Mix it up this Purim with DIY cocktails
Three generations of favorites
When you can’t believe your eyes
A candid conversation with face paint artist Miriam Green
Desserts to feed the merry masses
our ready-to-cook kreplach dough. It's the tradition of delicious you'll pass on to your kids, just like you taste the purim seudos of your youth with every bite of Mechel's kreplach dough. Bring on their favorite meal of the year!
Widows, orphans, and poor families have serious hang-ups about Purim. Everyone around them is getting ready to celebrate, but they’re afraid they won’t be part of the fun. Many will spend the day hashing and rehashing memories of Purims past, when husbands and fathers were at their joyous, most delightful best. Now they’re left with huge, aching gaps – in their fridges, around their tables, and in their broken hearts.
Send matanos l’evyonim to Ezras Yisroel, and fill their fridges, closets and homes with joy.
An after-school program for OPWDD-HCBS eligible individuals, centered on learning and skill building.
ןופ החמומ דמלמ ןטמיראב ןכרוד טריפעגנא
א"טילש ןרעטש 'יעשי ר"רה םייח יכרד ת"ת
:ןיירא ןיוש טפור !ךאז יד וצ טוט
ענייז ןריזימיסקאמ ש"בצ ןטנאלאט
,ןלאמ ,הניגנ ,ןעיוב עגילאצליפ ךאנ ןוא עקאמשעג .ןטעטיוויטקא
אתורבח עטאווירפ א
וצ ,דניק ןדעי ראפ
עגיטייז ןענרעל
רעדא םידומיל
יד ן'רזחרעביא
.רדח ןופ םידומיל
טנעווא 8 - 6 גאטשרענאד – גאטנאמ
'ח-'ד התיכ ןופ רעדניק ראפ טנגייאעג
הביבס עשימייה עכילרע •
רעפסאמטא עקאמשעג • טלעטשעגוצ סייברעביא עטכייל • ץאלפ עלופטכארפ עגיזיר עיינ לגאפש •
ןיליפת רעייא
ןוא לטייב
ן'כילרעה ןא
טיעלפ ל'תיב
רעייא טימ
זא ריא טליוו
א ןבאה לאז
אימשד אתעייסב
יד ןופ ןייז ה”יא טעוו ןוז רעייא יוו יד ןופ הנהנ ןענעז סאוו םידימלת רעטרעדנוה
עכלרעה ונימב דיחי זיא סאוו הרובח ע’בושח
רוד רודמ ונל הרוסמה ךרד לע םירועיש
ךייא טקיווקרעד ןוז רעייא ןהעז וצ לופ דניק
םיכנחמה ילודג י”ע א”טילש םילהנמו
עיצאמראפניא רעמ ראפ טפור ןביירשנייא וצ ךיז
עלעיצעפסא ראפ דימלתהנתמ עדעי
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This summer, your son will shine at Camp Chamidim, the newest most-exciting chassidishe sleepaway camp for boys aged 9-13 in Swan Lake. This will be his summer of a lifetime!
Here at Camp Chamidim, our boys thrive, because they are surrounded by a warm fun-loving heimishe staff, who are full of life and elevate our campers with a geshmak. Here, your son will be fueled with ‰רו˙, self-esteem, confidence and growth.
םלוע ן׳בושח ןראפ ןגידנעטשראפ ןליוו רימ ןופ ןדנוטש
לארשי ללכ ץנאג ראפ ןוא טרפב ןטנעיצאפ עלא ראפ ןשטנואוו רימ ראי טנוזעג א ןוא םירופ ןכיליירפ
Orders must be placed by Friday, March 3rd.
…and see it roll straight to the table of a family in need. Each coin, every dollar that you place in the yellow box will directly impact the Simcha of a family in need - long after your last Shalach Manos is unwrapped. This Purim, drop a coin and let simcha roll as you are mekayem the mitzvah of Matanos L’evyonim. Be part of the joy, merit and ongoing momentum of the timeless tzedaka of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness.
Miss Mini’s fresh line of pajamas and swimwear vivifies kids’ casual moments. It’s playful. It’s different. And it’s unequivocally chic.
SS23 in stores very soon.
Make a difference and have a great time doing it! Camp Levavi is gearing up for another thrilling summer! We're pulling out all the stops to make this year the most memorable summer yet.
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עלעגניר א זיא דמעמ יד ןגידנעייגנא םעד
ןעגנערבוצניירא ןייפמאק
םיגהנמ ,םינינע ,תוכלה
.שדוק תבש ןופ
March 25, 2023
,ט״לעבה וצ תשרפ גאטנאמ רעטנעזיוט רעגילדנעצ ךיז ןלעוו
,ןעמוקמאזוצ םענייאניא ןדיא
ןרעה וצ ידכ ,ףטו םישנ םישנא
ןעמוקאב ןוא ןבייהרעד ךיז ןוא
.תבש תשודק ןיא םעט א
.םיכנחמ ענעראפרע ,תועידי ,תוינשמ ,הכלה ,שמוח ,ארמג :םויה רדס עלופ
.וו”אא טעברא ,שילגנע ,ףליה אלאיצאס ,האירק
.קראפ אראב ןופ ץראה ןיא לאקאל עכילרעה
.טלעטשעגוצ עיצאטראפסנארט
.פמעק-רעממוז עלופטכארפ
For OPWDD and HCBS eligibal Individuals
דניק רעייא ראפ ןרעכיזראפ וצ
ןרעה וצ ןוא ,דיתע עקאמשעג א חיגשמ םעד טפור ,עיצאמראפניא רעמ א”טילש רענרעל ליווייפ ברה
ןפא דניצא זיא עגידנעמוק ראפ םידומילה ןמז
(Re: FYI Chauffeurs, Issue 173)
Thank you for your recent FYI on chauffeurs! In Antwerp, Belgium, where French is often used, a driver is officially called a chauffeur. And thank you for the translation (which is “one who heats”). Now I know why steam is called chauffage!
A Former Antwerp Resident
(Re: Themes and Schemes, Issue 173)
I loved your article on themes! Here are some cute craft eggs my cousin made after seeing your feature. E.C.
(Re: Why Emulate Achashveirosh?, Inbox, Issue 173)
To Shira Weiss, When Hashem created the world, He created many wonderful delicacies for us
to enjoy, both in their natural form and in the forms that result when we use our ingenuity. Is there really anything wrong with eating kosher jerky? Only if one eats it without a bracha, together with dairy, or eats it in a gluttonous manner.
Jerky itself is not inherently an issue. In fact, that kosher piece of jerky is a wonderful conduit for bringing more Elokus into this world. When we partake of something kosher in a joyous manner and make a bracha, we are doing something so heilig and wonderful!
If jerky doesn’t sit well with your personal sensitivities, then by all means, please do refrain from enjoying a piece. But whatever you do, please never look down upon those with other sensitivities, who may find jerky a kosher and tasty treat upon which to make a bracha. They are certainly doing no wrong.
Let’s all find the beauty in our community and applaud it, and watch a healthy, positive society blossom.
Bruchy Fisher(Re: Ricochet)
I’m reaching out to thank the team at your paper for providing a comic serial that can be enjoyed by Englishspeaking families as well. It’s very much appreciated!
Family D.until they were safely in the terminal.
My point? As someone mentioned recently in regard to simchos, we need to take similar measures to keep our children safe. It has recently come to my attention that after missing a school bus home, some children were left unsupervised in a school building and needed to call their parents from the cleaning staff’s phone. A child should never be first or last on school premises unless a supervising adult is present. Please take note.
As a frequent babysitter, I can’t help but notice that there is a lack of girls in our community who are available and willing to babysit (with parental approval, of course).
I often get a few calls a night from people asking me if I can babysit, and while I wish I could help everyone, I cannot be in multiple places at once. This is why I decided to start a babysitting organization.
(Re: Another Simcha Concern, Inbox, Issue 168)
After a recent plane trip, my husband and I required wheelchair transportation from the passenger exit of the airplane to the baggage area. In my estimation, it’s a walk of several miles, and as the airport is happy to provide free transport, why not? Unfortunately, we had a bit of a long wait on the jet bridge and were kept company by three flight attendants and none other than the pilot. I told them they were free to leave and that we could wait on our own, but they insisted that it was airline policy not to leave passengers alone
By now I have a list of women and girls, high school age and above, who babysit in the evenings. All babysitters on this list have completed a short interview and have also provided a few references (whom I called to ensure that the women and girls in question are indeed safe and responsible).
Now, when people call for a babysitter, I put them in touch with other babysitters who may be available. The need is so great that I’m trying to get the word out to help even more people.
If you live in Brooklyn and are available to babysit, please reach out to me. There’s absolutely no fee involved, and you will get paid your regular rate. (And if you need a babysitter, reach out to me as well, and hopefully, I’ll be able to help!) Please text me at 732-6639606.
Thank you,
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We’ve spent many days, weeks and months, learning money counting and its value. Developing street and safety awareness. Practicing appropriate shopping skills. Following directions and instructions. Assembling the Mishloach Manos contents. At last, we present to you, a masterpiece comprised of all our great social interaction and teamwork. It is you, Nechmudim staff, who got us to this point. We hope, dear customers, you will see all our hard work and we look forward to your business!
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Aharon Hakohen and his sons lit the menorah every day in the Ohel Mo’ed.
The Gemara (Shabbos 22b) questions the purpose of this light, as Hashem provided light for Klal Yisroel during the 40 years in the Midbar. Does Hashem need our light as well?
The same amount of oil was placed in the Ner Hama’aravi as the rest of the flames of the menorah, yet the Ner Hama’aravi burned all throughout the following day, until the next night, when its flame was used to kindle the other flames. Thus, the light of the menorah testified to the world that the Shechinah rests among Klal Yisroel.
This is difficult to understand, though, as only a select few Kohanim would enter the Ohel Mo’ed each day: the Kohen who lit the menorah, the Kohen who prepared it, and the Kohanim who removed the lechem hapanim and placed fresh loaves in their place.
If only several Kohanim were witness to the miracle of the Ner Hama’aravi, how did it serve as testimony to the entire world that the Shechinah rests among Klal Yisroel?
IT WAS DURING THE SUMMER, and the intercity Egged bus was packed with adults and children making the most of their vacation day. Yechiel* sat with his sons right behind the driver.
At one stop, he watched as a woman got onto the bus with a number of children in tow. She asked the driver if she could settle her children in their seats and then come back to pay. The driver agreed, and the woman made her way to the back of the bus.
Two minutes later, the woman was back. She opened her
pocket book to take out her bus card, but to her shock, her wallet was missing! She must have left it at home. Here she was, standing on a packed, stuffy bus that was already making its way to the next stop, with her children comfortably seated, and she had no way to pay! No bus card, no cash. She looked frantic.
Yechiel was sure the driver would respectfully request that she take her crew and get off the bus. How devastated those kids would be to forfeit their anticipated trip!
But then something unusual occurred. The bus driver,
who didn’t appear frum, calmly said, “It’s okay. Someone will pay for you and your children.”
The woman stood there, unsure if she was meant to ask a favor from her fellow riders, but then the driver withdrew a bus card from his own pocket and swiped it for the woman and her children. The driver himself had paid her fare!
Of course, the woman thanked him and made her way to the back of the bus.
But Yechiel was dumbfounded. He had never seen something like this before. Curious, he asked the driver what motivated him to exert himself so.
“A while ago,” the driver replied, “I decided to keep such bus cards in my pocket and use them like a gemach. It happens more often than you would imagine that people get onto the bus and realize they don’t have enough money left on their bus cards, or that they forgot it by mistake…”
This only served to heighten Yechiel’s surprise. “You mean, this isn’t a one-time thing? You really do this often? Tell me, where did you get the idea for such a special gemach?”
The driver explained, “Look, I live in Ramat Hasharon, and the rav of the city is Hagaon Harav Yaakov Edelstein (zt”l).”
“Oh! So is he behind this gemach?” Yechiel asked.
“No, no,” said the driver. “Do you think I’d bother the rav with such silly little things? I’m just saying that when you see such a tzaddik all the time, and you observe the way he deals with people and the amazing middos that he has, you just get influenced and feel that you want to become a better person.”
Rav Yitzchak Hutner, zt”l, explained:
“It’s okay,” the driver said. “Someone will pay for you.”
The miracle of the Ner Hama’aravi had such a great impact on the Kohanim who saw it that it strengthened their emunah in the fact that the Shechinah rests among Klal Yisroel. Their hearts were lit up, and they passed on the torch. By default, everyone around them was influenced by its light. Even though only a few Kohanim actually saw the Ner Hama’aravi, its glow had the power to illuminate the entire world.
It was this intensified faith of the few who actually came in contact with the kedushah that created this ripple effect. The Kohanim were clearly uplifted by the neis, and this inspired those around them. Thus, the far-reaching influence ultimately served as testimony to the world that the Shechinah dwells among us.
*Not his real name.
At one point during the days of the Beis Hamikdash, the olive harvest was weak. The Kohanim wept at this indication that Hashem was not pleased with Klal Yisroel. However, throughout the oil shortage, the miracle of the Ner Hama’aravi spread to the entire menorah. All of the flames burned brightly throughout the night, even though an inadequate amount of oil was poured in its cups.
The miracle of the Ner Hama’aravi stopped when Shimon Hatzaddik passed away.
“When you see such a tzaddik all the time, you just get influenced.”
Some 145,000 cans of Enfamil ProSobee Simply Plant-Based baby formula are being recalled because they may be contaminated with a rare, life-threatening bacteria.
According to Consumer Reports, two batches of the 12.9 ounce cans of the Enfamil formula bearing the UPC code 30087 1214415a were recalled. The affected items were manufactured between August and September 2022, have a use-by date of March 1, 2024, and are labeled with batch codes of ZL2HZF or ZL2HZZ.
Reckitt, which makes the formula, said that it recalled the product out of an abundance of caution after a third party supplier found that their product tested positive for Cronobacter sakazakii. None of the formula samples tested were found to contain the bacteria, and no illnesses have been reported to date.
Cronobacter is harmless in most adults and older children, but can be problematic and potentially life-threatening for premature babies, newborns, infants less than two months old and those with a compromised immune system.
Those who have the affected formula should return it to their place of purchase for a full refund or contact Reckitt at 800-479-0551 or
Boro Park Shomrim is asking local residents and business
owners to register their security cameras with its surveillance network in an effort to better identify and locate those engaging in criminal activity.
According to BoroPark24, Shomrim has said that crimes often occur in front of homes or businesses, making camera footage an invaluable tool in identifying and apprehending perpetrators.
“These cameras are perfectly situated to capture these crimes, and if we’re able to reach the owners and get the footage, this will assist us in solving the crimes sooner, getting the perpetrators off the streets and minimizing crime in the future,” said a Shomrim representative.
Homeowners and businesses can register their cameras online with Shomrim’s surveillance network at www.cctv.bssp. nyc.
At least two Midwood businesses were victimized by a thief who manipulated their credit card terminals, prompting Flatbush Shomrim to warn area businesses to be on the alert.
Hamodia reported that both a grocery store and a restaurant were scammed by a man who claimed to have lost his debit card, and asked to enter his card information directly into the business’s terminal. Instead of paying his bill, the suspect programmed the machine to send a refund to the debit card, with $3,000 issued at the grocery and $1,000 at the restaurant.
In both cases, the man kept the receipt, saying he needed it for his records. Managers in both the grocery and the restaurant noticed the fraudulent activity several hours later, calling both Shomrim and the police. The grocery owner was able to have the charges reversed, but it is unclear if the restaurant owner was able to do the same.
According to Shomrim, the thief was likely using a stolen debit card. He is described as a tall African-American man in his thirties who wore a mask in both businesses.
Businesses who let customers purchase items without presenting an actual card are being cautioned to allow only store employees to enter information into their business terminals.
What if your daughter could read the new brownie recipe — without getting flustered or anxious?
What if she was surrounded in school by teachers who embrace her, friends who accept her, and staff who give her the skills to grow a lifetime love of reading?
When you plant your daughter in the right environment, the relief is profound. And her confidence can soar, one success at a time.
Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Crime Stoppers Hotline by phone at 800-577-TIPS, by texting 247637 (CRIMES) and then entering TIP577, or online at
Hundreds of women turned out at American Dream Mall in Rutherford bright and early on the morning of February 26, ready to cheer on 500 of their mothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors and friends in a 5K run that raised crucial funding for Chesed 24/7.
This year marks Chesed 24/7’s second Run 24.7, with women coming from all over the greater New York area to participate in the high-energy event. Spectators lined the mall, cheering participants on as they walked and ran their way to the finish line, where they were greeted by music, dancing and a hearty breakfast buffet.
Despite the party atmosphere, the run is all about the serious business of raising funds to keep chesed rooms at 21 area hospitals well stocked. Sixteen-year-old Passaic resident Rivka Shotkin, who was paralyzed from the chest down after a skiing accident, spoke about her personal experiences with Chesed 24/7 and how they impacted her recovery and imbued her with a sense of purpose.
New Hempstead resident Chani Mann came to the run with her daughter-inlaw and several friends, happy to lace up her sneakers as an opportunity to give
Ages 11 - 17
ערעדנוזאב ייווצ
ןסאלק 11-1314-17
back to Chesed 24/7, whose efforts made her endless days in the hospital during her husband’s illness infinitely more bearable.
“All that time when I was in the hospital, I was so appreciative that they kept the refrigerators and the cabinets full of things to eat so that you could have comfort foods and feel like you were at home,” said Mann.
Mann also recalled the many visits from Chesed 24/7 volunteers who went out of their way to make sure that she and her husband had everything they needed, as well as how Chesed 24/7’s Shabbos boxes and artificial flowers brought an extra touch of warmth and caring to the most special day of the week, even in the hospital.
For Pomona East resident Chumi Herzberg, the run was an opportunity to show support for an organization that is there for patients at Calvary Hospital, Catskill Regional Medical Center, Columbia University Medical Center, Ellenville Hospital, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, Hackensack University Medical Center, Hospital for Special Surgery, Lenox Hill Hospital, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Montefiore Medical Center, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center and Valley Hospital
“Chesed 24/7 is there for all of us every day of the year,” said Herzberg. “How could we not be there for them today?”
Nearly three years after the deadly COVID-19 pandemic first erupted, the United States Department of Energy has said that it was likely sparked by an unintentional leak at a Chinese laboratory.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the DOE’s findings were based on recently released classified information, whose details have not been shared by officials.
Prior to the information’s release, the DOE had said it was undecided on the origins of the pandemic. While the DOE report says that its conclusions were made with “low confidence,” its findings are significant because of the agency’s reputation for scientific expertise, which includes advanced biological research conducted at certain United States laboratories within the Energy Department’s network.
With the report’s release, the DOE joins the FBI in blaming a Wuhan laboratory leak for the worldwide eruption of COVID, which took more than one million lives in the United States alone. The FBI, which employs a staff of microbiologists, immunologists and other scientists supported by a national bio-forensic center created nearly 20 years ago to analyze biological threats, cited its pandemic findings with “moderate confidence” in 2021.
Four other unnamed agencies that have been conducting long term analyses of the pandemic still continue to say with “low confidence” that the virus evolved through natural transmission with an infected animal. To date, no confirmed animal COVID source has been identified, leading the scientific investigation to focus on Wuhan’s scientific laboratories, with concerns raised as recently as 2018 about their weak safety protocols.
Refusing to confirm or deny the Wall Street Journal report, United States national security adviser Jake Sullivan said that President Joe Biden had ordered every part of the intelligence community to continue its investigations into COVID’s origins, an ongoing process that has yet to yield definitive results.
There are “a variety of views in the intelligence community,” noted Mr. Sullivan. “A number of them have said they just don’t have enough information.”
Others have pointed the finger of blame squarely at China, saying that it has sought to shut down inquiries into COVID’s origins.
“This is a country that has no problem coming out and lying to the world,” said Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, who urged Congress to hold thorough hearings on the pandemic’s roots.
Hoping to save New York City residents from high penalties, State Senator Simcha Felder is calling on the New York City Commissioner of Finance to forgive all accrued interest on outstanding property taxes for those who pay up their overdue bills.
Felder introduced legislation in the Senate that would create a four-month amnesty program for property owners, noting that a similar measure had already been instituted by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection for those who were behind on their water bills.
The program would forgive all interest on those who pay property tax balances of $1,000 or less in full. Those who owe more than $1,000 would see all interest forgiven if their bills are paid in full, 75 percent of the interest owed forgiven if they pay half of their principal bill, and half the interest forgiven if they pay 25 percent of their principal bill.
According to the Annual Report on Property Taxes in New York City, property delinquency rates rose nearly 40 percent from the 2019 fiscal year to the 2021 fiscal year. With city residents still trying to make up COVID-related economic losses, Felder noted that allowing people to pay their outstanding bills without facing any penalties was good for both homeowners and the city.
“This is a common-sense program that simply gives people an opportunity to get back on track so they don’t have to live with the fear of losing their home or business to an insurmountable debt,” said Felder, who added that New Yorkers are the most taxed and fined population in the country.
Inspired by reports of a Chevra Hatzolah member rushing to the aid of a fellow passenger who collapsed on a JetBlue flight to Florida, New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams traveled to Williamsburg Hatzolah’s headquarters to present the volunteer with an official commendation.
Yeshiva World News reported that Williams made the official visit to Hatzolah headquarters on February 22, recognizing Naftoli Schischa for his heroism, which made international headlines after being picked up by Fox News. Williams credited Hatzolah for its ongoing efforts in helping those in need and praised Schischa for making New York City safer.
Among those in attendance for the presentation were City Councilman Lincoln Restler, Chevra Hatzolah CEO Rabbi Yehiel Kalish, and UJO president and executive director Rabbi David Niederman. Rabbis Kalish and Niederman spoke with Williams about having the city approve legislation that would provide tax credits to volunteer first responders and the difficulties that Bikur Cholim volunteers could face if congestion becomes a reality in Manhattan.
Williams’ proclamation was the second time in the span of a week that Schischa was commended for his efforts on the JetBlue flight. One week earlier, the Rockland County Legislator presented him with its highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award. Also recognized by the Rockland County legislator was Rockland Hatzolah member Heshy Leifer, who assisted a passenger who fell ill on a flight from Morocco to New York, and Rockland Hatzolah member Moshe Schuster, Chaverim of Rockland member Shloime Spira and Satmar bus driver Usher Wieder, who rescued a nine-year-old boy who fell into a semi-frozen lake in early February.
Rabbi Kalish noted that while multiple stories have appeared in the news in recent weeks about Hatzolah members assisting fellow flyers, they are par for the course for his volunteers.
“There is a good chance that if you are flying New York to Florida, or New York to Tel Aviv, there is going to be a Hatzolah member on your flight.”
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It’s Purim! The crowds are about to descend on your dining room to kick off a night of merriment. One thing you shouldn’t have to worry about is dessert. Keep the crowds fed with an ample supply of warm desserts that are all set up and ready to go.
These rich chocolate fudge cookies, filled with a smooth bittersweet chocolate filling, are the ultimate guilty pleasure.
1 cup chocolate cream (we used Baker’s Choice)
6 sticks margarine, softened
4½ cups brown sugar
¾ cup granulated sugar
6 large eggs
½ cup vanilla extract
7½ cups flour
3 tsp. baking soda
3 cups Dutch processed cocoa powder
½ tsp. salt powdered sugar, for dusting
1. Freeze 60 half-tablespoon dollops of chocolate cream on a parchment-lined baking sheet or plate.
2. Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set it aside.
3. Cream together the margarine, brown sugar, and granulated sugar.
4. Mix in the eggs and vanilla extract until combined. Add the flour, baking soda, cocoa powder and salt, and mix until just combined.
5. Scoop out 60 equal-sized cookie dough balls. Flatten one between the palms of your hands. Place a frozen dollop of chocolate cream in the center, and fold the cookie dough over it. Place this cookie on a baking sheet. Pat the top gently, leaving the cookie about 1 inch thick. Repeat these steps for all the cookies.
6. Bake the cookies in the preheated oven for 7 to 8 minutes.
7. Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet for another 20 minutes.
8. Transfer the cookies to a roasting pan. Place the pan over the Sternos.
9. Dust the cookies with powdered sugar and keep them warm.
The yummy goodness of warm cinnamon buns topped with crunchy pecans makes these mouthwatering treats worth the effort. Your guests will thank you for it!
3 cups pareve milk, at room temperature (I used almond milk)
3 T. dry yeast
4 eggs
4 egg yolks
2 sticks margarine, melted
1 cup sugar
12 cups high-gluten flour
3 tsp. salt
2 T. oil, for the bowl
½ cup cinnamon
3½ cups light brown sugar
¾ cup oil
2½ cups chopped pecans
1. Place the warm milk in the mixing bowl.
2. Sprinkle the yeast on top, but do not mix. Wait at least 5 minutes, until the yeast foams.
3. After the yeast foams, add the eggs, egg yolks, melted margarine and sugar. Mix until these ingredients are combined.
4. Sift in the flour and salt, a little at a time. Continue mixing until a nice ball forms.
5. Oil a large bowl and place the dough inside. Turn over the dough so the top is lightly oiled too.
6. Cover the bowl with a towel. Place it in a warm area (e.g., on top of a preheated oven) for 2 hours.
7. Once the dough has risen, transfer it to a well-floured surface.
8. Preheat the oven to 325°.
9. Divide the dough into four parts.
10. Roll out each piece of dough into a rectangle. Try to stretch the dough as far as possible without tearing it.
11. Mix the cinnamon and brown sugar.
12. Spread oil over the dough rectangles, leaving a ½-inch border around the edges.
13. Sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar mixture over the dough. Pressing down lightly, rub the cinnamon-sugar into the oil.
14. Sprinkle chopped pecans over the cinnamon, pressing them lightly into the dough.
15. Roll the dough into a long log, jelly roll–style.
16. Cut each log into 1- to 1½-inch rolls.
17. Line a roaster pan with parchment paper. Stand the rolls inside.
18. Place plastic wrap over the roaster pan, and cover it with a towel. In a warm area, let the rolls rise again for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.
19. Remove the plastic wrap and towel after this second rise.
20. Bake the rolls for 45 to 50 minutes at 325° until they’re golden-brown.
21. Place the rolls over Sternos, and enjoy them warm with ice cream.
There’s nothing like good, old-fashioned pie. Serve warm with ice cream, and watch as old and young scrape their plates clean!
10 Granny Smith apples, peeled and diced
10 Cortland apples, peeled and diced
¾ cup orange juice
½ cup sugar
½ cup brown sugar
½ T. cinnamon
3 (21 oz.) cans cherry pie filling
1½ cups flour
¾ cup sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
½ tsp. salt
1 cup rolled oats (not instant)
2 sticks margarine, softened (or ¾ cup oil)
1. Preheat the oven to 425°. Line a roasting pan with parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, mix the diced apples, orange juice, sugar, brown sugar and cinnamon.
3. Spread the apple mixture evenly in the roasting pan. Cover it with foil, and bake for 35 minutes.
4. While the apple mixture bakes, prepare the topping. In a large bowl or bag, mix together the flour, sugar, brown sugar, salt, oats, and margarine (or oil).
5. After the apples have baked for a half hour, remove the foil cover. Spread the cherry pie filling and the crumb topping evenly over the apples.
6. Bake, uncovered, for 30 to 35 minutes, until the pie is crispy, slightly golden-brown, and bubbling.
7. Place the pie over Sternos for all to enjoy warm with ice cream.
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If you’re a fan of face paint, then Purim’s the Yom Tov for you! From butterflies to lions, soldiers to princesses, the options are endless and are sure to raise the Purim spirit.
But for Miriam Green, artist extraordinaire, face painting is one of the services she provides the community all year round. And even though she’s painted more faces than she can count, her passion is still as vibrant as ever.
LIKE PLENTY OF PRESCHOOLERS around the world, Miriam’s very first attempts at drawing turned out to be wall murals. Unlike other preschoolers, however, this was only the beginning of Miriam’s artistic journey.
“I’ve been drawing since my mother handed me some paper and told me to stop writing on the wall,” Miriam says with a laugh. “I must have been about three years old at the time.”
Soon one drawer in the family’s china closet was designated for spare papers especially for Miriam’s use, and Miriam has vivid memories of herself drawing on these repurposed sheets of paper.
Eventually Miriam began school, and while subjects that nurtured creativity were a joy, math was pure horror.
“But teachers understood that math was difficult for me,” Miriam says, “and one way they got me to finish my work was by allowing me to doodle on the back of the worksheets once I was done.”
Math teachers aren’t the only mentors Miriam remembers fondly; her art instructor in elementary school was also instrumental in helping her find her way.
“I grew up in Toronto,” Miriam explains, “and while students who graduated from elementary school largely went on to attend high schools located in the district, we had the choice of applying to other schools if we felt that their specialty program — each high school had one — was a better match.
“Close to where I lived was a high school that boasted a wonderful and very intensive art program, and it was only five minutes farther than the area school. Our elementary art instructor encouraged the girls in her group to apply, and that’s how I got my start in the field.”
As it turned out, this would be the only professional art instruction Miriam would ever receive, because at the age of sixteen, she discovered her heritage. Instead of attending an art college after graduating high school, Miriam traveled to Eretz Yisroel to attend Neve Yerushalayim.
Today the art-related services Miriam offers are many and varied, yet her most popular service, hands down, is face painting.
“I find that face painting is similar to calligraphy,” Miriam says. “It uses different supplies and methods, of course, but both harness the combination of thinner lines and thicker lines to create that desired look.”
While Miriam mostly gets invited to do face painting at Chanukah gatherings, birthday parties and upsherins, some more formal events will also find Miriam there, face paint at the ready, because how else to keep the little ones busy and quiet while the adults listen to divrei Torah?
“This is why I’ve been hired to do face painting at shul events, and even at a sheva brachos — which, granted, was outdoor and somewhat more casual. The hosts know that there’s nothing like face painting to keep the kids happy and entertained.”
As a preschool teacher with nearly three decades of experience under her belt, Miriam herself is also part of the entertainment. She enjoys communicating with the kids and doesn’t mind having them peer over her shoulder to watch her work. Questions are welcome, opinions even more so — especially when it’s a kid choosing a design that no one suggested to them.
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“Let them have some autonomy somewhere,” is how Miriam puts it. “There’s so much that kids that age have no control over.”
Part of the reason face painting is such a good option for party entertainment is that it doesn’t take long. Caricature drawing, for instance, takes about six to eight minutes a face. Face painting takes about three to five minutes.
“And that’s if they’re choosing to go with full faces,” Miriam adds. “Another option in face painting is to draw a little something on each kid’s cheek or hand, and this goes super fast and produces less of a mess. I once did such a version of face painting at the grand opening of a toy store in Wesley Hills, and I kept hearing mothers say that they were glad they wouldn’t have to wash off an entire face.”
Miriam often has worried children asking if the paint will wash off. Her response to them is, Jew-
ish style, a question in return: Would their mother let them get painted if it wouldn’t come off?
“It does wash off easily,” Miriam asserts. “Only yellow is more difficult to get off, for some reason. But I’ve had kids I painted on Taanis Esther want the paint to stay on overnight. And it can stay on, too, if they sleep carefully.”
If face painting harnesses the skills of calligraphy, then caricature drawing is an adaptation of portrait drawing. It’s about capturing the essence of a face, its personality, in a fun sketch that takes under ten minutes.
When done at events, caricatures are most fun for the older kids, who love finding themselves in the drawings. That’s why some hosts ask Miriam to do face painting for the younger kids and caricature drawing for the older set. But Miriam knows how much a drawing of a young teen can have an effect on the child’s confidence, and that’s the reason she lets the subject have some say in the matter.
“Some artists find the most distinctive feature on the subject’s face, and then exaggerate it for that comical, cartoonish effect,” Miriam explains, “but I don’t find that bekavodig. Why exaggerate a larger nose, or protruding ears? Instead, I draw a fairly realistic likeness that’s almost like a mini portrait — unless the subject davka asks me to produce a more exaggerated version of themselves.”
In either case, Miriam also applies some color to her drawings to make them even more recognizable. She uses a watercolor pencil (which produces a watercolor paint effect) to color the subject’s hair, face and clothes for some extra oomph.
“Sometimes I ask the subject what they enjoy doing for fun, and then I add small hands doing whatever it is the kid enjoys right underneath the caricature. I also make sure to add the date, of course, so the kids can look back and see how old they were when the caricature was drawn.”
שרח ןב איתמ יבר
םסרפל יתחטבהו יתעשונו תאז האלפמ הלוגס יתישע
:יוזא ןעמ טוט הלוגס יד
םילהת א טימ טכיל ןצכא וצ טיירג’מ
טגאז’מ ןוא טכיל ןייא ןא טדניצמ
אנתה דובכל ןא ךיא דניצ לטכיל יד“
תוכזב ןרעוו לבקתנ לאז ןוא שרח ןב איתמ יבר
”שרח ןב איתמ יבר אנת עגילייה יד
לאטיפאק טגאז’מ
םילהת ןופ ”ופ“
לאמ ןצכא ןעמ טוט יוזא
יד ןעמ טגאז ךאנרעד
”ןטש ערק“ ןופ תויתוא
”טיק“ לאטיפאק ןופ
םילהת ןופ
עגילייה רעד טהעב’מ ןוא
השקב ןייא רעפעשאב
!הסונמו קודב
"Leave the repairs to us, enjoy Pesach with ease"
Miriam also does caricatures based on photos that get emailed to her, and then she mails the final product to the customers.
“I’ve also had people ask me to draw caricatures as gifts,” Miriam says. “One example I remember was a woman who asked me to draw her friend, whom she wanted to appear as a superwoman, cape and all. That was sweet.”
When drawing one child after another at an event, Miriam
When doing face painting for a crowd, the highlight for Miriam is what she calls the “mirror moment.” It’s that moment of wonder a child experiences when looking at themselves in the mirror after being painted.
“Sometimes I can get a photo of the kid, mouth open, eyes wide, as they stare at their reflection,” Miriam says. “That moment is so rewarding!”
When it comes to caricatures, it’s when the kids crack up when looking at drawings of themselves or their friends.
“Sometimes I’ll hear someone say, ‘Wow, it looks just like her!’’ Miriam laughs. “I never get tired of hearing that. It makes it all worthwhile.”
often finds that she has to redo a face after the child changes position without her noticing.
“That used to bother me,” she remembers. “I felt like I was wasting people’s precious time. But today I know that this is part of the process. As much as I can, I try to have my subjects stay in the same position, but if a drawing doesn’t come out as it should, then I’ve learned to be okay with it — and I make sure not to show the wrong one to the kid!”
While entertainment art brings Miriam most of her business, drawing portraits is where she finds the most satisfaction.
A fellow artist once pointed out to Miriam an interesting phenomenon that occurs in photos of people: Cover one eye at a time, the woman said, and you’ll find that one eye will project sadness while the other will project joy.
“That’s true for most people,” Miriam adds, “but not for survivors. In Holocaust survivors, both eyes are sad. This concept is an unfortunate reality, but it helps an artist better connect to the subject and understand what the person is all about.”
Most people don’t have the patience to sit through a portrait painting, Miriam says. It simply takes too long. (A pencil portrait, on the other hand, takes between 30 and 40 minutes if done in person.) But while Miriam usually completes the portrait by re-
ferring to a photo, she prefers to start live so she can get the feeling of what a person is all about.
“Gedolim we know more about,” she says, “but when it comes to other subjects, it’s helpful to see them in person first.”
Indeed, most portraits commissioned are for pictures of rabbanim or gedolim.
“I once did a portrait of the Klausenberg Rebbe,” Miriam remembers, “and it was the first portrait of a rebbe I did where I felt that I really nailed it. There’s a lot going on in the Rebbe’s face, and getting it right felt so beautiful.”
Another interesting encounter came after a woman asked
Miriam to paint a picture of her husband being greeted by two big rabbanim. While the woman gave Miriam reference photos to work off, the photo that featured one of the rabbanim was out of focus. When Miriam mentioned this to the customer, the woman said that no one could get a clear picture of him.
“It’s like he had a glow that couldn’t be pinned down in a photo,” Miriam says in wonder. “This reminds us that sometimes a photo or portrait simply cannot do justice to the subject. After all, a likeness, no matter how well painted, cannot capture the absolute essence of a person.”
Today Miriam spends her evenings teaching art. Now that it’s her turn to give instruction, she’s that much more grateful to her art teachers from all those years ago.
“When we first joined that high school art class,” Miriam says, “the teacher instructed us to draw a straight line. For us, talented and skilled artists that we were, that was way below our dignity, and you can be sure we made ourselves heard!”
But today Miriam understands the benefit of beginning from scratch, and she follows the same pattern when teaching her students. She begins with the basics, including how to turn a square into a cube, a circle into a sphere, and so on.
Eventually, when her students are ready to advance to paints, they already know what she’s talking about when she refers to light, dark and mid-tone shades.
“Each painting has a drawing underneath,” Miriam explains, “so that’s where we start. My students know that when we paint, it’s not only about copying the original.”
According to Miriam, an art student should be able to draw anything anywhere, even without a teacher looking over their shoulder. Once they have the necessary skills, they should know how to apply them, and to assess for themselves whether the final product is good enough.
“Let them outgrow me,” Miriam says. “That’s a teacher’s greatest joy.”
While wine and liquor are Purim staples, it’s always fun to add something new to the mix. A cocktail is a drink that combines several ingredients, including at least one that contains alcohol. The cocktail process includes “muddling” fruit or herbs, which
is a gentle mashing technique used to release the juices of the fruit or leaf.
In keeping with the Purim spirit, here we present four delicious cocktail recipes, courtesy of Barrique. These drinks are easy enough to make at home and exquisite enough to serve as the finishing touch to a beautiful Purim seudah.
Photography by: MOSHE GRUNFELD 845-442-0720
Note: Please consult your halachic authority before using any plant-sourced ingredients.
These easy strawberry daiquiris are made with either fresh or frozen strawberries. The lime juice really kicks the strawberry flavor up a notch, and you can leave out the vodka for a batch of the best strawberrycitrus mocktails around.
4 strawberries, muddled
½ oz. freshly squeezed lime juice
½ oz. simple syrup
1½ oz. vodka
1½ oz. sparkling water
Combine all the ingredients with ice, and shake well. Garnish with fresh strawberries.
The combination of rum and fresh mint in a cocktail is hard to beat, but the passion fruit in this mojito really brings it up a level.
3 oz. passion fruit puree juice
¾ oz. freshly squeezed lime juice
5 mint leaves
1½ oz. rum
1½ oz. sparkling water
Muddle the mint leaves in a glass. Combine all the ingredients with ice, and shake well. Garnish with fresh passion fruit and mint leaves.
This beautifully colored cocktail is a showstopper. Its surprising citrus mix features red grapefruit juice and a delightfully bitter finish.
3 oz. grapefruit juice
½ oz. lime juice
1½ oz. vodka
Combine all the ingredients with ice and shake well. For a decorative garnish, add grapefruit salt rimmer to the glass, and a half slice of grapefruit on top along with some dried daisies.
This delicious and easy lavender gin cocktail is packed with lemon and contains subtle floral notes. The lavender simple syrup adds an amazing aroma and gives this classic cocktail a wonderful twist.
1 oz. Monin Lavender Syrup
½ oz. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1½ oz. gin
2 oz. still water
1 egg white
Combine all the ingredients with ice, shake well, and strain the cocktail into a glass. Garnish with edible lavender.
Barrique is a full bar service company specializing in creating craft cocktails. At Barrique, career mixologists combine creativity and presentation with outstanding customer service to make each event an unforgettable experience. Contact Barrique to hear about their extensive line of exclusive cocktail mixes customized to your preferences and crowd. Barrique’s bar experiences are 100% kosher with a heimishe hashgacha. Call 848-210-5693 to hear more.
Nature? Nurture? Genetics?
Other? Where does the universal love of sugar come from?
Scientists the world over have conducted countless studies to determine what influences our everyday behaviors and habits. The nature versus nurture debate is an ongoing battle.
Here we’ve tabulated the results of our own thoroughly professional polls. (How professional? Like this: Could I please ask you two questions? Yes, right here in the waiting room. It won’t take more than three minutes — four, max. Plus, your kid will be featured in The View — and so will your mother).
We spoke with several sets of three generations to compare and contrast our sugar-filled days to the sweet times of yesteryear. However, be cautioned: Perusing this article may cause your sugar cravings to become alarmingly elevated. So pop open a package of sour worms to fortify you as you take your sweet time reading what these mothers, daughters and grandchildren have to say about their favorite nosh.
Bobby C., who grew up in the ’50s and ’60s in Eretz Yisroel, remembers flavored popcorn called Simchonim. However, she also reminisced about simpler times, when homebaked rugelach and freshly picked figs were the ultimate treat. Once she moved to New York, she would occasionally be treated to a bag of potato chips for 5 cents or a refreshing ice cream for 10 cents.
Her daughter Chaya fondly remembers the Stretch Island fruit leather she enjoyed as a kid. Their family’s method of consuming this treat was to unwrap the whole fruit leather and allow it to dangle out of their mouths, puppy-tongue style, before curling it inside, one sweet bite at a time. And she would gladly join a committee to ban the existence of oversized jawbreakers and all tremendous hulks of sugar that spend way too much time partying on her kids’ teeth.
Bobby C.’s grandkids Roizy and Yachy named their favorite nosh as Tovers Filled Bites and Cherry Froozies, respectively. And if Roizy would be able to invent a nosh, it would be a bag of chips where each chip tastes different — ranging from sweet strawberry to jalapeno flavored, and any flavor profile in between. Yachy would like to invent what she’d name Pom-Pom Fluff, a sticky jelly surrounded by cotton candy that looks like a pom-pom.
I asked Bobby M. when she grew up, and she laughed and said that while she was a child in the 80s, she’s still working on growing up. She then reminisced about those prized Chew-Chews she was treated to as a kid; they were definitely her favorite and were reserved as a really special treat. Mambas were another sweet she enjoyed at the time. They were square taffies wrapped in a shiny silver paper with a picture of a fruit on each one, but unfortunately, they were capable of pulling teeth. When she was older, Juju jellies came out. They were red coin-shaped jellies the texture of today’s jelly fish, gummy bears and sour worms. At that time it was the new texture.
when we asked her daughter Blimy to name the nosh she remembers with nostalgia, the answer was... Chew-Chews! And if she had the option of banning any nosh, it would be all forms of candy spray and gel.
Bobby R. grew up in the ’70s and remembers discovering the joy of jelly beans, which was a totally novel experience at the time. Nowadays, she couldn’t even be tempted to touch them. However, her all-time favorite was the nowextinct bell cupcake. Sounds delicious, but I was born too late to vouch for it.
Remember those old-fashioned candy sticks that resembled a striped barber pole? Those were Bobby E.’s favorite growing up in the 1970s. A six-pack of those colorful sticks went for 10 cents. Today, Bobby E. would love to invent sugar-free Sippies since those little straws keep little mouths occupied for several minutes, making it an ideal nosh for sweet grandkids.
Miri, her daughter, says that Chew-Chews and twirly lollipops are at the top of her nostalgic nosh list. And she would love to ban each and every speck of Kool-Aid in existence.
Her daughter Liba votes in favor of Chew-Chews being her all-time favorite candy growing up. For a mere quarter, she was able to enjoy four wax-wrapped bites of sticky yumminess. Another daughter, Esty, would love to outlaw noodle soup, and if her ban fails, she says the least that should be done is to have them renamed Super Snack Dinner.
Granddaughter Rikki’s favorite nosh is tied between Whimsies in all flavors and strawberry-flavored Froozies. And if she would be able to invent a nosh, it would be a fruit basket–shaped jelly, filled with tiny fruit candies. Tempting!
Five-year-old Goldy’s all-time favorite is the super-long sour stick that comes twirled round and round like a yo-yo. I hope you get the hint, Bobby E., on how to steal Goldy’s heart.
Bobby L.’s favorite nosh growing up was a soft and chewy lollipop that was sold for 5 cents apiece, plus one penny tax. Today, if she could ban a candy item, it would be “those horrible powdered sugar pouches.”
Her daughter Frumet’s favorite is dairy butter toffees. Ever since she lost her sense of taste roughly two years ago with COVID, this is one of the few foods that still tastes good to her. She would love to invent a delicious sugarfree treat her kids would enjoy — or a coffee IV line (kidding, kidding… not?). On the flip side, Frumet would love to ban Sippies; she hates finding those little straws all over the place.
When we catch up with Bobby G., she informs us that chocolate was, is and will forever remain a favorite. And she also says that since everything has already been invented, in her humble opinion, there’s room for no more.
Granddaughter Chavi’s favorite is chocolate; in fact, she would love to invent a chocolate bar that lasts forever. In Chavi’s opinion, however, Twizzlers Bites are gross and should be discontinued.
Leah, her daughter, has always enjoyed those Swiss petite fruits that were displayed at Shabbos sheva brachos sweet tables back in her days. She would love to see them sold in small, single-serve packages as a sweet pick-me-up. Leah would also take drastic measures to prohibit the sale of candy gook disguised as innocent looking yogurt pouches.
And as conservative as this mother-daughter duo might seem in their view on sweets, the apple — or giant gumball — might have rolled a bit far from the tree… Ari’s favorite nosh is a big fizzy lollipop. And he would love to bring his dream candy into existence: a taffy the size of their dinette so that he could take off chunks every day.
Bobby B. still fondly remembers the luscious bell cupcakes sold in a local bakery for 50 cents in the 1970s. Nowadays, when she gets afflicted with a case of the munchies, she reaches for a Rosemarie Split chocolate bar or a handful of crunchy corn chips. Bobby B. thinks sour belts should be banned, since they come packaged in big containers that render the supply limitless!
Raizy, Bobby B.’s daughter, loved what was called Shokokid, a mini chocolate bar that was filled with a white milk filling. In fact, that’s what her friends got her for her eleventh birthday. They sold for 33 cents each and contained eight tiny, delectable squares per bar. Raizy can’t stand the contemporary sour candy sprays into mouths hanging open, and would totally eradicate them if she could.
So. Our professional polls clearly show that the sweet tooth genetic factor plays a strong role in the advancements our generation has made in the candy market. No other generation has mastered the sticky, sweet, slimy, sour variety as thoroughly as our generation has. As one poll participant pontificated, “Growing up, our whole grocery was smaller than today’s nosh aisle.” In my very humble opinion, we’ve managed to achieve this much thanks only to the strong love of sugar our ancestors have so devotedly passed on to us.
And for the grandchildren: Toby’s favorite sweet is Encore chocolate, and she would love to find extremely long and soft chocolate-covered marshmallows sold in stores. Baila, on the other hand, favors sour cherry–flavored candy spray. And if she could bring a new nosh into existence, she would invent popping candy candy spray. How’s that for combining all of the latest and greatest in the candy world?
Now lick your fingers clean of those last bits of sour salt, and next time you reach for a strawberry-flavored Twizzler or a handful of toffee squares, think about how you can best pass your love for sugar to the next generation.
On Purim — a time of masks and wine and vision we can’t quite trust — so much isn’t the way it seems.
In the spirit of the dizzy daze, here is a collection of photos of objects around the world that look like one thing... until you look a little closer.
What do you see here? An aerial view of icy lakes and a town shrouded in snow?
This is actually a frozen puddle in someone’s backyard.
You may feel like you’re studying an expensive world’s map engraved on metal, but no, this is a water faucet with clear signs of corrosion.
Can you figure out which planet this is? Mars? Venus?
Oh, it’s just someone’s cup of coffee.
You probably feel like rescuing this baby owl, until you look a little closer and choose to stay away from the mushroom. After all, it might be poisonous.
You may think you’ve just come across a discarded cigarette, but it’s just a fallen post with a serious case of rust erosion.
What’s with this boat? Is it half sunken? Is it some kind of sci-fi creation? Simply broken? It seems to be floating on the water all right…
Oh, but wait, it’s just a broken car antenna.
Since when are the Venice rivers this choppy? And the buildings don’t look like Italian architecture. Actually, this is not even in Europe. It’s a picture straight out of urban USA in the midst of a snowy, icy winter.
No, this is not a broccoli farm. (I know, I know, broccoli doesn’t grow like that.) But this tree sure does look like a huge broccoli floret.
It looks like someone is getting ready to prepare a heartshaped sunny-side-up for breakfast, but this is actually a peach out of the can in a puddle of syrup.
What is grandma crocheting here? But it’s not even grandma. It’s the work of a spider that has gotten snowed over.
What looks like an intricate mosaic art project in the works is actually an overhead shot of fields of rice.
Do you feel like you can’t believe your own eyes? Well, ah freilichen Purim!
really good cream cheese
Keter is the pioneer in hiddur mitzvah, crafting, creating, and perfecting each Megilla Holder with hiddur that’s reflected in the finest details.
For years, RABBI CHAIM VESHNEFSKY has been providing thousands of teenagers (and adults), from all over the world, with clear answers to tough hashkafah questions, and an enhanced appreciation for the depth of Yiddishkeit and the accuracy of our mesorah. Now, for the first time, the material of his popular lectures is available in book form!
MiddosMan combines stories, music, rich and full-color illustrations, and fun activities to help young children have a positive introduction to middos character development.
In MiddosMan, Acting with Derech Eretz, the seventh book in this series, children are taught how to properly react to a parent's request, even when they don't feel like listening. Sure to become a fast favorite among kids!
•How we know that Yiddishkeit is the truth. •Since the evidence is so clear to the truth of Torah, why doesn’t everyone get it? •What is the brachah of shelo asani ishah all about? •Why is there so much misery and suffering in the world?
•Why will Purim be the only day to continue to be observed after Mashiach comes? •Uncover some of the secret messages of the Megillah. •What does it mean that “Purim is like Yom Kippur”. •Why is the word ”HaMelech” commonly written at the head of almost all the columns of the Megillah. •Why isn't Hashem’s name mentioned explicitly in the Megillah?
• Gain an understanding of why Purim is not just a day of fun.
When your car is all dressed and ready to roll, snap a picture, and email it to us at, or mail it to us at 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219.
DEADLINE: Sunday, March 12.
לקעפ החפשמ $72
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:ליצ ןייפמאק םירופ עיבשמ $444,600
I’ve been teaching myself how to juggle clocks. I guess you could say I have a lot of time on my hands. But hard as I try, I’ve never been able to juggle successfully. I’ve tried juggling balls and I’ve tried juggling my work-life balance, but I always drop something.
Juggling might seem effortless, but it requires good hand-eye coordination, focus and practice. The industry word for the objects being juggled is “props,” and these can range from different kinds of balls to fire torches, chainsaws, swords and other objects. The standard juggling trick that your little brother is trying to learn for Purim is probably what’s called “the cascade,” and is a pattern performed with an odd number of objects, with each hand alternately throwing and catching. Another common beginner’s pattern is the “shower,” which is when the balls go around in a circular pattern by being passed from hand one to hand two and then thrown in the air and caught by hand one.
Juggling has a longer history than you might think. Images of people tossing balls in the air have been found in an ancient Egyptian tomb, though juggling might have been around even before that. There are references to juggling in writings from ancient China, Ireland and Rome. In fact, juggling in ancient China was a highly regarded art, and was even used once to win a war. A famous ancient Chinese juggler, Xiong Yiliao, stepped out in the middle of a battle in 603 BC and started juggling nine balls. The enemy was so surprised and entranced that the Chinese army was able to launch a surprise attack and win the battle. Never let anyone tell you that your hobby is a waste of time; you never know when an unusual skill might come in handy (also, I think we should try this method in modern wars).
There are a few opinions on the origin of the word “juggle.” Some say it comes from the Middle English word jogelen, which means to perform or entertain. Another option might be the French word jogler, which means to joke or jest. The use of juggle to mean “continually tossing and catching objects” began in the late 19th century.
12 hours and 5 minutes
11 balls with 23 consecutive catches
Another form of juggling is having a team of two people juggle a set of balls together. The record for the most catches by a team of two is 901, and was achieved in Lisbon, Portugal, in April 2021. (Look at that, some people were accomplishing things during COVID.)
The 1,508 attendees of the European Juggling Convention (yes, it’s a real thing) held in Scotland in 1998 juggled simultaneously, setting a record for the largest group of people juggling together. For a grand ten seconds, each of the participants juggled at least three objects.
In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance era, many noblemen and monarchs employed jesters — colorfully dressed people who entertained the crowds at large events and dinners. Their routines usually consisted of singing, comedy, and of course, juggling and other tricks. They were similar to specialty performers today who are hired to perform at parties or events.
In the same time period, traveling jugglers would go from city to city performing juggling and magic acts in the streets and marketplaces, like street performers do today. These jugglers
were mistrusted by the general population, as people were very wary of those who claimed to have magical powers. Jugglers didn’t even have the same legal rights as most citizens, and they were often persecuted. It took until the end of the Middle Ages for public opinion on jugglers to become more positive.
In the 1760s, jugglers began appearing as acts in circuses. Proper circuses were born in England and came to the United States in 1793, when an English circus equestrian, John Bill Ricketts, opened the first American circus in Philadelphia. He became known for juggling and acrobatics that he performed while on horseback. He even performed in front of President George Washington and his successor John Adams.
High blood sugar isn’t as sweet as it sounds.
Diabetics, or those in prediabetic stages, often cross dangerous and unhealthy boundaries with high blood sugar counts. Effects range from dizziness, unquenchable thirst, and chronic yeast infections to permanent damage in critical organs. Maxi Glucose Support can help reverse unwanted results with Chromium, Benfotiamine, Cinnamon, Vanadium, as well as other important nutrients known for blood sugar control. Keep life sweet!
Contains bioavailable and chelated ingredients, absorbs straight into the blood
When Pessie Hersko’s husband Yochi decides to give up his steady, predictable job as an accountant to work as a tour director, taking frum travelers to fivestar hotels around the world, Pessie’s every instinct screams to squelch Yochi’s enthusiasm, and the whole crazy idea in general. Why can’t Yochi see the ridiculousness of pursuing such a job, not to mention the unfairness of it to his wife and family?
In Follow Me, popular author ESTY HELLER has woven a compelling novel around the hot topic of social media’s effects on ourselves and our closest relationships. Well-written and peppered with humor, this book will provide much discussion and food for thought, long after its satisfying conclusion.
Including brand-new stories and an exclusive interview with Miri and Peri!
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LEARNING FROM OUR LEADERS. In The Story of the Chida, geared specifically for junior readers, you will be fascinated by the Chida's greatness, as well as his colorful life and travels. Although nearly all of the Chida's days were filled with adventure and various dangers, they were focused primarily on kiddush Shem Shamayim and devotion to Hashem's Torah and mitzvos. Be inspired by the holiness of this unique gadol
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1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points
5-letter words: 3 points
6-letter words: 5 points
7-letter words: 7 points
8-letter words: 9 points
9+ letters: 12 points
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players: List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
C P 220 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View March 1, 2023
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Weiser, 718-xxx-2065
Name of winner: Chaya Frady
Amount of points: 73
Names of competing players: Sarala, Etty
Some words only the winner found: losing, panel, panic
The longest word found on the board: limousine
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Goldmunzer, 718-xxx-6667
Name of winner: Bruchy
Amount of points: 54
Names of competing players: Shea
Some words only the winner found: mill, pale, sick, soul, till
Last week’s bonus word: limousine
Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Electric range with oven for sale used only 2 Pesachs excellent condition. Please call 7184389118
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Doona Stroller, multiple colors available! cll/txt 1-201614-4045
2 year old GE Profiler microwave convection for sale due to renovations. Please call 7184389118
French Provincial 2- 39” headboards.,Night table with glass, armoire, dresser with glass and mirror. Pics available. $1,000. 917-8827474
Brand new CYBEX Beezy stroller - black - still in the box - for sale: $300. Call 718 438 0904
Brand New condition dark grey leather 2 seater couch for sale. 7184968730
Beautiful kids dresser & crib for sale. Please call 18482102046
Carriage Club North.
Beautiful 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, Ground floor, available for Pesach. Call: 347.499.0031
Looking for an apartment for Pesach in BP near 46 and 16 for a family of 7. 718 607 2784
This is a 6 bedroom ranch in Chestnut Ridge, 5 minutes from Monseys shopping malls. Beautiful, private underground pool and hot tub! Huge zipline, trampoline, basketball net and in a great neighborhood. Available June 27- July 26 Tel: 845 664 5521
For sale
Brand new full black Bugaboo bee 6, used only 3 months, plus bassinet never used, accessories included. please call 347 534 8025
Newly renovated beautiful ocean view 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
15/42 3 bedroom unfurnished brand new 3rd floor with appliances $3200. 347-581-5250.
Monsey / Highview area. Shabbos/ Simcha Rental. Fully furnished luxury house. 3 or 6 bedroom option. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
2 BR Hotel style fully furnished apt. Full Kitch/ Bath, W/D. Excellent for Ch/ Kallah, or Simchas. 718-6860909/ 347-524-7686
Multiple newly renovated kosher villas for rent in Boca Raton, FL. Please call 561221-2621
Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. Reasonable rates! Available for Pesach and all year round. call/text 347-2245574
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bath villa in North Miami with pool, $289 per night. available for Pesach & all year round (Pictures available) Call/Text 845-327-7153
Magnificent colonial house with a pool available to rent in Airmont. Available for weekend, days or week. Towels, linen and all amenities included. Immaculately clean and elegantly furnished. Very close to shul and Mikvah. Call or text 347-420-4945
No. 1 Real Estate Broker. Aaron Rose 561.308.5766
Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/ text 845-554-5778 or email
Seeking a mature, chassidishe high school girl to babysit in my home on Fridays 9-12, Center of BP, nice pay! 917-937-1677
Seeking responsible, reliable full time secretary for busy bp girls school office. Must have excellent multi-tasking, phone and interpersonal skills. Can start now or after pesach. Call 646-571-0765
Heimishe BP Office looking for F/T secretary, computer & phone skills. Will train. Email resume: office1544@ or fax: 718-7098842
E-commerce office in Boro Park Is looking to hire a female secretary. Experience in Amazon a plus full training provided. txt: 347699-7359
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216
Seeking male/female paras for immediate hire in Boro Park/Flatbush part time/ full time openings. Special rate for late afternoon/ evening hours! Pay ranges from $22.-$38. Per hour. Call: 718.686.2376 Email: para@ YVY is an EOE
Bonei Olam looking to higher female administrative assistant with past experience hours 10-4, friendly environment, proficient phone skills, computer skills specifically In excel, Salesforce admin. Send resume: jobs@boneiolam. org or leave message: (646) 930-4882
BP organization seeking to hire F/T motivated, responsible, hi school grads, Good communication skills, Proficient PC, Chrome, Gmail, Microsoft Word/ Excel a must. Send resume: or leave message: 917-789-8006.
Yad Yisroel school is looking to hire 1:1 paras. Opportunities to work with various ages and academic levels available. Located in Flatbush. Supportive environment. Transportation available. Resumes@
Great Opportunity for a fun fulfilling special summer. Join Camp Harmony in Bnos Naaleh. Staff positions available July & August. 718-986-7648 or email: reception1467@
Seeking frum babysitter in my house Monday thru Thursday 347-271-1588
Yeled V`Yalda Boro Park, Qualified candidate will have excellent time management skills, detail oriented , computer literate, comfortable with MS Word & Excel. Salary range: $40,000.-$45,000. Email: call: 718.686.2422
Yeled V`Yalda Head Start in Staten Island seeking Teacher Masters Certification, experienced preferred. Immediate position available. Email to: RAbelsky@yeled. org or call: 718.564.0543
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@
Boro Park office seeking Female F/T responsible individual who is organized, detail oriented and able to handle multiple tasks. Must be a team player. Great environment. Willing to train. Email resume: cberkovits@thenutteryny. com
Heimishe office in BP seeking part time female bookkeeper. Must be proficient in QuickBooks. Send resume to
Looking for an experienced handyman, electrician, plumber, carpenter & painter. Top dollar paid, must have own tools, car preferred. Call: 718.951.0090
Amazing full time opportunity for women to work in an ABA clinic in Kensington/Boro Park. Pay $22.-$30. Per hour. Must be able to work from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM. Call/Text: 917.968.2292
Alpine Acres seeking dynamic, creative, lebedige yid. speaking elem. program director and head counselors to run a professional DC. call after 4. 917-474-0014.
Join a team that inspires growth day after day, become a Care Manager. Great job for someone looking for work in social services, administration, and the therapy (OT, PT, SP/L). Seeking Full-time Male candidates. Competitive compensation, full benefits package.
Boro Park
Job ID: 1234
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist with House Chores A 24 year old boy
Tues.-Thurs. After school
Job ID: 1261
To be-friend A 19 year old girl
Daily 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Job ID: 1275
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To accompany to a park A 12 year old girl
Sundays 12:00pm-5:00pm
Job ID: 1272
Looking for a SOCIAL PARTNER
To socialize with A 36 year old girl
Daily After day hab
To drive to iceskating
Job ID: 1263
To be-friend A 16 year old girl
Shabbos Afternoon
Job ID: 1422
Looking for a HELPING HAND
To assist A 10 year old girl
Daily After school
Job ID: 4669
Looking for a HELPING HAND
To assist A 23 year old girl Daily After school
Seeking a Full time Administrative Assistant, candidate must be computer savvy detail oriented and have great organizational and communication skills. Please forward resume’ to
Pesach Tikvah is looking to hire a mature female care manager. BA required. Email resume to jlichtman@
Yeled V`Yalda Fitness Center in Boro Park seeks a qualified Aqua Fitness Instructor for female pool classes. Pay: $35$50 per half-hour session. Call: 718.686.2404 or email:
Braverhood Family Services is looking to hire staff to work with families in Boro Park:
-Female to help at home, specifically with parenting
-Yiddish speaking female to hang out with a 9 year old girl
-Fun, outgoing female to hang out with a 12 year old girl. Great pay! afeigelstein@braverhood. org 718-705-8291 ext 189
experienced cook
Please call/ text 718-781-4742
Seeking warm and devoted morning teacher for a Yiddish speaking playgroup in Boro Park! Great environment! Great pay! Call/leave msg 3474501853
א טכוזעג טרעוו סע head counselor ראפ younger division לגניא עשידיסח א ןיא פמעק. Please call/ text 718781-4742 Or send resume to
Looking for an experienced bus transportation manager/ bus driver for a chasidishe boys camp in Monticello. Please call/ text 718-781-4742
Great Job Opportunity for Male & Female in Boro Park! Provide services to children in your community after school hours. Must be motivated, energetic, reliable, Age 18 years & up. Pay: $20-$50 per hour. Call: 347.946.4506 & leave message. Email to: YVY is an EOE
School in Boro Park seeking FT secretary. Organized, responsible and ability to multitask a must. Please email resume to
A growing agency is looking for a big sister for 7-yearold girl to mentor and offer emotional support in the area of Ave M and East 10th St. please send resume or info to
Brooklyn management company is seeking a bookkeeper with 1-2 years of experience. Great environment and great employee benefits. Email brooklynmgmtoffer@gmail. com
Join our exciting and growing team in BP! Succeed ABA is looking to hire: *Executive assistant *Billing/ Credentialing specialist. We offer a full benefits package and paid time off. Please send your resume to hr@
Seeking secretary/ assistant to assist in running an after school program. Detail oriented and multi-tasking a must. Hours are 1-5. jobs@
Seeking secretary/ assistant to assist in running an after school program. Detail oriented and multi-tasking a must
Seeking Male ABA therapist to work after school hours. Call/Text 929-290-0627
Champion is seeking a Full-time employee to join our Customer Service department. Job duties include recruiting and employee relations. Candidate must be computer savvy and detail oriented. Must have excellent organizational and communication skills.$20-25/ hour. Please forward resume to
A 30 year old male with mild disabilities who enjoys talking about hatzolah/ shomrim/celebrities, etc. and going out to eat is seeking a companion for 1-2 times per week to go out in the evenings. Please call 718-8542747 x 3300 .
Do you enjoy working with individuals with special needs? Share your talents and enrich someone’s life! HCS is seeking energetic girls/young women to work at our Dayhab program. Monday thru Friday. Competitive salary and benefits. Please forward resume to Please call 718-854-2747 Ext. 1210
Chayeinu Academy is seeking full time experienced BCBA for 2023-2024 school year. Please email resume to info@
Chayeinu Academy is seeking 1:1 instructor for the remainder of the current school year. Please email resume to info@ or call 718-303-9170.
12th & 59th heimishe experienced babysitter. Some slots available. Ages 15-24months. Call 917-8626087
Limited cash slots available in Kinder speil playgroup with highly experienced teachers. 50/12 Ave erea for more info call 3479326524
2 Bedroom front apartment, ideal for Chusson/Kallah. Located on 10th & 45th. Windows in every room. For more info call 347-581-8920.
/ Short Term apartment available for week, day or month. 2 Bedrooms, Sleeps
7. Has dining room, W/D, porch, Located on 10th & 45. Call 347-581-8920.
in the Catskills with beautiful grounds for a shabbaton or a family get together. Shul, large D/R and mikva on premises. 7326062845
With Aloe Vera. Great for hair loss. Helps for dandruff. Great for all types of hair. Malky 718-576- 2023
We now sell all major Appliances with extended warranty, nationwide delivery available. Call us at 718.640.1703
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Experiencing chronic pain/ symptoms? There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Pesach and Year Round
Residential and Commercial Cleaning Service Licensed & Insured. Free estimates call Amazing Deep Clean 888-SHINE59 or www.
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
Lose weight with Alexa before Pesach! Work together
1-1 with Alexa planmydiet to lose 12-15 pounds in 6 weeks. Reach out to her at 954-6621797
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.9510090
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
Commercial, residential, shuls: professional repairs, color change & revamp to aron kodesh, staircases, libraries, kitchens, furniture. Best pricing & svc. Txt 212 991 8548.
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
Cosmetics & Skincare: Mary Kay, Careline, Ga-de, Static, Chic. Free Delivery with min order. 718-930-4946 Careline 701 in stock!
Hand crochet, Hand knit, Silks & more with beautiful Gartel bag. Text or call: 718.283.4589 Wholesale orders available.
Looking for Experienced Full Stack Developer, on consulting or employment basis, Should be well versed in modern web application development (front end, back end) and Mobile App Development.
Experience in React Native, C#, ASP.Net, Core, VBA & SQL database. Excellent Opportunity for the right candidate Email Resume:
Is your baby up all night? Call the baby sleep coach that will guide you to a peaceful night and day. $200 newborns our specialty. 718-438-0728
Start the process now! Get P3 services by next year! Serious and fun English classes for boys. 11th & 50th. Call/text 347-645-2155
DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718974-9428
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc.
Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Free Live Guided Meditation on Zoom! Also offering personalized trauma-healing Yoga sessions. Contact Malka Bald, Certified Trauma Informed Yoga Facilitator. 347-395-4388 or email: therapeutic.
Makeup for all your occasions! Minimal price! Call/text 7189383128
Itemized kallah list to make kallah list calmer and easier minimal fee. Call 3475346184
The #1 Spot for all your promotions for Camps and day camps. Contact us at or 718 732 0546
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great prices! Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Licensed Math teacher now available for P3/SEIT. Lmtd slots. Test/Regents Prep.Call only: 929 454 4869.
Furniture, Cabinet & General Repairs, specializing in Chosson-Kallah Apartments. Call: 718.633.6231
For all leaks & roofing services, reach out to the roofing expert. 845 244 0743 (call text or whatsapp)
Now offering guitar lessons! For women and girls, for a great price. Center of BP. Call/Text: 917-618-1174
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a smile! Call: 718.951.0090
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach. Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)435-7644
One man band for all Simchos/ Events. Call Sholie Perlstein 7189307348 for all inquiries.
Desperately in need of mother’s milk for baby with medical needs call/text 7186072784
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718-974-9428
Great opportunity to take over a lease of a brand new 3 month old black Honda Palisades ,fully loaded,leather interior. serious inquiries please email
Beautiful black Mechetanista dress with white beading Size 12 for sale. Text: 718.612.6328
2 magnificent kid’s white taffeta gowns for rent. Size 6 & 14. Worn once. 718-782-3821
Beautiful classy Kleinfelds kallah gown size 0-2 for sale. Call or text 646 927 9219.
Beautiful Kalah Gown size 4to6 5’ft tall worn once from Estis in Flatbush to sell. Please call/text to 9173016094
diamond earring in front of skver hall in BP 8485255970
glasses Sunday by ppino / Schwimmer robes
hood with fur from down jacket. 347-525-5353
Exchanged black wool/fur jacket by Berger/Rosenberg
chasunah 2/21 at imperial.
Took new one/left old one.347-461-6913
Earring in BP 347-834-1135
pair of womens solid black leather gloves plz call 646300-3787
pink blanket yomim tovim time. pls call 347-898-1428
Diamond & Gold necklace
2/21 on 38th /15th Ave 718851-0894
Pidyon Haben 646-419-0782
Doona 260-366-6293
Doona gemach 3473689763
Twin Carriage (718) 522-3891
Carseats, snap n go strollers, pack n play & bassinets 718-854-6829
buy/sell Neocate/baby formula 347.369.4886
Chocolate molds BP 718-972-4768. Williamsburg 718-522-3445
Bris Accessories 347- 244- 2065
Baby carriers 718-809-9707
Baby earbands 347 409 9479
Bris Accessories 718-435-0664
Kallah Cape 718 - 633 - 8261
Bridal Shoe Gemach 917-936-8997
Tehillim for Cholim www.
Shoes & Crowns BP 718-972-4768.
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (BP) 917-538-8500
Teen’s elegant ivory & black wool belt on Bedford/ Rutledge 347-350-2933
mens long Rekel 48 between 14 and 15, 347-598-1969
tool 14 th Ave and 46 th st 347 292 9387
Elegant Scuba fabric dress Mon Feb20 on Wythe Ave 347.563.0537
pair of ladies gloves 13 corner 49, 929-617-5992
Feb10 navy Joolz bunting @ marcy/hewes 3475630537
necklace 39th street 15th avenue tuesday 02/21 call 718 851 0894
diamond bracelet in BP on 15 and 44 המורת תשרפ call or text 845-402-8172
black suede toddler shoe in a church car service. call or text 347-488-7374
sheitel band on 58 and 15 about 3 weeks ago 3475870910
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (Willi) 929-275-1820
Pack n plays 718-851-1017
Twin Clothing (newborn-3) 347-7427189/718-972-0765
Clothing gemach (for women) 646904-1247
Lingerie Conversions min fee 718437-0428
Briefcase gemach 7184360936
Baby Scale 718-633-9266 or text 718-473-5268
Youth Corps Working Papers 718854-0961
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-675-9838
Reflector Belts 718-853-4966
Warm Mist Humidifier 917-373-2079
Communication Class 347-7531071.
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Mezuzos (718)666-7222
pediatric wheelchair-walker-shower seat- cast cover for shower call
7183883079 lv msg
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Baby Scale (Wmsbg) text 347-6759509
New ladies clothing 646-904-1247
Lighting 9292762404
Simcha Décor 917 -536-1742
Simcha Caps 718-633-1084
Purim Costume Gemach Call/Text 347-737-6771
Musical Kumzitz 347-543-2195
Natural health support text 347228-7578
Bechers, Challah cover, Benchers 1718 854 1760
Laminated chuppah cards call 718807-8932 lv msg
Boys Simcha Wear sizes 9m-7 347.462.4596 Sundays 2:30-5
Kallah/Mechteniste Capes Wsbg 718-300-9894/ BP 917-683-5557
Kallah Looseleaf Yom Hachuppah 718-435-3492
Simcha basket 718-614-7274
Clothing, Shoes, linens (347) 8166406.
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Bed Gemach 405-345-6831
Donate clothing 718-974-9428
Chupah Cards Color 347-885-5114
Scooters 718-431-7942
Chassidishe Winter Coats for men 917-204-6838
Gemach in desperate need of elegant clothing size 6-8 for Kallah getting married beginning September, shoes/heels 6.5 and 7. call: 9292762404
Laminated Tfillos for Chuppa 718854-1223 or 917-974-0690
Zoom morning-meditation: 347395-4388
Kallah Accessories Wmsbg 347-5631840/718-782-6136
Property / land in Pennsylvania, high value. 212-470-1708 lv msg
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-675-9838
Rav Chaim Kanievsky On Siddur for the weekdays changed our dayto-day davening. Now, Rav Chaim Kanievsky On Siddur – Shabbos will do the same for our Shabbos davening. This volume includes insights on the Shabbos prayers shared directly by Rav Chaim and collected from his extensive writings, as well as dozens of stories about Rav Chaim and his family. Compiled by Rabbi Shai Graucher, who was an almost-daily visitor to Rav Chaim’s home, this is a work that will bring your Shabbos davening to a whole new level.
When you read a story from Rabbi Yechiel Spero, you know there will be more. More inspiration. More surprises. More lessons and more uplift.
These stories are a treasure trove, gems sparkling with emunah, ahavas Yisrael, and the power of prayer and hashgachah pratis: a precious gift from a master storyteller.
No one tells a story quite like Rabbi Fishel Schachter, and in Did This Ever Happen To You? this popular speaker, columnist and storyteller, combines practical advice in chinuch and middos development with anecdotes and stories that are always engaging and often laugh-out-loud funny.
So open this book and be prepared to laugh ... and to learn.
In Living Chessed, Rabbi Avrohom Asher Makovsky shows us how we “ordinary” people can also be “gedolim in chessed”— by grabbing the countless opportunities to help our fellow Jews.
Living Chessed includes inspirational insights and guidance about doing chessed and, above all, incredible stories of how chessed can transform the lives of both the giver and receiver.
Over 100 True, Inspirational Stories!
GOAL: $444,600
By directly feeding the poor on Purim day, you’ll fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanos L'evyonim in its purest form. 100% of the funds we raise through this campaign will be spent on food. The more we raise, the more we can distribute. So please, give as much as you possibly can.
רוחב הוצמ רב
תורצואמ םיקידצה תודלותו
ןסע ךעלקעפ ןלייטראפ ן’כרוד בר רודיהב ןרעוו טמאקלופראפ טעוו םויב וב םינויבאל תונתמ עיבשמ ךרוד םירופה םוי םצעב תוכרצנ תוחפשמ רעטנזיוט ראפ
ישש ליל םייחה רוא ק”הפסב רועיש יולרע ד”מהיבב
וואלזאק ד”מהיב תבוטל הכלמ הולמ קראפ אראבב
- אקניפס יבצ תודלות תיבב םיאנתה תחמש יסנאמ שהאט - ןאדנאל ראמטאס - גרובסלראק
ימלשורי דומלת תוכרב תכסמ םויס דעלעב’ד לאקזחי תראפת ד”מהיבב
ןוא ןעלקיטרא
ןטעטיוויטקא :םירופ דובכל
:סקימאק םירופ
ליִפְּשׁ ךְֹפֲּהַנְו
ךופהנו' עגירעיצנאג
סענעצס 'אוה
יגגאה ןמה :קעד
:ךאק ןיא ךאוו
םיגד רדא לזמ
:ןלאמ ךיד ןרעל
תונמ חולשמ ינוַאלק
ןוַאלק םירופ
:ןלייצרעד רעדניק
יגגא אתיו
:גייצרעליפש למיירטש-םירופ
טסיג'ס :ךילריטאנ !ןייוו ...ךיז
:דליב ןוא טפירש ץאלאפ ס'שורושחא
...ליפ ךאנ ןוא
ןיא ןעמוקאב וצ סלא ןטפעשעג עלא עגידנעטשטסבלעז עבאגסיוא
שדוח שאר תדועסב קצולמ ר”ומדאה
קראפ אראבב
אקווירטסמחארמ ר”ומדאה לצא ע”יז אקווירטסמחארמ םוחנ םחנמ יבר ק”הרה תלוליה
שטאקנומ םולשו םייח ללוכ תבוטל רעניד
Made of Sde Calev Vineyard's choice grapes, Ya'ar Levanon epitomises the restoration of an ancient winemaking heritage, blended with the finest French winemaking tradition. Ramat Hevron, the historic wine-growing region dotted with wine presses dating back to the Temple days, once again produces wines fit for a King. Savor them!
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
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