ISSUEFREE 149 AUGUST 31, 2022 םיטפוש תשרפ ב”פשת לולא ’ד FYI: CHALK A diamond is forever. But it shouldn’t take that long to pay it off. L aBleau Jewelers introduces you to Paragon Diamonds™ Read more on page 34-35. A ANDCALLINGAMISSION The thoughts teachers rarely share WHAT’S IN YOUR BAG? Join our super back-to-school snack challenge and win a nifty prize! A CLASSROOMTIMEWARP How everything school evolved over time NEW COLUMN! ONE CHILD AT A TIME /// A six-week empowerment journey for parents

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TeenPower is the hotline that celebrates TeenSibs, siblings of individuals with special needs. TP is the place to go to connect with other girls like yourself, get a dose of heartwarming chizzuk, and enjoy a program that’s empowering, practical, and oh-so-fun! September 12th 8:30 PMMonday Be a part of the community Featuring: Inspiring TeenPower theme song Popular speaker Mrs. Jackie Bitton shares her personal story of having a brother with special needs Exciting game show Join the Live Interactive Kicko Event! TeenPower is established with oversight and encouragement by leading Rabbonim and Mechanchos. PROMPT 8 Call 718.863.1111

The kallah will feel shortchanged.
I want to continue the tradition of our ancestors.
Get a Mazel Tov? Give your lucky one a Paragon Diamond ring, with quality that far outweighs its cost. It looks, feels, and acts almost exactly like a mined diamond - even professionals can’t tell them apart!
Here are a few non-reasons:
If an expert with tools can’t tell them apart, yentaneighborhoodyourcan’teither.
Just not true. Professionals put the resale value of mined diamonds between 30-70% and the resale value for Paragon Diamonds at about the same (50 - 60%).
Paragon diamonds are graded with the same 4Cs as mined diamondsclarity, cut, carat, and color. Paragon diamonds aren’t cheap - they’re just more worthwhile for their price than mined diamonds. You will simply get more for your buck. Additionally, if an expert with tools can’t tell them apart, your neighborhood yenta can’t either. You can choose to share your smart decision with your friends or keep it between us - the choice is yours.
With all the popularity Paragon Diamonds are gaining in the diamond jewelry industry, chances are all her friends are getting the same. She’ll proudly show o her jewelry to everyone she meets - just watch that glint bounce o the ring and onto her face.
This is a serious misconception. Actually, mined diamonds only began appearing in engagement rings in the mid 1900s. In 1947, a British diamond company launched an ad campaign that featured Hollywood celebrities with the now-famous slogan, “A diamond is forever.” Su ce it to say, the custom of gifting kallahs with diamond rings does not stem from a Jewish source.
It’ll look too good.
So why would someone spend thousands more on a mined diamond that’s smaller and of lesser quality when they can get a beautiful, large, sparkling Paragon diamond for a fraction of the cost? No one know the answer to that question. It’s one of the impacts of effective advertising and the mysteries of social pressure.
The resale value is more for mined diamonds.

Simply put, a Paragon diamond is a lab-grown Moissanite gemstone. As mentioned, Paragon diamonds pass muster as mined diamonds even among experts in the field. They rate a 9.25 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, so they are durable and suitable for everyday wear. Moissanite lab grown gems are less expensive per carat than many other gemstones. Paragon diamonds come with a certificate of authenticity, identifying their uniqueness and genuine value. The benefits of Paragon diamond jewelry far outweigh the benefits of mined diamond jewelry. They are the smarter choice, and fast gaining popularity among sophisticated mechutanim in our community. jewelry to your location. We also have options for customizations to create your unique vision for jewelry. Our experts will sit down with you and help bring your imagination to life. We promise to empower you with the education you need to make this vital decision. We assure you that we will always be 100% upfront with you, answering your questions honestly and providing you with quality Paragon diamonds that your recipient will always be proud to wear. Paragon Jewelry. For those who value brilliance. And hergrandchildherwilllookatwithwideeyesandsay,“Wow,Bobby,it’sstillsobeautiful!”
Meet LaBleau Jewelers
917.945.3989 | a bit of education can go a long way. We’re on a 3-pronged setting of service, quality, and transparency.
At LaBleau Jewelers, service is our top priority. From the first call until the jewelry is worn by the glowing kallah, we make the experience easy for everyone involved. Call us and we’ll first discuss your needs over the phone. You can then come down to our showroom or we can send send stones and A Paragon diamond is a gift she’ll always treasure. Someday she’ll point to it while bouncing a grandchild on her lap, “Zeidy bought this for me when I was a young kallah.” And her grandchild will look at her with wide eyes and say, “Wow, Bobby, it’s still so beautiful!”
Give a gift forever. Paragon. It’s a joy forever.
Simply put, a Paragon diamond is a lab-grown Moissanite gemstone. As mentioned, Paragon diamonds pass muster as mined diamonds even among experts in the field. They rate a 9.25 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, so they are durable and suitable for everyday wear. Moissanite lab grown gems are less expensive per carat than many other gemstones. Paragon diamonds come with a certificate of authenticity, identifying their uniqueness and genuine value. The benefits of Paragon diamond jewelry far outweigh the benefits of mined diamond jewelry. They are the smarter choice, and fast gaining popularity among sophisticated mechutanim in our community.
Give a gift of quality. Give a gift of brilliance. Give a gift forever. Paragon. It’s a joy forever. jewelry to your location. We also have options for customizations to create your unique vision for jewelry. Our experts will sit down with you and help bring your imagination to life. We promise to empower you with the education you need to make this vital decision. We assure you that we will always be 100% upfront with you, answering your questions honestly and providing you with quality Paragon diamonds that your recipient will always be proud to wear. Paragon Jewelry. For those who value brilliance. We specialize in Paragon diamonds, diamond rings, and all kallah jewelry. Many men reach out to us for gifts for their wives, and families reach out to purchase jewelry for their mothers. We have a value-packed kallah package with a large range of choices and prices.
We’re on a 3-pronged setting of service, quality, and transparency. At LaBleau Jewelers, service is our top priority. From the first call until the jewelry is worn by the glowing kallah, we make the experience easy for everyone involved. Call us and we’ll first discuss your needs over the phone. You can then come down to our showroom or we can send send stones and
A Paragon diamond is a gift she’ll always treasure. Someday she’ll point to it while bouncing a grandchild on her lap, “Zeidy bought this for me when I was a young kallah.” And her grandchild will look at her with wide eyes and say, “Wow, Bobby, it’s still so beautiful!” Indeed it is. It’s beautiful, quality, and real. It’s the future of jewelry for our community.“Wow,Bobby,it’sstillsobeautiful!”
When LaBleau Jewelers, formerly known as Blue Diamond, came into the picture, it was with a single mission in mind - to educate the frum consumer of their options regarding kallah jewelry. So many people struggle with the expenses of making a wedding - the vort, the gifts, the preparations for a new home, the wedding… and many of these costs are unavoidable. But when it comes to jewelry, a bit of education can go a long way. We’re on a 3-pronged setting of service, quality, and transparency.What is a Paragon Diamond?
recipient will always be proud to wear. Paragon Jewelry. For those who value brilliance. We specialize in Paragon diamonds, diamond rings, and all kallah jewelry. Many men reach out to us for gifts for their wives, and families reach out to purchase jewelry for their mothers. We have a value-packed kallah package with a large range of choices and prices. 917.945.3989 |
What is a Paragon
Give a gift of brilliance.
Give a gift of quality.
Indeed it is. It’s beautiful, quality, and real. It’s the future of jewelry for our community.

עכילרע עטסכייר עמאס יד שידיא ןיא עבאגסיוא דנפּאַכראַפ-םעטאָ דנענאַפּש

0 5149723785 1 $10.75Catskills:$9.99NY/NJ:2022SepIsrael|€10Europe£9England$13Canada ₪ 40 לעצ ןעמייהעג םעד ןופ עטכישעג עדנעניוטש יד ל"צז לדנַאמסייוו ד"מחרגה ךרוד טעדנירגעג יד ןופ ןדיא ןעוועטַארוצסיורַא ,םעזה תונשב צ"הגה ייב ךוזַאב ַא ףיוא קָאלג רעד .סיצַאנ א"טילש לדנַאמסייוו ריאמ םחנמ יבר יסנָאמ-ארטיינ ד"בא :טריסַאפּטרָאדטָאהסָאוו ןופ רעדָאסליקסטעקטסעגרַאפידַאדירָאלפ ן'טימ ןובשח ןכילנעזרעפּ ַא טַאהעג טָאה יע-ייא-יס יד ערעטיב ַא ןעוועג זיא המקנ רעייז .רעריפ-רָארעט ןעמַאזיורג םישזער ןשיטסילַאיצָאס ןגעק ארטוז רמ ןופ דנַאטשפיוא רעד :עטכישעג לטיפַּאק רעשיטַאמַארד ַא םוא ךיז טרעק רעגרעב ש"ח ברה :טרעלקרעד ןוא ענָאזירַא ןייק ךוזַאב ַא ןופ עדנַארג ַאסַאק עקירעמַא תולג ןיא דיתע רעד זיא ד"סב שיטאַמאַרד שיראָטסיה שימאַראָנאַפּ

For endless possibilities await when your child is showered with warmth and love, in a comfortable environment that is suited to his needs. At Cloud 9, we put your mind at ease with the knowledge that your child is enveloped in a cozy cloud of entertainment, attention and unsurpassed care after hours. Ages: Boys & Girls 5+ Hours: Sunday 10-4, Monday - Thursday 3:30 - 7 For inquires please call 718-946-7700 ext. 312 or email &EntertainmentArtsBakingSportsnCraftsmore... Build my skills. Help me shine. See me climb. At Cloud 9! Reach up

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YESSAGE • 845.774.4069 סניילא ךיז טימ רשק א – רבוחמ טעיובעג זיא סאוו םירועיש 13 ןופ עירעס א ךיז טימ ןאשקענאק/רוביח א ןעגנערב.סניילאוצ א אד זיא ,טלעוו עלענש עגיטנייה יד ןיא ןעמ סאוו ,'ןאשקענאקסיד' עשילרעטסיוא וצ ,ךיז וצ דלודעג ןוא ,טייצ ,חכ יד טרילראפ .ת"ישה וצ ןוא ,רעדניק יד וצ ,ב"ב יד זיולב טונימ עכילטע ראפ ןציז ןענעק גינייוו ואוו ןכוז גיבייא טעוו ןעמ .'סניילא ךיז' טימ ןרעה ,ןענייל ךרוד ךיז ןופ ןפיולטנא ןעק'מ ןוא ,ןירקס םייב ןעגנערבראפ ,סניילטאה .טפערט ןעמ סאוו 'ןעלטימ ףיולטנא' ערעדנא ןרינימילע וצ טייקכילגעמ א אד זיא סע ,אי טעוו ריא ןוא ,ךיז ןופ ןפיולטנא וצ טיונ יד טנעצארפ טרעדנוה ןייז ןענעק ה"זעב ,טיוה ענעגייא יד ןיא גיאור ןוא םעווקאב ןוא טייקכילמעווקאבמוא עדנאנכאנ ןייק ןא .ןעגנורעטש עכילרעניא החפשמ יד וצ – רבוחמ טימ תוכייש א רעדעי טאה רעכיז להיפוצ רעבא .רעדניק ןוא בייוו יד .טלעפ 'סעפע' זא ןריפש ןשטנעמ רעד אד זיא סע זא ןגאז טשינ ןעק'מ ייב טגאזעג טאה'מ סאוו ןופ רשק הוחאו הבהא" ןופ תוכרב עבש יד ."תוערו םולשו וצ רשק ןגיטכיר םעד ןעיוב ןטימ ןענעק וצ ןפא ץראה יד טרעוו ,ךיז סאוו ,בוטש ןיא רשק עטוג א ןכאמ יורפ א זא ארמג יד טגאז םעד ףיוא טנפע טימרעד ןוא .החמש טגנערב וצ רשק רעפיט א וצ ריט עיינ א ןעמ להיפ זיא סאוו ,רעדניק ענעגייא יד עכילרעסיוא ןוא תונתמ ןופ רעמ טרעוו סע .ןקורדסיוא טפאשביל יד טימ ןייז וצ טושפ קאמשעג א .ןעגנערבראפ ןוא החפשמ ענעגייא ת"ישה וצ – רבוחמ וצ רשק א ןכיירג וצ רעסעב ןייז ןעק סאוו ליפעג רעטסקאמשעג רעד זיא סע .ת"ישה ךרע ןייק טשינ טאה סאוו טלעוו יד ףיוא טשינכאנ ןדער רימ ןוא .ץאש ןייק ןוא סאוו םיקידצה תוגירדמ עסיורג ןייק ןופ רעבא ,ןעוועראה ךאסא ןעמ ףראד וצרעד סאד ןסיגסיוא ןענעק וצ רשק ע'טושפ יד .םייהרעדניא ןדיא ע'טושפ יוו יוזא ץראה ןעמ ןוא טנעוואד ןעמ זא ןריפש לאז ןעמ וצ סיורא טקוק סאוו ,ןמחר בא א וצ טדער .רשק ןייד ליוו ןוא ,ריד ןעמ ןעוו ,יקולא הזחא ירשבמ ,אי טמוקאב ןעמ ןוא ,ךיז וצ טנעאנ טרעוו םעד ףיוא דנאטשראפ רערעקרעטש א עכילרוטאנ יד ךיז טנפע ,שפנ םענעגייא ,דיא א ןופ המשנ יד ןופ ןוצר ןוא הקושת רשק רעד ןוא ,לעממ יקולא קלח א זיא סאוו .רעקרעטש ןוא רעסעב טרעוו ת"ישה וצ וצ רבוחמןוא סאווראפןעמעוורעבא ,סעסרוק ךאסא ייב ןעוועג ןיוש ןיב ךיא .רושערפ ןוא דחפ ןיימ טזאלעגרעביא ךיא באה אד סע ןוא ,סרוק יד ךאנ ראי בלאה א ןיוש זיא'ס !רימ ןייז וצ ךיליירפ ןוא ןדירפוצ ןיב ךיא ,טעברא ךאנ ןבעל א ןוא ,רבוחמ ראפ ןבעל א באה ךיא זיא החפשמ יד טימ רשק ןוא תוכייש עצנאג יד ,רבוחמ עלאמראנ' ראפ סרוק א זיא סאד !ףירגאב רערעדנא א 'ה לע גנעתהל ןופ טלעוו עיינ א ןענעפע וצ ,'ןשטנעמ טריטסיזקע סע זא טסיוועג טשינ טאה ןעמ סאוו סע זא זיא רועיש יד ןופ טפאכעג רימ טאה סאוו ךיא' זא ליטס ידי םצועו יחכ עגיטנייה ןייק טשינ זיא 'ךארפש עשימייה' עגיטכיר יד ראנ ,'ןעק ךיא' ןוא ,'ןיב יוזא ןוא ,גיד'הרות יוזא ,טייקגיד'תמא ןוא הענכה ןופ .תוימשגו תוינחורב ףיוא טבייה סע ןוא ,ןטלאהעגסיוא קואשזד א זיא טעב ריא סאוו טלעג יד ,ןרהא 'ר סאוו רשק עגיצראה יד .טמוקאב'מ סאוו ןגעקא א סעפע זיא סניילא רימ טימ ןעמוקאב באה ךיא .זיירפ עדעי דרעוו זיא סאוו רצוא עשילרעטסיוא ראי בלאה א רעביא רועיש יד ייב ןעוועג ןיוש ןיב ךיא יתובר :ןסאג יד ףיוא ןעיירש ןייג ליוו ךיא ןוא ,קירוצ תמאב ןעק ןבעל רעייא ,רבוחמ יוו ךאז אזא אד זיא'ס עקראטש א ןבאה יוו ךאז אזא אד תמאב זיא'ס ,סיז ןייז גאט יד ןטראוו ןוא טצעזעגנא ןייז ןופ !בוטש ןיא רשק .גאט ןיא טונימ עדעי ןופ האנה ךיא באה ,ןייגכרוד לאז ןאשיעמראפניא ןופ םי א באה ךיא ,טסיפארעט א ןיב ךיא ,'וכו 'וכו סליקס לעשואס ןוא ןליפעג עכילשטנעמ רעביא ןיב אד .טפראדעג באה ךיא סאוו סאד זיא רבוחמ רעבא טשינ טפראד ריא ,רימ טביילג .דעטקענאק ןראוועג ךיא ,ץראה ןיא ךייא ייב טגיל קילג רעד ,ןקילג ןייק ןכוז ןייג ריא טנעק רבוחמ ייב ןוא .ןפערט טושפ ךיז טפראד ריא .געוו םעד ןפערט ה"זעב ד"סב :ןיילטאה רבוחמ טפור ןביירשוצנייא רעדא ויווירפ א ןרעה וצ 718.618.5256 ת“ישה וצ | החפשמ ןיימ וצ | רימ וצ ןרהא ןאמסארגברה ןוכמה להנמ ןכאוו 13 ךשמב ךאוו א לאמנייא ךרוד טריפעגנא ןאמסארג ןרהא ברה רעטרעדנוה ןפלאהעג ד"סב טאה רעכלעוו סנעיריפסקע רעגירעיגנאל ןא ךיז טבייה הצובק עגידנעמוק יד אצת יכ ךאווטימ יסנאמ ןיא אבת יכ גאטנאמ קראפ אראב ןיא


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1274 39th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11218 718.437.3000 We are fully stocked and ready to serve you! Welcome Back COMEBROOKLYN!toCHECKOUTOURSUPERSPECIALS!

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877-pish-posh | | 1915 swarthmore avenue, lakewood, nj | hours: s: 10-5 | m-th: 9-5 | f: 9-1 FREE SHIPPING &NOSALESTAX customerunmatchedservice premiumexperienceshopping financingthroughavailableAffirm pishposh points loyalty program It’s finally here - your baby first day of school! Make it the sweetest send-off with a perfect, toddlersized 7am Enfant MINI Backpack. It’s big enough to keep all the daily essentials for morah without weighing bébé down. Many styles now in stock. Questions? Give us a call - we’re here to help! bébé’s first dayof

befriend come summertime, we let our
Thank you so much for the wonderful article on the Lower East Side. I grew up there, and I’m quite proud of that fact. I was well educated at the Bais Yaakov of the Lower East Side, shopped at fully stocked Judaica and kosher food stores, was fortunate to live pretty close to Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, and davened on Shabbos at the mag nificent Bialystoker Shul. Your article was detailed, went far back in time and included some lovely photos. Thank you for stirring up such wonderful memories in me and for printing a concise history of the neighborhood for those who were not as lucky as I was to live there.
Sarah Weiss
AN EARLY SOLUTION (Re: Your Voice, Issue 148) I’d like to respond with a suggestion to the letter about our local stores being more user-friendly during this busy shopping season. I think it would be great if stores would be open between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. for exchanges or returns only. Many of us work at businesses close to the stores, and it would give us all peace of mind to have the ability to quickly exchange something on the way to work. I am sure the staff is there earlier doing office work or unpacking, and this service would help us avoid the long lines that make stores almost inaccessible dur ing the day. A Working Mother ADVENTURE (Re: Little Creatures, Lots of Fun, Issue 147) reading your article kids kids hunt.
TEITELBAUMINSURANCE BROKERAGE INC. We try harder... MAIL@TEITELBAUMINSURANCE.COM P 718-438-2180 F 718-438-2264 PROPERTY • CASUALTY Driving you happy! 718.600.6666 Ready to somewhere?go תשרפל םינמז םיטפוש תורנה תקלדה םת וניבר תבש יאצומ 7:08 Boro CatskillsPark *The zman in Swan Lake/Liberty area is a minute later 7:11 8:37 8:41 BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718-435-869711219 WILLIAMSBURG 232 Lee Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718-643-340011206 BROOKLYN, NY WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY 85°/65° 2% FRIDAY 81°/68° 7% MONDAY 82°/70° 2% SHABBOS 82°/68° 11% TUESDAY 81°/69° 1% SUNDAY 87°/70° 40% WEDNESDAY 85°/67° 0% 52 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
about the little pets
out on a salamander
STIRRING UP NOSTALGIA (Re: The Capital of Jewish America, Issue 148)
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All of the kids in our bungalow colony were caught up in the excitement and loved the adventure. We ordered cages and equipment to make their new little pets comfort able and happy, and the kids are enthralled with this new activity.Thank you for the great ideas you keep sharing! M.F.
54 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
EMAIL: FAX: 718-408-8771
As a mother of girls, shopping for school supplies is su premely hectic and stressful. (We never have this problem with the boys!) Every year, my daughters arrive with their lists of many items, each with detailed specifications, that I, honestly, have no idea how to identify. Poring over the list while trying to decipher the differences among vari ous types of pronged binders and being jostled around by all the other mothers and girls trying to do the same is a nightmare. It is dizzying, sweat-inducing and perhaps... unnecessary?Here’sagreat idea that I would love to see implemented: Place bulk orders for all those items that each class needs, and charge the parents a set price for each child. That would leave us parents to just buy backpacks for our girls, allowing them (and us mothers) to enjoy the experi ence of buying something that reflects their taste. And we’ll still need to buy uniforms, of course. (That alone is stressful enough.) If you implement such a system, we mothers will thank you with hearts full of gratitude!
A Mother Dreading the School Shopping
YOUR VOICE BACK-TO-SCHOOL BRAINSTORM Dear Schools, As we get ready to return to the city and the busy, dizzy shopping that awaits us, I’d like to share an idea that you can perhaps implement for the coming school year.
MAIL: The Boro Park View, 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219

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Reb Yakov spilled his sorry tale. He told Reb Yitzchok that he was a water carrier. With the few pennies he earned for his backbreaking work, he managed to feed his family. Yet the large earthen pail that he used to carry the water to the local homes had just broken.
“What happened? Why do you cry?” Reb Yitzchok asked.
Shocked into silence, the talmidim could barely express their thoughts. “Rebbi, is there nothing we can do to avert the decree and save the city from such destruction?”
The talmidim were shocked at this dire prediction. “Reb bi!” they cried. “This is a serious punishment! What did the people of Tzfas do to deserve this?”
60 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
After a few moments, he shared with his talmidim, “I was just made aware that a terrible decree hovers above the resi dents of Tzfas. A plague of locusts will swarm the city, and they will consume all grass and crops. Nothing will remain to feed the community.”
The Arizal replied, “Not far from here lives a poor man by the name of Reb Yakov, who just lost his source of parnassah He is sitting and crying bitterly over his fate, and Hashem is listening to his cries and is upset at the people of Tzfas who do not attempt to help him.”
IN A FIELD NOT FAR FROM TZFAS, the Ari Hakadosh sat with his talmidim, delving into the secrets of the Torah. Sud denly, without warning, the Arizal stopped learning, and creases of concern were visible on his face.
The Arizal instructed each of his talmidim to donate a spe cific sum, which would be earmarked to help Reb Yakov. Once they had a handsome pool of money, one talmid, Reb Yitzchok Hakohen, was told to take it to the home of this pauper.“Don’t delay!” warned the Ari Hakadosh. “Rush over to his home and deliver the money immedi ately.”Reb Yitzchok went on his way, and the remain ing talmidim sat im mersed in teshuvah and tefillah. It took a long hour for Reb Yitzchok to search every corner of the city until he finally found the home of the poor man and knocked on the door. A family member opened the door for him and led him inside. He found Reb Yakov sitting, with some family members around him, crying bitterly.
“I have no way to feed my children now!” he finished. “From where can I take the money to purchase a new pail?”
Reb Yitzchok quickly removed the sack of money col lected from his friends and gave it to Reb Yakov. Reb Yakov looked at the money in wonder, and it took him a moment to register that his tefillah and tears had been answered. He showered blessings upon Reb Yitzchok, but Reb Yitzchok was no longer there to hear them. He had already rushed out of the home, back to his Rebbi and friends to tell them he had carried out his mission.
Fate, Future and Fortune Tellers
The Arizal was pleased. He told his talmidim that, indeed, the decree had been lifted. While they were still speaking, a strong wind blew across The pasuk says that the nations whose land Klal Yisroel is inheriting turn to fortune tellers and diviners, while Klal Yisroel, in contrast, will be given a navi Hashem (Devarim 18:14–15). The two types of advisers seem to play a slightly different role: Fortune tellers primarily foretell the future, while nevi’im mostly prophesize words of rebuke. How could we say that the nevi’im would stand in place of fortune tellers? BORO PARK Sock Exchange 4509 13th 718.633.1371Ave BORO PARK Hosiery Boutique 5209 13th 718.854.1230Ave HosieryFLATBUSHPlus 1378 Coney Island Ave 718.338.0046 SockFLATBUSHExchange 1318 Ave 718.375.5108M HosieryLAKEWOODPlus 195 E Kennedy 732.367.5373Blvd HosieryLAKEWOODPlus II 150 James 732.987.5695St PurpleLAKEWOODOrchid 1328 River 732.415.8588Ave HosieryLAKEWOODPlus 12 American Ave 732.961.2000 TiptoeCEDARHURSTBoutique 416 Central 516.374.1100Ave class with class Put your best foot forward.

Thus, since nevi’im were charged with reproofing Klal Yis roel where necessary, we didn’t need fortune tellers. We don’t need to know the future; it could always change!Indeed, fortune tellers are inef fective when it comes to Klal Yis roel. We have much more power ful tools: remorse, repentance and mending our ways. The future lies in our hands. Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
* * *
the field, and a heavy cloud of lo custs drew near to the mountains of Tzfas.“Oh, no!” the talmidim ex claimed in fear. “It seems the de cree has not yet been revoked!” But the Arizal remained calm. He didn’t look worried at all. “Con tinue to learn, my children; you have nothing to fear.”
So the words of the Arizal came to be. Before their eyes, the talmi dim watched as a strong wind sud denly blew in from the direction of Tzfas. It pushed the large locust cloud entirely to the water, until not even a trace of it remained. Indeed, even when a gezeirah has already been decreed upon Klal Yisroel, and it seems there is no way to change the impending future, our teshuvah can entirely erase it. The future could change! * *
Rashi points out that this means that although the entire world is run naturally according to maza los, through tefillah and zechusim, our mazel can change. When the navi spoke to Klal Yis roel and beseeched them to reach a greater level of yiras Shamayim, and we listened and improved with a full teshuvah, Klal Yisroel had the ability to change the future! Even if a terrible decree hovers above us, through tefillah and zechusim we can change the outcome.
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This answers our question on the difference between fortune tellers and nevi’im The Gemara states in Maseches Shabbos (156), “Ein mazel l’Yisroel.”
62 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

,ענעבילקעגעכילרעהםינוגינףיואעקַאמשעגןעמַַארגשידיאקוזיח טימ לופ רַאפ החמש ןוא בצמ ןדעיטנעגייאעגגנוירַאפטלאןואעילעפַּאק עכייר עטסעב יד טימ רעגניז עשימייהןעגנורישזנַארַאעשילַאקיזומעכילרעה!ינחור גונעת ןופ טונימ 40 טימ העש א 718-369-2090 AVAILABLE WHEREVER JEWISH MUSIC IS SOLD ת"ישהזעב !טניולעג טאה'ס רעבא ,טראוועג גנאל 12-120 !ןטשרעביוא ן'טימ ןָא ךייא טפּעש 100 טונימ טימ 100 האנה עגיטנעצָארפּ טבעל ןוא 100 ...טנעצָארפּ תאז קר ומצעב תוכז אצמ אל םיאיבנה לכ ןודא וניבר השמש ארונ רבד אוהו ,ק"הלכע 'ילע ,הביחבו הבהאב ולבקתנו לארשי תיב ברקב טשפתנ רבכ ל"נה ס'ידיס'הו ,'יאר צ"א תוסרופמהו לארשי יקלאב ןוחטבו 'הב הנומאב אלמ אוהו ,םישנו םישנא ,םינטקלו םילודגל שפנ לכל הוש אוהו .אוהש בצמ לכל קוזיחו ךכ 'ינשבו הנושארב והשעמכו ,"ןטשרעביוא ן'טימ" 'ג קלח רואל איצוהל ד"סב ןנוכתמ תעכו החמשבו הבהאב םימש ןיד לבקל תולשוכ םיכרב ץמאל םילפש חור תויחהל ישילשב והשעמ ירובידב שודגו אלמו ןכות אלמ ויתאצמו רמוחה לע יתרבעו ,הלפתה חכ קזחלו ,'הב .תוקזחתהוהנומאבוהנומא אפורהש הכזנ ידע תורבשנ תובבלב קוזיחו תויח חיפהל האלהל םג הכזיש ר"היו תא ונל רשבל איבנה והילא תא הרהמב ונל חלשיו ,םתובצעל שבחי בל ירובשל .ןמא ,ונימיב הרהמב וניקדצ חישמ ונילאוג וניכלמ ונל חלשיו תיתימא העושיה 65 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View


Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein endorsed Goldman dur ing his campaign and appeared with him on numerous stops throughout Boro Park, rallying voters to cast their ballots dur ing a rare August primary.
The 10th District was one of many that was recently restruc tured and encompasses parts of Lower Manhattan and Brook lyn, which includes part of Boro Park, reported Bloomberg.
“I have gotten to know Dan really well over the last several months,” said Eichenstein at a pre-primary day campaign stop. “We have spent countless hours discussing the issues.
And the names of your family members will be davened for every Erev Rosh Chodesh while reciting the ה"לשה תליפת at his Kever in הירבט
SIGN UP AT FOR ONLY $18 A MONTH: 718.225.5824#5 68 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
Issuing Dire Warning, State ToUrgesDepartmentAmericansAvoidUman
Goldman unseated incumbent Congressman Mondaire Jones and narrowly beat out Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou by ap proximately 1,300 votes.
The United States suspended all consular services in the Ukraine last February and posted a Level 4 Do Not Travel advisory. According to the State Department, American citizens have been singled out by Russian forces and their allies in recent months and have been detained, interrogated and harassed simply because of their nationality.TheState Department compiled a long list of pre-travel preparations for those who choose to ignore the official warn ings and spend Rosh Hashanah in Uman, which includes writ ing a will, designating insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney, and discussing end-of-life plans with family mem bers (such as naming guardians for their children and dis tribution of their property). Travelers to Uman are also being urged to make their next of kin aware of their funeral wishes, leave DNA samples with medical providers should their re mains need to be identified and to enroll in the State Depart ment’s Smart Traveler Enrollment program to make their loca tions more easily known in the event of an emergency.
With Rosh Hashanah just weeks away, the United States Department of State issued a strongly worded advisory for individuals consider ing traveling to Uman, advising those who disregard their warning to have end-of-life plans in place should their trip take a deadly turn.
The State Department continues to recommend all Ameri can citizens who are currently in the Ukraine to leave as soon as they can safely do so because of the ongoing armed conflict. All others are advised to shelter in place because of the poten tial for military attacks, crime and civil unrest and to be aware of the location of the closest shelter.
Goldman Ekes Out Win in 10th District Democratic Primary
It was a nailbiter of a contest, but attorney Dan Goldman managed to come out on top in last week’s Democratic prima ry, earning himself a spot on the November ballot in the race to become the 10th District’s congressional representative.

לולא ’ה זיב טקישעגניירא ןרעוו ןפראד סעיצאקילפא ג”פשת ירשת רעפטנע ןא ןטלאהרע טעוו’מ ןוא ב”פשת ןוא ראי 25 ןופ טיילעגניא ראפ דחוימ .רעטלע ןוא 30 ראפ המידק ןיד ,רעטלע ליצ םוצ ןעמוקנא טפלעה תרגסמ יד .הכימס\שומיש םוקמב טשינ טניד רעבא תוכלה ןביוהנא טייג ןעמ ג”פשת ןושח ח”ר תבש הכלה ןינק ושרד.ןטיילגאב ךייא טעוו ראי עכילטע ןיוש ריא טציז ביוא טכיז ריא ןוא הרות לש הלהאב ,הארוהב ןייז וצ םילשמ ךיז דניצא רעייא ”הכלה ןינק ושרד“ זיא .רעפטנעןאד סאוו תרגסמ א זיא ”הכלה ןינק“ זיא ןוא ,ראי בלאה א ןוא ףניפ טרעיודעג ילודג יד ךרוד ןראוועג טלעטשעגקעווא םאבצ לעו מ”גבנ רבעה רודמ םיקסופה טנייה טייטש ןוא ל”צז רענזאוו ש”רגה השמ יבר לודגה ןואגה ןופ וחוקיפ תחת .א”טילש ןיילק לואש שומישו הכימס תינכת לע םינמנ םניא םגו הכימס וא שומיש םהל ןיאש דבלב םיאושנל ןתינ םינחבמה לע רכש KINYANHALACHA@DIRSHUNJ.ORG

With federal identification to be required in order to board a flight as of next spring, the Transportation Safety Adminis tration is reminding the public to upgrade their state-issued drivers’ licenses now in order to avoid unpleasant surprises later.The Department of Homeland Security had previously an nounced that it would be requiring flyers to display either a valid passport or a federally approved driver’s license as of Oc tober 1, 2021, in an effort to promote greater security. But that deadline was pushed off until May 3, 2023, during the pan demic, when many state motor vehicle agencies were forced to operate on a limited schedule.
“One candidate’s support of the anti-Semitic BDS movement united the Jewish vote yesterday in an unprecedented way. Boro Park coalesced behind @Danielsgoldman, following the endorsement of Assemblyman @SEichenstein with 78% of its vote for Goldman,” posted Rosenthal on Twitter. Goldman and Niou may go head to head again in November, with the assemblywoman contemplating a possible run on the progressive Working Families Party line on Election Day.
70 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
TSA Issues Driver’s License
Dan is keenly aware of the issues facing our community, re spects our community, appreciates the diversity of New York City, and that includes our community.”
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles has been offering drivers the option of upgrading their licenses since before the onset of COVID, and it is encouraging the public to make the change now, well in advance of next year’s deadline. Motorists wanting to upgrade to the feder ally issued REAL ID-compliant license will be required to visit the DMV in person and will need to have legal proof of their identity and social security as well as two proofs of their state residency, their current license and proof of citizenship. There is an additional $30 fee to upgrade to an enhanced ID, which is similar to a REAL ID but can also be used to cross the United States border from Canada, Mexico and certain Caribbean countries. New York DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder urged New Yorkers to upgrade to a federally enhanced license now.“We are certainly doing everything we can to let people know about this change and act before May 3, 2023,” said Schroeder. “We don’t want any customers caught by sur prise when they go to travel after May 3.”
Niou angered Jewish voters this summer by expressing her support for the anti-Israel BDS movement, her attempt to de fuse the situation by posting a picture of herself about to take a bite out of a whole challah falling flat. Queens Assemblyman Daniel Rosenthal noted on social media that Niou’s pronounce ments definitely backfired in an unexpected way.
Currently, there are two federally approved licenses — a REAL ID, which has a star in a black circle in its upper righthand corner, and an enhanced ID, which has a flag shown in the same location. Drivers are not required to upgrade to ei ther of those two license options, but those who have only a state-issued driver’s license will need to use their passports as identification in order to be able to fly or to enter a secure fed eralTSAfacility.federal security director for Westchester County Air port Robert Duffy described REAL ID as “a coordinated effort by the federal government to improve the reliability and accu racy of drivers’ licenses and identification cards,” noting that it is an improvement “intended to inhibit terrorists’ ability to evade detection using fraudulent identification.”
Update Reminder as Deadline for Federal ID Looms
1,000+ Turn Out for Save Maimonides Town Hall
It was a full house last Monday night at Ateres Chaya when well over 1,000 people came together to hear more about the ongoing difficulties at Maimonides Medical Center and the efforts of local activists to demand greater accountability and service.The event was hosted by a group known as Save Mai monides, which has been sharing patient horror stories in re cent weeks and pointing the finger of blame squarely at hospi tal officials. The event included impassioned speeches by Save Maimonides co-chair Mendy Reiner, Lightstone Group CEO David Lichtenstein, prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz, and Rav Elazar Rubin. Also addressing participants was Amudim CEO Rabbi Zvi Gluck, who slammed hospital officials on Fox 5 News after going to visit his father, Rabbi Edgar Gluck, in Mai monides and discovering that the air conditioning hadn’t been working for weeks, leaving patients sweltering in the summer heat.Attendees enjoyed a buffet dinner and the musical talents of Shulem and Yanky Lemmer and were encouraged to sign a petition calling for change at Maimonides. Reiner categorized the event as a success. “The fact that so many people showed up is further proof that the community is sick and tired of the way Maimonides Hospital is operating,” Reiner told The Boro Park View. “They came to learn about what our mission is and how they can bring change to the broken hospital.”


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Sep 18th, 2022 75 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

A large bronze-plated menorah sat in its place of honor by the wall, mounted on a stone pedestal. As Velvel hobbled over to set up the first night’s candles, Zach leaned in to Jakub.
“And I’m Zach.”
“Is that from before the war?” he mur mured.“
Yoh. Reb Menashe hid it away before the Nazis came,” Jakub answered in a low voice. “They say Velvel himself found it, in a crawlspace under the floor where he played as a boy.”
T hey waited in their places for a few minutes, chatting quiet ly as the other mispallelim filed in. Several people looked sur prised to see them. The middle-aged fel low from last time, wearing yet another checkered shirt, rushed over and shook their hands eagerly.
“Me neither,” Zach said. In spite of his easy smile, Izzy thought he caught a hint of real emotion below the surface. “It’s fine.”“Lodz is a dying kehillah,” the man con tinued. “There’s no future for us here. Everyone knows that — even Velvel. It’s good to know we’ll have a hemshech some where. I’m Jakub, by the way.”
Velvel“Wow.”finished preparing the candles, struck a match, and lit the shamesh. The lines of his face showing harshly in the candle’s reflection, he recited, “Baruch atah —” and then stopped.
“I’m glad you came back,” he told Zach. “You can’t hold it against Velvel, you know. He’s a wonderful person. But the things he’s been through… Well, he doesn’t always realize what he’s saying.”
“Yisrael Ginzburg,” Izzy replied.
“Nu? ” someone asked. Still holding the candle, Velvel left the menorah and hobbled over to Zach and Izzy.
RECAP: Chaim Simcha confirms that Lenny is in Lodz to claim the manuscript. He asks Izzy to tell the Polish government that Lenny’s claim was just a mistake. Furthermore, Chaim Simcha wants Zach and Izzy to daven at the Lodzer shul the first night of Chanu kah, despite the lukewarm reception they received on their first visit.

The drab bulk of City Hall loomed up ahead as Zach said, “He led the Scots in a failed bid for independence from the English. He’s kind of a symbol of inde pendence.”Izzystuck his hands deeper into his pocket to combat the cold. “Chanukah’s not about political independence.” He led the way into the building and took a paper ticket from a machine. “Let’s hope we get someone who speaks better English this time.”
“It’s delicious!” Shulem declared, the wrinkles around his eyes gathering in bunches as he smiled. He pushed the cup even closer. Izzy gave him an awkward smile and reluctantly accepted the cup. He noted dryly that Zach took his cup without complaint. Izzy murmured a Shehakol on behalf of both of them and had a small sip.
“Ah, no, thanks,” Izzy said nervously. He didn’t like plums, and wasn’t too keen on hard liquor to begin with.
“Ah freilichen Chanukah,” Shulem called to them as he left, slightly pink in theAscheeks.they got back into their coats, Zach gave Izzy an amused look. “I hope, when I’m in my seventies, that I can hold my liquor as well as that fellow.” Izzy grimaced. “As long as that’s not the liquor they ask me to hold. It was awful! I don’t understand how you could have actually enjoyed it.”
“You light,” he said, offering Izzy the shamesh. “The Rebbe used to always light the first night. You’re the Rebbe’s einikel.” He took Izzy’s hand and pressed the shamesh into it. Izzy wasn’t comfortable with this. He still felt like an interloper here, and yet Velvel, the head of the old guard, was literally passing him the torch. It didn’t seem right, somehow. And yet he couldn’t refuse. Izzy was about to say something when Velvel turned to Zach. “Tomorrow,” the old man said, a mixture of emotions playing fiercely across his face, “you come in with a yar mulke. And then you will light for us. Du bist oich an einikel…” * * * * * The actually lighting of the menorah was somewhat anticlimactic. Izzy made the brachos, lit the candle, and they sang a single song. It was a version of Haneiros Halalu that Izzy had never heard before, much to Velvel’s dismay.
“But you seemed to really like it,” IzzyTheysaid.were on the stairs now. Zach clapped Izzy on the shoulder warmly. “Good old Izzy! Not a dishonest bone in your body. No, I didn’t like it at all. But Shulem wanted us to have a good time, so I let him think I did. He gets to go home with a smile. Nothing wrong with that, right?”
“The Rebbe Reb Yoisef Baruch com posed that niggun,” he said indignantly. “Your grandfather’s great-grandfather. Don’t they teach you your own mesorah in America?”“I’dliketo learn it now,” Izzy offered, trying to be diplomatic. “Now we daven,” Velvel said firmly.
As they spoke in Polish, Izzy had no idea what they were saying, but the tone indicated that it was just regular chitchat, the kind that takes place around similar tables at every shul in the world. Shulem greased the conversational en gine with generous cups of Slivovitz (even for the sole teenager in the room). Finally, with an almost ritual gesture, he gave a large cup to Izzy and smiled.
“I think it’s… great,” Izzy said, shak ing his head in amazement. Every time he thought he had his cousin figured out, Zach managed to surprise him again. “You’re quite a multifaceted guy, Zach…”“I’m a politician,” Zach reminded him. He fished the car keys from his pocket and stared at them before toss ing them over to Izzy with a boyish grin. “Think you’d better drive us home.”
Fifteen minutes later, one of the two twenty-somethings brought out a tray with some food. It wasn’t much: a bit of cake, some herring and crackers. Or ange juice and a bottle of Slivovitz. Still, the locals crowded happily around.
“That was kinda low-key for a Cha nukah celebration, no?” Zach asked the next day. They were headed back to City Hall.Izzy grunted. “Different places have different customs,” he said noncom mittally.“Sowhat about this song of yours?” Zach asked. His eyes twinkled. “You gonna turn into some sort of Jewish William Wallace?”
“L’chaim! ” Shulem crowed and took an enormous gulp of the clear liquid. It was clear within moments that this had been a mistake. The thick taste of the plums was overwhelming, the alcohol unmistakable. Izzy had to force himself to swallow, and he gasped as it burned down his throat. Fighting to remain impassive, he risked a glance at Zach.To his surprise, his cousin seemed to be enjoying himself. Izzy scowled as Zach toasted the crowd and drank again, his eyes widening appre ciatively. After several more sips, he smacked his lips and gave a deep sigh of satisfaction. Izzy shrugged. No ac counting for taste. And just like that, the mesibah was over. The young man (Shulem introduced him as Henryk; he didn’t speak enough Yiddish to speak for himself) cleared the food away, the men wished each other a good night, and the shul began to empty.
“What’re you talking about?” Zach asked, taking the first seat he could find. “Of course it’s about indepen dence! The Greeks took Judea, and the Maccabees won independence. What else could Chanukah be about?”
Izzy frowned. “I know people think that, but it’s not true.” He glanced down at the number in his hand. “124. We won’t have to wait too long. Look, I’m not a big expert on Jewish history. You can ask Chaim Simcha for the details, I guess. But as far as I understand, we never really became completely inde pendent. When we did finally get rid ZACH CLAPPED IZZY ON THE SHOULDER WARMLY. “GOOD OLD IZZY! NOT A DISHONEST BONE IN YOUR BODY.”
77 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
Izzy’s brows furrowed. “Who?”
* * * * *
“I didn’t,” Zach said simply. He led the way to the door, bracing himself as a gust of wind sliced into the room. “I’m a wine man, myself. And if I want some thing stronger, it’s usually scotch.”
“Yeah, but… I spent a lot of money on this,” Lenny said, trying to regain his bal ance. “I was just wondering if there was any way I could be, uh, reimbursed for my trouble…”Therewas a long pause. “You want me to pay you for not lying?”
“You’ll go withdraw your claim tomorrow, yes? That should clear everything up. Please let me know when that’s done so we can move things along.”
78 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
“Right, ah, yeah. So I just go over there and apologize.”
“My brother went to City Hall. He told them we’d spoken to you, that this whole thing was just a big mistake. He said you’d be withdrawing your claim. It’s all worked out, so you shouldn’t have any trouble. Just go in and do your part. You can say you didn’t realize we’d present a better claim to the manuscript. That’s true, after all. You didn’t think we would present any claim; you thought we wouldn’t show up. But you can make it sound however you want. You’ll be safe, and the manuscript will go to the rightful heir.”
“That’s our turn,” Izzy interrupted. “Come on. Let’s get this over with.” * * * * *
That“Exactly.”would get him off the hook with the Poles. But the truth was, he was more afraid of Julia than the Polish police. He needed a way to get that money back to She va’s dowry fund. He took a deep breath. “Okay. But, listen: I did all this because I thought that oth erwise, the government would keep the manuscript. It was the only way to keep the sefer in the hands of Yidden. You know?”
“It’s fine, Lenny. You don’t need to apologize to me. The ikar is that you’re fixing things now. What your cheshbon was isn’t my business.”
An arm reached around him to grab a bottle of fabric softener and knocked him sideways.“
Lenny hung his head. “Never mind.”
Lenny snatched a candy bar and threw it on top of the tuna cans.
Reselling High End Evening Wear Mother of Bride Sister of Bride Tenoyim Dresses Sheva Brochos Accepting dresses & gowns in mint condition at our boutique. Designer"SellingGownsatgreatprices!" Visit us at: 84 Hewes St. Ground Level For hours please call: 347.292.1470 of the Greeks, it was only because we fell into the hands of the Romans. Israel was never really independent in the political sense. Plus, the actual Chanukah celebra tion, the day we commemorate, took place about three years into a war that lasted for decades.”“Thatdoesn’t make sense,” Zach protested. “Everyone knows that —”
“Yeah,” he said. “Of course…” TO BE CONTINUED...
Wybaczcie mi,” the arm muttered.
“Lenny, this is Chaim Simcha.” Lenny held the cell phone in the crook of his neck and continued pushing his shopping cart. He couldn’t afford restaurants for every meal, so he’d been living on whatever he could find with a hechsher he recognized. It wasn’t much, but it kept him going.“Hey, Rabbi!” he said, trying to sound cheerful. “How’s it going?”
Lenny grabbed a can of corn off a shelf and tossed it in his cart. It fell next to a can of imported peanut butter, some vegetables and tuna fish, and a few more cans of the instant soup pasta that had been his main staple. He had already found a kosher bakery and bought a loaf of bread, so this would get him through the next few days. All he needed now was something to drink. He sighed inwardly. At least Julia couldn’t accuse him of living it up without her, he thought bitterly. No matter what she thought, he was doing this for both of them. Not that she was accusing him of anything at the moment. She hadn’t spoken to him since he left.


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As for Sebastian, he had ambitions. He had trained in the conduct of commerce in the employ of Giscard Du valier, and he would now have the opportunity to inte grate himself into the network of Jewish merchants and bankers. Once he would recover his father’s properties, he would invest the proceeds and amass such a great fortune that the family would once again be able to live in princely style, only this time they would be Jewish princes.They left on a Sunday morning so that, despite the uncertainties of the road, they would be reasonably as sured of reaching Metz before the following Shabbos.
Recap: The royal couple is extremely pleased with Rav Strasbourg’s response to their query on the Talmud. They advise the Dominguez family to settle in Metz and ensure they are made comfortable there. Dona Angelica and her family settle there some time later.
84 The Boro Park View
* * * * *
Helga packed all the belongings of the family onto a cart and sat herself down among the packages to make sure they were not stolen while in transport. She snapped an order to the driver, and the cart rumbled off.
The family arrived in Metz on Friday afternoon. They rode through the busy streets of the Jewish quar ter where Shabbos was approaching with frenetic ac tivity. Matrons, followed by children or maids carrying baskets, examined the wide variety of produce on dis play. In front of the synagogue — a large stone structure with a broad elevated courtyard — peddlers were selling books and religious articles. Men in the colorful garb and plumed hats of the Portuguese Nation, as the former conversos from the Iberian Peninsula were known, ges ticulated extravagantly as they conversed with German
A short while later, Gonzalo came by to see them off. He seemed happy and content with his new life in France, but he would forever be bound heart and soul to the Dominguez family. He embraced Sebastian and Feli pe and assured Dona Angelica that she could always call on him. And then it was time to go.
t was a time of great joy and hope for the family.
The family got into the carriage Giscard Duvalier had provided to take them to their new home in Metz. The driver cracked his whip over the heads of the horses, and the carriage rolled away.
For nearly two years, they had been suspended be tween two worlds, outsiders to the world of their birth without having achieved entry into the world of their faith and ancestry. Their lives had been in dan ger and their future clouded. But now, at last, they were going home; not to a home they had ever known, but to a home about which they had dreamed and for which they had yearned for years, a home in which they could live their lives as they chose, a home in which they could be themselves.DonaAngelica
would once again become a lady with social standing, a mother who could concentrate on finding suitable matches for her children. Carolina would find good friends and, with the help of Heaven, a husband; her free spirit would finally find expression in an environment of safety and support. Felipe would pur sue his Torah studies and his intellectual development.

“I’m not very good at Hebrew,” he whispered to the Rabbi, “and I don’t know my way around the prayer book. Maybe it would be better if I sat more toward theTheback.”Rabbi smiled. “You are our honored guest, and you must sit here this Shabbos. Afterward, we will find you a suitable place in the synagogue. For BEFORE THEY HAD STEPPED OUT OF THE CARRIAGE FOR THE FIRST TIME, THEY WERE ALREADY ENCOUNTERING THE SINGULAR EXPERIENCE OF SHABBOS.
Jews of more modest attire and demeanor. There was excitement in the air, a sense of anticipation unfamiliar to the Dominguez family. In Spain, the observance of Shabbos had been an impor tant and venerated ritual for the family, but they had not had any contact with other secret Jews. They had lit candles on Friday night in the privacy of their chambers and recited a few psalms. For the rest of the Shabbos, although they had tried to limit themselves to leisurely activities, they had behaved as if nothing was essentially different. In Paris, their observance had not been limited by fear but by ignorance, and by their isolation from the community of other Jews. In Metz, however, even before they had stepped out of the carriage for the first time, they were already encountering the singular experience of Shabbos.Thecommunity had provided a house for the Dominguez family in the neighborhood where the Portuguese population of the city was concentrated; it was no more than a five-minute walk from the shul. The representation of the Portuguese Nation in Metz was relatively minor, certainly when compared to the Portuguese communities of Amsterdam and Hamburg, but it was just enough to make the Dominguez family comfortable during this period when they had to remain close to the royal palace in Paris. There was no Portuguese synagogue or rabbi, and all the Jews originating from the Iberian Peninsula prayed together with the German Jews; those who were more learned prayed on their own according to the Sefardic custom, while the others just followed the Ashkenazic custom of the rest of the congregation. The family’s belongings had arrived a day earlier, and Helga had managed to unpack before they arrived. As the exhausted travelers entered their new home in Metz, they were greeted by the blended aromas of Shabbos cooking. Miriam Strasbourg, Reb Mendel’s wife, was bustling about the kitchen, mak ing sure everything was exactly as it should be. The arrival of the Dominguez family was a sensation in Metz, and the kitchen table was covered from end to end with cakes, kugels and savory dishes, each with a little note attached iden tifying the person who had sent it.
The family had just managed to wash off the dust of the road and change into fresh clothing when darkness began to fall. Dona Angelica lit the candles a little early. She covered her eyes and offered up silent prayers until her emo tions overflowed and she had to stop before she broke down in tears. In the meantime, Reb Mendel came by and escorted the men to the shul. Sebastian and Felipe were welcomed as celebrities. Everyone had heard about the fabulous Don Pedro and his heroic demise in Madrid and about Se bastian’s hair-raising escape from the clutches of the Inquisition. The Portu guese Jews crowded around them and embraced them, and the German Jews solemnly shook their hands. The Rabbi invited them to sit next to him on the East Wall. Felipe was al ready quite proficient in Hebrew, but Sebastian could hardly read.

* * * * *
86 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
now, Rabbi Strasbourg will sit next to you and show you what is being said, when to stand and when to bow down. You can say what you like. You need not be embarrassed. Everyone knows your story, and besides, you will be far from the first secret Jew who has come here without being fluent in the holy tongue. Do not be concerned, my young friend. Just sit back, and enjoy yourself.”
As they acclimated themselves to Jewish life, much of the family’s time was still occupied by meetings with Giscard Duvalier, visits to various government offices, and endless meetings with attorneys and financial agents. But at the same time, there were also community functions and social affairs. There was a thoroughly enjoyable Pesach spent in the home of the Rabbi with many members of the commu nity coming to visit throughout the festival. There was ge nial company, stimulating conversation and camaraderie.
FULL LINE OF SKIRTS IN STOCK Skirt New Arrivals MONARCH MATERNITY 22 FW22 FW22 FW22 EXCLUSIVE C OLLECTION 1402 43rd Street (718) 304-2234 Mon-Tue 11:30-5:30 Wed-Thu 11:30-2:30 MOM2B Down Jacket Collection Coming Soon!
And enjoy himself he did. The shul was ablaze with light, and the walls reverberated with the grand liturgy and the songs welcoming the Shabbos Queen. Unlike the churches of his experience in which the responses had a mechanical and regimented decorum, the responses in the shul were bursting with passion and individuality yet united in an in tegrated, harmonious cry of love for the A-mighty. Here the community highlighted the special qualities of the individ ual and helped him form a relationship with the Creator in the greater context of His covenant with the Jewish people. Sebastian felt confident that in this place he would find the expression of his personal Jewish identity.
During the next few months, the Dominguez family finally began to develop a Jewish life in an atmosphere of relative normalcy, a Jewish life that could then be trans ported with them to any community they chose as their permanent residence. One of the first things the Rabbi did for them was assign them Hebrew names. Angelica became Abigail and Carolina became Rachel, both according to the Sefardic pronunciation. Sebastian became Shimon and Fe lipe became Pinhas. He also assigned a name to Don Pedro posthumously: Akiva, after the great sage who gave his life to sanctify the Name of the A-mighty. Except for the recita tion of their names during the Torah reading, however, the family continued to use the old names, as did many of the Portuguese Jews.
Above all, there was the pervasive presence of the Torah in every aspect of Jewish life, something the Dominguez family had never seen and could never have imagined. Ev ery little step of daily life, from the first waking moment,

88 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
As for Felipe, it was becoming increasingly clear that he was in tent on becoming a rabbi, both for his own intellectual and spiritual edification and because of his de sire to help other Jews who found themselves in similar predica ments. The Portuguese Nation was in desperate need of leaders, and he aspired to be one of them. To be continued…
C UST OM DE S IGNE D ALBUMS FOR ALL OCCASIONS was somehow connected to the performance of a mitzvah or the reinforcement of a Torah concept. Every milestone — be it a wedding, bar mitzvah, bris, funeral, dedica tion of a building or any other fam ily or community function — was commemorated by a Torah thought appropriate to the occasion or to the weekly Torah portion, usually both.
The thought, which was almost al ways inspirational, was delivered by the Rabbi or by one of the lay people. Often it was also entertain ing and sometimes it was techni cal, but the Dominguez family did not mind. The very idea of having the entire community involved in a scholarly understanding of the Torah on one level or another was incredibly exhilarating. In the meantime, life was pro gressing. Dona Angelica was gain ing a wide circle of friends and ad mirers, and she was in her element. Her children were also doing well.
Carolina was taking her time to de cide, even though she knew she did not have much time to spare before they would begin offering her wid owers and divorced men.
Carolina continued to tutor chil dren in Spanish and French. She was already twenty-four years old, and most of the women her age were married. But this did not de ter her from forming solid friend ships with them and helping them with their young children. A few good matches were suggested de spite her relatively advanced age, by which most young women were long married. Her radiant personal qualities, as well as the prospect of a generous dowry once Don Pedro’s properties were recovered, provid ed ample motivation for the match makers of Metz and Hamburg.

Every Monday & Wednesday till 1O:00pm 1302 37 ST. / 718.400.8869 SUN. TUE. THURS. 11:30AM-7:30PM • MON. WED. 11:30AM-10:00PM shop to be cool!ENJOY FREE ICE CREAM AT THE ICE CREAM HOUSE With purchase of $150+ BORO PARKS BIGGEST UNIFORM SHOP

48 העש החפשמרעצנאג רעדראפןכות3 עכיירסטלאהניאסעבאגסיוא :ןיוש טפור ,טייהנגעלעג יד טשינ טסאפראפ 718.305.5863 ext.

X ןבייה עגידנעמוקןעסאלקןאךיזה“יאןמזלולא עסיורג <רעשטינרופןרעמוצעגיטכעלסאלקעיינ> סנעיריפסקעעשימייה!סרעשטיט ןענעז סאוו רעדניק ראפ םארגארפ ס"רעשטואוו ןפיוא ראי 2 ןופ גנאגראי יד ראפ טלא ראי 3 זיב 718-431-2991x102 :טפור עטיב ןביירשוצנייא ךיז!הכז םדוקה לכו ,טצינערגאב ןענעז רעצעלפ Door to Door BusTransportation ‚נ‡לר‡פ עסיור‚ י„ בילוˆ טˆעי רימ ןענעפעס‡ל˜ רע˘טו‡וו עט'4 רעזנו‡ ‰כז ם„ו˜‰ לכו X ןבייה עגידנעמוקןעסאלקןאךיזה“יאןמזלולא ראי 2 !הכז םדוקה לכו ,טצינערגאב Door to Door BusTransportation ‚נ‡לר‡פ עסיור‚ י„ בילוˆ טˆעי רימ ןענעפעס‡ל˜ רע˘טו‡וו עט'4 ‰כז ם„ו˜‰ לכו
החפשמרעצנאג רעדראפןכות3 .סיואגנוע"עכיירסטלאהניאסעבאגסיוארעייאטמוקאברעדוצלקעפ"תבשךאווןייאךאוו,ריט!םניחב טביירקסבוס!טנייהךייא 48 העש :ןיוש טפור ,טייהנגעלעג יד טשינ טסאפראפ 718.305.5863 ext.

Arrange a party Spark a yeshuah NEIGHBORS NEIGHBORS Gather with your AND BRING HOPE to our brethren in need of a to someone close to you in need of a MIKVAHYESHUAH COUNRTY!WE'REINTHE CALLTODAY!US

SHEETSUPREMECAKES Yom Tov — especially Sukkos — goes hand-in-hand with sheet cake squares. There’s something inimitable about a magnificent tray of cake squares labored over lovingly and presented proudly in the sukkah. SPONSOREDTABLECLOTHSBY TABLECLOTHS.PARLOR CHECK OUT THEIR EXTENSIVE GIFTAVAILABLECOLLECTIONATALLFINEANDLINENSTORES. 95The Boro Park View

SQUARESMOCHACCINOTRIPLE 96 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

1¾ cups WonderMills flour
6. Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixing bowl, alternat ing between the wet and the dry.
7. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
8. Bake the cake for 25 minutes, until the center is set.
2. Line a cookie sheet with parch ment paper.
1¼ cups sugar 2 T. vanilla sugar ½ cup water 1 lb. baking chocolate 4 tsp. coffee granules
5. Freeze the cake for two days before cutting it with a sharp knife.
3. Cream together the eggs and margarine with the mixer on high speed.
6. Pour the meringue onto the prepared cookie sheet.
Note: Meringue cakes are very delicate and need to be cut carefully. For best results, freeze the cake for two days, defrost it slightly, and then cut it into squares with a high-quality serrated knife.
Dressed up or kept classic, cake squares are a Sukkos favorite. This cake is a crowd-pleaser with its nut-free cake and meringue.
5. In another bowl, combine the dry ingredients.
DIRECTIONS 1. Place the sugars and water in a double boiler. Heat until the sugar has dissolved.
4. Add the sugar, and continue beating until the peaks are stiff.
1¾ cups sugar ½ cup cornstarch
3. Beat the eggs with the sugar using the whisk attachment.
1. Preheat the oven to 250°.
2. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
4. Keeping the mixer running, add the chocolate mixture and the liqueur. Beat until smooth.
TO ASSEMBLE 1. Freeze the cake and meringue for an hour or two until they’re firm.
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
3. Beat the egg whites with the salt until soft peaks form.
2. Add the baking chocolate and coffee, mix together until the chocolate has melted, and then remove this from the heat.
2 T. coffee granules
BROWNIE BASE 6 eggs 1¾ cups sugar ½ cup oil ½ cup prepared coffee, cooled
7 egg whites Pinch of salt
3 T. cocoa 1 T. vanilla sugar 1¼ tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. baking soda
3. Carefully invert the meringue over the cream. 4. Remove the parchment paper, then spread a layer of cream over the meringue. You will have some extra cream. (You should have the following layers at this point: brownie cake, mocha cream, me ringue, mocha cream.)
4. Combine the oil and coffee in one bowl.
5. Slowly add the cornstarch and coffee, and beat until combined.
2. Spread about half of the cream (at room temperature) over the brownie layer.
97 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
7. Pour the batter onto the prepared cookie sheet.
7 egg yolks 1 egg 4 sticks margarine 2 T. dark chocolate liqueur

DEEP, DARK HALVA SUPREMECAKE CAKE TRAY AND SPONSOREDBUTTERFLIESBY THANKQ | 845-425-9100 99 ROUTE 59, MONSEY 98 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

CAKE (LAYER 4) Carefully place the second cake on top of the whip.
2. Spread this over the chocolate ganache.
2. Spread this over the mousse.
7. Spread this mousse over the cake.
1. Dissolve ¼ cup sugar in the boiling water. Set this aside.
3. In a mixer, beat the whip topping until stiff peaks form.
WHIP (LAYER 6) 10 oz. whip topping
7 eggs 7 T. sugar 4 T. flourWonderMills 3 T. cocoa GANACHE (LAYER 2) 15 oz. Noblesse chocolate (dark Schmerling chocolate) 10 oz. whip topping WHIP (LAYER 3) 10 oz. whip topping MOUSSE (LAYER 5) ½ cup sugar, divided ½ cup boiling water 12 oz. Noblesse chocolate 16 oz. whip topping 1 tsp. vanilla extract
2. Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. 3. Slowly add the sugar, and beat until the peaks are stiff.
5. Pour the batter onto a lined cookie sheet, and bake it for 16 to 18 minutes.
2. Spread this ganache over one of the frozen cakes.
HALVA (LAYER 7) 10 oz. good-quality halva
6. Freeze the cakes until they’re firm.
A new spin on a traditional favorite, this cake has all the smooth, rich luxuriousness you can possibly hope to find in a beautiful square of layered cake.
4. Add ¼ cup sugar and the vanilla extract. Then add the dissolved sugar, mixing gently until just combined.
5. Add about one cup of the whip mixture to the melted chocolate, and mix until combined. Add another cup of whip mixture to lighten the chocolate, and mix again.
1 AND 4) 1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, mixing occasionally, until it’s smooth.
1. Beat the whip topping until it’s stiff.
CAKE (LAYERS 1 AND 4) (Double this recipe, as each batch makes one layer.)
1. In a double boiler, melt the chocolate with the whip.
4. Gently fold in the yolks, flour and cocoa, and mix until just combined.
99 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
HALVA (LAYER 7) Crumble the halva, and sprinkle it evenly over the cake. WHEN ASSEMBLED Freeze the cake, and cut it into squares.
1. Beat the whip topping until it’s stiff.
6. Fold this chocolate mixture into the whip mixture, mixing gently until just combined.

CAKELEMONLAYERED 100 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

Six layers of light, creamy, dreamy goodness.
TOPPING 8 oz. whip topping ½ (3.5 oz.) package instant vanilla pudding
101 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
4. Transfer the curd to a container, and cover the surface with a plas tic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. The lemon curd will thicken as it cools. Cool for at least 2 hours before using.
3. Fold in the beaten yolks. Add the oil, juices, baking powder, vanilla sugar and flour, and mix gently. Make sure not to overmix so the bat ter stays stiff.
LEMON CURD 5 egg yolks 1 cup sugar ½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 1½ sticks margarine CREAM 16 oz. whip topping 1 (3.5 oz.) package instant vanilla pudding
6. While the cakes cool, prepare the lemon curd.
3. Turn over the other cake and place it on the lemon curd. Freeze.
4. Spread the whipped topping over the cake.
3. Remove the pot from the heat. Add the cold cubed margarine, and mix until it’s melted.
CAKE 10 egg whites 1½ cups sugar 5 egg yolks, beaten ½ cup oil 2 T. orange juice 2 T. lemon juice 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. vanilla sugar 1½ cups flour
1. Spread half the whipped cream over each of the two cakes. Freeze.
4. Divide the mixture evenly, and spread it onto two lined cookie sheets. 5. Bake the cakes for 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
2. Add the vanilla pudding gradually, beating just until combined.
TO ASSEMBLE The layers are: cake, cream, lemon curd, cream, cake, topping.
5. Freeze until solid.
2. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Gradually add the sugar.
2. Add the lemon juice gradually, whisking constantly until the mixture thickens and starts to bubble, for approximately 15 to 20 min utes. Be patient; keep mixing over a low flame to prevent the eggs from scrambling and turning lumpy.
Note: This cake slices best when it’s fully frozen. Use a double-edged knife for best results
1. Beat the whip topping until it’s stiff.
2. Spread the lemon curd over one cake. Freeze.
1. Beat the egg yolks with a wire whisk in a pot over low heat. Add the sugar, and whisk until the mixture is lighter in color.
Mrs. Esti Margulies is available to answer any of your questions. 347.243.0074 Nefesh High School | 2005 East 17th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229 | 718.339.9880 • N e fesh h i g h scho o l • theschool that’s more ryone shouldswim You CAN Have a Great Year! Building on 30 years of experience, Nefesh is now geared towards Bais Yaakov students who wish they felt more at home and accepted. Attend a school where our mission is aligned with yours; helping girls become who they really want to be. Nefesh High School is the warm Torah environment with top quality education, where you can fit in. You CAN be happy in school!

Labor Day SALE A&MA&MAPPLIANCESAPPLIANCESREFRIGERATORS DISHWASHERS MICROWAVES&MORE STOVES Frigidaire 20.5 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer Refrigerator SALE PRICE $719.99 GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator (Interior water dispenser) Enhanced Shabbos Mode (optional) Regular Price $1,879.99 SALE PRICE $1,469.99 Frigidaire 25.6 Cu. Ft. 36" Side by Side Refrigerator Regular Price $1,349.99 SALE PRICE $1,019.99 GE® 30" Free-Standing Gas Convection Range with No Preheat Air Fry Enhanced Shabbos Mode (optional) Regular Price $989.99 SALE PRICE $709.99 Samsung 6.0 cu. ft. Gas Range with 18K BTU Dual Power Burner & Self RegularCleanPrice $849.99 Sale Price $519.99 Maytag Gas Range with Air Fryer Fingerprint Resistant Regular Price $899.99 SALE PRICE $549.99 GE® 30" Slide-In Front-Control Enhanced Shabbos Mode (optional) Self Cleaning & Convection $1039.99 Non Self Cleaning $799.99 GE Profile™ 30" Smart Slide-In Fingerprint Resistant with No Preheat Air Fry Enhanced Shabbos Mode (optional) Regular Price $2,459.99 SALE PRICE $1719.99 Frigidaire 24" Built-In Dishwasher Regular Price $499.99 SALE PRICE $399.99 GE® Dishwasher with Sanitize Cycle & Dry Boost Regular Price $599.99 SALE PRICEGE®$469.99Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Interior Regular Price $829.99 SALE PRICE $669.99 1.6 Cu. Ft. Over-the-RangeMicrowave$239.99GE Profile™ 1.7 Cu. Ft. Convection Over-the-Range Microwave Oven RefrigeratorFrigidaire$469.99Professional19Cu.Ft.Single-Door&FreezersetRegularPrice$6449.99SALEPRICE$4,079.99AFTERREBATE 2016136UprightFrigidaireFreezerCU$404.99CU$649.99CU$719.99CU$869.99 GE® 4.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load ENERGY STAR® Washer with UltraFresh Vent System with OdorBlock™ GE® 7.8 cu. ft. Capacity Smart Front Load Gas Dryer with Sanitize Cycle Regular Price $1,799.99 SALE PRICE $1369.99 (SET) (After Rebate) 5.2 cu. ft. Large Capacity Smart Top Load Washer with Super Speed Wash in White WITH 7.4 cu. ft. Smart Gas Dryer with Steam Sanitize+ in White Regular Price $1629.99 SALE PRICE $899.99 (SET) PURCHASE ANY 4 FULL-SIZE KITCHEN APPLIANCES FOR A $400 REBATE PURCHASE ANY 3 FULL-SIZE KITCHEN APPLIANCES FOR A $300 REBATE PURCHASE ANY 2 FULL-SIZE KITCHEN APPLIANCES FOR A $200 REBATE PURCHASE A FRONT LOAD WASHER & DRYER PAIR FOR A $100 REBATE PURCHASE A TOP LOAD WASHER & DRYER PAIR FOR A $50 REBATE **EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY**MORE!SAVEMOREBUY Discounts LANDLORDSfor CONTRACTORS& FREE DELIVERY In the 5 Boroughs & Lakewood WHILE SUPPLIES LAST WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 103 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

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Teaching is a calling, in its most literal sense. Says the Rebbe Reb Gedalya Moshe MiZhvill: “Every day there is a bas kol that proclaims, ‘Ashreichem shezechus’chem l’hanhig banim shel Makom — Fortunate are those who have the zechus to lead Hashem’s children!’”
a student’s perspective on her teacher, over the course of a lifetime, might look like this: She thinks the teacher lives in school. She grows up a bit and realizes that the teacher has a life, too. She enters the real world and concurs: The teacher indeed lives in school. Because for all that a teacher does for her students, she may as well.
Indeed. There is nothing logical or statistical in the staggering amounts of time and effort, heart and soul that educators pour into every lesson. Every test. Every encounter with a student. Speaking to a select few teachers has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Here is a sampling of those who heed the clarion call of their own souls. Let them share the heart — so much heart! — that is poised behind the desk.

I’m always prepping. There isn’t a place that doesn’t make me think of school. I’ll be at a store and think, “What can I buy for my students?” I think about them 24/7. But hardcore prep on an average night takes an hour and a half. How many subjects do you grade, and how do you streamline the process? I believe in written Chu mash quizzes, so I suffer the consequences. Since I’m “allergic” to piles of papers, I do my marking before I begin new preparations. To make marking easier for myself with tests, quiz zes and essays, I request that students use black or blue ink only. Since I teach several subjects, there’s something to be marked every day. What’s one thing you never leave for school without?
If you would have been a teacher first, would you have done anything differently as a student?
How many prep hours do you clock daily?
108 The Boro Park View
What’s a moment that made you melt and say, “This is why I teach”? When students tell me that they remembered something we’d learned — outside of school. They re call what we learned about Shabbos at their Shabbos table. They davened on Shabbos or during vacation. Sometimes my students remember a thought I shared and repeat it to their parents or grandpar ents, and that makes them so proud. Moments like these make me feel that my students internalized my lessons beyond their notes.
I would’ve appreciated every sheet, every ques tion and every example for the amount of effort that went into it. I would’ve appreciated all the extras a teacher did, even if she attended a wedding a night before and was tired. Girls sometimes ask their teachers if they can throw away a sheet. That’s almost akin to asking your mother if you can throw out your supper!
Mrs. Rivky Sander* has been teaching math, history and science to sixth and seventh graders for seven years, adding Hebrew subjects to grade six in the past two years.
What’s one thing you do for your students that they don’t know about? They would never, ever know how much I think about them, to the point of nearly dreaming about them! They wouldn’t fathom how much I daven for them and how much time I spend thinking of ways to make things better for them. What’s your biggest teaching fear? That the girls will misinterpret my words and get hurt by what I do or say. When a student needs to be disciplined publicly, there’s a very fine balance of putting her in her place without causing her embarrassment.
A tefillah for success. I need it; I deal with people with feelings! It’s what carries me through my day. What’s one thing you do before each year to prepare for the new class of students? I always prepare according to what I know about the upcoming class, and what they need as a whole. Are they strong, studious, weak? Do they ask lots of questions? I try to tailor my prep to make sure I’ll teach each class in the most suitable way.

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I grade one paper for each of two classes most weeks. My hack? Stress about it until it’s done! What’s one thing you never leave for school without?
If you would have been a teacher first, would you have done anything differently as a student?
110 The Boro Park View
A comb and a prayer. What’s one thing you do before each year to prepare for the new class of students?
I think about them. Lots, and fondly. Yes, I teach one subject, but teaching is a calling and students are yours What’s your biggest teaching fear?
With a first-year curriculum, I’d say an hour and a half daily. How many subjects do you grade, and how do you streamline the process?
Absolutely; I would never eat in class! I had no idea how comical it looks from up front, that delicate balancing act of trying to give a discreet swallow when the teacher’s looking the other way. Or not.
I look at a class picture and review the names, trying, somehow, to get to know the girls. What’s one thing you do for your students that they don’t know about?
What’s a moment that made you melt and say, “This is why I teach”? It’s a time of year, really: when my stu dents start getting the hang of critical think ing and their answers reflect that. It’s a pity they can’t be a fly on my dining room wall when I mark their papers and cry out in glee.
Mrs. Tzippy Rosen* is preparing for her second year of teaching English to ninth graders.Howmanyprep hours do you clock daily?
That a student feels misunderstood in the way I answered, handled or disciplined her. I care so much about my students that it’s terrifying to think that they may be misin terpreting my intentions.

What’s one thing you do for your students that they don’t know about? I daven for them. If you would have been a teacher first, would you have done anything differently as a student?
111 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
What’s one thing you never leave for school without?
I have a morning job before teaching, so my day starts with making sure I have supplies for any experiments I’ll try or any extracurricular activities there’ll be in the classroom. What’s one thing you do before each year to prepare for the new class of students? I run through my curriculum to check for things I want to change. The first year I taught, it was hard for me to compliment my students often because I took a tough er stance at the beginning of the year. Loosening up felt awkward. I took note to start earlier the next year.
Miss Shiffy Kahn* is entering her third year of teaching fifth graders and is “the most enthusiastic, devoted teacher around,” according to one raving mother. How many prep hours do you clock daily?
I give a weekly spelling test, a math quiz every two and a half weeks, and history, science and grammar tests once or twice a year. I always mark on the day the test was taken; if I leave it for later, I lose my drive. And I’m always eager to see how everyone did, so I usually start right when I come home.
In general, this takes place whenever I actually see my students applying the lessons I teach them. Students change so much throughout the year, and I know how hard they work and try to please. An example: As part of our character perfection program, I prepared questions for the girls, one of which was, “What does Miss Kahn expect from me at all times?” And because I’d stressed on it during the year, my students all called out, “Respect and positivity!” The various character traits we worked on throughout the year had a noticeable impact on the girls, which meant the world to me.
Around two hours. How many subjects do you grade, and how do you streamline the process?
We have the human touch but are more efficient.
I would appreciate and thank my teachers more; I’d fargin them my feedback and gratitude. What’s a moment that made you melt and say, “This is why I teach”?

Mrs. Batsheva Feiner* has taught grades five to post-high and everything in between, with a heavy emphasis on high school, in her 20+ years as an educator. A run-of-the-mill year would find her teaching eight classes.
If it’s something new, there are three to four hours of prep behind every period in class. I re-prepare a lot, too, but that takes less time. I do background reading and edits on my sheets, because I believe that if the material is not fresh to me, it’s not fresh to my students. Over the summer, I read new books on the subjects I teach so I can come in with chiyus, excited to teach the topic.
How many prep hours do you clock daily?
I know that I can’t fully understand what these girls have to battle — things that we once took for granted. Every girl who’s doing the right thing is overcoming something huge. These girls need our tefillos
Is there anything you’ve tried once and never again as a teacher?
What’s one thing you do before each year to prepare for the new class of students?
I try to familiarize myself with my students’ names so I feel like I know them when I start the year. What’s one thing you do for your students that they don’t know about?
If you would have been a teacher first, would you have done anything differently as a student?
112 The Boro Park View
My tests are given twice per term per class. They’re very thorough yet very short, because most answers involve the girls choosing a letter or word. These sort of answers make grading a whole lot easier for me.
How many subjects do you grade, and how do you streamline the process?
What’s one thing you never leave for school without?
I daven for them. Girls today go through nisyonos
I could walk into a classroom with every notebook, paper and necessary supplies, and my lesson could fall completely flat. Or I could walk into a classroom virtually empty-handed, pushed in as a last-minute sub, and be granted a success I could not have imag ined. So I’ve realized that what is most necessary when walking into a classroom is a heaping dose of humility, recognition of Who is really in control, and a tefillah in my heart for siyata d’Shmaya
There are two parts to this: I give quizzes and tests. Now, eight classes worth of quizzes translates into hours and hours of grading, but I never wanted to hire someone to grade for me. I feel that this is the way that I get to know the girls. And there’s no way out of quiz zing either, because I want the girls to retain the in formation and be ready for class. So I try to keep the quizzes really short.
Well, there are topics I taught and specific assign ments I gave that I don’t teach and assign anymore be cause they didn’t work out. Teaching involves learning from your mistakes, and staying flexible, even midlesson, when you realize that what you planned isn’t going to fly in the mood of the room you walked into.
Yes, and this is something I’ve learned from my students: I would have thanked my teachers so much more. When we’re young we don’t realize that teach ers are human, and that it’s hard work to be a teacher.

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114 The Boro Park View
There are many times when I expound on a sub ject, talking and talking and talking, and all of a sud den a student will go, “Ahhhh!” And her whole face lights up because she really, deeply, got the concept. But more than teaching material, a teacher teach es Yiddishe neshamos. When I see how the words I say impact the girls’ worldview and help them become better people, this makes me realize what a powerful job I have and how much responsibility I bear.
Testing takes place twice a week through out the year, with heavier testing before report cards. This includes every aspect of a girl’s prog ress. Plus there are also the girls’ compositions to mark.Imake sure the girls get their Monday and Wednesday tests back a week later, and I organize my schedule to accommodate that smoothly. What’s one thing you always take with you to the classroom?
It was a very concrete recognition of the truth that devarim hayotzim min halev nichnasim el halev — words that come from the heart, enter another person’s heart.Italso gives me tremendous satisfaction when, af ter having a hard time connecting to a student at the beginning of the year, we end off with understand ing, respect and appreciation for each other. That means real change took place in the classroom.
My students are better at this than I was. What’s a moment that made you melt and say, “This is why I teach”?
Excitement. Teaching this age requires a lot of enthusiasm for each subject.
Since this is my second year teaching the same grade, I have less to prepare work-wise, but I do need to review for my own clarity. I work on stencils, visual aids and activities, and I thinkprep a lot. I would estimate it at an average of two hours per day. How many subjects do you grade, and how do you streamline the process?
Mrs. Simi Friedman* is preparing for her second year of teaching second graders. Prep for teaching this age gets very technical, she says — but the mental planning takes all day. How many prep hours do you clock daily?
One incident that comes to mind is when I was telling a powerful story and there were chills run ning up and down my spine as I was giving it over. Right then, one girl exclaimed, “Oooh, chills!”

Why not go online? It’s kosher. It’s geshmak. And it saves you lots of time and energy. www.clickshadchan.com718.750.CLICK (2542) whitelistedmembershipsinfo@clickshadchan.comEnjoythebenefitsofalargedatabase,taskmanagementandeasycommunicationWithoutowningacomputer.Optionsforpaidkioskandtabletsavailable.Clickshadchanistailormadeforourheimishecommunity,behaskamasharabbanim. Why not go online? It’s kosher. It’s Andgeshmak.itsavesyou lots of time and Enjoyenergy.the benefits of a large database, task management and easy communication — Without owning a computer. Options for paid kiosk memberships and whitelisted tablets available. Clickshadchan is tailor made for our heimishe community, behaskamas harabbanim. ןכות לע יתרבעש אתידהס רקיב הזב יננהו יחוקופ תחת דמוע ל" נה לעפמהו רבדה לודג עיסו בר רזעל 'יהי ד " סבו האלמה אלש ר " היו הרוסמה ינדא לעו הרותה ךרדב ' ה ץפחש הלפת ינאו ו " ח י " חתמ לושכמ אצי בר וארי םעייסמהו םינקסעה לכו חילצי ודיב ינב יתבב תוחמש הברתיו ,החמשו תחנ לארשי BACKSCHOOLTO Bais Tziporah Knit Bais Shifra • Bobov-45 115 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

116 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
I think I never would have spoken in class. I also would’ve considered the teacher as more of a normal person; it bothers me when my students think that I come from a different planet! I sometimes challenge that thinking by sharing personal stories with my students so they can relate to me better.
What’s one thing you do each year to prepare for the new class of students?
What’s a moment that made you melt and say, “This is why I teach”?
As classrooms across the community once again welcome crowds of students for a fresh, new start, may the dedication of those who committed to this lofty calling be felt in a whole new way.
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I carry them with me all the time. Every so often, I go through each of the girls in my mind, making sure she’s succeeding and up to par, and checking if someone needs extra care. How much time and how many consultants does your first day outfit take?
One of my lessons tied shmiras halashon into the parsha in an unplanned, spur-of-themoment way. During recess, when I had long forgotten that twist, one student came over to me crying, in a panic. She was worried that she might have spoken lashon hara. This was a powerful girl, one I’d never dreamed would internalize the lesson and care so much. I was astounded at how my lesson hit home where I’d least expected it.
What’s one thing you do for your students that they don’t know about?
It takes thought! I need to make sure it’s suitable and teacherish enough — a formal outfit that will arouse respect but at the same time be kid-friendly. I look for that perfect bal ance of black and color, not too somber yet not too sporty and casual. If you would have been a teacher first, would you have done anything differently as a student?
I love getting to know the girls on a deep er level right at the beginning. I hand out a questionnaire so they can share things about themselves and what they like to do.

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Main office: 2338 - 60 st. Brooklyn N. Y. 11204T: 718.972.1515 | F: 646.968.8484 עיצארטסיגער ירעסונ ירפ ןוא ירעסונ ראפ !גנואווש ןל+ופ ןיא דניצא זיא הרות דומל_ת רזעיל_א תשודק א"טילשעיל_אקסר"ומדאןרמק"כתואישנב ןפאירעסונירעסרונירפןואטצעיןיושה"בזיא ךיוא יוזא גאטנוז עדעי רעדניק ערעייז ןבירשעגנייא ןיוש ןבאה עכלעוו 'יחיש ןרעטלע עבושח ןופ עגארפכענ עסיורג יד ךאנ זא ןייז עידומ רימ ןליוו ,ףעטס ענעבעגרעביא ענעפורעגסיוא ריא טימ ,הרות דומלת רעזנוא ןיא !הצוחנ העדומ ןסאלק ערענעלק ךוניח רעשידיסח טראדנאטס רעכעה א ראפ טלעטש רדח עילאקס ,רעדנוזאב דימלת ןדעי ראפ טייקמאזקרעמפיוא עלעודיווידניא ןוא ךיז ןריפ רעכלעוו רעביטש עגיד'הרות עשידיסח ןופ רעדניק ראפ גיסאפ זיא דסומ רעזנוא .הרות תעד יפ לע אלש עיגאלאנכעט ןופ תורזנתה רעכילצנעג א טימ לארשי ילודג תארוה יפ לע טצעי טייצ יד זיא עיצאקילפארעייאןבעגוצניירא!גנירגןואלענשןייגלאזסעזא םידימלת עיינ ןא ןעמענ רימ :סיפא יד טימ ךייא 718.972.1515טדניבראפ ןסאלק עלא ה"יא ןגאפנא ךיז ןלעוו ירפוצ רעגייזא 9:00 )גאטיירפ - גאטנאמ( עיצאטראפסנארט יבר סאב עיירטעג א ךרוד טיילגאב .סרעוויירד עשימייה טימ ,ריט וצ ריט ןופ Talmud Torah Kedushas Eliezer Skolye


Endless lines of busy mothers waiting with their kids at school supply stores, shoe stores and uniform stores is what spells September for many people. Because a kid can’t learn without his pencils, wide-ruled loose-leaf paper and uncomfortable new loafers… Or can he? by: CHAYA BLUSTEIN

124 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
If you were a schoolgirl in the 1800s, chances are you didn’t need to bring a briefcase full of papers to school. Instead, every student got a slate pencil and a slate board, which looked a little bit like a mini chalkboard. The little boards were superconvenient writing supplies, because they could be used over and over again. To start over, pupils “wiped the slate clean” with a damp rag. Officially. How many kids do you think used a little spit and the cuff of their sleeve instead? The downside was that slate pencils made a shrieking noise against the slate boards. This meant that when the teacher said, “Work quietly,” it wasn’t very quiet at all. And if you set your slate down, that also made noise, which is why fancier slates had a wrapping of yarn around the edges.The schoolgirl of the nine teenth century had a pencil box for her slate pencils, but it didn’t have colors, zippers or compart ments. It was a simple dark wood SUPPLIES: PENCILS, PENS AND PAPER YEARS AGO: en box, exactly what a pencil box the 1800s, many stu dents used quill pens in class. When the tip of their feather broke, they had to sharpen it using a pen knife. I’m sure many students were relieved when the fountain pen with a metal nib was invented. Yes, they still had to dip it into an inkwell, but at least they didn’t have to sharpen it!
TODAY: Whether your school supplies list has been updated for 2022 or not, chances are your pencil case is filled with lead pencils made with a little white removable eraser, and then just a splash of yellow with a sharpener lurking in some bags. And whether your child uses paper or note books, their quiet writing work is probably as soundless as their teacher’s markers against the whiteboard.

BACK TO SCH RECEIVEPROMOLAFREESCHOOLSUPPLIESKITWITHEVERYEYEGLASSPURCHASE!CHOOSEFROM6COLORS 845.783.1206#kjdesign 665 Bedford Ave Williamsburg, NY Sun-Thurs 11:30 - 7:30 and Friday 11:00 - 1:30 125 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

TODAY: Detention is still a popular pun ishment, because who wants to be in school a minute more than they actually have to be? And suspension is also a punishment, because who wants to be home when everyone else is in school?
126 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
YEARS AGO: inMisbehavinganold-time
YEARS AGO: Going to school was often serious busi ness, which meant students had to real ly dress up. More than a hundred years ago, the uniforms introduced by Eton, an aristocratic English boarding school, included a suit jacket with an embroidered vest and tie. Many schools in England soon copied Eton. A typical uniform might require boys to wear collared shirts, jackets and ties. In some schools, the boys wore caps, too. Girls in private schools wore blazers, blouses and wool skirts. As formality became less popular over the years, school uniforms changed. Many schools started allowing jumpers, and some required students to wear shorts (yes, even in the winter!). The most common color of uniforms in those days was blue, from blue suit jack ets for the formal uniforms, to the blue cotton shirts of those in less stiff schools.
TODAY: Blouses and jumpers might still be part of many a school uniform, but caps, ties and suit jackets no longer make up a student’s attire. Surprisingly — or not — blue is still the most common and pre ferred color of school uniforms.
classroom was not for the faint of heart. Punishments in those days included having a student get up in front of the classroom wearing a dunce cap, or the teacher rapping a ruler across a student’s knuckles. And yes, there were those classrooms that had whips hanging on the wall as well to terrify any student into submission. In those days, detention meant students staying after school to rewrite certain phrases dozens of times. Like the infamous, “I will not talk in class. I will not talk in class.”

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TODAY: Yup, school buses haven’t changed that much since that 1939 con ference. While there were definitely im provements to the design, it’s the same big yellow school buses that pick up schoolchildren all over the United States every morning.
128 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
When they talk about walking five miles in the snow to school, they aren’t exag gerating. Many students in the nine teenth century did just that, even after the first school bus was invented in 1886. It was actually a horse-drawn wagon called a “school hack” that drove around picking up the kids. In the twentieth century, the company that produced the wagons made a motorized version — but it still wasn’t very comfortable or protec tive.Other companies, like Ford, made their own school buses in the early twen tieth century. These buses were made with steel panels and offered protection for the kids. But parents wanted more safety, which led to a 1939 meeting about school bus standards. At that meeting, they decided that the best color for school buses would be yellow, so they’d be easy to see.

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AGO: It really depended on where you lived. If you were a country kid, then you probably went to school in a ubiquitous one-room schoolhouse, where the teacher taught children of all ages in one single classroom. Urban centers, however, built huge, fancy school build ings, especially in Europe. These high-ceilinged, manyclassroom buildings were often called “school palaces.” The thick walls and few windows made the schools look like cas tles, but they weren’t actually good for the students.
TODAY: Today’s typical school building may still be a large, impressive place with many classrooms, but there’s definitely also an emphasis placed on open spaces like playgrounds, plus lots of windows for sunlight and ventilation.
TODAY: Will loafers ever go out of style? Probably not. But most students are welcome to wear soft, open shoes in school as well, and are unlikely to use shoe polish to look present able.
130 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
AGO: Solid hard shoes were required in many schools of yesteryear. These shoes had to be polished often to keep them shiny. Loafers have been a popular school shoe style for decades, though over the years these included tall heels or huge platforms, depending on the trend. When it came to school shoes, clumsier and clunkier took the cake.

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TODAY: Schools in America are required to have 180 days of learning every year. And most schools will not accept the excuse, “I had to help with the harvest,” as a reason for missing school.
room schoolhouses, teachers used the monitorial system to teach kids of different levels. This meant that students who knew more would be come assistant teachers and help the younger students learn. These first-level students were called the abecedarians, because they were still in the process of learning the ABCs.
mary method of learning years ago — and not so many years ago, as well. The student would memorize a pas sage and come up to the front of the room to recite it by heart.Because most schools ended at eighth grade, the focus of schooling was to teach kids to read and write, plus be capable of doing simple arithmetic. In the one-
132 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
AGO: wasMemorizationthepri
TODAY: The main focus of learning to day has shifted to understand ing and applying information, as opposed to just memo rizing passages and repeating them back to the teacher. And abecedarians are simply called first-graders.
AGO: School was considered a luxury for centuries. Most families couldn’t afford to send kids to school to learn, because they needed their chil dren either to do chores on the farm or to work at a factory job to help supplement the family income.Even when kids did start going to school more consistently, the school year was usually much shorter, amounting to approximately 130 days a year in total. Plus, a lot of students were absent in the winter due to illness. And in the spring and autumn, schoolchildren liv ing on the farm were expected to help with harvesting and planting, so there went more school days.

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TODAY: Since 1946, government-funded pro grams pay for school lunches. Most schools provide lunch for all of their students, so there are no lunchboxes anymore… unless you’re a teenager on a diet, of course, in which case you’re probably using a hard plastic container instead of a metal one.
YEARS AGO: In those little oneroom schoolhouses, kids typically brought their lunch in a metal pail. And they used a tin cup to draw water from a barrel. (Yup, one cup for everyone to share…) In later years, lunchboxes became the best option for car rying food to school. They were still metal, but featured a closed top. Eventually, they began sporting designs as well, like the very first Mickey Mouse lunchbox.
134 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

ד"סבד"סב תמכסהב םינברה א"טילש Kallahs and Machatenestas can approach their Wedding Day relaxed, present, and ready to make the most of this once-in-a-life time opportunity. 718.872.9355todayRegister fsnTraormyourentireexperienceofgetting married and marryingoff . How was she so calm? Because she was prepared. ChusenofMothertheandKallahherMother & Separate Classes for: Starting BEH Sunday, Aug 28 Refresher courses given Yom HaChupa Seminar By Rebbetzin Ruchi Chaimowitz

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A young child is like a blank canvas, with a whole world of opportunities open before them. Their experiences shape their future trajectory in life. Thus, it is in early childhood that the very foundation and self-esteem of a person is developed. As a bilingual special educator, it has been my privilege to work with children of all ages for over twenty years. Each morning I wake up enthusiastic, eager to connect to and help Hashem’s chosen children. To see the wonder and joy of life through a child’s eyes. To enjoy colors and textures, animal sounds and music. To play and get messy with sand, clay, paint and putty. To discover and learn and experience without ever stopping. Because children transcend the bonds of time, the constraints of conformity, and the darkness of negativity. Here I present this column to empower parents with tools and suggestions to support their child’s social and emotional growth and overall development. The column will offer inspiration for parents so they can be their child’s best advocate and educator. I look forward to spending time together with you and making the world a better place, one child at a time.
142 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

143 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
I arrived early enough to see parents lovingly see ing off their children, with wishes for a successful new year. My student had not arrived yet, and I was glad I got there first. Yoni was Hebrew-speaking; he had arrived from Eretz Yisroel only a few weeks before. Although this was a Yiddish-speaking school, the ad ministration accepted Yoni on one condition: that he acclimate to school properly by November.
The sweet, melodic sounds of davening soon began filling the hallways and drifting out the open windows into the busy streets. The innocence and realness of the children’s voices uplifted me and filled me with a sense of awe. Children are so eager and pure. At that moment, I was sure I had the best job in the world. Yoni arrived a little while later with his mother and father in tow. He was adorable and energetic, and he spoke rapid-fire Hebrew. Yoni entered the classroom and observed the other children, who were all im mersed in free play. Yoni quickly sent off his parents, who appeared hesitant to leave. Yoni seemed to sense their emotions and began to physically push them out theSoondoor.Yoni casually joined a group of boys playing with cars and trucks. Things seemed to be idyllic, the boys zooming the cars around the carpet in harmony. But then Yoni decided he wanted to place all the cars in a row, on his own, to create a traffic jam. Of course, the other boys would not have it. Within seconds there was screaming and crying, with Yoni shouting in Hebrew all the while. He was very angry and appeared oblivi ous to his surroundings and the language the others spoke.The teacher tried to defuse the situation, but with out much luck. It was time for me to intervene. I gen
718.705.5182 ‰רימ˘ ˙יב םול˘ ‰חלˆ‰ ‡מי˜ ל˘ ערז ˙חנ טניזע‚ םיכו„י˘ ‰סנרפ ןא טבייה'מןעוועגה"בעקאמשעג א רעממוז עשירפ א לטעלב םיארונה םימי יד תארקל Week 1: Yoni’s Message
“Words that come from the heart, enter the heart.” — Rav Moshe ibn Ezra A fresh start, a new beginning. Shiny red apples, sharpened pencils and freshly waxed floors.

144 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
tly and slowly explained to Yoni in Hebrew that we needed to calm down and reassess the situation.
Lovelanguage:transcends language.
Yoni was quick to defend himself with eloquence and dra ma. I validated what he was saying, but explained we needed to follow classroom rules. He looked sad but strong. He was ready for this new challenge, and his strong will influenced my determination to help out.
I shared this with Yoni’s teachers and classmates. Togeth er, we came up with different ways to help Yoni feel welcome and accepted. We became close partners in easing Yoni’s en trance into school and into the Yiddish-speaking world. Of course, Yoni needed to learn the actual language in order to communicate effectively in his new environment. He needed to build a basic vocabulary. We used art, a powerful therapeutic venue, to draw 100 basic word cards featuring words that Yoni would use daily. I drew the outline of the picture, and Yoni used watercolors to paint each card. We made a keychain with the cards, and Yoni was able to refer to the picture until he became fluent in the lan guage.Yoni was approved for only a few hours of therapy each week, and so I was the only therapist assigned to his case. While we put in much effort in school, it was up to Yoni’s family to car ry over and reinforce what he was learning. However, Yoni’s fam ily was staying at his grandparents house while they searched for suitable living quar ters, and as much as Yoni’s parents wanted to help him, they were overwhelmed with the logistics of moving their family to a new country. I n recent years, I have had the privilege of being involved with many loving grandparents who are interested and invested in joining the therapeutic process in order to help their grandchildren. In this case, too, Yoni’s grandparents were there to support, encourage and teach Yoni every step of the way. We first met in Yoni’s grandparents’ house to discuss the best ways to assist Yoni in his adjustment. We spoke about immersing Yoni in the Yiddish language. Although the fam ily was used to communicating with each other in Hebrew, for Yoni’s benefit, they needed to switch to Yiddish. We worked on setting up a play space for Yoni in his grand parents’ home. This would be a safe, quiet area for Yoni to learn and absorb what was going on around him. I recom mended a small table and chairs to give Yoni the ability to sit and focus on books and activities. We also went through age-appropriate books, toys, games and flashcards. An art area was set up as well. We hung posters with concepts on the walls of the play space, and we discussed which music and songs to play in order to further enhance Yoni’s skills. At the same time, family photos and pictures from back home in Eretz Yisroel were hung up to ease the transition and to serve as conversation-starters for Yoni and his family. Next we went outside to their large enclosed porch to dis cuss ways to maximize the space and make it a play area to socialize, relax and unwind. A large empty rubber pool filled with colorful balls became a ball pit for Yoni to jump in, and a slide, trampoline and riding toys were purchased. Yoni’s cousins were invited often to play with him, and this created AS MUCH AS YONI’S PARENTS WANTED TO HELP HIM, THEY WERE OVERWHELMED WITH THE LOGISTICS OF MOVING THEIR FAMILY TO A NEW COUNTRY.
T here are many mediums of communication. Commu nication and language are not only about how many vocabulary words one might possess. It is also about thinking and learning, pragmatics and the hidden curricu lum.Ibegan to think of ways to connect to Yoni that didn’t re quire
A smile transcends language. Music transcends language.

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Fayge Holtzberg, M.S.Ed., is a certified bilingual special educator. She has been working in the community as a consultant, evaluator and therapist for over twenty years. Mrs. Holtzberg can reached at
First and foremost, we discussed establishing eye contact before beginning to speak. This way, we knew we had Yoni’s attention. We also discussed speaking slowly and clearly. This may seem like common sense, but it is often overlooked. Then we discussed the importance of reading books to Yoni in Yiddish. Many books are available that are interesting and appealing to children. We also discussed giving Yoni choices and expanding on things that he said. We discussed sitting and playing with Yoni and narrating his play, while providing feedback and space at the same time. I t was amazing how involved Yoni’s grandparents were and how much they were able to accomplish with him. They were in touch with me on a daily basis to discuss ideas and progress. Soon the days turned into months, and Yoni grasped the language quickly and adjusted well to school. It was an ongoing learning curve, as every child learns differently, but Yoni was doing beautifully. In the springtime, Yoni’s class gathered on the school’s enclosed rooftop for a special activity. Each student was given a balloon with a large tag attached, with the in structions that they could send a message to anyone in the world. Yoni sat down with me to dictate his message. He asked me to write to his friend Avi in Eretz Yisroel. Yoni’s letter read as follows: Dear Avi, I miss you and my old house a lot. But I am happy. Love, Yoni. Yoni drew a small illustration using crayons below the message,and then the teacher began to count. At ten, all of the students sent up their balloons, and a sea of colors filled the bright blue sky. An expression of hope and happi ness filled Yoni as he glanced upward. Y ou can miss being in one place and still be happy in another, and Yoni was here to prove it.

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Do you know why a kallah carries flowers? Or what kind of candle should be used when walking a chassan or kallah down the aisle? Or the importance of the type of veil worn by the kallah?
By Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Sorotzkin Shabbos, Yom Tov, the Nine Days, and more. May one shower before davening? Is a hot shower permitted on Yom Tov? Is a cold shower permitted on Shabbos? Under what conditions may one shower during the Nine Days? May a shower be used as a substitute for Tevilas Ezra? This comprehensive sefer covers all angles of this fascinating and wideranging topic. Each chapter builds an elaborate edifice about the specific topic it discusses, beginning with the Gemara and Rishonim and ending with the most recent works of contemporary Poskim. All of this is presented coherently, providing the reader clear halachic guidance as well as a basic understanding of the fundamental sugya. Extensive footnotes and appendices are provided for the more scholarly reader.
Current events within the process of the Geulah through the lens of Chazal. "Several years ago, shortly before publishing my first sefarim, entitled Keitz Meguleh, I had the zechus to bring a copy of the manuscript to Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l Before I even handed it to Rav Chaim, he said to me, 'Ihr vaist az mir halt shoin bei der Keitz Megulah? Do you Know that we are already at the Keitz Megulah? '" -excerpt from
BY AUTHORSAME When the Kiddie Kohns get heated up and begin to shout at each other, something interesting and not very fun happens... By Aliza Methal, BCBA Youngsters will delight in the fun repetition and rhymes as Mommy teaches Little Leah an important safety concept. By S. Kaufman This book, which provides a glimpse into the traditions done at a Jewish wedding and the deep meanings behind them, is a wonderful tool to help chassanim, kallahs, and their families appreciate the value of each detail of the big event.
By Rabbi Dovid Meisels
Chasunah Secrets TheRevealedMysteries
By Rabbi Menachem M. Abramson
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Chapter 28, The End Illuminated. What exactly is the Keitz Megulah (lit. Revealed or Illuminated End) and what did Rav Chaim mean when he said that we're already "at the Keitz Megulah "?

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Let me guess: In honor of the first day of school, your dream idea of what to munch on includes a jumbo sprinkle cookie, barbecue chips, and falafel Bissli. Am I right? No, I was not peeking into your wagon as you were strolling down the aisles of the grocery. You do have great taste, but… Do you really want food coloring, an abun dance of sugar, and MSG to carry you through your school day?
I’m sure your pencils are labeled and sharpened, your looseleafs and folders color-coordinated and stacked in your sleek leather bag. But have you packed your snacks?
Eating healthy snacks — such as fruit, protein, or starches high in fiber — will feed your brain the nutrients it needs to help you succeed in school. So, ditch your old-fashioned ideas on how to fill your back pack, and instead, let’s think of some tasty treats to keep you fortified throughout the day.
Mothers: Make it doable for your children by stocking your fridge and pantry with a variety of yummy, grab-n-go options. Bonus points if you cut back on purchasing junk foods to minimize temptation!
HEY, KIDS: READY FOR A LENGE?CHALSNACKHEALTHY154 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

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AGES 10 AND UP: You’re on your own! Prepare your snack all by Youyourself.candoit!
WHEN YOUR CHART IS ALL FILLED IN, you’ll get rewarded by feeling so much better — and hopefully, succeeding academically like never be fore! And if that’s not motivation enough, we’ll help you along: Bring your filled-out chart to Toys 4 U, and be gifted with an exclusive, limited-edition The Boro Park View fanny pack! In addition, one winner will be drawn to receive a oftlecase,briefcase,personalizedpencilwaterbotandkeychaintheirchoice!
156 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
Program sponsor: IDEAS FOR THIS WEEK
As the summer season draws to a close, let’s make the most out of nature’s juicy bounty. Wash the stone fruit of your choice — those are fruits with a pit, such as peaches, nectarines, plums and apricots. Dry them well and pack them carefully so they won’t get smashed in transit. Tortilla chips are a whole-grain snack that’s high in fiber. Popcorn, especially freshly popped, is healthy — and so much fun to munch on when shared with friends. Cut a cucumber into thin strips, and squirt your favorite dressing into a 2-ounce container. (For a really simple dressing, combine equal parts mayo and ketchup with a dash of garlic powder.)

THE FIRST 30 DAYS OF SCHOOL WITH HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES! Name: Age:School:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phonenumber:____________________________________________________________Signyourinitialsforeachdayyoupackedonlyhealthysnacks. SCHOOL DAY #1 SCHOOL DAY #2 SCHOOL DAY #3 SCHOOL DAY #4 SCHOOL DAY #5 SCHOOL DAY #6 SCHOOL DAY #7 SCHOOL DAY #8 SCHOOL DAY #9 SCHOOL DAY #10 SCHOOL DAY #11 SCHOOL DAY #12 SCHOOL DAY #13 SCHOOL DAY #14 SCHOOL DAY #15 SCHOOL DAY #16 SCHOOL DAY #17 SCHOOL DAY #18 SCHOOL DAY #19 SCHOOL DAY #20 SCHOOL DAY #21 SCHOOL DAY #22 SCHOOL DAY #23 SCHOOL DAY #24 SCHOOL DAY #25 SCHOOL DAY #26 SCHOOL DAY #27 SCHOOL DAY #28 SCHOOL DAY #29 SCHOOL DAY #30 157 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
The Easiest Way to Study or Review Shaar HaBitachon Also includes a comprehensive topic and source index NEW! The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation has created a unique 40-day program to jumpstart our shemiras halashon and make positive speech a wonderful new habit! 40 Days of Caring includes: · The “Daily Dilemma”: A short, relatable shemiras halashon scenario emerging from an everyday situation. · “Growing One Day Greater”: A few brief paragraphs providing an insight into speech and its impact on our relationships. · “Go for It”: A daily practical step for us to implement. A 40-Day Mission … Countless Blessings! A special section of 120 true stories that bring the power of shemiras halashon and ahavas Yisrael to life. A Project of chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
The guidance and principles Shaar HaBitachon (Reliance on Hashem) of Chovos HaLevavos, written nearly a thousand years ago, continue to resonate with our generation. As a work of one of the early Rishonim, Chovos HaLevavos quotes and alludes to the full range of Tanach and the Talmud. A reader can easily lose track of the author’s complex thought, and miss his point. In this work, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman, a Rav and maggid shiur, who has taught Shaar HaBitachon to scholars and layman, selects the guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon, using the author’s own words. The Concise Shaar HaBitachon addresses the countless perplexing challenges that confront every Jew in the contemporary world. For any Jew who wants to come closer to Hashem, The Concise Shaar HaBitachon is required reading.

TLCC To Live with Choice inCodependency ד''סב For For program details and more info call the TLCC hotline: 845-286-1006 Under the guidance of Rav MoskowitzY.E.Shlita

• Farmers use chalk to raise the pH levels of fields with high acidity, thereby preparing the soil for crops and growth.
At work:
• Chalk is often found in toothpaste, where it serves as an abrasive.
At play:
• Tailors and seamstresses used to use chalk to mark off measurements for sewing and alterations. Nowadays, most tailors prefer talc over chalk.
• Chalk serves as an antacid ingredient in stomach medication.
At home:
• Chalk forms in the sea; as such, chalk deposits often contain large amounts of water. Some cities get their drinking water from these collections!
• Teachers and artists use chalk — or so we think! The chalk they use is rarely true chalk. Most often it is mixed with other ingredients or is made from a mineral called gypsum.
• Athletes engaged in weight-lifting, rockclimbing and gymnastics frequently apply chalk to their hands to remove sweat and reduce the chances of slipping.
• Players in field sports used to mark the boundary lines of the court or playing field using chalk. Although no longer used today, players appreciated that the chalk would emit a dust cloud when hit, thereby clearly indicating when a ball or player went out of bounds. What? How? Chalk is a type of limestone, made up of soft, whitish rock. Like other forms of limestone, it is made from animal shells and takes many years to form. Most chalk used today is a mixture of several elements. Chalk is made from the shells of tiny sea creatures. When these animals die, their shells sink to the ocean floor where they are covered by mud. With time, the shells and mud continue to build up until eventually the material hardens, forming a chalk deposit. This whole process can take hundreds of years. When the water level surrounding the chalk deposit drops, the chalk can rise above the water’s surface. This is how chalk cliffs are formed.
• Chalk is used in products such as paint, rubber and cement.
160 The Boro Park View
• Detectives and policemen used to use a mixture of chalk and mercury to form a fingerprinting paste. Due to the dangers of using mercury, the formula was eventually dropped in favor of safer and newer methods.

1885 Edwin Binney took control of his father’s business, Peekskill Chemical Co. While experimenting with some chemicals, he combined a mixture of slate waste, cement and talc, and created the first dustless white chalk. 1900 The company purchased a stone mill in Easton, Pennsylvania, and began producing slate pencils for schools. This started Binney and Smith’s research into non-toxic and colorful drawing mediums for kids.
1903 Binney created a box of crayons. His wife named his creation “Crayola,” thereby marking the official launch of Crayola Crayons, enjoyed to this very day! She created the name by combining the words craie (French for “chalk”) and ola for oily — since the crayons were made using a petroleum-based wax. Who and When? While chalk has been around for thousands of years, we have Edward Binney of Old Greenwich, Connecticut, to thank for chalk as we know it. Where? Natural chalk is found throughout most of Northwestern Europe. England, specifically, is famous for its chalk, and the white chalk cliffs of Dover attract tourists worldwide. In the United States, chalk deposits can be found across Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Wyoming.
161The Boro Park View
By: Malka Newmann
1866 Edwin Binney was born in Shrub Oak, New York. 1904 Binney’s dustless chalk invention was awarded a gold medal at the St. Louis World’s Fair. 2022 Crayola markets over 140 colors of chalk to consumers worldwide.

One of the most important choices that a first time mother has to make is choosing in what pram her prince or princess will stroll around the world. Silver cross just made this decision a whole lot easier with the release of this magnificent, yet practical pram. Including new innovated features. In addition to the rich and stunning design, here are some first time ever features on a pram: One hand bassinet release Folding/collapsible bassinet One second harness adjustment Folds with seat in both directions Magnetic harness closure One hand fold Availabe at better baby boutiques $50 off when buying with a bassinet Labor Day special Recieve additional $100 off expires September

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HOW TO PLAY: 1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board. 2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety. 3. Email the form to com or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight. 4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner! PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be con nected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not al lowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Con tractions • Acronyms POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points 5-letter words: 3 points 6-letter words: 5 points 7-letter words: 7 points 8-letter words: 9 points 9+ letters: 12 points Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of competing players: List some words only the winner found: The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing. Sponsored by: hidesBoggleHint:Eachboardawordofninelettersormore! HG IS NGE D MO PDCW LU A F K SREUTO 164 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

Family name: Mermelstein, 718-xxx-7530
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 59 Names of competing players: Rivky Some words only the winner found: blunt, calling, grant, grim, willing The longest word found on the board: blaring A new word learned from the board: wimp BOGGLE WINNER
Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 79 Names of competing players: Perela Some words only the winner found: claim, count, foal, font, ranch The longest word found on the board: blaring A new word learned from the board: couth Last week’s bonus word: immigrant
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
3549 743 65 73671 98256 38349 6127 97286 58133 876127 15 76821 92316 165 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
Family name: Gross, 718-xxx-4737

WINNERSTENTHETOCONGRATULATIONSTOYS4U!ATCARDSGIFT$5THEOFsubmission.youronlistednumberphonetheofaccounttheonToys4Uatissuedwascredit$5Acoloring!Keeppages!coloredbeautifullyinsentwhoreadersofhundredsthetoyouThank Viznitz10,Adler,IsaacYitzchok Klausenberg4,Silber,GittyMalkaSkver5,Grunwald,TobyEstherBais10,Hirsch,Devoiry Gur6,Danielchik,ChavieSatmar9,Wagschal,Shiffy Viznitz9,Klar,RivkyGoldbergEliezerChaim Pupa7,Gross,YosefAronBelz10.Orlander,Motty 166 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

family.entiretheforpagecoloringthisphotocopytofreeFeelBy: Faigy Jacobowitz Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled Phone:______________________________________________Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________in.Age:____________________School:_________________________________________________________ 167 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

Sruly and Avremi H. Shimon Braver, 6 Yiddy Glauber ShulemMertz,Yitzchok2Yitzchok Boruch and Ari Glick, boat Motti Klein Yiddy, Frady Glauber Shloimy Stein, 3 Leibish Sternhell Chili Weber, 5,Shimon Hass, 5 To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to, or send it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. See what Brooklyn kids can Talentdo!Show 168 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022

Frady Grossman, 5 Weinstock and Kellner families Fishel Herskovits Shaindy Gelb, 6 Baila Sury and Shmiel Zanvil Steinfeld G. Klein, 8, shtender Chaya Faiga Deutsch, 8 Shmily and Isaac Brach Families Bleier, Gluck and Rosenberg BerkowitzFamily 5 ,ןאמדעירפ רכשי 169 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

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BRAND NEW YOYO FOR SALE: Brand new Yoyo stroller for sale. For more information please text 9178090187.
MINI BUS SALE 2012 Mini Bus for sale, Ford Ecoline. Runs very well. Has Wheelchair lift but can be removed. Good price! Please call 917-543-4117
JERUSALEM VILLA For Rent Yom KippurSuccos, 10 Bedrooms. Huge Garden, Beautiful View, Large Succah. 15 minute walk to Belz s5001318@gmail.com011-972-556647296.
FOR RENT 3 bedroom 2 full bathroom pasech kitchen backyard 1600 sq ft 3700$ no sec 8. Please call 631-746-6095
FURNISHED APT 54 & 13 2 BR Hotel style fully furnished apt. Full Kitch/ Bath, W/D. Excellent for Ch/ Kallah, or Simchas. 718-6860909/ 347-524-7686
OFFICE SPACE Airy, windows, 2 room basement space available. Perfect for office / small kiddy-group. Low 40’s NW/ UTRCH $1200. C/T 929-2719310 / 646-261-3296
MONSEY RENTAL Large 5 bedroom home with a beautiful backyard with hottub and swingset available for rent for shabbosim, August 19-September 6 and for yomim tovim. Located in Chestnut Ridge. Text/call Rikki 347-930-9736.
in the special education field. Great
information. Classifieds SPECIAL EDUCATION AGENCY Seeking Office Employee • Part-time • Computer skills required • Pleasant work environment • Borough Park Email: InklandPrinting PAVE 'N' SAVE AspheltBlacktop&ConcreateServices Specializing in: New / ParkingBasketballDrivewaysRepairCourtsLots Get a FREE estimate 170 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
TEACHER’S ASSISTANT Seeking teachers assistant to work in a classroom with children with needs in Williamsburg. Get experience working environment, provided. Please call (718) 302-3333 ext. 5230 for more
YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737
NEOCATE/BABY FORMULA Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula 347.369.4886Trade
DINING ROOM FIXTURE Stunning new classic dining room fixture. Selling due to moving. Camer glass Austrian crystal. Contemporary. Very reasonable. Bought from D&D Builiding. Call evenings 718-438-2257 REAL ESTATE 2 APTS. FOR RENT 14th ave 42st, 2 apts, 2 bdrms, 2nd flr, heat incl. Call 718986-7559 leave msg BP APARTMENT For rent 2 bedroom can be made for 3 1,400 sq. ft. auto skyline for sukkah lg kitchen 1 1/2 baths driveway optional 45 street 9 & 10 avenue 347291-3351 APT FOR RENT Beautiful 1 bedroom apartment for rent, 44 Ft. Hamilton.New kitchen, move in condition. Chassan Kalla preferred. Call: 718-851-4558 / 718-909-2816
great pay, transportation
FOR RENT 18&55 brand new office space 1600 sq ft. Please call 631-7466095
APARTMENT FOR SALE 17th Ave, 42nd St. 27x100 legal 2 family, brick, detached both sides, private driveway, backyard. Lovely block. Available immedately. 212764-7130
MIAMI BEACH Newly renovated beautiful ocean view 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
HELP WANTED PRE-1A AND FIRST GRADE ASSISTANTS for Bais Yaakov School. Morning and afternoon. Email resume school@bydm.comto or call 718-633-6555.
SUMMER RENTAL Beautiful Home with large heated pool with water slide for rent in Jackson . Stunning 1.5 acre property . Perfect for a family vacation. 10 beds. 4 blow up mattresses. Call (732)575-5859
DRESS FOR SALE To sell or rent a beautiful pink Miri tenoyim dress. Size 0 Petit Please call: 929-2830188 or 718-236-1542
BRIDAL DRESS Beautiful 2 piece bridal dress for sale size 14. For inquiries please call 718-930-5413

ד”סב Chayeinu Academy is looking to fill the following positions: To join our experienced team and work in a warm, welcoming environment, email your resume to 1:1 FTInstructorsOccupational Therapist Areyou the perfectfit?

JOB OPPORTUNITIES *Flatbush girls school seeking an experienced English principal, hours 11:30-4:30. *Also seeking a Pe-1A English teacher. Hours 12:154:00. Every other Friday. Experience a plus. Please send resumes to ljchams@
PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT Playgroup in Boro Park, 15th Ave area looking for an assistant for the coming year. Good pay. 718-600-6671
F/T/P/T MORAH & ASSISTANT Full time/ Part time morah & assistant. Yiddish speaking. For small playgroup, for September 22’. Great pay! 718-853-4139
SEEKING TEACHERPLAYGROUP Looking for a teacher in a yiddish speaking playgroup on 18 Ave lower streets please call 347-335-4808 & leave message PLAYGROUP TEACHERS PLAY GROUP seeking teacher &co’s grads welcome, we will give you the best training! competitive pay! Excellent environment! For more info call 9292366129
JOB RESUME Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/text 845-554-5778 or email info@resumakerpro. com.
for female
Bonei Olam looking to higher F/T female administrative assistant with a few years experience, 930-4882orgresume:specificallyphoneenvironment,friendlyproficientskills,computerskillsInexcel.Sendjobs@boneiolam.orleavemessage:(646)
SECRETARY Challenge Early Intervention seeks secretary for our Brooklyn office. Warm Heimishe Atmosphere, flexible hours, transportation provided. hr@challenge-ei. com 718-851-3300 ext 210 BABYSITTER P/T Seeking 2 part time babysitters (morning only) for a small babysitting group in a school setting. Centrally Located in Boro Park. Flexible Pay. Call 646-571-0765
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking preschool assistant, Female. F.T /P.T.-morn./ aft. Yiddish Speaking a must. Call 718-686-5500 ext.539. Email Preschooljob247@gmail.comresume
SEEKINFG ASSISTANTS Heimishe school in BP seeking lower grades classroom assistants. Email resume to gmail.comResumes5782@
experience in Amazon
PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Preschool in Flatbush has expanded and is seeking warm and loving, motivated, creative and dedicated teacher for our new 2 year old classes for the upcoming 2022/23 school year! Great work environment. Great pay! Teacher position requires NY sertificate. Send your resume to Mosdoth@ or call 718-8749405
JOB OPPORTUNITY Heimish BP Office seeking a F/T female secretary for a busy eCommerce business. Must have great interpersonal skills, computer skills a plus. Willing to train, grads welcome. opportunityAdditionalavailable with Private Label. Email resume:
BOOKKEEPER Growing Boro Park Healthcare company looking for a PT/FT in-office assistant Bookkeeper to be in charge of finances. Email resume to P/T POSITION P/T afternoon secretary position available, starting September. Heimishe office in BP. Basic computer knowledge & excellent customer service skills required. preferred.GraduateWilltrain. Email resume to mrumplar@gmail. com.
SEEKING DRIVERS Seeking drivers for a school and several after-school programs for ‘22-’23 year. Great pay. Email more(718)hamaspikkings.orgsteichman@orcall302-3333ext.5210forinformation
JOB OPPORTUNITY Morah & Assistant for small voucher playgroup for September 22’ . Great pay & environment. References available 347-226-0348
ASSISTANT TEACHER Head Start seeking a nursery assistant teacher. No credits required. Call: 718.218.5511 leave message TEACHER Yeled V`Yalda Williamsburg Early Head Start seeking a teacher with experience. Credits salaryexcellentpreferred,hours,great&benefits.Email callHhalberstam@yeled.orgto:or917.940.2310
JOB OPPORTUNITY Teachers Assistants For full day or AM/PM for 1st & 2nd grades. Excellent pay. Please call BYDG 718-338-5600 ext.313

Gitty Rosenberg, grosenberg@eislaasois.org917.821.6864OTR/LReachoutto: Now Hiring YIDDISH-SPEAKING SLP’S NEEDED

JOB OPPORTUNITY Montessori preprimary early intervention program seeking teacher and assistant teacher. Great pay! Call 929.777.8445 or email info@ CO-TEACHER Looking for a co-teacher in a heimishe infant daycare in bp. Please call: 718-759-8226
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking p3 providers high ave high streets great pay! Please call 929-376-3004/ email gmail.comchild1stservices@
SEEKING SECRETARY Heimishe girls office in BP looking to hire secretary. Competitive salary, great atmosphere. Hours 12:006:00 PM. (option to start work later). Call: 646-858-6496 or Email: jobinbp4322@gmail.
JOBS AVAILABLE Part-time & Full-time jobs available. gmail.comTopPartTimeJobs@Email
TEACHER’S ASSISTANT / SECRETARY Seeking girl to work as a (teacher’s assistant/secretary) in a school for special needs children on Fridays only. Great environment and great pay. Please call (718) 302-3333 ext. 5230 for more information.
Classifieds Experienced Lady Videographer 347.564.8576 Specializing in Hemishe weddings. Man videographer also available Paint + Design + Style Paint + Design + Style 347 403 9017 + Paint + Design + Style םיראט קחצי טניירפ רעייא 174 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
JOB OPPORTUNITY BP multi girl office is seeking a f/t female secretary. Great pay, heimish environment, will train. Please send your resume to eastcoastphoto.comjack@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Professional office in BP looking for FT secretary in multi-girl office, no experience necessary. Basic computer knowledge needed, will train. Contact: hanna@
JOB OPPORTUNITY BP Accounting firm seeks FT secretary, multi-girl office. Must be detail oriented & org, will train, grt growth oppor. Email Resume: cpa4job@ FEMALE WORKER Heimishe office in BP. Good phone, computer skills, multi task, no experience necessary. New grads welcome. Great work envrmt, excellent growth oppty. email resume: gmail.comHRunitedsalesusa@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Join our team! Seeking full time secretary for professional BP office. Competitive pay and benefits! Great potential for growth! Email resume dosjoboffer@gmail.comto: F/T SECRETARY Full time position in busy office. Two hours on Sun needed, no Fridays. Basic computer knowledge and excellent phone/customer service skills required.Email resume to
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking staff for Hamaspik girls’ group home in Boro Park. Hours needed: Sunday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Sunday nights from 7:00 pm to 9:15 am Choose the hours that work for you. Great pay, many benefits, very pleasant environment. Call 917-6486251 or email hamaspikkings.orgykasnett@
JOB OPPORTUNITY F/T - P/T A Busy construction office in Brooklyn is looking to hire a multi talented secretary to do office work, Willing to train. send resumes teamhr1377@gmail.comto SEEKING SECRETARY Boro Park office seeking secretary with callto:4:00.quickbooks,communicationexcellentskillsandMon-Thu10:00-Pleaseforwardresumeagreen1989@aol.comor718-610-9456
OFFICE POSITION Interior Design office in BP looking to hire! Full time, great pay, graduates welcome. Email resume Gitty@buildingicons.comto
JOB OPPORTUNITY Heimishe BP office seeking a F/T secretary. resp girl w/ good comm skills, organized, motivated. Grad. preferred. Email resume to bpnewjob@ BP OFFICE Bright detail oriented girl/woman to work FT in a busy BP office with solid 917-363-3681acimportexport.comskills.datainterpersonal,communication,clerical,entry,andphoneEmailresumeemil@orcall
SEEKING TEACHERS Kindervelt EHS seeks passionate, warm, loving teachers. No degree required. Great environment. Well paid. Competent graduates welcome. Email orgrhafner@kinderveltehs.resume:
Lead Teacher for Early Head Start in Staten Island. 90 Credits. BA or Masters. Competitive pay. Email resume to: YVY is an EOE


HELP WANTED Secretary, busy real estate office. Good pay. No experience necessary. Recent grad welcome. Call 718-972-1163. Email: yides@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Busy Heimishe BP office seeking f/t female secretary. Graduate preferred. Efficient, Detail Oriented, w/ good communication skills. Option to start after job2021bp@gmail.comsummer.
F/T POSITION BP organization seeking to hire F/T responsible,motivated,hischool grads, Good communication skills, Proficient PC, Chrome, Gmail, Microsoft Word/ Excel a must. Send leavebpjoboffer@gmail.comresume:ormessage:917-789-8006
JOB OPPORTUNITY Na’aseh Montessori Program is seeking a front desk secretary. Hours are from 10:00 to 6:00. Great pay and a great heimish environment. Please send your resume to or call 718500-3765
HALF DAY OPPURTUNITYJOB Seeking Female Paras for Special Ed After School Program. Great Environment, Get ABA training. Hours 2:45-5:00 Located at Ocean pkwy & ave L. Pls call: orgslefkowitz@mastermindsaba.(718)370-3140.
F/T OFFICE Fantastic start up salary with potential for growth, flexible hours, great work environment. Basic computer knowledge, good phone skills a must. Willing to train. Call/email 7184315814 rae@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Heimish multi girl office in BP looking for a responsible and organized F/T secretary, great pay,send resume clearorsecretarybp438@gmail.comtocall845-871-2576andlvmessage.
AMAZING OPPORTUNITY P/T secretary position available with opportunity for growth. Please call and leave a message: 347-2861818.
Little Giants Child Center currently seeking: Classroom Teacher and instructors. Great hours & location (9:15-3:15)! ABA & Floortime training provided. Earn hours towards your license. BP & Williamsburg positions available.OurJoinTeam LittleGiants Child Center is Looking to Fill the Email resume: environment!
New state of the facilityart requireddegreeNo 178 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
Heimishe BP office seeking female secretary. Great environment, Great pay! Email resume: office@ Call: 718-9721016 F/T POSITION Insurance office in Boro Park looking for full time female employees, please call 718851-2310 ext 101
P/T SECRETARY Seeking Part-time female secretary, afternoon Hours. Must be computer savvy and have personable phone skills with great customer service. Email resume Lbank7006@gmail.comto
SCHOOL SECRETARY Head Start In Boro Park, full time. resumeComputerOrganizationalInterpersonalExceptionalskills.skills,
SECRETARY 10-5 BP office seeking a secretary from 10-5. Grads welcome. Will train. secretary5720@gmail.comEmail
FULL TIME SECRETARY Eis Laasois Early Intervention Boro Park office seeking Full Time secretary. Female only environment. Graduate preferred. Please call Frimie Kohn 718-303-9400 ext 467 Or email resume to Fkohn@
Classifieds Wonderful environment!! Email resume to: Inquire about our work experience hours towards your BA! Looking for 1:1 instructors for special needs school. 718.370.3140
Join our team of professionals and enjoy our warm & collaborative work
PHOTOGRAPHY Heimisha lady photographer is looking for a creative girl to assist at weddings. Great opportunity for someone looking to grow in photography. Nice pay. Please email resume to info@
FEMALE LIFEGUARD Looking for female lifeguard in Monticello exit 106, no bungalow provided. Monday - Friday 3 hours per day in the afternoon.. Call or text 2129603182
YESHIVA OFFICE Seeking full time female office workers. Experience in JL software a plus. Pleasant environment. Email resume to comrwauction2020@gmail.
Chassidishe Girls School is seeking an experienced energetic secretary in the bookkeeping department. Quickbooks experience required. Please email resume to
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking couple to work at Hamaspik girls’ or boys’ group residence in Boro Park on Shabbos and Yamim Tovim. Excellent pay and benefits. Great opportunity for the right candidates. Call 718-387-8400 ext. 165 or email hamaspikkings.orgrgross@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Busy Heimishe Office is looking for a Billing Rep. Benefits include great pay, health insurance, paid Yom Tov, vacation days and legal holidays. Email resume to

Medical Billing Position ENTRY LEVEL Brooklyn, HealthcareNYservice business is looking for quali ed candidate for medical credentialing/billing position, will train. Responsibilities include: Compile and maintain data for all providers, Complete provider credentialing applications, monitor applications and chany@triumphaba.comPleasefollow-upsemail MILESTONE SelectRecruiting Group a SMPRNY company TAKE YOUR THEEXPERIENCEWORKTONEXTLEVEL! 2+ years of employment required. Experienced | Trusted | Confidential Connect with our team today. Send your resume to A BORO PARK MEDICAL BILLING OFFICE IS LOOKING TO HIRE FULL OR PART TIME EMPLOYEE AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR CAREER PROGRESSION WE WILL OFFER EXTENSIVE TRAINING. THE RIGHT CANDIDATE SHOULD HAVE EXCELLENT INTERPERSONAL SKILLS, BASIC COMPUTER AND EXCEL KNOWLEDGE, ABILITY TO MULTITASK AND MUST HAVE EXCELLENT ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS. PLEASE REPLY WITH COVER LETTER AND RESUME. EMAIL JTESSLER@BILLSRIGHTINC.COM All rights reserved BillsRightinc A medical billing corporation Office 5309 13th Ave. Brooklyn New York 11219 Certified training CPC BillsRightincInc For more information about us go to Or give us a call 718-683-9877 179 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! for yourself not yourself” Please dglick@newyorklife.comemail call 845-639-5216
Home care office seeking a F/T Coordinator, good computer skills, organized, responsible, Devoted, Great opportunity. Email;Resume: Classifieds SEIT’s, OT’s, PT’s, SLP’s Competitive Rates FREE Training in Reading & Kriah Flatbush,BoroWilliamsburg,Park YE IM GroupEducaTe SHIVA HE MEDIAT tional dir achers – 9 Babysitti Competi Fabulous Call : 71 email: broseADSTART W E HIRE / 2 ector – NY 0+ credits ng slots ava ive Salary & Heimish En -963-1212 nfeld2@ykyX2p LBRG 022‐23 S inclCertifiedECcre ilable Benefits vironment dits 180 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
hamaspikkings.orgcfisher@ םירוחב גנוטכא! עקאמשעג טכוזעג ןרעוו סע וצ ץראה טימ םירוחב םארגארפ א טימ ןפלעהסיורא יד רעדניק עלעיצעפס ראפ ןוא גאטנוז ןדעי זיא טעברא ןגידנעמוק םעד ךשמב ,גאטסניד ליפעג א ריא טאה ביוא ראי עגיסאפ א ןייז סע ןעק ,וצרעד :טפור עטיב טייהנגעלעג :ןאשנעטסקע ,718-387-8400 עטרילאטעד א טזאל ןוא ,5285 שזדעסעמ LIKE WITHWORKINGWIGS? We are looking for someone to blow and wash wigs! great environment! Please call 718307-8822 JOB OPPORTUNITY Wigs by Yitty Landau is looking for a full time girl to assist in the salon. Must have experience. Call / text 347-461-5155 WIG COMPANY IN BORO PARK Seeking capable, organized female, multitasker with great PR skills. Excellent pay with room for growth. Contact: breindy.z@bkwigs. com F/T PARAPROFESSIONALS Seeking paraprofessionalsfull-time to work in a special education school for the 2022-2023 school year in Flatbush. Heimish environment! Transportation from BP provided. yadyisroelschool.orgresumes@ JOB
“Be in business
JOB OPPORTUNITY Career Institution looking to hire a student support specialist, positive office environment, great phone and communication skills a must. please email resume to
Heimishe Boro Park multi girl office looking for full time female workers for data entry. No experience necessary. Graduates preferred. Lots of potential for growth. If interested email resume to Info@ezraz. com
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking female to accompany individuals from the Hamaspik Group Home to medical appointments. Must have experience working with the developmentally disabled population and some medical knowhow. Driver’s license required. Email more718.387.8400hamaspikkings.orgrgross@orcallext.165forinformation.
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking staff for Hamaspik boys’ group home in Boro Park. Hours needed: 7am-9am, 3pm-8pm. Email resume to OPPORTUNITY
SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to SwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Curriculum coordinator limudei kodesh for specialed school. Exp., Yiddish speaking, and computer proficiency a must. Send your resume to gmail.Comschool718438@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking paraprofessionalsfull-time to work in a special education school for the 2022-2023 school year in Flatbush. Great pay! Heimish environment! Transportation provided. yadyisroelschool.orgresumes@
HOME PARA Triumph ABA is seeking to hire female paras for after school hours at home. Cases located in Boro Park, Flatbush and Crown Heights. Competitive Pay! Please submit your resume to info@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Associate Teachers/paras/ floaters ft/pt Chassidish sped school, Yiddish speaking a must. Email resume: hr@ JOB OPPORTUNITY Upper elementary NYSED certified teacher Chasiddish sp-ed school. bilingual a +. Email resume hr@ JOB OPPORTUNITY Teacher exp limudei kodesh Yiddish Speaking Upper Elementary Sp-ed school. Email resume school718438@gmail.Comto
JOB OPPORTUNITY Rebbe/Madrich needed for chassidish sp-ed program. Call: 347-865-1966. Email resume to gmail.Comschool718438@
ART & MUSIC INSTRUCTOR Girls’ sunday program seeking professional art instructor and music instructor (keyboard). Please email your resume to:
best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package.

Seeking Secretary For Hamaspik’s women’s day program Full time Great pay Warm, environmenthappy Fullpackagebenefits Boro Park Email resume to Or call 718.302.3333 ext. 5218 Requirements Organized � Excellent communication skills • Compassionate � Passionate about working with the special needs population Fill your day with meaning Great com/hab opportunities available to work with males and females BORO PARK • KENSINGTON • FLATBUSH CROWN HEIGHTS • CEDARHURST • QUEENS Weekends and after school at home and in the community 718-252-3365ext:102 | 718-252-3365ext:113 | Make a difference in someone special’s life! Sign up for a rewarding job while earning excellent pay and bonuses! Would you like to join a successful team in a well-established company? Join our company at entry level with the ability to rise further. Acquire competitive phone manners, communication and sales skills. Be groomed into an organized and multi-tasking employee. Send resume jobs258207@gmail.comto: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT We now have openings for additional talent to join our fabulous team and enjoy a pleasant work environment with great potential. Email resume to: Our team is for books!the ד"סב 181 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

F/T BOOKKEEPER Boro park office seeks an experienced F/T bookkeeper and process payroll. Detailed &Org. Excellent pay, Great Opp For Growth. Send Resume gmail.comofficejobdaycare@ JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking info@succeedsupport.comCallofficepositioninfemaleexperienced,responsible,detail-orientedwithexperiencethespecialedfieldforainourBPHeimishetostartimmediately.718-737-7262oremail
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking p3 Experience with Call 718-737-7262 info@
YIDDISH TEACHER Chassidish girls school in bp seeks an experienced first grade yiddish teacher. Please email:
high school students a plus. Offering great enhanced rate!
leave a message
SALESPERSON Seeking Energetic,motivatedSalesperson,for Seeking
HOMEWORK HELPER Seeking HomeworkEveningHelpers.
F/T POSITION F/T Position BP RE Management Office 9-5, Friendly environ (all female) Will train, some computer knowledge pref email resume to comresumesbpmgmt@gmail.
comatmosphere.skills,energetic,Secretary,organized,basiccomputerwilltrain.PleasantRf11219@gmail.347-631-9535 EXPERIENCEDBABYSITTINGBABYSITTER 12th & 59th time.September.acceptingexperiencedheimishebabysitterbabiesforFulltime/PartCall917-862-6087 VERY SMALL GROUP! Experienced heimishe babysitter avail to babysit ages 8 months+! From 9-1. 41 st. Bet 13/14 ave! Call 718-4158932. Classifieds PART RECEPTIONISTTIME Please email to: Or call: 718.686.2114 YVY is an EOE Phone skills a must, computer skills Detail oriented, great environment. Boro Park, flexible hours PROJECT COORDINATOR Busy BP office seeks full-time capable coordinator to join our team. Must be computer proficient, have the ability to multi-task and have a great attitude. Great opportunity for growth. Email resume to: and write Project Coordinator in subject line. 182 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
PARAPROFESSIONALSFEMALE Seeking paraprofessionals.female and available. Excellent Email resume to F/T POSITION Full time substitute position in heimisha daycare. Great environment. Please call (718) 871-4404 and
SUNDAY TEACHERS Seeking Sunday teachers for a special needs program. Gain teaching skills while making a difference in children’s lives. Must be capable and enjoy working with the developmentally disabled population. Great pay and great environment. 12th graders, seminary, and post-seminary candidates welcome. Call 718.302.3333 ext. 5303 for information.more
DAYCARE TEACHERS Seeking devoted heimishe co teachers/babysitters for Yiddish spkg. Daycare in boro park for September, Amazing work environment and Great benefits! Pls call 7187016556 ext 1
AFTERNOON ASSISTANT Chassidishe cheder in BP is seeking a 1st grade afternoon assistant for the upcoming school year. Please call 917279-7642
SEEKING COUNCELORS Seeking heimishe girls to be counselors at a fun yearround Sunday program for children with special needs. Great atmosphere and great pay. Hours are 11-3:30. Yiddish speaking. Call 718387-8400 ext. 5250 for more information.
BP high end store. Rf11219@ 347-631-9535 SECRETARY 149
or email
training provided.
F/T SECRETARY Boro park office seeks a F/T Secretary basic office knowledge computer and phone skills. Must Be Able To Multitask. Detailed &Org. Will Train, Excellent pay, Great opportunity For High School graduate. Great Opp For Growth. Send officejobdaycare@gmail.comResume.
SPECIAL ED TEACHERS Seeking teacher to work in a classroom with children with special needs. Part-time 9:002:20. Great environment and great pay. Please call (718) 302-3333 ext. 5230 for more information.
afternoon positions
WRITER POSITION Boropark24 is looking for a male or female Skilled Writer with an Interest in Politics and Local News. If you think you qualify please reach out to for additional details.
DRUM LESSONS Looking for an experience drummer willing to teach an older Boy in the house well paid. please text 917-81686814
providers and supervisors for during school and after hour cases.
PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT / CO-TEACHER Looking for part time Yiddish speaking playgroup assistant/co teacher for the upcoming school year Sep 22.
BABYSITTING Babysitting from 8-5. References avai. 718-438-5306/ 917-232-1267 PLAYGROUP Small playgroup now accepting for September. 47th & 19th Ave area. Ages 2-3. References available. 4 non-voucher slots left 718-853-4139 TODDLER GROUP Montessori toddler group forming on 18th avenue and 63rd street. 18+ months. 2 slots available. Please call 929.777.8445. JUST IN TIME FOR THE NEW YEAR! An exciting playgroup located in the erea of 12/51, Small homey group, with highly experienced teacher. Vouchers and non vouchers excepted. For More information call 9295853429 SERVICES LIGHT ALTERATIONS Please Call: 718.450.4700 WEIGHT & INCH LOSS - FAST! There’s only one way to lose weight in a quick, comfortable, convenient and discreet way- in the heart of Boro Park! Slympha is the secret to inch loss in time for your upcoming family Simcha! Call 718-532-4701 today for more information and to schedule your appointments. Special friend slots available for friends! WEIGHT LOSS! Want to lose weight & feel good before Tishrei? Lose up to 15 pounds in 6 weeks! Call Alexa at 954-662-1797 to start today! WEIGHT & INCH LOSS - FAST! There’s only one way to lose weight in a quick, comfortable, convenient and discreet way- in the heart of Boro Park! Slympha is the secret to inch loss in time for your upcoming family Simcha! Call 718 532 4701 today for more information and to schedule your appointments. Special friend slots available for friends! For women only. STUNNING PAINTINGS Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263 When you want to create high level designs, learning just the software programs is not enough. At The Bold Edge we also teach you design+business, so that you stand out professionally. Your design success is a call or click away! the bol de dg 71 8.853.4186 info @the bold e dg Mentoring by design experts Dedicated job placement Free monthly classes in Design + Business Power Your Edge podcast The Edge email newsletter READY TO START YOUR DESIGN JOURNEY? SIGN UP FOR: Graphic Design New! Video & Animation Web Design Teen Design (PC, GD and VA) Some designs are dazzling. Be the one that creates it. GOODBYE, FOREVER! 718-QUALITY 718.782.5489 · 718QUALITY.COM MOSQUITO & K9MANAGEMENTTICKINSPECTIONSMOUSE TREATMENTBEDEXPERTSPROOFINGBUG HEAT TREATMENTTHE ERADICATIONFORMETHODSUPERIORBEDBUG 183 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View

PHOTOGRAPHY Children, Slideshows Gatherings, Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Classifieds SECRETARIAL POSITION AVAILABLE For organized, resourceful and articulate woman/girl. Position requires aptitude in Sales and customer service. Training will be provided as needed. — 12-5 pm / flexible days — — Great pay and terms — — Heimishe office in Boro Park — For serious inquiries, please email your resume to: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Busy BP firm seeks full-time capable administrative assistant to join our team. Must be computer proficient, have the ability to multi-task and have a great attitude. Great opportunity for growth. Email resume to: and write Admin Position in subject line. Looking for a sign language interpreter to work with a bright girl in school. Please call or text: 347.533.3663 184 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022
TUTOR AVAILABLE Experienced Malky 718851-1839
and girls.
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it free!
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tutor available to give your daughter a smooth, successful school year. Specialized tutoring in kriah, chumash, math and english reading.
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for any occasion, family
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Per Payroll
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do long distance
GARTLECH We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
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GOWNS FOR SALE Gitty Porgesz light blue gown, designer look , size 8-10. 347528-1625 *Pink Gown size 12 347-528-1625 WHITE DRESS Gorgeous white dress to sell. Appropriate for own Tenoyim. Size 2-4. Please call/text 917-586-9295.
Ezer Mizion seeks FULL TIME SECRETARY Boro Park office • Excellent environment competitive salary • New graduates welcome Email Reume: 185 718.408.8770 August 31, 2022 The Boro Park View
Mens garment bag on 18/50 (by bus stop) 929-271-1837
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LOST If you found porta crib mattress, possibly with grey / white sheet on 12 /37 area please call / text 347-4862090. Lost the seat of Bugaboo Buggy board In BP Low ave and low streets. If found, please call 347-853-9465. Looking for someone that rented a black gown this winter from me, 48 street between 13 and 14 ave. and has not yet returned it. Please call Lost347.528.2446apairofnew childrens shoes in box. 718-438-0603
Doona bag + sweater inside Crossbody929-276-5651on the excellent bus on way to Monroe 917533-0970
you are in need feel free to give me a
Looking to dedicate Brand New Sefer Torah To a Shul in Need of New Sefer Torah. Call 718 306 4560 8x10 leather stick in ALBUMS, top quality large quantity (must take all). Pickup in BP 347-675-0963
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CLOTHING GEMACH Accepting just for this baby stuff new only, girls,teens ladies clothing If call:9292762404
LATE ADS PRE-1A AND FIRST GRADE ASSISTANTS for Bais Yaakov School. Morning and afternoon. Email resume school@bydm.comto or call 718-633-6555.
GOWNS GOWNS FOR RENT / SALE: Stunning Kleinfeld bridal gown, 9178090187.informationrentadultmechetenestedesignerandfourteenagegownsfororsale.Formorepleasetext
FOUND Diamond Bracelet at Simcha on July 25 in Boro Park. Call Newborn’s347-461-0973bracelet 718-438Pink0603 siddur, skvere nissech, found in Poland, name: chaya goldy. call 347-563-5237

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO לאטיפש סעדינאמיאמ ןעוועטאר וצ הפיסא ללאה ןואט םייב קראפ אראב יבשות רעטנעזיוט אלוליהה לגרל ע"יז אקניפסמ ק"הרה ןויצל 'ילעב םינברו ם"ירומדא 186 The Boro Park View

Doesn't mean you need to be cooking round the clock. Great deals on freezers and refrigerators. Buy yours now so you can start stocking up. And enjoy your yom tov fully. ד"סב 845.824.1600|Tagline 845-517-0973 Showroom hours: Mon-Thur: 9:30am - 6:30pm Fri: 9:30am - 1pm Sun: phone orders only 1003 MacArthur Blvd, Mahwah, NJ 07430 1 Yom Tov Season. 14 Days. 24 Meals. Refrigeratorcu.28.7ft The refrigerator.capacitylargestGE Uprightcu.21ftFreezer From appetizers to there’sdesserts,roomforeverything. RefrigeratorFrench36”Door Sleek design and many features, now for a great deal. 9 cu. ft FreezerThe-CounterUnderPerfect for those items you need in reach.easy-

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO פמעק עיינ א ראפ תיבה תכונח א טימ םענייאניא ןמזה םויס ןוא ארתב אבב תכסמ םויס א טעווארפעג טאה ןעמ יוו אירטס תבישי ןיא ןתשלש דמעמ םיער הנחמב דואווקיעלמ תובישיה ידימלתל םינמזה ןיב תבישיב החישב 45 בובאבמ רומדאה 188 The Boro Park View

וניבא ונכלמ ונלןיאךלמ אלא התא BORO PARK: 5309 13TH 718.480.5532AVE BORO PARK: 3720 14TH 718.480.7538AVE WILLIAMSBURG: 801 BEDFORD AVE 718.298.2014 LAKEWOOD: 12 AMERICA 732.678.9250AVE CROWN HEIGHTS: 260 KINGSTON AVE 718.298.4555 This הנשה שאר, crown the םיכלמה יכלמ ךלמ by wrapping the הרות עגילייה in an exquisite cover that matches it's glory. Choose from various different designs and materials to create a masterpiece befitting the scroll it covers. ORDER TODAY TO HAVE IN TIME FOR YOM TOV

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO בובאב'ד םייח ץע אתביתמ הנחמב בובאבמ ר"ומדאה עילאקס הנחמב ומחנ ק"שצומ הכלמ הולמב עילאקסמ ר"ומדאה תפצב בוסאק שרדמה תיבב ק"שצומ בוסאקמ ר"ומדאה 190 The Boro Park View

3617 13th Avenue Order on WhatsApp: 718.540.4042 SHIRTS / POLOS / PANTS / SWEATERS / PJ'S ןיא קירוצ א יוו !סאבעלאבטאטש Classic / Slim / Strech ALL PANTS IN STOCK BLACK & CHARCOAL COMINGSOON

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ראמטאסמ ר"ומדאה לצא ע"יז ראמטאסמ ק"הרה תלוליה 192 The Boro Park View

םישזער-יצַאנ עטכוזעגסנטסרעמםענופסרעכערברַאפןיאגעיעגידךָאנ ;רָאג זיב טרעדיושעצ ןעוועג זיא גרעבנזָאר רעטלָאוו ךיז טיירג סע-סע יד זַא ןענופעגסיוא סָאוורָאנ טָאה רע .ןדיא ןָאילימ ַא ףיוא הטיחש-ןסַאמ ַא ןריפוצכרוד טגנערבעג זיא רע טניז רָאי ייווצ עטצעל יד ןופ ךשמב רעטלָאוו טָאה ,ץיוושיוא ןייק דלַאוועג טימ ןרָאוועג רעד רעביא ןטייהלצנייא עלַא טלמַאזעג טייהרעליטש רָאנ טָאה רע עכלעוו ףיוא ,קירבַאפ-דרָאמ רעכילקערש ןפיולטנַא לעוטנעווע וצ ןַאלפּ ן'טימ ,טנַאה ַא ןגייל טנעקעג .תמא ןצנַאג םעד טלעוו רעד רַאפ ןלייצרַאפ ןוא טָאה ץיוושיוא ןיא סעלעטש 'עגיטכיוו' ענייז בילוצ עכילנעוועג יד סָאוו סעיגעליווירפּ עייר ַא טַאהעג רעטלָאוו טָאה רע ןוא טגָאמרַאפ טשינ ןבָאה ץיוושיוא ןיא ןעגנילטפעה ואוו ץיוושיוא ןיא רעטרע ענעדישרַאפ וצ טירטוצ ןעמוקַאב .ןייג טנעקעג טשינ ןבָאה סרעלטעצַאק עכילנעוועג יד ןופ בור עיגעליווירפּ עגיזָאד יד טצונעגסיוא רע טָאה לָאמ עכילטע ,וַאנעקריב ןופ סמוירָאטַאמערק יד וצ ןרעטנענרעד וצ ךיז עבַאגפיוא ןַא סעפּע טָאה רע וליאכ לעטשנָא םעד גידנכַאמ ןרעטנעָאנ ַא ןפַּאכ וצ ןזיווַאב רע טָאה יוזַא .טרָאד ןריפוצסיוא ןוא ,טנעָאנ רעד ןופ ןישַאמ-דרָאמ רעשיצַאנ רעד ףיוא קילב .ץיוושיוא רעביא עיצַאמרָאפניא עשיטירק ךָאנ ןפַאש ןוא ט'רזח'עגנייא טוג עיצַאמרָאפניא עלַא יד טָאה רע ןביירשפָּא .ךעלרעמעק-תונורכז ענייז ןיא טגיילעגקעווַא סע ן'רַאפ זיולב − שילַאקיזיר וצ ןעוועג זיא עיצַאמרָאפניא יד ןעמ טָאה רעגַאל םעניא ריפַּאפּ ןוא ענעפּ ַא טימ ןרעוו טפַּאכעג ןַא טגָאמרַאפ רע טָאה לזמ םוצ .ןבעל ן'טימ ןלָאצַאב טנעקעג טָאה יוזַא ןורכז ןטשטנעבעג ןוא פָּאק ןטוג ןכילנעוועגרעסיוא .עיצַאמרָאפניא ליפיוזַא ןעקנעדעג טנעקעג רע ןרָאוועג טכַארטַאב ןַאד זיב זיא ץיוושיוא ןופ ןפיולטנַא טניימעג טָאה ץיוושיוא ןופ ןפיולטנַא ;ךילגעממוא סלַא עטסערג יד ןופ ענייא ןעוועג זיא ץיוושיוא .דרָאמטסבלעז ןעוועג ןענעז סיצַאנ יד ןוא דנַאלשטייד-יצַאנ ןופ ןסינמייהעג ןטלַאה ן'כרוד ,יוזַא טביילב'ס זַא ןכַאמ וצ רעכיז ןסָאלשטנַא רעגידנסיורד רעד רַאפ טכַאמרַאפ שיטעמרעה רעגַאל םעד שטנעמ רעגידעבעל ַא יוזַאיוו געוו רעטסגיצנייא רעד .טלעוו עריא ךרוד ןעוועג זיא ,ץיוושיוא ןזָאלרַאפ וצ ןזיווַאב.סנעמיוקטָאה ןבָאה עכלעוו ןשטנעמ ןעוועג טשינ ןענעז סע זַא טשינ רעזנוא ןעוו טייצ רעד וצ זיב רעבָא ,ןפיולטנַא וצ טריבורפּ ןעוועג טשינ ייז ןופ רענייק זיא ןפָאלרַאפ ךיז זיא עטכישעג ןענעז ןרָאוועג טפַּאכעג ןענעז עכלעוו יד ןוא ,ךיירגלָאפרעד טגנערבעג ןַאד ןוא ןעגנוגינייפּ ערעטיב ןעגנַאגעגרעבירַא .ואריו ועמשי ןעמל ,'ילת רעד וצ ןרָאוועג ענעגנַאפעג-סגירק עשיליופּ ןעוועג עדַארג ןענעז סע רעד ןיא ,ץיוושיוא ןופ ןפיולטנַא וצ ןזיווַאב ןבָאה עכלעוו זיא רעגַאל רעד סָאוו םעדכָאנ טייצ קיטש רעטשרע רעגינייוו-רעמ ןעוועג ןענעז ייז רעבָא ,ןרָאוועג טעדנירגעג ןבָאה סיצַאנ יד סָאוו ןישַאמ-דרָאמ רעד רעביא דנסיוומוא .ןרָאי עדנגלָאפכָאנ יד ןיא ץיוושיוא ןיא טלעטשעגפיוא ןטלַאהעגקירוצ ךיז לייוורעד זיב רעטלָאוו טָאה םעד בילוצ .ןפיולטנַא וצ רענעלפּ ענייז ןריפסיוא ןופ רוחב רעשידיא רעד טָאה 1944 ,15 רַאונַאי םוא רעבָא יד טשינ רעמ טָאה רע זַא ןעוועג טילחמ ,ייקַאווָאלס ןופ .ןטרַאוו ןופ 'עיגעליווירפּ' סע-סע יד זַא ןענופעגסיוא רעטלָאוו טָאה גָאט םעד ןיא ,ןטרָאפּסנַארט ןופ גייטשפיוא ןשיטַאמַארד ַא ףיוא ךיז טיירג טצעי זיב לָאמנייק ךָאנ טָאה רעגַאל רעד סָאוו םענרַאפ ַא ףיוא ןדיא רעטנזיוט ערעווש ןדרָאמרעד ןענעק וצ ידכ ,ןעזעג טשינ .גָאט ןטסגיצנייא ןדעי ,רעגַאל םעניא סָאד ןעוועג סיצַאנ יד ןופ ליצ רעד זיא לָאמסָאד סָאוו עדניימעג עשידיא עטסגיצנייא יד ,םוטנדיא עשירַאגנוא ןכילקערש םעד ןטימעגסיוא רעגינייוו-רעמ ןַאד זיב טָאה .עפָּארייא ןיא רעדנעל ערעדנַא ןיא ןדיא ןופ לרוג ןופ קָאלג רעד טפיוק לקיטרא םעד ןופ טשער.לולאן׳ראפשדוח

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO אקניפס קחצי תיבמ ר"ומדאה ונב לצא ע"יז אקניפסמ ק"הרה תלוליה לארשי רוא הנחמב ק"בש רגנלרא מ"ירגה לבוקמה ןעלוקסמ ם"ירומדאה לצא ע"יז ןעלוקסמ רזעילא םעונ לעב ק"הרה תלוליה 196 The Boro Park View

ד"סב 718.705.7174 !ןייא ןיוש ךייא טביירש ןייז וצ ןבילקעגסיוא באה ךיא סאווראפ ןלייצרעד טלאוועג באה ךיא ןצנאג םעד סיוא גאט ןדעי טגאז סאוו ׳ללוכ םילהת׳ ןיא רעבמעמ א ןיב ךיא .ע״יז ץינביר ןופ קידצ ןגילייה ןופ ןויצ םייב םילהת דימלת רעסיורג א זיא עטאט ןיימ ,בוטש ע׳בושח א ןיא ןסקאוועגפיוא חילצמ רעייז ךיוא ןבאה רעדורב ערעטלע עניימ ןוא ,בושח שיאו םכח תמאב באה ךיא .׳שרעדנא׳ ןעוועג רעבא ןיב ךיא .ןענרעל ןיא ןעוועג ןוא ןעגנאגעג טשינ רימ זיא סע רעבא ,קראטש רעייז טריבורפ .החפשמ רעד ןיא ןעזנא ןיימ טריטקעפא טאה סע ךיז טייטשראפ סע ןעמעוו רעטאפ ןיימ ןופ טייקנריולראפ יד טריפשעג גיבייא באה׳כ טשינ סע באה ךיא ןוא טירשראפ עכאווש ןיימ טרעדאבעג טאה יוו ןעז ןלאז ןרעטלע עניימ טלאוועג יוזא באה ךיא .ןטלאהעגסיוא .ןא רימ טמוק סע רעווש יוו ןוא ךיז גאלפ ךיא רעווש ןסיורג םייב ןכוזאב טפא ךיא געלפ ןטייצ ערעווש ענעי סיואכרוד קידצ רעצינביר רעד ןוא ,ע״יז ץינבירמ ק״הרה תועושי לעופו קידצ רימ טאה יבר רעד .ץראה ןיימ ןיא גנונפאה ןזאלבעגניירא טאה קידצ םעד ייב זא טליפעג גיבייא באה ךיא ןוא ,ןעוועג קזחמ גידנעטש ותריטפ רחאל ךיוא .ךימ טייטשראפ רע ןוא טסיירט ןיימ ךיא ףערט א ןגאז ןוא לטכיל א ןדניצ ןייגפיורא טייצ וצ טייצ ןופ ךיא געלפ קידצ םענופ תוכז רעד יוו ןריפש ןוא ,ןויצ ןייז ייב םילהת לטיפאק ץרא ףיוא ןענרעל ןראפעג ןיב ךיא ןעוו רעטעפש ךיוא .ךימ טיילגאב ןענרעל ךרוד קידצ ן׳טימ רשק א ןטלאהנא טריבורפ ךיא באה לארשי .ותמשנ יוליעל ן‘לבוט ךיז ןוא רשק ןכילנעזרעפ ןיימ ןופ טסואוועג טשינ לאמנייק טאה עטאט ןיימ עגארפ ןייז ןוא רעטאפ ןיימ ךימ טפור גאט ןייא .קידצ ןסיורג ןטימ ן‘טימ תוכייש א סעפע טסאה וד ,לאומש״ טשאררעביא ךימ טאה ןעמעוו טימ רבח עטנאנ א זא רימ טלייצרעד רע ןוא ״?ן׳יבר רעצינביר ראפ טדערעג טשינ ןיוש טאה רעבא ,הבישי ןיא ןענרעל טגעלפ רע ןעוו .לאומש ןוז א טאה רע ביוא ןגערפ ןפורעג םיא טאה ראי 20 רעביא ןכילרעדנואוו םעד רימ רע טלייצרעד ,אי טגאזעג םיא באה ךיא זיא ץינביר ןופ קידצ רעד יוו טאהעג סאווראנ טאה רע סאוו שינעעשעג םיא גאז ןוא ,םהרבא רבח ןייד ףור״ טגאזעג ןוא םולח ןיא ןעמוקעג םיא רע !דיא רעכילרע ןא ןסקאווסיוא ןוא ןגייטש טעוו לאומש ןוז ןייז זא ״!םיא ןופ תחנ ךאסא ראג ןעז ךאנ טעוו׳מ ןוא דניק ליואוו א זיא טאה רעצינביר רעגילייה רעד רעבא ךילביולגמוא שממ ךיז טרעה סע ךיז טאה קידצ רעכילביל רעד !ותריטפ רחאל ךיוא טעבראעג רימ ראפ ןוא ,קידצ םייב תוליפת עניימ ןופ תוכז ןיא רימ ראפ ןוט וצ טעימאב באה ראפרעד ןוא .ןייזליואוו ןיימ ראפ ןטאט ןיימ וצ חילש א טקישעג ןגילייה םייב טראד זיא סאוו ׳ללוכ םילהת׳ טימ פישרעבמעמ א ךיא ללכ ראפ םיחילש עגיטכיר יד ןייז ןלאז ייז ,גאט ןדעי ןויצ ס׳קידצ !קידצה תוכזב תועפשה ןוא תועושי ןעגנערב וצ לארשי !רימ ראפ טגראז קידצ רעד ןופ געט גיצרעפםוצ זיב לולא ו“ט אלוליהד אמוי !תוכוס גח ורסא

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO שהאטמ ר"ומדאה ונב לצב ע"יז שהאטמ ק"הרה תלוליה גרובסלראק ד"באג צ"הגה ךרוד הרהט תוכלה ףיוא רעהראפ ןגיטראסיורג םייב גרובסלראק הארוהל דומלת תיב ללוכ ןופ העד הרוי תרובח ע"יז קסעלאמ חמש בלה לעב תלוליה קסעלאמ ר"ומדאה לצא לצא רוקיבב אקניפס יבצ תודלותמ ר"ומדאה אתביתמ הנחמב 45-בובאבמ ר"ומדאה ףלקה לע םילהת ןגאז םייב בונמירמ ר"ומדאה לולא ח"ר ק"שצומ תוצח 198 The Boro Park View

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JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ראמטאסמ ר"ומדאה לצא ע"יז ראמטאסמ ק"הרה תלוליה 200 The Boro Park View

Doors Open at 6:30 Young Israel Beth El of Boro Park 4802 15th Ave. • Brooklyn, NY THE BPJCC, IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ZICHARON PRESENT An Alzheimer’s and Dementia Event that will Educate, Empower, and Ease the Burden DavidFeaturing:Troxel, M.P.H. Renowned Author and Dementia Care Trainer, A Dignified Life: The Best Friends™ Approach to Alzheimer's Care: A Guide for Care Partners An opportunity to join hundreds of caregivers to hear from an expert on topics such as: • Dealing with Challenging Behaviors • Repetitive Conversations • Slowing Down Progression • Communication Tips Pre-registration necessary to ensure availability Call 718-972-6600 Ext. 4603 Or Register Online www.BPJCC.orgAt ACCESS HEALTH A C ty Health In tiativ Powered by BPJCC ZICHARON SUPPORT • CARE • GUIDANCE Mark calendar.theTUESDAY Sept. 13 7:00 – 9:00 PM FREE EVENT This event was facilitated by the BPJCC Senior Department We will be raffling off Ten of David Troxel’s books


םיטרפ רעמ ןרעה וˆ ףיו‡ ןו‡ ,ןרעטלע עטריסרעטני‡ר‡פ ‡"טיל˘ להנמ ןטימ ן„ניבר‡פ ךיז ןעמ ןע˜ ,הבי˘י י„ רעבי‡ ט"לעבה לול‡ ˘„וח ןמז םעיינ םענופ לעוו˘ םייב ‚י„נעייט˘ ‡ימ˘„ ‡˙עייס ןו‡ החלˆה להיפ טימ רה‡י ‡ ך‡נ ‚י„נעטל‡ה ןו‡ הרו˙ה ˜˘ח הנט˜ הבי˘י ˜ר‡פ ‡ר‡ב ט‚יילע‚וˆ רימ ןב‡הןי‡ רעˆעלפ ענלעˆניי‡ ך‡נ המל˘ ‚רעבנעז‡ר'יבוטסלעזיימברהברה718.400.8364 '‡ רועי˘'ב רועי˘ ןו‡ רע‚רעב„ל‡‚יבˆברהל‡יחיינחורלהנמברהןועמ˘ןייט˘נעכיי‡להנמן‚סןרה‡ברהל‡ומ˘ן‡מרע‚רי‡מברהרעביוטן˙נלווייפברהלעפמעטסב‡ז ןימינב יבר ‚"הרה ייב ˙וריפה ˙כרב ˙וכלה ךיז ןרעהר‡פ הבי˘יה י„ימל˙ıינ˘זיוו ˜"˜ב ı"מו„ו ˜חˆי רו‡מ לה˜„ בר ‡"טיל˘ רע˘יילפ „״סב רעבוט˘ עכילרע ןופ םירוחב ע˘'י„יסח עלע„יי‡ ר‡פ ˙ובוט ˙ו„ימ ןו‡ םימ˘ ˙‡רי ,ה„ובעו הרו˙ ןי‡ ן‚ייט˘ וˆ ןכוז ס‡וו הבי˘י י„ ןופ יובע‚ ע‚יטר‡נע‚יי‡ י„ ןופ ןייז וˆ הנהנ ןו‡ םי„ימל˙ה ˙לעו˙ל „ומיל יר„ס עטלעט˘ע‚סיו‡ לעיˆעפס ןו‡ ןס‡ל˜ ערענעל˜ טימ .ב‡ט˘ על‡נ‡יסעפ‡רפ ןו‡ ענעבע‚ע‚רעבי‡ עמיר‡וו רעזנו‡ ןופ טיר˘ ןו‡ טירט ףיו‡ ‚נוטייל‚‡ב טימ ‚רובסמ‡יליוו ןופ טלעט˘ע‚וˆ עיˆ‡טר‡פסנ‡רט

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO הליש ןכשמב הליפתב בוסאקמ ר"ומדאה אפאפ ידיסחד ”תיגהו“ תרגסמב ןראוועג טנרעלעג תובותכ תכסמ תלחתהו תומבי תכסמ םויס דמעמ ל"צז םילשורי זניל ד"בא צ"הגה נ"על הרות רפס תביתכ תלחתה ייב גרובנעזיולק זנאצמ ר"ומדאה 204 The Boro Park View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO קראפ אראבב ראמטאס ד"מהיבב ע"יז ראמטאסמ ק"הרה לש אלוליה תדועסאקנעט ד"באג לצא רוקיבב ןעלוקסמ ר"ומדאה הורפא ףיוא עילאקסמ ר”ומדאה ץישפאר תליהק י"ע ץישפאר - יעשראפ - ליבאנרעשט תיבב תוכרב עבשה תחמש ליבאנרעשט תליהק י"ע ץישפאר - יעשראפ - ליבאנרעשט תיבב תוכרב עבשה תחמש 206 The Boro Park View

52 // Inbox 60 // Parsha 68 // Week in Review 76 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 84 // The Long Road to Freedom 95 // Food 106 // The Heart Behind the Desk 122 // Back in the School Days 142 // One Child At a Time 150 // Back-to-School Challenge 154 // FYI 156 // Fun Pages 162 // Classifieds 178 // ContentsPictures // Inside THE BORO PARK VIEW 1274 49th Street, Suite 421 Brooklyn, NY 11219 Telephone: 718.408.8770 Fax: 718.408.8771 E-mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: The Boro Park View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Boro Park’s top talent together to provide high-qual ity, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Boro Park community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Boro Park View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distrib uted or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Boro Park View. Limit one (1) per family Publisher: YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK Content Editor: R. REESE Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ ISSUE 149 AUGUST 31, 2022 ב”פשת לולא ’ד FYI: CHALK A diamond is forever. But it shouldn’t take that long to pay it off. LaBleau Jewelers ntroduces you to Paragon Diamonds™ Read mo e on page 34-35. A ANDCALLINGAMISSION The thoughts teachers rarely share WHAT’S IN YOUR BAG? Join our super back-to-school snack challenge and win a nifty prize! A CLASSROOMTIMEWARP How everything school evolved over time NEW COLUMN! ONE CHILD AT A TIME /// A six-week empowerment journey for parents 208 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View August 31, 2022


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