table of
04 05 06 07 08 10 12 14 16 18
From the Pastor Pastor Erwin Concepcion
King’s men In the service of the KING Bro. Jeffrey Paul Cruz
True Womanhood It’s Essence Sis. Erlani Maningat
Sojourners Time to give out love Sis. Janella Salcedo
Lord’s Young Flock Molding children… Bro. Juan Paolo Avila
CENTERFOLD History of the Church
Pastor Erwin Concepcion
From the Editor's Desk Welcome to the Special Edition of Burning Bush Newsletter in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Back to the Bible Baptist Church! Though it may seem impossible to encapsulate ten years of God's faithfulness to BBBC in this issue, we endeavor to let you witness even a fragment of God's marvelous work through the testimonies of our brethren and the different ministries of our church. As we celebrate our anniversary, I would also like to impart my sincerest gratitude to God's continuous guidance in my spiritual life as He blesses me opportunities to further serve Him. Whenever we are given responsibilities that are beyond our capability, it is natural for us to doubt ourselves and begin to think that we may never be enough for the task at hand. These are the same feelings that engulfed me when I was appointed as the new EIC of the Burning Bush. I believe that this ministry is an important and enormous responsibility as all the other ministries are. During the short period of our preparation for this issue, I first felt not qualified but God convicted me to realize that I have no reason to doubt His wisdom and power. Looking back at every issue of the Burning Bush Newsletter, we depended entirely on our Lord to provide us wisdom and passion to serve and do His work. In every publication we never fail to utter that solely by God's grace we are able to accomplish everything. Leadership or circumstance may change but the Lord we serve remains faithful!
Music Ministry Hollering of Grace
God's presence continuously strengthens us to accomplish even the most impossible mission, humbling us to trust Him in Bro. Cyril Rodriguez everything we do. The Back to the Bible Church reached its tenth year of service to the Lord not because we are capable Dr. & Mrs. K’s visit to BBBC of excellence in everything we do but merely through God's grace we are able to make it at this point, being incessant in Dr. & Mrs. Kamibayashima following our Lord and Savior's command and pattern our sit to BBBC Christian faith according to biblical principles. Truly, what makes a church strong and united is its constant dependence BBBC’s 10th anniversary on God to do His divine and sovereign work in each Sis. Ruth May Pedico & member's life to be an integral part of one body. Sis. Cherrie Tuquero
Greetings From across the globe
In behalf of the Burning Bush Newsletter team, we greet you a Blessed 10th Anniversary! To God be the glory! Junila F. Salundagit Editor-In-Chief
Juny F. Salundagit DEPUTY EDITOR Rued Almadilla SUB-EDITORS
Ruth May Pedico Cherrie Toquero CONTENT
Juvy Sampang GRAPHICS
Pastor Ian Alix Lorie Torio
Jerna Love Dueñas Rosette Perido PHOTOS
Patrick Torio
James Magadia Contact Us:
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Welcome to
Back10th to the Bible Baptist Church’s Anniversary! God is worthy to be praised, for He alone is God and His mercy and goodness endure forever! Today, we want to praise Him for His faithfulness in guiding us through difficult times, allowing us to experience His presence during many trials. Every enemy of God wants our work for Him to fail and to discourage us to serve Him. But, I always remember the Word of God in Joshua 1:5 when He said “I will be with thee: I will never fail thee, nor forsake thee”. This verse alone can give us a powerful reminder (Romans 8:31) that “If God be for us, who can be against us?” We rejoice with Him for being privileged to be counted as one of His emissaries to bring the gospel to this part of the world. Today, we extol His name because of His unfailing love and goodness to us. He never fail to provide our needs, guides us by wisdom to fulfill His will in us! He is wonderful and will always be the heart of the BBBC’s mission – to bring lost souls to Jesus and fulfill the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20)! Together, let’s celebrate in remembering His faithfulness to us, His love, His mercy and His grace for He is God above all and that in the Name of Jesus, His will shall be done in us!!
For His Service,
Pastor Erwin Concepcion Senior Pastor
In the Service of the
Bro. Jeffrey Paul Cruz
As the Apostle Paul writes Colossians 3:23 "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men”, this message echoes clearly in the hearts of servants in the King’s Men Ministry. As the day is approaching in celebration of BBBC 10th Anniversary on October 10, 2014 the overwhelming response to the call of service is evident to each member of the KM Ministry. Months leading to the anniversary day, KM has been eagerly bracing their selves in laying out the 10th Anniversary Program. Meetings are set up every week to discuss the important details of the program. Headed by Bro Paul Nena as the Program Coordinator, together with Pastor Erwin Conception and Associate Pastor Ian Alix and with other Church leaders the program is meticulously planned to offer the best for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ on that special day. The King’s Men are assigned to several tasks, as well – one of which is the heart of the service that is to proclaim the Gospel. The KM members have faithfully shared the gospel among friends and visitors who attended before the start of the program. A humbling service by ministering grace amongst the people has stand upon our Lord’s command to every believer, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:1920). KM members has taken the responsibility to be the “movers and packers” of all necessary instruments and technical equipments. Dubbed as the “Hakot Team”, headed by Bro. Nelson Maningat and all available men help each other the night before the anniversary to lift boxes of packed foods
to giveaway, stage platforms and other necessary things needed to set up the venue, carried out with love and cheers. Same goes after the anniversary, that “all that go up must come down”, the “Hakot Team” with camaraderie among the members have finished what they started, all by God’s grace. The audio and visual presentations used in the worship service are also taken cared by KM, through Bro Paul Nena. The testimony of the Intal Family is properly edited to clearly convey God’s goodness to the people. Thanks to the dedication of Bro. Paul. It is truly an encouragement to watch and hear what the Lord has done to this family and it served as one the highlights of the program. Photography and video coverage during the whole event are also assigned to talented members of KM. Bro. Patrick Torio, Bro. Armel Magadia and Bro. Jeff Maloles who tirelessly click their cameras to capture moments of the celebration and as well as souvenir photos of members and visitors to keep and to cherish for years. With Pastor Ian along with KM members are also in-charge in the design and printing of the invitation, program and name tags distributed during the Anniversary. All of these are accomplished by the grace of God enabling everyone in King’s Men Ministry to give their humble service to our Lord, to the church and love for the souls, knowing that all is for the Glory of God - Christ Jesus. Like Philippians 2:2-5 said “that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
True Womanhood is an idea that was conceived in the mind and heart of a woman who is in the state of brokenness and in search of answers to so many questions. Such questions lead Sis. Sis. Deds Celebrar to open the website of Revive Our Hearts, particularly the messages of Nancy Leigh De Moss. There she has found what she is looking for – Spiritual Revival. She talked to two of her closest friends in the church Sis. Beth Concepcion and Sis. Rochelle Maloles and reveal to them what she has found and the rest was history. On February 8-9, 2009 the formal sessions of TW started. Still fresh on my mind is our first assembly that was held in Tamani Hotel followed by our regular Friday School in Samaya Hotel every Friday before the Worship Service begins. In general, I would say, TW is one of BBBC’s ministries that cater the needs of women, young and old, single and married. Women who are in dire need of spiritual maturity, stability and revival. It is the organization that facilitates BBBC women in their hunger to God’s Word, supplies knowledge about Jesus Christ, teaches to rely on the Holy Spirit and urges all women to totally depend on God by wholly surrendering their whole life to Him. In addition, it helps us to grow and live in faith and deny our own selves, accepting the fact that it is God Who matters.
Through the years TW has become an integral part of BBBC and is continuously used by the Lord to give Him glory through various activities that continue to mold godly women. One of these is the Girl-Gone-Wise group study. Moreover, every woman of the church is given tasks that trains and teaches them to be essential part of the assembly, reflecting God's grace.
Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.” -Proverbs 31:30 As for me, TW means a lot. It is a ministry that enlightened me in my role as a woman – how to act, speak and respond to whatever situation I am into in different stages of life. Most importantly, TW has made me become a stronger woman in faith, more willing to be of God, on God, for God and with God. I am still a work in progress of becoming a woman that God intends me to be, still being molded by our true God. By God’s grace and in His time, I will get there.
Just recently, BBBC celebrated its 10th anniversary which made TW members a lot busier and in action most of the time. It was a week-long Spirit-filled celebration with our guests, Dr. and Mrs. Kabayashima. Most of the TWs are busy in choir practices and preparations before the anniversary and become so involved in ushering, evangelizing, serving food and did other big and petty tasks on the day of the celebration. Humility and serving hearts are evident all throughout the event as manifestation of 1 Peter 5:6 that says: ”Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” Once again TW has proven that together we can accomplish small things with great impact in serving and giving our best to the Master, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord (1Corinthians 15:58). As mentioned by Mrs. K in one of the Bible study/Seminar "… serving God is not only serving inside the church but knowing His will and doing it. She further encourages us to be a woman designed by God, a woman after God’s own heart." Therefore, we must always remember – it is not about us, it is all about God.
are simple appreciation given to those who take time to attend a special activity. Hoping somehow, they’ll remember how memorable that day is and how their lives change after that. On the other hand, we all know time is one of the most valuable things here on earth. That’s why; the church decides to give out wall clocks as our token for this year’s 10th church anniversary. This is not just an ordinary wall clock wrapped in a beautiful paper with ribbon. We make sure to have it personalized in a sense that we need to dismantle the clock to put a sticker (agreed logo for this year’s anniversary). Few months back when our artistic members submit their entry for the logo, the leaders of our church choose which is entitled: Salvation by Grace. The Christian Sojourners simply known as the “CSJ” are assigned to make 300 tokens. How is that possible?
Sis. Janella Salcedo The eagerness of everybody to (Matt. 19:26 “But Jesus beheld finish in time is there. And when them, and said unto them, with everybody works hand in hand, things are easily achieved. Seen in the faces of men this is impossible, but with the sojourners is how they have fun, too, God all things are possible”) while working. That indicates they work Days before the actual making heartily for the Lord. One of our of these tokens, God gives the leaders leaders in CSJ bluntly say, “Always the wisdom on how to come up with an remember, that your labor is not in vain efficient plan. They come up with with the Lord.” That is found in 1 several teams having specific task to do. Corinthians 15:58 … Forasmuch as ye After we have finished everything, we know that your labour is not in vain in have a short devotion led by our the Lord. This is one of the most president, Bro. Melvin before partaking beautiful promises of God to us, that the supper. Usually, CSJ meets every our labor for Him is never wasted. He other Wednesday to have some activities sees all the sacrifices made by everyone and devotions together. So for two (2) especially their time and effort. May the consecutive Wednesdays, we are able to sojourners continue their fire in serving complete 300 tokens ready for the God with activity like this. May the anniversary. clock be an inspiration to everyone, It is indeed by God’s grace that particularly to the Christians that time is we are able to finish it just in time. running so fast and that we shouldn’t Despite the busy schedule of each and miss out sharing God’s great love to every one it hinders not in mankind, not on to our loved ones and accomplishing this task for God’s glory. people that are close to us but to the The eagerness of everybody to finish in unbelieving world, in general. Let’s go, time is there. And when everybody it’s time to give out love! works hand in hand, things are easily achieved.
To Be Godly Grownups of Tomorrow Bro. Juan Paolo Avila
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6” Truly children are God’s gift and we have to nurture and equip them with the word of God in love and prayer.
Lord’s Young Flock activities are designed to mold a child in a way he or she can use the talents and the gifts they have in singing, playing instruments, learning and growing in the knowledge of GOD. This year, new set of Head Teachers were appointed. Pre-school is headed by Teacher Rainier Soliman, Graders 1 and Graders 2 is being supervised by Teacher Riza Zalun while Teacher Paolo Avila is designated to Pre-Teens and Teacher Cathy Linsangan for Teens. The head teacher of every level is responsible in assigning lessons and assisting the scheduled teacher for a more effective learning environment. Every 2nd Friday of the month, LYF Junior Worship service is being held. They are given individual task to prepare and use them in the ministry as they grow. Another activity is the LYF choir and is held every 3rd Friday of the month. Teacher Eng or Teacher Sarah handles their practice. Some plays piano, guitar, violin and flute while other render songs. In preparation for the 10th anniversary, children gather every Thursday and Saturday in Manama for almost four months of rigid practice and familiarization of their parts. On October 10, 2014 children showcased their gifts and talents through singing and playing instruments for God’s glory. The anniversary started at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Right after the pastoral prayer, LYF presentation soon followed. Graders, pre-teens and teens render songs while others play instruments. Everyone is blessed by their special number. After the worship service LYF head teachers served dinner to the kids. Through fervent prayers and because of God’s grace, the celebration was a success.
As one quote says “if a child can’t learn the way we teach, we must teach in a way the child can learn”. Hand in hand we should take part and get involve in building a good foundation for them because they are the children of tomorrow. We are grateful to GOD for His love to these children and to everyone who offers their time, resources and support to this humble ministry! The Lord incessantly bless this ministry to give Him glory!
“And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:15
The History Behind
1998 How It Started
How It Grew
2004 How It Became A CHURCH
Encountering Struggles
The Rainbow After The Flood
Erwin Concepcion
The Back to the Bible Baptist Church originally came from the original group called “The Back to the Bible”, a small Bible Study group I started when I & my wife Beth came back to Dubai from Canada on August of 1998. When I became Christian in Canada, God gave me the burden to reach my lost family member and friends in Dubai and Philippines. I didn’t understand that feeling from the beginning but irresistible feeling of proclaiming the Gospel prompt me to go back to Dubai to do the work. My wife Beth was holding a good position in Hyatt Regency in Vancouver and at that time I was employed as interior design consultant in the largest and the most expensive European furniture store in whole North America, overseeing the interior design projects of three big stores for three years. Although we were living in a quite comfortable life in that country, my heart was burdened for the lost souls that made me asked my wife if she is eager to go back with me in Dubai. I praise the Lord that she didn’t even ask me why I made such decision. On the same day we arrived, Beth re-joined the Emirates Airline and I formed a Bible Study group with about 6 people. It was a great joy and fulfilment when I started sharing the Gospel to my friends. In few weeks’ time, our number increased to more than 10 people. Since I was the only one who drives a car, I was also the one who picks up attendees as far as the desert area of Jebel Ali, cook dinner for them, share the Word of God to them, then drop some of them back to their homes, while some stay behind to sleep in our flat as I could not accommodate them all in the car at the same time. I choose Thursday because it’s a decision day for those who are truly seeking God. It is weekend and a “Party Day” for many. Several years later, after I left the church I used to be a part of and joined a newly formed Fundamentalist Baptist Church in Dubai. However, after a godly pastor of the church confronted the church’s sponsor because he committed gross sin, he decided to leave Dubai and commissioned the work of the ministry to me and another leader. We prayed for the name of the church, many suggested to carry the name of their church but after several prayers and voting, the “Back To The Bible” name came out and in late 2004 BBBC became a church. The church started with regular attendees of around thirty people. Almost all of the attendees came from different Baptist backgrounds.
During the first year of BBBC, the church encountered several problems mainly church’s policy and leadership. It is reminiscent in the church of Corinth where members brought-in their own culture and belief, preference of leadership and even doctrinal issues. After countless prayers and spiritual consultation with experienced pastors and matured Christian friends, my partner in the ministry decided to start his own and formed as well, another church. During the next three years, BBBC leadership confronted several issues of sins including division. It is on this transitional stage that I experienced sleepless night and was rushed to Dubai hospital, operated twice for continuous nose bleeding. I remember what the Apostle Paul had gone through in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. I thought, the righteous church has to undergo trials and sometimes spiritual attack in order to experience the power of God in protecting its flock. In this, we can always praise the Lord for His grace!
I remember Noah after the flood, God showed him the rainbow of covenant and hope (Genesis 9:1-17), in every faithful works of God, no matter what comes along the way, God will always protect His name among His people. Indeed, disgruntled murmuring people left the church, but God kept few faithful people to continue the work of the ministry entrusted to us.
2007 Blessings Come Along
After few years of struggles came blessings. God faithfully send many gifted brethren to help the BBBC start a new life. On 2007 onwards, faithful men and women started joining the leadership ministry of the church. There was a time when I myself, along with church leaders were praying relentlessly for a pianist and musicians to help the music ministry of the church as we do not even have a single one who can play a piano. By God’s grace, choir was formed and with the help of a sister who have no education in music nor experience leading the music ministry of the church, the music ministry was born. God so blessed the church with people who offered their voices to the Lord! Today, we keep the same principle in our choir ministry, that any member who are willing to serve the Lord in singing, regardless of their capacity to sing, we welcome them to be part of the choir ministry because we know that God searcheth the heart! During the past few years, we had invited several pastors to become speakers in our anniversaries and seminars to help strengthen the church. The following pastors who came to visit and help the church are: Pastor Evan Venegas (CBAP), Pastor JogliTupas (AFBC), Dr. Stephen Zeinner (US), Pastor Nel Guiang (BJMBC) and this year, it’s a privilege to welcome our new American friend, Dr. Phil Kamibayashiyama, Director and President of BJMBC as guest speaker in our 10th anniversary & his wife, who also conducted bible lectures to strengthen the church.
2014 The Church Today
By the grace and guidance of the Almighty God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, BBBC had grown both spiritually and numerically. Ministries is expanding, with the church having thirteen (13) main Bible study groups with multiple sub-groups, the music ministry, the Kings Men (KM), the Gameo Fellowship for married members, the True Womanhood (TW) for women, the Sojourners Ministry for singles, and the Lord’s Young Flock (LYF) Ministry for children and other ministries being formed. Seeing The Back to the Bible Baptist Church growing in its service to God today is already a great joy of realizing why God brought me back here in Dubai. Together with faithful and loving leaders and members of the church, we truly aim to serve Him in the expansion of His kingdom here on earth as He commanded us to preach the Gospel to all the world. We desire to please the Lord as we serve Him with love, for He is worthy of all our sacrificial service, that we may glorify His Name through our ministry!
Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Bro. Cyril Rodriguez
Psalm 137:1-4
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land? In this Song of the Exiles, the psalmist mourns the plight of
captive Jews and though their Babylonian captors taunted them to sing the
songs of Zion, the Israelites in their grief hung their harps on the trees (Ryrie).
A question was asked, “How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land?”
They wanted to sing but it is grief and yearning that covers their heart. Like them, we are in a strange land, but we are not captives. We are not in our own land, but
we are free to sing with joy and not with grief and that’s what we did, we played instruments and sang of God’s salvation, it truly is the hollering of grace.
Glory and praise be unto God for giving his children at the Back to the Bible
Baptist Church, ten years of fruitful labor and innumerable blessings. The Lord be thanked with all thanksgiving! We thank him for that blessed display of praise by the
choir and instrumentalists. The 10th Anniversary presentation does not happen in a simple and facile manner. It does not materialize out of nothing; it requires a significant amount of faith, prayer and labor to make it a sweet-smelling savor in the sight of God. To summarize everything, here are three phases to ponder upon; Planning, Preparation and Presentation. Keep in mind, that planning requires purpose, preparation demands passion and presentation utters praise.
There is a saying in our secular world that goes “If you fail to plan, you
plan to fail” and true it is. A careful planning can make you win a war and a
careless one can make you fall into a snare. Planning is a critical thing, it's the
first big step on the stairway, the first stone to lay and the first door on the maze. Music ministry, just like any other ministry faces a lot of challenges, and
planning for the anniversary special numbers is not an exemption. A substantial amount of things must be considered; the schedule of every choir member and
musicians, the schedule of practices, the songs that must be sang, preparation and arrangement of music pieces and even the capability of each participant.
Hollering of Grace
In planning, one must have a purpose, and for us it is to give glory to the True and Living God (I Corinthians 10:31), giving our utmost to the Highest, to bring edification to all believers (I Thessalonians 5:11) and that we may proclaim the gospel. With this in mind, the Music ministry staff together with everyone in the ministry
and with the support of the whole church, quickly run into the second phase, the Preparation. If the first big step on the stairway represents "Planning", then the next step onwards signifies "Preparation". It demands much more time and effort compared to the other two. We cannot gladly endure without faithfully enjoying all the preparations that has been done. I say "gladly" because doing the work of the Lord without love, joy and gladness will only make the ministry looks like a
burden for us and not a blessing. Days passed by; days became weeks, then weeks became months and at last the day that everyone patiently waits has come – the Presentation. The last step on that onerous stairway of our labor for the 10th Anniversary presentation has finally arrived, the joy, the excitement and even the uneasy feelings are at their peak. You can hear words of encouragement on every side and we were once again reminded that we only have One Audience, only One to please, only One to praise. Yes, praise! A word which perfectly fits that wonderful day! Though some problems occur they simply vanish in the overwhelming praises offered to God on that day. All the musical presentations point into that glorious Message – the Message of God’s salvation by grace.
Truly, the instruments that were played and the voices that
were lifted up brought overflowing blessings in the heart of all who witnessed the event. Words are simply not enough to describe how the Lord has worked on every part of the program. The playing of instruments, the singing, even the sharing of the gospel and especially the challenge from God’s Word speak of His wondrous grace.
Undeniably, that day will always be remembered as the day of the Hollering of Grace.
BBBC Dubai Dr. Phil Kamibayashiyama
Our stay in Dubai for BBBC’s 10 anniversary was unforgettable. We saw an amazing country with an amazing culture and amazing malls and buildings. But, what impressed me the most was seeing God’s amazing grace at BBBC. Grace that created new hearts once bound in sin. Grace that continues to empower people to live for the Lord Jesus and serve Him. I saw Christian love and joy of believers dwelling in unity, dedication to the Lord’s work by those leading Bible studies and sharing the gospel, desire for God’s Word even late at night, sacrificial, generous hospitality to God’s servants and God’s power and kindness in the testimonies of Pastor Erwin and other believers there. My great desire for the BBBC family is that truths that I had the privilege of preaching would take root and bear fruit. th
Here is my summary of the best activity I did in Dubai: At the anniversary I preached that Instead of God’s wrath, a person can be delivered and declared righteous through faith in Christ’s blood (Romans 3:24). At prayer meeting, 2 Timothy taught us that although you suffer for it, testify the words of truth during this increasingly evil age. During the combined Bible study, Isaiah 55 said You can only have joy and peace by forsaking your ways and seeking God in His Word, At the children’s school meeting, they heard that ang bata ay masama subalit maaaring maligtas at magpasakop.
At Friday worship, John 15:1-17 commanded us to Abide in Christ by obedience and love to bear much fruit through prayer. At doctrines class, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 taught us Do not be troubled about the future because God controls it & the Antichrist.
At the “King’s Men” meeting, we saw that a real, biblical man works, knows & obeys God’s Word, leads, loves and is spiritually strong to stay in God’s Word despite opposition.
These truths can be seen in our lives only by dependence on the grace that is in Christ Jesus. May His grace be multiplied to you all.
At the farewell fellowship, we heard
Christ’s love at the cross can control us to live for Him (2 Corinthians 5:14that
Trip of the
Mila S. Kamibayashiyama
We were welcomed at the airport by Pastor Erwin, Beth, and Aileen with a bouquet of beautiful pink roses! In the evening we had a blessed fellowship with the leaders of the church around delicious food. I sensed an amazing closeness with them as if we were family. And yes, indeed, we are brothers and sisters in the LORD! The next days, we met with more BBBC members and got to know them. We enjoyed great fun, food and fellowship! The worship celebration of their 10th Anniversary at the Metropolitan Palace Hotel was a manifestation of believers’ dedication and love for God and the brethren. The whole arrangement and beauty of the place showed careful organization and hard work. The beautiful music rendered by the choir and young people prepared our hearts to hear God’s Word and worship our Almighty God! Dr. K preached a very powerful message from II Thess 1:6-7 and Romans 3:24 entitled “Salvation from Wrath by Grace in Wrath.” Three souls came forward to be saved!
Your faith and love for the LORD and one another encouraged me so much! Back to the Bible Baptist Church is a very vibrant church. Your desire to hear God’s Word expounded almost every night shows your heart’s hungering and thirsting for God and His righteousness.
I exhorted the ladies of True Womanhood that in order to be a godly woman that wholeheartedly seeks after God, we need to know and obey God’s will for us. In the follow-up meeting with the single ladies, we enjoyed sharing our blessings as well as our hearts’ struggles and how to overcome them by using God’s promises. Their stories of God’s working in their lives brought tears to my eyes.
In the next days we had meetings, Bible studies, and sight-seeing in Dubai. It is a place of prosperity, beautiful buildings and sights. We truly enjoyed the tours, food and scenery, but what blessed me more was learning how the brethren came to know the LORD Jesus as Savior and how He transformed their lives to serve God. My husband even suggested for them to write these amazing stories of God’s grace in a book.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). It was a joy to be with this loving and generous Church family. We appreciate all your love gifts to us. We love you and pray that the LORD will continue to use you to further His Kingdom in your mission field of Dubai. Thank you Pastor Erwin for leading and nurturing these fellow believers to be vibrant disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ! Bible Baptist Church is a very vibrant church. Your desire to hear God’s Word expounded almost every night shows your heart’s hungering and thirsting for God and His righteousness.
BBBC’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY DAY! “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.” Sis. May Pedico/Cherrie Tuquero
On Friday, October 10, 2014 comes the 10th Anniversary Celebration, the most-awaited calendar day to rejoice and celebrate a decade of God’s goodness, faithfulness and love! Awe-inspiring thrill and pleasure fill the vast scene from the lobby of the 2nd floor to our worship hall in Metropolitan Hotel by about 12 o’clock noon. Wreathed in smiles and mirthful laughs can be perceived in the radiant looks of every members, regular attendees and friends while greeting each other with an audible “happy 10th anniversary”, resounding in the hall! Heartfelt embraces and kisses of women are beheld all over the place. Oh, how sweet it is for Christians to celebrate the joy of God’s faithfulness through the years! Striking to the eyes, too, are the ladies in their chosen, Filipiniana dresses and the gentlemen in their elegant barong tagalogs, all regardless of age wear their finest and best attire for the Lord! The youthful and full of enthusiast ushers with their generous smile lead the visitors and guests to the graceful brethren sitting in the registration table, sending them then to the gift-giving section and for the
unbelieving visitors to exclusive seats for evangelism purpose. Members of King’s Men, True Womanhood, Gameo, Sojourners and Lord’s Young Flock in unity, lovingly and wholeheartedly carry out their work. What a lovely sight to behold! Prior to the worship service, King’s Men lead by Pastor Erwin gather together in a quiet place to genuflect and pray, earnestly pouring out their praises, thanksgiving and petitions to the Lord. True Women, in equal manner, assemble as a group to call upon the Name of the Lord God Almighty, dispensing out their prayers! Many days
are spiced up by sad, conflicting memories and heart-breaking situations that we often call the spices of life! Experiencing such hard times and the working of the Lord can be cushy rationales why one will break into tears that very moment! Oh, was it not for God’s grace! Yes, it is just because of God’s grace and we are so much thankful to God for that! Yes, it is the marvelous works of the Lord that has preserved the church! BBBC is the church of Christ! The day is graced with the presence of almost 400 individuals called by God to worship with us that very day! Kids are excluded in the head counts. Such adults are consists of BBBC members and regular attendees, visitors, pastors, pastor’s wives
about salvation are heard from BBBC choir to prepare and condition the hearts of the worshippers. Every detail of the program is essential but the highlight is the Message of God being delivered by our guest speaker, Dr. Phil Kamibayashiyama, DirectorPresident, BJMBC - Manila, stressing out the Theme for 2014 Anniversary, “Salvation by Grace”. His text is Romans 3:24, saying, “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: “. Furthermore, he shares his own testimony & points out how a sinner is saved by the Grace of God. God’s unfailing love and goodness to us are indeed, incalculable! During the tithes and offering, a duet from the choir renders a song. Offertory prayer did tail. A closing hymn, “Thanks To God” is sung by everyone and the worship service is closed with a prayer.
and introduction of the guest speaker. neighboring churches in the UAE and the guest speaker with his wife from Bob Jones Memorial Bible College – Manila. Pastor Ian Alix, BBBC’s associate pastor started with words of wisdom, encouragement and blessings from the Holy Bible. It is followed by Scripture Reading and guitar instrument’s orchestra, respectively. Sets of songs of praise are sung by the congregation and to reckon some are: Praise Him! Praise Him! and Redeemed. Pastor Erwin Conception, the church’s senior pastor gives the welcome remarks and introduction of the guest speaker.
A congregational hymn, He Brought Me Out followed. The Lord’s Young Flock (LYF) ministry takes part also by rendering songs that give big smiles to the congregation! A testimony of God’s calling and Divine provisions from Sadibrahim and Intal Families are viewed via videos. Such are amazing stories that bless and move the hearts of the viewers – the congregation! Remarkable true to life testimonies that should be testified at hand and ‘til the generations to come! Selected members of Lord’s Young Flock render a duet entitled, “Do You Know My Jesus?” Subsequently, inspiring and and convicting songs
The night is concluded with a sumptuous buffet dinner gracefully served and helped out by King’s Men and True Womanhood. Moreover, the congregation, in addition, has enjoyed the enticing 10th anniversary cake, joyful fellowship while singing a birthday song to our beloved Pastor Erwin and the opportunity to take photos together! To sum it up, we stand in awe to give God the highest praise for His great love, sufficient grace and enduring mercy to us, Back to the Bible Baptist Church!
Now unto the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise GOD, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen 1 Timothy 1:7
greetings F
from across the GLOBE It's my privilege & joy to be a part of BBBC when it was starting 10 years ago. We had challenging & difficult moments like a baby who is learning to stand and walk with baby steps. We shared some pains and frustrations but we also had moments of joys and laughter because God is there who didn't abandon us in our journey. His presence gave strength and hope when everything seems dark. In those 10 years, BBBC has seen people come and go. The day will come that it will be your turn as well to either go back home, to go to other countries, join other community of believers or maybe go home to be with the Lord as it happened to one of our beloved brother. In all these, I confidently say that God is Sovereign, good and faithful in making the increase when we allow ourselves to be planted and watered. (1 Corinthians 3:6-8). With this, I praise God for Pastor Erwin Concepcion who took the challenge and the burden of leading this church to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the
Lord. You, dearly beloved, are a picture of God's faithfulness. Each story has God's imprint on it – the evidence of His abiding presence, wonderful love and unending grace. Just understand that He "ordained you to be with Him"... (Mark 3:14) and by His grace, know him and be more intimate with Him. Look at Him. Listen to Him. Learn from Him and love Him above all else. When that happens, your life will be more meaningful (Mark 3:14). Blessings and all glory to Him! Press on until He comes! Pastor Jogli Tupas PHILIPPINES
Rejoicing with you as you celebrate the goodness of the Lord to you, as a church! We praise God for your mission to love God, serve others and change the world. Today, as you celebrate your church anniversary, may you Remember God's faithful guidance and blessing in upholding the body of believers to stand true to the Word of God, love it and share it to others, as well. Thank you for fulfilling God's purpose in expanding God's kingdom by supporting missionaries in other lands. This is one of the secrets of your success as a church. Rededicate your lives as living sacrifices to the LORD by participating in your church and all her programs attracting people to Christ and become Christ's true disciples.
Congratulations BBBC! Praying that God will bless and multiply your efforts for His honor till He comes! To God be the glory! Ephesians 4:18 Pastor Nimrod & Sis. Esther Acosta FOR THAILAND MISSION
Cornerstone Church Phnom Penh greets you on your 10th anniversary BBBC! We are grateful to God as a response to His faithfulness for the past 10 years of BBBC. Your partnership to the Apostols for the Gospel is accounted to your account for God's glory. Congratulations! With love and prayers, Pastor Rogil & Janice Apostol CAMBODIA
We are Christians back home in Philippines but it was in BBBC that we grew and learnt more about God, about Jesus and how marvelous, true and sweet His Word is. We faced many challenges in the early years of BBBC which made us stronger Christians, applied what we've learned from the Bible, stand for what is right, being persecuted but continued in His Work. Countless church trials have we experienced but we saw how God purified His church and made it stronger and fruitful as the years go by. We made real friends in BBBC, closer than a family. The Concepcions are real blessings to us and to BBBC! We felt genuine love by people that are not related to us by physical blood, but people that are saved by the same blood of Christ! No words can best describe how blessed is our family, our siblings and their own families as we were all nurtured, loved, discipled, lifted up, encouraged and inspired by BBBC family how to live in Christ's love and grace! Happy 10th Anniversary our dear BBBC A! God bless you more ‘til the next and more generations to come! May God find us all faithful ‘til the end! Love and prayers, Erik, Cheryl & Hannah Faulan CANADA
Better is one day in your courts Than a thousand elsewhere SUNDAY
PRAYER MEETING 8:30PM Manama Villa Contact: Sis Cathy 050 452 3550
IC-DEIRA Contact: Sis. Cathy Conception 050 452 3550 SATWA-GOLDEN BELL OFFICE Contact: Sis. Sheila Togonon 050 943 4529 DEIRA Contact: Bro. Jeff Intal 050 287 6209 SHARJAH/AL NAHDA Contact: Bro. Jeff Maloles 050 206 9392 ABU HAIL Contact: Bro. Nelson Maningat 055 936 6988 KARAMA Contact: Sis. Haide Sulitas 055 109 6247 ABU DHABI Contact: Bro. Jay Jope 050 941 7696
WEDNESDAY SOJOURNERS Contact: Bro. Melvin Caba 050 163 7277 THURSDAY CHOIR PRACTICE Contact: Sis. Shirley Guiang 050 363 4894 SATURDAY
DUBAILAND Contact: Bro. Rued Almadilla 050 270 2086