
יד ןיא ןסאגעגסיוא טרעוו
ק"הרא ןיא רעבוטש עמירא
קראפ אראב יוזאיוו גידנעעז
ךיז טריזיליבאמ
טייקראטש אזא טימ
עלא רימ ןלעוו אשנ גאטנאמ
ןזייפש וצ ןסאמ ןיא ןעמארטש
ק"הרא ןיא רעדורב עמירא ערעזנוא
יתנשה רעניד
)א( אשנ ׳ב םוי
ט״לעבה סחוימה םוי
)אזלעב( שדחה םלואב
1247 38th St.
Early Bird:
$89 Deadline: May 14
» Identify and understand your child's character and nature.
» Learn how to avoid damaging your child's emotional wellbeing.
» Recognize sudden changes in your child's behavior.
» Address matters concerning your child's school life or outside the home.
» Help your child confront the challenges of their generation.
» Educate your child on the dangers of technology.
» Most importantly, recognize and address signs of weakened Yiddishkeit.
Rabbi Tauber will provide invaluable insights and a comprehensive understanding of effective Chinuch and discipline methods that will create a happy and contented home life while instilling a deep sense of pride in Yiddishkeit for your child. He will guide parents on how to keep their children on the right path without the need for any external fulfillment.
Part 1: Sunday, May 14th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
Part 2: Tuesday, May 16th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
Part 1: Wednesday, May 17th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
Part 2: Thursday, May 18th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
845.751.9249 orders@chococheeseny.com chococheeseny.com
To ensure availability please order by May 16.
YOU DREAM of walking to your chuppah with confidence. YOU DREAM of transitioning into married life seamlessly.
BUT HOW? As a Kallah, you know that actualizing those dreams are challenging.
“My daughter was a kallah but without that spark in her eyes. This course gave me my daughter back. It truly transformed her.”
Tranny M., London
“I was inhibited and detached. I was buried under layers of stress and doubt. The Rebetzin managed to peel away every layer and barrier and put me in touch with my true feelings. I’m in awe!!!”
Sheindy F., Kallah, Manchester UK
“I had already married off six daughters but it was only after taking this course that I discovered what I had been missing out on with all my previous kallahs. This workshop was a priceless gift and helped me build a completely new connection with my daughters” Malky Z., Monsey
“This isn’t just a class; it’s an experiential journey where you come in one way and leave a completely different person.”
Peri S. and mother, Boro Park
“Following the course I’ve started sleeping nights. It finally hit me what this is truly about and the peaks I can be zoiche to reach.”
M. Englander, Matersdoff-Yerushalayim
REBBETZIN ROCHEL LUBIN has prepared two decades of Kallahs across the globe, and she is known for her lectures on marriage-related topics. Rebbetzin R. Lubin counsels countless women privately and provides expert guidance for second- marriage Kallahs.
Invites you to: הלכיאוב A Kallah & Mother Workshop Uplifting , informative, and practical Designed to transform your experience as a Kallah and keep you thriving throughout married life.
ןלעוו סעגארפ
:עגונב ןרעוו
סענזיב – ןטפעשעג יד – תודסומ יד – רעזייה יד םעד– םיכלוהה ימו ימ – תוסנרפ – ןטייהנגעלעג
– טייברא יוב יד ןופ סערגארפ – טנגעגמוא ןלאקאל
טאה ריא עגארפ עכלעוו ייס רעדא
טנארפקיעלד דעווה ינבר 2
סרעפאלעוועד יד ןופ רעייטשרָאפ
םיבשות עגיטפמוקוצ יד ןופ סנייא
רעמוטנגייא סענזיב עגיטפמוקוצ א
בושיה ינקסע
ןבעגעג ןיוש ןבאה ןטנאקילפא 150 רעביא עגילאצמוא ,סטיעדפא ןרעה ןליוו ןוא סטיזאפעד
סעגארפ טימ סעיניל ןאפעלעט יד ןציילפראפ רעפור
טסכעה א ןטלאהפא רימ ןלעוו רעבירעד ווייל עוויטאמראפניא
בושי טנארפקיעל ןשי'דיסח םעיינ םעד רעביא אדיראלפ ,יבאשטיקא ןיא
רבדמב גאטשרענאד
טכאנייב 9:00
:ףיוא ןיירא טפור 212.444.1100 8-1
:סיואראפ ןופ סעגארפ ערעייא ןיירא טקיש
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‰ר‰ט ˙וכל‰ ˙ו‡וו˜מ ר˙י‰ו רוסי‡ ˙ב˘ ˙וכל‰
˙ב˘ ˙וכל‰ י„ ,˙ב˘ ןופ טיי˜סיז ןענע˜ וˆ ‰כר„‰ ןו‡ ˙ועי„י ע‚יטיונ י„ ןעכיל‚עמרע .˙ב˘‰ ˙וכל‰ב ˙ול‡˘ ןענע'˜ספ
!ר‡י ןיי‡ זיולב ןי‡ ‰‡רו‰ ˙„וע˙ רעיי‡ טמו˜‡ב
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Safety doesn’t stop before the zman — no matter what time Shabbos starts. Join us in a Boro Park e ort to keep our children and community safe by following tra ic laws, driving within speed limits, and obeying road rules. Keep Boro Park safe!
דואמ םתרמשנו
יוזאיוו ךייא טנרעל םיארומא עגילייה יד .ארמג יד טיובעג ןבאה ,ןינבה ינבא יד ןענעז סאוו
ארמג יד יוזאיוו ןוא ,תורטמ יד
טעוו תועידי יד טימ .סאד טוט אגרד עכלעוו ףיוא ןסיוו ריא ןוא ,טייטש דימלת רעייא רעייז ןעיובפיוא זייוולפאטש .ארמג ןיא ןינק
(Re: One for the Birds, Issue 182)
I’d like to comment in response to “One for the Birds.” First, I must say that I totally feel the writer’s excitement! Feeding birds was the highlight of my summer for a few seasons, especially since I hung my bird feeder on a tree outside my kitchen window and watched the most stunning birds fly by all day long.
Last summer, however, our block was invaded nightly with a shefa of skunks, and after yet another surprise scurried by one evening, we researched the issue. That’s when we learned that bird feeders are a major attraction for skunks. It was a very sad day for me when we removed the feeder, but we instantly saw improvement on the skunk situation.
If anyone out there has any ideas on how we can continue to attract woodpeckers, blue jays and their cousins without inviting the uninvited, I will be forever grateful.
L.P.(Re: One for the Birds, Issue 182)
In response to the letter regarding bird feeders: As a bird lover, I, too, had bird feeders in my backyard — until I read that they attract bears. Since bears have been sighted in my neighborhood, I chose to stop using them. I now have a bird bath instead. It certainly does not attract the amount of birds a birdfeeder does, but this is my compromise and a way I can still enjoy niflaos haBorei!
(Re: A Pop-ular Problem, Inbox, Issue 181)
The discussion about poppers at weddings reminds me of a conversation I recently had at a wedding. I was schmoozing with the kallah’s grandmother while we were waiting for the chasan and kallah to come in for dancing. She showed me that even at the door, where her friends were waiting to greet her, the kallah had opted for no shtick — not even arches. As she’d said before her wedding, “It’s a wedding, not a carnival.”
I stayed to watch the dancing, and believe me, it had so much Yiddishe chein without the balloons, confetti and other new mishugasin
(Re: Power Tools)
Thank you so much for your amazing weekly magazine. Every Wednesday I eagerly await The Boro Park View — especially to read the serials. I was so excited to see your new serial by Esty Heller! I read her book, Yardsticks, which was so good that I went out and bought her next one, Follow Me, which was also fantastic. Now I’m very much enjoying Power Tools. I actually missed the Pesach edition, which had the first chapter of Power Tools, but I made sure to get my hands on a copy. I wouldn’t miss it for anything!
Thank you again for every part of your fantastic publication!
It’s park season again, and we’re all so excited to let our kids run around and have fun. But recently, when I took my kids to the park, I found that there was a lot of crying coming from the younger children present.
Mothers of “big boys,” please make your children aware that the jungle gyms, slides and climbing areas commonly found in local playgrounds are not for tenyear-old boys (or older), especially when there are toddlers waiting patiently for their turn. On many occasions, I watched older boys run right over little girls and boys without even noticing them or apologizing.
I realize that older kids also need to play and let off steam, but most parks have open spaces for games as well as basketball courts or other areas that are perfect for running and playing tag — without trampling the younger kids.
On the same note, we are in galus and don’t own these parks. Let’s try to make a kiddush Hashem and not chalilah the opposite.
Thank you,
Before Pesach, my husband and sons went shopping for new clothes. They went to a heimishe men’s clothing store, but they were surprised and uncomfortable to find many (loud!) women in the store as well.
Dear ladies: If you need to be in a men’s store, please act accordingly, and try to be inconspicuous. In the zechus of tznius, you will surely be gebentched with kol tuv. Mother of Boys
Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning.
Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning.
Neither will you...
Neither will you...
Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning.
Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning. Our students never stop learning.
At the Marilyn & Sheldon David Ivdu Boys Upper School for Special Education in Brooklyn, our goal is to ensure each student develops the tools, skills, and confidence to self-advocate and to succeed in school, pursue a solid career, and lead a full, balanced life.
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If you are pursuing a degree in special education, mental health or BCBA, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll learn on the job.
At the Marilyn & Sheldon David Ivdu Boys Upper School for Special Education in Brooklyn, our goal is to ensure each student develops the tools, skills, and confidence to self-advocate and to succeed in school, pursue a solid career, and lead a full, balanced life.
If you are pursuing a degree in special education, mental health or BCBA, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll learn on the job.
Email your resume to kahnc@ou.org
The answer then follows with Hashem’s promise: “V’tzivisi es birchasi – I will command My bracha for you in the sixth year, and it will yield produce for three years” (Vayikra 25:20–21). With fields lying fallow in the seventh year, farmers need the crop of the sixth year to produce enough for the sixth, seventh and eighth years.
Nowhere else in the Torah do we find that the pasuk asks a question and then answers it. The text could have simply said, “V’tzivisi es birchasi ,” and we would have automatically understood the exchange, without an outright presentation of the question and answer.
The day Gavriel was given the pink slip was like the first day of a new life. A life of financial worries, a life of wondering why he — competent, confident Gavriel — had to go through such a humiliating struggle.
His decent wage was gone, his comfortable lifestyle at risk. Things like this didn’t happen to qualified individuals such as himself, he thought. After several years of experience in the medical field, Gavriel tried looking into opportunities in his niche field first. He had a new resume written up and tried his luck.
When nothing came through, he tried applying for positions that he previously deemed beneath his dignity. Weeks turned into months, and he was growing anxious. He needed something — anything! — to keep his family afloat. He began scouring the classifieds and responding to any job opportunity that seemed even somewhat suitable.
At the end of one long, dull week, Gavriel got an exciting phone call. The potential job offered fewer hours and less pay than he’d hoped for, but something about it seemed like a fit. An
interview was scheduled for Monday at 10 a.m., and Gavriel had high hopes.
Gavriel planned to take the train to Manhattan. Somehow, he got to the platform just in time to see the tail of the train. What bad luck, he thought to himself. I can’t come late to this interview! With the next train still a while off, he left the station, wondering how he could possibly get to the city in time.
Just then, he heard a honk. A car pulled over and he noticed his good friend, Chaim, in the driver’s seat.
“What’s the matter?” Chaim asked, noting Gavriel’s downcast expression.
Gavriel shared that he needed to get to Manhattan ASAP, and Chaim told him to jump into the car.
“That’s where I’m headed right now,” he said. “What address do you need to get to?”
Chaim agreed to take Gavriel straight to where he needed to go. The two enjoyed a great conversation to the background of some light music. Good thing I missed the train! Gavriel thought. This is a much more pleasant ride.
In Parshas Behar, which speaks about the mitzvah of Shemittah, the pasuk mentions a potential question: “And if one will ask, ‘What will we eat in the seventh year? We will not sow and we will not gather produce!’”
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Suddenly, there was a loud bang and a slam of impact. A car had hit them from the rear. Fortunately, Gavriel and Chaim were able to exit the car rather easily, but they both needed to head straight to the hospital to be examined for any possible injuries.
What bad luck! Gavriel thought to himself as he found himself in an ambulance. I was meant to be sitting down for a job interview right now, and instead, here I am! All because of a two-minute delay to the train station…
Soon Gavriel and Chaim, who’d both suffered only some minor bumps and scratches, were given the medical all-clear. It was taking a while for their discharge papers to be processed though, and Gavriel had too much time to contemplate his situation. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he cried silently to himself.
Finally, the receptionist approached, holding his discharge papers.
“Are you okay?” she asked, noticing his tears.
Gavriel found himself sharing his tale of woe. When he mentioned his previous line of work in the medical field, the secretary became excited.
“Come with me to my supervisor. As you’ve noticed, we’re short-staffed and perhaps there’s an opening for you!”
A short while later, Gavriel was happily employed at the hospital, doing just what he’d been trained to do and receiving double the pay and much better work conditions than the job whose interview he’d missed.
What good luck that I missed the train that day! Gavriel concluded.
Gavriel vacillated between seeing his situation as great and seeing it as the greatest catastrophe possible, but ultimately, he realized that it was all Hashem orchestrating the events from Above. *
The Noam Elimelech cites his brother Reb Zushe:
When Hashem created the world, He set it up so that there should be a never-ending, flowing abundance to meet all of our needs. With the right bitachon, we can actually see how He sustains us without stop. However, if there is a lack in our bitachon, the flow could cease. Then, in order for Hashem to continue to shower us with goodness, Hashem must initiate the shefa again.
We can learn this from the pasuk, “And if one will ask…” With these words, the Torah teaches us about Hashem’s ways.
When a person questions how he will have the money he needs, the question itself and the worry he has may cut off that very flow and require Hashem to renew the command for the abundance to come our way: “V’tzivisi es birchasi.”
Thus, the Torah requires us to live with a higher level of bitachon and rely on Hashem completely. Through this, we will merit having the flow of bracha continuously surge in our direction.
Suddenly, there was a loud bang and a slam of impact. A car had hit them from the rear.
KSCVK Invites you to our 23rd Annual Auction
Monday, April 24th thru Sunday, May 14th 2023
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Evergreen Parking Lot
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I love GD Teen. It's super enjoyable to take. The enthusiasm in every lesson just makes me so excited to try out the new things I just learnt I really liked the goodies file you provided and the weekly email, it gave me a lot of food for thought and inspirations in my designs. I also LOVE the support I'm getting. I can send my questions anytime and get a response within the next working day.
Also, I designed many things with what I learned. We needed to create a holocaust report and I think ½ of my grade had my work within their report (a cover or family tree or picture pages and so on). I also made my sister's wedding album, menu cards and much more.
I'm busy recommending your course to the whole world!
Rivky H.
TThe most distressing sentence uttered in my office is, “If only I would’ve realized,” says Rabbi Shlomo Usher Tauber, renowned chinuch and relationship expert. He pauses, and then adds, “Unfortunately, it’s the most often repeated line, too.”
Rabbi Tauber is the son of legendary kiruv pioneer, Rabbi Ezriel Tauber zt”l. In addition to bringing thousands of Yidden closer to their roots with his clarity and hashkafa, he was instrumental in revolutionizing the way the community approaches with kiruv kerovim. Rabbi Shlomo Usher, too, dedicates his power of connection to kiruv kerovim. His hashkafic classes in local high schools tackle the hard questions and enable students to experience Yiddishkeit from a place of passion. His speeches are aired worldwide and have opened the eyes of countless parents across all demographics.
The Kesher/Behiros Coaching office, founded by Rabbi Tauber more than 20 years ago, has seen so much pain. So much anger. “But even worse than all this anger,” says Rabbi Tauber, “is the apathy, the complete disinterest displayed by our most prized possessions – our teiyere children.”
Those children are in deep, deep pain. They seem to be cold and disinterested, but it’s just a way to protect the rawness of their hearts.
When Rabbi Tauber first started counseling parents and their teenagers, they showed up at his doorstep when the kids were eighteen or nineteen. But over the years, they
show up younger and younger. “Sadly, most children I see display troubling behavior by the time they hit their tenth birthday… and sometimes even younger.”
There are several factors causing this terrible proliferation of troubled pre-teens, of disinterested children. Some of the reasons are truly out of our control. However, the part that is in our control is awareness—the ability to recognize the signs of distress.
It’s a small jump from a minor issue to, chalila, a horrific downfall emotionally and/or spiritually. It’s as simple as a child suddenly displaying unusual behavior such as refusing playdates, avoiding friends or certain family members, suddenly behaving in a reserved manner or becoming uncharacteristically loud.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu created the challenges of our generation. He also sent us messengers to help us along the way. Rabbi Tauber has helped hundreds of families through a variety of challenges, but his passion lies in preventing the struggles.
Although he has hundreds of personal stories to highlight the importance of prevention, he’s hesitant to print them due to the sensitivity of the issues. He shares a simple anecdote, yet the message is far from simple.
“A woman called me last week. Her 6 year old son refused to ride the bus to cheder. He didn’t share the reason, and she was frustrated.”
Rabbi Tauber stops and explains, “This behavior was unusual. He usually enjoyed the bus ride. If a child complains suddenly, be aware. The fact that this mother called already shows that she is an aware parent.”
Since it was a rushed morning with a busy day ahead, she bribed her son with a chocolate and saw him off to cheder. However, the child’s face portrayed something deeper, and the mother was worried about him.
Rabbi Tauber guided her how to speak to the child and draw the story out
of him.
She did exactly that by casually asking about his day and about all the different activities they do while riding the bus.
It all came pouring out. He told his mother of his steady seat at the window. Then his eyes shadowed, “A big boy came into my seat and wanted to become my friend. When I refused, he threw me out of my seat and warned me to stay away from the bus.”
“And then?”
“Then he told me that if I come onto the bus again, he’ll grab my yarmulke and throw it out the window.”
His mother nodded then asked, “Really? So what did you do when I made you go on the bus today?”
“I gave him the nosh you gave me, and he allowed me to keep my yarmulke.”
With this information, the mother was able to resolve the
situation and protect her child. A horrific incident with potential horrifying consequences was nipped in the bud. By simply being aware.
Rabbi Tauber cautions, “Awareness doesn’t mean panic. It means action.”
The only way to take action is if you know what to do.
That is the goal of his all-new two-part telecourse. He aptly named the course Behiros – clarity. The goal is for parents to gain clarity in chinuch, clarity in recognizing signals, and clarity how to react correctly in case of crisis.
The two part telecourse is designed for parents of all ages. The earlier the parents have the awareness, the better, but it’s extremely relevant for parents with children ages eight and up.
Each part will take approximately two hours and will cover the topics comprehensively.
This session is an in-depth exploration of the different personalities of children and how to identify their needs.
Every child has physical needs which, as a parent, you can easily assess. However, the makeup of the inner self is something else entirely. Rabbi Tauber will explore the different natures in children and how to sense their needs.
Is your child manifesting worrying behaviors? Is he always the smart aleck? Do you find it difficult to connect to your child? Is he extremely sensitive, irritable or annoying? Is it difficult for the child to follow rules? Is he noncompliant?
Each child is different and therefore needs different things. You will learn to recognize what motivates your child and how connect with them wherever they are.
Participants will have the opportunity to leave messages with questions for Rabbi Tauber.
Dear child, I know you. I’m aware of your needs. I see the red flags. Help me understand what’s happening inside of you.
The second session will focus on recognizing red flags. Not every child has the same red flags. A child who suffers from motion sickness and doesn’t want to ride the bus is not the same as your sensitive child refusing to go to school.
You will learn to ask yourself questions such as: when did my happy child suddenly become sulky and cranky? Why does my child clam up as soon as we arrive at any gathering? Who is my child’s friend, and why is he edgy around him? Why is his rebbe complaining about him lately? Are my daughter’s eating habits normal?
The issues aren’t always major, and addressing the issue is usually as simple as asking the right questions and paying attention to the clues.
The course will also explore the correct reaction. You know your child; you see their distress, and you even know what happened. Now what?
לאמעלא » ו"ח OTD טשינ ראנ » גיד'הפצוח » ךעבענ טשטילג
וצ טשינ ךיז טלעטש » שיוט א סעפע םיצולפ » םכח-רעביוא ןא
טייקשידיא וצ טלאק » רדח ןיא ןעמעלבארפ טכאמ »
Deadline: May 12
ב״הב גאטיירפ
שפנה תנוכת יד ןייטשראפ וצ יוזאיוו .דניק טראס ןדעי ןופ תוהמ ןוא וצ טשינ ןבעג וצ טכאבא יוזאיוו .ל"ר דניק א ןשדעמעד רעדא ןכערבוצ
עגידגנילצולפ א ןפאכ וצ יוזאיוו .דניק א ייב שיוט
סאוו ןעמעלבארפ טימ ןייגוצמוא יוזאיוו
בוטש ןופ ןסיורדניא טכאמעג ךיז טאה .דסומ םעניא ןוא
יד ןייטשייב דניק א ןפלעה וצ יוזאיוו .תונויסנ עגיטנייה
יד דניק יד ראפ ןבעגוצרעביא יוזאיוו .עיגאלענכעט ןופ הנכס
טבייה'מ ןעוו ןריגאער וצ יוזאיוו :רקיעבו
.ל"ר ןרעוו ךאווש ןופ םינמיס ןעז ןא
סרוק עשידיא:
)העש 2( 8:30 העשב May 14 'פסמלו רבדמב גאטנוז :'א קלח
)העש 2( 8:30 העשב May 16 'פסמלו רבדמב גאטסניד :'ב קלח
Part 1: Wednesday, May 17th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
Part 2: Thursday, May 18th at 8:30PM (2-hr session)
Price: $120
+ עגירעי 2 ןופ ןרעטלע ראפ :טנגייאעג
!רעכעה ןוא 10 ןופ :גיטכיוו שיטירק
:טייקראלק ראפ טייצ׳ס ,עמאמ-עטאט
לעפמ להנמ ׳תוריהב׳
החמומה ךרוד םסרופמה םינשב תובר
יד תוריהב א טימ ןראלקסיוא ד"סב ךייא טעוו ,ןילפיצסיד ןוא ךוניח ןופ ןדאטעמ עגיטכיר
רעדניק ערעייא ןכאמ ה"זעב טעוו ריא סאוו טימ ייז סנטייצאב ןוא ,טייקשידיא רעייז טימ ךיליירפ
.ו"ח ןקילג ערעדנא ןכוז ןופ ןדיימראפ
US TWIN SIZE - 63x80 for 39” mattress
LARGE TWIN - 68x86 for 44” mattress
FULL SIZE - 76X86 for 48” mattress
US QUEEN SIZE - 86x86 for 54” mattress
The plan to hit drivers with a significant toll to drive south of 60th Street in Manhattan is one step closer to becoming a reality now that the Federal Highway Administration has approved an environmental assessment. The plan now enters a 30-day public review period.
The New York Post reported that the Biden administration ruled that the congestion pricing plan met the standard for “legal sufficiency,” a move that was hailed by Governor Kathy Hochul, an outspoken supporter of the plan. A spokesperson for the governor said that she is committed to reducing traffic, improving air quality and supporting public transit.
Tolls could range anywhere from $9 to $23 during peak hours and could bring in as much as a billion dollars a year for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Eighty percent of the funds collected would be used by the MTA to improve and modernize the city’s buses and subways, with the Long Island Rail Road and Metro-North Railroad splitting the remaining 20% equally.
But not everyone is in favor of congestion pricing, reported Bloomberg. Staten Island Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis, who also represents portions of Southern Brooklyn, has said that it would place an unfair burden on her constituents, a sentiment echoed by New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer. Both have called for a full audit of how the MTA spent federal funding over the past five years, including $15 billion in COVID aid to cover the cost of lost revenues during the pandemic.
Governor Phil Murphy has been extremely vocal in his criticism, categorizing it as an unfair money grab that would target New Jerseyans who already pay significant tolls to enter Manhattan. A statement released by Murphy said that he supports congestion pricing conceptually, as long as it is structured in a way that is equitable to all, and that his administration is considering legal options to halt the plan’s implementation.
The MTA has been struggling since COVID, with ridership rebounding slower than anticipated. The agency is facing a possible $2.6 billion deficit in 2025 and has been lobbying for extra state funding as early as next year to minimize shortfalls.
Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to bus over 300 illegal immigrants from New York City to Rockland County has led to major fireworks, with County Executive Ed Day warning that local law enforcement is deployed and ready to act to keep the newcomers out.
Orangetown Supervisor Teresa Kenny said that Adams called her on the afternoon of May 5 to inform her of his intention to bring migrants to Rockland, prompting her to give Day a heads up on the plan. According to Day, Adams provided few details, saying only that the newcomers would be housed in a local hotel for four months, with work permits to be secured for them during that time. Upon further inquiry, officials learned that 340 adult men were to be sent to the county, with lodging provided at the 170-room Armoni Inn and Suites on Route 303 in Orangeburg.
Kenny said that no one in Orangetown had been consulted about the plan, nor had any local officials consented to it. Day was equally critical of the plan, noting that work permits take six months to be processed and that few resources are available near the Orangeburg hotel. He also took Adams to task for not having any contingency plan in place should any problems arise, noting that while New York may be a sanctuary city, Rockland did not have the infrastructure to care for additional migrants. The county, New York’s smallest, is already struggling to provide for undocumented migrants who had made their way upstate, with officials saying in March that more than 1,000 immigrant children were enrolled in local schools, with food pantries running out of supplies and the number of children in foster care rising 35%.
Day declared a countywide state of emergency one day later, barring any municipality from bringing people into Rockland and housing them in the county without a license, and requiring entities planning to bring people into Rockland to take responsibility for them, both financially and otherwise. Discussing the situation on May 6 in a WABC radio interview with Rob Astorino, Day had a few choice words for the mayor.
“Mr. Adams, you can try to run us over,” said Day. “I will reach up and grab you by the throat for the people of Rockland County.”
ראפ עציטש עטגינייאראפ ןופ גאט א טלעוו רעראג יד רעביא ןופ ןרעטנעצ ג"עט
זא עיגאלענכעט ןופ געוו רעד ןטערטעגסיוא
םידומיל עלעיצעפס - יננה ךעלדיימ ןוא ןעיורפ ראפ
תוקזחתהו תוררועתה יסוניכ ףטו ,םישנ ,םישנאל
ץועיי ןוא גנוטיילגאב ןרעטלע ןוא םיכנחמ ראפ
ןוא ןעגנוזייוונא רעטליפ עיצאלאטסניא
ןרעטנעצ געט 55 ךילטלעוולא
ג"פשת ןויס שדוח שאר ברע
MAY 19 - 24, 2023
The Republican county executive said that the mayor was acting like a bully, blindsiding Rockland and expecting the county to acquiesce to his directive.
“You are not getting away with this,” said Day. “You picked the wrong person to fight with.”
Also objecting to Adams’ plan was Congressman Mike Lawler, who labeled it “reckless.” Lawler said that Rockland should not bear the brunt of President Joe Biden’s disastrous immigration policies.
“Rockland County has never been a sanctuary county, and our residents don’t want it to become one now,” said Lawler. “If New York City wants to put these radical policies in place, that’s on them, but it is not our responsibility to deal with the consequences of their failed policies.”
Adams made headlines of his own last week, accusing Texas Governor Greg Abbott of targeting African-American mayors by sending busloads of migrants to their cities, reported Fox News. Abbott categorized those allegations as “falsehoods” and “outright lies,” saying that Adams is well aware that migrants choose their destination cities on their own.
With car thefts on the rise in the city, Mayor Eric Adams is turning to technology to help citizens recover stolen vehicles, recommending that people place Apple AirTag tracking devices in their vehicles.
Hiding an AirTag in a car would give owners the ability to track their vehicles in real time, should they be stolen. NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey described the plan as “21st century policing,” giving police the ability to use drones and other technology to locate stolen vehicles.
A two-minute video released by the NYPD recommends placing an AirTag in a location where it wouldn’t be easily noticed by car thieves. Adams was quick to note that AirTags would not be used to monitor private citizens; rather, car owners who discover that their cars were stolen should contact the NYPD and authorize them to use the tracking data to locate their vehicles.
The New York Post reported that 500 AirTags donated by the Association for Better New York are being distributed to city residents, particularly in the Bronx, which has been plagued with carjackings. Adams said that his office is working on fundraising to purchase additional AirTags, but with a $29 price tag, the Apple trackers are a relatively inexpensive way for private citizens to keep tabs on their vehicles.
A North Carolina couple made news in February when they used an AirTag to locate their Toyota Camry, which had been stolen from their driveway while they were sleeping, reported Fox News. Af-
ter realizing the car was gone, Antar and Leslie Muhammad used their smartphones to pinpoint the car’s location, and then shared that information with local police. Within two and a half hours, their car had been recovered, and three underage suspects were arrested for the crime.
“It’s important for people to be aware of what’s out there to support them when it comes to their own personal safety and your items — your home, your cars,” said Leslie Muhammad. “If there’s an easy, especially low-budget way to keep your home and family secure, that’s the best way to do it.”
More than three years since it first classified the pandemic as an international emergency, the World Health Agency declared a symbolic end to COVID, downgrading it to a global health threat.
The Associated Press reported that WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the official change in status on May 5.
WHO first conferred global emergency status on the pandemic on January 30, 2020, well before major outbreaks were reported in China. While officials originally feared that COVID would wreak havoc in countries with weaker health systems, it was actually better-prepared countries like the United States and Britain that saw the greatest number of deaths. COVID hit the United States harder than any other country, with more than a million losing their lives in the pandemic.
While official estimates say that COVID took 7 million lives, the WHO has said the actual number of fatalities is at least 20 million and that recent COVID spikes are being reported in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
Looking ahead to the future, WHO emergencies chief Dr. Michael Ryan emphasized the importance of having worldwide leaders formulate a pandemic treaty to determine how to deal with future global health threats.
Recap: Riva’s new coworker, Shuli Nieder, starts her job with a disturbingly high level of confidence. Yaakov Stroh asks Chaim Tzvi to return the money he lent for construction.
Walls, Lani told anyone who would listen, meant it was really happening.
It was funny to think that Shifra hadn’t yet been born when the demolition of their house had begun. Now Lani had to hold her baby’s hands tightly while she did her daily inspection of the renovation so she wouldn’t get hurt by any of the exposed wires, pipes or nails.
She started with the second floor, instinctively scanning the place for uninvited neighbors.
Well, walls. The master and the baby room had turned from skeletal studs into enclosed spaces.
“This is where you’re going to sleep, sweetie,” Lani said to Shifra, patting the baby’s head as she took in the grayish surfaces of the brand-new Sheetrock.
The baby room had been Yaakov
Stroh’s idea. He’d sketched it out on one of his thousands of sheets of grid paper he’d used to draft layouts for the Eisdorfs’ house, “just for fun.” When they’d shown his idea to their architect, he’d actually been impressed and incorporated it in the final version. Seeing the framing now, along with the adorable little closet and toy niche, Lani’s imagination took her to pastel paint colors and the prettiest baby linens. This nursery was one of the house’s luxuries she could hardly wait to start enjoying.
Shifra fidgeted in Lani’s arms, trying to break out of her clutches, but the sudden sound of a drill frightened her and made her tighten her grip.
Lani stepped out of the baby room and walked across the hallway to greet the workers. “Hi, Oscar!” she said cheerily. “This place is starting to look like a house. Wow!”
The worker wiped his forehead with
a towel and gave a tired smile. “Yes, missus.”
Lani switched Shifra over to her other arm and wriggled a bag off her elbow. “Here, have some soda,” she told Oscar.
“Oh, thank you. Thank you, missus, thank you.” He took the bag and distributed the cans among the workers.
“How far do you think you’ll get today?” Lani asked.
The soda wasn’t a bribe. It was only… an incentive. She constantly brought up treats for the workers, hoping it would somehow motivate them to speed things up. Not that they were deliberately taking their time, “It’s just, you know, my hishtadlus,” she’d explained to Chaim Tzvi. “It can’t hurt, right?”
As the workers snapped their cans open, she heard voices float up from downstairs. It wasn’t Gittel Indig this time. It was Chaim Tzvi — and Andy.
“You can trust me, Andy, you know that,” Chaim Tzvi was saying. “You just tell the guys not to take so many lunch breaks. My wife is threatening that she’s going to stop cooking dinner if we don’t move upstairs soon.”
“I trust you,” Andy was saying. “But look, I have to do payroll tomorrow. Please, Svi, give me a check, okay?”
Chaim Tzvi started saying something at the same moment that Oscar turned his drill on, so his voice got swallowed up. But really, did it matter which joke her husband would use to placate the contractor? There wouldn’t be a check for Andy this week. Any check Chaim Tzvi would write in the near future would go to Yaakov, to repay his loan.
And next week? How long would it take before Andy instructed his workers to pause construction?
The smell of wood dust overtook her, settling horribly in her throat. They had been so close to doing it; so close to gaining their space, to living comfortably, to enjoying a little privacy, a little air.
But there were only so many walls a few soda cans could put up.
How could Yaakov do this to us? Does
Riva even know?
Back in their basement apartment fifteen minutes later, she found Chaim Tzvi sitting at the table, a scattering of envelopes in front of him.
“There’s so much money on our table here, enough to build an apartment complex.”
“None of this is ours,” Chaim Tzvi said quickly.
“I know.”
She wanted to ask him what the plan was, how they were going to cover construction costs, how he’d finished his conversation with Andy. But she
didn’t, because what was the point? This wasn’t Chaim Tzvi’s fault. He was trying his best; it wouldn’t help to pile on more pressure.
Instead, she got to work in the kitchen. There were no new orders to fill, but she liked to keep a stock of foods that had a longer shelf life, like salad dressings, to save herself time when she had to put together a large order on short notice.
Chaim Tzvi left for an appointment with some big name gvir. Lani instinctively reached for the phone to call Riva, who would be home from work by then, but hung up before she finished dialing. From the silence upstairs, she gathered that Andy and his crew had left for the day, and she couldn’t help the dismal thought — who knows if they’ll ever be back?
No, she was not in the mood of talking to Riva just then.
No orders came in over the next hour, and Lani found herself oddly restless. Not because there was nothing to take care of — her own family also needed to eat — but the day felt like it had pushed itself along with nothing to show for it. She checked her cellphone absently every few minutes, as though that would make customers call. Strange, because although she always wanted orders to come in, she usually drew in breath when they did, because orders meant work, and work was never easy. But now it suddenly felt urgent for her business to be active. She needed the work because she needed the money.
Ha. Right. Because an order now would totally rescue us, sure. It would maybe cover the cost of one doorknob. If we downgrade, that is.
When the little kids came home, she tried getting them busy with some toys, but they weren’t interested. They only wanted to stand around her on stepstools and watch her cook supper.
At 4:40, Malky, Shana and Chevi walked in. Still wearing her coat, Chevi joined the kids around Lani.
By then Lani’d had enough. “Kids!” she yelled. “Can everyone please go do something and get off me so I can actually cook?”
OZ took a step back, and Simcha started crying. Okay, she hadn’t meant to yell like that. She tousled his curls, as though to apologize.
Chevi, meanwhile, shrank away and disappeared.
A little later, when the kids sat down to eat supper, Lani noticed Chevi picking at her food.
“How was your math test today, Chevi?” Lani asked her.
Chevi smashed a potato wedge flat with her fork. “Whatever,” she muttered.
The kids had eaten supper and were doing their own thing around the house, better she shouldn’t know what. She was supposed to start baths, clean up the kitchen, and set the table for round two of supper, but her feet couldn’t hold her up anymore. When she sat down to feed the baby, the couch was so welcoming. Riva closed her eyes and pleasantly allowed her mind to clear, pause every one of her racing thoughts, and just sink into a puff of clouds.
She had no idea how long she’d
Feeding Eli was a phenomenal excuse for Riva to shut her eyes for a few minutes smack in middle of Crazy
slept when she was startled awake by the sound of the door opening.
“Oh, hi, Yaakov.”
The baby whimpered, opened his eyes, closed them again, then opened them and blinked.
Riva was still trying to process what planet she was on when Yaakov plunked his hat down on the table and turned to her with a wide grin on his face. “I found someone,” he blurted.
He pulled over a dining room chair, sat down, and crossed his legs.
Riva rubbed Eli’s back and looked at her husband with confusion. “What?”
“A mentor,” he said, as though it was self-understood and why was she even asking such a funny question.
“Uh, were you looking for a mentor?”
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“Of course. Everyone who wants to become an architect needs one. It’s the only way forward.”
An architectural mentor, oh.
“His name is Eric Moore,” Yaakov went on, “and he’s pretty reasonably priced, compared to others I researched.”
The last wisp of sleep vanished.
She got off the couch and put Eli down on the floor. “Are you ready for supper?”
“Uh, yes. I guess.”
In the kitchen, Riva swiftly cleared the table from the children’s supper and set out flatware. She turned the flame under the soup up and waited a minute for the soup to bubble. Then she filled up a bowl and took it to the table. “Here,” she told Yaakov. “I’ll bathe the kids meanwhile. I had soup already.”
“I could do baths. There’s no rush.”
“It’s fine. Just eat the soup.”
If she was acting a little standoffish, too bad. She had to keep herself busy now. Busy and distracted.
The baths went one-two-three — Tzippy, Eli, pajamas, bed — and then she sent Shaya into the shower.
Yaakov hadn’t touched the soup yet when she returned to the kitchen. He had a folder open in front of him, and he was squinting down at some papers inside.
He looked up when he realized Riva was back. He threw a glance at Fraidy, who was hunting for something in the fridge, then asked quietly, “What’s wrong, Rivs?”
“Nothing. I’m happy you found a mentor. Who is he?”
“No, it isn’t nothing. I thought you’d be happy to hear that I’m really doing this. Isn’t this what we discussed? Your way out of your job?”
Riva pressed down on her fork’s end so the handle rose up in the air. “Yes,” she said. Then she let out a burst of breath and dropped her hands down on the table. What should she tell him? That it was all nice and wonderful that he was taking the first step toward his career but that she couldn’t go to work tomorrow?
What was the point? He was doing the right thing. The responsible thing. Venting about Shuli Nieder now would only make him feel bad, and he wouldn’t be able to do anything to
make the situation less miserable. His schooling was going to take years, and even if he’d be able to start working before he got his license, it would still take a while before they could rely on his income. Meanwhile, she was going to have to stick it out at work. He got a mentor, and he was enrolling in school, which meant his architectural work was starting to cost them money. There was an endlessly long hike ahead before they’d see the sunshine.
She straightened her back and forced a smile onto her face. “Yes, of course, and you’re doing the right thing. Sorry, I was just tired. Should I reheat your soup?”
She kept up the front straight through supper and all the way until Yaakov left the house for night seder. Then, facing the mess in the kitchen, the weakness returned. She didn’t want to burden Yaakov, but she did need to let off some steam.
Okay, sisters. She had only one, and that one sister was going to have to suffer through her kvetching. She hitched the phone headset over her ear and went over to the sink to start washing dishes.
Lani answered after the third ring.
“Don’t ask,” Riva started, finally allowing her anger to escape. “My boss hired a new girl, and guess what she’s going to be doing? She’s going to oversee the billing. Should I remind you who’s been doing the billing at Kleenup for the past twelve years?”
“That’s your job, right?”
“Yessss.” She poured soap onto the sponge and started scrubbing the first plate. “And I don’t need 19-year-old shnooks overseeing me. Especially ones who wear Moschino sweaters and by some form of magic do not require any training.”
“Sounds tough.”
Riva stacked the soapy plate on one side of the sink. She wanted to go on and tell Lani about the strange interview and about the new desk right next to hers, but she bit the words back. Something was off in Lani’s voice.
Her sister didn’t sound very commiserating. In fact, she sounded downright cold.
ערעייז ןבירשעגנייא ןיוש ןבאה עכלעוו 'יחיש ןרעטלע עבושח ןופ עגארפכענ עסיורג יד ךאנ
זא ןייז עידומ רימ ןליוו ,ףעטס ענעבעגרעביא ענעפורעגסיוא ריא טימ ,הרות דומלת רעזנוא ןיא
ןסאלק ערענעלק ךוניח רעשידיסח טראדנאטס רעכעה א ראפ טלעטש רדח עילאקס
דימלת ןדעי ראפ
ןריפ רעכלעוו רעביטש
ןסאלק עלא
ןפא ןענעז גאטנוז ךיוא
ןסאלק עלא
ה"יא ןגאפנא ךיז ןלעוו
ירפוצ רעגייזא 9:00
)גאטיירפ - גאטנאמ(
םידימלת עיינ ןא ןעמענ רימ
:סיפא יד טימ ךייא טדניבראפ
רעמוז יד פמעק-יעדראפ
ןיוש ןעמענ סנעשעקילפארימ ןא
יבר סאב עיירטעג א ךרוד טיילגאב
.סרעוויירד עשימייה טימ ,ריט וצ ריט ןופ
By now, you’re in a nonrestrictive mindset and have a clear picture of what your day-to-day food plan looks like. You have a game plan that includes structure and portion control, yet allows you to feel physically and emotionally satisfied.
But even with all that in place, there’s more to the picture. There are times when life’s big emotions can spill over into your food plan. So let’s take a look at what that’s all about, because understanding emotional eating will allow you to manage it more effectively.
Please notice that the goal is to manage your emotional eating, not to eliminate it or fight it.
Emotional eating is a complex phenomenon that stems from our innate physiological makeup. We all
experience moments of stress, sadness or boredom. Those can overwhelm us and trigger a desire to seek comfort in food. This is due, in part, to the release of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine in our brains, which are activated when we consume certain types of food.
These neurotransmitters help alleviate our negative emotions, leading to a sense of temporary satisfaction and comfort. In other words, the food acts like a drug — kind of like what Tylenol does for a headache. And while we want to get to the root of where the headache came from so we can prevent future headaches, there is no major harm in temporarily treating a headache with Tylenol. The same
goes for emotional eating. Of course we want to process our emotions at their root, but my belief is that there is also no major harm in eating something to relieve our emotions. The problem begins when we engage in emotional overeating.
There is so much information and advice available to help us learn to manage our emotions without using food as a drug. There are tools to process the urge to overeat, like taking a walk, journaling, taking a bath or hot shower, deep breathing, embracing the discomfort, saying Tehillim, and more. All these tools are fantastic, but they can be challenging to implement when you’re emotionally overwhelmed. So my suggestion is to actually first take the emotions down a notch or two with a modest amount of something delicious. Then, when your emotions are less intense (thank you, serotonin, and thank you, dopamine!), switch over to one of the tools listed above. In other words, while this may be a bit unconventional, I believe that emotional eating does have its place.
Think of the flip side. For many people, emotional eating turns into “guilt eating” and “regret eating” because they feel disappointed that they “messed up” — and this just exacerbates the problem. They end up with the original emotional upset plus the added layer of guilt, disappointment and regret, leading them to continue eating well past what was potentially useful or necessary. However, when we allow ourselves a small amount of emotional eating, just enough to take down the intensity of the emotions a bit, we accomplish several things at once:
• We help alleviate the original negative or intense emotions, reducing them to a more manageable level.
• What we resist, persists. By embracing rather than resisting a moderate amount of emotional eating, we reduce the shame, disappointment and guilt that tends to come along with veering slightly from our game plan.
• By reducing the guilt, we inevitably reduce the extra eating that tends to follow, making it less likely for our emotional eating to turn into emotional overeating.
• Once the intensity of our emotions has been relieved, we’ll be better positioned to practice all the other helpful tools that actually do alleviate strong emotions — tools we may not have been willing or able to utilize in our intensely emotional state.
Of course, it’s smart to do the inner work needed to process and manage intense emotions. That’s a no-brainer, and I believe it’s something that we’re all working on, on some level. This kind of work is a process, though, and in the meantime, most of us have moments where we are flooded emotionally, and where food seems like the only solution. And while I’m not advocating for this to be the case, I am taking a realistic approach where we can manage our emotional eating rather than letting it overtake us.
Basya Kovacs is a health and wellness coach. She sees clients 1:1 as well as in group settings via Zoom. Basya can be reached at bkcoaching2023@gmail. com or via her website mybkcoaching.com. BKcoaching is under the auspices of Rabbi Chaim Shabes, shlita.
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 sticks butter, melted and cooled
2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 ¼ cups flour
3 tsp. baking powder
¾ cup milk
2 8oz. block
cream cheese
1 container
Bakers Choice
Dairy Nougat
¼ cup sugar
2 eggs
½ stick butter
¼ cup sugar
½ cup flour
Directions: Batter: Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy. add rest of the ingredients and mix until combined. Pour into two lined 3 lb. pans.
Filling: Beat ingredients together. Pour over batter and marbleize.
CrumBs: mix ingredients together. sprinkle over cake.
Bake at 350˚F for 1 hr. and 10 minutes. let cool.
garnish: melt dairy milk chocolate and drizzle over loaf.
coming next week: soft-bite pretzel cookies
It’s cheesecake season, and most of us are excited — but we don’t want to neglect those with allergies. These beautiful and decadent dairy-free recipes will ensure that everyone gets to celebrate.
Sponsored by:
All ingredients listed in this week’s recipes are available for purchase at Breadberry
Have your cake and eat it, too! An all-around favorite can now be enjoyed by those with food allergies — or anyone who wants a treat after a fleishig meal.
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 T. cinnamon
¾ cup oil
1 T. vanilla sugar
1¼ cup Wondermills flour
2 T. orange juice
1 cup grated carrots
3 (8 oz.) packages Mehadrin pareve cream cheese
8 oz. Mehadrin pareve sour cream
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 T. vanilla sugar
8 oz. pareve sour cream
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a 9-inch springform pan with parchment paper, and grease the sides of the pan.
1. In a mixing bowl, mix together the eggs and sugar.
2. Gradually add the rest of the ingredients.
3. Pour the batter into the prepared springform cake pan. Tap the pan on the counter to bring the bubbles to the surface.
4. Bake the cake for 30 to 35 minutes.
5. Cool completely. Use a spoon to press lightly on the cake to flatten it slightly.
1. Beat together all ingredients until the mixture is creamy.
2. Pour the cheesecake batter over the carrot cake.
3. Wrap the bottom and sides of the pan with a large piece of foil, making sure the foil rises above the sides of the pan.
4. Place the springform pan inside a cake pan. Fill the outer pan with water, halfway up its sides.
5. Bake the cake at 325° for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
6. Turn off the oven, and let the cheesecake cool in the oven.
7. Freeze the cake overnight.
8. Gently remove cheesecake from the pan.
1. Mix together the sour cream and confectioners’ sugar until smooth.
2. Spread this on top of the cheesecake, then decorate as desired.
Beautifully festive, these are almost too pretty to eat!
2 sticks margarine
¾ cup sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
3 cups Wondermills flour
8 oz. Mehadrin pareve cream cheese
1 stick margarine
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
2 bars of two-tone pareve chocolate
1. Cream together the margarine and sugars.
2. Gradually add the rest of the ingredients to form a soft dough.
3. Using a 2-inch scooper, scoop balls, placing 12 cookies on a lined cookie sheet. The cookies will spread while baking.
4. Bake the cookies at 350° for 15 minutes. Allow the cookies to cool.
5. Meanwhile, prepare the frosting: Cream together the pareve cream cheese, margarine and confectioners’ sugar until smooth.
6. Using a butter knife, apply a layer of frosting to the top of each cookie.
7. Chop the chocolate, and arrange it around the edges of the cookies.
Elegant and heavenly, these caramelized peaches are irresistible.
6-8 Ostreicher vanilla cookies
4-6 fresh peaches or 1 lb. frozen peaches
3 T. margarine
3 T. brown sugar
16 oz. whip topping, whipped 8 oz. Mehadrin pareve cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1. Crush the cookies, then set them aside.
2. To prepare the peaches, slice them thinly.
3. In a large nonstick skillet, melt the margarine. Add the brown sugar, and stir until the sugar has dissolved in the margarine.
4. Add the peaches, and toss to coat them in the brown sugar mixture.
5. Sauté the peaches for 10 to 15 minutes or until they are heated through and can be pierced easily with a knife. Allow them to cool.
6. Beat the whip topping on high speed until stiff. Add the cream cheese and sugar, and mix until combined.
1. Place a layer of crumbs at the bottom of a dessert cup.
2. Spoon some of the whipped topping mixture over the crumbs.
3. Add a few slices of caramelized peaches.
4. Add another layer of whip, then top with additional peaches.
Baking up a storm? From baking essentials to gourmet toppings, make sure you have Lieber's premium products on handit's always a sweet deal!
This recipe is so easy to make, it comes together in just minutes. But by its beautiful presentation and incredible flavors, nobody would ever guess!
Caramel Cheese Filling
1 jar Lieber’s Caramel Cream
2 eggs
1 teaspoon Lieber’s Pure Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoon salt
8 oz brick cream cheese, room temp.
Assembly and Topping
1 Lieber’s Graham Cracker Pie Crust
1 can Lieber’s Apple Pie Filling
Whipped Cream
Reserved Lieber’s Caramel Cream
Lieber’s Nut Crunch
1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Set aside 1/4 cup caramel cream. Place remaining caramel cream into blender.
3. Add eggs, vanilla extract, salt and cream cheese. Blend until combined and smooth.
4. Pour cheese mixture into pie crust. Bake for 30 min, until mostly set.
5. Remove from oven and spread pie filling over the top. Return to oven and bake for another 20-25 minutes, until pie is set. Refrigerate until fully cooled.
6. To garnish: pipe a dollop of whipped cream over the pie. Top with a drizzle of reserved caramel and a sprinkle of nut crunch. Plan ahead: Freeze until ready to serve. Defrost and garnish just before.
Freezer Friendly
You know what’s better than an amazing homemade chocolate chip cookie? A perfect homemade cookie packed with milk chocolate chips, nut brittle for crunch, and a perfectly chewy texture!
1 cup Lieber’s Avocado Oil
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
2 Tablespoon Lieber’s Cornstarch
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon Lieber’s Pure Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoon Lieber’s Baking Soda
1 pack Lieber’s Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix
2 1/2 cups flour
1 bag (9 oz) Lieber’s Milk Chocolate Chips
3/4 cup Lieber’s White Chocolate Chips
1 cup Lieber’s Almond or Hazelnut Brittle
1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.
2. With an electric mixer, beat together oil, eggs, sugar, corn starch, salt, vanilla extract, baking soda, and vanilla pudding mix on medium speed until combined and creamy.
3. Turn mixer speed to low and add flour. Mix until just combined.
4. Add both chocolate chips and nut brittle. Stir until evenly distributed.
5. Use a medium cookie scoop or heaping tablespoon to scoop out balls of dough and place on prepared baking sheet.
6. Bake for about 9 minutes, until set. Allow cookies to cool before serving, as nuts are soft when warm.
Variation: Instead of cookies, make cookie sticks: form dough into a log and bake for 15-18 minutes. Cool, then slice into sticks.
Freezer Friendly
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Ever wonder where milk comes from? You know it comes from cows… but did you ever think about the steps it takes to produce the neatly labeled plastic bottles of frothy white milk that somehow turns up so reliably in your fridge? In honor of Shavuos, The Boro Park View spoke to representatives of Golden Flow to find out what’s involved in the production, packaging and distribution of thousands of bottles of milk each day.
The dairy farm from which Golden Flow receives its milk is located in central New York, over many sprawling acres of grasslands. More than three thousand cows live on those grasslands. Imagine a large, open-air, grassy and smelly city; that’s what the farm, barns, machinery and supply buildings look like. The farm also employs over 30 workers, as well as two mashgichim who are on guard in shifts to maintain the kashrus of the cows’ milk and ensure that no foreign objects are mixed into the milk.
Outdoors, there are acres and acres of grass where the cows can roam around and graze. At night, the cows are herded into their barns. The farm has three barns, with each barn home to approximately 1,000 cows. If the farm is like a city, then the barns are like the city blocks (albeit roofed blocks to provide the cows with shelter from the elements). The barns are divided into stalls, or mini “apartments,” with room in each stall housing approximately three to four cows. The stalls are divided with gates, with a long walkway running down the length of the barn like a roadway so that the farmers can easily walk through the barn and tend to the animals.
Morning and evening, the cows are fed a special diet of chopped corn and hay along with necessary vitamins and minerals
For the milking itself, the cows are herded, one barn at a time, through the grassy outdoors to the milking parlor. After a team of about four farmers herds the cows to the milking parlor, another team of farmhands takes over in the stalls, removing any cow manure and sprucing up the cows’ sleeping area so that all wet sawdust is replaced and any bare areas are filled. (The sawdust covers the area to give a degree of comfort to the cows.) This process takes place three times a day.
Further along, at the milking parlor, the cows are hooked up to milking machines. As there are only about forty milking machines in the milking parlor, the rest of the cows moo about patiently in the adjacent holding area, with a team of farmers watching and caring for them. Think of a school yard at recess time — that holding area is a study in controlled pandemonium.
Inside the milking parlor, farmhands hook the cows up to the milking machines as a mashgiach observes to ensure that the process introduces no foreign objects to the cows’ milk. The milking machines have auto-sensors that detect when the cow’s milk flow is down to a trickle, and that’s when the machine will automatically detach itself from the cow, making for a relatively simple and painless milking process.
After they’ve been milked, the cows are herded outdoors to the grassy area where they can graze to their hearts’ content while the next group of cows are brought from the holding area into the milking area.
How do the farmers ensure that no cow is milked twice or accidentally overlooked? In addition to the fact that a systematic manner is employed to herd the cows, and that four farmers are always on hand at each post to herd the cows from one place to the next, the field rep whom I spoke to explained that the cows are all easily identifiable by the special tags attached to their ears.
“Nowadays,” the rep explained, “most farms employ special cow tags. In addition to allowing the cows to be easily identified, the chips have special sensors in them that automatically pick up on all of the cow’s vitals. If a cow is sick with a fever, or if her heart rate is too quick, the herd manager will automatically receive a message to his computer notifying him about the issue.”
The herd manager’s job entails taking ill animals out of the main area to the farm’s on-site hospital. Because
yes, like any proper city, the farm, home to thousands of livestock, has a hospital, too, where sick cows are treated by a resident vet.
Back at the milking parlor, the milk is transferred into large storage vats. This storage is only temporary, until the milk can be transferred from the on-site refrigerators to the huge, fully sanitized bulk tank trucks. Obviously, a mashgiach is on hand while the transfer takes place.
Within 24 hours of the time of milking, the milk is transported, via huge bulk tanks, to the processing and packaging plant. The bulk tanks that transport the milk are like tremendous, elliptical shaped refrigerators that attach directly to a trailer on wheels. The tanks are completely clean, save for the fresh milk inside them.
Before the milk may be brought into the packaging plant, however, a vial of liquid is removed from the tank — with the mashgiach on-hand to ensure that no mix-ups have occurred — and taken indoors to be tested for bacteria and germs. Only after the milk has been deemed completely safe and bacteria-free is it allowed into the packaging plant where it is sent to one of the processing lines.
The processing lines are where the milk is pasteurized and processed into those final, familiar dairy products. Pasteurization ensures that the milk is completely sterile while being transformed into the either low-fat milk, whole milk, cheese or other milk-based products. Once the final product is ready, it’s stored in one of the processing plant’s huge refrigerators, and from there it’s moved along to distribution — the huge trucks that take the milk from the plant to the stores.
From the farm straight to your table.
Ultimately, that’s exactly what cow’s milk is all about — with a whole lot of behind-the-scenes work, devotion and care along the way.
When speaking with a dedicated employee at the CRC, who gave his time to explain the kashrus process of milk, the very first thing he shared was already a new piece of information. As he went on to explain, much of the hashgacha of milk production involves the circumvention of an issue that was especially prevalent three years ago and causes cows to become treif.
Visions of mashgichim finding holes in the lungs of slaughtered oxen were immediately shelved, because this is live livestock we’re talking about, so what, exactly, does a treif cow mean?
To explain in layman’s terms, a hole made in a cow’s stomach renders it treif. Now, while eating or giving birth, some
cows may have their abomasum, which is the fourth and final stomach compartment in cud-chewing animals, move out of place. This phenomenon in cow health sickens the animal in question and requires surgery, hence the danger of the cow becoming treif
How is this controlled? Each cow is assigned a number at birth, whose function is similar to our social security numbers. These numbers, along with the careful record-keeping of the non-kosher milk farm that the kosher milk-supplying farm for Golden Flow is affiliated with, make it simple to flag any DA (displaced abomasum) cow slated for surgery and move it to the non-kosher farm.
Let your mind be blown, and prepare to gain a deeper appreciation for the exacting work that is done to make our milk kosher — from the cow to your coffee.
With all that cleared and the kosher farm housing only kosher cows, the milking can take place — but, wait! This can only happen once the mashgiach has arrived on site and checked that the milk tanks are clean. With his go-ahead, and with his constant supervision, the cows can be milked and the milk pumped into the tankers.
And these aren’t just any tankers, either.
Here’s halacha 101: Treif fluids that are cold will, after 24 hours, render their vessel treif as if the fluid or food had been cooked. To prevent milk tankers from becoming treif from nonkosher milk and to preclude the need to kasher, Golden Flow uses exclusively kosher milk tankers.
At this point the milk is safely in its fully kosher tanker. Now the mashgiach can withdraw the kosher seal that has been locked up in his desk. He seals the tanker and sends it off to the bottling facility.
At the milk’s next stop, the mashgiach of the bottling facility awaits the tankers and checks the seal to affirm its authenticity and to check that it hasn’t been broken. Only then can he give the green light to have the seal broken at last. Under his watchful eye, the milk is pumped into new tanks and sealed again. Now it’s on to the pasteurizer, an exclusively chalav Yisroel machine that only the mashgiach has the key to power on. After pasteurization, with a mashgiach on hand, the milk is finally bottled.
Ready for a shocker? Check out the breakdown of raw milk fresh from the cow: Milk fat composes a whopping… 4%, lactose accounts for 5%, protein for 3.4%, and vitamins and minerals for 1%. The other 87%? Water.
Before bottling, fresh, raw milk is put through a separator, a machine that spins the milk at a furious pace of 2,000 rounds per minute. This process splits the lighter part, the cream, from the heavier water. (I know, right? I also thought that the cream is heavier, what with its being associated with all things rich and heavy and Shavuos-related! But think about how cream always floats to the top, and here’s your aha moment.)
Now we can demystify milk bottle colors.
Red milk is full-fat. That means that 3% of the fat is added back to the milk. Blue gets 1%, and fat-free milk, none. Incidentally, butter is milkfat at its fullest extent, after being spun in a churning machine to bind the fat content together and get rid of excess water.
In the words of our CRC source: The way milk comes out of the cow as a fluid, with all of its various components bound together, is niflaos haborei
And I will add that the vigilance of the mashgichim devoted to ensuring that the milk we drink is purely kosher is simply an inspiration.
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Steven Siegel MD | Stuie Goldwasser RPA-CAfter weeks of struggling with her toddler’s repeated ear infections and persistent stuffy nose, Chani’s pediatrician suggested she take him off milk. Dairy could exacerbate adenoid issues, he said. And even though the thought of going dairy-free frightened her, Chani was ready to do anything to help her son breathe free.
Thus began her journey into the world of look-alikes and taste-alikes, in search of a milk substitute that her son would actually enjoy.
Chani soon discovered that the shelves in our supermarkets and health food stores actually offer quite a selection of options for those looking to stay pareve. With so many people suffering from lactose intolerance and dairy allergies, and others simply being coffeeholics, plant-based milks are way more popular than one might think.
“My first try was SOY MILK,” Chani says. “Somehow, it was the first thing that came to mind, maybe because it’s the oldest alternative around.”
It looks like milk, it tastes like milk, but it isn’t milk
Derived from soybeans, soy milk is most similar to cow’s milk. It’s high in protein and contains all essential amino acids.
Those who go for its distinct bean taste are able to enjoy it in their cereal, or in just about any recipe that calls for milk. (It may curdle when added to coffee, though, so try whisking it in the cup before adding water and coffee.) Soy is also used in certain dairy-free baby formulas, and soy-based tofu can substitute for cream cheese to make cheesecake and loads of other pareve “cheese” delicacies.
However, Chani grew hesitant about soy when she read that it may be linked to hormonal issues.
high in carbs and low in protein and fat, so its natural nutrient base is low.”
That’s why most brands add vitamins and minerals to rice milk.
RICE MILK was next on her list of milk alternatives to try. Its neutral, delicately sweet taste was softer to digest, and Chani found her son preferred it over soy milk with his cereal.
Because rice milk is one of the most hypoallergenic milks, it is a great choice for those who are allergic to dairy, nuts and soy. It is also rather inexpensive.
“But the disadvantage to rice milk,” Chani says, “is that it’s
OAT MILK is gaining popularity these days. It’s a rich source of nutrients, with more calories and carbs but less protein when compared to almond and soy milk.
Oat milk has a creamy texture, which makes it a favorite in coffees and lattes. Many commercial coffee shops are beginning to offer an oat milk option for their popular drinks. It can also be found in ice cream, yogurt and chocolate. Some people, however, prefer to stay away from oat milk because of its high calorie content.
Chani’s next attempt was COCONUT MILK. Coconut milk is known to be rich and creamy, although it does have a subtle whiff of coconut.
Coconut milk should not be confused with coconut water found inside fresh coconuts. The milk is made from ground coconut, which is squeezed and processed to produce the creamy milk. It is high in saturated fat and an excellent substitute for dairy cream.
“But while coconut milk is great when consumed in small amounts or used in recipes (think pina colada!), most people do not enjoy drinking a whole glass of coconut milk on its own,” Chani explains.
That’s why she continued looking for an option that would work as a plain, old-fashioned choice to drink.
The Chinese have been enjoying soy milk for millennia, long before it arrived on U.S. shores in the nineteenth century.
Almond milk dates as far back as the Middle Ages. In 2013, it surpassed soy milk as the most popular plant-based milk in the United States.
The first rice milk factory was built in 1921 by Vita Rice Products Co. The Rice Dream brand was launched in 1990.
Oat milk was developed in the 1990s by a food scientist in Sweden. Of late, it’s become more popular, with oat milk sales in the United States increasing by 303% from 2019 to 2020.
Besides being a healthful drink, coconut milk is a great cosmetic moisturizer that can keep skin nice and supple.
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To a novice, it may seem as if plant-based alternatives are a super healthy way to go. The health-minded among us, however, will remind us to take into consideration all the additives manufacturers add. Some companies add sugar and flavorings to make the milks more appealing, or gums and starches to improve their texture. If you’re looking to go dairy-free and don’t want to compromise on the wholesomeness of the product, make sure to check product labels. The fewer ingredients listed, the purer the milk will be.
And if you have the time and interest, you may want to consider making your own!
Homemade almond milk is delicious, nutritious and full of calcium!
Directions: Soak almonds for 4 to 6 hours. Spill out the water. Add 4 cups of fresh water to 1 cup of almonds, and blend well. Strain using a cheesecloth. If the almonds are skinned, the milk will be easier to strain, but it will be just as delicious when made from whole almonds with their skins intact.
Note: Almond milk will last up to four days in the refrigerator and can also be frozen.
Homemade oat milk is quick, tasty and allergen-free!
Directions: Blend 1 cup of rolled oats with 3 cups of cold water for 30 seconds. Strain using a cheesecloth. You may want to add a pinch of salt, vanilla, cinnamon extract or honey before blending to enhance the taste.
Note: Don’t soak the oats in advance, and don’t overblend, or the milk may become too slimy. This oat milk will last five days in the refrigerator.
Chani knew she’d found a winner when she learned how to make her own ALMOND MILK. The time-consuming process was proven worthwhile when she saw how much her son liked it. From time to time, she buys commercial-made almond milk, too, and she finds almond-based chocolate pudding and yogurts to be a tasty look-alike when her other kids are eating milk-based ones.
Almond milk is mostly water, which makes it low in calories and somewhat less filling than other nondairy milks. And while almonds are high in protein, fiber and antioxidants, much of their nutritional value is lost in the milk-churning process. This may make almond milk more comparable to cow’s skim milk.
“Nevertheless,” Chani finishes, “almond milk is delicious in lattes, over cereal and on its own.”
As Chani searched for the right dairy-free fit for her son, she learned that the saying “Al ta’am v’rei’ach ein l’hisvakei’ach” is right on target.
“When it comes to taste and scent preferences, we mustn’t argue!” she says.
What some of her friends found worked for them didn’t work for her. She spent loads of time and money trying out various brands and products until she hit the right ones, but now she’s glad she did.
Not that her journey ended with finding the right milk! Besides stocking up on milk alternatives, Chani also had to learn to cook non-milchig versions of the same things she served the rest of her kids. She’s baked pareve cheesecake and pareve pizza (finding a pareve cheese that actually melts was quite a search!) and much more. She’s also found a delicious “cream cheese” option, which is derived from butter beans.
Luckily, her son came to love the foods that he could actually eat without suffering the consequences of cow’s milk derivatives. And while her eyes and ears are always open to newer and better options in this expanding market, she’s forever grateful for the abundance of workable substitutes lining our grocery shelves.
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I ADMIT IT: I LIKE MILCHIGS BETTER THAN IT LIKES ME. Most of the year I’m able to “ro’eh es hanolad” and foresee how I’m going to feel a few hours after eating dairy, and so I stick to pareve or fleishigs, but twice a year, I can’t resist and throw all caution to the wind. That happens on Chanukah and Shavuos. After all, it’s a big mitzvah to eat milchigs then (well… it’s a minhag, at least) so I’m moser nefesh and force myself to eat whatever dairy delicacies come my way.
Chanukah is its own story, but for Shavuos, there’s one milchig ma’achal that stands head and shoulders above all — and that’s cheesecake. Now, there are as
many cheesecake recipes as there were Yidden standing at Har Sinai, but one thing — in my humble opinion — that all the best ones have in common is that they are based on thick, creamy, geshmak cream cheese.
But you don’t need to bake it into a batter to enjoy cream cheese. Herbed or plain, cream cheese is always a hit, whether on bagels, crackers, or — as my young einikel asked me to add — licked straight off of one’s fingers.
Honestly, while I don’t know what sort of milchigs our bubbies and zeidies ate that first Shavuos, it probably wasn’t cream cheese. Cream cheese, they say, was first introduced in upstate New York in the 1870s by a farmer named William Lawrence, who sought to make a richer version of the French cheese Neufchatel. He and a shutaf marketed it on a small scale until a cheese broker named Alvah Reynolds reached out to Lawrence to package the cheese under the name Philadelphia Cream Cheese. The rest is history.
CHEESE? It’s a soft and creamy fresh cheese, made from milk and cream and boasting a tangy taste, and it usually comes in two forms — a firmer one in blocks and a softer and more spreadable one in tubs. In commercial production, lactic acid bacteria is added to pasteurized milk to coagulate casein (the protein found in milk) to form curds, and heavy cream is added to adjust the fat content and add creaminess to the final product.
For many years, the ubiquitous cream cheese was hard to find in Eretz Yisroel. That’s why many enterprising Yidden took to making their own from scratch. But lately, even those of us who live in places where cream cheese crams the shelves (except when there are shortages, of course…), have discovered how satisfying, tasty, economical and easy it is to make it ourselves from scratch.
Here’s fair warning: Once you learn how to make your own cream cheese, you may never go back to the store-bought variety again. Homemade cream cheese is super cheap to make, and the flavor is rich, creamy, fluffy and tastes so much better than the store-bought version we’re all used to.
Homemade cream cheese is also healthier. There are no harmful preservatives, gums and stabilizers in homemade cheese that you might find in the store-bought version — just simple, natural ingredients
While all that might be true, you might be thinking, isn’t homemade cream cheese a big patchke to make? The truth is, it could hardly be easier.
Let’s get started.
Yield: This recipe makes approximately 1 cup of cream cheese.
Heavy-bottomed saucepan
Wooden spoon or spatula
Sieve (fine-mesh strainer)
2½ cups whole milk — Yes, whole milk, and not low-fat milk, is the basis for the richness we know and love about cream cheese. Whole milk will also yield more and larger curds than reduced-fat milk, with better results. (And let’s be honest, halevai whole milk should be the fattiest food we eat on Yom Tov.) For even creamier cream cheese, substitute ½ cup of heavy cream for ½ cup of milk.
(Note: It’s important not to use ultra-pasteurized or ultra-high-temperature pasteurized [UHT] milk or cream, as this process alters the milk’s protein structure and prevents cheese curds from forming. Regular pasteurized milk is fine. Most varieties of organic milk on grocery store shelves are ultra-pasteurized, so if you’d like to use organic milk, make sure to check the label carefully.)
3 tablespoons plain white vinegar — You can also use lemon or lime juice, but vinegar works best.
¼ teaspoon (or more) salt
Herbs — Such as dried dill, chives and/ or garlic powder (optional)
HEAT THE MILK: First, bring the milk (or milk and cream mixture) to a simmer (but not to a boil) in a heavy-bottomed saucepan set on medium-high heat. What’s the difference between simmering and boiling? Simmering involves taking a liquid just up to its boiling point and then reducing the heat to just below its boiling point so the liquid is not at a boil. Boiling has large bubbles rising to the surface, and it can cause the milk’s protein and fat components to separate, which will interfere with the cheesemaking process.
You’ll know that the milk is simmering when a small bubble or two breaks through the surface of the liquid every second or so. Tiny bubbles may form around the edge of the pan, and a translucent film may develop over the surface of the milk (if you have an instant-read thermometer, it should register at 190° F.) If more bubbles start to rise to the surface, lower the heat or move the pot to one side of the burner. Let it simmer for about 8 minutes.
ADD ACID: Reduce the heat to medium. Add the acidic vinegar or lemon juice, one tablespoon at a time, at 1-minute intervals. Continue stirring constantly. This starts the process of coagulating the milk into cheese. Because vinegar is used in homemade cream cheese (rather than a microbial starter or rennet, as is often the case with
For the adventurous (and not calorie-conscious), a classy alternative to good ol’ American cream cheese is the superrich and creamy Italian cheese called mascarpone (pronounced mass-car-pone-ei). With twice as much fat as conventional cream cheese, mascarpone is a Renaissanceera invention from the Lombardy region of Northern Italy and a staple ingredient in Italian desserts like tiramisu.
Mascarpone cheese has a mildly sweet, almost nutty taste with a fresh buttery feel. It’s also less tangy than American cream cheese. Yet this gourmet gevinah is almost as easy to make as cream cheese, and the process is very similar.
In brief:
1. Bring 2 cups of (not ultra-pasteurized) heavy cream to a low simmer in a small saucepan. Stir or whisk constantly.
2. Remove the pan from the heat, and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir gently with a metal spoon (not with a whisk, which would dissolve any of the curds you’re attempting to coax into existence). The heavy cream should begin to coagulate and thicken.
3. Add a second tablespoon of lemon juice and stir. Let the pan cool entirely, then transfer it to the refrigerator overnight.
4. In the morning, pour the mixture into a strainer lined with cheesecloth. After draining, squeeze out any excess moisture. Store the cheese in the refrigerator, and use it promptly.
store-bought cream cheese), this homemade cream cheese has a pleasantly tangy finish.
CURDLE: Stir until the mixture has fully curdled and has separated completely into curds (white globular segments) and whey (remaining clear liquid). This should take just a few minutes. Remove from heat.
STRAIN: Run an approximately 18x18-inch piece of finely woven cheesecloth under water, then squeeze out the excess moisture. Lay the cheesecloth in a single layer into a fine-mesh strainer, and place the strainer over a large bowl. Gently pour the curds and whey into the cheesecloth, while making sure that the bottom of the strainer does not touch the liquid in the bowl. Let this drain at room temperature until no more whey drips into the bowl. This should take about 20 minutes. (I knew someone who couldn’t find — or couldn’t be bothered to find — cheesecloth. He poured his mixture into a new white sock and said it worked gevaldig. But I don’t necessarily recommend it, nor am I sure if you could wear that sock afterward when eating fleishigs.) Alternatively, you can use a slotted spoon to scoop out all the curds while leaving the liquid whey in the pot.
BLEND: Last, transfer the curds to a food processor, and process for about 3 to 4 minutes or until the curds have come together and are totally smooth and creamy. If you find that your cream cheese is grainy, keep processing and gradually add a little of the leftover whey back in.
SEASON: Add salt (start with ¼ teaspoon) to taste. Additionally, if you’d like to make herbed cream cheese, now is also a good time to add dried herbs, garlic powder or any other flavors you like (obviously, not if you’re going to use this cream cheese as an ingredient for cheesecake!).
STORAGE: Since this contains fresh milk and has no preservatives, I suggest you store the cream cheese in an airtight container in the fridge for 7 to 10 days. It can also be frozen. However, when defrosted, it might become grainy; if that happens, just run it through your food processor again.
WELL, after that last recipe I’ve probably gained about five pounds just writing this article, but what won’t one do for parnassah? Now I can hardly wait for Shavuos to come around so I can finally be moser nefesh and put my mouth where my money is.
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Close your eyes and picture a quaint country scene, with red-roofed farmhouses, rolling hills of green and the occasional wooden bridge. To complete the picture of complete tranquility, a dozen black and white spotted cows graze in the fields, placidly chewing their cud.
Why the black and white spots? Well, if you live in the United States, that’s the most likely color that your local cow will be. About 86% of all the dairy farm cattle in this country are Holsteins, which boast that ubiquitous black and white pattern.
But nope, not all cows look the same. There are brown, red, and gray cows, plus striped cows and more. The world of cows is far from black and white.
The most famous cow in the world is the one perched on the containers of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. At least, so its owners at Ben & Jerry’s claim. With millions of containers of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream sold every year, they may be right.
Another famous company with a cow mascot is Elmer’s glue. Yep, in the old days, they used protein from cow milk to make their glue! Today, Elmer’s glue is completely synthetic, so you can safely assume it’s pareve
Everyone knows that a red cape infuriates a bull and makes it charge. Right? Well, not really. Scientists have proven that cows don’t have any retina receptors for the color red. That means that they can’t even see red, so the color definitely doesn’t make them angry. Why do bulls charge when the red cape is waved, then? Probably because the cloth being waved makes the bull feel threatened.
Cows have been part of human life for thousands of years. It’s not surprising, then, that a bunch of expressions featuring cows have snuck into our language. Here’s a sampling:
When you take action that’s brave or daring, you’re taking the bull by the horns. Yikes, that would take bravery!
If you’re really worried about someone being upset, you might say that “he’ll have a cow.” Nobody quite knows for sure where that expression comes from.
You can use this expression to refer to someone who’s really clumsy and likely to break anything delicate. But it can also be used to refer to someone who’s tactless and likely to hurt another person’s feelings, or to mean someone very out of place in his surroundings.
Anyone would try to get into a business or industry that is a cash cow, which basically means it’s making lots and lots of money.
Cows have a lot of feelings inside their huge, hulking figures. They like to socialize and even have best friends they like to hang out with most (some even have small cliques that stick together).
Even more, when cows feel taken care of by a human, they are happier — with the result obvious in their milk production. In fact, giving a cow a name and treating her well helps a cow produce almost five hundred more pints of milk per year, on average!
The rarest kind of cow in the world is the miniature panda cow, which is black and has a wide white belt around its middle. It also has white markings near its eyes, just like a panda. There are only about 40 such cows in the entire world.
The biggest cow in the world is a Holstein bull named Knickers, who is 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 1.4 tons. It’s hard to know if this is actually so big, though, because Knickers is 7 years old, whereas most bulls are slaughtered before they’re two years old.
Big Bertha was the oldest cow in the world, dying when she was almost 49 years old. She also held the world record for the cow who had the most calves: an impressive 39.
The cow who gave the most milk ever was actually called by a number, not a name. Her number was 289, and she gave over 54,000 gallons of milk in her lifetime of nineteen years. That’s almost seven gallons of milk a day — enough to fill the fridges of a few families at a time!
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1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to comments@thebpview.com or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
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8-letter words: 9 points
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Z B 190 www.thebpview.com 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View May 10, 2023
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Family name: Schwartz, 718-xxx-4564
Name of winner: Goldy
Amount of points: 59
Names of competing players: Mommy, Chany, Zissy, Malky
Some words only the winner found: drunk, helper, rating, ration, trunk
The longest word found on the board: duration
A new word learned from the board: rung
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Kohn, 646-xxx-0342
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 59
Names of competing players: Yanky
Some words only the winner found: chill, helper, slice
The longest word found on the board: celebration
A new word learned from the board: crude
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Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Doona Stroller, multiple colors available! cll/txt 1-201614-4045
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Sunday 4-5 Tuesday evening 8:30-9:30 call 347-871-2330
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Master bedroom set 12y old. 48” headboard. Can deliver with moving truck on may 23rd. Located in bp originally from regal furniture.
7186143446 serious inquiries only. Best offer
Newly renovated beautiful ocean view 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
Short Term Rental daily or weekly. Beautiful 2 Bedroom bright & airy apartment. Dining room, W/D, porch, Located on 10th & 45. Call 347-581-8920.
2 BR Hotel style fully furnished apt. Full Kitch/ Bath, W/D. Excellent for Ch/ Kallah, or Simchas. 718-6860909/ 347-524-7686
Carriage Club North. Beautiful 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, Ground floor. Call: 347.499.0031
No. 1 Real Estate Broker. Aaron Rose 561.308.5766
Highview/College. Summer /Shabbos/ Simcha Rental. Fully furnished luxury house. 3 or 6 bedroom option. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Beautiful private villa. 4 Master suites with kosher kitchen, huge living area, pool. Walking distance to Shul/ Kosher shopping. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Newly renovated 4 bedroom house in woodbourne NY. 10 min walk to town. Available for summer. Call or text 347338-8598.
Magnificent house with a pool in Airmont fully stocked with all amenities, very close to shul and Mikvah, available to rent for weekends.
Gorgeous large 8BR/5BA (20 beds) winterized house in White Lake. Fully furnished, linens / towels included. Private path to the lake, lake access. Fenced in yard. Large game room. Right near supermarket, across Lapidus bungalow colony, walk to many shuls. Full summer only, asking $25,000. 347263-4982
Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. Discounted rates available! call/text 347-224-5574
Looking for Experienced Full Stack Developer, on consulting or employment basis, Should be well versed in modern web application development (front end, back end) and Mobile App Development.
Experience in React Native, C#, ASP.Net, Core, VBA & SQL database. Excellent Opportunity for the right candidate
$150k-$200k Brooklyn
Clinical Psychologist
$100k-$150k NYC
Construction Field Manager
$150k NYC
Software Security Engineer
$130k-$150k Newark, NJ
Process Engineer
$130k Newark, NJ
LCSW (Geriatric)
$75k-$100k NY/NJ
Account Manager (Accounting)
$50k-$80k Boro Park
Customer Service (Insurance)
$60k-100k Brooklyn
Loan Processor (Business Loans)
$60k-$90k Boro Park
Customer Service rep (P&C Insurance)
$60k-$90k Brooklyn/ Bookkeeper
$50k-$60k Brooklyn, NY
Email: Yisroel@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
COO (Finance/Legal)3+ Yrs Exp
$175k-$300k Wall St NYC
Operations Manager (E-Commerce)
$200k-$250k Brooklyn, NY
Sales Rep/Director (Tech,IT)
$150k+ NY/NJ
Desktop IT Manager
$110k-$125k Manhattan
Human Resources Manager
$80k-$160k Wall St NYC
AR Manager (E-Commerce)
$70k-$100k Boro Park
$70k-$100k+ Commission NY
Buyer E-Commerce
$75k+ Boro Park
Sales Rep (Assisted Living)
$60k-$90k+ commission Staten Island/ NJ
Inside Sales Rep (Construction Supplies)
$65k-$100k Boro Park
Accounting Assistant
$50k-$90k Wall St NYC
$50k-$80k Passaic, NJ
Commission base NY/NJ/Remote
Email: RickyR@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Fundraiser (Organization)
$150k Brooklyn, NY
Controller (Must have Exp In Non For Profit/Healthcare)
$125k-$165k Brooklyn
Director Of Human Resources (Healthcare)
$100k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Assistant Controller (Construction)
$100k Flatbush
Office Manager (Printing)
$72k-$105k Queens
Daycare Director (P/T)
$70k-$100k Brooklyn
Fundraiser (Yiddish Speaking)
$75k-$100k + Commissions Monroe
Real estate Advisor (F/T)
$70k-$90k Lawrence
Executive Administrative Assistant (Real Estate Management)
$75k-$80k Brooklyn, NY
$60k-$70k Brooklyn
Real Estate Advisor (P/T)
$50k-$70k Lawrence
Inside Sales (Kitchens)
$55k + Commission Brooklyn, NY
Account Manager (Legal)
$45k-$55k Williamsburg
Care Coordinator
$45k + Bonuses Brooklyn, NY
Secretary (Construction)
$35k-$45k Williamsburg
Salary + Commission Tri State Area
Email: ShaindyW@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Client Support Manager (Software)
$120k-$200k Williamsburg
Sr Developer (healthcare)
$130k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Database Administrator (Healthcare)
$120k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Software Quality Assurance (Healthcare)
$120k-$140k Brooklyn
JR Developer (Healthcare)
$50k Brooklyn, NY
Salesperson (Custom Packaging) Commission based Brooklyn Monsey NJ
Email: Henny@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Assistant Controller
$100k BOE NY/NJ
Email: RaizyG@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Sr Tax Accountant
$180k-$250k Brooklyn
AR Director (Healthcare)
$180k-$250k Brooklyn
Operations Manager (Wholesale Building Suppliers)
$100k-$200k Brooklyn
Customer Service Manager (Tech)
$100k Brooklyn,NY
Bookkeeper (Construction)
$80k-$120k Brooklyn
Director Of Purchasing (exp required)
$75k-$120k Brooklyn, NY
P&C Account Manager
$70k-$100k Brooklyn
SNF Placement Coordinator
$70k-$80k Brooklyn, NY
In House Sales Rep (Tech)
$50k-$70k Brooklyn
Purchasing Specialist
$50k Brooklyn
Email: BailaG@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Sr Graphic Designer
$125k-$150k Brooklyn, NY
Salesman (Healthcare)
$75k+ Commission Brooklyn
Insurance Underwriter
$60k-$85k Brooklyn, NY
Accountants Assistant
$50k-$110k Boro Park
Accounts Payable (Healthcare)
$25-$35/Hourly Brooklyn
Customer Service & Order
$25-$30/Hourly Boro Park
Email: Henchy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Accountant (Real Estate/ Management)
$150k-$200k Jersey City, NJ
Office Manager
$150k Linden, NJ
CFO/Financial Director
$150k Linden, NJ
Dr/ Nurse Practitioner
$130k-$150k Bronx, Queen, Far Rockaway
$125k-$180k Williamsburg, NY
Licensed Structural Engineer
$120k-$170k Brooklyn, NY
$100k Brooklyn
$100k + Linden
Auditing Manager
$100k Brooklyn/ Lakewood
Licensed Architect
$100k+ Brooklyn, NY
Shipping Manager
$100k+ Linden, NJ
Tax Accountant
$100k Brooklyn
Health Care Manager/ Bookkeeping
$80k-$100k Brooklyn. NY
Tax Controversy
$80k-$100k Brooklyn
Advisory Accountant
$80k-$100k Brooklyn, NY
$60k-$100k+ Commission Midtown, NY
Computer Programmer
$75k-$95k+ Brooklyn
Estimator (Construction)
$75k+ Brooklyn
Tax Accountant $60k-$100k Boro Park
Bookkeeper $60k-$90k Brooklyn, NY
HR Admin/Recruiter
$65k-$75k Brooklyn
$70k+ Brooklyn
Marketing $50k-$70k Brooklyn, NY
Insurance Billing
$50k Brooklyn
Order Management/Processing
$40k-$70k Flatbush
Admin Assistant (Accounting
$45k-$50k Brooklyn/ Lakewood
Customer Service
$40k-$60k Linden, NJ
Project Manager (Accounting Company)
$40k Brooklyn
$35-$50/Hourly Brooklyn
Bookkeeper (Knowledge in quickbooks a must)
Temp job $35-$50/Hourly Brooklyn
$28-$32/Hourly Boro Park
Accounts Receivable (P/T)
$25-$28/Hourly Boro Park
$25-$27/Hourly Boro Park
Secretary (Insurance)
$25/Hour Brooklyn
Secretary (ABA Center)
$25/Hourly Brooklyn
Account Manager
BOE Williamsburg
Email Peri@ swiftstaffinggroup.com
$150k-$200k Brooklyn
COO (Judaica)
$100k-$150k Brooklyn
Store manager (Judaica)
$65k+Commission Brooklyn
Email: EstyW@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Level 3 IT Tech
$150k-$200k Boro Park
CFO (Yiddish Speaking)
$130k-$150k Linden
$120k-$150k Brooklyn/Linden
Outside Sales Manager (Food)
65k + Commission Brooklyn
Asset Manager (Garden Style Apts)
$100k Traveling Required
Experienced Property Manager
$85k-$100k Williamsburg/ Manhattan
Construction Site Manager
$75k-$100k Brooklyn
Inside Sales (Lighting Showroom)
$75k-$85k Brooklyn, NY
Graphic Designer
$75k-$90k Brooklyn
In Office Property Manager (Female Office)
$65k Red Hook, Brooklyn
Site Manager
$65k Brooklyn/ NJ
Copywriter Voice Over Marketing Campaigns
$52k-$65k Brooklyn
Office Admin
$50k-$55k Brooklyn, NY
Bookkeeper (RE)
$40k-$50k Brooklyn, NY
Secretary (Construction)
$45k-$50k Williamsburg
Store Manager
Great Commission Boro Park
Outside Sales (Sports)
Commission Based Brooklyn
Real estate Rental Broker
Salary+Commission Brooklyn
EstyR@SwiftStaffingGroup. com
Deli Manager
$100k+Commission Williamsburg
Title Officer(Exp In NJ A Must)
$100k Brooklyn/ NJ
Insurance Account Rep
$75k-$115k Brooklyn/ Lakewood
Project Manager (Window & Treatment)
$75k-$100k Brooklyn, NY
Marketing Director
$65k-$100k Brooklyn
Loan Processor
$40k-$60k Williamsburg
Admin Assistant (Life Insurance
$35+/Hourly Brooklyn/Remote
Salesman (Construction)
Commission Based NY
Email: Mindy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
SR Marketing/ Graphic Designer
$100k-$150k Brooklyn. NY
Grocery Store Manager
$80k Upstate/South Fallsburg
Admin Assistant (Travel Agency) $50k Cedarhurst
Merchandiser (Menswear)
$50k-$75k Manhattan
Teacher (Special Education)
$40k+ Williamsburg
Para Professional
30k+ Williamsburg
Marketing/ Graphic Designer
$60/ Hourly Brooklyn, NY
Saleswoman P/T
$30/ Hourly Brooklyn
Customer Service
$25+/Hourly BP/Remote
$25/Hourly Brooklyn
Admin Assistant
$25/Hourly Five Towns
Email: Becky@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Saleslady (Furniture)
$25-$35/Hourly Brooklyn
Salesman (Waterproofing)
Salary+Commission Brooklyn
Email: ChavieH@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
COO (Wigs)
$100k-$150k Brooklyn
Construction Sales Commission Based NY/NJ
Email: ShainaE@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
COO (Medical Supplies)
$100k-$125k Boro Park
Executive Assistant (Medical Supplies)
$75k-$100k Boro Park
Care Coordinator (Homecare)
$65k-$85k Flatbush
Executive Assistant (Medical Supplies)
$65k-$70k Boro Park
Office Manager (Medical Office
$50k-$120k Passaic
Client Communication Manager (Law Firm)
$55k-$70k Boro Park
Email: TobyL@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Beautiful large 8 BR / 5BA home in White Lake. Sleeps 20+. Large game room. Private path to the lake. Walk to supermarket & many shuls. Weekend: $1,800. Extended Weekend: $2,500. Call / text 347-263-4982
Vilchovitz, Viznitz area. Rent a beautiful 2 or 3 bedroom apartment with porch for weekdays/ weekends. Towels/ Linen included. Brand new. 718-384-6214
4-bedroom house in Highland Mills sleeps 10 and is available for summer, Shevuos, and weekends. You’ll love the beautiful area and stunning views. Call/txt 929-617-2586
Monticello, prime location! Very spacious 2 room updated apt with option of additional rooms and bathroom downstairs. Right across Country village and! zlotchav. 1/2 mile from ichud
Fully furnished 7 bedroom house (18+beds) with linen/ towels in Blooming Grove. Rent for days, weeks, or weekends. Breathtaking beautiful grounds. Call/text 845-238-5633
Beautiful house with 12 beds and a pool, available to rent for the weekends. Call 845248-5407
LAKEWOOD. Btfl New 3bdrm 2fl bath furnished apartment. Linen towels hotplate & more. Next to Satmer, Oak&Vine. Call text 7185064321
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Are you only going upstate later? Looking for a 2 bedoom bungalow or summer home from june 20 to july 3. Please call/text 845-213-0004.
Brand new luxury villa in Tucson Arizona, kosher kitchen, gorgeous outdoor pool, 3 min walk to Shul Call 646-923-0047/ 917-754-3679
Newly renov spacious house with heimish neighbors near shul, 3-bd 2-ba New appliances, Linen. Summer 13k, Weekends $575, Shvous $1450, call/text 917-7081052(Also avail an old house next to this house)
Campus available to rent for a boy’s camp or yeshiva. please contact campusom180@ gmail.com
Beautiful campgrounds in the Poconos available to rent for yeshivah and camp Shabbatons or overnight stays. Please contact poconosmanagement@ gmail.com
Beautiful Loch Sheldrake private- 5 units available NOT IN COLONY. 2 & 3 Bed options w/ Living,kitchen, bath, porch & large yard. right near lake, shuls,and colonies. Available for the summer , or pre/post summer Shabbosim. Call / Text / Whatsapp 845-270-1089
2 beautiful newly renovated 4 bedroom apartments in the center of Monticello available for weekends. Big playground, gated in property. All amenities included. Now only $1500 a weekend for both. To reserve or for pictures and a list of amenities call/text 347987-7286.
Work from home flexible hours no computer necessary please call 845-243-0208
Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/text 845-554-5778 or email info@resumakerpro. com.
Looking for an experienced Yiddish speaking warm teacher for the coming September. In the 19th Ave area. Call 347-5983952
Experienced P3 Provider will be avail for next school year after school hours. 718-7818058
Looking to hire a Yiddish speaking Heimeshe lady to be a teacher in a babysitting environment. Great Hours Great pay! Contact 917-2428293.
Seeking several part time babysitters for work in a bp girls school for the 2023-204 school year.. Call 646-5710765
Seeking preschool assistant, Female. Yiddish Speaking a must. Without Degree. Email resume: Preschooljob247@ gmail.com
• Set up and ship merchant equipment, track repair notifications, & update inventory management system
• Familiar with hardware, software, and web technology
• Highly detail oriented to ensure accuracy and proficiency in deploying equipment
• Some tech experience and interest needed, with training provided
• Experience in the development of payment processing products is required
• Oversee projects from inception through completion while meeting deadlines and achieving project goals and objectives
• Utilize critical thinking skills and collaborate with cross-functional teams, including software development, sales, and marketing
• Work the customer service queue, monitoring and answering incoming calls and emails daily
• Ensure timely reporting, referral, follow-up and escalation of merchant issues to minimize disruption to service and overall impact to Cardknox clients
• Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment as part of a team but assume ownership and responsibility for team and self-assigned work
• Handle all updates to accounts and support overall merchant success and satisfaction
• Good communication, problem-solving, and negotiation skills are needed
• High School OK, full training provided
• Review Pricing Analyst will work with a team to provide detailed profit and loss analysis.
• Must enjoy detail-oriented and focused work
• Good oral and written communication skills
• High School OK, full training provided
• Work directly with outside Sales Agents, who will reach out with questions, concerns, or needs that may arise
• Strong interpersonal & communication skills are required
• Training will be provided by our teams
• Work the Customer Service queue contacting and providing resolutions to Agents & Merchants
• Good communication & interpersonal skills needed
• Minimum 3 years experience, with further training provided by our teams
Yeled V`Yalda Boro Park, Qualified candidate will have excellent time management skills, detail oriented , computer literate, comfortable with MS Word & Excel. Salary range: $40,000.-$45,000. Email: jobs@yeled.org call: 718.686.2422
Looking for an experienced heimishe bus driver for a chasidishe boys camp in Monticello. Please call/ text 718-781-4742
Seeking teacher (Female) for Sept. Chassidishe preschool. Great Pay. Experience preferred. Email: preschooljob247@gmail.com
Now hiring a devoted special ed classroom teacher for the 23-24 school year. Small class size, excellent training, supportive environment. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org 718-650-6400
Now hiring full time paras to work full time in a special education school for the 23-24 school year. Supportive and heimish environment. Transportation provided. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org
Yeled V`Yalda Head Start in Boro Park seeking Yiddish speaking experienced Teachers & Assistant Teachers. Min. 90 credits. Please email credentials to: jobs@yeled.org Call:718.686.2415
YVY Head Start
Williamsburg Seeking for September 2023 Teacher for 4-5 year old class. Minimum 90 credits required. Great pay, Fringe Benefits. Call: 718.514.8925 or 718.909.9473
Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, for upcoming school year 2023-24. Exciting Program, Great environment, Excellent pay! Responsible and caring. Please call 718-377-5800 ext 183
Yiddish speaking, Good pay,pleasant bright place. For summer and the coming year. 12th & 42nd. 718-633-3263 or 347-232-7608
דמלמ ’ב התכ טכוזעג טרעוו ,רעמוז בלאה עטייווצ ראפ ,טלאצאב ןייש ,יולעגנאב ןא 718- סטפור הביבס עקאמשעג 218-3409
Seeking Title I seventh grade math teacher for Flatbush girls’ school for remainder of school year. Small groups, supportive environment. Excellent compensation, $7075/hour. BA required. Email: Titleone@yeled.org
FT/ PT morah. Yiddish speaking. For small voucher playgroup, for September 23’. Located 47th between 18/19. Great pay! 718-853-4139
seeking warm loving and caring teachers and coteachers competitive pay! Amazing environment you’ll get the best training!
Looking for a teacher with a BA degree in early childhood for a heimishe daycare in bp. Please call: 718-759-8226
Flatbush Yeshiva seeking warm and devoted Kindergarten teacher. Seeking Pre 1A and 2nd grade teachers, afternoon hours. Hiring F/T & P/T assistants for preschool and elementary. Competitive Salary. Excellent working environment. Call: 718-332-2600. Email: interviewsatyeshiva@gmail. com
Enjoy checking off lists and multitasking? Enjoy the perks of working locally! Seeking a FULL time and PART time Family Worker. Microsoft Office and Basic computer knowledge
Required. Salary begins at $30,176.+ depending on credentials. Great benefits. Email: HRubinstein@Yeled. org Call: 718-514-8865
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Heimishe BP Office looking for F/T secretary, computer & phone skills. Will train. Email resume: office1544@ gmail.com or fax: 718-7098842
Join our team! Seeking Responsible F/T female secretary for BP Office. Good Hours Good Pay! Email: rosenberg4231@gmail.com
Boro Park, Flatbush & Crown Heights. Full time or part time. Special rate for late afternoon/eve. hours. Pay ranges from $22.-$38. Per hour. Call: 718.686.2376
Email: para@yeled.org
Looking for a BIG BROTHER
To assist with bedtime routine A 9 year old boy
Daily 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Job ID: 2795
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist with goals A 14 year old girl
Daily after school
assist with homework A 10 year old girl
Daily 7:00pm - 9:00pm Shabbos 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Job ID: 1817
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist with tasks A 14 year old boy
Daily after 6:30pm And Shabbos
Job ID: 1327
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist to therapy-Manhattan A 19 year old boy
Morning & evening hrs.
Job ID: 1547
Crown Heights
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To be-friend A 21 year old girl
Job ID: 1719
Job ID: 1706
Staten Island
Looking for a BIG BROTHER
To assist wih chores A 14 year old boy
Daily After school
Staten Island
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist wih music goals A 13 year old boy
Daily 6:30pm - 9:30pm
A growing e-commerce company is looking to hire a F/T secretary. No experience needed. Must have good computer skills, and be organized. Great pay for the right individual office located in Boro park. Please email your resume to Hiringbba1@ gmail.com
Heimishe multi girl office in center of Boro Park. Secretarial position new graduates welcome, willing to train. Please send resume to eweiss@portairexpress. com or call 718-438-6328 x 206
Looking for Interior Designers or someone with a strong sense of style in furniture selections for short term residential projects.
Please contact 347-864-1271
Office in BP is looking to hire a full-time experienced interior designer. proficient in Revit a must. Email you resume and portfolio to Yoel@yddimensions.com
Established BP firm looking to hire smart, capable girls. Great potential for the right candidate! Please email resume to mortgagejob718@ gmail.com
א טכוזעג טרעוו סע counselor / head counselor ראפ younger division לגניא עשידיסח א ןיא פמעק. Please call/ text 718781-4742 Or send resume to job4tt123@gmail.com
Yeled V`Yalda-Title I Seeking a motivated & organized Individual Male/Female full time to join our team as an Executive Assistant. The successful candidate will have strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office And Google Suite (Prezi and Canva knowledge a plus).
Salary: $55,000.-$85,000.
Call: 718.557.7038 Email to: sagluck@yeled.org YVY is an EOE
Seeking coach bus drivers immediately for Brooklyn/ Monroe bus route. CDL class A or class B, experience only. Full Time or Part Time, great pay. Also in the Catskills July & Aug. Call: 718.963.1495 Ext. 102 Email to: coachbus@ gmail.com
Seeking a warm and enthusiastic teacher. Positive and friendly environment.
90 Credits and above Required. Salary $41,600.$68,652. Great benefits.
Email: HRubinstein@yeled. org Call: 718.514.8865
Ave J / Low East 10 Year Young Custom House in Pristine Condition. 5 BR, Huge DR, LR, Kitchen, Pesach Kitchen, Study, Foyer, 4 Bths, Playroom, Lndry Rm, Radiant Heating, Spiral Staircase, Tons of Custom Closets, Porch, Bkyd, $3M Neg.
“A Balubus’s Deal. A Balubusta’s Dream!”
Israel/Schmidt Realty: 718-853-HOME(4663)
Girls H.S. in Boro Park seeking Global History and ELA teachers for Sept. ’23. Please send resume to teachersby75@gmail.com
Teacher and Rotating teacher- alternative JH/ HS, experience with teens preferred caring, responsible, Email: tiferesmiriam@gmail.com Fax: 718-837-4225
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email dglick@newyorklife.com or call 845-639-5216
Amazing full time opportunity for women to work in an ABA clinic in Kensington/Boro Park. Pay $22.-$30. Per hour. Must be able to work from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM. Call/Text: 917.968.2292
Now hiring responsible girls to work summer 1:1 special education, , weekly trips, heimish environment, transportation provided. July 5 - August 17, full day. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org
Looking for 2 girls to work as head counselor in a day camp in Monticello area, transportation provided.. Please call/ text 718-781-4742 or email to job4tt123@gmail. com
Seeking a warm and caring assistant teacher. (No teacher’s prep required!) Positive and friendly environment. Great benefits. Salary begins at $30,150.+ depending on credentials. Email: HRubinstein@yeled.org Call: 718.514.8865
Male teaching positions available for upcoming school year! Flatbush Yeshiva seeking upper elementary teachers, part time. Excellent benefits and competitive salary. Call: 718-332-2600. Email: interviewsatyeshiva@ gmail.com
Female Position available in B.P Afternoon and Evenings PT or FT or Sundays. Good for high school, college student or mature adult. Help High functioning Women with daily living skills. Beautiful environment. Call Chana 347-598-3127. Send resume to c.rabiner@hcsny.org
“Rolls-Royce of a House!”
Looking for a male lifeguard for Heimish bungalow colony in Fallsburg. Sun 1- 4:30, Fri 1:30-4:30 & . Mon thru Thurs 5-7. Please call 718-916-4411.
Busy Boro Park Retail Store is looking for a Back Office Operations Secretary with Managerial Capabilities, Multi Task, Responsible, Ambitious. Great Pay & Location, Heimish Environment to start in August. Email Resume: estyr6@gmail.com Call: 718484-0610 Attention: Joselyn
Wholesale Business seeking female secretary.
Hours 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Friday 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Must be organized, responsible, computer savvy & able to multi task. Email jobinbp4322@gmail.com.
Yeled V`Yalda Early Head
Start in Boro Park seeking part time coordinator, Candidate must have experience working with children and families, administrative abilities, excellent interpersonal skills, and leadership qualities. HS/ EHS experience a plus, salary $30K. Email resume to: ehsjob@yeled.org
Yeshiva in Flatbush seeking Male teachers for the upcoming school year. Good Pay, small classes. Please email resume to. Please email resume to yeshivajob3@ gmail.com
Girls school in Brooklyn seeking full time administrative secretary with good computer and communication skills. Please email resume to secretaryjob04@gmail.com
Children’s Boutique looking to hire experienced Sales Associates for BP and Williamsburg locations. Flexible Hours with Sunday availability preferred/ required. Please Reach out to 718-840-9266.
seeking a Family Worker in Williamsburg with a High School Diploma. Computer knowledge, hours daily from 9:00-3:00, nice environment. Please call Mrs. Landa at 347.224.1575 or email to: llanda@yeled.org
Chassidishe dc seeking devoted ladies -girls to work as preschool counselors, certified and non certified. Great pay warm environment! (sign a contract before lag baomer and recieve a bonus) call 646343-7092
Looking for responsible girl to work through respite for 4 year old girl with DS in BP in the summer. Sunday: 10-4, Monday- Thurs: 4-8. Fridays 1-6. Call 718-607-2784. Less hours can work too.
Bet Yaakov in Flatbush seeking Teachers, Grade 4-8 Experience Needed. Afternoon Secretary Experience Needed. Associate Positions. Work in a warm, Supportive Environment. Well Paid. Email Resume and Ref’s: pmossberg@ateret.net Call: 1718-732-7770 Ext. 319
Looking for a woman who has experience in chinuch and curriculum to be a director for a Montessori agency. Great pay and a great environment. Hours are from 2:00- 5:45, Monday through Thursday, for the upcoming school year. Please call 718-500-3765 ext. 104
Local busy salon looking for a secretary, must be able to multi task,super organized, work with a team and provide customer service. Please email resume to Info@ tobywigsalon.com
Boro Park girls school seeks upper elementary Math Title l Teacher with teaching experience. Email resume to perel.spitzer@ catapultlearning.com
Hamaspik Home Care agency is looking for full time *Field RN* in Brooklyn to assess patients and supervise home health aides. *Great benefits and working environment!* Send resumes to rmilgraum@hamaspikcare. org
Hamaspik Home Care is seeking a qualified and experienced candidate for Field Home Care Marketer position in Brooklyn. Full time, flexible hours, base salary + commissions, friendly work environment, benefits. Must have experience in HomeCare and Marketing. Submit your resume to hiring@ hamaspikcare.org.
8:30-1:30 Mon.- Fri. Organized, Responsible, Caring, Creative, Computer Skills required. Warm work environment. Email: tiferesmiriam@gmail.com fax:718-937-4225
Heimishe office in BP seeking bright, organized & detail oriented. Great pay, great environment. Ability to multitask and excellent communication skills required. Please send resume to leahg@aimfurther.org
Cheder in BP seeking prenursery teacher/director with BA. Please email resume to jobsforcheder@gmail.com.
Cheder in BP seeking afternoon secretary, sundays a must. Please email resume to jobsforcheder@gmail.com.
Cheder in BP seeking warm and competent pre nursery assistant. Great environment. Please email resume to jobsforcheder@ gmail.com.
Heimishe insurance office in Boro park seeking full time female secretary. Good pay. Please email resume Patgee2859@Gmail.com
Run your own business from home. Free training provided. Call 718-851-5156
SECRETARY WANTED Yeled V`Yalda Early Head
Start is looking for a highly-motivated secretary to perform numerous general office, computer related, administrative and receptionist duties. Great work environment. Email resume:ehsjob@yeled.org
Experienced secretary wanted for All women heimishe office. Comp savvy, Proficient in QB, Photoshop, must have management skills. Mon- Thurs 10-3. Resume: photoshopjob123@ gmail.com/ Fax 718-8514900.
Playgroup in the heart of BP is seeking a teacher with a BA for the upcoming year. Hours: 9:00-3:00, Friday 9:00-12:00. Excellent environment and pay! Please call: 347-458-9517.
Looking for playgroup teachers for summer and September please call 347314-1825
Heimesha daycare in Boro park Seeking warm responsible yidish speaking teacher /co teacher/babysiters for the summer & September stunning place amazing environment please call 7187016556 ext 1
Looking for an Asst Lifeguard for heimish bungalow in Fallsburg, Hours Sun 1-5, Mon thru Thurs 12:30 to 5:30 & Friday 12:30 to 4. Please call 718 916 4411
Are you looking for a part time position? Chassidishe preschool looking for a warm and devoted assistant for twice a week. Email resume to 2xaweek@gmail.com
Heimishe BP insurance office seeking female full time secretary. Great environment. Great pay. Will train. Email resume to: officeposition241@gmail.com
Looking for a part-time bookkeeper. Please send your resume to kkmanagement14@gmail. com Or text 3472281851
Established BP firm looking to hire smart, capable girls. Great potential for the right candidate! Please email resume to mortgagejob718@ gmail.com
Chasidishe Girls school is seeking Assistants for pre1A and first grade. Email resume:preschool@ bnosperel.org
Chasidishe Girls school is seeking Experienced second grade Yiddish teacher. Email resume :preschool@ bnosperel.org
Liberty NY, End of June until the end of August. Reliable, keeps to a schedule. Good pay. Call 845-641-3858
Naaseh Montessori Services is looking for a teacher for the upcoming year at our center. Hours are 3:00- 5:45. Great pay and environment. Must have a BA. Call 718-500-3765 ext 104 0r email your resume to info@naaseh.org
Looking for an enthusiastic, motivated teacher and assistant with a passion for children for a private playgroup. 18/53 for September. Call 845-659-1490
Seeking a secretary in a Chasidishe Cheder from 8:45am-5pm. Must be detail-oriented, have the ability to multitask with great communication skills. Graphic knowledge a plus. Email resume to bpschooloffice@gmail.com.
Do you enjoy working with individuals with special needs? Share your talents and enrich someone’s life! HCS is seeking energetic girls/young women to work at our Dayhab program. Monday thru Friday. Competitive salary and benefits. Please forward resume to jobs@hcsny.org. Please call 718-854-2747 Ext. 1210
Chayeinu Academy is seeking full time experienced BCBA for 2023-2024 school year. Please email resume to info@ chayeinuacademy.org.
HCS is seeking female Direct Support Professionals to work in a beautiful group home in Boro Park for highly independent young women. Experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities a plus. Driver’s license Preferred. Full-time, flexible hours. Monday through Friday 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Please contact 347-598-3127
HCS is looking for an intake coordinator to advocate and assist individuals with disabilities and their families with eligibility and application process. Must have great communication skills, be organized, and computer savvy. Please send resume to jobs@hcsny.org
In Boro Park looking to hire a full time Secretary. No experience necessary. Experience is a plus. Email mgmtjobbp@gmail.com
Chassidishe Daycamp looking to hire preschool counselors. Great pay, Prime location. 347-263-4590
Chassidishe Daycamp looking to hire elementary counselors. Great pay, Prime location. 646-858-9381
Colony in Monticello is looking for a woman/girl for summer 2023 to run a small kiddie daycamp (approximately 13 kids, ages 3-5). Counselors too :)- 8th grade and up. Great pay. For all inquiries call 347- 5647826 or 845- 642 1193
Playgroup in the heart of BP is seeking summer counselors. Hours:9:30-3:30, Friday till 12:00. Great program provided, Excellent environment and pay! Please call: 347-458-9517
Seeking TC heads for 1st half and counselors for 2nd half for a day camp in South Fallsburg. Great pay! Fun enviroment! No sleeping accomodations. Call/text M.Y. Moseson at 347-939-9208
Chassidishe day camp in mountains looking for head counselors and playgroup counselors to join girls staff bungalow call leave a message (929) 548-4010
Looking for an experienced playgroup Morah for the summer. Call, if no answer leave message 718-259-1820
Looking for warm devoted teacher for playgroup class, M-TH. 718-871-4404 yides@ kiddiezoneinc.com
Looking to share heimishe, experienced babysitter in my house. 46 street 13 and 14. 10:30 until 3:00. 718-633-1393 Leave Message with Details.
Commercial, residential, shuls: professional repairs, & color change. Revamp to aron kodesh, libraries, staircases, furniture, kitchens, exterior wood doors. Best pricing & svc. Txt 212-991-8548.
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
Experiencing chronic pain/ symptoms? There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a smile! Call: 718.951.0090
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.9510090
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
Medical Assistants: $19-$22/hr
Registered Nurse: $30-$40/hr
Payroll Manager: $68k-$81k/yr
Executive Assistant: $70k-$90k/yr
Call Center Specialist: $19-$22/hr
Call center Supervisor: $25-$30/hr
Patient Care Coordinator: $19-$23/hr
Patient Engagement Specialist: $20-$25/hr
Now offering guitar lessons! For women and girls, for a great price Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
Mary Kay, Careline, Ga-de, Static. Free Delivery with min order. Free Consultation and Application Tips for Grads & Kallahs! 718-930-4946
Hand crochet, Hand knit, Silks & more with beautiful Gartel bag. Text or call: 718.283.4589 Wholesale orders available.
Itemized kallah list to make kallah list calmer and easier minimal fee. Call 3475346184
Furniture, Cabinet & General Repairs, specializing in Chosson-Kallah Apartments. Call: 718.633.6231
For all leaks & roofing services, reach out to the roofing expert. 845 244 0743 (call text or whatsapp)
Start the process now! Get P3 services by next year! Serious and fun English classes for boys. 11th & 50th. Call/text 347-645-2155
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach. Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)435-7644
(Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $500 Gift card or we pay cash for cars too. 718-974-9428
Need a passport? No problem! We can help you get a new one, renew an old one, or even get one the same day. Just give us a call at 718-400-9969
Exquisite silver and CZ Jewelry imported directly from the manufacturer. Below wholesale prices! Great graduation gift. Please call 718-438-1871
Moonwalks available for rent $40 per day. Please call 347-670-4393
Beautiful miniatures for your simcha or special occasion! Choc pops, logs, lemon meringues and More! Milchige miniatures, logs, cheesecakes n more for shvous! Call/ text 3476832346 Delivery available
Temporary wall to Split existing room and make second bedroom. Including regular door , or sliding door . Only 3-4 hours installation , no dust . We can work Sunday too . Call or text. Phone: 929-430-7551 Phone: 646-288-0185E -mail:roomdividers11219@gmail.com
Gorgeous custom albums for cheap prices for weddings, engagements, Upsherin, Chosson/Baby etc. Contact T.W. 646-877-4044
Are you moving to Monsey or building a new summer home upstate? Leave the cleaning to us. We specialize in post construction cleaning, so you can be sure that your project will be taken care of with speed and precision. (845) 275-3563
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Get your passport in 24 hours! Call 845-842-1678
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great prices! Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718-974-9428
Size 6-8, beautiful white eyelet/lace maxi dress. Perfect for kallah vort, tonoyim or shabbos sheva bruchas. worn once -Price to sell $350. please text for pictures 646-431-9823
Beautiful teen gowns size 4-6 pink tulle for sale. Please call 347-232-1726
To sell an elegant, mauve gown size 0-2 adult, sister of the bride. Text or Call 929-260-5797
Black maxi maternity dress available for rent size 8-10. Perfect for siblings wedding. Call/text: 1347-670-5957
Black maxi maternity dress available for rent. size 8-10. Perfect for siblings wedding. call/text: 347-670-5957
Beautiful teen gown cream and gold size 4-6 for sale. Please call 347-232-1726
Black mens sheep karakul hat Shvii Shel Pesach New Utrecht Ave b/w 57th & 53rd call/text 718-854-6397
garment bag with mens suits sep 4th ’22 on 51st st & 16th ave 347-831-1279
Exchanged black fur coat, Shabbos March 18 at Katz Aufruf in Cafe Paris, call 347452-4729
Skirt with plastic from cleaners between 44th & 50th 718-436-3832
Pink baby blanket 718-438-1586
Camera in shopping bag before Pesach. Call/text: 917816-2422
sheital band 917 482 5649
Tallis with name Pollak 917603-3912
necklace 39th & 15th on 02/21 call 718 851 0894
Haggadah shel Pesach with name Shimon Zilber 12th and 40’s area. Please call/text 631-318-0739
leather glove size 71/2 in the vicinity of 14’th ave. & the low 40’s on 11/16/22, 718-4385636.
Earring on New Utrect Ave 718-633-1848
charm with the name Esther in hebrew 718-853-9092
sheitel band on 58 and 15 a few weeks ago 3475870910 249 347 טלעג
around week before Pesach, yarmulka/koppel with name, on 13th Ave, call 347 813 7303
If you are looking for an organized camp with exciting trips, and great campers, this is the camp for you!
To schedule an interview, Text: 347-251-5915
money on 14th avenue area. call 347-703-9502
few weeks ago money on 14 ave area call 347-703-9502
Gold heart necklace with the name הכלמ רתסא, in McKinley park, ft Hamilton/ Bay Ridge on Sunday 5/7. 718614-3204
Diamond necklace in BP 917586-3304
White velvet ribbon in Tip Top bag 718-435-6343
white blanket in Willi 347971-2866
Carriage bag in Prospect park
Chol Hamoed 845-423-0904
Woman/teen clothing was dropped at wrong address 58 b/w 12&13 if missing call 347564-1747/718-436-3198
navy Herschel kids hat last winter in Williamsburg 7186870167
Hanging Earing on 14 ave bet
47&48 April 25 646-628-3553
Dining room & bedroom furniture 347-786-0488
Beautiful off white formica bunkbed excellent condition, needs to be dismantled. Call 718-387-7019/347-742-0127
Perroquet red 26 sandal & tan size 24 & size 22 narrow cut boys shabbos shoes 718438-6250
seforim shank, 5ft wide, 15inches deep & 78”height. 718-851-2616
Ages 2 – 3
Free Tuition for Income Eligible
Door to Door Transportation
ןכרוד טריפעגנא Morah ןעטנאקאב
Z. Weinberger
ןוא Experienced Staff ענעבעגעגרעביא טייקמעראוו ןוא טייקכילביל טימ Morahs
ןיא ןיירא טגייל ןעמ יוו הביבס עשימייה ראג א תארי ,הוצמ לש החמש ,'ה תבהא רעדניק יד תובוט תודמ ןוא םימש
ןיא ןרעמיצ סאלק עגיטכעל עגיד'תובחר Building עטלייטעגפא עכילרעה רעזנוא
Outdoor ןוא Indoor Gym עכילרעה Playground
Individualized טימ החגשה עגידנעטש Attention
Age-Appropriate Toys to Stimulate Healthy Growth and Development
Snack ןוא Lunch עטנוזעג עמעראוו
:טפור עטיב עיצאמראפניא רעמ ראפ
הסנרפ א ךייא טנרעל
א ףיוא ,׳יקנו הלק
םענראפ ןשימייה
ענעטיהעגפא ןיא
טעוו ריא ואוו ,הביבס
א טימ ןייגסיורא
,ערעיראק עמאקלופ
עטיירב עסיורג יד ןיא
.ירטסודניא .יט.ייא
גרובסמאיליוו ראמטאס ד”בא דכנו ,ראמטאסמ ר”ומדאה ןינל הוצמ רבה תחמש
בושי ”טנארפקיעל“ ןשידיסח םעיינ ןראפ רוטקארטסארפניא יד ןלעטשוצפיוא טייברא עגיטפעה אפמעט ןטסלענש ןטימ סיואראפ טרישראמ אדיראלפ יבאשטיקא ןיא
אנזערב ד”בא צ”הגה דכנל הוצמ רבה תחמש
םילשוריב ק”שצומ אקניפסמ ר”ומדאה
SUNDAY, MAY 14, '23
ג''פשת רייא ג''כ רבדמב 'פ גאטנוז
הכרב ירבד
א"טילש וניבר ןרמ ק"כ
דובכה םאונ
תוילגרמ קיפמ הפ םסרופמה דיגמה
א''טילש ףיש יכדרמ יבר ג''הרה
שאר בשוי
קיתוה ונדימלתו רקיה ונידידי
ו"יה רעגרעבנייוו ריאמ ר"הומ
ק"הבישיד "ראטקערייד וויטויקעזקע" רותב ןהיכ רשא הבוטל ןיוש ןלוכ םינשב תורשע
י"ע ןורכזו הכרעה ירבד א"טילש לרעפ ןהכה ןמלק 'ר ג"הרה
ק"הבישיד םיכנחמה יבושחמ
חכשנ יתלבה רקיה ונידידי נ"על
םינשב תורשע ק"הבישיב החמומ דמלמ ל"ז לאומש יכדרמ 'ר ןב יבצ ףסוי ה"ומ
ק''פל ב''פשת ןויס ב''כ םויב רטפנ .ה.ב.צ.נ.ת
למרכ ל"ז ה'ירא םייח 'ר ןב ןמלז המלש ה"ומ דבכנה ינברה רקיה ונידידי נ"על .ה.ב.צ.נ.ת ,ק''פל ב''פשת תבט ד''י םויב רטפנ לאומשמ םש להק ונישרדמ תיב יללפתמ יריקימ
רענידה שדקומ
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
Fax: 718.408.8771
E-mail: ads@thebpview.com
Website: www.thebpview.com
MISSION STATEMENT: The Boro Park View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Boro Park’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Boro Park community.
DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Boro Park View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Boro Park View.
Grand Opening: Swash auto spa & Detailing in the heart of Boro Park
A new concept in car maintenance: Relax in our newly designed waiting area with snacks and drinks while you watch your car being swashed. While you’re at it, you can browse through our cultivated selection of car care products.
Celebrate with us on Sunday, May 21 and get a Free Exterior Car Wash 1:00-4:00 PM
טעס ענעלאמעג ענעגייא ןייז ןעמוקאב טעוו ןייזעד עטסנעש יד
.ןייזיד ןבלעז ן'טימ רודיס ןוא לקעד הלח ,לטייב ןיליפת א ןופ
ןייזעד א ןיירא טקיש סע רעוו ייס ראפ
. ןייזעד א ןופ שודיח עלעיצעפס א
שודיח א טימ ןייזעד עשטייצראפ א
. ןייזיד ןיורק א ןיירא ןקיש סאוו יד ראפ
ראג ףיוא סרעניוועג תונתמ עלופדרעוו
Mail: Mefoar Judaica 3919 13th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11218
Fax: 347.479.1188 Email: Designs@mefoarjudaica.com
שזדיעפ עלופ א ףיוא זיא סע רעכיז ךאמ ןייזעד ןייד טסקיש וד ןעוו
שזדיעפ ןפיוא רעבמאנ ןופלעט ןוא ןעמאנ ןייד טאה סע ןוא