family values
meet your burning bush team
Blueprint of a Christian home, Designed by God Pastor Ian Alix
Pastor Nel Guiang
08 KING’S MEN Taking Responsibilities 5th year anniversary Pastor Nel Guiang
10 TRUE WOMANHOOD Beauty that Matters 5th year Anniversary Sis. Juny Forteza & Sis. Beth Concepcion
14 CHRISTIAN SOJOURNERS Evangelism: A Command, Not A Choice Sis. Sarah Kay Rodeo
18 THE LORD’S YOUNG FLOCK There is a Time for Everything
Sis. Eng Concepcion & Sis. Mai Espanar
19 BIBLE STUDY UPDATES Mamzar open beach small group Sis. Cathy Concepcion
Pastor Erwin Concepcion
24 MISSIONS’ UPDATES Knowing Our Missionaries Sis. Ruth May Pedico
26 EDITOR’S PICK Serving As A Family
We are overwhelmed with the positive responses we got on last quarter’s issue of The Burning Bush. So, we had the pressure of making it even better this time. Not so fast! As there are seasons in life, circumstances, struggles, spiritual dryness and sickness which affect us, individually. Thus, we acknowledge that each publication is solely by the grace, mercy and faithfulness of God! Trust us. He is Awesome! It is not us.
In this issue, with the Theme: Family Values, you will find different articles and resources of these values in Christian contexts and Biblical perspective, in addition to the preaching in all worship services for the whole Month of June. In line with our objectives: to Encourage, to Edify and to Equip the readers, we have also added 3 new features. First is, STORIES: Everyone has one in page 17 where we share the life testimonies of BBBC members. Second is, Health is wealth, page 30 here is Sis. Cherrie Tuquero, a Nutritionist by profession who gives us advices about physical wellbeing. Lastly, in page 20 is Christian Education. In this new section, Pastor Erwin Concepcion’s desire is to correct wrong understanding and interpretation of the Bible. In behalf of The Burning Bush Team, I would like to thank the leadership of Back to the Bible Baptist Church for entrusting us this ministry and for giving us the freedom in sharing our talents & resources. In the same way, we are grateful to everyone who contributed to this issue. Be blessed!
DEPUTY EDITOR Rued Almadilla SUB-EDITORS Ruth May Pedico Juny Forteza HEAD CONTENT COORDINATOR Arriane Intal CONTENT COORDINATORS Cherrie TOQUERO Juvy Sampang Lorie Torio Rosette Samohan GRAPHICS/PHOTOS Pastor Ian Alix Jerna Love Dueñas Patrick Torio
on the cover: Artwork created by Sis. Cathy Conception
Soli Deo Gloria!
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
Carlos Roxas Editor-In-Chief
12 18 Health corner
Mahal ko ang aking asawa
08 09
30 Meet our missio naries
10 Want to share this to a friend? You may preview or download this issue to this link.
24 GODLY MUSIC 17 22
everyone has one Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
Dear Brethren and Friends of BBBC, W elcome to Burning Bush Newsletter! First, I want to praise God for His unfailing love and bountiful graces to BBBC and for entrusting us this church to take care of, sustaining its need in order to continue serving Him in spreading the Gospel in this part of the world. The Burning Bush Newsletter is the product of His goodness and love to encourage members especially those who went home for good to continue the work of reaching out the losts for Christ. Thank You Lord! Psalm 75:1 “Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.” Secondly, I want to praise the Lord for blessing BBBC with faithful leaders and workers, thanking them for their relentless hard work in planning, organizing and publishing this newsletter, to keep everyone reminded of the past goodness of God brought to us.
Through your heartfelt contribution, the reminiscence of the past and present activities of the church will surely lighten up the hearts of our brethren who have already went home for good when they see your work posted in the social media. Surely, it will ignite them back again to the ministry and serve the Lord Jesus wherever they are today. Your love and great sacrifices for God is a manifestation of a heart totally dedicated to honor and please God! Thank you brothers and sisters, God knows your hearts! I Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” Thirdly, I want to thank God for all the members and friends of BBBC for their faithfulness, continuous prayer and support in every activities of the church, serving with us through thick and thin in the ministry of proclaiming His Name in this part of the world (Matthew 28:18-20). Today, BBBC is on its 10th year and by His sovereign will and our obedience to Him, we will surely grow both physically and spiritually, and He will supply our needs to advance His kingdom here and in other parts of the world. Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Let us continue serving Him through our personal ministry, sharing to others our talents, skills, knowledge and spiritual gifts that we may return back to Him His goodness for molding us to what we are and what we have today for His glory and praise! Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” The Lord bless us all with His unfailing love! In His service, Pastor Erwin Concepcion BBBC Sr. Pastor
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
Pastor Erwin Concepcion is the Senior Pastor of Back to the Bible Baptist Church
are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 3 1 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 3 2 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 3 3 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Pastor Ian Alix
Blueprint of a Christian home, designed by God
live in the age of a decaying society. The home is not anymore the place of love, joy and peace. The moral collapse in our generation today is intensely affecting many families. Abortion, extra-marital affairs, rebellious children, drunken and irresponsible husbands, battered wives and children rapes are all happening inside the home! Sick isn’t it? You have probably somebody in mind right now. Add in also the rampant change in the concept of marriage, the increasing acceptance of divorce, same sex marriages, and confused distinction of male and female roles. We, indeed, are living in the last days; the bible tells us these are perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1-7). W hat we see now is a major breakdown in the family. That leads us to question, ”W hat can we expect from the future generations? W hat path should I take? I don’t want this to happen to my family!” The reality is, we cannot redo what is happening in our society right now but, we can do something about it. The only hope is for Christians to hold hands firmly and redirect our lives to God’s Word as our divine standard. Hence, to live it out in our own family. I must admit, I cannot be your “family consultant expert”. I do believe no one does, even the most intellectual adviser. But I would tell you this: God’s instructions through the Bible are amazingly straightforward and simple.
The family is an institution founded by God, Himself Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Before there were multitude people and long before God instituted the church, He ordained marriage and the family as the basic foundation of the society. Ephesians 5:22-6:4 contain a detailed biblical pattern for family life. There, we read instructions for husbands, wives, children and parents. In a few, beautiful and simple verses, God lays out everything we need to know and obey for a successful, harmonious family life: 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 2 3 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 2 4 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 2 6 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 2 7 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 2 8 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 3 0 For we
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
Ephesians 6:1-4
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; 3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. 4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. These, then, are the key elements to a Christ-centered family: A wife characterized by submission; a husband, who loves his wife sacrificially; children who obey and honor their parents; and parents who instruct and discipline their children by being consistent, godly examples. Virtually, every question that can be asked about the family must first go back to this passage of Scripture and the pattern it sets forth. Even if your family is without children or without a father or mother, the basic formula for family success is the same: each family member must pursue his/her Godordained role. Every Christian home is so important in the plan of God! The Bible tells us, “We are the light of the world and as light each of us should shine upon men...” (Matthew 5:14-16). If we cultivate these things and pursue them wholeheartedly, the watching world will look back and take notice of us and of our Christ. BB 1
Pastor IAN ALIX Is the associate Pastor of Back to the Bible Baptist Church
Gameo Fellowship
I LOVE MY SPOUSE (A glimpse from the Video Seminar “Mahal Ko Ang Aking Asawa Part 1 by Pastor Clem Guillermo)
Pastor Nel Guiang
are now in the days of instant food and drinks wherewith we can eat or drink without going through difficult process. Also, we have disposable things like cups, plates, diapers and the likes and after using them, we easily dump them away. This trend is now even practiced in marriage especially of the unbelieving world. But, it is sadder to see that even the so called Bible-believing Christians do copy the same. They take their Bibles in their hand and have them in their heads but not in practice.
Pastor Clem Guillermo emphasizes in his video seminar that in “Biblical Design of Marriage”, God designed it as:: 1. Ma rri ag e i s S acred. The key characteristic of these relationship is love as demonstrated by the love of Christ to the church, giving Himself to it. 2. M ar ria g e i s Permanent. Vow is a solemn promise or pledge that commits one to act or behave a particular way. The vows in marriage are made by the husband and the wife as God is the witness.
Ecclesiastes 5:4 says, “When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed.” And in Malachi 2:16, it says also, “For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away” (i.e. divorce). 3. M ar ria g e I s Sepa ra tion. When God instituted marriage, He has mandated immediately that “…a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Gen 2:24). This is to exercise their roles as husband and wife. 4. M ar ria g e i s U nity. The usual builtin differences of a man and a woman are great and sometimes are extreme. In this manner, both husband and wife need to show love, respect and equality to each other. If these differences find way to compliment and supplement each other’s uniqueness, it will turn out to be a great relationship. He that covereth a transgression seeketh love…” (Proverbs 17:9a) “…for charity shall cover the multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8b).
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
5. M ar ria g e i s In tima cy. “A wedding lasts an hour, marriage is to last your whole life through”. Both the husband and the wife feel in love with each other until the end of their lives. They learn to enjoy things together. They should enjoy the company of each other as best friends. They should establish sacred time together and enjoy serving the Lord. They should also enjoy their sexual relationship as a God-given gift to the husband and wife (I Corinthians 7:4, Hebrews 13:4). To have quality things or tools, you have to pay the price and thus, to have a happy married life, there is also a price to pay. It is not a chance, it is a choice. If you want to have a happy family, follow God’s Design for Marriage. He is the author of it and He can never be mistaken. You have to love your spouse. BB
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
KING’S MAN Pastor Nel Guiang
man therefore purge himself from IF athese (dishonor v. 20), he shall be a
vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. (2 Timothy 2:21). The difference of Biblical Christianity from a pseudo one is that, true Christianity is not a mere doctrine, it is life. A King’s man is saved by God’s grace alone through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). Even his acceptable service offered unto the King is only through grace (Hebrews 12:28 …let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear). Both the offering and the one who offers it must be holy “for our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29). A King’s man “shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master's (King’s) use, and prepared unto every good work (2 Timothy 2:21).
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
In this manner, he should be responsible of his own integrity before God and before men. With all his severe trials, Job said, “…I will not remove mine integrity from me” (Job 27: 5). Webster Dictionary defines integrity as “the quality or state of being complete or undivided, completeness”. Let me illustrate. The life of a King’s man is like a cup with a purpose. As the purpose of a cup is to hold hot water, so is a King’s man to hold carefully his testimony in all areas of his life: his church’s life, his life at home, at work, in the community, etc. Therefore, to be a responsible King’s man, he should live a life of integrity. A. To live a life of integrity is a choice. A life with a purpose is always a choice. Even in the life of Adam and Eve, God gave them a choice to obey or to disobey. Man’s salvation is not by chance, it is a choice. Living a righteous life in the church is a choice, showing a righteous life at home is also a choice, showing a righteous testimony at work is a choice, and the same way in all areas of life. David also expressed the same when he said in Psalm 25:21 “Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee”. B. To live a life of integrity is a decision to live by. A choice may influence man’s decision but not necessarily the same as decision. The prodigal son, after spending all his resources, he planned to go back home to his father but that was not all. He made his decision after making his choice. At the height of his severe trials: the loss of all his wealth and the death of all his children at the same time, Job decided to fall “down upon the ground, and worshipped” God (Job 1:20). With all the inflicted body pains upon him, Job rebuked his wife, who provoked him to curse God and die, but he decided to retain his integrity. After he was accused by his friends that his suffering is a consequence of a hidden sin, Job said, “God forbid that I should justify you: till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me” (Job 27:5). To live a life of integrity requires a firm decision. Indeed, it is a firm decision not only occasional but on day-to-day living like what the Apostle Paul had said in Luke 9:23 “ If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”
anniversary C. To live a life of integrity is dependence upon God. Holding firm one’s own integrity at his own effort and strength will only result to failure and disappointments. Job’s strength, to sustain his integrity is in the Lord even when he was experiencing great physical, emotional and social suffering (Job 27:2-4). He also said in Job 13:15, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him”. The same as with what the Apostle Paul claimed in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”. D. To live a life of integrity is guided by upright principle. Proverbs 11:3 says, “The integrity of the upright shall guide them”. It is very important to be constantly reminded of the Word of God not only as a memory verse but as a life verse (Psalm 119:11; Job 27:1). When arriving at the crucial point or a crossroad of decision, the Lord uses those implanted verses in the heart to remind his men to choose a life of integrity.
The difference of Biblical Christianity from a pseudo one is that, true Christianity is not a mere doctrine, it is life.
E. To live a life of integrity is a product of spiritual maturity. The computer world has the ability to transfer huge informations from one unit to another in many ways. For spiritual growth, there is no other way or shortcut process but to study in order to grow not only in intellectual knowledge but also in experiential knowledge (2 Peter 3:18; Philippians 1:9-11). Job was able to live a life of integrity because he was “a perfect (mature) and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil (Job 2:3). F. To live a life of integrity brings acceptable service. At the end of Job’s trials, the Lord sent his three friends who accused him of things he did not do to him for reconciliation (Job 42:8). It was not a simple reconciliation for it involves a burnt offering. His spiritual maturity, being ready to forgive, he offered an acceptable burnt offerings unto the Lord. BB
As a King’s man, keep your testimony for the glory of God in all areas of life!
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
Sis. Juny Forteza & sis Beth Concepcion
fter serious planning, methodical meetings and fervent prayers are made in preparation for the event, the most-awaited day of every TW has finally come on Friday, 21st of March 2014. Some members of the BBBC’s True Women Ministry make their way to Palma Beach Resort, Umm Al Quwain right after the TW class. It brings joy and thrill to the heartBush of each woman – members and guests to be in Burning / Second Quarter / 2014 the venue as early as possible.
As projected, we reach our destination – Palma Beach Resort safe and sound because of God’s travelling mercy conferred upon us. Before the program starts, evangelism team takes immediate and apt acts towards declaring the good news of salvation to our guests. Praise God for the souls who choose to surrender their life to Jesus that very moment! After a while, the prayed and 10 premeditated anniversary proper agenda begin.
True Womanhood, the women’s ministry of BBBC Celebrates its 5th Year! The Lord is so gracious and faithful that we reach half a decade already! We bring back the honor, glory and praises to our faithful God!
Day 1 – What does it take to be beautiful? It is common for most women to invest on their looks. It is our nature to spend time making ourselves to appear more beautiful. There are instances when we compare ourselves to the "beautiful" people we see on television or magazine and mentally list down our flaws such as: if I only have smaller tummy, if I only have longer legs, if I only have fairer skin, if I am only thinner, and more complains on. Here is the/journey Burning Bush /go Second Quarter 2014 that opens my eyes to the true beauty that matters.
Having several girl friends of my own, I consider them as my sisters but to have sisters in Christ is far more rewarding. Subsequently hearing the heartwarming testimony of a sister in Christ, we are enlightened that struggles are easy to overcome when you have the support of sisters who do not cease to pray and give comfort.
something wrong as to why we are still not married. The discussion is about “Singles and True Beauty”, which emphasizes that whether one is single or married both are blessings. Being single allows you to have more time for the Lord and to explore possibilities on how you can improve yourself for God's work. It is so important that as we get older, we look unto the Lord. We should not be ashamed about our singleness or our aging because that's part of His plan unfolding in our lives. As we look to Him, our faith can just radiate from our countenance and that is eye-catching to others (Proverbs 34:5). A woman who is growing in a gentle and quiet spirit is on the rise in trusting the Lord; eventually, a woman who goes down to her knees, blesses other people's lives, willing to serve others and grasp back because others got something that she did not get.
As a first time attendee of the church retreat and True Womanhood Group's Anniversary, I cannot contain my excitement. I wonder of many things such as what sort of place I will see and what activities are in store for us. As we enter the premise, I cannot help but be amazed of the beautiful scenery of the venue. There are many villas surrounding the Palma Beach Resort. Um Al Quain is a far cry from the very busy environment of Dubai.
The leaders and facilitators of the event do not waste time and quickly open the program with some announcements and a prayer. Leaders are introduced and pre-formed groups are segregated. I belong to the white group and very thrilled to be with a cluster of nice people. We are led to several songs and reminded of rules of the venue. Parts of the first day’s activities are the discussion of the history of the True Womanhood's ministry where pictures of its annual celebration are shown and a Bible Quiz game which I am proud to announce that our team wins.
Furthermore, our facilitator put emphasis on inner beauty as the beauty that matters since there is One whose view of beauty is distant more essential and that's the Lord. He looks at the heart. As a whole, the objective in life is to make a lot of God, to be others-centered and be Christ-centered and to radiate as women the beauty that comes from a contented heart, from a heart that loves the Lord Jesus, a heart that loves others. What a blessing, indeed!
Having several girl friends of my own, I consider them as my sisters but to have sisters in Christ is far more rewarding. Subsequently hearing the heartwarming testimony of a sister in Christ, we are enlightened that struggles are easy to overcome when you have the support of sisters who do not cease to pray and give comfort. Singles and married women are grouped later that evening for a short devotion. Being single myself, I agree that the pressure is a lot tougher to us especially to those who are maturing of age. Many Burning Bush Second Quarter look at us and think that/ there must be
We are thankful for the unwavering support of King's Men, once again. Not only for their help all throughout the retreat but most especially to the video 2014 presentation that seems to be one of the
highlights of the night. From the very lips of these godly men we are made aware that inward beauty is more important than outward beauty. Then, each group is given time to huddle again to reflect upon the events and get time to share what has been learned throughout the first day. It is my chance to share my thoughts regarding our theme, "The Beauty That Matters." Our physical beauty is a gift from God and it is not sin to spend time in taking care of it. In my opinion, it is another way of worship when we appreciate and improve our God-given gifts. It only becomes a sin when we prioritize it more than our inward beauty which is not only by being kind or being feminine but the true beauty of being Christian women. Our minds must be filled with God's Word, our lips with praises for Him and gentleness, our hands with works of love, our eyes with innocence and our hearts with love for God and other people. Lastly, let us examine ourselves as to what motivates us in dressing or prettying ourselves up. For the married women, is it for your husbands’? Is it for the Lord’s? Or rather, is it to attract other men and make others praise and envy you? Sisters, search your hearts and see what is in there. It is getting late but there is more to learn as we are guided to the following words of God in 1 Peter 3:3-4 "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."
This world can lead us to the wrong understanding of what true beauty is. The fashion industry gives us false ideas that signature clothes or a well applied make-up can make us beautiful. Many women put themselves in front of society's scrutiny barely clothed and are unaware of being manipulated. Everything in the world will pass and most especially the outward beauty that we possess but the beauty of our heart meant to praise and worship the Lord is eternal. Our beauty is not for display for the whole world to criticize and devour but instead to mirror God's glory and love. Therefore, which should we nurture more? Shall we be content to be beautiful in the eyes of the world or the eyes of the Lord? The choice will always be ours and we are accountable for it!
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praise. Proverbs 30:31
Day 2– How can we honour and give glory to the Lord through our physical body? Palma Beach is the perfect venue for outdoor excitement. The beautiful, serene, calm ambiance of the resort is disrupted by the sound of the rhythm banging from a pot cover and the soft voices of our fitness enthusiasts of a mother and daughter tandem. The warm-up exercise starts with basic stretching routines and low impact cardio then we are shown the right way to execute Tae Boo punches that tones the upper body and burns fat in the arms. These bring us into singing praises to our God the Lord and Saviour and prepare our hearts to learn and receive God’s message through the morning devotion in 1 Peter 3:3-5 which is staying focus on food, beauty and control. Food, like physical appearance, is another hot topic during the event. As our basic need, it requires understanding and proper knowledge how it affects our body and physical well being. It is always good to educate and remind ourselves on health and proper nutrition. Then we discuss about different food groups and how to get the benefits from it by taking the required amount in a day and the condition we will have from lack or too much of it. Because we
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
desire to serve the Lord, let us not forget the physical body He has given us to care and be cautious of the need to stay physically fit and healthy as it says in the following verses; “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19 and “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.’ 2 Corinthians 5:10. Let us be reminded that our life’s purpose is to bring back the glory to our Lord God with the life and the beauty He has created in each one of us. So much more delightful, fun-filled and worth-reminiscing stories by which some of the details we may fail to jot down here! Nevertheless, generally speaking, this is another remarkable event that will soon be part of our history! To sum it all up, as TWs, our 5th Anniversary celebration boils down to reinstate utmost praise and give proper reverence to God for great is His faithfulness towards us all! BB
EVANGELISM: A Command, Not A Choice Sis. Sarah Kay Rodeo When Christians are ask the meaning of “Evangelism”, they are prompt to say that it is the preaching, spreading, testifying and sharing of the good news of Salvation to others; that Christ died for our sins as declared in the Bible. “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). However, it is not enough for a Christian to just have the knowledge of its definition but the means to practice the word. It is quite difficult for some to evangelize and it is normal to have some hesitations. Some cannot open their mouths to declare the gospel to an individual because they are afraid that they might make a mistake, some are afraid to lose a relationship, there is the fear of rejection or failure and the likes. In short, many are “paralyzed by fear”. Such fear should be conquered by surrendering it to Jesus so that it will not be a hindrance in obeying Him. As a member of Back to the Bible Baptist Church, I am so blessed to be automatically a part of Christian Sojourners Ministry, a group of single professionals. CSJ is having an activity every other Wednesday and last February we had our Evangelistic Night. The leaders formulate a training called “Evangelism Kit” conducted by Pastor Ian which is held in Manama Villa 7. Its primary goal is to teach us on how to remove all the barriers or hesitations in sharing the gospel as commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). When you are evangelizing, it is not the individual you are pleasing but God.
You are allowing yourself to be used by God as an instrument to proclaim the gospel and reach out the lost souls. February 27, 2014 at 8 o’clock in the evening, we gather in Al Ghurair City Mall. Sojourners are excited and prepared. Though some are first timers yet you can see in their countenance the joy to serve the Lord through evangelism. Before we start, we begin with a prayer. We pray for wisdom and courage for every one of us and for the Holy Spirit to empower us that night. Then, we part our ways; some go to Al Rigga and others scatter in Al Ghurair City Mall. You can see other people walking, talking, laughing and eating. We meet people and different faces. Some refuse to have a conversation with us, having their reasons and excuses. By the grace of God, there are some who listen and give their attention by accommodating us. What gives us great joy are those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The Lord really guides us that night. After the time frame given to us, we gather again in Al Ghurair City Mall Food Court to have some snacks and give testimonies about the evangelism experience. I can say that it is not that important if we experience rejections from others.
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
The joy of sharing the gospel to please God is what matters. We should not be ashamed of the gospel rather obey the Lord by proclaiming it to give glory to God (Romans 1:16).
We are called by God to serve Him and to be a living testimony here on earth for His glory. Just be reminded that we once were lost but because of the passion of others to evangelize us, our minds were opened to the Word of God. Evangelism most likely leads to someone’s salvation. We should be grateful of the spiritual state God has given to us. Brethren, I encourage you to allow yourselves to be used by God to serve His purpose in reaching the lost for Christ. Be an example to others and start the work as soon as possible! Don’t waste your time; start first with your neighbor, which is your family. Let them know how much God loves them. Do the great commission He commanded us to do (Mathew 28:19-20), that you may glorify His name in heaven! BB
On January 15, 2014, Christian Sojourners’ fellowship takes place to reach out BBBC singles of Karama. It is held in Burjuman Mall, Dubai, UAE and is attended by 19 sojourners.
Covering of Hymnal Songbook could be a small task but the joy in each face of CSJ while doing this cannot be denied, though tired from work it did not hinder us to support this activity.
As part of the Sojourners' activity a Seminar on Ushering for the Worship Services is conducted on April 9, 2014 at 8:30 PM by Pastor Ian Alix.
Despite of everyone’s busy work schedule on Wednesday, March 11, 2014 Sojourners gather once again, this time to fellowship with the singles of ICBS Group in Al Madfoon, Deira
Because prayer is valuable to us, we, in the sojourners’ ministry are regularly having this quarterly prayer watch to pray corporately as singles, enthusiastic to follow Christ. We hold our 2nd quarter prayer watch for this year on Friday, 25th of April 2014 in Al Hamriya Ladies’ Park, Abu Hail. Graced with the presence of 12 singles, we have our quality prayer time, devotion and sweet fellowship together.
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
NEW MEMBERS Sis. Rochelle Maloles
T journey for the new members of Back to the he beginning of the Year 2014 brings a new
Bible Baptist Church. We are very happy to witness their commitment being part of BBBC, a God-fearing, Bible Believing and Christ-Centered Church. Church membership, viewed biblically is an obligation of discipleship and love that derives from being united with Christ by grace through faith and from the discipline that the Lord Jesus Christ has committed to the church, to preserve its orderliness, purity and peace. Membership, in this sense, is assumed throughout the New Testament and taught explicitly. Paul teaches that Christians are members of one another, as well of Christ and that this unity is visible and practical in the church. He likens the visible church to a physical body of which Christ is the Head, to which believers are joined and held together by love (Romans 12:5, Ephesians 4:15-16). According to Pastor M. L. Mosel Jr., the New Testament church is the greatest institution the world has ever known. It is built by Christ during His personal ministry and He alone is its Head (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18). He promised perpetuity to it and said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18; 28:20). He gave it the commission and the ordinances and died for it upon the cross (Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26;
Welcome to Back to the Bible Baptist Church Family!
Church membership, viewed biblically is an obligation of discipleship and love that derives from being united with Christ by grace through faith and from the discipline that the Lord Jesus Christ has committed to the church, to preserve its orderliness, purity and peace.
Ephesians 5:25). Christ loves the church and desires His churches to honor and glorify Him as His representatives on earth (Ephesians 5:25-27; 3:21). It is truly a blessing to be a part of BBBC Family, growing in love, in unity, in faith in the grace and knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. We welcome the new members of our family, Sis. Amber Ferraris, Sis. Len Sembrano and the wonderful couple Bro. Rey & Gloriette Javellana who make their commitment on 17th of January 2014. On the 30th of January 2014, we are added with the committed and loving hearts of Bro. Paolo Avila, Bro. Arnel Sis. Chariza Zalun and the beautiful couple
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Bro. Cyril and Sis. Azella Rodriguez. They solemnly swear to abide with the BBBC Membership Covenant before the Lord Jesus as our Head, through the humane leadership of Pastor Erwin Concepcion and Pastor Christian Alix, Senior and Associate Pastors of BBBC and the congregation as witnesses. The greatest task ever assigned to any individual or group in the world’s history, the task of carrying the glorious gospel of Christ the Savior to the whole world, belongs to the Lord’s churches, like BBBC. All praises and glory to our Savior Jesus Christ for these souls who accept the tasks with great sense of responsibility, courage and commitment. Again, dear brethren, welcome to the family of God! BB
STORIES: everyone has one
Bro. Bebongchu Defang Rene
My whole life has been transformed since my Dubai Greetings in the Name of Jesus, the Righteous! My name is encounter. I am more conscious of the Do’s and Bebongchu Defang Rene from Cameroon. In early 2013, I Don’ts of life. My zeal for studying God’s Word has voluntarily leave my job at 3813 Business Complex Cameroon increased and my prayer life has intensified. Above where I am a general manager and move to Dubai for greener all, the Lord makes it easy for me pastures. Little did I know to find job in my country. Because that God’s plan is, I will fly to And w e know that all things w ork with Him, all things are possible Dubai for my spiritual together for good to them that and to know Jesus is to have faith transformation. I am touched and love God, to them w ho are the and know His power, I get a job in my consciousness and faith in Jesus an industrial and shipping Christ grew after listening to the called according to his purpose. company after few months. I am preachings emanating from Back Rom ans 8:28 promoted to the rank of shipping to the Bible Baptist Church Pulpit. and logistics manager just later After the spiritual eye-opening, the next question I ask Pastor Erwin is just like of the Ethiopian than a month. Thanks to the members of this great church Eunuch’s question to Philip, “What stops me from being who make me live like a king in Dubai even without money! baptized?” Behold, I am baptized in Mamzar Beach the same Thanks for your hospitality, prayers and words of day that I am flying back to my country via Istanbul. My mission encouragements! God bless you all, Back to the Bible in Dubai is accomplished; that is spiritual realm. Baptist Church – Dubai! BB
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There is a time for
everything Sis. Mai Espa単ar & Sis. Eng Concepcion
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Sis. Cathy Concepcion
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God”. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”. Romans 8:27-28 My desire to do God’s command in Matthew 28:18-20 in even just a small group of elders and people whom God might want us to be with, becomes a burden to me that one day, I opened it up to the Lord. In short, the reason that Mamzar Open Beach Bible Study exists is because God has granted that request for His glory. He lays up diverse situations that any one can only think and remember that it is He who makes these things possible. God chose brethren for our small group. They possess the character that I am just comfortable to be with because like me, they are deficient in courage to speak, possesses patience, meek as we say, but courageous to step out of the dark and cold winter for the sake of learning and hearing the word of God. Those individuals whom I have approached agreed without second thought. He blesses us with youth members as well, whom we need. We have soul win one Russian lady and a Moroccan male as our first mission. Then, we have witnessed a Filipino security guard who fled from a chaotic life in the hand of a well-known influential politician in the Philippines. It brings pleasure to us though we did not see
them again. God is giving us this joy in serving Him in His own way. I am blessed to see the willingness of each one in the group having the earnest desire to study the word of God. Everyone is given the privilege to study and deliver an assigned topic and they get excited for their turn. Everybody starts to move as early as 6:00 a.m. every Saturday. Recently, winter time is still dark and cold. Nevertheless, Sis. Corz already walks in dark street from their house to Manama, Sis. Senda already waits for us to pick her up at Fish round about, Sis. Mayette, Nicole and Sis Angie are ready, geared up with winter clothing for we have to pick up Ren and Marcia at Jomac Residence. Then, we buy hot pandesal for our coffee and tea from Pan de Manila. Definitely, it is beautiful to talk about God early in the morning. Our goal is to build each one’s confidence in delivering the message of God first to their own families and to reach out others along the way. In addition, God reveals to us also His joy by answered prayers. TO GOD BE THE GLORY, HONOR AND POWER!
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GRACE For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men
Titus 2:11
Do you know that Salvation is by GRACE and not by FAITH? Pastor Erwin concepcion
Many Christians believe that salvation is by faith! Though, Christians follow the fundamental doctrine that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone, many miss the most important point in Doctrine of Salvation - The GRACE of God. Many Christian teachers and pastors teach that FAITH in Christ alone is the basis for salvation. Though, FAITH in Christ alone is the product of true salvation, GRACE is the main reason why there is salvation! According to The New Lexicon Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (NLWED), “FAITH is trust, confidence and complete acceptance of a truth which cannot be demonstrated or proved by the process of logical thought, the virtue Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014 by which a Christian believes in the revealed truth of God.” Similarly, according to Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible (IDB),
Similarly, according to Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible (IDB), “FAITH is a belief in or confident attitude toward God, involving commitment to His will for one’s life.” The Bible clearly states that FAITH is the product of man’s response to God (Hebrews 11:1, 6; Romans 10:17). Here is the big question: If FAITH alone can save and FAITH is the response of man to God, then, man can choose to believe or not to believe in God. But the problem with this teaching is that, since man is dead because of sin (Ephesians 2:1; Colossians. 2:13), how can he make himself alive to respond to God’s offer of salvation? Logical reasoning tells us that it is impossible for a dead man make himself alive.20
Only God through His supernatural power who has the author of life can do this impossible possible! We must understand that man is depraved because of his personal sins (Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23) and inherited sins (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22), and therefore, spiritually dead. A spiritually dead person cannot respond to anything spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:14). Therefore, since man is dead and depraved because of sin, the only way that he can be alive and respond to God’s call for salvation is through the mercy and love of God by providing him the gift of GRACE and at the same time the gift of FAITH that he may be able to respond to God’s call!
According to NLWED, “GRACE is unconstrained and undeserved divine favor or goodwill, God’s loving mercy displayed to man for the salvation of his soul.” The same way IDB states, “GRACE is favor and kindness without regard to the worth or merit of the one who receives it and in spite of what that person deserves.” Paul said (Ephesians 2:5) “Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by GRACE ye are saved.)”. Ephesians 2:8 “For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”. The “quickening” or “to make alive” mentioned in Ephesians 2:1,
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is the work of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11; 2 Corinthians 4:14) that God has given at the same time to them who are called according to His foreknowledge, purpose and will (Rom. 8:29, 30). Salvation, therefore, is by GRACE! It is a gift through the unmerited mercy and love of God to a depraved and sinful man. BB
By David Cloud Facilitated by Pastor Nel Guiang
What is the purpose of music in our Christian life; in our worship service? The best answers are: to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ, to lead God’s people in authentic worship, and to communicate salvation to the lost and encouragement to believers. We believe in the pursuit of excellence for the glory of God. As the psalmist so eloquently states, “I will not offer to the Lord that which cost me nothing,” so we strive to offer the Lord an authentic and excellent sacrifice. In Psalms 104:33, it says “I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.” Every true Christian would like to do what is mentioned in the verse, but can we just sing any kind of song? Will it please God to sing any song as long as it mentions God’s name? Pastor Nel Guiang has the answer to all these questions on the seminar he has conducted in Manama Villa #7 on April 11, 2014 regarding “Discerning Godly Music”. What is the connection of music from food? Surely, some will say nothing but for Pastor Nel Guiang, there is a big connection. As he discusses the 7 Pillars of Musical Truth (from New Heart, New Spirit, New Song-Chapter 2 by Douglas Bachorik), he enlightens us as with the basic scriptural principles applied to music mentioned as follows:
been entrusted to us as to steward; we are responsible to use music as God intended it to be used. Food is also a gift from God, we eat for strength, health and enjoyment but not to fulfill the lust of the flesh and we are not to eat that which will harm us.
Music is a creation of God (Psalm 24:1-2, Job 38: 4-7, Zephaniah 3:17, Revelation 4:11). God created the elements, concept
Music should be used for instruction in spiritual matters (Colossians 3:16, 1 Chronicles 25:1). Sacred music must
Music should be used to praise the Lord (2 Samuel 22:50, Revelation 5:8-9, The Book of Psalms). Music of worship should
exalt the Lord and not man. It should not be created/ used to appeal to the old sin nature. Sacred music is an act of worship (giving and humbling). Food items used in Old Testament offerings were determined by God, His will, His expectations, His desires and it is not selected based upon the taste of the worshipping Jews. Food items for Old Testament offerings were excellent and good to eat.
and styles of music and man is responsible for what he does with God’s creation. How it is connected with food? God created the concept of food while man takes what God created and makes healthy, good-tasting food, or poison, alcohol, etc. MusicBurning is a gift from (Psalm 8:6-8, BushGod / Second Quarter Genesis 1:28, James 1:17). Music has
appeal to the mind, not just emotions or body, our singing must never be mindless and we should pay attention to special music so God will not tell us that we are worshipping Him, singing praises unto Him but our heart is far from Him. We use some foods or medicines derived from foods to make us healthy; we use these
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foods first for their health benefits, secondly for their flavor. Music may be used for other, everyday activities (Job 21:12, Matthew 11:17, Luke 15:25). We may use music for enjoyment
but we don not have the right to allow sinful, worldly influences into our lives. Creation is given to mankind for God’s glory and man’s pleasure. We eat and drink many things for pleasure, not necessity. Some items should be avoided by individuals because of its effect and avoided by all because of its negative effect. Music communicates emotions and ideas on many levels (1 Chronicles 25:3, Isa. 24:8). Music is not merely a conduit or
channel for the text, it contains meaning that can and must be objectively understood. The message of the music must match the message of the text. We try to eat food that taste good and is good for us. Music should be governed by the doctrine of holiness (1 Peter 1:15). Privilege of
being holy in music of our everyday life and in music for worship. Our music must not set us apart to Godliness, but should set us apart from worldliness.
There are music used for everyday enjoyment and there are for worship but there are also music which are bad for enjoyment or worship same as with food. During the Old Testament sacrifices, there are foods for everyday consumption and there are foods for sacrifices, but there are also foods which are unclean for eating or sacrifice. Pastor Nel closes this part by asking if we are enjoying music (or food) as we do. Are we honoring the Lord in our use of them? Will the Lord be pleased or disappointed with our use of music or food? We may not utter the answers but God sees our hearts and know every answer that we have in all those questions. He reveals to us the Authentic Worship Truth (from New Heart, New Spirit, New SongChapter 4 by Douglas Bachorik) which brings us in the Core of Biblical Worship. To make the subject understandable to everyone, he first defines Worship. He cited the different definitions of worship from Bible verses as follows: a. Worship is giving (Genesis 22:5-6, 1 Chronicles 16:29, Revelation 4:10). Worship is very often mentioned in the context of giving something to the object worshipped: offerings, glory, praise, service. b. Worship is an act and attitude of humility
(Joshua 5:14-15, Psalm 95:1-2, 6; 1 Corinthians 14:25). Worship is very often mentioned in the context of bowing or lying prostrate. Humility is an integral part of worship, whether it is expressed physically or not (James 4:1-11). c. Worship is not selfish. If worship means giving or committing everything, especially ourselves to God, then worship cannot be selfish! d. Worship is not driven by emotions or pride. If worship means having a true picture of ourselves and God, based upon God’s Word, then our worship should come from our mind and not just our emotions nor can true worship contain pride. As Pastor Nel continues, he defines Music as a product/ revealer of the heart/ whole being (Matthew 12:34, Hebrews 13:15) and mind (Exodus 32:5, 8 & 17; Psalm 137:1; James 5:13). Music as an instructor to the heart and mind (Colossians 3:15-16). Music as predictor of unauthentic worship. Here, Pastor Nel reiterates that worship is a time for us to glorify, exalt and praise God, so the whole worship should be centered in uplifting the name of God and not to satisfy or focus on ourselves, on our emotions nor just to have an exciting or deep experience (Romans 12:2). If we believe that we exist to glorify God, then we will worship Him with music that is created to reflect His attributes and encourage in us thoughts of true holiness. If we believe that worship time is for us to be humble and offer something to God, then the Music that has to be used should focus on the Lord and seeks to raise us up to His level, encouraging us to leave the sinful world, especially the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life behind (1 John 2:15-16).
He further stresses on the evolution of Worship and Praise Music, mentioning the origin and growth of Charismatic worship and ecumenism, wherein Charismatic praise and music emerges from the revival atmosphere of the Jesus Movement and the charismatic movement of the mid-1960s. Their musical issue is methodology and not theology. Can we be fundamental in our Doctrine and Charismatic in our worship? This is the question in the minds of our fundamental pastors who see new evangelical mega-churches using music & worship styles different from their own. Churches, nowadays, are shifting to charismatic type of worship and praise to gain more members and focus on getting the attention and membership of youths, f orgetting that theological and musical perspective should focus on the Biblical view of God. It is not the number that counts; not the quantity but the quality for it is said in Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 1 4 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
After the discussion of the basic scriptural principles applied to music and getting the core of biblical worship, the seminar on “Discerning Godly Music” becomes more interesting and intriguing, as Pastor Nel Guiang begins to converse about Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) where a lot of fundamental Christian churches around the world adapt this kind of music in their worship services. According to David Cloud, whose book on Contemporary Christian Music is the basis for this seminar, CCM is an attempt to remove the “rock” from Christian rock and merely toning the music from hard rock to soft rock. Pastor Nel Guiang cites some of the dangers of this and urges the Back to the Bible Baptist Church to heed the warning on the use of contemporary music. Pastor Nel presents the following guidelines on how to identify CCMs and some of its characteristics as follows: 1) The rhythm of soft rock is loaded but hidden in CCM normal beat pattern. This
means that the music is exhibiting a kind of highly syncopated rhythmic parts. Syncopation is an accent of music, that when
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used strongly and repeatedly can create sensual body movements to the hearers. It leaves the listener anticipating something that is not there and the body wants to fill in the gap. 2) The non-resolving chord structure in CCM. Contemporary worship music tends to
use a chord cadence other than the “perfect” or “authentic” cadence, which is used by the old hymns and which resolves back to the first tone. A “weak cadence” or an “imperfect cadence” does not resolve in this way. It is always more “feely.” The unresolved progressions in CCMs are repeated so much that it becomes hypnotic. Thus, people who listen to it relate the feeling as being in God presence, where in fact it is all emotion and nothing more divine. 3) The hidden deception unto emotional.
The rock is softer but it still contains the rock rhythm that undeniably appeals to the flesh. Hymns will seem dull in comparison to contemporary music. 4) The transformational power to Ecumenism. By “adapting” CCM, churches
are creating bridge to the ecumenicalcharismatic world and the influence will gradually permeate the entire congregation and change its fundamental character. 5) CCM never draws one closer to God. Apostles John explains in 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” We are to worship God and give glory to Him and deny self-satisfying works. Songs and hymns are God’s blessings to His people, to take pleasure in bringing the glory to Him alone. As the seminar comes to into conclusion, everyone is encouraged to pray and reach out our fellow believers about the perils of CCM in the church and in daily Christian living. Furthermore, enlighten them about the true meaning of worship and blessing of songs and hymns to our daily Christian lives – Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual 23 to the songs, singing with grace in your hearts Lord.” BB
MISSIONS’ UPDATE Sis. Ruth May Pedico
Knowing Our Missionaries in Cambodia Rationally, we know that missionaries are those people who are called by God to share the Good News of Salvation in the mission field. They are those people who opt to leave their comfort zone to obey their calling though they may have the alternative not to. Our church is supporting foreign missionaries in Thailand and Cambodia. It is a joy to know them deeper as God’s faithful servants and our brethren in the Lord! To know their faith, their tasks and their hearts, we ask them out to answer some questions – such questions that will unveil their selves and their hearts since most of us are not familiar with them, the fact that we have not meet them in person. Few minutes from now, you will be acquainted to some of them. It is a pleasure that they provide time and take heart to reply. Thank God for the opportunity! Moreover, be inspired and be blessed! Certainly, we know that to be a missionary is a calling. By what age did you discern that you have a calling to do mission work? What and who prompts and influence you to go to the mission field? Pastor Rogil: I discern my calling to do mission work when I was 24 years old. Before the missions trip, Ms. Elvie Batifora, a missionary in Cambodia was used by God to challenge me to pray and consider Cambodia before summer of 2007. It is summer of year 2007, when I am still in Bible School (Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute - BBSI), I organize a mission trip to Cambodia together with the members of the discipleship group. Four more members join the mission trip from the Bible School and Janice join as well from Campus Bible Fellowship (CBF). I see Cambodia and at first time, I feel that I am not for Cambodia. The poorest among the poor are here in Cambodia and people cannot communicate in English and others. But that perspective change when I arrive in the Philippines. After more than a month of mission trip I said, “I think my heart is left in Cambodia”. That is the beginning of how God works mysteriously in my life. Sis. Janice: I discern that God is calling me for missions when I was 23 years old. First, God used His Word to influence my heart and as a response to His love for me and His command to obey Him in the mission field. Second, God used my reading of the Autobiography of missionaries like Gladys Alwards, William Carey, David Brainerd and other testimonies and books regarding missions that inflame my passion for the lost soul in cross-cultural missions. There are many countries out there to be considered as a mission field that needs to know JESUS. Why did you choose to be in the country where you are in right now? Pastor Rogil: I choose Cambodia because God put a burden in my heart for Cambodia, as I said “I think my heart was left in Cambodia”. I start to learn to love Cambodia, then. It takes me from June to December 2007 to think, asking God to make sure that He is calling me for Cambodia. Sis. Janice: Since 2002/2003 I start to pray for Thailand and Cambodia. Last December 2006, I attended a mission’s conference in Bacolod and that’s the time also I committed my life to the Lord to be used by Him wherever and whenever He will lead me. Last April 2007, I joined Pastor Rogil and with his classmate for their missions trip in 4 Countries namely: Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
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After our missions trip God laid in our hearts especially to Pastor Rogil that Cambodia is the place where God wants us to go. How many years are you working as a missionary? Basically, what is the primary problem you encounter as you begin the mission work? Pastor Rogil: 5 years already serving the Lord in Cambodia. I arrived in Cambodia last September 2008. Since then, up to November of 2009 is a big adjustment, learning the culture, learning the language full time at the university, helping a local church. Basically, for the first time it seems like a student life for me. From November 2009 to June 2010, I stay in the Philippines for the wedding in December and months of waiting for the paper of my wife, Janice. 2010 of June, I and Janice arrive in Cambodia and pioneer ministries in Phnom Penh, as the home-base and Kampong Chnnang, our first outreach. It is by the grace of God that Janice and I are still serving God in Cambodia. The Primary problem is know/how to do the ministry. I and Janice don’t know how to start especially there is a language barrier problem. The methodology in reaching the university students was a trial and error. Next problem will be financially, adjustment as a couple etc. What is one of the most unforgettable challenges/ problems you experience in the mission work? How did you deal with it? Pastor Rogil & Sis. Janice: The most unforgettable experience is when the first fruit (a graduating medical student) we usher to the Lord after almost 6 months of discipling him said in his text message “Rogil you have your mission to do, I have a work to do, you have your goal and I have my goal, too. I’m sorry but I cannot give my time”. Series of phone calls I make but Vantha did not answer any of the phone calls. Vantha is very memorable for me and Janice but we need to accept the reality that Vantha decides not to continue on knowing Jesus more; acceptance knowing that God is Sovereign and He never commit mistakes. What is oft times your struggle as a worker of the LORD? Pastor Rogil: As a worker of the Lord, we struggle on sin of unbelief. I know the truth that God can and He will but when trials come, I sometimes or a lot of times forget the goodness
and the power of God that is why sin of unbelief is the general problem and it could possibly the root of other problems. Sometimes, I thought of quitting, pack up and go back home but God is faithful in His sustaining grace. Sis. Janice: As a worker of the Lord I often struggle to keep trusting God for everything. I also struggle how I could teach them effectively. What keeps experience?
Pastor Rogil: Despite the hardships of experiences here in Cambodia, God taught me to keep my eyes on Jesus. God’s love for me and my love for Jesus keep me going on. Sis. Janice: What keeps me going despite the hardship experiences are the promises of God that He will finish the work that He has started in me and my love and personal commitment to the Lord that no matter what I will keep obeying Him by His grace because He is worthy of my all. I believe that there is no other greater and higher purpose than to obey and give Him all the glory in and through my life. What is your message to the younger generation/ others who might have the calling to be as a missionary, as well? How will your encourage others who have this desire to be a missionary in local or foreign land? Pastor Rogil: Please seek God first and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. If I focus on the things on earth, never did I decide to follow God in foreign land. With all my responsibilities to my parents, etc., I think I cannot. I know that I have a mission to do and I said YES LORD believing in my heart that God will take care of me and my family. Sis. Janice: My message to the younger generation is that they will love the Lord their God with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind and with all their strength. It’s my earnest prayer and desire that God will raise up a generation that they will value the glory of God and will be passionate to live a life that is pleasing to Him and will give their lives for cause of the Gospel. I do believe that if we love God and value His glory in our lives everything will just overflow in our actions. Let us join God in His great work of saving people from every tribe, tongues and nations. After all, life is too short to be wasted and what matters most in this life is we obey God and do what He wants us to do for His greater glory.
You are all there, we are here but we join our hearts together because of our love and obedience to the Lord. We really don’t know all BBBC family members but our hearts are telling us about your faithfulness to the Lord and His ministry. We believe that God will work and bless our desire to make His Name famous. We would like to quote this verse for you all and in fact these verses became real to me and Janice: Romans 10:14-15 14 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? 15 How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!” Thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Lord in partnering with us for the Gospel. Truly, God is working continually in us for His greater glory. To end our letter, we would like to close with four things: 1. Our love to God will manifest in bringing good news to the lost – EVANGELISM 2. Our love to God will manifest in doing the great commission – DISCIPLE MAKING 3. God’s missions will be our missions. – WORSHIP 4. Our passion is for God’s global renown. – GOD’S GLORY Thank you so much! By God’s grace and for His glory, Pastor Rogil and Janice Apostol (Pastor Rogil Apostol, 30 years old, more than 5 years in the Cambodia) (Sis. Janice Jeromae Apostol, 30 years old, 4 years in Cambodia)
Lastly, what is your message to BBBC? Dear beloved BBBC brethren, Greetings from Cambodia! What a privilege to be called by God and being part of His missions. Missions exist because worship does not. Our partnership of reaching the lost has an eternal value.
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
FAMILY A few nights ago, I read my three kids a bedtime story about a missionary who spent 30 years of his life serving in Nepal. I realized it wasn't much of a lullthem-to-sleep story, though, as I fielded • excited questions and enthusiastic interest. How will God use my children to build His • kingdom? I wondered. Will they serve Him overseas, immersed in a foreign culture? Will they remain in North • America, shining as lights in a secular workplace? Whatever their futures hold, how can I help mold them into world changers? • As I pondered the latter question, one thought came swift and clear: Teach them to think beyond themselves and their own needs. World changers, like the storyteller, follow Christ's example through service. They practice kindness and are willing to sacrifice convenience and comfort for another's sake.
Serving right where we were I soon discovered that countless service opportunities surrounded our family, albeit on a simple scale: •
When missionary families on furlough stayed with us, our kids shared their bedrooms with the children. We provided transportation to Sunday school and midweek kids' club for children who wanted to attend but whose parents couldn't take them.
We invited friends to invade our lakefront home, on scorching summer days. We delivered meals and drove one pregnant woman's children to school when she was ordered to bed rest. When an acquaintance's husband deserted her, we invited her family for dinners and table games. We purchased fabric and sewed a dress for a girl whose single mom couldn't afford to buy her one.
Bringing it to the Father Serving others helped our kids see beyond themselves. Still, we could do something more: pray for our children's spiritual well being.
consider others better than themselves. May they look not only to their own interests, but also to the interests of others." We also asked the Lord to bless our kids, not necessarily with wealth or fame or an easy life, but that through them, His way would be known on Earth and His salvation among all nations (Psalm 67:1-2).
Seeing that it sank in God honored our efforts and answered our prayers. More than a decade after that unforgettable bedtime story, our eldest boarded a ministry ship to participate in God's work around the world. As I write this, the ship sits in hurricane-devastated Grenada, its crew building shelters for the homeless.
Frankly, sometimes I felt like a parrot with a limited vocabulary: "Lord, please bless my kids." My sentiments seemed so generic.
The second, a Bible college sophomore, hopes to teach English overseas after graduation.
Things improved when we began praying God's Word. Specific Scriptures addressed our concerns.
The third, now 18, spent three weeks teaching Bible clubs in Mexico last summer. She plans to return in July.
Because we wanted our children to exemplify Christ, Philippians 2:3-8 became a favorite prayer guide:
Raising world changers begins at home. From there, only God knows — and that's exciting!
"God, teach our children to humbly
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
TEACHING SERVICE Jesus set the standard of selflessness for His disciples when He told them to be His "witnesses, in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Such a command implies a life lived for others.
Practical ways kids can serve in your family, your community and the world
While it may be too early to burden young children with such a weighty imperative, parents can teach them the beauty of Jesus' model.
While it may be too early to burden young children with such a weighty imperative, parents can teach them the beauty of Jesus' model.
Jerusalem — Serving right where you are God's Son challenged His followers to go back to the city of His crucifixion and be witnesses to His good news. •
Switch your children's chores for a week. They'll likely be glad to try something different, and maybe they'll learn to appreciate what the • other does around the house. Consider letting them teach the tasks to each other. If you have an only child, give her the responsibility of taking on one of your chores. Explain that you trust her to do it right, and watch her give it her best. Make sure you choose something simple at first to promote the feeling of accomplishment.
Judea and Samaria — Serving right where you don't want to
The Ends of the Earth — Serving right to the edge of the world
Have your kids work together to take out the trash or bring in the mail for an elderly couple. (Make sure you go with your children the first time.)
Children have difficulty comprehending the vastness of the world, so bring a little bit of the world home to them. •
On your next trip to the park, spend 30 minutes cleaning up litter • together. Your kids can redeem the recyclables they find to contribute to • the church mission fund.
About Focus on the Family Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. We provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’ s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
Show your kids a globe or map and have them point to a country. Research the people who live there and their greatest needs. Encourage your kids to pray for the children in that country each night. Challenge your kids to set aside a portion of their allowance each week. At the end of the year, send their savings to missionaries who serve in that country. All it takes is one act of selflessness to open children's eyes to the joy of service. God can use the seeds you plant in their hearts to feed the souls of others — even to the ends of the earth.
Testament stresses that THE New Christians need the fellowship of one another. One identifying mark of the true church is that the members have love for each other (John 13:35). Indeed, one of the criteria by which Christ will judge us is how we treat our brethren in the church (Matthew 25:31-46). Basically, how will we know each other better, love and serve one another if we do not fellowship with our brethren in various church activities? In His Word, God has given us ample instructions regarding how we should relate to other Christians. It is His purpose to teach us how to get along with each other so we can teach such to the next generations. We are to be unselfish and concern for the needs of others (Philippians 2:4). God wants us to learn patience and forgiveness (Colossians 3:13), striving to be "kindly affectionate," humble, and meek in our dealings with one another (Romans 12:10). We should be generous and hospitable to our brethren (verse 13). BBBC is celebrating “Family Day” regularly. Just recently, after the Friday worship service, the brethren gather together subsequent to lunch fellowship. Abundant
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blessings of food are prepared, and then served to satisfy every attendee’s hungry stomach. Consequently, we proceed to Al Hamriya Park. Four teams are formed naming them as “Apple”, “Mango”, “Melon” and “Orange”. In the absence of Bro. Rued, the official game master, Bro. Angelo and Bro. Jeff take over and their acts prove that they are worthy substitutes. Several games are played such as relays and Bible quiz. During the physical games, all teams perform well giving their best and exerting their physical strength. Every group proves that team work is very important in the house of God. The excitement is continuous ‘til the last game of the day which is the Bible quiz. Our game masters call it - “Bible quiz with a twist” which makes it more exhilarating. Everyone takes out all the things from their purses, doing it the fastest way they can to answer the question that represents the letters of the answer. Our fellowship should be a source of encouragement to one another. We should use this time to show love to our brethren to motivate them to perform acts of kindness
and service for others. All of these exhortations show clear need for us to be part of an organization of God's people. The interaction that we have with one another when we fellowship during church activities helps us to develop the fruit of Holy Spirit—enumerating love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). The Lord said, if two or more are gathered together in His name, He is there in the midst of them. Truly the presence of God is felt in our Family Day because the love and cooperation that the brethren express to one another is so evident. At the end of the game, all teams’ scores are tallied and guess who won? The orange team has done it! A big round of applause from everyone is deafening; tremendous joy over victory dominates the place! We always look forward to another family day celebration not only to enjoy each other’s company but also to edify and exhort one another. Collectively, we want to show to the world how true Christians care and love each other, furthermore, strengthening one another. Neglecting Christian meetings is just like giving up the encouragement and help of our brethren. BB
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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. -Philippians 4:8
Serving Quality Family Time on our Dining Tables! SIS. CHERRIE TUQUERO
are living in an era where being extremely busy is the WE norm; in a time where people appear relentlessly and competitively busy, and unashamedly vocal about it. It is even becoming the most frequent reason for us to unconsciously miss out on the more important moments of our daily lives. Suffice to say, being busy makes us miss out on the essential things in life – a chance to catch up with our family and hear their stories, time to do a quiet reflection and moment of prayerorsimply say, it makes us forget the reasons why we keep ourselves busy, after all. As a nutritionist, I am quite concerned how this trend also affects the quality of food placed on our table, as well, as on how it lowers the premium we are putting on eating together as family, which is an essential part of our Filipino values. If we are considering the provision of our family needs as the main driving force for keeping ourselves overly focused with work, then we have need to seriously rethink our stand. Let us begin this by assessing how much time we are spending in ensuring a balanced family diet and setting at least one meal a day for family bonding. Sharing a family meal provides an experience that touches all of our senses – sight, touch, taste, smell and listening to warm laughter or good conversation. The family’s dining table, through our efforts, can be turned into a school of love, life and virtue. Recent researches say that the benefits can even be doubled if family bonding will be started inside the kitchen during food preparation. Making dinnertime a daily family ritual, involving both preparation and consumption of food may accomplish the following:
in disordered eating reported the following: 1.More frequent family meals, 2.High priority for family meals, in spite of scheduling conflicts, and 3.Positive environment at family meals. • Family meals furnish a meaningful opportunity to provide a role model for healthy eating. Parents and other adults can help model eating moderate portion sizes, tasting new foods or stopping when full.Also, they can use family mealtimes to encourage courtesy and other social manners that are valued in society • Family meals are associated with improved dietary intake among family members. For example, several large studies have shown that regular family meals are strongly associated with increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, grains and other healthy food choices while also linked with lesser consumption of fried or fatty foods, soft drinks or other less healthy food choices. A study conducted by Dr. Blake Bowden of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Center, following his survey of 527 teenagers, reveals that parents and children who sit down together around the table for an evening meal five times a week are "least likely to be on drugs, to be depressed or to be in trouble with the law. Dr. Catherine Snow, professor of Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education studied "sixty-five families over an eight-year period and found that dinnertime is of more value to child development than playtime, school and story time."
• Family meals are associated with a reduced risk of childhood obesity in children and adolescents. In general, the adolescents least likely to engage
Burning Bush / Second Quarter / 2014
Even Jesus shared some of His most sublime truths sitting at a table with His disciples: "and he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, 'this is my body which is given for you; this you shall do in remembrance of me'" (Luke 22:19 KJV). This is also the reason why many Christian churches are encouraging its members to dine together to develop a powerful and lasting bond. "All believers are together and had everything in common…And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And they continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking of bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart" (Acts 2:44-46 KJV). A famous author in his book once said, “Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back.” He further shared “It is not enough to just say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them.
Relationships take time and effort and the best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E.” Then, let us all begin spelling quality time with quality “F-O-O-D” shared with our loved ones. 30
Bro. Cyril Rodriguez
Saved by His power divine, Saved to new life sublime! Life now is sweet and my joy is complete, For I’m saved, saved, saved!
hese are the words of Jack P. Scholfield, a 19th century evangelistic singer from Kansas, as he joyfully proclaims the greatness of God’s salvation that he experienced through songwriting. The sacrifice of Christ on that rugged cross of Calvary, His body that was hanged and His blood that was shed became the ultimate and final payment for the penalty of our sins. It truly is something every true Christian cannot help but proclaim.
questions about its technicalities we sometimes find it difficult to answer. There are a lot of things to consider when we go deeper and deeper in the doctrine; the more you learn the more you need to study. Here are some truths that we have discussed so far, and the exciting part is that this is just the tip of the iceberg: God, in His omniscience and foreknowledge did predestinate us (Romans 8:29, Ephesians 1:5) that we will be chosen/ elected (Ephesians 1:4, I Peter 1:2) through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. We are all sinners worthy of death (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:12) and because of sin we are all dead spiritually. But, God
The gospel’s message is plain and simple; so plain that even a young child can believe and so simple that even the world’s greatest minds cannot accept. As Christians, we are excited to PROCLAIM God’s message of salvation but we have to remember that we are also commanded to STUDY (II Tim. 2:15) to show ourselves approved unto God, to rightly divide the word of truth, to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (II Pet. 3:18) and of course, for us to be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear (I Peter 3:15). We must be ready as many false prophets have already come, the very reason why at BBBC we have Doctrine Class every Friday at 6:00 pm held at Manama Villa, lead by Pastor Erwin Concepcion. We are encouraged to attend because the command to study is not just for leaders, teachers, preachers or pastors but for every single man and woman of God. The Doctrine of Salvation at first glance, seems very easy to explain and understand, but when faced with some
(Romans 8:9, 11) and seals us (Ephesians 4:30) unto the day of redemption. This is a manifestation of our eternal security, that no man can pluck us out of God’s hand (John 10:28, 29) and nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38, 39). Words are just not enough to proclaim how wonderful God’s plan of salvation is and the depth of His pure love is unfathomable. The doctrine of salvation is just the beginning of a more rigorous study of the word; a step by step process that let us all grows together in our Christian life. This is not meant to just fill
Words are just not enough to proclaim how wonderful God’s plan of salvation is and the depth of His pure love is unfathomable. The doctrine of salvation is just the beginning of a more rigorous study of the word; a step by step process that let us all grows together in our Christian life.
commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). This is a manifestation of God’s love for us when He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins (John 3:16); and this is mercy, love and grace in its highest form. Being dead in the spirit, one cannot respond to the message of God’s salvation, that is why He hath quickened us (Ephesians 2:1), He made us alive in the spirit and by His unparalleled grace He gives us faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). Such faith was used for us to respond and receive the free gift of salvation when the gospel was preached unto us (Romans 10:17). The Holy Spirit now dwells in us
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our minds with knowledge nor to satisfy our hunger for curiosity but to understand the deeper things of and about God and use them for the advancement of His cause especially in winning more souls for Him. Through this doctrinal study, we can learn not just how to explain it to the people but also how to defend the genuine faith and true teachings that our forefathers have died for. I hope and pray that as a church and as an individual Christian, we may all continue to strive growing in our spiritual life and render to the Lord a more faithful service by which He is worthy to receive.
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere SUNDAY
PRAYER MEETING 8:30PM Manama Villa Contact: Sis Cathy 050 452 3550
KARAMA Contact: Bro. Carlos Roxas 056 749 8194
IC-DEIRA Contact: Sis. Cathy Conception 050 452 3550 SATWA-GOLDEN BELL OFFICE Contact: Sis. Sheila Togonon 050 943 4529 DEIRA Contact: Bro. Jeff Intal 050 287 6209 SHARJAH/AL NAHDA Contact: Bro. Jeff Maloles 050 206 9392 ABU HAIL Contact: Bro. Nelson Maningat 055 936 6988
NEXTCARE GROUP Contact: Bro. Ryan San Diego 050 247 1152 SOJOURNERS Contact: Bro. Angelo Malilay 055 281 9612
THURSDAY CHOIR PRACTICE Contact: Sis. Shirley Guiang 050 363 4894 FRIDAY
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