sVision therapy is designed to remedy problems that interfere with kids' ability to read, learn or participate in educational activities.
At such a critical time, the Jewish community in New York is looking for leadership that can be trusted in assisting us with our crucial needs. We simply can’t afford to rely on campaign promises that won’t be fulfilled.
We need four more years of Gov. Kathy Hochul, who has a reputation of standing as a reliable ally to us.
Kathy Hochul
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As refreshing as it sounds, Health Emporium’s juice bar is loaded with fresh and wholesome fruits and vegetables ready to be blended into your power smoothie, and devoured by lucky you.
The many health benefits of fruits and vegetables are myriad, yet there is just a limit to how much you can eat it whole and raw.
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סיורא טגנערב אטשפ confi- ןעיובפיוא
סאד ,געוו עגיד'הרות עגיד'ארומ א ףיוא תונורשכ ןיא ךלהמ ענעטלאהעגסיוא ןוא עכילרע ןא ףיוא dence leadership ,ןעגניז ,םיברב ןריטנעזערפ ,ןטכיזניה עליפ .'ודכו עקאמשעג א ראג ףיוא ןבעגעגרעביא ןרעוו םירועיש יד זיא סע ואוו ,'סנערפנאק ןאפעלעט ווייל' א ךרוד ןפוא ןעיובוצפיוא טלעג ןיא תוחוכ ךאסא טגיילעגניירא
I really enjoyed your features about bath bombs. It was so nice to read about an innovative fellow woman who made a business out of an art that she enjoys! Her products seem amazing, and I was also happy to see instructions for making bath bombs at home.
You definitely put me in the mood for some fizzling scented bath time luxury!
A.E.(Re: Your Voice, Issue 155)
Dear Miffed Shopper,
I want to make you aware about two things you probably didn’t realize when writing your letter last week.
The first point is that the Torah tells us to be dan l’kaf zechus. I don’t know your personal backstory, so I’ll give you the benefit of doubt, too: I’m sure there’s a good reason for your “simmering,” as you wrote. But now let’s explore the other side.
We don’t know what was going on behind the scenes with the woman who cut the line. I’m sure there was a good reason for that, too. Maybe her baby was crying in her husband’s car, desperate for food;
Reena Hazan: Hachana L'Kallah
Reb. Chany Frankel: Yom Hachuppah Series
Baila Friedman: Creating a Bayis Neemon B'Yisroel
Ruthie Levy ("Simplifized" program): How to unpack your apartment /Organizing
of Kallah
Be inspired and equipped as a kallah and newlywed with the hashkafah, insight, and practical skills to build a lifetime together.
Our presentations are genuine and personal, straight from our mentors’ hearts to the hearts of our audience.
Devorala Blau: Shalom Bayis Series
Rivka Katz: Kedushas Habayis Series
Leah Maranelli, CM: Women's health Victoria Dwek: Cooking Series
Tziri Herschkowitz (Hakol Beseder): Housekeeping / Time Management
Devorah Heller: Challah baking
Reb. Yonina Grunner: Hadlakas Neiros
maybe she was in a rush to catch a child’s bus, or a Monsey Trails bus because she was traveling for yom tov; or maybe she was rushing to be home in time for her cleaning lady’s arrival. While we may not know her reason, let’s be dan other people l’kaf zechus. When I see a person in such a situ ation — rushing, cutting lines — I ask Hashem, “Please help her with whatever she needs.”
The second point: In Sefer Netzor Leshoncha, the Chofetz Chaim writes that talking negatively about a person be longing to a certain group/community/neighborhood, or nation, for that matter, is assur! And that includes writing publicly that one of our Yiddishe sisters has done some thing wrong.
Let’s all try to think only positively about other people, especially our own Yiddishe sisters, and in this zechus, may we all have a gezunte winter.
I’m happily and actively participating in the healthy snack contest. It’s really enjoyable to prepare my own healthy snacks. I’d like to share that our wonderful local pediatrician, Esther Gottlieb, is encouraging this project. She even has copies of the chart available for her patients to take home so they can join!
Additionally, I would like to know if you can have the fanny packs available for pickup locally in Sullivan County for all of your upstate participants.
Raizy Stern Kiamesha LakeWe are pleased that the snack contest is making a differ ence all over New York! We will keep your request in mind; look out for your location when we announce information for claiming the prize.
The interviews with those who celebrated hachnasas sifrei Torah were so heartwarming. I loved the variety of Yidden presented; it so beautifully portrayed how the Torah brings Yidden from the world over together, and how we all live for the Torah, which is our greatest celebration.
I found it interesting to read that the neshamos of our an cestors come down during a hachnasas sefer Torah even more so than during a wedding. What a zechus these people had.
Thank you for the timely inspiration!
EMAIL: comments@thebpview.com
FAX: 718-408-8771
MAIL: The Boro Park View, 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219
N.M.Beyond is Boro Park’s latest after-school program offering children the education and activities to excel in an environ ment they can enjoy while being expertly guided toward excellence.
Boys eligible for P3/SETSS will receive the services they are entitled to without having to miss class or suffer the stigma of being pulled out of regular classes to receive services. Instead, boys can join Beyond’s revolutionary, specialized after-school education center. There they will blossom under the careful tutelage of Beyond’s expert, heimishe machanchim, in groups created to fit their needs or in one-on-one programs. Beyond’s experienced staff are passionate about the work they do as well as experienced in the field of education and special education.
After seeing the tremendous demand for an after-school program, Beyond announced its opening for boys nine through thirteen. Due to popular demand, the program has since expanded to include ages six through eight. Starting on October 31, students in need of assistance and those with too much after-school time on their hands will benefit from Beyond’s social and academic services.
Beyond will offer homework help, and math and reading comprehension assistance. There will also be a Mishnayos program for the older boys focusing on understanding the Mishnayos, the limudim, shorashim, and Lashon Hakodesh. Arts and crafts are also included. Snacks are provided. Transportation to the facility’s central location is available as Beyond aims to make it all easier so homes will run more smoothly with the least stress possible.
“We are very excited to launch this innovative program,” says Rabbi Meir Mandell, MSEd, cofounder of Beyond.
“The services will be of tremendous benefit to the boys who get the services they deserve without the stigma of missing class, and families will also benefit. Our goal with this pro gram is to always go beyond — that is why not only will we provide tutoring, but boys will come away feeling good that they will be learning something extra with our program. The extracurricular activities are an added enhancement, so we know our program will include something for everyone.”
The program will start on October 31. Payments can be made privately or through P3/SETSS funding, or HCBS if eligible. Staff opportunities are also available as the program continues to grow. With limited space, it is recom mended that parents reach out now. For more information, email BeyondedNY@gmail.com or call 917-524-7686.
Leading up to the Mabul, the Torah describes that the earth became corrupted before Hashem. Later, the pasuk says that the world was filled with “chamas ” (robbery) (Bereishis 6:13), and Rashi explains, according to the Gemara in Sanhedrin (108a), that this indicates that the final verdict was sealed due to theft.
Why, at first, does it seem that the primary wickedness lay in transgressions against Hashem, while the ultimate destruction points at robbery, which is iniquity between man and his fellow?
GERSHON THE PAINTER was relaxing on his sofa with the latest issue of the local newspaper in his hands. He scanned the classifieds. Then the bold words popped out at him: “Seek ing qualified painter to manage large projects and oversee a team of workers.”
That was him! Gershon was a professional painter. He had learned the tricks of the trade from his father, who had been a painter for decades. Gershon had earned himself a name for his quality work, and he did have jobs here and there. But a ca reer as the manager of a team of painters?! That sounded like a dream he could have hardly imagined.
Gershon took note of the fax number on the ad and began to work on his resume. He reached out to a couple of satisfied clients for testimonials and included a long list of references to boot. With a prayer on his lips, he faxed over the entire file.
The response was not long in coming. Gershon soon re ceived a call from a secretary of a large gentile firm in Man hattan. “We’d like to call you down for an interview,” the wom an said. “Can I put you down for next Thursday at 11 a.m.?”
Gershon was thrilled. Next Thursday would be two days before Tisha B’Av, but he didn’t think that would be a problem. “Yes, yes,” he said, trying to conceal his excitement. He took down the exact address of the office — which was located on an upper floor in a skyscraper — and promised to be punctual.
Over the next few days, Gershon made mental notes of the
things he would tell his prospective employer. He practiced speaking confidently so he would come across as the ultimate man for the job. At some point, Gershon realized that there was a little issue. Coming during the Three Weeks, the tim ing meant that Gershon had stubble on his face. He was always careful not to shave in this period, especially not in the Nine Days. But how could he present himself as a respectable candi date when he looked slightly unkempt?
There must be a loophole, he thought to himself. I must make the right impression!
Gershon decided to ask Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, for a psak Perhaps the posek hador would understand his predicament and find a way out.
Rav Moshe ruled that having the interview was permissible during this time, but he pointed out that as believing Jews, we know that no harm is caused by keeping the mitzvos of the To rah. To the contrary! Being careful with mitzvos is what forti fies and protects us.
The answer was clear. Yet on the morning of the interview, the temptation was strong. Soon Gershon found himself exit ing the bathroom, his face clear of stubble.
An hour later, his heart pounding, he rang the bell at the office. The secretary showed him into the boss’s office, and the interview began. As the conversation went on, the boss looked pleased with what Gershon had to say for himself.
Do it for yourself. Personal care just went up a notch. Learn how to style your hair to frame your face, with time-tested techniques. Do it for others. Master the beauty techniques needed to go pro. Learn the trade once, and appreciate it forever.
Just before Gershon stood up to go, however, the poten tial employer said he had one final question.
“I can tell you are an Orthodox Jew,” he said. “I’ve got quite a few acquaintances who are Jewish, too. I know that these days, they haven’t been shaving for religious reasons. But it seems you don’t keep that practice. Can you explain?”
Gershon turned colors. “I usually don’t shave at this time either,” he finally stammered. “But I wanted to be pre sentable for this interview, you know.”
The boss looked at him. “The work we have here re quires a high level of trust. How can I know that one who is not faithful to his religion will be faithful to our custom ers?”
Gershon was not shocked to receive a negative reply in the mail a few days later.
* * * * *
With this, we can understand the pasuk. Indeed, the generation of the Mabul sinned against Hashem, as it says, “Vatishaches ha’aretz lifnei ha’Elokim” (Bereishis 6:11).
But it did not stop there. Once they lost their faithful ness to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, they continued to fall lower. Naturally, this affected their interpersonal relationships, and soon they were completely corrupted. Thus, the straw that broke the camel’s back and sealed their fate was their horrific acts of theft.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
The extent of the theft rampant in the days before the Mabul was underhanded — in both stealthy and exposed manners.
If a man would bring a basket of produce to sell at the marketplace, for instance, he would suddenly be swooped upon by passersby. Each one would take just a little bit, worth less than a small coin, and in no time, the seller would have nothing left to sell.
People would also move their neighbors’ landmarks to extend their own personal property. It was also common to rob cattle, especially from hapless orphans or widows.
Robbery went so far that there were those who would walk around naked, fearing that people would literally steal the clothes off their backs!
The answer was clear. Yet on the morning of the interview, the temptation was strong.
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Former NYPD Commissioner pulled no punches in a Sun day radio interview, slamming Mayor Eric Adams for New York City’s alarming crime rates.
Kelly’s comments came during a discussion with John Catsi matidis, reported VIN News. He recalled how New York had been the country’s safest large city just a few years ago, when po lice employed anti-crime units and used stop-and-frisk policies to keep residents safe.
“This isn’t brain surgery,” said Kelly. “You go back and look at the things we were doing then, and you reimplement them. But apparently the mayor doesn’t want to do this.”
Kelly also addressed rising crime rates on the subways, which he categorized as “the lifeblood of New York.”
“Every day you read about a crime in the transit system, and it just reinforces the notion that it’s too dangerous to travel on the subway,” said Kelly.
Adams announced a joint plan with Governor Kathy Hochul last week to flood the subway with police officers, with 1,200 ad ditional overtime shifts and an expanded police presence in at least 300 subway stations during peak hours. But according to the New York Post, the move is nothing more than a last-ditch ef fort to boost Hochul’s numbers in the polls, noting that the gov ernor ignored subway crime until a poll showed that she was in a dead heat with challenger Lee Zeldin, who hopes to unseat her
The New York Post described the new subway safety plan as an initiative created out of political panic and advised city residents to enjoy the extra police officers, at least for now.
“They will keep you safer,” they noted. “Just remember they are there because the governor is afraid, too — for her own reelection prospects.”
Just months after a massive recall had parents of formula-fed babies scrambling to find nourishment for their infants, a ma jor producer has initiated another recall, this time on two-ounce bottles of premixed formula.
Abbott announced the voluntary recall last week, explain ing that a small percentage of bottles were improperly sealed, an error that could lead to spoilage and, if consumed, potential gastrointestinal issues. The affected formulas were distributed mainly to hospitals, doctors’ offices, distributors and some re tailers and were manufactured in Columbus, Ohio. Products covered by the recall in the United States include lots of Similac 360 Total Care, Similac 360 Total Care Sensitive, Similac Special Care 24, Similar Pro-Total Comfort, Similac NeoSure and Pedia lyte Electrolyte Solution. The recall also covers certain Similac products distributed in Canada, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Curacao, Trinidad and Tobago, Ja maica, Barbados, Haiti, St. Thomas, St. Croix, Panama, Dominican Republic, and Colombia. Problematic formulas can be identified by the lot number, located either on the bottom of the bottle or on the carton. Contact Abbott at 800986-8540 or visit them online at www.Simi lacRecall.com for more information on which products are included in the recall
Abbot advised consumers to discard any for mula that is subject to the recall, explaining, “Ensuring the quality of our products and the safety of our consumers is our top priority and a responsibility we take very seriously, including
taking action when a product doesn’t meet
quality stan dards.”
New Yorkers whose license plates are peeling can avoid the possibility of being ticketed or fined, with the Department of Motor Vehicles offering free replacements.
According to SI Live, the DMV has said that it is aware of a delamination problem that has the printed coating separat ing from the actual metal plate on some older license plates. With drivers facing a potential fine of up to $200 for unread able plates, there’s no time like the present to obtain replace ments at no charge, although those wishing to keep the same plate number will pay a $20 fee.
“We are encouraging New Yorkers who have peeling li cense plates to get new ones,” said DMV Commissioner Mark Schroder.
Replacements for peeling plates can be ordered via email at dmv.sm.peelingplates@dmv.ny.gov, with motorists includ ing their name as it appears on their registration, full mail ing address, city, state, zip code, daytime phone number, the number of their peeling license plate and a picture of their license plate. According to the DMV, it should take four to six weeks for the new license plates to arrive, along with a new registration and windshield sticker, with no changes pos sible once the original request has been submitted. Once the new plates have arrived, drivers should discard their old ones and are advised to void the plate number with a permanent marker so that they cannot be reused by anyone else, poten tially leaving them liable for fines or tickets incurred.
Those who prefer to keep their current plate number will need to submit the DMV’s Application for Replacement Plates — Keep Same Plate Number (DMV document PP-7), along with a check or money order payable to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles and a photograph of their peeling plates. Drivers whose license plates are simply cracked, faded or dis playing damages other than peeling will have to pay a $25 replacement fee and a $3.75 registration fee if they want new plates, along with an additional $20 fee if they want to keep their current plate number.
Polio is caused by a highly contagious virus. Though most people who get infected with polio virus don't feel sick at all, others develop a sore throat, fever, headache, stomach pain or vomiting. Still others, about 1 in 25 infected persons, develop meningitis - a stiff neck and severe muscle pain caused when the virus infects their brain and spinal cord. Approximately 1 out of 200 people develop irreversible paralysis, known as paralytic poliomyelitis. If the muscles we use to breathe become paralyzed, the person can die.
Polio spreads from person to person. It spreads when the stool or respiratory secretions of an infected person are introduced into the mouth of another person directly or through contaminated hands, objects, food, or water. The virus reproduces in the intestines and throat and is passed in the stool. Infected people without symptoms can still spread the virus. People with polio may be contagious as long as the virus is present in the throat and stool. The virus remains in the throat for about one to two weeks and in the stool for about three to six weeks after the onset of illness.
I've heard that people can get polio from the vaccine. How does this happen? There are two types of polio vaccines. One, called “inactivated polio vaccine” (IPV), is given as a shot. It contains dead polio virus that cannot reproduce in people. This is the version used in the U.S. The other, called “oral polio vaccine,” (OPV) is given by mouth and is not available in the US. It contains live, weakened polio virus. Because the virus can still reproduce at low levels, recently vaccinated people can shed the virus in their stools. Very rarely, the weakened OPV vaccine viruses can regain the ability to infect the brain or spinal cord. This can cause paralytic poliomyelitis in the person who had recently received OPV or in their unvaccinated close contacts (1 person per 2.6 million doses).
If such a virus begins to circulate among unvaccinated people, polio outbreaks can occur. So, is there a chance that my child gets polio from the vaccine if I choose to vaccinate? No. OPV is still given in some countries, including Israel, but it is no longer used in the U.S. IPV is the only polio vaccine that has been given in the U.S. since 2000. Because the virus in IPV cannot make more copies of itself, it cannot cause polio, either in the person receiving the vaccine or those around them.
I keep my home clean and am careful with food in my kitchen, isn’t this protective against polio?
Household hygiene and safe food handling practices are helpful in preventing infections that spread on food, such as salmonella, but polio virus is different. It is very contagious and passes easily between people, even those without symptoms.
I give my child good nutrition. Doesn’t this protect my child from actually getting sick from polio?
A healthy diet is important for your children’s well-being and for building a healthy immune system. But even strong, healthy children got polio and some suffered complications, such as paralysis and death, prior to the introduction of polio vaccines. Polio vaccination with IPV is the only clear way to protect your child from paralytic poliomyelitis.
How effective is the IPV vaccine?
The IPV vaccine is safe and effective and protects almost all children from paralysis (more than 99 out of 100) who get the recommended number of doses. Children should get four doses of polio vaccine, given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 to 18 months, and 4-6 years of age. Side effects of the vaccine can include pain, redness or swelling at the site of the shot. These typically resolve after 1-2 days. Adults who were fully vaccinated as children and who are at risk of exposure now should get one adult booster dose vaccine.
My baby is so young. Isn’t this vaccine just too strong for my baby? Shouldn’t I wait to vaccinate until my child is older and stronger?
The recommended dose of the vaccine is the right strength for your baby. The IPV vaccine has been safely given to millions of young babies throughout the U.S. since the mid-1950s. The vaccine schedule has been designed with consideration to both vaccine safety and disease susceptibility. As such, any time you delay a vaccine, you unnecessarily leave your baby vulnerable to disease.
Can I protect my baby from polio by breastfeeding them?
If you were vaccinated for polio, it is possible that your baby may benefit from antibodies received before birth or from breastfeeding. But even if antibodies are passed to the baby, the amount of antibodies passed on may not be enough and will only offer protection for a short time before they break down. Only by vaccinating your young baby will they have their own longlived protection against this infection.
My child has a cold. Can they still be vaccinated?
Yes, children experiencing mild illnesses, such as colds, a low fever, an ear infection, or mild diarrhea, can still receive a vaccine. Mild illness does not affect how well the body responds to a vaccine and vaccines do not make a mild illness worse. Children taking antibiotics can get vaccines.
If you or your child are not vaccinated yet,If you or your child are not vaccinated yet, talk to your physician or healthcare provider.talk to your physician or healthcare provider.
RECAP: Back at City Hall to beg Lucjan for a break, Lenny finds the man’s office empty, and temptation gets the better of him. He finds the manuscript and takes it with him. Zach and Izzy are arrested as suspects and placed under interrogation.
Lucjan Kowalsky mixed himself a stiff drink and carried it to his dining room table, where he col lapsed into his chair and took a large gulp. It was late Saturday night. He’d had a long day, and tomorrow would be just as bad, if not worse.
He was in big trouble.
It wasn’t every day that his office discov ered an artifact from pre-World War II. The politics of these cases were never easy. On the one hand, the city naturally wanted to keep anything of historic significance (or anything really valuable), and internal pol icy was quietly designed to make that more likely. But they had to make at least a token effort to locate the original owners, if only to avoid a public outcry. This juggling act became even more complicated when the property belonged to Jews.
Lucjan wasn’t around in the times im mediately after the war, when Jews returned to houses they had once owned only to find gentiles living there and refusing to leave.
The communist government that took over from the Nazis couldn’t have cared less, and in most cases, the Jews were just sent pack ing. But even the current government wasn’t exactly bending over backward to set things right.
There were dozens of wizened old sur vivors, living across the world, who de manded such-and-such building or factory.
Even when they had proof, which was rare (the Nazis hadn’t bothered preserving Jew ish property deeds), the Polish government wasn’t very interested in helping. It was too complicated, too expensive. And, really, who cared? Yes, the property had once belonged to them. But the past was the past. Every one in Poland had suffered through Nazism. Restitution wasn’t going to happen.
Personally, Lucjan felt it was wrong. But he was a pragmatist. He knew public opin ion was against the Jews, and there was nothing he could do about it. He had his job, which was to make a small effort to find the owners of property, and arrange things so it
probably wouldn’t work out in the end. They did it all the time.
But now someone had stolen the man uscript. Lucjan didn’t think the book was worth much, though you never knew with these Jewish collectors. He wasn’t worried about losing the city money. On the other hand, the theft was bad public ity. Frankly, any publicity was bad when it came to Holocaust relics, but this would be worse. And it had been stolen on Luc jan’s watch! That was a problem. It might even have been his fault.
What had happened was this: Friday morning, he’d just begun working when he received a call from a police station in Wrocław. His fool of a brother had gotten arrested again, this time for smuggling drugs.
“You are in big trouble, Filip,” he hissed into the phone.
“Oh, really?” Filip said heatedly. “What a surprise! Did you think I called you for your zurek recipe? Come over and get me out of here!”
Sitting in his cushioned seat in Lodz City Hall, Lucjan gritted his teeth. “What am I supposed to do, exactly?” He pounded the table. “I’m a city clerk, not the Komen dant policji!”
“Lucky, I —”
“Don’t call me that!” Lucjan snapped. His brother thought it was funny, giv ing him the nickname of some Ameri can gangster from the ‘30s. Ha-ha. From what Lucjan had heard (admittedly not much), the only thing he and Lucky Lu ciano had in common was the sound of their names.
“Lucjan, I’m in trouble,” Filip begged.
“I said that already,” Lucjan answered curtly. “Now, I have a lot of work to do, so you’d better —”
“It’ll break Mama’s heart,” Filip said quietly.
Lucjan sat and fumed. He hated that Filip had, once again, put him into this situation. “What do you expect me to do?!”
“Just come and help me. Use some connections or something, I dunno. Just get over here!”
Lucjan raged. He yelled. He called his brother names. And finally, he dropped everything on a busy morning to drive two hours and fifteen minutes out to his brother.
He told no one where he was going. Lucjan was too embarrassed. Why did
Filip keep doing these idiotic things?! And why did he always have to call Luc jan to bail him out? Why couldn’t he call those loser friends of his?
After hours spent talking to various officials, begging, cajoling and calling in Lucjan’s very limited supply of favors, Filip was sent home with a stern warn ing, all charges dropped.
But this was the last time Lucjan would help. He felt humiliated, sub-hu man. Besides, he’d used up all of his cur rency. It was over.
“You hear me?” he demanded as he dropped Filip off at a friend’s house. “There better be no more trouble. Done!”
“There won’t be,” Filip assured him. “I’m turning over a new leaf, Lucky.”
“Don’t call me that!” Lucjan growled.
“Sorry.” Filip smiled. “Honestly, there
not the manuscript was found.
I should never have answered the phone, he thought to himself bitterly. When Filip calls, it’s nothing but trouble.
“So you came here for what? Emotion al support?”
Izzy sighed. “You asked me that al ready.” The initial shock had begun to wear off, and with it his sense of being off-guard. Plus, once they’d told him the manuscript had been stolen, Izzy felt calmer. After all, he knew he hadn’t taken the manuscript. It wasn’t like they could find it in his things or trick him into a confession. All he needed to do was wait. They’d be free eventually.
“Zach’s a friend. The manuscript be
won’t be any trouble. I’ll go work at a gro cery store or something. I’m going hon est. I promise.”
“Good, because I’m never doing this for you again,” Lucjan snarled.
Then he got into his car and made the long journey home, uncomfortably aware that both he and his brother’s parting words were probably lies.
It wasn’t until the next morning, when he came in to work on a Saturday (grumble, grumble) to make up for lost time, that he realized he’d left his office unlocked for a whole day.
It was probably fine, he’d left it un locked before, though never for this long. Just to be safe, he checked to see if any thing was out of place. And that’s how he found out he was in trouble.
The manuscript was gone.
That would have been bad enough if he’d done everything right. But it had been stolen immediately after Lucjan had left the office, without telling any one, and left his door unlocked
It looked bad. He spent hours with the police, answering the same ques tions over and over and hoping that he wouldn’t be arrested as a suspect. It was an exhausting weekend, made worse by the certain knowledge that his future employment depended on whether or
longs to him. I came along as a friend.” He gave the man a tired glare. “You can call that whatever you want.”
The interrogator raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “Seems like a long way to travel for a friend.”
“Maybe you need better friends,” Izzy suggested with a shrug.
The policeman nodded. “You may be right. How many friends do you have?”
What? “How many fr— I dunno, a handful.”
“You ever fly around the world for them?”
“No, but this is a family thing. Lodz is where our family comes from, the man uscript is a family heirloom. This is a big deal for all of us.”
The policeman’s eyes narrowed. “So it’s a family thing now? A minute ago you said you came as a friend…”
Izzy flushed. “It’s a little of both, all right?”
“Sure you weren’t secretly hoping to get the book for yourself?”
“I wasn’t ‘secretly’ anything.” Izzy snapped. “Zach offered the manuscript to our synagogue before we even left the States. We’re very happy about it. There’s no secret here.”
“So,” the cop said with a predatory smile, “this trip wasn’t about family or
friendship. You’re here to get the book. It’s business all the way.”
“You’re wrong,” Izzy insisted.
The cop’s smile didn’t budge. “Enlighten me.”
Izzy tried to explain, tried to get his thoughts in order. But the whole thing was too crazy, too surreal. This wasn’t like pre paring a brief for one of his attorneys. He hadn’t run through a mock trail, didn’t know where the questions were going. He was tired and hungry, none of this made sense, and he hadn’t done anything wrong to begin with, so why were these people harassing him?!
“Zach’s a good friend,” he finally mumbled. That was the honest truth, no matter what this guy tried to read into it.
“How long have you known each other?”
“Who cares?” Izzy exploded.
“Answer the question, please.”
“A week or two.” The moment he said it, he realized what the cop was getting at. But it was too late.
“Right. Two weeks and you’re — what’s that word you Ameri cans use? — besties, right?” The officer looked at him incredu lously. “You know what I’m thinking? Zach agrees to give this book to you. Maybe you convince him, maybe he’s just that kind of gullible guy.”
“That’s not—”
“And so you come here with him,” the cop interrupted, “to make sure everything goes according to plan. And then, I dunno, maybe he realizes later that it’s worth too much to give up, or maybe he’s just a little suspicious of his brand-new best friend’s motives. It’s not like he’s known you from childhood or anything, right? So maybe he says, ‘You know what? Think I’m gonna keep it for myself after all, if you don’t mind.’ And you—”
“That’s not what happened!” Izzy growled.
“And you think to yourself: What am I gonna do now?” The cop shrugged theatrically. “You’re stuck here in Poland, came all this way just for the book. Zach promised he’d give it to you. You deserve it, right? So you decide the only thing you could do is—”
“I DIDN’T STEAL THE MANUSCRIPT!” Izzy shouted across the table.
“I wouldn’t blame you,” the police officer added calmly.
“IT DIDN’T HAPPEN! ” Izzy spat. “The last thing I knew about the manuscript was when that guy Lucjan told us to come back Monday. That’s it. All I know. Okay?!”
The cop shifted position in his seat and looked Izzy in the eye. “Why weren’t you in the hotel all Saturday?”
“It’s our Sabbath,” Izzy said, rolling his eyes. “We spent it with friends.”
“More friends, and you must’ve met them so recently…” The cop was about to say more when the door opened and a woman walked in.
Izzy’s first impression was age. The woman was ancient, with deep lines etched into her face. She wore a simple black dress adorned with white lace at the shoulders. A gold chain necklace was draped across her slightly stooped shoulders.
But it was her eyes that were her most prominent feature. The woman’s faded blue eyes swept the room from under heavy white brows. They seemed to pierce Izzy’s soul.
The policeman leapt to his feet when she entered the room, standing at ramrod attention with a look of shock on his face.
“Przejmuje sprawe, dziekuje,” she said, sliding into the officer’s empty chair. She’d take it from there.
an end to recurring issues as you begin to understand your mind, body and soul so you can harness their innate healing power. Feel empowered with knowledge and calmly treat common childhood ailments with simple, safe techniques from the comfort of your home.
Recap: Reb Mendel leads an inspiring Seder for the Dominguez family. Meanwhile, Europe girds itself for war, and Vienna looks toward King Jan Sobieski of Poland to defend them against the Turks.
Sobieski turned to the Imperial military men who had accompanied Pentucci to Warsaw and asked them for their detailed assessment. They informed him that Sultan Mohammed IV had not wanted to attack Vienna and rouse the Christian world against him, but Kara Mustafa, his Grand Vizier, insisted on a campaign against Austria. With an enormous army of three hundred thousand men, about half of whom were fighters, he was confident he could overwhelm the defenses of the imperial capital and burst through into the heart of Europe.
Although he remained skeptical, the Sultan deferred to his Vizier’s judgment. But he expressed his lingering skep ticism by handing Kara Mustafa a length of green cord and saying, “If you fail to capture Vienna, you must hang your self with this cord.” Ever since, Kara Mustafa always wore the cord around his neck in public to demonstrate his de termination to achieve a glorious victory.
The Turks were dangerous and deadly, the Imperial military men concluded, and their leader was desperate. France had the most powerful army in Europe, but King Louis XIV was content to sit back and watch the Turks de stroy his enemy Austria, thinking perhaps that he could defeat the Turks later, a rather arrogant assumption. It was clear that the only reasonable hope of thwarting the Turks was a coalition led by Poland and its brilliant king. The Austrians, commanded by the Duke of Lorraine, would number about twenty-three thousand men. The Germans, commanded by Prince Waldek, would number about twen ty-eight thousand men. Another thirty-five thousand fight
ers from Poland would complete a coalition with a fighting chance, especially with Sobieski in command. If Sobieski failed to join the coalition, however, Vienna would fall, and all of Europe would lie exposed before the Turkish jugger naut.
Sobieski laced his fingers across his expansive paunch and let his large, egg-shaped head fall onto his chest. The rest of the room fell silent so as not to disturb the Polish king’s contemplation. Finally, Sobieski lifted his head.
“It takes time to assemble an army and march,” he said. “I cannot arrive in Vienna before September. Can the city hold out until then?”
“It will have to,” said Cardinal Pentucci. “Heaven help us if it doesn’t.”
“Then I will rescue Vienna,” said Sobieski. “Victory will be ours.”
The war clouds gathering over Vienna were far from the minds of the Dominguez family as they arrived in Ham burg for Carolina’s wedding almost two weeks before the event. The Pereira family received them as royalty, and the entire Portuguese community, which had followed the for tunes and misfortunes of the family with keen interest, re ceived them as celebrities.
The evening after their arrival, the Pereiras gave a lav
ish reception in honor of the bride and her family. Just about everyone in both of Hamburg’s Jewish communities, Portuguese and Ashkenazic, put in an appear ance at some time or another during the evening. The people congratulated both families on the forthcoming union and wished the prospective couple good for tune and many blessings. Many people expressed their condolences to the Domin guez family over the tragic demise of the illustrious Don Pedro, royal councilor and minister to the Spanish king, and also their admiration for the heroic manner in which he had faced his end.
Sebastian, tall and dark-haired, with chiseled features and the noble bearing of a former prince, was a center of attention in his own right. The story of his hairraising escape from Spain was widely known, and more than a few people gave him sidelong glances and speculated among themselves about his matrimonial eligibility.
Gonzalo Sanchez had also made the trip to Hamburg, and he stood near a win dow with a glass of cognac in his hand and a contented smile on his face, thinking, Don Pedro would have been pleased. His family had gone through a lot, but it seemed that better times lay ahead.
Once the evening was well under way and most of the guests had been greeted and made welcome, Senor Pereira pulled Sebastian aside.
“There is someone I would like you to meet,” he said. He lowered his voice. “You know that we did not insist on your family delivering the promised dowry.”
“Yes, I do,” said Sebastian. “That was very kind of you.”
“Not really. You see, someone else provided the dowry. Not quite the full amount, but enough to satisfy our needs.”
Sebastian was baffled. “Someone else! But who? Why weren’t we told?”
“Well, at first, I thought there’d be no point in telling you, since you weren’t like ly to meet him. He’s an elderly gentleman, and he lives far from Hamburg. But as it turns out, he did make the journey to attend the wedding, so I think it is only fair that I tell you about him and that you thank him personally.”
“Believe me, Senor, I am profoundly grateful to this man, whoever he is. But I don’t understand. Who is this man, and why did he do this?”
“I’ll let him answer the question. Here, let me introduce you to him.”
Senor Pereira led Sebastian to a corner of the room where a tiny man was re galing his listeners with amusing and amazing stories about his travels. The man stood out in the crowd because of his diminutive size and vivacious personality. He had a short grizzled beard, a deeply lined face and eyes that never stopped danc ing. His dark waistcoat and tall dark hat identified him as an Ashkenazic Jew.
Senor Pereira waited until there was a pause in the laughter, then he tapped the tiny man on the shoulder to gain his attention.
“Herr Ringel,” he said, “this is Senor Sebastian Dominguez, the son of Don Pe dro, may he rest in peace. Senor Dominguez, this is Herr Elisha Ringel of Poznan, Poland. He was a friend of your father.”
Sebastian extended his hand. Elisha Ringel grasped it in both of his hands and shook it vigorously.
“I will leave you two together,” said Snñor Pereira. “I must go see to my other guests.”
“We will manage, Senor Pereira,” said Elisha. “Thank you.”
Senor Pereira bowed courteously and walked away.
“Herr Ringel,” said Sebastian, “on behalf of my mother, my sister and my entire family, I want to express —”
“Just wait a minute, young man. Two things. First of all, I was going to tell you to call me Elisha, but then I changed my mind. I’m almost seventy years old, and I don’t think it would be appropriate. But Herr Ringel sounds like someone else. So why don’t you call me Reb Elisha? It’s —”
“I know that one,” said Sebastian. “That’s what I call Rabbi Strasbourg.”
“Reb Mendel?”
“That’s right. Anyway, Reb Elisha, as I was saying —”
“That’s the other thing I was going to say to you. Thankyou speeches make me uncomfortable. So you’re welcome, and let’s move on. Senor Pereira told me he was going to tell you, and I didn’t object. After all, the Talmud says that if you do someone a good turn you should let him know about it. So now you know about it, and we can move on.”
Sebastian nodded. “Fine. A simple thank you, and all the rest is understood. And now, can you tell me who you are and why you did this wonderful thing?”
“I found your father on a beach in France after he had been wounded in a sea battle with pirates. He was close to death, but I nursed him back to health. Then I brought him
to the home of my good friend Rabbi Shlomo Strasbourg in the city of Pulichev in Poland. Your father and I spent a lot of time together, and we became good friends. He was a great man, a truly extraordinary man. He also spoke of you often. I could see that he was really proud of you … may I call you Sebastian?”
“Please do.”
“When your father died, I felt terrible sorrow, and I was determined to do something for his family in his holy mem ory. I have made and lost fortunes in my life, but I have made many more than I have lost. My children are grown and are successful in business. My money will eventually go to them, and I’m sure they will put it to good use, but as long as I am alive, I intend to enjoy it. So I made inquiries and found out what your family needed most at that time. And I have to tell you that very few things I’ve done with my money have given
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me as much pleasure as this that I’ve done for your family. It is I that should be thanking you profusely. But I don’t believe in long thank-you speeches.”
“Thanks accepted,” said Sebastian with a smile. “You’re welcome. And speaking of thanks, there’s some thing else for which I’m grateful to you. My father felt that those two years he spent with the elder Rabbi Strasbourg in Poland were the best years of his life. Those years trans formed him, and although he didn’t live too long afterward, they were a very precious gift. Thank you. I only wish I could thank Rabbi Strasbourg in person as well.”
“Yes, he would have enjoyed meet ing you. He actually considered com ing to Hamburg for the wedding, but he is even older than I am; can you imagine such a thing? It would have been too difficult a journey consider ing that he and his wife are also go ing to Vienna to see their son and his family. They’ve just moved to Vienna, as you surely know.”
“But me, I’m still spry enough to travel about,” said Elisha. “I’ve been doing it all my life, so I guess it’s easier for me than for other people. I can fall asleep in an oxcart riding over a rutted track. Not many people can do that. Anyway, as I was saying, I can still travel, and I’m going on to Vienna from here. I can convey your thank you to Rabbi Strasbourg. Since it will undoubtedly be a short thank you, it won’t weigh me down on the road.”
Sebastian gave Elisha a speculative look. “Wait a minute. You say you’re going to meet Rabbi Shlomo Stras bourg in Vienna?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Would you mind if I traveled along with you?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Se bastian. You are under the protection of the French king, and you should stay in his domains. There’s a small risk even in a quick trip to Hamburg, but for your sister’s wedding, I sup pose it may be justified. But Vienna? In the heart of the Austrian Empire? If you’re recognized, you’ll be arrest ed and sent back to Spain.”
To be continued…
Yes, you read that correctly: a quarter of a million votes! No, this is not someone's fanciful imagination speaking. Continue reading to learn how we can achieve a "Klal Yisroel Bloc Vote" of two hundred and fifty thousand votes that will save the future of the Jewish community in Greater New York.
Since Jews first began to settle in New York, our future has never been more threatened than now— both physically and spiritually, with out-of-control crime, skyrocketing antisemitic attacks, and Yeshiva education under assault. New York is primarily a Democrat state, driving its politicians and elected officials to pander to the more liberal, leftist fringe of the party, whose woke, procriminal, anti-religious, and immoral ideologies are rapidly spreading. There is currently no significant political movement to counter them.
Now with our very existence threatened and our educational system under attack, we are left with only one viable option. In less than two weeks, a highly critical and decisive election will take place to determine who will be the next governor of New York. Every individual in our communities must invest the minimum effort during this crucial period to help fight the liberal agenda. We must create an electoral earthquake that will reverberate across all political echelons from New York City to Albany—even all the way to Washington—by going out to vote in massive numbers and
turning ourselves into an enormous political force to be reckoned with.
Before delving into the numbers as they relate to the upcoming elections, let us take a moment to learn some lessons from the past. The Jewish community of New York has never yet brought out more than one hundred thousand voters throughout the entire state in any election. It may seem like a significant number, but it is a negligible amount in a state with twelve million registered voters.
Our many communities combined boast more than two hundred and fifty thousand registered voters (which we will soon divide by community), but, regrettably, we don't usually bring out more than eighty thousand or, in a best-case scenario, hundred thousand, votes.
Suppose we can successfully generate two hundred fifty thousand votes; we will become a powerful entity forcing politicians to pay attention to our needs, regardless of their party affiliation or which party our community voted for.
Unfortunately, mediation, diplomacy, and closed-door meetings with politicians have not produced desirable results. This isn’t surprising: every elected official understands just one language, and that is the voting booth!
Why have we not voted in more significant numbers until now?
There are several commonly-used excuses or arguments, which we will now individually address and refute.
A. How will my individual vote make a difference?
An individual vote, indeed, does not make a big difference. However, a quarter million individual votes make a world of difference. We must shift our mindset from individuals to participants in a massive bloc of a quarter million votes, containing the power to effect a political overhaul.
As previously mentioned, this is the language elected politicians understand. If we come out in huge numbers, regardless of who we vote for, we will suddenly become a vital constituency they will aim to please. They will no longer be free to ignore or even mock our interests.
B. My unfavored candidate will win regardless. Or My preferred candidate doesn't stand a chance.
This myth has long been debunked. In recent elections, we have seen candidates with supposedly-dismal chances of winning get elected, and seemingly winning candidates lose unexpectedly. We've also seen the anyway-winning candidate win only because of the individual voters who voted for the anyway-winning candidate. Our votes actually helped get them into office, but not significantly enough to make a difference in their attitude toward serving our communities. When
push came to shove and we needed them, they conveniently disappeared or joined the forces aligned against the community's interests.
Every individual should decide which candidate best represents Klal Yisroel's interests, regardless of their chances to win, and make every effort to go out and vote, showing the candidates that they must take our needs seriously.
Where are our more than 250,000 registered voters?
Boro Park 32,000, Flatbush 36,000, Williamsburg 27,000, Rockland 27,000, Queens 35,000, Orange County 17,500, Long Island/Five Towns 27,500, East/Westside/ Washington Heights 20,000, Crown Heights 14,000, Westchester County 6,500, Staten Island 6,000, Sullivan County 3,300, Riverdale 2,200
How significant are 250,000 votes among 12 million registered voters?
Let's look at the last four New York gubernatorial elections. In 2006, 2010, and 2014 the voter turnouts were around 35%. In 2018, turnout was at 48%, mainly due to Governor Cuomo's extreme popularity at the time, as well as voters’ attitude towards President Trump, an extremely unpopular president in New York. 2018 also saw a "blue wave" across the country. It was an excellent year for the Democrats, generating a high level of enthusiasm among voters, and a bad year for Republicans in general.
In 2022, politics are reversed, with Republicans showing more
enthusiasm than Democrats. With Governor Hochul's lack of popularity (remember, nobody ever voted for her) and hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers reaching a breaking point with skyrocketing crime, a voter turnout of no more than 35% is anticipated, which is around 4.1 million voters. Considering these numbers, 250,000 votes make up 5% of the total votes cast in the election, an enormously influential bloc never before seen in New York politics.
Polls are showing an ever-tightening race between Congressman Zeldin and Governor Hochul. Independent polls show them running neckin-neck. Liberal polls are putting Governor Hochul just five percentage points ahead, which means that our 250,000 votes can determine the outcome of the election, bringing our community unprecedented political power and forcing politicians to address our concerns adequately.
Community advocates and representatives of major Jewish organizations like Agudas Yisrael and the OU have created electoral maps of all our neighborhoods to analyze the large numbers of voters we have on the rolls. After the elections, they will be reviewing these maps with politicians to demonstrate the power of our united bloc vote. Now it is in our hands to build and strengthen our bloc by getting out, voting, and encouraging family members, friends, and acquaintances to do the same!
Dear fellow community members, we only have one option! For too many elections, we have passively stayed home, allowing anti-religious and
liberal voters to build powerful political movements. Our apathy has caused us to fall victim to leftist politicians and their liberal agendas, which are threatening our physical and spiritual survival today.
We suffered terrible repercussions during the coronavirus era, with no one to turn to. Government officials had and continue to have no interest in addressing our needs if we offer them no political value.
We now have an extraordinary opportunity to leave a significant political fingerprint on the upcoming election. We cannot afford to lose it. If you are a member of Klal Yisroel and a registered voter, you are obligated to vote in the current election for Hashem, the Torah, our children, and our future generations. Do not remain apathetic — get out and vote!
If you are unsure you will get to vote on Election Day, vote early. Every neighborhood will have designated early voting locations starting on Saturday, October 29th.
Dinners on chilly evenings are gener ally cozy and structured. Kids are happy to be indoors and eager to actually sit at the table and enjoy a meal. That’s why it’s simpler to feed a nourishing meal during this season.
Nannes, the author of Subbota (a famous memoir), was finally released after spending twenty torturous years in Siberia, he emigrated to Eretz Yisroel with his wife. My great-aunt had the zechus to cook for the elderly couple, who introduced her to this hearty and refreshing soup made with vegetables that were available in frigid Russia. This has become a favorite in
home as well as in
This chicken is enhanced by warm spices and chickpeas — a super flavorful dish!
1 mediumonion
1 plumtomato
1 tsp.paprika
tsp.mustardpowderor½tsp. preparedmustard
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Dice the onion, garlic and tomato, and spread them in a lined 9x13” pan.
3. Combine the next five ingredients with 1 teaspoon oil and 1 teaspoon water to form a paste, and rub it into the chicken.
4. Place the chicken, skin side up, in the pan, and top with the chickpeas and 4 tablespoons of water.
5. Bake, covered, for 2 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes.
spuds and squashes blend together in this warm comfort food. You can add a splash of cayenne pepper if you enjoy the heat.
Preheat the oven to 350°.
Place the onions and oil into a lined 9x13” pan, and saute in the oven for 15 minutes.
Peel and dice the vegetables.
Mix the vegetables and onions with salt and pepper, to taste.
Cover and bake for 1 hour and 30 min utes.
Remove the cover and bake for another 15 minutes to allow the vegetables to crisp, if desired.
Ekg's, Bloodwork and ultrasounds done on premises.
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to Specialists.
How big is too big? While there can be differ ences that vary by state, a truck is generally consid ered oversize if it, or its load, is wider than 8.5 feet or taller than 13.5 feet. As far as weight, the federal weight limit for trucks is 80,000 pounds. (The first state to implement a weight law was Maine, which set a limit of 18,000 pounds in 1918. I guess they’ve adjusted for inflation since then.)
Those weight limits apply when the truck’s weight is spread evenly along its length. What if most of that weight is in the truck’s front or back? That’s where “maximum axle weight” comes in.
An axle is a rod or shaft that rotates the parallel
wheels on both sides of the vehicle, and supports the weight of the vehicle. Your car probably has two ax les, one for the front wheels and another for the two back wheels. For trucks, the maximum weight per axle is 20,000 pounds on a single axle, and 34,000 pounds on two consecutive axles. A load that ex ceeds the per-axle limit is considered overweight, even if it doesn’t exceed the overall weight limit.
Are you wondering why trucks have size and weight limits? Oversize loads are a hazard to road ways as well as to traffic. If a truck — or its load — is too high, it can hit a bridge or some other overhead structure, getting the truck stuck underneath or even bringing down the bridge.
Also, roads and bridges can only handle so much weight and stress. When a truck is over the weight limit, it poses a greater risk of bridge collapse or damage. In addition, repeated heavy weight on the roads can create potholes and other issues that lead to costly, more frequent repair.
You’ve likely seen signs along the highway for weigh stations, and maybe you’ve asked yourself, “What in the world are weigh sta tions?”
A weigh station is a location off the highway where officials weigh vehicles. The Department of Transportation, Department of Motor Vehicles, or highway pa trols are in charge of these. Along
side the actual scale is a scale house, or office, in which the official reads the weight. Truckers often refer to these weigh stations as “chicken coops.”
Originally, weigh stations were a method of collecting taxes, but now they focus on a truck’s weight mainly for safety purpos es.
In many states, any ve hicle over 10,000 pounds must stop at a weigh sta tion. Weigh stations are equipped with truck scales. Some of these are weigh-in-motion (WIM) scales, which permit the trucks to continue mov ing while being weighed, while older scales require the trucks to stop. Signal lights indicate whether the driver should pull over for additional inspection or return to the highway.
Trucks chosen for in spection are generally those that fail the weight test. Others are done at random intervals. (Per haps this is to avoid “pro
filing”? At least they’re not asked to take off their wheels.)
A typical inspection includes check ing all paperwork, such as a driver’s li cense, permits and so on. The officials also search for any illegal or hazard
ous materials. Inspectors check vari ous parts of the vehicle, as well, such as seatbelts, coupling devices that connect the various sections of the truck, brakes, tires, rims, hubcaps, exhaust and fuel systems, emergency exits, electrical
cables, frame, lights (head lights, brakelights, taillights), securement of cargo, steering mechanisms, safe loading, suspension, windshield wip ers, and turn signals.
Additionally, many offi cials use portable scales, al lowing weigh stations to be set up at any point. These in clude temporary checkpoints on isolated roads often used by trucks, which are set up to discourage drivers who are trying to avoid the scales at fixed locations.
(These “checkups” remind me of the annual checkups I’d get as a kid, which also always featured a weigh station, followed by a lecture from my pe diatrician that I had to lose weight. I have to admit his admonitions would have carried more weight had he not been popping out of his shirt buttons.)
Despite all this, bigger and heavier loads often need to be trans ported by truck. Some examples include large construction equip ment (such as cranes), pre-built homes, large containers, bridge beams, generators, windmill propellers and industrial equipment.
To get a permit to haul extra-heavy or oversize loads, trucks must fulfill certain conditions. For instance, if the extra-large item they are carrying could be reasonably disassembled into smaller pieces and carried in several smaller loads, they might be required to do so.
Extra-wide shipments generally require travel escorts, or “pilot vehicles.” The role of a travel escort is to warn the truck drivers of special circumstances, such as accidents, construction zones, bridg es, low wires, traffic jams, and other hazards that require careful driving. They also alert the public to the presence of an oversize ve hicle.
Special markings, such as flags or lights, may be also re quired. Typically, red flags and amber lights are required for oversize loads to ensure visibility to other traffic. Travel es corts are often also required to have flags and/or lights.
Additionally, oversize vehicles may be allowed to travel only during certain hours. In most states, they may be on the road only from 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset, Monday through Friday.
Obviously, it’s not easy to be a driver for one of these over size trucks. Besides all the rules and annoying weigh stations, driving any big truck is dangerous. When an oversize load is added to the mix, the risks are exponentially increased. Driv
ing these, whether across long or short distances, is difficult and stressful.
But people do it. And some love it.
According to The Fun Times Guide, one driver of an overweight truck ex plained, “The reason I got into this line of work is because I love driving trucks and operating heavy machinery. I live on the East Coast, but I spend most of my time away from home. It can take up to seven or eight days to travel across the country — depending on the width, weight and height of the load. But I enjoy being on the road. I like to think of my job not as a job but like being paid a wage to see my country.”
Whether you’re commuting, vacation ing or just running errands, chances are oversize specialty ve hicles will, at least occasionally, be part of the scene — which ever route you take.
While you can enjoy the novelty of seeing these oversize trucks, you should also employ proper caution. Do not swerve in front of a truck or cause the driver to come to a sudden stop. It can take up to the length of a football field for a large truck to come to a complete stop. An 80,000-pound truck going 65 mph can take a full 300 feet to come to a stop after hitting the brakes. And if, chas v’shalom, there’s a crash — it won’t be the truck that takes the brunt of it. You must drive among these trucks with caution, with courtesy… and defensively.
Nonetheless, we should be grateful for the heavy trucks that help bring us all the products we need and want — and maybe even for all goodies that make us almost as overweight as they are.
Nesanel Yoel Safran is a writer, chef and student of Torah and life. You can read about all of this and more on his blog Soul Foodie (soulfoodiecom.wordpress.com) and contact him at soulfoodie613@ gmail.com.in Harmony, led by the legendary Dina Friedman will teach you how to create and maintain a loving, healthy relationship with your married children. This program is designed for parents marrying off children, and for young marrieds who want to learn the art and skill of how to maintain a close connection once they’ve left home. Dina teaches you the facts of what changes when a child leaves home for marriage, the typical problems both sides deal with, and the guaranteed solutions.
“You bought that house?” This was the chorused reaction I got at work when two co-workers who live in my neighbor hood discovered which house we had purchased. They proceeded to tell me their personal stories of how the crane that had plopped a modular four-bedroom, three-bathroom house atop the existing house provided hours of free entertainment for their young children. For us, a double-sized house meant we could host our grown children and families comfortably, especially for Shabbosos and Yamim Tovim.
After living in our semi-modular home for about a year, my curiosity was piqued. What is a modular home, and how is it produced? How can you tour one, prior to purchase? Is it more afford able than a traditional “stick home”? Here’s what I discovered.
A modular home is built in a massive, climatecontrolled factory, section by section. These hous es are assembled according to the International Residential Code (IRC), which requires compli ance with all state and local building regulation standards for quality and safety.
After they are fully fabricated, the sections of the modular home are transported to the build ing site, via flatbed trucks, railcars, semi-trailers, or helicopters, depending on where you live. The delivery usually includes all of the necessary ma terials, such as steel framing, exterior siding, roof ing, windows and doors. Once assembled, the construction process of a modular home is exactly like the conventional home building process: util ities are hooked up to it, the interior is fitted with appliances, and cabinetry, prefab countertops, and flooring are added. Depending on where you live, modular homes can take anywhere from six weeks to four months to deliver.
Prefab homes are set on a permanent foun dation, as are site-built homes. With the use of cranes, the sections of the modular home are as sembled on a poured foundation. For our home, the additional top floor guest rooms were plopped atop the former roof by the crane, after the ground level additions were in place.
Although you can visit a modular display in person, it can often be challenging and time-con suming to visit multiple manufactured home re tailers. Instead, cutting-edge 3D virtual modularhome tours enable you to explore any floor plan and view every portion of the house with a full 360-degree vantage point. Modular homes are 100% customizable; floor plans can be upgraded and modified according to your taste.
Let’s say you’ve decided to purchase a modular home. Now what?
First, choose a location. You need to own the land before the house is constructed, so start shopping for an empty parcel of land to put your
house on. Consider more than just the surrounding area, to avoid spending more than you must. What are the zoning reg ulations of the property? Will city/town ordinances allow you to build the kind of structure you want? Is the property pro tected by any environmental restrictions that would prevent you from building there? Does anyone else have rights to the property? Does soil contamination make the property unfit for residential use?
You should also find out what your property taxes will be. Keep in mind that it will be much more expensive to connect your home to utilities if it is in a remote location.
Modular homes are built in a factory setting away from weather impacts.
Quality control is easier, and material or labor shortages are not an issue.
Resale value depends on location and curb appeal, just like stick homes.
Construction is typically of is high quality.
Windows and insulation are energy efficient.
Speed of development can be quick, once foundation is poured and utility services are connected.
Modular homes are typically 15% less ex pensive than stick-built homes.
Manufacturers sometimes offer home financing or construction loans.
Next, assess your needs — present and future — in decid ing the number and size of rooms. Knowing your style prefer ences will make it easier to shop around for the modular home builder who’s right for you. Lots of different companies build modular houses; do some research to find one that offers quality construction and the style you are seeking, at a price that fits your budget.
Finding land with proper zoning for prefabricated houses
Site preparation and foundation construction to specifica tion
The added cost of utilities, foundation, landscaping and the like
Errors appearing only after delivery
Making changes once fabrication has started
Evaluating transportation costs from the factory to the site
Assessing potential transportation damage to the prefab components
The public perception that modular buildings are less de sirable and of lower quality
It is important to ask what is not included to know how much your home will really cost you. Depending on the man ufacturer, the list price of the house may not include every thing you need to construct it. For example, you may need to pay a separate company to pour the foundation for your home; to have utilities like electricity, natural gas and sewer lines hooked up to your house; to have a septic system installed; to have basic mechanics like electrical, plumbing and HVAC. There may also be a charge for delivering the modular house to your site.
Although you must choose a specific model when you buy a modular home, the floor plans can often be customized ac cording to your specific needs. If you’d like to add a garage or a second floor to your house, or move walls around inside so you have a larger kitchen, ask your builder if customization of your house is possible and, if so, how expensive customiza
tions typically are. Some kinds of custom ization require engineer approval and may be significantly more expensive. Once the building process begins, you may not be able to request any changes.
Also, ask the builder about upgrades — changes to the materials that are used to fin ish the construction. Which are available and how much will they cost? Are you limited to specific materials, or are you able to shop for your own from anywhere?
Financing a modular home is a bit dif ferent from financing a traditional house; you need to buy the land and pay the modular home builder in full before the construction is complete. If you don’t have the cash to pay for it upfront, you will need to apply for a construction loan — a short-term loan that provides the money needed to pay for the construction of your house.
After the house is built, you can switch to a traditional mortgage. Incidentally, since modular homes do not depre ciate — unlike manufactured homes — getting a loan from a bank should not be an issue. Many banks offer construction loans with great rates, and some modular building compa nies conveniently offer their own financing. Either way, you must find out if the loan will be automatically converted into a mortgage, or if you will need to apply for a new mortgage after the home is built — which typically means additional fees.
Since modular home builders often do not provide an on-site construction service, you must either hire a general contractor to complete the building pro cess, or act as your own general contrac tor. The general contractor manages the building of the foundation, arranges for services and utilities to be installed, takes care of landscaping, and more. Modular home construction poses unique construction challenges, so it is essential to hire a general contrac tor who has a lot of experience working with modular homes. It is advisable to request bids from at least three general contractors to compare prices and check their references. If the price seems un usually low, be wary.
Modular building time is typically much shorter than that of a tradition ally built house. Since a large amount of the construction is done in a factory, weather delays are uncommon. Still, delays for one reason or another do oc cur, so it’s best to have flexible living ar rangements.
According to an updated May 2022 Home Advisor article, the average cost to build a modular home is $240,000, or $180,000 to $360,000. Building a modu lar home costs $100 to $200 per square foot, plus the cost of land and any ad ditional fees. An 1,800-square-foot modular home typically costs between $180,000 and $360,000, or $270,000 on average. In comparison, the cost to build a custom home runs from $350,000 to more than $1 million.
For our family, however, the real bot tom line is that our modular home af fords us the opportunity to spend qual ity time together, whether on Shabbos or Yom Tov, and during the week… and there’s just so many nooks and crannies that hide-and-seek became the favorite game!
If you’ve ever had construction done, the idea of a prefab home being delivered and assembled on your property sounds too good to be true—not unlike the Ikea bedroom set that you were certain would take minutes to put together but ended up costing you a Sunday, a pair of pants, a gash on your arm, and a handyman to come complete it.
So we set out to speak with a heimish family whose house was prefabricated, delivered on trailers and pieced together like Magna-Tiles, with all the neighborhood kids gawking at the peculiar construction project. Ruchy Braun, a well-known name in the Monsey construction scene, gave us a few minutes of her busy time to discuss the experience and share what she learned in the process.
by: Y. BLOOMINGIn one word: speed. We wanted to move into our home as quickly as possi ble, and by building such a home, I knew we could be done in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take. Not only is the actual construction incredibly efficient, but in a village like Spring Valley where it can take months to secure the necessary permits, these ready-to-go plans can be stamped and approved in mere days.
If you’re referring strictly to how long it took to complete, the answer is yes. But in regard to the project as a whole, there was a lot we had to contend with that turned out to be a real drag.
Well, you have to remember that these homes are not designed for heimish families, balebatish or not. Just think of the lights, mirrors, vanities, faucets, closet shelves, moldings and other cosmetic items that have to be changed. Then there are real issues, such as the air conditioning not being strong enough to host seudos in the dining room, the ceiling being too low, and so on.
You can’t tell. Once it’s done, it’s just another home on the block. I should add that we have since sold the house to another Jewish family, and they love it.
Not at all. On the contrary; built in factories using tough adhesives and commercial-grade material, these homes can be even stronger. In fact, one of the reasons it was so difficult to change anything inside the house was precisely because everything is built to last as is.
I can’t say so, once you include the costs of all those changes I mentioned. Yes, the house itself is cheaper, but not enough to offset what it will cost you to bring down specialists for every little modification.
It came on several trailers, each carrying one portion of the house. In all, the home was made of three sections across its length. The walls where the pieces connect are, of course, much thicker than interior walls in regular houses. So we had to get creative in keeping the flow of the home in a way that makes it feel like a regular house.
It really depends on what their priorities are. I know a fam ily that lost their home in a devastating fire and needed to get back into a new home without delay. For them, the option of going with a modular home was a huge relief. The same may apply for people building a summer home or an Airbnb where they don’t particularly care about all the little details, as it’s not their primary residence.
Time is number one, but no two situations are alike. I’ll give you one example that can affect this decision. When you pur chase a modular home, you can also buy ready-made founda tion walls. These walls are eight feet deep, which means you’ll
have a basement of that depth. In the village of Spring Valley, a basement with a height of eight feet counts towards the total FAR (Floor Area Ratio), and the house is assessed for tax and other purposes with the additional basement square footage included. That can make a real bottom-line difference and must be taken into account.
I should also mention that not every property or time of year is suitable for such a project. Among other factors, there needs to be clear access for the trailers with no low-hanging wires; local ordinances must allow it; and it can’t rain before or after the home is delivered and assembled. I once had a project where the homes were already being delivered, and I had to frantically find a parking lot to hold these trailers to wait out a passing storm.
Yes, when circumstances demanded it. For example, we built a project offering rental units for low-income workers. With such an investment, you really want to start bringing in rents without delay, and the tenants just want a roof over their heads. We built it quickly and the tenants moved in in no time.
Absolutely. Like, it even has the finishing touches on the outside vinyl. Although that does mean that if you build a deck or add a window, you’re going to have to pay a professional to redo that area. It can be a double-edged sword.
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The air is charged. Major deals are being brokered, and the table is laden with a festive spread and valuable prizes. It’s the biweekly Wednesday meeting in the dining room of Family K.
The CEO (aka Mom) presides at the head of the conference table (aka dining room table) with a spreadsheet (a sheet of loose-leaf paper).
It’s after a dairy Wednesday supper, so the spread usually consists of ice cream, chocolate and/or cheesecake, plus some small prizes from the dollar store. It’s a small tradeoff for two weeks of diligent work.
After the assessments, the children receive their bonuses, commission and salary, based on per formance and consistency, bearing in mind when someone went that extra mile or cut corners and took a shortcut.
It’s also a special family bonding time. Bedtime
as told to: CHANIE SPIRA by FAIGY K.is fifteen minutes later than usual, and the chil dren glow with accomplishment and satisfaction. Of course, the meeting starts only after the daily chores are done.
“It all started at an extremely hectic time in my life,” Faigy K. says. “I looked around the house one night as all the kids were having a blast outside.”
“After a full day of summer activities, cooking supper and caring for the children,” Faigy says, “The house was a mess. Backpacks littered the foyer, the swimming stuff comfortably rotting inside (hey, I had told the kids to put them in the laundry room).
Random art projects completed by messy little hands were on the playroom table, and I didn’t dare throw anything out. The baby was not lying docile in the crib — and it was all on me.
“My options were a live-in housekeeper, a vaca tion or a robot,” Faigy says. “Or my children could simply help out more. But I didn’t want the nagging kind of help where you feel like saying mochel tovos as kids halfheartedly take a ketchup bottle off the table while acting as if you are treating them like medieval slaves. And I had long realized that as a mother, any thing could be accomplished — if it’s done right.”
So this mother called a family meeting, with all the works.
To get children on board in your home, the first step is calling that family meeting. During the meeting, it is important not to give off vibes of helplessness. We’re not coming from a place of desperation (me — des perate?). Children loathe when the mother acts weak, and they feel insecure knowing their mothers have difficulty with the daily work. They also know that if they press the right buttons, you’ll give in. Rather, the tone of the meeting should be “teamwork!”
Use a somewhat formal setting. The dining room works best for us.
Anyone old enough to tackle a mess, from age four and up.
Don’t say anything; have a list of prepared questions, and ask!
Who enjoys bringing a friend home when the house is nice and clean?
Almost unanimous yesses (especially from the girls). Who enjoys waking up to packed lunches and a clean kitchen?
Raised hands, again.
Being that we’re all part of this family that appreciates cleanliness, we are all committed to making it work! Do you enjoy being nagged?
Do you enjoy knowing that your job is done for the day? Yes.
So we will make that happen!
Explain to your children how a business runs with ex ecutives and employees with payment and bonuses. Ex plained that as a family with [fill in the blank] members, every member plays a role, and as a team, we rock!
Also explain that fifteen minutes times four kids, for in stance, is an hour’s worth of help. That means a mother who has more time for them!
Then ask them to list the benefits of having a daily job. Answers might be: feeling accomplished, learning a new
Now accepting children nightly. Call us to reserve!
skill, and so on.
Have a list of jobs on little papers so the children can choose what they like best.
For example:
Kitchen table, floor Hallway floor and couch Foyer and bathrooms
If this works for your family, the kids can choose the job they prefer. In my family, no one wanted the playroom, so we instituted a rotation starting from the oldest in the family.
Close the first meeting after setting a date for the following week. The followup meeting will serve as reward time and job switchover time. If the kids want to keep their job, that’s great. If not, now is the time to switch. No switching happens between meetings.
For the first two months, a weekly meeting will be needed to reward, gently guide and rotate jobs. After that, biweekly meetings should work well. Set your kids up for success during the meeting. You can give little hints, like how to clean a glass tabletop, place chairs around the table, turn off/on dimmers or lights, and so on.
Children love the sta bility of a neat house.
Children also like knowing what’s ex pected of them and how long it will take.
And they like being rewarded! Soon you will find that the fam ily meetings are the highlight of the week.
Rewards vary accord ing to family dynam
ics and preference. When the kids are very young, you can start with chocolate and dollar-store prizes. This way, you can give out chocolate squares according to how well they did it.
Lack of consistency — on mom’s part.
Sometimes it’s just easier to do the chores on your own. But don’t. The secret is to push through two months consistently, until your children will remind you about upcoming meetings. It’s worth it.
Yup, the kvetching that goes something like, “It’s not fair! Only we have to help.”
Ignore it, and let go. At the next meeting, they’ll see it in the rewards. Just simply state, without emotion, “Enjoy your cheesecake! I can’t wait to give you the ice cream, too, next time, after you help with a smile.”
It’ll happen, because we all slack off sometimes. Helping them out, or giving them a one-time legit vacation day, can work wonders.
For the past two years, we have rarely missed a Wednesday meet ing. I’ve added jobs, changed jobs and scrapped jobs as the dynamics changed. For example, as soon as children grow older, you can add jobs such as bathing a toddler, washing dairy dishes, doing a load of laundry, and the like.
Mostly, have confidence in your team of helpers! Roll up your sleeves and go for it!
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We were the family who lost half our children; over a ten-year period, four of our eight children died, as infants, from a rare mitochondrial disorder. After the babies died, I was sure that nothing terrible could happen to us ever again. Not to us... After Yossi died, I grappled with long-held beliefs: Hashem is close; everything that happens has a purpose; and our neshamos continue to exist after we leave This World. The comfort of these truths was there for me, if I was ready to accept it, but also—as I learned—"even if I’m not”…
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םרפסמלו אריו ’פ גאטסניד םעד ,ןכאוו ייווצ ןייפמאק םענופ לייט א סלא .טכא רעבמעוואנ טנאנרעדנופ ןפערט טלאוועג ךיז יז טאה עזייר הדעה ישאר יד ןוא רעייטשראפ הלהק טימ תולהק עטסערג יד ןופ ץיפש ןיא ןענעז עכלעוו
Semi-truck. Tractor-trailer. Eighteen-wheeler. No matter what you call them, you’ve certainly seen them. They’re those gigantic trucks that are largely responsible for keeping our stores stocked by moving inventory around town and across the country. They, and the people who drive them, are extremely important to modern-day life.
It was back in 1898 that Alexander Winton of the Winton Motor Carriage Company was faced with a dilemma: He was the proud seller of his first 22 vehicles… and yet, he had to figure out how to move those motors! If he were to drive brandnew cars to their purchasers hundreds of miles away, they’d be getting used vehicles that had suffered wear and tear on the journey. That wasn’t acceptable to him, and so he invented the first semi-truck to transport his cars. The concept was great, and the era of trucking began!
Most of America refers to those big trucks as semi-trucks, while those on the East Coast favor the term “tractor-trailer.” Down South it’s commonly called an eighteen-wheeler, though the vehicles don’t always have eighteen wheels…
Let’s get a little more specific: A semi-trailer is officially the motorless back end of the whole kit and caboodle, while the semi-truck is the motorized part that pulls the semi-trailer. A tractor-trailer describes the combined unit that’s ready to roll. But yeah, call it whatever you want; we all know what you mean.
average, semi-trucks in the United States are around
• Truck driving is a huge industry, making up nearly 6% of the entire U.S. workforce!
feet wide, 13.5 feet tall and weigh up to 80,000 pounds.
feet long,
• Long-distance truckers can drive, on average, about 500 miles a day, and they spend almost 300 days a year on the road! It’s a lonely job, keeping them away from family and friends for days to weeks at a time. For this reason, many truckers bring a pet along with them for company.
• The industry has an extremely high turnover rate because of the physical, mental and emotional stresses of the job. Nearly 90% of new truckers don’t last beyond a year!
• Ever wonder why semi-trucks seem to bumble along, going slower than everyone else on the highway? It’s not just because there is a conscientious driver on the road who’s aware of the powerful machine he’s operating… Nope. There’s an even better reason: He’s simply incapable of speeding! Truck engines owned by companies are generally programmed to be incapable of going faster than 62 miles an hour. This may be for safety reasons, but it’s more likely a way to save the company money. The difference between driving 75 mph and 65 mph is a 27% difference in fuel usage!
• When driving, be careful to give semi-trucks wide berth, for due to their heavy weight, it takes them 40% longer to stop than it takes a car.
Where do people who spend so much time on the road sleep every night? On the road, of course! The cab of the semi-truck often features a little compartment right behind the driver’s seat. Some cabs have nothing more than a little bed, but others are fully equipped with a kitchenette and shower. Many truckers choose to buy their own cabs and customize them according to their tastes, making themselves a little home away from home. Customized cabs can run anywhere from $55,000 to $250,000, or more.
You’ve likely seen semi-trucks lined up along rest areas on the highway. The truckers are either catching up on sleep, eating something, or taking a shower in the rest area. That’s right. Most trucks don’t come with showers, so rest areas offer showers for rent.
These rest areas come very much in handy because, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, drivers are required to take a ten-hour break after driving for eleven hours. This was instituted to reduce the risk of a driver falling asleep on the road. Likewise, after working for 70 hours, drivers are required to take a 34-hour break before their next shift.
While some truck drivers opt to work for trucking companies, some choose to go the owner-operator route and be their own boss. To find work, they bid on jobs offered by hiring companies. They can choose which jobs they want to accept based on the departure and destination, as well as pay per mile. The average yearly salary for a long-haul driver was $52,240 in 2021.
Walmart is one company that hires its own in-house drivers and is touted as one of the best places for truckers to work. Walmart operates a fleet of 12,000 drivers and offers a starting salary of $95,000 to $111,000!
If you pass a semi-truck, pump your fist up and down while making eye contact with the driver.
If you’re lucky, the driver might just honor you with a mammoth honk!
KLEIN illustration:
of nine
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to com ments@thebpview.com or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be con nected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not al lowed in Boggle: Adding
Proper nouns
to a word
Con tractions
4-letter words: 2 points
words: 3 points
words: 5 points
words: 7 points
words: 9 points
letters: 12 points
entered into the
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Posner, 718-xxx-0911
Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 153
Names of competing players: Toby, Layale
Some words only the winner found: calming, dwelling, muse, quail, slew
The longest word found on the board: eucalyptus
A new word learned from the board: bustle
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Preis, 347-xxx-8475
Name of winner: Goldie Amount of points: 109
Names of competing players: Tzirel
Some words only the winner found: lingo, medley, quail, sidle, squalled
The longest word found on the board: eucalyptus
A new word learned from the board: poly
Last week’s bonus word: eucalyptus
A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account
Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to comments@thebpview.com or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
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Level 2 IT Tech $100k-$150k Brooklyn
Architect $60k-$100k Brooklyn, NY
Office Admin/ Marketing $70k+ Passaic
Executive Assistant $50k-$100k Brooklyn, NY Store Front Customer Service $40k Flatbush
Case Manager
$100-$200 Per case Remote Care Manger Plan Of Care P/T $$40k-$50k Remote Bookkeeper $30-$35/ Hourly Remote/ P/T Gift Wrapping $20/ Hourly Flatbush
Email: EstyW@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Commercial Asset Manager $150k-$250k Brooklyn, NY Commercial Construction Manager $100k-$200k Brooklyn
Structural Engineer $100k-$200k Brooklyn, NY Controller (Real Estate) $150k Queens Operations Manager (Real Estate) $125k-$165k Brooklyn, NY Office Manager (ABA) (Female Office) $120k Brooklyn, NY Sales Manager (Food) $100k-$150k Brooklyn Purchaser (Food) $100k Brooklyn Asset Manager $100k Traveling Required Operations Manager (Ticketing) $100k Brooklyn, NY
Director Of Recruitment $80k-$100k Brooklyn, NY Manager Of Operations (Ticketing $75k Brooklyn, NY
Inside Sales (Lighting Showroon) $75k-$85k Brooklyn, NY
Director Of Sales $75k Brooklyn
Construction Insurance Underwriter $60k Brooklyn, NY
Expeditor $50k-$60k Brooklyn, NY
Service Coordinator
$50k Crown Heights Executive Assistant $50 New York, NY
Inside Sales (Showroom) $50k Brooklyn, NY
Delivery Guy $50k+ Brooklyn, NY Office Admin $50k-$55k Brooklyn, NY
Service Coordinator $50k Crown Heights
Email: EstyR@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
COO $300k Brooklyn BCBA $200k Brooklyn, NY
Amanzon Account Mananger $150k Brooklyn, NY Store Manager
$150k Boro Park
Graphic Deisgner (In House) $150k Brooklyn
Director Of Marketing $150k Brooklyn, NY
Health Center Site Manager $125k Williamsburg
COO (Homecare) $120k Brooklyn, NY
Executive Assistant $120k Brooklyn, NY
Behavior Intervention Specialist $100k-$120k Brooklyn, NY
Financial Coordinator $100k Brooklyn, NY
Director Of Special Ed Services $100k Brooklyn,NY
HR Manager $100k+ Brooklyn, NY Program Director $80k-$100k Brooklyn, NY Graphic Designer $75k Brooklyn, NY
ABA Case Manager $75k Brooklyn, NY
Sales Producer (Insurance)
$70k-$80k Brooklyn/Lakewood
Special Ed Curriculum Advisor $60k-$100k Broooklyn, NY
Assistant Store Mangae $78k Brooklyn LCSW $75k+ Brooklyn, NY
Assistant Purchasing Director $65k-$75k Five Towns Bookkeeper $65k Brooklyn, NY
DOE Service Coordinator $60k+ Brooklyn, NY
Salesman (Trucking) $50k-$90k + Commission Brooklyn + Travel
Graphic Design Project Manager $50k-$60k Brooklyn
Intake Supervisor $55k-$75k Brooklyn, NY
Edicational Director/ Advocate $50k-$75k Brooklyn, NY
Closing Coordinator (motgages) $55k Brooklyn, NY Secretary $55k Brooklyn, NY
F/T Secrertary $50k+ Benefits Brooklyn, NY
Insurance Billing Specialist $50k Brooklyn, NY
Accounts Recieveable/ Billing $50k Brooklyn, NY Service Coordinator $50k Brooklyn, NY
Amazon Office Secretary $50k Brooklyn, NY
Recruiters Assistant $65k Brooklyn, NY
IN-House Recruiter $60k + Benefits Brooklyn, NY
Secretary (Managemnt Company) $55k Brooklyn, NY
Sales Rep (Insurance) $50k-$60k Brooklyn/Lakewood
Front Desk Receptionist $45k Williamsburg
HCBS Service Coordinator $40k-$58k Brooklyn, NY
Compliance Supervisor $50k-$60k Brooklyn, NY
A/R Secretary $45k-$55k Brooklyn, NY
Clinical ABA Director BOE Brooklyn, NY
Email: Libby@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Operations Manager (Construction) $150k-$250k Brooklyn, NY
Site Manager $100k-$250k Brooklyn, NY Controller (Healthcare) $150k-$200k Brooklyn, NY AR Director $150k-$200k Brooklyn, NY
Amazon Account Manager $120k-$200k Brooklyn, NY
CFO $120k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Operations Manager $100k-$200k Brooklyn
CFO (Healthcare) $150k-$180k Brooklyn, NY
Director Of Business Development $150k-$175k Brooklyn, NY
Director Of Business Development $150k-$175k Brooklyn, NY
SNF Admissions Director (Healthcare) $125k-$175k Brooklyn, NY
Sales Manager (Payroll) $100k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
UKG Ready Project Manager $95k-$110k Brooklyn, NY
Recruiting Specialist (Healthcare) $85k-$100k Brooklyn
Sr Graphic Designer $80k-$100k Brooklyn, NY AR Specialist $80k-$100k Brooklyn, NY
Software Product Manager $75k-$115k Brooklyn Marketing Manager $75k-$95k Brooklyn, NY Bookkeeper $75k-$95k Brooklyn, NY
Office Admin/ Executive Assistant $65k-$115k Brooklyn, NY Marketing Manager $75k-$95k Brooklyn
SNF Placement Coordinator $70k-$80k Brooklyn, NY Architectural Drafter $60k-$100k Brooklyn, NY Bookkeeper $65-$90k Brooklyn, NY
Copywriter $50k-$80k Brooklyn, NY AP Specialist $60k-$80k Brooklyn, NY
Product Graphic Designer $50k-$80k Brooklyn, NY
Tax And Compliance Specialist $50k-$90k Brooklyn, NY
In House Sales Rep $50k-$70k Brooklyn
Payroll Specialist $50k-$65k Brooklyn Sales Manager $50k-$60k Brooklyn, NY
Purchasing Specialiat $50k Brooklyn Secretary $50k Brooklyn, NY
Assistant Controller (Healthcare) Pay BOE Brooklyn
Email: BailaG@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Office Manger (Homecare) $100k-$200k Brooklyn, NY Mechanic $120k Brooklyn
Insurance Account Rep $75k-$115k Brooklyn/ Lakewood Project Manager (Construction) $80k-$100k Brooklyn. NY Operations Manager (Amazon) $70k-$80k Brooklyn
Graphic Designer $65k-$85k Brooklyn, NY Salesman (IT) $50k-$70k + Commission Brooklyn, NY
Product Listing $60k-$70k Brooklyn, NY Salesman Commission Based Brooklyn, NY Bookkeeper
Based On Experience Brooklyn,NY
Email: Mindy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Office Admin $80k-$90k Brooklyn, NY Operations Manager (Exp In Flooring Required) $85k Brooklyn, NY Office Manager $70k Brooklyn,NY
Executive Assistant Real Estate $50k-$70k Brooklyn
Secretary/ Customer Service (Printing) $50k Brooklyn Bookkeeper $30/ Hour Brooklyn
Salary + Commission Brooklyn, NY
Email: TobyW@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Assistant Director Of Legal Interactions $80k-$90k Brooklyn, NY
Online Sales Manager (Female Office) $75k-$85k Brooklyn
Project Estimator $50k-$60k Brooklyn, NY
Secretary/ Bookkeeper (Real Estate) $45k-$55k Brooklyn, NY
In-House Recruiter
$45k-$55k Brooklyn, NY
Administrative Assistant (Real Estate) $40k-$50k Brooklyn, NY
Secretary (Real Estate) $40k-$50k Brooklyn
Secretary (Management) $45k Brooklyn, NY
Customer Service Rep $35k-$45k Brooklyn, NY
Secretary $35k-$45k Brooklyn, NY
Email: BeilyR@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Office Manager (Education) $150k+ Brooklyn, NY Supervisor (Education) $100k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Amazon Account Manager $100k+ Brooklyn, NY Warehouse Manager $100k Brooklyn Salesman $75k + Commission Brooklyn Bookkeeper $75k Brooklyn Bookkeeper (RE) $50k-$80k Flatbush
Corporate Paralegal (Corporate Law) $60k-$70k Brooklyn, NY IN House Sales Rep $60k Brooklyn, NY Medical Biller (Nursing Home) $50k+ Brooklyn, NY
Program Director (Education) $60/ Hourly Brooklyn, NY
Marketing/ Graphic Designer $50/ Hourly Brooklyn, NY Saleswoman P/T $30/ Hourly Brooklyn A/R representative $52k Williamsburg
Email: Becky@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Medical Advisor $35/ Hour Brooklyn, NY Coordinator $30/ Hour Brooklyn, NY
Bookkeeper $25-$30/ Hourly Brooklyn Secretary $25/ Hour Brooklyn, NY
Secretary (Spanish Speaking) $25/ Hour Brooklyn, Directors Assistant $20-$25/ Hour Brooklyn, NY
Email: SarahV@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Head Of Product Team (E-commerce Software) $200k+ Manhattan, NY Software Development Team Lead (Healthcare) $150k-$175k Brooklyn, NY
E-Commerce General Manager $120k-$180k Brooklyn, NY Sr Developer (healthcare) $130k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Database Administartor (Healthcare) $120k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Software Quality Assurance (Healthcare) $120k-$140k Brooklyn
Software Technical Writer (Healthcare) $120k+ Brooklyn, NY
UX/UI Consultant And Specialist (Healthcare) $115k Brooklyn, NY Intake Director (Healthcare) $65k Brooklyn, NY JR Developer (Healthcare) $50k Brooklyn, NY Help Desk agent (Healthcare) $45k-$55k Brooklyn, NY
Email: Henny@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Quoting Specialist $70k-$90k Brooklyn, NY Saleslady (Furniture) $25-$30/ Hourly Brooklyn
Email: ChavieH@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Controller $130k + Travel Expenses MAnhattan
Outside Slaes $100k+ commission Tri State Area Storefront Assistant (Fish Store) $78k Teaneck
Bookkeeper $75k-$85k Brooklyn, NY CEO Assistant P/T $40k Remote Store Manager Pay + Commission Williamsburg Email: BlimieH@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
2 BR Hotel style fully furnished apt. Full Kitch/ Bath, W/D. Excellent for Ch/ Kallah, or Simchas. 718-6860909/ 347-524-7686
15/42 3 bedroom
unfurnished brand new 3rd floor with appliances $3200. 347-581-5250.
Family with good credit, good salary seeking to rent a house, condo or property. 646-904-1247 Lv msg
Looking for a sem/ post high school girl to babysit once a week from 2:45-4:45. Nice pay. Please call 6467075419
Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/text 845-554-5778 or email info@resumakerpro. com.
Bp office seeking a P/T Female Bookkeeper with some experience will train Call/Text 917-5537842
Great babysitting opportunity available from 3:30-5 pm daily. Perfect for a responsible seminary girl or preschool teacher. Nice pay! 347-853-4421
Full-time bookkeeper/ Secretary needed in small real estate office in Boro Park. Must be proficient in Quickbooks and Excel. Must be organized, responsible Excellent compensation for the right candidate. Send resume to ycrejr@gmail.com
Seeking a Heimishe Yingerman for an administrative/bookkeeping position in a girls school. Quickbooks and computer knowledge required. Please email resume: schooloffer31@ gmail.com
A Montessori afterschool program is looking for a math instructor. Hours are from 3:00 until 6:00. Well Paid. Please email your resume to info@naaseh.org.
Looking for part time Yiddish speaking playgroup assistant/co teacher. Well paid. Call- if no answer leave a message 718-259-1820
Heimishe office in BP. Good phone, computer skills, multi task, no experience necessary. New grads welcome. Great work envrmt, excellent growth oppty. email resume: HRunitedsalesusa@ gmail.com
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Join our team! Seeking full time secretary for professional BP office. Competitive pay and benefits! Great potential for growth! Email resume to: dosjoboffer@gmail.com
Heimishe girls office in BP looking to hire afternoon secretary. Competitive salary, great atmosphere. Hours 2:00 - 6:00 PM. Call: 646-8586496 or Email: jobinbp4322@ gmail.com
BP organization seeking to hire F/T motivated, responsible, hi school grads, Good communication skills, Proficient PC, Chrome, Gmail, Microsoft Word/ Excel a must. Send resume: bpjoboffer1@gmail.com or leave message: 917-789-8006.
Chassidishe cheder in BP is seeking a Pre Nursery assistant. Please call 718-8516462 ext 104
Bonei Olam looking to higher F/T female administrative assistant with a few years experience, friendly environment, proficient phone skills, computer skills specifically In excel. Send resume: jobs@boneiolam. org or leave message: (646) 930-4882
Boro Park office is looking for immediate hire full-time secretary. Detail oriented with basic knowledge in Excel and MS office. Graduate preferred. Please email :Jobs@knwcorp.com
Busy Heimishe BP office seeking f/t female secretary. Graduate preferred. Efficient, Detail Oriented, w/ good communication skills. job2021bp@gmail.com
BP Insurance office seeking full time secretary. Heimishe atmosphere. Good pay. Great potential. Please email resume info@ starlifepartners.com or call 718-972-8400
Diner Location, Location, Location!
Best corner property in Lakehurst. Minutes from Manchester. Loads of opportunity to own Successful restaurant, 10,218 square ft building sitting on 2 acre parcel. Large fully equipped commercial kitchen. Potential uses- catering & events - restaurant, plus many more.
Secretarial work/ in house sub, responsible, creative, organized Email: tiferesmiriam@gmail.com fax:718-837-4225
Looking for a P/T Secretary from 8:30-12:00 Mon.-Fri. call: 718.514.8867 Email: mbernath@yeled.org
BP Bookkeeping office seeks a F/T secretary. Heimish envir, will train. Email resume: Joel@weemanage.com
Seeking a warm and caring full day pre-nursery assistant. Please call 347-8312693
Seeking a warm and devoted afternoon teacher for a Yiddish speaking playgroup in Boro Park! Great environment! Great pay! Call/leave msg 646-887-5634
BP heimish office looking for f/t responsible, organized secretary/bookkeeper. Computer savvy with knowledge in QB and excel. Please email resume to mfried@zblmanagement. com. Call 908.241.6337 ext 4552
Seeking an experienced school secretary in the administrative department. Please email resume to schooloffer31@gmail.com
Heimish insurance office in BP looking to hire FT secretary in a multi girl office. Will train. Email resume: beinhorn@ nbrachco.com
P/T afternoon secretary position available. Heimishe office in BP. Basic computer knowledge & excellent customer service skills required. Graduate preferred. Will train. Email resume to mrumplar@gmail. com.
Boro Park office seeking a F/T female secretary. Great pay, heimishe environment. Will train. Call: 347-661-7454
Email Resume: resumessfs@ gmail.com
Boro Park multi girl office seeks Secretary / Office Assistant. Full time. Great opportunity for the right individual. Graduates welcome. Please email resume to infoateastcoast@ gmail.com
Lighthouse is seeking ABA paras to work with clients in Boro Park in schools and at home. Training provided and competitive pay! Please call Tali on 718 218 5528 extension 103 or Whats App 718 557 7750 if interested.
Challenge Early Intervention seeks office employee for our Brooklyn office. Computer literate. Warm, Heimishe environment. Transportation provided. hr@challenge-ei. com 718-851-3300 Ext 210
Seeking an energetic girl to work in an office of a special needs school. Must have excellent organizational skills and strong attention to detail. Heimish environment. Willing to train. resumes@ yadyisroelschool.org
Seeking full-time paraprofessionals to work in a special education school for the 2022-2023 school year in Flatbush. Great pay! Heimish environment! Transportation provided. resumes@ yadyisroelschool.org
B.P. Insurance Office FT Secretary. Must be detail oriented, responsible. Please Call 929-585-2323.
Heimish multi girl office in BP looking for a responsible and organized F/T secretary, great pay,send resume to secretarybp438@gmail.com or call 845-871-2576 and lv clear message.
Seeking experienced secretary for Kensington Real Estate management office. F/T or P/T. Email realtyjkempler@gmail.com or fax resume 718-851-3179 or call 718-851-1940
For immediate hire in BP & Flatbush. P/T & F/T openings. Special rate for late afternoon & evening hours. Please Call: 718.686.2376 Email: para@ yeled.org
We Are Hiring! IT & Cybersecurity company in Monsey looking to hire Level 1 Technicians for Williamsburg location. Fastpaced environment, friendly atmosphere, and competitive pay and bonuses. Send your resume to hr@itconinc.com
Looking for a female administrative secretary in a yeshiva office. Pleasant environment. Experience in the JL software a plus. Please email rwauction2020@ gmail.com
Busy BP firm seeks full-time capable administrative assistant to join our team. Must be computer proficient, have the ability to multi-task and have a great attitude. Great opportunity for growth. Email resume to: hr@rothcocpa.com and write Admin Position in subject line.
Busy BP o ce seeks full-time capable coordinator to join our team. Must be computer pro cient, have the ability to multitask and have a great attitude. hr@smsny.net And write Project Coordinator in subject line. Email resume to:
RABBI SHMUEL ECKSTEINis seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Seeking paraprofessional/ math tutor for 9 year old in Flatbush Girls School MonThursday from 12:30-4:00. Great pay and excellent environment! Please email resume to leahg@aimfurther. org
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email dglick@newyorklife.com or call 845-639-5216
Female aide. free room and board. Allowance too. 718576-4511
- $100K+
Are you good at sales? Do you have a passion to help people? We have a flexible schedule career opportunity where you can earn $100k+ annually. TopCareerNY@gmail. com
Seeking heimishe girls to be counselors at a fun yearround Sunday program for children with special needs. Great atmosphere and great pay. Hours are 11-3:30. Located in Boro Park. Yiddish speaking. Call 718387-8400 ext. 5250 for more information.
Seeking male workers for a day program for individuals with special needs. Must be caring and enjoy working with the special needs population. Great pay and great benefits. Call 718-3878400 ext. 5208 for more details
Seeking maintenance manager for day-today maintenance work. Weekdays and Sundays. Must be energetic, motivated, and organized. Great pay. Send resume to Sreich@ hamaspikkings or call 718387-8400 ext. 259 for more information.
Our ideal candidate is friendly, has excellent customer service skills, able to thrive in a fastpaced office, and completes tasks in a timely, efficient and professional manner. Responsibilities: *Answer multi-line phone system. *Greet clients in a positive and professional manner. *Sort & distribute incoming mail *Process payments
*Data Entry *General Office duties as needed. Job Type: Full-time. Email Resume to: insurancecareersinc@gmail. com
Email Info@ SwiftaStaffingGroup.com or WhatsApp 732-800-7633 for their full weekly jobs list. Recommend a friend to any open job & Receive $500 once hired!
An after-school program is looking for a girl/lady to be on a van route from 3:45 until 4:30 Monday through Thursday. very well paid. Please call 718-500-3765 ext. 101
Teacher exp limudei kodesh upper elementary sp-ed school. Email resume to school718438@gmail.Com
Seeking secretary for a Hamaspik after-school program located in Boro Park. Must be responsible, fun, and enjoy working with individuals with special needs. Heimishe atmosphere and great pay. Available hours are weekday evenings Monday and Wednesday 5:00-7:00, and Tuesday and Thursdays 5:00-7:00 also motzei Shabbos, and Sundays. Email hlang@ hamaspikkings.org or call 718.387.8400 ext. 5218 for more information.
Salesperson for BP Optical store F/T,energetic,excellent communication skills Rf11219@gmail.com Text/Call 347-631-9535
Exquisite is looking to hire salesgirls/stylists to assist customers in finding clothes that best suit them. Great opportunity for a peoples person who enjoys clothing. Warm and friendly environment and good pay. Must be able to work sundays. Please text 917-559-0266.
Looking for a responsible adult to be a bus monitor for a preschool in Boro Park at 2:45 daily. $35 per route. Call (646) 363-6259
Bais Yaakov of Boro Park is looking for Assistant Teacher in Headstart room. Hours are from 9:00 – 3:00. Very well paid. Please call Leah at 718-435-5755 ext. 263 or send resume to mandell@BJBP.org
Seeking Chassidish, Yiddish speaking, male, health aide/ para for 3 year old boy in preschool classroom in Boro Park . Please email resume to leahg@aimfurther.org
Playgroup in the heart of bp is seeking a co-teacher with a few credits towards a BA. Great environment and pay. please call 347-458-9517
Full time assistants/paras chassidish sp-ed girls school, Yiddish speaking a must. Email resume to school718438@gmail.com
Seeking staff for Hamaspik boys’ group home in Boro Park. Hours needed: 7am9am, 3pm-8pm. Email resume to Phalberstam@ hamaspikkings.org
Seeking young and energetic girl to be a mentor for a highfunctioning special needs individual to help her with day programs, meal prep, and social interactions. Must be caring and passionate about working with the special needs community. Full time with great pay for the right candidate! Send resume to hlang@ hamaspikkings.org or call (718) 302-3333 ext. 5218 for more information
Seeking office manager in educational support office. Candidate must have great interrelational and leadership qualities, organizational skills and experience in business management . Great pay for the right individual. email resume to specialpositionbp@gmail. com
Seeking clinical special ed supervisor to participate in legal CSE meetings and hearings. Candidate must have wonderful phone and interpersonal communication skills, extremely responsible and ambitious. Great pay for the right individual. email resume to specialpositionbp@gmail. com
After school program assistants/counselors, chassidish sp-ed program, Yiddish speaking a must. Email resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org
Customer service positions available in busy furniture store in Boro Park. Great work environment, good growth opportunity. E mail resume-sternsservice@ gmail.com Call- 917-3536370
Seeking staff for Hamaspik girls’ group home in Boro Park. Hours needed: Sunday 9:00 am to 7: pm. Sunday nights from 7:00 pm to 9:15 am Choose the hours that work for you. Great pay, many benefits, very pleasant environment. Call 917-648-6251 or email Phalberstam@ hamaspikkings.org
Seeking couple to work at Hamaspik girls’ or boys’ group residence in Boro Park on Shabbos and Yamim Tovim. Excellent pay and benefits. Great opportunity for the right candidates. Call 718-387-8400 ext. 165 or email Phalberstam@ hamaspikkings.org
Seeking devoted heimishe babysitters due to the opening of new class in Yiddish spkg. Daycare in boro park , Amazing work environment and Great benefits! Pls call 7187016556 ext 1
Heimishe babysitter available in area of 15 and 59. Full time only. Please call: 917-847-5495.
Babysitting from 8-5. References avai. 14th & 56th. 718-438-5306/ 917-232-1267
Experienced, warm, loving Babysitter currently located 15/52. 929-272-5483
Small playgroup has 2 slots left. 47th & 18th/19th Ave area. Ages 2-3. References available. No Transportation. 718-853-4139
Now offering guitar lessons for girls for great price. Call 917-618-1174
And dear yiddishe mother. Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime of happiness &
with the marriage summit, 18 life changing classes with top marriage experts. For less than the price of a
outfit, have the peace of mind knowing that your daughter has the tools,
& resources to be happily married. Call 929-286-9900 #2 or www.chanyfelberbaum. com
Lose those inches, drop those pounds, look better then ever for the chasuna season! Locations across NY and NJ. For women only. Call SLYMPHA 718 532 4701
Lose weight in the comfort of your own home by renting out the Lympha/ Air compression machine (Also great for circulation, digestion, varicose veins and much more) Call 347-7860810
Experiencing chronic pain/ symptoms? There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
(Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718-974-9428
Get the most effective & advanced laser treatment at Smile Bright. 100% safe, easy, and affordable. 718-4830269.
We fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.9510090
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
We do everything from case work and battery changes to complete overhauls. Call/ Text evenings 718-594-4818
CranioSacral Therapy
Available in the comfort of your home. BP/Willaimsburg. Call / Text 917-201-8425
Have a flight and realized that your passport is expired!? Call us now: 718400-9969
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
For Women and children. (Also available to come to your home). Call 347-7860810
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach.
Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)435-7644
Girls grades 6-12 half hour sessions. Call now to reserve a slot! 347-920-0771
Available for private session at your home. BP/Kensington neighborhood. Reasonable rates! Call 917-474-0574
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Photography and Video. Please call 917-345-4859.
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great price. Center of Boro Park. Call 917-618-1174
Magnificent imported silver jewelry direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale prices. Teens and ladies. 14th Ave/48th St. 718-438-1871
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718974-9428
Pidyon Haben 646-419-0782
Doona 260-366-6293
Twin Carriage (718) 522-3891
Neocate Formula 347-977-7940
Carseats, snap n go strollers, pack n play & bassinets 718-854-6829
buy/sell Neocate/baby formula 347.369.4886
Chocolate molds BP 718-9724768. Williamsburg 718-522-3445
Bris Accessories 347- 244- 2065
Baby carriers 718-809-9707
Baby earbands 347 409 9479
Bris Accessories 718-435-0664
Kallah Cape 718 - 633 - 8261
Bridal Shoe Gemach 917-936-8997
Tehillim for Cholim www. tehillimonklaftefilah.org
Shoes & Crowns BP 718-972-4768.
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (BP) 917-538-8500
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (Willi) 929-275-1820
Pack n plays 718-851-1017
Twin Clothing (newborn-3)
Clothing gemach (for women) 646-904-1247
Lingerie Conversions min fee 718-437-0428
Briefcase gemach 7184360936
Baby Scale 718-633-9266 or text 718-473-5268
Youth Corps Working Papers 718-854-0961
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-675-9838
Reflector Belts 718-853-4966
Communication Class 347-753-1071.
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Mezuzos (718)666-7222
Warm Mist Humidifier 917-373-2079
pediatric wheelchair-walkershower seat- cast cover for shower call 7183883079 lv msg
Baby Scale (Wmsbg) text 347-675-9509
New ladies clothing 646-904-1247
Lighting 9292762404
Simcha Décor 917 -536-1742
Simcha Caps 718-633-1084
Musical Kumzitz 347-543-2195
Bechers, Challah cover, Benchers 1718 854 1760
Laminated chuppah cards call 718-807-8932 lv msg
Boys Simcha Wear sizes 9m-7 347.462.4596 Sundays 2:30-5
Kallah/Mechteniste Capes Wsbg 718-300-9894/ BP 917-683-5557
Kallah Looseleaf Yom Hachuppah 718-435-3492
Simcha basket 718-614-7274
Clothing, Shoes, linens (347) 816-6406.
Haircuts $6 929-290-6568
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Donate clothing 718-974-9428
Chupah Cards Color 347-8855114
Scooters 718-431-7942
Gemach in desperate need of elegant clothing size 6-8 for Kallah getting married beginning September, shoes/heels 6.5 and 7. call: 9292762404
Property / land in Pennsylvania, high value. 212-470-1708 lv msg
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-675-9838
For an old lady who cannot get up from a chair without the arms for support.call/text 347-786-1674 תוצמל הכזת
3 magnificent white and pink KLADE gowns for sale. Sizes 7, 8 and 12. Call 347-413-1446
shabbost tichel New Utrecht 51 st and 10ave and 46st. 718812-6718
Blue Mini Fuzzy blanket on Sukkos in BP. 929 271 0553
wig in a wig box 13&50. 929441-4445
diamond hanging earring Sunday 8.28.22 in Wmsbg. 9178410524
Gold and diamond necklace lost btwn 18-20 aveand 58-63 St. call 718-964-7230.
Pair of sneakers at Skver hall 14/43 Erev Y’’K 347-215-0600
new ivory faux fur baby jacket before Sukkos 44th/45th Street area. Please call/text 631-318-0739
If you took home 2 sz 3 dresses from the seamstress on 12 & 48, please contact me: 718-938-2040
Silver charm bracelet in BP 929-287-1211
white tichel in a hat salon bag in a store on bedford. Call/ text 6465801760.
black/white baby blanket Bedford Ave. 917-202-1384
Citrine baby jacket size 6 months Wednesday chol hamoed at keansberg amusement park. Call/text 7189747940
Diamond week week before R’’H 50th/15th 347-853-9230
girl’s silver bracelet on Y”T with Hebrew name Faigy by McDonald and Cortelyou. 347-482-9819
gold ring with diamonds in williamsburg. 917-439-7064
pair of earpods on 46 between 15 and 16th ave by the
Headwrap -Black and Beige Checkered, Oct 23rd on 13/42, 43rd. 347-497-2535
Girl’s silver necklace on Shabbos Chol Hamoed. 15/52. Please call 347-693-0194
gorgeous custom-made soft pink gown sz 16, Two stunning custom pink little girl gowns sz 6 and 4. Call/ text 3475465610
Recliner excellent condition 347-645-2955
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