Creating a Better World
President’s Message
lans’k The Bharat Scouts and Guides always put nation before self on all occasion. We stood in front line for promoting the National Cause at the time of all adversities that our nation faced.
Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us lnSo lHkh voljksa ij jk’Vª dks Lo;a ls iwoZ j[kk gS] ge gekjs ns”k ds lkeus vkus okyh lHkh çfrdwy ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ftudk gekjs ns”k us lkeuk fd;k gS] esa jk’Vªh; fgr dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, vfxze iafDr esa [kM+s gq, gSaA
The Covid awareness and prevention efforts of our members received attention of the Government of India. Honourable Home Minister included Bharat Scouts and Guides as one of the pilot institutions in the fight against Covid.
gekjs lnL;ksa us dksfoM tkx:drk vkSj jksdFkke ds ç;klksa esa Hkkjr ljdkj dk /;ku vkdf’kZr fd;kA ekuuh; x`gea=h us dksfoM ds fo:) yM+kbZ esa ik;yV laLFkkuksa esa ls ,d ds :i esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks “kkfey fd;kA
Our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision and encouragement to produce a vaccine within our country is now a reality. Our scientists and medical researchers devoted their knowledge and expertise in producing an effective vaccine. The plans of Government to vaccinate the frontline workers are in the second stage. The members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides should take part in creating awareness on the usefulness of the vaccine and remove the doubts and misinformation being spread.
gekjs ç/kkuea=h Jh ujsanz eksnh dk gekjs ns”k esa ,d oSDlhu dk mRiknu djus gsrq mudk n`f’Vdks.k ,oa çksRlkgu vc ,d okLrfodrk gSA gekjs oSKkfudksa vkSj fpfdRlk “kks/kdrkZvksa us ,d çHkkoh Vhds ds fuekZ.k esa vius Kku vkSj fo”ks’kKrk dks lefiZr fd;kA ÝaVykbu odZlZ dks Vhdkdj.k djus dh ljdkj dh ;kstuk f}rh; pj.k esa gS] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lnL;ksa dks Vhds dh mi;ksfxrk ds ckjs esa tkx:drk iSnk djus vkSj blds ckjs esa QSyh “kadkvksa vkSj lwpukvksa dks nwj djus gsrq dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysuk pkfg,A
The community especially, the school going students and teachers are now back to their institutions. The Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers should actively participate in continuing the efforts to keep vigil to spread the message of safe distance, use of masks and all efforts to maintain hygiene in the schools and other places where people gathers. The examinations are scheduled by the Boards for higher classes; you speak to young people and make them confident that they appear in their examinations without fear. Conduct study classes, do counseling over available Medias and help overcome the stress among the students who are appearing for examination. This is the best service you can do for the community.
leqnk; esa] fo”ks’k :i ls Ldwy tkus okys Nk= vkSj f”k{kd vius laLFkkuksa esa okil vk x;s gSa( LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks lqjf{kr nwjh] ekLd dk mi;ksx] Ldwyksa vkSj vU; LFkkuksa tgk¡ ij yksx ,df=r gksrs gSa ogk¡ LoPNrk cuk,a j[kus ds fy, lans”k dks QSykus ds fy, lfØ; :i ls Hkkx ysuk pkfg,A mPp d{kkvksa ds fy, cksMZ }kjk ijh{kk,a fu/kkZfjr dh tk pqdh gSa] vki ;qokvksa ls ckr djsa vkSj mUgsa fo”okl fnyk,a fd os fcuk fdlh Hk; ds viuh ijh{kkvksa esa Hkkx ysaA v/;;u d{kkvksa dk lapkyu djsa] miyC/k ehfM;k ij dkmafLfyax djas vkSj mu Nk=ksa ds chp ruko dks nwj djus esa enn djsa tks ijh{kk ns jgs gSaA ;g lcls vPNh lsok gS tks vki leqnk; ds fy, dj ldrs gSaA fpUru fnol dh “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA
MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu jk"Vªh; v/;{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l