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VOL. 65, ISSUE 04, APRIL, 2022


The members of Programme and Training Committee Meeting held at NHQ. New Delhi th st from 29 to 31 March, 2022

Smt. Darshana Pawaskar and Shri Amar B. Chettri, Joint Directors represented The Bharat Scouts and Guides in a Yoga Programme organised at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi on 17th April, 2022




APRIL, 2022


VOL. 65 ISSUE NO. 04 APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India




"The method of instruction in Scouting is that of creating in the boy the desire to learn for himself."



^^LdkmfVax esa f’k{kk dh fof/k ;g gS fd ckyd esa Lo;a lh[kus dh bPNk iSnk dh tk,A




- Load Baden Powell



President's Message


Personally Speaking



Editor’s Desk



v National Adventure Institute 15 Darjeeling, West Bengal v Regional Events

16 17



International Events


v Activities Reports


National Events


v Trainer’s Corner




National Training Centre,


v Membership Growth & Oyms Workshop




v Quiz No. 271


v News






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13 National Adventure Institute 14 Pachmarhi


APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

President’s Message

lans’k The world over people celebrated the Birth Anniversary of Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of constitution of India on 14th April, 2022. The constitution of our country defines both duties and responsibilities of the citizens. It is an irony that day by day our people are becoming more conscious about their rights without discharging their duties. When we see failure and suffering of others, in place criticising them, we need to analyse, why such a situation arouse. Our neighbouring nation Sri Lanka is facing hardship due to the failures in their economic policies. It is alarming that even examinations of the students are cancelled due to nonavailability of paper. This is an eye opener for all of us who demand everything free of cost from the popular government. The Scouts and Guides who promised to do their duty to their country should start creating awareness among our families and community about the danger on getting free or subsidised facilities. In place of that let us promote “thrifty” in using natural resources so that our resources can be saved.

fo'o Hkj esa yksxksa us 14 vçSy] 2022 dks Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds fuekZrk ckck lkgc MkW- Hkhejko vEcsMdj dh tUe t;arh eukbZA gekjs ns'k dk lafo/kku ukxfjdksa ds vf/kdkjksa ,oa drZO;ksa nksuksa dks ifjHkkf’kr djrk gSA foMEcuk ;g gS fd gekjs yksx fnu çfrfnu vius drZO;ksa dk fuoZgu fd;s fcuk vius vf/kdkjksa ds çfr tkx:d gksrs tk jgs gSaA tc ge nwljksa dh foQyrk ,oa ih<+k ns[krs gSa rks mudh vkykspuk djus ds LFkku ij gesa ;g fo'ys’k.k djus dh vko';drk gS fd ,slh fLFkfr D;ksa mRiUu gksrh gSA gekjk iM+kslh ns'k Jhyadk viuh vkfFkZd uhfr;ksa dh foQyrkvksa ds dkj.k dfBukbZ;ksa dk lkeuk dj jgk gSA fpark dh ckr ;g gS fd dkxt ugha gksus ds dkj.k Nk=ksa dh ijh{kk,a Hkh jn~n dj nh xbZ gSaA ge mu lHkh ds fy, ;g vk¡[ksa [kksyus okyh ckr gS tks yksdfç; ljdkj ls lc dqN eq¶r ekaxrs gSaA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftUgksaus vius ns'k ds çfr viuk drZO; fuHkkus dk oknk fd;k Fkk] mUgsa vius ifjokjksa vkSj leqnk; esa eq¶r ;k lfClMh okyh lqfo/kkvksa ds [krjksa ds ckjs esa tkx:drk iSnk djuk çkjEHk dj nsuk pkfg,A mlds LFkku ij çkd`frd lalk/kuksa ds mi;ksx esa ^^ferO;rk^^ dks c<+kok nsa rkfd gekjs lalk/kuksa dks cpk;k tk ldsA

eSa vki lHkh ls vuqjks/k djrk gw¡ fd gekjss fu;e dks dk;Z :i I request all of you to contribute for good work of esa djrs gq, i'kq] if{k;ksa dks jkgr çnku djus ds providing bird and animal feeder during the fy, xehZ ds fnuksa esa i'kq] i{kh vkgkj miyC/k djkus ds summer to provide relief for them practicing our lRdk;Z esa viuk ;ksxnku nsaA

law in action.

LdkmV@xkbM 'kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA



MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu jk"Vªh; v/;{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l


APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

Personally Speaking

viuh ckr It is time that most of our young people got free ;g le; gS fd gekjs vf/kdka”k ;qok fofHkUu Lrjksa ij viuh after writing their examinations at various levels. ijh{kk,a fy[kdj Lora= gks x;s gSaA os vc dqN le; They can now spend some time on community- leqnk;&vk/kkfjr xfrfof/k;ksa ij fcrk ldrs gSaA based activities. Summer has set in, and the day temperatures is scorching. As done earlier, Scouts and Guides, Rovers and Rangers must have plan to serve the community by organizing drinking water kiosks in prime locations under the guidance of their leaders. People who use public transportation like railway and buses certainly need our services to have access to clean drinking water. Innovative methods in supplying drinking water may be thought of. Covid 19 has affected the cultural institutions, cultural events, public performances. Cultural diversity is a natural feature. Several cultures exist all over the globe. Sustainable systems of governance can bridge the gap between cultures to maintain peace, stability and development. May 21 is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. The National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides had conducted a number of cultural meets and competitions on digital platforms during the days of pandemic to integrate the cultures of different regions. By encouraging the talented artists and professionals within us, members of our movement can promote peace and harmony.

xehZ dk ekSle “kq: gks x;k gS ,oa fnu dk rkieku Hkh’k.k gks jgk gSA iwoZ dh Hkkafr LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks vius usrkvksa ds ekxZn”kZu esa çeq[k LFkkuksa ij is;ty Nrfj;k¡ yxkdj leqnk; dh lsok djus dh ;kstuk vo”; cukuh pkfg,A tks yksx jsyos ,oa clksa tSls lkoZtfud ifjogu dk mi;ksx djrs gSa] mUgsa fuf”pr :i ls LoPN is;ty çkIr djus ds fy, gekjh lsokvksa dh vko”;drk gksrh gSA ihus ds ikuh dh vkiwfrZ ds uohu rjhdksa ds ckjs esa fopkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA dksfoM+&19 us lk¡Ld`frd laLFkkuksa] lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØeksa ,oa lkoZtfud çn”kZuksa dks çHkkfor fd;k gSA lk¡Ld`frd fofo/krk ,d çkd`frd fo”ks’krk gSA nqfu;k¡ Hkj esa dbZ laLd`fr;k¡ ekStwn gSaA “kklu dh lr~r ç.kkyh “kkafr] fLFkjrk vkSj fodkl dks cuk, j[kus ds fy, laLd`fr;ksa ds chp dh [kkbZ dks ikV ldrh gSA 21 ebZ laokn ,oa fodkl gsrq lk¡Ld`frd fofo/krk dk fo”o fnol gSA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us fofHkUu {ks=ksa dh laLd`fr;ksa dks ,dhd`r djus ds fy, egkekjh ds fnuksa esa fMftVy IysVQkeZ ij dbZ lk¡Ld`frd cSBdsa ,oa çfr;ksfxrk,a vk;ksftr dhaA gekjs vUnj ds çfrHkk”kkyh dykdkjksa ,oa o`fÙkdksa dks çksRlkfgr djds] gekjs vkUnksyu ds lnL; “kkafr vkSj ln~Hkko dks c<+kok ns ldrs gSaA vkt fo”o Hkj esa yk[kksa efgykvksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dks dsoy

Today, millions of women and girls around the ekfld /keZ ds dkj.k dyafdr] cfg’d`r dj muds lkFk world are stigmatised, excluded and discriminated



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

against simply because they menstruate. Our ancestors considered this as a natural bodily function and never discriminated girls. Unfortunately, in some places all over the globe, it prevents women and girls from getting education, earning and participating in everyday life fully and equally. May 28 is observed as Menstrual Hygiene Day. Our Rangers and Rovers should work throughout this year to break the taboos and end the stigma surrounding menstruation and raise awareness about the challenges regarding access to menstrual products, educate young ones about menstruation and period-friendly sanitation facilities. World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31st May. Our scouts and guides, rovers and rangers should organise awareness campaigns on “Tobacco: Threat to our environment.” Scientists say that plantation of Tobacco crops prevents cultivation of any other crop to grow on that soil. Besides tobacco smoke pollutes the air and damages the health of the smokers and non-smokers equally. Wear Mask and maintain Social Distance DR. K.K. KHANDELWAL, IAS (RETD.) CHIEF NATIONAL COMMISSIONER


HksnHkko fd;k tkrk gSA gekjs iwoZtksa us bls ,d çkd`frd “kkjhfjd fØ;k ds :i esa ekuk ,oa yM+fd;ksa ds lkFk dHkh HksnHkko ugha fd;kA nqHkkZX; ls] nqfu;k Hkj esa dqN txgksa ij ;g efgykvksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dks f”k{kk çkIr djus] vk; vftZr djus ,oa nSfud thou esa iwjh rjg ,oa leku :i ls Hkkx ysus ls jksdrk gSA 28 ebZ dks ekfld /keZ LoPNrk fnol ds :i esa euk;k tkrk gSA gekjs jsatlZ ,oa jksolZ dks otZukvksa vkSj ekfld /keZ mRiknksa rd igq¡p cukus] ekfld /keZ ds ckjs esa f”k{kk vkSj vof/k ds vuqdwy LoPNrk lqfo/kkvksa dh pqukSfr;ksa ds ckjs esa tkx:drk c<+kus ds fy, iwjs o’kZ Hkj dk;Z djuk pkfg,A 31 ebZ dks fo”o rEckdw fu’ks| fnol euk;k tkrk gSA gekjs LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks ^^rEckdw gekjs i;kZoj.k ds fy, [krjk^^ fo’k; ij tkx:drk vfHk;ku vk;ksftr djuk pkfg,A oSKkfudksa dk dguk gS fd rEckdw dh Qly yxkus ls ml feVVh ij fdlh vU; Qly dh [ksrh ugha gks ikrh gSA blds vfrfjDr rEckdw dk /kqvk¡ ok;q dks çnwf’kr djrk gS ,oa /kweziku djus okyksa ,oa /kweziku u djus okyksa ds LokLF; dks leku :i ls uqdlku igq¡pkrk gSA ekLd igusa ,oa lkekftd nwjh cuk,a j[ksaA MkW- ds-ds-[k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼ls-fu-½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr


APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

From Editor's Desk

lEiknd dh dye ls Our nation is celebrating 75th year of independence gekjk ns'k vktknh ds 75osa o’kZ dks ^^vktknh dk ve`r as “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”. egksRlo^^ ds :i esa euk jgk gSA The members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides who promised to do their duty to God and the Country need to contribute actively in their daily life for upkeep of the freedom earned by long struggle of our forefathers. Government of India and State Governments through various Ministries and Departments are promoting different programmes to commemorate this year. Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports in close coordination with various Youth Organisations are actively promoting various events. All of us should be watchful of the circulars and notices issued by government and our National Headquarters to participate in any event promoted in connection with Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The schedule of Events for the year 2022-2023 is available on the website of the Bharat Scouts and Guides . All are requested to contact their State Headquarters and participate in the events.

vktknh ds ve`r egksRlo ds miy{; esa Hkkjr ljdkj ,oa jkT; ljdkjsa fofHkUu ea=ky;ksa vkSj foHkkxkas ds ek/;e ls fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa dks c<+kok ns jgh gSaA ;qok dk;ZØe ,oa [ksy ea=ky; fofHkUu ;qok laxBuksa ds lkFk fudV leUo; eas fofHkUu vk;kstuksa dks lfØ; :i ls çksRlkfgr dj jgk gSA vktknh dk ve`r egksRlo ds lEcU/k esa çpkfjr fdlh Hkh dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, ljdkj ,oa gekjs jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk tkjh ifji=ksa ,oa uksfVlksa ds çfr ge lHkh dks lrdZ jguk pkfg,A o’kZ 2022&2023 ds dk;ZØe Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh osclkbV ij miyC/k gSA lHkh ls vuqjks/k gS fd vius jkT; eq[;ky; ls lEidZ dj dk;ZØeksa esa Hkkx ysaA vki lHkh dks mn~ns';iw.kZ xzh’e _rq dh 'kqHkdkeuk,aA

Wishing you a purposeful summer. - EDITOR


Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lnL; ftUgksaus bZ'oj ,oa ns'k ds çfr viuk drZO; fuHkkus dh çfrKk yh gS mUgsa vius iwoZtksa ds yEcs la?k’kZ ls vftZr Lora=rk dks cuk, j[kus gsrq vius nSfud thou esa lfØ; :i ls ;ksxnku nsus dh vko”;drk gSA



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

INTERNATIONAL EVENTS Bangladesh Scout Association has organised 3rd National Disaster Management Camp at Mithamoin, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh from 26th to 30th March, 2022 in which 7 Indian participants attended under the leadership of Shri Mahinder Sharma. This camp was started with the welcome of Indian contingent at Bangladesh Border by Bangladesh Scout Association. Wereached at Maithamoin camp area which is situated in a beautiful area under the surveillance of Bangladesh Air Force. Mohd. Abdul Hamid, President of Bangladesh inaugurated the camp on 27th March. Indian Delegates participated actively in all types of activities i.e. Fun and Game, beautify the Mithamoin & Demonstration of carrying casualty, Fire Safety & Earth Quake etc. On 29th March, 2022 Indo-Nepal day was celebrated. In this event National Commissioner & Dy. National Commissioners with Camp Chief were invited by the Indian & Nepal contingents. Cultural programmes & many other programmes were presented by both the contingents.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

NATIONAL EVENTS NATIONAL PROGRAMME & TRAINING COMMITTEE The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters has organised a three day National Programme & Training Committee Meeting. It was inaugurated by Shri Shyamal Kumar Biswas, Chief Commissioner of Scouts, BSG on 29th March, 2022 at National Headquarters, New Delhi in the presence of Director and other Officials of the National Headquarters. 92 State Organising Commissioners and State Training Commissioners from 36 State Associations attended and discussed on various Youth related programmes, activities and adult training programmes. They finalized Schedule of Events for the year 2022-23. The meet also discussed effective implementation of Youth Programme and Adult Training based on goodgovernance and principles to achieve Vision- 2024 of the Association. Innovative and adventurous programmes for the youths were recommended for implementation in various parts of the country. The meeting concluded on 31st March, 2022 under the Chairmanship Shri Shyamal Kumar Biswas, Chief Commissioner (Scouts), Bharat Scouts and Guides. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides was the Chief Guest of the valedictory programme. Office bearers and officials of the Bharat Scouts and Guides were present on the occasion. The meeting was successfully convened by Shri Amar B. Chettri, Joint Director (Programme & Training), Bharat Scouts and Guides. NATIONAL INTEGRATION CAMP The Bharat Scouts and Guides National Headquarters organized National Integration Camp to commemorate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsavat State Training Center, Ganganagar from 27th to 31st March 2022 with the theme of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. More than 261 Scouts, Guides, Unit Leaders and invited staff from 14 State Associations of Bihar, Delhi, East Central Railway, Eastern Railway, Haryana, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, N.F. Railway, North Western Railway, Rajasthan, Telengana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal actively participated with full enthusiasm and devotion.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

India is a land of diversities known for its rich culture and heritage. The unity, the togetherness, the beauty of its rich culture and heritage shines all over the world. This camp was organized keeping the view of exchanging the culture, tradition, values and views of the states together. In spite of all the differences, unity is strength. United we stand, divided we fall. The main objective of the camp was to not only share but also exchange the rich cultural heritage of India. Unity which we have is the most diversified among all the countries of the world. The Camp started with the Flag Ceremony followed by Integration session. The Camp was inaugurated by Shantanu Sarkar, Thana In charge, Airport Police Station in the glorious presence of other Officials of West Bengal State Association. Scouts and guides presented patriotic songs, filled with patriotism during the Patriotic Song competition organized in the evening. Patriotic Song Competition, State Exposition, Folk Dance Festival, Folk Song Competition, Marriages of India, Integration Game, Camp fire, Festivals of India and Food Plaza were organised. Oath taking ceremony for minimizing the single use plastic and WAGGGS Initiatives was the main programme during the camp. On the second day, the Integration Camp began with physical Jerks followed by Flag Ceremony. Scouts and Guides from 14 State Associations presented State Exposition in an effective manner. Aerobics, Marriages of India, Integration Game and Festival of India were organized. Smt. Nibedita Halder, Assistant State Organising Commissioner (Guide), WB visited the camp and witnessed the Pageant Show with the theme of “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”. Later, Integration Peace March, Food Plaza and State Exhibition were organized. In the evening Valedictory function was organized and inaugurated by Shri Debaditya Chakraborty, IAS (Retd), State Chief Commissioner, West Bengal, as Chief Guest and Shri Pullubh Basu State Secretary as Guest of Honour in the gorgeous Presence of Ms. Ameeta U. Patel , State Organising Commissioner (Guides) was also and other State and District Officials of West Bengal State. Prizes and Certificates were also distributed to the winning contingents of various competitions and mementoes to each participating State Association.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

The Camp was conducted under the leadership of Shri Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director In Charge, Eastern Region with the help of invited staff members. WEBINAR 6- HE FOR SHE National Level Webinar on “He for She” under WOSM initiatives programme was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides National Headquarters on 16th April 2022 via zoom and the same was telecasted live through the official YouTube channel of BSG. The event started with BSG Prayer which was followed by the Welcome Address delivered by Smt. M. N. Machamma, Deputy Director of Guides (Leader Training).It was followed by a Welcome video. Honourable Chief Guest, Dr.Vimla Meghwal, National Vice President, BSG graced the occasion and blessed the participants. Session on He for She was delivered by Mr. Madhusudan Avala, WOSM Consultant. The session covered all the elements of He for She – What is the programme about, Role of Young People, Know why to Act, He for She Action Kit of WOSM, Making Commitment, What is Gender Equality, etc. A Video on He for She was also shown. Mr. Krishnaswamy R, Executive Director of the Bharat Scouts and Guides addressed the gathering and also explained some of the key points on Gender Equality and also the activities undertaken by the members of BSG to promote Gender Equality. The event was coordinated by Mr. Satyajit from Karnataka and Ms. Maheshwari from Southern Railway under the leadership of Mrs Kumud Mehra, Assistant Director, Southern Region.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

NATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE, PACHMARHI After a gap of two years, the physical Pre-ALT (Scout Wing) Course was organized at NTC, Pachmarhi from 8th to 12th April, 2022. The candidates who applied for online Pre-ALT Course but could not joined due to various reasons were invited in the course. More than 45 participants from Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Eastern Railway, East Central Railway, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Northern Railway, North Central Railway, S.E.C. Railway, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. The course conducted in Lalit Cub/Bulbul Park. Participants were divided into six patrols. Some important sessions were taken jointly by the LOC/Staff members of Pre-ALT SW and GW in Kunzru Hall. The course conducted as per Scheme of Training and as per regular standard and procedures of the National Training Centre, Pachmarhi. All the practical skill subjects were revised in course section wise with the trainers of respective section. Importance were given to teach all training methods and techniques which will be useful for the Unit Leaders to work as a prospective future Trainer. The National Headquarters has nominated Shri Arvind Kumar Srivastava, LT (S), ALT (R), STC (S) of Uttar Pradesh as Leader of the course ably assisted by Sh. Prashant Gaikwad, LT (S), Maharashtra, Shri Sumit Mukhopadhyay, LT(R), West Bengal & Sh. Hari Dutt Sharma, ALT (S) Madhya Pradesh. The Executive Director and Joint Director of Scouts (Prog. & Trg.) were coordinating the course from NHQ and providing all the possible support for smooth conduct of the course. Pre-ALT (Guide Wing) course was conducted at NTC, Pachmarhi from 08th to 12th April, 2022. 34 participants from East Coast Railway, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Maharashtra, North Western Railway, Rajasthan, South Eastern Railway, Tamilnadu, Telangana and Uttarakhand with two staff from Tamilnadu attended. As per Scheme of Training



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

(Guide), the sessions were dealt. Apart from them regular activities such as B.P.Six, Inspection, and Roll Call Drill took place during the course days. All the participants were active in all the activities especially in Roll Call Drill, Golden Arrow and PMSC / UPRAC. On the last day All Faiths Prayer Meeting was conducted. Mrs. Surekha Srivastava, Dy. Director of Guides was the Leader of the Course.NTC staff assisted her in successfully conducting Course.

CORRIGENDUM Due to an oversight the report of Kerala printed wrongly on Page No. 23 in March, 2022 issue. This may kindly be read as: KERALA The Kerala State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp for Rovers and Rangers at Regional Training Centre, Naduvathur on 19th February, 2022 in which 34 Rovers and 02 Rangers participated.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

NATIONAL ADVENTURE INSTITUTE PACHMARHI 446th National Adventure Programme was conducted at National Adventure Institute of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Pachmarhi from 14th to 20th March, 2022 in which 191 participants from E. Railway, Maharasthra and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Jaipur Region attended along with NAI staff & invited staff members. During the programme, activities such as trek to Bee Fall, Jatashankar, Pandav caves, Museum, Rajendra Giri, Mahadev & Chauragarh were organised. Besides these, Obstacles crossing, Rock Craft, Archery, Rifle Shooting, Horse Riding, Boating were also arranged. The day`s activities ended with colorful campfire. Mr. Sunder Lal Uekey, Town Inspector, Pachmarhi was the Chief Guest of the Grand Campfire held in the evening of 19th March, 2022. Participants presented colourful programmes which was appreciated by one and all. 447th National Adventure Programme was conducted at National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi from 22nd to 28th March, 2022 in which 40 participants from R.V. Higher Education and Technical Institute Noida, Uttar Pradesh attended. During the programme, activities such as Rappelling, Rock Climbing, Valley Crossing, Obstacles Crossing, Sky Cycling, Valley Crossing, Zip Line, Rifle Shooting, Archery, Horse Riding and Boating were organised. The participants were students of physical education, so the program was designed according to the participant’s ability. All the participants enjoyed the trekking to all the tourist spots of Pachmarhi. Free Being Me & U-Report session was also organized. The programmes were conducted by Mrs. Bilkish Shaikh, Leader of the programme with the help of Mr. Aman Singh Thakur, Jr. Instructor, Mr. Sazeed Mohammed, Quarter Master and Mrs. Subhshree Rana, Lady Assistant.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

NATIONAL ADVENTURE INSTITUTE, SNOW VIEW, KURSEONG, WEST BENGAL 20th National Adventure Programme was conducted at National Adventure Institute, Snow View Kurseong, Darjeeling, West Bengal from03rdto 07th April, 2022 in which 65 participants from Chhattisgarh, Haryana and Kerala participated. During the programme, participants visited HMI Darjeeling–visited a zoo and historical museum which describes the life of a mountaineer and their belongings who made history,Trek to Eagle Crag, Dow Hill forest and museum where different types of species of Pine are kept along with the wild animals skin, preserved snakes and types of medicinal plants Sath Kanya mandir and Kurseong market.In camp site,activities such as Obstacles Crossings,rifle shooting, archery and back woodsman cooking were conducted for the participants, and different types of games for their self development.They all enjoyed the day and were happy to explore their knowledge. Physical activities like B.P.Six Exercise, Jumba, yoga and cleaning of camp area were attended daily. At flag Leader of the Programme share information regarding scouting, and adventure skills as our motto is “Adventure with scouting”. 1st Foundation Day Celebration- Colorful Cultural programme was presented by the participants. Chief Guest was Shri, Subhas Pradhan, Vice Chairman, Kurseong Municipality. Capt. R.K. Jaiswal, Secretary, Jilla sainik Board, Batasia loop, Shri Ramesh Agarwal, Public Prosecutor, Kurseong court, Shri Jogendar Prasad, State Commissioner (C), West Bengal, officials of Darjeeling dist Association and Kurseong Local Association were present.Mr. Vivek Kumar Das,Leader of the Programme and Shri Jogendra Prasad, State Commissioner Cub, West Bengal welcomed the guests.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

REGIONAL EVENTS “My Rights & Me as a Leader” is a learning and Advocacy Programme created by the Bharat Scouts and Guides under “Her World, Her Voice” project to empower the Girls and Young Women. The programme focuses on the legal constitutional rights of the G&YW, building leadership skills and making the individuals capable to understand, create and implement their own Advocacy Plan to fight against the issues they face in their communities. This programme pushes participants to become more confident and come out of their own comfort zone and take a practical exposure by visiting and connecting to government and social communities working to support the mas-Women Police Station, District Commission for Women, District Legal Service Authority, and more during this seminar. The camp started with Flag Hoisting and inauguration by K. P. Mishra, Vice President, BSG. Anamika, SOC (G) welcomed the 54 participants and 5 Facilitators. She advised the participants that they should not only enjoy their Rights but also their responsibilities. Then the day started with Orientation of the Seminar and Introduction of the participants by pair mingle. After the introduction there was session on Samvidhan Live- be a Jagrik. Next day the session on Advocacy toolkit was started. Next day the session on Advocacy toolkit continued where they had a special guest who was a Member of Child Protection Rights and Women Counsellor. The session on Childs` rights was very much knowledgeable. On that day Advocacy toolkit was completed and different stations were kept for WAGGGS six leadership mindset sessions which were taken by Facilitators. Later tee participants visited the local police station. A very interactive discussion was held with the S.I. On the last day All Faith Prayer Meeting was conducted. The programme was a wonderful experience for all.



APRIL, 2022

Creating - Better India

ACTIVITIES REPORT ANDHRA PRADESH Andhra Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides was conducted Tritiya Sopan Testing Camp for Scouts at G.R.T. English Medium High Schools Chittoor, District from 28-03-2022 to 01-042022 in which77 Scouts from Chittoor District participated. The camp was conducted under the leadership Shri G. Venkateswarlu, ALT(S), Chittoor District along with 4 Staff Members.

ASSAM State Level Golden Arrow Re-testing camp was conducted at District Training Centre, Sivasagar District Association from 18th to 20th March, 2022 in which 39 Cubs and Bulbuls attended. Mr. Kumud Ch. Sarma, L.T. (S) and Mrs. Rumena Begum, ALT (B) was the Leader of the Course.

The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Assam State conducted a three day State Level Golden Arrow Beginners Course was conducted at Bharat Testing Camp for the Cubs and Bulbuls at District Scouts and Guides Building Narasaraopet on 26- Training Centre, Sivsagar, Assam from 18th to 03-2022 in which 330 Teachers participated. 20thMarch, 2022 in which 39 Cubs and Bulbuls participated. ARUNACHAL PRADESH The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Arunachal BIHAR Pradesh State conducted zonal level Tritiya Chappra District of Bihar State Bharat Scouts and Sopan Training and Testing Camp from 21st to Guides organised a Testing Camp for Scouts and

24th March, 2022 at District Headquarters, BSG, Guides at Vishweshwar Seminary High School, Namsai of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Arunachal Chapra on 23rd March 2022. 80 participants from Vishweshwarm Seminary, Saran Academy, Pradesh State.



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Girl School, Brahmin School, Lokmanya School Commissioner called on the Hon’ble Minister of and SadhuLal High School of Chapra City Education Shri Jitubhai Vaghani on 14th April, participated in the testing camp. 2022. The delegation appraised the minister on current status of Scouting/Guiding in the State of Gujarat and the status of Gujarat State in EASTERN RAILWAY

CLW District Association of Eastern Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides organised a summer camp for Cubs, Bulbuls, Scout, Guides, Rovers and Rangers on 27thMarch, 2022 in which 170 participants from different groups of the district participated. The programme was well organised with the support of District Cocoordinator. Activities such as Action song, know about Scouting History, dance etc. were organised during the camp. EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY 3rd District Rally of Dhanbad District of East Central Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides was organised at District Scouts Den, Dhanbad from 05th to 08th April, 2022.The Rally was inaugurated by Mrs. Pooja Bansal, President ECRWWO. The Rally was organised under the leadership of Shri Jaiprakash Singh District Commissioner (Scouts) cum Senior Divisional Personnel Officer. All the members of Scouts and Guides contributed for the successful conduct of this rally.

comparison to other states of Indian Union. They also presented an action plan of the State Association for expansion of Association through the Department of Education, Govt. of Gujarat. The vision 2024 with details of the priority areas of work, budget request to achieve the targets, incentives to Scouts & Guides given by other states and creating provision for such incentives in Gujarat were discussed in the meeting. Hon’ble Minister assured that looking to the strategic position of Gujarat as a Bordering State, the need for developing youth with skills and values of patriotism as priority of state too, the Govt. of Gujarat will extend all possible support for expansion of Scouting/Guiding in the State. Shri Kalpeshbhai Zaveri, Former Chief Justice of Odisha High Court, Mr. SJ Haider, Principal Secretary (Education), Gujarat, Shri Manishkumar Mehta, State Commissioner (Hrs.) Administration and state officials were also present during the meeting.

HARYANA On the occasion of Shahid Diwas, Palwal District GUJARAT A delegation of Gujarat State Bharat Scouts and of Haryana State Bharat Scouts and Guides Guides led by Mrs. Savitaben Patel, State Chief organized a Blood Donation Camp on 23rd



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from Zabarwan park and concluded at Shankaracharya. State Headquarters of Jammu and Kashmir State Bharat Scouts and Guides, Srinagar organised Divisional Level Trekking Cum Environment Awareness Programme from Asthan Pora Brain Nishat to Gophabal Zabarwan Mountain on 31st March, 2022 in which 54 units blood was March, 2022 in which 100 Scouts, Guides, Rovers donated. and Rangers of District Ganderbal, Kupwara, Srinagar and Pulwama participated. The JAMMU AND KASHMIR Programme was flagged off by Mr. Farooq Three Days Pratham Sopan, Dwitiya Sopan and Ganderbali, a social activist, District

Tritiya Sopan Camps were conducted held at Air Force School Jammu from 29th to 31st March, 2022 in which 30 Scouts & Guides took active part in the camp. Scouts and Guides learned number of activities during the camp which included brief about the history of the scouting moment, law, Promise, knowledge of patrol system, different types of knots, tent pitching, knowledge of first Aid, mapping, Pioneering & Sign language etc. Srinagar District of Bharat Scouts and Guides organised One Day Trekking cum Environment Awareness Programne for Scouts and Guides on 31st March, 2022 in which 85 Scouts and Guides participated. The trekking was started


Commissioner Adult Resources (Scouts) District Ganderbal and President Youth Development Forum J&K. KERALA Rover/Ranger Adventure Camp-2022 was held in Kasargod District from March 11th to 13th 2022 in which 435 Rovers, Rangers, District Officials and staff members attended. KARNATAKA Nature Study and Trekking camp was conducted at state Level for Rovers and Rangers at Sringeri, Chikkamagaluru from 11th to 14thMarch 2022 in which 65 Rovers, 32 Rangers and 20 Service Rovers & Rangers participated. Shri K.


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Gangappagowda, State Secretary inaugurated NORTHERN RAILWAY the camp. Shri Girija Shankar, State Awardee and District Unit leaders meet was organised by RCF Press reporter and Sri D.V. Girish, Famous Environmentalist were present as Chief Guests and spoke about the importance of Nature Study and Trekking and also protection of environment. On 13th March Sri P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner visited Sringeri Local Association and laid the foundation stone for its Building. MADHYA PRADESH On the occasion of World Water Day, the Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers of Katni District of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Madhya Pradesh prepared posters on Water Conservation at the team level on 22nd March, 2022. The significance of water conservation was also

District which was held at Mount Abu from 13th to 16th April, 2022.Various issuesrelated to scout guide activities such as Uplifting Census, promoting activities on social media and Fund raising were discussed. NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY North Eastern Railway Bharat Scouts and

conveyed to the people through door-to-door Guides, Bareka District Association organized a Refresher Course for Scouters/Guiders and visit in the vicinity of the school. Patrol Leaders of the District from 26th to 29th March-2022 in which 58 members of the District NAGALAND The Bharat Scouts and Guides of Wokha District Association participated. participated in Mock Drill exercise on 16th March 2022 which was conducted by the District NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), North Central Railway, Bharat Scouts and Guides Wokha along with Nagaland state Disaster conducted Vocational Craft Camp at State Training Centre Subedarganj, Prayagraj from Management Authority (NSDMA). 24th to 28th March, 2022 in which 190 participants were trained.



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NORTH FRONTIER RAILWAY The Bharat Scouts and Guides, NF Railway, Badarpur District Association organized a COVID-19 Vaccination Drive on 28th March 2022 at District Scout Hut, Badarpur for the people of 12-14 and 15-17 and above 18 yrs of age. 56 People were vaccinated and a team of 10 Rovers and Rangers rendered their Services. ODISHA Odisha State Bharat Scouts & Guides organized “PRATIKSHYA” State Level Camp for Scouts & Guides at State Headquarter Premises, Unit-03, Bhubaneswar from 21st to 25th March 2022 in which 535 Scouts, Guides and Unit Leaders from 15 districts participated.

devotee, collecting plastics and managed the crowd very well. A Social Service Camp was organised at Ram Mandir, Bhubaneswar on 10th April, 2022. 80 Rovers, Unit Leaders & State Headquarter Staff actively participated in this camp.. State Level Rover Ranger Fiesta was conducted at State Headquarters, Bhubaneswar from 27th to 31st March, 2022 in which 532 Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders from 42 colleges of different districts attended. The event was inaugurated by Shri Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak, MLA & President Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides in the presence of Dr. Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President cum State Chief Commissioner, OSBSG and other dignitaries. Ms. S. Sushree, IPS, DCP, Traffic, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar inaugurated street play competition on gender bias. The valedictory function was attended by Dr. Minati Behera, Chairperson Odisha State Commission for Women, other officials and staff.

Members of Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides organized Road Safety Awareness Programme on 31st March, 2022 in their localities. 150 Rovers & Rangers made people aware of Road Safety Rules. Odisha State Bharat Scouts & Guides organized a Social Service Camp at Lingaraj Temple, Bhubaneswar on 09th April, 2022. Besides distribution of Glucose water, Sanitizers, Dry foods, First-Aid, essential generic PUDUCHERRY medicines to the aged devotees by our Rovers State Level President Scout/Guide Testing Camp

and they have also created awareness among was organized from 25th to 27th March 2022 in the local communities, water sprinkles to which 17 Scouts & Guides actively participated.



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RAJASTHAN 1200 Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers rendered service in the state level Khatu Shyam Ji Falgun Mela Service Camp organized by Sikar District of Rajasthan State Bharat Scouts and Guides from 05th to 15th March, 2022. Sikar District organized District Level State Award Training Camp from 23rd to 27th March, Rock, Trichy from 23 to 26 March, 2022 in which 2022 in which 180 Scouts & Guides participated. 700 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Adult Leaders from all the Eight Districts of the State participated. Shri Shyamdhararam, District President & Chief Workshop Manager /Golden Rock inaugurated the rally and camporee on 2 3 rd M a rc h , 2 0 2 2 . S h r i B .G . M a l l ya , President/SRBSG &AGM/S. Railway was the Chief Guest for the Pageant Show Competition.

Rajasthan State Bharat Scouts and Guides District Headquarters, Churu organized District Level State Award Training Camp from 23rd to 27th March, 2022 in which 180 Rovers &Rangers participated. SOUTHERN RAILWAY The Southern Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted State Level Testing Camp for President Award Certificates for Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers from 06.03.2022 to 10.03.2022 at Hoskote Camping & Training Centre, Perambur in which 68 Scouts, 36 Guides, 13 Rovers and 13 Rangers. Shri M.Mathimaran, SOC/S and Smt. Salini Surendran, SOC/G were the Leaders of the Camp. 49th State Rally and 22nd Camporee was conducted at Railway Sports Ground, Golden


SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY On 1st March 2022, 40 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Adult leaders rendered Service at "Sri Swayambu Mettugutta Rama Lingeswara S w a m y Te m p l e ” M a d i k o n d a o n `Mahashivaratri`. It is one of the historical temples of KAZIPET, Warangal built by Kakatiya Dynasty. Shri Rajiv Kishore, State Chief Commissioner and Principal Chief Personnel Officer, South Central Railway was on an inspection to Vijayawada on 9.4.22. During the inspection, Shri Rajiv Kishore


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inaugurated Free Water Service Campduring summer at Vijayawada Railway Station to be handled and maintained by Scouts and Guides of t h e V i j ayawa d a D i st r i c t . S tate C h i ef Commissioner appreciated the Scouts & Guides for taking up such an initiative to help the public in Summer 2022. He also visited the Scout Den in Vijayawada and inaugurated a competition in making bird feeders participated by the Scouts & Guides and awarded the children for their creativity.

TRIPURA One day Awareness cum Mock Drill on earthquake, flood & fire safety programme was organised by Amarpur SDM Office on 17th

He was accompanied by Shri D. Srinivas Rao, District Chief Commissioner and Additional Divisional Railway Manager (Infrastructure) and Shri M.B. Muralidhar, District Secretary and Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer, S.C. Rly. Vijayawada Division.

March, 2022 at Gumoti District of Tripura State in which 26 members of the BSG, Tripura State participated.

SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY 17thDistrict Camp and Rally of S.E. Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides, ADRA District Association was organised from 28thto 31stMarch, 2022. 251 campers participated in this four-day camp. Various competitions like D i s p l a y, M a r c h - P a s t , C a m p - C r a f t ,

TAMILNADU Bharat Scouts and Guides Maharishi District conducted Bunny Leader Course at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Balabhavan from 3rd to 5th March 2022 in which 13 participants from Maharishi District attended. Mr. Manohar, Assistant State Secretary of Tamilnadu BS&G was the Chief Guest, who inaugurated the course on 3rd March, 2022.The topics had been covered as per Scheme of Training. The participants actively

Backwoodsman cooking, Wall Painting, Rangoli, participated in the course. Dr. Sarda Ajaikumar, (BAMS,MBA,DNHE) was the Chief Guest. The Camp Fire etc. were organised in the Camp. valedictory function was held on 5th March,



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2022. Mrs. S. Vijayalakshmi, ALT (G) was the Leader of the Course. State Level President Award Testing Camp for Scout Wing and Guide Wing was conducted at District training centre, Sankar Park, Salem and for Guide wing at State Training Centre, Stanley Park, Coonoor from 17th to 21st March, 2022 in which 166 Scouts, 203 Guides, 7 Rovers and 10 Rangers participated. TELANGANA Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp for Guides was conducted at State Training Centre, Jeedimetla from 4th to 8th March, 2022 in which 70 Guides participated. Smt. G. Ananthalaxmi, LT (G) was the Leader of the Course. Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp for Scouts was conducted at State Training Centre, Jeedimetla from 21stto 25thMarch, 2022 in which 15 Scouts participated. Sri G. Parameshwar, LT (S) organised the camp. Tritiya Sopan Testing Camp for Guides was conducted at District Headquarters, Karimnagar from 21stto 25thMarch, 2022 in which 52 Guides participated. Smt. N. Bharatha Matha, LT (G) was the Leader of the Course.

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Creating - Better India

TRAINER’S CORNER DEFINING ELEMENTS OF SCOUTING….C) SCOUTING IS VOLUNTARY Scout Movement is a noble organization which is existing in more than 150 countries. It is a movement intended for the young people to grow as responsible citizens by practicing fundamental values. When the youth want to join such a movement, they need not be compelled to do so. Their entry into the movement is intentional, deliberate, willing and out of interest. Young people and adults are free to join the movement to participate in programmes and activities which interest them. While doing so, they adhere to its `Fundamentals` willingly. There is no compulsion to join the Scout movement or to remain a member. It is for the young people to choose when to join the movement and when to leave. The same principle applies to adult leaders also, who have an essential role in helping the young people achieve their full potential as self-fulfilled and active global citizens. Although Scout Movement gives free choice to enter or exit from the movement, Scout Movement requires a commitment from the individual member, to the fundamental values, purpose, principle and the Scout Method. It also expects the members to commit to use their best abilities to build a society where everybody could live freely and maintain harmony with each other and with nature. The movement also expects a commitment to have faith in God or Dharma and to be patriotic. This commitment is made through making the Scout Promise publicly. Publicly, in the sense, the Promise is made by the individual member in the presence of the adult leader while his peers witness his commitment. This commitment will make him to do his best to adhere to a code of living based on the Promise and the Law. This type of commitment will help him in his personal development. A movement with an educational purpose essentially needs a commitment and in scouting, it is a voluntary commitment. The Bharat Scouts and Guides expects Bunnies also who are in the age group of 3 to 6 years to follow their Law where as young people from the age of 6 years have to undertake a Promise so that children from young age itself will build up their personality with values that form the foundation for a later stage. It is voluntary because all the activities and learning opportunities are decided or created by the



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young people under the guidance of young leaders. Such activities and learning opportunities are relevant to the fast-changing world and based on the principle and the Scout Method and at the same time they are attractive. For example, Computer awareness, Yoga and Free Being Me, Disaster Management, Solar Energy Awareness, Yoga Instructor are recently included as proficiency badges besides a number of regular activities. Young people are free to select any proficiency badges of their choice depending on their aptitude. Adults involved in the scout movement must be committed to the Fundamentals of scouting because their role is to help the young people, either directly or indirectly, to achieve their full potentials. Adults commit to do their best to help the youth in the development and in empowerment. It means adults have a shared responsibility and partnership among all members of the movement such as youth, adults, volunteers and professionals. As Scouting is voluntary in nature, adults serving the movement in a leadership capacity give their services freely and willingly without being paid for their services. Adults contribute in their own way according to their skills, talents and time availability to reach the shared goals. Sometimes paid professionals are engaged on a full or part-time basis as per requirement. The use of the services of the professionals and volunteers strengthens the Movement. As it is a voluntary movement, all the members, regardless of their caste, race, religion, gender, age, region, identity, experience and background participate at all levels in the decision-making process or in reaching the set targets. So, volunteers are the lifeblood of the Scout Movement. Scout Movement is volunteer-based and volunteer-led! As volunteers, we have the opportunity to develop talents, explore values and beliefs and to have new experiences and adventures. By choosing Scouting we make a real difference to the lives of young people and create a huge impact in communities. Role of adult leaders to get the voluntary support: • Be democratic with the young people by being friendly but not like school master. • Be an elder brother and advisor. • Conduct patrol leader`s meetings and give them a responsibility to plan the programmes under your guidance. • Court-of-Honour to be conducted regularly. • Create opportunities for parents to share in the unit activities. - D. R. K. SARMA, LT (C) South Central Railway



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MEMBERSHIP GROWTH AND OYMS WORKSHOP To achieve the mission and vision of the Membership Growth, Madhya Pradesh State Headquarters conducted a workshop on Membership Growth and OYMS at the State Training Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal from 05th to 07th April 2022 in which 75 participants from 42 Districts of Madhya Pradesh State participated. The programme started with an integration session at 9.00 am on 05th April 2022 by Shri Rajesh Mewade, ASOC and State Membership Growth Coordinator of Madhya Pradesh State. A solemn opening ceremony was held at 10.00 a.m. Mr. D.P. Mishra, SOC (S) and Mrs. Chandrakanta Upadhyay, SOC (G) welcomed the dignitaries and participants. Ms. Sumeeta Datta, Assistant, Membership Growth Cell, NHQ facilitated the objectives of the training programme, discussed on Mission and Vision 2024 of BSG and 7 key ingredients for Sustainable Growth. The 7 crucial ingredients are Quality Program, Leaders & Volunteers, Engaging Communication, Strong Organization, Partnership, Better Measurement & Strategy, and Target & Outreach to make the Growth recipe more energetic, effective, and sustainable. Based on Madhya Pradesh State Membership Growth Strategy & Action Plans, all the Districts will prepare their respective District Membership Growth Strategy. It will reach the ultimate target for 2023 & 2025. Ms. Sumeeta Datta, started with a nice reflection and then the session started with the topic Growth Targets on 06th April, 2022. The session's objectives were to know the current status of the Districts in terms of the census and the target of each District for 2023 and 2025 based on their potential. She had given the idea of digital and physical campaigns, attracting more youth to scouting with qualitative activities and ways to increase membership based on potential growth areas. In continuation the session on OYMS was conducted by Mr. Dhanraj Saini, Office Secretary, BSG NHQ. This is the online platform of BSG India updated and registered members as of now, and it will help keep on track the facts and figures of Membership Growth. A proper digitalization plan can



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help reinvent processes, improve quality and promote consistency. Then we can say that if an organization adopts today's digital technologies, it will enable decision-makers to access all the information they need from anywhere and on any device they choose. As the Growth Representative, Ms. SumeetaDatta, BSG Membership Growth, took the next session on Roles and Responsibilities of the District Growth Coordinators and explained the responsibilities and accountability of District Growth Coordinators, motivated them and also assured them of the support services for them and worked together as a team to make this project a grand success. The training programme came to an end with a memorable closing ceremony where Mr. D. S. Raghav, State Commissioner (Cub), gave significant inputs and distributed the participant's certificate to all the participants.

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(For below 25 years only)

Note: Your answers along with recent passport size photographs should reach us on or before th 15 May, 2022 The names and photos of first five lucky winners with correct answers will be published in the magazine of May, 2022 issue. (1) What were Cub Scouts first called? (2) Who is the first Chief Ambassador of World Scouting? (3) Who is the first Chief Scout of the world? (4) Most normal shape for a flag is oblong. Which countries have a flag that is not oblong? (5) What is an Indaba? (6) From what countries do Eagle Scouts come? (7) Who is called the `Father of Indian Scouting`? (8) How HAM (Radio Station) got its name? (9) When and where was the first Wood Badge course conducted in India? (10) In which year Baden Powell visited India as Chief Scout?

Answer 1. Baden Powell 2. Pandit Shri Ram Bajpai 3. 29th July 1907 4. January 15, 1908 5. Reef Knot


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6 . 17 7. Climate Action 8. 18 9. Our World, Our Equal Future 10. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.




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Creating - Better India

Date of Publication: 25/04/2022 Total Pages : 32

Regd. as Newspaper RNI-14418/58 Delhi Postal Regd. No. DL(C)-01/1222/2021-23 Licenced to post without Pre-payment U(C)-33/2021-23 L.P.C R.M.S Posted in New Delhi on 25/26-04-2022


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The Bharat Scouts and Guides Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi -110 002 E-mail: Website:

Printed and Published by : Shri R.K. Kaushik, Director, on behalf of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi and printed at Printco-Supreme, Ground Floor, 212, F.I.E., Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092 and Published at 16, M.G. Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 (India) Editor Shri R.K. Kaushik

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