2016 Annual Report

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LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN In her excellent biography of Alexander Von Humboldt (1769-1859) titled The Invention of Nature, Andrea Wulf quotes Humboldt as having said: “Nature every where speaks to man in a voice that is familiar to his soul.” We at the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art are in total agreement with Humboldt. We would only add that great art, like nature, speaks to us in a similar manner. It touches us deeply and in so doing is a profound reminder of the importance of our mission: protecting and preserving art and the environment. It is a mission crafted by Frolic Weymouth, our late founder and chairman who passed away on April 24, 2016, after guiding the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art in his own inimitable fashion since its founding in 1967. Frolic’s visionary and indefatigable work on behalf of the Conservancy and Museum has left us a powerful legacy upon which to build, and build it we continue to do in exciting and important ways. This past year has been one of outstanding exhibitions at the Museum, terrific conservation, stewardship, and municipal assistance work at the Conservancy, and excellent public programs in all of these areas. None of this would have been possible without the hard work of our staff and volunteers. It also wouldn’t have been possible without the generous donation of works of art to our collection, constructive collaboration with our peer organizations, and the spirit of partnership with those who own land protected by our conservation easements. Collaboration and partnership will be keys to the continued success of the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art. Finally, I thank all of our members and patrons. We are lucky to have you at our side. Your belief in the value of what we do and your generous contributions over the years are the reason we are able to pursue our mission which enhances the lives of so many—both in our region and beyond. Thank you so much, Morris W. Stroud Chairman, Board of Trustees


A memorial tribute to our beloved chairman, Frolic Weymouth, was on view in the atrium during the spring and summer.

LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Friends, We begin 2017 celebrating 50 years of history and accomplishments while taking bold steps towards our next 50 years of vibrant, relevant, and high-impact programming. We hope you enjoy reading about many of the 2016 achievements in this report. You, our donors, trustees, volunteers, and members, have been instrumental to our success. Please come and help us celebrate our heritage through the many exciting programs throughout this year. As exciting as our anniversary is, 2017 also brings us the honor of presenting a landmark exhibition to mark the 100th birthday of Andrew Wyeth this summer, Andrew Wyeth: In Retrospect. Looking ahead, we will build on the dynamic growth and exciting momentum in our Museum and the stellar accomplishments of our Conservancy. We are determined to lead the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art onward with our focus on innovation in our fields, collaboration with our peers and community, and mindfulness of the importance of our history. We will continue to blend the best of our heritage and unique qualities with exciting and engaging new programs, relevant to present and future generations of conservation and art supporters. On the occasion of our 50th Anniversary, I offer special thanks to the three men who were our founders, Francis I. du Pont, William Prickett, and of course, Frolic Weymouth. That the vision, charisma, and determination of these young men in their thirties in 1967 led to the distinguished and storied institution we celebrate today is quite remarkable. It is humbling to have even a small part in leading the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art forward. With gratitude to all of you, and especially to Frolic, I pledge to continue with the lessons he imparted close at hand. Keeping focus on our important work, persevering in the face of doubt and long odds, treating each person as uniquely important, blending respect and gentility in our manner with the lasting spirit of whimsy that unites us and carries us forward – we stand ready and eager to honor his legacy in our work for the next 50 years. With gratitude to each of you, Virginia A. Logan The Frolic Weymouth Executive Director & CEO

The spectacular beauty of Penguin Court in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, the Conservancy’s largest-ever land acquisition and the bequest of the late Richard M. Scaife.


BRANDYWINE CONSERVANCY The following accomplishments are just some examples of how the Brandywine Conservancy continues to be guided by its mission “to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations.”

Largest-Ever Property Acquisition In February 2015, the Conservancy received a bequest of 1,089 acres of land in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, from the estate of Brandywine trustee and supporter Richard Mellon Scaife. Known as Penguin Court, the property was formerly the country estate of Scaife’s parents. Though it once contained a 66-room mansion and numerous outbuildings, today the property consists of open fields, mature woodlands, and streams, with stunning scenic views of the surrounding Laurel Highlands. The bequest included a generous endowment contribution to fund the long-term care of the property.

Gains in Land Conservation During the last 18 months, Conservancy staff focused their land preservation efforts almost exclusively in the headwaters of the Brandywine Creek. Twelve properties, most of them working farms encompassing 647 acres, were permanently protected through the donation or purchase of conservation or agricultural easements. Two of the newly acquired easements were donated and one was assigned to Brandywine by Pennsbury Township. The remaining nine easements were purchased through a combination of funds provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Chester County, Honey Brook Township, City of Wilmington, DE, Chester County Solid Waste Authority, Open Space Institute, and Mt. Cuba Center, as well as dedicated funds from Brandywine. Of the combined total purchase price for these new easements, for each dollar of internal funds spent, Brandywine leveraged $16 of external funding through grants, donations, and other sources. In addition to securing new easements, the staff worked with five landowners to amend their easements to eliminate the right to construct new buildings, to enhance the natural resource protection language in the easements, or to add land. These amendments resulted in 18 new acres coming under easement protection. We are grateful to the following landowners who granted easements or amended their easements to provide additional conservation benefit: Elizabeth Clark; John A. and Sharon A. D’Amico; Doe Run, L.P.; James H. and Susan H. Geiger; Jo Ann Guiseppe; Shane T. and Theda Lynn Bowers Hadden; Douglas M. Howe;

Easements were placed on 12 properties in the headwaters of the Brandywine, most of them working farms.


Students from Stratford Friends School constructed bluebird boxes in the Laurels Preserve.

Benjamin S. Lapp and Mary K. Lapp; Samuel S. and Barbara L. Lapp; Andy H. and Carolyn M. Martin; Noah H. and Rachel N. Martin; Pennsbury Township; David L. Jr. and Fannie S. Riehl; Richard D. and Sheila E. Sanford; Chester and Rebecca Jane Stoltzfus; David S. and Anna K. Stoltzfus; John R. and Priscilla K. Stoltzfus; and Windurra USA, LLC. By the end of the fiscal year, Brandywine’s portfolio of protected land totalled 40,100 acres, consisting of 470 façade, trail, conservation, and agricultural easements protecting 37,230 acres, and 2,870 acres of land owned in fee title. In addition, Conservancy staff members assisted other land trusts and government agencies throughout Chester and Delaware counties with easement acquisitions and other land preservation projects. This assistance has resulted in the protection of an additional 22,703 acres, bringing the total amount of land protected by the Brandywine Conservancy in southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware to an astounding 62,803 acres.

Protecting the Brandywine at its Source In collaboration with partner organizations, Conservancy staff continued to implement a jointly developed plan to protect and restore land in selected focus areas in the Brandywine-Christina Watershed with the goal of improving water quality. Part of the William Penn Foundation’s Delaware River Watershed Initiative, specific projects included preserving farmland through agricultural easements, implementing agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the headwaters, preparing farm conservation plans, designing and planting vegetated stream buffers, and working with local municipalities to adopt riparian buffer ordinances. In addition to substantial grant funding from the William Penn Foundation, support was provided by Mt. Cuba Center, Open Space Institute, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, The Laffey-McHugh Foundation, The E. Neale Dockstader Foundation, Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. In the headwaters in Honey Brook Township, Conservancy staff worked with individual landowners to help improve agricultural practices on their properties, such as controlling manure and other pollutants, minimizing the loss of valuable topsoil, and preserving and restoring water quality. Staff prepared or arranged for funding for seven new farm conservation plans and provided technical and funding assistance to implement dozens of agricultural BMPs, including stabilized stream crossings, stream bank fencing, barnyard restoration and stormwater management systems, manure storage management facilities, and streamside tree plantings. 5

Modeling Exemplary Stewardship The Land Stewardship staff continues to demonstrate exemplary management of the Conservancy’s protected lands. Staff conducted an annual visit to each of the 1,400 parcels of land subject to Conservancy-held easements to ensure compliance with the preservation restrictions. In addition, detailed property condition reports were produced for more than 60 eased properties and 52 plan reviews were conducted for proposed structures and improvements on eased lands. In early 2016, an abandoned fence line that was a remnant from the King Ranch’s ownership of the property was removed from the Laurels Preserve. Overgrown with mostly non-native vegetation, the area was cleared and re-seeded with native grasses. As a result, there are now 215 acres of contiguous meadow, greatly enhancing the suitability of this habitat for grassland-nesting bird species. In recognition of its outstanding land preservation and stewardship efforts, the Conservancy received the 2015 Conservation Award from the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology. Specific mention was made of our work in and around the former King Ranch lands, which have extensive and excellent grassland habitat supporting a variety of birds that are not widespread in the region. The Preserve Stewardship Volunteers contributed more than 300 hours of labor on the Conservancy’s properties, removing invasive plants, planting trees, and improving trails. Their enthusiastic support and hard work allows staff to accomplish large-scale restoration projects in addition to routine property management.

Municipal Assistance Program – From Municipal Planning to Greenways The Conservancy’s Municipal Assistance Program (MAP) staff was quite busy with a number of planning, regulatory, and in-the-field projects, including several for the Brandywine Greenway. This is a 30-mile long conservation and recreation corridor that follows the creek from the Delaware state line to its headwaters in northern Chester County. Twenty-four municipalities in two counties have partnered with the Conservancy to establish this Greenway and identify important projects. Funding for this initiative has come from the William Penn Foundation, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and the Chester County Board of Commissioners. As an example of Greenway success, in mid-2015, a steering committee of local landowners and businesses facilitated by MAP staff and a landscape architecture consulting firm presented the Chadds Ford Township Board of Supervisors with a Master Plan for the historic village. This Plan was designed to be consistent with the Board’s vision of Chadds Ford village, which is the Greenway’s southern hub. As Route 1, a fourlane divided highway, cuts the village in two, this Village Master Plan recommended improved access and walkability through reduced highway speeds and other traffic calming measures, and a second traffic signal at South Creek Road’s intersection with Route 1. An extensive sidewalk and trail network was also proposed for the village, along with traffic circulation changes for some streets, and a plan for signs and wayfinding. Preliminary engineering design for Phase I components of the Village Master Plan will get underway in early 2017. The newly planted Monarch Migration Station on the Brandywine’s Chadds Ford campus provides habitat for migrating butterflies.


At the far northern end of the Greenway, Honey Brook Township and Honey Brook Borough adopted a Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan in July 2015. Both municipalities are active partners in the Greenway. After a year and a half of joint task force meetings facilitated by MAP staff and funded primarily through a Chester County planning grant, these two municipalities took the bold step of implementing a long-range plan with individual and common planning goals. This plan reflects an ideal scenario in Chester County—pairing a rural/agricultural township with a well-established Staff and volunteers planted the monarch migration station to feed migrating butterflies. borough. Through coordinated planning, the township can retain its rural character and agricultural economy, and the borough can increase its economic and social vitality. In early 2016, these two municipalities again formed a joint task force to update their zoning ordinances, with technical assistance provided by MAP staff and funded through a County planning grant. These municipalities are presently working together on a public trail feasibility study with MAP staff using funding raised through the Brandywine Creek Greenway initiative. As part of the Conservancy’s Brandywine-Christina Cluster project, MAP staff worked with colleagues from the Natural Lands Trust to offer free technical assistance with local regulatory updates to municipalities in the watershed. Using the model riparian buffer protection overlay district developed by the Conservancy on behalf of the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association, seven municipalities in the Brandywine and White Clay Creek watersheds were able to increase the protection and restoration of forested riparian buffers along their streams and around ponds and wetlands when development is proposed. MAP staff updated its model buffer ordinance with guidance from The Stroud Water Research Center and West Chester area attorney Fronefield Crawford Jr. Thanks in part to a generous grant from The E. Neale Dockstader Foundation, MAP staff have partnered with the White Clay Creek watershed coordinator to offer limited technical assistance and funding support to residents of the Pennsylvania portion of the watershed who want to establish rain gardens, rain barrels, and other “green” stormwater improvements on their properties. In New Castle County, Delaware, MAP and GIS staff provided technical mapping and other assistance to the National Park Service staff as they plan for the long-term management and operation of the new First State National Historical Park. The Conservancy’s Subscribers Program for local municipalities, watershed associations, design professionals, and others helped to educate Subscribers about timely land use and environmental topics through the publication of seasonal e-newsletters. They also held evening lectures and Saturday workshops with guest speakers, including a well-attended primer on land planning, zoning, subdivision, and other topics for newly elected municipal officials. With the organization’s 50th Anniversary in 2017, the Conservancy looks forward to building on its history of land preservation and municipal planning success. Ellen M. Ferretti Director, Brandywine Conservancy 7

BRANDYWINE RIVER MUSEUM OF ART The Museum offered a stellar program of exhibitions, beginning with Jamie Wyeth, a major retrospective organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Featuring more than 100 works, the exhibition examined six decades of the artist’s career and charted the evolution of his creative process from his earliest childhood drawings to current work. Thematically arranged, the exhibition included portraits made during his time in New York along with landscapes of Chadds Ford and Maine. The exhibition was accompanied by an extensively illustrated catalogue and traveled to two additional venues. Pointed Pens, Comic Commentary in American Cartoons, organized by Virginia O’Hara, curator of collections and coordinator of curatorial affairs, featured a fascinating collection of 30 works created between 1880 and 1945, selected from the Museum’s rich collection of American illustration. It included cartoons by some of America’s most famous illustrators of the period, including Charles Dana Gibson, Rube Goldberg, Rockwell Kent, Thomas Nast, Rose O’Neill, and many others. The first major exhibition of the artist’s work in over 20 years, Horace Pippin: The Way I See It examined one of America’s most renowned artists and introduced his powerful aesthetic and subtle social commentary to a new generation. The exhibition traced Pippin’s vivid subject matter, from intimate family moments and floral still lifes to powerful scenes of war, history, and religion. Organized by Curator Audrey Lewis, the exhibition of 65 paintings was assembled from museums and private collections across the country and was accompanied by a fully illustrated scholarly catalogue. The 2015 decorative arts exhibition, Plus Ultra: Moravian Tiles of the New World, displayed a remarkable series of tiles designed in 1912 by Henry Chapman Mercer for a private home and produced at the Moravian Pottery and Tileworks, which he founded in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Organized by Amanda C. Burdan, associate curator, with loans from the Moravian Pottery, the exhibition included the tiles in their original continuous format. The ground-breaking exhibition, Things Beyond Resemblance: James Welling Photographs, presented a selection of 50 photographs from a five-year series by the conceptual artist, centered on the life and work of Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009). Organized by guest curator Philipp Kaiser, the exhibition explored the influence of one artist upon another across time and media. The Museum commissioned Gradients—Welling’s first site-specific sculpture installation—for display on the grounds of the James Welling (b. 1951), Sycamore, 2010, archival inkjet print on rag paper, Museum and its historic properties. Gradients explored the 42 x 28”. Gift of Prince and Princesse de Chimay, 2016. © James Welling 8

intersection of photography and sculpture, extending the visitor’s experience of Welling’s work beyond the walls of the Museum. The exhibition was accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue. A selection of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolor and pencil studies highlighting the beauty and intricacy of nature’s designs in fragmented views and isolated forms was shown in the exhibition Natural Selections: Andrew Wyeth’s Plant Studies. Rarely seen by the public, these works offered a remarkable opportunity to discover Wyeth’s Artist James Welling held a master class for students from area colleges and universities. creative process and his astute observations of nature’s beauty. Virginia O’Hara curated this visually compelling exhibition. A stunning array of over 40 paintings from the New-York Historical Society’s collection by renowned Hudson River School artists, including Thomas Cole, Asher Durand, Albert Bierstadt, Jasper Cropsey, John F. Kensett, and William T. Richards, was on view in The Poetry of Nature: A Golden Age of American Landscape Painting. The Hudson River School is considered the first uniquely American art movement. Some of these painters traveled to the Brandywine, creating a fascinating connection to this major American art movement that helps to put the Museum’s outstanding collection of landscape paintings in a broader context. Dr. Linda S. Ferber, director emerita of the New-York Historical Museum, was curator of the exhibition. New Terrains: American Paintings from the Richard M. Scaife Bequest presented over 25 important works of American art from the Pittsburgh philanthropist and former trustee of the Brandywine. The exhibition featured paintings by artists who are new to the collection, such as Hudson River School painters Martin Johnson Heade, John F. Kensett, and Albert Bierstadt and works by American Impressionists William Merritt Chase, Edward Redfield, Julian Alden Weir, and others. This bequest represents a milestone in the Museum’s collection of American art. In April, the Museum paid tribute to its chairman of the board of trustees with the small memorial exhibition, George A. “Frolic” Weymouth (1936-2016), in a display of his landscapes and portraits. Heir to the Brandywine school of artists, which he greatly admired, Weymouth’s tempera and watercolor paintings revealed his interpretive view of the regional landscape and people that he knew. A major retrospective of Weymouth’s work is planned for 2018. The 2016 decorative arts exhibition, Flowery Thoughts: Ceramic Vases & Floral Ornament at Winterthur, treated visitors to a stunning selection of objects from the Winterthur Museum collection. These high-fashion pieces were made in the 1700s to 1800s and were produced in America, Europe, and Asia. The exhibition was organized by Leslie B. Grigsby, Winterthur’s senior curator of ceramics and glass. 9

Imagine Brandywine, the Museum’s ongoing exhibition of children’s art, presented work by students from seven area schools, exploring thematic connections to the Museum’s collection, temporary exhibitions, and Conservancy projects. Participating schools included Avon Grove Charter School, Avon Grove Intermediate School, Friendship Elementary School, Harlan Elementary School, Strath Haven High School, Sun Valley High School, and Upland Country Day School.

Accessions to the Museum collection The Museum’s holdings of works by the Wyeth family of artists was strengthened by key works acquired through gifts and purchase. Anna B. McCoy donated four works by her father, John McCoy, including two portraits Jimmy (1934) and Mita (1935), an interior titled Studio Still Life (1934), and a landscape titled Early Spring (1935). She also donated Peter Hurd’s Pennsylvania Farm (The Farm at Craig’s Meadow) (1934), a painting of the McCoys’ Chadds Ford property. M. Robin McCoy donated Study for Tom Clark (Green Pastures) (ca. 1950), by her father, John McCoy. N.C. Wyeth’s oil painting, Trappers (ca. 1925), was donated by Jane Pyle Bartholomew, who acquired the painting from the artist as a wedding present in 1943. She also gave an untitled work by Peter Hurd that depicts a house that N.C. Wyeth rented when he first moved to the village, as well as a rare 1940 calendar reproduction image of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolor Marshall Point Light. N.C. Wyeth’s oil painting, Roaring River (ca. 1924), created for a novel by William McLeod Raines, and a first-edition copy of the book, were donated anonymously. A sketchbook of anatomical studies (1965-1966) by Jamie Wyeth was donated by Robert J. Demarest, who facilitated Wyeth’s access to cadavers at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia Medical Center, New York. The Sanctuary-Adams Brook (ca. 1880), an oil painting by Herman Herzog featuring a woodland scene in northeastern Pennsylvania, was donated by Ray and Elizabeth Forrest. Prince Philippe and Princesse Françoise de Chimay, a trustee, generously gave Sycamore, a photographic image by James Welling.

John W. McCoy (1910-1989), Early Spring, ca. 1975, oil on canvas, 34 x 40”. Gift of A.B. McCoy in memory of Ellen Draper Chadwick, 2015.


Accessions to the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Research Collections The Research Center acquired numerous materials essential for curatorial research on Howard Pyle and the Wyeth family of artists. These included late 19th- and early 20th-century periodicals featuring illustrations by Howard Pyle donated by his great-grandson, Nicholas Brokaw. Donald Altmaier, a former student of Carolyn Wyeth, donated several periodicals, exhibition catalogues, and ephemera related to the Wyeth family. Two letters by N.C. Wyeth, in which he expressed some of his views on modern art, were given anonymously. Tony Curtis, a literary scholar in Wales, donated letters from Andrew and Betsy Wyeth that discussed his poems inspired by Wyeth’s paintings. Peter and Patricia Wells donated photographs of Royal Lacey Scoville and his family that complement their gift in 2005 of drawings by Scoville that he created for his daughter. Denys McCoy, a documentary filmmaker and son of Ann Wyeth and John McCoy, gave a copy of his video, Island Funeral, inspired by N.C. Wyeth’s painting of the same name. He also donated film clips that he compiled from Wyeth family home year was filled with dynamic family programs, including wire walkers who crossed movies from the 1920s through 1940s. These vi- The the Brandywine during a PNC Arts Alive First Sundays for Families. sual resources are now converted to digital format. James H. Duff, former Brandywine Conservancy Executive Director, gave photographs and architectural drawings relating to Dr. Margaret Handy’s residence in Chadds Ford, which she donated to the Brandywine Conservancy, and two Museum posters that she owned signed by Jamie Wyeth and by Mrs. N.C. Wyeth. He also gave a copy of his biography of Dr. Handy.

Public Programs Audiences of all ages participated in a variety of multi-disciplinary education and public programs during this 18-month period. In 2015, adult programs served 2,172 people in 39 programs, and from January to June 2016, 1,158 people participated in 38 programs. The Jamie Wyeth exhibition offerings included two sold-out conversations with the artist, special tours to the Museum’s historic properties highlighting Jamie Wyeth’s personal connections to these sites, and Victoria Wyeth speaking for the first time about her uncle’s art in two sold-out events. Horace Pippin: The Way I See It presented opportunities to reach wider audiences and raise the Museum’s profile, with 17 multi-disciplinary programs including first-time collaborations with Philadelphia- and Chester County-based institutions. 11

For Things Beyond Resemblance: James Welling Photographs, the Museum offered first-hand encounters with the artist in a conversation with director Thomas Padon and an in-gallery dialogue. The Museum held its first master class, in collaboration with four area colleges and universities. Twenty-three students from the University of Pennsylvania, the University of the Arts, Moore College of Art, and Tyler School of Art at Temple University participated in the program, which produced new connections to this important audience and resulted in a transformative experience for the students. Three dynamic programs highlighted themes from The Poetry of Nature: The Golden Age of American Landscape Painting exhibition, featuring distinguished experts in the fields of art and the environment and relating Hudson River art to the environmental movement. For family and youth audiences, 5,114 people participated in 51 programs in 2015, with an additional 2,178 people attending 13 programs from January to June 2016. Children and families participated in 12 PNC Arts Alive Free Sundays for Families events during this 18-month period. The prestigious grant enabled the Museum to offer popular programs with creative art activities for all ages led by teaching artists. In 2016, offerings were expanded to include performances and featured groups such as the Give and Take Jugglers, whose members walked across the Brandywine on a tight rope as part of their circus arts presentation. BalletX, Philadelphia’s premier contemporary ballet company, performed a pop-up dance for delighted visitors that same day. Transportation funding for community groups increased the reach of these events, resulting in new audiences for the museum. School tours were offered for 5,215 students from 144 schools in 2015, and continued with 2,169 students from 47 schools for the first half of 2016. Especially strong attendance occurred during the Pippin exhibition, in visits by 48 schools and community groups, representing a 20% increase over the same period the previous year, with many of those visitors coming to the Museum for the first time. Thomas Padon Director, Brandywine River Museum of Art

A young girl shows off her artwork.


BRANDYWINE HERITAGE SOCIETY Founded in 1999, the Brandywine Heritage Society is dedicated to those very special individuals who have provided for the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art in their estate plans or planned a future gift. Such gifts include bequests, charitable gift annuities, life income and lead trusts, gifts of life insurance and retirement accounts, and donations of a personal residence or farm with the retention of a life estate. Through their foresight and generosity, Brandywine Heritage Society members help ensure that vital works of art and irreplaceable land, water, and historic resources will be preserved and shared with generations to come. Anonymous (10) Ruth Bassett Robert W. Bauman Anson McC. Beard Jr. Jean Wyeth Bell Marshall R. Taylor Biddle Jan R. Birsch Matilda B. Bixby Mary L. Bleecker Dr. Arvid J. Bloom & Dr. Gretchen M. Lockwood Jane C. Burgarella Dr. Ann B. Catts Mr. & Mrs. George P. Caulkins Jr. Diane L. Colgan, M.D. Mrs. Edward W. Cook Robert V. Crites, Esq. Kendra & Allan Daniel Mrs. Margaret M. Dean Mr. & Mrs. James H. Duff Henry B. du Pont, IV Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Duprey Dr. & Mrs. William L. Elkins Emily C. Farrell John & Elizabeth Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fegely Marilyn G. Forney Mrs. Donald P. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. James H. Geiger Mrs. William F. Gillespie III Eugene Goebel Jim Goodwill Dick & Marcia Hall Thomas & Pamela Hall

Benjamin F. Hammond Don & Louise Hannum Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Hines Jr. Samuel S. Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Hoffman Kathleen Horan Dorothy S. Huff Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hughey Marie-Louise Ingersoll William H. & Kay Iredale John James O. Aldon James Jr. Dr. Deidre A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew I. Keay Natalie Weymouth Keenan George-Anne & Ralph Kelly Mrs. John C. Kenefick William M. Keyser James H. Keyte Suzanne Kloud, D.C. Karl J. Kuerner Rebecca G. LaGrange Richard & Carole Lamb Mrs. John M. Levinson Diana Rupert Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lurquin Jr. Don & Peggy Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Hugh MacDonald Martha Makanna Willett & Jeannette Malone

Mr. & Mrs. C. Gerard Manolovici Eileen S. Maroney Mrs. Michael Matz Anne & Albert Mayer Dale Louise McCarter Gwynne G. McDevitt Patricia S. McElreavey Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. McNeil Mary Meese Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Mell III Henry J. Miller Susan M. Minarchi Rebecca L. Mitchell Gary Montsdeoca, M.D. Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran Mr. Richard M. Morelli & Ms. Pamela J. Stephani Mary Anne Carlson Morgan Mr. & Mrs. L. Michael Moskovis Virginia E. Musser Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. O’Donnell Jamie O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Packer Jr. Susan Bissell Parker Mrs. MaryEileen Perri Margaret E. Phillips Mrs. John A. Pooley Karen Poore Nestor & Daniel Nestor Howard Pyle Richard E. Rankin

Mr. Francis H. Rasmus Jr. Claire Reid Suzanne F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Rosenberg Margot Rowley & Chuck Gupta Miss Beatrix T. Rumford Dr. Mark Saracino Suzanne & Arthur Schless Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Schroeder Richard & Nancy Schwab Mickey & Arlene Sego Dr. Lawrence & Dr. Jean Shor Jan Siglin Mr. Alan P. Slack Brad & Ellie Smith Patricia P. Smith & Dr. John W. Paul Mr. & Mrs. W. Donald Sparks, II

Gayle & Bill Stauffer Jim & Jocelyn Stewart Ted & Kathy Stokes Mr. George Strawbridge Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Morris W. Stroud Mrs. Dolores A. Swann Thelma L. Temple Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Valentik Dody Waugh Philip B. Weymouth III Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Weymouth Catherine T. Williams Carl A. Young Christina Zettner Remembering: Irene A. Carson Sarann J. Peters Ralph J. Roberts Mrs. Harold S. Schutt Jr. George A. Weymouth

John W. McCoy (1910-1989), Studio Still Life, 1934, oil on canvas, 24 x 30”. Gift of Anna B. McCoy, 2015.


PACESETTING BENEFACTORS Over the past four decades, the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art has been the grateful recipient of contributions from thousands of individuals, foundations, and businesses. The following list recognizes our Pacesetting Benefactors— donors whose cumulative contributions of cash, art, real estate and other property total $1,000,000 or more. We are honored to acknowledge these philanthropic leaders whose generosity has helped forward our mission and inspired countless others to give. Anson McC. Beard Jr. Chairman, Development Committee

$1,000,000 or more cumulative giving since 1967 Allegheny Foundation The Annenberg Foundation Antiques Show Volunteers Ms. Linda L. Bean Anson McCook Beard Jr. Brandywine River Museum of Art Critter Makers Carthage Foundation Chichester duPont Foundation County of Chester The Wilhelmina Laird Craven Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Crystal Trust Davenport Family Foundation John T. Dorrance Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Irenée du Pont Jr. The William Stamps Farish Fund Good Samaritan, Inc. John C. & Chara C. Haas The Honorable & Mrs. H.G. Haskell Jr.


Patricia Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Jones Robert J. Kleberg Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Herbert V. Kohler Jr. Longwood Foundation MBNA Foundation Mary Alice Malone R.K. Mellon Family Foundation Henrietta Myers Miller Mr. & Mrs. Rodman W. Moorhead III Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran Mt. Cuba Center, Inc. Susan Bissell Parker Pennsylvania Council on the Arts The Pew Charitable Trusts Radnor Hunt Race Committee Claire Reid Suzanne F. & Ralph J. Roberts Foundation Sarah Scaife Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Bayard Sharp John W. McCoy (1910-1989), Jimmy, 1934, oil on canMr. & Mrs. George vas, 33 x 26 5/8”. Gift of Anna B. McCoy in honor of Frolic Weymouth’s vision, 2015. Strawbridge Jr. Margaret Dorrance Strawbridge Foundation of Pennsylvania, I Mr. & Mrs. E. Miles Valentine Dody Waugh Welfare Foundation George A. Weymouth Mr. & Mrs. G.T. Weymouth Mr. & Mrs. McCoy duPont Weymouth The William Penn Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wister Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wyeth Mr. & Mrs. James Wyeth Yaverland Foundation Young Friends of the Brandywine Peter Hurd (1904-1984), Pennsylvania Farm (Farm at Craig’s Meadow), 1934, oil on canvas, 26 x 36”. Gift of Anna B. McCoy, 2015

REPORT OF GIVING—January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 $1,000,000 AND ABOVE Crystal Trust Mr. & Mrs. Herbert V. Kohler Jr. The Roemer Foundation Mr. George A. Weymouth Mr. & Mrs. McCoy duPont Weymouth The Wyeth Foundation $250,000 AND ABOVE Ms. Linda L. Bean Chichester duPont Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Edward W. Cooch Jr. Good Samaritan, Inc. National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Otto Haas Charitable Trust The William Penn Foundation $100,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (1) Allegheny Foundation Mrs. Jean J. Beard BNY Mellon Wealth Management The Wilhelmina Laird Craven Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Mrs. Heather R. Evans Robert J. Kleberg Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation Kohler Company The Laffey-McHugh Foundation Richard King Mellon Foundation Mt. Cuba Center, Inc. Pennsylvania Dept. of Community & Economic Development Mr. & Mrs. Morris W. Stroud Tsunami Foundation— Anson and Debra Beard, Jr. and Family Wyeth Foundation for American Art Yaverland Foundation

$50,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (2) The Bellevue City of Wilmington, Delaware County of Chester Davenport Family Foundation Mr. John G. Davis Ms. Gail Gittleson R.K. Mellon Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Nielsen Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency Suzanne F. and Ralph J. Roberts Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David W. Spartin The Margaret Dorrance Strawbridge Foundation of Pennsylvania I, Inc. Mrs. Virginia Guest Valentine The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Welfare Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John P. White $25,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (1) Blue Yak Foundation Mrs. Jane B. Grimes Kidogo Foundation Marmot Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Matz Mr. & Mrs. Rodman W. Moorhead III Mrs. Jacqueline L. Ohrstrom PNC Bank Ms. Claire Reid Saul Ewing, LLP

Mrs. George Strawbridge Mr. & Mrs. George Strawbridge Jr. Subaru of America Mr. & Mrs. William S. Sudhaus

$10,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Abbott Jr. Academy of Music Young Friends The Ayco Charitable Foundation Blue Sky Family Foundation, Inc. The Boudinot Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Buccini Mrs. Carroll M. Carpenter Mrs. Irene A. Carson Catalyst Outdoor Advertising Caulkins Family Foundation Cheyne Walk Foundation Mrs. Brice M. Clagett Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Collins III Prince & Princesse de Chimay Regis & Tenley de Ramel DF Young Logistics Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Duprey E. Kneale Dockstader Foundation Dr. & Mrs. William L. Elkins Exelon Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Fowler Fox Rothschild LLP Mrs. Maralyn Gillespie Mrs. Helen K. Groves Mrs. Samuel M.V. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. N. Peter Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Frederic C. Hamilton Jr. The Hamilton Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Jones Keystone Property Group

Mr. James W. Laird Larsen MacColl Partners Mr. & Mrs. H.F. Lenfest Malvern Federal Savings Bank Mr. & Mrs. C. Gerard E. Manolovici Mr. & Mrs. John P. McBride The McBride Family & Aspen Business Center Foundation Medway Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Meserve Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Morse National Endowment for the Arts Nationwide Financial Nor’ Easter Foundation Penn Liberty Wealth Advisors Quaker City Foundation

Mrs. Rodman Rockefeller Mr. Alan P. Slack Springbank Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James W. Stewart III Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Dixon Stroud Jr. The Tally Foundation Mr. James Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Thompson Jr. TRION Univest Mr. & Mrs. Brock J. Vinton Wilmington Trust Company Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wister Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Zimmer

$5,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (2) Asher Architects Mrs. George P. Bissell Jr.

N.C. Wyeth (1882-1945), Trappers, ca. 1925, oil on canvas, 40 x 28 1/2”. Gift of Jane Pyle Bartholomew, 2015.


Brooks Brothers Mr. & Mrs. D. Robert Buccini Ms. Lisa B. Buckingham Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Colket Mr. & Mrs. Craig W. Cullen Jr. Cypress Door & Glass LLC Mr. & Mrs. John A. D’Amico Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon Jr. The Louisa Copeland Duemling Charitable Lead Trust Ellason Downs Perpetual Charitable Trust Dr. & Mrs. John B. Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. John W. Field Jr. First Cornerstone Foundation Freedom Council of Valley Forge Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gansky Mr. & Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hamilton Jr. Dr. Benjamin F. Hammond HelpHOPELive, Inc. Hudson Valley Tourism, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Iredale Mrs. Richard I.G. Jones JP Morgan Chase Mr. Jeffrey R. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lickle Live Oak Foundation Ms. Virginia Logan London Grove Township McCausland Keen & Buckman Mrs. Gwynne G. McDevitt Monomoy Fund, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ranney R. Moran Ms. Shiva Noorchashm Northwestern Mutual Philadelphia Mr. & Mrs. D. Loyd Pakradooni Mrs. George M. Parker Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution Marie E. Pinizzotto, M.D., MBA


Popsie’s—Rencourt Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quinn Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Rothman Royal Bank America Skyway International Inc. Mr. & Mrs. W. Donald Sparks, II Stephano Slack LLC Stephen Philibosian Foundation Travel Services Company Mrs. Douglas C. Walker Mr. Eugene duPont Weymouth Jr.

$1,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (7) Mr. William T. R. Abbott Mr. Michael Ahearn Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Ahl Ms. Deborah Albury Mr. & Mrs. Hector Alcalde Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Allen Aqua America, Inc. Arin Risk Advisors Mrs. Elizabeth C. Armour Mrs. Richard M. Armstrong Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong III Mr. & Ms. Thomas S. Heckman Ms. Carol A. Atterbury Ms. Elizabeth G. Atterbury The Back Burner Ms. Christine Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Baker Ms. Frances Baker The Barker Welfare Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Barry Charlotte S. Barus Mr. Gregory T. Basile R.J. Battaglia Mrs. Charles Becker Mr. Jeff Beiter Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Benner Mr. Peter A. Benoliel & Ms. Willo Carey Dr. Conrad Bergo Mr. Steven Berman Ms. Pamela C. Biddle & Mr. Joel E. Fishman

Mr. Philip Bini Mr. & Mrs. George Binns Mrs. Joan Stroud Blaine Dr. Alex Bodenstab Boenning & Scattergood, Inc. Joan R. Bolling Dr. Dennis Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Bonsal Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Borel Lisa & Jeremy Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Henry K. Bramhall Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Brinton Mr. Edward S. Brown & Ms. Susan M. Garber Mr. Henry I. Brown III Mr. & Mrs. James L Buckman Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bullitt Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Butterfield Mrs. Joseph Calhoun Ms. Marisa Campbell Carol Swanson Price Foundation Ms. Kathleen Cellucci Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Chambers Mr. Gene Chikowski Christie’s Mr. & Mrs. Blake Christoph Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania Mr. Michael Clark Mr. & Mrs. Warren I. Claytor Mr. Arthur H. Cleveland III Mr. & Mrs. George G.H. Coates Jr. Ms. Jody Coghlan Mr. & Mrs. Tristram C. Colket Jr. The Color Guard of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution Mr. David J. Conner Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Corbin Mrs. Theodora Corroon Ms. Tracey Costello

Ms. Crystal A. Crawford Mr. Harden L. Crawford III Mr. Benjamin Cross Ms. Alexandra D. Cummin Mr. & Mrs. Frank Curtin Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Davis Elizabeth Prince de Ramel Mrs. Maude de Schauensee Mr. Kyle Dempsey Mr. John E. Deneen Ms. Dana Marie Diottavio Mr. James Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Ford B. Draper Jr. Ms. A. Reeve Draper Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. du Pont, IV Mr. & Mrs. Irénée du Pont Jr. Ms. Kim Duckworth Mr. & Mrs. James H. Duff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Z. Duke Mr. Bud Eckstrand Ederic Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James Egan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ehrlichman Mrs. Beverly S. Ensor Ms. Sherri Evans-Stanton & Dr. Mark E. Stanton ExxonMobil Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Facciolo Mr. P.F.N. Fanning Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Fenton Mr. John W. Field First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry Drs. Rush & Phoebe Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fleischmann Mr. David Forney Ms. Barbara L. Forslund Mr. & Mrs. William H. Frederick Jr. The Frelinghuysen Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Foster Friess Mr. & Mrs. William G. Gahagan Ms. Alyssa Garie Mr. & Mrs. James H. Geiger

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Gentry Mr. & Mrs. George W. Gephart Jr. Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Gill Mrs. William F. Gillespie III Glenmede Dr. & Mrs. Richard Glunk Mr. & Mrs. Dale D. Goodman Mrs. Patricia Gorman Ms. Brooke Gornetski Mr. & Mrs. Rob Goss Mr. & Mrs. George F. Gowen Jr. Mr. Steven C. Graham & Ms. Christina Morin Graham Partners, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Granito Mr. Michael Kluger & Ms. Heidi M. Greene Mr. Henry C. Greenewalt Ms. Joanne T. Greenspun GreenWatch Institute Mr. & Mrs. John C. Gregory Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Perry C. Gresh Mrs. W. Perry Gresh Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Groebel III Mrs. Louis E. Guerrina Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC The H&L Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Mr. John Otto Haas & Dr. Janet F. Haas Mr. Crawford Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. John B. Hannum Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Wesley Hardin Mr. John G. Harkins Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Harris Mrs. Sarah Schutt Harrison Mr. & Mrs. H.G. Haskell III Hon. H.G. Haskell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Hausmann Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey S.M. Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. David W. Herr Herr Foods Inc.

Dr. Barbara A. Hill & Mr. Eugene P. Hough Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Hines Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Anthony Hitschler Dr. Janet Horn & Mr. Alan R. Yuspeh Mr. Eugene P. Hough & Dr. Barbara Allen Hill Ms. Jennifer Houton Mr. Isaac Howell Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Hoyle The Huber Family Charitable Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment The Huisking Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hurley III Mrs. Priscilla H. Huston The Inn at Montchanin Village Mr. Francis B. Jacobs, II Mr. & Mrs. Harrison P. Jacobs Ms. Stephanie Jacobson Jane C. Macelree Family Foundation Mr. Torben Jenk & Ms. Donna Walker Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Trevor P. Johnson Dr. Deidre A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. S. Tucker S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Jones Jr. Mrs. Patricia Jones & Mrs. Betsy Bacon Mr. William T. Josem & Ms. Nancy Adler Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kase Mr. Charles Keates Kedra Consulting LLC Dr. & Mrs. Brian C. Keeley Ms. Shamrock A. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Sean Kenworthy Mr. & Mrs. Wilson R. King Ms. C. Victoria Kitchell

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Klavans Mr. Milan Kostic Mr. Jeff Krohn Mr. & Mrs. Chris LaBonge Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Lampe Land Rover Jaguar West Chester Ms. Trisha Larkin Mr. Nickolaus Latta Mrs. Deborah A. Laverell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lee Mrs. Valerie W. Lee Legacy Planning Partners Mrs. Edward B. Leisenring Jr. Mr. Francis J. Leto Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Lickle Drs. Christopher & Karen Lindquist Mr. Bryce M. Lingo Ms. Diana R. Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lurquin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh MacDonald Mrs. Jane C. MacElree Mrs. Joan W. Mackie Mr. & Mrs. Ian A. MacKinnon Mr. Ken MacNeal Mr. & Mrs. Thompson A. Maher Mrs. Mary Alice Malone Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. William J. Martin MatchPoint Consulting Group Mr. & Mrs. Irénée du Pont May Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. V. Eugene McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Lance McCue Mr. Andrew McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Pat McDonnell Mrs. Florence S. McDonough Mr. Brad McFadden Mr. Matthew T. McGeever

Mr. & Mrs. John B. McGowan Jr. Ms. Megan McGowan Mr. James McGuire Ms. Deborah S. McKechnie Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McNeil III Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. McTear Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Mellon Merrill Lynch Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Arno M. Meyer Mr. David Michaelis & Ms. Nancy Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Milden Mr. John D. Miller Mr. Todd C. Monastero Mr. & Mrs. James O. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Moorhead, IV Moorhead Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. David E. Moran Ms. Caroline A. Moran Morgan Stanley Mr. Stewart Morris Jr. Mrs. Christopher L. Moseley Mountain Laurel Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Britton H. Murdoch Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Naylor Mrs. Harry R. Neilson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Nelligan III Mr. & Mrs. John J. Nesbitt III The New York Community Trust Ms. Lora A. Novak Mr. Robert A. Odell Mr. Andy O’Dell Mr. Akin Odutola Mr. James F. O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Edgar R. Owen Jr. Mrs. Charles E. Pacaud Mr. Dakx Parghi Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas G. Perakis Ms. Lisa Perry Mr. Ron Perry

Peter Hurd (1904-1984), Untitled (the Pyle house, Chadds Ford), ca. 1923, oil on canvas, 20 x 25 1/2”. Gift of Jane Pyle Bartholomew, 2015.

Mr. & Mrs. William Petrauskas The Pew Charitable Trusts Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Piancone Sr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Duer Pierce Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Pitone Mr. & Mrs. David S. Poston Mr. Glenn J. Price Mr. & Ms. Joseph Pro Mr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill Mr. John Quinn Ms. Mary Ravenfeld Mr. Christian Rawden Donald E. Red Mrs. Harriet E. Reeser Rencourt Foundation Reynolds Rencourt Foundation, Inc. Mr. Richard Ricciardi Mr. Scott F. Richard & Mrs. Mamie Duff Ms. Stevi R. Richards Mrs. Barbara C. Riegel Robert W. Baird & Co. Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Rocca Jr. Mr. David Rockefeller Ms. Charlotte S. Roede & Mr. Nicholas A. Spennato Mr. Sean A. Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Roosevelt

Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Rosato Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Rose Mrs. Sheila Ross Rotary Club of Thorndale Margot Rowley & Chuck Gupta Mrs. Christopher A. Sailer Sargenti Architects, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Jesse D. Saunders Mr. Frederick W. Scheuren Mr. & Mrs. C. Porter Schutt III Missy Schwartz Ms. Kathleen B. Schwartz Mrs. Evelyn Price Scott Mr. Eric Seestedt Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Seltzer Mr. & Mrs. H. Rodney Sharp III Ms. Kathryn Sharp Ms. Kirsten Shawn Mr. Kevin Sheridan Ms. Janet Sidewater Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Slater Mr. Walter Smerconish Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Snyder Somerville Manning Gallery


Mrs. Stephanie D. Speakman Mr. Fred Speen The Sproul Foundation Mrs. Margaretta K. Stabler Hon. & Mrs. Walter Stapleton Ms. Sarah Starr Mr. Stephen M. Steinmetz & Mrs. Colleen Hambrose-Steinmetz Mr. & Mrs. James W. Stevens Drs. Barbara K. Stewart & Richard T. Brown Ms. Laura Strickland & Mr. Donald Isken Ms. Courtney Strobeck Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Sugg Mr. Matthew J. Sullivan Mr. Katsushige Susaki Mr. & Mrs. Adam M. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Sutton Ms. Robin Sweet Mr. & Mrs. Darren Tan Mr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Taylor Mr. R. W. Thomas Mr. Mark Thomson Mr. Michael G. Tillson III Mr. & Mrs. Terrence A. Tobias Mr. & Mrs. James J. Tornetta Mr. & Mrs. Peter Townsend Mr. & Mrs. David Turner United Way of Delaware Mr. & Mrs. Gene Vadas Ms. Kelly Valdes Mr. David Vallin Mrs. Mario Valmarana Mr. & Mrs. James L. Van Alen, II Mrs. Hope Hill van Beuren Mrs. David L. Van Schaick Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Vermeil Mr. Spencer Virta The von der Luft Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David D. Wakefield Jr.


Cuyler H. Walker, Esq. Mr. C. J. Walsh III Mr. Mark Watkinson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Watson Mr. E. A. Webber Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Weir Mr. Peter T. Welling Ms. Amy Wescoe Mr. & Mrs. Bruce West Mr. & Mrs. J. Robinson West Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth West Mr. Theodore M. West Mr. Jack Wetzel Betty Shaw Weymouth The Whip Tavern Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wintersteen Mr. & Mrs. John Winthrop Mrs. Ethel B. Wister Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Woods Mr. Christopher H. Wright Ms. Lida A. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Norris P Wright Jr. Ms. Diane Yovanovich Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Zimmerman

$250 AND ABOVE Anonymous (14) Mr. C. Wayne Achuff Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brooks B. Adams Mr. Mickey Agatone Dr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Alfieri Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Allen Mr. Steven Aller & Mrs. Jamie Bartholomew Aller Ms. Marybeth Alvin Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Appleby Ms. Susan Arenshield Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Aronson Mrs. Sandra Baldino Mr. & Mrs. Rutgers Barclay Mr. Timothy B. Barnard & Mrs. Meredyth Patterson Mr. Douglas J. Barnett

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Barnhill Ms. Susan T. Baron Mrs. Lydia W. Bartholomew Mr. John A. Battista Ms. Nancy B. Baulis Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bauman Ms. Joanne Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bayard Mr. William P. Bayle Ms. Priscilla B. Baysinger Mr. Scott Becker Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Becker Ms. Wendy Bennett Mrs. Kathy Bergmann Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bernhardt Reita D. Bewley Mr. Robert Bickhart Ms. Jean Hanna Bickhart Mr. John W. Bieber & Ms. Priscilla Johnson Mr. & Mrs. F. Robert Bielski Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Biggs Mr. Bruce Bilotti Mr. Ryan Binder Mr. Richard C. Bingham Ms. Jan R. Birsch Ms. Cecilia Bjutstron Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Blynn Ms. Victoria Boaz Mrs. Jean Bohner Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Bolis Mr. Christopher E. Bond Mr. B. David Booth Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Borrell Mrs. Andrea S. Bovenkerk Mr. J. Jeffrey Bowden Mr. Scott R. Bowers Mr. Taylor D. Braendel Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Brahs Brandywine Prime Seafood and Chops Ms. Marlene Brenner Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. James Briggs Mr. Edward S. Brinton Mr. & Mrs. G. Edward Brooking Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Thacher Brown

Mrs. Lynne Brown Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Browning Ms. Mary D. Brownlow Mrs. Gigi Bruce Mrs. Patricia Bruggeman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bryan Mrs. Bernadette Buccini Mr. Joseph Bullen Mrs. Susan S. Burchenal Michael & Elizabeth Burns Mrs. Mary M. Burns Mr. David T. Busby Mr. & Mrs. McBee Butcher Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Buxbaum Ms. Caitlyn Caldwell Ms. Corrinne Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Ross L. Campbell Mrs. Janet A. Campbell Mr. Robert Y. Cardner Mr. Bukk Carleton Mr. & Mrs. R.R.M. Carpenter III Ms. Laura Carpenter Mr. Rob Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Carl Caruso Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cassels Ms. Anna Cassidy Dr. Ann B. Catts Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cheshire Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Chorney Mr. & Ms. John Churchill Mr. David Churchill Mr. & Mrs. W. Morgan Churchman Ms. Lisa Civitella Mr. & Mrs. Edmund T. Cleary, IV Mr. Brian Cleary Ms. Kristen Clewett Mr. Christopher Coghlan Mr. A.R. Cohen & Dr. J.M. Rubin Mr. Steven Cole Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Cole Jr. Mrs. Mary E. Colket Mrs. Sarah H.H. Collings Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Comitta Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Congemi

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Connor Mr. & Mrs. George M. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Terry Conway Mr. Christopher Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Harris Cooperman Mr. & Mrs. John Coritz Mr. Richard Corl Mr. & Mrs. Charles Corrigan Cover & Rossiter, P.A. Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Cox Ms. Melissa Coyle Coyne Chemical Ms. Candace B. Craig Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craven Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Creciun Mr. & Mrs. Paul Csigi Mr. Charles H. Culnane & Ms. Mary Culnane Ms. Rachel Cummings Drs. James M. & Donna Curtis Mr. Gary & Dr. Francine Cwyk Ms. Emily Cwyk Mrs. Marie D’Ambrosio Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Dance Mrs. Robert A. Darby Mr. & Mrs. D. Weston Darby Jr. Mr. J. B. Darrah III Mr. Anthony Darrow & Mrs. Marion Hume-Darrow Dr. Ryan Davies & Mrs. Emily Polito Mr. & Mrs. Neil H. Davis Ms. Carolyn A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Randall Davis Mr. Charles Davis Mr. John W. Day & Ms. Elizabeth J. Jenkins Mrs. Margaret M. Dean Mr. & Mrs. Calisle S. Dean The Dean Foundation, Inc. Ms. Jo Anne C. Debes Mr. & Mrs. Bruce DeBonis Ms. Rachelle Decinque Ms. Heather DeFreytas Ms. Nadia DeHart

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn DeHaven Mr. & Ms. Benjamin Deitrich Melissa L. Delaney, DO LLC, Ob/Gyn Dr. Betsy R. DeMarino & Mr. Edward Weisbrod Mr. John C. Devereux Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Devine Mrs. Martha DeWees Mr. Frederick N. Dewey Ms. Joanne DiBella Mr. Anthony J. Dieckhaus Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. DiFilippo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DiFrancesco Jr. Mr. Steven Dinkel Ms. Sherry DiRita Mr. & Mrs. Saunders Dixon Mr. Brad Dober Ms. Ruth Ann Dombkoski Mr. & Mrs. Tom Donatucci Ms. Edie J. Dondero & Mr. Ian McCauley Mr. & Mrs. F. Michael Donohue Jr. Ms. Sandra & John Dooley Mr. Anne M. Dopheide Ms. Middy Dorrance Mr. Graham Dougherty III Mr. & Mrs. Winfield B. Dougherty Ms. Phoebe A. Driscoll Mrs. Henry B. du Pont III Mr. Edmond R. du Pont Ms. Catherine Duffey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. du Pont Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Eberwein Ms. Katherine Eck Mr. & Mrs. John A. Eichman, IV Mr. & Mrs. D. Trowbridge Elliman III Mr. G.H. Elser & Ms. Angela Scully Ms. Anna D. Ensor

Mr. Thomas Erfle Mr. & Mrs. David J. Erskine Mr. Richard T. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Evans Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Eyre Mr. Oscar Fairley Mr. & Mrs. Jay Farrell Mr. & Mrs. K. Nelson Farris Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Feltz Ms. Martha Fenoglio Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fenton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brownell Ferry Mr. Dane Fetterman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fike Mr. & Mrs. Samuel V. Filoromo Mr. & Mrs. Carl Finkbeiner Mr. Daniel Fireman Dr. & Mrs. John R. S. Fisher Mr. Joel E. Fishman & Ms. Pamela C. Biddle Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Fitzgerald Ms. Dee Fitzpatrick Mr. Joseph Flanagan Jr. Ms. Mary Ann Flanigan Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Flint Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Fogli Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Foley Ms. Helen H. Ford Forney Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forsythe Dr. Mark Fortunato Mr. & Mrs. O. Wells Foster Mr. & Mrs. Baird C. Foster Jr. Mr. & Mrs. L. Robert Frame Mr. Eric Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Dale H. Frens Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Frick Mr. & Mrs. John Fridy Fulton Bank Ms. Kimberley Galligher Mrs. Gloria H. Gamble Mr. Brookins Gardner & Ms. Joyce Spragins

Mr. John P. Garniewski Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Gastinger Mrs. Elizabeth H. Gemmill Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Gere Mr. Raymond Geus Mr. & Mrs. Jay Gingrich Michael G. Glass, Ed.D. Mr. Henry Glick Mrs. Caroline Goetz & Mr. Robert C. Guy Mr. Ruben Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. John P. Goodall Mr. & Mrs. David L. Goodroad Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Graham Ms. Theresa Greco Mr. & Mrs. Gary Greenberg Mr. Harry S. Gretz Mrs. Frank H. Griffin Ms. Carol L. Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Brian P. Griffin Ms. Cheri Griffiths Mr. Taylor Grimaldi Ms. Leslie Grissom & Mr. William Poteau Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Gross Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Grugan Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gundlach Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Haabestad Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hall Mrs. Lee Halladay Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Hammond Ms. Priscilla L. Hanford Mr. & Mrs. Colin A. Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Hannum Mrs. Katherine Harbin Mr. R. David Harrison & Ms. Carol Clement Mr. & Mrs. André Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Mark Haslam Ms. Karen S. Havrilla

Ms. Julie Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Hayward III Mr. & Mrs. Pierre D. Hayward Mr. & Mrs. Roland Heck Mr. Thomas S. Heckman & Ms. Mary Jo Ashenfelter Ms. Karen M. Heebner & Ms. Gail A. Graham Louise B. Hemmingsen Mr. & Mrs. John A. Herdeg Mr. & Mrs. Frank Herron Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hewton Jr. Ms. Jan N. Hey Ms. Christine Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hinz Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Hirsig Ms. Jayne L. Hively & Dr. N. Jean Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hoey Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Holahan II Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Holcroft Ms. Hillary K. Holland Mr. Robert Holland Mr. & Mrs. A.D. Hollister Jr. Ms. Ellie Holmes Ms. Amy Holzapfel Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hornberger Mr. Robert Howard Ms. Esther L. Howes Mrs. Dorothy S. Huff Mr. & Mrs. Gordon T. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. E. Rees Hunt Mr. & Mrs. James R. Huntsberger Mr. Bryan Hurtado Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Huston Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Hutton Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf E. Hutz I.D. Griffith, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. L. Stockton Illoway Mrs. Marie-Louise Ingersoll

Mrs. Eleanor K. Ingersoll Ms. Mary Garrett Itin Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. John R. Jackson Mrs. Nan Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Jacobs III Mr. & Mrs. Lowell E. Jaeger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Janssen Jr. Ms. Paula S. Janssen Mr. & Mrs. G. James Jarratt III Ms. Pamela J. Jensen Ms. Janice V. Jessup Mrs. Anna John Mr. Casey Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Johnson Mrs. Jane Johnson Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Mr. & Mrs. John R. Johnston Ms. Diane E. Johnston Ms. Susan Orsini Johnston & Mr. Robert Johnston Mr. Alan Jones Mrs. F. Peter Jordan Mrs. Henry A. Jordan Ms. Christine Kanter Mr. Andrew Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. C. Erik Karlsson Mr. Daniel P. Katzin and Ms. Susan Hanft Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Kellett Ms. Jeanette Kelley Mr. Stephen P. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Jerome R. Keough Mr. & Mrs. J. Renwick Kerr III Mr. John A. Kerr Mr. William Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Barron U. Kidd Ms. Lois A. Kinckiner Mr. Richard Kipp & Ms. Darcy Allen The Rev Dr. Richard & Mrs. Janice Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Kirkland Jr.


N.C. Wyeth (1882-1945), Roaring River, dust-jacket illustration, ca. 1933, oil on canvas mounted on hardboard, 33 1/8 x 25 1/8”. Anonymous gift, 2015

Mr. & Mrs. James Kisela Ms. Sandra J. Klebanoff Ms. Mary L. Klein Mr. Paul Knight Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Knoth Mr. William Knox Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Doug Koch Ms. Katharine Koob Mr. William Kronenberg Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Kusumi Mr. William O. LaMotte III Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Lacy Mr. George Raymond Lafferty Jr. Hon. & Mrs. William H. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Cary A. Lambert Dr. Bette E. Landman Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Landon Ms. Irene Lane


Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Lang Ms. Christine Lange & Ms. Joan Lange Mr. Frank Langfitt Ms. Ann Lastuvka Ms. Jennifer Lavelle Mr. & Mrs. David P. Lavins Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Layden Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lee Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Lefferts Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Leigh Mr. Trevor C. Lewis & Ms. Monique B. Verhoog-Lewis Mr. Michael Libert Mr. & Mrs. Derek L. Limbocker

Mr. Sean Linehan Mr. & Mrs. David Linton Ms. Mary Long Mr. & Mrs. Llewellyn W. Lord Jr. Ms. Cathy Lowe Ms. Samantha Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Robert v.d. Luft Mr. William Luginbuhl & Ms. Erica Turner Mr. Timothy Lutz & Ms. Elizabeth Srogi Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Lyon III Mr. Richard Macari Mr. & Mrs. James S. Mackey Ms. Martha K. Makanna Mr. & Mrs. Mark Makela Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Mand Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mangos Mr. & Mrs. Terry Mannion Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Mannix, V Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon B. Margolis Dr. & Mrs. Burton T. Mark Marlboro Meadows Homeowners Association Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Marra Ms. Helen Marshall Ms. Marile R. Marshall & Mr. Rick Rickert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craig Martin Mr. George W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Marc Maser Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Mather III Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Matheson III Ms. Barbara L. Matlock Mr. Gernant E. Maurer & Ms. Suzanne Maurer Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mayberry Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Mayer Jr. Mr. William Mazzafro Mr. & Mrs. Scott McCallister Ms. M. Patricia McCall-Paquin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. McCardle Dr. Tom & Dr. Anne McCarter Ms. Marianne R. McClatchy Ms. Joan McClintock Mr. James H.T. McConnell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. C.B. McCoy Jr. Mrs. Diana L. McCulloch Ms. Jennifer McCulloch Mr. & Mrs. Wade L. McDevitt Mr. Stephen McElroy Ms. Kay McGahen & Ms. Ellen Casey Mr. & Mrs. Tim McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Murray G. McGrew Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McKenna Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. McNeil Mr. & Mrs. David McQuaid Mr. Benjamin Mears Mr. & Mrs. Edmond L. Meinfelder, II Ms. Jillian Mele Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Mell III The Merck Company Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David W. Metzger Ms. Shelley Micali Mr. & Mrs. Graham M. Miles Dr. & Mrs. Randall M. Miller Mr. Bradford Mills Mr. & Mrs. John W. Milroy III Mr. & Mrs. Ranlet Miner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. Daniel Mitchell Barb & Monty Montague Mr. Edward A. Montgomery Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moody Mr. Keith W. Moore & Dr. Suzanne K. Moore Mr. William B. Moore

Mrs. Anne Moran Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Graham Mr. & Mrs. L. Michael Moskovis Mr. & Mrs. Troy Moss Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Moyher Ms. Whitney Mulqueen Mr. Brian B. Murphy Ms. Virginia E. Musser Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Myers Ms. Kathleen M. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Nale III Dr. & Mrs. Ted Nawalinski Mr. & Mrs. Alan Neary Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nevin Mr. Thomas H. Nevin Ms. Sabina Nicola Mr. Nelson Norley Dr. Peter C. Nowell Ms. Bonnie J. O’Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. O’Brien Octoraro Native Plant Nursery, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Olie Mr. Mark A. Olinyk Mr. & Mrs. Barry Olliff Mrs. Nancy Olson Mr. Sean O’Reilly Mr. & Mrs. G. Arthur Osborn Ms. Melissa Page Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Palovitch Francis P. Parker, M.D. Mrs. Margaret Parker Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Parris Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pastor Patagonia Mr. Christopher Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. W. Duncan Patterson Jr. Mrs. Wendy D. Paul Mr. Maynard Pearlstine

Ms. June Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCracken Peck Ms. Dianne Peich Mrs. Eve Pell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Pendlebury Ms. Valerie Peper Mr. Mark Perfetto Mr. & Mrs. David Perri Ms. Angie Perry Ms. Priscilla Person Evelyn Petersen Dr. Charles B. Peterson III Mr. & Mrs. R. Anderson Pew Ms. Sandra K. Pew Dr. & Mrs. William H. Pfeffer Mr. & Mrs. P. Timothy Phelps Mr. Brad Phiel Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Phillips Jr. Ms. Story Picard Mr. Leo W. Pierce & Mrs. Eve Bullitt-Pierce Mr. John B. Pilewicz Mr. John Plecenik Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Plum Ms. Mary F. Pollitt Ms. Tara Pollock Zimmerman Ms. Elizabeth Potter Dr. Mary Jane Potter Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Powell Mr. & Mrs. J. Lewis Powell Mr. & Mrs. Francis Powers Mr. & Mrs. Seymour S. Preston III Mr. & Mrs. David W. Price Mrs. Caroline duPont Prickett Mr. & Mrs. Donald Prutzman Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pye Mr. Howard Pyle & Ms. Victoria M. Sheffield Ms. Allison Quinn Ms. Inna Race Mr. & Mrs. Srinivas M. Raju

Ms. Claudia Rash Dr. & Mrs. Louis Raven Mr. & Mrs. John C. Razze Mr. Paul Redman & Mr. Dean Berlon Ms. Suzanne M. Regnier & Mr. Gregory Papiernik Dr. & Mrs. Frank K. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Pat Reilly Mrs. Henrietta Reiter Mr. Jerry Rendic Renneisen Wealth Advisory Partners of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC Residents’ Association of Waverly Heights Mrs. Rita E. Reves Mr. Tom Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. John Riabov Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Rico Mr. & Mrs. James P. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. John E. Riegel Ms. Candace Ritter & Ms. Nina Occhiolini Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Rizzuto Mr. & Mrs. William E. Roberson Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Roe Mrs. Alice F. Roe Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rollins Mr. & Mrs. David Rominger Mr. David Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Rothman Ms. Emily Rothrock Mr. Michael J. Rotko Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Rotondi Ms. Marisa Rowan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Royal Mrs. Jennifer Roynan Mrs. Marta Rubel Mr. & Mrs. John Rudden Mrs. Julia Rudden Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rudershausen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rueger Mrs. Jane M. Ruffin

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Ruppe Ms. Deborah N. Rush Mr. Joseph Ruzzi Mr. Luciano Ruzzi Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Ryan Mr. Kevin T. Ryan Mr. Brad Ryder Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines Anna B. Sasso & Frances Hundt Dr. & Mrs. Homer D. Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Schaeffer Ms. Linda Schalles Mr. David Schena Mrs. Milica Schiavio Mr. & Mrs. John S. Schmader Mr. Dave Schnackenberg Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schroer Ms. Jennifer L. Schurr Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Scott Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Rodney Scott Mickey and Arlene Sego Mr. William Shainline Mr. & Mrs. William M.W. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Jones Jr. Ms. Sally Sharp Mrs. John J. Shaw Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John K. Sheldrake Jr. Ms. Katherine Sherbin Mrs. Nelson T. Shields Mr. Mathew Shook Drs. Lawrence & Jean Shor Mr. & Mrs. Gary Shultz Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Sibson Mr. Peter Silvia & Mrs. Claudia Lewis Silvia Fagan H. Simonton Mr. & Mrs. P. Thomas Simpers Jr. Mrs. Nicole Singh Mr. & Mrs. George Sipola

Mr. & Mrs. Franco D. Sirkin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Skiadas Ms. Catherine J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Keith S. Smith Mr. Andrew Smith The Smothers Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Snyder Dale and Diane Snyder Mrs. Kathleen G. Snyder Sock It to Me Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Soltis III Mr. & Mrs. Steven Somers Ms. Kathy Sonier Spade and Trowel Club Mr. David Spaight Ms. Kristin Spaulding Mr. David R. Spina & Ms. Victoria B. Mars Ms. Heather Spinnenweber Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Spire Mr. & Mrs. John Springer Ms. Katherine Stanford Mrs. Karen R. Statz Mrs. Gayle Stauffer Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Steed Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stefany Mr. Michael Steinberg Miss Beverly R. Steinman Mr. Andrew Stewart Ms. Charlotte Stilwell & Mr. Colin Courtney Ms. Suzanne R. Stohler & Mr. Carl Weisbecker Dr. Bernhard Streitwieser Terry A. & Sandy S. Strine Ms. Susan Stuber Ms. Melody Subashi & Ms. Carly Subashi Albright Mr. & Mrs. Eric Swanson Mr. Brian E. Sweeney & Ms. Johanna L. Walters Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Taggart Mrs. Isabelle J. Tamburri Mr. & Mrs. Anson W. H. Taylor III Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Taylor Ms. Gail E. Tefft

Dr. Matthew Templeton & Ms. Jessica Roy Mr. & Mrs. John E Theilacker Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Themal Mr. & Mrs. James J. Theodore Mr. Grant P. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John R. Thouron Mr. Philip C. Timon Mr. Gary M. Tocci Mr. Caleb Tollen Mr. & Mrs. P. Coleman Townsend Jr. Ms. Margaret Trakimas Mr. & Mrs. John Trout Mr. Craig L. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tuckwiller Mr. Mark A. Turner & Dr. Regina M. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Tyler Unruh Turner Burke & Frees Mr. Randall W. Updike Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Valentik Mr. & Mrs. Willem B. Rolf van Schaik Ms. Holly VanCourt Hon. and Mrs. E. Norman Veasey Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Veghte Verizon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Villani Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wagner Ms. Cathy Wakefield Wakefield Family Fund Ms. Susan Walcott & Mr. Robert Van Vranken Mr. Sydney Waldron Mr. Jeffrey Walkenhorst Mr. James Wallace & Mrs. Nancy Rainer Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Harvey W. Waller Mrs. Basil S. Walsh III Mr. Michael Walsh Ms. Hallie Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Ward Ms. Catherine E. Ward Washburn Family Foundation


John W. McCoy (1910-1989), Study for Tom Clark (Green Pastures), ca. 1950, pencil on paper, 14 x 16”. Gift of Maude Robin McCoy in memory of Katharine “Puss” Draper Schutt, 2015.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Waters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Watkins Mrs. Anne D. Wattman Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Webb Dr. & Mrs. Alan M. Weintraub Mr. Ed Weissman Ms. Marie Welc Mr. & Mrs. Peter Scoville Wells Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Welsh III Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. West Ms. Frances M. West & Mr. Edward W. Hinton West Chester Bird Club Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Westerman Mr. John Westrum Mr. & Mrs. David E. Wetherford Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Weymouth Jr.

Mr. Mel Whartnaby & Ms. Deborah Doyle Ms. Christine M. White & Mr. Ted Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Whittington Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wicks Dr. & Mrs. Franz Wiedemann Theodore E. Wiederseim Mr. & Mrs. Gordon H. Wilder Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Wilkins Jr. Ms. Vicky Will & Mr. Mike Kowalski Mr. Brad Williams Mr. John Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wise Jr. Dr. Alberta M. Wister & Family Mr. David P. Wolanski

Mr. & Mrs. Ben R. Wolf Mr. Frederick L. Wood Hon. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Wood III Mr. Daniel Woodhead III Ms. Cindy L. Wood-Randazzo Mr. Lee Woolley Mr. David Workman Mr. & Mrs. N. Convers Wyeth Mr. William W. Wylie Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wyndham Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Yeakle Mr. & Mrs. Walter Yetter Ms. Susan Zacco Mr. Rafael X. Zahralddin-Aravena & Ms. Shelley A. Kinsella Mr. Walter Zimolong

YOUNG FRIENDS OF THE BRANDYWINE Executive Committee Chairperson D. Normyn Quynn Vice Chair - Fundraising Margaretta Hershey Vice Chairs - Museum Page McConnel Mary Trezise Vice Chairs Environmental Tim Lucas Pia McCann Vice Chair - Marketing & Planning Kelly Forwood Secretary Anna Coyne Treasurer John Sailer Committee Members Brian Cawley Avery Draper Local Committee Tylee Abbott Jamie Aller

Stephen Aller Holly E. Archinal Wilson J. Braun Margaretta S. Brokaw Phoebe C. Brokaw Linda Ciavarelli Holly C. Clinger Ben Cordivano Kristin Dance Mark Dance Natanya DiBona Samantha Diedrick Emily Donaldson Dina duPont Elizabeth Fiechter Sam Fiechter Nan Goff Linda Gross Stephen Gross Natasha J. Halenda Todd Hammond Preston Hershey Robert C. Jackson Brett Jones Meredith Jones

Stephen Kelly Linda Krawczuk Eve Ledyard Mike Logothetis Tim Lucas Adrienne Lunger Eric Matuszak Pia McCann

Blair McConnel AJ McCrery Lee Reese Nicole Sailer John Sailer Will Singer Jana Skrabalkova Anne Sokolow

Several plein air days for artists took place at Kuerner Farm.


Emily Tepe Mary Trezise Clint Walker Crosby Wood Nancy Wood Tara Wood Amy Woodford Norris Wright Jr.

Radnor Hunt Races Committee Mr. Francis H. Abbott Jr. Mr. C. Wayne Achuff Mr. and Mrs. Steven Aller Ms. Hollis E. Archinal Ms. Elizabeth G. Atterbury Mr. and Mrs. John Borzillo Mr. J. Jeffrey Bowden Ms. Marlene Brenner Ferguson Mr. Steve Brown Ms. Barbara Buckman Mrs. Brice M. Clagett Mr. Warren I. Claytor Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Colket Mr. Henry L. Collins III Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Cox Ms. Anna Coyne Ms. Alexandra Cummin Mr. George H. Elser Ms. Adriana Falco Ms. Kathy Freney Smith Ms. Ericka Fuchsloch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gansky

Mrs. Henry H. Giles Jr. Mrs. John C. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Gresh Ms. Carol L. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hain Mr. and Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hamilton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Hoyle Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hundt Jr. Ms. Mary N. Hundt Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Hunt Ms. Marie-Louise Ingersoll Mr. Francis B. Jacobs II Mr. Erik T. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Jones Ms. Laura Kellogg Mr. William Keyser Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lamac Ms. Virginia Logan Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Matje

Mr. Phillip R. McDonald Mrs. John B. McGowan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Collin F. McNeil Mr. G. Andrew Meschter Ms. Carolyn Milden Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran Mr. and Mrs. Britton H. Murdoch Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nesbitt III Mrs. David D. Odell Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Owen Jr. Mr. Theodore B. Passyn Mrs. George J. Peckham Ms. Priscilla Person Ms. Mona Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Topper Ray Mrs. A. Lee Reeser Mr. Brian Rothberg Mr. George F. Rubin Mr. Steven A. Sansone Ms. Milica Schiavio Mr. Francis T. Schickling Jr.

Mrs. Richard L. Schwab Mr. Eric Seestedt Ms. Stephanie Soranno Mr. George Strawbridge Jr. Mr. Brett Strouss Mr. Andrew Sullivan Mr. Darren Tan Mrs. Andrew K. Touchstone Mr. Donald Tyson Mr. Steven Ujifusa Mr. David Vallin Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Van Alen Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walkup Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warchol Ms. Catherine E. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Ward Mr. Bruce M. Wenner Ms. Meg Wiederseim Mr. Harvard C. Wood IV


VOLUNTEERS as of June 30, 2016 Catherine Adder Bonnie Allen Margaret Allen Mary Ash Fran Atkinson Michael Babcock Caryl Baetjer Joanne Baker Peggy Ballew Pat Barone Grace Barrington Jack Barrington Ruth Bassett Ann Beal David Beehler Mary Benjamin Mary Benedetti Alan Benton Kitty Benton Kathy Bergmann Marcie Berke Robert Berke Reita Bewley Ricki Biedrzycki Jane Blandy Donna Blaszkowski Mary Bleecker Robert Borland Patty Boyd Beth Boyle Valerie Bozzone Kathy Bracken Betty Ann Bradley Bob Brennan Celeste Brennan Gloria Brogan Steven Brooks Gigi Bruce Patricia Bruggeman Elizabeth Buckley John Buckley Jane Burgarella Milly Butler Nancy Byers Carol Cacciatore Peter Campbell Jamie Cancro Diane Cannon Karen Carson Corey Case Rick Case Janice Castaldo Barbara Chambers Joanna Church Sue Clendenin Patricia Connelly Lynn Cook Marsha Cope Gerry Cousins Janice Crawford Ken Crawford Mary-jane Crisman Joann Crowley Will Cupery Peg Curran Christine Curtiss Steve Cusano Deborah Daller Dianne Daller


Marie D’Ambrosio David Darlington Sarah Darlington Shirley St. Jean Davis Barbara Dawson Dorothy Day Bonnie Decktor Karin DeGraw Anne DeNenno Doris Dengler Marilyn DePhillips Lee deRham Donalyn DeVoll Lynne Dewees Heide Diefenderfer Betsy Dillon Donald Dinsel Joyce Dinsel Jean Dorrian Charles Dorwart Goldie Dorwart Kathy Dougherty Jerry Dowling Nancy Dowling Barbara Drennon Mamie Duff Margaret Dunbar Sheila Dusinberre Donald Dzedzy Vicki Dzedzy Sally Edwards-Menn Kathy Elliott Carol Ellis Jim Ellis Brad Englehart Lora Englehart Alice Esbiornson Emily Farrell Rosemarie Fegley Janice Feltz Brownell Ferry Mary Nell Ferry Norman Fienman Eileen Figueroa Dave Filano Olga Fischer Bobette Fisk Barbara Fitzgerald Dee Fitzpatrick Karin Fleming Emily Fonda Connie Francis Linda Francis Ron Francis Mary Friedberg Debbie Gallagher Valerie Gardner Kathleen Gastinger Mickey Gerhard Charlotte Giblin Maralyn Gillespie Jay Gingrich Lynne Gingrich Nancy Glasser Kerry Glatts Maralee Glatz Joanne Goebel Alan Goodman Devara Goodman

Anne Goodrum Joanne Gormel Luanne Gorzsas Paul Gorzsas Susan Mantz Gotwals Rita Grass Chris Green Doris Green Dorothy Grimes Colleen Gritt John Gritt Virginia Grof Ihnsouk Guim Lauren Guldin Lucy Guveyian Pat Hagan John Hale Mary Lou Hale Barbara Hall Eleanor Hammond Patricia Hare Sally Harrison Ed Hastings Pat Haussmann Ellen Hawkins Kate Hayes Donna Heck Roland Heck Heinz A. Hegmann Shirley Hickman Kathleen Hildebrand Penny Hirannet Ellen Hoffmann Barbara Holcroft Ed Holcroft Nancy Holmes Rick Holmes Beth Hopkin Beth Hopkins Evelyn Hopkins Marlene Houston Eleanor Howland Dorothy Huff Jane Hunt Pauline Hutchinson Harriett Imbierowicz Wawa Ingersoll Ellen Jackson William Jasper Robert Jennings Lynne Jensen Nancy John Jane R. Johnson Lyn Johnson Joyce Kaufmann Christopher Kelly Pat Kelly Anne Kershner Elizabeth Keys-Stanfield John Kile Susan Kile Jan Kirk Mark Klinger JoAnn Knarr Joe Ann Knauss Loretta Knight Nonie Knight Susan Knight Marlene Knowles

Ann Kochler William Kochler Patricia Koedding Jonathan Kooker Liz Korba Bev Kostek Maria Kotch Ruthie Kranz-Carl Mary R. Krug Rosita Krug Carole Lamb Carol Landefeld Betsy Lazorik Mandy Learson Marilyn Lecher Bob Lee Debbie Lee Jessica Lee Marge Lennihan Frances Lewis-Pratt Helen Lightcap Laurie Lincoln Norman Lincoln David Linton Barbara Litt Susan Lowery-Hare Tim Lucas Jo Lurquin Joseph Lurquin Lois Lynch Kendra Maas Hugh MacDonald Marguerite MacDonald Barbara Magness Martha Makanna Judy Mark Marcia Martin Stella Maser David McCarthy Yachai McCarthy Joan McClintock Marie McClune Bette McConnell Jim McCormick Adrienne McDermott Pat McElreavey Joe McGinnis Arlene McGoldrick Dorothy McGovern Patricia McGrail Tom McGrail Cyd McGrath Connor McLaughlin Anne Meade John Meicht Sally Mellen Sallie Mentzer Dick Merryman Peg Merryman Anne Merson Linda Miller Edward Min Gerry Mirshak Anne Morrell Bette Morrison Robert Moore Jane Moses Ann Moss Denise Mroz

Dot Walsh Mullestein Donald Nelson Donna Nelson Norma Nelson Anna Marie Newman Bob Newman Samantha Norwood Barbara Notemyer Virginia Nutt Randy Nutter Elise O’Connor Mary O’Malley Don Orner Cynthia Overton Diane Packer Joseph Packer Monty Painter Barbara Palma Holly Parker David Paulson Chris Payne Dianne Peich Maryeileen D. Perri Susan Phillips Carol Pilsbury Gail Pitone Carol Pilsbury Linda Polishuk Mary Powers Ann Prieur Rick Prieur Marie Prisco Marie Przywitowski Joseph Rach Diane Ramsey Marcia Randall Karin L. Raunigk Troy Ray Terry Reagan Joseph Reilly Liz Reilly Lynn Riccetti Amy Richards Marilyn Rico Susan Ritter Linda Robin-Levine Charlotte Roede Jean Romano Rocco Romano Cindy Rominger Dave Rominger Lou Ross Burt Rothenberger Lynn Royal Judy Samuelson Stuart Schenk Marie Schuster Jack Scott Maggie Scott Marilyn Shale Elizabeth Shay JoAnn Shestack Noreen Shoemaker Jackie Shuster Diana Simpkins William A. Slawter Jan Slough Dorothy Smith Helen Smith

Marilyn Smith Roberta Smith Helen Springer John Springer Karen Stabley Karen Statz Sarah L. Staub Kathy Steckiel Amory Stedman Derek Stedman Bonnie Steele Bruce Stewart Lynn B. Strange Betsy Strunk Jeanette Stryjewski JoAnn Stutz Gary Summers Russell Terrey Stephen Terrey Nance Tieste Donna Tompkins Ronald Tieste Maryann Toner Nancy Townsend Alayne Tsigas Art Tsigas Ginger Tucker Pauline Tuemmler Dotti Turczyn Phyllis Twiss Sylvia Umbreit Jill Unruh Mina Varney Rich Vogel Kathy Vukoder Muriel C. Connie Wagner Cathy Wakefield Barbara Walsh Helaine Walsh Larry Walthall Susan Walthall George Wanta Diana Weaver Marie Welc Patricia Trent Wells Mary Werner Joanne Whelan Lydia Whelan Nancy Wilson Robert Wingert Dan Winicur Maria Wittig Hubert Wolf Ingrid Wolf Jackie Wood Sally Wood Tom Wood Lynn Woods Teddi Wright Michael Wylam Mary Yost Janis Zane Maryann Zepp Debora Zug

TRUSTEES AND STAFF as of June 30, 2016 OFFICERS & TRUSTEES Morris W. Stroud, Chairman of the Board and Chairman, Museum Committee

Mrs. Michael Matz

Vice Chair of the Board

Heather R. Evans

President and Chairman of the Executive Committee

John W. Field Jr.

Vice President and Treasurer

David Harrington

Assistant Treasurer

Jack M. Hines Jr.

Chairman, Environmental Committee

Jeffrey M. Nielsen Vice President

W. Donald Sparks, II, Esquire Vice President and Secretary

William T.R. Abbott Ann O. Ahl Linda L. Bean Anson McC. Beard Jr. Christopher F. Buccini Mary Connolly Braun Princesse Françoise de Chimay Sophie Derrickson Wendell Fenton, Esquire Dr. Benjamin F. Hammond Herbert V. Kohler Jr. Rodman W. Moorhead III Susan Bissell Parker Claire J. Reid Alan P. Slack David W. Spartin James W. Stewart III R. Stewart Strawbridge McCoy du Pont Weymouth Ex Officio D. Norman Quynn Chairman, Young Friends of the Brandywine Conservancy

Honorary Trustees Mr. Peter D. Davenport Hon. Harry G. Haskell Jr. Mrs. Mary Alice Malone Mrs. John McBride Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran George Strawbridge Jr. Committee Members John Avondolio Charles Bowers Phoebe Brokaw Gerret van S. Copeland Avery Draper Dr. John Fawcett Blair Fleischmann John Garniewski Ann Stroud Hannum William Iredale Richard I.G. Jones Jr. C. Gerard Manolovici Mrs. C. Gerard Manolovici

Katharine F. Maroney Jacqueline Ohrstrom John Osborn David S. Poston Regis de Ramel Scott Richard Ralph Rossi Richard D. Sanford Dr. Bernard Sweeney Cuyler Walker EXECUTIVE OFFICE Virginia A. Logan

Dole Donovan

Christine M. White

Paul Hoerner*

Executive Director

Executive Assistant



Lynne Dorsey

Dawn Shore



Mark R. Gormel

Horticultural Coordinator

Michael Greer Maintenance

Maurice Hamilton* Guard

Carol Hartmann Guard Guard

Richard Jones* Guard

Robert D. Kok*

Radnor Hunt Races Coordinator

Kenneth Lammey

Marie-Louise Ingersoll* Assistant

Kaitlin LeRoy

Membership Manager

Martha Makanna* Assistant

Linda Miller*

Membership Assistant

Gail Pitone*

Membership Assistant

Rita Razze

Administrative Assistant

Suzanne Regnier

Assistant to the Chairman & Director of Development

Heather Smith

Associate Director of Development for Foundation & Government Relations

Kathleen Freney Smith

Associate Director of Development for Corporate Relations & Coordinator of the Young Friends

Margaret R. Weiderseim* Radnor Hunt Races Coordinator



Martin Lefchuk


Susan McCreadie*

Volunteer Assistant


Land Steward, Penguin Court

John Snook

Senior Advisor

John Theilacker

Associate Director, Municipal Assistance


Jo Anne Lurquin* Interpreter

Susan Magasiny*

Visitor Services & Sales Operations Supervisor

Alison Moran

Assistant Manager of Visitor Services, Admissions & Retail


John Baxter*

Jerry Palmer*

Melissa Burke

Cara Bishop*

Katia A. Setzer*

Douglas Poole*

M. Beth Burnam

Patty Boyd*

Amanda Shields

Sara Hesdon Buehler

Christopher Stang*

Dwayne F. Morris* Guard

Norris Myers

Maintenance Supervisor Guard Guard

Nora Sadler Gardener

Joseph Smida* Guard

Matthew D. Smith* Guard

Donald Wilson*

Mark A. Davis



Dylan Sichula

Audrey Lewis


Gerald Corrado*

Joseph DiSantis*

Marianne Imburgia*

Associate Director, Land Conservation

Manager of Visitor Services, Admissions & Retail

Liesl Reimann

Arthur Morrill*

Michael Wainwright*

Assistant Chief of Security & Safety

Senior Planner

Cheryl Koblensky

Kathleen Barkasy*

Norman Mitchell Jr.*

Francis J. Connor*

Samuel J. DiMatteo

Assistant Planner

Theodosia Price

Assistant Coordinator of Model Trains

Andrew Stewart


Don Scott Chamberlain*


Meredith Mayer



Thomas J. McNamara*

Paul C. Truett

Thomas J. DiAmicis

Administrative Assistant

Joshua Schnapf


Cameron P. Truett

Custodial Supervisor

David Jensen*

Preserve Steward

Christine B. Podmaniczky

William McCole

David A. Bennett*


Elissa Manuele



Mark Taylor


Marie-Louise Ingersoll*

David Shields

Group Tours & Special Events Assistant


Ryan Johnson

Donna M. Gormel

Director of Volunteers & Events

Leslie F. Gross

Communications Specialist

John E. Mason*

William Bean


Group Tours & Special Events Coordinator

Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate

Marketing & Social Media Specialist


Vaughn Stadtmiller*


Dawn Dowling

Horticultural Manager, Penguin Court

Laurie Granville

David Warren

Bruce Macoon*

Joseph Bauer* Maintenance

Private Events Coordinator

Associate Planner

Kevin Guerrier

Vanessa Wallace


Matthew R. Smith



Kimberly Gordon

Public Relations Assistant

Edward A. Lovell*

FACILITIES & SECURITY Wade Abnett Director

Administrative Assistant to the Director

Administrative Assistant

Richard Dougherty*

Development Assistant

Carol Griffin

Constance Scholz*

Tamanya Garza

Hillary K. Holland

Website Administrator & Multimedia Designer Director

Land Stewardship Assistant Budget Manager Senior Planner for Natural Resources

Seung Ah Byun

Senior Planner for Water Resources

Hannah Cummons


Michael Denlinger


Edith J. Dondero

Joel E. Necowitz Director

Sylvia Savery

Senior Accounting Associate

Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate, Interpreter Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate Interpreter Registrar

Amanda C. Burdan Associate Curator

Blanche Cease*

Grant DeCosta

Manager of Information Technology

Administrative Assistant to the Director

Associate Planner



Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate

Louise Campbell*

Robert Daniels


Property Manager, Penguin Court

Assistant Easement Manager



Assistant Easement Manager

Senior Planner GIS Manager

Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate

Steven Clarke*

Coordinator of Model Trains

Associate Director, Land Stewardship

Mary Cronin

Senior Planner for Conservation Design

Julia Dinan*

Laurels Preserve Manager

Laurie Doyle*

Sheila Fleming Grant Folin

Kristen Frentzel

Easement Manager

Kevin Fryberger

Dean of Education & Public Programs Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate

Carol Ellis*

Curatorial Assistant

Natural Resource Manager

Bethany Engel

GIS Specialist

Mary Nell Ferry*

Western Area Manager

Joanne Goebel*

Michele Gandy John Goodall

Virginia H. O’Hara

Curator of Collections & Coordinator of Curatorial Affairs

Thomas Padon Director

Curator, N.C. Wyeth Collections and Historic Properties Assistant Educator

Stephen Ruszkowski Preparator

Janice Serpico*

Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate Visitor Services & Sales Operations Supervisor Associate Registrar Visitor Services & Sales Operations Supervisor

Gail Stanislow

Manager, the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Research Center

Melody Subashi* Interpreter

Catherine Ward* Interpreter

Laura Westmoreland Associate Educator

Rena Winter* Interpreter

Elizabeth Withers

Assistant Manager of Visitor Services, Admissions & Retail

Christina Zettner*

Visitor Services and Shop Sales Associate, Interpreter

*part-time employees

Exhibitions Manager Interpreter Interpreter


Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art Statement of Activities For the year ended June 30, 2016












Sales of reproductions, books, other, net















Conservancy revenue













Investment income Operating endowment draw Other income, net of direct costs Total revenues and other support before releases Net assets released from restrictions

















Brandywine River Museum of Art





Brandywine Conservancy





Penguin Court





Total program





Management, general, and fundraising





Property management - building and grounds





Volunteer services and special events














Total revenues and other support EXPENSES Program:

Supporting Services:

Total supporting services






Total expenses





Collection objects purchased but not capitalized









Acquisition of conservation easements





Return on investments - net of draws and fees









Endowment draw - Penguin Court





Endowment draw - Facilities Reserve









Funds received for easement acquisitions

Endowment draw - fees and bond payments

Decrease in net assets - pension adjustment Net change in cash surrender value of life insurance Interest expense on bond and loan issues Change in charitable gift annuity liability











Other non-operating expenses






















Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2016

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable, net Pledges receivable, current portion Inventories Prepayments and other assets Total current assets Non-endowment investments Endowment - Penguin Court

$2,517,776 1,248,739 120,103 1,019,159 398,518 209,391 5,513,686 9,100 13,712,957

Endowment assets: Investments Cash surrender value of life insurance, net

85,933,647 2,969,023 88,902,670

Pledges receivable, net Land, buildings and equipment, net Land, Penguin Court Collections - see notes to the financial statements TOTAL ASSETS

1,108,989 34,436,948 9,205,000 $152,889,350

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable and accrued expenses Bonds payable, current portion Notes payable, current portion

$903,635 500,667 11,000

Total current liabilities


Note payable


Pension liability


Other non-current liabilities

1,492,334 6,120,253

Total liabilities


NET ASSETS Unrestricted: Operating Board-designated endowment

30,170,096 9,313,572

Total unrestricted


Temporarily restricted


Permanently restricted Total net assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

73,211,591 145,353,795 $152,889,350

Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art, Inc. is a duly qualified, tax exempt charitable organization as defined by Sections 501 (c)(3) and 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) of the Internal Revenue Code and is properly registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of State, Bureau of Charitable Organizations. Copies of this Annual Report are available to the public free of charge upon request to the Public Relations Department. Complete financial statements and independent auditors’ report may be obtained from the Business Office. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.



P.O. Box 141, U.S. Route 1 Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 19317

The Brandywine Conservancy is committed to the belief that preservation and wise use of natural and cultural resources provide health, education, beauty and increased quality of life for individuals and communities. The goal of its two operating programs is to provide present and future generations with open space, dependable water supplies, historical sites and important works of art—and also to provide an understanding of the meaning and potential of those things, both separately and in relation to each other.

P.O. Box 141, U.S. Route 1, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 19317 610.388.2700 Fax: 610.388.1197 information@brandywine.org www.brandywine.org Š 2017 Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art

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