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Personally Speaking viuh ckr

Scout movement is 115 years old. It was on August 1 in 1907, the first scout camp was completed on Brownsea Island. To commemorate this day, World Scarf Day was started. Most of our members recognise ‘Scarf’ as a very strong symbol of Scout PromiseandtheScout`sMissiontoleavetheworld abetterplace.Onthisday,itistraditionthatscouts all over the world wear the scarf in public to make the spirit of scouting visible. Once a scout is always ascoutisourfaith.


The ‘Sustainable Developmental Goals’ can be reachedtoallthebeneficiariesprovidedtheaction isfocussedonallagesofpeople.Theyoungandthe old persons are to be satisfied with their needs to leave no one behind. 12th August is the International Youth Day and this year we work on the theme `Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a worldforAllAges`.Wehavetocreateawarenesson unemployment, poverty, hunger, health, ageism etc. which create barriers to intergenerational solidarity. Our Scouts and Guides, Rovers and Rangers should participate in awareness programmes of SDGs, educate our next generation for a better living and participate in social work. Adultleadersmaygivethemguidanceinorganising relatedactivitiesandprogrammes.

15th August of every year witnesses the celebration of India`s Independence Day. We have been celebrating Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav for the past one year by paying tributes to all the freedom

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