Exploring vintage baked favorites
BACK TO BAKING! Featuring pitas, buns and some accompaniments
Professionals weigh in
Exploring vintage baked favorites
BACK TO BAKING! Featuring pitas, buns and some accompaniments
Professionals weigh in
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YOU DREAM of walking to your chuppah with confidence. YOU DREAM of transitioning into married life seamlessly.
BUT HOW? As a Kallah, you know that actualizing those dreams are challenging.
“My daughter was a kallah but without that spark in her eyes. This course gave me my daughter back. It truly transformed her.”
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At Hamaspik, the heart is in the details
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But it doesn’t stop there. Because at Hamaspik, small details reflect huge hearts.
Shabbos To Do List:
Seat Leiby* at end of table
Make sure my Sruli sings parshah songs
Remind Volvi* to make kiddush
Give Shloimy* his sugar-free fish
Ask Moshe* to repeat dvar Torah
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Hamaspik of Kings County provides services, support, and hope to people with developmental disabilities and behavioral health challenges—and their families.
But thanks to Masmidim, he’s growing and thriving alongside his friends in a mainstream school.
Each morning, he takes the same bus to the same Yeshiva as his peers, where he attends a parallel Masmidim class — receiving the individualized attention, warmth and services he needs and deserves, free from competition, struggle and stigma.
For more information or to apply for the upcoming year
A That's just how some people are.
? ?
C You have to put the children first.
B Time to get out?
THE choice IS YOURS. m
D Maybe I should speak to someone?
Abuse can occur at any stage of life –To anyone, in any form.
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(Re: Quick Cleanup Pesach Contest, Issue 179)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The Pesach cleaning program this year was so much fun and so easy to follow. I followed along week by week (and sometimes cheated when I had extra time to do a bit of spring cleaning at the same time), but there was no pressure
I was so excited when I won Week 2 and was even able to exchange the gartel prize for a matzah tasch instead. My thirteen-year-old son was very excited to use it; he never had a real one yet. It also added so much color to our Seder table.
I should also mention that your Pesach edition was beautiful and enjoyed from cover to cover. Please continue producing such wonderful, kosher material for our heimishe Yiddishe homes. Thank you!
(Re: Excursions, Issue 179)
I just wanted to say thank you for the incredible Excursions trip guide. It really made Chol Hamoed planning so much easier. Instead of getting lost when the kids started begging to go out, I simply opened up the trip guide. It was full of great ideas!
One day we ended up at American Dream Mall. As I was standing on line at one of the attractions, I glanced down and noticed that someone had dropped their Excursions booklet. So you should know that you
really get around!
For everyone else who didn’t lose theirs, hang on to it! It has great ideas for summer trips.
(Re: Power Tools, Issue 179)
I’m so excited about your new serial, Power Tools by Esty Heller. I loved following The Last Rebbe of Lodz when it was running; that was the main reason I picked up my copy of The Boro Park View each week. Now I can’t wait to read this new story!
Thank you,
(Re: Power Tools, Issue 179)
I love reading fiction, but it’s so hard to find good books, which is why I was really excited when I saw the promo for Esty Heller’s new serial. I read her book Yardsticks, and it was phenomenal. She brings you into the lives of the characters in such a real way, opening your eyes to the intricacies of life and different personalities so you totally understand why the characters do what they do, even if they’re so different from you.
When I read the first chapter in your Pesach issue, I was sucked right into the story. Even in just one chapter, Mrs. Heller managed to present characters and conflicts that are just so compelling. I can’t wait for the next chapter. Thank you for bringing us such great writers and such great stories!
Yides Fruchthandler(Re: DIY: Seder Pillows, Issue 178)
Thank you so much for featuring this DIY pillow idea! I followed the instructions and created a beautiful pillowcase that really added special charm to our Seder table.
After Yom Tov, when I washed the pillowcase, the edges of the lettering began peeling off. However, I was able to iron it back on by placing a sheet of parchment paper over the lettering, and the result looks as good as new. Since this happened to me, I’m figuring that it may happen to others, which is why I’m dropping a line to share this solution.
Keep those crafts coming!
We live in a beautiful place, a community full of Torah and chesed. I get a very good feeling before every Yom Tov, when I see our city streaming with all manner of Yiddish-
keit preparing for our chagim as one.
However, at this time of year I am also witness to a very painful issue. We are looking for an apartment for a chasan and kallah who will be getting married soon, b’ezras Hashem, yet it is hard to find something affordable. How can a young couple afford to pay these astronomical sums each month? And how can we allow this monster of a trend to continue?
Young couples yearning for a kollel life are choking. They can’t cover their basic expenses because they’re forced out of necessity to pay such high rent. This robs them of the yishuv hadaas that is so necessary when they’re focused on building their bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel
Aren’t the lions taking too much from the sheep? Isn’t this against the ways of the Torah?
I see a few sides of this picture close up. Let me explain: We are renters. Our rent goes up every two years by just a few percent, to help cover rising mortgage and tax costs. At the same time, I work for a landlord, managing a dozen local apartments, and I know the expenses involved. But how much is the shiur ? How does Hashem view this issue? Will pricing the young couples out of the market bring more zechusim?
I’m leaving space to be dan lekaf zechus; we never know everything. And may Hashem bensch us all with the foresight and understanding to invest wisely in our real real estate that is an investment for eternity in the Olam Ha’emes.
Davening for a Yeshua
When you shop for groceries before Pesach, it’s impossible to predict exactly which foods your family will like and how much you’ll actually use. Inevitably, some products are a hit, while other items remain untouched. That’s why almost every family is left with Pesach foods they have no use for after Pesach has ended.
At the same time, there are many people who maintain a gluten-free diet year-round (usually for medical reasons) and buy these expensive Pesach items after Pesach. Your unwanted Pesach food would be of great benefit to them.
As in the last few years, we are running a Post-Pesach Gluten-Free Gemach. If you have any extra UNOPENED Pesach food items, please consider donating them so that others can benefit.
The list of drop off locations for donations in various cities all over the U.S. grows from year to year, and the amount of people who benefit grows each year as well. For more information and to find a drop off location in your area, email or text 845-232-1276.
Thank you!
The Post-Pesach Gluten-Free Gemach
Ages 2 – 3
All Vouchers Accepted
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When someone suspected tzara’as , he would show his discolored patch to the kohen who would determine whether or not it was impure. The kohen was required to verbally pronounce it “tamei ” or “tahor.” After going through the purification process, the person was only deemed spiritually cleansed once the kohen articulated the word “tahor.”
The Mishnah ( Nega’im , ch. 3) says that a kohen unfamiliar with the halachos was required to consult with a talmid chacham , who may be a Yisroel. The kohen was to verbalize the talmid chacham’s judgment, and only then would the person be declared tamei or tahor. The status was dependent not on the ruling of the talmid chacham , but on the mouth of the kohen .
No other type of tumah follows such a process. In other cases, when one fulfills the Torah’s directives to become tahor, such as by immersing in the mikvah or sprinkling ash of the parah , he automatically attains a pure status. When it comes to tzara’as , why is the purification contingent on the kohen’s spoken verdict?
RAV SHALOM SCHWADRON, ZT”L, used to share the following tale:
The Chofetz Chaim was once traveling along with another prominent rav when they stopped in a small town. Looking for a place to stay, they were directed to the accommodations of a woman who was known for her yiras Shamayim. The food cooked in her kitchen could be trusted.
Indeed, the two rabbanim were served a hot meal, which satiated them after their exhausting trip.
As they were completing their meal, the hostess came over and inquired as to how they found the food. The Chofetz Chaim immediately replied that the food was deli-
cious. His companion, though, said, “It may have been missing a bit of salt, but overall, it was very good.”
The hostess turned to leave the room, and the rav noticed that the Chofetz Chaim was distraught. He was clutching his head in his hands and groaning, “Oy, all my life I was careful not to speak or listen to lashon hara, and now I have failed! I heard and accepted lashon hara!”
Watching the Chofetz Chaim’s extreme anguish, the rav became flustered. “What did I say that was lashon hara?” he asked.
The Chofetz Chaim replied, “That woman did not cook the meal herself. She has hired help, a poor widowed cook,
who prepares the food. Do you know where our hostess is now? She is in the kitchen. After leaving this room she went straight to the cook to reprimand her for forgetting to salt the food. But the poor cook is denying it, claiming to have used enough salt.
“And now the hostess is raising her voice, telling the cook off for contradicting the rabbanim. ‘How could you say you used enough salt if my special guests claim you haven’t?’ ‘But I did!’ claims the cook. And so the two are arguing. Our hostess is threatening to fire the cook, who is adamantly upholding her claim.”
The rav listened to the Chofetz Chaim’s detailed depiction in disbelief. It seemed too fantastical an exaggeration to be true. Could it really be so?
“Why build such a major story out of an innocent comment?” he asked.
“Come, let’s go to the kitchen to check it out,” the Chofetz Chaim replied.
Sure enough, the two women were there, in the midst of a heated quarrel. Tears were streaming down their faces as they each tried to argue their point.
Taken aback, the rav tried to calm them down and retract his words so peace could be restored between them and so that the widowed cook could retain her job.
Indeed, the Chofetz Chaim was correct in his perception of the extensive effects of a spoken word.
Speaking negatively of others brings tzara’as. Through this very real consequence, the Torah teaches us how potent the power of speech is. Once uttered, words have farreaching effects.
When one conveys a good word to another, he could build generations, and when one speaks negatively, the destructive results could be long-lasting. And the influence does not stop with the statement alone.
The only way to break free from this type of tumah — which comes from ill speech — is through the kohen voicing that the person is tahor or tamei
Thus, the tumah of a metzorah is in a category of its own. By relegating the status of the metzorah to the spoken verdict of the kohen, the Torah conveys to us the greatness of the impact of the words we say, both positive and negative.
Why did Hashem create man with two ears yet only one mouth? To teach us that one must speak only half of what he hears.
The Chafetz Chaim was distraught. “All my life I was careful not to speak or listen to lashon hara, and now I have failed!”
Your child is bright and creative, yet struggles to read or comprehend. We get it. Mind Orientation uses the Davis Method to teach your child how to focus and read correctly so that they feel bright when they read, too. Your child will read. Fluently. Reach out to hear how.
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Credit card debt, and its exorbitant fees, present a growing problem for families in the community.
One group is helping clients reset to zero, with staggering results.
Anyone who has dealt with the scourge of high-interest credit card debt will struggle to find the humor in this exchange. With APRs now sometimes reaching nearly 30% per year(!), many cardholders find themselves fighting a grueling and even helpless battle just to keep up with interest payments, let alone begin to pay off any principle at all.
Two heimish partners set out to assist community members sinking deeper into the financial quicksand, or merely struggling with accumulated debt, a common concern during this post-Pesach season. We spoke with Yidel Breuer, a partner in the cleverlynamed Two Point Zero, about the firm’s mission, its successes, and what everyone must know in order to protect themselves.
I learned about this world the hard way. I had tried to build a business after my wedding, but it wasn’t meant to be. All that was left was a pile of credit card bills. I quickly realized that with the minimum payments mostly going to cover the monthly interest, I would never see myself out of the rut — unless something drastic happens.
Someone told me about a special Yid in Boro Park, Chaim Yosef Pinkus, a”h, who was actually recently niftar, who advised and assisted people in such a matzav without charge. Lost and without any options, I turned to him, and he worked with me and my creditors to get me out of this mess. Soon enough, I realized that I was far from the only one with this issue, and that is when we embarked on this mission with the founding of Two Point Zero.
Few of our clients are completely alike, so we try to keep our mission as broad as possible. In a nutshell, we help individuals who are stuck with high credit card balances reclaim their futures and their financial health.
Of course. Many clients’ stories are similar to mine, and all they wish is to make a settlement that won’t negatively impact them. We excel at this in an unparalleled manner, with interest rates as low as 1 or 2 percent — and sometimes even 0%! Then there are those whose identity was used in a manner they didn’t approve of, so we step in and get the debt wiped off. Others are being harassed by creditors unfairly, and we use it to the client’s advantage.
There’s a joke about the guy who won the lottery and was asked by his friend what he plans to do with the winnings.
“I’ll pay off my debts.”
“And the rest?”
“Oh, the rest will have to wait...”
In monthly savings for the average cardholder currently making minimum payments
The highest credit card balance settled
FROM 26% TO 0%
The largest decrease in interest rates negotiated 841 Greatest credit score Two Point Zero helped one of their struggling clients obtain 85%
Of clients did not believe there is hope for them before reaching out
America has very strict consumer protection laws that dictate how banks or card issuers can collect on debts. We have a team of lawyers at our side who have studied these laws extensively, and if we find that there was any undue harassment — which happens far more often than you think — we will turn it around on the bank and make them settle or wipe off large chunks of the balance.
I’ll answer both questions at once. Yes, it works, and that is why, no, we don’t charge unless and until we win. We’ve made millions — yes, million! — in debt vanish in this manner.
Of course. But I strongly advise that you don’t let it get to that point. Think about it: In any fight, you’re far better off being on the offense than fighting on defense. If you feel you’re headed down a slippery path, call us so that we can get out ahead of it. One call can truly transform and save your family.
It can take many forms, of course. In our community, we have many people who share the same names, and it happens quite often that companies confuse people with one another. There’s also standard identity theft, and finally, there are more murky situations where someone allowed another person to use his name, but it was taken too far. All these we can wipe off immediately, and if the creditors cause any delay or problems, they will still end up having to turn around and pay our clients for it.
If I can give one piece of advice, it is never to allow anyone to use your credit card, even if you think they are trustworthy. The entire burden will remain yours, and you may suffer through a world of pain until it is resolved.
You’d be shocked. We truly have everyone, including many people who are otherwise healthy financially. Sometimes all it takes is the right piece of information or the right angle to take, and we can get them their life back!
If you have an issue, call us. We are strictly confidential and our consultation is free. This may be the wisest and most important call of your life.
Two Point Zero can be reached at 718.287.1515 or at and
.שדוח םעד ןייש טרעוואק רע ,ופכ עיגימ הנהנ א זיא גילעז ןוא דניק ןייז טכאמעג הנותח רע טאה רעטניוו םענעפאלראפ
ראנ טלאצ רע ליפיוו .לטראק טידערק סאד ןעמענריפא טזומעג
$45,000 ףיוא טסערטניא ןופ ףיולעג יד ןגאיכאנ טשינ רע ןעק
ןיוש טעוו סנאלאב ןייז זא ט'הגאד
סע ,Two Point Zero ןופ דע א ףיוא ןלאפ ןגיוא ענייז
ןעד סע ןעמ ןעק ,גיטכיר ןייז וצ טוג וצ סיוא טקוק רע ?טידערק יד ןענע'גרה'פא ןא ןייז רדסמ עקאט .טרילוקעפש
ראג זיא'ס זא סיוא רע טניפעג לאק ןואפ ןייא ךאנ .פא טמעטא גילעז .טכארטעג טאה רע יוו רעסעב
ךילטקנופ ךלהמ עטעבראעגסיוא ,עראלק א טימ
יד .ןקור םעד סיוא גילעז ךיז טדָארג ,םיא ראפ טסאפעגוצ
ףיוא טלעמאזעגנא ךיז ןבאה סאוו ןרעפיצ ערעיוהעגמוא
םעלא רעביא ןעוו ,פארא ךעלסיבוצ ןראפ ךעלטראק ענייז .דילאס רואקס טידערק ןייז זיא
0 וצ ןעמוקנא טא טייג סנאלאב ןייז זא גיאור
3 1 2
A Chol Hamoed trip turned into an extended affair when an island ferry was unable to keep up with passenger demand, leaving hundreds of Brooklyn families stranded at a New York Harbor attraction.
The incident took place on April 10 on Governors Island, which is serviced by a 150-passenger ferry that runs between the attraction and Lower Manhattan’s South Street, with additional stops serving Kings County residents on a Brooklyn route.
David Shor was one of many people who found themselves stuck on the island, located just 800 yards away from Manhattan. He took to Twitter to share his frustration 90 minutes after his scheduled departure time, noting that the ferry was taking just a fraction of the stranded visitors back to the city on each trip. NYC Ferry responded to his complaints, saying that it had assigned a ferry to bring passengers home, providing service between Governors Island and Wall Street’s Pier 11, that left Brooklyn-bound visitors in limbo.
“It was chaotic,” wrote Twitter user Yitzy Levi. “We had to take our two families with many little kids to Pier 11 and take a subway home when our car was a threeminute ferry ride the other way. Unacceptable.”
According to BoroPark24, it took three hours to transport all of the visitors off of Governors Island.
NYC Ferry apologized on Twitter for the inconvenience, saying that its vessels were operating at full capacity.
Unseasonable temperatures and other meteorological events created problems both large and small, making this Yom Tov a Pesach to remember.
A severe ice storm struck Montreal on Erev Pesach, leaving more than a million people without heat or electricity, reported Yeshiva World News. With the expected repairs slow in coming amid steadily dropping temperatures, Hatzolah of Montreal reached out to their counterpart in Monsey for assistance on Yom Tov, under the guidance of their respective rabbonim
Kittel-clad members of Chaverim of Rockland spent the night of the second Seder packing up emergency supplies to help the thousands of Montrealers who had been without electricity for more than 24 hours. Non-Jewish members of Chaverim of Rockland’s Shabbos patrol drove a truck filled with generators, heaters, electrical cords and gas tanks to a designated halfway point north of Albany, where they were met by a contingent from Chaverim of Montreal.
The weather pendulum swung in the opposite direction over the second days of Yom Tov, with temperatures soaring into the 80s and hitting 90 degrees on Acharon Shel Pesach. But even that uncomfortably warm weather paled in comparison to conditions in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where nearly 26 inches of rain fell on the last day of Yom Tov, shutting down airports and stranding Pesach travelers who were expecting to return home before Shabbos, reported VIN News.
Schoolteacher Zachary Ottenstein of Staten Island managed to make his way home in time for Shabbos by driving through
תודוסי יד ןענרעל ךיז טעוו ריא ואוו ןטיילגאב ךייא טעוו סאוו ,האירק ןופ ןדנירג
.טראוו ןייא ןייק טשינ ייטשראפ׳כ
עכלעוו ,ןעמעלבארפ האירק טימ ךיז ןענעשטומ ךעלרעדניק עליפ
ע׳בושח יד - רימ ןעלפייווצ טייצ עבלעז יד ןיא .גנואילב רעייז ןרעוושראפ
רימ ןלעוו ?דניק ן׳ראפ ךלהמ ןגיטכיר םעד עקאט רימ ןבאה יצ - םיכנחמ ?טייהרעטכייל ןענרעל ןוא ןענייל ןענעק וצ ןטכיילפיוא ןענעק ייז
the night to Tampa with his father to catch a 5 a.m. flight to Chicago, with a connecting flight to New York. Rabbi Mendel Fayershtayn of Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Fort Lauderdale stepped up to help those who found themselves unexpectedly detained in Florida, announcing that hot Shabbos meals were available for anyone in need.
Fort Lauderdale’s torrential downpours were described as the kind of storm that comes only once in a thousand years. According to NBC 6 South Florida, the Fort Lauderdale downpour ranks third in the record books, coming in behind 2000’s 27-inch rainfall on Hilo, Hawaii, and 2017’s 26.5 inches in Port Arthur, Texas.
Each year, Lakewood resident Dr. Richard Roberts sponsors a free Chol Hamoed carnival that is attended by thousands of local families. This year, Dr. Roberts found himself facing a possible investigation for an incident that took place at a completely different event.
Shore News Network reported that the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs told Dr. Richard Roberts that they were looking into an April 10th accident that left several victims injured, one seriously, when a gust of wind knocked over an inflatable ride. The New York Post, ABC News and Daily Voice all reported that the injuries took place at Roberts’ carnival, which was being held at the BlueClaws Stadium parking lot, while in fact the incident occurred three miles away on Summer Avenue.
A frustrated Roberts noted that his event featured shows, storytellers, a petting zoo and trampoline acrobats, but not a single inflatable ride. Roberts took ABC News to task after it reported that it had sent a helicopter to fly over the accident scene.
“How do you report from a flying helicopter live above the
scene and say you’re at a baseball stadium, but didn’t notice there was no stadium below you?” asked Roberts.
A New York Post article featured similar inaccuracies, reporting, “The inflatable ride that broke loose was seen deflated and off to the side while other inflatable rides were still up and running inside the parking lot at the stadium where the Jersey Shore BlueClaws play their home games, according to footage from ABC7’s chopper.”
Roberts received a follow-up message from the Department of Community Affairs acknowledging the mistake, but still had to spend considerable time correcting the news reports. It is unknown if he will be taking legal action against any of the media outlets that ran the inaccurate stories.
Roberts spends approximately $140,000 on his free Chol Hamoed events. This year, 16,000 children and 5,000 adults attended the Pesach carnival. Ten thousand chocolate bars, 10,000 snack bags, and 10,000 LED bike lights were distributed to children at the carnival, as well as cotton candy made from 500 pounds of sugar.
Those public phone charging kiosks you see in airports, stores, hotels and other locations may look tempting when your battery is running low, but the FBI warned of the risks of using them.
Axios reported that the FBI has warned that cyber thieves have found ways to tamper with USB ports at public charging stations, giving them the ability to load malware and monitoring devices onto people’s cell phones. The FBI described the process as “juice jacking,” and said that it can be used to lock a victim’s phone or to export their personal data and passwords, which can then be used to access their online accounts.
While few reports have been received about juice jacking, the Federal Communications Commission has described it as a credible cyber threat and recommends that travelers carry their own charger and USB cord and plug them directly into an electrical outlet instead of using public charging stations.
א"טילש ר"ומדא ןרמ ק"כ תואישנב
רעדניק ערעייז ןבירשעגנייא ןיוש ןבאה עכלעוו 'יחיש ןרעטלע עבושח ןופ עגארפכענ עסיורג יד ךאנ
ךרבתי םשה תרזעב רייא שדוח שאר ןענעפע ךיז טעוו סאוו
ערענעלק ךוניח רעשידיסח טראדנאטס רעכעה א ראפ טלעטש רדח עילאקס
טיובעג ה״זעב טעוו ,קידצה
שדחהו רידאה ד״מהיב ןינב םעד
ןרעטכיילראפוצ קיפארט
ןורלאלועבושל ןגלאפסיואעטיב
ןלעוו סע ואוו ןופ ךאק עכילרעה יד
רעטנעזיוט יד ןייגסיורא
ימי יד סיואכרוד
ןייטש ה״זעב טעוו ושדק הואנ ותיב
רעטנעזיוט יד ןעמענוצפיוא טיירג
ןרעהעגוצ עלא טימ ,םיחרוא
יד וצ סלעטאש עלא ואוו ןופ
עיולב״ עיינ עטגיילעגוצ
ראפ טעמדיוועג ״טאל גניקראפ
סראק עטאווירפ
ןלעוו ןויצה ילוע רעטנעזיוט ואוו ץראה סאד ןסיגסיוא ןענעק ךיז הבחרה טימ ,העושי רבדב
״גניקראפ עטיור״ עגיד׳תובחר ןוא סעסאב רעטרעדנוה יד ראפ ןראק עטאווירפ
2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7
תודועס עגיטראסיורג יירד טעווארפעג ה״זעב ןלעוו אלוליה יקנעה רעטאש םעניא ןרעוו
זיוה סעל'יעשי יבר - שדוק הואנ ותיב .1 שרדמה תיב סעל'יעשי יבר חטש .2 גאט םעד סיואכרוד תואקשמו עוואק .3 בוטש לטיווק ס׳ליעשי יבר .4
אשידק אלוליהה ימיב הליפת ינינמ .5 ךאק סעל'יעשי יבר .6
אלוליה תדועסל ראופמהו לודגה רעטאש .7 םע יבידנל דחוימה רעטאש .8
אלוליהה תודועסל םישנל רעטאש
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טעוו קידצ רעד ןעניישניירא יאדווב
,זיוה ןיא ךייא ייב עטיירב טימ
ןפלעה,תועפשה ךייא ןוא
טימ ןוא בר עפשב
,טנוזעג ,הסנרפ
,םיכודיש ,תחנ
בוט לכ ןוא תועושי
קידצ םעד טפלעה
ןייז טימ ןייגנא
,הדובע עגיליה
םעד ןקעד ן׳כרוד
ןופ טעשזדוב ןזיר
עשיטנאגיג יד
ןוזרל אלו עבושל
א ,עיצארעפא
אמויב ןוא ראי ץנאג
אשידק אלוליהד
ראי ן׳ראפ $600 | םישדח 12 ראפ
:ןיילטאהןגיד׳העש 24ןפיואןיושטפור
ץנאג א דימת רנ ןפיוא טצירקעגנייא
Recap: Lani bumps into an intrusive neighbor during her daily construction inspection. After putting up with another round of her boss’s mind games, Riva’s husband Yaakov urges her to quit her job.
Recess time in the fourth grade had seasons.
When the year started, it had been a ball-andjump rope season. Even when the weather turned nippy, the girls in Fraidy Stroh’s class would run up to the auditorium the minute the recess bell rang to continue playing their favorite sports.
Next came the season of trading. Within the season of trading there were sub-seasons: a season for trading doctor stickers, a season for trading Izzy and Dizzy cards, even a short season for trading graphic napkins.
The season of mazes came next. Fraidy had loved that season and had drawn the most intricate mazes on every scrap piece of paper she found. She’d been so good at it, their teacher Mrs. Shiffer asked her to draw a maze for the school newsletter, and the class started calling her the Maze Whiz.
“You’re a whiz at everything,” her best friend Shevy had whispered to her once, and Fraidy had turned bright red, because although she would never admit it, it was a little bit kind of true. Even Mrs. Shiffer had told that to Mommy at PTA. She always got the best grades, she was creative, and she sang beautifully. Still, it was weird for Shevy to say that.
In any case, now the class was no longer interested in mazes. Instead, they’d entered the season of schmoozing.
Schmoozing was different from all other recess time seasons. It felt very mature, almost like high school, to sit around and chat with friends while munching on snacks. Fraidy enjoyed it… usually.
She did not enjoy the discussion today. Chevi was leading it, which was typical, and she was once again talking about her house.
“So the whole entire basement, okay except for one guest room and some storage closets, is being a playroom. It’s going to be hutrongous. Like you could ride a bike in there. I bet the entire class can have a sleepover there. We’ll line up blow-up mattresses…”
The girls were gawking at her, drinking in every fairytale detail. They’d heard it all: about the trampoline they’d have in their “hutrongous” backyard, the five bathrooms, the stuuuuuuuunning kitchen and huuuuuuuuuuge dining room with, like, three couches. Frankly, it was all coming out of Fraidy’s ears, and she didn’t understand how the class was still interested in listening.
It was fun to sit and schmooze, and it did feel very grown up, but at the moment, Fraidy’s legs felt like jelly and she really wanted to move around a bit.
“Do you want to come to the water fountain with me?” she asked Shevy.
Shevy turned her eyes away from Chevi. “Yes.” She swiped potato chip crumbs off her desk. “Let’s go.”
There was a long line at the water fountain. “I’m not even thirsty,” Shevy admitted, “but I’m bored of hearing about Chevi’s house again.”
Fraidy looked at Shevy incredulously. “You too? I thought I was the only one. It’s really coming out of my ears.”
Shevy giggled and flattened the pleats on her uniform jumper.
Really, it made sense. Shevy wasn’t the type to care about such stuff. Like Fraidy, she cared about school, always got good marks and actually enjoyed writing assignments.
They reached the front of the line and drank some water. Then Shevy asked Fraidy if she wanted to review shorashim with her so they wouldn’t have to do it for homework, and Fraidy liked the idea.
When they returned to the classroom, Chevi was still surrounded by girls, going on about how a pop-up roof on an indoor sukkah worked.
Shevy gave Fraidy a little pinch, and when Fraidy looked at her, she snorted. Fraidy didn’t smile back because, really, it wasn’t nice to make fun of Chevi. Also, their classmates didn’t seem bored. They actually seemed to find Chevi’s house fascinating.
Maybe she was more tired of the conversation than the rest of the class because unlike all of them, she didn’t only have to put up with it in school. She got construction reports at Bubby Miller’s house, and she got updates just from listening to her mother talk on the phone.
That was her privilege, being that
Chevi’s mother was her aunt, and Chevi was her cousin.
“It’s very nice to dream about quitting,” Riva told Chaim Tzvi as she set a bowl of popcorn down on the porch table. “But let’s be realistic. If I leave Kleenup, what are we going to eat?”
Chaim Tzvi moved his chair closer to the porch door so that the light shone on his grid paper.
“We’re going to eat whatever we’ve been eating until now,” he said. He took some popcorn in his hand and made a bracha. “This is not how hishtadlus has to look.”
The porch was a simple blessing in their lives. The Strohs lived in a small apartment on the third floor, with not enough closets, too much heat they
Mr. Gabioff walked over and told you you’re fired, from one minute to the next.”
It didn’t take a very creative imagination to picture the scene.
His voice is low and even, like always. He doesn’t display any anger, he’s completely composed. Only his lips twitch sardonically and there’s that permanent hint of distrust in his eyes. “We are a cleaning company, for goodness sake,” he drawls. “And look at this place. A pigsty! Who ate sushi? Do you also leave empty sushi trays out in your house?”
She and Miriam had shared that sushi. They’d left it there because… she didn’t know why. The phone must have rung as they were finishing lunch, so
she probably ran over to her desk to answer the call.
She feels like a little kid who left dirty socks on the floor yet again, to his mother’s disappointment.
His phone rings, and he’s still casting her resigned looks as he takes the call. She pretends she doesn’t notice and gets busy at her desk. But it’s hard to concentrate when he’s pacing like a cat just a few feet away. Every few minutes, he casually squints at her screen, and she senses his desire to pounce, to catch her at a mistake. An hour later, he does.
He summons her to his desk but doesn’t say a word. Instead, he points at a printout in front of him and waits for her to talk.
She looks at the sheet. It’s Zeyman’s invoice.
What? What about it? She tries to read the numbers, but her vision blurs. “Uh…” she stammers.
I hope
He is still quiet. His silence is worse than any yelling would have been. She stands there squirming, feeling progressively more stupid, until at last he asks, “You sent Zeyman this invoice?” Did she? She thinks she did. She’s nearly certain that she did. Was she not supposed to, then? What was wrong with this invoice? “November?” he asks. There’s a smirk on his face, and she takes a closer look at the date. There are two 1s. She’d manually dated the invoice for January, but she must have accidentally hit the 1 twice. His sigh of disappointment, that look in his eyes that tells her, “You are beyond hope,” leaves her wondering: If I get fired today, will it be over a typo — or an empty sushi tray?
She hadn’t been laid off that day. There was only an added clench in her stomach when her boss came into the office the next day, and her shoulders were just a bit stiffer from the tension.
And lunch — she skipped it altogether. The previous day’s sushi still sat heavily in her stomach.
Chaim Tzvi was rolling his pencil on the table. Riva fidgeted in her seat.
“I don’t know,” she said quietly. “I know I have to leave, but the money thing makes me so nervous.”
“I get it, and I’d be a liar if I said it doesn’t worry me. You’re right that we need a plan, so let’s try to make one.”
He flipped the Preisler sketch over, and on the next blank page, he drew a line down the center. He titled the columns Income and Expenses. Then he started scribbling numbers on the expenses side. Rent, utilities, tuition, car, miscellaneous.
There wasn’t much to list on the income side. There was his humble kollel stipend, and the money he earned from tutoring the Richard boy during his lunch break.
The gap between the totals of the two columns glared. Riva slumped in her seat. “See what I mean? How can I leave? I should look for a new job, but…” “Exactly. But.”
A new job would mean being trained all over again. And for all his flaws, Gabioff paid her generously. Wherever she’d go from here, she’d almost definitely start with a much lower salary.
Also, it was getting more and more challenging to keep working. Sometimes it just became too much. Between Yom Tov and simcha seasons, and between four children and herself, just arranging and keeping appointments could be a full time job.
“So I had this thought…” Yaakov started.
Riva twirled the bowl on the table. “Nu?”
“Maybe I should make these architectural plans more official. Turn it into an actual parnassah.”
“But you’d need schooling for that.”
Yaakov had been sketching plans as a hobby, helping friends and family brainstorm their dream homes. Sometimes these people’s architects incorporated his hand-drawn ideas into their actual plans, but he couldn’t do anything on his own without engineering and software knowledge.
“True,” Yaakov said. “And?”
And? Was he interested in studying toward a license? “And that would take years! What will we eat until then? Or should I stick it out at Kleenup until you’re done studying?”
“Oh, no, absolutely not.”
“So? And schooling itself will be an expense. Without an income, how will we pay for that?”
Yaakov tore his budget paper out of the pad and crumpled it up. “I know, and I thought about that. I know you don’t like the idea, but we’ll just have to dip into savings for now.”
“Savings? ” She stood up. “No, Yaakov, that’s nuts. I wouldn’t dream of it. Besides, we don’t even…”
“We have the money, it’s just… tied up at the moment, right?”
Riva’s fingers gripped the tabletop. “We’re not asking Lani for the money back.”
“Even if the other option is for you to stay working in that torture chamber?”
Riva drew her arms around her chest and slowly shook head. “No.”
Yaakov gave her a compassionate look and absently pulled open the balled-up grid paper.
Riva picked up the bowl of popcorn. “It’s getting cold,” she said. “I’m going inside.”
עקאמשעג עטנאסערעטניא וצ טלעטש לגנעיירט
דניק רעייא ןענרעלסיוא טעוו סאוו סעפורג ןאפעלעט
,רעטסיוושעג ןוא םירבח טימ ןייגאב וצ ךיז יוזאיוו
ןבעל ןיא םיבצמ עלא ןיא טייקגיאור א טימ ןבעל
וצ יזאיוו ןעדער ןעמ
Exciting crafts and interesting activities will be sent to your home to ensure your child's participation
The course content has been designed with an innovative approach that will keep your child engaged, and has shown to be very effective in impacting real change for participating children.
עקאמשעג עטנאסערעטניא וצ טלעטש לגנעיירט
דניק רעייא ןענרעלסיוא טעוו סאוו סעפורג ןאפעלעט
,רעטסיוושעג ןוא םירבח טימ ןייגאב וצ ךיז יוזאיוו
ןבעל ןיא םיבצמ עלא ןיא טייקגיאור א טימ ןבעל
יד טצינעג טאה'מ יוזאיוו ןעלייטימ ליוו רעוו טבילאב רעמ ןייז יצ ךאוו עגיראפ ןופ תוצע
טימ ןבעג הצע ןא ךיז ןוא םירבח ןשיווצ ?ןליפעג ערעווש
טאה רעדירב ןיימ
םע באה ךיא .....ןעמונעגקעווא
באה ךיא יוויוזא ....טעמכ ......טנאמרעד ךיז
וצ רעווש רעייז רימ זיא סע ןעוו רעבא .... וצ ןעדער
ךיא ןיב .....יד טצינעג באה ךיא
..אי ןעק ךיא זא ןעראוועג ראוועג
Exciting crafts and interesting activities will be sent to your home to ensure your child's participation
The course content has been designed with an innovative approach that will keep your child engaged, and has shown to be very effective in impacting real change for participating children.
Whenever I make a simcha, I always wish I’d have a brother who’s a caterer. Or a sister-in-law who’s a party planner.
It would also really be convenient, in general, if we had a pediatrician in the family. Or at least a nurse. Even a PA would do.
I wouldn’t take advantage of any of these professionals. I know they’re experts in their field and people pay them good money for their services. It’s just that I would be able to ask them things. If I serve a salad as an appetizer, how early can I plate it? What color flowers go with gold tablecloths? Can I ignore the baby’s rash, or is it an emergency?
Life would be so much easier with a cousin in mortgages, or diamonds, or sheitels. Or at least in appliance repair, or in finance management. Just someone to answer the important questions in life.
Welcome to Ask the Expert. You’ll meet professionals in many industries and get answers to things you always wished you knew. No more worrying or stressing — the expert’s here!
If you are on a diet right now, or if you’ve been on diets in the past, you were probably given a food plan that includes several meals and hopefully some snacks. The “better” diets out there give you a list of options and enough variety that you don’t get bored too easily, and the worst of the diets will limit you to just a handful of approved foods. But let’s face it: Even on the best of plans, the food choices get boring.
Not only do we get bored, but for many of us, being told that we are supposed to eat from this specific list of foods creates a certain amount of guilt when we eat something not on our plan — even if it’s nutritious!
I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me if they are “allowed” to have bread, or if they can have sauce on their chicken or meat, or if it’s okay to have sardines, turkey neck or chopped liver.
The answer is yes, yes, and yes!
Here’s the little secret that we all need to remember: There is no specific food that is “fattening” in and of itself. And the opposite is true, too. Having too much of any food, no matter how nutritious it is, will cause weight gain over time.
Hashem gave us an incredible gift: We humans (unlike plants, for example) are sustained through the delicious and delightful experience of eating. Clearly, He wants to provide us with sustenance and pleasure! There is the potential for so much variety in our diets, and Hashem placed different vitamins, minerals and nutrients in different foods. This is so we can get the health benefits of each one while enjoying this wide range of options He’s gifted us with.
Missing out on different foods because they aren’t on our plan can actually cause us to become deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. Unless you have a specific food sensitivity or health issue, there is no reason to limit yourself to a list of three breakfast options or a handful of lunch or dinner options. And there is certainly no reason to ever feel guilty about eating any food — particularly not nutritious food!
“But won’t I gain weight?”
No. As we just said, food doesn’t make us gain weight. Too much food makes us gain weight. Of course, each person’s caloric needs are different, and the definition of too much food varies from person to person. My suggestion is to eat most of your food early in the day when your metabolism is strongest, and to eat at regular intervals (two to three hours) throughout the day so that when you do stop to eat, you aren’t starved. But definitely don’t feel pressured to cut out entire food groups, or even to stick to a select list of foods. And please, don’t ever feel guilty for eating foods that aren’t on your plan; instead, simply adjust your plan!
Stay tuned for next week’s article, where we will gain some perspective on where non-nutritious foods fit into our lives. Spoiler alert: They definitely have their place!
The allure of freshly baked bread after Pesach propels us all to pull out our mixers. These breads are sure to delight one and all.
If you’re a fan of fresh, warm bread straight from the oven, then you’re going to love this recipe for homemade pita. This pita is incredibly easy to make and only requires a few staple ingredients. It’s also exciting to watch the pita pop in the oven to create the perfect pocket for your favorite fillings.
2 tsp. active dry yeast
1 T. sugar
1 cup warm water
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus ½ cup for dusting
½ cup whole-wheat flour
1 tsp. salt
2 to 3 T. olive oil, divided
1. Mix together the yeast, sugar and warm water, stirring to dissolve completely. Let sit for 5 minutes to activate the yeast.
2. Meanwhile, mix together 2 cups all-purpose flour, ½ cup whole wheat flour and the salt in a mixing bowl.
3. Pour the yeast mixture into the mixing bowl along with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Turn the mixer on low, and combine everything into a sticky mass.
4. Now raise the speed and mix for 8 minutes, until you have a nice firm dough.
5. Lightly oil a bowl. Transfer the dough to the bowl, coating the dough with olive oil on all sides to prevent it from drying. Cover the bowl with a towel, and allow the dough to rise for approximately 2 hours.
6. After 2 hours, gently punch down the dough and divide it into 10 equal parts. Tuck in the sides to give each piece a round shape. Place each little ball under a towel to keep it moist.
7. Take the first piece of dough that you shaped, and roll it out thinly and evenly into a circle that’s about 6 inches in diameter. Place this on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, and cover it with a tea towel.
8. Once you have rolled out all the balls, allow them to rise again for about 30 minutes.
9. Place either a baking stone or a reusable sheet pan inside the oven, and preheat the oven to 450°.
10. Just before baking, place the rolled-out dough rounds onto the stone or pan. Bake the rounds for 4 to 5 minutes until they’re nicely puffed up.
11. Wrap each pita in a towel as soon as it comes out of the oven to keep it soft.
Note: To make the pita on a stovetop, heat a skillet. Place a rolled-out dough round in the hot skillet. After about 20 seconds, flip the dough, and you will observe that it puffs up like a balloon after one minute. Flip the pita again to cook it on both sides.
So delicious, chewy and soft… This pretzel bun recipe makes fantastic soft pretzels or the perfect burger bun.
1¼ cups lukewarm water
1 packet active dry yeast
1 tsp. sugar
3 to 3½ cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp. salt
3 T. margarine, melted and cooled
1 to 2 T. olive oil
4 cups water
½ cup baking soda
1. Mix together the lukewarm water, yeast and sugar. (You can mix these in the measuring cup.)
2. Allow the yeast to activate for about 5 minutes or until it’s foamy.
3. In your mixing bowl, combine 3 cups flour (add more later if necessary) and salt.
4. Add the water-yeast mixture and the melted, cooled margarine. Using the dough hook attachment on low speed, mix for 2 to 3 minutes until a soft dough forms. It shouldn’t be too wet or dry. Add more flour if needed, or a few drops of water to get a nice elastic dough ball. Knead this with your dough hook on medium speed for 5 to 6 minutes.
5. Lightly oil a bowl. Transfer the dough into the bowl, and coat it with olive oil on all sides to prevent it from drying. Cover the bowl with a towel, and allow the dough to rise for 1 hour, or until it has doubled in size.
6. Punch down the risen dough about halfway, then transfer it from the bowl to your floured work surface. Knead the dough for 2 minutes, then divide into 10 equal portions.
7. Dust your hands with some flour. Roll portion-size balls of dough in your hands, with the smooth, rounded side facing upward and the bottom side cupped in one hand. Use your free hand to smooth the domed top portion of the dough ball, which will make the surface less likely to lose its shape. Repeat these steps with each bun.
8. Cover your shaped buns with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap, and allow them to rise for 20 to 30 minutes, until they’ve almost doubled in size again.
9. Preheat your oven to 425°, and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
10. Fill a large pot with the 4 cups of water and ½ cup of baking and bring to a boil. (Watch it closely to prevent it from bubbling over.)
11. Lower the pretzel buns into the boiling water using a slotted spoon. Place as many into the boiling water as you can fit without crowding them, as you do not want them touching each other. Make sure to have enough water in the stock pot to prevent the buns from touching the bottom.
12. Boil each of the buns for 30 seconds with the rounded side up, then flip them over and boil them for another 30 seconds. Then use your slotted spoon to remove the buns and place them on the lined baking sheet
13. Score the top of each bun with a sharp knife (create an X shape) as it comes out of the boiling water, then sprinkle it with coarse sea salt.
14. Bake the buns for 15 minutes or until they’re golden brown with a soft crust, but not too soft. (Pretzel shapes will need only 10 to 12 minutes.) When you press the buns with your finger, the indentation should spring back rather than leaving a mark.
15. Remove the buns from the oven when they’re done, and transfer them to a wire cooling rack to cool completely.
Made with just a few simple ingredients, this creamy dip is the perfect accompaniment to your freshly baked pita bread.
⅓ cup good-quality tahini
⅓ cup mayonnaise
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
2 medium cloves garlic, crushed
Juice of 1 lemon (2–3 T.)
¾ tsp. fine sea salt
½ tsp. ground cumin
1 (15 oz.) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
2 to 3 (1 oz.) ice cubes
1. Place all ingredients except the ice cubes in the food processor. Puree for 3 to 4 minutes, then add an ice cube, pulse, and check the consistency. Add up to 3 ice cubes, pulsing and checking after each addition until you get the desired consistency.
2. Taste the hummus, and season it with additional salt, cumin and/or lemon juice, as desired.
3. Serve immediately, garnished with your desired toppings, or transfer the hummus to a sealed container and refrigerate for up to three days.
1 T. crushed red pepper
1 T. freshly cracked black pepper
1 T. dried oregano
1 T. dried parsley
1½ tsp. garlic powder
1½ tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. dried rosemary
1½ tsp. coarse sea salt
3 cloves garlic, freshly crushed or minced
Extra virgin olive oil
1. Mix together the crushed red pepper, black pepper, oregano, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, rosemary and sea salt.
2. Just before serving, add the garlic and desired amount of olive oil.
3. Drizzle this on the hummus, and enjoy with homemade pita!
A tried-and-true guacamole recipe that’s easy to make, uses fresh ingredients and is loaded with flavor. It’s the best guacamole dip, hands down.
3 ripe avocados
½ red onion, diced
1 box cherry tomatoes, sliced
1 jalapeño, seeds removed, diced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 T. lemon juice
1 tsp. salt
1. Slice the avocados in half, remove the pit, and scoop the flesh into a mixing bowl.
2. Mash the avocado with a fork, making it as chunky or smooth as you’d like.
3. Add the remaining ingredients, and mix everything together. Taste, and add a pinch of salt or lemon juice as desired.
4. Serve the guacamole on a homemade pretzel bun with an egg or some crumbled feta cheese.
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What’s delicious, looks pretty, and is always found at a Yiddishe simcha, no matter how small the event?
Cake platters, of course. No kiddush, tenayim, or shalom zachar is complete without an array of cake. But as you select a piece of delicious marble cake and delight in its velvety sweetness, you probably hardly stop to consider where the cake comes from.
If you’re lucky, you just might be eating a creation from Mrs. Greenbaum’s kitchen, where a mouthwatering variety of cakes is produced daily. Come along to hear how her family business of providing simcha cakes grew from a small project to a large and growing enterprise.
“It wasn’t even my idea to open this business,” Mrs. Greenbaum admits.
For her daughter’s Shabbos sheva brachos fifteen years ago, Mrs. Greenbaum patchked in her kitchen to create her own homemade cake platters for the sweet table. Then she enlisted her neighbor, a popular Monsey party planner, to help her set up the simcha
As soon as her neighbor saw the cake platters Mrs. Greenbaum was setting up on the sweet table, she asked, “Where did you get those cake platters from?” Mrs. Greenbaum told her that she had made them in her own kitchen, and the party planner immediately suggested that she begin selling them for simchos
“At that point, cake platters in Monsey were coming from the city,” Mrs. Greenbaum explains. “As a party planner, my neighbor knew what a demand there would be for locally produced, heimishe cake platters. And she was right.”
To launch her business, Mrs. Greenbaum did not do one bit of advertising. Instead, she reached out to a couple of other party planners to let them know about the new service she was offering. Many of them were interested and began placing their simcha orders with her.
From there, word quickly spread. Her cakes tasted truly heimish, because that’s what they were. Customers loved the cakes, and they asked for more. As her little side business grew, she was soon busy baking all day, every day.
“My kids would come home from school, and there was cake and cake and cake all over. Cake on the counters, cake on the tables, wherever you looked there was cake! I was baking the cakes in my regular family kitch-
en, and as more orders poured in, it became very overwhelming.”
The turning point really came when her son was getting married. He returned home from yeshiva to prepare for his wedding, but all he saw going on in the house was cake. It was taking over the place.
That’s when Mrs. Greenbaum realized it was time to switch gears. She sprang into action, and from one day to the next, transformed one section of her house into a fully equipped cake production facility.
Mrs. Greenbaum is proud to say that even in the new kitchen, the cakes have remained just as heimish as they were when they were baked in her family’s oven.
“Our ovens are regular 30-inch ovens, nothing commercial for us,” she says.
But you can be sure that her “non-commercial” kitchen today boasts more ovens that your typical kitchen, so that each kind of cake can have its own baking space. A number of standard freezers line another wall, and three commercial mixers fill some more of the floor. Her Bosch machines sift the flour, and granite countertops make it easy to cut the cakes for the platters.
“We can sift up to a hundred pounds of flour a day,” Mrs. Greenbaum adds. “Or more.”
Looking at the near-standard equip-
People often ask Mrs. Greenbaum how she keeps up with the workload. It’s intense work, very physical, and the nature of the business means that it’s busiest during the busiest times of the year!
“The truth is,” Mrs. Greenbaum says, “that I’d have long closed up shop if not for the fact that it brings parnassah to my kollel couples.”
Having a flexible side job that works around their children’s schedules makes it possible for Mrs. Greenbaum’s daughters to fulfill their desire in supporting their husbands in learning, and even a son has pitched in after kollel.
“In fact,” Mrs. Greenbaum adds, “a daughter of the Skverer Rebbe always told her children that she liked ordering cakes from us because she felt that it was a way of providing parnassah for kollel families.”
ment, you’d never know what volume this kitchen produces, but it’s also easy to see why Mrs. Greenbaum’s cakes are still as original as ever. They’re made without any artificial ingredients, preservatives or chemicals, which means all ingredients used are the same ones you’d use in your own kitchen.
Nevertheless, once there was a separate kitchen, Mrs. Greenbaum was able to get an official hechsher, which also helped her business grow.
Mrs. Greenbaum’s busiest season? Hands down, it’s Sukkos.
Instead of hiring help as her business grew, Mrs. Greenbaum kept the business in the family. All of her married daughters have worked in her kitchen, either doing the baking or administrative work, and even her eight- and ten-year-old grandchildren have pitched in during hectic seasons.
“We bake from nine to three every day,” Mrs. Greenbaum says. These days, Mrs. Greenbaum herself mostly acts as the manager and lets her daughters do the baking. Only on busy weekends does she find it necessary to help out on the baking end.
Of course, running a business like this from home comes with its own hardships, some of which were unexpected.
“The pressure,” Mrs. Greenbaum declares, “of always making sure I have enough stock to fill my orders can get very tough.”
Because this means that if she gets a call on Thursday that there’s another kiddush that Shabbos, she’ll be baking all Thursday through the night and on Friday to fill that order. And because her cakes are always made fresh, she can’t quite stock up in advance, so the baking always ends up being pretty unpredictable.
That’s the kind of pressure that exists all the time. But of course, any housewife who has just been through the Pesach season can imagine a far greater pressure: Pesach!
While Mrs. Greenbaum has a Pesach kitchen, she doesn’t feel comfortable opening it up until she has completely finished with her professional baking.
“Everything is chometz’dig in my house,” she explains. “Even my cordless phone is full of flour after a day of baking! So I really like to wait until we’re no longer baking to hit the Pesach kitchen. And a few days before Pesach, I get a cleaning crew to come
down, and they scrub the bakery kitchen spotless.
“But putting Erev Pesach aside,” she continues, “you should see Motzei Pesach! This year, especially, postPesach was unbelievably hectic. There was just one short day between Pesach and Shabbos, which meant pulling an all-nighter to fill the limited amount of orders I’d accepted.”
Mrs. Greenbaum’s business is built on happy customers. As she says, the one thing that would make her close her business is an unhappy customer. She’s in business to make people happy, and she works hard to make sure of that.
Baruch Hashem, Mrs. Greenbaum can say that she truly does succeed in this mission. Her cakes are always fresh, delicious and ready on time. Today, her showstopping babkas, in particular, are tremendous crowd-pleasers. These decorated masterpieces, which are rolled, filled and topped to culinary perfection, have become one of her most requested items.
“In general, people will order these babkas from me as an upgrade,” Mrs. Greenbaum shares. “They’re something different, something more unique than standard bakery fare, and words truly cannot do them justice. They make a statement on any sweet table, especially when there are multiple babkas lined up, each with a card labeling them as either chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, lotus, praline, and so on.”
Mrs. Greenbaum makes more than just her customers happy. The entire neighborhood enjoys the delicious smell of her
“I begin preparing for Sukkos during the Nine Days!” Mrs.
says. “And even then it’s nonstop work for weeks on end to fill all incoming orders.”
baking, and all the little (and sometimes big) neighbors come knocking on her door.
“Can we please have the ends?” they ask.
And Mrs. Greenbaum is always happy to give them a large bag of cake ends, which can’t be used when making the platters.
“Lots of people try to be my friend so they can get the ends,” she laughs. “But really, I share with anyone who asks. I have so many leftover end pieces that they would land in the garbage otherwise.”
It’s also very gratifying to be the one baking the delicious cakes sent as gifts to family, friends or workplace acquaintances. Especially during the COVID pandemic, when Mrs. Greenbaum didn’t have a quiet day.
“People constantly called to place orders,” Mrs. Greenbaum explains. “Schools and chadarim, especially, called one after the next. They wanted to send babkas as tokens of appreciation to the teachers and melamdim who were working so hard.” And these specialty cakes were the perfect way to express that.
Talking about babkas of appreciation makes Mrs. Greenbaum laugh as she remembers her funniest story yet.
“There was a certain school that ordered babkas from me on a pretty regular basis, whether for teachers celebrating simchos or to mark other occasions. The secretary would call me, place an order, and send a non-Jewish worker to come pick it up.”
This non-Jewish driver worked in the school full-time, and at one point she wanted to send a gift to her boss, the administrator. Of course, the first idea she thought of was to order a cake from Mrs. Greenbaum.
She also wanted to present the cake in honor of the upcoming holiday. Which holiday? Pesach, of course!
Trying not to laugh, Mrs. Greenbaum gently explained that a cake would absolutely not be appreciated at this time. Of course, the non-Jewish worker agreed to present the cake at a different time, which turned out to be at the end of the school year. And when preparing the babka at last, Mrs. Greenbaum couldn’t help writing a little note titled “The Story Behind the Babka” to let the staff know about the cake that almost was…
“Sometimes people request that I don’t include sponge cake on the trays,” Mrs. Greenbaum says, “but what they don’t know is that I never, ever bake sponge cake!
It’s simply not an option. I like any other variety, but sponge? No.”
Rebbe Nachman from breslov chose two of his students (Rav Aharon, Rav of Breslov, and Rav Naftali from Nemerov) as witnesses to his declaration. He stated that
• Whoever comes to my tzion - (gravesite) (located in Uman – Ukraine)
• Gives a prutah for tzdaka –(donates a small amount of money for charity in his favor)
• recites ten specific chapters of Tehilim - (Psalms) “16. 32. 41. 42. 59. 77. 90. 105. 137. 150.”
Then… even if his sins are very severe… “I will do everything in my power… and go to all lengths … to save him!!! help him!!! correct his sins!!! and protect him!!! by his “payos”- (sidelock) I will pull him out of GEHINOM - (hell), However, the person must commit not to intentionally sin again.
The TZADDIK also said:
The Tzaddik said; that reciting these ten chapters of Tehilim at any place and time will cleanse the soul and provide significant help. He emphasized the importance of reciting these above ten chapters of Tehilim, which is known as the Tikkun Haklali
The rebbe said: “I’m strongly committed to what I say, especially in the power of reciting those above 10 chapters of tehilim the tikkun haklali.”
(sefer “sichos haran” chapter 141 . “chaye moharan” chapter 225)
For more information about Uman, visit
If you want to visit the holy gravesite and be included among the thousands who have achieved this promise, contact : or call 845.678.3555 to make travel arrangements
If you are on a trip in Europe, consider making a stopover in Uman by contacting WWW.Uman.Express || || 00380.632.22.3030 / 00972.552.22.3030
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It’s short, squat and has ugly residue from packing tape criss-crossing all of its walls and door like caution tape. But there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to this freezer — unless you’re afraid you’ll be stuck with a freezer.
No, not without a freezer. With a freezer.
The story began in my sister’s first apartment. This balabuste was fast outgrowing her kitchen space, so she invested in a freezer, now fondly known as The Freezer. She used it, loved it — as much as you can love an appliance, anyway — and then, when she moved to her bigger house and purchased a large double fridge-freezer, this small freezer was, sadly, left without a tafkid
The Freezer was relegated to the garage at first, but then made its way to the next sister’s house, where said balabuste was having her turn at outgrowing her freezer space. For her, this small freezer was a lifesaver; she no longer had to worry that she’d need to have her family eat the frozen spinach and cauliflower so she’d have space for her next batch of challah!
The freezer spent the next while quietly humming in her house until this sister, too, purchased a large freezer. Now sister number two retired the freezer, which was once again stripped of its frozen food.
If the freezer was dejected, my sister’s emotions were running high.
“I need to get this thing out of my house,” she told sister number one. “It’s taking up space, and I can’t stand the sight of it anymore. Can I drop it off?”
The answer was quick and unequivocal. “No, absolutely not. Find it another home!”
And so it was that, over the next few weeks, local phone lines were nearly fried with the almost maniacal desperation of one sister and the firm insistence of the second.
“But what should I do with it?” sister number two demanded.
“I don’t know!” sister number one said. “I don’t need it! Just get rid of it, and stop hollering!”
Soon the entire family was swept into the freezer drama. Finally, after some dozen conversations too many, I learned that my mother-in-law could use a freezer.
Wow! This was a wonderful besurah tovah. But first it stayed only
a besurah, and soon the phone calls began coming rather rapidly. As the point of contact between the two families, I was the number on speed dial.
“Any clue when someone’s coming for the freezer?”
“Ding-dong. The freezer! Please!”
“PLEASE! Get this freezer out of my sight!”
At long last, my husband was kind enough to initiate and help with the transfer. Soon the freezer was up and running in my in-laws’ home, freezing food with certitude and distinction.
A few years passed, and it was our turn to move. In our new, temporary apartment, we had even less freezer space than we had originally, and my husband and I toyed with the idea of purchasing a mini freezer. In the meantime, I pushed off baking challah and resigned myself to purchasing meat and poultry for only a few days at a time.
During a random phone conversation with my husband’s sister, my lack of freezer space came up.
“You know,” she said, “I think my mother has a small freezer she’s not using.”
“Really?” Something niggled at my brain. “Hold on. Is it the one that came from my sister?”
“Your sister? I have no idea.”
A few short phone calls later, we were matched with our freezer, and yes, it was The Freezer. And it was only by fluke that it was still sitting on my in-laws’ porch; it had been empty for two months already, waiting for a decision to be made about its future.
But we knew it was patiently waiting for its new source of bounty, as ready for service as we were to produce the food to fill it.
For the second time, my husband was charged with carrying out the transfer. And soon the freezer was up and running in our own home, the latest stop in a series of homes where it was welcomed with open arms.
It’s ugly and it’s old, but it’s a freezer with a heart. Do you need it next?
Now that Pesach is over and we’re all craving cake, here’s a history of vintage baked favorites. What’s behind these cakes that we’ve loved to bake for centuries?
Here’s a tribute to those palate-pleasers. And whether you’re the chef or the consumer or even just a taster, enjoy this history of the goodies that have been de rigueur in so many kitchens for generations.
The Danish pastry is officially a “multilayered, laminated sweet pastry in the viennoiserie tradition.” This pastry is anything but slapdash; it’s a work of art and heart.
Laminated dough, in culinary terms, is made of many thin layers, separated by butter or the like, and produced by repeated rolling and folding. And viennoiserie is when baked goods are made from yeast-leavened dough similar to bread, but with additives to sweeten and enrich.
But why is it called a Danish?
Roll back to 1850. Bakery workers in Denmark were on strike, so bosses hired foreign workers, among them Austrian bakers, who shared their native baking traditions and recipes. A certain laminated pastry was among them.
Although the Danes liked the newly-imported concept they called Wienerbrod, or Viennese bread, they changed the recipe to suit their tastes and developed the pastry into a Danish specialty. And so the Danish was born.
(The Viennese call the Danish pastry Kopenhagener Plunder. The word “plunder” in German means “puff pastry” and not loot, as I had thought.)
Like so many culinary favorites with international roots, immigrants brought the Danish to the melting pot of the United States.
Laminated dough can contain as many as 80 layers. A proper Danish cuts you some slack, though, with only 27. The dough is rolled, buttered and folded, again and again, chilling in between to ease handling as needed. The results are the pastry we know, which is at once light and airy and crisp but also rich and buttery. Danishes are topped with fruit, chocolate or glaze, and filled with preserves, custard, chocolate or cheese. Enjoy them in circle shapes, figure eights, spirals, half-moons or pretzel-like kringles.
Marble cake is defined as a cake with a streaked or mottled appearance, achieved by very lightly blending light and dark batter. Rather than being a standout for culinary beauty, this cake is the epitome of homey and comforting. Though this cake has seen much, hailing from Germany in the early nineteenth century and debuting in America during the Civil War era, the vanilla-andchocolate version we know and love is relatively new. The original German version consisted of a gugelhupf, a sweet yeast bread, with one half colored with molasses and spices for a darker effect. The contemporary sponge cake batter only came later.
The chocolate version here in the U.S. can be attributed to Milton S. Hershey’s introduction of the more affordable chocolate bar, and subsequently, Americans’ obsession with chocolate.
Not long after spice-marble switched to chocolate, a recipe for the new chocolate version was printed in the Jewish but unfortunately non-kosher cookbook Aunt Babette’s, where the dark half of the cake called for “about two heaping tablespoons of grated chocolate.” (That word “about” tells us something about the level of trust recipe writers of old had in their followers.) From then on, marble cake became a culturally Jewish item.
At this point, combo recipes calling for chocolate and spices like cinnamon and cloves gained popularity, but eventually, chocolate prevailed. And in a nod to history, although bakeries favor the sponge cake version, many homemakers lean toward the sturdier butter-based batter, harking back to the original gugelhupf
Said to be one of the pioneers of non-yeasted cakes, sponge cake is a light and airy cake with no fat, traditional flour, or leavening. The rise comes from beating air into egg whites. And that is what has given this cake its Jewish status as a coveted Pesach staple. Credit for first converting this recipe to kosher-for-Pesach goes to members of the Jewish community in Italy. Significantly older than its counterparts, sponge cake has been on the scene since the 1600s for sure, though back in that day it resembled a biscuit bread more than the sponginess we’re familiar with. When bakers started adding beaten eggs as a rising agent, the cake took on a sponge-like consistency.
Sponge cake is delicate and soaks up flavors well, and is also the base of multigenerational favorites like Boston Cream Pie and Swiss Roll.
Rather than being associated with any single recipe, a Bundt cake is any cake baked in a Bundt pan, which gives it its distinct, doughnutlike shape. This ringed delicacy shares roots with the marble cake, as it was also inspired by the German gugelhupf, which was traditionally baked in a ringed pan, but with baker’s yeast.
Sources disagree about the source of the word Bundt to describe this cake shape. Some claim “bund” is the way the cake is bundled around the pan’s center, while others maintain that the word refers to a group of people, or a bund, referring to the fact that this presentable cake is appropriate to serve at gatherings.
The Bundt cake became famous thanks to two Jewish American women, and the company Nordic Ware added the “t.” When friends Rose Joshua and Fannie Schanfield approached the founders of Nordic Ware with a request to produce a modern version of the cast-iron gugelhupf dish, the company made their cast-aluminum version and produced a small run in 1950. To trademark the pans, the “t” was added to the original bund
Sales of the new Bundt pan were so bad at first that Nordic considered discontinuing it. But the Bundt got a boost when it was mentioned in a new cookbook in 1963, and then a real surge when a new Bundt recipe, Tunnel of Fudge, won second place in a bake-off in 1966.
To date, Nordic Ware has sold more than 60 million Bundt pans, and the tasty cakes are still bundled off to be served to bunds large and small.
Honey cake is exactly what it sounds like: a honey-sweetened cake. Often baked especially for Rosh Hashanah, this cake pleases the spirit as much as the palate. Foods that are tied to tradition are enduring. Mention of this cake goes back as far as the year 1105, when it was described as a “fine-floured challah with honey.” Since Ashkenazim used this cake to celebrate the Torah learning of new cheder boys in addition to the honey they’d lick, it is amusing to learn that its term “lekach ” may be derived from the German word “lecken ”!
Though fancier cakes exist, the lekach, firmly entrenched in tradition, remains on the table.
Officially a sweet braided bread, babka originated in the Jewish communities of Poland and Ukraine. Not to be confused with its Hungarian cousin, kokosh. I mean, would you confuse a Poilisher with an Ungarisher? Please. This not-a-cake connotes warmth and love, as the name itself is an ode to the resourceful “babka ” of yesteryear who rolled up leftover challah dough with jam or cinnamon to create this treat. Others say it is the tall, fluted pan that gave the babka its name, as it made the finished product resemble the folds of a grandmother’s skirt. Whatever the case, the fact that someone went through hours of time and mess to create this oozing treat could make anyone ooze with warmth!
Original babka fillings were fruit, nuts and poppy seeds. But as the cost of chocolate and cocoa fell and these ingredients showed up in the common pantry in the twentieth century, chocolate became the filling of choice. In recent years, babka and kokosh have moved beyond the cozy confines of the heimesh community and have been introduced to the world at large. You can now find babka filled with all manner of foreign fillings like nutella. How the babkas would cringe had they known!
A three-layered almond-flavored ItalianAmerican confection, this cake conjures up both Italy and Oberlander’s. There’s nothing neutral about this cake: either you like it very much, or you don’t — and just as much. Its history is simple enough: Its colors — red, white and green — represent the Italian flag. And yet. Rainbow cake has for years had a decidedly Jewish feel to it and has been a common kiddush staple. Food historians credit that to the Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe settling in New York neighborhoods with largely Italian populations. And we’re always changing things up, aren’t we? Jewish American bakers are credited as being the first to switch around the order of the colors, and for changing the white part of the cake to yellow, creating the rainbow pattern we’re familiar with today.
The crinkle cookie is a striking cookie rolled in powdered sugar that cracks to reveal dark dough, and it boasts a crunchy exterior and soft, chewy center. Somehow, many people believe that it is their family’s heirloom cookie. Pitted against the likes of marble cake and lekach, crinkle cookies seem fresh and new, but surprisingly, they have been on the scene since 1957, when the recipe was printed in the Betty Crocker cookbook pamphlet Cooky Carnival. A very similar recipe known as Ube Crinkles or Purple Yam Crinkles is part of Filipino tradition, and yes, they are made with purple yams.
Dobosh Torte is a Hungarian sponge cake with seven layers of thin cake filled with rich chocolate buttercream, topped with caramel, and sometimes coated with ground nuts. This is an elegant cake fit for a special occasion. If you want to eat a piece of art, this is it.
And if it sounds awfully a lot like wafer cake, that’s because it is. It earned its official name from pastry chef Jozsef C. Dobos, owner of a delicatessen in Budapest. Dobos invented the showstopping torte in 1884 with the intention of its being a pastry with a longer shelf life (this was before modern refrigeration options existed). It was far smaller than the sheet-pan size we see today, and his torte was round.
As a half-breed Hungarian, I couldn’t leave this cake out. Dobosh Torte is a rite of passage, if you have the right blood. You’re a true balabusta only if you’ve labored over wafer cake l’kavod Sukkos or for a simcha, if you’ve served this for ushpizin, dabbled with a few recipes until you found the perfect one, and you’ve taken pictures of your bachur’l creating razor edges on the dough with a measuring tape.
And if you’ve made kokosh but avoided wafer cake, let it be known that wafer cake is less time-consuming and mess-producing than kokosh by far, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Something smells delicious in here!
If you’ve ever dabbled in baking, chances are that you’ve used a Wilton item or two. Let’s explore how this world-famous company has impacted the baking industry.
The Wilton Enterprises story starts with young Dewey McKinley Wilton in the 1920s, who got a job in a candy factory when he was about 15 years old. Soon he discovered that he had a passion for making sweet things. He dabbled with candy making and cake decorating for years, and then opened the Wilton School of Cake Decorating in the 1930s. He taught the many tips and tricks he had developed, and he traveled across the Midwest teaching bakers, chefs and anyone else who wanted to learn all about baking confections.
Mr. Wilton had a son who was a soldier in World War II. When young Norman Wilton returned home from war in the 1940s, he suggested to his father that instead of traveling around, they should open the Wilton School of Cake Decorating in their living room and have students come to them to learn the tricks of the trade. Their first ad got seven students, but their tiny “school” quickly became well known, and their classes continued to grow.
At that time, many war veterans were returning to the United States after harsh years fighting overseas. Then-president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the G.I. Bill of Rights in 1944, which provided war veterans with funds for higher education and housing. The Wilton School of Cake Decorating was one of the places that honored the G.I. Bill of Rights, and many veterans flocked to the school to learn how to create candy and cakes in order to open their own shops. By 1948, the school had grown tremendously and was operating in a 6,000 square foot space. The Wilton school still has a physical location in Illinois today where they teach classes, in addition to the virtual classes and courses they offer online.
In the 1950s, Wilton launched their first product catalog so cake decorators everywhere could buy the tools of the trade. As shopping malls became popular in the 1970s, Wilton Enterprises opened stores and kiosks across the country, where they taught cake decorating in addition to selling their products. They now sell everything from cupcake liners and icing tips to cookie cutters and cake stands. They also produce baking ingredients such as extracts, fondants, flavoring and cake mixes, most of which are certified kosher by the OU.
One cool item Wilton sells is their “Bake Even Cake Strips.” Ever wondered how professional bakers always manage to get their cakes perfectly and evenly baked, with no cracks or raw middles? They might be using these strips!
Normally, the sides of a cake bake faster than the rest of the cake, which is why cakes might have crustier sides and a slightly raw middle. This happens because the metal of the pan gets hot quickly, and that bakes the sides of the cake faster. The Bake Even strips are strips of fabric that are wetted and then wrapped around the outside of cake pans, creating an insulating layer. These keep the pan from getting as hot, so the sides of the cake bake at the same rate as the rest of the cake.
This also prevents “crowning,” which is when the top of a cake gets slightly puffed up and forms an uneven surface. It’s especially important to prevent this when creating layered cakes that need to lie flat on top of one another.
Patented postpartum hip wrap narrows hips after delivery
Supports loosened pelvic joints and ligaments
Triple point compression helps maximize results
OB/GYN recommended
Can be worn 12+ hours per day
Made of soft Nylon and Spandex
Must be worn in the first 8 weeks after delivery
Clinically shown to guide hips back in shape or smaller
New York, NY -- April 2023 -- The Masbia Soup Kitchen Network serves kosher food to the needy free of charge throughout the year, with dignity and respect. Every year, during the Passover season, Masbia experiences an increase in demand and this year, with the cost of food still at a historical high, the challenge is even greater.
In the two weeks leading up to the Passover holiday, Masbia added more pick-up appointments to its digital breadline and sent out thousands of raw food packages to people’s homes through a partnership with DoorDash. It is estimated that 50,000 people received food from Masbia this Passover season, with the logistics and planning for such an undertaking having actually begun months ahead of time.
In addition to kosher-for-Passover raw food packages, Masbia was open for meals. At the Queens location, people were able to pick up meals to-go. The Flatbush and Boro Park locations were open and serving in-house, communal meals for the entire eight days, including the Seders. This year marked the first time the Flatbush location was open in this capacity, allowing Masbia to feed even more people during what is a challenging time for many to access ready-to-eat, kosher-for-Passover food.
“While many have a list of who will sit at their Passover tables or an invitation to sit at someone else’s, not everyone is so lucky. There are people who weren’t invited by anyone at all to join their Seder. There are others who are physically unable to prepare their own Seder. To fill this gap, Masbia was open for communal, in-house, Passover Seders,” said Rabbi Mendel Teitelbaum, the Maschgiach at Masbia of Boro Park who also led the Seders. “By the way, at the second Seder, we had NYC Comptroller Brad Lander join us as a guest”, he added.
“While the Seders are very important, the days of Chol Ha’Moed are even busier because those who do manage to get invited to a Seder don’t get invited for Chol Ha’Moed meals, so we get way more guests on Chol Ha’Moed”, said David Spira, Maschgiach at Masbia of Flatbush. “With that being said, we had so many people sign up at the last minute or show up without having RSVP’d on the first days, that we used up almost all the food we prepared for eight days in three days. We started cooking from scratch on Chol Ha’Moed”, he continued.
“The guests were very appreciative,” said Rabbi Teitelbaum. “They constantly kept saying ‘Thank you’ and expressed excitement as each course was brought out.”
People who received deliveries also expressed their great appreciation. Here is an e-mail sent to Masbia from one such recipient: “Hi, I am a recipient of the blue bags, and I would like to say thank you!!! The bags really help make a dent in our grocery bill throughout the year, and especially now, Pesach time, they are giving us so much to help us get through Yom Tov! Thank you so much for organizing this, and especially for the discreet and respectful manner in which you deliver the items. May Hashem give you hatzlacha to keep on helping out people. Have a great Yom Tov” - Name not disclosed for anonymity. The reference to the blue bags is that most of the time, Masbia sends items via DoorDash in jumbo blue bags that work well with their 25 pound limit. Each family received multiple bags in the lead-up to Passover based on their family size.
“The challenge is big, but so are the hearts of our donors”, said Alexander Rapaport, Executive Director of Masbia. “We could not have done it without the generous support of thousands of donors”, he added.
In addition to being open in Flatbush for in-house meals for the first time, this year’s Passover effort also had a special element in that some of the newly-arrived asylum seekers helped out at the Masbia Food Reserve Depot through a partnership with La Colmena. The asylum seekers broke down hundreds of pallets and bins of produce into those aforementioned blue bags.
Masbia’s work goes on all year round and while the Passover season is behind us, food insecurity is an ongoing issue that Masbia is trying to tackle. Next Monday, is the yahrtzeit of Kerestir Rebbe, Rabbi Yeshayah (Ben Reb Moshe) Steiner ZT”L, known as Reb Shielleh Keretirer, who was known for his holy work in providing for the hungry. In his memory you can join Masbia in feeding the needy by visiting
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1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns
• Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points
5-letter words: 3 points
6-letter words: 5 points
7-letter words: 7 points
8-letter words: 9 points
9+ letters: 12 points
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players: List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
C L 190 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View April 19, 2023
Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Doona Stroller, multiple colors available! cll/txt 1-201614-4045
2nd hand, exc condition! With/without wifi! No warranty 160 Lee bsmt. (behind Right Contact)
Sunday 4-5 Tuesday evening 8:30-9:30 call 347-871-2330
Seeking last year’s Tottinni romper- yellow gingham, around size 12 months. Willing to pay. Please call 917-892-2134.
Gray Bugaboo chameleon for sale $450 or best offer originally $1300. Including bassinet and rain cover. call/ text 347-986-6818
Looking to sell an amazing daycamp file. For inquiries please call 929-602-2877
Newly renovated beautiful ocean view 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
15/42 3 bedroom unfurnished gorgeous brand new with appliances. 3rd flr $3000. 347-581-5250
55th Street, 12thAve, Bsmt flat office space for rent, 347 661 5900.
2 BR Hotel style fully furnished apt. Full Kitch/ Bath, W/D. Excellent for Ch/ Kallah, or Simchas. 718-6860909/ 347-524-7686
Carriage Club North. Beautiful 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, Ground floor. Call: 347.499.0031
No. 1 Real Estate Broker. Aaron Rose 561.308.5766
Vilchovitz, Viznitz area in Monsey. Pesach/ Shabbos Hagadol/Weekends. Beautiful 1-3 bedrooms, all new. Linen and towels included, big porch. No smartphones. 718-384-6214
White Lake, NY - Beautiful 8 BR / 5BA home. Sleeps 20+. Next to the lake. Available weekdays and weekends. Call / text 347-263-4982
Beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bath villa in North Miami with pool, $289 per night. available for Pesach & all year round (Pictures available) Call/Text 845-327-7153
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
6 bedroom house with gorgeous pool and huge hot tub for rent June 26- July 26. Call, text or whatsapp 845 664 5521
Highview/College. Summer /Shabbos/ Simcha Rental. Fully furnished luxury house. 3 or 6 bedroom option. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Beautiful private villa. 4 Master suites with kosher kitchen, huge living area, pool. Walking distance to Shul/ Kosher shopping. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Magnificent house with a pool in Airmont fully stocked with all amenities, very close to shul and Mikvah, available to rent for weekends. 3474204945
Newly renovated 4 bedroom house in woodbourne NY. 10 min walk to town. Available for summer. Call or text 347338-8598.
July rental- 6 bedroom ranch in Chestnut Ridge (near Monsey), huge pool and hot tub, zipline, fire pit, trampoline, and two sundecks. Heimishe neighborhood. Your private paradise! call/text 8452136542
Gorgeous large 8BR/5BA (20 beds) winterized house in White Lake. Fully furnished, linens / towels included. Private path to the lake, lake access. Fenced in yard. Large game room. Right near supermarket, across Lapidus bungalow colony, walk to many shuls. Full summer only, asking $25,000. 347263-4982
9 Bedroom, 4 bath home with POOL and yard avail for summer. Walking distance to town. Great for small camp! 323-388-6901 CHALLENGE
Job ID: 1551 Looking for a BEST FRIEND
Job ID: 1796
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
Job ID: 1395
Looking for a KIDS’ BEST FRIEND
Monday & Wednesday 4:30pm - 6:30pm
To assist with Bedtime routine A 9 year old boy
Daily 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Job ID: 4415 Looking for a BEST FRIEND To be-friend A 14 year old girl Sundays And after school
To assist a A 24 year old boy
Sunday, Monday & Thurs. 3:00pm - 7:00pm
To assist with daily routine A 5 year old boy Daily After 3:00pm Job ID: 1249 Looking for a BEST FRIEND To assist a A 10 year old boy
Job ID: 2935 Looking for a KIDS’ BEST FRIEND
Job ID: 1255 Looking for a BEST FRIEND
A 6 year old boy
Mon. Wed. & Thurs. 4:30pm - 6:00pm
To assist with activities A 3 year old boy
Sundays 9:00am - 5:00pm Daily 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Crown Heights
To assist with chores A 11 year old girl
Daily 4:30pm - 7:30pm And para for the summer
Campus available for a shabbton in the catskills: Beautiful grounds with Shul, Dining room and mikva. Available weekend of may 6 and shavuos.7326062845.
5 bedroom rental jun 27th- July 13th. Above ground pool with deck and large trampoline and swingset. A child’s dream! Please text or whatsapp for pics 732-668-4436.
Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. Discounted rates available! call/text 347-224-5574
Beautiful large 8 BR / 5BA home in White Lake. Sleeps 20+. Large game room. Private path to the lake. Walk to supermarket & many shuls. Weekend: $1,800. Extended Weekend: $2,500. Call / text 347-263-4982
4-bedroom house in Highland Mills sleeps 10 and is available for summer, Shevuos, and weekends. You’ll love the beautiful area and stunning views. Call/txt 929-617-2586
Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/text 845-554-5778 or email info@resumakerpro. com.
Yeled V`Yalda Boro Park, Qualified candidate will have excellent time management skills, detail oriented, computer literate, comfortable with MS Word & Excel. Salary range: $40,000.-$45,000. Email: call: 718.686.2422
Looking for an experienced heimishe bus driver for a chasidishe boys camp in Monticello. Please call/ text 718-781-4742
Seeking preschool staff (Female) for Sept. Yiddish speaking a must. With/ without Degree. Great Pay. Email: DCJOB2812@gmail. com Fax Resume: 718-6865577
Seeking preschool assistant, Female. Yiddish Speaking a must. With/Without Degree. Email resume:
Now hiring a devoted special ed classroom teacher for the 23-24 school year. Small class size, excellent training, supportive environment. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org 718-650-6400
Now hiring full time paras to work full time in a special education school for the 23-24 school year. Supportive and heimish environment. Transportation provided.
Yeled V`Yalda Head Start in Boro Park seeking Yiddish speaking experienced Teachers & assistant Teachers. Min. 90 credits. Please Send resume with credentials to: ssteiner@ or call: 718.514.8952 YVY is an EOE
YVY Head Start
Williamsburg Seeking for September 2023 Teacher for 4-5 year old class. Minimum 90 credits required. Great pay, Fringe Benefits. Call: 718.514.8925 or 718.909.9473
Chasidishe Girls school is seeking experienced Yiddish and English second grade teachers, Email resume:
Join our team! Seeking Responsible F/T female secretary for BP Office. Good Hours Good Pay! Email:
Chasidishe Girls preschool is seeking Teachers and Assistants. Email resume:preschool@
Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, for upcoming school year 2023-24. Exciting Program, Great environment, Excellent pay! Responsible and caring. Please call 718-377-5800 ext 183
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@
Heimishe girls office in BP looking to hire afternoon secretary. Competitive salary, great atmosphere. Hours 2:45- 5:45 PM. Email:
Job opening: A heimish Chassidish mosed in Boro park is looking for a secretary for the upcoming school year, Email resume to: bpjob789@
Heimishe BP Office looking for F/T secretary, computer & phone skills. Will train. Email resume: office1544@ or fax: 718-7098842
1-2 Girl Heimishe
Organization office in heart of Boro Park looking for F/T Secretary. Eng./Yiddish. Email Resume: ftsec2023@ or call 843-6331408
Children’s Boutique looking to hire experienced Sales Associates for BP and Williamsburg locations. Flexible Hours with Sunday availability preferred/ required. Please Reach out to 718-840-9266.
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216
Boro Park, Flatbush & Crown Heights. Full time or part time. Special rate for late afternoon/eve. hours. Pay ranges from $22.-$38. Per hour. Call: 718.686.2376 Email:
Looking for an experienced head counselor for a girls day camp in a chasidishe camp in Monticello area. Please call/ text 718-781-4742 or email to
Hiring Staff 2023-2024
School Year! Flatbush Yeshiva seeking warm and devoted Kindergarten teacher. Hiring F/T & P/T assistants for preschool and elementary. Competitive Salary. Excellent working environment. Call: 718-332-2600. Email: interviewsatyeshiva@gmail. com
Boro Park Large Insurance Agency Seeks Account Representative, No Experience Needed, Responsibilities & Skills: *Assist Clients Throughout The Sign Up Process *Servicing Accounts *Phone Etiquette, Multi-Tasker. Mon-Thurs 9-5pm, Fri, 9-1pm (Negotiable). Competitive Pay, Email Resume: sspira@
BP organization seeking to hire F/T motivated, responsible, hi school grads, Good communication skills, Proficient PC, Chrome, Gmail, Microsoft Word/ Excel a must. Send resume: or leave message: (646) 930-4882
Looking for an experienced handyman, electrician, plumber, carpenter & painter. Top dollar paid, must have own tools, car preferred. Call: 718.951.0090
head counselor
younger division
. Please call/ text 718781-4742 Or send resume to
Yeled V`Yalda-Title I Seeking a motivated & organized Individual Male/Female full time to join our team as an Executive Assistant. The successful candidate will have strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office And Google Suite (Prezi and Canva knowledge a plus). Salary: $55,000.-$85,000. Call: 718.557.7038 Email to: YVY is an EOE
Tri-County Care is seeking to hire for a FT Intake Specialist position. Candidate should possess remarkable communication skills and have ability to multi-task. Full training provided. Join our amazing team and enjoy our welcoming environment. Great pay and comprehensive benefit package. Submit your resume to careers@
Bonei Olam looking to higher female administrative assistant with past experience hours 10-4, friendly environment, proficient phone skills, computer skills specifically In excel, Salesforce admin. Send resume: jobs@boneiolam. org or leave message: (646) 930-4882
Seeking coach bus drivers immediately for Brooklyn/ Monroe bus route. CDL class A or class B, experience only. Full Time or Part Time, great pay. Also in the Catskills July & Aug. Call: 718.963.1495 Ext. 102 Email to: coachbus@
BP organization seeking to hire F/T motivated, responsible, hi school grads, Good communication skills, Proficient PC, Chrome, Gmail, Microsoft Word/ Excel a must. Send resume: or leave message: 917-789-8006.
An adult care management department is looking to hire a care management supervisor. Care management experience and a masters degree (in social work) preferred. Email
Teachers, assistant teachers and paras needed for 23-24 school year, chassidish sp-ed elementary school. P/T and F/T positions available. Email Resume to hr@yesodeibina. org.
Special education teacher needed for chassidish sp-ed elementary girls school. Bilingual extension a must. Email Resume to hr@
Afterschool and Sunday Program counselors needed for sp-ed program for the 2324 school year. Fun, heimish environment. Seminary girls welcome. Call 929-254-0080 x403 or Email resume to hr@
Afterschool and Sunday Sp-Ed Program director for the 23-24 SY. Responsible, creative, leadership, exp. Preferred. Great opportunity!
Email resume to hr@
Heimishe real estate office looking for a multitasked female office manager. Great environment and pay! Please email resume to joboffer3678@gmailcom
Now hiring responsible girls to work summer 1:1 special education, , weekly trips, heimish environment, transportation provided. July 5 - August 17, full day. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org
ראפ דמלמ א טכיזעג טרעוו
עש‘דיסח ןיא התכ ערעגניא
ןא טלאצאב טוג פמעק לגניא
ןייק bungalow. :טפור עטיב 718-218-3409
Summer job: A heimish Chassidish mosed in Boro park is looking for a Female day camp director for pre school classes for the upcoming summer. Graduates are welcome. Email resume to: bpjob789@
Growing agency seeking a swimming instructor with a WSI certification to give swimming lessons on Sunday for the next 2 months. Great pay for the right candidate. Call or text 929.900.1209
Secretarial position avail in heimishe real estate office. Great environment and pay! Please email resume to
Looking to hire a secretary for local BP office. Part-time optional. Email resume to hr@tristatefiresprinklers. com
HCS is looking for an intake coordinator to advocate and assist individuals with disabilities and their families with eligibility and application process. Must have great communication skills, be organized, and computer savvy. Please send resume to
seeking a Family Worker in Williamsburg with a High School Diploma. Computer knowledge, hours daily from 9:00-3:00, nice environment. Please call Mrs. Landa at 347.224.1575 or email to:
Looking for a job opportunity to work with America’s Oldest Children’s Shoe Company? We’re looking for a salesperson to sell our footwear in the Boro Park community and beyond. Contact audrey@kepnerscott. com or call 800-832-7280.
Looking for a p/t secretary in a camp office. Hours 9-3, experience in JL Computers a must. Please call/ text 718781-4742
Head counselors needed. Fun and motivated. Also some preschool positions available. Transportation provided, S Fallsburg vicinity. 347 556 6974
Heimishe BP office seeks to hire sales assistant position, female. Professional phone skills, computer savvy, able to multi-task, strong organizational skills, detail oriented. Room for growth. Call Chaya (718) 851-0004 ext 201 Email resume : conbldg@
Day camp in Woodridge, head counselors and counselor’s position available. Bungalow or transportation provided. Please call 347 574 0996
Shemesh - Looking for a devoted individual to be a facilitator in a special needs school for the coming school year ( ‘23-’24). Hours, Monday - Thursday 9:30-3:30 Friday 9:30-12:00. 929-4844660 x2
Shemesh is looking for devoted and enthusiastic individuals to be summer counselors in our 6 week summer program. Hours Monday - Thursday 9:303:30. 929-484-4660 X2
Heimesha daycare in Boro park Seeking warm responsible yidish speaking teacher /co teacher for the summer stunning place amazing environment please call 7187016556 ext 1
Join a company you always dreamed of. We are looking to hire enthusiastic and motivated individuals for these open positions
-Case Manager -Controller
-Executive Assistant -Medical Biller. We offer Paid vacation, Medical Insurance, Life Insurance, 401K and lots of growth potential. Please send your resume to careers@
Are you responsible, detailoriented, and a team player? Seeking an Accounts Payable Rep to join our finance team. Enjoy competitive pay, excellent benefits, and the great team atmosphere. Boro Park, full time. Email resume to finance@hamaspikkings.
Beth Jacob Day Care Center is looking for full or half day teachers for the 20232024 school year for our infant program. Degree not required. Please call Leah at 718-435-5755 ext. 263 or send resume to
Beth Jacob Day Care Center is looking for full day or part time assistant teachers for the 2023-2024 school year. Degree not required. Please call Leah at 718-435-5755 ext. 263 or send resume to
BP Real estate office seeking secretary, girl preferred, 5-7 hours per day. Experience preferred with good pay, but beginner without experience ok. Responsible, ready to learn, will train. Please email resume to resume@
Yiddish speaking, Good pay,pleasant bright place. For summer and the coming year. 718633-3263 or 347-232-7608
Chassidishe dc seeking devoted ladies -girls to work as preschool counselors, certified and non certified. Great pay warm environment! (sign a contract before lag baomer and recieve a bonus) call 646343-7092
Seeking a SETSS provider in Williamsburg boys Yeshiva. Email: careers@
Seeking a paraprofessional in a girls school in Boro Parkafternoon hours. Email:
Seeking 2 energetic motivated head counselors for our summer program, at our BP location. Please email
Day camp in Monticello looking for an assistant director. Please call 347-6221779 and leave a message with your info.
Can you give her the love and care she needs? Looking to place a sweet baby girl with medical challenges, with a warm, heimish family. Enjoy smiles, a baby’s sweetness, and the unique joy and bracha that comes along with acts of selfless giving. Full support provided along with generous compensation. Contact smorgenstern@ or 718.387.8400 ext. 122 for more information.
Are you efficient, discreet, and have great communication skills? Seeking Executive Secretary for Hamaspik of Kings County. This role involves managing communication and handling office tasks for the executive wing. Meaningful work experience with very good pay and benefits. Email resume to yschwartz@hamaspikkings. org.
Chayeinu Academy is seeking female 1:1 instructor for the remainder of the current school year. Please email resume to info@ or call 718-303-9170
Minimum experience, will train. Must be friendly and outgoing. Graduates welcome. Basic computer skills necessary.
Are you responsible, detail oriented, have great communication skills, and are looking for a leadership position in finance? Seeking Accounts Payable Director to lead a team of AP Reps and oversee AP activity for a large operation. Enjoy a leadership salary, excellent benefits, job security, and career growth. AP experience required. Boro Park, full time. Email resume to finance@hamaspikkings. org.
HCS is seeking female Direct Support Professionals to work in a beautiful group home in Boro Park for highly independent young women. Experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities a plus. Driver’s license Preferred. Full-time, flexible hours. Monday through Friday 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Please contact 347-598-3127
A 30 year old male with mild disabilities who enjoys talking about hatzolah/ shomrim/celebrities, etc. and going out to eat is seeking a companion for 1-2 times per week to go out in the evenings. Please call 718-8542747 x 3300
Do you enjoy working with individuals with special needs? Share your talents and enrich someone’s life! HCS is seeking energetic girls/ young women to work at our Dayhab program. Monday thru Friday. Competitive salary and benefits. Please forward resume to Please call 718-854-2747 Ext. 1210
Teacher assistant and school girls wanted for summer great pay and environment. Please call or text 7183446067. Thank you
Seeking F/T secretary for BP office. Great Environment. New grad welcome. Good communication skills and basic computer knowledge a must. Competitive Salary. Email Resume to:
Chayeinu Academy is seeking full time experienced BCBA for 2023-2024 school year. Please email resume to info@
A Heimish Camp is looking for an experience cook for the coming season please send resume to Jobssummer23@ 347-746-4133 or fax 718.303.9142
Experienced babysitter relocated to 10th and mid 40’s. Accepting babies from 5months to 24months. Also working in the summer. 347749-7774
Get rid of the clutter & get it done right! Attn kallahs & new homes: get it done right from start! 347-613-9280
Please Call: 718.450.4700
We are ready for the summer, are you? Handyman by the hour. GET HANDI 1866-4263421
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.951-0090
Doona Rental 718-633-4374
Commercial, residential, shuls: professional repairs, & color change. Revamp to aron kodesh, libraries, staircases, furniture, kitchens, exterior wood doors. Best pricing & svc. Txt 212-991-8548.
Experiencing chronic pain/ symptoms? There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Now offering guitar lessons! For women and girls, for a great price Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
Cosmetics & Skincare: Mary Kay, Careline, Ga-de, Static, Chic. Free Delivery with min order. 718-930-4946 Careline 701 in stock!
Hand crochet, Hand knit, Silks & more with beautiful Gartel bag. Text or call: 718.283.4589 Wholesale orders available.
Furniture, Cabinet & General Repairs, specializing in ChossonKallah Apartments. Call: 718.633.6231
For all leaks & roofing services, reach out to the roofing expert. 845 244 0743 (call text or whatsapp)
Start the process now! Get P3 services by next year! Serious and fun English classes for boys. 11th & 50th. Call/text 347-645-2155
Do you want to become a baking pro? Join the 6 week course starting This Sunday April 23. R. Brull 347-372-0057
Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a smile! Call: 718.951.0090
Are you bloated after Yom Tov? Cleanse your system with our superior cleansing programs. Call 718-851-5156
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach. Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)435-7644
A yingerman willing to tutor your son Limudei Kodesh/ Limudei Chol. Call 347-3978223
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great prices! Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Seeking last year’s Tottinni romper- yellow gingham,
around size 12 months. Willing to pay. Please call 917892-2134.
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718-974-9428
Beautiful black Mechetanista dress with white beading Size 12 for sale. Text: 718.612.6328
Black camera in Red camera case in Prospect Park Chmd 718-986-0828
Pidyon Haben 646-419-0782
Doona 260-366-6293
Doona gemach 3473689763
Twin Carriage (718) 522-3891
Carseats, snap n go strollers, pack n play & bassinets 718854-6829
buy/sell Neocate/baby formula 347.369.4886
Chocolate molds BP 718-9724768. Williamsburg 718-5223445
Bris Accessories 347- 2442065
Baby carriers 718-809-9707
Baby earbands 347 409 9479 Bris Accessories 718-435-0664
Kallah Cape 718 - 633 - 8261
Bridal Shoe Gemach 917-9368997
Tehillim for Cholim www.
Shoes & Crowns BP 718-9724768.
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text
(BP) 917-538-8500
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (Willi) 929-275-1820
Pack n plays 718-851-1017
Twin Clothing (newborn-3) 347742-7189/718-972-0765
Clothing gemach (for women) 646-904-1247
Lingerie Conversions min fee 718-437-0428
Briefcase gemach 7184360936
Baby Scale 718-633-9266 or text 718-473-5268
Youth Corps Working Papers 718-854-0961
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-6759838
Reflector Belts 718-853-4966
Warm Mist Humidifier 917373-2079
Communication Class 347753-1071.
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Mezuzos (718)666-7222
pediatric wheelchair-walkershower seat- cast cover for shower call 7183883079 lv msg
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Baby Scale (Wmsbg) text 347675-9509
New ladies clothing 646-9041247
Lighting 9292762404
Simcha Décor 917 -536-1742
Simcha Caps 718-633-1084
Purim Costume Gemach Call/ Text 347-737-6771
Musical Kumzitz 347-543-2195
Natural health support text 347-228-7578
Bechers, Challah cover, Benchers 1718 854 1760
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Laminated chuppah cards call 718-807-8932 lv msg
Boys Simcha Wear sizes 9m-7 347.462.4596 Sundays 2:30-5
Kallah/Mechteniste Capes Wsbg 718-300-9894/ BP 917683-5557
Kallah Looseleaf Yom
Hachuppah 718-435-3492
Simcha basket 718-614-7274
Necklace March 28 929-4753147
Exchanged black fur coat, Shabbos March 18 at Katz Aufruf in Cafe Paris, call 347452-4729
size 6-12 month pair of silver baby shoes from Family Hose vicinity of the New Utrecht store. 347-816-2512
pink knit blanket on sh’vii shel pesach 12 or 13 avenue
b/w 45th and 51st 347-3624434
gold bar necklace tuesday 3/28 between 13-12 ,41-56, 929-475-3147
6 9*13 heimishe frozen fresh pesach cakes for anyone with Celiac that can use it. 4 sugar free call/text 718-781-9251
Clothing, Shoes, linens (347) 816-6406.
Bed Gemach 405-345-6831
Donate clothing 718-974-9428
Chupah Cards Color 347-8855114
Scooters 718-431-7942
Chassidishe Winter Coats for men 917-204-6838
Tzniusdig Hospital Gowns 347930-8465
Gemach in desperate need of elegant clothing size 6-8 for Kallah getting married beginning September, shoes/heels 6.5 and 7. call: 9292762404
Laminated Tfillos for Chuppa 718-854-1223 or 917-974-0690
Zoom morning-meditation: 347-395-4388
Kallah Accessories Wmsbg 347563-1840/718-782-6136
Property / land in Pennsylvania, high value. 212-470-1708 lv msg
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-6759838
Bag with 2 sheitlech in hallway of 1373 47th St. 718851-7111/917-685-9564
Hadlokos ner Shabbos 347249-1478
Watch 13 corner 55th 718-6139600
Memory card 15th Ave high 40’s 917-586-5954
tan color floafer size 4 on 57th and 14th avenue. Contact 3478346244
bag on Will/ BP bus with sneakers and nightgown 718435-2493.
bugaboo carriage plastic on Shabbos parshas Shimini on 13th and 45th Street 718 633 1525
Blue ribbed baby hat 13th Ave April 16 718-436-5918
Gartel Bedford/Willoughby 718-852-6237
Diamond necklace on 15th/47th & 45th 2nd days Pesach 718-913-1998
אימשד אתעייסב
15th avenue corner 45th street
ברעב 8:00 העשב
]םויסה תגיגח לש יזכרמה אשמה[
רועיש דיגמ תוילגרמ קיפמ הפ - ןוילע דסחב םאונ 'יש ןהאסבקעי קחצי ףסוי ברה Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson
]ברעה תא ומיעני[
.esaesid yna eruc tneverp ,taert ,esongaid dednetni ton era
c orp e ehT ADF e detaul a neeb ton evah stnemetats eseh T
S me ll th e tr e es , fe el t he bre eze, S ay good by e
טמענ ןעמ םעד ריפא
ךאוו עדעי ריט רעייא ייב ׳ךאוו יד׳ טמוקאב החריט ןוא טייצ ךייא טראפש ךאוו ןייא ןייק טשינ טסאפראפ
החפשמ רעצנאג רעד ראפ האנה עכילטנכעוו
רייא 'ב – םישודק ירחא תשרפ גאטנוז זיב ןא טייג ליעס
ןייא ךייא טביירש רעכיב יד ןעמוקאב
ןאשפירקסבוס רעייא טיינאב רעדא
:ןיוש טפור ,טייהנגעלעג םעד טשינ טסאפראפ
718.305.5863 #2 |
יירד טמוקאב עדנענאפש
רעכיב סקימאק
ייווצ טימ םענייאניא עכיירסטלאהניא סידיס
Each page is made up of three separate pages: Proteins, Starches, and Vegetables. Mix & match the thirds to create your perfect:
SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2023
Career Tip # 25
Everyone has abilities and activities that they’re good at. So the question is: what are you good at? This is one of the most important tips on how to choose your career. Find out what your talents are from childhood and which skills you’ve picked up over time.
Skills can be divided into hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills refer to the skills you learned by studying, e.g. like graphic design or painting. Soft skills refer to people and life skills you have, e.g. time management or communication.
Examine different career paths and find out the one that best compliments your talents and skills.
Oral arguments on the prosecution ’s appeal are scheduled for this coming Tuesday, April 25th. Please be קזחתמ in הלפת at this crucial time
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
Fax: 718.408.8771
MISSION STATEMENT: The Boro Park View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Boro Park’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Boro Park community.
DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Boro Park View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Boro Park View. Limit
per family
ענעגייא ןייז ןעמוקאב טעוו ןייזעד עטסנעש יד הלח ,לטייב ןיליפת א ןופ טעס ענעלאמעג
.ןייזיד ןבלעז ן'טימ רודיס ןוא לקעד
ןייזעד א ןיירא טקיש סע רעוו ייס ראפ
. ןייזעד א ןופ שודיח עלעיצעפס א
שודיח א טימ ןייזעד עשטייצראפ א
הלח א ןיירא ךיוא ןקיש סאוו יד ראפ
ןייזעד רודיס רעדא לקעד
:ןייזעד ןייד ןיירא קיש
עכילטנכעוו ריפ
ראג ףיוא סרעניוועג
תונתמ עלופדרעוו
Mail: Mefoar Judaica 3919 13th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11218
Fax: 347.479.1188 Email:
שזדיעפ עלופ א ףיוא זיא סע רעכיז ךאמ ןייזעד ןייד טסקיש וד ןעוו
שזדיעפ ןפיוא רעבמאנ ןופלעט ןוא ןעמאנ ןייד טאה סע ןוא