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These might outshine your main.
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Book read-alouds. Now debuting Dear Fuzzy. Sit back and enjoy!
(Re: Brushed With Light, Issue 162)
Thank you for the paint party idea! My kids absolutely love to paint, and we could not wait until Chanukah to try out the enticing activity so attractively and clearly presented.
The experience was amazing, and it was so doable even for the young ones (with a little help with the masking tape). We had such a lovely family afternoon painting!
The writer suggests wearing smocks, but with my kids’ enthusiasm, we have official “paint outfits” — either old pajamas, or clothes that have seen better days. I totally recommend others to do the same. I also use washable tempera paint. Though they never really come out of clothing (who am I kidding?), it generally comes off surfaces well with plain water, and when needed, gentle scrubbing.
Thank you for the great feature, Family P.
(Re: Fleishig and Fabulous, Issue 162)
Thank you for the beautiful Chanukah party and sweet ideas. Though I’m not even aspiring to create anything like it, I enjoyed looking at all that prettiness. The entree was especially intriguing to me. I’ve never heard of vermicelli rice before, and I’m excited to try something that looks so pretty and exciting and seems to be a cinch to make.
I also love that the latke is a mix of flour and potatoes so I can try preparing it in advance and then freezing it, something I’m hesitant to do with potato-only latkes. Another idea that struck me is to replace
the standard potato knish filling with cauliflower. It limits the carbs and is probably delicious in its own way.
Thank you for these innovative food recipes.
(Re: FYI: Greek Cuisine, Issue 162)
It was interesting to read how Greek yogurt is not all that Greek after all, and it made me wonder about all those other foods attributed to specific countries, and whether or not they actually were created there! Are French fries a fare of France? Are Italian frozen treats from Italy? Is American cheese manufactured on our shores? It would be interesting to know!
Curious About Cuisine
Attention E-Cig smokers: Electronic smoking devices (ESDs) do not just emit “harmless water vapor.” Secondhand aerosol (incorrectly called vapor by the industry) from ESDs contains nicotine, ultrafine particles and low levels of toxins that are known to cause cancer.
Those who choose to smoke in stores or any public area should be aware that not only is it illegal to do so, but you may also be causing harm to innocent people with the secondhand vapor.
Please be mindful of the responsibility you carry, and refrain from endangering those around you with the choices you make.
A Yid(Re: Fleishig and Fabulous, Issue 162)
We featured a Chanukah spread with the intention of providing our readers with a springboard for ideas for festive Yom Tov touches to add to their table.
Unfortunately, the coloring in print was brighter than we had expected, and the elements came together in a way that bothered some of our readers.
We apologize for this unintentional misrepresentation that some were disappointed about and will make every effort to prevent something like this from occurring in the future.
The Boro Park View
EMAIL: comments@thebpview.com
FAX: 718-408-8771
MAIL: The Boro Park View, 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219
Your cleaning can wait. But with a lead time of 2 months, now’s the right time to order your custom chairs and tables for Pesach.
םידמלמ עטאווירפ ךעלעקנעי עלא ראפ יד טימ טלאה רע .עלעגניא עסיז א זיא עלעקנעי טייטש רע ,ןייז וצ ףראד סע יוו רדח ןיא םידומיל ,סאלק ןיא ןיירא גידנעטש ךיז טגאי ןוא ךילטייצ ףיוא טנייה טעוו דמלמ רעד סאוו ןטלאהטימ גידנליוו ,ךילרעה ןענעז תוניחב ענייז .שירפ ןופ ןייז שדחמ דמלמ רעד ,רעמכאנ ןוא ,ךעיוה ןענעז סענעכייצ יד א סלא טלעטשעג לאמ עכילטע וליפא ןיוש םיא טאה ןגארפ ןבאה סאוו רעדניק זא ,הרזח ייב בישמו לאוש ן׳עלעקנעי וצ ןדנעוו וליפא ךיז ןענעק םידומיל יד ןיא .ףליה ןעמוקאב ןוא ןוא הרבסה חכ עגידלאוועג ןייז טימ עלעקנעי ליפיוזא ןגייטש ךאנ ןעק ,הסיפת עלענש םיא ןענעז רדח ןיא םידומיל יד .רעטייוו סאוו ל׳שפנ ןייז ןליפרע וצ גונעג טשינ ,הרות רעמ ןוא רעמ ךאנ טשראד דמלמ רעטאווירפ א ןבאה ףראד רע א ןענרעלוצ םיא טימ לאז סאוו ידכ ,תכסמ רעדא עוצקמ עגיטייז ןוא ןטנאלאט ענייז ןצונסיוא לאז רע זא .םומיסקאמ א וצ תונורשכ
loved ones from afar. Treat them to our lavish upscale package of gourmet suppers and treats. Perfect for your son in yeshiva, daughter in seminary or newly married couple.
After the incident with Potiphar’s wife was publicized, Yosef was sentenced to prison. The pasuk describes the jail he was taken to as “the place where convicts of the king are imprisoned” (Bereishis 39:20).
Why is this piece of information necessary? What difference did it make to Yosef that he was confined behind the same bars as royal convicts?
SHLOMO* WAS SUFFERING. His foot was inflamed and swollen, causing him terrible discomfort. He turned to his family doctor, who prescribed medication. But instead of assuaging his pain or soothing the infection, the ointments only served to exacerbate the issue.
At that point, Shlomo was hardly able to walk. He did some research and came across a specialist who was known to have healed many such infections. Shlomo hobbled to his appointment and dropped into a chair. The specialist took one look at the infected area and sent Shlomo directly to the emergency room.
“Your foot is so inflamed that I’m afraid there’s nothing left for me to do. You need more serious treatment.”
Shlomo knew he was in for a prolonged wait. That’s how it is in emergency rooms. But with the specialist’s warning that time was of essence ringing in his ears, he headed straight there. After being triaged while stressing to the team how important it was for him to be seen soon, Shlomo settled into a chair in the corner of the waiting room.
tor said. He instructed the ER staff to admit the patient so they could begin the process.
Shlomo was in shock. This was not what he had anticipated. He hardly had time to phone his wife and prepare himself mentally for what was about to happen when he noticed a commotion around him.
An announcement in the emergency room called all doctors to attend a serious emergency involving multiple injured patients. Within moments, there were no medical personnel to be seen in Shlomo’s vicinity. They had all rushed over to care for the trauma victims.
Shlomo sat back. He would have more time to wait. More time to digest his situation. More time to give expression to his anxiety.
All around him, patients were agitated. They rushed over to the main desk where a poor nurse remained stationed to monitor everyone else in the emergency room.
“How can you do this to us?”
“It isn’t right to make us all wait! We have important issues to be addressed too!”
“How much longer will we sit here doing nothing? Bring the doctors back!”
All around him, patients were agitated.
Shlomo watched for a while and then removed his Tehillim from his pocket. He might as well use the time constructively. But as time passed, he couldn’t help but feel his anxiety continuing to climb. What was taking so long?!
Finally, his turn came. The emergency room staff was similarly alarmed when they examined his foot.
“We have no choice but to amputate your leg,” the doc-
Finally, the crisis passed and the hospital staff returned. And they returned with interest. During the emergency, outside physicians and specialists were summoned to the hospital to augment its existing staff. They’d needed all hands on deck to take care of the emergency patients.
Now one of those specialists came toward Shlomo. He ex-
amined his foot and declared, “There’s no need for hospitalization.”
He prescribed a medicated cream and gave Shlomo instructions on how and when to administer it — at home.
“B-b-but,” Shlomo sputtered. “The doctor who saw me earlier said to amputate. And that it needs to be done immediately!”
The specialist stuck to his original verdict. “I’ve seen such cases before,” he said resolutely. “Trust me, you don’t need surgery. In fact, in your situation, surgery could cause irreversible damage. Amputation could cause the infection to potentially enter your bloodstream. Go home and use the cream!”
Looking back, it is clear that the emergency crisis worked in Shlomo’s favor. Waiting this long brought specialists to the scene and saved his foot, and possibly his life!
* * * * *
We can now answer our question based on the Ramban.
True, while Yosef was incarcerated, whoever was sitting at his side may not have made a difference to him. Whether the other prisoners were commoners or royal staff was irrelevant. However, looking back after the story was over, we can see that the fact that the prison was used by convicts of the king ultimately worked in Yosef’s favor. From Above, it was orchestrated for Yosef to see his salvation through the Sar Hamashkim, who told Pharaoh about Yosef’s flair for dream interpretation.
The fact that the prison was described as one used for royal offenders even before Yosef was thrown inside shows us that even before he entered his tragic situation, Yosef’s salvation was already in the works. The wheels were in motion, already preparing for his eventual release.
Indeed, it was the refuah lifnei hamakah.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
Dreams are fulfilled the way they are interpreted. The brothers questioned the truth of Yosef’s dreams and said mockingly, “Do you think you will actually rule over us?” This caused the fulfillment of the dreams to be delayed. Only 22 years later did Yosef merit becoming king over Mitzrayim and ultimately ruling over his brothers, too.
“Go home and use the cream!” he said resolutely.
Seven Gedolei Torah spent hours enjoying true give-and-take at the Shas Yiden 100 Siyumei Hashasim. No longer was the associated annual farher just
and parry of true debate
The annual farheren of the entire Shas and Siyum Hashassim gatherings of the Kollel Shas Yiden Network have evolved into a tradition demonstrating incredible, detailed and broad Torah scholarship. The video recordings are eagerly anticipated for viewing worldwide by talmidei chachomim and yeshiva bochrim alike (www.shasyiden.com). Until his last year, the avreichim geonim would cram into the home of the late Nasi, Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Hagadol Harav Chaim Kanievsky, ztk”l, where he would farher them extensively, and which he said gave him great pleasure.
The 'line-up' of the Geonim, shlit”a at this year's siyum in Beit Shemesh who tested the mettle of the avreichim geonim last week are a veritable Who's Who of Torah learning - Maran Harav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Maran Harav Itamar Garbuz, Harav Yaakov
The Pozna Rov, Harav Hagaon Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, founder of Shas Yiden 14 years ago, started this tradition to give honor to the avreichim geonim who study at Shas Yiden. It is also to give the supporters of this great and holy project the opportunity to see close up the fruits of their support month after month, and to develop more and more avreichim geonim who have a remarkable knowledge of every word of the Talmud, Rashi and Tosafos. The Gedolei Torah have come to look forward to engaging with the avreichim geonim of Shas Yiden.
Maran Harav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisroel and a Senior Member of Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, has a grandson at Shas Yiden. Despite his advanced age, weak state of health and the effort needed to attend, Rav Ezrachi came to Beit Shemesh and climbed the stairs to the dais on the stage. Yet, as he began to debate the avreichim geonim and discuss specific and complicated sections
of the Talmud, any hint of tiredness or weakness vanished and his face shone with excitement and joy at the incredible knowledge flowing from the avreichim geonim. He became even more enthused when he asked questions on sugyos (issues/subjects) in kodshim that required careful and deep reasoning. He was simply amazed to hear how the avreichim geonim managed to quickly and easily respond to all these questions with clear answers.
"Hopefully my portion should be with yours," said Rav Ezrachi with much emotion. "I am sure that in Heaven there must be a tumultuous response to these moments -- with a hundred avreichim geonim who know all the words of Shas. In truth, one should be jealous of you for this great feeling, as you are able to study and contemplate Shas the whole year through, and how it lives with you before your very eyes. The fact that there is a group of incredible talmidei chachomim like you, puts the entire people of Israel on a different level. It obliges us all to express
our great appreciation to the Pozna Rov who came up with this idea of establishing such an institution, and he has truly given the Jewish people of Israel a gift that is beyond compare."
Maran Rosh Yeshivas Orchos Torah, Hagaon Harav Itamar Garbuz, enjoyed the lively interaction with the avreichim geonim for an extended session and tested them through the length and breadth of Shas and expressed his amazement at the incredible knowledge of the avreichim geonim
His questions focused on all-encompassing knowledge of concepts and issues. For example: How many disputes between Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon are there in Maseches Shabbos? The avreichim geonim noted not only listed them, but added many halachic references regarding difference between Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yehuda, as well as the comments of Tosfos throughout the length of Maseches Shabbos. And then they branched off into the differences that apply in Maseches Eiruvin that also deals extensively with the laws of Shabbos. He peppered the avreichim geonim with numerous such questions, addressing groups of five at a time before opening the questions to the others. The answers flowed forth at an amazing pace, much to the pleasure of the participants and that of the attendees from abroad who were excited at the incredible standard of Torah knowledge they were witnessing.
After an extensive session with the avreichim geonim, with great enthusiasm, Rav Garbuz exclaimed that it was a great honor and zechus for him to have this opportunity to engage with such avreichim geonim in Torah learning. "In you, the Jewish people are to be blessed," he said. "It is impossible to estimate or to describe the greatness of the zechus of those who support this holy project that raises the grandeur of Israel and the holy Torah in such an amazing fashion."
On the Shabbos after the Siyumim-farher, Rav Boruch Mordechai could not contain his excitement about what he had witnessed at Shas Yiden. So, reported one of those who joined him at his Shabbos seuda
He regaled them about the farher in which he had participated, describing the geonus (brilliance) that pulsated in the hall from the 100 avreichim geonim. “I have never been so moved and excited at a public gathering,” declared Rav Boruch Mordechai. “Happy is my portion that I was zocheh to witness this wondrous happening!”
The mashpia hagadol 'Reb Meilech' Biederman burst out with a clarion call: “You see seated before you 100 avreichim geonim who know the entire Shas. Literally, 100 holy aronei kodesh (holy Torah arks) before our eyes. How immense is the zechus of the donors and supporters! Through support for this cause, your merit and destiny will be enhanced for the good and for success in all matters, both material and spiritual."
Harav Shmuel Yaakov Landau, Dayan and Rav of the Belz Beis Medrash 'Yad Cohen' in Beit Shemesh, has a son-in-law among the avreichim geonim. He debated with the avreichim geonim at length
Farher by Hagaon Harav Shmuel Yaakov Landau, Belz Dayan & Rav Yad Cohen, Beit Shemesh. Also on the dais (l-r) Hagaon Harav Eliyohu Stefansky, World-renowned Magid Shiur of 18,000 daily; Hagaon Harav Moshe Isaac Samet, Rosh Kollelei Shas Yiden Maran Hamashpia Hagaon Hatzadik 'Reb Meilech' Biederman inspiring the gathering. Also on the dais (l-r) Pozna Rov, Founder of Shas Yiden; Hagaon Harav Eliyohu Stefansky, World renowned Magid Shiur of 18,000 listeners daily; Hagaon Harav Moshe Isaac Samet, Rosh Kollelei Shas Yidenthrough a number of sugyos. Among them was the sugya dealing with "A person cannot transfer or sell something that does not yet exist", such as futures etc. He also dealt with the question of whether a person may appoint a messenger to perform a mission regarding something that does not yet exist, and other matters in this regard.
Nothing short of spellbinding was the give-andtake between Harav Yaakov Ades and the avreichim geonim. He began with words of encouragement and then launched into debate on sugyos throughout Shas. He demonstrated incredible bekius and it was as if the entire Shas was an open book in front of his eyes. He just could not hold back from the torrent of discussion with the avreichim geonim and continued to speak with them at length as his face shone with the joy of the Torah. And the avreichim geonim loved the intensity of the give-and-take. After Rav Ades came away with a deep impression
Shortly after the Siyumim-farher, one of the avreichim geonim commented. “I am just 27 and I tell you the truth - I never dreamed that I would get to this point in my learning. To know the entire Shas? For me, this was something achieved in previous generations.
However, here at Shas Yiden, I have managed to achieve the unbelievable in the merit of the framework, the unique methodology of learning that includes many, many revisions amid unceasing progress through the texts. I am excited today as never before, even my day of marriage…
Two fathers of two of the Shas Yiden avreichim geonim were sitting together at the Siyumim Dinner, discussing their feelings of joy at the simcha in which their sons played an important part. “If all the gedolim here were not present, I would jump up and dance with abandonment - I have to hold myself back,” said one.
The other responded, “Even when I married off my children, I did not experience such incredible joy. This is just unbelievable, my son completed Shas and was tested on it thoroughly. My son knows Shas! It was worth being born, toiling all these years just to get to this most memorable occasion. I have merited to marry off all my children, and I must confess that I have never experienced such simcha as I do now.”
of the scholarship of the avreichim geonim, he turned to the donors who were watching the give-and-take with unconcealed enjoyment, he said to them: "I have a good idea for you. If any of you was thinking of making a donation to Shas Yiden, you should double it! And if you can, add a few zeros! You should know that the zechus of supporting such a great and holy project, is indeed significant, and it's not a simple matter. Such support obligates the avreichim geonim as well. You have to pray for the donors and supporters, and that they should be blessed with all that is good through the power of the Torah and your tefillos!
After the lengthy farheren, there was a heartfelt and inspirational maariv led by Harav Ades. This was followed by the Siyum Shassim - each of the avreichim geonim had concluded Shas for the year.
Each of the kollel wives was personally presented with a cash-filled envelope in appreciation of their unstinting support for their husbands' dedication to the very demanding study regimen at Shas Yiden. A sumptuous dinner followed for the kovod Hatorah, and in honor of those who support Torah, accompanied by song and music by Aharon Samet. All present agreed that the incredible engagement-farher and siyumim combined to be a Torah happening to remember.
Farher by Hamekubal Hagaon Harav Yaakov Ades with the Pozna Rov, Founder of Shas Yiden and Hagaon Harav Moshe Isaac Samet, Rosh Kollelei Shas YidenA Daf to 18,000 Yiden Every Day!
Harav Hagaon Eliyahu Stefansky, Nasi of the Mercaz Daf Hayomi, conducts the most popular and populous shiur in the world, and he does so to 18,000 listeners Sunday to Friday. He gives a Daf Hayomi shiur in English. His unique style, broad scholarship in colloquial English peppered with witty and forceful comments and appropriate personal greetings that are at once charming and meaningful has earned him an enthusiastic international reputation. He was one of the farherers in fluent and colloquial Hebrew, and with a smile and he captured the imagination and enthusiastic response of the Shas Yiden avreichim geonim
The morning following the farher he prefaced his daily shiur with the following:
“A very special thing happened to me yesterday. There are chaburas known as Shas Yiden - a hundred kollel guys - about 5 or 6 kollelim in Israel in a network called 'Shas Yiden'.
“These avreichim geonim finish Shas every year, and they know Shas cold… If you go on line (www. shasyiden.com) you can see Rav Chaim Kanievsky farhering them… And other gedolei Torah farhering them.
“Well, last night Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi (94 years old) the oldest of the Rosh Yeshivos, and some other Rosh Yeshivos farhered them… and they asked me also to farher them, and so I did.
“It was an amazing and special experience…”
Rav Stefansky addressed the avreichim geonim on many subjects in Shas. Then he 'pulled out his 'bag of tricks'. “I started out calm and easy and then I suddenly pulled out my illustrations that were especially created for the occasion. They then had to decipher them and their riddles as to which subjects in Shas were being depicted, the context, the outcome and the halacha This, too, developed into an extended and lively session. It was quite exceptional.
“It was a great zchus for me to test them. Truth is
that I was not surprised at their knowledge because one of them is my chavrusa, and in our kollel we have another avreich who learns there in the afternoonBelzer chosid, so I am familiar with them.
“But all together, it was just amazing. Their knowledge… Afterwards I was talking with them and I asked: 'Is there anyone here with a normal, average brain? Someone who is not an illuy and with a head of a gaon? In answer to my question, many of them raised their hands. So, I asked them for ideas or suggestions for chazora and memorizing, and that opened up an interesting discussion on the subject.
“Among all my questions I asked these:
Where in the entire Shas are there seven consecutive words that begin with the Hebrew letter Chaf? A: Nedarim 10b
Where in Shas are there 44 consecutive words that end with the Hebrew letter Nun? A: Shabbos 104
In our sugya we just learned about Bar Padda, and I noticed a note in Art Scroll that says that he was the nephew of Bar Kappara. (Meilah 4) So, I casually asked who was Bar Padda's uncle. All of a sudden all of them, and they each had a microphone, and all called out together - Bar Kappara, Bar Kappara - Meila Daf Dalet, Meila Daf Dalet. It was crazy, just crazy.
Where does the Masores Hashas note a sugya (issue/subject) that is found on five consecutive folios of Shas? A: Gittin 20 - 24 - dealing with witnesses effecting a get
“An incredible, amazing experience … Every year they chazer Shas, every year…”
For clips of the lively and enlightening Shas Yiden farheren and siyumim, click on www.shasyiden.com, and for more information or to donate, Call: 718-702-1528 or Mail: 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219. London: UK Registered Charity # 1191225 - Call: 020-8066-1566 or Mail: 2 Timberwharf Road, London N16 6DB, England
Farher by Hagaon Harav Eliyohu Stefansky, World-renowned Magid Shiur of 18,000 listeners daily. Also on the dais (l-r) Hagaon Harav Shmuel Yaakov Landau, Belz Dayan & Rav Yad Cohen, Beit Shemesh; Pozna Rov, Founder of Shas Yiden; Hamekubal Hagaon Harav Yaakov AdesBecause we care.
Boro Park: 3808 14th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11218
Filled with goodies + an entry to our grand raffles, where you can win big!
Williamsburg: 735 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11205
Hours Sun-Th: 8:00am-12:00am // Fri: 8:00am-3:45pm
Motzei Shabbos: 6:30pm - 12:00am
South Williamsburg: 420 Kent Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11249
South Williamsburg: Hours Sun-Th: 8:00am-9:00pm Fri: 8:00am-3:45pm // Sat: 6:30pm - 12am
It was a rough month for New York City’s Jewish community, with anti-Semitic hate crimes rising 125% during November.
Data released by the NYPD showed that anti-Semitic hate crimes far outpaced all others, with unspecified hate crimes up 70% over the same period. WABC reported that 20 anti-Semitic hate crimes were reported in November 2021, with that number jumping to 45 in November 2022. Mayor Eric Adams said that he blames social media for the disturbing uptick.
“What social media is doing to normalize hate, to give a platform to hate, to spread hate — it’s just really alarming,” said Adams.
Sadly, the November numbers weren’t the worst reported this year. That dubious honor belongs to February, that had 56 anti-Semitic hate crimes reported in 2022, compared to 11 in February 2021.
Yeshiva World News reported that a 25-year-old man was arrested on December 6 in connection with a BB gun shooting outside a kosher supermarket in Staten Island. Police said that Jason Kish shot a 32-year-old man and his 7-year-old son with a BB gun as they left the store on December 4 and has been charged with hate crime assault, acting in a manner injurious to a child under 17, reckless endangerment and misdemeanor assault. Neither the father nor the son was seriously injured in the incident.
A second BB incident took place just one day after the first, with a man hit in the neck near 18th Street and Avenue M, while Shemira reported that a group of yeshiva students walking in the heart of Flatbush were chased by a mob of as many as six people yelling, “Run, Jews, get out of here,” with one drawing a taser gun.
Adams urged prosecutors to come down hard on those who perpetrate hate crimes.
“If you are found guilty of a hate crime, you should be held fully accountable for that crime,” said the mayor. “I don’t think anything is more horrific to a person than to be attacked because of … their lifestyle, their religion, their ethnicity.”
A Supreme Court judge let one of the two men arrested for plotting to attack a Manhattan shul out on bail last week, leaving his Upper West Side neighbors worried about their personal safety.
As previously reported in The Boro Park View, Matthew Mahrer was arrested at Penn Station on November 18 along with Christopher Brown in response to a string of terror threats made by the latter on social media. Police found a knife, ski mask and a Nazi armband in Brown’s backpack and recovered a second backpack containing a gun, an extended magazine and nineteen rounds of ammunition, as well as a bulletproof vest, in Mahrer’s Upper West Side apartment.
Prosecutors asked that Mahrer be held without bail, reported CBS News, but Justice Neil Ross said that he was confident that Mahrer wasn’t a flight risk because his parents — a high school teacher and a business owner — would be ruined financially if he violated the terms of his bail agreement. According to the New York Post, Brown has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, while Mahrer has bipolar disorder and autism.
Mahrer and Brown purchased one of their guns in Pennsylvania after being driven there by a man identified as Jamil Hakime, who was arrested last week on charges of conspiracy to transport a firearm interstate, possession of a firearm and ammunition by a felon, and interstate transport of a firearm, and who remains in federal custody. According to CNN, Mahrer had reportedly been sending money to Hakime, but his defense attorney argued that there was nothing illegal about sending money to a friend in prison, and that the fact that Mahrer is Jewish and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor made it clear that he had no intention to harm anyone. Maher’s lawyer also insisted that there was no way to prove that the bulletproof vest found in his client’s apartment had been purchased recently and it could have been in his possession for months or even years.
Mahrer and Brown both pleaded not guilty as they were arraigned in court last week. Both face charges of conspiracy and criminal possession of a weapon, with Brown also fac-
ing charges of criminal possession of a weapon as a crime of terrorism and making a terroristic threat as a hate crime. Brown appeared in court in handcuffs, while photographs emerged of a smiling Mahrer walking with his lawyer in Lower Manhattan after the arraignment.
City Councilwoman Gale Brewer said that she was baffled by the judge’s decision and that she has been hearing from Mahrer’s neighbors that they are literally scared to go to synagogue with this person living on their block.
“The tenants in the building are shaking,” added Sheldon Fine, a resident of the Upper West Side.
A CBS News reporter attempted to interview Mahrer’s parents at the arraignment, asking them if they had anything to say to Upper West Side residents who are alarmed by their son’s presence. She received just a terse response as one of Mahrer’s parents replied, “Leave our family alone.”
Mahrer faces up to fifteen years if convicted of the most serious charges, while Brown could potentially serve up to 25 years behind bars. Both men are due back in court in February.
Fraudsters made off with thousands of dollars by hacking four phones and sending urgent requests for online fund transfers to the friends and relatives of the phones’ owners.
Hamodia reported that four members of Boro Park’s Jewish community fell victim to the scammers, who took control of their accounts. Shomrim said that it is unclear how the fraudsters were able to gain access, although they suspect their passwords were hacked.
Once the scammers gained control of the accounts, they impersonated the account owners and reached out to their contacts, asking for money to alleviate an emergency situation.
Shomrim issued an alert, warning of a recent increase in scams involving both WhatsApp and Zelle requests.
“Please spread the word — especially to your elderly parents/neighbors as they’re the ones most vulnerable to scams,” posted Shomrim.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, cyber scams were up 70% in 2021 over the previous year, with Americans being conned out of $5.8 billion. A TripWire article on the latest scams recommends verifying that the person contacting you is who they say they are by calling them directly and by carefully scrutinizing any requests for money without reacting impulsively.
She was a beloved figure to generations of Boro Park children, their eager fingers readily accepting the fresh cookies that she gave to each one when they came into Strauss’s Bakery.
Boro Park 24 reported that Mrs. Tzipporah Malka Fishman passed away shortly before Shabbos last week. The daughter of Reb Shaul Hakohen Rubin, she grew up in Hungary and was interned in Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz during the war years. She married Reb Aryeh Fishman after the war, and the couple moved to Baltimore where she worked as the cook at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel.
After the untimely passing of her husband at age 44, Mrs. Fishman and her two children moved to Boro Park, and she took a job with Strauss Bakery, a position she held until her retirement several years ago. Mrs. Fishman worked at the bakery for 50 years, much to the delight of the thousands of children who were the beneficiaries of her cookies and her warm smiles.
Drivers on the New York State Thruway may have to start digging deeper into their wallets to use the 50-mile-long roadway, with a potential toll hike going into effect on January 1, 2024.
The New York State Thruway Authority approved a motion to start putting the increase into motion on December 5, insisting that additional funds are required to maintain the highway’s infrastructure, reported Syracuse.com. The highway runs north from New York City to Albany before veering west to Buffalo and paralleling Lake Erie until Pennsylvania’s northernmost border with New York.
Under the proposed plan, E-ZPass customers would see a 5% increase in their toll rates. Tolls at the Tappan Zee Bridge for E-ZPass customers would increase 50 cents per year starting in 2024 until they reach $7.75 by 2027. While commuter discounts would remain in effect, drivers without E-ZPass transponders would see their tolls jumping to 75% above the new E-ZPass rates.
Thruway tolls have remained at the same level since 2020, and a potential increase would be the first system-wide rate hike for E-ZPass users since 2010. While President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill is the largest federal investment in New York’s roads, bridges and transit systems in history, the Thruway Authority is barred by statute from tapping into that money.
“It’s tolls, not tax dollars, that fund the Thruway,” said Thruway executive director Matt Driscoll. “We don’t receive any state or local or federal tax money. Everything we do is funded by tolls.”
According to Driscoll, 85% of the 75-year-old highway system has received only cosmetic upgrades, such as resurfacing, and he defended the rate hike as “long overdue.”
Almost four months after the Transportation Safety Administration issued a press release reminding travelers to upgrade to a REAL ID by May 3 of next year in order to use their driver’s licenses as identification to board an airplane, that deadline has been pushed back once again, this time until 2025.
A statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security on December 5 said that COVID-related delays have created tremendous backups at state drivers’ licensing agencies, making the 2023 deadline untenable. According to DHS, many agencies are dealing with a backlog of driver’s licenses whose expiration dates were extended automatically during the pandemic and have shifted to an appointments-only model of operations that slowed their progress.
The new REAL ID deadline has been postponed until May 7, 2025. At that time, all travelers ages eighteen and older will be required to have a REAL ID–compliant driver’s license or identification card, enhanced driver’s license, passport, DHStrusted traveler card or other TSA-approved document to clear airport checkpoints. According to the Simply Flying website, travelers are urged to upgrade to REAL ID now because long wait times are expected for the upgraded documents.
The REAL ID program was established to provide extra security after the 9/11 terror attacks, with an initial deadline set of 2008 for the requirement to be implemented. An official compliance date of April 2020 was extended until October 2021 because of the pandemic, with that date also pushed off until the May 2023 deadline. As recently as last May, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had announced that there would be no further extensions on the REAL ID requirement, despite the fact that less than half of all state-issued driver’s licenses in the United States were REAL ID–compliant at that time.
RECAP: As per his brother’s instruction, Lucjan bluffs various auto rental places into sharing details about their customers, in an attempt to track down the Rebbe’s descendants. In Warsaw, Zach and Izzy finally have the manuscript, but they’re too tired to go back to Lodz just yet.
The paint on the ceiling was cracked.
It was only one crack, but it went all the way across the ceiling in a drunken zigzag pattern. Just before reaching the other side of the room, it shrugged its weary shoulders and gave up, petering out into nothing.
Lenny didn’t know how long he’d been staring at it. He ought to be unconscious. He was dead tired. But sleep eluded him. The thought of facing Julia empty-handed haunted him. He had wanted to give her a good life. Instead, they were so strapped for cash that he’d robbed their daughter just to get here. And now that he was here, he had nothing to show for it.
What would she say when she saw him? He squeezed his eyes shut, tried to block it out, but her angry, accusing face was right in front of him. Now he didn’t even have the cracked paint to distract him.
He stood up and rubbed his eyes. There were no options left. He couldn’t get the manuscript, couldn’t pay back Sheva. He couldn’t pay back any of the people he owed money to. The real-estate business was going nowhere.
He needed a solution, and he needed it now.
Maybe he should talk it out with Zach and Izzy. They must hate him, after what he’d put them through. Still, it wasn’t like he had a better idea. Anything was better than just lying there. Zach was a politician, after all. Maybe he had connections that could help. Or something.
Lenny found himself in front of a door, turning a handle, with no memory of walking through the hallway. His first thought was that he was even more tired than he’d imagined, especially as he’d opened the door without knocking first. He wasn’t even sure if this was Zach’s room or Izzy’s; they never told him who
was in which room.
His second thought, as the door swung to an open in front of him, was that it shouldn’t have opened at all. The doors were supposed to be locked. Izzy had specifically said that they would lock them. So why was it open?
Never mind. It was locked. But the mechanism, like so much in this hotel, was broken. The bolt was extended, but the wooden door frame was splin-
And he was apologizing?
“I’m sorry, too,” Julia said in a quiet, pained voice. Her eyes began to water. She blinked furiously.
Rabbi Ginzburg seemed to think her anger was directed at him. He winced.
“I just don’t know who else to talk to,” he explained. “I’m not trying to hurt Lenny. I don’t want to see him thrown in prison. But I can’t let him
tered. The bolt just scraped past.
Izzy lay curled tightly in blankets, unmoving, a weary grimace still on his face.
Of course. Lenny knew he was being an idiot again. What was the point of going to talk to his cousins when he knew they were supposed to be sleeping?
He was about to leave when his glance fell on the desk against the back wall. There was his phone. There was the battery lying carelessly by its side.
And there, right next to both, was the Rebbe’s manuscript. * * * * *
Rabbi Ginzburg had been very kind to her considering how much trouble she’d caused. Well, Lenny had caused it, really. But Julia was guilty by association. Lenny was her husband, for crying out loud.
And yet, somehow, Rabbi Ginzburg’s greatest concern seemed to be the pain he was causing her.
“I’m so sorry to bring you into all this,” he’d repeated over and over. “It’s not your fault, I know. And I know this comes as a blow.”
It was such a strange statement to make. There they were, sitting in the Rabbi’s hardwood-and-leather office, Morrie Schwartz just down the hall and lost in his Tehillim, while the Rabbi spun a tale of lies and betrayal 4,000 miles distant. His own brother had been arrested, a precious manuscript stolen. And all of it was Lenny’s fault.
take the manuscript.” He chewed his lip, the first sign of indecision she’d seen in the new Lodzer Rebbe. “You’re the only one who might be able to talk him down from all this.”
“Me?” she laughed bitterly. “I don’t — he hasn’t listened to me in ages!” She sniffed and looked down at her shoes. “What I say doesn’t matter to him anymore.”
At that, Rabbi Ginzburg stood up. Walking past her, he approached a giant portrait on the office’s back wall. It was a rebbe, clothed in the Eastern European style, his eyes piercing and sad. Whatever question Rabbi Ginzburg seemed to have, the portrait wasn’t answering. He turned back around.
“I spoke to him, you know,” he said in a low voice. “On Wednesday. I confronted him about what he was doing. Gave him a chance to back out. He almost took it, too. He said he would withdraw his claim. We had everything worked out. But something changed his mind between that conversation and when he visited City Hall on Thursday. Because then he doubled down on his claim again. Do you have any idea what made him flip?”
Julia blanched. Thursday was when she’d called Lenny, screaming and yelling and accusing him of running away. Was that what had driven him over the edge?
No, that didn’t make sense. She’d called him Thursday afternoon; it had to be nighttime in Lodz by then. The City Hall thing had to have been earlier. Still, it couldn’t have helped. And
what had she said?
“If, for once, your plan goes off without a hitch, then fine. But if it doesn’t work out, if you come back without the money you stole — you might as well stay in Poland…”
She hadn’t known that his “plan” was illegal when she’d said those words. But it didn’t matter. Lenny stole the manuscript the morning after she told him that. In spite of what the rabbi had said, then, at least some of this was her fault.
“Your husband is under a lot of pressure,” Rabbi Ginzburg continued. “He’s not thinking clearly. I could hear it in his voice. And if I had to guess — and mind you, this is just a guess — I’d say he was having money troubles.” Julia was about to answer, but Rabbi Ginzburg held up a hand. “No. Don’t tell me. It’s none of my business, unless you’re asking for help.”
“I thought you wanted my help,” Julia answered. It was false bravado. They desperately needed help, and she would have liked to have asked. But with her life falling apart all around her, she needed to feel like she was still in control of something.
Rabbi Ginzburg chuckled. “I do want your help.”
The truth was, Rabbi Ginzburg had hit the nail exactly on the head. Lenny had brought them to the point of bankruptcy with his ridiculous schemes and bad investments. She could feel the cliff they walked the edge of, the dizzying fall just a few inches away.
If Lenny felt that chasm too, the manuscript must have been quite the temptation. It could solve all their problems so easily. A few forged papers and a short vacation, and poof! Their lives were saved.
“What do you want from me?”
Lenny was never one to turn away from the promise of easy money. With their struggling to stay afloat, and the added weight of Julia’s own fury, it must have been nearly impossible for Lenny to resist taking that manuscript.
No wonder he’d stolen it.
“Call him,” Rabbi Ginzburg said quietly. “Ask him to give it back.
There’s still a way to make this right, we’ve got a solution. But if he keeps trying to run, they might all end up in jail.”
“And what about my daughter’s money?” Julia’s anger flared again. “He used her money to pay for this trip! Who’s going to give that back to her?”
Rabbi Ginzburg shook his head sadly. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I really don’t know. But it’s not just Lenny’s future that hangs in the balance. It’s you, it’s your children. It’s all of us. And I just don’t — I can’t see what good it’ll do if Lenny keeps running…”
So she went home, to her messy house with the clogged kitchen sink and the garage that was slowly collapsing on itself. She dropped onto the couch, rubbing her temples, and glanced at the clock. Two a.m. was a distant memory. It was already morning in Poland.
She desperately needed sleep. Shani had asked her to work Sunday morning. She could call in sick, but this was time-and-a-half. They needed that money so badly.
She punched in the international code and called Lenny, wondering if she could talk some sense into him. Instead, she was greeted by three quick beeps followed by an automated message.
“The number you are trying to reach is not available. Please try your call again later.”
She hung up in despair. What to do? Should she just go to sleep? Try again in the morning? Could it wait? This was an emergency!
So she dialed again. Then she waited five minutes and dialed again, and again and again. Every time, it was the same. And every time she was just a little more desperate.
“The number you are trying to reach is not—”
She slumped to the floor, crying,
her head in her hands. All the money Lenny had spent for international phone service, and the thing didn’t even work.
And she couldn’t just leave it be. Who knew what would happen? Their whole future was at stake!
But there was no point in sitting here wasting time, either. It was insane.
“Jesse?” Julia leapt off the floor and hastily rubbed away the tears. “Hey, sorry I woke you.”
Jesse peered at her from under his shock of unruly brown hair, currently mashed against one side of his face and sticking out at odd angles. “Did you scream?”
“No. Not on purpose. I was just... thinking,” Julia answered.
Her youngest cocked his head at an angle. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” she lied, smiling warmly. “Go back to bed.”
“You should go to bed, Mom.”
The smile faltered a little. “I will. Soon. Don’t worry.”
“Okay. G’nite.”
“Good night, honey.”
Jesse disappeared down the hall, and Julia turned back to the phone. Jesse was right. She should go to sleep. This was getting her nowhere. She would go to sleep. Right now.
Just to be yotzei, she tried once more.
Surprisingly, this time, there were no three-beeps and no automated message. Instead, she heard a muted click. A few seconds later, the phone rang once and was picked up.
Recap: Gonzalo gets pinned down by the stones the explosion let loose. The guards immediately lock him up. Sobieski reaches Poland, leaving the Turks no chance.
Rabbi Shlomo Strasbourg visits King Sobieski as a longtime friend and asks for Sebastian’s and Gonzalos’ freedom once victory will be achieved. The King asks for the Rabbi’s blessing, and feels sure of his victory.
Before dawn on the morning of 12 September, the Turks launched an attack against the Allied Forces, and the historic battle began. The Austrians, led by the Duke of Lorraine, counterattacked and drove the Turks back, while the Germans and the Poles pushed forward in the center and on the right flank. The battle of the infantries raged all day, while the heavy cavalries were kept in reserve. By five in the afternoon, both sides had taken heavy casualties; they were exhausted. The Allied Forces had gained some of the high ground, and now all the armies prepared to withdraw for the night and resume the battle on the following day.
Sobieski sat astride his horse on a rise overlooking the battlefield. He watched the fighting wind down as the battles slowly drew apart. But something piqued his interest. As the armies were disengaging, he saw that the light cavalrymen were breaking through the Turkish lines sporadically, and it occurred to him that this might be the moment of greatest Turkish vulnerability.
There were still a few short hours before nightfall. There was time for a full-scale cavalry attack. Wheeling around, he gave the order for the elite hussars to come to the front, followed by the rest of the heavy cavalry and every other fighter who could ride a horse. He also sent messages for the Austrian and German cavalries to come forward to the front. “Begin the charge when my cannon fires. We will ride all the way to the walls of Vienna.”
When the signal was given, twenty thousand horsemen charged over the hillsides onto the battlefield, with Sobieski himself leading the charge. The charge smashed through the Turkish lines and scattered the Turks in disarray. At the sight of the breakthrough, the defenders of the city came pouring out onto the battlefield and attacked the Turks from the rear. The rout was complete. The battle was over in one glorious burst of effort. The Turks retreated to the south and west of the city, and Sobieski rode into Vienna at the head of a victory procession. Two months later, with the Turkish army in full retreat in the Balkans, Kara Mustafa would be strangled with the green cord in the Serbian city of Belgrade, and Jan Sobieski would be hailed as the greatest hero in Europe.
The day after the siege of Vienna was lifted, Sebastian and Gonzalo were taken from the dungeon, under guard but unshackled, and brought to the Imperial Place. They were given a room in which to bathe and don clean clothing. There was also food for them on the table. They were given no explanation for the change in their treatment.
When Sebastian was sufficiently refreshed, a page took him to the office of Bishop Kollonitsch. Gonzalo remained behind in the room.
“Good morning,” said the Bishop, “and a glorious morning it is, isn’t it?”
“Actually, it is … I think.”
“I assure you that it is, Dominguez. For all of Vienna. And also for you. Today, you are free as the wind.”
“Free? You mean … I’m free to go?”
“Yes, you are. This morning, the King of Poland gave me a message to convey to the Pope. He asked that all claims and charges against your family be rescinded and that you be allowed to live as Jews wherever you wish without any interference. Oh, and a full pardon and amnesty for your friend Gonzalo as well. I have instructions from Cardinal Pentucci, the Papal Legate, that all the King’s wishes will be granted if he saves Vienna from the Turks. Well, he’s done that, so his wish is our command. You are free to go.”
Sebastian stood up and turned to go.
“But …” said the Bishop.
Sebastian stopped and turned around.
“Now that you are free,” said the Bishop, “and under no coercion of any kind, I beg of you to give some thought to your immortal soul. Why should you be condemned to eternal damnation? Come back to the Church, and you will be as great a hero as Jan Sobieski.”
Sebastian looked at the Bishop. “I am a Jew. I would rather die than do what you ask of me. I hope you can understand that.”
The Bishop leaned back. “I actually do, Dominguez. I actually do. Anyway, before you go, you have one more stop to make. The page will take you there.”
The page led Sebastian through a series of halls bedecked with huge portraits of emperors, empresses and generals to a different part of the palace. He led him through a waiting room to an inner office and opened the door. He stuck in his head, then motioned to Sebastian to enter.
“Come in, Sebastian,” said Don Alejandro Quinones, Marques de Murillo. “I hear that you have been set free on Sobieski’s instructions.”
“Yes, Your Excellency.”
“Good. I’m happy to hear that. You know, we have met each other three times. Once in Cordoba, when I was furious with you for coming to see me and jeopardizing my position and perhaps even my life. Then we met in Paris together with Colbert, the French minister, when I had to represent the official Spanish position regarding your father’s estates in the French domain. Then we met again in front of the magistrate, when I denied ever having seen you. That was again for my protection and also for yours. Unfortunately, Giroux was in Vienna at the time, and he identified you. This is the fourth time we are meeting. It is the first time, however, at least for me, that we are free to speak what is in our minds and in our hearts.”
Sebastian looked at the Marques. He had nothing to say.
“Your father and I were very good friends,” continued the Marques. “He confided his secret to me, and he charged me with certain responsibilities to his family in case he should ever be exposed and condemned.”
“Certain responsibilities?”
“Mostly financial. But he also asked me to look out for the safety and welfare of his family. I am sorry to say that I wasn’t able to do anything to get you out of prison. But I can help you financially. Your father entrusted me with certain funds that were unknown to anyone and beyond the reach of the Inquisition. He amassed these funds in secret for just such a contingency. When you return to Metz, letters of credit in the sum of one hundred thousand Reichsthalers will be delivered to you. These instruments are as good as cash. It is a princely sum. You can use it to start a new life in Amsterdam or anywhere else you choose.”
Sebastian stared at him. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything.
Your father expected you to take on the responsibility of being the head of the family if something happened to him. With that in mind, he said that the hundred thousand Reichsthalers should be apportioned as follows. Ten thousand each to Carolina and Felipe. Twenty thousand to your mother to ensure that she is comfortable and independent for the rest of her life. The rest to you, with the understanding that you are responsible for the others if they should turn to you. Do you accept that responsibility?”
“Yes, I do,” said Sebastian. “I would accept it even if I were penniless.”
“Of course.”
“Your Excellency, do you —?”
“You can call me Don Alejandro. Your father and I were very good friends. And I would be honored if you would look upon me as your friend as well.”
“The honor would be mine.”
“You began to ask me something?”
“Yes, Don Alejandro. Do you know who betrayed me here in Vienna? How did they know I was here and how were they able to find me?”
“I regret that I have no information for you on that, Sebastian. I sincerely hope that those ill-disposed toward you will leave you alone now that you’ll be receiving immunity from the Pope. I hope you’ll be perfectly safe from now on.”
“Yes. If only I could be sure.”
“It is good to be sure, but there are so few things in life of which we can be sure. Anyway, you can be sure that the money will be delivered to you in Metz. There is one thing I must tell you. You must leave this country immediately. The brave Emperor will be returning from Linz very soon, now that the battle is over, and you must make sure he does not find you here. He is unpredictable. If you are gone, he will not give you another thought.”
“I will leave immediately, Don Alejandro. Thank you for the warning, and of course, thank you for your loyalty to my father. You are a good friend.”
“That I am,” said the Marques. He stood up and put his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. “That I am.”
On Chanukah, we eat milchigs to commemorate the neis that came about through the heroism of Yehudis, the daughter of Yochanan Kohen Gadol. What better way to celebrate than with a mouthwatering array of tasty dairy dishes? Displayed are two separate party food bars, one showcasing savory and the other, sweet. Incorporate some or all of these delicacies into your Chanukah hosting events, and then mix, match and munch away. Above all, enjoy the reason, the season, and the smiles on your loved ones’ faces as they partake in the fruits of your labor in honor of Chanukah.
Make sure that all of the fruits and leaves are used according to halacha
Cut dough into doughnut shape, place onto lined cookie sheet at least 1-inch apart. Bake as directed on puff pastry package.
Combine cream cheese and cappuccino cream with an immersion blender or by hand. Pipe mixture onto half of the cooled puff pastries (works best with a pastry bag fitted with flower or round tip). Place the rest of the puffed pastries on top to form donut sandwich.
Drizzle melted chocolate for garnish.
A healthy, filling and comforting dish to round out your party menu.
4 mini eggplants
Salt Pepper
Garlic powder
Dried oregano Olive oil
2 T. oil, for sauteing 1 medium onion
4 cloves garlic, crushed 2 small zucchini ½ red pepper
½ green pepper
Reserved eggplant flesh
8 oz. tomato sauce
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. dried oregano
½ tsp. dried basil
Pizza cheese, to sprinkle on top
1. Cut the eggplants in half lengthwise.
2. Sprinkle them with salt and allow them to sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
3. Wipe off the salt with a paper towel. (There’s no need to rinse.)
4. Using a knife, scoop out the centers of each eggplant, leaving a half-inch rim of flesh. Reserve the scooped-out flesh to use in the letcho.
5. Preheat the oven to 400°.
6. Season the eggplant boats with salt and pepper, and a generous sprinkling of garlic powder, oregano and olive oil.
7. Place the eggplant boats, cut-side down, on a lined baking sheet. Bake them for 45 minutes.
8. Meanwhile, prepare the letcho: Heat a medium pot with the oil. Saute the onion for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
9. Add the garlic and saute for another minute.
10. Chop the remaining vegetables, including the reserved eggplant flesh. Add this to the pot along with the tomato sauce, salt and spices.
11. Cover and cook on a low simmer for 20 minutes.
12. When the eggplants are ready, heap some letcho into each boat and top with pizza cheese. Return the eggplant boats to the oven until the cheese has melted.
No Chanukah party in our family is complete without dreidels ’n dips. No matter what else is being served at the Chanukah party, the platters of veggies, dips and fried dreidel wraps are the first to be polished off.
2 red peppers
8 oz. feta cheese
1 T. sour cream
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. lemon juice
Pinch of black pepper
Pinch of crushed pepper flakes
1. Preheat the oven to 450°.
2. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
3. Cut the peppers in half, and remove their stems and seeds. Lay the peppers, skin side up, on the baking sheet. Roast for 40 minutes.
4. Once the peppers have cooled, peel and discard the skin. Cut the peppers into strips.
5. Place the peppers into a bowl along with the other dip ingredients.
6. Pulse the ingredients with a hand blender until the dip is just combined but still chunky.
1 (8 oz.) pkg. wraps (about 8 wraps) Oil for frying
1. Using a dreidel cookie cutter, cut the wraps into dreidel shapes.
2. Heat two inches of oil in a frying pan. Fry the dreidels for a few moments on each side, until golden.
3. Drain the dreidels on paper towels
Note: These can be stored in a container at room temperature for a couple of days.
Cheese boards add elegance, a touch of whimsy, and fun to any event. They are totally customizable and great for snacking. The components I used are merely a suggestion; fire up your imagination and include the ingredients your family loves.
Bursting with zest and flavor, homemade blueberry jam makes an amazing cheese pairing.
I used marble tiles as trays for a uniform look that’s clean, modern and inexpensive.
Keep your table light and uncluttered by lifting your greens up, up and away! This centerpiece makes a statement and doesn’t require expensive florals. I tied the strings to adhesive hooks both in the vase and on the ceiling.
An assortment of bud vases does double duty when filled with greenery and lit up with candles! You can pluck branches off an evergreen tree (or any tree or bush that’s green year-round), place them in bud vases with water, top with a candle… and ta-dah! Your centerpiece is born.
These adorable party treats are a new spin on classic mini blinis. They can be described only as “irresistible.”
One loaf sliced white bread, crusts removed
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
1 egg yolk
½ cup Baker’s Choice hazelnut cream
½ cup sugar
1 tsp. Baker’s Choice cocoa
1 cup melted butter
1. Preheat the oven to 400°.
2. Use a rolling pin to flatten each slice of bread. Set these aside. (For a uniform look, cut the larger slices of bread in half widthwise.)
3. In a bowl, mix together the cream cheese, egg yolk and hazelnut cream.
4. In a separate bowl, combine the sugar and cocoa.
5. To assemble, smear a thin layer of chocolate cheese on each slice of bread, then roll it up tightly.
6. Brush each blini with melted butter, and dust with cocoa sugar. Place them seam-side down on a baking sheet.
7. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until crisp.
This drink is heavenly and so simple to make. It tastes amazing hot or cold!
4 cups whole milk
3 cups Devash half and half
1 cup Baker’s Choice white milk chocolate cream ¼ tsp. salt
1. To serve warm, heat all ingredients until just below the boiling point, stirring until smooth.
2. To serve cold, combine all ingredients in a container or bottle, and shake well until the mixture is smooth.
Smooth and refreshing, these mousse cups make a delightful and elegant addition to any party. The tart strawberries make a great contrast to the sweet cream.
16 oz. frozen strawberries, defrosted
½ cup confectioners sugar Juice of 1 lime (2 T.)
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1½ cups confectioners’ sugar
1 cup Devash heavy cream
Baker’s Choice dairy chocolate balls Mint leaves
1. Blend together the strawberry puree ingredients until smooth. Set this aside.
2. In a separate bowl, whip the cream cheese for a few seconds.
3. Add the vanilla extract, and mix to incorporate.
4. Place a sifter over the mixing bowl, and sift in the confectioners’ sugar. Mix to combine.
5. Add the heavy cream in three batches, mixing for a couple of minutes after each addition.
6. To assemble, place 1 to 2 spoonfuls of strawberry puree into individual cups.
7. Spoon or pipe cheesecake mousse on top. Garnish with chocolate balls and mint leaves.
This is my favorite pancake recipe, all dressed up for a party with the additions of milk chocolate chunks and peanut butter maple syrup.
2 cups flour
5 tsp. baking powder
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup oil 1 cup milk
¾ cup vanilla yogurt 2 eggs
1 (3.5 oz.) bar white milk chocolate
2 T. oil or butter, for frying
1. In a bowl, mix all pancake ingredients except the last two (white chocolate and oil or butter) until just incorporated. Don’t overmix!
2. Chop up the chocolate, and add it to the batter.
3. Heat the oil or butter in a frying pan. Fry ¼ cup of batter at a time for full-size pancakes, or 1 heaping tablespoon for mini pancakes.
4. Cook the pancakes until the edges are brown, then flip them.
5. Continue cooking until the pancakes are golden and fluffy. Transfer them to a rack, and repeat until all of the batter is used up, adding more oil/butter as necessary
½ cup maple syrup ¼ cup peanut butter
Place both ingredients in a microwavable bowl or small pot. Heat this in a microwave or on the stove, mixing occasionally, until the mixture is melted and smooth.
Interior Design is the new up and coming career choice for those creatively inclined. Because which creative career can bring you more satisfaction than crafting hopes and designing dreams?
It is mystical, yet simple. Poignant and heartwarming. It is the essence of Chanukah. As everyone gathers around the licht, the harmonic notes of Maoz Tzur reverberate. Just hearing the tune is enough to bring anyone — child, parent or grandparent — into Chanukah mode. For generations, the timeless words of Maoz Tzur, often sung to the timeless popular tune, have been warming hearts, homes and families. If you think you’re alone in the memories, know that it isn’t just you, your family or your community that feels that tinge of excited nostalgia upon hearing the tune — but that multitudes of Yidden across the globe feel the same way. The melody is said to be one of the two most popularly recognized Jewish songs.
Composed in thirteenthcentury Ashkenaz Germany, the zemer has spread throughout all segments of Jewry — including both the Ashkenazi and Sefardi communities, traditional Jews, and even those who weakly affiliate themselves with Yiddishkeit. (Incidentally, Chanukah is perhaps the most celebrated of all yomim tovim, with even those who hardly identify as Jews rejoicing in its light. Gedolim say this is because of the deeply spiritual powers hidden in the pure Chanukah licht.)
As the first letters of Maoz Tzur’s first five stanzas indicate, the zemer was written by a man named Mordechai. His exact identity is unknown, as there are varying opinions as to which Mordechai he was. The final, sixth stanza was appended or adjusted later, which is why the text varies in certain communities, and why others leave it out completely.
With the writing of Maoz Tzur, the composer waxes poetic as he tells the story of Klal Yisroel and how we continue to exist as a people, despite persecution and adversity. Each of its stanzas represents a different era of our history, a different period of galus, and of our deliverance time and again — against all odds.
Believed to be written sometime after the Crusades, the final stanza tells of our survival and anticipated Geulah from current-day Galus Edom. It sings of hope and longing for our ultimate redemption.
Maoz Tzur is a song of praise, of gratitude and of tefillah. Even though only one of its six sections speaks directly of the miracle of Chanukah, this zemer, auspicious and evocative of geulah and yeshuah, is highly appropriate to be sung at this time of year.
The zemer opens in the setting of the Beis Hamikdash. We entreat Hashem, our Rock of Salvation to Whom we sing songs of praise, to bring us back to His palace.
How we yearn for the day when we will once again be ensconced in the uplifting purity of Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s abode! Then, when the nations who oppress us will be squelched, we will be able to express our unadulterated joy and gratitude at the holiest of sites. No longer under the torment of our enemies, we will sing and rejoice. We will bring korbanos on the rebuilt Mizbei’ach and celebrate the culmination of the chanukas habayis.
Even though only one of its six sections speaks directly of the miracle of Chanukah, this zemer, auspicious and evocative of geulah and yeshuah, is highly appropriate to be sung at this time of year.
The words are relevant even today. As we sing the stanzas, we remember the original dedication of the Mizbei’ach. Reminiscing in that joy arouses within us the yearning for its rebuilding, and the memory of the korbanos is there to help us focus on tefillah and the hope that our supplications take the place of korbanos until we merit being back in the Beis Hamikdash.
Bathed in the glow of the Chanukah licht, to the tune of these eternal words, we are inspired to turn our hearts inward, with tefillos for the present and for the future. We pine for the day when our greatest dreams will be realized!
Evil filled our souls and embittered our lives as we suffered in Galus Mitzrayim. Under the affliction of the “Kingdom of the Calf,” the proud nation of Mitzrayim,
we endured physical and emotional torture. Day after day, year after year, we were beholden to the cruel whims of our Egyptian oppressors. We nearly fell into the depths of despair, wondering if there was any hope for us at all. But then, just as we were about to sink to a level of no return, the inconceivable happened. From the land where no slave had ever escaped, we were led out — our heads held high.
As the Am Segulah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s precious, treasured nation, we were freed from our bondage while the Mitzriyim suffered their justified end, drowning as a stone sinks, deep in the Yam Suf.
The Maharal explains that Klal Yisroel’s destiny as a nation is not dependent on natural, physical laws; we depend solely on Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s protection.
As we exited the previously barricaded gates of Mitzrayim, we felt this protection overtly. We felt His love, kindness and guidance. We felt that our destiny is, indeed, supernatural.
We were brought up to Eretz Yisroel, where we basked in the Presence of the Shechinah in the Beis Hamikdash. The Kohanim performed the avodah, the Levi’im sang shirah, and Klal Yisroel was one with our Creator. Yet that blissful existence was also not destined to last. Tragically, we poured our own cup of spoiled wine for ourselves… By turning away from purity and worshiping avodah zara, we brought destruction upon ourselves.
Bathed in the glow of the Chanukah licht, to the tune of these eternal words, we are inspired to turn our hearts inward.
We were in the Chosen Land, at the crest of kedusha and serenity, yet our peace was disturbed. Nevuchadnetzar, the king of Bavel, arrived and besieged Yerushalayim. After destroying our cherished Beis Hamikdash, he dragged us down to his country, away from our close connection with our Creator. Bereft of our haven, we faced suffering and aggravation. Once again, we were in exile.
It was a relatively brief expulsion from our home. After 70 years, Zerubavel ben Shaltiel, a descendant of Dovid Hamelech, heralded the end of the galus. Along with Nechemya, he led us back to Yerushalayim, where the Beis Hamikdash was rebuilt.
Bavel fell to the Persians, making Persia the next exile for Klal Yisroel. Once again, we were at the mercy of foreign powers. This time, it was Haman who inflicted sorrow and fear upon us.
Haman was a descendant of Amalek, the nation Shaul Hamelech was meant to annihilate. Despite his instructions to kill all men, women, children and even cattle, Shaul left the king, Agag, alive. This led to the Kohanim of Nov being killed by the Pelishtim. This was a terrible mistake on Shaul’s part. Indeed, having mercy on the cruel means being cruel to the kind.
Generations later, Agag’s grandson faced off against Mordechai — who, like Shaul, was a descendant of Shevet Binyamin.
In his haughtiness, Haman sought to get back at Mordechai, who wouldn’t display the honor Haman felt he deserved. Haman became our stumbling block, plotting to obliterate Klal Yisroel from the globe. He erected a tall tree, intending to take revenge on his enemy Mordechai and have him hanged.
Yet Haman’s pride was destroyed. He suffered the barbaric downfall he had planned for his enemy, and his name is eternally blotted out. Haman and his ten sons were hanged on the gallows he had hoped would hold Mordechai, and Haman’s fiendish plan, which had hovered above Klal Yisroel, disappeared along with him.
Once again, Klal Yisroel was under attack. It began in the days of the Chashmonaim, when the Yevanim, the Greeks, surrounded us. They breached the walls surrounding the Beis Hamikdash thirteen times. The Beis Hamikdash was exposed, open to the world. Now anyone could simply walk in. This holiest of places, where only those who were sanctified were allowed in, was unprotected and open to the masses.
The Greeks had a heyday inside the Beis Hamikdash. They cruelly defiled our holy site and tainted every flask of oil they
found. These flasks of oil bore a holy imprint, having been sealed with the signet of the Kohen Gadol.
After the Chashmonaim merited their astounding military victory against the colossal, mighty powers of the Greek army, we returned to the Beis Hamikdash. Distraught, we discovered that our enemy had laid hands on all that was holy. Klal Yisroel got to work restoring Hashem’s abode so the avodah could resume. And even though we could technically have lit the menorah with oil that did not bear the official seal, striving for the best, we searched until we found that lone, untampered flask.
Like a rose among the thorns — the metaphor Shlomo Hamelech assigned to Klal Yisroel in Shir Hashirim — we survived. Despite all Greek attempts to subjugate us to their culture, we prevailed. After our miraculous victory and the miracle of the oil, the Chashmonaim established the eight days of Chanukah in commemoration of the miracle, hinting at the mutual love between Hashem and Klal Yisroel that resumed in that post-havoc era.
For many years, the zemer of Maoz Tzur ended with the previous stanza, referencing the fourth exile, Galus Yavan. The final stanza, which alludes to Galus Edom, was too dangerous to disseminate. Rome posed too great a threat, and Christian pressure caused the original version to be heavily censored. In time, modified versions with loose mention of Rome itself were appended.
Reveal Your holy arm! we beseech Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Bring us closer to the end of galus. Take vengeance in the blood of Your children who were slaughtered at the evil hands of our oppressors!
It’s been many years. We long and yearn for the end of our troubles to come, even when it seems there is no end in sight. We beg Hashem to push Admon, the red one — the descendants of Eisav — into the shadows and bring back our seven shepherds — Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Moshe, Aharon, Yosef and Dovid. These seven giants have nurtured and supported us with yiras Shamayim and middos tovos the way a shepherd nourishes his sheep. How deeply we desire to be secure with them once again.
And as we sit beside the holy flames of our menorahs, reminiscing about the miracles of our survival as a nation throughout the generations, an inner craving awakens within us. We yearn to continue writing the Maoz Tzur, to fill in the details of our final liberation and the ultimate rebuilding of Hashem’s holy abode. May we indeed be zoche to complete the composition soon, in our days!
We are thrilled to announce the ribbon-cutting for our newly renovated, state of the art cardiothoracic intensive care unit (CTICU).
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The Yidden suffered unspeakable destruction at the hands of the Greeks. Both physically and spiritually, every day was a struggle to survive.
In our own lives, on our own journeys, we often experience that one moment where things turn around. With one spin of mazel, with one spin of clarity, things pivot, and a new future is unveiled. Here are five accounts.
“So you want to fully expand your dining room and put in an extra bathroom and workroom?” the contractor said. “My price estimate right now is eighty thousand dollars, but that might change as I actually begin the work.”
The price might go up, he meant; it certainly wouldn’t go down. My husband and I exchanged glances. We were already $80,000 above our budget…
That night, I went to sleep with the weight of my family’s needs pressing heavily against my heart. Expanding our home to make room for our growing family was a necessity, but we had absolutely zero funding.
Hashem could do anything, I knew, yet the money still needed to materialize from somewhere. We could get a loan easily enough, but we needed to have a way to repay any benefactors — and in the meantime, we had no way to do that.
A week passed. We asked another contractor for a price quote. It was similar to the first contractor’s.
We needed to acquire eighty grand urgently, but we were hard pressed to find a way.
Several more days passed. I was in the post office with my children to pick up a package when my phone rang.
The screen showed me the name of my second cousin. We’d meet at weddings and the like, but we rarely ever spoke on the phone.
I quickly jabbed the on button, keeping a wary eye on my impatient children, and exchanged greetings with my cousin.
“You know my sister passed away recently,” my relative continued, and I nodded absently in response.
Of course, I knew. Our family was small, and I’d been to both the levayah and shivah
“She had no children, and in her will she bequeathed some money to myself and my brother, and she bequeathed a smaller sum to you and some of the other cousins.”
My heart leapt. My second cousin bequeathing money to me? That was like money coming from out of nowhere!
“How much?” I breathed as my children danced all over the post office.
“One hundred and twenty thousand dollars.”
The line in the post office moved forward a tiny step, and our expansion took a grand leap forward.
Two months later, after all of the paperwork was concluded, we were already deep into our expansion. We’d taken out a loan that we knew exactly how we’d repay.
Wide-eyed in disbelief, Meilich and I take in the scene.
“This looks bad,” I whisper.
Across the median, a gutted car lies abandoned at the side of the road. Chunks of shimmering glass are everywhere. The battering rain does nothing to help, and cries and lights ascend eerily from the darkness.
The wind keens as we drive past, trying to read into the disaster.
“Hey, are those tzitzis? I think I see bachurim there!”
“You’re right,” Meilich says. “We should turn off at the next exit and go back to help them.”
I think of the mound of laundry waiting, of settling the kids — it’s so late! — but we are brothers, with one heart and soul, so of course we go back.
Meilich’s eyes flicker with recognition. The Neuman boy is there, phone on the floor. Rabinowitz, an angry gash on his forehead, is crying on Grunbaum’s shoulder.
Are they okay? My heart rattles in my chest.
These aren’t your typical yeshivah bachurim; they look pretty macho, generally speaking. But they’re young boys, really, and could use our help.
“We know these boys,” we tell the officers at the scene. “Can we take them home?”
“Well, we’ve filed the report, and these boys are fine — just take care of that cut,”
CHANA HINDY SCHECHTERgrumbles a heavyset policeman. “Let’s check your car.”
Baruch Hashem! Baruch Hashem!
But, oh, how embarrassing! The car is never this messy, and the kids are staring in open astonishment.
The bachurim huddle close to Meilich, shivering, faces pale. But once the hum of the motor resumes, all their defenses come down.
Yos Grunbaum wails like a baby. Mendy Neuman whimpers, “But why did Hashem save us?”
Rabinowitz speaks, telling the story of a quick glance at his phone, hitting the barrier and then scrambling out of the vehicleturned-nemesis.
And in the musty darkness, three belligerent youths find a pinprick of light. They hold onto their Father’s embrace, eyes filled with fresh purpose. Kabbalos are made, riding on hopes and tears.
The rain has stopped now, and the sun paints the sky with deep brushstrokes of purple and pink. In the center awaits the glittering sun, the future a bright orb in a sometimes bleak world.
It’s been a month now, and hopes have solidified into dreams.
The boys have found stability, peace and meaning. They share their upward journey with us, over steaming bowls of chicken soup and piping voices. Remarkably, two are engaged to fine girls, girls who will join their courageous climb. The third is working nearby, learning with Meilich on Thursday nights as he drives around, making his deliveries. You see, sometimes it’s all a matter of rerouting.
Even when things are perfect, they never really are. Your marriage can be wonderful, but there will always be stuff to work out, to clarify, to understand about each other.
So, things were great — but there were these annoying misunderstandings under the surface that crept up at the most annoying times. Misunderstandings can be painful. And in your first decade of marriage, when you keep getting stuck on a certain issue, they can be agonizing.
The conversations would go in circles. At some point, they’d end — but of course, never really end — with my husband saying, “I’m sorry — but I’m not really sure what to be sorry about,” or “I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t happen again — but I’m not really sure what ‘it’ is.” He truly wanted to smooth things over, but he had no idea where the bumps were. And I talked myself hoarse, still not getting through.
One day, the Misunderstanding screeched us to a halt. We sat there, trying to talk, but the engine was sputtering. And we couldn’t get it going again.
Then, suddenly, something changed. Maybe because when you get to a gridlock, you learn how to fly.
In the middle of nowhere, the magic words swooshed in, like a cool breeze breaking a heat wave: “Let’s start from zero.”
I stared at my husband in shock. He got me, after all. He knew our history book was splotched with hurt, and he wanted to erase it.
My heart felt light, clean. I liked the idea of starting from zero. I liked that he understood that I needed that.
I was willing — nay, thrilled — to erase past hurts. And just like that, in minutes, I scrubbed my heart squeaky clean.
We started from zero and built it up slowly. I communicated, he listened; he communicated, I listened. We didn’t have to tiptoe around past wounds — there were none. We magically forgot them with these magic words.
Zero doesn’t mean nothing. It is the ground from which the most beautiful gardens can flourish.
Cardinal Camp Rule #1: You may never, ever walk anywhere on camp grounds by yourself. If you dare transgress this rule, you will be labeled socially off (gasp!).
That’s how it was for me when I was an eighth grader in camp for the very first time. I hated the constant pressure of “Oh my, where are my friends? I better make sure that we’re still friends.” It was like I had to keep checking that I had enough friends and that we were doing enough friend-y things for each other, and I hated that. I wished I could stop obsessing and assessing and just enjoy camp.
I was telling my mother about this during one of our early-morning phone calls. (I was one of those girls who woke up at 7 a.m. in camp to hog a phone and call my mommy. It was the one time of day that I didn’t have to worry about walking around by myself; the grounds were so dead, no one would ever know.) So my mother listened empathetically as I described how stressful it was to make sure that I had the appropriate number and type of friends with me at all times. It was totally ruining my camp experience.
Then she said one little line that completely changed my perspective. “Chaya,” my mother said, “maybe it’s time to stop focusing on yourself. Start looking around for those girls who need friends, and you be that friend.”
Not that I loved taking advice from my mother as a teenager, but something in her words resonated with me. And those few little words completely changed my summer.
Suddenly, it wasn’t about “Who am I going to sit with on the bus?” but rather, “Who needs me to sit with her on the bus so she feels comfortable?” It wasn’t about making sure that my friends were enough for me to be friends with them, but about being enough of a friend to anyone who needed it. Camp became the most wonderful place to be, with endless opportunities to be a friend to so many girls who were feeling insecure. I grew adept at noticing who was feeling most awkward in every social situation and specifically made sure to hang around these girls. I never had to check how comfortable I was feeling in that social setting.
It was fun, gratifying, and made me feel so good. Just one piece of motherly advice turned my camp experience from misery-inducing social angst into a wonderland of social opportunities.
I don’t remember which financial setback was the one that broke our camel’s back, but I know that there were enough that came before it to make me desperate enough to do what I did.
Both my wife Pessy and I worked hard to support our young and growing family. But somehow, we never made ends meet even slightly. The jobs Pessy worked at disintegrated, our business ideas fell flat, and our finances got tighter and tighter.
I couldn’t figure out where the magic key to our livelihood lay. We were really struggling, and I didn’t see any way out.
We tried segulos, got brachos from tzaddikim, but still, nothing changed.
One day, I walked into our Rav’s office. I told him everything — how we were working so hard without success, how it seemed that our road to financial security was completely blocked, how my wallet was literally empty.
“I need you to tell me what to do,” I beseeched the Rav. “What is our problem? Why are we having such a hard time?”
The Rav listened with deep empathy.
to: SHOSHANA CHAIMSOHNHe asked me about all the different things we’d tried, and he, too, seemed stumped.
“I don’t know why you aren’t seeing hatzlacha,” he admitted. “I can only give you a bracha that from now on you should be blessed with success.”
“No,” I said. I was desperate and stood my ground. “I didn’t come for a bracha this time. I’m not leaving this room until you tell me what the problem is. Until you tell me where my yeshuah is going to come from.”
The Rav looked shocked. He stared at me, then got up from his chair and began walking back and forth, thinking intensely.
Suddenly, he took out the sefer Noam Elimelech and withdrew a 200-shekel bill from his pocket. He put the bill between the pages of the sefer and learned from it for a few minutes. Then he held out the money to me.
I was confused. “Kevod HaRav, I don’t need 200 shekels! I need a yeshuah in parnassah!”
“This will be the start of the yeshuah,” the Rav answered me.
I took the 200 shekels and walked out.
This is going to sound unreal, but it happened to me. From that moment on, I no longer had any financial worries. Money began flowing into our coffers and we saw success in everything we tried.
Quite simply, the moment I received those 200 shekels, everything changed.
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Electric candles hardly do the trick.
Avi is stuck inpatient, while his family is celebrating at the annual gala family Chanukah event. He’s sad and lonely, and the plugged in candles on his windowsill hurt his eyes. Bring the joy of Chanukah to him. 200 boxes.
A practical halachic summary based on the Shulchan Aruch, poskim and the halacha shiurim of Rabbi Bezalel Rudinsky, based on Ashkenazic custom
compiled by: R’ HESHY FRIEDMANThe custom among Sefardim is that only one menorah is lit per household. The custom among Ashkenazim is that every male member of the household over the age of chinuch does his own hadlakah
One should not use a curved menorah, or a menorah where the candles are at different heights.
Today, when we have electric lights, there is no longer a necessity to keep a shamash lit. However, the minhag avoseinu is still to use a shamash for every indoor hadlakah. Only one shamash is necessary, even if multiple people will be lighting.
If one lit the menorah properly with enough oil, and the candles burned out on their own within a half hour, he has still fulfilled his obligation of the mitzvah. Nevertheless, it is preferable to relight the extinguished candles, without a new bracha
If one was mekabel Shabbos and his neiros became extinguished before shekiah, he may have someone else who was not yet mekabel Shabbos rekindle the neiros
The general minhag in Eretz Yisroel is to light outside, and the general minhag in chutz la’aretz is to light indoors.
One should not deviate from the minhag hamakom without prior consultation with his rav
A ben Eretz Yisroel visiting chutz laaretz, and a ben chutz laaretz visiting Eretz Yisroel, should follow the minhag hamakom
The height of the ner Chanukah should be above 3 tefachim (approximately 12 inches).
One still fulfills his obligation of the mitzvah b’dieved even if it is below 3 tefachim
The Shulchan Aruch states it is a mitzvah to have the height of the neiros less than 10 tefachim
Many hold this is less relevant today, when we light indoors and have designated menorahs and electric lights. If one has a choice to light below 10 tefachim but not in front of a window, or above 10 tefachim in front of a window, lighting in front of the window is preferred.
One who does a hadlakah in shul between Mincha and Maariv does so with a bracha, and repeats the brachos again when he lights at home.
The exception is Shehecheyanu, which one would not make again at home — unless he is being motzie his family with the hadlakah, in which case he would make Shehecheyanu again.
In a shul, one places the menorah toward the southern wall of the shul, which will be on the right side of the aron kodesh. The person lighting should stand behind the menorah with his back to the southern wall, and light from east to west.
The inyan of doing a hadlakah at a minyan between Mincha and Maariv is only for a beis knesses or beis midrash There is no requirement to light at a minyan outside of shul.
One may extinguish the neiros in a shul after davening even if they have been lit for less than a half hour.
A menorah may not be lit above 20 amos (30 to 40 feet), and one does not fulfill their obligation even b’dieved at that height.
However, when lighting indoors in a tall apartment building, the height is counted from the floor of the apartment, not the height of the building.
In chutz laaretz, where we generally light indoors, it is still preferred to do the hadlakah by the window where there will be an additional pirsumei nes for the people outside.
However, if one is unable to light by a window, any place inside where one typically doesn’t light other candles will suffice. A high-traffic area in the home where the candles are more visible is preferred.
The ideal time to do hadlakas neiros is at tzeis hakochavim. For the zman of tzeis hakochavim, one keeps the same zman as he would for Motzei Shabbos.
One should follow those poskim who hold to light at shekiah only if he has a strong family minhag to do so.
Once the zman hadlakah arrives, the person who will light is not allowed to learn or sit down to eat a meal or have Mezonos food. If one already started eating before noticing the time, he should stop eating right away.
However, one may eat fruits, vegetables and other Shehakol snacks. Others waiting for the main member of the household to arrive and light may eat while they are awaiting his arrival.
Today, when we light inside, the lighting should ideally be postponed until all family members are present, unless they will be arriving very late.
Although one should light as soon as possible once the zman arrives, one may light until alos hashachar
If one lights very late and their family members are already sleeping, it is preferable to wake them so they can join in the hadlakah
Candles should remain lit for a half-hour and not be extinguished prior to that.
One should hold the shamash while making the brachos.
One lights the additional ner first, and then continues lighting the rest of the neiros, going left to right.
When lighting the menorah, one should hold the shamash to the candle until the wick is fully lit.
There is no obligation to relight a candle if it was lit properly and burned out on its own, although it would be commendable to relight it.
Although one is allowed to benefit from the neiros after they have been lit for a half hour, one should preferably avoid this.
One should avoid moving the neiros, even from one appropriate location to another appropriate location, within the first half hour of the hadlakah
Women and girls over bas mitzvah are obligated to light ner Chanukah. Under normal circumstances, their obligation is fulfilled when an adult male member of their household lights the ner Chanukah
Although Ashkenazic custom is that each member of the family lights candles, married women and single girls customarily do not light when an adult male member of their household lights for them.
If no adult male member will be present for the hadlakah, a woman or girl is required to make her own hadlakah with a bracha
A woman may fulfill the obligation for other women.
It is preferable for the entire family to be present during the hadlakah. However, if a husband will be arriving late, he may give his wife permission to light for the family prior to his arrival.
Women or girls who are not present at the time of a hadlakah in their home are still included in the household lighting and do not need to light separately.
However, women or girls sleeping away from home should make their own hadlakah
Women customarily refrain from work for the first half-hour after the candles are lit. This is generally defined as labor-intensive work that is time-consuming, and does not include food preparation tasks such as making dinner.
A man who is away from home during Chanukah can be yotzei with the hadlakah of his family at home. However, it is still preferable for him to do his own hadlakah where he is residing.
In this case, it is best to hear the brachos from someone else, or do the hadlakah with a bracha prior to the time that his family lights.
An overnight guest can either light on his own, or contribute toward his host’s oil and be yotzei with the hadlakah of his host.
However, a guest staying over together with his family is not able to fulfill the obligation of his family through his own hadlakah as an achsanai. Each individual family member must either be yotzei with the hadlakah of the
baal habayis, or do their own individual hadlakah
The chiyuv hadlakah is on a person in his bayis. That means that one must light within the confines of the place where he will be sleeping over or where he slept over the previous night. One may not light in a place where he will jus be eating dinner.
One should therefore not schedule any events at the zman hadlakah, because all guests will need to light at their own bayis
However, a guest for Shabbos who will be sleeping at his host’s neighbor, but will be spending time and eating with his host, should light at his host rather than at the neighbor where he is sleeping (or be included with his host’s hadlakah).
One should not schedule to travel overnight without a bayis, unless his family will be making a hadlakah at his home.
One who is in a hotel should light in his room, if possible. If there are safety issues, or if lighting in the room is not allowed by the hotel, he should light in the lobby and eat there. If even that is also not allowed, he should be yotzei with his family’s hadlakah at home.
One who is in a hospital or health care facility overnight should light in the lobby, if possible, and eat a meal
there. If there is a bikur cholim room, he should light there and eat a meal there.
If one is in a situation where he is traveling and/or unable to light at his location, and he has no family lighting at home for him, in this b’dieved situation, he should appoint someone to sleep over at his home who will do the hadlakah for him.
One can be yotzei through the hadlakah of his family at home even if he is in a different time zone with a different zman hadlakah
On Friday, the neiros Chanukah are lit before the neiros Shabbos
The earliest time to light ner Chanukah on Friday is plag Mincha, which is 1¼ hours (sha’os zemaniyos) prior to shekiah
It is preferable to daven Mincha at an earlier minyan prior to hadlakas ner Chanukah
However, if one did not daven Mincha early, he should still light the neiros prior to Mincha and not miss tefillah b’tzibbur
One needs to have enough oil or use candles that will last long enough to remain lit until a half hour past shekiah.
The prevalent custom on Motzei Shabbos, as stated by the Shulchan Aruch, is that ner Chanukah should be lit prior to Havdalah.
However, there are other opinions that say that Havdalah comes first. One should preferably follow the custom of the Shuchan Aruch unless he has a family minhag otherwise.
When lighting ner Chanukah prior to Havdalah, if one forgot Atah Chonantanu in Maariv, he should make sure to say “Baruch hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol ” prior to hadlakas ner Chanukah
If one forgot to say Al Hanissim in Birchas Hamazon, he should not repeat Birchas Hamazon
However, if one remembers that he missed it prior to completing Birchas Hamazon, he should recite “HaRachaman Hu yaaseh lanu nissim,” and then proceed with “Biyemei Matisyahu...”
If one forgot Al Hanissim in Shemoneh Esrei, and did not yet complete the bracha, it may still be recited at that point.
Once Hashem’s name was stated in the bracha, Al Hanissim may no longer be recited, and one should not repeat Shemoneh Esrei
However, one may say Al Hanissim prior to “ Yiheyu l’ratzon ” before taking three steps back.
Chatzi Kaddish is recited by the chazzan after Hallel, except when Chanukah coincides with Rosh Chodesh, where Kaddish Shalem is recited.
If the chazzan accidentally recited Kaddish Shalem after Hallel when it was not Rosh Chodesh, the Kaddish after Ashrei-Uva L’Tzion that is normally a Kaddish Shalem should be a Chatzi Kaddish instead.
There is a debate whether women have a chiyuv to say Hallel on Chanukah or whether they can fulfill their obligation with any praise to Hashem. It is therefore recommended for them to avoid this safek and to say Hallel.
There is no obligation to have a seudah or Chanukah party, though it is meritorious to do so.
However, a seudah or Chanukah party where there is song and praise to Hashem, including divrei Torah for Chanukah, qualifies as a seudas mitzvah
Although it is commendable to attend such events, one should not disturb a scheduled seder limud to attend, unless there are overriding shalom bayis considerations.
The Rema states a custom to eat cheese on Chanukah, recalling the miracle of Yehudis bas Yochanan Kohen Gadol, who killed the enemy general through cheese.
Thank you to Rabbi Benzion Brodie, Rabbi Yosef Fishman, and Dr. Moshe Frommer for your input, review and assistance. The author can be reached at heshyfriedman@ gmail.com.
These halachos follow the guidance of Rav Bezalel Rudinsky, the author’s Rav. Some poskim may rule differently on various halachos. Please consult your halachic authority for personal guidance.
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Peanut chews are classic, good, old-fashioned munchies. These tarts, which can make a hands-on activity for your family’s enjoyment, take them to the next level. Individuals of every age can enjoy creating these — and of course, consuming them! And we didn’t forget about those with peanut allergies, either.
These bronze-colored European tart pans are gorgeous, and the tarts present beautifully both in them or out. However, remove the tart from the shell before cutting.
To prevent tarts from breaking apart, they should be removed from the tray while frozen.
1 cup creamy peanut butter 1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup sugar 6 cups crisped rice cereal
1 cup natural peanut butter
1 cup honey
1 cup organic sugar ½ tsp. salt 6 cups crisped rice cereal
Note: These can be prepared in a disposable pan and melted down in the oven for minimal mess and cleanup.
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Place all ingredients, besides the cereal, in a 9x13” pan.
3. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, mixing well every 4 minutes. Mixture should be fully melted and smooth.
4. Add the cereal and mix until it is evenly coated with the mixture. Press the peanut chew into the desired tart pan (or standard pan) while the mixture is still warm, creating higher sides with a lower center.
5. Decorate as desired.
photos by: C. TARKIELTAUB tart pans by: feature sponsored by:
Look out for our grand reopening announcement at our brand-new flagship Boro Park store!
over recipes 395
Two peanut chew tarts
1 container nougat or chocolate cream
1 (16 oz.) whip topping
Half of a (3 oz.) carton of instant vanilla pudding Chocolate, covered pretzels and nuts
1. Spread a thick layer of cream onto the tart, leaving a narrow border.
2. Beat the whip topping until stiff. Gently stir in the pudding until combined.
3. Transfer the whip to a pastry bag fitted with a star tip, and pipe stars over the cream.
4. Top with suggested toppings, as shown.
For the kids, by the kids! Let every child decorate their own place card with their favorite treats.
1. To prepare the chocolate, place white decorating chocolate into a Ziploc bag. Seal it tightly and place it into a container with hot water until it melts. 2. Snip off the bottom corner of the bag, and squeeze the melted chocolate into alef-beis chocolate molds. Place into the freezer for quick drying. 3. Turn over the mold, and tap gently to release the chocolate. 4. Use a scant amount of corn syrup to attach the chocolate and candies to the peanut chew.
These look so professional and are so simple to create.
1. Spread chocolate cream over the tart, leaving a small border. 2. Top with chocolate and nuts as shown.
Keep the Light of Chanukah holy!
Chanukah is a joyous and spirited holiday. As we celebrate and enjoy this special time with parties, family gettogethers, and community events, it is important to remain vigilant and careful in matters of modesty.
The Halachos of socializing between men and women apply to brothers-in-law, sistersin-law, and cousins:
Refrain from engaging in unnecessary chatting, conversations or frivolous laughter.
Playing games together is an inappropriate activity.
The separation between men and women must be completely enforced.
The Torah warns us that a breach in these holy issues turns the Shechina away. For comments or donations, please call (845) 608-7509 or email rabbiamam@gmail.com
In the zchus of our extra observance in these matters, may we all merit righteous children, good health, and generous blessings.
May we enjoy the light of Chanukah in purity and holiness! A Freilichen Chanukah!
If you’re getting paid peanuts, you might want to try making peanut butter. Consumers spend $800 million a year on peanut butter in the U.S. alone. That’s a lot of money to make from just a little peanut.
What kind of peanut butter do you like best — chunky or creamy? Did you say creamy? Then I’m guessing you’re a woman. Women like creamy peanut butter better, while men prefer chunky peanut butter. Oh, you’re a woman who likes chunky peanut butter? Okay, make that most women like creamy peanut butter more.
Peanut butter is known as a good source of protein, which makes lots of people add it to their breakfasts. It’s also full of healthy fats and fatty acids, heart-strengthening antioxidants and other good-for-you things like that.
On the flip side, peanut butter is still very high in saturated fat, even if those fats are healthy. That means that consuming an excess of peanut butter might hurt a weight-loss diet, and even be detrimental to heart health over time. So, as with everything in life, enjoy your peanut butter in moderation.
If you’re terrified of that awful sensation of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth, with your tongue needing to do some talented gyrating to lick it off, you can officially be diagnosed with arachibutyrophobia. That’s the official name for the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
• Put a spoonful in the ice cream cone before you scoop in the ice cream. This will keep it from dripping.
• Use it to get gum or glue out of hair or off hands (especially when they belong to a crying toddler).
• Use it as bait for house pests.
• Use it to shine whatever leather products you don’t mind smearing with peanut butter.
• Spread some on hinges to stop them from squeaking (and get everyone sniffing as soon as they walk into the house).
• 56% of peanuts consumed are eaten as peanut butter.
• November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s month.
• You can find a jar of peanut butter in 75% of homes in America.
Peanut butter was invented by crushing peanuts into a paste in a cloth bag. Then the paste was eaten as is, fresh from the bag. In the mid-1920s, peanut butter began to be sold commercially — but still not in the jars we’re used to seeing on supermarket shelves. At that point, peanut butter was sold in large, open tubs that had a half-inch of oil on the top. It was also very sticky.
Smooth, creamy peanut butter was patented by Joseph Rosefield, who figured out how to make sure that the oil didn’t separate from the paste. Now that peanut butter was spreadable, it quickly became a popular sandwich filling in America.
Who ever thought to put peanut butter together with jelly, anyway? Well, the first one to come up with the combination was Julia Davis Chandler. She published it in a cooking magazine in 1901. Fast-forward a couple of years to World War II. Peanut butter and jelly were both part of the food rations handed out to soldiers on the battlefield, so it sort of became a no-brainer to put both into their sandwiches. Especially since they tasted good together. After that, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches became so popular in America that the average American eats 2,984 such sandwiches in his lifetime. That’s three sandwiches a month.
A call from the Roshei Yeshiva to be קזחמ in הלפת at this precarious time and to donate towards the enormous legal fees.
Harav Shalom Schwadron zt”l explained, “Women are unaware that the permissibility of wearing a sheitel was a debated issue among the poskim. Indeed, there are over twenty-four gedolei haposkim who forbade it. And even for those who go according to the opinions of the poskim who permitted it, do they think that these rabbanim permitted a woman to wear a sheitel that doesn’t even look like a wig? For this, there is no heter in the world!”
Harav Shalom Schwadron, the Maggid of Yerushalayim, related the following story in one of his speeches (ףראדסרעטאמב תוררועתה סוניכב רמאש ):
“I will tell you a true story if only it wasn’t true. Around twenty five years ago, as I was about to leave my home, I saw that my wife was talking to a girl at the door. When I returned home three hours later, she was still talking to this girl who was standing at the door. I then told my wife to invite the girl in and offer her something to eat or drink. When the girl overheard me talking, she said, ‘No, it’s okay. I am already going to my own home. ’ I thought to myself, ‘Oy vey! She has a home! That means she has a husband! ’ It was then that I realized that she was married. I just didn ’t understand. If she has a husband, then why does she want to look like a girl? ”
He then turned to his audience and said, “You understand the answer. She was wearing a wig … So why are you laughing? Is this a joke that she wants to look like a girl? The Torah tells us to uncover the head of the sotah, which was the greatest embarrassment for a woman. And this wife of a talmud chachum wants to look a sotah! Is this a joke? This is unbelievable! ”
Books available on the subject:
“The Unique Princess” by Rabbi Yirmiyahu and Tehilla Abramov
“Adorned with Dignity” by Mrs. Chana Toby Friedman
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Sponsored by: Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to comments@thebpview.com or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points 5-letter words: 3 points 6-letter words: 5 points 7-letter words: 7 points 8-letter words: 9 points 9+ letters: 12 points
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Lissauer, 718-xxx-1688
Name of winner: Yitty D. Amount of points: 39
Names of competing players: Chany, Yitty D.
Some words only the winner found: cough, hocus, house, morgue, vigor
The longest word found on the board: evictor
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Posner, 718-xxx-0911
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 82
Names of competing players: Rochmy, Chaya
Some words only the winner found: choir, fused, lavish, motive, vane
The longest word found on the board: victorious
A new word learned from the board: vied
Last week’s bonus word: victorious
Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to comments@thebpview.com or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
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LOOKING FOR <<A/ <<Looking for:>>
A Music Teacher
LOOKING FOR A Big Sister OP587
LOOKING FOR A Companion OP163
LOOKING FOR A Big Brother OP1493
<<To do:>>
To give lessons to a 5-year-old girl
To spend time with a 10-year-old girl
To spend time with a 35-year-old boy
Motzei Shabbos and Sunday Afternoon
<<Days:>> <<Hours:>>
LOOKING FOR A Mother's Helper
To do homework and help with bedtime routine for a 10-year-old boy
Weekdays Evening
Weekdays After school
Every day 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
LOOKING FOR A Companion OP19
To spend time with a 30-year-old boy
Weekdays, Shabbos Afternoon
To go to therapy in Monsey with a 4-year-old girl
Friday Morning
LOOKING FOR A Big Brother OP3935
To befriend and spend time with a 15-year-old boy
Every day After School
LOOKING FOR A Big Sister OP3839
To spend time with a 6-year-old boy Shabbos, Sunday Afternoon
To befriend and spend time with a 13-year-old boy Sunday 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
To walk to shul with a 13-year-old boy
Sunday, Shabbos After 4:00 PM
LOOKING FOR A Companion OP2252
To spend time with a 19-year-old boy
Weekdays Afternoon
Prior experience with P&C Insurance preferred. Must have good Customer Service and organizational skills. Great Opportunity! Competitive Pay! BP & Lakewood Office Locations. Email Resume: insurancecareersinc@ gmail.com
Yeled V`Yalda Brooklyn seeking RN part time, computer skills a must. Salary $40,000.-$50,000. Email resume to: MRosin@yeled.org Or call: 718.514.8668 YVY is an EOE
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Yeled V`Yalda Staten Island Seeking RN part time, computer skills a must. Salary $25,000. + (based on credentials). Email: MRosin@ yeled.org call: 718.514.8668
Yeled V`Yalda Early Head Start in Boro Park. Seeking Supervisor. Candidate must have strong administrative abilities, leadership qualities and excellent interpersonal skills. HS/EHS experience a plus. Salary $45,000.$55,000. Email resume to: ehsjob@yeled.org YVY is an EOE
Seeking Sunday Secretary for a high functioning program located in Boro Park. Heimishe atmosphere and great pay! Must be able to oversee program activities and ensure program is running smoothly! Hours are 11:00-2:00/3:00. Email hlang@hamaspikkings.org or call 718.387.8400 ext. 5218 for more information.
Looking for a passionate individual trained and/ or experienced in the Montessori method of teaching to teach academics and kriah to a special needs class. 929-484-4660 x1
Looking to hire a EHS Director in Williamsburg with a Masters in EC Education and NYS Teaching Certification. Job requires a passion for child safety and development, strong organizational and time management skills and the ability to lead and build a collaborative team please your resume to headstartpositions@ gmail.com.
Heimishe school in BP seeking secretary 11-4:30 for English Department. Should be Personable, responsible, good at multi-tasking. Leadership or Teaching Experience necessary. Email resume to Resumes5783@ gmail.com
Heimishe Boro Park girls daycamp seeking daycamp director with leadership experience in the daycamp field. Email resume to: directorbp18@gmail.com
Accounts Receivable position F/T in Boro Park. experienced preferred. Please email your resume to Leah11219@gmail. com
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Looking for a warm individual to coach a bright seminary girl with slight ASD in the afterschool hours. Candidate should be nurturing and warm. Please call 845-354-3233 ext. 1154
LOOKING FOR <<A/AN:>> <<Looking for:>>
FOR AN English Teacher
LOOKING FOR A Peer Support Specialist
To teach English to a 46-year-old male Williamsburg
<<To do:>> <<For:>> <<Days:>>
For a 40-year-old male Crown Heights
LOOKING FOR A Parenting Instructor
For a 44-year-old female Williamsburg
Music Teacher
To give lessons to a 27-year-old male
To teach social skills to a 31-year-old female Crown Heights
LOOKING FOR AN Exercise Instructor
HP2243 For a 26-year-old female Boro Park
LOOKING FOR AN Energetic Companion
LOOKING FOR A Young, Energetic Mentor
For a 35-year-old male Williamsburg
LOOKING FOR A Companion HP2179
To befriend and play sports with a 31-year-old male Flatbush
To befriend and do activites with a 22-year-old male
Boro Park
LOOKING FOR A Home Organizer
HP2172 For a 38-year-old female Williamsburg
LOOKING FOR A Mother's Helper
To help with evening routine for a 32-year-old mother
Boro Park
LOOKING FOR A Peer Support Specialist
to mentor and assist Adults with mental health challenges
Yiddish speaking playgroup seeking assistants full time or part time. Great environment! Please call/text 718-344-6067
Full time female secretary position available in a Heimishe female only CPA office. Experience a plus. Email boroparkcpa@gmail. com Fax 855-708-5576
Heimishe playgroup looking for a devoted co-teacher. 9:00-3:15. Call 718-754-7909 lv msg
Are you creative? Are you dynamic? Hobby house Boro Park is looking for a part time worker. 845-608-0161
Seeking a qualified individual to provide ABA services in a mainstream school. Full and part-time positions available. Get ongoing supervision by a licensed BCBA to enhance your knowledge and skills in the field of ABA. Please reach out to 718 304 9977 x 902.
Seeking young and energetic girl to be a mentor for a highfunctioning special needs individual to help her with day programs, meal prep, and social interactions. Must be caring and passionate about working with the special needs community. Full time with great pay for the right candidate! Send resume to hlang@hamaspikkings.org or call (718) 302-3333 ext. 5218 for more information
Exquisite is looking to hire a Sales/manager for our Brooklyn location. Full time. Text 7189727809 for more info
Service coordinator and office secretary needed in women’s BP office. Candidate must be responsible and have excellent communication skills. Email resume to specialpositionbp@gmail. com 718-737-7262
Yeled V’Yalda Project REACH Immediate opening part time office position for a bright, efficient, and computer-savvy individual. Salary range: $20,000 to $25,000 annually. Email resume to: mhersh@yeled. org YVY is an EOE
Seeking secretary for Sipuk mental health clinic. Must have excellent phone skills and basic computer skills. FT/PT, flexible hours (min 20 hrs/wk). Supportive team atmosphere, great pay, and full benefits package. Full training provided. On site in Boro Park. Email resume to jobs@sipuk.org
Bonei Olam looking to higher P/T female administrative assistant with a few years experience, friendly environment, proficient phone skills, computer skills specifically In excel. Send resume: jobs@boneiolam. org or leave message: (646) 930-4882
Seeking steady heimishe babysitter in my home twice a week. 11 and 50’s area. Call 718.635.3789. Lv detailed msg
Looking to share a babysitter in my house 16th/51st. Please call 929-271-5013
Chassidish yingerleit during and after school hours. Call 718-750-2750 and leave message
Health and wellness center in BP seeks an outgoing, motivated salesperson to guide customers in healthy lifestyle choices and nutrition. Please send resumes to info@ nutrisupreme.com
12th & 59th heimishe experienced babysitter. Some slots available. Call 917-8626087
Looking for great care for your baby? New babysitting group forming 12th/45th area. Call/text 718-913-1278
Kinder speil playgroup certainly located 12/50 erea. has a few slots left with highly experienced teacher call 3479326524
And dear yiddishe mother. Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime of happiness & תיב םולש with the marriage summit, 18 life changing classes with top marriage experts. For less than the price of a תוכרב עבש outfit, have the peace of mind knowing that your daughter has the tools, הפקשה & resources to be happily married. Call 929-286-9900 #2 or www. chanyfelberbaum.com
Now offering guitar lessons for girls, for great price. Call 917-618-1174
Babysitting from 8-5. References avai. 14th & 56th. 718-438-5306/ 917-232-1267
Available to babysite shabbos and mozai shabbos at your home. Malka 347-546-7803
Experienced babysitter in area of 15th/40th. Small group forming now. Please call 347-489-9999
Bookeeper available for all your bookeeping needs. Please call: 718-354-6383
Laptop Rental $13 per week. Wifi Hotspot available at an additional cost. Please call 718-435-1923
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.9510090
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718974-9428
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
Custom photo albums for cheap prices. (wedding, engagement, baby, chosson, upsherin and more). Can be paid in split payments. 646877-4044
Custom made dresses for Mother of Bride, sister of bride, kids dresses. Your dream gown custom made by Gulzana Galper. Call : (929) 666-0499. It’s more affordable than you think!
Located in Williamsburg
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Amazing for group Chanukah / Bas Mitzvah parties, Shabbatons, school functions, reunions… Boys and girls! Min. booking $350 for 35 ppl. Call 347 931 0340 for bookings or questions!
Pay your Professional Handyman man by the hour. Quick/Experience and professional Get Handi1866-426-3421
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
Have a great time with graphology and picture analysis. Makes a fantastic program for schools, family & friends. Call now 845499-9334 Mrs. F. Fligman, heimishe professional graphologist
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach. Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)435-7644
Cosmetics & Skincare including Static, Mary Kay, Careline, Ga-de, and Chic. C Fischer (718) 930-4946 -Free Delivery with min order
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Great for Chanukah, Shabbatons, or Melava Malkas. Please call 718-4351464
Still need place for chanukah party? Thursday night and motzei shabbos still available. Cocoon 1222 49st call 1347 742 0208
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great price. Call 917-618-1174
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a smile! Call: 718.951.0090
Now available for 20% off. Just in time for Chanukah! Call 718-851-5156
Itemized kallah list to make kallah list calmer and easier minimal fee. Call 3475346184
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718-974-9428
Desperately in need of mother’s milk for baby with medical needs call/text 7186072784
Looking to form Ruchel Weiss chinuch class in the evening in boro park. Want to join? Call or text 347-831-2693
Seeking a heimish home for a sweet, young teenage boy in need of a warm, stable environment. Call Mrs. Gottdenger at 718.408.5400 ext. 521
Custom Made sister of the bride gown for sale. Hunter Green velvet with magnificent beading size 4. Please call 347 675 6598
3 never worn custom made mother of bride Gowns size 24 for sale. For photos and
High end designer mother of the bride gown for sale. worn once. can be used for pre maternity call/text 7189384498
Custom made sister of the bride’s gorgeous blue velvet gowns for sale. Sizes 3-14 . please call 347 675 6598
Blue baby coat in Atlantic Mall possibly Target on 12/6, 718-388-0395
baby blanket on 16 th ave between 44-47th st. 347-7621189
money in a bag last week Thursday on 14th Ave.
• Mrs. Faigy Horowitz 718.431.0961 Call between 5:30-7:30 • Mrs. Ruchy Ganzfried 347.405.4646 Call anytime Specialty: Tznius & Shalom Bayis • Rebbetzin Mindy Koenig 929.214.9962 (Between 10-11 AM) Specialty: Tznius & Shalom Bayis
• Mrs. Chana Rochel Perl 718.302.0002, 718.972.3476 (Between 9-10:30 PM) Specialty: Tznius & Music