown as well as better posture, tone, strength and so much more… and don’t forget your stretches!! as far as resistance exercise routines are concerned there is an array of formulas for reps, sets, sequences etc. I am not going to prescribe any set routines as I feel this should only be done after assessing each individual. What I will say is that a few simple guidelines will help you on your way: Beginners may do well on a whole body routine to start. only 1-2 exercises should be carried out per body part. This is to practise correct exercise technique (preferably post professional instruction). I would suggest starting with larger muscle groups, such as the chest, legs and back and descending in size and complexity of movement. The heavier compound exercises are more taxing on the central nervous system and stabiliser muscles (co-ordination, posture etc.). I also work opposing muscle groups sequence. For instance putting chest and back together, hamstrings and quadriceps, biceps and triceps etc. This is to ensure that you do not cause imbalances in muscles,

Twisting Trunk  Sitting upright with legs outstretched bring one knee up and place the foot on the floor on the outside of the opposite leg. Using the same hand as the bent leg reach around behind you, in the same direction, and place on the floor to induce a twisting stretch into the back. With the other arm reach for the outside of the bent knee and push across to stretch the hip area.

which can negatively affect movement and posture. I would maybe suggest that you complete the exercises for the chest and back followed by the legs and then return to shoulders and arms. This gives an upper-lower-upper body sequence to instil some rest periods for those areas during the workout. always finish your workout with abdominals as starting with them will weaken your support structure and can easily lead to lower back injuries, especially if undertaking overhead work or heavy work such as squats. To strengthen your stabiliser and core section you should consider some exercises specific to these areas such as Swiss-ball work. This is not a blueprint for all workouts and as you progress you should move into split routines etc, to intensify your workouts without over-training. never let your weights session last longer than one hour and ensure adequate rest between workouts! So why do so many people get it wrong? - I don’t know! all I know is that my clients get it right - and look great for it! If you want expert advice see an expert… b www.gbfi

Keeping the body alignment straight and face down completely lower the body to the floor and press back up with arms. Hands should be at shoulder width and under the shoulder point with elbows held wide. level one can be carried out with the knees on the ground. once you can complete 15 repetitions try with the knees off the floor, with the hands and the feet contacting with the ground (i.e. a full press up). Keep the head in a straight position and looking at the floor throughout.

Bent over Rows Knees to chest lying on back pull both knees up to your chest to stretch out the lower back.

Standing with feet shoulder width and the knees slightly bent. Bend over at the waist with the bum out and pushed up to dip the lower back in. Pull the shoulders back to hold the chest high and keep head in line with the spine. Holding the theraband tightly pull back bringing the elbows close to the sides and beyond the back at waist level. relax arms back straight, keeping them under control so as not to pull the shoulder. 51

Feel & looK Good: JANeT MuRRAy

Water, the Elixir of Life

What colour is your mojo? The power of strange questions to help you find your way

Don’t you think it’s time to question the answers to questions you answered so long ago you’ve forgotten the question and live by the answer?


he power of strange questions is that they can give you surprisingly powerful answers. often, when faced with a difficult situation, we tend to question ourselves in familiar ways, such as “why did this happen?”, when switching it around to something quirky like “what would Santa do?” can wake up your subconscious and give you access to some totally original insights. (Sadly, Santa doesn’t do any consulting work, but he’s fine for you to use him, or the Wombles, or Superman or any unexpected character to help you free yourself from your limiting beliefs) Strange questions have a long and distinguished history in many cultures. In Zen Buddhism, they’re called ‘Koans’. To paraphrase a well known one which you may have heard of: “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” It’s not about the clap, it’s about the space in your mind that the strange question produces. a place where new thoughts can be born. (you can clap now). Strange questions have the power to shift you sideways and show you that what you think are ‘facts’ are actually ‘beliefs’. and once you become aware of your beliefs, you

have the power to discard them and upgrade them. do you really want to run your life on decisions you made when you were five? don’t you think it’s time to question the answers to questions you answered so long ago you’ve forgotten the question and live by the answer? (Try that one three times outloud!) learning to bamboozle yourself with unusual questions is a playful and intriguing way to free up your mind and empower yourself to change. Sometimes, a new question can lead to a new answer. and that can lead to all kinds of mischief! If you’ve decided you’re boring, not good at numbers, rubbish at small talk or are too old to have fun, ask yourself this: is that true? Is it an incontrovertible fact that can be observably proved to be correct? Chances are, it isn’t. It’s an opinion + time = belief. reality is relative, beliefs can be changed and facts are rarely incontrovertible. life is long for our generation. Way too long to get old. and much too long to stop asking ourselves questions. If you’re boring yourself, try asking yourself some strange questions. My mojo is orange. What colour is yours? b


Are you getting enough water?

Fascinating Facts

It's an oft-repeated fact that 60% of the human body is water, meaning that good clean healthy water is one of the vital elements of life. Tests show that a loss of only 2% of water from your body can induce symptoms such as thirst, irritability loss of concentration, dizziness and headaches. In fact, symptoms that are similar to a hangover. Many people suffer the early stages of dehydration with no idea that their headache could be cured not by the painkiller they reach for, but by the glass of water they wash it down with. Since 70% of your brain is water, you can be sure that water is vital to the correct functioning of the brain. you can stay sharp with water. at the same time, it's a vital ingredient for the fluids your body makes to digest food. In temperate climates such as the UK, approximately 2 litres are needed to replace the water lost every day through exhalation, perspiration and urination. That's a surprisingly large amount you should be looking to imbibe. If you don't drink anywhere near that amount, are you suffering from headaches, tiredness and dizziness? If so, you might be dehydrated. For a week, try drinking more water and see what you notice. Make a point of carrying a bottle of water with you and taking a glass or two after meals. you never know- it might make all the difference!

FolloW US on TWITTer lIKe US on FaCeBooK

Recommended reading 500 of the Most Important Health Tips You'll Ever Need  Hazel Courteney now in an updated edition, "500 of the Most Important Health Tips you'll ever need" is the leading manual in modern alternative healthcare.

If you don't drink anywhere near that amount, are you suffering from headaches, tiredness and dizziness?

The trace elements in the blood are almost identical in relative proportion to those in the sea - although the sea is more concentrated. Scientists believe this is because our distant evolutionary ancestors evolved in the sea.


of the earth's water is salty and undrinkable.  2% of the earth's water is frozen in glaciers, ice and snow.  less than 1% of the earth's water is available as freshwater, in the form of lakes, swamps and rivers.  Fresh, unpolluted, drinkable water accounts for 0.003% of the earth's water. look after water. It's a precious resource!

FREE DOWNLOAD Tips to Boost Your Presentation The Best you website is packed with loads of great books, dVds, Cds, downloads, free articles and reports. Check it out at

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway  Susan Jeffers This inspiring modern classic has helped thousands turn their anger into love - and their indecision into action.

Jamie's 30-Minute Meals

 Jamie oliver This book is as practical as it is beautiful, showing hearty, delicious, quick meals are less than half an hour away. 53


WeALTh & RIcheS


Wealth [n] "happiness," also "prosperity in abundance of possessions or riches" from Middle english "wele", meaning "well-being". riches [n] "valued possessions, money, property," Making money and bringing greater wealth to eVery area of your life...

life Without limits


The Ten Second Philosopher We talk to Derek Mills about his new book

2012: A Fine Vintage for Investors? Peter Shakeshaft on why now is the time to invest in wine

have a Jolly Festive Season (without leaving a huge debt) T. harv eker on saving money through the festive season


Inspire others with your personal story of change. Email us at


The Ten Second Philosopher Derek Mills made a massive change in his life after a chance encounter, when someone asked him an apparently throw-away question. That exchange led him to completely reappraise his life, and begin to understand exactly how to bring the things he wanted to it. The Best You uncovers his story.


or derek Mills, it all happened in an instant. He was working late at the office (again) when a security guard walked into the room, saw him sitting at his desk, all alone, and said:"What time did you get in this morning?" derek answered by telling him the unearthly hour he'd arrived. The security guard looked at him meaningfully for a moment and then walked away. In the ten seconds of silence that followed, derek's whole life changed. "I was unhappy. I was living a miserable life, was hardly seeing my wife or my children and was working incredibly long hours for a financial institution. My quality of life was very low, and I was struggling to keep my head above water financially. That all changed, right then," says derek. He devised a way to live, drawn straight from that brief exchange. derek is clear that life-changing events can occur in seconds, as the title of his book, The 10 Second Philosophy, implies. "Inside each


of us there is a knowing - a truth inside of us. outside of us there are things: friends, jobs, careers, people, the economy, the rest of it. occasionally we get to a point where something inside of us is activated by something outside of us. We get a vibration, a tingle, something that we respond to. It happens just for a few seconds, but those few seconds are what it's about. It awakens the TrueSelf inside of us. a key message is to pay attention when that happens! and the more you pay attention, the more it happens." derek did pay attention. He knew he had to do something different in his life. For him, the answer was to apply standards, and stick to them. "That might mean making sure I spend a minimum amount of time with my family, that I make sure that the clients I have in financial services are the ones I want, or that I work fewer hours. I realised I needed to work out what standards I needed to

have in my life - and start applying them immediately." This final point is an important one. For derek, the idea of standards cuts straight to the issue. you can spend time imagining a future you really want, but in the end it's way out there ahead of you. deciding what you will and won't accept on a daily basis, starting now, will have the profoundest effect on your life. Within a few months of that evening with the security guard, derek started to see his life change. He went through his client list deciding who to keep on and who to get rid of. He was seeing more of his family. There were times when it was hard to do, but living up to his own standards made it very achievable. Ten years on from that epiphany, derek is hugely successful and is taking the word of his 10-Second Philosophy out to the world. He recently addressed 7,000 delegates at the Million dollar round Table in the US, and when The Best you

I believe that we all came to this life for reasons. Inside each of us there are gifts, talents, abilities, intentions and questions. It's inside of us to be got out there for the benefit of the world - so it's vital to find out what your talents are interviewed him he was about to take his message to Indonesia. He has upcoming talks in Jakarta, Bali, Jamaica and India, and is due to address the Hayhouse Conference in California. It seems the whole world wants to hear his message. In his "day job" as he calls it, derek Mills works as a wealth manager, helping clients to make their wealth make more wealth, but his tale is far from being the story of "capitalism, red in tooth and claw", and it's his deep spiritual convictions that form his co-operative approach to wealth and happiness. "We are all part of the same creation. The people I work with, everyone. I strongly believe that if we just realised that we are part of the same body, we would treat each other better. you wouldn't do your hand harm, so why would you hurt another person? If we all made that realisation, then we would all learn to support each other. like a body, when the mind wants water, the hand acts to lift the glass. That's how we should act together." His spiritual beliefs are also revealed in listening to that voice inside of you, what he calls your TrueSelf. "I believe that we all came to this life for reasons. Inside each of us there are gifts, talents, abilities, intentions and questions. It's inside of us to be got out there for the benefit of the world - so it's vital to find out what your talents are." His story is a fascinating one. It makes you realise that despite all the bad press traditional capitalism has had over the last few years, there are ways to make money ethically and to help others do the same. The vital part is to start to listen to the voice inside, and to recognise that we all share this planet and this life together. Balancing those two elements are the foundations of The 10-Second Philosophy.b

ď‚&#x; Buy Derek Mills' 10-Second Philosophy 57


Perfect temperatures for drinking wine Light dry white wines, rosés, sparkling wines

Serve at 4.40 C to 10 0 C (40 0 F to 50 0 F)


A Fine Vintage for Investors? �

D Wine expert Peter Shakeshaft explains why now is the time to invest in wine.


espite the media's doom and gloom about the global economy, and some very turbulent times for investors, great money-making opportunities still exist for the shrewd investor. "a class of investment termed "alternative investments" has grown massively over the last five years, meaning that investors' portfolios often include many more commodities, like precious metals, or assets such as fine wine. This year is an incredibly exciting time to invest in fine wine, often referred to as “liquid gold”. over the last five years, it has delivered a double digit annual growth of 66 per cent. now, in 2012, a unique set of circumstances is providing the perfect conditions to invest in an asset class which has traditionally performed well during recession and is not generally understood by the average investor. Wine follows the ‘rule of three’ that applies to alternative investments. Firstly, it is a finite resource. With each Chateau producing

between 12 to 18 thousand cases per vintage, there is only a limited supply of each yield. The more a particular vintage is drunk, the more valuable the remaining cases. Secondly it is tangible. you can sleep safe in the knowledge that the wine you put in your cellar will be there in the morning, unlike some other investments. Thirdly, it diversifies your portfolio, meaning you don't have all your eggs in one basket. you can also diversity within the wine investment market, with a number of Chateaux, vintages and stages (en primeur or in bottle) to invest in. This diversity is rare in the investment world. Whilst gold is simply gold, and silver is simply silver, wine gives you a number of options to select. For larger investors, the Premier Cru, or First Growth wines, can cost around £10,000 per case. For those with less investment capital, Second Growth wines can be purchased for as little as £1-2000. Those are the foundations of a solid investment. What

To preserve their freshness and fruitiness. Think crisp Pinot Grigio and Champagne. For sparklers, chilling keeps bubbles fine rather than frothy. This is also a good range for white dessert wines; sweetness is accentuated at warmer temperatures, so chilling them preserves their balance without quashing their vibrant. Full-bodied white wines & light, fruity reds Serve at 10 0 C to 15.5 0 C (50 0 F to 60 0 F) To pick up more of the complexity and aromatics of a rich Chardonnay or to make a fruity Beaujolais more refreshing. Full-bodied red wines and Ports

This year is an incredibly exciting time to invest in fine wine, often referred to as “liquid gold”

Serve at 15.50 C to 18.30 C (60 0 F to 650 F) Cooler than most room temperatures and warmer than ideal cellaring temperaturesùto make the tannins in powerful Cabernet or Syrah feel more supple and de-emphasize bitter components.

makes it a great investment are this year's conditions. american wine expert robert Parker is the leading global authority on appraising wine quality. His review of the investment grade wines of Bordeaux are much anticipated by the market. He grades the quality of wine out of 100 points, in which investment quality wines generally command a score of more than 90 points. The truly extraordinary rate between 96 – 100 points. Wines are scored each year at en primeur stage (following the previous autumn harvest); for example the 2011 en primeur tastings are expected imminently. These wines will remain in cask for up to three years and are then tasted and scored again as they are bottled. The 2009 vintage was scored at in March. Parker declared 2009 as the best vintage in modern times and awarded a record 19 Chateaux the perfect 100. These scores have massively affected the investment market as investors have clambered for the best wines. The Parker effect on the investment

market is immense. Within 24 hours of Parker releasing his scores, the market value of the 2009 Bordeaux moved in excess of $100 million. Considered in terms of the individual Chateau, this is remarkable. The Cos d’estournel for example, jumped by approximately 35 per cent in three months, from £2,595 at the end of 2011 to £3,500 following Parker’s scores. The Smith Haut lafitte, meanwhile, nearly doubled in value overnight, increasing from a price of £700 to a trading price of £1,300 once the scores were released. Indications are that 2012 will also be a very good year. Wine investment has only seen three corrections in the market; 1998, 2008 and last year in 2011. Following the first two corrections, what followed was two to three years of strong growth. There is no better time than the present to enter the market. Though the eurozone remains locked in crisis, the BrIC countries continue to show impressive growth. For example, despite a minor drop in China's growth, there are still plenty of the new affluent class unafraid to show it off. a huge amount of fine wine has been consumed in China in recent years. The effect is twofold: there is greater demand which

drives up prices, and the wine is consumed, which makes it rarer and more valuable. Tax changes expected in India later this year may also fuel a boom in fine wine importation, adding to the global appetite for an already finite supply. Fine wine is increasingly a valid investment option for the man on the street and larger investor. With all of the conditions mentioned above in place, the time has never been better for investors to move into the wine market for the first time. b 59

The Rocky Road to Success

WealTH & rICHeS: THe roCKy road To SUCCeSS

Traits you'll need on the way  Bernardo Moya Who are your heroes? Tweet me @Bernardo_Moya

J K Rowling

Oprah Winfrey

James Dyson

Vince Lombardi

Inspiration and Belief

The Support That Made Her Shine

An Eye for Innovation

The Greatest American football coach

J K rowling's story is a great example of how inspiration can be vital when the chips are down. Born in Gloucestershire, england, in 1965, rowling had an unremarkable childhood. Though her teen years were difficult, at exeter University she was considered a "competent student doing what was necessary to get by". Then, in 1990 while sitting on a delayed train, the idea for the Harry Potter story popped into her mind "fully formed". She continued working on this when she moved to Portugal to teach english, where she married a Portuguese television journalist. The marriage was abusive and she left him the following year, taking her newly-born daughter with her. Seven years after graduating from university, rowling saw herself as "the biggest failure I knew". Separated from her husband, living in a rented flat in edinburgh while looking after her baby, she was diagnosed with clinical depression and even contemplated suicide. nevertheless, she continued to write in cafes while living on social security. once her novel was completed, she had more setbacks. "Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone" was rejected by 12 publishers until it was finally accepted by Bloomsbury.

When she was 13 years old, oprah Winfrey ran away from home to escape the sexual abuse she suffered from male relatives while her single mother was out at work. as a result of running away, she was sent to a juvenile detention home, only to be denied admission because the beds were full. By age 14 she was on her own, an unstable, sexuallypromiscuous and pregnant teenager. life got worse when her baby boy died in infancy. Things began to turn around when she started living with her father, Vernon Winfrey. a strict disciplinarian, he gave his daughter the secure home life she needed. at age 17, oprah Winfrey won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant and was offered a job at a radio station serving the african american community in nashville. She also won a scholarship to Tennessee State University, where she majored in Speech Communications and Performing arts. She rose to become one of the most wealthy and influential broadcasters in the US. Forbes' international rich list reveals Winfrey to be the first black woman billionaire in world history. Worth $2.7 billion, she is also the richest self-made woman in america.

despite his convention-defying appliances scooping him a cool £206 million in one year alone, James dyson does not call himself a businessman. In his own terms, he is a designer and an engineer. This focus on what makes him successful keeps him producing innovative products that have changed the way we think of domestic appliances. While studying at the royal College of art, dyson designed the Sea Truck, built to land goods on beaches without ports. The Ballbarrow (a wheelbarrow with a ball for a wheel) and the Wheelboat (capable of travelling at 40 mph on both land and sea) followed. Big success eluded him. Then, inspired by paint shop equipment, he conceived the idea of the dual cyclone vacuum cleaner. a game-changing invention, it negated the need for disposable bags in cleaners. However, since the bag supply market was worth £100 million a year in the UK, industry players were not interested. dyson manufactured his own vacuum cleaner himself, offering it for sale by catalogue in Japan in the late 1980s. It was a huge hit that finally broke into the UK and worldwide markets. driven on by a mixture of vision and determination, it is no wonder that his self-conception is as a designer and engineer. These are the well-spring of his genius.

Vince lombardi is arguably the greatest american football coach of all time, and is on the short list of history’s greatest coaches, regardless of sport. His ability to teach, motivate and inspire players helped turn the Green Bay Packers into the most dominating nFl team in the 1960s. lombardi was born in Brooklyn, new york in 1913. after graduating magna cum laude from Fordham in 1937, lombardi attended law school in the evenings while working for a finance company during the day. lombardi then decided to take a teaching and assistant football coaching position at a new Jersey high school. It was during this time that lombardi identified and developed what became the hallmark of his great teams… simplicity and execution. He developed a reputation for being a tireless workaholic, a trait that helped lombardi land a position as assistant coach in the nFl for the new york Giants. lombardi helped the Giants to five winning seasons. It was in his late 40s lombardi accepted the head coaching position and signed a five-year contract with the Green Bay Packers in 1959. He held gruelling training camps and demanded absolute dedication and effort from his players. His hard-edged style turned the Packers into the most envied and successful franchise in the 1960s, leading them to five nFl Championships.

 The rest we know. She is now worth over $1 billion, she earns over $1.6 million every 3 days, and is the 12th richest woman in the UK. Her story is a reminder to all of us to keep going when the times are tough, because you never know! Do you have a Harry Potter in You? Bernardo Moya

Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. 60

 Getting the right supportive environment, along with a big dose of determination really can take you anywhere. Despite all her earlier difficulties, she persevered. Thanks to her strength and her dad's guidance, she overcame it all. Bernardo Moya

Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.

 He is driven on by a mixture of vision and determination. No wonder that his self-conception is as a designer and engineer. He focuses on what makes him successful and keeps him producing innovative products that have changed the way we think of domestic appliances. Bernardo Moya

Enjoy failure and learn from it. You can never learn from success.

 Vince Lombardi's trademark assets were; Determination, hard work, extreme discipline and complete focus on winning. He became a national symbol of single-minded determination to win. Bernardo Moya

Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence. 61



Have a Jolly Festive season (without leaving a huge debt)


life Without limits


The pace of change can sometimes bewilder - but also gives amazing opportunities to meet new people, discover new things and thrive. Bring out the best in you by discovering the latest innovations that will put you ahead of the pack.

Internationally-acclaimed speaker and author T. Harv Eker, offers simple top tips on how to limit January financial blues by managing your Yuletide finances…

aS THe HIGH STreeT Christmas lights start to twinkle in expectation of Santa and radio playlists are filled with Slade, George Michael and other seasonal favourites, here are some surefire ways to control your pre-Christmas spend and lessen new year financial stress:-

❆ look at your own relationship with money, ie your financial blueprint – do you always over-buy at this time of year?

Create simple spreadsheets with your monthly outgoings – what is essential or superfluous?

Write a list of whom you need to buy presents for – and limit spend per person

Compare retail prices with online stores – and check hidden costs like P&P and delivery

look at your Credit Card statement – at least try and switch to a zero per cent offer if one is on offer from your lender

❆ If you are making Christmas lunch, don’t just overbuy food for the sake of buying, particularly perishables – your guests will thank you later

look at ways of reducing your outgoings in the short-term – think of ‘The Starbucks’ experiment’ (resisting one Cappuccino costing, let’s say £3.00 a day, for a few months and into the new year) – you could ask for a coffee flask as a Christmas gift and make your own to take to work

Check out online offers from wowcher, Groupon and living Social etc – there are some great offers for days out and pamper packages – perfect for group or family gifts

If you have a creative streak why not home-bake , sew, paint a picture or make a collage of family photographs – hand-made presents are appreciated as you have taken time and trouble out of your day

Pound Shops and similar often have some great children’s gifts for Santa Sacks Hopefully by now you will be firing up your computer or scribbling in your notebook. The above tips can also be adapted to other times of the year, equating to sound financial management. To find out more about your financial blueprint and how this controls many aspects of your life, sign up to one of T. Harv eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive three-day trainings. b

Recommended reading The Millionaire Messenger : Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice

 Brendon Burchard In the industry of people who share their advice and knowledge with the world and get paid for it, Burchard is the 'guru's guru'. 62

GOOD NEWS "Extinct" Tibetan Mountain Finch Flies Again a particular species of Tibetan bird had not been observed alive for 80 years before being rediscovered this June. Sillem's Mountain Finch was last spotted in 1929. In June this year, French nature photographer yann Muzika was trekking in the yenigou valley of Qinghai province in China when he contracted food poisoning and was confined to camp. In his time at the camp, yann photographed a bird he had never seen before, and only when he got home did he discover that he had captured an image of a bird that hadn't been seen since 1929. It's great news that a "lost" species is alive and well in the snowy reaches of the Himalayas.

Selling online: Putting the customer First

Damon Segal on how you can get the edge selling on the net

Thinking Time in the Digital Age Martin carter on how to say focussed on the internet

Tablets, tablets, everywhere!

The tablet war is well and truly underway with lots of options for all your consumer needs ...

The Best you website is packed with loads of great books, dVds, Cds, downloads, free articles and reports. Check it out at

SalesDogs Training School Kit

 Blair Singer The First Program for new Sales People and anyone Who Wants to Succeed in Sales

Persuasion Engineering DVD Set  dr richard Bandler & John la Valle Bandler and la Valle join forces to create the most powerful series of dVds to make you the most persuasive you can be.


Inspire others with your personal story of change. Email us at



Selling online: Putting the customer first

Thinking Time in the Digital Age

Be A powerful online Networker The online world gives you amazing opportunities to meet new contacts, create business partnerships and promote your products ..

Damon Segal Online marketing expert Damon Segal explains how you can get the edge selling on the net


nline retail sales increased by 14 per cent last year, to more than £50 billion. This figure is only set to grow year on year. But many brands spend millions on driving their online presence, with little guarantee their offering will result in an online sales boom. Selling online is a science and with the cutthroat competition between online businesses to reel in customers and secure transactions, it is vital that a business that wants to enhance its online presence does so intelligently, by understanding the customer base and thinking rationally about pricing. So, how does an online business turn 'interested clicks' into completed transactions?  Price  ease of purchase  Trust Price The success of online selling, in essence, comes down to price or originality. With the rise in price comparison websites that offer highly competitive prices for a variety of products, it is important online businesses differentiate in terms of what they offer the customer. The 'big trusted players' such as amazon or eBay offer a range of products at attractive prices and customers are drawn 64

to these sites, based on this factor. For new online businesses the aim should not be to outprice these online giants, but to steer away from selling branded or readily available products. new start-ups should also offer customers product groupings. For example, bundling a mobile phone with a phone charger and a phone holder means better management of your margin and proves popular with the customer. Ease of purchase ease of purchase is also an essential component of a successful online business. The 'one click check out' facet, companies such as amazon use, relieves the customer of any difficulty in the transaction process. Customers have a good memory when it comes to buying online, so online businesses that have complex purchasing options will inadvertently divert customers away from their site. It should be one of the primary objectives for online businesses to make purchasing easy for the customer. Trust The ultimate issue that online businesses should address is trust. This is a more long-term goal for online businesses as the reputation of the site has to be built before customers start entrusting the site with sensitive information such as credit card details, addresses and contact numbers. Visual impact and usability are the key issues here and to an extent they overlap with the ease of purchase. Customers feel happy with sites that they know they can use and that they have experienced few problems with in the past. The massive barrier to entry for start-ups means that online businesses cannot afford to relax over details. To gain the trust of the customer the website and the business needs to have a trustworthy face to it and this requires precision in both the

We are constantly bombarded with details many of which are simply inappropriate for our consumption.

design and the tools that the website offers. a lot of the success online businesses achieve comes down to psychology. It will take a user just one twentieth of a second to decide whether they like the website or not and this fraction of a second can be the difference between securing the final transaction or not. If the customer likes the look of the website in the first instance and, for some reason, the website is difficult to use, the customer is likely to be more forgiving and continue with the purchasing process. The visual impact of an online business is like the shop window of a high street outlet. If it looks attractive and welcoming, the customer will be drawn in by it. b

For new online businesses the aim should not be to outprice these online giants, but to steer away from selling branded or readily available products

Invest time in your networking. Most online social networks do not cost money but they do require time. If you want to a strong online presence you not only need the time to plant the seeds, you need to spend time nuturing it and helping it grow.

Master Facebook, Twitter and linkedin first. There's lots of social networking tools but only a few really matter. Get to grips with the main ones first and then you can try others. Some social networking tools are targeted towards different industries so you don't have to maintain a profile on each one.

Martin Carter Martin Carter Tells us how to stay focused on the internet


s a technology consultant I am often asked about how to best promote products and services in this digital age. It seems that nowadays our appetite for information surpasses any ability we might have to absorb the information. everyone has a website, perhaps a Facebook page or a Twitter feed and we are constantly bombarded by the digital advertising which is linked to our web browsing experience. you might think that when I was invited to write this article that I would want to perhaps explore with you the extraordinary possibilities now afforded by digital publishing (this magazine being an excellent example of the medium). In fact I would like to use this opportunity to focus on one word, assimilation. With so many ways to achieve a marketing objective in the digital age, it seems that everyone wants us to see their message and sign up for the next big thing. We are constantly bombarded with details many of which are simply inappropriate for our consumption.

GOOD NEWS I liken the new digital age to a visit to Times Square in new york, it is a sensory explosion and one which our brains eventually learn to tune out. So my first message for you all is to take time out from the digital age to assimilate the useful information and discard the rest. Take time away from Facebook, mobile phones, Blackberries. Twitter and the computer screen, sit down with the best technology of all, your brain, and focus on your goals. Use that filter to help you when you do re-engage with technology, you may be surprised at how much more focus is derived from setting those goals. and finally, I want to leave you all with one simple but effective tip. If you see something when you are browsing which ISn’T part of your focus, bookmark it and forget it. Give yourself time once a week to review bookmarks and delete those which are not relevant. you may find that this one tip helps you to use the tools rather than lose yourself in the tools. b

Babel Phone App Translates Calls in Real Time an app offering real-time translations will allow Japanese speakers to talk with foreigners over the phone with both parties using their native tongue. nTT docomo - the country's biggest mobile network - will initially convert Japanese to english, Mandarin and Korean, with other languages to follow. The products have the potential to let companies avoid having to use specially trained multilingual staff, helping them cut costs. They could also aid tourism. of course, the software involved cannot offer perfect translations, but it is another step on the way towards opening the world to greater understanding!

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Recommended reading The Success Principles  Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield reveals the simple set of rules for success that led him to become the multi-million copy bestselling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series 66

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Scientific Advertising  Claude C. Hopkins

Claude Hopkins, the father of modern advertising techniques, believed that "advertising is salesmanship," and as such it should be measurable and justify the results that it produced.

The 5 Levels of Leadership : Proven Steps to Maximise Your Potential  John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is one of the most established authorities on leadership today.

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AÊ DayÊ withÊ

Alice's Bucket List Alice Pyne TerMInally ill alice Pyne’s emotional blog, along with her motto: “one life…live it!” has made her a powerful campaigner. diagnosed at age 12 with Hodgkinson's lymphoma, alice blogged about her “bucket list” of things to do before she dies. The 16-year-old has five million followers, and recently completed her bucket list, including whale-watching in Vancouver and swimming with sharks. The main item on her bucket list is getting people to donate bone marrow. Thanks to her, more than 40,000 people in the UK have joined the register. alice also set up a charity, alice’s escapes, to provide holidays for families with a seriously ill child and has raised £100,000 for different charities with younger sister, Milly, 14. Visit Alice’s Blog


Courtesy of Katie Piper Foundation Website


Katie Piper Foundation Charities which really make a difference Katie Piper

In 2008, 29-year-old Katie Piper suffered terrible burns in an attack organised by her ex, losing her nose, her eyelid and half her left ear. In 2009, she launched the Katie Piper Foundation to highlight the plight of burns victims. The charity campaigns to deliver specialist treatment to patients in Britain and also offers workshops with top make-up artists. a film, Katie: The Science of Seeing again followed her preparation for her 110th operation in four years, in which her sight was restored. She has written an autobiography Beautiful, and a self-help book Things Get Better. She now is supporting other burns survivors, and says: “all I want to do is help as many people as possible.” Visit Katie Piper Foundation Website

SatÊ 23rdÊ FebruaryÊ 2013

JoinÊ theÊ bestsellingÊ authorÊ of Ê DYINGÊ TOÊ BEÊ MEÊ forÊ thisÊ inspiringÊ one-dayÊ workshopÊ andÊ learnÊ aboutÊ herÊ extraordinaryÊ near-deathÊ experienceÊ andÊ subsequentÊ miraculousÊ healingÊ fromÊ end-stageÊ cancer.Ê ThisÊ full-dayÊ eventÊ willÊ includeÊ aÊ guidedÊ meditationÊ forÊ personalÊ healing. Ô AnitaÕ sÊ storyÊ willÊ giveÊ youÊ aÊ renewedÊ senseÊ ofÊ whoÊ youÊ trulyÊ are,Ê whyÊ youÕ reÊ here,Ê andÊ howÊ youÊ canÊ transcendÊ anyÊ fearÊ andÊ self-rejection that defines your life.Õ Ê DrÊ WayneÊ W.Ê Dyer

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Sebastian's Action Trust Jane and Michael Gates 12 dayS BeFore nine-year-old Sebastian Gates died from cancer in 2003, he saw an advert for a holiday cottage. He told his parents, Jane and Michael, of his dream of a holiday home for families of very ill children to spend precious time together. desperately ill, Sebastian was interviewed by a local newspaper to appeal for funds. He died on the day the story was published. Jane, 49, and Michael, 53, channelled their grief into finishing what their son had started. The £1.6million purpose-built holiday home, The Bluebells, opened in north Waltham, Hampshire, in July 2011. His parents are proud of what Sebastian started. Visit Sebastian’s Action Trust Website

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