The Premier Issue of the Boss

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R aleigh, Nort h C aro l i n a (9 19 ) 964-4113 www. t hebossmagazi n e.n et Welcome to the Premier Issue of The Boss Magazine. The Boss Magazine is a men’s editorial that shines a light on men in business, ministry or simply making a difference in the com munity. This magazine will be a platform for men building empires and succesful businesses. Thank you for visiting our magazine. Be sure to share it with your friends, family and co-workers. Martin Dawkins

For General Ad verti si ng I nq ui r i e s Pl ease emai l or c al l us at : ubossm agazi ne@ gm ai l . c om (91 9) 964-4113 Disclaimer: The Boss Magazine is published bi-monthly. No reproduction of any part of this publication without written permission from the publisher prior to doing so. The Boss Magazine does not accept responsibility for statements made by individuals featured or advertisers. Comments concerning this publication should be submitted to the editor by email at ubossmagazine@ The Boss Magazine’s publisher, staff and other persons involved in the creation, production or delivery of the magazine (in whatever format) or it’s content, do not assum e any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information provided in the maga zine, nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, conse quential or punitive damages arising out of the magazine.

S ilk Neck t ie s & Uniq u e B owt ie s f or Men C h a ng e t he Ov e r a l l Lo ok of a M an

Unique bow ties and silk neckties for men are fashion accessories for men that can lend a completely new look to the formal attire if chosen correctly and intelligently. While dressing up formally a man always looks for options in accessories that can help enhance a person창EUR(TM) s personality and look at the same time. Men around the world today are getting more and more conscious about their look and fashion sense. Therefore, it is pretty understand able that a man while shopping online look for fashion a ccessories such as silk neckties and unique bow ties for men, but at the same time males do not wis h to spend a lot of money on these accessories. The reason being that fashion trends keep chang-

ing and every person has to keep changing their wardrobe according to the ongoing trends, therefore investing a lot of money in buying products or accessories is not a very sensible. Unique bow ties for men can be worn as a part of formal acces sories during special occasions such as prom nights and weddings. A man usually carries a formal look while attedn9ng pro fessional meetings, functions, events and also at formal social gatherings. Silk neckties for men have been in the fashion market sickness ages and are still one of the top most choices of men when it comes to wearing a formal necktie. As the fashion trends around the world kept changing so did the need for various kinds of formal fashion accessories. Online websites and stores which deal in selling of such products have to keep a constant vigil on the fashion industry so that they can incorporate the changes in their stock as well.

Unique bow ties for men are these days being sold at slashed down prices at vari ous online stores. During the festive season of November and December the sales of men창EUR(TM)s fashion accessories go up considerably. It is around new years that people and online users all over the world throng these websites selling men창EUR(TM)s fashion accessories in order to buy fashionable products. According to market researches and reports submitted it is seen that round the year silk neck ties for men are sold. The sales of neckties for men is usually moderate round the year as professionals and other business men tend to buy such products all-round the year because they usually need to dress up formally for various business meetings and conferences.

The internet as we all know has become the new and easy shop ping platform. It is the one stop shop for buying good quality, durable and at the same time rea sonable products. Today there is not one but millions of websites on the world wide web that are serving the online users and helping their lives much more fashion able, trendy and comfortable. In order to beat excessive compe tition in the market it becomes necessary for website owners to sell their products at a price which is firstly pocket friendly and secondly can attract cus tomers to the website.


T he Tri ni ty G o spe l To u r By: The Bo ss M a gaz in e

Knowing the founder of The Trinity Gospel Tour and where he came from, I counted it a distinct honor to attend one of his latest Gospel Tours at the Raleigh Civic and Convention Center. The sole purpose of the tour is to raise awareness for our young people and inspire them to accept Christ as their savior, through the ministry of MUSIC and they are doing just that. The groups’ owner Archie Harrison Sr. having a love for music and business found that combining t he two was a no brainer. He travels from city to city along with these young men and women spreading the gospel through music and bringing awareness to Christ one city and one young person at a time. If you are ever in an area where this group will be touring I encourage you to visit their show, you will not be disappointment but highly blessed. Check out and see what all the talk is about. Contact them Toll Free @ 844.3TOURS3 or 844.386.8773 for details for how you can book this tour for absolutely “FREE” dates filling fast.....YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!!!..

If y o u w o u l d l i k e The Boss to cover your event contact us @919-964-4113 or em a i l ubo s s m ag a z i n e @ g



Most Popular Men’s Fit n e s s S u p p le men ts The cornerstones, of any men’s fitness workout regime are proper training and a nutritional diet. However, in addition to training and having a balanced nutritional diet, you also need dietary supplements, which help give your body extra resources that most everyday foods do not provide. Men’s supplements come in many different shapes and form such as pills, powders and shakes; designed specifically to perform certain functions. Some supplements can help build muscle, while others help you burn fat or reduce weight and others give you extra energy during workouts. Supplements also prevent nutritional deficiencies that can occur when working-out regularly. When you work out there is an increased demand from your body for vita-

mins and minerals, which increases the probability of suffering a deficiency, and even a small nutrient deficiency can damage muscle growth. Some of the most popular men’s supplements are.... Protein supplements Weight gain supplements Creatine Branched chained Amino Acids -

your everyday diet. However, as an estimate, a 180-pound person who works out regularly needs about 80 grams of protein a day. Proteins of course do occur naturally in foods like eggs and soy, but you need to ingest very large amounts (Think Rocky, and glasses full of raw eggs for breakfast. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea. ), and the quality will not be as good as if you were using a men’s supplement such as Whey powder. Weight gain supplements: Well as you can probably tell from the name, men’s weight gain supplements help you gain weight. Not so that you can get fat but to allow you to bulk up and build muscle. You cannot build muscle without having some flesh on the bone.

Let us take a closer look! Protein supplements: Protein supplements work by providing your body with the necessary building blocks to create amino acids, which are used to build and repair muscle tissue, and when you work out regularly, you need more pro- Weight gainers contain larger amounts of carbohydrates and fats than other tein than the average Joe, requires. protein supplements and they can even be replacements for meals. There is no set measure for additional Weight gaining supplements ensure protein that you should consume, it is that you consume more calories in dependent on factors such as how regyour diet than you expend in energy. ularly you work out, and the amount of This is vital if you want to build musprotein you naturally ingest, as part of

08 cle. Creatine: Creatine is an acid that gives your muscle cells an extra burst of energy like a turbo boost. This enables you to pump your muscles during a workout, allowing you to lift heavier weights due the higher muscular energy output. Creatine helps reduce muscular fatigue and helps increase your muscle volume by absorbing water and pulling it into muscle cells, which in turn creates a swelling effect. Branch Chained Amino Acids: Branch Chained Amino acids are really important in the healing and repair muscles, tissues and bones but like other essential amino acids they are not produced naturally by the body. Branch-Chained-Amino-Acids contain three vital components leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, which work together to enhance your endurance so that your body can cope with the extra tension and strain of regular exercise and workouts However, these amino acids do more than just help with muscle repair they also help build muscle when you are resting. Therefore, if you have sufficient amounts in your body, even your downtime will be going to good use. Reap the benefits! Supplements alone will not provide you with any real benefit, if not used in conjunction with proper training, and the right diet. There are literally thousands of men’s supplements on the market so you need to ensure that what you consume is tailored to your specific growth and building plan. Using different men’s supplements help enhance and speed up the process of building muscle, so you can reach your end goal that little faster. Supplements are designed for your benefit and using them correctly will provide you with fantastic results. However, as with anything, if abused or not taking correctly they can do more harm than good.


C o m b a t i n g B l ack Male S t e r e ot yp e s in Ac ti n g w i t h “ T h e Waiting R oom ” Gospel Stage Pl ay

By Rachel Pearsall

Oftentimes we see black men in theatre portrayed as poor, drugaddicted comic relief, brazen thugs or as the uneducated uncaring counterparts of black women. In hopes of creating a work that will have enough drama to capture an audience, many plays featuring black leading men portray them in the same negative light as mainstream media. Every now and then there is play that goes against the norm and features strong and charismatic black male characters, “The Waiting Room” is one of those plays. The Waiting Room, originally written by Cleveland O. McLeish and Directed by Tamika Morris and Produced by Rose Wilder of ISTA Productions features four male lead

characters. Paul, played by Carlton Cogdell is a highly-paid criminal attorney who finds himself in an unhappy marriage. While he struggles to keep his family together, he depends on his best friend Michael played by Donnell Millsaps to keep things under control at the office. When asked if he ever faced a similar situation in real life Carlton confided, “I actually have not really, there was a time that I wondered if a girlfriend was unfaithful but nothing really like Paul”. When asked if it was difficult for him to get into character Carlton responded, “I really had to look through the eyes of someone else because I am definitely different than Paul, so I had to stretch myself a little to get into character. “ During his 9 year tenure in the industry Carlton has faced

some difficulty avoiding being typecast, much like other black men. “ It has been a challenge not to get labeled in this industry or put into a stereotypical role especially if you want to convey to the world that this is not the only way to be.” In an effort to help others avoid some of the difficulties he has experienced when trying to get started as an actor, Carlton had this to say, “my advice would be to study your craft, work hard and don’t let anyone out work you. In order to succeed you have to take this as seriously as you would anything else you would go after and really value yourself. Don’t go into it thinking that you are less than anyone else. You have the capability of being as good as the next man and that is possible.” Much like his character, Carlton is a God-fearing man who believes the Lord will take you wherever you are supposed to go. He added, “God speaks to us all the time, even in the form of plays to get out to the world a much needed message, which is why I do this.” While Paul is unaware that Michael is actually partially to blame for his marital unrest, Michael finds the same wit and charm that got him into that situation are virtually useless as he is unable to talk his way out of the one situation where he needs it the most. According to Donnell, the most challenging thing about taking on this role was “completely forgetting about what I believe in. In order for the audience to connect to you. It has to be believable, as some of the things that Michael says will leave you angry at how ignorant he is.” Although Donnell has been acting for 6 years, he


says that “dedication to his craft is the only thing that allows him to keep pushing on. Following your dream is empowering in itself, but getting paid to do what you love, while spreading a good message is golden.” Often playing Michael’s adversary in the play, Abdul Sims, played by Kevin J. Stone, is a very charismatic and strong-willed man who believes so strongly in his faith that he takes measures that many would not. According to Kevin the hardest part of playing this role was, “learning what Muslims do and their mannerisms, as a Christian I had to do a little research.” When asked if he finds many of the roles available for black men to be similar he advised, “It seems that there are always roles for the black man doing the woman wrong and so I try to stay away from those types of roles. I’ve done that before but I try not to get stuck doing that same character every time.” While Kevin has one of the leading roles in “The Waiting Room”, it’s not always easy as a black man to get cast as the lead. According to Kevin, “as far as a leading man, they want you to be a certain height or have a certain look, but I try to branch out and go for a bunch of different projects and just wow them with my audition. ” In addition to “The Waiting Room” you can also see Kevin on the web series “Lovers Lane” airing every Friday night at midnight at You can also keep up with Kevin’s current projects at his website,

industry, so be careful of the roles that you accept. Some people are out to destroy you from the beginning. Be careful of who you follow and the advice you take and the right eyes will see you.” Joshua, who graduated from the University of Pembroke with a Mass Communications and Broadcasting degree, has been officially working in the industry for almost 3 years. In addition to his theatrical pursuits, Joshua is also a model for CitiTrends clothing store, when asked about his background as a model he shared, “I’ve done some fashion shows, but I have more of a theatre background, which is my foundation. As a child I always wanted to be an actor, I wish I would have started as a little child but my parents didn’t really have the resources for that. Right now I am just really trying to get my name out there a little more. “ Having put together a cast of well-read and experienced actors, Tamika Morris succeeded in making “The Waiting Room” an enjoyable and thought-provoking piece that will inspire many heartfelt and open conversations about faith. Hopefully we can look forward to many more productions from ISTA which allow black actors to field a range of characters. Be sure to see “The Waiting Room” on September 19th 2015 at 2pm or 7pm at the Garner Performing Arts Center in Garner, NC. Tickets can be purchased through www.istanetwork. com. If you cannot be in attendance, you will be able to purchase a copy of the DVD on the website as well.

Much like Kevin, Joshua Shipman, who plays Jesus in the play, is an industry veteran. When asked for one piece of advice he would share with young black men aspiring to become actors Joshua shared, “always practice and make sure you make use of local theatre. If you feel acting is your calling make use of local theatre. It’s very hard for black men to get out there in the

11 Having the distinct pleasure of sitting down and talking with Johnny Johnson the owner of Jay’s Carpet Cleaning I found his story to be very inspiring and interesting. Early on into the conversation it was obvious that Johnny was a very ambitious man straight out of Brooklyn New York. Relocating from Brooklyn to North Carolina Johnny vowed that he would one day return but as he got older the desire to return started to fade away. Johnny’s story begins after graduating from high school and joining the United States Marine Corps to get out of Raleigh because as he said it, “there was nothing for me here anymore”. Johnny proudly served his country for 4 years and upon getting out of the military he pursued a career with the Department of Corrections at Central Prison back in Raleigh North Carolina and leaving there and going to the Department of Justice where he later would retire after 21 years. Coming out of the workforce Johnny soon realized that he needed more out of life than simply what he was receiving from just working for someone else. It was at this time he bought into his first business as a franchise owner of Jani King which proved to be very profitable for several years, but due to the fact they were taking so much off the top he still felt like he needed more. It was soon after coming to this conclusion that upon being invited by his dear friend Toni to come watch a young man clean her carpet that a light came on within him and he knew at that very moment what he needed to do to fulfil the void that was missing. Having the drive and determination he purchased his first van 2 weeks later and started out on his journey to owning his own carpet cleaning business. Being a father of 9 chil-

dren, 6 boys and 3 girls he almost gave up on it due to the fact of getting it off the ground proved to be a bit challenging, but he had a friend, Arnea who refused to let him quit and because of that, it was in the third year that he began to see the benefit of having his own company, “My success in this business has been mainly word of mouth, but great service has allowed my business to grow continuously”.

just to make ends meet and still being able to raise me and my 3 sisters, is what gives me my burning desire to say it’s no way I can just settle for a minimum wage job. My mother barely getting out of high school she did the best that she could do, but she still managed to make it. I knew in my mind I wanted more and because of that reason that has been my motivation”.

After talking with him for a short time it became very evident that he loves life and the happiness that it brings and not allowing any negativity to bind him up or take away his joy. His greatest joy has been raising his children, he states that everything he does is because of them. At 50 years old, retired, self-employed and having a great family he states, “Life is wonderful, God has truly blessed me”.

Johnny having the desire to do better and be able to help his mother was his drive and motivation, “I just did not want to see her struggle anymore and to this day I still have her under my umbrella. My mother is my rock and that’s where my inspiration comes from”.

All in all, Johnny Johnson can be summed up as very happy go lucky and blessed man full of ambition with the desire to always strive for better. Not having his biological father in his life is what motivates him to say that there is no way that he would ever not be a part of his kids’ lives. His children are his life, especially his boys which he took pride in saying they were his backbone and the reason he has kept pushing in business. The 5 older boys play an active role in the business and are always there when he calls. When asked had any of them spoke of one day taking over the family business he took a deep breath and said, “NO, not at this time. Each of them all have their own lives and the desire to venture out and do other things, but if I call on any of them, they are always right there. “

All work and no play is never a good combination, but Johnny does not have that issue. In his spare time he loves to travel, attend plays, concerts and spending quality time with the family. He made it known that as a routine he makes sure that at least 2 days a week, he tries to make sure he is home for dinner to eat with his family, “at this point in my life, just being

Having the desire to know what his driving force and motivation to keep going and never given up, his answer was so sincere and simple, “Growing up in NY we were what I would call poor, much like many that grew up in that era. Watching my mother, Earlene Smith having to work 2 sometimes 3 jobs


able to kick back in my recliner surfing the internet or watching sports, that’s a good time for me”. Working since the age of nine Johnny believes now is the time to relax, kick back and reap the benefits of all his hard work, “that’s what I want to instill in my kids – work hard now so when you get older, you will be able to play”. Building a legacy is what Johnny is doing for his family, “I pray that one or more of my boys is going to see what I got and will run with it and not let it just fade away”. We began to dig a little deeper with him and found that Johnny has a very given heart and has a deep love for what he does. He speaks briefly on the times that he has been able to sow into someone else’s life. Having long time clients, there has been a time or two that someone has come to him and said there was no need to come on this day because their husband had lost his job or bills were tight this month or whatever the situation was, they were unable to pay him. Johnny did not allow that to alter the service. God laid it on his heart to still go and provide a service for an already happy client, never to speak on the incident again. All in all I can honestly say that Johnny Johnson is more than just your carpet man, but a man that has rose above every adversity in his life. In closing Johnny leaves this little bit of advice for anyone that has the desire to go into business but is not really sure which way they should turn to begin. “You have to trust God, it’s not going to be easy, you can’t have a dream one day and think you are just going to wake up and it’s going to all be laid out for you, or gift wrapped in a cute little box, but you have to have a passion for whatever it is you want to do to carry you through those tough times. Do your research, get educated and know what you are getting into before you get out there”. For those of you looking for an excellent carpet cleaner please contact Johnny Johnson via email at j12johnson@, via facebook @johnnyjohnson and via phone 919-247-2507.


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