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-Chava Neuman, BCBA, LBA Clinical Director, Discover ABA


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Rabbi Tauber will provide invaluable insights and a comprehensive understanding of effective Chinuch and discipline methods that will create a happy and contented home life while instilling a deep sense of pride in Yiddishkeit for your child. He will guide parents on how to keep their children on the right path without the need for any external fulfillment.
» Identify and understand your child's character and nature.
» Learn how to avoid damaging your child's emotional wellbeing.
» Recognize sudden changes in your child's behavior.
» Address matters concerning your child's school life or outside the home.
» Help your child confront the challenges of their generation.

» Educate your child on the dangers of technology.
» Most importantly, recognize and address signs of weakened Yiddishkeit.

Part 1: Sunday, May 14th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
Part 2: Tuesday, May 16th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)

Part 1: Wednesday, May 17th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
Part 2: Thursday, May 18th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)

Ahhh... the taste of youth.

Be the guiding light for exceptional children.

Masterminds is the one school where every child I work with makes such noticeable
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/ Volunteer Respite Staff
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/ Faige M. W. , MSed - Previous Staff member
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Date: Tuesday, May 9th

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975 east 13 st 975 east 13 st
All sales final All sales final
םחנמ ב˜עי יבר ‚"‰ר‰
ם‰רב‡ יבר ‚"‰ר‰
ן‡מ„עירפ ˙וכל‰ רˆו‡ ס"חמו ‡טנ‡ל‡‚ ı"מו„

‰ר‰ט ˙וכל‰ ˙ו‡וו˜מ ר˙י‰ו רוסי‡ ˙ב˘ ˙וכל‰
ערעכע‰ ‡ טימ ˙ב˘‰ ˙ועי„י רעיי‡ טיירבר‡פ
ם‡ר‚‡רפ ˙ב˘ ˙וכל‰ ענעפירע‚סיו‡ י„ טימ ,‰נב‰ ןופ טנרעלע‚ר‡פ .טיילע‚נוי ןו‡ םי˙ב ילעב ר‡פ טנע‚יי‡ע‚ .םיחמומ םירועי˘ י„י‚מ עטסנעפורע‚סיו‡ י„ ךרו„ !ר‡י ןיי‡ זיולב ןי‡ ‰‡רו‰ ˙„וע˙ רעיי‡ טמו˜‡ב
עכייר א וצ באגוצ ןיא ,זיוה ענעגייא ןא טגאמראפ רעב ריאמ גינייוו .הקדצ ןייש טלייט ןוא סוסקעל א טוויירד רע .זיוה רעממוז
ןענעז לזרעב ןקיד ןייז ןיא ךעלטראק בור זא ןסייוו
ךיז ןעק רע סאוו ןופ לדער א טיירד רע .ףוסה דע טסקעמעגסיוא .ןעזסיורא טשינ
ןכארק טעוו לבאב סאד ןעוו גאט ןראפ טרעטיצ רעב ריאמ
ןא וצ רע טגיינ ,Two Point Zero ןופ טרעה רע ןעוו
.סע סניימ םיא טשינ יוו סכעלייוורעטנוה ןופ רעיוא
ןוא ריט םעד רע טסילשראפ סיפא ןיא גידנעמוקנא
.ךיז טלקאוו עמיטש ןייז ,לאק ןואפ סאד טכאמ
טימ לופ רע טרעוו ךערפשעג עצרוק א ךאנ
ןוא עלאנאיסעפארפ אזא ןופ ,סנעדיפנאק
.ט'מולחעג טשינ רע טאה סיוורעס לעשנעדיפנאק
רעטייוו טלייט ןוא סוסקעל ןייז רעטייוו טוויירד רעב ריאמ
טרעוו ךעלטראק ענייז סאוו טייצרעדניא ,הקדצ .טלאצעגסיוא ךעלסיבוצ
ףיוא טלעטשעגקירוצ ךיז רע טאהTwo Point Zero קנאדא ע'תמא ןא טימ רעגייטשסנבעל ןייז טימ ןא טייג ןוא סיפ יד .תעדה תבחרה
!ןבעל עטלפאד ןייק טשינ ןיוש טבעל רעב ריאמ

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Maimonides ignored his cries of pain.
When a fifteen-year-old patient with severe pain in both ankles sought medical care at Maimonides Medical Center, doctors said everything was okay – the teenager was good to go home. After two more days of excruciating pain, the patient’s family knew they needed to seek answers and better care. Columbia / Presbyterian Hospital diagnosed the patient with two broken ankles, had to perform a complex surgery requiring titanium screws, and the patient endured months of being wheelchair-bound.
Is this the care our community deserves?

Your child is bright and creative, yet struggles to read or comprehend. We get it. Mind Orientation uses the Davis Method to teach your child how to focus and read correctly so that they feel bright when they read, too. Your child will read. Fluently. Reach out to hear how.

KSCVK Invites you to our 23rd Annual Auction

Monday, April 24th thru Sunday, May 14th 2023
Live Drawing: Oholei Menachem Ballroom | Wednesday, May 17 FOR
BORO PARK - APRIL 24th -25th
13th Avenue and 49th Street
CEDARHURST - APRIL 26th - 27th
Kol Save Parking Lot
MONSEY - MAY 1st - 2nd
Evergreen Parking Lot
POMONA - MAY 3rd - 5th
May 5th 9am - 3pm
Evergreen Parking Lot
LAKEWOOD - MAY 7th - 8th
Gourmet Glatt Parking Lot
TOMS RIVER - MAY 10th - 11th
Evergreen Parking Lot
CROWN HEIGHTS - MAY 12th - 14th Kingston Avenue between President and Carroll Street


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עלא טריבארפ ןיוש ןריולראפ ןוא ,סטעייד ?גאוו ץוח סעלא טריבארפ
FDA approved and proven safe עלענש-עדאנאכאנ ןוא עגידלאב ןטאטלוזער

ןדעי ראפ טנגייאעג
718.719.1282 :ןיוש טפור
יד ןופ רוטפ רעוו ,גאוו עגירעביא
ןוא ןבעל ןייד שיוט .שטנעמ א יוו ליפ

Bridges Aligned is a private Brooklynbased mental health referral service. A licensed mental health professional will be by your side until you are satisfied with your therapeutic care.


ךייא טנרעל םיארומא עגילייה יד .ארמג יד טיובעג ןבאה ,ןינבה ינבא יד ןענעז סאוו ארמג יד יוזאיוו ןוא ,תורטמ יד טעוו תועידי יד טימ .סאד טוט אגרד עכלעוו ףיוא ןסיוו ריא ןוא ,טייטש דימלת רעייא רעייז ןעיובפיוא זייוולפאטש .ארמג

סעלא סיוא ט'לעופ
ןעפ‡ זי‡
‰ליל‰ לכ 'ב םוי
םוי‰ לכ '‚ םוי
˙„ועס ‡לולי‰ ‡˘י„˜
˙על ˙עמ‰ לכ
י˜ול‡‰ ‡נ˙‰ „ובכל
ןועמ˘ יבר
‡"יכועיז י‡חוי רב
- לו„‚‰ רעט‡˘‰ב
רמועב ‚"ל '‚ םוי ˙ירח˘
,ןי˜י˙וכ 5:15

9:00 ,8:00 ,7:00
˙ירח˘ ˙פ כ"ח‡ו
ינינמ ‰חנמ בירעמ
ןמזב ‰חנמ ןינמ 'ב םוי
‰ליל‰ לכ בירעמ ינינמ
בירעמ ‰חנמ ינינמ '‚ םוי
םיל‰˙ ינינמ
םוי‰ לכו ‰ליל‰ לכ
˙רימ‡ל „חוימ ןינמ
םילי‰˙ רפס לכ
('ב םוי) רמועב ‚"ל ליל
‰ליל‰ ˙וˆחכ 1:00AM
רמועב ‚"ל '‚ םוי
3:30PM - 6:30PM
םינ‰כל „חוימ םו˜מ
„חוימ ךר„
When Mosaic came onto the scene, I was eager to see how the Davis method would be implemented -- and I was not disappointed. The students who joined the program made progress almost immediately. We saw tremendous strides in their reading levels. As a result, their confidence and overall performance improved. They used their tools they were learning at Mosaic to help them across all subjects. I would recommend Mosaic for the struggling student who hasn't responded to regular remediation.

New doesn’t mean naive.
Just because you don’t have 7 years of workforce experience doesn’t mean you should be shortchanged. You matter. You should have a boss that’s a leader. You should earn more than the block’s teenage sitter You shouldn’t be plunked in front of a keyboard to enter data for the next 5 years. And you shouldn’t ever consider a culture where the office gossip is gulped down faster than the coffee.
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עקאמשעג עטנאסערעטניא וצ טלעטש לגנעיירט

דניק רעייא ןענרעלסיוא טעוו סאוו סעפורג ןאפעלעט
,רעטסיוושעג ןוא םירבח טימ ןייגאב וצ ךיז יוזאיוו
ןבעל ןיא םיבצמ עלא ןיא טייקגיאור א טימ ןבעל
וצ יזאיוו ןעדער ןעמ
Exciting crafts and interesting activities will be sent to your home to ensure your child's participation
The course content has been designed with an innovative approach that will keep your child engaged, and has shown to be very effective in impacting real change for participating children.

עקאמשעג עטנאסערעטניא וצ טלעטש לגנעיירט

דניק רעייא ןענרעלסיוא טעוו סאוו סעפורג ןאפעלעט
,רעטסיוושעג ןוא םירבח טימ ןייגאב וצ ךיז יוזאיוו
ןבעל ןיא םיבצמ עלא ןיא טייקגיאור א טימ ןבעל
יד טצינעג טאה'מ יוזאיוו ןעלייטימ ליוו רעוו טבילאב רעמ ןייז יצ ךאוו עגיראפ ןופ תוצע
טימ ןבעג הצע ןא ךיז ןוא םירבח ןשיווצ ?ןליפעג

טאה רעדירב ןיימ םע באה ךיא .....ןעמונעגקעווא
באה ךיא יוויוזא ....טעמכ
רעווש רעייז רימ זיא סע
רעבא .... וצ ןעדער
ןיב .....יד טצינעג באה ךיא
ןעק ךיא זא ןעראוועג ראוועג
Exciting crafts and interesting activities will be sent to your home to ensure your child's participation
The course content has been designed with an innovative approach that will keep your child engaged, and has shown to be very effective in impacting real change for participating children.

(Re: Constructive Fun, Issue 181)
I loved your article about easy and inexpensive ideas for things to do in your backyard. I have one to add.
I have one son who loves animals. When he was turning seven, he begged me to get him a puppy for his birthday. I didn’t want to buy him a puppy, of course; in fact, I didn’t want to deal with a parakeet or fish tank, either. But then we came up with a great compromise: We bought a bird feeder and installed it on our back deck, right off the kitchen. I bought proper bird food, which claimed on the package to actually attract birds. And although we live in a very developed area, within a few days, the birds had discovered our bird feeder.
All spring and summer we were treated to the most beautiful, fine-feathered visitors. We had bright red cardinals, jewel-toned blue jays, the most adorable little black feathered birds with white heads, and many more species of birds. We saw big birds, small birds, colored birds… It was like having an aviary right outside our door. Our entire family was enraptured, and the kids never got tired of watching the birds.
On the same note, my next-door neighbor hung a hummingbird feeder on her deck. (Hummingbirds eat nectar, not the seeds we were using, and need a different kind of bird feeder.) The hummingbirds were so gorgeous and amazing to watch, and it was unbelievable to see how much mileage you could get out of a bird feeder!
Try it, and you’ll see it for yourself.
Batsheva Gruber
(Re: Baked to Last, Issue 180)
Thank you so much for an entertaining and informative read on the history of cakes and pastries! It did its job just so well, in fact, that it inspired me to pull out my Bosch and whip up a variety of goodies. My family was very grateful!
(Re: Your Say, Issue 181)

I’m writing to say that I totally agree with G.S. who wrote about the danger of poppers used at weddings. My husband was injured at our nephew’s wedding last winter when he was hit by a popper, and he could hardly enjoy the wedding because of the pain.
Additionally, it’s annoying for guests to have bits of confetti stuck in their sheitel when they just spent a lot of time and money having it done for the wedding. And it doesn’t look nice in the wedding pictures, either!
Maybe it’s time to stop allowing the poppers to be used at our beautiful, heimishe simchos.
How can we implement that?
Oif simchos gezunterheit by everyone! F.K.
I recently witnessed two very disturbing incidents regarding children on bikes and scooters.
I was walking down the street the other day, and a boy who looked to be between ten and twelve years of age was coming toward me on an electric scooter. The boy rang the bell on his scooter so the people ahead of him would let him pass, and I watched as an older woman pushing a walker had to move to the side to let him pass.
Just two days later, I saw a little boy
on a kiddie bike ride over the feet of a middle-aged woman standing in front of a house. The boy continued riding, with just a backward glance, while the woman limped away.
As the weather turns beautiful and our children begin spending more time outdoors, let’s educate them about proper street safety and kavod habrios
It’s important to raise awareness about potential scams in order to prevent others from falling victim to them.
Recently, while shopping at a local supermarket, a woman approached me and requested money for Shabbos. She had a son wearing a yarmulke in a stroller, and she was wearing a snood. Nevertheless, I was hesitant to give her money, as I was unsure whether she was Jewish or not, so instead I offered to pay her bill. I asked her what she needed to buy, and she said that she needed some vegetables and diapers. As we continued to shop, she thanked me each time we passed each other, expressing her appreciation for my assistance.
However, things began to appear suspicious when we reached the register. I asked her name and where she lived, to which she replied “Chana” and “13th and 46th.” She also requested that we leave our number by the register, but we asked for her number instead. She did not have an account, so I wrote down her phone number.
After paying for her purchases, I watched her leave the store and climb into a car waiting for her nearby. The driver was not Jewish. And when I looked up her number a bit later, I discovered that she was not Jewish.
Stores in the area are aware of these goings-on, saying that they are a gang of people who impersonate local residents. There’s nothing that law enforcement can do, however, because victims willingly hand over their money. Please be careful.

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UP dated … UP scale … UP stairs at Gourmet Glatt
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Our Coveted Yomim Tovim
In this week’s parsha , Hashem instructs Moshe Rabbeinu to tell Klal Yisroel, “Mo’adei Hashem asher tikre’u osam mikra’ei kodesh, eileh heim mo’adai — These are Hashem’s appointed days that you shall designate as holy occasions, these are My appointed days” (Vaykira 23:2).
This pasuk seems to say the same thing twice. Why the repetition?
REB SHIMSHON OF OSTROPOLI, ZT”L, said that once, in Chodesh Elul, he met the satan and found him to be in a very downcast mood. “What’s the matter?” he asked.
The satan replied that he had seen a ship traveling from one country to the next, delivering a large shipment of esrogim. “Many Yidden will be using them for the arba minim,” he said glumly. As Chazal say (Sukkah 38), shaking the lulav is like piercing arrows or spears into the eyes of the satan
Several days later, Reb Shimshon met the satan again, and this time he looked very happy. He told Reb Shimshon that he had orchestrated a series of events until he was granted clearance in Shamayim to sink the ship. “And so, the Yidden will not be able to have their arba minim!” he concluded happily.
On Chol Hamoed Sukkos, Reb Shimshon met the satan a third time. It didn’t take more than a moment for him to realize that the satan was in a super grumpy mood. “What happened?” he asked. “You had your way and drowned those esrogim. What went wrong now?”
“Oh,” said the satan with a sigh. “It’s true that I managed to make sure that most of the esrogim would not arrive at their destinations, but somehow, several esrog dealers managed to get a few single pieces. You wouldn’t believe how much money Yidden were willing to pay for them now that they became a precious commodity! They spent huge sums of money just for this mitzvah! And many Yidden stood on their feet from morning to night to wait for the zechus of shaking arba minim with these rare sets.
“I am very upset at myself. You must understand that
this deep desire and willpower that the Yidden displayed is much more chashuv than the mitzvah itself!” he said bitterly. “That’s why I’m so sad. Had I not caused that ship to sink, there would have been an abundance of esrogim, and I would have been better off. Because in that case, Yidden wouldn’t have demonstrated such a deep love for the mitzvah. Now, with every shake they shook, they broke all of my bones!”
This explanation offers eye-opening insight. The primary nachas ruach Hakadosh Baruch Hu gleans from a mitzvah is the longing and heart that is invested in it. A wise man recognizes the value he is able to infuse into the mitzvos that he performs and does them with his whole heart and soul. * * * * *
The Dubno Maggid shares a parable of a person who enters an art studio looking for a painting for his wall. He studies each picture for a long time, unable to make his selection, and he also frets over the high price tags. The artist tells him that he has the perfect frame for him, one that could potentially include all the sights in the display and is reasonably priced. He then brings out a mirror.
The Maggid explains that the Torah tells us about the mitzvos of each Yom Tov: matzos on Pesach, a sukkah on Sukkos, a shofar on Rosh Hashanah, and so on. The Torah is even clear about what one may not do on Shabbos and Yom Tov. But the Torah does not delineate what one should do on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Why is that instruction missing?
The reason is that Shabbos and Yom Tov don’t have a set

appearance. They are like a large mirror that reflects whatever is displayed opposite it. According to the amount of preparation and heart a person invests in his Yom Tov, that is the level of kedusha it will contain. His investment will determine its beauty.
The Torah says, “Mo’adei Hashem asher tikre’u osam.” The word “osam” has no vav; it can also be read as “atem,” which means “you.”
This teaches us that every single one of us decides how our Shabbos and Yom Tov should look. According to how much we invest, that’s how holy our Yom Tov will be, and that is the level of elevation that we will merit to climb.
If one were to ask, kivayachol, how Hashem’s Yamim Tovim look, Yomim Tovim look, the answer would be, “Asher tikre’u ATEM, eileh heim mo’adai” — the way we determine they will be, that is the way they will look!

Shabbos and Yom Tov and all the mitzvos they entail are incredible opportunities. May we all remember that it is our heart and soul that Hashem is waiting for.
Did You Know?
Along with the Yamim Tovim, the parsha also discusses the days leading up to Shavuos –the sefiras ha’omer
The Chasam Sofer writes an amazing fact: These days of sefirah are so potent that one day is considered like two years. All 50 days together are like 100 years! What could take a person two years to accomplish during other times of the year can be attained in just a single day during sefirah!

You wouldn’t believe have much Yidden were willing to pay for esrogim!

זיא סע ,'טעברא עשיזיפ' יוו רעמ
,'המשנ ןוא ץראה' טימ טצריוואב

הנכה' ןופ הנווכ ליפיוזא טימ
טפאשביל עגיטכעל ןוא 'תבשל
ייז" .ק"בש םוצ ןבאה ייז סאוו
,"םייהא םעדכאנ סע ןגארט
,דילגטימ-באטש רעד טרעדליש
סע ןעק'כ ,דיירפ ראפ ןלארטש ייז"
."רעטרעוו טימ ןייז ריבסמ טשינ
ןגייצרע ןופ עירעס א רעטנוא
עדעי ,ונייהד ,"ןעלקיטרא תבש"
יד טימ ןעמאזוצ ןעמ טכאמ ךאוו
סאוו שדוק ישימשת יד רעדניק
ךאוו ןייא .שיט תבש םעד טריצאב
/רעכעב" א ייז טימ ןעמ טכאמ
"לקעד הלח" א ךאוו ןייא ,"ץאט

.וו.א.א ,"רעטכייל" א ךאוו ןייא
ערעייז סיורא ןבעג ייז
ןיא ןטנאלאט ענעטלאהאב
ןוא סנאזא ,קרעוו עכילרעה
ליפ ןירעד טגיל סע .סכלעזא
'סושזד פיערג' עגיטפאהרעביפ א ןביורט יד רעהא טלעטש'מ ,עיצאקירבאפ
טעיפסע ןעמ טאה ךילרעווש
-באטש ןעיירטעג םעד ןפאכ וצ
.ןאפעלעט ן'פיוא דילגטימ
ןופ ןגירק טלאוועג טאה'מ
יד רעביא עיצאמראפניא םיא
שדוקה תדובע עגיטפאהרעביפ
,טצעי טשינ" .גנולייטפא ןייז ןיא
יד ןעוועג זיא ,"ןגראמ רימ לאק זיב ,לאמ עכילטע טראווטנא

וצ טביולרע ךיז טאה רע ךילדנע
.זנוא ראפ עלייוו עצרוק א ןעמדיוו
ןעמונראפ לאמעלא ה"ב זיא'מ
טצעי רעבא ,פאק ן'רעביא זיב
.ךילמאנסיוא סעפע ראפ טמוק
עלופרילאק א ןיא וויטקא זיא'מ
טלקניפ סאוו ,"םארגארפ תבש"
ןא רעדניק עלעיצעפס יד ןיא ןיירא
ן'טימ ןבעל" וצ ןערב עכילרעניא
טרימראפ זיא םארגארפ רעד
.קראפ-יסאווק םוצ רעירפ גאט
ןופ קאנק א ןעוועג סע זיא טסבלעז רעדניק יד ראפ
םיער ייב רעבא ,ט"וי ברע עקאט זיא'ס .גנערבראפ א
סע זיא ,טכאמ'מ זא ,תוישעמ עבלאה ןייק אטשינ זיא
ףניפ" ראפ טגנערבראפ גיטסול ןעמ טאה .תומילשב ,ןואטלעדימ ןיא רעטנעצ-ןאפ "ריע ןעבריע" םעניא "העש
וויסולקסקע ןעגנידעגסיורא ןראוועג זיא סאוו ,קראי וינ .םיער ראפ ,טיפסער םענופ ךעלדיימ יד ןוא ,רדח םענופ ךעלגנוי יד םענופ לייטסנטסרעמ םעניא טגנערבראפ טראד ןבאה טימ טגיטעזעגרעביא ,"העש ףניפ" ןופ ףיול ןיא ,גאט עגיטכעל יד ןיא טריפעגניירא ייז טאה סאוו ,ןגינעגראפ

.גחה תחמש ןופ טסייג םעיינ א טימ געט עטייווצ
יסנאמ ןוא "רדח םיער יסנאמ" ןופ ןרעטלע יד עלעיצעפס א ןריפש ,םארגארפ-טיפסער "9 דואלק"
לוח" עלעיצעפס א ןלעטשוצ ן'ראפ טפאשראבקנאד
םענעמונראפ םעניא רעדניק יד ראפ "פירט דעומה

.חספ לש יעיבש ברע ןופ
רעמ ןענעק וצ טנגייאעג עקאט זיא דעומה לוח
רעבא ,םייהרעדניא רעדניק יד טימ ןעגנערבראפ
זיא'ס ןעוו ,בוט םוי ברע יוו גאט אזא טמוק'ס ןעוו
ןדעי ראפ זיא ,תונכה ט"וי יד טימ טגנערטשעגנא
,לסיבא ףיוא רעדניק יד סיורא טמענ'מ זא ןשטנואוועג -םיער יד ןיא טאהעג ןיזניא עקאט ןעמ טאה סאד ןוא ברע ראפ פירט ערעטסקע ןא גידנלעטשוצ ,ןראדיראק א "פירט דעומה לוח" עלארטנעצ יד וצ באגוצ ןיא ,ט"וי

ברע" :שודיח
ן'העש עגנַאל
לוח" עגיטכעמ ייב
"יסַאווק" ןיא "גולפסיוא
ץנערעפנאק ראשזדיעמ 2 ,סעסיפא ןופ ץענ עצנאג
ס'םור ץנערעפנאק עטאווירפ יד רעסיוא ,ןרעמיצ
."ןרעטלע טימ סגניטימ ראפ
ןריפסיוא ןענעק וצ סיורא טקוק'מ סאוו ןראי ןיוש
םעניא רעבא ,לאקאל אד סעלאר עשיטקאפ יד
ןעוועג טשינ זיא לאקאל ןיפנא-ריעזב ןגידרעירפ
-סיפא יד זיא ,'סוסקול' אזא ןבאה וצ ךילגעמ
ןראוועג סטנעמטראפעד לאצ א ןופ טפאשטריוו
טאה'מ זא טצעי רעבא .טעטש ערעדנא ןופ טגיפראפ
לאטאד רעדעי טרעוו ,רעטנעצ םעיינ םעד ןיוש
טריפעגסיוא ןעגנולייטפא עטגייווצראפליפ יד ןופ
,רעטנעצ םעיינ םענופ ןעמאר יד ןיא ,"ץאלפ ן'פיוא"
,רעדילגטימ באטש עטבאגאב עיינ יד ךרוד טריפעגנא

.רעדנוזאב טאראפא ןוא סיפא ןדעי ףיוא
ןראוועג טריצאלפ זיא ןקאטש ערעכעה יד ןיא
דואלק" ןוא ,"בעה יעד" ךעלגנוי קראפ אראב יד
ךיז ראפ סאד" .סטנעמטראפעד לוקס-רעטפע "9
טנייה זיב .תעדה תבחרה עשילרעטסיוא ןא טיידאב
עכילטע ןיא טיירפשעצ ןעוועג רעדניק יד ןענעז
יד ףיוא סנייא ןוא .ווע עט'18 ףיוא סנייא ,ןלאקאל
זיא רעדניק ןופ סקואוו ן'טימ ןוא ,טירטס עטס'53 ,סיורג ,'יחמא ה"ב זיא טצעי .גנע רעייז ןראוועג
."טלעטשעגוצ ןייש יוזא זיא סעלא ,גיטכעל ,ךילרעה דנרינאיצקנופ ךיוא זיא קאטש ןבלעז ן'פיוא
יד ןופ "סיפא עיצארטסינימדא" עלארטנעצ יד
עלא .עיצארעפא םיער ןילקורב עטגייווצראפ
יד טא ןופ ךיז טלדורפש קרעוו עוויטארטסינימדא
עגילאצליפ יד ןופ טעברא עטינעג יד רעטנוא ,עזאב
טפאשיירטעג סיורג טימ פא ךיז ןבעג סאוו רעטייברא
.סעיציזאפ ערעייז ןיא
:ץאז ןייא ןיא סע טנכייצאב רעטייבראטימ א יוו
.טבעלרעד ךיז טאה קראפ אראב
ןראוועג ןבילקעגסיוא ןענעז רעדניק יירד
דניק סעדעי ,'תומלוע ינוב' יד ןייז וצ
ןוא ,ךעלזעלג ןופ עדייבעג א ,ליוז א
יד יוזא יוו טגייצעג ייז ןעמ טאה ףיורעד
סאוו תווצמ יד ףיוא ךיז טלאה טלעוו
ןא טוט'מ ו"ח ביוא ןוא ,םייקמ ןענעז ייז
.ליוז א רעטנוא ךיז טכערב הריבע
ףיוא סיורא ןצכעל רעדניק יד"
-באטש א טעטכיראב ,"דומיל םעד
עלעיצעפס א ןבאה ייז" .דילגטימ
,תובוט תודמ ןייז וצ הנוק טשרוד
טימ גנוריפפיוא עלעבאנ א ,ץרא ךרד
ןגיוא יד ןיא ןח ןפערט ןוא ,ערעדנא
יד ."ןשטנעמ ןופ ןוא רעפעשאב ןופ
םעד ןופ לעפתנ רעייז ןענעז ןרעטלע
ךיז טאה עטאט ןייא יוו ,םארגארפ
סע יוו שוחב טעז'מ" :טקורדעגסיוא
גנוריראב ןיא טייקלעבאנ רעייז טבייה
."ערעדנא טימ
הרותל המדק ץרא ךרד
אראב ןיא "רעטנעצ םיער" עשיטעטסעיאמ עיינ יד
,ןימרעט 'יינ' םענופ ןייגסיורא ךילגעמ ןיוש ןעק קראפ

,ראי עבלאה א רעביא טסניד ןיא ןיוש זיא'ס םוראוו
רעבא ,'הנושאר הנש' ןופ םויס םוצ טגיונעג רעמ
טלגיפש סאוו 'טייקשירפ' יד טכארטאב ןיא גידנעמענ
םישודיח עדנצארפש יד ןוא ,לקניוו ןדעי ןיא פא ךיז
טשינ טכער טימ סע טוט ,וצ דנאנאכאנ ןעמוק סאוו .םישדחכ ךיניעב םוי לכ – טייקיינ ריא ןרילראפ
ןטצעל ןראוועג טיינאב עדייבעג יד זיא לעיציפא
זייוולייט ןעוועג ןיוש זיא'ס רעבא ,ןושח שדוח
יד רעדייא ךאנ ,רעירפ ןכאוו עכילטע ץונאב ןיא
ןעוו ,םירעש תחיתפ ןופ גנורעייפ עלעינאמערעצ
ןשטנואוועג קראפ אראב יבשות ךיז ןבאה ןאד ןיוש
יוו דיירפ ראפ גידנלעווק ,"שדחתת" עכילצרעה א
ןבאה ןוא ,ךיז טריטראווק םיער ךילרעה גיטכערפ
ןופ עיסימ יד ןריפוצסיוא טייקכילגעמ עטסלופ יד
טימ רעדניק עלעיצעפס יד ראפ "סיוורעס ענעדלאג"
.תוחפשמ ערעייז
טיינאב םאקלופ זיא רעטנעצ רעד ןעוו טדערעגפא
"טאטש יד ראפ עכאפע עיינ א" עזארפ יד .ןראוועג
סאוו שינעעשעג עכילקריוו סלא טריזילאער ךיז טאה
עלא רעטנוא רעפיט ןוא רעטיירב טריסערגארפ
זיא סאוו סיוורעס ןוא ןעמארגארפ יד ןופ ןעמאר
.םעריש ס'םיער רעטנוא טרעפרעקראפ
זיא ךיז ראפ סאד ,טייהמעווקאב ,טייקסיורג יד"
ךיז טקורד ,"גנוטכערפיוא עכילביירשאבמוא ןא
טשינ ךיז טזאל סע" ,ראטקעריד רעדנריפ א סיוא
יד ראפ ייס ןפלעה רעמ טנעקעג טאה'מ ליפיוו ןגאז
רעדעי .עיינ יד ראפ ייס ןוא ,רעסינעג עדנריטסיזקע
,רעטכייל ךאסא ןראוועג זיא סעצארפ ןוא רודעצארפ
,.ווע עט'18 יד ףיוא םור לעגניס ןייא ןופ .'קאשט-קישט' א אד רימאה ,רעטייברא 6-7 טרידאמאקא טאה סאוו
ןעק'מ סאוו ,זנוא ןענרעל םיאנת השעמל ףיוא ןפעשסיורא ןופרעד
ןא ןייז וצ ,גנוריפפיוא ענעגייא יד ןיא םימשל חנ ,"דיא רעטוג" רעגיד'תמא
רעד טאה חספ ךאנ ףכית
יקרפ" םעד ןעמוקאבוצ םעלוקיראק
טרעוו גאט ןדעי ,"םארגארפ תובא
רדס םעניא טייצ לקיטש א טעמדיוועג
,הנווכב טעמ בוט .קרפ ראפ דומילה
,ס'הנשמ ךאסא ןפיולכרוד טאטשנא
טימ ,הנשמ ןייא ךרוד ןעמ טוט
ףיוא טרעלקרע ,תועידי ןוא ןעגנולייצרע
יד טכילגעמרע סאוו ןפירגאב עשיזיפ
.טימרעד ןריטקענאק וצ ךיז רעדניק
ןעמ טאה ,ש"בצ ,ךאוו עטשרע יד
םירבד השלש לע" הנשמ יד טנרעלעג
הדובעה לעו הרותה לע ,דמוע םלועה
טגייצעג טאה ןעמ ."םידסח תולימג לעו
,'ןליוז' ןופ אמגוד א רעדניק יד ראפ
:טגיטעטשאב גנורירעפא "ראי עבלאה"
עיינ ,"רעטנעצ םיער" ענעדלָאג ַא רַאפ הנתמ קרַאפּ ָארָאב
ייב טייהנדירפוצ עכילמאנסיוא ,רעסינעג עיינ ןוא עדנריטסיזקע בלאהרעניא ןרעוו טריוורעס םייב סעסיפא עגיד'תובחר-םעווקאב – ןרעמיצ-ץענ ץנערעפנאק ןוא סעסיוורעס ןוא סטנעמטראפעד טרעטיירבראפ גיבראפליפ
דומיל ןופ הרות לארשי גהנמ רעד
,םיתבש רעמוז יד ןיא "תובא יקרפ"
םעניא טכיוועג רעדנטיידאב א טגארט
ןעמ זיולב טשינ ."רדח םיער ארנאמ"
'טריציטקארפ' ןעמ ראנ ,קרפ 'טנרעל'
.השעמל הכלה סע
א ראנ ,ק"בש םוא זיולב טשינ ןוא
,רעמוז ןצנאג םעד ךשמב ,ךאוו עצנאג
תוינשמ עגילייה יד ןיא ןעמ טעוועליפ
יד ןיא טלעבירג ןעמ ,תובא תכסמ ןופ
עגילייה יד סאוו תורשיו תובוט תודמ
רעדנרעלַאב "תובא יקרפּ" םַארגָארפּ
ןביוהעגנָא ָארנָאמ" ןיא "רדח םיער


RIKI GOLDSTEINGrowing older comes with certain privileges. You get to kvell from all the nachas of family simchas without the angst of making a table plan. You get to wear the shoes you find comfortable and have early nights or late mornings with no need for excuses. Aging comes with a more philosophical outlook, a slower pace, and, often, a prescription for reading glasses. What it shouldn’t come with is anxiety and apprehension.
True, it’s not all about Florida and massages. There are major decisions looming ahead. Naturally, healthcare is on every senior’s mind, and financial plans need to be made. Putting things into place so that your retirement will serve you well can be as puzzling as solving a Rubik’s cube. Until recently,

BPJCC ensures that seniors don’t have to go it alone.
seniors faced this alone, confronting mazes of legalese as they navigated the dilemmas of health and wealth management, struggling to understand the daunting eligibility requirements for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Although countless programs and services exist in our wonderful community, we were lacking a central resource to serve seniors across the board.
It was this void that struck staff at the Boro Park Jewish Community Council. In decades of representing and supporting the community, they noticed the older age group was under-represented and under-serviced.

“People turning 60 or 65 felt unprepared and bewildered. They needed information and guidance to understand the systems and resources available,” says Avi Greenstein, CEO of the BPJCC. “We made a decision to serve this population by developing our seniors’ department.”
Because their research showed that many golden agers and their children need information to help them come to informed decisions, as well as assistance in applying for government programs, BPJCC staff in the seniors department is trained and experienced in dealing with paperwork and bureaucracy. Seniors can make appointments about any possible issue.
While many just require information, staff recall one woman who arrived at the BPJCC offices distraught. In her pocketbook was a letter from a debt collection company which stated that she owed a debt of $17,000. The woman, who lived alone, had been receiving these increasingly urgent notices for a while. Too intimidated to deal with it, and uncertain if her late husband had accrued debt, she had ignored the notices. When a support worker at the BPJCC reached out to the debt collection company and went through the case, it turned out that the correspondence had been sent in error.
Avi and his team brainstormed to find a way to open their services to the community at large, and bring advice, expertise, and support under one roof for all. The result was the unique Golden Age Expo, which breaks new ground for seniors, and their children too. Now, seniors are not alone. This targeted annual event created for our senior community
brings together world-class medical lectures, a panel on financial management for seniors, exhibits from more than 60 specialist companies, and lastly, an enjoyable day out.
Last year’s event, held in Ateres Golda, attracted 1,600 participants from the local community. This year’s Expo will be held in a larger venue, Ateres Chaya, on Sunday, May 7.

Common health issues which arise during the seventh and eighth decade, such as heart disease, diabetes, and neurological decline lurk worryingly beneath the surface for so many of us. Knowledge is power—and an ounce of prevention can change the prognosis drastically. World-class cardiologist Dr. Nir Y. Uriel will deliver a lecture on heart health, and renowned neurologist Dr. Irving Freidman is joining the Expo with a candid presentation to simplify some of the mystique around the nervous system. With the debate about Ozempic raging on, diabetes specialist Dr. Meir Cohen will be offering insight on whether this drug is right for you.
All these medical experts will be available for private consultations, exclusive to Expo visitors. Wide-ranging exhibits also offer the opportunity to chat with professionals in home health care and nursing home representatives.
Have you ever wondered, as you slice cinnamon babka for the grandchildren and nibble on Viennese crunch with your Friday night tea, what a healthful senior diet and exercise plan looks like? Should you be sticking entirely to the salad bar at family Melave
Guidebook to Senior Benefits
Malkas? How can you continue to cook your husband’s favorites if he has to cut down drastically on salt? Get your questions answered by a nutritionist who specializes in senior nutrition at the Golden Age Expo.
Health screening, such as diabetes tests, bone density scans, and even cancer screening will be available free of charge on site, too.
Two months after last year’s Expo, a Boro Park resident contacted the BPJCC to tell him that the event had saved his life: the medic who had taken his blood pressure had told him to make an urgent appointment with his doctor. Waiting even a week, the doctor later informed him, could have been catastrophic.

How many times have you thought anxiously about your will, and how to protect your family’s future? You are not alone—this is a loaded topic across our society. But with proper, prudent preparation, so much stress can be avoided, and family unity hopefully preserved. A unique gathering of experts including halachic will expert Rav Yakov Weinberger, as well as legal wills professional Joseph Klein ESQ and CBA and financial consultant Dr. Robert Levin MD, will form a panel to answer your questions, cover all the issues involved in estate planning and offer clarity and perspective.
“People wait months to meet top-notch lawyers to discuss their wills and financial planning,” Avi Greenstein says, “so don’t miss the opportunity to hear and meet our guest financial planner, flying in specially from California.”
On the sidelines of the Expo, rounding it out into a great day out, is the opportunity to meet friends, view cutting-edge products geared specifically for seniors by sixty participating companies, and take time out for a painting session by Hobby House, before visiting the free massage booth. Emcee Jake Turx will make you laugh with a hysterical journey down memory lane.
One very useful takeaway which was hailed by last year’s participants was the BPJCC’s incredible, information-packed free gift. Every participant will come home with a comprehensive senior guidebook, updated for 2023, with information on every government program available in New York State as well as our own community’s resources.
Is it really possible to answer every question in one packed and enjoyable day? Although the Expo is the highlight of the year for the BPJCC Seniors’ Department, Avi Greenstein is quick to point out that the offices at the center are open for support and guidance every day. “We’re here for our seniors, and we’re not going anywhere.”
This Sunday, May 7, 11 a.m. — 5:30 p.m., Ateres Chaya Ballroom

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Faulty Wiring Likely To Blame for Spinka Beis Medrash Fire
A pre-dawn fire broke out in the 56th Street home of the Spinka Rebbe on April 30, significantly damaging the old beis medrash while sparing the Rebbe’s room, located just next door.
Hamodia reported that all of the residents of 1462 56th Street were safely evacuated from the building, as were several Sifrei Torah that were rescued by Boro Park Shomrim. The Spinka Rebbe, Rav Naftali Tzvi Weiss, was treated by Hatzolah members at the scene for minor smoke inhalation.
The heavy smoke and flames also affected several rooms located near the old Spinka beis medrash, which is used during the week by Spinka and on Shabbos by Dinover chassidim The adjacent Rebbe’s room, which had also been used by the Spinka Rebbe’s father, Rav Yaakov Yosef Weiss, zt”l, to receive chassidim, sustained no damage at all, reported BoroPark24. Also spared from the flames was the new Spinka shul, located next door to the Rebbe’s house.
The FDNY is investigating the blaze, but sources said that it appears to have been caused by faulty refrigerator wiring.
Enhanced Dining Options for Patients as Maimonides Opens Two New Glatt Kosher Kitchens
In keeping with its mission of providing culturally sensitive care, Maimonides Medical Center cut the ribbon on two new glatt kosher kitchens last week, both of which will be serving a varied, rabbinically-approved menu.
The new kitchens are located at Maimonides’ main campus and are under the strict supervision of the hopsital’s rabbi and mashgichim. Patient ambassadors will visit every room to discuss menu options, which include low-sodium, low-protein, vegetarian, gluten-free and plant-based options, as well as a wider range of international cuisines.
Improving hospital meals and meeting higher patient and visitor expectations has long been a priority at the medical center, explained Maimonides Health CEO Ken Gibbs.
“Eating good, nutritious food is integral to a high-quality hospital experience, and we hope that all of our patients will enjoy the restaurant-quality menu and food choices,” said Gibbs.

Gas Stoves Banned in New Constructions as of 2025
Looking to lead the way in fighting climate change, New York is set to become the first state in the nation to ban gas hookups in new constructions as of 2025.

Governor Kathy Hochul announced last week that the push toward going all-electric was part of her $229 billion budget, which is expected to be approved by state lawmakers. Restaurants and commercial kitchens would be exempt from the ban, which would prohibit natural gas hookups in all new buildings less than seven stories high in 2025, with larger buildings given a reprieve until 2028.
A Siena College poll taken in February showed that just 39% of New York’s registered voters are in favor of the natural gas ban, reported the New York Post. The move to have the state regulate kitchen appliances has left some boiling with rage, particularly since Hochul has gas stoves in both her Buffalo home and the Executive Mansion in Buffalo.
“Why would somebody come into your private home and tell you what to do?” asked Manhattan resident Yas Kantakis. “We’re not communist yet — we’re getting there — but it’s just an insult.”
A preference for gas versus electric cooking isn’t the only issue in the ban debate. New York Independent System Operation, a nonprofit administering state wholesale electricity markets, warned that eliminating fossil fuels without ensuring an adequate supply of renewable energy sources would lead to skyrocketing prices.
“The proper way is to make sure we have the technology

and resources analyzed before we start shutting down reliable resources that provide heating to families and to small businesses,” said Assemblyman Phillip Palmesano, an opponent of the gas ban, who warned that New York could see a mass exodus of businesses if affordable and reliable energy becomes unavailable.
Hochul’s ban could face legal challenges. An ordinance eliminating “obsolete” gas infrastructure in Berkeley, California, was invalidated by an appeals court.

Free Meals To Return to Schools, Announces Hochul
Nearly a year after the federal government eliminated the program that provided free meals to all students, Governor Kathy Hochul announced last week that New York will provide $134 million in funding to feed school kids.
Hamodia reported that 726,000 students were left without access to free meals once the federal government discontinued its COVID-era food program. Advocacy groups including Agudath Israel of America, the Orthodox Union’s Teach Coalition, yeshivas, Catholic schools and anti-hunger groups lobbied hard for funding that would provide all students, regardless of family income, with free meals, at a cost of approximately $200 million.
While the governor had not initially included food-for-allstudents funding in her initial budget, both the Senate and Assembly incorporated it into their 2024 fiscal proposals. Advocates cheered the April 27th news that an agreement had been reached on New York’s 2024 budget, a $229 billion package that included $134 million for the lunch program. With the amount allocated insufficient to cover all of New York’s schoolchildren, it is unclear at this time who would benefit from the program and if private schools would be eligible for the funding.
The Agudah’s New York director for government relations, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, said that school meals funding had been a high priority, calling Hochul’s announcement “wonderful news for parents and children throughout New York State.” Those thoughts were echoed by Orthodox Union managing director Maury Litwack.
“The coalition of parents, organizations and individuals

who raised their voice on this and made this happen was unprecedented,” said Litwack. “As this program is finalized and rolled out, we look forward to working with schools and communities to make free meals a reality for every student.”
Disabled New Yorkers Sue City Over Open Streets Program
Closing off certain streets to vehicular traffic was touted as a way to make New York more pedestrian-friendly, but twelve local residents with disabilities have sued the city over its Open Streets program, saying they are being subjected to illegal discrimination.
AM NY reported that the lawsuit was filed in Brooklyn Federal Court on April 24. The plaintiffs noted in their filings that they rely on motor vehicles to get around and allege that the city is ignoring the needs of more than 500,000 New Yorkers who have mobility issues.
Lead plaintiff Jeff Charles has to walk two blocks from his Avenue B home in the East Village in order to be picked up by a car service whenever he needs to go to a medical appointment. According to the lawsuit, paramedics had to remove Open Streets barricades to reach Charles during a recent fall, leaving the 94-year-old concerned that ambulances would have difficulty reaching him in case of a medical emergency.
Brooklyn resident Mill Jonakait is another of the case’s plaintiffs. She was born without a femur in her right leg, which is 10 inches shorter than her left leg. The 77-year-old has difficulty walking, and Open Streets has made it harder for her to find parking near her home, resulting in lengthier trips to and from her car whenever she needs to get out.
The plaintiffs are hoping to have a federal injunction against the program, which would halt Open Streets, at least for now.
Discarding Yard Waste With Household Trash Becomes a Fineable Offense in NYC
Dumping branches and twigs into your regular trash could soon cost you as much as $100, under new regulations issued by the New York City Sanitation Department.
While Brooklyn residents would have a grace period until the fall, those in Queens could start having to separate their yard waste from their regular trash as soon as the end of May. Under the new law, yard waste would be put out at the curb along with organic waste, such as food scraps, although composting remains optional in the city, at least for now. Bronx and Staten Islanders would see the new mandate going into effect in March 2024, with Manhattan dwellers having until October 2024 to comply with the new regulations.
Fines for those who fail to follow the new rules would range from $25 to $100, although the city plans to institute a threemonth “education and warning period” in each borough before they start issuing summonses.

Advocates have touted the initiatives as a smart environmental and economic plan.
“The new yard waste rules are another step along the road to a more sustainable trash policy,” said Eric Goldstein, New York City environmental director for the Natural Resources Defense Council.
NYC Parking Fines May Become Income-Based
The cost of a parking violation could be converted to a sliding scale, under a bill introduced last week in the City Council.
Councilman Justin Brannan proposed the pilot program, explaining that income-based fines would be more equitable, and would be a greater deterrent to the wealthy, reported CBS News.
“We’re trying to say, look, if it’s pinching the little guy, then it’s gotta pinch the big guy, too, and right now it’s not,” said Brannan.

Similar programs exist overseas, said Brannan, who also called for variable fines for double parking and idling.
“What they do in Europe right now is basically they have the technology where, the same way they have a digital machine that puts in your information, they can look up your tax receipts and know what your income is,” said Brannan.
The cost of a parking ticket in New York City is $115, but that could change, potentially encouraging more people to pay their parking tickets. New York City is owed over $2 billion in unpaid fines from parking tickets over the last five years.
“It scales it according to a person’s ability to pay, which we don’t have a current model for,” said Antonya Jeffrey, New York’s director of the Fines and Fees Justice Center. “A $75 fine can mean going without really basic needs for one person and could be just a drop in the bucket for another.”
According to NBC News, a similar penalty structure could also be applied to building infractions, illegal dumping, housing violations and other violations that can result in civil penalties.

Talmud Torah
Kedushas Eliezer Skolye
רעדניק ערעייז ןבירשעגנייא ןיוש ןבאה עכלעוו 'יחיש ןרעטלע עבושח ןופ עגארפכענ עסיורג יד ךאנ
זא ןייז עידומ רימ ןליוו ,ףעטס ענעבעגרעביא ענעפורעגסיוא ריא טימ ,הרות דומלת רעזנוא ןיא
םשה תרזעב רייא שדוח ןענעפע ךיז טעוו סאוו
ןסאלק ערענעלק ךוניח רעשידיסח טראדנאטס רעכעה א ראפ טלעטש רדח עילאקס
ןריפ רעכלעוו רעביטש
ןסאלק עלא
ןפא ןענעז גאטנוז ךיוא
ןסאלק עלא
ה"יא ןגאפנא ךיז ןלעוו
ירפוצ רעגייזא 9:00
)גאטיירפ - גאטנאמ(
םידימלת עיינ ןא ןעמענ רימ
:סיפא יד טימ ךייא טדניבראפ

ןיוש ןעמענ סנעשעקילפארימ ןא
רעמוז יד פמעק-יעדראפ
יבר סאב עיירטעג א ךרוד טיילגאב
.סרעוויירד עשימייה טימ ,ריט וצ ריט ןופ


Recap: Lani encourages her sister Riva to leave her job. Riva discovers that her boss is looking to hire. Chaim Tzvi admits to Lani that they’re running tight with their construction funding.
Shuli Nieder arrived for her interview wearing a cropped, chunky knit vest, white laceup booties, and an air of confidence that made Riva wince.
She’d been the same way once. Straight out of seminary, she’d held her head up high as she walked into the office, offered a warm but professional smile. She’d worn a crisp white cotton jacket over a stone-colored skirt, and her hair had been freshly blow-dried and held together in a sophisticated ponytail.
She remembered how she’d politely taken a seat and respectfully waited for the boss to start the conversation. She’d conducted herself well, supplied thoughtful answers, asked relevant questions and made a great impression overall on the sweet-looking guy who’d invited her down for the interview; must be, given that he hired her the next day.
How many years ago had that been? Twelve? Thirteen? A hundred?
Things had changed over the years. The office had undergone some renovations, and her desk had been moved from its original spot in the far back corner.
But the greatest change had been the people. Throughout the years that she’d been employed at Kleenup, she’d watched one girl after another join the staff — and leave. Nobody was ever fired. Noooooo. Mr. Gabioff never fired an employee. Instead, he made their lives so miserable until they all but escaped his clutches, breathing the greatest sigh of relief.
“A revolving door,” Adina called it, and that was exactly what it was — for most of the employees. For some, like Riva, Miriam, Adina, Chaya, and Shoshi, the door hadn’t revolved. They’d stuck it out, hoping things would work out, get better, become normal. But
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when you wait around, you become used to the routine, and you lose the nerve to actually leave. Having made the mistake of giving the job time, the door had clicked shut behind them, locking them into its suffocating walls, shackling them with helplessness and hopelessness.
“Ask any of the girls,” she heard Mr. Gabioff tell Shuli. “They never have a chance to approach me for a raise. I value and recognize good work and compensate accordingly.”
It was so awkward, how he conducted those interviews so publicly. Riva’s heart went out to poor Shuli. If she didn’t take the strangeness of this interview as a warning, she would regret it later.
Her boss stopped the conversation to take a call. After a minute, he stood up and addressed his staff. Riva noticed the contempt in his eyes and shrank into her skin.
“Who gave Mr. Friedlander an estimate of three hours for 66 Clinton?” he asked in his low, accusatory voice.
Glances flew all around. This was Miriam’s account, Riva knew, but of course she kept quiet.
“Hmm?” he grunted. “The ladies are there for five hours already and still have a lot of work to do. Mr. Friedlander is livid. He says he isn’t paying a penny more than three hours but he also doesn’t want them to leave before they finish.”
Riva observed Miriam’s pale face sympathetically. Her fingers were surely trembling under her desk, but what was she supposed to do? Stand up and face Mr. Gabioff’s wrath?
Mr. Gabioff extended his stare for another moment, then turned his attention back to his interviewee.
She felt bad for Miriam, but at the same time, she was relieved. There. Shuli had gotten her preview of the “sweet-looking guy” when his guard was down.
No further warning would be necessary.
Riva quickly assessed the office space, noted Mr. Gabioff’s presence, and conducted a frantic, wordless conversation with Adina while slowly peeling her jacket off and hanging it onto the hook next to her desk.

Her mind whirred.
She took the job?!
I need to go over and greet her.
Why is Mr. Gabioff in so early?
Well, Shuli had obviously taken the job, which meant she was either very brave or very thick. And Riva did need to greet her, even if Mr. Gabioff was in. It would be a different sort of greeting than if he hadn’t been in, which was really dumb, because she’d have to behave all formally, and that was not the impression she preferred to make. If this girl was part of their staff now, at least she should feel welcome and part of the team. She should know she had a support group, that Riva and her coworkers would always have her back.
Aiming for casual but somewhat warm, Riva stretched a smile over her face and approached the new desk.
“Hi,” she said. “Welcome.”
Shuli responded with a breezy smile. “Hi. What’s your name?”
There was something in the straightness of her back that made Riva’s own back go tight.
“I’m Riva. Riva Stroh.” She lowered her voice and peered over her shoulder quickly. “We spoke a few days ago?”
“Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you.”
“Uh, I guess I’ll be training you in?”
Shuli planted her fingers on her keyboard. “It’s fine, I know what I need to do for now. I’ll let you know if I have any questions. Thanks.”
Seriously? She was here for a total of seven minutes, and she knew what she needed to do? That took genius to an entirely new level.
She’d gotten her warning, crystal clear, and yet, when Riva arrived at work the next day, a new desk had been set up parallel to hers, and Shuli Nieder was sitting behind two computer screens.
Brave and thick, Riva concluded as she turned her own screens on. Well, let her feel confident. Brave and thick notwithstanding, it wouldn’t take long for Shuli Nieder to learn the code of submissiveness that came along with working in this place, to feel the doubts and fears that grew on you, the backhanded compliments that slowly eroded every last shred of self-esteem you thought you had.
Riva was starved. It had been yet another frenzied morning, and after

sending three kids off to school and dropping Eli off at the babysitter, she’d stopped into the bakery and picked up a muffin before hurrying to work. But with Shuli sitting just a few feet from her desk, pecking away on her keyboard (what could she be typing already? Could she be chatting her friends the first morning on the job, with the boss in the room? Impossible), she felt uncomfortable eating.
She’d wait a bit, she figured. There was nothing wrong with having a quick breakfast at work, and besides, Shuli was simply a new coworker, not her boss
ward Shuli Nieder’s desk.
“I don’t want to be involved in these meshugassen anymore. Ask Mrs. Nieder, she’ll be overseeing the billing from now on. Tell her to decide.”
The paper went heavy in her hand. Mrs. Nieder was overseeing the billing? What in the world did that mean?
* * * * *
Sometimes, when her pillow clutched her head like a magnetic force and there was just no way to lift it up and get out of bed, Lani had to remind herself that she wanted this; she’d worked so hard to build up her business and market the Break In brand, and this — this challenging but satisfying workflow — was the reward for her efforts. That knowledge fueled her as she disengaged from her fairytale dream, tore herself out of bed and tiptoed past the bedroom where all her children except Shifra slept.
It’s just for the meanwhile,

(kimpeturin), deliver after ten
She started with the pastries. Those needed time to bake and cool before she packaged them. Carrot muffins, cinnamon croissants, chocolate-cheese Danishes. She kept raw dough in the freezer for these, which she could roll, fill and bake fresh.
She worked quickly, littering the tiny counter with bowls and measuring cups. Meanwhile, she repeated in her mind as she started mixing salad dressings.
By the time the kids woke up, she’d packed up all the salads and spreads, tied twine around the breakfast rolls, and transferred the pastries to clamshell containers. There were only the drinks left to do, but that would have to happen last minute.

The next two hours were a blur of breakfast and hairbrushes, grabbing snacks and coats and did you remember to brush your teeth? In between, she hastily blended the milkshakes for the Stone order, stuck a Break In card with her customer’s message inside, and handed the completed package to the delivery guy.
Chaim Tzvi arrived home just as the last bus of the morning honked. He scooped four-yearold Simcha up, stuck a wafer in his hand, and took him to the bus. Lani prepared a bottle for Shifra and put her in her crib for a nap. Finally, peace and quiet.
“Made it,” Lani said, whistling, when Chaim Tzvi returned.
Chaim Tzvi hung up his coat, simply because there was nothing available to drape it over, Lani acknowledged. Perk of living in a mouse hole? Their dining room chairs were parked in a storage place, and the kitchen chairs doubled as laundry drying racks.
Lani arranged some of the leftover vegetables and spreads
from her morning orders on two plates and brought them to the table. “Want to wash?” she asked Chaim Tzvi.
They took their time over breakfast. The best part about Chaim Tzvi’s fundraising work — well, maybe the only good part — was the flexibility of his schedule. How many couples had the luxury of eating breakfast together almost every day?
Lani was bringing coffee to the table with some of the goodies she’d baked when Chaim Tzvi dropped his cell phone heavily on the table and started studying his fingers.
“I met Yaakov Stroh in shul this morning,” he said.
“Oh, okay.”
“Uh…” He reached for a cinnamon croissant and ripped it in half. “Not a hundred percent okay.”
Lani stirred her coffee. “What do you mean?”
“So I approached him. You know, to ask for an additional loan, like I told you. Just for a few months, until the house is done and we can refinance.”
“Well, I didn’t get a chance to ask. The conversation went in a totally different direction.”
He nibbled some croissant crumbs. “Next week will be six months since he lent us the money for construction. I thought it would be okay to extend it a little longer than the six months we agreed on. It’s like self-understood, that’s how things usually go. And here I was thinking to ask for some more money. But guess what?” He pushed his chair back. “Yaakov wants the money back.” TO BE

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Last week we discussed the role of non-nutritious food as an important part of our food plan. By now, you’re hopefully in a nonrestrictive mindset and ready to talk about the actual day-to-day food plan.
I often have clients tell me they’re just going to go on an extreme diet for a few weeks in order to “get the weight off fast,” and then switch over to a “normal plan” in order to maintain their weight loss. If you’ve tried this in the past, you’re probably well aware that it does not work. People want to believe that this time will be the exception, or that they will be the exception — that they will be the 0.01% of people who successfully keep the weight off after a starvation plan. But alas, they are not.
And the effects of restrictive dieting aren’t limited to rapid weight gain. Restrictive diets can trigger a fight-or-flight response in our bodies, triggering the body to believe that it is starving and in need
of food. This causes the metabolism to slow down, leading to weight gain instead of loss. It also contributes to fatigue, as the body struggles to function without enough fuel. But it gets worse…
The psychological effects are even more devastating: With restrictions come feelings of guilt and anxiety surrounding food choices, creating an unhealthy relationship with food that can persist long after the diet has ended. This mentality, as well as the physiological response to perceived starvation, can lead to binge eating behavior long into the future. This leaves us feeling out of control and hopeless.
The approach that I have found to be the most beneficial and sustainable is having a structured

plan. I like to call it a “game plan” rather than a “diet” or even a “food plan.” Here are some guidelines for a realistic game plan that will help you lose unwanted pounds gently and peacefully:
The game plan should include a set schedule. This means that, generally speaking, you should have set times for eating. These should be at regular intervals of about two to three hours throughout the day. Eating at regular intervals boosts the metabolism and makes it easier to keep your portion sizes moderate.

• Meals and snacks should be portioncontrolled, nutritious and delicious. There is no need to cut out any food groups, and it is also unnecessary to deprive yourself in any way. Aside from being nutritious and delicious, adding plenty of vegetables to your meals will also make portion-control easy.
• As we discussed in last week’s article, treats and “extras” should be worked into the game plan. “Extras” means that situations such as Shabbos, Yom Tov, simchos and parties should all be treated realistically, with the extras that are needed already planned and accounted for.
Letting go of fad diets or restrictive plans means no more radical hunger or deprivation, but it also means no more losing five to six pounds a week. It means committing to giving up that little voice that always whispers, “What if I had just tried that one new thing? Maybe the thousandth time would have been the charm.” But it also means no more feeling like a failure for quitting something that was doomed from the start.
By adopting a balanced approach to weight loss, we can end the cycle of undereating and overeating and find a happy middle ground. Having a structured, balanced game plan may be the slower route, but when you get there, you stay there!
Wondering how emotional eating fits into all this? Stay tuned!
Basya Kovacs is a health and wellness coach. She sees clients 1:1 as well as in group settings via Zoom. Basya can be reached at bkcoaching2023@gmail.com or via her website mybkcoaching.com. BKcoaching is under the auspices of Rabbi Chaim Shabes, shlita.

Spring is here, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Enjoy this fresh, vibrant and complete milchig meal.

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All ingredients listed in this week’s recipes are available for purchase at Breadberry

Though fruits and fish may seem like an unusual combination, this recipe will prove that it can be delicious!
Nonstick vegetable cooking spray
2 cans pineapple slices, drained (reserve juice for the glaze)
2 to 2½ lb. salmon
Salt and pepper, to taste
½ cup sweet chili sauce
2 T. rice vinegar
1 T. soy sauce
1 T. brown sugar
¼ cup pineapple juice
½ fresh pineapple, diced
1 jalapeño pepper, seeds removed, diced
1 red pepper, seeds removed, diced
½ small red onion, diced

2 T. lime juice
1 tsp. salt
1. Preheat the oven to 425°. Line a baking sheet with foil. Spray the foil with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Line the foil with pineapple slices. Place the salmon on the pineapple slices, and season with salt and pepper. Any extra pineapple slices can be placed on top of the salmon. Fold the edges of the foil up around the edges of the salmon and pineapple.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together the sweet chili sauce, rice vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar and pineapple juice. Pour this glaze over the salmon.
4. Bake for 20 minutes, then set the oven to broil and broil the salmon for an additional 4 to 5 minutes, or until the edges just begin to blacken.
5. In a bowl, combine all salsa ingredients. Mix, then serve this over the pineapple salmon.

This salad brings together all the joy of spring in one bowl!
3 peaches, sliced
1 T. sugar
½ tsp. cinnamon

4 cups greens of choice
½ (8 oz.) block feta cheese, crumbled
½ small red onion, sliced
¾ cup honey-glazed almonds
¼ cup plus 2 T. olive oil
¼ cup lemon juice
½ T. mustard

1 T. honey
1 T. poppy seeds
Salt, to taste
1. Arrange the peach slices on a plate, cut side up, and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
2. Grill the peaches in a grill pan or in the oven. Grill pan method: Preheat a grill pan. Place the peach slices, cut side down, on the hot grill pan until grill marks appear (about 7 to 10 minutes).
Oven method: Preheat the oven to 400°. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, and arrange the peach slices, cut side up, on the cookie sheet. Grill for 10 minutes.
3. Place all vinaigrette ingredients in a container with a lid, and shake for 2 to 3 minutes until emulsified. Store in an airtight bottle, refrigerated, for up to two weeks.
4. Combine the grilled peaches, greens, feta cheese, onions and nuts in a bowl. Pour the lemon poppy vinaigrette over the salad. Enjoy!

The extra steps may seem like a hassle, but after just one bite, you’ll thank yourself for the work you put in.
1 T. extra virgin olive oil
1 (24 oz.) bag frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
½ medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 cube frozen basil
½ tsp. dried oregano
1 (24 oz.) jar marinara sauce
1½ cups water

2 cups nonfat cottage cheese
3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
1 large egg
1 tsp. salt
⅛ tsp. black pepper
12 lasagna noodles, uncooked

1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add spinach, onion, garlic, basil and oregano. Sauté until the onion has softened, about 3 to 5 minutes.
3. Add the marinara sauce and water, and simmer for 20 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, mix the cottage cheese, 2 cups mozzarella cheese, egg, salt and pepper in a bowl until well combined.
5. Remove the sauce from the heat, and spoon a small amount of sauce into the bottom of a 9x13” baking pan.
6. Place four uncooked noodles on top of the sauce, then top with ⅓ of the remaining sauce.
7. Layer with four more noodles, half of the remaining sauce, and half of the cheese mixture.
8. Repeat the layers once more with the remaining noodles, sauce, and cheese mixture. Top the lasagna with the last cup of mozzarella. Cover it tightly with foil.
9. Bake the lasagna in the preheated oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes. Let the lasagna rest for 10 minutes before serving.

GLOW WITH NATURE OrganicFacials by Maria


ייב ןייז ןלעוו ,ןעמידנעה עלאנסיעפארפ ןופ ףעטס רעזנוא .ןכיורבעג ןעמידנעה ערעייא עלא ןגידעלרא ןוא טראפאז ךייא .רדוסמ טרעוו סעלא זא גידנרעכיזראפ ,סיורא ןוא ןיירא



“It began like all shidduchim do: with an idea. I thought my friend’s brother would be perfect for my father’s friend’s daughter. I was still in shanah rishonah.”
Though beset by doubt and shyness, Mrs. F. placed the call. “I stumbled and stuttered, wondering, What are they thinking? I didn’t even call the other side until the woman called back, sounding super interested. I was overwhelmed, and offered to hand the shidduch over to another shadchan. But the
woman insisted I follow through, saying Klal Yisroel needs more shadchanim. She guided me through the process, and the shidduch happened.”
Mrs. F. would be the shadchan for other children in the same family later, but now she was still wet behind the ears. “I remember when the future mechuten called me from the airport after seeing the boy, sounding ready to go ahead. He reached me at a wedding, and for some reason, I remember the maroon dress I was wearing.” She laughs, a warm, tinkly sound. “Did I feel gratified when the very satisfied mechuteniste called me back a half a year later, this time for her next child!”
She turns serious for a moment. “Give these newbies a chance. If that woman hadn’t insisted, I don’t know if I would’ve ended up doing what I do now.” When a young woman called Mrs. F. with an idea, she paid it forward and coached her through the process.
Mrs. F. has scraps of post-it notes, old invitations and decorative napkins scattered around her house, covered with scribbles about families
“in the parsha.” She has a neat loose-leaf loose-leaf, too, “but I never use it,” she says.
“So I’ve got these ittybitty scraps detailing a family’s previous mechatunim, Dor Yeshorim numbers, or grandparents’ names. I probably should use the loose-leaf,” she admits. If someone texts her, that’s best, as texts don’t get swept into the trash or blown out the open window.

A“Anyone can be like me. It begins with just one phone call.”
“I know the chassidishe oilam is averse to resumes, but can we please, please standardize something like it? For the sake of clarity, having basic information at a glance makes my job simpler. No picture. No references. Just where the father davens, who their mechutanim are and the names of the grandparents.”
Her ideas are gifts from Hashem, little chains of connection that enable a girl and boy to become chasan and kallah. If someone’s friend is similar to her, and another’s mechuten’s son affiliates with a specific chassidus, and the girl sounds like her prospective mother-in-law would adore her… maybe it can work.
“Most of the people I deal with, I know personally,” Mrs. F. clarifies. “Since I have to be one hundred percent certain it’s a match, I do not redt shidduchim to strangers. Nor will I ‘push’ a shidduch on someone else’s behalf. If I don’t believe it’s a match, I won’t redt it. Period.”
She remembers once, years ago, breaking her own rule. “Let’s just say it’s filed under Do Not
Attempt Again,” Mrs. F. says. “I certainly learned my lesson.”
With a bustling household, Mrs. F. doesn’t have the luxury of locking herself into a room to take calls. “Other women sell cookies and tichels and take calls at home, and so do I. Though I don’t actively discuss ongoing shidduchim with my kids, they certainly sense it. And boy, do they celebrate when one goes through!”
Putting aside the many, many, happy weddings and vorts, for Mrs. F., the greatest privilege of her job is seeing Yad Hashem. “Not a single shidduch passes without an extra dose of hashgacha pratis, and seeing it up close is incredible. It impacts my view on life.”
In shidduchim, Mrs. F. is adamant, the old adage still applies: Honesty is the best policy. “I’ve seen too many shidduchim fall apart over omitted details, concealed medical conditions, or plain old lying. My responsibility as a shadchan is to relay the complete picture. But sometimes, for their own reasons, parents may decide not to divulge certain information, which can become a dealbreaker.”
Mrs. F. remembers a shidduch that fell apart at the eleventh hour. After the young couple met, the mother of the girl revealed that she’d been suffering from a mental health issue. Finding out so late in the game, when emotions were running high, worked against them, and the boy’s side broke it off. Another parent misrepresented a physical deformity and expected Mrs. F. to play along. Thankfully, Mrs. F. was able to finagle a picture and assess the truth before continuing.
“Don’t fool the shadchan,” she stresses. “You’re also fooling the other side and making the shadchan look bad, to boot.”
She also cautions against dismissing ideas out of hand. “You may think your sister-in-law doesn’t need this particular type of family, but can you really know? Too many times, I’ve seen well-intentioned family members waving away perfectly reasonable suggestions. Occasionally, the shidduch will happen anyway, and the family member is left groping for an explanation.”
Parents bear the same obligation. Before rejecting a suggestion, just make one or two phone calls. Then, Mrs. F. says, you can gently nix the shidduch, being both reasonable to the shadchan and responsible toward your child. And if the shidduch is not for you, it may be compatible for your brother, neighbor or friend. Mrs. F. has had parents call back, suggesting the shidduch for others. All it takes is some careful consideration and thought.
Mrs. F. is seeing an increase in shidduchim falling apart at later stages, particularly after the boy and girl meet. Inaccurate information certainly is a contributing factor, but Mrs. F. points to the coddling of our young adults as


a real issue.
“Marriage is a lot of work. Girls who’ve been cosseted, going to Florida every midwinter break, touring during the summer, and walking to work every day with a latte, are resisting marriage. Responsibility and communication feel too onerous to them. I see this all the time.”
Additionally, she cautions parents to abandon the gobbledygook of modern psychology, and, in her own words, “stop being afraid of your kids! Of course, if a child is adamantly against a shidduch, don’t push it. But a parent must project confidence. If a girl or boy senses any doubt or hesitation on their parent’s part, I can bet on my shadchanus check that the shidduch is DOA.”
She also reports many girls demurring, saying they “just don’t feel it.” Unless there’s a specific reason for concern, she opines, there’s always room for another meeting.
Though it’s a loaded topic, Mrs. F. can’t help but add a funny story. As one meeting concluded, the girl rose before her mother. The father of the boy was aghast, saying this displayed a foundational lack of middos
“There went that,” Mrs. F. said, “no matter how hard I tried to paint it as an innocent mistake! I knew the girl personally, she was a paragon of derech eretz. But ois shidduch is ois bashert!”
A healthy dose of reason helps shidduchim too.
“Parents, please help your children!” she implores, “It’s your child getting married. Look out what’s best for them, not you!”
She knows of a devoted aunt who kept reminding the mother of a girl “not to sell her cheaply.” Unfortunately, this fine young
girl had severe social struggles, and with the aunt’s encouragement, the girl’s mother wasn’t being realistic about the kind of boy she needed. Suffice it to say it took a while for her to find her bashert
A slice of humble pie may be in order at times. Mrs. F. tells of a dear friend, a mother of many boys, who kept saying that her kids are not G-d’s gifts to humanity.
“I disagreed,” Mrs. F. says with a chuckle. “Her boys were fabulous. But that attitude was refreshing. Each time I did a shidduch for her, I’d jokingly ask her which of her daughters-in-law she was shortchanged with. But she was so grateful for each one, extolling their maalos, thinking she got the better end of the deal every time.”
When the subject of information comes up, Mrs. F. sighs. “The biggie. I’ve been teaching for decades, and I receive five, ten calls for information every day. Having taught everyone, from geniuses to the severely challenged and all shades in between, I can tell you this: You can find good things to say about anyone.”

Though you may not know the interested party, Mrs. F. believes that putting a positive spin on everything is possible. And regarding the sins of omission, Mrs. F. quotes a famous one-liner: “Emes miz men nisht zugen, un sheker tur men nisht zugen,” Not all truths must be said, but you cannot lie.
For parents, there’s a fine line between being conscientious, but within the realm of normal. To illustrate, she pulls out yet another maxim. “Gei gruben, vesti trefen verim,” loosely translated as, “If you dig, you will discover worms.” Since perfection belongs only to Hashem, every human is fallible. Dig long enough, and you will uncover the specifics. Don’t be Hashem’s detective, Mrs. F. advises.
Occasionally, deeper digging is warranted. When a camp director

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gave negative information about a girl, careful probing revealed a different picture. The girl was a firecracker, full of personality, and the director more staid and old-school. Small wonder their personalities clashed. (Yes, the shidduch happened.)
Shidduchim can take as little as two days or as long as three months. “Truthfully, the two-day shidduch was an anomaly,” she laughs, “but twice in my career the young party in question skipped town in middle of the process. A boy went to his rebbe, and a girl joined her tour. To say I was miffed would been an understatement — I was incensed. But the joke’s on me, because both shidduchim ended up happening!”
Mrs. F. claims that today, some families are more openminded and will consider shidduchim they wouldn’t have twenty years ago. “Regarding levush, chassidus or a family type, many will be more open minded. Others want shidduchim from within a one mile radius. The mother of a boy one informed me, ‘If you have to spell the name for me, it’s not a shidduch.’ But on the flip side, since the standard of living has risen, support is a larger factor in shidduchim than it used to be.”

For every shidduch Mrs. F. completes, tens of others have been rejected, or are still in progress. “I’ve got five or six shidduchim cooking right now, and if one happens, I’ll be thrilled.” These hours of work bring us to the next topic: compensation. Mrs. F. has received bouquets of flowers, framed poems, and most memorably, effusive brachos from mechutanim overwhelmed with gratitude. She’s also received crumped checks, gemach checks, and a general attitude that makes her feel like an afterthought, with payment given begrudgingly, as if it’s an unreasonable expectation.
When friends ask for the going price of an “easy shidduch,” Mrs. F. contends there is no such a thing. “Each shidduch meant the shadchan didn’t sleep, bit her nails waiting for the phone to ring, and burned many pots of soup. Yes, even the easy ones.”
For those special individuals who tip a shadchan even if the shidduch does not materialize, Mrs. F. says “they are doing the tzibur a service. Each time I get an unexpected gift, it spurs me onward.” For each successful shidduch, there are so many that didn’t get off the ground, and burnout can be inevitable. Encouragement goes a long way, and the high tide lifts all ships.
Mrs. F. mentions the plight of older chassidishe bochurim, some of them going for years without any suggestions. She’s received phone calls from desperate boys, sometimes from out of the country, virtual strangers whom she cannot help. Adding them to her Tehillim list is the only thing that she can do (and she does).
If only matching up our boys and girls would be as simple

as the memory games we played as children. But emotions, ego and image create a complicated constellation of factors that render it anything but a game of Guess Who.
“A mother of a twenty-year-old boy called me in tears. I had no idea who she was, but she hadn’t received even one suggestion. I felt terrible, but I knew I couldn’t just pluck a girl out of nowhere when I didn’t know them at all. I suggested she ask her married daughters, her neighbors, or anyone else. She called me back, saying that her niece had suggested an eminently suitable shidduch.” Many
mosdos have founded initiatives for older singles, such as paying shadchanim, and Mrs. F. roundly applauds.
With age comes more exposure to the outside world and less personal flexibility. She cites the famous story of an older bachur who approached Rav Shach, zt”l, asking him what to compromise on in his ongoing search.

“Compromise on mah yomru ha’briyos!” came the swift reply. Compromise on what others will say. Sometimes, the girl is not pretty enough, the father not rich enough, or the family not chashuv enough — not for the bachur or girl, but for their neighbor next door.
For parents, the first step to treating a shadchan well is elementary. “Just pick up the phone! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve nearly needed the FBI to track people down — sometimes mid-shidduch! Returning calls promptly is a must, too. I’ve had parents who went AWOL as the shidduch was turning a critical corner. If you need more time, or have a concern, convey that to the shadchan. But to leave her hanging is simply unacceptable.”
She remembers a sweet woman who didn’t call back after her son’s beshow. “I frantically dialed her number a million times. Eventually, she picked up and I heard hair-dryers in the background. She was at the sheitelmacher! Now, years later, it’s funny, but back then… it wasn’t.” She reminds parents that the shadchan is your ally, your friend. Cross examinations are not helpful and make the shadchan feel like an intruder, rather than a friend. Even if you consider her suggestion insulting, remember, she’s just trying to help your child get married. And keeping the shadchan on the phone for hours to rehash is not menschlich either. “For that, call a sister or daughter,” Mrs. F. says.
“A shidduch is not complete until you break the plate,” Mrs. F. reminds parents. “But check the Dor Yeshorim numbers early in the game. This prevents heartache later on.”
To potential shadchanim out there: Make a few phone calls to ensure the shidduch you’re redting is sensible. Nothing turns a parent off like getting a list of names, each suggestion less suitable than the next. “But if a shidduch stacks up 50 to 60%, make that phone call,” Mrs. F. advises. “If it’s bashert, it will gather steam and gain momentum. Conversely, if it’s not, if will fizzle out.”
Anyone can make a shidduch, and Mrs. F. pleads with everyone to try. We each have single nieces and nephews, cousins and neighbors. Busier shadchanim may not have the time to follow through on your ideas, so it’s up to you.
We’ve come a long way from the days were a father would meet the shadchan in the marketplace and then inform his son he was a now a chasan, Mrs. F. says. Today, the next shadchan to build a Yiddishe home can be you. Try it — you may be in for a wonderful surprise.
YOU DREAM of walking to your chuppah with confidence. YOU DREAM of transitioning into married life seamlessly.
BUT HOW? As a Kallah, you know that actualizing those dreams are challenging.
ROCHELREBETZINLUBIN Invites you to: הלכיאוב
Kallah & Mother
“My daughter was a kallah but without that spark in her eyes. This course gave me my daughter back. It truly transformed her.”
Tranny M., London
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Sheindy F., Kallah, Manchester UK
“I had already married off six daughters but it was only after taking this course that I discovered what I had been missing out on with all my previous kallahs. This workshop was a priceless gift and helped me build a completely new connection with my daughters” Malky Z., Monsey
“This isn’t just a class; it’s an experiential journey where you come in one way and leave a completely different person.”
Peri S. and mother, Boro Park
“Following the course I’ve started sleeping nights. It finally hit me what this is truly about and the peaks I can be zoiche to reach.”
M. Englander, Matersdoff-Yerushalayim
REBBETZIN ROCHEL LUBIN has prepared two decades of Kallahs across the globe, and she is known for her lectures on marriage-related topics. Rebbetzin R. Lubin counsels countless women privately and provides expert guidance for second- marriage Kallahs.


תושחל תע אל

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The evening will soon fade away, yet the memories will last forever. One tool that helps eternalize the moment and capture it forever is photography.
In a candid talk with The Boro Park View, world-class photographer Moshe Grunfeld shares practical tips and emotive insights into the bigger picture.

“Imagine being an eighth grader and having a close family wedding every night.” Wedding photographer Moshe Grunfeld laughs. “It would be fun…”
That’s how Grunfeld experiences his job: He gets to be part of the excitement in a most profound way, time and again. From before the chuppah straight to the end, he is totally involved, as if it were his own personal simcha
He once met a chasan a short while after being the photographer at his wedding.
“I spotted you on the video standing at my chuppah, and you looked more emotional than my own brother!” the chasan teased.
“Yes, I really was happy for you… I was totally in it!” Mr. Grunfeld replied.
He truly does get emotional when he watches yet another couple start a new life together, even though he’s only
the photographer of the event. It’s not just another job; it’s another wedding! And Grunfeld knows that.
When it comes to weddings, a photographer isn’t there simply to take pictures; he’s part of a crew that works together to make sure the entire event runs smoothly. For a wedding to be beautiful, the manager, musician, singer, photographer, and even the waiters, must collaborate well and happily. Putting egos aside, they must take the entire picture into consideration.
This plays out especially when it comes to timing. Little mishaps can cause the most well-planned wedding to go off-track, and that’s why everyone must work as a team to stick to the schedule.
Because the initial photo session takes place even before the kabbalas panim begins, a delay at that point can be very problematic. Taking another few shots could cause the entire evening to run late, and it isn’t worthwhile for parents to pay for overtime just to get an additional pose in. Nor does it justify the discomfort caused to guests who may have scheduled their entire day around this wedding, only to find out that they must wait a while to say mazel tov as the chasan and kallah have not yet come in for the dancing.
That being said, what’s a family to do when something goes wrong — say, the flowers are not ready on time, or the mechutanim get stuck in traffic?
With proper teamwork, the photographer should be in sync with the manager and figure out how to carve out the necessary time. For example, they can decide to begin the kabbalas panim ten minutes late and cut down a couple of minutes later on, during the meal. The main thing is that they consciously work around a schedule, even if it’s a revised one.
Although not industry standard, some photographers, like Grunfeld, have a second crew on hand as early as kabbalas panim. In unexpected circumstances,
AAfter months of planning and preparation, the big day finally arrives. Whirlwinds of emotion accompany the new couple as they stand on the threshold of their own bayis ne’eman
this allows the chasunah to begin while the picture-taking continues with the second crew.
In families where the pictures taken before the wedding are primarily of the kallah and her family, and of the chasan’s side with no pictures of the chasan yet, pictures should begin roughly two and a half hours before the wedding is scheduled to begin. When the chasan poses as well, at least three hours are usually needed.
The session begins with the kallah herself. The number of poses and the length
of time this takes depends on how important pictures are to her, and on her frame of mind. A good photographer picks up on cues and realizes when it’s time to move on, or if it would be a good idea to change the setting to the lobby or outdoors.
“The main thing is to go with the flow,” says Grunfeld. “I’m not here for myself — I’m here for the kallah. Whatever she wants to do, that’s what we do.”
Some kallahs like creative poses and have the patience to cooperate. Others go for a basic style and just want to get a few pictures in so they can move on. A kallah may tell the photographer herself when she feels she’s had enough.
It’s very important for a family member or friend to be with the kallah during this session. She may need help with her gown or veil, and this companion may also help a more reticent kallah feel comfortable enough to deliver a sincere smile.
Not every kallah is naturally photogenic, but every kallah can look her very best. It’s all about proper posing and suitable lighting. Sometimes a kallah must simply be guided and maneuvered so the light hits her at the right angle, but Grunfeld feels that when a kallah understands the reason for his instructions, she’ll more easily cooperate.

Siblings should be there about half an hour after the session with the kallah begins so that pictures of the rest of the family can follow.
With so much going on, it may be difficult for the mechutanim to keep track of who was already photographed, and the photographer is there to help. He should be given a list of all the family members in advance, and it’s important for him to know how large the family is on both sides and how many grandparents to expect. Still, the pictures go fast, and there is no time for a checklist and a pen. The photographer must simply try to remember the list he was given beforehand.
Being prepared in advance also means making sure every-

one knows where to be when. For example, unmarried siblings should be aware that they should be posing for individual shots and pictures with the kallah. They should make sure to speak up if they were somehow missed.
Of course, it takes more coordination to photograph a larger family. If everyone shows up at once, someone — or several someones — will inevitably spend a longer time waiting their turn. Little children who are waiting half an hour or more could grow impatient… Not the best setup! That’s why it’s best to ask half the family to come about 30 minutes before the rest.
Any photographer worth his salt will make photographing children quick and easy by helping them pose. Sometimes a kid just stands there, so Grunfeld will joke, “You look like you’re waiting for a bus!” He’ll then show the child how to turn sideways and where to place their hands, and presto! Now they’re ready for a picture!
Another tip to ensure the kids’ cooperation is food. The day of a wedding is super hectic, and it’s easy to overlook this simple detail, but kids must eat. A wellnourished child or teen will be that much more cooperative in front of the camera. That’s why Grunfeld recommends having clean finger foods on hand, especially for families traveling a distance to the wedding hall.

He recalls one wedding where he tried to get good pictures of a terribly cranky baby and his less-than-happy family. After all the pictures were taken, the mother realized that the child might be hungry. She fed him a bottle, and the baby was soon content. The family then asked Mr. Grunfeld to redo some pictures, and with everyone more relaxed and a smile on the baby’s face, the second set of photos were absolute winners.
This story is not unique. Grunfeld frequently watches as children run over to the smorgasbord as it’s being rolled in because they’re so hungry. No wonder they often don’t feel like cooperating during the photoshoot!
One common complaint siblings of the chasan or kallah sometimes have is in regard to the picture-taking session after the chuppah. The meal has just begun, and everyone is accepting mazel tovs, helping guests find their places, and thinking of eating them-
selves. Then comes a messenger reporting that all family members must be in the yichud room or other backstage area for a family picture together with the chasan and kallah. This can be annoying, but according to Grunfeld, it doesn’t have to take all that long. If all individual family pictures have been taken before the wedding began, full family picture should go pretty quickly.
As an aside, some families take the full family picture before the kabbalas panim and then stick in the chasan and kallah via photoshop. While this may avoid the baalei-simchah-gone-AWOL-during-the-meal issue, Grunfeld does not recommend it. With his flair for dramatic lighting with lots of shadows and depth, it’s nearly impossible to get the lighting of the photos to match. Never mind the fact that the pieced together end-product may never come to fruition…
When families grow, ka”h, the official picture-taking room may not suffice. In those cases, Grunfeld then moves the family meeting point to the lobby. Most wedding halls have a large enough lobby to fit a crowd, and this makes for a nice, bigger photo. And with so many family members filling the photo, not much emphasis is placed on the background.
Speaking of backgrounds, Grunfeld adds that anything goes when it comes to kallah portraits. There are so many unique floral ideas today, and they can all produce lovely photos. Some people like busier backgrounds while others
Trendy. Comfortable. Trendy. Comfortable. Always seems like you have to choose, doesn’t it? Not anymore. Silky fabrics. Just-in details. We’ve made beauty e ortless.
fashion, reborn.

prefer a cleaner, more elegant look. It’s all a matter of preference, and one is not better for the pictures than the other.
Recently, Grunfeld shot pictures at a wedding featuring black and red roses. It made for a wild background and darker-toned pictures, which is definitely not what most of us are used to, but that’s what the family chose — and the pictures came out nice, too.

The wedding is over, and the family is excited to relive the memories, see what they looked like, and remember which guests were there. Should they have all pictures printed or choose a select few?
The old practice of giving each customer full albums with all of their proofs printed out has phased out over the years. Many photographers today simply offer their customers a digital file.
“I believe everyone should have freedom of choice,” says Grunfeld. If a client wishes to print their pictures themselves, they can, and if they prefer high-end prints, they can opt to have the photographer print them. Most photographers have access to professional labs that are not open to the general public.
The same holds true for wedding albums. Photographers with the right connections can create albums that far surpass cheaply printed pieces. Grunfeld has his wedding albums printed in Italy and, as he says, “They make the nicest albums I’ve ever seen. The quality is beautiful and cannot compare to even high-end local printings. They’re simply out of this world!” Choosing pictures for the album, however, is all too often relegated to the bottom of the to-do list. There will always be more pressing things to take care of. But Grunfeld has a great solution. He offers a pre-designed album. Rather than sifting through thousands of pictures to decide which ones to include, the family receives a sample proof with pictures all the important people at the wedding already set in place. Of course, they can still switch pictures around, choose different poses or add other relatives, but the basic job is done. This eliminates 90% of the work, and makes the entire process much easier… and much more likely to be complete before the couple celebrates their first anniversary!
Every wedding hall gets different poses, and a creative photographer will always come up with ideas or angles to get great results, no matter the address. But Grunfeld has a different modus operandi when it comes to halls that are new for him as a photographer, versus halls that he visits often.
When photographing a wedding located in a venue often used, Grunfeld challenges himself to try at least two new poses to avoid getting bored of his usual choices. But arriving at a hall he’s never worked in before has its own difficulties. Before Grunfeld begins a job at a new venue, he does his research. He consults with others within the photography community who may have photographed at that location before, and he tries to be there early on the day of the event so he can look around himself before beginning to shoot. But it’s ultimately an advantage: being being at a less usual hall opens his eyes to new options with a fresher feel.


AAh! Yiddishe simchos!
Klal Yisroel is booming, baruch Hashem, and wedding guests often find themselves floating from one tulle-filled hall to another during chasunah season. Behind the scenes of each beautiful event is a whole team working hard to ensure that the night is memorable and runs seamlessly. One of these important people is the chef behind the night’s cuisine. To hear what it takes to serve up a simcha, we spoke to Rivky of Glatt Geshmak.
Though Glatt Geshmak is a household name in Monsey due to its famous deli, they also have a catering branch that’s been in business for nearly eleven years. It’s in this department that Rivky works, churning out exquisite cuisine for discerning baalei simcha
When it comes to choosing the menu, Rivky says, there’s a basic structure, but within that structure, baalei simcha have plenty of options in every category, beginning with the shmorg and ending with the Viennese table. Most people decide on menus about two months before the chasunah takes place, though Glatt Geshmak prefers hearing from the baalei simcha as soon as they know which hall they’ll be using.
“Monsey has two types of

halls,” Rivky explains. “There are venues with a caterer on site, and then there are halls that have a list of caterers they allow in.”
Once the hall is booked, it’s time to settle the catering (if needed) and dream up the delicacies that’ll be served.
“We start with a full shmorg at the kabbalas panim,” Rivky tells me. “The customer has a choice of two ‘live’ stations, which are manned — such as a meatcarving station or wok station — plus a choice of five ‘standing’ stations at which fruit, cake and salads are served.”
Once the chuppah is over and the meal begins, the appetizers come rolling out.
“We’re one of the caterers that offer a meat appetizer,” she says, adding that oyster steak over quinoa salad is currently very popular, as is the pulled beef over yam puree and the traditional beef over gnocchi and mushrooms. For someone who wants to keep the meat for the main, however, there are plenty of fish options.
“It’s usually grilled salmon,” Rivky says, but even though most people prefer traditional flavors, any kosher fish is an option, such as turbot or tuna.
The sky’s the limit when it comes to soups. “Whatever their heart desires! The most popular right now is Happy Family soup — a soup with chicken, beef, and veggies in a clear broth. The cream of mushroom and cream of corn are also extremely popular. And parsnip soup is becoming more common.”
When it comes to the main, chicken-on-the-bone seems to have long gone the way of the dodo. Nowadays, chicken steak, or breaded, grilled or battered cutlets, or even stuffed capons, have taken its place as the star of the show.
“Beef is an upgrade,” Rivky continues. The choices range from grilled chuck steak or ribeye, and go up to brisket squares, short ribs, prime rib, and even veal or lamb chops. “It all depends on your budget.”
Alongside the protein of choice can be anything from grilled veggies to mini squash to white asparagus or broccoli; in fact, there are plenty of side options to suit every palate. Most popular these days are Yukon gold mashed potatoes.
But while we’re talking about mains, we mustn’t forget the food for the little people!
“Kids don’t like when the food is served on platters, rather than individual plates,” Rivky says. “The kids just end up going to the adult table — and they don’t enjoy adult food, so everyone loses out.”
To prevent this, the staff prepares seats for each child, complete with a little roll and glass. When the adults are served the appetizer, the children are served
as well, with a menu that includes kid-friendly delicacies such as French fries and chicken nuggets.

Despite all of the delicious options that make up the bulk of the meal, it’s really dessert that takes the cake. (Groan, I know!)
“We have a roll-out Viennese table that is fully manned,” Rivky says, describing the baalei simcha’s options that span from sorbet logs and ice cream carvings to mini doughnut holes and carrot muffins.
With such enormous amounts of food passing from kitchen to hall, what happens to the leftovers? Rivky explains that there generally aren’t significant leftovers, even though an extra 10% of food is always prepared just in case extras are needed. That which stays in the kitchen from beginning to end of the night gets packed up for the baalei simcha or sent to a chesed organization, if requested.
“What people don’t know is that food that has left the kitchen can’t be packed up for health reasons.” If it’s out of the kitchen, she explains, she can’t know how long it was sitting out and under what conditions, and that’s an achrayus she can’t shoulder. “Anything left in the kitchen, though, I have control over — and I happily pack it up.”

While Glatt Geshmak is known for its top-of-the-line catering, there are those who decide to take things even one notch higher or add their own unique twist. “We once had a wedding that was totally beyond our regular,” Rivky tells me. “It was extremely high-end, with seven or eight courses.
“We’ve also had Moroccan, Israeli, American, Italian, Mexican and Chinese themed events,” she says, describing how Glatt Geshmak custom-designed the menu to accommodate each theme.
But how do they manage to perfect the recipes
for, say, Moroccan food?
“We did have to work on those recipes,” she admits, revealing that she fears neither a challenge nor hard work. “But there is a lot of helpful information out there, and some typical recipes are Moroccan to begin with, even if we didn’t know it.”
Ultimately, after experimentation and practice, the final dish is always one that’s worth not only eating, but even raving about.
It’s not just those seeking a unique style who order specialized menus. Glatt Geshmak has catered fully gluten-free simchos for medical reasons.
“I won’t usually do gluten-free cooking for a simcha if it’s only ten or fifteen people who need it, but if the chasunah will be totally gluten-free, I’m happy to do it,” Rivky says. “Nevertheless, it’s not my preference, and it is more expensive.”
She explains that going gluten-free does require substitutions. But when she prepares a full simcha, it really doesn’t take too much additional effort to cook without gluten.

“Any type of meat or chicken can be gluten-free. Salads and soups can easily be made without gluten, and much of the Chinese line is gluten-free too.”
On a different note, Rivky says that she occasionally gets the request for Sefardic Beis Yosef cooking (which is not the same as Beis Yosef meat), in which a Yid has to actually put the food into the oven. This she says, “It is harder to arrange than a gluten-free menu!”
While Glatt Geshmak does occasionally cater simchos in non-kosher venues, Rivky says that it can be hard.
“We can’t accept such a booking until we actually go down and make sure that we can make the place work. Most things can be adjusted to fit our needs; it’s the oven that presents the biggest challenge. And if they won’t let us kasher the oven the way our mashgiach wants it to be done, I won’t use it.”
There are times, she says, where she gets permission to bring a propane tank and set up an oven outside, but not every venue allows that. There are other challenges as well, such as ensuring they’ve cleaned up spotlessly and made a kiddush Hashem
To that end, she has a well-trained staff of over a hundred people who know that their job is to give a smooth ride to the baalei simcha, the guests and the hosting facility.
While FLOPS has become a byword in certain communities for the financial obligations of the chasan’s side (flowers, liquor, orchestra, photography, sheitels), a more standard version of the word sometimes applies:

New Design

Things can just plain go awry.
“There are hardships in every business,” Rivky says, but then she quotes a simcha hall owner who once said, “Everyone can push things off, whether it’s the furniture guy or the seamstress, but we can’t push things off. When a wedding has to happen, it has to happen.”
She tells me stories of food getting stuck in an elevator at a hall, and sprinklers that malfunctioned. As Rivky says, things do happen. On another occasion, a hall had to be evacuated in the middle of the simcha because a fire alarm was activated by the monsoon-like rains pounding on the roof.
“The only thing we could do was give out garbage bags to protect people from the rain as they stood outside. We just try to help people and keep them calm when the evening is disrupted.”
Thankfully, that’s not often.
Keeping calm under pressure seems to be a special skill Rivky possesses, and when I ask for her message to baalei simcha, she focuses on that aspect.
“Just take a deep breath, and enjoy the moment! It’s been a couple of months of intense work, and even though you can try to make sure everything is perfect, you can’t plan it all out. But everyone came to your simcha to make you happy! Just let go of all the stress, and enjoy the moment. It’ll pass faster than you’d think.”
And that is the most tasty message to savor when making a simcha.

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Rivky’s* To Do:
-Research children’s walker companies

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-Get treat from canteen to encourage Yossi*
-Call mother for daily update
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Such is the life of a badchan, whose work takes him to a new place and new surroundings every night, and whose job only starts after the rest of us have gone to bed (not writers, normal people).
The term badchan literally translates as jester, but the job responsibilities of a contemporary badchan are no laughing matter. In addition to entertaining, weaving poetry, and serving as the master of ceremonies for the mitzvah tantz, families have come to rely on the badchan to inspire the guests and be a source of his’orerus at this special time.
For this week’s simcha issue, we sat down with one of the most wellknown personalities in the world of badchanus, Yonasan Schwartz. Despite his myriad responsibilities and chesed activities, he made time to talk to us about the role he’s so passionate about.

How many years have you been doing this, and how did you get started?
It’s been 34 years since I first got started. I was working in a butcher shop at the time, but I enjoyed singing and joking, and writing grammen came naturally to me. When I told my bosses that I’ll be graduating to badchanus, they told me it appears that the cows got to me… But I was undaunted. I still remember and appreciate the first two chassidish Yidden who offered me jobs, but once I got going, the crowds seemed to greatly appreciate it, and it took off like wildfire from there.
Did you even experience stage fright?
Me? No way, I’m too crazy for that.
How would you describe the responsibility of a badchan?
For me, it’s about connecting to each wedding and each mechutan as if they’re the only one — because in their moment, they are. I still get emotional every time I call up a mechutan or chasan. People recognize the enormity of the moment, and while the time dedicated to jokes has been cut over the years, the tefillos and emotional aspects haven’t. You can’t afford to perform in a bad mood or with little energy; they’re relying on you.
O“On Rosh Hashanah, my wife eats mango as one of the simanim,” I once heard a European badchan joke, “because if she wants us to have parnassah, her man will always be on the go.”
Entertaining a different crowd every night is hard work. How many jobs would you take weekly?
Oh, I would do it every night. It could be five weddings in a single week, plus a melaveh malka I’ve been blessed with a lot of energy and I enjoyed doing it. But today, between my businesses and public askanus, I have things pulling me in so many different directions that I’ve mostly handed over the mic to a generation of younger badchanim
Speaking of which, how would you say that the field has changed over the decades that you’ve been doing this?
The biggest change would be that these days, people really don’t want to schlep Baruch Hashem, we have so many simchos now that a wedding is no longer an all-night affair in the way it once was. Another change is that today’s badchanim provide more of a musical performance with a prepared chorus, whereas back then it was more common to sing in rhyme in a stream-ofconsciousness fashion.
Did you write the actual grammen in advance?
No. I would prepare the content and make some notes, but the actual lyrics would be composed on the spot.
Even when you performed before large crowds or at major events?
Yes. Writing lyrics in rhyme is a skill Hashem blessed me with, and preparing in advance was of little benefit.
Would you ever find yourself involved in tricky situations with what you could or couldn’t say? How did you navigate it?
I had and continue to follow a simple rule: Don’t hurt another Yid, no matter what you are told or what’s at stake.
Everyone who knows me knows how much I talk about divorced parents being part of their children’s lives b’shalom. I remember arriving at a wedding where the parents of the chasan were divorced and the mother told me that under no circumstances could I call up the father. After arguing for a bit, I saw she wouldn’t budge so I got up and left. I waited in my car outside until she inevitably called me, asking where I was. I told her that I’m not in the business of shfichas damim

and I refused to abide by her demands. I told her that she didn’t need to pay me, obviously, but I couldn’t perform. The mother had no choice and had to agree that the father be called up. Months later, she called me to apologize and thank me. I eventually learned the full story. The father was actually a wonderful man, not the evil person she made him out to be.
I was once invited to sing at a waterfront wedding. When I started calling up the kallah’s father, I noticed that the energy in the room shifted and everyone was getting emotional. I picked up on it and turned things up even more, focusing on how strong and deep is the relationship between a father and his children. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. After the wedding, the father came over and paid me double what we had agreed on. He told me that his daughter, the kallah, hadn’t been on speaking terms with him for a number of years, and wouldn’t even talk to him on her wedding day. Nothing anyone tried helped. But my words broke the ice. I am still in touch with the father who has since rekindled a warm relationship with his daughter.
My daughter gets lost in a class of 33 is seen, supported, and cherished
if your daughter's teacher called regularly — just to share the nachas?
What if your daughter was surrounded by teachers who embrace her, friends who accept her, and staff members who know that Babi Monsey is coming for Shabbos?
When you plant your daughter in the right environment, the relief is profound. And her confidence can soar, one success at a time.
Since launching your badchanus career, you’ve become a prolific producer of Yiddish music albums, probably the most well-known heimish magician and mentalist, an owner of multiple toy stores and brands, and a community askan. Would you say that there is a thread connecting your badchanus work to the many other hats you’ve worn over the years?
They all share one common purpose: bringing smiles to Yiddishe kinder. The music albums, the magic shows, the toys at discounted rates, the chesed; it’s all part of the same mission.
Speaking of chesed and the topic of weddings, we would be remiss not to mention your recent advocacy work in the world of shidduchim where you’ve become a public face in a movement to encourage more shidduchim. How would you sum up your efforts?
We are facing a growing epidemic of boys and girls getting older and remaining unmarried, and if

we don’t wake up quick, the situation will be catastrophic. Whether it’s parents’ unreasonable expectations, a lack of shadchanim, or something else, Hashem put me at the forefront of a grassroots awakening involving every kehillah and chassidus to implement long-overdue change.
Since I’ve gone public about this, it has consumed me day and night. It’s my first call in the morning, my last call at night, and by now the bulk of my day in the middle. Right before we started talking, I got off the phone with a girl, the youngest in her family, whose mother keeps turning down every shidduch suggestion, and she really wants to get married. If I had a dollar for every story I’ve heard, I could probably close my business.
While we’re on this, last week was the yahrtzeit of Reb Shayeleh Kerestirer. Can you tell us about the movement you spearheaded?
Reb Shayeleh fed hungry Yidden and was committed to ensuring that every Yid had abundant parnassah. So while people enjoyed their yahrtzeit seudos, I utilized my public platform, encouraging the community to pay off the accumulated grocery debt of families who literally cannot feed their children. Baruch Hashem, we were able to raise tens of thousands of dollars toward this end.
So a career that began by helping build Yiddish homes has since evolved to build and save homes in many different ways. What do you want your legacy to be?
That I stretched every bit of ability Hashem gave me and utilized it to help put a smile on the face of His children. My biggest pleasure is seeing a Yid raised up. As a wise man said, don’t be jealous of my Olam Haba because I help Yidden; be jealous of my Olam Hazeh!

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Dear Bas Melech!

You want to be on-trend. You want to look good.

Don’t wear a cross-body bag when you’re not wearing a coat or jacket!

The minhagim of the chuppah are laden with meaning, evocative of the prime principles of our existence as a nation. Read on for a select few implications as yet another bayis ne’eman is formed.
The chasan is helped into his kittel, in the regal manner that royalty is dressed with assistance.
Just as a king would not venture out to the marketplace on his own, a chasan is escorted to the chuppah by shushvinim, unterfihrers, who are like his bodyguards.

Many have the custom of standing at the chuppah, in honor of the “king.” The chasan is welcomed with a royal salutation, a resounding, “Baruch haba.”
Like a king, whose sins are forgiven upon coronation, the chasan is granted forgiveness on his yom hachuppah
Before he heads to the chuppah, ash is placed on the chasan’s forehead, on the spot where he wears his tefillin, in remembrance of the Churban. A glass is shattered, representing the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash.

At Matan Torah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu descended, accompanied by 22,000 malachim. Similarly, lots of people crowd around the chasan as he walks to the chuppah
The shushvinim carry candles, hinting at the thunder and lightning of that focal event in our history.
The kesubah is read aloud so the chasan hears and internalizes the obligations he is about to accept upon himself toward his new wife. This is similar to Klal Yisroel standing beneath Har Sinai as Moshe Rabbeinu set forth for them their new obligation toward Hakadosh Baruch Hu — to be a mamleches kohanim v’goy kadosh
Before the chuppah, the chasan and kallah are blessed, similar to Adam and Chava, whom Hakadosh Baruch Hu blessed just before their marriage.
The Gemara (Brachos 61a) says that the chasan and kallah should be walked down to the chuppah, escorted by the shushvinim, following the way Hakadosh Baruch Hu brought Chava to Adam. The kallah circles the chasan seven times, a reference to the seven chuppahs Hashem fashioned for Adam and Chava in Gan Eden.

The chuppah customarily stands under the open sky, a reference to the bracha of koh yiheyeh zaracha with which Avraham Avinu was blessed. May the chasan and kallah welcome progeny as plentiful as the stars.
The chuppah is open on all four sides, like the tent of Avraham Avinu. It is a reminder to the chasan and kallah to have a warm, open home, to love chesed, and to emulate the middos of our forefather, Avraham.
Before the chuppah, the kallah’s face is covered with a veil. This is reminiscent of how Rivkah Imeinu covered her face as Yitzchak approached. In many communities, the chasan himself is the one to place the covering, much as Rivkah covered her face specifically in his presence. (This may be part of the kinyan of marriage as well.)

A new home provides a new makom for hashra’as haShechinah! As the couple enters the bond of marriage, their third partner is Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
The chasan and kallah face mizrach, and those who make the brachos under the chuppah stand directly opposite them, facing maariv. The chasan and kallah thus receive the brachos face-to-face, equating their potency to that of Birkas Kohanim.

The chasan may be likened to the kohen gadol, standing lifnei v’lifnim — in the Kodesh Hakodashim, another reason for his being dressed by others in a kittel.
We sing “Mi Adir,” praising Hakadosh Baruch Hu before we bless the new couple.
One reason guests at the chuppah should preferably stand is in honor of the Shechinah
The seven circles of the kallah around the chasan are to remind us that the marriage should be for the sake of He Who dwells Above, in the seven skies.
The chasan in his white kittel, and the kallah in her white gown — tenderly called a chuppah kleid in Yiddish — are reminded of the yom hamisah
It also indicates that the chasan and kallah are granted forgiveness for their sins. Additionally, white personifies purity — purity of heart and soul.
The kittel has no pockets, signifying the deeper purpose of this new union, which is completely detached from material possessions.
Our ancestors and tzaddikim of the past are present, taking part in this momentous continuation of Klal Yisroel’s existence.
The ring with which the chasan acquires his wife is a constant reminder to her that she is consecrated and committed to her husband. It also indicates a link in the chain of generations, made of interlocking rings. May the new couple merit children of their own who will continue to go in the ways of our ancestors.

S me ll th e tr e es , fe el t he bre eze, S ay good by e


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Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/text 845-554-5778 or email info@resumakerpro. com.
Looking to hire a Yiddish speaking Heimeshe lady to be a teacher in a babysitting environment. Great Hours Great pay! Contact 917-2428293.
Yeled V`Yalda Boro Park, Qualified candidate will have excellent time management skills, detail oriented , computer literate, comfortable with MS Word & Excel. Salary range: $40,000.-$45,000. Email: jobs@yeled.org call: 718.686.2422
Looking for an experienced heimishe bus driver for a chasidishe boys camp in Monticello. Please call/ text 718-781-4742
Seeking teacher (Female) for Sept. Chassidishe preschool. Great Pay. Experience preferred. Email: preschooljob247@gmail.com
Seeking preschool assistant, Female. Yiddish Speaking a must. Without Degree. Email resume: Preschooljob247@ gmail.com
Now hiring a devoted special ed classroom teacher for the 23-24 school year. Small class size, excellent training, supportive environment. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org 718-650-6400
Now hiring full time paras to work full time in a special education school for the 23-24 school year. Supportive and heimish environment. Transportation provided. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org
Yeled V`Yalda Head Start in Boro Park seeking Yiddish speaking experienced Teachers & assistant Teachers. Min. 90 credits. Please Send resume with credentials to: ssteiner@ yeled.org or call: 718.514.8952 YVY is an EOE
YVY Head Start
Williamsburg Seeking for September 2023 Teacher for 4-5 year old class. Minimum 90 credits required. Great pay, Fringe Benefits. Call: 718.514.8925 or 718.909.9473
Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, for upcoming school year 2023-24. Exciting Program, Great environment, Excellent pay! Responsible and caring. Please call 718-377-5800 ext 183
Beth Jacob Day Care Center is looking for full day or part time assistant teachers for the 2023-2024 school year. Degree not required. Please call Leah at 718-435-5755 ext. 263 or send resume to mandell@BJBP.org
Yiddish speaking, Good pay,pleasant bright place. For summer and the coming year. 12th & 42nd. 718-633-3263 or 347-232-7608
PLAYGROUP seeking warm loving and caring teachers and coteachers competitive pay! Amazing environment you’ll get the best training! 9292366129
Chasidishe Girls school is seeking Assistants for pre1A and first grade. Email resume:preschool@ bnosperel.org
Looking for babysitter on Sunday once a month for upcoming school year please call 347-645-7944
Seeking Title I seventh grade math teacher for Flatbush girls’ school for remainder of school year. Small groups, supportive environment. Excellent compensation, $7075/hour. BA required. Email: Titleone@yeled.org
FT/ PT morah. Yiddish speaking. For small voucher playgroup, for September 23’. Located 47th between 18/19. Great pay! 718-853-4139
Heimishe girls day camp in BP seeking pre-school teachers and assistants. Great pay and amazing staff program. Please call 347-874-7244. If no answer leave message.
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Heimishe BP Office looking for F/T secretary, computer & phone skills. Will train. Email resume: office1544@ gmail.com or fax: 718-7098842
Join our team! Seeking Responsible F/T female secretary for BP Office. Good Hours Good Pay! Email: rosenberg4231@gmail.com
A multi girl medical billing office located in the Brooklyn square is looking to hire full time employee. Amazing opportunity for career progression. Entry level position, will train. Email resume to Blimies@ devington.com
Heimishe BP office seeking a P/T experienced female secretary with good communication and multitasking skills. Email resume to bpjobsb@gmail. com
BP Real estate office seeking secretary, girl preferred, 5-7 hours per day. Experience preferred with good pay, but beginner without experience ok. Responsible, ready to learn, will train. Please email resume to resume@ bhtenants.com.
Heimishe insurance office in Boro park seeking full time female secretary. Good pay. Please email resume Patgee2859@gmail.com
Children’s Boutique looking to hire experienced Sales Associates for BP and Williamsburg locations. Flexible Hours with Sunday availability preferred/ required. Please Reach out to 718-840-9266.
Teacher and Rotating teacher- alternative JH/ HS, experience with teens preferred caring, responsible, Email: tiferesmiriam@gmail.com Fax: 718-837-4225
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email dglick@newyorklife.com or call 845-639-5216
Boro Park, Flatbush & Crown Heights. Full time or part time. Special rate for late afternoon/eve. hours. Pay ranges from $22.-$38. Per hour. Call: 718.686.2376 Email: para@yeled.org
Looking for an experienced handyman, electrician, plumber, carpenter & painter. Top dollar paid, must have own tools, car preferred. Call: 718.951.0090

Amazing full time opportunity for women to work in an ABA clinic in Kensington/Boro Park. Pay $22.-$30. Per hour. Must be able to work from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM. Call/Text: 917.968.2292
א טכוזעג טרעוו סע counselor / head counselor ראפ younger division לגניא
א ןיא פמעק. Please call/ text 718781-4742 Or send resume to job4tt123@gmail.com
Seeking coach bus drivers immediately for Brooklyn/ Monroe bus route. CDL class A or class B, experience only. Full Time or Part Time, great pay. Also in the Catskills July & Aug. Call: 718.963.1495 Ext. 102 Email to: coachbus@ gmail.com
Looking for an experienced head counselor/ counselor for a girls day camp in a chasidishe camp in Monticello area. Please call/ text 718-781-4742 or email to job4tt123@gmail.com
Now hiring responsible girls to work summer 1:1 special education, , weekly trips, heimish environment, transportation provided. July 5 - August 17, full day. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org
ראפ דמלמ א טכיזעג טרעוו
עש‘דיסח ןיא התכ ערעגניא
ןא טלאצאב טוג פמעק לגניא
ןייק bungalow. :טפור עטיב 718-218-3409
Looking for responsible girl to work through respite for 4 year old girl with DS in BP in the summer. Sunday: 10-4, Monday- Thurs: 4-8. Fridays 1-6. Call 718-607-2784. Less hours can work too.
seeking a Family Worker in Williamsburg with a High School Diploma. Computer knowledge, hours daily from 9:00-3:00, nice environment. Please call Mrs. Landa at 347.224.1575 or email to: llanda@yeled.org
Looking for a p/t secretary in a camp office, starting immediately till July. Hours 9-3 (can be flexible), experience in JL Computers a must. Please call/ text 718781-4742
To learn and be-friend a A 10 year old boy
Daily 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Job ID: 2795
To assist with goals A 14 year old girl
Daily After school
Job ID: 3456
Looking for a KIDS’ BEST FRIEND
To assist with activities A 4 year old girl
Daily 4:00pm -7:00pm
Job ID: 1422 Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist with homework A 10 year old girl
Daily After school
Job ID: 1263
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To be-friend A 16 year old girl
3 x weekly After school
Job ID: 1719
Crown Heights
Looking for a BIG BROTHER
To assist wih chores A 14 year old boy
Daily After school
To assist to therapy-Manhattan A 19 year old boy

Job ID: 1493
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To be-friend A 24 year old girl
Friday & Shabbos
Job ID: 2795
Looking for a BIG SISTER
To assist wih goals A 14 year old girl
Daily After school
Secretary, Full Time & Part Time Positions Available
ABA Paras male & female to work with children in Flatbush, Crown Heights, Monsey & Passaic [no degree is required]
Accounts Receivable Collections Specialist [experience required]
Speech, Occupational & Physical TherapistsEnhanced rates! f/t & p/t cases available
Licensed Teachers & Teachers Assistants to teach 1:1 and small groups in local yeshivos Brooklyn, Lakewood & Queens
LBA's & BCBA's college students welcome Social Worker
Warm, supportive and enjoyable working environment.
We offer highly competitive salary and bonuses!!

Malkie: 845.659.6516

Toby: 848.525.9477
Office: 856.363.3000



Yeled V`Yalda-Title I Seeking a motivated & organized Individual Male/Female full time to join our team as an Executive Assistant. The successful candidate will have strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office And Google Suite (Prezi and Canva knowledge a plus).
Salary: $55,000.-$85,000. Call: 718.557.7038 Email to: sagluck@yeled.org YVY is an EOE
Beth Jacob Day Care Center is looking for full or half day teachers for the 20232024 school year for our infant program. Degree not required. Please call Leah at 718-435-5755 ext. 263 or send resume to mandell@ BJBP.org
Chassidishe dc seeking devoted ladies -girls to work as preschool counselors, certified and non certified. Great pay warm environment! (sign a contract before lag baomer and recieve a bonus) call 646343-7092
Local busy salon looking for a secretary, must be able to multi task,super organized, work with a team and provide customer service. Please email resume to Info@ tobywigsalon.com
Looking to hire a secretary for local BP office. Part-time optional. Email resume to hr@tristatefiresprinklers. com
Looking to have a great summer while earning money? Seeking warm and dedicated teachers for summer for a playgroup in bp! Great environment and pay! Call 646 887 5634
Looking for an Asst Lifeguard for heimish bungalow in Fallsburg, Hours Sun 1-5, Mon thru Thurs 12:30 to 5:30 & Friday 12:30 to 4. Please call 718 916 4411
Wholesale Business seeking female secretary. Hours 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Friday 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Must be organized, responsible, computer savvy & able to multi task.
Looking for a male lifeguard for Heimish bungalow colony in Fallsburg. Sun 1- 4:30, Fri 1:30-4:30 & . Mon thru Thurs 5-7. Please call 718-916-4411.
Hamaspik HomeCare is looking for FT *Field RN* in Brooklyn to assess patients and supervise home health aides. *Great benefits and working environment!* Send resumes to hiring@ hamaspikcare.org
Afterschool and Sunday
Program counselors needed for sp-ed program for the 2324 school year. Fun, heimish environment. Seminary girls welcome. Call 929-254-0080 x403 or Email resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.

Multi girl office in BP- high avenues- is seeking full time secretary, grad welcome. 929-568-6372 zissywe@ gmail.com
Chasidishe Girls School in BP has the following positions available for Non Certified Teachers. *Pre Nursery Teacher * Kindergarten
Yiddish Teacher *Pre 1A
Yiddish teachers *Pre 1A full day & ½ day assistants. Please email resume with references to yidesbyg@ gmail.com or call 718-3385600 x210
Looking for a teacher with a BA degree in early childhood for a heimishe daycare in bp. Please call: 718-759-8226
Heimishe girls day camp in BP seeking elementary counselors. Amazing staff program! Please call 718851-1543. If no answer leave message.
Special education teacher needed for chassidish sp-ed elementary girls school. Bilingual extension a must. Email Resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.
Second half Counselors for special ed program in a chassidish mainstream camp in upstate NY. Youth Corp opportunities available. High school girls welcome. Please contact Mrs. Klein at (718) 913-1278.
Chayeinu Academy is seeking full time experienced BCBA for 2023-2024 school year. Please email resume to info@ chayeinuacademy.org.
Female Position available in B.P Afternoon and Evenings PT or FT or Sundays. Good for high school, college student or mature adult. Help High functioning Women with daily living skills. Beautiful environment. Call Chana 347-598-3127. Send resume to c.rabiner@hcsny.org
A Heimish Camp is looking for an experience cook for the coming season please send resume to Jobssummer23@ gmail.com 347-746-4133 or fax 718.303.9142
HCS is seeking female Direct Support Professionals to work in a beautiful group home in Boro Park for highly independent young women. Experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities a plus. Driver’s license Preferred. Full-time, flexible hours. Monday through Friday 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Please contact 347-598-3127
HCS is looking for an intake coordinator to advocate and assist individuals with disabilities and their families with eligibility and application process. Must have great communication skills, be organized, and computer savvy. Please send resume to jobs@hcsny.org

Do you enjoy working with individuals with special needs? Share your talents and enrich someone’s life! HCS is seeking energetic girls/young women to work at our Dayhab program. Monday thru Friday. Competitive salary and benefits. Please forward resume to jobs@hcsny.org. Please call 718-854-2747 Ext. 1210

Bet Yaakov in Flatbush seeking Teachers, Grade 4-8 Experience Needed. Afternoon Secretary Experience Needed. Associate Positions. Work in a warm, Supportive Environment. Well Paid. Email Resume and Ref’s: pmossberg@ateret.net
Call: 1718-732-7770 Ext. 319
Looking for Interior Designers or someone with a strong sense of style in furniture selections for short term residential projects. Please contact 347-864-1271
Associate teachers 23-24 school year, chassidish sp-ed elementary school. P/T and F/T positions available. Email Resume to hr@yesodeibina. org.
Growing office in BP is looking to hire a full time secretary to assist the financial director. Knowledge in QB, Computer and Phone skills is a must, Graduates welcome. Email resume: LG@icainstitute.com
Heimesha daycare in Boro park Seeking warm responsible yidish speaking teacher /co teacher/babysiters for the summer & September stunning place amazing environment please call 7187016556 ext 1
Full time secretary position in a chassidish special ed school. Heimish environment, fast paced and stimulating, centrally located, Yiddish speaking a must. Graduates welcome. Email resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.
Home based daycare looking to hire a f/t teacher for September ‘23. Call 718-6006671
Hobbyhouse craft studio is seeking girl/woman to work at our will location. Must be creative with super personality. Call 845-6080161
Na’aseh is seeking somebody to come down to our center and censor a few shelves of books. Call 718-500-3765 ext 102 or s.landau@naaseh.org

Are you responsible, detailoriented, and a team player? Seeking an Accounts Payable Rep to join our finance team. Enjoy competitive pay, excellent benefits, and the great team atmosphere. Boro Park, full time. Email resume to finance@hamaspikkings. org.

Premium Health is looking for an outstanding Payroll Manager to join our Finance department.

• Minimum of two (2) years’ experience in corporate environment
• Formal training or equivalent experience in Accounting, Bookkeeping, Finance, Business or related field
• Exposure to Payroll of 100+ employees (Bi-Weekly)

• Office 365 or similar suites
• Advanced competency in Microsoft Excel (including pivot tables & VLOOKUP) or similar software

Hours: Part Time or Full Time (24 hour per week minimum)
Type: Hybrid (in-office and remote)
Send resume to: jobopeningmonsey4@gmail.com
Seeking a compassionate worker to spend time with two individuals in Hamaspik’s South 9th girls home. Provide them with plenty of warmth, while enjoying great pay, benefits, and a feeling of fulfillment. Hours are Monday-Thursday, 2 PM-8 PM, and some Sunday hours. Please call 718.408.5400 ext 413
Yeled V`Yalda Early Head Start in Boro Park seeking part time coordinator, Candidate must have experience working with children and families, administrative abilities, excellent interpersonal skills, and leadership qualities. HS/EHS experience a plus, salary $30K. Email resume to: ehsjob@yeled.org
Male teaching positions available for upcoming school year! Flatbush Yeshiva seeking upper elementary teachers, part time. Excellent benefits and competitive salary. Call: 718-332-2600. Email: interviewsatyeshiva@ gmail.com
Unique RN position. Join Hamaspik’s Day Programs to provide dedicated medical care to individuals ages 18+, and attend monthly Shabbatons with your family as the on-call nurse. Flexible hours, excellent pay and benefits, wonderful environment. Email resume to rkohn@hamaspikkings. org, or call 718.387.8400 ext 5219.
Seeking several part time babysitters for work in a bp girls school for the 2023-204 school year.. Call 646-5710765


Are you looking for a job for just 2 days week? Do you enjoy working with young children? email resume to enhancedchinuch@gmail. com
Seeking a full time passionate and organized secretary in a chassidish school setting, with efficient computer skills, including yiddish typing, and graphics, as well as the ability to multi task. Email resume to enhancedchinuch@gmail. com

Girls school in Brooklyn seeking full time administrative secretary with good computer and communication skills. Please email resume to secretaryjob04@gmail.com
Can you give her the love and care she needs? Looking to place a sweet baby girl with medical challenges, with a warm, heimish family. Enjoy smiles, a baby’s sweetness, and the unique joy and bracha that comes along with acts of selfless giving. Full support provided along with generous compensation. Contact smorgenstern@ hamaspikkings.org or 718.387.8400 ext. 122 for more information.

Overwhelmed with summer preps? Have your summer program prepared in a flash! Now selling an exciting and organized full summer file on usb. Asking $250. To enquire please call 347-5980930 lv. Message
Looking for a director/ head counselor to run a small daycamp in the Liberty area accommodations available for weekdays only pls call 347-623-1880
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Commercial, residential, shuls: professional repairs, & color change. Revamp to aron kodesh, libraries, staircases, furniture, kitchens, exterior wood doors. Best pricing & svc. Txt 212-991-8548.
Experiencing chronic pain/ symptoms? There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Now offering guitar lessons! For women and girls, for a great price Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
Cosmetics & Skincare: Mary Kay, Careline, Ga-de, Static, Chic. Free Delivery with min order. 718-930-4946 Careline 701 in stock!
Hand crochet, Hand knit, Silks & more with beautiful Gartel bag. Text or call: 718.283.4589 Wholesale orders available.
Furniture, Cabinet & General Repairs, specializing in Chosson-Kallah Apartments. Call: 718.633.6231
For all leaks & roofing services, reach out to the roofing expert. 845 244 0743 (call text or whatsapp)
Start the process now! Get P3 services by next year! Serious

Great for Graduations, Kallahs and Teacher Appreciation! Exclusive Ted Baker lotion sets for amazing prices. Call 917 685 0871
We are ready for the summer, are you? Handyman by the hour. GET HANDI 1866-4263421
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a smile! Call: 718.951.0090
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great prices! Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Exquisite silver and CZ Jewelry imported directly from the manufacturer. Below
Lighting and equipment included. Great for beginner photographers. Rent for a day or more. Call/text 347-9710491
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach. Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)435-7644
Need a passport? No problem! We can help you get a new one, renew an old one, or even get one the same day. Just give us a call at 718400-9969
Moonwalks available for rent $40 per day. Please call 347670-4393
Delicious tasty and beautiful miniatures for your simcha or special occasion! Choc pops, logs, lemon meringues and More! Call/text 3476832346 Delivery available
Experienced P3 Provider Avail for next school year after hours! 718-781-8058
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914)
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.951-0090
We fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281

Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
Wigs wash and sets for only $45 in the center of bp call or text 9294753384
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718-974-9428
DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $500 Gift card or we pay cash for cars too. 718-974-9428
To sell an elegant, mauve gown size 0-2 adult, sister of the bride. Text or Call 929-260-5797
Magnificent one of a kind, white sister of the bride gown size 0-2, by Avigail Rumpler for sale. Worn once in March. In brand new clean condition. Please text or call 718-644-3146
gold bar necklace tuesday 3/28 between 13-12 ,41-56. 929-475-3147

רעזנוא זיא "לאוי תירק" ןעמאנ רעד רעד !הרימש ןוא ,הלוגס ,'יכז עטסערג
יד קעווא טלעטש לאוי תירק ןעמאנ
ערעזנוא ןוא זנוא ראפ ,ןטראדנאטס
ןוא ןעמעננא אי לאז ןעמ סאוו ,רעדניק ,טשינ סאוו
עכלעוו ףיוא ,ןייז וצ לבקמ הפקשה עכלעוו
טשינ זיא סאוו ,ןייז ךמוס ךיז ןעק ןעמ אלוק
סעלא סאד סאוו ,תודהיה םצע ראנ ארמוח ןייק
טימ טרעפטנעראפ טושפ ץנאג לאמא טרעוו .לאוי תירק :רעטרעוו ייווצ יד
רעד םיא טאה .לטעטש א ןופ הגאד יד סיוא םיא ךיז טלעפ סע סאווראפ ךיוא ןעמאנ ןיימ ןבעל טעוו יוזא לייוו :ושדק ןושלב טרעפטנעעג יבר טעוו'ס ןוא ןעמאנ ןיימ ןרעוו ןסעגראפ טעוו םעד ןא ,טפנוקוצ יד ןיא לעוו םעד טימ ןפלעה רימ טעוו סאוו רעדעי .רכז םוש ןייק ןביילב טשינ אבה םלוע ןיא 'יפא ןוא ,טלעוו רעד ףיוא ןסעגראפ טשינ לאמנייק םיא ךיא !..ןהוט סע םיא ךיא לעוו הבוט עכלעוו ייס ןהוט ןענעק םיא לעוו ךיא ביוא )קידצ ןוצר( טאטש עגיזיר" דניצא ןייז ןופ טיירב ןוא גנעל עצנאג יד רעביא ןוא חור תחנ עשילרעטסיוא ןא טימ פארא ע"יז ק"היבר טקוק ,"לאוי תירק ,לטעטש ןגילייה ןייז ןטיירפשראפ ןוא ןעיוב ןפלעה סאוו עלא יד ףיוא רע ןוא הרוסמ עגילייה ןייז ןטלאהנא ןוא ,ןעמאנ ןגילייה ןייז ןגיבייאראפ ןיא ןעייג עכלעוו םידימלת עיירטעג
רימאל .ןצעזאב ךיז ןעוט םידימלת עיירטעג ענייז ואוו טיירב ןוא גנעל יד
ןא ןרעכיזראפ יוזא ןוא ,שפנ תריסמ טימ הרוסמ עגילייה יד ןייז ךישממ .ה"זעב רעדניק ערעזנוא ןוא זנוא ראפ דיתע ענייר ,עכילרע !ץינערג ןייק טשינ טאה השודק לייוו ,ןצינערג ןייק טשינ טאה לאוי תירק תירק ןופ רעטנעצ ןיא יואדנאק א ןיא הריד א טפיוק ןעמ וצ קוליח ןייק טשינ רעטנגעג ערעטייוו יד ןיא הריד עטאווירפ רעדא זיוה רעמוז א רעדא ,לאוי ןעניואוו וצ ע"יז ן'יבר ן'טימ תופתוש א ןסאלשעג ןעמ טאה ,לאוי תירק ןופ
טיול ךילצנעג ןריפ וצ טעטכילפראפ גיטייצכיילג ךיז ןוא ,לטעטש ןייז ןיא
ראפ טלעטשעגקעווא טאה ע"יז ק"היבר סאוו תונקתו ,תוכרדה ,תוארוה יד ."לאוי תירק" ,לטעטש ןייז ןופ םיבשות יד
זיא רע זא טלייצרעד טאה ה"ע קעטער 'יעשי יבר ח"הרה
ן'יבר םענופ טגערפעג טאה רע ןוא ,ע"יז ן'יבר םייב ןעוועג לאמא
,סאג יד ןופ טלייטעגפא ןייז אקייד לאז עכלעוו לטעטש ןייז ןעיובוצפיוא תופקשה ענייז טיול ןצנאגניא ןריפ ןענעק ךיז ןלאז ןשטנעמ ענייז זא .תוארוהו
.ןצינערג עלעניגירא עריא ןסקאוועגסיוא גנאל ןיוש זיא "לאוי תירק" טנעקעג ראנ טאה ןעמ ואוו ןופ סיורא טייוו טיירפשוצ ךיז טאה בושי רעד
םייב טאה ןעמ ןעוו ךאנ טקנעדעג ריא( .ןעמוקנא טעוו ןעמ זא ןע'מולח
וארנאמ ןעוו ןקוקסיוא טעוו סע יוזאיוו טליפשעגפיוא שיט םירופ ןשוש יד ראפ גנידליב עלארטנעצ יד ןרעוו טעוו טקירטסיד לוקס יראבדואוו זיא סע ןעוו טנייה ןוא )...םולח רעטייוו א ןעוועג זיא סאד ?הרות דומלת ןופ ןיז ןטסלופ ןיא הבגנו הנופצו המדקו המי תצרפו רעד ןראוועג םייוקמ רעביא סיוא ךיז ןטיירפש עכלעוו ע"יז ק"היבר ידימלת יד ךרוד טראוו יד זא ןרעכיזראפ רימ ןפראד ,טנגעגמוא ןצנאג ם'נופ טיירב ןוא גנעל יד .טריראבמוא ןוא ץנאג טביילב הרוסמ ענייר ןוא השורי עגילייה ,ןסינ ו"כ םענעגנאגראפ םעד טרעדאפעגפיוא טאה א"טילש וניבר יוו :ע"יז השמ ךרבה ק"היבר ןרמ ויבא ןופ אשידק אלוליה תדועס יד ייב רשא תא ,אד ןענעז סאוו יד ראפ ןייז וצ עידומ טכילפ א ךיא ליפ אזלא" תירק זיא לאוי תירק םורא טנגעג עצנאג יד ,הפ ונניא רשא תאו הפ ונשי ."םינינעה לכב לאוי
תורבד עשיראטסיה יד ןופ ריפסיוא יד ייב טגיילעגוצ טאה יבר רעד :שדוק
טנגעג יד ןיא ןעניואוו ייז סאוו ונימולש ישנא עלא ןופ ןטעב ליוו ךיא"
ךיא" ?וטסניואוו ואוו ,ןגאז רעדעי לאז האלהו םויהמ :לאוי תירק םורא הובגל הרימא ,"לאוי תירק ןיא ןיואוו ךיא" ןביירש ןוא ,"לאוי תירק ןיא ןיואוו זנוא" לאמאכאנ ןוא לאמנייא ןגאז ,ךאסא רעייז טניימ סאד ,טוידהל הריסמכ תוינוציח סאד ,העפשה עגידלאוועג א טאה סאד ,"לאוי תירק ןיא רימ ןיואוו ףיוא שודקה ומש ןעמאנ םעד ןפורנא ןטימ ןוא ,תוימינפ ן'פיוא עיפשמ זיא ."םיחטש עלא יד ףיוא שדוק עפש א ןייז הרוש טעוו ,םורא םיחטש עלא יד !הרימש ןוא ,הלוגס ,'יכז עטסערג רעזנוא זיא "לאוי תירק" ןעמאנ רעד ןוא זנוא ראפ ,ןטראדנאטס יד קעווא טלעטש לאוי תירק ןעמאנ רעד עכלעוו ,טשינ סאוו ןוא ןעמעננא אי לאז ןעמ סאוו ,רעדניק ערעזנוא סאוו ,ןייז ךמוס ךיז ןעק ןעמ אלוק עכלעוו ףיוא ,ןייז וצ לבקמ הפקשה לאמא טרעוו סעלא סאד סאוו ,תודהיה םצע ראנ ארמוח ןייק טשינ זיא .לאוי תירק :רעטרעוו ייווצ יד טימ טרעפטנעראפ טושפ ץנאג הרימש עגידנעטש א טימ זנוא טיילגאב "לאוי תירק" ןעמאנ רעד
טגנערב ןוא דסיימ רעגילייה רעזנוא ךרוד ,תוימשגבו תוינחורב ,הנוילעה ןיא ךיז טריפ רעכלעוו רעניואוונייא ןטסגיצנייא ןדעי ראפ בר עפש א .ןגעוו עגילייה ענייז
ילובג יד ןייז ביחרמ רימאל !ק"היבר ידימלת ,ונימולש
,רבע רעד - לאוי תירק
דיתע רעד ןוא ,הוה רעד
וויטקעפסרעפ ס'רעניואוונייא
ראפ חור תחנ עגידלאוועג א רעכיז טגנערב סאוו םענראפ א .םימורמ יזנגב ק"היבר
עגידעקערש ,עיינ א וצ ףיוא ךיז רימ ןקעוו - טא ןוא
טשינ סאד ןעמ לאז ביוא סאוו תואיצמ א .תואיצמ
טלעטש ,ןעלקיווטנא רעטייוו ןזאל ראגאז ןוא ,ןלעטשפא
"לאוי תירק" טאטש רעזנוא ראפעג עגידלאב א ןיא סאד
טימ ןעמוקאב ןבאה רימ סאוו הרוסמ עגילייה עצנאג יד ןוא

ןופ טפנוקוצ יד ףיוא הנכס עדנעארד א .שפנ תריסמ ליפיוזא טגיילעגניירא טאה ע"יז ק"היבר סאוו עינאוועראה עצנאג יד
א ןופ ןראוועג טרימראפסנארט םינשה ךשמב זיא "לאוי
4 ןוא ,3 ,2 ,1 ןשקעס ןטלאהטנע טאה עכלעוו "לטעטש"
א וצ ,"סגנירפס ןעוועס" ןופ טנגעג עגידנסיורד יד טימ
,"השמ ךרב" ,"םירמת יצע" יוו רעטנגעג ליפ ךאנ טימ טאטש
.לארעביא ןסאג עיינ ליפ ךאנ ןוא "לאוי ירבד" ,"השמ לאויו"
עגילדנעצ וצ ןסקאוויצ ה"עילב ךיז ןענעז 'קה תודסומ יד
ןוא ךעלגנוי ,ךעלדיימ רעטנזיוט עגילדנעצ ןוא םינינב
םעיונעג ן'טיול ,טהילב ןוא טסקאוו סעלא .ה"עק םירוחב
ףיוא ,ע"יז ק"היבר ןופ ןעוועג לבקמ ןבאה רימ סאוו הרוסמ
א טיידאב טאה "לאוי תירק
ץלאטש ןוא טייקראלק ,טייקקראטש
ק"היבר סאוו הטיש עגילייה יד טימ
א ןעוו .טנרעלעג זנוא טאה ע"יז
ואוו טגערפעג טאה רעדמערפ
תוטשפב באה ךיא ןוא ,ןיואוו ךיא
תירק ןיא ןיואוו ךיא" זא טרעפטנעעג
שיטאמאטיוא סאד טאה ,"לאוי
זא טגיטעטשאב ןופ דימלת רעיירטעג א ןיב ךיא
ןיא ךיז ריפ ךיא ,ע"יז שודקה וניבר
יירפ ךיא ןוא ,ןגעוו עגילייה ענייז
םעד טימ ןריציפיטנעדיא וצ ךיז קעלפ ן'ראמטאס"
ןיימ ,לאוי תירק לטעטש םעד ןיא ןסקאוועגפיוא ןיב ךיא
,לאוי תירק ןופ גנודנירג רעד טימ ןסקאוועגטימ זיא עטאט
,ןגילייה םעד ןיא ףיוא ה"זעב ןסקאוו רעדניק עניימ ןוא
ןיב ןראי טנגוי עטסעירפ יד ןופ .לאוי תירק טאטש ןכילרע
עגידלאוועג יד ןצעש ןוא ןסיוו וצ ןראוועג ןגיוצרע ךיא
רעד סאוו לטעטש םעד ןיא ןעניואוו וצ ןבאה רימ סאוו 'יכז
טימ ןעמאנ ןגילייה ןייז טימ טלעטשעגפיוא טאה ע"יז יבר
ןופ תונורכז יד טימ טבעלעג ןבאה רימ .שפנ תריסמ ליפיוזא
םידימלת עטסטלע יד ןופ ןעוועג זיא רעכלעוו ,עטאט ןיימ
,"ןראי תישארב" יד ,לאוי תירק ןופ הרות דומלת יד ןיא
,ןסאג ראפא םיוק ןופ ןענאטשאב זיא עלעטעטש סאד ןעוו יד ,לודגה ד"מהיב םעד ןופ יובפיוא ן'טימ תושגרתה יד
טרעהעג ןבאה רימ .ךאנ ןוא ,'קה תודסומ יד ןופ שינעשטומ ןבאה עכלעוו ,עדייז ןיימ יוויוזא ןדיא שפנ תריסמ יד ןופ
םעד ןעגנערב וצ דנאטשוצ טגיטולבעג ןוא טעבראעג רעווש
ן'ראפ טייג סע יוו גידנסיוו ,ןכיורבעג עריא עלא ןוא לטעטש .לטעטש "ןייז" ןלעטשוצפיוא ןבעל ןיא ן'יבר
ןוא טייקראלק ,טייקקראטש א טיידאב טאה "לאוי תירק"
זנוא טאה ע"יז ק"היבר סאוו הטיש עגילייה יד טימ ץלאטש
,ןיואוו ךיא ואוו טגערפעג טאה רעדמערפ א ןעוו .טנרעלעג
תירק ןיא ןיואוו ךיא" זא טרעפטנעעג תוטשפב באה ךיא ןוא
א ןיב ךיא זא טגיטעטשאב שיטאמאטיוא סאד טאה ,"לאוי
ןיא ךיז ריפ ךיא ,ע"יז שודקה וניבר ןופ דימלת רעיירטעג
ןריציפיטנעדיא וצ ךיז יירפ ךיא ןוא ,ןגעוו עגילייה ענייז
סאוו ט"וי א זיא "ולסכ א"כ" ."קעלפ ן'ראמטאס" םעד טימ
ןיא ןענאפש רעדניק יד ןעוו ןסאג עלא ןיא ךיז טנעקרעד
גאט א ךיוא זיא "רייא 'ה" ,רעדמעה עסייוו יד טימ רדח
םוי סלא טריציפיטנעדיא סניילא ךיז ןופ יוו טרעוו סאוו
טאה עכלעוו בא ו"כ ןופ ךאנ טדער רעוו .רהמנהו רמה
לטעטש רעזנוא ןופ ךעלסעג עגיאור יד ןעמונעג ןראי עלא יד טיול( רעקראפ עשיטאטש-ומכ א ןיא טלדנאווראפ ןוא
טריפשעג ךילרעפניישאב ךיז טאה סע .)תוגשה עגילאמא
טניישאב השודק ןוא ,הטיש ,ךוניח ,טסייג סנ'יבר םעד יוו
זנוא ןופ ןדעי ןיא רעטייוו טבעל ןוא ,רעזייה ,ךעלסעג יד .רעדנוזאב רעניואוונייא
ה"זעב באה ךיא ןעוו וצ לטעלב םעד גידנשימרעבירא
טאטש עגילייה יד ןיא בוטש ענעגייא ןיימ טלעטשעגפיוא
רעדניק עניימ ןעיצרע וצ רעטייוו טבערטשעג ךיא באה
תריסמ ןופ טסייג עבלעז יד טימ ןוא רעגייטש ןבלעז ן'פיוא
טייהרעכילרוטאנ יוזא באה


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ןכרוד טריפעגנא Morah ןעטנאקאב
Z. Weinberger
ןוא Experienced Staff ענעבעגעגרעביא טייקמעראוו ןוא טייקכילביל טימ Morahs
ןיא ןיירא טגייל ןעמ יוו הביבס עשימייה ראג א תארי ,הוצמ לש החמש ,'ה תבהא רעדניק יד תובוט תודמ ןוא םימש
ןיא ןרעמיצ סאלק עגיטכעל עגיד'תובחר Building עטלייטעגפא עכילרעה רעזנוא
Outdoor ןוא Indoor Gym עכילרעה Playground
Individualized טימ החגשה עגידנעטש Attention
Age-Appropriate Toys to Stimulate Healthy Growth and Development
Snack ןוא Lunch עטנוזעג עמעראוו
:טפור עטיב עיצאמראפניא רעמ ראפ

...רפס רעד

ןעיוב וצ יוזאיוו טנרעל...
ןופ ןליוו ן‘טיול זיוה שידיא א
הכוז ,הרות ןייז ןוא ת“ישה

־סדניק ןוא רעדניק וצ ןייז
קסוע ןענעז סאוו רעדניק
םולשו ,תווצמ ןוא הרות ןיא .לארשי לע
טכיל ןוא קילג טגנערב...
ןשיווצ שינעדנעטשראפ ןוא

אלימב ןוא ןטייווצ ןוא םענייא .תיב םולש
םוצ ,ןצראה םוצ טדער...
וצ תוצע טיג ןוא ןסיוועג
.תודמ יד ןרעסעבראפ
עלא טעמכ םורא טמענ...
עשידיא א ןופ ןעמעלבארפ
תיצמת ןצרוק א ןיא בוטש .םילשמ עגיסאפ ךרוד
הנתמ עטסנעש יד זיא...
.הלכ ןתח ראפ
)רבחמה לעב ירבד(
ףסוי ןנחלא ברה
ןטפעשעג םירפס עלא ןיא ןעמוקאבוצ אד זיא סע
ל"צז ןאמצרעה
רואל אציו עיפוה
לארשי ימכח ונב םייקל
י"ה יוד שרע לע לטומה ,לודגה ןואגה ןופ השקב ןכילנעזרעפ ן'פיוא

א״טילש יקצנימק לאומש
לארשי תמחנ אישנ ,עיפלעדאליפ תבישי שאר
החפשמה ינב יד ךרוד ןבעגעגרעביא

ויחיש לארשי תמחנ ידימלתו יכמות עלא ייב רימ ןטעב
לארשי תמחנ ןציטש תוכזב ענעפלאהעג עלא ייב ןוא
םינונחתבו הלפתב וצ ןייז הברמ
ןופ הריהמהו המילשה ותאפרל
א״טילש לטע אטיא
ןב לאומש ןרמ
.לארשי ילוח ראש ךותב םיבוט םינשו םימי תכיראלו המילש האופרל
.םיבר תליפת סאמי
אל ריבכ לק ןהו
אפוג תוירבב לארשי לש ןתמשנ תלצה תדובעב ונלהני םינשב
ןאמדירפ ראש ברה

ע”יז ילאפמאימ םייח רזעילא ’ר ק”הרה וניקז ןויצב עילאקסמ ר”ומדאה
ה”ע אינאבמ תינברה ותוחא פ”ע ןאשיטלאפמ ר”ומדאה לצא םילבא םוחינ
ןאמיירפ ד”באג דכנל םיאנתה תחמש
ןעלוקסמ ר”ומדאה תדכנל םיאנתה תחמש

זיוה סעל’יעשי יבר ןוא ’טייר טיא ןעלפ‘ ךרוד טלעטשעגוצ טראפריע טסעפאדוב ןיא רעמיצ עוואק

צ”הגה דכנל תירבה תחמש רעגרעבנעזייא ןימינב ’ר
גרובשערפ ד”בא צ”הגה ןבל הוצמ רבה תחמש

Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER

Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ

ענעגייא ןייד פא לאמ .ןייזעד לטייב ןיליפת
טעס ענעלאמעג ענעגייא ןייז ןעמוקאב טעוו ןייזעד עטסנעש יד
.ןייזיד ןבלעז ן'טימ רודיס ןוא לקעד הלח ,לטייב ןיליפת א ןופ
ןייזעד א ןיירא טקיש סע רעוו ייס ראפ
ןייזעד א ןופ שודיח עלעיצעפס א
שודיח א טימ ןייזעד עשטייצראפ א
ןייזיד ןיורק א ןיירא ןקיש סאוו יד ראפ
:ןייזעד ןייד ןיירא קיש
עכילטנכעוו ריפ
ראג ףיוא סרעניוועג
תונתמ עלופדרעוו
Mail: Mefoar Judaica 3919 13th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11218

Fax: 347.479.1188 Email: Designs@mefoarjudaica.com
שזדיעפ עלופ א ףיוא זיא סע רעכיז ךאמ ןייזעד ןייד טסקיש וד ןעוו
שזדיעפ ןפיוא רעבמאנ ןופלעט ןוא ןעמאנ ןייד טאה סע ןוא