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Don’t wait hours for a decadent dessert after a fleishig meal. Instead, make it pareve – with Yummy’s new nondairy cream cheese-style spread. It’s the taste, the quality, and the texture you want, with none of the milk you don’t.
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For more information or to apply for the upcoming year
‡ טימ סיור‡ טיי‚
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(Re: Barn to Bottle, Issue 183)
I really enjoyed your article on the milk production process. One question: Why is red milk considered full-fat if only 3% of the fat is added back to the milk? When I think of 3%, I consider that a really tiny amount. Why is that considered “whole” milk, and where does the other 97% go? Why can’t they add all of it back?
Thanks for asking! The total percentage of fat in fresh milk is around 3 to 4%. After the fat is accounted for, 87% of cow’s milk consists of water, and the remaining 9 to 10% is milk solids other than fat. In other words, “whole milk” or “full-fat milk” means that the full amount of fat naturally present in fresh milk is added back to the milk prior to being bottled.
(Re: Cooking Up a Simcha, Issue 182)
I read your article about wedding catering, and I was very disappointed at the high level of gashmius being promoted. “Chicken on the bone is not in style” — really? Now anyone who makes a simcha and can’t afford steak or other high-end mains must feel so bad. It sours the simcha of others when you portray this extravagance as “normal.”
To counter the ill-effects of this article, how about doing a follow-up article on people who cook their own simchas, with tips on how to cut costs. I’m sure you’ll have a lot more people relate to that.
Thank you,
Faigy DishelI’m not a spoilsport. I love fun weddings. But about those poppers… I once attended a wedding where the kallah’s friends brought party poppers that had blue powder inside. (I assume they did this to match the kallah’s sisters, who were all wearing stunning blue gowns.) When the poppers released the blue powder, it turned the kallah’s face, gown and sheitel completely blue.
The makeup artist had to be called to come back and redo the kallah so she would look normal for the rest of the wedding. The kallah herself was pretty mature about it, but the friends felt super guilty.
By the way, to clean a wedding gown in an emergency, try carpet cleaner. The kallah’s blue-dyed gown was back to stark white in minutes thanks to a wedding guest who happened to know this trick!
As partners in helping our kids unwind from an intense year of learning, please bear in mind the ages of children when you book tickets for this year’s major trips so that the kids (and mothers) can actually enjoy the excitement. After asking many neighbors and friends, I can attest that at least eight out of every ten mothers would be very grateful if trips start and finish within the regular 9 to 5 daytime hours.
Thank you, The Boro Park View, for your amazing publication and for giving our community members a chance to let themselves be heard.
During the last few years, due to COVID-19 laws, everyone with Medicaid was automatically recertified and remained eligible for coverage.
R.L.However, federal law has changed, and regular renewal processes will resume beginning in the spring of 2023. That means that everyone with Medicaid, Child Health Plus or Essential Plan insurance will have to renew their Medicaid coverage sometime in the next year. Pay attention to the letters you receive in the mail from the NY State of Health or from the local Department of Social Services. When you receive a letter informing you that you need to renew your coverage, do it right away so that you don’t lose your insurance.
If you want to check when you’ll need to renew your coverage, you can call the NY State of Health at 855-355-5777, and ask them for your renewal date.
a simple, clean look with smooth surfaces, straight lines and cold colors.
THE YIDDEN in the village were excited. The great tzaddik, Reb Tzvi Hersh of Liska, was coming for a visit. It went without saying that the Rebbe would be hosted by Reb Shimon, one of the wealthier local activists. Shimon’s home had an open door policy to Yidden of all walks of life. He certainly had room for the Rebbe in his large, beautiful home.
On Friday morning, Reb Hershele of Liska arrived. He was welcomed like royalty, with Shimon’s household help ready to assist with whatever necessary.
The Rebbe davened all of the tefillos in the communal shul and held tischen there as well. The townspeople thirstily took in the rousing words of the Rebbe’s Torah. Every word imbued positivity and a true ayin tovah on Klal Yisroel. Even after the Rebbe left town, the local Yidden still felt an unparalleled kirvas Elokim
A couple of weeks later, the town was honored with another special visitor. A different gadol hador was to spend a Shabbos with them: Reb Hillel of Kolamaya. Reb Hillel was renowned as a true leader and baal mussar throughout Hungary. Naturally, Reb Hillel was also hosted in Reb Shimon’s home.
On Friday afternoon, as the Rebbe was settling in, he became aware that the mode of dress of Shimon’s wife left much to be desired. The Rebbe admonished Shimon, who ran to his wife and asked her to change into more modest attire. But Reb Hillel overheard their interaction and realized that Reb Shimon’s wife was stubborn. She had no intention of changing things anytime soon.
Reb Hillel turned to his gabbai and instructed him to pack their bags and find a new place for them to stay. Understandably, Shimon was very shaken. He pleaded with his wife, who finally agreed to comply with the tzaddik’s request, and Reb Hillel remained in their home for Shabbos.
That Friday night, the villagers experienced lofty tefillos and absorbed the Rebbe’s words of chizuk. Reb Hillel’s mussar, inter-
twined with divrei Torah on the parsha, left the crowd awestruck. The following morning, before krias haTorah, action started. The gabbai proceeded to walk around the shul to sell the aliyos with a new, efficient system: he had a chart where the mispallelim could mark their bids. But Reb Hillel stopped him. The Rebbe was disturbed that the community was veering from the traditional auction-style sale of the aliyos and questioned if the new method was halachically permissible. The townspeople tried to explain their reasoning, but it was to no avail. Reb Hillel would not allow this new method of selling aliyos in shul. The gabbai stepped back and continued to sell the aliyos in the old-fashioned manner.
A while later, several businessmen from this town were on a business trip when they passed the city of Liska. They decided to take this opportunity to get a bracha from Reb Hershele. They also wished to ask a question that was niggling in their minds.
“Rebbe,” they said, “we don’t understand! A few weeks ago, the Rebbe was in our town, and there was not even one word of criticism toward the host, Reb Shimon, or to the community members in shul. Yet a few weeks later, when Reb Hillel of Kolamaya visited, he had so much mussar for us. What’s behind this difference?”
Reb Hershele smiled and replied, “You’re asking a great question. Hashem assigns all kinds of leaders to Klal Yisroel, and each one is there to lift the general public. Some have the duty of doing this through sharp reprimands, and others through positive encouragement.
“I am of the second category. My tafkid is to prod Klal Yisroel to improve through positivity. As such, it was orchestrated from Above that I should not be aware of the chisronos you mention. The tzaddik of Kolamaya, on the other hand, was appointed within the first category. His duty is to prompt Klal Yisroel to teshuvah through sharper words of mussar. For this reason, it was
Moshe Rabbeinu was commanded to count Klal Yisroel “ l’mishpechosam l’beis avosam — by families following their fathers’ houses” (Bamidbar 1:2).
If the ultimate goal was to determine the total number of Yidden, why was it necessary to count them separately, according to family?
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arranged on High that he notice these lacks so he could reprimand the crowd to grow.”
Every person has a specific tafkid, an assignment designated to him from Above, and the paths of his life match up so he can fulfill his special purpose in this world. Moreover, just as the life story of each person befits his tafkid, so do his nature and personality have a custom-made fit, prodding him to go in the direction he must grow. *
According to Reb Shamshon Refael Hirsch, zt”l, this answers our question.
Klal Yisroel is a single unit. Moshe Rabbeinu was commanded to count Klal Yisroel as a whole. But at the same time, we mustn’t forget that the “klal” is composed of many individuals, each with a unique style, skill set and purpose in life. Klal Yisroel can operate well as a unit when each person is allowed expression as an individual. Only with our collective pool of unique talents and tafkidim do we achieve the full picture of the entire klal as one.
Personality and lifestyle are generally a product of one’s forebears and family. Therefore, Moshe was commanded to count Klal Yisroel in a manner of “l’mishpechosam l’beis avosam,” paying attention to individual strengths. This fortifies Klal Yisroel as one unified entity, ready to serve Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
Klal Yisroel was counted twice in the Midbar, nearly seven months apart. After the Cheit Ha’egel, on 11 Tishrei, the Yidden were counted in a display of Hashem’s love and forgiveness. On Rosh Chodesh Iyar, they were counted again. Amazingly, the census turned up the exact same total!
Could it be that no one reached age twenty and nobody passed away in this time?
With the census year being from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah, male adults who turned twenty between the two countings were not included. Additionally, Klal Yisroel was protected by the mitzvah they were occupied with — the building of the Mishkan — and so not a single Yid passed away during this time!
A few weeks ago, the Rebbe was in our town, and there was not even one word of criticism toward the host, Reb Shimon, or to the community members in shul. Yet a few weeks later, when Reb Hillel of Kolamaya visited, he had so much mussar for us.
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טפאשרעריפנא יד רעטנוא
םילהנמ רעבושח םענופ
א”טילש קנארפ עשוהי םהרבא ר”רה א”טילש רענטרעג לאוי השמ ר”רה רעלסנאק-דעה לוקס-ירפ רעד ןוא א”טילש דלעפנעזאר לאכימ ר”רה
ןוא ענעבעגעגרעביא עיירטעג םיכירדמ ןוא םידמלמ דסנעריפיסקע
3:00 זיב 10:00 ןופ גאטנוז
3:15 זיב 9:30 גאטשרענאד-גאטנאמ
12:30 זיב 9:30 ןופ גאטיירפ
טפאשרעריפנא יד רעטנוא ’יחת ארדעמש תרמ עטמיראב יד ןופ
גנעגראי עדנגלאפ יד ראפ ןסאלק זייס ערענעלק
3 רעכעה זיב
סרעשטיט דסנעריפיסקע ןוא ענעבעגעגרעביא עיירטעג
םוליקיראק עלופסטלאהניא ןוא עקאמשעג
סטיס-ראק טימ עיצאטראפסנארט ריט-וצ-ריט
סרעשטיט-סאב ןוא
קענס ןוא שטנאל ,גאטשירפ עגיטפאהראנ
סרעלקנירפס ןוא סלופ-גנימיווס רעדניק סרעטעוו עסייה ןיא indoor trips
3:15 זיב 9:30 ןופ גאטשרענאד-גאטנאמ
12:30 זיב 9:30 ןופ גאטיירפ
באטש ראפ טפור סעיציזאפ 347-357-6384
ירעסרונ-ירפ ןוא פורגיעלפ םארגארפ רעממוז
Writing about Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim is like writing about a good friend; like writing about my personal security fund, where each dollar is a direct wire transfer to the Creator of us all. Eloka d’Meir aneini – G-d of Meir, answer me! A plea from the depths of our hearts; a plea on the lips of Jewish parents worldwide, begging for Yiddishe doros. A plea to a friend who is with you wherever life may take you.
Almost two thousand years have passed since R’ Meir Baal Haness said those holy words, and since then, Yidden in every generation have connected to those timeless words in the happiest of moments and the darkest of times. Years have not diminished the potency of the words, and gedolim and tzaddikim of all generations have trusted R’ Meir’l’s words more than any other segulah.
R’ Yankele of Pshevorsk z”l repeated from the Shi-
nover Rav that “the way to have a kesher with previous generations is to be busy with the same tzedakah as they were. And that’s Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim.” On the ancient lists in their archives, the Kolel has the names of your grandparents, who donated their last penny to R’ Meir Baal Haness. Because the pushka of R’ Meir’l is an icon in the Jewish home.
The Melitzer Rav went to ask the R’ Ahron of Belz zt”l how to set up his new home. R’ Ahron of Belz said, “Hachana to a new home is having a R’ Meir Baal Haness pushka.”
Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim was founded almost two centuries ago, in 1830. While the world has changed drastically over 200 years, the goal of Chibas Yerushalayim has remained the same: to help the aniyei Eretz Yisroel in its purest form.
The annual budget is over seven million dollars!
How does Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim cover such astronomical numbers?
One dollar at a time — your pushka, your neighbor’s pushka and the pushkahs in the homes of all of Klal Yisroel who are mekadesh their homes!
Before charity platforms and sophisticated donor funds, tzaddikim were mekadesh the pushka of R’ Meir Baal Haness. Until today, withstanding the test of time, it has provided the bulk of the Kolel’s budget.
As Rabbi Rubin, director of the Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim, puts
it, “The dinner next week is not only a fundraiser; it’s a convention for all our weekly donors. Not only the wealthy, but those that steadfastly cling to mesorah by putting in dollar after dollar into their pushka.”
Most fundraising dinners end with “rabboisai mir velen bentchen.” As soon as bentching is over, so is the fundraising. Or in more modern times, as soon as you reach the goal on the charity platform and the virtual confetti flies, the campaign closes.
But Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim has no start or end. It’s a yearly cycle of giving and receiving. Giving dollars and receiving the time-honored segulah of R’ Meir’s shmira.
The dinner is a seudas mitzvah, a simcha, celebrating the joy and the cycle of giving. It’s a chance for Klal Yisroel to come and rejoice with Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim as a giver of funds and a taker of endless bracha.
On Yom Hamyichos, Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim will be celebrating Klal Yisroel’s eternal goodness on Monday, May 22, at 8:00 p.m. at the New Belz Hall at 1247 38th Street.
We look forward to celebrating with you.
The largest chunk of the yearly budget is for the quarterly chalukah — stipends allocated to struggling families.
Currently, the Kolel has more than 7,000 families registered for the chalukahs. That amounts to more than 50,000 individuals! In addition, it assists thousands more in their time of need with various services.
The four chalukahs take place before Pesach, in the month of Tamuz, before Succos and on Chanukah. The money is wired directly into the bank accounts of the recipients, so the families receive the money in a discreet and honorable way.
A board of the greatest gedolim, including HaRav Naftuli Nussbaum, the Strikover Rebbe, and HaRav Ezra Schapiro, Mashgiach of Yeshivas Kol Torah, carefully weigh in on each situation and decide on the stipend amount. The office operates efficiently with protocols and regulations to ensure each family receives what they need.
To illustrate how the families wait for the chalukah, Rabbi Rubin shares a current story.
A woman called the office on Zos Chanukah, soon after the Chanukah chalukah, to ask if the representative knew how much she’d be getting for the Pesach chalukah
The representative was taken aback. Pesach? That was months away. The Pesach chalukah is the largest one, and the Kolel empties its accounts to help their families. But there was no way of knowing on Chanukah how much they would be able to distribute for Pesach.
The woman explained that she doesn’t look at the calendar the way others do. Her year revolves around the chalukahs, and all her calculations revolve around the support she receives. Now she needed money for shoes, since a shoe outlet was selling out at rock bottom prices. With a family of ten, she couldn’t forfeit this opportunity, but she couldn’t afford even the clearance price.
She wanted to borrow the money from a friend and repay it with the coming chalukah. She said, “When I tell people I’ll repay with the chalukah, they lend me the money happily. They know it’s trustworthy.”
That’s what Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim does. It provides a trustworthy safety net for floundering families.
The Chibas Yerushalayim building on Rechov Meah Shearim 120 never sleeps. It is especially alive in the evening from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.
The ground floor of the building boasts a state-of-the-art children’s clothing boutique at greatly subsidized prices. In a different section of the store is a beautifully assorted selection of kallah clothing, everything the kallah needs to begin married life as the queen of her new home.
The boutiques are open to the general public and are always teeming with happy shoppers.
In addition to the kallah boutique, Chibas Yerushalayim distributes money to cash-strapped parents enabling them to come to the chuppah with more joy and less stress.
Dental health is a necessity. But when putting bread on the table is a struggle, dental health becomes a luxury. Chibas Yerushalayim fills this need by subsidizing the cost of three fully-equipped dental clinics in Yerushalayim, Ashdod and Bnei Brak. The offices are stateof-the-art and the dentists are professionals and specialists in their fields.
Thousands of patients across all demographics use the clinics at minimal cost. The dentists go above and beyond filling cavities by filling hearts with hope.
The birth of a child is a time of happiness and renewal. It is imperative for every new mother to feel secure and peaceful with the new addition to the family. Eizer Le’Yoldos distributes hundreds of thousands of dollars to support families after the birth of a child, ensuring that their joy remains untarnished.
Even if a family does not receive the quarterly chalukah, as soon as there is a medical crisis, Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim steps in with funds to keep the family going. While money cannot buy happiness, it can often buy health and stability. It can buy hope.
כ"עמל ןימזהל הזב ונאב הביח לש האירקב
וניתובברב דחי ףסאתהל ו"צי קראפ אראב יככותב בגשנהו לודגה דמעמ לצא לבח תחקלו
הקיתעהו השודקה הקדצה תבוטל
יטבש דחי םע ישאר ףסאתהב
ונללוכ יאישנ םשארבו רודה יגיהנמו ילודג
)אזלעב( שדחה םלואב
ברעב 8:00 העשב
םכאוב תארקל םיפצמה ,ק"הרא יינע תקזחה ןעמל
יבר ג"הרה
א"טילש א"טילש דאנשאט ד"באג צ"הגה ונידידי ןב ד"מהיבב ןייד .ווע 14 - אזלעב ידיסחד
תואבג ירזנ
רקיה ךרבאה דבכנה ונידידי ו"יה ץראווש אקצריה ילתפנ 'ר ה"ומ
רקיה ךרבאה דבכנה ונידידי
ו"יה רעייטש לאוי
While Orthodox Jewish education remains under investigation in New York State, it received an unexpected burst of support last week from Mayor Eric Adams, who said that public schools should be taking their cues from the yeshiva system.
The mayor’s remarks came during a dinner held in Woodmere by Teach NYS, a leading organization that advocates for yeshivas, reported Hamodia. He noted that crime, substance abuse and social media’s negative influences have created a disaster in public schools, yet the New York State Education Department has continued attacking yeshivas, which provide a quality education.
“We need to be duplicating what you are achieving,” said Adams.
“We need to ask what we are doing wrong in our schools and learn what you are doing [right] in the yeshivas, to improve education,” said Adams.
More than a week after New York City Mayor Eric Adams attempted to offload several hundred asylum seekers to Rockland and Orange counties, the lawsuits and personal potshots continue flying fast and furious, with the Hudson Valley in national headlines.
Rockland and Orange counties both declared a state of emergency last week in an effort to prevent Adams from sending New York City’s overflow of migrants to local hotels. County executives from both Rockland and Orange filed suit last week against New York City and the Hudson Valley hotels that were set to house the migrants for as long as four months, with temporary restraining orders granted that barred the newcomers’ arrival.
Rockland County Executive Ed Day warned that he had deputies from the sheriff’s office in place to ensure that no migrants were brought to Orangeburg’s Armoni Inn and Suites. Adams lashed out at Day, branding him a racist and an antiSemite, reported VIN News.
“When you look at the county exec Day, I mean, this guy has a record of being anti-Semitic, his racist comments,” said Adams. “You know his thoughts and how he responded to this; really, he shows a lack of leadership. I thought he was the Texas governor the way he acted.”
Far from being cowed by Adams’ words, Day responded with a statement saying that the mayor was using insults to cover for his inability to fulfill his promise to make New York City a sanctuary city for asylum seekers.
“He’s breaking local and state laws, has no regard for state of emergencies, and deceived and lied continuously — all of which speak volumes of his character,” said Day. “I, on the other hand, dug this County out of $138M deficit and double-digit tax increases in nearly one term by taking responsibility for the municipality I swore to serve. He could learn a thing or two from me about what it takes to be a leader, which he is clearly failing at.”
Meanwhile, the Armoni Inn and Suites has been forced to close temporarily because its hotel permit expired on April 30. Its renewal is temporarily on hold because of the pending litigation and can only be issued under the county’s state of emergency.
While no migrants have actually been brought to Rockland, things are different in Orange County, where two buses of asylum seekers arrived at the Crossroads Hotel in Newburgh late last week, despite Adams’ assurances that all relocations were temporarily on hold.
“We learned we cannot trust the word from the mayor, Eric Adams,” said Orange County Executive Neuhaus in a statement. “This whole process has been a disorganized disaster, and the blame lies with the mayor of New York who opened the door and now has a self-induced crisis.”
CBS News reported that an engaged couple found themselves in a quandary last weekend when the Crossroads Hotel canceled a block of 37 rooms that they had reserved several months ago for their May 20th wedding, in order to house asylum seekers. Another engaged couple and several large groups were also reportedly canceled by the Crossroads for the same reason, leaving them scrambling for alternate lodging. Orange County is suing the hotel, alleging that it is being illegally converted into a long-term residential facility.
Congressman Mike Lawler, whose wife is an immigrant, has expressed concerns about the ongoing situation, noting that New York City was awarded $1 billion to care for the influx of asylum seekers, and that it was unfair to shift the burden of feeding, housing and providing the newcomers with healthcare onto Rockland County residents. While he supports immigration, Lawler said the ongoing crisis in New York demonstrates that that the current situation at our nation’s border states is not sustainable.
“While I have long agreed with Mayor Adams about the need for more federal aid to accommodate the migrant crisis in New York City, I am fundamentally opposed to shifting that crisis to other communities that are not prepared to handle that influx,” said Lawler.
There was a huge turnout at Ateres Chaya on May 7, as more than 2,000 men and women flocked to Boro Park Jewish Com-
munity Coalition’s second annual Golden Years Expo. Staff at the BPJCC worked for months planning the free event, part of its ongoing commitment to help Boro Park residents enjoy their golden years.
In addition to meeting with vendors at more than 60 booths, participants were able to take advantage of an opportunity to hear from experts in a variety of relevant fields. Cardiologist Dr. Nir Uriel spoke about improving heart health, while neurologist Dr. Irving Friedman discussed the nervous system and diabetes specialist Dr. Meir addressed the use of Ozempic, a diabetes drug that has also been widely touted in recent months as an effective weight loss aid. Tackling financial issues for those in their sixties and beyond, halachic will expert Rabbi Yakov Weinberger was joined by financial consultant Dr. Robert Levin and attorney Yossi Klein to discuss the finer points of a properly constructed will.
Ami Magazine’s Jake Turx emceed the event. The expo also featured free nutrition counseling and massages, and attendees received copies of the BPJCC’s 2023 Senior Guidebook and the latest edition of the Boro Park Health Journal.
“Boro Park JCC is one of the first and one of the only focusing on an area of such great need,” BPJCC Avi Greenstein told The Boro Park View. “Over 1,100 seniors are turning 65 each year in Boro Park, and the BPJCC is proactively addressing their concerns, launching services for seniors. This event is the culmination of a full year of being there for appointments, meeting with them and advocating for them.”
With shoplifting skyrocketing by 81% during the first three months of the calendar year, a group representing thousands of New York City grocers is calling on state lawmakers to come down hard on offenders.
The New York Post reported that CAPS – Collective Action To Protect Our Stores – is asking that thieves who assault retail workers be sent to jail, despite the state’s lax bail reform laws that often have criminals back out on city streets within hours of their arrest.
“The crime of assaulting a supermarket employee must be made a bailable offense,” said CAPS head Nelson Eusebio at a press conference held at a Pioneer Supermarket, located on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. “Our stores cannot continue like this,” added Eusebio. “We are part of your community. We need you to support us. Albany, please wake up.”
Multiple bills to prevent store thefts are currently under consideration in the legislature. A measure sponsored by Senator Jessica Scarcella Spanton and Assemblyman Manny De Los Santos would bump assaulting a retail worker up to a Class D felony in the second degree, a classification that is already in place for those who attack taxi drivers, utility workers, first responders and other essential government workers. Legislation sponsored by Senator Kevin Thomas and Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz would have shoplifters who are convicted of assaulting a retailer twice within two years
charged with grand larceny in the fourth degree, a potentially bailable offense.
“In instances where a person who looks to steal is not confronted, an environment is created where the retail business becomes a target for future robberies,” noted the lawmakers in their bill memo.
A third bill, sponsored by Brad Hoylman-Sigal and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, would make selling stolen goods online a Class A misdemeanor. It is unknown if any of these anti-shoplifting measure will actually be passed into law as the 2023 legislative session winds down to a close.
Shoplifting has been a continued problem in New York City, with just 327 perpetrators charged in 6,600 reported incidents in 2022.
It is the end of an era for AM radio, as several major automakers have announced plans to eliminate the broadcast transmission from its newest vehicles.
The Washington Post reported that BMW, Mazda, Tesla and Volkswagen have said that they are eliminating AM radio, a mainstay in cars for decades, because the engines on their electric models can interfere with the sound on AM stations. Ford has taken the larger step of eliminating AM radio from all of its vehicles, both gas and electric models.
Station owners, listeners, first-responders and politicians on both sides of the aisle have all voiced their objections. The plan could be a death knell for a significant number of the country’s more than 4,000 AM stations, while also destroying a significant component of the nation’s news delivery system.
Approximately 82 million Americans tune in to AM stations monthly, an audience that has been growing older each year, according to the National Association of Broadcasters. Pulling data from its internet-con-
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nected vehicles, Ford said that fewer than five percent of its listening audience tunes into AM stations.
While many of the larger AM stations have sister-stations on FM radio or online programming, others do not, prompting some to protest the move, noting that AM radio has long been the gold standard for announcing weather emergencies and other significant events. Both Toyota and Honda have said that they will continue offering AM radio in their cars. General Motors, the country’s topselling automaker, has yet to share its plans to keep or discontinue AM radio in its vehicles.
If you are one of the 2.2 million people who own a model PL01 Peloton bike, you might want to stop pedaling, at least for a while.
A recall notice issued by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission on May 11 warned that Peloton has received reports from 35 owners who said that the seat post broke and detached from the bicycle’s frame while in use. Thirteen of those riders suffered injuries as they fell, including lacerations and bruises, with one sustaining a fractured wrist.
The affected models were sold online by Amazon, Peloton and Dick’s Sporting Goods for $1,400, from January 2018 through this month. Owners are being cautioned to stop using their bicycles immediately and to call Peloton at 866-679-9129 for a free replacement seat post, which customers can easily install on their own.
Peloton has gone down the recall road before, reported CNBC, with 125,000 of its Tread+ treadmills recalled in May 2021 when a child died after being pulled under the machine. A statement released by the company reiterated its unwavering commitment to safety, saying, “For Peloton, it was important to proactively engage the CPSC to address this issue and to work swiftly and cooperatively to identify a remedy.”
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Recap: Chaim Tzvi avoids paying their contractor, and Lani’s worry mounts. Yaakov’s schooling plans feels like a long road toward freedom to Riva, but when she seeks Lani’s commiseration, she gets undeniable coldness instead.
On Sunday, when there was no school, Fraidy merited more than just a detailed construction report from Chevi. She was privileged to get an actual tour of the Eisdorf’s famous construction site.
From when she and Chevi Eisdorf had been toddlers, they would often get together on Sundays to play at each other’s houses. Now, ever since the Eisdorfs had started construction, Chevi usually came to the Strohs, because there wasn’t much room to play in their tiny basement apartment.
“When we move back upstairs, you’ll be able to come over to my house every single Sunday,” Chevi told Fraidy as they huddled over Perler beads. “We’re going to have a ginormous playroom, and my mother said she’s going to buy a keyboard and a drum set, and Malky and Shana are going to get lessons. Maybe I’ll also get lessons when I’m a little older.”
“Do you know how to play any of those instruments?”
“Not yet, but I’ll learn.”
“Oh, okay.”
Chevi didn’t seem to like that response. It probably made her feel like there was nothing exciting about a keyboard and drums if you couldn’t play them, but Fraidy really hadn’t meant it that way.
Her mother came into the room with a pile of laundry in her arms. “Hey, Ma,” Fraidy said. “We’re almost done with these beads. Can you iron them for us?”
“Yes, I’ll iron them later. Leave them on the windowsill. Oh, and please check the floor to make sure you don’t see any beads. I don’t want Eli getting to them.”
When they finished their bead boards, they went to the kitchen to have lunch. Fraidy’s mother was talking on the phone, and she turned around to address Chevi. “Your mother’s on the
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phone. She wants you to go home to watch Shifra for a bit.”
“Do you want to go along, Fraidy?” her mother asked.
Fraidy stirred some granola into her yogurt. She wasn’t too interested in going along. Lately, she found that she didn’t enjoy Chevi’s company as much she used to. But on the other hand, if she stayed home, she’d be really bored, so maybe it would be better to go along?
“Yeah, come,” Chevi squealed. “I’ll give you a tour of our new house!”
That sounded like fun, and Fraidy agreed to the plan. They finished eating, put on their coats, and walked the three blocks to the Eisdorfs’ house.
It was only when the tour actually started that Fraidy realized how not fun this idea actually was. From the moment they walked through the doorway — a broken doorway; the wall above the door had been cut out “because tall doors are so much more modern than short ones,” as Chevi explained — she realized she was going to have to endure at least an hour of Chevi’s bragging.
Chevi parked the stroller with a sleeping Shifra in the wouldbe foyer, starting the grand tour with the two double-door coat closets. “We’re going to have custom closets, here and all over the house.”
Fraidy nodded, unsure what the difference between regular closets and custom closets was. A closet was a closet; you put stuff in it. What could be so special about that?
They walked into the actual house. “This is the dining room,” Chevi told her all importantly. “It’s much, much bigger than your dining room. This area here is going to be a living room. We’ll have all kinds of couches and stuff. And spot lights. Do you have spotlights in your dining room?”
“Uh, yes, we do, actually. What’s so good about spot lights?”
“They’re gorgeous! We’re also having finger spots on top of the couch area. It’s like tiny, cute little spot lights so it’s all cozy for reading.”
“Nice,” Fraidy said, although she didn’t understand why finger spots were any cozier for reading than a pretty lamp. That’s what they had next to the couch in their house, even if it wasn’t in an actual living room. In general, it was hard to see what was so special about this house. It looked like one big mess to her, and although Chevi told her she had to “visualize” the end results, right now all she saw was a bunch of wood and metal and piles and piles of construction debris.
The tour continued, from the would-be kitchen to the wouldbe bedrooms to the would-be laundry room. “It’s hard to picture how it’s really going to look because everything is still so raw, but it’s going to be like a mansion,” Chevi assured her once again.
By the time they got to the would-be playroom and Chevi started describing the would-be décor and all the equipment her mother was going to get installed, and then how much fun they were going to have at all the would-be fairytale sleepovers, Fraidy had had it.
“You’re so lucky, Chevi,” she said, hardly bothering to conceal the scorn in her voice. “Your house is going to be the biggest, nicest, most exciting house of all our classmates.”
Chevi’s face broke into a delighted grin, but when she noticed the look on Fraidy’s face, her lips curled into a sneer. “You’re jealous; I know that. What a horrible middah, to be jealous of your cousin. I thought you’d be happy for me.”
“I’m not jealous,” Fraidy said.
“You so are. But listen, I don’t blame you. You live in a small,
nerdy apartment on the third floor. You don’t even have a playroom.”
Fraidy kicked a broken piece of wood aside, then dragged her shoe through a small pile of sawdust. Her house was not small and not nerdy, and she liked living on the third floor; she got to see everything that was going on down on the street from their front porch. She wasn’t even interested in a big, fancy house like Chevi, especially if that meant living in a tiny, ugly basement apartment for months and months and months.
But she didn’t say any of this to Chevi. Instead she zipped up her coat and headed for the flight of makeshift stairs. “I have to go now,” she said.
“Ha,” Chevi said. “You’re plain jealous.”
Fraidy didn’t turn back to look at her cousin. Chevi yelled after her, “Remember to bring me my Perler bead duck to school tomorrow!” but Fraidy didn’t answer. She dashed out of the broken doorway and ran the three blocks back to her house.
Back home, she locked herself in her bedroom and flung herself down on her bed. She didn’t want to talk to anyone, and she didn’t want to tell her mother what had just happened. She wasn’t jealous — she knew that clearly — and Chevi was simply making up a story.
Rolling over onto her stomach, Fraidy planted her chin on her palms and stared out the window in front of her bed.
That’s when she noticed: the Perler beads. Someone had been in her room and spilled the two boards that had been waiting on the windowsill for her mother to iron them.
Her head felt suddenly heavy. She didn’t care about her own teddy bear, but Chevi’s duck was gone now, and her cousin wasn’t going to be happy about it.
She could redo it. She could sit down right now, collect the beads from the floor, and start the board from the beginning. Chevi didn’t have to know.
But she had a problem. She’d been engrossed in her own teddy bear that morning, and she hadn’t paid attention to Chevi’s duck. She had no idea how her cousin had designed it, so there was no way to recreate it.
She lay on her bed motionless, an awful fear spreading over her skin.
What was she going to tell Chevi the next day? *
It took one more week before the power tools fell silent.
It was on the day that Lani was scheduled to meet with Derek, the closet guy, and when the workers didn’t show up in the morning, she had a queasy feeling and thought about cancelling the appointment.
She pulled out the broom from the space between the fridge and the wall and started sweeping the few feet of linoleum flooring in the basement kitchen. Who knew how long — if ever — it would be before they’d be ready to get the closets installed?
But Chaim Tzvi didn’t look so distraught when he arrived home from Shacharis.
“Andy isn’t threatening us,” he told Lani as he put bread into the toaster. “We agreed to take a two-week break from building so we have a chance to get our bearings.”
“Our funds, you mean.”
“Call it whatever you want.”
Lani hitched the broom near the doorframe and leaned forward on the counter. “I couldn’t sleep last night, Chaim Tzvi,”
crumbs off his shoe. She responded with a weary wink. So much for trust.
Chaim Tzvi’s phone rang. “Client,” he mouthed, then headed upstairs to their half-built house to take the call. Lani re-swept the floor, gathered the crumbs, and shook the dustpan into the garbage.
The garbage was full so she tied it up and took it outside. In the hallway, she heard Chaim Tzvi talking, going over numbers with someone.
He was great at raising funds, and she couldn’t help the unsettling thought: Would he end up becoming his own client one day soon?
She dumped the garbage bag into the trash can, and when she turned to go back inside, someone stopped in front of her house.
Gittel Indig.
“Hey, how are you, Lani?”
“Great, baruch Hashem.”
Gittel took that as an invitation to schmooze. She opened the front gate and walked over to Lani. “How’s the construction going?”
Did she have to ask this question today?
“Slowly, you know…” Lani answered.
“Yeah, that’s how it goes. I’m seeing it with my daughter now, and she didn’t even start building yet. Just finalizing the plans is taking forever. They’re working with a second architect now, if they weren’t confused enough before.”
Lani nodded. She needed an excuse to end this conversation. Oh, the baby, right. She opened her mouth to tell Gittel that she had to go check on Shifra when Gittel grabbed her hand. “Hey! I’m just realizing. You know who the second architect is? It’s Stroh, your sister’s husband. Not really an architect yet, I know, but he’s with my sonin-law in kollel, and he’s great. He has some really good ideas.” She leaned back on the fence. “Good for him, it’s an excellent industry. By the rates these people charge, he must be earning a pretty penny.”
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I first set foot on a trading floor the summer before I turned 16. There were over a hundred people in one massive room, and the noise level was stuck on LOUD. We sat in an office on the 21st floor just a few blocks from Wall Street, watching boats race down the Hudson and selling 5,000 shares of Microsoft… Too bad those shares weren’t mine.
Do you glance at articles about the economy and then turn the page? Do the stock market numbers look like Greek to you?
Trust me — it’s a lot less complicated than you might think. These concepts are not rocket science; they’re actually pretty simple. Every field has its own jargon, but the concepts are not difficult. And again, trust me on this: You know more than you think you know.
So let’s jump in.
A stock is a share in a company. A company can be divided into 100 parts, 500 parts, or (like IBM) close to a billion parts. There can be different kinds of stock,
DVORA FREIMARKsuch as those with voting rights and those without. Some stocks pay dividends, while many do not. But all stocks are simply shares in a company.
A bond is a certificate of debt. A company can issue bonds, and so can a government. The entity issuing the bond is borrowing money from the entity that purchases it. Why would someone lend someone else money this way? Because the bond pays interest. Money today is worth more than money tomorrow, and interest is the price that the bond issuer pays for the right to use your money today.
A point is a dollar. If the stock went up three points, it’s now being bought and sold at three dollars higher than it was previously.
There’s a cool economic principle called the law of supply and demand. When there are many people who want an item, and there’s a limited number of that item available, then the price of that item goes up.
Let’s say the Shoe Shoppe is a store with 100 pairs of blue shoes and 100 pairs of green shoes. And let’s say that 1,000 people want to buy blue shoes but only 10 people want to buy green shoes. In a perfect economy, the price of blue shoes would go up, and the price of green shoes would go down.
So the next time someone says, “Oh, the market is up today,” you can nod knowingly and respond, “Yep, more buyers than sellers.” And if they say, “Wow, the market dropped today,” you can shake
Dvora Freimark
BUSINESS NAME: Swim with Sharks
IN ONE SENTENCE: I guide my clients as they grow their business while living their best life.
Hashem loves you!
BEST ADVICE I EVER GOT: When you make a mistake, own up to it immediately. If you try to cover it up, it will grow exponentially.
MY MANTRA: Eizehu ashir, hasamei’ach b’chelko ( Avos 1:4).
your head and answer, “True. There were more sellers than buyers.”
Great question! Usually, they’re referring to the Dow Jones Industrial Average — also called the DJIA, or just the Dow. This is an index — a listing — of 30 important companies that are listed on U.S. stock exchanges. It’s not a simple average; stocks with higher prices are given greater weight when figuring the index. The Dow is one of the oldest indexes, having been first started in 1896.
A stock market is what we call a collection of stock exchanges, or places where stocks (and a few other items, like ETFs, which we’ll talk about later) can be bought and sold. In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates the stock markets, making sure they’re run in an ethical, fair and organized manner.
Ahh, this is one we all know. When you’re paying more now than you did a year ago for the same item, that’s inflation. Why do prices rise? Sometimes the cost to produce the item rises. Sometimes the cost of the ingredients that are necessary to produce the item goes up. Sometimes the wages of the people working to produce the item rise. But always, always, prices rise when there are more buyers than sellers.
Dvora Freimark is a business coach at Swim with Sharks. She loves to discuss financial theory and support her clients with practical ways they can raise their business to the next level.
For the first time in our community, Dr. Diamond will host a conference for parents/ caregivers of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
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Dr. Michael Diamond has been working with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) for the past 27 years.
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All ingredients listed in this week’s recipes are available for purchase at Breadberry
There’s an aroma of freshly baked goods mingling with the heady scent of flowers… These recipes bring a magical garden to life.
A rich, classic cheesecake dressed up and adorned to enhance your Yom Tov table.
1 (10 oz.) bag Ostreicher’s chocolate chip cookies
¾ stick butter
2 (8 oz.) containers whipped cream cheese
1 small (7.5 oz.) farmer cheese
1 cup sugar
2 T. vanilla sugar
2 T. cornstarch dissolved in ¼ cup milk
2 eggs
8 oz. sour cream
8 oz. sour cream
2½ T. sugar
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1. To prepare the crust: Use the stick butter to grease the bottom and sides of a 10-inch round pan.
2. Crumble the cookies, and combine this with the butter. Press this cookie mixture into the bottom of the pan. Bake this crust at 350° for 10 minutes, then allow it to cool.
3. To prepare the filling: Beat together the cream cheese, farmer cheese, sugars and cornstarch until the mixture is smooth.
4. Gradually add the eggs. Beat on low speed.
5. Add the sour cream, and mix on low until the ingredients are combined. Pour this batter over the crust.
6. Pour about 2 to 3 inches of boiling water into a larger size pan on the bottom rack of the oven. Place the cheesecake on the upper rack above the water bath. This will prevent the cheesecake from cracking.
7. Bake at 350° for 50 to 60 minutes, or until the center is almost set. Let the cheesecake cool in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove the cheesecake from the oven, and raise the oven temperature to 400°.
8. To prepare the topping: Combine the sour cream, sugar and vanilla extract. Spread this over the cheesecake. Return the cheesecake to the oven, and bake for 10 minutes.
Note: See frosting instructions at end of feature.
If you are a muffin lover, try these. Perfectly soft and fluffy, they are exactly what I look for in a muffin.
Yields about 10 large muffins
Note: If using smaller cupcake holders, fill only halfway because these muffins grow, and you want enough surface area for decorating. If the tops are still too high and rounded after baking, simply cut the tops off gently to get a perfect decorating surface.
2 cups Wondermills flour
½ cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
¾ cup milk
1 stick unsalted butter, melted and cooled
2 large eggs, room temperature
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1. Whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the milk, melted butter, eggs and vanilla.
3. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Mix until well combined.
4. Spoon the batter into a lined muffin pan, filling each muffin cup about two-thirds full.
5. Bake at 350° for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Note: See frosting instructions at end of feature.
Note: This recipe was used for the flowers on the cheesecake and muffins
4 sticks butter, at room temperature
8 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 tsp. vanilla sugar
2 T. milk
1. Mix together all ingredients until they’re well combined and creamy.
2. Divide the frosting, tinting each part with food coloring to create different shades of color.
These tender and buttery cookies will melt in your mouth. Decorate these cookies with frosting to beautify your Yom Tov table, or keep them simple by dusting them with confectioners’ sugar once cooled. They pair perfectly with a cup of coffee.
2 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 tsp. vanilla extract
¾ cup confectioners’ sugar
1½ cups cornstarch
1 cup Wondermills flour
¼ tsp. salt
1. Whisk together the butter, vanilla extract and confectioners’ sugar until creamy.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients, and mix to form a soft, smooth dough.
3. Roll the dough into balls, and place these on a lined cookie sheet. Press down on each ball with the palm of your hand.
4. Freeze the raw cookies for 20 minutes.
5. Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 350° for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until the edges begin to brown. (The cookies will still be very pale in color)
4 oz. cream cheese
2 cups confectioners’ sugar
½ tsp. milk
1. Cream together until smooth. Set aside ¼ cup frosting (adding a choice of color for dots in center). Add coloring to the remaining frosting (petaled flower).
2. Fill piping bag fitted with round piping tip (I used Wilton 12).
3. Pipe about 5-6 rounds, pulling up to form a point, along the edge on the cookie.
4. Using the back of a spoon, pull each round frosting toward the center. Continue until a petaled flower is formed.
5. Add color of your choice to the 1/4 cup reserved frosting. Fill a piping bag with this frosting and attach a tiny round piping tip (I used Wilton #4). Pipe small dots in the center of the flower.
These flowers work best if you create them on a flower nail and later transfer to the cake.
1. Place some buttercream frosting on the flower nail, using it to anchor a piece of parchment paper into place.
2. The narrow part of the tip hole should be pointing upward. The wider part of the hole should point toward the flower nail.
3. To create closed roses or peony flowers, pipe the petals in rounded arc-like strokes, moving toward the center (see photo).
Squeeze some green frosting directly onto the cake with any piping tip, to create a tall mountain. With white frosting, use any small star tip to pipe tiny stars onto the green frosting to create a hydrangea flower.
Leaves add beauty and are great when trying to fill small spaces. Add leaves with a leaf tip or achieve the same look by cutting a V-shaped notch into the tip of a piping bag.
Russian tips work best when piped onto a layer of cream (any cream or frosting). This will give the flower something to stick to.
How to pipe with Russian tips:
Step 1: Hold the flat end of the tip just above the surface you want to pipe. Apply steady pressure to the piping bag while pulling straight up.
Step 2: Release the pressure when you’re three-quarters of the way done with your petal. Continue to pull up the piping bag until the buttercream separates from the tip.
Try some flowers on a piece of parchment paper before piping them onto the cake. If the flower doesn’t don’t come out nice, simply wipe away and redo.
ROSETTES (TIP #2D)1. Remember to remove all air from the piping bag prior to decorating.
2. Fill a piping bag and use the same tip for different colored frostings – mess free!
Place a piping tip into a clean piping bag. Spread a large piece of plastic wrap flat. Place a “log” of buttercream frosting in the center of the plastic wrap and roll it into a tight candy-like shape with the two long ends well twisted. Pull one twisted end through the piping bag and the tip. Snip off the twisted end and start decorating. When you’re done, simply pull out the plastic wrap, and fill the piping bag with a different frosting-filled plastic wrap.
Out of plastic wrap? Place a piping tip into a clean piping bag. Fit the frosting into another piping bag without a tip and cut off the end. Drop the filled frosting bag into the piping bag fitted with the tip and start decorating.
1 stick butter, room temp.
1 cup sugar
1 Bakers Choice
Pretzel Cream
2 eggs
2 ½ cups flour
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
Dairy milk chocolate bar, for garnish
Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add the pretzel cream and beat together. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until combined.
Scoop 1-inch balls and place on a lined baking sheet. Bake at 350˚F for about 10 minutes.
Dip bottom of cookie in melted chocolate.
Note: Butter can be substituted with margarine for parve version.
Wishing you a חמש גח
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In honor of Matan Torah, Hashem beautified Har Sinai with trees and flowers. Therefore, there is a minhag to decorate our shuls and homes with greenery for Shavuos.
I used greenery and flowers to decorate the window frames, chandelier and table in honor of Yom Tov. Use the ideas shown here as a springboard for your own ideas.
• These designs use eucalyptus leaves. You can also use ruscus, or any beautiful greenery.
• For the flowers, I used baby’s breath, spray roses and wax flowers. The baby’s breath and wax flowers lasted well for a few days (remember, they’re not in water), but the roses did not last as long. However, peonies and tulips are even more delicate. (You can try hanging the roses upside down, so when they begin to wilt, they’ll dry into beautiful dried roses.)
For best results, keep the roses in water until Erev Yom Tov; this way, they should last the couple days of Yom Tov. You can also use silk flowers in place of real ones. The greenery lasts well, and the addition of silk flowers will give you the best of both worlds.
• You will also need wired twine (available in Walmart, Michaels, Home Depot, etc.) and white gaffer’s tape (which won’t damage your paint).
• Measure the window frame (or wherever you want to hang your flowers). You will size your garland to fit.
• Use wired twine to attach bunches of leaves together to form a garland. Make sure they are securely attached. You can make the garland as full and leafy as you’d like. Stagger the branches so there are no no spaces without leaves.
• Decorate the garland by attaching the flowers. Choose flowers you love. I placed bunches of baby’s breath every 12 to 14 inches or so, with a bunch of spray roses and a bunch of wax flowers in between.
• Once the garland is complete, hang it by attaching it to the wall with gaffer’s tape. You will need to use a lot of tape, as the garlands are heavy. Place tape in an X every 10 inches or so. Hide the tape behind the leaves.
• For the chandelier, create a circular garland similar to the one you created for the window. I also cut the flowers and placed them in the cups of the chandelier. Use your creativity to adapt these ideas to your own light fixture.
• Use the extra flowers as a centerpiece for the table.
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Flowers are live sources of beauty, color and fragrance. But for some of us, they are that much more alive than for others.
Speaking with Mr. Weber of Blossoms in Monsey, you can practically see the flowers unfurling their petals and releasing their scents, and here at The Boro Park View, we are all the richer for it.
“Peonies aren’t cheap,” Mr. Weber says, “but they’re in season Shavuos time, and people really like them. Tulips are also favorites, but since they’re spring flowers, sometimes they’re all bloomed out by the time Shavuos rolls around.”
Holland is the queen of tulips, but that’s generally true only in early spring when, according to Mr. Weber, “wherever you drive or walk you’ll see tulips.” When the tulip season in Holland is over, tulips can be sourced from California, and then Virginia, but sooner or later, all spring tulips will have had their day.
“Then there are perennial favorites like roses and hydrangeas,” says Mr. Weber. “Those are sourced from South America, where the climate is more or less the same year-round.”
To florists, this translates into a flower that doesn’t need to be chased from one country to the next each month. Small wonder roses and hydrangeas are such dependable sources of beauty.
Does Blossoms ever get the opportunity to dress local shuls in honor of Shavuos?
“During such a busy flower season,” says Mr. Weber, “we simply can’t undertake large jobs that would require us to be on site for so many hours. However, we do prepare beautiful greenery at great prices for people to work with.”
In fact, Blossoms also offer shuls the service of putting together silk arrangements during the year, which they can then reuse each Yom Tov along with fresh, live greens.
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“This time of year, most people are excited to display summer colors,” Mr. Weber says.
First there are those who like the traditional and timeless pink and white bouquets. Then there are customers who are more daring and prefer darker pinks, or lavenders. And then there are more trendy customers who request the peach and beige bouquets that are currently in vogue.
“In general, however,” Mr. Weber adds, “color preferences are very individual. Some people stick to old design rules and refuse to consider monochromatic arrangements or bouquets containing traditionally clashing colors. Other people like the excitement of interesting combinations, like corals and lavenders, even though that was never acceptable in the past.”
What about personal favorites?
“I like whites and greens, as well as unexpected color combinations that contain lots of layers and depth,” Mr. Weber shares. “I prefer those over pinks. I also like to use a variety of greens in my own arrangements. Flowers are more delicate, but greens have sharper edges that really enhance any design, and they offer a huge variety of texture.”
When hiring staff, Blossoms seeks people who’ve never worked with flowers before — for a simple reason.
“It’s easier to train workers when they’re new to the industry,” Mr. Weber explains. “If they’ve had previous experience in floristry, then they may have developed a style that may not match ours, and that’s when things get complicated.”
“How many flowers do we sell before Shavuos?” Mr. Weber laughs when presented with this question. “Whatever number you’re thinking of, multiply that ten times, and maybe then you’ll be close. But I’m not going to share the answer.”
That’s why, when hiring, there’s only one key characteristic Blossoms seeks, and that’s passion.
“If they’re passionate about what they do, chances are they’ll work out as employees,” says Mr. Weber.
Shavuos is the perfect time to treat your spouse, express gratitude to your employees or thank your hostess with a one-of-a-kind floral masterpiece.
Explore our vessel and color palette choices and find the one that suits you best.
don’t just say it with flowers, say it with Foliage.
“For Shavuos bouquets,” Mr. Weber says, “we look for florals that are priced right and have the potential to last well over Yom Tov.” This makes sense. No one wants to see their beautiful arrangements drooping right around the time of the third seduah. Nor do they want to see their too-small bouquet, which is stuffed full of pricey blossoms, hardly show up on their Yom Tov table.
According to Mr. Weber, “Tropical flowers last well, as do greenery. Local flowers also hold up because these are generally summer flowers that can withstand the heat. Tulips, on the other hand, for all their charm, are pretty delicate and won’t last that long.”
When it comes to specifics, every year there’s a different flower that is expected to last remarkably well and is a good choice for a Shavuos bouquet, but this is dependent entirely on the weather. One flower that has fit the bill in the past was the Sweet William, which is a beautiful, ruffly pink- or red-hued bloom in the carnation family.
On the same note, when it comes to bouquets enjoyed during the year, Mr. Weber has advice for customers: “Since a bouquet comprises many different flowers, it’s essentially impossible for them all to die at once. So when you’re taking apart a bouquet after Shabbos, pluck out those few live flowers, stick them into bud vases, and you’ll give them a second lease on life.”
This is a great tip to keep in mind before Shavuos, when everyone loves to scatter florals around the house.
“There’s no one most popular variety,” Mr. Weber says. “Every season, the moment we touch a new flower, everyone wants it. The second we touch tulips, everyone wants tulips; the day we bring in peonies, everyone wants peonies. In the winter as well, every customer asks for velvety florals with more depth. In truth, people love change, so the fact that seasons change is a good thing.
“On our end,” Mr. Weber continues, “we try to be on top of the season. If we can get a certain flower in a week, we’ll try to bring it in still this week from elsewhere — Morocco, for instance. The point is to import the flowers when people are excited to greet them.”
Intriguingly, the most expensive flowers are sourced from Japan. Why Japan?
Mr. Weber challenges this question with another: “Why Japan? Why does Japan produce the highest-quality cars? The highestquality electronics? The Japanese are simply phenomenal workers, and they don’t skimp on quality when manufacturing or growing their products.”
(This all seems very different from the approach of their Asian neighbor...)
“Years and years ago,” Mr. Weber continues, “when flowers came to our shores by boat, the Japanese flowers had the longest route to travel, yet their flowers still arrived looking fresher than any other. The Japanese simply know how to do it. Their flowers are stronger, prettier and better in every way.”
Floristry, like any other market, operates within the hard rules of supply and demand. When a flower is at peak season and easily obtainable, the cost will be much lower than the same flower coming from a different, sought-after grower when the supply is much smaller. Therefore, the market is heavily dependent on the weather and season. As an example, a flower coming out of France at the beginning of the season can easily cost you two to four times what you’ll pay a few weeks later, when the same flower is readily available somewhere in the U.S.
But whatever the season and whatever the weather, Japanese flowers are still the cream of the crop in every way, and they’ll always be considerably more pricey because they’re so desirable.
“Take an allium,” Mr. Weber says, “which is a lovely purple flower from an onion plant (you can actually smell the onion in it). A straight-stemmed allium bloom sourced from Holland would cost you about $1.50 a stem. But the Japanese allium, which they manage to grow in some kind of curved, very cool way, will put you back $7 or $8 a stem, although it will last you weeks in a vase.”
The higher price tag is why Mr. Weber doesn’t typically stock Japanese flowers. But as he says, the right people are the right customers.
“When working with a large budget for a party that needs a specific color and flow, for instance, and there’s no cheaper variety available on the market, then yes, the customer may want us to work with these superior flowers.”
So for that specialty bloom of top quality, the price may be just right.
“People are still into low centerpieces,” Mr. Weber says. “While customers in the past preferred tall arrangements that were perfectly tailored, today we see smaller presentations that are more natural and wilder in style.” These are known as garden bouquets. Also in line with the general preference for lower and less overwhelming bouquets, since tablescapes have become a thing, Mr. Weber has seen people order more bouquets, but smaller ones. Others will purchase ready bouquets and then take them apart and spread the flowers around the house.
“They group some here, and some there, and soon their house is bursting with blooms.”
According to Mr. Weber, the common denominator is that there’s nothing heavy on the table that has to be moved or shifted to allow for comfortable conversation during the meal.
In Mr. Weber’s words, “People used to think there are five different kinds of flowers. Those days are long gone, and today’s customers appreciate interesting varieties — even smaller ones — that are oddly shaped, uniquely colored or unusually crooked in the way they stand.”
“Nowadays,” Mr. Weber says, “it isn’t too difficult or expensive to get some pretty vases, and there are so many options out there. Invest once in a collection of twelve small vases or so, and you’ll thank yourself time and again.”
Pairing bud vases that aren’t identical but look good together always makes for a nice display. Any combination that is pleasing to the eye will result in a cluster of florals that is both attractive and convenient.
“Why convenient?” Mr. Weber asks. “Because when the table is too crowded, it’s super easy to eliminate one or two vases to make room for other things.”
In Mr. Weber’s own home, he fills a silver tea set with flowers and uses that collection as a centerpiece. “It looks beautiful and elegant, especially on Yom Tov, and it’s easy to remove one or more components when it’s too much for the table.”
Another benefit of bud vases is that they make it feasible to display otherwise pricey florals. A bud vase doesn’t need more than a flower or two paired with greens to look pretty, and so it isn’t necessary to purchase an entire bouquet to fill them.
In terms of design, vases of more distinctive colors definitely limit possibilities.
“It’s easier to work with clear vases,” Mr. Weber asserts, “or vases that are silver, gold, black or white. The second you start using brighter and more distinctive colors, that’s when you have a problem. Because then it has to match your dishes, your tablecloth, the flowers used to fill the vases, and so on. The only disadvantage to clear vases is that they do get dirty over time.”
“There are some people who are ‘into’ flowers,” Mr. Weber explains, “but if they choose the same thing every single week, they’re bound to grow tired of it after a while. So this answer is different for every person.”
And what about a specific flower that has grown somewhat blase?
“Maybe hydrangeas,” Mr. Weber says with regret. “But mostly because people don’t care for it well, and so they don’t last long enough. And that’s a pity.”
According to Mr. Weber, customers often have incorrect assumptions about the life expectancy of a cut flower.
“They get upset if a bouquet doesn’t last a full week, but if you take into account the fact that it takes about a week from the time the flower is first touched by human hands until it reaches your door, then expectations can be more realistic. If you get three to five days out of it, that’s great!”
Flowers undergo quite the journey to reach your local florist. Most flowers get imported from somewhere across the world, which means that a few hours before you buy it, it’s likely been on a plane.
“If a shipment misses a flight, or encounters weather that is too cold or too hot because people at the airport aren’t protecting it from the elements,” says Mr. Weber, “then that can easily impact the quality of the flowers. This is one of the most challenging parts about sourcing flowers.”
But the next part of a flower’s journey is entirely up to the customer. The life it will enjoy in your home is up to you!
“Get to know your flowers,” says Mr. Weber. “They need to have their water changed. They need to have their stems trimmed so they can drink more effectively. They should also be kept out of extreme temperatures. If you buy a beautiful bouquet, and then stick it in your car and forget about it for the rest of the afternoon, then your flowers will suffer for it.
“Another thing customers should learn is to trim their flowers well so the vase does the work of supporting the blooms. If the stems are cut too long and the flowers have to hold themselves up, then they will definitely die faster.”
This is especially true of hydrangeas, which will wilt with no support. But in the event that happens, Mr. Weber says, simply submerge it in water. “Like orchids, hydrangeas also drink from their head.”
When it comes to tulips, there’s a whole world of knowledge out there to benefit you.
“Tulips like sunlight. So if you see them drooping in the evening, with their stems curving, don’t worry. Stick it in sunlight in the morning, and it should perk up. Even more importantly, bulb flowers drink a lot of water. You can fill the vase one day, and find that the level of water dropped an inch of two overnight. Not everyone knows this. They treat tulips as they would any other flower, neglect to check the vase to see if there’s still water, and after two days, the tulips are dead.”
But what about local flowers? Why don’t they last two weeks if there was no major transport involved?
“Local flowers are left to blossom on the tree,” explains Mr. Weber. “They’re like locally grown fruit, which are always sweeter than imported fruit because they’re picked at a later stage of development. Imported flowers, on the other hand, are cut at a way earlier stage, so they have more time to bloom.”
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Steven Siegel MD | Stuie Goldwasser RPA-CThere are people who celebrate life’s many occasions without flowers, and then there are those who celebrate with flowers. I’m from the latter group. That’s one of the reasons I love Shavuos; all the greenery and color makes my flower-loving heart very happy.
But there’s so much more to the world of horticultural art and beauty. Did you know that “boring” old trees can be art? Some unique gardens around the world showcase breathtaking topiary, an age-old art form that’s created with trees and shrubs. I’ll let the pictures do (most of) the talking.
Dubai is well known for its over-the-top attractions, so it’s no surprise that their Dubai Miracle Garden is host to an astonishing topiary garden and jaw-dropping flower structures. The garden debuted in 2013 and today is a must-see Dubai attraction. It covers over 72,000 square feet and features loads of interesting and gorgeous plant art, all created with over 250 million plants.
The Miracle Garden set a Guinness world record for the tallest topiary: a 59-foot-tall sculpture of Mickey Mouse. It set another record for the world’s largest flower structure, which is an Airbus A380 model made entirely out of flowers. Walking through the garden paths you’ll find an archway of topiary hearts, trees cut into huge animals, flower-covered houses and palaces, and so much more. The Miracle Garden is open from November to March as its flowers and plants can’t survive the hot desert summer.
The oldest topiary garden that still retains its original design is Leven’s Hall, located in England. The garden is part of an estate dating back to the 13th century. Originally, the property boasted only a tower, which had been built in 1350 and extended in the early 1600s. In 1689, however, the estate was sold to Colonel James Graham, who further extended the structure into a proper mansion and also planted the garden, which has largely been maintained according to their original design. The topiary garden features trees and shrubs clipped in interesting and abstract geometric forms, which were apparently all the rage back then.
You don’t have to travel too far to see cool topiary, though. There are some beautiful gardens right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. One famous topiary garden that’s pretty local is the Green Animals Topiary Garden, located in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. As the name suggests, this garden features a zooful of animals, but the owners get to save on animal food and cages. It’s a win-win!
The seven-acre property it’s located on was originally the summer home of wealthy Thomas Brayton. His gardener, an immigrant named Joseph Carreiro, started experimenting with the trees and soon created various topiary designs. Over the years, different animals took shape in the garden, in addition to fruit trees, geometric pathways and flower designs. In 1940, one of Brayton’s daughters took over the property and renamed it Green Animals. She further developed the garden and made it popular among the socialites of Rhode Island. She left the property to The Preservation Society of Newport County, and it is now a popular attraction in Rhode Island.
The garden today features teddy bears, a camel, a giraffe, an ostrich, an elephant and two bears, all made from sculptured trees and shrubs. There are also pineapples, a unicorn, a dog and a horse with its rider, much to the delight of the garden’s many visitors.
Another garden that’s located close by is Ladew Gardens in Baltimore, Maryland. This has been called one of the most magnificent topiary gardens in the United States. The garden was established in the 1930s by a socialite and hunter named Harvey S. Ladew. The garden sits on 22 acres, just a small slice out of the 250 acres of the property.
The Ladew Garden is divided into fifteen garden rooms, with unique themes and colors featured in each one. The topiary around the garden was largely inspired by Ladew’s hunting trips, and you can find swans, a man on a horse jumping over a fence, a pack of dogs running after a fox, and more. Ladew’s house also sits on the property and contains a collection of antique furniture, which visitors can explore in addition to the gardens.
Another cool topiary garden is located on the estate of Drummond Castle in Perthshire, Scotland. These gardens were originally established back in 1490, but they have been restructured a few times over the past few hundred years. It was last redesigned in the 1950s, when it was modeled after the gardening style of a seventeenth-century Scottish-Renaissance garden.
The garden has a mix of topiary trees in varying heights, plus whimsical hedges and colorful flower beds that create a picturesque scene. Some of the hedges have remained from the original garden, and the garden also features a beech tree that Queen Victoria planted in 1842 during a visit to Scotland.
If you’ve ever been up with insomnia, you’ve probably tried counting sheep to lull yourself to sleep. Well, next time, maybe just visit this topiary garden instead!
The Marqueyssac is a unique garden located on the rolling hills of France. It was created by Julien de Cerval, a guy who apparently had a lot of free time on his hands. In 1861, he started laying out the plans for his topiary haven, namely acres of boxwood shrubs trimmed to look like flocks of grazing sheep. (I would’ve loved to ask him about the inspiration behind this idea. Maybe he had insomnia?) He spent 30 years overseeing the development of this project, which had over 150,000 boxwood sheep at its completion.
De Cerval also included different trees, beautiful walkways and quaint structures in the garden to add to the vibe. The garden was neglected for a while, but after coming under new ownership in 1996, it was restored to its previous glory and has since been open to visitors.
Topiary [TOH-pee-er-ee]
Adjective — (of a plant) clipped or trimmed into fantastic shapes.
Noun — topiary work; the topiary art
Topiary, which can be both an adjective and a noun (we love such words), refers to either the practice of topiary, or to actual topiary plants. There’s a long history to this art, which has been around since Julius Caesar’s era. Homes at that time featured an open-air atrium in their center, and the Romans used topiaries to spruce up the space. The art form died out for a while but resurfaced in Europe during the Renaissance Era in the 1600s, and it has been growing in popularity, pun intended, since then.
A few specific plants are used in most topiary gardens, and they’re popular for a reason. Yew, boxwood, and privet trees and shrubs are common in topiary gardens because of their small leaves, dense foliage and longevity. Because large sections of trees get cut away when sculpting a shape, dense foliage is necessary so the structure doesn’t look too sparse and lose its form at the end of the process. And, of course, gardeners want their topiaries to last a long time, which is why longevity and placing plants in climates in which they can thrive is important. The actual process of shaping the trees, though, is where the real art and work lies. There are many different methods used in creating these designs. For simpler structures, gardeners use clippers to trim the tree or shrub into the desired shape. For more complicated designs, they might use shaped wire cages or even tape to make it easier to cut the flora into the right shape. Topiary necessitates a lot of maintenance, since trees and bushes are always growing.
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Pretty florals needn’t be too complex or expensive to create. In honor of Shavuos, here are three beautiful projects featuring pink baby’s breath. These projects are simple enough for a young teen — or any non-craftsy adult! — to put together.
• Measure the 18–20 gauge wire to fit on the child’s head. Cut a piece that’s about three inches more than twice that length. Fold the wire so you have a double strand. Twist this gently to form a wreath.
• Test the wreath to make sure it fits comfortably on the head. You can twist the wire to make the wreath larger or smaller.
• Form the folded end of the wreath into a loop, and shape the open end into a hook that can be used to close the wreath. 1
• Prepare the bunches of baby’s breath: Cut a small piece of thin wire, and wrap it around each bunch. 2
• Secure the first bunch of baby’s breath by wrapping it onto the wreath with another long piece of wire. 3
• Position the next bunch of flowers directly beneath the already-secured bunch on the wreath. Continue adding the bunches of flowers, repeating the steps above until the wreath achieves your desired look. 4
• Add the eucalyptus leaves between the bunches. 5
18–20 gauge floral wire
24–26 gauge floral wire
Wire cutter
6–8 bunches of baby’s breath
Eucalyptus leaves
• Soak the foam in water for around 10 minutes. Take the foam out of the water, and let it drain for a couple of hours. 1
• Trim the flower stems to a length of about 2 to 3 centimeters
• Cover the sphere evenly with the flowers by inserting the flowers into the ball. The trick is to get the flowers as close together as possible. Fill in all the empty spaces… and that’s it! 2 3 4
• Attach a ribbon to the top of the net to create a hand flower ball. 5
6-inch oasis foam netted sphere (available at your local flower shop.)
Baby’s breath, enough to cover the sphere
6–8 roses
Cloth ribbon
• Cut a 6-inch strip of burlap ribbon. Now you have a rectangle that measure about 6 inches by 5 inches. 1
• Put a line of glue along the long edge, and fold over, as shown, to secure. 2
• Place another line of glue along the other edge, and fold over, as shown, to secure. 3
• Insert the flowers inside this triangular “cone.” 4 Wrap a piece of twine around the bouquet. Attach the tag, and tie the twine into a bow. 5
Note: You can buy personalized tags or make them yourself using a stencil.
Beige burlap fabric ribbon by the roll, 5” width (available at Michaels or on Amazon)
Glue gun
Baby’s breath
Burlap twine
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Set in a small Jewish pioneer community in an increasingly tense pre-Civil-War border state, Return From Captivity is popular author Rochel Istrin ’s can’t-put-it-down novel of adventure, discovery, and the infinite power of the Jewish neshamah to return to its people.
other novels by this bestselling author
Your bouquet lasted you for two Shabbosos? Good for you! Now it’s time to meet the oldest living rosebush. At the ripe old age of one thousand years, it grows on the wall of the Cathedral of Hildesheim in Germany. According to legend, this rosebush symbolizes the prosperity of the city of Hildesheim, and as long as it flourishes, Hildesheim will not decline. In 1945, Allied bombers destroyed the cathedral, yet the bush survived. Its roots remained intact beneath the debris, and before long the roses were growing strong again.
You enjoy their beauty and scent, but did you know that roses have a long history of being used as food and medicine? They’re even classified as “herbs” and are recognized as useful plants. The petals are edible, and rose water is a common ingredient in jellies or jams and used to flavor Indian and Chinese dishes. But please — if you want to use roses as food or medicine, grow your own. This way you’ll avoid chemical contamination common in commercially produced roses.
Once upon a time, a famous rose breeder named David Austin spent 15 years and $5 million to breed the rarest rose variety around. After much debate, he named the rose Juliet. His efforts paid off, because in 2006, the Juliet rose sold for a whopping $15.8 million. And you thought $30 for a dozen was pricey!
So, your grandma might have had this poem in her autograph book. But it goes back way further than that: It’s actually an excerpt from the epic poem The Faerie Queene, written in 1590 by Sir Edmund Spenser in his third book. Although Sir Spenser’s original intent was to compile a body of twelve separate books, the seventh one was final and remained incomplete. While this poem comes off as something like a simple nursery rhyme, its origin is a much greater work of art.
Rose gold is a blend, or an alloy, of 75% 24-karat yellow gold and 25% copper.
In early 19th century Russia, the famed jeweler Carl Faberge introduced Russian gold, which became known as rose gold. Rose gold later gained popularity in the United States during the 1920s, and was worn in engagement rings and fine jewelry. Later, Cartier jewelers were instrumental in its rise in popularity, creating luscious rose gold jewelry with precious gemstones and diamonds.
The first wines were actually rosés. Centuries ago, the Greeks founded a colony in Marseille, and the first vines were introduced to Provence. The wines made there were similar in color to roses, due to the fact that maceration (softening or breaking down of skins to add color and flavor) was barely practiced in the ancient grape world. Hence the name “rosé wine.”
It’s not always as rosy as it seems. The War of the Roses was a conflict in England between 1455 and 1485 that saw the House of Lancaster, represented by a red rose, feuding against the House of York, represented by a white rose.
Don’t go looking for the petals or rose water in this dish. The pink sauce got its name due to its color resemblance to… you got it… roses!
Nikita K. Rulhoksoffski, a Californian rose grower, managed to grow a 33-inch diameter pink rose (approximately the size of a large umbrella). The stem was around 6 feet long. This massive creation was presented at a rose show, and was so large that it had to be displayed on the floor.
TO JUDAISM. Read the fascinating "teshuvah story" of Uri Zohar, as told to beloved author Nachman Seltzer. Join him on his journey of logic and reason, as related in Rav Zohar's own words, and discover as he did the deep, irrefutable truths of your very own heritage. INCLUDES
With their baby diagnosed, soon after birth, with Trisomy 13 - a rare, chromosomal abnormality that is medically incompatible with life - Evan and Devorah Schendler found themselves living on the edge, vacillating between faith and despair, acceptance and denial. This book will make you cry, but it will make you stretch and grow, too. For although Netanel Yakir Schendler's time in This World was all too brief, the ripples of bolstered emunah that he left behind were significant, infectious, and everlasting.
In this book, kids will join Morah Orah and her class as they watch the amazing nekudos perform. There’s the kamatz on the Wonderboard, the Skating tzeireis, the Exercise Expert segols, and more—all doing their incredible tricks and stunts to teach kids the nekudos and make sure they will never forget them! The full-color pictures with endearing, animated nekudos characters will pull children in, truly making the nekudos come alive in a wonderfully interactive and kid-friendly manner.
A TEEN NOVEL. Mishaps? Mismanagement? Misunderstandings? Yes, yes and yes! Because anything is possible when six new girls who are a total mismatch get thrown into the eighth-grade class at Boker Ohr Academy and make it their mission to be anything but misfits... From the mischievous - to the miserable, each girl takes part in one misadventure after another. Make no mistake! You don't want to miss out!
BY M.C. MILLMANA TEEN NOVEL. ...But things aren't always as straightforward as we would hope. Amid heartbreak, new friendships, and one very prim and proper TimeTraveling Aubergine, Shimon and Aharon are forced to confront their fears and struggles in a harsh and complicated world. Ultimately, they must each look in the mirror and confront themselves - FACE2FACE
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1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to comments@thebpview.com or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns
• Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points
5-letter words: 3 points
6-letter words: 5 points
7-letter words: 7 points
8-letter words: 9 points
9+ letters: 12 points
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players: List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
R D K P M S L H Y 226 www.thebpview.com 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View May 17, 2023
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Goldberger, 718-xxx-8189
Name of winner: Bruchy
Amount of points: 37
Names of competing players: Libbi
Some words only the winner found: cruel, haste, paste, poem, waste
The longest word found on the board: problem
A new word learned from the board: zinc
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Elbaum, 718-xxx-3003
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 52
Names of competing players: Bracha
Some words only the winner found: past, paste, poem, probe, robe
The longest word found on the board: problem
A new word learned from the board: curio
Last week’s bonus word: pasteurize
Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to comments@thebpview.com or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Doona Stroller, multiple colors available! cll/txt 1-201614-4045
Brand new HP laptop for sale for a fraction of original price. Please call 347-5857482 Offers accepted via text
2ND HAND, EXC CONDITION! WITH/ WITHOUT WIFI! No warranty 160 Lee bsmt. (behind Right Contact)
Sunday 4-5 Tuesday evening 8:30-9:30 call 347-871-2330
Newly renovated beautiful ocean view 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
Short Term Rental daily or weekly. Beautiful 2 Bedroom bright & airy apartment. Dining room, W/D, porch, Located on 10th & 45. Call 347-581-8920.
Bank forclosure, Deleware County/Deposit NY, 1 family home. Liquidated, 4 rooms, 2 baths, 1 acre/property 212470-1708 txt/call
3 bedroom condo for sale prime location in boro park 56th st and 18th ave plse call 718-801-1914
WEST PALM BEACH No. 1 Real Estate Broker. Aaron Rose 561.308.5766
2 BR Hotel style fully furnished apt. Full Kitch/ Bath, W/D. Excellent for Ch/ Kallah, or Simchas. 718-6860909/ 347-524-7686
Carriage Club North. Beautiful 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, Ground floor. Call: 347.499.0031
Highview/College. Summer /Shabbos/ Simcha Rental. Fully furnished luxury house. 3 or 6 bedroom option. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
2 beautiful newly renovated 4 bedroom apartments in the center of Monticello available for weekends. Big playground, gated in property. All amenities included. Now only $1500 a weekend for both. To reserve or for pictures and a list of amenities call/text 347987-7286.
Beautiful private villa. 4 Master suites with kosher kitchen, huge living area, pool. Walking distance to Shul/ Kosher shopping. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Magnificent house with a pool in Airmont fully stocked with all amenities, very close to shul and Mikvah, available to rent for weekends.
Brand new luxury villa in Tucson Arizona, kosher kitchen, gorgeous outdoor pool, 3 min walk to Shul Call 646-923-0047/ 917-754-3679
Beautiful campgrounds in the Poconos available to rent for yeshivah and camp Shabbatons or overnight stays. Please contact poconosmanagement@ gmail.com
Looking for Experienced Full Stack Developer, on consulting or employment basis, Should be well versed in modern web application development (front end, back end) and Mobile App Development.
Experience in React Native, C#, ASP.Net, Excellent Opportunity for the right candidate
YidJob made it easy to post our jobs and connect with qualified candidates. We were able to quickly find the perfect people for some of our open positions.
Job ID: 1551
Looking for a BIG BROTHER
To assist with bedtime routine A 9 year old boy
Daily 8:00pm - 10:00pm
To assist with goals A 9 year old boy
Daily 7:00pm - 9:00pm Shabbos 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Job ID: 1275
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To accompany to park A 12 year old girl
Sundays 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Job ID: 1634
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist with goals A 30 year old girl
Daily After school
Job ID: 1719
Job ID: 1547
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To be-friend A 21 year old girl
Crown Heights Job ID: 1706
Looking for a BIG BROTHER
To assist wih chores A 14 year old boy
Daily After school
Looking for a BEST FRIEND
To assist wih music goals A 13 year old girl
Daily 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Beautiful Loch Sheldrake private- 5 units available NOT IN COLONY. 2 & 3 Bed options w/ Living,kitchen, bath, porch & large yard. right near lake, shuls,and colonies. Available for the summer , or pre/post summer Shabbosim. Call / Text / Whatsapp 845-2701089
LAKEWOOD. Btfl New 3bdrm 2fl bath furnished apartment. Linen towels hotplate & more. Next to Satmer, Oak&Vine. Call text 7185064321
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Front entrance, full bath, W/D, airy, backyard. Also usable for playgroup/ Office 347-564-2640
Fully furnished 7 bedroom house (18+beds) with linen/ towels in Blooming Grove. Rent for days, weeks, or weekends. Breathtaking beautiful grounds. Call/text 845-238-5633
Beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bath villa in North Miami with pool, $289 per night. Available for Shavuos & all year round (Pictures available) Call/Text 845-3277153
Vilchovitz, Viznitz area. Rent a beautiful 2 or 3 bedroom apartment with porch for weekdays/ weekends. Towels/ Linen included. Brand new. 718-384-6214
White Lake vacation home available for shabbosim and weekdays (summer taken). 8 bedrooms / 5 bathrooms, sleeps 20+. Near shuls and supermarket. Call / text 347263-4982
South Fallsburg-newly renovated,9 BR, 22 bed, toys, pool,trampoline, minyan, large DR, 323-388-6901
Campus available to rent for a boy’s camp or yeshiva. please contact campusom180@ gmail.com
Newly renovated 4 bedroom house in woodbourne NY. 10 min walk to shul. Available for Shavuos and summer. Call/text 347-338-8598
Beautiful house with 12 beds and a pool, available to rent for the weekends. Call 845248-5407
newly renov house with heimish neighbors near shul, Summer 13k, 917.708.1052
Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads or experienced)! Call/text 845-554-5778 or email info@resumakerpro. com.
Seeking several part time babysitters for work in a bp girls school for the 2023-204 school year.. Call 646-5710765
Yeled V`Yalda Boro Park, Qualified candidate will have excellent time management skills, detail oriented , computer literate, comfortable with MS Word & Excel. Salary range: $40,000.-$45,000. Email: jobs@yeled.org call: 718.686.2422
FEMALE AIDE WANTED Free room and board $$ Allowance. 212-470-1708
Looking for an experienced heimishe bus driver for a chasidishe boys camp in Monticello. Please call/ text 718-781-4742
Seeking teacher (Female) for Sept. Chassidishe preschool. Great Pay. Experience preferred. Email: preschooljob247@gmail.com
Seeking preschool assistant, Female. Yiddish Speaking a must. Without Degree. Email resume: Preschooljob247@ gmail.com
Now hiring a devoted special ed classroom teacher for the 23-24 school year. Small class size, excellent training, supportive environment. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org 718-650-6400
Flatbush Yeshiva seeking warm and devoted Kindergarten teacher. Seeking Pre 1A and 2nd grade teachers, afternoon hours. Hiring F/T & P/T assistants for preschool and elementary. Competitive Salary. Excellent working environment. Call: 718-332-2600. Email: interviewsatyeshiva@gmail. com
with Hashem’s help, is using a very powerful method in removing
For the past 30 years she has helped many people with her unique healing technic with both, PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS
Now hiring paras to work full time in a special education school for the 23-24 school year. Supportive and heimish environment. Transportation provided. Resumes@ yadyisroelschool.org
Yeled V`Yalda Head Start in Boro Park seeking Yiddish speaking experienced Teachers & Assistant Teachers. Min. 90 credits. Please email credentials to: jobs@yeled.org Call:718.686.2415
YVY Head Start
Williamsburg Seeking for September 2023 Teacher for 4-5 year old class. Minimum 90 credits required. Great pay, Fringe Benefits. Call: 718.514.8925 or 718.909.9473
Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, for upcoming school year 202324. Exciting Program, Great environment, Excellent pay! Responsible and caring. Please call 718-377-5800 ext 183
seeking warm loving and caring teachers and coteachers competitive pay!
Amazing environment you’ll get the best training!
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Established BP firm looking to hire smart, capable girls. Great potential for the right candidate! Please email resume to mortgagejob718@ gmail.com
Experienced secretary wanted for All women heimishe office. Comp savvy, Proficient in QB, Photoshop, must have management skills. Mon- Thurs 10-3. Resume: photoshopjob123@ gmail.com/ Fax 718-8514900.
Full-time secretary wanted, customer service focus. Bookkeeping experience a bonus. Must excel in multitasking, possess excellent phone skills. Conveniently located in Boro Park. Please email resume to 23rpd100@gmail.com.
Heimishe BP Ofiice seeking a secretary. Great environment, great pay! Knowledge in QuickBooks a plus. Email resume to: office@film581.com Call: 718-972-1016
Seeking Title I seventh grade math teacher for Flatbush girls’ school for remainder of school year. Small groups, supportive environment. Excellent compensation, $7075/hour. BA required. Email: Titleone@yeled.org
Office in BP is looking to hire a full-time experienced interior designer. proficient in Revit a must. Email you resume and portfolio to Yoel@yddimensions.com
Seeking a warm and enthusiastic teacher. Positive and friendly environment. 90 Credits and above Required. Salary $41,600.$68,652. Great benefits. Email: HRubinstein@yeled. org Call: 718.514.8865
Yeled V`Yalda-Title I Seeking a motivated & organized Individual Male/Female full time to join our team as an Executive Assistant. The successful candidate will have strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office And Google Suite (Prezi and Canva knowledge a plus). Salary: $55,000.-$85,000. Call: 718.557.7038 Email to: sagluck@yeled.org YVY is an EOE
FT/ PT morah. Yiddish speaking. For small voucher playgroup, for September 23’. Located 47th between 18/19. Great pay! 718-853-4139
Seeking a warm and caring assistant teacher. (No teacher’s prep required!)
Positive and friendly environment. Great benefits. Salary begins at $30,150.+ depending on credentials. Email: HRubinstein@yeled. org Call: 718.514.8865
Enjoy checking off lists and multitasking? Enjoy the perks of working locally! Seeking a FULL time and PART time Family Worker. Microsoft Office and Basic computer knowledge Required. Salary begins at $30,176.+ depending on credentials. Great benefits. Email: HRubinstein@Yeled. org Call: 718-514-8865
Male teaching positions available for upcoming school year! Flatbush Yeshiva seeking upper elementary teachers, part time. Excellent benefits and competitive salary. Call: 718-332-2600. Email: interviewsatyeshiva@ gmail.com
Looking for responsible girl to work through respite for 4 year old girl with DS in BP in the summer. Sunday: 10-4, Monday- Thurs: 4-8. Fridays 1-6. Call 718-607-2784. Less hours can work too.
Local busy salon looking for a secretary, must be able to multi task,super organized, work with a team and provide customer service. Please email resume to Info@ tobywigsalon.com
Looking for an Asst Lifeguard for heimish bungalow in Fallsburg, Hours Sun 1-5, Mon thru Thurs 12:30 to 5:30 & Friday 12:30 to 4. Please call 718 916 4411
Looking for a male lifeguard for Heimish bungalow colony in Fallsburg. Sun 1- 4:30, Fri 1:30-4:30 & . Mon thru Thurs 5-7. Please call 718-916-4411.
Busy Boro Park Retail Store is looking for a Back Office Operations Secretary with Managerial Capabilities, Multi Task, Responsible, Ambitious. Great Pay & Location, Heimish Environment to start in August. Email Resume: estyr6@gmail.com Call: 718484-0610 Attention: Joselyn
Boro Park girls school seeks for upcoming school year upper elementary Math Title l Teacher with teaching experience. Email resume to perel.spitzer@ catapultlearning.com
Heimishe Boro Park office seeking a fulltime motivated, detailoriented secretary. New grads welcome. Will train. Great pay. Email resume: resumes@ excelsiorcaregroup.com
Insurance office in Boro Park seeking to hire full time female secretary. Good pay. Heimishe environment. Please email resume to position515a@gmail.com
Looking for a woman who has experience in chinuch and curriculum to be a director for a Montessori agency. Great pay and a great environment. For the upcoming school year, hours are from 2:00- 5:45, Monday through Thursday. Please call 718-500-3765 ext. 104
Looking for energetic, motivated Curriculum Director for TDL English Center. Send résumé to info@ tdlenglish.com. Join us today!
Looking for an enthusiastic, motivated teacher and assistant with a passion for children for a private playgroup. 18/53 for September. Call 845-6591490
Looking for an afternoon teacher for a small private playgroup located on 19 & 59. Call 347-587-0474
BP office looking for Office assistance Quickbooks a must email:bldgsupplies1@gmail. com text 516-310-1678
Teacher and Rotating teacher- alternative JH/ HS, experience with teens preferred caring, responsible, Email: tiferesmiriam@gmail.com Fax: 718-837-4225
Yeled V`Yalda Early Head
Start in Boro Park seeking part time coordinator, Candidate must have experience working with children and families, administrative abilities, excellent interpersonal skills, and leadership qualities. HS/ EHS experience a plus, salary $30K. Email resume to: ehsjob@yeled.org
Wholesale Business seeking female secretary. Hours 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Friday 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Must be organized, responsible, computer savvy & able to multi task. Email jobinbp4322@gmail.com.
Yeshiva in Flatbush seeking Male teachers for the upcoming school year. Good Pay, small classes. Please email resume to yeshivajob3@gmail.com
ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Girls school in Brooklyn seeking full time administrative secretary with good computer and communication skills. Please email resume to secretaryjob04@gmail.com
Heimishe BP insurance office seeking female full time secretary. Great environment. Great pay. Will train. Email resume to: officeposition241@gmail.com
8:30-1:30 Mon.- Fri. Organized, Responsible, Caring, Creative, Computer Skills required. Warm work environment. Email: tiferesmiriam@gmail.com fax:718-937-4225
Looking for 2 girls to work as head counselor in a day camp in Monticello area, transportation provided.. Please call/ text 718-781-4742 or email to job4tt123@gmail. com
Now hiring responsible girls to work summer 1:1 special education, , weekly trips, heimish environment, transportation provided. July 5 - August 17, full day. Resumes@yadyisroelschool. org
דמלמ ’ב התכ טכוזעג טרעוו ,רעמוז בלאה עטייווצ ראפ ,טלאצאב ןייש ,יולעגנאב ןא 718- סטפור הביבס עקאמשעג 218-3409
Yeled V`Yalda Williamsburg is looking to Hire a secretary, Candidate must have good computer skills, & proficient in English Language. Hours Mon.-Thurs. 9-3 Fri. 9-11:30 June graduates will be considered. If you are Interested in having an interview please call Mrs. Landa at 347.224.1575
Looking for 1:1 tutors in bungalow colonies upstate, great opportunity. Please call 929-254-0080 x403 for details.
seeking P/T & F/T motivated secretaries. Email resume: bpjobposition80@gmail.com or Text: 347-631-9535
Heimesha daycare in Boro park Seeking warm responsible yidish speaking teacher /co teacher/babysiters for the summer & September stunning place amazing environment please call 7187016556 ext 1
ראפ דמלמ א טכיזעג טרעוו
עש’דיסח ןיא התכ ערעגניא
ןא טלאצאב טוג פמעק לגניא ןייק bungalow. :טפור עטיב 718-218-3409
Tots+Tykes (early headstart) childcare is looking to hire teachers/assistants with and without a degree. Join our heimishe and warm staff. Benefits and competitive pay for right candidate. Please call 718-215-1625 ext 108.
A successful custom kitchen company is looking to hire a full-time female Project Manager. Some responsibilities include: Customer service, Scheduling, and estimates. Competitive pay with a lot of potential. Please text 646-883-0626 email brooklynjob4505@gmail.com
Ave J / Low East 10 Year Young Custom House in Pristine Condition. 5 BR, Huge DR, LR, Kitchen, Pesach Kitchen, Study, Foyer, 4 Bths, Playroom, Lndry Rm, Radiant Heating, Spiral Staircase, Tons of Custom Closets, Porch, Bkyd, $3M Neg. “A Balubus’s Deal. A Balubusta’s Dream!”
Israel/Schmidt Realty: 718-853-HOME(4663)
Boro Park, Flatbush & Crown Heights. Full time or part time. Special rate for late afternoon/eve. hours. Pay ranges from $22.-$38. Per hour. Call: 718.686.2376 Email: para@yeled.org
Amazing full time opportunity for women to work in an ABA clinic in Kensington/Boro Park. Pay $22.-$30. Per hour. Must be able to work from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM. Call/Text: 917.968.2292
Seeking providers with a BA to work one-on-one with children during the summer. Positions are part time and very flexible. We have positions in Boro Park and upstate. Call 718-500-3765 ext. 103.
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email dglick@newyorklife.com or call 845-639-5216
א טכוזעג טרעוו
counselor / head counselor ראפ younger division
. Please call/ text 718781-4742 Or send resume to job4tt123@gmail.com
Seeking coach bus drivers immediately for Brooklyn/ Monroe bus route. CDL class A or class B, experience only. Full Time or Part Time, great pay. Also in the Catskills July & Aug. Call: 718.963.1495 Ext. 102 Email to: coachbus@ gmail.com
E-commerce office in Boro Park Is looking to hire a female secretary. Experience in Amazon a plus full training provided. txt: 347699-7359
Seeking caring staff to provide companionship
“Rolls-Royce of a House!”
We’re looking for an account manager to communicate with our notable clients If you are a people’s person with excellent communication skills, let’s talk!
Pidyon Haben 646-419-0782
Doona 260-366-6293
Doona gemach 3473689763
Twin Carriage (718) 522-3891
Carseats, snap n go strollers, pack n play & bassinets 718854-6829
buy/sell Neocate/baby formula 347.369.4886
Chocolate molds BP 718-9724768. Williamsburg 718-5223445
Bris Accessories 347- 2442065
Baby carriers 718-809-9707
Baby earbands 347 409 9479
Bris Accessories 718-435-0664
Kallah Cape 718 - 633 - 8261
Bridal Shoe Gemach 917-9368997
Tehillim for Cholim www. tehillimonklaftefilah.org
Shoes & Crowns BP 718-9724768.
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (BP) 917-538-8500
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (Willi) 929-275-1820
Pack n plays 718-851-1017
Twin Clothing (newborn-3) 347742-7189/718-972-0765
Clothing gemach (for women) 646-904-1247
Shidduch Resume 3473882336
Lingerie Conversions min fee 718-437-0428
Briefcase gemach 7184360936
Baby Scale 718-633-9266 or text 718-473-5268
Youth Corps Working Papers 718-854-0961
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-6759838
Reflector Belts 718-853-4966
Warm Mist Humidifier 917373-2079
Communication Class 347753-1071.
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Mezuzos (718)666-7222
pediatric wheelchair-walkershower seat- cast cover for shower call 7183883079 lv msg
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Baby Scale (Wmsbg) text 347675-9509
New ladies clothing 646-9041247
Lighting 9292762404
Simcha Décor 917 -536-1742
Simcha Caps 718-633-1084
Purim Costume Gemach Call/ Text 347-737-6771
Musical Kumzitz 347-543-2195
Lace & fur Kallah capes 718438-6250
Natural health support text 347-228-7578
Bechers, Challah cover, Benchers 1718 854 1760
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Laminated chuppah cards call 718-807-8932 lv msg
Boys Simcha Wear sizes 9m-7 347.462.4596 Sundays 2:30-5
Kallah/Mechteniste Capes
Wsbg 718-300-9894/ BP 917683-5557
Kallah Looseleaf Yom
Hachuppah 718-435-3492
Simcha basket 718-614-7274
Clothing, Shoes, linens (347)
Folding and Air Beds - (405) 345-6831
Donate clothing 718-974-9428
Chupah Cards Color 347-8855114
Scooters 718-431-7942
Chassidishe Winter Coats for men 917-204-6838
Tzniusdig Hospital Gowns 347930-8465
Gemach in desperate need of elegant clothing size 6-8 for Kallah getting married beginning September, shoes/heels 6.5 and 7. call: 9292762404
Laminated Tfillos for Chuppa 718-854-1223 or 917-974-0690
Zoom morning-meditation: 347-395-4388
Kallah Accessories Wmsbg 347563-1840/718-782-6136
Property / land in Pennsylvania, high value. 212470-1708 lv msg
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-6759838
the GO! Group marketing firm and we’re always up to some creative fun ad campaigns, media buying, building brands, creating websites plus lots of other cool stuff
position | In-house. BP office | All girls office.
Liberty NY, End of June until the end of August. Reliable, keeps to a schedule. Good pay. Call 845-641-3858
Guy without job but learns regularly looking to marry a happy nice modest girl. Shadchan will get five thousand dollars. Text 347618-8249.
Boro Park real estate office looking to hire a full time Secretary. No experience necessary. Experience is a plus. Email mgmtjobbp@ gmail.com
Seeking Executive Assistant to join our accounts payable department. Strong organizational and time management skills. Excellent communication skills and thrives in fast paced environments. Email job@ fcc-corp.com
Sunday program director and counselors needed for special ed program for the 23-24 school year. Yiddish speaking, Fun, heimish environment. Seminary girls welcome. late afternoon hours. Call 929-254-0080 x403 or Email resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.
Retail store in Flatbush is seeking for a F/T sales lady. Excellent pay and great environment. please call & leave message 347-725-0898
23-24 school year, chassidish sp-ed elementary school. P/T and F/T positions available. Email Resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.
Special education teacher needed for chassidish sp-ed elementary girls school. Bilingual extension a must. Email Resume to hr@ yesodeibina.org.
Looking for 1:1 tutors in bungalow colonies upstate, great opportunity. Please call 929-254-0080 x403 for details.
Chassidishe Daycamp looking to hire preschool counselors. Great pay, Prime location. 347-263-4590
Looking for part time Lifeguard for girls in Monticello area for summer 2023, Please call 718-513-1717
Chassidishe Daycamp looking to hire elementary counselors. Great pay, Prime location. 646-858-9381
Want to make a difference in the lives of children with special needs and get well paid? Counselor positions available for Second half in camp . Girls 11th grade and up. 929.254.0080
Looking for counselors for daycamp in the Liberty area. If interested please call 929454-4136.
Looking to have a great summer while earning money? Seeking warm and dedicated teachers for summer for a playgroup in bp! Great environment and pay! Call 646 887 5634
Heimisha bungalow colony in Ferndale/Liberty area looking for energetic preschool and TC counselors. Transportation provided. 347.786.0020 917.362.2414
Seeking a devoted counselor for preshcool age kids in kiamesha area. Lots of fun pls call 1347 742 0208
Health Care Center is looking for Motivated New Graduates to work front desk and call center at our Monticello office for the summer season. 718-260-4600 Ext 1052, Leave Message.
Amazing summer opportunity working as an ABA Counselor In Boro Park & Upstate. Call/Text 917.968.2292
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Great solution, fast and amazing results! Call 718851-5156
Now offering guitar lessons! For women and girls, for a great price. Center of BP. Call/Text: 917-618-1174
Temporary wall to Split existing room and make second bedroom. Including regular door , or sliding door . Only 3-4 hours installation , no dust . We can work Sunday too . Call or text. Phone: 929-4307551 Phone: 646-288-0185E
-mail:roomdividers11219@ gmail.com
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.9510090
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Exquisite silver and CZ Jewelry imported directly from the manufacturer. Below wholesale prices! Great graduation gift. Please call 718-438-1871
We offer a variety of job opportunities including long-term and short-term positions, as well as openings for managers, secretaries, and drivers. Contact us at 718-208-5845
Does your Child have an IEP? Are you looking for a provider after school? A experience male p3 provider is available for after school hours for the upcoming school year. 929454-1326
We print packaging, Brochures, and literature at reasonable prices. Die cuts, glue ups and other unique designs. Quote in 24 hours. 2 week lead time. Minimum 500 pcs. Send your artwork to Emailyourartwork@gmail. com
Experienced tutor to work with your child on kriah and other subjects. Trained under Mrs. Austerlitz and Mrs Weber. References available. 929-585-2034
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a smile! Call: 718.951.0090
Get your passport in 24 hours! Call 845-842-1678
Heimeshe, experienced kriah tutor available to tutor your daughter throughout the summer in the catskills. (chassidishe havarah) 347930-8834
Is your baby up all night? Call the baby sleep coach that will guide you to a peaceful night and day. $200 newborns our specialty. 718-438-0728
Moonwalks available for rent $40 per day. Please call 347670-4393
Beautiful miniatures for your simcha or special occasion! Choc pops, logs, lemon meringues and More! Milchige miniatures, logs, cheesecakes n more for shvous! Call/text 3476832346
Delivery available
Gorgeous custom albums for cheap prices for weddings, engagements, Upsherin, Chosson/Baby etc.
Contact T.W. 646-8774044
Wig wash & sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great prices! Center of BP. Call/ Text: 917-618-1174
Are you moving to Monsey or building a new summer home upstate? Leave the cleaning to us. We specialize in post construction cleaning, so you can be sure that your project will be taken care of with speed and precision. (845) 275-3563
Find a group of 4 people or more. That are willing to book a session by me. and get your session for free!!!!! Call/ text 347-628-9413
Donate any vehicle, get $2,400 gift for shopping and $1,500 tax deduction. 718-974-9428
To sell an elegant, mauve gown size 0-2 adult, sister of the bride. Text or Call 929260-5797
Black maxi maternity dress available for rent. size 8-10. Perfect for siblings wedding. call/text: 347-670-5957
Looking to sell a stunning pink custom woman’s gown. Perfect, like new condition. $1100. Call/text 347-816-8531
Stunning designer Oscar style married sister of bride very slenderizing gown, size 8-12. Call & lv msg if no answer 929-345-0262
White velvet long ribbon in Tip Top bag 718-435-6343
Gold heart necklace with the name הכלמ רתסא, in McKinley park, ft Hamilton/ Bay Ridge on Sunday 5/7. 718614-3204
Childrens two wheeler bike 45st between 12th and 13th call 917-873-9640
Bag of childrens accessories from Socks n More before pesach call: 9178739640
Pair Black ladies shoes March 23 in Maimonides 718-3441024
White baby blanket May 3 14th/50th 347-645-3555
Brown kids floafer at Stoliner Hadlaka Lag Baomer txt 718872-8081
women’s patent evening pocketbook in Pardes Leah Hall on May 7, 347-997-2487.
RUBY taupe shoe size 38 Bedford/Wilson Purim time. Call 347-461-4650
Key on a ring on 13 and 46. Call/text: 917-816-2422.
Money in 14th avenue area a few weeks ago call 347-7039502
fake Hanging Earing on 14 ave bet 47&48 on April 25 646-628-3553
light grey diaper bag in area of Mega 53 on Lag Baomer 347-986-6294
dining room set. China closet, table and 8 chairs in beautiful condition. Call 347 -528-9342
ready made similac bottles 718-633-4069.
Free carpentry power tools and lots of plywood sheets, moving Pick up Boro Park 15167341671
•What’s the role of the board?
•How to run a vote?
•Noisy neighbors
•Shared driveways
•Backyard occurrence
•Is the condo book halachicly binding?
•How to divide the maintenance?
Ages 2 – 3
Free Tuition for Income Eligible
Door to Door Transportation
ןכרוד טריפעגנא Morah ןעטנאקאב
Z. Weinberger
INTRODUCING: :טפור עטיב עיצאמראפניא רעמ ראפ
ןוא Experienced Staff ענעבעגעגרעביא טייקמעראוו ןוא טייקכילביל טימ Morahs
ןיא ןיירא טגייל ןעמ יוו הביבס עשימייה ראג א תארי ,הוצמ לש החמש ,'ה תבהא רעדניק יד תובוט תודמ ןוא םימש
ןיא ןרעמיצ סאלק עגיטכעל עגיד'תובחר Building עטלייטעגפא עכילרעה רעזנוא
Outdoor ןוא Indoor Gym עכילרעה Playground
Individualized טימ החגשה עגידנעטש Attention
Age-Appropriate Toys to Stimulate Healthy Growth and Development
Snack ןוא Lunch עטנוזעג עמעראוו
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
Grand Opening: Swash auto spa & Detailing in the heart of Boro Park
A new concept in car maintenance: Relax in our newly designed waiting area with snacks and drinks while you watch your car being swashed. While you’re at it, you can browse through our cultivated selection of car care products.
Celebrate with us on Sunday, May 21 and get a Free Exterior Car Wash 1:00-4:00 PM