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President of West Bengal State, Bharat Scouts and Guides. Mr. J.R.C. Panglinan, Regional Director, ARPgracedtheoccasionanddeliveredhismessageintheworkshop.HealsopresentedAsiaPacific Messenger of Peace Hero Award for the year 2021 to Shri Trinanjan Adhikary of West Bengal. Recognition Certificate for Outstanding contribution in MoP for the year 2021-22 was awarded to Ms. Rinku Tomer, MoP Local Coordinator of Uttar Pradesh State. Regional Director had also presented Application Certificate to Shri Amar B. Chettri, Joint Director of Scouts (Programme & Training)forhisoutstandingperformanceandcreatingimpactofScoutingasMoPCoordinatorfrom 2019-2021. 07 Participants from India (Jammu & Kashmir, Odisha, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, & West Bengal)and07ParticipantsfromNSO’s(Bangladesh,Bhutan&Nepal)participatedinthisworkshop physicallyandvirtually.EasternRailwayandTTLgroupofWestBengalStatepresentedtheircultural programme. The opening ceremony was conducted under the Leadership of Shri Amar B. Chettri, JointDirectorofScouts(Programme&Training)BSG,India.


Shri Madhusudan A.S., Addl. International Commissioner (S) BSG coordinated for the successful organisationoftheWorkshop.ShriS.K.Biswas,ChiefCommissioner(S)wastheWorkshopDirector.

GIRL GUIDES INTERNATIONAL CAMP ‘SHE CAN’ was organized virtually from 1st to 4th June 22 where 28 participants from India participated from Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala state. The internationalcampalsohadparticipantsfromcountrieslikeSingapore,Malaysia,Korea,Philippines and Pakistan. The virtual sessions included selflearning activities. Activities relating to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); SDG 3 Good Health & Well Being, SDG 5 Gender Equality & SDG 13 Climate Action were dealt. Through the REAL activities in this camp, they learned to reinforce the importance of what girls and young women can do to break boundaries, break down gender stereotypes andbuildasustainablefuture.

Guide captain St. Jeeva Jose from St Mary’s school, Kerala and Guide captain Jyoti Wali Bhatt from Carmel Convent School, Jammu actively supported the guides in discovering their potential and making things happened for the guides remotely. Various e- badges were earned by the guides on thetheme.GuideNandikafromSt.Mary’sschoolKeralawasthewinnerofinternationalnightquiz. The Indian contingent took active participation under the leadership of Joint Director Guides Mrs. Darshana Pawaskar with preparatory meetings and various videos which had to be provided to the GirlGuidesofSingapore,tillthesuccessfulcompletionoftheevent.

National Events

NATIONAL LEVEL ROVER/RANGER CARNIVAl to commemorate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostav was organised by the Bharat Scouts and Guides National Headquarters, New Delhi at Govt. College, Dharamshala,HimachalPradeshfrom01stto05thJuly,2022.350participants,staff,ServiceRovers andRangersfrom25StateAssociationsofthecountryandoneoverseascountryNepalparticipated in the carnival. Shri Kishan Kapoor, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) inaugurated the carnival on 01st July, 2022 in the presence of many officials of education including Principals of manyCollegesofKangraDistrictofHimachalPradesh.

Shri Govind Singh Thakur, Hon’ble Minister of Education, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh & VicePresident,HimachalPradeshStateBharatScoutsandGuidesgracedtheoccasionastheChiefGuest during Folk Dance Festival on 03rd July, 2022. He highly appreciated the colourful presentation of FolkDances.TheRover/RangerCarnivalconcludedon05thJuly,2022.

Shri Amar B. Chettri, Joint Director of Scouts (Programme & Training)/ Leader of the Rover/Ranger Carnival met and sought blessings from His Holiness ‘THE DALAI LAMA’ at Mcleodganj, Dharamshala,HimachalPradeshon04thJuly,2022andpresentedhimMessengerofPeaceScarf.

Theparticipantsstatesdisplayedthecultures,traditions,food,dresses,floraandfaunaoftheirown at the state exposition, Exhibition & Food Plaza a competition on Rangoli Slogan, writing and Painting were conducted on the theme “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat”. The valedictory function followed by grand campfire was held on 4th July, where the cultural presentations from different states baggedthestage.Eachandeverystatewasrecognised by the State Chief Commissioner of Himachal Pradesh BSG Mr Amarjeet Kumar Sharma, Director of Higher Education,Govt.ofHimachalPradeshandthewinners ofthecompetitionsweredeclaredbytheLeaderofthe Carnival.

SPECIAL NATIONAL ADVENTURE PROGRAMME at Bhopalpani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand from 10th to 14th June, 2022 in which 99 participants from Andhra Pradesh, Eastern Railway, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, N.C. Railway, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal participated. The participants were briefed about Environmental Tour to Haridwar-Rishikesh by bus. The participants visited Har ki Podi and Ganga Snan. A session relating to importance of cleaning of Ganges, famously known as Namami Gange was conducted by Mrs. Deepmala Rawat, ALT (G) of Uttarakhand. The participants and staff visited the place meant for River Rafting at Rishikesh.TheyvisitedRamJhula,SwargAshram,GangaMahaAarti&JanakiSetu.

After flag ceremony participants moved to Budha Temple & local sight-seeing. The participants enjoyed different water sport activities at Shahstradhara, a beautiful place towards “Yamunoatri” and enjoyed the water activities. The participants cooked food by backwoodsman cooking at the BankofRiver.ShriMahinderSharma,ROC(S)NorthernRegionwastheLeaderoftheProgramme.

NATIONAL LEVEL TREKKING CUM EDUCATION TOUR to Kedarnath from 23rd to 28th June, 2022 with 80 participants from Chhattisgarh, East Coast Railway, Haryana, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha,S.C.Railway,S.E.C.Railway,UttarPradeshandWestBengalincluding02staffmembers.

Northern Railway State Training Centre at Raiwala was the Base Camp of the Trekking Programme. TheparticipantsleftforSitapurbybusandfromSitapur,theyreachedKedarnarthby16kmtrekking. All the participants enjoyed the trekking. On 27th June, 2022 morning they started from Sitapur to Raiwala by bus. On 28th June, all the participants visited Rishikesh. Grand camp fire was organised and all the participants enjoyed the camp. The above camp was conducted by Shri S. Mohanty, ProjectOfficer,BSG,NHQwhowasassistedbyShriYaspalHooda,YouthCoordinator,BSG.

SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY,ENGINEERINGANDMATHEMATICSSURVEYNationalHeadquartersofThe Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted STEM SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS Consultation Webinar Series-Webinar-1, Webinar-2 and Webinar-3 for Girls and Young women on 29th June, 01st July and 04th July 2022 in which 209 participants joined the 3 webinar by Zoom. Surekha Shrivastava, Deputy Director welcomed the Guest Speaker, participantsandothermemberswereintroducedabouttheWebinar.

Razia Begum, Deputy Director (Education) Govt. of NCT Delhi, Mrs. Narinder Kaur (Counsellor) and Dr. Ashok Thakur (motivational speaker and educationist)Dr. Surbhi Singh, MBBS & MS (Gynecologist),andMrs.GeetaweretheGuestSpeakersoftheevents.Activitiesweredividedinto7partslike What is STEM?, How Does STEM make you feel? STEM Jobs, The Way the World is now, Jobs List, what’s holding us back? Break Down the Barriers! What could be done? etc. Smt. Surekha ShrivastavaDeputyDirector(G)wastheLeaderoftheWebinar.


RE-ORIENTATION COURSE FOR TRAINER’S OF SCOUT WING was conducted at State Training Centre,Palode,Keralafrom17thto21stJuly,2022.26Trainersparticipatedintheeventandrevised the knowledge and skills related to conduct and management of training programmes for Unit Leaders and specialized courses (skills). Shri D.R.K. Sarma was a guest instructor in the course. The course was organised on self-finance basis by Kerala State Bharat Scouts and Guides. Shri KrishanswamyR.ExecutiveDirector wastheleaderofthecourse.

PRE-ALT COURSE FOR SCOUT WING was conducted at State Training Centre, Palode, Kerala from 17th to 21st July, 2022. 29 trainees from Kerala and Tamilnadu attended. The course aims at preparing HWB holders to be capable of managing training courses, creating learning experiences and using training techniques and methods most suitable for the situation. Adult learning theory, fundamentals of scouting, importance of ceremonies in courses are also dealt during the course. Shri D.R.K. Sharma, LT(Cub)wastheleaderofthecourse.



451 NATIONAL ADVENTURE PROGRAMME & ONE SPECIAL ADVENTURE PROGRAMME National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi was conducted for Chhattisgarh State from 06th to 10th May, 2022. 110 from Chhattisgarh state and 87 participants from Gyanodaya School, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh,UttarPradesh,MaharashtraandRajasthanstateparticipated.

During the programme, activities such as Rappling, Rock Climbing, Valley Crossing, Obstacles Crossing, Sky Cycling, Valley Crossing, Zip Line, Rifle Shooting, Archery, Horse Riding and Boating were organised. All the participants enjoyed trekking to Jatashankar, Rajendra Giri, Pandav Caves, Bee Fall, & Dhoop Garh. U-Report session during the programme.As per regular practice, the candidates have collected polythene from Bee Fall & Dhoopgarh under the Swachh Bharat Sunder Bharat Abhiyaan. During the programme, the participants from National Adventure Programme celebratedthe28thAnniversaryofNationalAdventure Institute in a grand manner by presenting colourful and attractive culture items in the evening. Ms. M.N. Machamma, Dy. Director, Guide Leader Training and Shri S.S. Ray, Assistant Director were present in the programme.Officialsofotherstateswerealsopresent. OnthelastdayAllFaithPrayerwasconducted.


453 NATIONAL ADVENTURE PROGRAMME was conducted at National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi from 26th May 2022 to 1st June, 2022 in which 385 participants from Navodaya VidayalayaSamiti,PuneRegion,Maharashtraand02fromTamilNadustateparticipated.Duringthe programme, activities such as Rappling, Rock Climbing, Valley Crossing, Obstacles Crossing, Sky Cycling,ValleyCrossing,ZipLine,RifleShooting,Archery,HorseRidingandBoatingwereorganised. All the participants enjoyed the trekking to Bison Lodge, Pachmarhi Garden, Jatashankar, Rajendra Giri,LotShrung,PandavCaves,BeeFall,Nighttrekking,GuptMahadev,HundiKho&Mahadev.The ActivityofFreeBeingMe&U-Reportsessionwerealsoorganized.

Shri Ramesh N., IDES, Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, Pachmarhi was the Chief Guest andShriAmarB.Chettri,Jt.DirectorofScouts(Prog.andTrg.)wastheGuestofHonourintheGrand Campfire. The Chief Guest interacted with the students and motivated them to become IAS and serve the society and country. Shri Chettri informed the candidates about the Jamboree and other events for the youth for their exposure at National and International levels. Grand Campfire was enjoyedbytheguests.Ms.BilkishShaikh,Jr.InstructorNAIwastheLeaderoftheprogramme.

TH TH 454 NAP & 455 NATIONAL ADVENTURE PROGRAMMES was conducted at National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi from 07th to 13th June and from 15th to 21st June, 2022 in which 148 participantsfrom08statesand85participantsfrom03Statesactivelyparticipated.

DuringtheprogrammevariousadventureactivitieswereconductedwiththehelpofNAIStaffsuch as Rock climbing, rappelling, High Rope activities, obstacles crossing, boating, Rifle shooting and Archery. The participants also enjoyed various historical, religious and delightful places of Pachmarhi. While visiting Bee Fall, they did the cleaning work. In both the grand camp fires Mr. HarishT.,formerDT.C.BharatScoutsandGuidesGujaratstate,thirdumpireinBCCIandannouncer RadiostationmadehispresenceastheChiefGuest.He delivered enthusiastic speeches to the participants and recollected the old days spent as participants in Bharat Scouts and Guides. Both the National Adventure Programmes were conducted in the leadershipofMrs.BilkishShaikhwhowasablyassisted by Mr. Aman Singh, Jr. Instructor, Mohammad Sazeed, Office Secretary and Mrs. Shubhashree Rana, Lady Assistant.

Sustainable Development Goal

Maharana Scouts and Maitreyee Guides Group of Delhi State Bharat Scouts and Guides visited National Zoological Park under “SDG No. 15: Life on Land”on09thJuly,2022.Theparticipantsstudiedabout: Ecological Balance & Ecosystems in zoo, flora & fauna in the zoo, food chains & food webs, habits & habitats of different species, importance of zoos and botanical gardens,properbehaviouranddisciplineinzoosetc.The visitwasledbyGroupLeader(Guide)AayushiGuptaably assisted by Cub Master Sidhnath and Rover Leader ShanuSingh.


NATIONAL YOUTH ADVENTURE PROGRAMME was conducted at Manali, Himachal Pradesh under the banner `Fit India` from 04th to 08th July, 2022 in which 126 participants from Karnataka, Rajasthan,UttarPradesh,UttarakhandandWestCentralRailwayparticipated.

Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta, State Chief Commissioner, West Central Railway, Smt. Vaishali Gupta and other officials State officials attended the Campfire on 5th July, 2022and blessed the participants. All the participants enjoyed the River Crossing, Zip Line, Rock climbing, Rappelling, Rope Course, Hadimba Temple, Manu Temple, Vashisht Temple and Mall Road. They enjoyed the trek to Jogini falls. All the participants visited Rohtang pass. Mr. Dhanraj Saini, Office Secretary cum Junior Instructor, NYC, Gadpuri was the LeaderoftheProgramme.

NATIONAL YOUTH ADVENTURE CAMP was conducted at Nirmal Nature Campsite, Goa from 08th to 12th June 2022. 156 participants from Eastern Railway, Goa, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Northern Railway, North Central Railway, Rajasthan, Southern Railway, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh andWestBengalparticipatedalongwithfourstaffmembers.

The programme included visit to Kolwa Beach, Panji Beach and Kalangur Beach. In the evening the participants enjoyed the crew expedition to the sea. The participants visited Chandreshwar Bhutnath Temple trekking 10 K.m distance. They also visited the historicalplaceslikeMangeshTemple,OldGoaChurch, North Goa and South Goa. Every day evening the participants enjoyed the campfire. The above programmewasconductedbyShriSiddharthMohanty, ProjectOfficeralongwith03staffmembers.

Regional Events


REGIONAL LEVEL YOGA INSTRUCTOR TRAINING COURSE was organized by the Eastern Region Headquarters at State Training Centre, Ganganagar, Kolkata from 19th to 23rd June 2022 in which 15participantsfromBihar,EasternRailway,SouthEasternRailwayandWestBengalattended.Yoga Fest was inaugurated by the Chief Commissioner of Scouts Shri Shyamal Kumar Biswas State Commissioner (Scouts) West Bengal on 19th June 2022 in the presence of other dignitaries by lightingthelamp.

The objectives of Course, Introduction of Yoga, Origin and utility, kinds of yoga, Yoga Prayer and Shanti Path, Gyan of Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raj Yoga and Hath Yoga, Ashtang YogaAnatarang- Pratyahar, Dharma, Dhiyana, Samadhi Bahirang – Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, MicroYogaPractices,SuryaNamaskarandPranayams:Retentionfastbreathingandslowbreathing and Bhramari were demonstrated and Practiced by Yoga experts. Session on Techniques of Concentration-Yoganidra,TratakaandMeditationwas taken by Mahattam Chowdhary LT(S), Bihar. Dr. Ashwani Kumar took session on Suddhi Kriya - Jal neti, Nauli,anddhautiandPranayamduringthecourse.The Course was conducted under the leadership of Mahattam Chowdhary LT(S), Bihar and coordinated by the Shri Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director, In-Charge, EasternRegion.

REGIONALLEVELYOGAFESTwasorganisedatStateTrainingCentre,Ganganagar,Kolkatafrom19th to 23rd June 2022 in which 61 participants from all 04 regional states of Eastern Region, namely, Bihar, Eastern Railway, South Eastern Railway and West Bengal along with 04-Staff members. The objectives of yoga and Importance of the camp was delivered by the Leader of the Fest, Daily routine and camp rules by the Staff Members. Poster making and Slogan Competition were organized. Every Day morning participants actively participated in yoga practice session, Suryanamaskarandintheafternoon,meditationsessionwasorganized.

Ontheoccasionof“InternationalYogaDay”,YogaandAsaansweredemonstratedbytheexpertsof YogaandinvitedStaffmemberson21stJune2022.YogaAwarenessRallywasorganizedandflagged offbyShriNemaiChandraGhosh,Chairman,MadhyagramMunicipalblessedtheparticipants

On the 22nd June 2022, the participants performed Nukkad Natak at Madhyagram Railway, Ganganagar Mode, Fortune city and Katakhaal. The Valedictory function was organized in the evening. A colouful culturalProgrammewaspresentedbytheparticipants. Regional Level Yoga Fest was conducted under the leadership of Shri Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director In-charge,EasternRegionwiththehelpofexperienced staffmembers.


THE REGIONAL LEVEL YOGA FEST of Northern Region Bharat Scouts and Guides was conducted at National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Haryana from 19th to 23rd June, 2022 in which 43 participants fromHaryana,NorthernRailway,NorthCentralRailwayandUttarPradeshparticipated

Six Micro Yoga Practices and Saral Surya Namaskar were demonstrated. Practice for 8th International Yoga Day was given thoroughly to all the participants as per Ministry of Ayush commonprotocolandguidelines. Competitionon“SloganWriting”onyogawasorganised.ARally on Yoga Awareness was organised through Gadpuri Village. During Rally the participants told the villagersaboutthebenefitsofyoga.

The participants were briefed about new technics of yoga to maintain the fitness of human body through paramedical Psycho Physic Therapeutic Yoga exercises scientifically sophisticated, hi-tech andadaptedtothephysicalcapabilitiesoftoday'shumanbeingsaspertheneedofthetime,which wereeasilyadaptedbytheparticipants.ShriAshokKumarBaghel,DistrictEducationOfficer,Palwal lighted the grand campfire and Mrs. Darshana Amar Pawaskar, Director (In charge) Bharat Scouts andGuidesDelhiwaspresent.Acolourfulculturalperformancewaspresentedbyparticipantsfrom the participating states. Shri Mahimder Sharma, ROC (S) Northern Region was the Leader of Programme.


THEREGIONALLEVELYOGAFEST2022,wasconductedbytheSouthernRegionoftheBharatScouts and Guides which was hosted by South Central Railway at Railway Sports Complex/ Secunderabad State from 19th to 23rd June 2022 in which 133 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers from Andhra

Pradesh, Karnataka, South Central Railway and South Western Railway participated. The inaugural function was ceremoniously conducted in the presence of Shri Rajiv Kishore, State Chief Commissioner, Shri Vikram Gupta, State Commissioner (Scouts) and Smt. Padmaja, State Commissioner/Guides, ShriA.K.Rawat,StateSecretary.

YogaExercisesweredemonstratedbytheYogaGurusShriNarendraKamath,Smt.JayasreeandSmt. Akkamma of Karnataka State. Competitions on slogan writing, drawing and extempore speech related to Yoga were conducted. 8th International Day of Yoga was celebrated as part of the Fest with full enthusiasm. Shri Arun Kumar Jain, General Manager, Shri Rajiv Kishore, State Chief Commissioner and PCPO and all the state officials including the Railway Officers participated in large number. After hearing the live streaming of Prime Minister’s speech, the Yoga Gurus conducted the ‘Yoga’ following the protocol Guidelines of Ayush.A peacemarchwasorganisedtocreateawarenessabout Yoga. It was flagged off by Smt. Padmaja, State Commissioner (Guides). An awareness session on ‘Plastic tide turner’ was also organized. The participantsenjoyedlocalsightseeing.

The Yoga Fest was conducted by Smt Kumud Mehra, Assistant Director, Southern Region with the helpofShriD.R.K.Sarma,L.T.(C),Smt.Jayashree,LT(G),Karnataka,ShriGouriShankarSOC(S),Smt Deenavilasini,SOC(G),SouthCentralRailwayandotherinvitedstaffmembers.

THE CONVOCATION OF WORLD ON WHEEL PROJECT, a digital literacy initiative was held at Government Senior Secondary School, Hanspur, Gurugram, Haryana on 21st July, 2022. The Project is being run by Moga Devi Minda Charitable Trust in collaboration with Bharat Scouts and Guides under CSR Project for the benefit of youths of rural areas. 136 youths were trained in the 3rd batch during April to July 2022 and achieved the certificate in Basic Computer Course and Tally. Mrs. Darashna Amar Pawaskar, Jt. Director of Guides (Programme & Training), Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters andMr.MahinderSharma,ROC(S),BSG,Northern Region attended programme and blessed the participantsfortheirbrightfuture.

The Bharat Scouts And Guides

Creating - Better India

Celebration Of Yoga Day


The International Yoga Day 2022 was celebrated in the State Headquarters of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Assam on 21st June, 2022. The benefits of yoga practice in our day to day life were highlighted in the programme. More than 70 students participated actively while promising to practice yoga everyday throughout their life.

NÙkhlx<+ eSd jksoj Øw ,oa jsatj Vhe ds vUrxZr 08ok¡ vUrjkZ’Vªh; ;ksx fnol egkjktk vxzlsu vUrjkZ’Vªh; dkWyst] ifjlj esa mÙkj e/; jsyos fnuk¡d 21 twu] 2022 dks euk;k ftlesa çfrHkkfx;ksa us fofHkUu ;ksxkluksa dk vH;kl fd;kA bl volj ij çfrHkkfx;ksa us jksolZ@jsatlZ Nk= ,oa Nk=kvksa ds lkFk çk/;kidksa dks ;ksx ds fy, çsfjr fd;k rFkk lHkh dks thou esa ;ksx ds ykHkksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh çnku dhA

State Training Centre, Igatpuri. 30 participants were given basic information on yoga. Few asanas were also demonstrated and performed bytheparticipants.


International Day of Yoga was celebrated at the Central Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides

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S.P.M. Convent Higher Secondary School,Udhampur celebrated 8th “International Day of Yoga” at School campuson 21st June, 2022 with great zeal and enthusiasm. This year service during the 8th International Day of Yoga 2022 held on 21st June 2022 at the Convocation Hall,NorthEasternHillsUniversityinassociation withMinistryofMinorityAffairs,Governmentof India, in collaboration with Northern Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy and Health and Family Welfare Department, GovernmentofMeghalaya.


Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides participated at the 8th international Yoga Day at the theme for the celebration of International Yoga Day is "Yoga for humanity". Yoga is a physical,mentalandspiritualpracticeoriginated inIndia.Thepurposeofyogaistobuildstrength, awareness as well as harmony in both mind and body. All the participants were benefitted from the yoga sessions and internalized the motto of theDay.


Rovers and Rangers of Karnataka state and Mysore district participated in the “World Yoga Day”Celebration, where in Honb’le Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modiji gave him Yoga Day messagetotheNation


10Roversand9RangersundertheLeadershipof Shri Benhur Myrthong, SOC (S) rendered their the Kisama Heritage Village, Kisama, Nagaland, on21stJune2022.


International Day of Yoga was organised by Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides on 21st June, 2022 in different areas of the state. 1257 Cubs,Bulbuls,Scouts,Guides,Rovers,Rangers& unitleaderscreatedawareness.

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