Creating a Better World
Personally Speaking
viuh ckr February is the border between winter and spring. If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. January is for dreamers; February is for doers. In this month there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.
Qjojh “khr ,oa clar ds chp dh lhek gSA ;fn tuojh ifjorZu dk eghuk gS rks Qjojh LFkk;h ifjorZu dk eghuk gSA tuojh LoIu ns[kus okyks ds fy, gS( Qjojh drkZvksa ds fy, gSA bl ekg esa vk”kk ds fy, lc dqN gS ,oa vQlksl ds fy, dqN ughaA
You all are aware that we celebrate the joint Birthday of Lord & Lady Baden Powell on 22nd February every year as “Thinking Day” or “Founder’s Day” which is a regular feature of the Bharat Scouts and Guides Movement.“Thinking Day” is an important way for boys and girls to learn about the global action theme through fun activities in their communities. The theme for 2021 is ‘Peace building’. Peace building is in the heart of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting and is as vital and relevant today as for the last 100 years. The delegates chose 22 February as the date for Thinking Day because it is the birthday of both Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout Movement, and Olave Baden-Powell, who was World Chief Guide. The efforts of boys and girls around the world raising money for World Thinking Day also provides an essential source of funding for the gigantic work of the World Association in support.
vki lHkh tkurs gSa fd ge çfro’kZ 22 Qjojh dks ykMZ ,oa ysMh csMsu ikWosy ds la;qDr tUefnol dks ^^fpUru fnol^^ ;k ^^laLFkkid fnol^^ ds :i esa eukrs gSa tks fd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vkUnksyu dk ,d fu;fer dk;ZØe gSA ^^fpUru fnol^^ yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa ds fy, vius leqnk;ksa esa vkuUnnk;d xfrfof/k;ksa ds ek/;e ls oSf”od dk;Z fo’k; ds ckjs esa tkuus dk ,d egRoiw.kZ rjhdk gSA 2021 dk fo’k; ^”kkafr fuekZ.k^ gSA “kkafr fuekZ.k xyZ xkbfMax vkSj xyZ LdkmfVax ds ân; esa gS ,oa fiNys 100 o’kksZa dh rjg vkt Hkh mruk gh egRoiw.kZ vkSj çklkafxd gSA çfrfuf/k;ksa us 22 Qjojh dks fpUru fnol dh rkjh[k ds :i esa blfy, pquk D;ksafd ;g Ovk; LdkmV vkUnksyu ds laLFkkid ykMZ csMsu ikWosy ,oa fo”o xkbM phQ vkWyso csMsu ikWosy dk tUefnu FkkA fo”o fpUru fnol ds fy, nqfu;k¡ Hkj esa yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa }kjk /ku tqVk, tkus ds ç;kl fo”o laxBu dks fo”kky dk;Z ds fy, /ku dk ,d vko”;d Lkzksr Hkh çnku djrs gSaA
To celebrate the World Thinking Day on 22nd February 2021, Bharat Scouts and Guides will organise various events at NHQ, New Delhi such as Cub and Bulbul Golden Arrow Award Rally and Felicitation of Friend to Bharat Scouts and Guides for donations and contributions given to support the Movement. Along with presenting COVID-19 related awards for exemplary and meritorious services rendered by the scouts and guides all across the country out of which three states stood out of the rest showcasing extreme dedication and enthusiasm to help the needy and destitute during the toughest time ever seen by the whole world altogether. The states which bagged first three positions are Rajasthan at first, Uttar Pradesh at second and Chhattisgarh being third, will be awarded by Bharat Scouts and Guides to reinforce such good practices and make the occasion a memorable one.This year also let us celebrate the Day with more
22 Qjojh 2021 dks fo”o fpUru fnol eukus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky;] ubZ fnYyh ij dc ,oa cqycqy xksYMu ,sjks vokMZ jSyh] vkUnksyu dks lg;ksx djus gsrq nku ,oa ;ksxnku nsus gsrq ÝsUMl Vw Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk lEeku lekjksg tSls fofHkUu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr djsxkA lkFk gh lEiw.kZ ns”k esa LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM~l }kjk lcls dfBu le; ds nkSjku; vkSj es/kkoh lsok,sa çnku dh xbZ rkfd t:jreanks vkSj fujkfJrksa dks lgk;rk fey lds ftuesa ls rhu jkT; jgs tcfd “ks’k vR;Ur leiZ.k ,oa mRlkg ds lkFk [kM+s Fks] blds fy, dksfoM&19 lEcU/kh vokMZl çnku fd, x,A ftu jkT;ksa dks igys rhu LFkku çkIr gq, gSa] muesa jktLFkku çFke] mÙkj çns”k f}rh; vkSj NÙkhlx<+ r`rh; LFkku ij gS] bl rjg dh vPNh çFkkvksa dks lqn`~<+ djus vkSj bl volj dks ;knxkj cukus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk mUgsa lEekfur fd;k tk,xkA bl o’kZ Hkh ge bl fnol dks vkSj vf/kd g’kksZYykl ,oa çfrc)rk ds lkFk euk,aA fopkj] dk;Zokgh ,oa lk>k djus okyk ;g fnu çfro’kZ dh rjg lehi vkrk gSA