1 minute read
Turnover Brings Change In The Neighborhood
People usually select residences based on a number of factors; location, cost and prospective lifestyle being among the most important factors. Some folks will knock on doors to meet their prospective new neighbors before finalizing their housing decision or will drive through the neighborhood to get a glance at their potential neighbors and their properties. But many folks only meet their new neighbors after they move into their new residence.
Sun City residents are very fortunate in that most neighborhoods are populated by people who turn out to be very good, even great, neighbors. New relationships and friendships are built and neighborhoods develop a culture of “caring and sharing.”
Unfortunately, there are a few exceptions. But a very high percent of Sun City residents greatly enjoy their neighbors and their neighborhoods. They help each other when there is a need. They socialize together and participate together in neighborhood events and activities. Living in a great neighborhood with amazing neighbors is just one reason why Sun City is a great place to live. Over time, however, things might change. A neighbor moves out and a new neighbor moves in. The dynamics of the neighborhood change. Some residents continue their relationships with their old neighbors and shy away from the new neighbors. Others welcome the new neighbors with open arms.
Recognizing that “change is the only constant,” it is important that each resident does his or her part in maintaining and enhancing the caring culture of the neighborhood.
Yes, some of our neighbors may move out and new neighbors will move in. Let’s wish our outgoing neighbors well and welcome our new neighbors into a neighborhood that is, and will continue to be, a very special place to live.