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החפשמ עטסערג ןעגנערבניירא
.חספ םעד
,ק"היע םילשוריב תוטילפל תיב
טפאשטריוו בוטש א טימ ןא טריפ
טשינ לאמנייק ךיז טלעטש סאוו
לאמנייק ןעייג רעדניק יד .פא
רדס יד ייז ןסע אד ...םייהא טשינ
עשימאנארטסא טסאק סע .טכאנ
ךעלרעדניק יד ןשירוצסיוא רעטלעג
.ט"וי םעד ןעגנערבניירא ןוא
ללכ טפלעה ס'לארשי
.שפנה אוה םדה יכ
רעדניק ערעייא טזייפש
עגיד'רדוהמ ראג יד טימ
יד ,שיילפ תוליהק
הטיחש עטאווירפ
םיארי תוחפשמ ראפ
.רתויב םיקדקדמו
יד ריפא טמענ ןעמ
סושז פיערג עטבילאב
יד בלאה טימ רעבא
ןופ 'סושז פיערג טייל' יד
,ןכיילג סנייז טשינ טאה םדק
ןוא םעט ןטמיראב ןטימ
עבלעז יד ןיא ,קאמשעג
!טנוזעג ןוא טכייל ראג טייצ
ןייגוצוצ ,ןגינייר ,ןוויירד ,ןייגוצנא חכ ןייק טשינ טגאמראפ ריא ןעוו .חכ ראפ רעפטנע עטסעב יד זיא קנירט עיגרענע חכ עיינ יד עטלאק עקאמשעג א יוזא םתס טכוז זיא רעדא ,ן׳העש עטעפש ןיא ןייזפיוא ,ןטעברא ,תוחמש ףיוא ןצנאט ,שדוק תבש םוצ .תועש עגנאל ראפ ןייגנא ןפלעה ךייא טעוו עכלעוו קנארטעג עיגרענע עקאמשעג א .לאווסיוא עטסעב רעייא חכ זיא ,קנארטעג
סעיצנאטס-זעג ןוא ןטפעשעג עשימייה עלא ןיא ןעמוקאב וצ
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4 questions, 3 answers.
Choose luggage suited exactly to your needs, your size, and your budget. And let
However you slice it, Landau’s Market is Boro Park’s prime destination for all things fresh and delicious this Pesach. From fresh cuts of meat, to fish and produce, there’s enough for everyone!
FRIGG Blue, Blush, Cream Sizes 0-6m, 6-18m
Twill/White On White Shirts
3pk Berry,Black,White, Polka Dotted Black,Polka Dotted Wine Sizes 5,6,7,8,9,10
Hooded Towel
MUSHI Blue, Blush, Green
Flat/Ribbed Leggings
Black,Brown,Cocoa, DarkGrey Heather, Dark Navy, Luggage, Red, Cranberry Sizes 0-6m, 6-12m, 12-18m, 18-24m, 2t, 3t,
Short Leggings
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Designed Shabbos Tights
FLORENCE Ivory Sizes 2-4,4-6,68,8-10,10-12,12-14
Triple Roll Socks
Microfiber Ribbed Tights
MEMOI Black Sizes 2-10
Sleeveless Undershirts
Sizes 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
3pk Black, White,Assorted Sizes 5,6,7,8,9,10
Winter White,Black Sizes 2-4,4-6,6-8, 8-10,10-12,2-14
Sleeveless Undershirts
6pk Cream Sizes 4t-5t
Sizes 4-6,6-8,810,10-12,12-14
3pk White,Rasberry Print,Purple Print,Heather Pink,Black Sizes 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Full Slips
Black,Black & White, Lengths 37",39" Sizes 32,34,36,38,40,42
ENOD Pinpoint,Twill, 100% Cotton Knit,Crocet Sizes 1.5",1.7",2",2.5', 3"/12,14,18,20,Fringes Sd Card
8 Gb,32gb,64 Gb
Cami Straps Undershirts
CANDYLAND Sizes 2,3,4,6,8
Microfiber Tights
2pk Black, Sizes Xs-S,S-M,M-L,Mp, L-Xl,Q1-Q2
Short Socks
Ribbed/Flat 3pk Bamboo Ribbed- 3pk Levanta Model Flat Black Blue,Pink,White
Washing Cup/ Bowl
ןעמוקפארא ןלעוו רימ ןעמענפא ךייא וצ ןוא למיירטש םעד ןגנערבקירוצ סע .טכאמעגרעביא
.לארשי ץרא ןופ רעייא ןייז טעוו טכאמעגרעביא דובכל יינ יוו חספ בוט םוי
ןסעﬧפ |
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טנייה ךייא טנייס
,הוצמ רב ןייז וצ תכסמ א ןגידנע ןעק דניק סעדעי ןראלק ןוא ןכייר ןפיוא ,םישדח עטלייצעג זיולב ןיא
!לגנוי ערעייט וד ךיוא ,אי אי .״םארגארפ םייסל״
ראפ רעדניק ראפ םארגארפ עשירענעיצולעווער א
.ןאפעלעט ןפיוא ,קאמשעג ןוא גנירג ,הוצמ רב יד
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עגיד'רדוהמ עקאשמעג
טשראב עגיד'חספ יד ןפיוא טכאמעג זיא א ןיא רעגייטש ןטלא
,רעמיצ חספ ןלעיצעפס
עטסכעה יד טימ
חיגשמ א ןוא תוריהז
עצנאג יד תעשב ידימת .עיצקודארפ
רעשעלפ יד דלאביוו
טראס עבלעז יד ןענעז
רימ ןבאה ראי ץנאג א יוו
לקעד עסייוו א טגיילעג
באגוצ ןוא ןמיס א ראפ
לביעל ערטסקע יד וצ
.חספ ראפ
ןוא גנוי ראפ
Sourkraut Giardiniera
Sour Pickles Veggiekraut
Green Beans Garlic
(Re: The Multi-Layered Onion, Issue 177)
Thank you so much for the article on different types of onions! I’ve always wondered about this and wished I knew more. The information is coming in very handy now as I cook for Pesach!
Curious Cook(Re: The Prices Crisis, Issue 177)
I don’t usually write in; I usually just vent to my sisters when you print an article that touches a nerve. But as soon as I saw the article on the shopping crisis, I pushed myself to actually write a letter.
We’re all having a hard time with the rise in prices for groceries and goods. The article pointed out that since many stores mark up items based on a percentage, if the prices are higher, they’re making more money. It hurts me that at a time when people are suffering and struggling, some store owners take advantage of the benefits rather than trying to help. If they would decrease the percentage of their markup, prices would be lower, but they would still be making the same money as before.
Many businesses suffered during the Covid lockdowns, and when
Helping needy fellow Jews prepare for Pesach has been our duty and tradition since ancient times. At the Seder, we invite “all who are hungry” to enter and eat, but struggling families in Eretz Yisroel need your help now, before Yom Tov.
Fulfill the mitzvah of Maos Chitim – money for wheat – and let the merit of supporting Kupath Rabbi Meir Baal Haness fulfill you and yours with a meaningful Chag Kosher v’Samayach!
the lockdowns were lifted, we were all reminded to support Yiddishe businesses. Maybe now it’s time for the businesses to show support for us.
I read the letter to the editor this week written by “Been There,” and it actually got me to take the time to write a response. I didn’t read the original letter, so I can’t comment on anything that was published previously on the topic. I’m commenting just on this letter, which started off beautifully, describing a group of girls who had obviously been given a beautiful chinuch and who gave up their seats each day for an older woman on the bus.
So far, so good. But then, as I continued reading, my jaw dropped. The letter writer clearly advocated that young people should not have to get up for their elders!
A fundamental foundation of Yiddishkeit is respect for elders. The pasuk says, “Mipnei seiva takum.” This is not subjective, like a nice thing to do if someone’s in the mood or not too tired. It’s not a nice thing to do; it’s the correct thing to do. (As an aside, I have a picture that I took about 25 years ago of a sign right behind the driver on a bus in Eretz Yisroel with the words “Mipnei seiva takum” on it.)
When I read the letter, I was reminded of a conversation I once read that took place between two gedolim (of course, I have no recollection of who they were). One gadol said to the other, “Can you imagine, in the time before Moshiach, young people won’t get up and give their seats to older people.” The other replied, “Not only will the young not get up for the old, but the young will expect the older people to get up for them!”
Well, here we are. If a frum person can say that older people should come early if they want a seat and not expect younger people to give them a seat, then we’re not too far from the second half of that conversation…
The letter also reminded me of an experience I recently had that taught me a great lesson. Like the letter writer, I still see myself as a 20-year-old, and I am not comfortable with a younger person wanting to give me their seat. Recently, I got onto a bus at the last stop and was the only passenger standing. I moved to the middle of the bus, and a teenager got up to give me her seat. I refused, telling her that it’s not necessary and that I’m perfectly fine standing. She offered it to me a few times, and I repeatedly refused. Sitting right there was a very chashuve rebbetzin from a big kehillah, who knows me. She called me over and said, “Please take the seat from the girl for the sake of her chinuch, even if you’re perfectly fine standing.” I realized
EMAIL: comments@thebpview.com
FAX: 718-408-8771
MAIL: The Boro Park View, 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219
the truth in what she was saying and allowed the girl to give me her seat.
On another occasion several years ago, I was on the bus, and the aisle was full of people standing. I’d gotten on early and had a seat. Standing in the aisle next to me was a person considerably older than myself. I kept offering her my seat, and she kept refusing. I was feeling really uncomfortable about it, so eventually I stood up and told her that it was ingrained in me to get up for people older than myself and that I absolutely could not sit while she stood. I told her that the seat is going to remain empty for the remainder of the ride, so she may as well sit down. Seeing that she had no choice, she sat down, and I could see relief written all over her face. The chinuch that I received was that you must stand up for someone older than you, and the importance of the mitzvah gave me no menucha until I saw that woman sitting.
The letter writer asserts that “young girls need to sit too.” True, as long as there’s nobody older than themselves who needs the seat. And no, it’s not Torah’dig to go by a “first come, first serve” basis, as she advocates.
Thank you for a wonderful publication, M.Z.
Thank you so much for raising awareness in the community regarding respect for our elders. I can relate to the original letter writer’s concern because I had a similar experience with my mother, who is over 70, ka”h
She recently traveled to my community to attend her Rebbe’s Friday night tisch. When we arrived, we were disappointed to see that all prime spots were already occupied by teenagers and young married women. They all continued to sit comfortably as my mother climbed to the fifth (!) tier of the bleachers and stood in a corner, straining her neck to follow the tisch. I attempted to be dan l’kaf zechus, understanding that those sitting unfortunately did not have the natural reflex of the previous generation, who knew to simply jump up when an older woman needs a seat. Sure enough, when I brought it to their attention in a calm and gentle way, they were quick to move over and give her a better spot. In fact, nobody had to give up their spot; they just had to shuffle a bit to make room for her.
In general, our young daughters are willing to give respect to their elders, but we can no longer take it for granted that it will come naturally to them. Gentle awareness goes a long way.
It’s also important not to be judgemental. In reference to the letter writer’s example of girls sitting through megillah and not giving up their seats, I would like to make her aware that many teenagers are coming to megillah after a full day of fasting and running errands. My girls consider it the most challenging fast day because it’s a very hectic day that involves a lot of running around in order to take care of last-minute details for Purim. Sometimes they’re sitting at the megillah reading feeling really drained, while many mothers who for various reasons did not fast that day
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may actually be feeling well enough to stand. You never know.
Thank you to The Boro Park View for giving us this platform to raise much-needed awareness in our community and for a beautiful publication weekly. We especially appreciate the effort you invest to keep it kosher and pure enough to enter our homes.
Lots of continued hatzlacha, F. Gold
(Re: The Baking Championship, Issue 176)
In your March 15 issue, there was a recipe for Cinnamon Swirl Cake. Please confirm that the swirl ingredients are correct since there is no mention of any liquid. Also, the recipe calls for three loaf pans. I just baked this cake using standard loaf pans, and the batter is overflowing. Was it meant to be baked in medium loaf pans?
Thank you!
Yes, the swirl ingredients listed are correct; there are no liquid ingredients needed. Regarding the pans, this cake is meant to be baked in medium-size loaf pans. I apologize for the lack of clarity.
(Re: Roomba Rage, Issue 176)
I thoroughly enjoyed your feature on robotic vacuum cleaners. I was first introduced to Eufy at my grandmother’s, who had gifted it to herself after seeing it in action. My grandmother gave us a demo, showing us the features — and its brilliance. She explained that even after her cleaning lady left after a full day’s work, Eufy could pick up a ton of dust.
I was enamored. My three-yearold chased it around the house, waiting for it to bump into him, eliciting giggles and all-around fun. Not too long later, my Eufy (a granddaughter of the above-mentioned) joined my crew of cleaning help
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(me). It’s not as sophisticated as the models mentioned in your article, but with a little team effort, it does a good job. Eufy is now waiting for a sister to mop up after her, which I will purchase just as soon as my grandmother does.
Thank you, Bobby!
One would think that after years of harping on this subject, the issue would have resolved itself. It has not.
“Maria” did not show up one Thursday. After graciously answering her phone, she claimed to have had a stomachache. The following Thursday, she claimed that her prior employer had kept her longer. The next Thursday? She didn’t bother answering her phone at all.
All these reasons are plausible. But there’s a niggling feeling in my mind that tells me that someone may have offered her more money.
Every fifteen minutes or longer that you keep “Maria” means that her time and energy are stolen from someone else. Even if she arrives late to you. Especially if she still has to walk across town to reach her next employer.
Please ensure that the “Maria” you pick up off the street wasn’t already headed toward a destination where someone is eagerly awaiting her assistance. Also, please treat her respectfully by offering drinks/ fruit/yogurt (there are plenty of non-chometz items that could work) so she doesn’t arrive at her next employer in a famished state.
There’s no need for the Inbox to fill with comments about Erev Pesach pay hikes. The price charged may be steep, but I can think of several other items whose prices have skyrocketed, and shopping does not seem to have abated.
Wishing everyone a kosheren Pesach, R.S.
Chatzos was nearing, and Rav Dovid did not want to delay eating the afikomen. He had no choice but to promise Zalman that he would try to fulfill his wish.
RAV DOVID BAHARAN, ZT”L, was among the yekirei Yerushalayim in the Old Yishuv. A talmid of Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin, zt”l, his home was steeped in Torah and yiras Shamayim
When his son Zalman was growing up, he discerned his father’s unyielding esteem for his rebbi, and he built a dream of his own: Zalman wanted a bracha from Rav Yehoshua Leib.
Rav Dovid, who felt true trepidation and yiras hakavod when connecting with his rebbi, refused. There was no way he would take his rebbi’s time for a nonurgent matter. “I cannot exchange a word other than divrei Torah with Rav Yehoshua Leib!” he explained. “How could I ever trouble him for a bracha?”
Zalman did not give up. He continued to beg his father to take him for a coveted blessing. Then he got his mother, Rebbetzin Sara Baharan, on his team. She, too, thought it would be meaningful if her son would be blessed, and she pressed her husband to acquiesce to their son’s request.
The more Rav Dovid said no, the greater Sarah and Zalman’s desire grew.
Leil haSeder arrived. Zalman had a brilliant idea. He snatched his father’s afikomen and refused to return it until his father would promise to take him to Rav Yehoshua Leib. Rav Dovid offered Zalman all sorts of alternative gifts, but Zalman would not change his mind. He knew this might be his only chance to get the bracha he craved.
A few days after Pesach, Zalman and his father went to Rav Yehoshua Leib’s home. As they neared, Rav Dovid was overcome with awe. He could not bring himself to knock on the door and began to retrace his steps toward home. Zalman broke out in bitter tears. His dream was so close, yet it seemed to be floating away right before his eyes...
His sobs were heard inside the house, and Rebbetzin Diskin rushed out to see who was in distress. “What happened?” she asked, seeing the young boy crying.
When Zalman told her about his afikomen request and his pain that he might not get what he wanted so badly, the rebbetzin said, “Perhaps not everyone is deserving of a bracha, but a child who cries so bitterly because he wants one is certainly worthy of one!” She led Zalman into her home, to the
room where her great husband sat, and asked him to bless the child.
Rav Yehoshua Leib uttered a short yet lofty bracha. “Yehi ratzon, az du zultst zein an ehrliche Yid — May it be His will that you grow up to be a righteous Jew!”
It was a rare occurrence, and Zalman became the envy of the children of Yerushalayim for the special bracha he’d received.
* * * * *
The night of Pesach marks the anniversary of an integral
Pesach is full of traditions and customs, some of which seem logical, others less so. One minhag that seems puzzling and perhaps the antithesis of conventional chinuch is the minhag of encouraging children to snatch the afikomen .
It was a rare occurrence, and Zalman became the envy of the children of Yerushalayim
When Moshe came to Pharaoh, he testified, “Koh amar Hashem, beni bechori Yisroel — So said Hashem, My firstborn son is Yisroel” (Shemos 4:22). Rashi explains that with this statement, Hakadosh Baruch Hu was confirming the sale of the bechorah that Eisav sold to Yaakov.
It follows that if Yaakov was the rightful firstborn, Yitzchak’s brachos truly did belong to Yaakov, and the entire pretense of “stealing” the brachos was a charade.
to our Brooklyn and Williamsburg
Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak & Maternal Resources are proud to announce the opening of our new Providing Maternal & Fetal Care to our Brooklyn and Williamsburg Patients
In the same vein, stealing the afikomen is but a simulation to rouse the children. This minhag may serve as a reminder to evoke the zechus of the brachos that Yaakov received on this night in similar manner.
As a side point, many are careful not to use the expression “steal” the afikomen, but rather “take” or “snatch,” in order to avoid habituating children to stealing and receiving reward for it.
May we all be zoche to eat the afikomen from the korban Pesach in Yerushalayim this year, and merit our rightful brachos with the final geulah
bringing our office to you
Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak & Maternal Resources are proud to announce the opening of our new
The Gadlus of Shabbos Hagadol
Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak & Maternal Resources are proud to announce the opening of our new
Yaakov Abdelhak, MD, FACOG
Yoni Ratzersdorfer, MD FACOG
Leora Joel, MD, FACOG
Providing Maternal & Fetal Care to our Brooklyn and Williamsburg Patients
Yaakov Abdelhak & Maternal Resources are proud to announce the opening of our new Providing Maternal & Fetal Care to our Brooklyn and Williamsburg Patients We’re bringing our office to you
Leora Joel, MD, FACOG
| Mu ltiples
The midrash (Shemos Rabbah 1:28) relates that when Moshe grew up and saw how hard the Yidden were working, he explained to Pharaoh that it would do everyone good if they would be given one day of rest each week — Shabbos. This would prevent them from falling apart and enable them to recharge and resume their duties afterward.
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Yaakov Abdelhak, MD, FACOG Yoni Ratzersdorfer, MD FACOG
Yaakov Abdelhak, MD, FACOG Yoni Ratzersdorfer, MD FACOG
Yaakov Abdelhak, MD, FACOG
Yoni Ratzersdorfer, MD FACOG
Leora Joel, MD, FACOG
Resnikoff, MD, FACOG
134 www.thebpview.com 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View March 29, 2023
On the Shabbos of 10 Nissan during the year of Yetzias Mitzrayim, the Yidden realized Who, in fact, had designated this weekly day of rest. The Mitzriyim, seeing that Klal Yisroel had one foot out of the country, lifted the labor decree. And that was the first Shabbos that Klal Yisrael kept, knowing clearly that it was a gift from Hashem.
Taking this a step deeper, we find that until this point, the Yidden were like a katan, dependent as they were on the table of Pharaoh. That week, when they recognized that they need not rely on Pharaoh for their rest, they entered the category of a gadol. Therefore, this Shabbos is called Shabbos Hagadol.
(Rav Meir Abovitz, zt”l, Rav of Novardok)
Hey!I’vegota sister/brother set!
רעדניק ערעייז ןבירשעגנייא ןיוש ןבאה עכלעוו 'יחיש ןרעטלע עבושח ןופ עגארפכענ
א"טילש ר"ומדא ןרמ ק"כ תואישנב
ךרבתי םשה תרזעב רייא שדוח שאר ןענעפע ךיז טעוו סאוו
In a major victory for the yeshiva community, a Supreme Court judge ruled that the New York State Education Department overstepped its bounds in its latest round of yeshiva regulations, striking down certain troubling rules that could have had significant consequences.
Hamodia reported that Justice Christine Ryba ruled last week that NYSED did not have the authority to penalize parents whose children attend schools that are deemed to be providing an education that is not substantially equivalent to what is being offered in public schools, or to force parents to send their children to different schools. Justice Ryba also ruled that NYSED lacked the power to withhold funds from schools that fail to provide substantially equivalent educations, or to close them down.
Justice Ryba’s ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed in October by Parents for Educational and Religious Liberty in Schools, also known as PEARLS, in conjunction with Torah Umesorah, Agudath Israel of America, Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Mesivta Tifereth Jerusalem, Rabbi Jacob Joseph School and Yeshiva Ch’san Sofer. The court rejected the lawsuit’s contention that NYSED violated the State Administrative Procedure Act and upheld NYSED’s new curricular requirements. It has made no definitive determination yet regarding allegations that NYSED unfairly targeted yeshivos, particularly by requiring that all classes be taught in English and that local school authorities be allowed to review private schools’ teachers.
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, described Judge Ryba’s ruling as being “of major importance.”
“It not only preserves the independence of our yeshivos, but also provides parents individually with pathways that won’t allow the state to penalize either parents or the yeshivos,” said Rabbi Reisman.
A statement released by PEARLS also hailed the decision, noting that the court “preserved our ability to bring a constitutional challenge should any yeshiva be unfairly judged or burdened by the State’s application of the regulations.”
NYSED described Judge Ryba’s ruling as a validation of its regulations, insisting that they will provide nonpublic school students with an enriched educational experience.
“New York’s cultural, racial and religious diversity is our strength, and should serve as a vehicle to learn from one another,” read a NYSED statement. “We remain committed to ensuring students who attend school in settings consistent with their religious and cultural beliefs and values receive the education to which they are legally entitled.”
Standing up for the rights of nonpublic school parents, Congressman Mike Lawler offered an amendment to a new education bill that would give parents the ability to educate their children as they see fit, without being subjected to government oversight.
Hamodia reported that Lawler spoke passionately in Albany about parental choice last Thursday, saying that the government should not be telling parents what their children should be taught.
“I have parents contact my office every day with concerns about their children’s education and the state trying to force itself into the relationship between educators and students,” said Lawler.
Lawler’s amendment includes a clause stating, “It is the sense of Congress that local educational agencies do not have the authority to exercise any direction, supervision or control over the curriculum or program of instruction of non-public elementary or secondary schools.” The amendment was inserted into the federal Parents Bill of Rights Act that passed Congress last Friday. The bill was supported by Republicans concerned by the progressive moral values that are being taught in public schools and represents an effort to give parents greater control over their children’s education by requiring school districts to inform them of current curriculums, speakers brought in to address students, and what books are available in the school library.
With Pesach upon us, it’s time to make a clean sweep. Don’t forget to empty the pushka you’ve been filling for Kupath Rabbi Meir – the contents are needed now to help the needy of Eretz Yisrael bring Yom Tov into their homes, and Simchas HaChag into their hearts. Sweep up those coins and send in your donation today, or call for a pushka pickup: 855-726-2260.
Lawler’s “sense of Congress” clause does not provide any legal force to the matter, and is merely a statement of congressional belief. Still, the freshman congressman felt that its inclusion in the bill sends a strong message that, while state and local governments should play some role in the realm of education, parents’ views should carry weight as well.
“I think it’s important to ensure as part of that, that we respect and recognize the right of parents to choose another form of education, vis a vis a nonpublic school or a religious school, to provide a quality education for their child,” said Lawler.
Just in time for Pesach traveling, Interstate Chaverim has launched a new app that can connect travelers with the nearest branch of Chaverim or the organization’s closest members.
The Chaverim Assist app is a project of Interstate Chaverim and uses GPS technology to pinpoint the caller’s location. The app will provide those calling for help from an area that has existing Chaverim coverage with the ability to reach a dispatcher with just a single tap on the app. In areas without a local Chaverim chapter, the app will connect travelers to Interstate Chaverim, which will search its networks for a nearby volunteer, and if none is available, provide help remotely.
Interstate Chaverim board member Yossi Margareten said that with so many people traveling during Yom Tov season, being able to get help from any location is of utmost importance.
“With the Chaverim Assist app, people can get help no matter where they are,” Margareten told The Boro Park View. “Even if someone is in a place that doesn’t have an existing branch of Chaverim, their call gets pushed out to every Chaverim member in the world, and it is very possible that there is a member in the area who is also traveling and can give them the help they need.”
According to the Interstate Chaverim website, Chaverim
currently has branches throughout the tristate area as well as in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas. Chaverim also has overseas branches in Belgium, Canada, France and the United Kingdom.
Hoping to raise much-needed funding to cover the cost of infrastructure improvements within New York City, State Senator Andrew Gounardes has introduced a bill that would slap a 25-cent surcharge onto every online retail purchase.
Streetsblog NYC reported that the bill could raise $226 million each year, if passed into law. Gounardes has said that the funds collected could be used to cover the costs associated with the growing number of trucks delivering packages to residents of the five boroughs.
“These packages are on trucks that are clogging up our roadways, contributing to the structural demise of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway and air pollution,” said Gounardes. “We’re proposing an infrastructure fund to help pay for some of the capital costs to mitigate some of the consequences of lastmile trucking and freight growth.”
Gounardes isn’t the only legislator eyeing online shopping as a revenue stream. Assemblyman Robert Carroll introduced a bill that would levy a $3 tax on every online retail purchase, with proceeds going to fund the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Online shopping’s popularity has definitely become a contributing factor to city traffic. Currently, an estimated 120,000 delivery trucks hit New York City’s streets each day, a number that is expected to near 200,000 by the year 2045. Gounardes insists that consumers have a choice: They can either lessen their dependence on online shopping, or they can pay a few cents more on each item to cover the delivery costs.
“If everyone agreed tomorrow to stop ordering 2.5 million packages from Amazon per day, it wouldn’t be as urgent a need,” said Gounardes. “The reality is we have all become accustomed to one-click shopping. We have to consider the consequences and the downside of that type of behavior.”
A spokesperson for Mayor Eric Adams’ office said that the administration would review the bill, adding that they “appreciate creative ideas to limit emissions… and advance important infrastructure projects.”
An unlicensed driver has been charged in the horrific crash on the outskirts of Boro Park that left two people dead and sent five more to the hospital.
ABC 7 reported that 49-year-old Vitaliy
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Konoplyov was arraigned and held on $250,000 cash bail and $1 million bond in connection with the crash on 18th Avenue and 64th Street. Konoplyov was reportedly trying to beat the light on March 20 when he struck a Honda CRV in the intersection. The Honda spun out of control and hit 60-yearold Leung Yuet, who was legally crossing in the crosswalk. Both Yuet and the driver of the Honda, 51-year-old Stancho Stanchev, died at the scene.
Konoplyov’s license had been previously suspended for failing to pay a summons. He was charged with two counts each of manslaughter and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.
Tragically, a similar incident took place two days later on Dahill Road near 63rd Street. BoroPark24 reported that 60-year-old Elizabeth Perez was struck by an Acura TSX driven by an unlicensed motorist just before midnight on March 22. Police said that 24-year-old Yerlin Garcia was speeding when he crossed the double yellow line on Dahill Road and fatally hit Perez, driving off without stopping. The Sunset Park resident was rushed to Maimonides Medical Center where she was later pronounced dead.
Garcia was arrested shortly after police located his Acura. He was charged with driving without a license, operating a car without insurance, aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, and leaving the scene of a deadly accident.
Gun-toting thieves made off with tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of merchandise after hitting a cell phone store in Flatbush last Tuesday.
The Yeshiva World reported that the robbery took place at approximately 5:45 p.m. at the T-Mobile retail location on the corner of Coney Island Avenue and Avenue M. Four African American men entered the store and ordered its employees to place their hands on their heads before forcing them into a back room. The thieves, who were believed to have cased the store earlier in the day, made off with cell phones, smart watches and other devices, fleeing the scene in a vehicle bearing temporary license plates.
A T-Mobile employee who was pistol-whipped in the robbery was taken to the hospital with minor injuries.
The NYPD is continuing to investigate the incident. Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Crime Stoppers Hotline by phone at 800-577-TIPS, by text at 247637 (CRIMES) and then entering TIP577, or online at www.NYPDCrimeStoppers.com.
A Boro Park resident is grateful to have his tefillin back once again, found with the help of Shmira and some serious sleuthing.
BoroPark24 reported that the story began on the eve-
ning of March 21, when the bachur made a stop at Pinter’s, a used seforim store on 14th Avenue, on his way home from yeshiva. The young man put his tefillin down on a pile of seforim while he looked through various items. As he prepared to leave just a few minutes later, he noticed that his tefillin were gone.
Shmira was called in to help with the search, and video obtained from a neighbor showed a man picking up the tefillin bag and looking through it, leaving a dollar at the store’s gate, mistakenly thinking that, like other items placed on the table, it was for sale. Additional footage obtained by Shmira volunteers showed the man heading down 14th Avenue to a shul on the outskirts of Boro Park. The rav of the shul was able to identify the man and direct Shmira to his workplace, ultimately leading to the recovery of the missing tefillin.
While the incident was clearly an innocent mistake, one Shmira member said that similar stories, including another that also took place at Pinter’s, don’t always have happy endings.
“We want to alert the public to be vigilant,” said the Shmira member. “There have been stories of car burglars who broke into vehicles just to take out a pair of tallis and tefillin… not even knowing their value. Vigilance now can save a lot of heartache later.”
A four-month-old calf that managed to escape a Brooklyn slaughterhouse, sparking a chase through the streets of Canarsie, got a new lease on life and will be spending its time with other escapees, munching grass at a farm in Skylands, New Jersey.
Gothamist reported that the black angus calf managed to escape Saba Live Poultry in Canarsie, with slaughterhouse employees and workers at a local pizzeria spending several minutes chasing him down. The renegade calf was eventually returned to the meat processing plant, but Mike Stura, owner of an animal sanctuary in Skylands, reportedly spent three hours on the phone with the Saba Live Poultry’s manager, finally winning his release.
Stewie, as the calf was named by Stura, will be joining more than 400 other animals roaming the sanctuary’s 232 acres. Among his new bovine pals will be Freddie, who escaped from a Queens slaughterhouse in 2016, and Brianna, who kicked open a cattle trailer headed for a slaughterhouse and ran away on New Jersey’s Route 80 in Paterson in 2018. Stura has theorized that his renegade cattle all share a similar psychological makeup.
“If they see an escape, they just go for it,” said Stura. “I do think they’re different from the others. Not smarter, they just have more of a fighter response, and I noticed that the ones I rescue are always a pain in the neck. They’re kind of freethinkers and have something that enables them to run instead of just standing there.”
Unsdorf | Elkana | Bayit Vegan | Beit
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.ןרעדנואוואב ךייא טעוו םייחה תחמש
Brisket with caramelized onions
Classic roast
Stuffed capons
Marinated chicken
Salmon with homemade duck sauce
Two-tone gefilte fish
Osso buco
Batter-fried citrus chicken
Carrot muffins
Coffee nut torte
Cinnamon swirl cake
Almond cookies
Babby’s chocolate bundt cake
Grape jelly roll
Chewy meringue kisses with praline filling
Praline biscotti
Cream of potato soup with flanken strips
Roasted vegetable soup
Root vegetable soup
Cream of chicken soup with chicken croutons and parsnip crisps
Zucchini ratatouille
Glazed beets with roasted hazelnuts
Brisket egg rolls
Four-layer coffee ice cream
Fruit popsicles
Mango and lemon sorbet
Brownie fudge ice cream dessert
Mocha-almond ice cream
Ice cream meringue
Almond apple crumble
Egg noodles
Must Potato starch
Matzah kneidlach
Matzah chremzlach
Salad dressing
“Bread” crumbs
Onion rings
Vegetable chips
Apple rings
Nut brittle
Sugar-coated nuts
Fruit leather
Edam, Edam Less-fat, Goat, Gouda, Gouda Less-fat, Gouda with chives, Muenster, and Pepper Jack
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This wonderful dessert consists of three recipes, each of which can be made on its own. The brownie fudge is simple, delicious and takes mere minutes to put together. To upgrade the brownies, add chocolate glaze and chopped roasted nuts. The coffee ice cream, as well, can be topped with roasted chopped nuts for a complete dessert.
8 eggs
3 cups sugar
1½ cups oil
1½ cups potato starch
1 cup cocoa
½ cup seltzer
Pinch of salt
1. Beat eggs and sugar with an electric beater. Add remaining ingredients, and mix well.
2. Pour onto a lined cookie sheet, and bake at 350° for 45 minutes.
2 T. oil
3 T. cocoa
7 T. sugar
3–4 T. water
½ tsp. coffee
1. Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan.
2. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until sauce thickens.
Spread ice cream atop the brownies, and serve with chocolate sauce.
9 eggs, separated
1 cup sugar, divided
½ cup oil, optional
1 T. coffee, dissolved in a few drops of boiling water
1. Place an empty bowl into the freezer; this will prevent the ice cream from settling.
2. Beat egg whites until frothy. Gradually add ½ cup sugar, and beat until very stiff.
3. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks and remaining sugar, add oil and coffee mixture, and combine well.
4. Gently fold yolk mixture into egg whites, and mix just until combined. Remove bowl from freezer, pour in ice cream and return to freezer.
Who doesn’t crave some smooth, fruity goodness when the regular fare is heavy and starchy? Here is your creamy and sublime version in a contrast of colors. Scooped, sliced or on a stick, these are the ultimate palate cleansers.
5 mangos
⅓ cup water
½ cup sugar
Juice of 1 orange
Juice of ½ lemon
1. Cut mangos in half and juice. Juicing mangos, rather than blending them, will give the sorbet a soft and scoopable texture right out of the freezer.
2. Cook water and sugar until dissolved, add lemon, orange and mango juices, and bring to a boil.
3. Line a container with a plastic bag, and drape opening over the container. Pour in mixture, tie bag closed, and freeze.
4. When frozen solid, remove from the freezer and blend thoroughly.
5. Pour into molds if using popsicles, or back into containers if scooping. Return to the freezer until ready to serve.
Serve with fruits, as popsicles, or scoop into compote.
8 cups water
3 cups sugar
Juice of 8–12 lemons; about 1¾ cups
1. Boil water and sugar until dissolved.
2. Juice lemons. Add juice to pot, and bring to a boil.
3. Line a container with a plastic bag, and drape opening over the container. Pour in mixture, tie bag closed, and freeze.
4. When frozen solid, remove from the freezer and blend thoroughly.
5. Pour back into the container, and return to freezer until ready to serve.
3 egg yolks
½ cup sugar
¼ cup lemon juice
1. Place the egg yolks into a pot, and beat lightly with a wire whisk.
2. Whisk in the sugar, and give it a good mix until the eggs are lighter in color.
3. Turn heat to low, and gradually stir in the lemon juice.
4. Stir constantly with the whisk until the mixture thickens and just starts to bubble.
5. Transfer the curd to a resealable container or bowl. Cover the surface of the curd with plastic wrap, and refrigerate overnight.
This dessert is a winner in taste, elegance and presentation. You will need to make each recipe twice for a total of four layers. Read assembly instructions before starting.
Prepare this cake twice and freeze.
6 eggs, separated
1½ cups sugar
½ cup oil
1 T. coffee dissolved in 1 T. boiling water
¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juice
½ cup ground filberts
¾ cup potato starch
1. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, and preheat oven to 350°.
2. In the bowl of a mixer, beat the egg whites and sugar on high speed until stiff. Gently fold in the yolks, oil, dissolved coffee, juice and filberts. Last, fold in the potato starch.
3. Pour onto the prepared cookie sheet. Bake for 38 minutes. Allow to cool, and then place in the freezer.
This is delicious on its own, as well. For this recipe, prepare the ice cream twice, and freeze in a 9x13” pan.
6 eggs, separated
⅔ cup sugar
⅓ cup oil
1½ T. coffee dissolved in a bit of boiling water
1. In the bowl of a mixer, beat the egg whites and sugar on high speed until very stiff.
2. Very gently fold in the yolks, oil and dissolved coffee.
1. Prepare two cakes and freeze.
2. Prepare one batch of coffee ice cream.
3. Remove one cake from the freezer, and pour one batch of the ice cream over it. Immediately place the cake back into the freezer.
4. When the ice cream is completely firm, remove from the freezer. Take the second cake — along with the parchment paper — and while holding on to the edges of the cake, flip it on top of the ice cream. Remove the parchment paper, and place the assembled layers back into the freezer.
5. Prepare another batch of the ice cream, and pour it over the first three layers. (If your ice cream isn’t stiff, create a border around the cake with two layers of silver foil so that it doesn’t run down the sides.) Freeze again.
Tip: I like to store the assembled ice cream cake in a large Rubbermaid storage bin.
Optional: When serving, top each slice with a few sliced almonds. Roast the almonds at 400° for about 7 minutes, stirring once halfway through.
A wholesome and comforting dessert!
8 medium Cortland apples, chopped
½ cup sugar
¾ cup chopped almonds
1 tsp. lemon juice
4 eggs
¾ cup chopped almonds
⅓ cup sugar
1. Mix apple mixture, and place into a 9x13” pan.
2. Combine crumble ingredients, and sprinkle on top.
3. Bake at 350° for 1 ¼ hour.
These refreshing popsicles are simple to make and fun to eat.
1. Cut up any fruit that you use on Pesach, like oranges, kiwis, pineapple, mango, etc., and mix them all together.
2. Fill a mold with the cubed fruit, leaving room for the liquid.
3. Mix equal amounts of must (squeezed grapes) and water, and fill the molds. You can also use any other light-colored juice that you have, like white grape juice or lemonade.
4. Add a popsicle stick or plastic spoon, and freeze.
This ice cream is best served unadorned to allow its rich taste and creamy texture to really shine. My family actually asks for it all year. When I make this during the year I use almond butter in place of the almonds and oil, and I add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
¾ cup almonds (3.5 oz)
2 T. oil
4 egg yolks
1 tsp. coffee
1 T. cocoa
6 egg whites
⅛ tsp. salt
½ cup sugar
1. Place the almonds in the food processor, and pulse until finely ground.
2. Add oil, yolks, coffee and cocoa. Continue blending until very smooth.
3. Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. Add the sugar, and continue beating until very stiff.
4. Add some of the beaten whites to the almonds and mix.
5. Combine both mixtures and freeze. Note: You can omit the cocoa if you don’t use it on Pesach.
An impressive, festive and mouthwatering dessert!
6 egg whites
⅛ tsp. salt
1⅓ cup sugar, divided
⅔ cup potato starch
5 oz. ground nuts
1. Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. Slowly add 1 cup sugar, and continue beating until very stiff.
2. Combine ⅓ cup sugar with potato starch and nuts in a bag and shake to combine.
3. Add to beaten whites, and mix gently.
4. Spoon most of the meringue onto a baking sheet, and spread into an even layer. Form meringue kisses out of the remaining batter for decoration.
5. Bake at 225° for 2 hours. Allow to dry for several hours to attain a crispy texture.
This cream has great spreading consistency, even though it has no chocolate in it.
1⅓ cups sugar
¾ cup potato starch
½ cup cocoa
2 tsp. coffee
Dash salt
3¼ cups water
¼ cup oil
6 egg yolks
1. Combine the first five ingredients in a saucepan. Add some of the water, and mix to combine. Add the oil and the rest of the water, and mix.
2. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until thick. Remove from heat.
3. Beat egg yolks. Pour some of the chocolate mixture into the yolks, stirring to prevent curdling.
4. Pour mixture back into the saucepan and continue cooking, stirring constantly until very thick. Remove from heat.
5. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly over top of cream to prevent skin from forming. Cool.
1. Spread chocolate cream over the meringue. Transfer the ice cream on top, and spread more chocolate over it. Freeze.
2. Cut the entire cake in half widthwise, and place one on top of the other. Cut into 2 or 3 oblong logs.
3. Garnish with meringue kisses and extra cream.
Note: When complete, you should end up with eight layers as follows: meringue, chocolate, ice cream, chocolate, meringue, chocolate, ice cream, chocolate.
6 egg whites
⅛ tsp. salt
½ cup sugar
4 egg yolks
½ cup oil
1. Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. Gradually add sugar, and beat until stiff.
2. Choose from the following two ice cream flavors, or simply leave it plain.
For cocoa flavor: Mix 4 tablespoons cocoa with ¾ cup water, and add to yolks before combining with beaten whites.
For coffee flavor: Mix 4 teaspoons coffee with 4 tablespoons water, and add to yolks before combining with beaten whites.
3. Beat yolks with oil, and gently combine with whites. Freeze in a parchment-lined cookie sheet.
Note: Freeze pan before pouring in ice cream to help ice cream freeze more evenly.
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When the Yidden left Mitzrayim, they were transformed from slaves to a free nation.
For every generation, Pesach would become a time of rebirth, renewal and the exhilaration of freedom.
“Excuse me, may I please pass?”
In our apartment, we need a traffic controller for the narrow hallway. And the same goes for the kitchen; if one person is working at the counter, there’s no space for a second person to make a coffee.
Ever resourceful, our children make use of every inch they can find. This means that every room is inhabited throughout the day. It means that the apartment has no clear boundaries, and the kitchen area and laundry area and bedroom area are one dizzying blur. It means that there’s food in the Lego box and toys in the laundry basket, and that stray pajamas even make their way to the kitchen.
before I click the last overfilled closet shut.
The reality of Pesach approaching is clouding my brain with sheer overwhelm when my husband comes home with stars in his eyes. He’s placed us third on a list for an apartment available for rent. Brand-new. And spacious. And slated to be done in two weeks’ time.
Do I want to come to see it?
I’m not sure. If we’re third on the list, should I get my hopes up? Dare to dream of a new beginning?
We go anyway.
We are moved to second place on the list, and when the family before us decides it doesn’t work for them, we are actually offered this glorious residence for our own family.
It means Pesach cleaning cannot be started in advance; the day we announce Pesach prep has begun, we no longer serve chometz or even bring it into the house.
I stand there on Shushan Purim and survey the contents of my entire house spilling out into my too-narrow hallway, and I feel the walls constrict around me. I feel the breath of too many people in my lungs. I feel the helplessness of trying to organize this mess, whose tentacles will reach me even
We move in right before Pesach. We sit and marvel at our new quarters. The ceilings are higher, and the flight of stairs between the bedrooms and living space are exhilarating, dividing our home into separate areas. And we have our own porch! And a patch of grass!
The kids revel in the space as they run up and down the hallway and do cartwheels in the dining room. And sit by the window, which is not half-buried in the ground, to take in the outdoors. We may as well have moved to a mansion.
It’s two years later, and the space still feels exhilarating. Liberating.
Yes, pajamas are still sometimes found in the kitchen, food in the bedrooms (don’t tell my mother), and toys just about everywhere, but we never take the gift of space for granted.
I was recently pondering whether to go out on a limb and initiate something that I really wanted — and was really afraid to do.
Why was I afraid?
Well, it involved asking people for help, and there was a possibility that they’d say no. This is an old theme in my life. Taking risks; risking failure. Above all, fear of rejection.
Usually, I’d err on the side of caution. After all, if you don’t try you can’t fail, I’d tell myself. (So why did that decision always make me feel like such a failure?)
I had decades of ducking behind me. But this time a chiddush occurred to me.
My fear was that the answer might be no. But if I wouldn’t ask, if I wouldn’t try, then the answer would for sure be no!
Guaranteed failure.
If I would try, maybe the answer would also be no. But maybe it would be yes.
In other words, the worst-case scenario, trying, was equal to the best-case scenario, not trying. As a famous athlete once said, “You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take.”
If so, wasn’t it dumb not to try?
So I tried.
Yeah, it was scary. But it also felt exhilarat-
ing. I felt alive.
And you know what? They said yes. Not everyone did. Some did say no. But others said yes. Most, in fact.
And it felt great. Not just the yesses, although that felt great, too (if I had gotten only nos, I’m not sure I’d be writing this). It felt great to have tried.
Of course, then I felt charatah about all the possible yesses I might have had in my life if only I’d tried, if only I’d asked.
But hey, better late than never. Besides, for a lot of my life I didn’t know what was good for me, and many of the things I’d wanted were probably better unasked.
Will I feel this way next time I face this risk?
Who knows? Maybe I’ll slide back into my cave of risk avoidance. Maybe I’ll rediscover all those “rational lies” (aka, the urge to rationalize) that paralyze.
But whatever happens, this liberation and its subsequent success can never be taken away from me. It’s now a permanent part of my playbook, and it’s a card I’ll play, I hope, more and more often. This will allow me to open new doors. Or, at least, to give the doorknobs a try.
The rain was banging a staccato rhythm on the pavement outside. Indoors, all was warm and placid. Still, my heart was frozen with a mixture of feelings: fear, uncertainty, and the tiniest seedling of hope.
I’d been in shidduchim for three and a half years, and I still hadn’t met my bashert. Now I sat in the home of a highly recommended blei gisser. She lived in a one-bedroom house in the heart of Geulah and had a family mesorah for ayin hara removal.
As I watched her fill a bowl with hot water and lead, I wondered if this act would indeed hasten my yeshuah. I davened quietly as the woman stepped up behind me, held her bowl over my head with one hand, and draped a towel over me with her other hand.
The block of ice in my heart thawed slightly. Would this encounter change the trajectory of my life? Was an ayin hara the reason for my lengthy wait?
The woman whispered several sentences. My heart beat wildly. Outside, the rain continued to slap at the window panes.
“I’m finished,” the woman announced.
She removed the towel from my head, and I turned around to face her.
“Did I really have an ayin hara on me?” I asked.
She nodded. “Look into the bowl and see for yourself. See the three clumps of lead shaped like eyes? They represent the three ayin haras over you. The lead was all loose pieces before we began.”
Three ayin haras? I noticed that one “eye” was larger than the others. Was that the ayin hara on my shidduchim? Would things get easier now?
I left the woman’s home with the seeds of hope more firmly entrenched in my soul. The rain continued to come down in sheets and buckets, but inside, where it counted, I was warm and optimistic.
A week after my visit to the blei-gisser, a bachur was suggested for me. Two weeks later we met, and as the saying goes, “the rest is history.”
Shidduchim are like splitting the sea; now I was free on the other side.
Throughout my childhood, I was woken up each day by a mighty yank at my scraggly ponytail and a shrill shout. Grandma would pull me out of bed and send me running down the cracked pavement for her morning paper. The sky would slumber comfortably, brightening up with fantasies and happy shades of pink. But for me, lively visions were long dead.
“Wake up, Hailey!” I still hear her rough voice in my nightmares.
If I was not the very first person in town to take a daily newspaper from the 30 freshly bundled stacks at the wooden stand, I’d be locked in my room until noon. My heart would bang wildly in my chest as I would near the stand. Would I taste freedom today?
The years pass, and the sun finally rises for me. With lots of inner work, I become Hadassa and open up slowly, like the petals of a rose in spring. With the steadfast support of a dedicated rav and rebbetzin, every day is transformed into one of promise and joy. No longer am I the impoverished orphan. Now I am a princess, bequeathed with the age-old secret of life’s mean-
ing. My crown is worn with pride, although life as a giyores is challenging. I don’t think I’ll ever master the heimishe shprach or learn the unspoken dress code (why do we always wear black?), but the unending love I’ve been embraced with makes anything possible.
Yosef stirs but cuddles his teddy and falls back asleep.
If only I could do the same, but after the years with Granny, I still wake every day at dawn. I pad downstairs, careful not to wake Faigy snoring softly in her pretty bassinet. Opening my Tehillim with reverence, I watch a group of birds whoop their way into the endless violet blanket covering the sleeping city.
“Motzi asirim…” I sing for the unbelievable trajectory Hashem has led me on. My personal liberation has been one from a fearsome prison to a community of givers. Now I am swathed in love and warm acceptance. Now my home is filled with the banter of my children against the backdrop of my husband’s singsong as he learns.
Now I am an unfettered bird flying to a future splashed with hope and vivid color, painted by my loving Father.
Does the word “manage” creep you out? Tense your jaw? Make you reflexively refill your coffee?
Back when my second was a newborn and I was ensconced in the bubble that is a convalescent home, an acquaintance who had just had her third said to me, “How am I going to manage? Well, I’m not planning to manage, that’s how I’ll manage.”
I nodded outwardly and smirked inwardly because, lady, if you’re dropping out of the game now, you’ll be washed away in no time.
The epiphany was that Hashem and I were on the same team. Whew!
All this time, I’d been running and racing and proving, as I huffed and puffed, that I COULD do it and I COULD manage and I WAS the epitome of a good Yiddishe mamma by keeping ALL my balls in the air ALL the time. See, Hashem? It was worth sending everything into my life because I can handle it all by myself!
But with this epiphany, I just collapsed into His capable arms and said, Tatte, take it all! Take my angst and my ticking inner clock and my ruthless inner voice that tells me faster-faster-faster, day and night. And just like that, I was fired. I fired myself.
Smug self went on to receive the blessing of more children with one eye on the stovetop and another on the clock. And a third on work assignments and a fourth on housework, a fifth on the kids and a sixth on other nagging commitments.
And with every extra laundry load, the inner tension went up a notch, the inner taskmaster’s voice rose an octave, and I was MANAGING.
Until I had an epiphany. I’m not sure what I did to deserve that gift, but I’m achingly grateful.
I hung up my boss’ hat and became a humble employee. And instead of firing a string of commands at myself, I turned to Hashem with a zillion requests: Hashem, please help me sleep well and wake up on time, and give me a smidge of Your rachmanus to greet my kinderlach with a smile, and help me get that load in and finish this article before Toddler wakes up, and let Little Boy not goad Big Boy, and let all of my munchkins eat nicely, and may this headache subside until at least after bedtime.
Thank You, Hashem, for my family, my home, my job. Please, help me manage them to Your satisfaction.
Tuesday April 25, רייא
לארשי תוליפת are crucial
We know you’re knee-deep in Pesach cleaning and prep at the moment, but it’s always beneficial to keep your eyes on the prize!
Think of your beautifully set Seder table, with its gleaming silverware and crisp tablecloth, and the familiar smell of traditional Pesach food. This image marks our finish line, when we’ll finally be able to set a beautiful Yom Tov table.
One highlight of the Seder table are the pillows and armchairs used for reclining. Reclining on Pesach signifies our freedom and state of royalty, and using beautifully customized pillows adds to the sense of majesty. Designing and adorning your own blank pillow cases can be fun, and doesn’t require much skill, supplies or time. Blank pillow cases can be found in various materials and textures, from fine linens to luxurious quilted fabrics and everything in between.
This technique will result in a magnificent pillow design.
• Quilted textured weave pillowcase in standard size
• Fabric spray paint in gold, silver and diamond glitter
• Painter’s tape
• Premium vinyl (not permanent) or contact paper, cut to 12x12”
• Prepared stencils in Hebrew font, either printed out, store-bought, or Cricut-designed
1. Prepare your lettering by choosing one of the following stencil options.
Printed out: You can make your own lettering on a Word document. Choose a font you like, and enlarge it to size 72. Once it is printed, you can enlarge it even more, to a height of 3 inches, using a copier. Next, cut out your paper lettering, and trace it onto contact paper or vinyl. Cut away the lettering, to remain with the outside border.
Store-bought: Ready-made stencils can be found in different sizes and font styles as well. These stencils will also need to be traced onto contact paper or vinyl in one long strip. Cut away the lettering, to remain with the outside border.
Cricut-designed: Prepare your Hebrew lettering stencil by choosing your preferred font style in Design Space. You can either cut it on premium vinyl or on contact paper. Your lettering should be about 3 inches high, and the finished width of the full two words should be about 11.5 inches long. Leave a border around it so the strip of lettering remains intact. Next, peel off the letters; you will be using the outside of the lettering as your stencil.
2. Align the lettering strips from the exact center of the pillowcase outward and upward. Press down on the vinyl so that it sticks well to the pillowcase. Place painter’s tape around the border to seal it tightly, so none of the spray paint touches the rest of the pillowcase.
3. Cover the rest of the pillowcase with vinyl, then seal it with painters tape.
4. Begin spray painting. Stand high up or at least two feet away, and slightly mist the words. Use one color at a time, spraying slowly, to lightly build up the colors. Wait 30 seconds between coats.
5. Once you are satisfied with the color, allow the color to settle and adhere before carefully peeling away the vinyl.
6. Allow the spray paint to dry for 72 hours before washing.
Tip: To remove any slight paint marks on the pillowcase, immediately dab with peroxide.
Using your Cricut Maker will allow you the opportunity to create an exquisite pillowcase with a custom design.
• White linen pillowcase in standard size
• Cricut Maker
• Heat transfer vinyl in gold color
• Cricut weeding tool
• Iron
1. Design your own Pesach decal for the center of your pillowcase. Browse and choose your desired font and borders.
2. Choose your material from the list of choices. Remember to set the image to mirror. Stick your vinyl onto the mat, shiny side down. Cut.
3. Using your weeding tool, carefully weed away all excess vinyl. Working under good lighting is recommended.
4. Place your cut decal with the transfer tape side up on the center part of your pillowcase.
5. Place a piece of material between the vinyl decal and the iron. The iron should be set to the highest setting. Do not use any steam.
6. Press down very firmly on the iron, and hold it at each spot for 30 seconds. Once you cover all the areas, give all the spots a once-over.
7. Wait for the decal to be cool to the touch before carefully removing the transfer tape. Remember, easy does it.
Setting the Seder table with personalized pillowcases is another way to make guests feel at home and family members feel special. These pillowcases actually serve a dual purpose, as they can be used as place cards!
Simply use the instructions for the linen Pesach pillowcase, and adjust the text and design to match your needs.
There were many things I didn’t know when I plugged in my Cricut Maker for the very first time, and I’m guessing you probably don’t know them either. So before you start your very first project, allow me to share those little tips that others so kindly shared with me, as well as tips that I learned through much trial and error.
A Cricut Maker isn’t just a tool, it’s an experience. Let’s make it an ideal one.
1. Take advantage of the expertise of the design team at the Cricut Company. When I asked for design support (prompt 6) I felt supported. They will offer you a Zoom call, with endless patience and vast information provided at your pace and level.
2. Set the dial of your Cricut Maker to Custom. Once you have completed your design in Design Space and are ready to cut, choose your material settings from the choices available. This will ensure that your material is cut properly.
3. Be super vigilant that the type of material you are using is compatible with your Cricut Maker model. For example, Smart Iron Ons, Heat Transfer Vinyl, can be used only with smart Cricut machines.
4. In addition, test a small sample of the iron-on vinyl (HTV) with a piece of the fabric onto which you have chosen to iron your decal. Materials such as linen have spray starch, which provide a Teflon coating. This will not allow the vinyl to adhere to the fabric. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your materials prior to using.
5. You can count on HTV vinyl being long-lasting when it’s washed and cared for properly. Do not wash it for at least 24 hours after applying to give the HTV time to cure to the fabric so that it remains adhered. Wash in cold or warm water, inside out, then hang dry or tumble dry on low heat.
Is it possible to clean white linens that are yellowed and stained?
Fine linens lose their pristine quality over time, often due to spills, dirt settling into folds, and discoloration caused by ironing starch. Another challenge: They may be too delicate to machine wash. Fortunately, you can revive your fine linens by hand with this method:
1. Pre-soak
Give your linen a long bath in plain cold or tepid water to loosen set-in grime. Replace the water when it gets cloudy, and repeat until it stays clear. (We do mean a long bath; this step can take up to a week.)
2. Wash
Fill a tub with tepid water and mild laundry detergent, as well as powdered oxygen bleach such as OxiClean. Wearing rubber gloves, slosh the linens around gently. Rinse well.
3. Treat Treat linens with Engleside Restoration Fabric Restorer to remove stubborn stains. Dissolve three scoops per gallon of water, then soak the fabric for 6 to 8 hours. Remove and rinse.
4. Air dry
The sun has natural fabric-brightening powers. Lay your items flat on a towel outside, or in a sunny spot inside.
A child has paralysis, and more cases have been identified.
Polio spreads easily and can cause permanent paralysis or even death in those not immunized.
If you are planning travel to Israel, protect yourself and others from illness.
Anyone infected with polio can spread it to others – even if they have no symptoms. Frequent handwashing for 20 seconds with soap and water helps reduce the spread of polio.
Immunization is the best protection. health.ny.gov/polio
Department of Health
Nissan 5774
Outside, the heavens are covered by the warm blanket of night, sprinkled with some iridescent stars. Here at our table, everyone is wide awake, jittery and brimming with youthful anticipation. I pinch Nechama hard; the time is now.
“Will we get it?” Suri leans over, sending a stream of red wine over her Haggadah with her excited whisper.
Questions hang in the air. For months, this has been the talk of late nights and hopeful dreams. But Tatty’s broad smile gives it all away.
“Yes!” he announces. “Your tickets to Eretz Yisroel are booked!”
Exultant joy rises inside me like air filling a balloon, and we sisters shriek in delight. Old Mr. Schwartzberg awakes suddenly and glances at us curiously, nose turned up in disdain. I run upstairs to bask in the moment alone. The sky stretches ahead, an endless black expanse. Soon those heavens will carry me to the golden city of my dreams. In my mind’s eye I already see the ancient Kosel, the haven of Our People, the bustling Yiddishe life that pulsates through the land.
What an afikomen gift! I must be the happiest girl alive.
Nissan 5776
“Hello!” booms Mr. Davis. My sister and I giggle at his odd socks and watch his hands flail as white froth gathers at the corners of his lips. My grandfather listens calmly and answers his
questions with respect and grace.
The Seder proceeds uneventfully, the story of our redemption coming alive as we speak into the long night. The moon watches us soberly from above, a white knight on a dark stage, as if it too reminisces about days of yore. A sudden movement catches my eye. Mr. Davis is clumsily poking his fleshy hands into my grandfather’s starched kittel. Our patriarch sings on calmly, his deep tenor filling the room with warmth.
Mr. Davis runs out, the white pouch held aloft like a trophy. This is going to be interesting.
Our appetites satisfied after a sumptuous meal, a surprised cry shatters the contented silence.
“Where is my afikomen?”
We all follow our grandfather’s example and stare around curiously, wondering.
Mr. Davis grins, exposing his few remaining teeth. He beholds his audience one by one and finally holds up the grand prize. “I have it!” he shouts unnecessarily, a look of pure delight on his face.
“So, my friend Gedalia, what would you like in exchange?” my grandfather asks.
We wait with bated breath. What will Mr. Davis say? A new hat? Money?
“A Yamaha PSR s970 keyboard, please,” he states simply, as if he is asking for an apple.
Does he really think my grandfather is going to give him that? Why should we spend $2,500 on a professional-grade keyboard for him? He probably can’t even play a tune!
But, like many times before, I underestimate my benevolent grandfather. For just a moment, I forgot how his overflowing generosity spills over to anyone he meets.
“Okay, we’ll sort that out for you after Yom Tov,” he replies with his trademark smile.
We stare in shock as Mr. Davis breaks into a spontaneous dance, his face glowing like a hundred light bulbs. He beams as his wrinkled fingers tap on the table, already playing. As the night wears on, harmonies blending together to watch dawn break, we notice an added radiance in Mr. Davis’ eyes. An extra sparkle. For beneath the poor social skills, nervous twitches and lack of money or friends lies a beating heart that yearns to be treated as an equal. My heart warms as I imagine the melody of belonging filling his studio apartment with new life and song.
He heads outside into the warm night, a spring in his step. Tottering and swaying as my father and uncle follow behind at a distance, he turns to wave us all a cheery goodbye.
I recall my joy two years earlier at our surprise afikomen present, the awe and excitement that had filled my very being. And I wonder meditatively in the deep silence, did that even compare to the elation Mr. Davis experienced tonight?
As I watch him go, I hear musical notes playing in the breeze. The sun is languidly painting the sky a hazy pink, crickets noisily heralding a day the world has never yet seen. On this night of deliverance, magical dreams have come to life. Anything is possible.
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זא טרעכיזראפ ןייז וצ ןיירא טנייה טפור זא ,תמאב "יתיי ןיפכיד לכ" טגאז ריא
סאוו טימ דובכ ךרדב ךיוא טאה ןכש רעייא
.רדס םעד ןכאמ וצ
ןענעז ךריע יינע תוחפשמ רעטנעזיוט
,הבדנ עגיטנייה רעייא ףיוא ןדנאוועגנא
עֶביִסאַמ ס'עיבשמ ףיוא ךיז ןזאלראפ ןוא ,חספ ט"וי םעד דובכל גנולייטראפ חספ
יוו קראפ אראב ןיא סאג א אד טשינ זיא סע !ךעלקעפ 10 פ"הכל טשינ טרעווילעד
It’s the home stretch! Take a deep breath. Then take some vitamins, a power walk, a nap or whatever else you may need to fill yourself up with energy. You can’t afford to run on empty.
It’s a little more than a week to Pesach, and now we’re doing the real stuff. We’re going to get rid of the chometz in the actual space where you’ll be holding your Seder and where you’ll cook your Yom Tov food. And very soon, we’ll get to the prize: turning over the kitchen and cooking Yom Tov delicacies!
In this week or so, we’ll be finishing the dining room furniture — the couch, table and chairs. Then we’ll clean other miscellaneous items before moving on to the oven, kitchen drawers, freezer and refrigerator. On the day of bedikas chometz, we’ll clean the kitchen table and chairs and other last-minute items.
Once in the dining room, we’ll start with the couch. Remove all pillows and removable parts. Vacuum all surfaces and crevices. If the couch is leather, scrub with a rag dipped in cleaner, and wipe with a damp rag. If it’s upholstered,
scrub with a brush dipped in cleaner, and then again just with water. For light-colored upholstered couches, you might want to hire an upholstery cleaner. The results will be amazing, and you’ll be saving lots of time.
Next we’ll clean the table. Remove the leaves, wash each one with a wet rag dipped in cleaner, wipe down with a damp rag, clean the surfaces that hold the leaves, and replace. Clean the table and legs well with a rag dipped in cleaner, and then again with a damp rag.
Next are the chairs. Vacuum each seat and both sides of the back, and in the space where the seat meets the leg. If the vacuum pipe is too large for that space, use a dry toothbrush or a Q-tip to brush out the crumbs. Wash the legs and all wood parts with a rag dipped in cleaner. Brush upholstered seats with a large brush dipped in cleaner and water, and then again only with water. Again, for light-colored upholstery, it’s a good idea to hand this job to an upholstery cleaner. If the seats are leather or coated with plastic, clean well with a rag, first with water and cleaner, and then with
Week 1 – March 9 to March 14
Toys, laundry room, bathroom(s)
Week 2 – March 15 to March 21
Master bedroom, linen, seforim, china closet
Week 3 – March 22 to March 28
Children’s bedrooms, kitchen cabinets
Week 4 – March 29 to April 4
Couch, dining room table/chairs, kitchen drawers, oven(s), freezer, refrigerator
Look around the dining room. Are there any other pieces of furniture that need to be cleaned? If not, you’re done!
We’ll insert here that once your kids are home for Pesach vacation, they’re welcome to clean their briefcases and knapsacks. This entails emptying them, shaking out or vacuuming them, machine washing them if possible, and returning clean items. And once you’re ready to tackle your pocketbook, you’ll also empty it, then shake/vacuum/ wash it, and return clean items.
The stroller may be cleaned now, or on bedikas chometz night if your baby will be munching chometz in there up to the last day. Remove all removable parts and wash. Scrub the frame in the bathtub with a sponge, and then rinse.
Now we’re on to finishing the kitchen. First, we’ll do the oven, as this needs only a light clean if it won’t be used on Pesach. If you choose the lightest mode, you only have to vacuum out the crumbs and close it off for Pesach. If you’re in the mood for a deeper clean, you can spray with oven cleaner (or baking soda in a warm oven), scrub with an abrasive sponge, and then wipe with a wet rag. Baking trays and racks that look greasy do not have to be thoroughly cleaned before Pesach. Grease is not chometz. I recommend doing them after Pesach.
The kitchen drawers are next. At this point, you’ll probably want to move the kitchen table and chairs to the hall area. Yup, now we’re officially in “no-walking-around-with-chometz” mode. But I’m sure you’re glad it’s only happening now, and not two weeks ago.
We’ll start with the least-used drawers and progress to the most-used ones. Empty the drawers, bang them out upside-down, and clean the tracks and drawer with a rag dipped in water and cleaner. Dry or air-dry, and replace contents, or store the things elsewhere if the drawers will be used on Pesach.
Next is the freezer. Now, let me preface this by saying that the freezer can be cleaned so late in the game only if you haven’t received your frozen products yet, or if you have an already-Pesach’dig deep freezer. Otherwise, you would have had to clean the freezer at an earlier stage, before the kitchen cabinets or dining room furniture.
Devote a block of two hours for the task so you can clean the freezer all at once, from start to finish. Otherwise, the task gets overwhelming and can take over the whole day. Transfer all freezer products to the refrigerator so they remain in a cold environment. Hopefully, your freezer is now down to ice cubes. (Bravo! Now dump them in the sink). Unplug the fridge. Remove all freezer shelves and racks and place in the bathtub. Fill the bathtub with water and some bleach, and let the pieces soak while you tackle the interior of the freezer. Prepare an abrasive sponge, a wonder sponge, two rags, Q-tips, toothpicks, a pail with water and a bit of bleach (or cleaner if you don’t want to work with bleach), and another one with only water. Wear gloves. Scrub all sides of the freezer and freezer door with a sponge dipped in water and bleach. Use the wonder sponge for stubborn stains, and the Q-tips and toothpicks for crevices. Wipe clean with a wet rag, and then with a dry rag. Plug fridge back in.
Now head to the bathtub and drain the water. Scrub the shelves and racks with a sponge, and then rinse with water.
Dry with a rag, or just shake vigorously. Replace the freezer parts, and return any important products to the freezer, wrapped very well in bags.
The freezer is now ready to be filled with Pesach goodies! Can you smell them in the air?
Now you’re ready to clean the last big thing: the refrigerator. This is a heavy-duty job, so do this on a separate day. Basically, cleaning the refrigerator is a repeat of the freezer job, only doubled. Set aside a generous block of time for the task, prepare the same cleaning agents as mentioned above, and repeat the same steps.
Now the house is nearly ready for bedikas chometz! On the day of bedikas chometz, scrub down the kitchen table, chairs and high chair with an abrasive sponge and then a damp rag. Next, clean the floors thoroughly, preferably with a drop of bleach to invalidate possible crumbs that remain. Wash out the laundry hamper and garbage can, and clean frequently-touched items, like door handles, lights switches and phones.
On the morning of sreifas chometz, we’ll give one last sweep, rinse or shake out the broom, wash the used shmattes, and empty the vacuum cleaner. Finally, shake out the pockets of clothing and coats worn that day that will not be washed before Yom Tov.
At long last, Pesach is here! It’s time to celebrate.
I wish you all a beautiful and meaningful Yom Tov. You deserve it!
Note: Please discuss with your rav any halachic questions related to Pesach cleaning.
Please complete the form below for a chance to win a set of four Mefoar children’s haggados!
I completed Week 4 of The Boro Park View’s Quick Cleanup Pesach cleaning program.
We will ה”יא be open: Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday מ”הוח
Price: $12 Per Pair
Please have all your shoe sizes ready when booking
• Large: $100
Size: 8.5’ X 11’ (7.5’ Tall)
Capacity: Up To 300 Lbs. (3-4 kids at a time)
• X-Large: $150
Size: 12’ X 15’ (7’ Tall)
Capacity: Up To 600 Lbs. (6 kids at a time)
• Combo: $200
Size: 14’ X 17’
added this מ”הוח
Price: $85 Get a usb with 20 plays & choose which 2 plays to watch
•Stands for easy setup Only $10 each
To hear a list of all plays available, call the Anachni hotline ext. 8-3
Price: $45 (Includes 7 Glasses) - $5 Each Additional
Capacity:Up to 700 lbs. (6-7 kids at a time)
Add balls for an “extra thrill” Only $15 for 400 balls
Price: $30 each $75 for all 3 days
Free helmets provided!
עכילרעה יד סקימאק ,ןעלקיטרא
ןלעוו סמיעג ןוא ןטלאהרעטנוא
רעדניק ערעייא
ענעמונראפ יד ןיא
ראפ געט חספ ברע תועש עגנאל
ערעייא טלאה טנאפשעג רעדניק ןכילרעה א טימ
לופ זיא "טפירש רעדניק"
ןוא גניא ראפ ןכות טימ
עכילרע יד טאה ןוא ,טלא – ןופ החגשה
ן'כרוד ןבירשעג רעביירש ןלופנאלאט
לאוי ןועמש 'ר ןיילק
םעד ךרוד ןלאמעג ןוא
טסיטרא רעטסיימ
יפסוי ףסוי 'ר
:רעטייוו ןוא ךאוו רעד ןופ
Forgot to load them in the washer? No problem.
Keep your babies daisy-fresh and your laundry hamper deliciously empty. (Well, kinda.)
Find it in your local supermarket and on dripdropkids.com
There are three species of camels, differentiated mostly by their humps. Dromedary camels have one large hump, and Bactrian camels have two humps. The third category is the Wild Bactrian camel, an endangered species that also has two humps but was never domesticated and roams wild in northwestern China.
Baby camels are actually born without humps. The humps start growing when they reach ten to twelve months of age, when the little camels start eating more.
Contrary to what many people think, the humps on a camel’s back do not contain water. Humps are storage units for fat, which can sustain the camel for weeks. In the desert, food is scarce, and camels break down the fat in their humps for energy and nutrition. As the fat breaks down, the humps start to droop. By burning fat, camels can go 15 days without water — even in the desert!
These humps of fat also help camels regulate their body temperature so they can stay cool in hot climates, since most of the body fat is on their back and not insulating their entire body.
If the water that camels so famously drink isn’t in their humps, where does it go?
Unlike other animals, camels’ red blood cells are oval-shaped, and not round. This means that the cells are smaller and can continue circulating even when they’re dehydrated. The real secret, though, is that their blood cells are able to expand up to 240% of their regular size to store water. This allows camels to drink 30 gallons of water in 10 minutes — which would cause the blood cells in any other animal to burst.
In addition to their humps, camels have a few distinctive features that make them one of the only animals that can easily travel through the desert and live in desert-like areas. They have feet with a large, flat sole to help them walk over sand without sinking in. They also have two rows of thick eyelashes to protect their eyes and slit-like nostrils that they can completely close to prevent sand and dust from entering. In order to be able to eat the thick, thorny plants that are found in the desert, camels have thick lips and a hard lining inside their mouths. Not only that, but they can tolerate body temperatures of up to 107 degrees, and they have thick skin padding their chest and knees, which makes it possible for them to sit comfortably on hot sand.
One of the first places camels were domesticated was in the Arabian Peninsula, over 2,000 years ago. From there, domesticated camels spread to North Africa, the Middle East and Somalia.
Camels played an important role in establishing trade between countries, since they’re able to travel long distances while carrying heavy loads (they can carry up to 900 pounds!). The Silk Road was a trade route started around the year 138 BCE by China that reached Europe, India and other western countries. Camels were integral to the Silk Road because of their ability to withstand tough climates and travel for a long time with minimal food and water.
Camels even played a part in the Civil War. At that time, horses were dying from dehydration, and the army was experimenting to see if camels could replace horses in the army. The 43rd Mississippi Infantry, a part of the Confederate Army, used a camel called Old Douglas during the war. Old Douglas even fought in the Battle of Corinth in 1862, but he was later killed by Union soldiers during the Siege of Vicksburg. Ultimately, the army decided not to use camels long term, but Old Douglas remained a mascot of sorts for the Confederate soldiers.
There are many opinions on where the word “camel” originates, but many think it comes from the Greek kamelos, which is rooted in the Hebrew gamal
The popular idiom “the straw that broke the camel’s back” is an Arab saying for when a minor thing causes a large reaction because of earlier, cumulative actions. It’s believed to come from a similar proverb, “‘Tis the last feather that breaks the horse’s back,” which dates back to the late 1600s.
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1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to comments@thebpview.com or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points
5-letter words: 3 points
6-letter words: 5 points
7-letter words: 7 points
8-letter words: 9 points
9+ letters: 12 points
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more! BE I P U
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players: List some words only the winner found:
Pesach!competitionfreeofover Drawings will resume after Yom Tov.
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Masri, 718-xxx-0716
Name of winner: Toby
Amount of points: 52
Names of competing players: Ruchel, Miriam, Chany
Some words only the winner found: cask, corm, marsh, quack, quire
The longest word found on the board: marsh
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Ganzfried, 718-xxx-3447
Name of winner: Sura Bina
Amount of points: 88
Names of competing players: Gittel B.
Some words only the winner found: comb, core, farm, more, rash
Last week’s bonus word:
Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to comments@thebpview.com or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Doona Stroller, multiple colors available! cll/txt 1-201614-4045
2nd hand, exc condition! With/without wifi! No warranty 160 Lee bsmt. (behind Right Contact)
Sunday 4-5 Tuesday evening 8:30-9:30 call 347-871-2330
Dining room furniture to sell,Great condition 51/2 years old includes table,6 chairs and curio $3,000. Please txt 646-413-0240 for inquiries
Carriage Club North.
Beautiful 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, Ground floor, available for Pesach. Call: 347.499.0031
2 BR Hotel style fully furnished apt. Full Kitch/ Bath, W/D. Excellent for Ch/ Kallah, or Simchas. 718-6860909/ 347-524-7686
15/42 3 bedroom unfurnished gorgeous brand new with appliances. 3rd flr $3000, 4th flr $2800. 347-581-5250.
Beautiful big 4 bedroom home available in Highland Mills next to Monroe for weekends/ week and/or Pesach, Please call or text: 929-617-2586
White Lake, NY - Beautiful 8 BR / 5BA home. Sleeps 20+. Next to the lake. Available weekdays and weekends. Call / text 347-263-4982
Beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bath villa in North Miami with pool, $289 per night. available for Pesach & all year round (Pictures available) Call/Text 845-327-7153
Luxurious 6 bedroom private villa in the heart of Romema Yerushalayim, available for rent Shavuos, Sukkos, Summer, Seasonal. whatsapp/ text 845-445-7739
Looking for Experienced Full Stack Developer, on consulting or employment basis, Should be well versed in modern web application development (front end, back end) and Mobile App Development.
& SQL database. Excellent Opportunity for the right candidate
Vilchovitz, Viznitz area in Monsey. Pesach/ Shabbos Hagadol/Weekends. Beautfiul 1-3 bedrooms, all new. Linen and towels included, big porch. 718-384-6214
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Very big Colonial in Monsey on a gorgeous property (acre) available for Shabbos Hagadol & Pesach. Please call 845-422-1785
OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 55th Street, 12thAve, Bsmt flat office space for rent, 347 661 5900.
Beautiful house in Woodridge, excellent location, walking distance to Center One, Shul and Park. Pls text: 347 661 5900
WEST PALM BEACH No. 1 Real Estate Broker. Aaron Rose 561.308.5766
Pesach rental in LInden NJ on Kent, 3 Bedrooms 2 baths. Sleeps 8. Call 718-288-0006
Newly renovated beautiful ocean view 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
Walk-in basement 2 bedroom apt plus Studio apt (can be combined as 3 bedroom). Tiled floors, remodeled. Furnished/ unfurnished. Washer, Dryer (hookup). 347489-7727
4 bedroom cottages in the catskills starting at $495, Shul and mikva on premises. 732.606.2845
Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/text 845-554-5778 or email info@resumakerpro. com.
Yeled V`Yalda Boro Park, Qualified candidate will have excellent time management skills, detail oriented, computer literate, comfortable with MS Word & Excel. Salary range: $40,000.-$45,000. Email: jobs@yeled.org call: 718.686.2422
Looking for an experienced heimishe bus driver for a chasidishe boys camp in Monticello. Please call/ text 718-781-4742
Seeking Early Head Start Teacher, 90+ credits. Also seeking Asst. Teacher, HS diploma required. Immediate position available. Call: 718.564.0543 Email: RAbelsky@yeled.org
Playgroup looking for two over 18 years old to run daycamp. Small group of 12, willing to pay nicely. 347790-2525
Seeking a passionate, caring, and loving teacher for a very well run classroom in an Early Head Start. Available for immediate hire or option to start after pesach. Please call 347-450-6188
Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Exciting Program, Great environment, Excellent pay! Responsible and caring. Please call 718-377-5800 ext 183
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Heimish bp office seeking f/t female secretary. Great environment, great pay. email resume to: resumessfsc@gmail.com
Looking for a capable woman to run a one girl construction office. Office Quickbooks skills necessary. Please email hiringot@gmail.com
Heimishe multi girl insurance office in Boro park seeking full time female secretary. Good pay. Please email resume patgee2859@ gmail.com
Heimishe BP office seeks to hire sales assistant position, female. Professional phone skills, computer savvy, able to multi-task, strong organizational skills, detail oriented. Room for growth. Call Chaya (718) 851-0004 ext 201 Email resume : conbldg@ thejnet.com
Children’s Boutique looking to hire experienced Sales Associates for BP and Williamsburg locations. Flexible Hours with Sunday availability preferred/ required. Please Reach out to 718-840-9266.
Seeking preschool staff (Female) for Sept. Yiddish speaking a must. With/ without Degree. Great Pay. Email: DCJOB2812@gmail. com Fax Resume: 718-6865577
Seeking preschool assistant, Female. Yiddish Speaking a must. With/Without Degree. Email resume: Preschooljob247@gmail.com
Now hiring a devoted special ed classroom teacher for the 23-24 school year. Small class size, excellent training, supportive environment. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org 718-650-6400
Now hiring full time paras to work full time in a special education school for the 23-24 school year. Supportive and heimish environment. Transportation provided. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email dglick@newyorklife.com or call 845-639-5216
Heimishe girls office in BP looking to hire afternoon secretary. Competitive salary, great atmosphere. Hours 2:45- 5:45 PM. Email: jobinbp4322@gmail.com.
Boro Park, Flatbush & Crown Heights. Full time or part time. Special rate for late afternoon/eve. hours. Pay ranges from $22.-$38. Per hour. Call: 718.686.2376 Email: para@yeled.org
Yad Yisroel school is looking to hire 1:1 paras. Opportunities to work with various ages and academic levels available. Located in Flatbush. Supportive environment. Transportation available. Resumes@ yadyisroelschool.org
Looking for an experienced handyman, electrician, plumber, carpenter & painter. Top dollar paid, must have own tools, car preferred. Call: 718.951.0090
Amazing full time opportunity for women to work in an ABA clinic in Kensington/Boro Park. Pay $22.-$30. Per hour. Must be able to work from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM. Call/Text: 917.968.2292
Job ID: 1551
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist with Bedtime routine A 9 year old boy
Daily 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Job ID: 1796
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist a A 24 year old boy
Sunday, Monday & Thurs. 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist a A 10 year old boy
Monday & Wednesday 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Job ID: 4415 Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To be-friend A 14 year old girl Sundays And after school
Job ID: 2935 Looking for a KIDS’ BEST FRIEND
Job ID: 1395
Looking for a KIDS’ BEST FRIEND
To assist with daily routine A 5 year old boy
Daily After 3:00pm
A 6 year old boy
Mon. Wed. & Thurs. 4:30pm - 6:00pm
To assist with activities A 3 year old boy
Sundays 9:00am - 5:00pm Daily 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Job ID: 1255
Crown Heights
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist with chores A 11 year old girl
Daily 4:30pm - 7:30pm And para for the summer
Yeled V`Yalda Fitness Center in Boro Park seeks a qualified Aqua Fitness Instructor for female pool classes. Pay: $35$50 per half-hour session. Call: 718.686.2404 or email: fitness@yeled.org
FT Inside Sales Rep Position to develop incoming leads, understand the customers need, and build relationships. Excellent verbal and written communications skills. BP or Lakewood. Email resume hr@royalbag.com.
Yeled V`Yalda-Title I Seeking a motivated & organized Individual Male/Female full time to join our team as an Executive Assistant. The successful candidate will have strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office And Google Suite (Prezi and Canva knowledge a plus).
Salary: $55,000.-$85,000. Call: 718.557.7038 Email to: sagluck@yeled.org YVY is an EOE
Do you enjoy working with individuals with special needs? Share your talents and enrich someone’s life! HCS is seeking energetic girls/young women to work at our Dayhab program. Monday thru Friday. Competitive salary and benefits. Please forward resume to jobs@hcsny.org. Please call 718-854-2747 Ext. 1210
Looking for a Big sister Figure for a 7 year old girl to offer direction, encouragement, emotional support, and role modeling in Flatbush Ave M and east 10 3-4 times a week after school hours please put in subject Flatbush Please email resume or info to Launchfwd123@gmail.com
Seeking coach bus drivers immediately for Brooklyn/ Monroe bus route. CDL class A or class B, experience only. Full Time or Part Time, great pay. Also in the Catskills July & Aug. Call: 718.963.1495 Ext. 102 Email to: coachbus@ gmail.com
Bonei Olam looking to higher female administrative assistant with past experience hours 10-4, friendly environment, proficient phone skills, computer skills specifically In excel, Salesforce admin. Send resume: jobs@boneiolam. org or leave message: (646) 930-4882
Hiring Staff 2023-2024
School Year! Flatbush Yeshiva seeking warm and devoted Kindergarten teacher. Hiring F/T & P/T assistants for preschool and elementary. Competitive Salary. Excellent working environment. Call: 718-332-2600. Email: interviewsatyeshiva@gmail. com
Boro Park Large Insurance Agency Seeks Account Representative, No Experience Needed, Responsibilities & Skills: *Assist Clients Throughout The Sign Up Process *Servicing Accounts
*Phone Etiquette, MultiTasker. Mon-Thurs 9-5pm, Fri, 9-1pm (Negotiable).
Looking for an experienced head counselor for a girls day camp in a chasidishe camp in Monticello area. Please call/ text 718-781-4742 or email to job4tt123@gmail.com
Shemesh - Looking for a devoted individual to be a facilitator in a special needs school for the coming school year ( ‘23-’24) . hours Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 3:30. Friday 9:30-12:00. 929-484-4660 X2
BP organization seeking to hire F/T motivated, responsible, hi school grads, Good communication skills, Proficient PC, Chrome, Gmail, Microsoft Word/ Excel a must. Send resume: jobs@boneiolam.org or leave message: (646) 930-4882
BP organization seeking to hire F/T motivated, responsible, hi school grads, Good communication skills, Proficient PC, Chrome, Gmail, Microsoft Word/ Excel a must. Send resume: bpjoboffer1@gmail.com or leave message: 917-789-8006.
Teachers, assistant teachers and paras needed for 23-24 school year, chassidish sp-ed elementary school. P/T and F/T positions available. Email Resume to hr@yesodeibina. org.
Special education teacher needed for chassidish sp-ed elementary girls school. Bilingual extension a must. Email Resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org. RESUMES@YADYISROELSCHOOL.ORG
Afterschool and Sunday Program counselors needed for sp-ed program for the 2324 school year. Fun, heimish environment. Seminary girls welcome. Call 929-254-0080 x403 or Email resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.
Afterschool and Sunday Sp-Ed Program director for the 23-24 SY. Responsible, creative, leadership, exp. Preferred. Great opportunity! Email resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.
Heimishe real estate office looking for a multitasked female office manager. Great environment and pay! Please email resume to joboffer3678@gmailcom
Secretarial position avail in heimishe real estate office. Great environment and pay! Please email resume to joboffer3678@gmail.com
Daycare in BP is looking for a teacher with or without a ba. hours are 9-3 and friday 9-12. Call 347-458-9517
Attention motivated & energetic male & female candidates 17+, work with a child in a local camp or colony. Pay $22.-$32. hourly. Send resume to: thinkyeled@ yeled.org
Growing agency seeking a swimming instructor with a WSI certification to give swimming lessons on Sunday. Job starts after Pesach, up to 4 sessions each Sunday. Great pay for the right candidate. Email resume to sundayprogram23@gmail. com
BP Real estate office seeking secretary, girl preferred, 5-7 hours per day. Experience preferred with good pay, but beginner without experience ok. Responsible, ready to learn, will train. Please email resume to resume@ bhtenants.com.
Starting after Pesach, looking for a shadow or CIET for an adorable 3yr old in a chasidush girls school, nursery classroom. Call or text 347-971-1610
A 30 year old male with mild disabilities who enjoys talking about hatzolah/ shomrim/celebrities, etc. and going out to eat is seeking a companion for 1-2 times per week to go out in the evenings. Please call 718-8542747 x 3300.
Chayeinu Academy is seeking female 1:1 instructor for the remainder of the current school year. Please email resume to info@ chayeinuacademy.org or call 718-303-9170
סע head counselor ראפ younger division
. Please call/ text 718781-4742 Or send resume to job4tt123@gmail.com
HCS is seeking female Direct Support Professionals to work in a beautiful group home in Boro Park for highly independent young women. Experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities a plus. Driver’s license Preferred. Full-time, flexible hours. Monday through Friday 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Please contact 347-598-3127
Minimum experience, will train. Must be friendly and outgoing. Graduates welcome. Basic computer skills necessary. jobs@hcsny.org
Chayeinu Academy is seeking full time experienced BCBA for 2023-2024 school year. Please email resume to info@ chayeinuacademy.org.
seeking motivated, spirited head counselors for fun, well-run day camp in South Fallsburg. Transportation provided. 347 556 6974
Looking for a heimishe girl who is willing to work after school hours with a 16 year old girl on Life skills and Social skills. Call 718-8129626
Looking for a male shadow to help a 40 yr old with mental delay for 3-hour shifts, driving required. $35/hr offered.
Join a team that inspires growth day after day, become a Care Manager. Great job for someone looking for work in social services, administration, OT, PT, SP/L. Seeking Full-time or Part-time Male candidates. Competitive compensation, full benefits package. BA required. Please forward resume to jobs@championny. org
A Heimish Camp is looking for an experience cook for the coming season please send resume to Jobssummer23@ gmail.com or fax 718.303.9142
Experienced babysitter relocated to 10th and mid 40’s. Accepting babies from 5months to 24months. Also working in the summer. 347-749-7774
Itemized kallah list to make kallah list calmer and easier minimal fee. Call 3475346184
Commercial, residential, shuls: professional repairs. Color change. & revamp to aron kodesh, libraries, staircases, furniture, kitchens, exterior wood doors. Best pricing & svc. Txt 212 991 8548.
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Experiencing chronic pain/symptoms?
There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.9510090
Cosmetics & Skincare: Mary Kay, Careline, Ga-de, Static, Chic. Free Delivery with min order. 718-930-4946 Careline 701 in stock!
Hand crochet, Hand knit, Silks & more with beautiful Gartel bag. Text or call: 718.283.4589 Wholesale orders available.
Furniture, Cabinet & General Repairs, specializing in Chosson-Kallah Apartments. Call: 718.633.6231
For all leaks & roofing services, reach out to the roofing expert. 845 244 0743 (call text or whatsapp)
Now offering guitar lessons! For women and girls, for a great price! Center of BP. Call/Text: 917-618-1174
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach. Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)4357644
Fun school this coming Monday and Tuesday with highly experienced teacher in 12/50st erea. From 10:30-3. For more info call 3479326524
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Makeup for all your occasions! Minimal price! Call/text 7189383128
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-4143281
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.9510090
A Designer Collection of Teens and Adult Gowns
A Magnificent Kids Line!
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a smile! Call: 718.951.0090
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great prices! Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718-9749428
Looking to take over your car lease + insurance for a Kia Forte or similar model. Responsible, clean record. Autopay monthly. Text/call 646-883-8241
Beautiful black Mechetanista dress with white beading Size
12 for sale. Text: 718.612.6328
Brand new Beautiful Champagne Maternity mother or sister of the bride gown size
6. Call or text 3476751475
pink pramie baby coat size 9 month in bp 718 438 1708
fuzzy baby blanket Monday 3/20 in Boro Park 347-5346272
baby black and white blanket middle of March 917-5029845
teens black and white striped top with tags in bp 3474617411.
bag from closeout connections Call/text 718288-8750.
Weekday necklace in Stichin shul 61 & 16th on Shushan Purim 718-435-0385 lv msg
Boys Scotch Bonnet gray coat with black fur was exchanged on M’’S in shul on 16th Ave. call/text 347-436-5507
Bugaboo bassinet cover on 11 ave and 48 street 347-5981441
Leather Seder Hadlukos neiros 48th between 14/15, and a book in 1681 49th St. call 347-249-1478
Item from a big tzadik if lost please call 7189868559
Found in ABC DISCOUNT A credit for a Boro Park store + one glove call 718 438 4514
Bugaboo Cameleon stroller in Williamsburg please contact 718-963-1236
Bag with 2 sheitlech in hallway of 1373 47th St. 718851-7111/917-685-9564
SD card 347-922-8418
Velour white ribbon in tip top bag 718-435-6343
Kever Ruchel bracelet on 48 & 15, 718-853-9092
KRM gift card 347-997 2487 pair of girls earrings in Ateres Golda by Weiser/Rosenfeld wedding - March 14. Please call/text 718-812-5403
2 black velvet shoes brand new 718-522-1092
bugaboo high performance raincover. 646-565-9456
Fleishig convection oven 929420-0802
Due to Move: 39” hi-riser with mattresses, a beautiful upholstered couch, super comfortable love seat. Please call 347-844-3258
ר”ומדאה דכנ לש תירב
אפאפ ינקסע ילודגמ סייוו באז םייח ברה תיבב הזוזמ תעיבקב אפאפמ ר”ומדאה ע”יז קידצל יבצ לעב ק”הרה תלוליה בוזאלבמ ר”ומדאה לצא ר”ומדאה ןופ לקינייא ןא ןופ ןרעשפא ליוונירג ןיא דואווקיעל ןעלוקסמ ר”ומדאה לצא ל”צז טסוחמ ר”ומדאה ינתח םישולש תדועס תארקל גרובנעזיולק זנאצמ טסוחמ ר”ומדאה לש ותוקלסתהל
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דחוימ יתפרצ םעט םע ,תפרצמ תדכ הטימש ירמוש
תוסוכ עבראל רתויב רדוהמו לשובמ אל ןייה
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ארי א ךרוד ׳ה דבועו םימש ק״היע םילשוריב
Rebbe Nachman’s Guarantee
Rebbe Nachman from breslov chose two of his students
(Rav Aharon, Rav of Breslov
1- Whoever
2- Gives a prutah for tzdaka
)donates a small amount of money for charity in his favor
3- recites ten sp
Then… even if his sins are very severe “I will do to save him!!!
by his “payos
However, the person must commit not to intentionally sin
The Tzaddik said; that reciting these ten chapters of Tehilim at any place and He emphasized the
The rebbe said:
power of reciting those (sefer
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P.s Aside from the great merit that the Tzaddik suggested to those who come to him on Rosh Hashanah, beyond all greatness, this declaration is a powerful opportunity for spiritual transformation and
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285 www.thebpview.com 718.408.8770 March 29, 2023 The Boro Park View
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
Fax: 718.408.8771
E-mail: ads@thebpview.com
Website: www.thebpview.com
MISSION STATEMENT: The Boro Park View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Boro Park’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Boro Park community.
DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Boro Park View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Boro Park View. Limit
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