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The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Arunachal Pradesh organized awareness campaign under “Nashese Azaadi Pakhwara Abhiyan" at District Hospital, Yingkiong, Arunachal Pradesh on 16th June, 2022. During the campaign, the objective oftheAbhiyanwassharedamongtheattendees and the members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Scouts and Guides explained to the public how they can make free themselves from theaddictionofdrugandandhowtheycanstop theavailabilityofdrugsinthesociety.
The newly formed Don Bosco District (Guwahati Province) of BSG, Assam State conducted Basic Course for Scout Masters and Guide Captains and Advance Course for Scout Masters from 3rd to 9th July, 2022 at Donbosco, School, Panbazar, Guwahati. 53 trainees have undergone the Training. Mr. Analendra Sarma, Assistant Director of BSG, N.E. Region inaugurated the courses on 3rd of July, 2022 in the presence of the District Chief Commissioner Fr Joseph TeronlangesdbandotherdistinguisheddignitariesofDonBoscoDistrictBSG.

State Level Service Camp was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides, Assam at the Kamakhya Higher Secondary School from 20th to June, 2022 for the participants or volunteers of BS&G who wish to serve the devotees, during Ambubachi Mela. The volunteers served the devotees with utmost respect, humility and devotion.
CHHATTISGARH jkT; Lrjh; fgeky; oqM cSt LdkmV ekLVj çf”k{k.k f”kfoj jkT; çf”k{k.k dsUnz >k¡dh vHkuiqj] ftyk jk;iqj NÙkhlx<+ esa fnuk¡d 05 ls 11 tqykbZ] 2022 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 30 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; Lrjh; jk’Vªifr çek.k i= ijh{kk iwokZH;kl f”kfoj jkT; çf”k{k.k dsUnz >k¡dh vHkuiqj] ftyk jk;iqj NÙkhlx<+ esa fnuk¡d 12 ls 16 tqykbZ] 2022 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 46 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA
A three days Scout/Guide Workshop was organized by Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Association, Raipur, Chhattisgarh from 16th to 19 June, 2022 in which the basic elements such as Law & Promise, prayer, flag song, first-aid, knots, pioneering project etc. were demonstrated and practised by the participants. 77 Scouts&Guidesattendedtheworkshop.

The Pre-ALT (G) course for the Unit Leaders of Chhattisgarh State was conducted at STC, Jhanky, Chhattisgarh in which 48 Candidates from 16 districts of the State attended. Smt. Mamata Rai, Vice President, BSG, Chhattisgarh State inaugurated the course. The STC (S) was present
During the course, session on Our Fundamentals, 14 Programme ideals, Youth Programme, Helping the Course Leader, Teaching method and Learning process, Counselling, How Adults Learn, Knowledge of Golden Arrow/PMSC/Upa-Rashtrapati Award Competition were dealt Apart from this practicals in Unit Meetings, POW-WOW, COH and Roll Call Drill were conducted. Group Discussion in few of the subjects was also organised. The course was conducted by Ms. M.N. Machamma, DDGLT with the support staff Ms. Sarita Pandey, LT(R), STC (G) & her Team of ChhattisgarhState.
World Forest Day was celebrated by the District Association of Danapur, East Central Railway, on

30th June, 2022 by planting saplings. They took oath to plant and preserve more and more trees for healthy and green environment 12 Scouts/Guides from Danapur District participatedinthecelebration.

Drawing and Essay Writing Competitions were organized by Shivaji Group and Mother Teresa Group, East Central Railway, Bharat Scouts and Guides on 03rd July, 2022 in the name of “Pathardih” at District Headquarters, Dhanbad under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 30 Scouts and Guidesparticipatedinthecompetition.

HARYANA fcfxulZ dkslZ jkT; çf”k{k.k dsUnz vEckyk dSaV esa fnuk¡d 9 ls 11 twu] 2022 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa fofHkUu ftyksa ls xkbM dSIVu ,oa 18 LdkmV ekLVj us Hkkx fy;kA

Mh-vkslh-@Mh-Vh-lht cSBd jkT; çf”k{k.k dsUnz vEckyk dSaV esa fnuk¡d 29 twu] 2022 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa jkT; ds 18 ftyksa ls 24 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA
Scouts and Guides, District Palwal, organised an Awareness Programme on Plastic Free India and Cleanliness Campaign at Rajkiya Sanskriti Senior Secondary School, Hodal, Haryana on 03rd July, 2022. 30 Scouts and Rovers participated. The team of Scouts and Rovers was led by Shri YogeshSaurot,DOC(S).

Three days Dwitiya Sopan cum Tritiya Sopan Training Camp was conducted at Sant Bal Yogeshwar, Bharatiya Vidya Mandir, Dadwara (Phinter) District Kathua from 27th to 29th June, 2022 in which 65 Scouts and Guides actively participated. The Camp was inaugurated by Principal of the School in the presence of staff members. On the closing day various gadgets
Scouts and Guides. 70 participants took active partinallthecourses.
State Level Basic Course for Bunny Aunties was conducted at Dr. Annie Besant Scouts and Guides, Training & Camping Centre, Doddaballapura from 25th to 27th May 2022 in which 94 participants attended. Smt. P. Saroja, LT(G)wastheLeaderOftheCourse.SmtShubha Vishwanatha, LT (G), Dakshina Kannada & Smt. Krupa Vijay, LT(G), Bengaluru North were the staff. Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner visited the camp and addressed theparticipants.
The Pre-ALT (G) Course for the Unit Leaders of Karnataka State was conducted at STC Dr. Annie Besant Park, Doddaballapur from 17-21 June, 2022 in which 40 participants and 05 staff members participated. As Pre ALT(S) course was alsostartedduringthesameperiod,acombined inaugural function was conducted where MS. M.N. Machamma, DDGLT, Ms. P. Saroja, Former Director BSG & Ms. C.S. Reddy S.C (Adult Resources)Karnatakastatewerepresent.
were displayed. Shri Joginder Singh, Scout MasterwastheLeaderoftheCamp.
Jammu & Kashmir State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted various courses for Unit Leaders at Youth Hostel, Patnitop from 12th to 18th June, 2022.The courses was conducted as per Scheme of training (Scout & Guide) with the support of invited trainers from Uttar Pradesh State. The courses were conducted under the supervisionofStateTrainingCommissioners(S& G) with the support of trainers from J&K Bharat
Combined grand campfire was organised for ROT(G) & (S) as well as Pre-ALT(S) course. Shri Gangappa Gowda, State Secretary, Karnataka State was the Chief Guest.While addressing the gathering, he appreciated the talent of the Trainees. Mr. Amar B. Chettri Jt. Director (S) and Ms. M.N. Machamma, DDGLT also addressed thegathering.
On21stJune,2022theInternationalDayofYoga was observed. Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief
Commissioner, Karnataka State and Secretary General, President in Council, National Headquarters was the Chief Guest of the function. The Chief Guest honoured the LOCs and staff of all the four courses. He congratulated the participants of all the courses in the course. The course was conducted by MS. CaruniaBathmaja,LT(G)ofKarnatakaStatewith the help of supporting staff and guidance of DDGLT.
The ROT (G) Course for the Trainers of Karnataka state was organised at STC, Dr. Annie Besant Park, Doddaballapur from 19-21 June, 2022 in which 14 Trainers of Karnataka State and 01 Trainer from Andhra Pradesh State attended. As per SOT(G) and as per the course objective the input sessions were dealt. Skill/practical activitieswereheldinbases.
On 21st June, 2022 being International Yoga Day the day was observed along with the participants of Pre-ALT courses. Combined grand campfire was organised as ROT(S) as well as PreALT(S & G) courses were also scheduled on the same dates. Shri Gangappa Gowda, State Secretary, Karnataka state was the Chief Guest While addressing the gathering, he appreciated the talent of the Trainees. Mr Amar B Chettri, Jt Director (S) and Ms M N Machamma, DDGLT also addressed the gathering.
On the last day All Faiths Prayer Meeting was conducted. The valedictory function took place where Shri P G R Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner of Karnataka State and Secretary General,PresidentinCouncil,NHQwastheChief
Guest of the function. He addressed the participants with motivational words for the bettermentofScouting&Guiding.
The course was conducted by Ms. Kameshwari, LT(G) of Karnataka State with the help of Ms. B. Arunamala, LT(G), Ms. P. Saroja, LT(G) who was the co-ordinator of the course and Ms. M.N. Machamma,DDGLTCampin-charge.

4 Rovers and 9 Rangers under the Leadership of Shri Benhur Myrthong, SOC (S) rendered their services during the 3rd Edition Shillong 10K Run 2022, organised by the Meghalaya State OlympicAssociationonthe25thJune2022.
The Alpine Open Scout and Guide Unit, Kohima conducted Annual Summer Camp at St Edmunds School, Kigwema from 22nd to 28th June, 2022 in which 56 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders participated. The CampwasinauguratedbyMr Ashikho,Principal, Holy Family Higher Secondary School, Kohima and the closing programme was graced by Mrs. Nino Iralu, Secretary (Judicial) Dept. of Justice and Law, Govt. of Nagaland and former State Commissioner(G),NagalandStateBharatScouts andGuides.
Debasnana Purnima Service Camp was organised by Odisha State Bharat Scouts and the spread of desertification at Shri Hardayal Government Higher Secondary School, Bajaj Circle, Sikar. After the programme, the Scouts
Guides at Jagannath Dham, Purion 14thJune, 2022 in which 102 Rovers &Unit Leaders attended. The members distributed Food packets, Sprinkled water, maintained queue and also collected garbage at Shree Jagannath Dham,Puri.

National Car Festival Service camp was organised by Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides from 28th June to 2nd July 2022 at Biswambar Bidyapitha,Puri. The Service Camp was inaugurated by Prof.Ganeshi Lal, Hon'ble Governor of Odisha & Chief Patron in the presence of Shri Samir Ranjan Das, Hon'ble Minister,School & Mass Education , Odisha & Shri Biswajit Ghose ,District Education Officer,Puri with Dr.Kali Prasad Mishra , National Vice President cum State Chief Commissioner, OSBSG&atPuri.

Rajasthan State Bharat Scouts and Guides and National Green Corps, District Headquarters, Sikar celebrated “World Desertification and Drought Prevention Day”by organising various programmes on 17th June, 2022. A seminar was organized on the role of all of us in preventing and Guides visited the nursery of the Forest Department and also did Shramdaan at Bada Talab.
Office Bearers of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Sikkim State called on Hon'ble Education Minister, Govt. of Sikkim Mr. Kunga Nima Lepcha, in his Office, Gangtok on 20th June 2022. The delegation of Sikkim State was led by
Dr H. P Chhetri, State Chief Commissioner of Sikkim State BSG. Hon'ble Education Minister Mr KungaNimaLepchawhoisalsothePresident of BSG Sikkim discussed about the present activities of the Scouting/Guiding in Sikkim and future plan of the organisation and assured to have a meeting with the Hon'ble Chief Minister ofSikkimverysoon.


BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES Creating - Better India

The Southern Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted Charthurtha Charan Heerak PankhTrainingCampatRailKalyanaMandapam, Thiruvananthapuram from 9th to 11th June 2022 in which 96 participants from various DistrictsofSouthernRailwayattended.

The Southern Railway State Bharat Scouts & Guides organised Cub Masters & Flock Leaders Meet at Thiruvananthapuram from 09th to 11th June,2022inwhich23participantsfromvarious Districts of Southern Railway attended the Meet.
Basic Courses for Flock Leaders, Guide Captains and Ranger Leaders were organized by South Eastern Railway, at State Training Centre, Adra from 22nd to 28th June 2022. The Courses were conducted by Smt. Sharda Jaiswara for Flock Leaders, Miss Ratna De for Guide Captains and Smt.PapiyaBhattacharyaforRangerLeaders.12 Flock Leaders, 14 Guide Captains and 13 Ranger Leadersparticipatedinthecourses.
Refresher Course was organized by the Maharishi District Bharat Scouts and Guides at MaharishiVidyaMandirSr.Sec.School,Tenkasion 02ndJuly,2022inwhich17ScoutersandGuiders & 2 Staff members from various schools participated. Mr.D. Poornachandran, LT(C) was the Leader of the course. He was assisted by the District Unit Leaders. Smt. Gayathri, Principal of MVM Tenkasi was the Chief Guest who blessed theParticipants.
Refresher Course was organized by the Maharishi District Bharat Scouts and Guides at
Maharishi Vidya Mandir Sr.Sec.School, Chetpet, Chennai on 18th June 2022 in which 148 Scouters and Guiders & 6 Staff members from various schools participated. .Dr.T.C. Perumal, Patron of MDBSG & Secretary of MVM Group of SchoolswastheChiefGuest.
The Bharat Scouts & Guides Maharishi District conducted Tritiya Sopan Test Camp for (Zone-1 & 2) at Mirs Camp site from 24th to 26th June 2022 in which 218 Scouts, 173 Guides, 20 Scouters & Guiders with 5 Staff members from different schools participated. The camp was inaugurated by Smt. Preethi Narayan, President of Maharishi District was the Chief Guest & Shri Jaya Kumar, Vice President of Maharishi District was the Guest of Honour. During the camp, the participants were Tested & Trained in BP Six, Inspection, Flag Break, Camp Craft, Mapping, Estimation, First Aid, Fire, Pravesh and practical& theorysessionwereconducted.
RathyatraMelaServiceCampwasorganisedbyVaranasiDistrictofUttarPradeshBharatScoutsand Guides from 02nd to 04th July, 2022. Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers helped the people to have Darshan of Lord Jagannathji. 125 Scouts/Guides/Rovers and Rangers rendered their services under the guidance of Shri Vishnu Vishwakarma, D.O.C. (Scouts) and Smt. Rameshwari Verma, D.O.C.(Guides) of BSG, Varanasi. Mass Tree Plantation Programme was organised by Raibareli District of Uttar Pradesh Bharat Scouts and Guides on 05th July, 2022. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Laxmikant Shukla, Senior Leader Trainer of U.P. state of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. 50 Scouts/Guides including District officials and dignitaries participated in the Tree PlantationProgramme.

TheBharatScoutsandGuides,WestBengalStateorganizedDisasterManagementCoursefrom24th to 26th June, 2022 at State Training Center, Ganganagar. 150 Scouts and Rovers from different districts of the State participated in the course. The State Association invited National Disaster Response Force of Kolkata for the course. The Course was successfully conducted under the leadershipofShriProbodhRanjanBiswas,SOC(S),WestBengal.