4 minute read


Creating - Better India fighters. For celebrating 76th Independence Day, let us organise programmes to pay homage to our great freedom fighters who had sacrificed their lives for the sake of our country and draw inspirationfromtheirlivestoworkforournation.


We may have come a long way from repressing women's rights, but we are still a patriarchal society in general. It makes the occasion of celebrating Women's Equality Day on August 26 more vital than ever. Today we get to see women representatives in the military, in space, and as CEOs of many companies. But they had to undergo many struggles to achieve equal rights. Scouts and Guides, Rovers and Rangers may organise awarenessprogrammesabouttheequalitytoourwomen inallfields.

Astherainyseasonhasstarted,letusorganisetree plantationtomakeenvironmentpollution-free.

Let us hope that the youth of our movement will represent in the 14th APR Conference of WAGGGS in Thailand on digital platform to discuss the issues relatedtothetheme`TogetherWeThrive`.



dk;ZØeksa dks vk;ksftr djsa ftUgksaus gekjs ns”k dh [kkfrj vius çk.kksa dh vkgqfr ns nh ,oa gekjs ns”k ds fy, dke djus gsrq vius thou ls çsj.kk çnku dhA ge efgykvksa ds vf/kdkjksa dk neu djus ls Hkys gh cgqr vkxs fudy x;s gSa] ijUrq lkekU; :i ls vHkh Hkh gekjk fir`lRrkRed lekt gSA ;g 26 vxLr dks efgyk lekurk fnol eukus ds volj dks igys ls dgha vf/kd egRoiw.kZ cukrk gSA vkt gesa lsuk esa] varfj{k esa vkSj dbZ cM+h dEifu;ksa dh eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkfj;ksa ds :i esa efgyk çfrfuf/k ns[kus dks feyrh gSaA ysfdu mUgsa leku vf/kdkj çkIr djus ds fy, dbZ la?k’kksZa ls xqtjuk iMk gSA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ lHkh {ks=ksa esa gekjh efgykvksa dh lekurk ds ckjs esas tkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr dj ldrs gSaA o’kkZ dk ekSle çkjEHk gks pqdk gS] vkb, ge i;kZoj.k dks çnw’k.k eqDr cukus gsrq o`{kkjksi.k dk vk;kstu djsaA gesa vk”kk djuh pkfg, fd gekjs vkUnksyu ds ;qok FkkbySaM esa vk;ksftr gksus okys fo”o xkbM laxBu ds 14osa ,f”k;k ç”kkUr {ks=h; lEesyu esa fMftVy eap ij çfrHkkx dj ^^ge ,d lkFk Qyus Qwyrs gSa^^ Fkhe ls lacaf/kr eqn~nksa ij ppkZ djsaxsA ekLd igusa ,oa lkekftd nwjh cuk, j[ksaA

MkW- ds-ds-[k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls-¼ls-fu-½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr

Creating - Better India thou f”k{kk gsrq cus ,d ;qok laxBu dks leqnk; ds uohure çpyu ds vk/kkj ij vius dk;ZØe ,oa uhfr;ksa dh leh{kk djus dh vko”;drk gSA fo”o LdkmV laxBu ,oa fo”o xkbM laxBu viuh uhfr;ksa esa ySafxd lUrqyu dh ckr djrs gSaA dk;ZØe dkxtksa esa gh jg tkrs gSa] ysfdu dk;Zokgh gsrq dk;ZØeksa dks mu ;qokvksa dh :fp ds vk/kkj ij rS;kj djus dh vko”;drk gS tks vius Hkfo’; ds fy, bl ij vkxs dk;Zokgh djsaxsA iqjkuh ih<+h dks vfHkuo ,oa vkd’kZd dk;ZØeksa ds ekxZ esa [kM+s gksus dh ctk; muds “kSf{kd cks> dks ns[krs gq, ;g eglwl djuk pkfg, fd ijaijk dks rHkh cuk, j[kk tk ldrk gS tc gekjs ikl cM+h la[;k esa vuq;k;h gksaA vkUnksyu dh ijaijkvksa ds dqN rFkkdfFkr laj{kdksa ds gBiw.kZ n`f’Vdks.k ds dkj.k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh lnL;rk o`f) ;kstuk cqjh rjg ls çHkkfor gqbZ gSA vkb, ge lHkh vius&vius ifjokjksa esa Vsfyfotu] eksckby Qksu ,oa baVjusV ds dkj.k gksus okys Hkkjh cnykoksa dks ns[ksaA ge lHkh ifjorZuksa ds vuqdwy gks x,] rks D;ksa u Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds dk;ZØe ,oa uhfr;ksa esa cnyko fd;k tk,A

A youth organisation standing for the Life Skill Education need to review its programme and policies based on the latesttrendsinthecommunity.

TheWOSMandWAGGGSintheirpoliciesspeakofgender balance. The programmes remain in papers. Scouts for SDGs are widely publicized, but programmes for action needs to be drafted based on the interest of the young peoplewhowilltakeupactionsfortheirownfuture.

The older generation instead of standing in way of innovative and attractive programmes looking to the academicburden,shouldrealisethattraditioncanonlybe maintainedwhenwehavealargefollowership.

The membership growth plans of the Bharat Scouts and Guidesisbadlyaffectedduetostubbornattitudeoffewso calledconserversoftraditionsofthemovement.

Let us all look into our own families look for the drastic changesthathappen duetotelevision,mobilephone and internet. We all adapted to the changes, then why not change in programme and policies of the Bharat Scouts andGuides.


LdkmfVax@xkbfMax “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

- EDITOR &lEiknd

International Events

TRAINERS CONFERENCE SAANSO (SOUTH ASIAN ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL SCOUT ORGANIZATION) was established during the Chief Commissioner's Meeting of all the SAARC countries held on 13th October, 2008 at Bangladesh Jamuna Resort, Tangail, Una. The first Ever Trainers Conference successfully came to an end on 17th July 2022 with 24 participants (virtually and face to face) from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka at Hotel GoldiSandsinNegombo,SriLanka.AteamofexperiencedLeaderTrainerscomprisingofonecourse stafffromSAANSO,threefromASARC,onefromAPRandonefromFarEastandtheCourseDirector wasMr.JanaprithFernando,ChiefCommissionerofSri Lanka. The Secretary General of SAANSO Mr. Abdullah Rasheedwaspresentattheconference.Theaimofthe conference is to establish a SAANSO Training Team to support national and sub regional level training programmes and strengthen the understanding of adults in scouting, adults resource management, developtrainersmarketingskillsetc.

The conference was inaugurated by the Additional Chief National Commissioner of BSG-India and ChiefAdvisorofSAANSOMr.M.A.Khalid,(Retd.KAS)on15thJuly,2022.

Mr.SumitMukhopadhyay(WestBengal)wasphysicallypresentwhileMr.KaushikChatterjee(West Bengal) and Mr. Analendra Sarma (NHQ) were virtual participants. Four groups were formedCharter House, Brown Sea, GilWell and Paddington. All the participants were fully occupied all the daysfrom15thto17thJuly2022withinputsessionsbytheexperiencedTrainers,GroupDiscussion andPresentationetc.

Topics like Aims and Objectives, Roles, Competencies and Responsibilities of the SAANSO Training Team Member, Challenges in implementation of quality training, Synergy of Training and Youth Programme, Strengthening the understanding of Adult Learning, Developing soft skills of Trainers,

- Better India

Training Methods and Techniques beyond CALT (Cooperative learning, ICT etc. ), Understanding Trainingtraditionsandpracticesandcoursestandards,TrainersMarketSkillsspecializationtrackfor trainers, Trainers Market Skills specialization track for trainers etc. were discussed during the conference. The Closing ceremony of the conference was graced by the Regional Director World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific Support Centre Mr. J. Rizal C. Pangilinan who motivated the delegates withhisenthusiasticspeech.

A team of World Scout Bureau, Asia Pacific Region conducted ASIA-PACIFIC TICKET TO LIFE WORKSHOPatStateTrainingCentre,WestBengalfrom14thto16thJuly,2022.

APRteamalsovisitedOdishaState.TheymetHon'bleGovernorofOdishaState,ShriGaneshiLalat Raj Bhawan, Bhubaneshwar. The delegates also visited Banabasi Kalyan Ashram Unit at Bhubaneswar running scouting skill training under “Ticket to Life project” along with Dr. Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President and State Chief Commissioner of Odish State Bharat Scouts and Guides.Mr.SydCastilo,Director,EducationalMethods, APR Support Centre has shared a real story about a poor child who became a successful citizen after joiningscouting.ScoutingisthewaytoLife.TheDisplay ofMarshalArts,Songs,musicalinstrumentshasmadeallmemberssohappyandoverwhelmed.

On 13th morning the APR Team visited Ganganagar Shikshan Sibir, Scouts Group, Kolkata working under TTL project, West Bengal. Shri Prasenjit Roy, project Coordinator of TTL Project along with Shri Ranjan Roy, Assistant Coordinator had high-lighted the activities of the Unit. They welcomed them with traditional way (Tika).They presented their activities and achievements in front of them throughdisplayofexhibition.

The Asia Pacific Regional Ticket to Life workshop was started on 14thJuly 2022 at Kolkata, India. Opening ceremony was started with BSG Prayer. The ceremony was inaugurated by Shri Debaditya Chakraborty(IAS,Rtd.)&StateChiefCommissioner,BharatScoutsandGuides,WestBengalStateby lighting the traditional lamp in the presenceof ShriNimaiChandra Ghosh, Chairman,Madhyagram Municipality.

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