The Carer Digital - Issue #19

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W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M

The Carer Digital


Issue 19


NHS Leaders’ Plea to Prime Minister – ‘Honour Your Promise On Social Care’

The NHS will not have any hope of clearing the backlog of routine operations unless there is a comprehensive and funded plan to support social care services through the winter months. That is the stark message from leading health organisations who are warning that patients will end up stranded in hospital because arrangements are not in place in the community or in care homes to support them. Also, they fear more patients will end up in emergency departments because they have not been able to access the personal care they need to keep them safe and independent in their own homes. In a letter to Boris Johnson, the health leaders call on the Prime Minister to honour his pledge to fix social care ‘once and for all’ and to set out a timetable for

reform which addresses both the immediate crisis and the need to put these services on a sustainable footing. The letter, signed by members of the Health for Care coalition, which is chaired by the NHS Confederation, asks for immediate action. “With the potential of a second wave of COVID-19, localised outbreaks, and the challenges of winter ahead, we are now gravely concerned about the ability of social care services to cope. These difficulties will be compounded by the need to simultaneously provide care and rehabilitation to patients suffering from the long-term effects of COVID-19 and those who have not had COVID-19 but have experienced a decline in health as a result of shielding during lockdown.”


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EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital! “There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.” ROSALYN CARTER One of the great joys about my job is reporting and promoting the stories we receive from care homes around the country, telling a story about the life of one of the residents, or a member of staff. I find that not only do these stories give us a wonderful insight into the lives of residents but it also gives us a wonderful insight into history. Earlier this year we ran some inspirational stories regarding Victory in Europe day, and this past week we have had some similar stories regarding Victory Over Japan Day. Editor They can be seen here: Remarkable stories of bravery, dedication and duty and I am at a loss to put into words what I would like to say other than Thank You with great respect and admiration, you will forever be in our thoughts. I would draw your attention to our lead story on our front page where industry leaders are calling on the Prime Minister to honour his promise and “fix social care”. The COVID crisis has, of course, meant a reduction in hospital procedures and operations which are now being resumed. We also have the threat of a potential 2nd wave and, as the story states, the challenges social care faces each Winter. There can be no excuses for not being prepared. Concerns are clearly being raised that any failures in social care due to insufficient funding will have a clear and potentially devastating impact for the NHS. The five demands in the call are clear and unambiguous, and of course they are not new. Last month we reported a statement by the chairman of the Independent Care Group Mike Padgham, who could not have been clearer when he said "Social care cannot wait any longer. We had a promise from Tony Blair to sort out care in 1997, followed by Gordon Brown in 2008, David Cameron in 2012, Theresa May in 2017 and Boris Johnson in 2019. ” “There have been 13 social care ministers in the past 20 years and at least 13 documents in 17 years, including four independent reviews/commissions, four consultations and five white and green papers, all without any reform coming”. Covid-19 took the world by surprise. I am sure much of the criticism of the Prime

Peter Adams

Minister and the government here in the UK was also levelled at governments in other countries by their citizens and media. However, that cannot be held as an excuse in the immediate future. The COVID crisis has further shone a light on the challenges in the social care sector which, in my opinion, faces two challenges, in its immediate and long-term future. Both of which I suspect will need to be addressed separately. For the coming Winter the warning signs are clearly out there. The Prime Minister and Health Minister will have been well briefed of the potential catastrophic consequences if sufficient funding is not in place. And again, I suspect (hope), the Prime Minister will give the sector and financial boost to get it through the coming months. The second challenge, as discussed last week, is the issue of long-term care funding - a can repeatedly kicked down the road. Last week I cited the German model, and this week I have briefly examined the Japanese model of funding long-term care. A system they brought in in 2000. In the 90s Japan faced significant problems with a rapidly ageing population, stagnating economy, and family difficulties as more women entered the labour market, resulting in reduced capacity to care for elderly family members. Japan introduced a part social insurance, part taxation and part co-payment model, to provide a comprehensive and complete system of care according to need. While not without its challenges, it has over time successfully created a competitive provider market and enabled a shift in care responsibilities, from families and individuals to society as a whole. We here UK, I believe, have failed to get the public to “buy into” any potential long-term care policy. We, to an extent, find ourselves in the same position Germany and Japan were in the 1990s. Both faced the same issues we here in the UK face now and both have since implemented quite successful systems to meet long-term care needs. It is possible to achieve fundamental reform but it will take a massive PR exercise to get the public to “buy in”. A huge challenge, as we all know, but I very much hope one that is going to be addressed in the very near future. I always finish with a thank you to the many homes and their PR agencies providing us with some wonderful stories of anniversaries, fundraising, in-house care home initiatives keeping the spirits high, so once again well done and please keep them coming! I can always be contacted at

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NHS Leaders’ Plea to Prime Minister – ‘Honour Your Promise On Social Care’


This move comes as the NHS has been set very stretching targets for resuming services which had to be paused during the first stage of the coronavirus pandemic. Health service leaders were already concerned that the targets looked unrealistic, given workforce vacancies, exhausted and burnt out staff and the fact that many services are having to operate at reduced capacity because of the need for social distancing and infection control. The scale of the challenge is enormous. In June, more than 50,000 patients had been waiting more than a year for their operations, compared to fewer than 2,000 in February. Independent analysis estimates that the waiting list for routine procedures could be as high as 10 million by the end of the year. Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation and chair of the Health for Care coalition, said: “COVID-19 has highlighted the critical role that social care plays in supporting the NHS, but it has also exposed a fractured, understaffed and underfunded system in desperate need of reform. “Social care services urgently need immediate funding to deal with the aftermath of the pandemic and to prepare for the possibility of further localised outbreaks, as well as a long-term plan, which successive

governments have failed to deliver. “Without this, the NHS will be fighting with one hand tied behinds its back. “The Prime Minister has promised to ‘fix social care’, we now need that promise fulfilled.” In a report out today (Wednesday 19 August), the NHS Confederation has also set out what will be needed to make sure social care can support the health service effectively. The report calls for: 1. Immediate additional funding for social care to help it deal with the aftermath of COVID-19 and prepare for winter; 2.A long-term funding settlement that secures the future of the sector; 3.A long-term plan for social care including help to develop a better trained workforce to deliver care; 4.A decisive shift to person-focused outcomes-based commissioning. 5.Last month, the Public Accounts Committee reported that the pandemic had demonstrated the “tragic impact” on social care of “years of inattention, funding cuts and delayed reforms”. This latest call follows a call last month by Mike Padgham chairman of the Independent Care Group who called on prime minister Boris Johnson “deliver or resign”. He said: “Boris Johnson, when he first stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street as prime minister, promised to sort out social care once

and for all. We are still waiting. “We have been promised a green paper for years but it has been repeatedly put back and we are still waiting. "Social care cannot wait any longer. We had a promise from Tony Blair to sort out care in 1997, followed by Gordon Brown in 2008, David Cameron in 2012, Theresa May in 2017 and Boris Johnson in 2019. ” There have been 13 social care ministers in the past 20 years and at least 13 documents in 17 years, including four independent reviews/commissions, four consultations and five white and green papers, all without any reform coming, Mr Padgham added. The ICG said the government could start reforms by making social care providers zero-rated for VAT, providing an instant financial saving. Care providers pay VAT for goods and services but cannot charge VAT themselves to offset some of those costs. Other priorities for reform could include a root and branch overhaul of the way social care is planned and funded as well as a plan to merge NHS health care and social care. The ICG also wants to see extra funding for social care, which would be paid for through taxation or national insurance payments, and the introduction of a national scheme to ensure people save for their own care, as they do for a pension.

Public Health England To Be Scrapped, Confirms Health Secretary Public Health England (PHE) will be scrapped as part of plans for a new organisation responsible for dealing with pandemics, the health secretary has announced. Matt Hancock confirmed the decision to set up a body called the National Institute for Health Protection, which will also work against the threats of biological weapons and infectious diseases. During a speech at the Policy Exchange think-tank, Mr Hancock said the new National Institute for Health Protection will have a “single and relentless mission” to protect the country from external threats, including infectious diseases, outbreaks and biological weapons. Baroness Dido Harding, presently in charge of Whitehall’s contact tracing operation, will temporarily head the new body and lead the search for a permanent successor. Commenting on Matt Hancock MP’s announcement of change sot the English public health system, Richard Murray, Chief Executive of The King’s Fund, said: “Public Health England (PHE) appears to have been found guilty without a trial. It is unclear what problem government are hoping to solve by carving up PHE and redistributing its responsibilities. Undoubtedly, there are questions to be answered about England’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis, but the middle of a pandemic is not the time to

dismantle England’s public health agency. “History is littered with reorganisations of the health system that are costly, time consuming and demoralising for staff. It is risky to undertake such a shakeup whilst the nation is still grappling with Covid-19, ahead of an anticipated winter spike in demand for health services and with the looming threat of a second wave of the virus. “The proposed changes could bring greater accountability and transparency to England’s track and trace system. Whilst that would be welcome, the reshuffling of public health duties risks significant collateral damage. PHE’s role goes far beyond pandemic response and includes, among other things, tackling obesity, reducing health inequalities and improving life expectancy, all of which will be key to the country’s recovery once the worst of the pandemic has passed. We support the Secretary of State’s commitments to embed health improvement and inequality reduction across government and look forward to seeing the detail needed to achieve this critical endeavour. PHE staff have the expertise to support this, and this must not be lost as a consequence of these changes. “More immediately, the dividing up of national public health responsibilities could further complicate the balance of local and national decision making and cause greater confusion for local Directors of Public Health who are responsible for both health protection and health improvement. “If the government wants to avoid the mistakes of the past, it must be crystal clear on what it hopes the new National Institute for Health Protection will achieve, how the many other critical public health duties will be delivered across government, and how the whole system will be adequately funded.”


Riding Out the COVID-Crisis to See The Light at the End of the Tunnel

By Shaun Barton, National Online Business Operations Director at

As UK business suffers the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, there will be long-term financial implications that could last for years but while the care sector has been severely impacted in the short-term, the longterm has opportunities for greater prosperity. Our research has highlighted that the number of start-ups in the health and education sector in significant distress increased by 20% in the last quarter and the number of SMEs in distress in the sector now stands at more than 30,000. This is clearly a danger for many in the care sector and with our Red Flag Alert data showing that more than 1,000 care homes were already in significant financial distress in the second quarter of 2020, many are already suffering. With coronavirus having a devastating impact on the numbers of residents in care homes, the picture does seem bleak. But through using the right financial methods to rescue or add resilience to the business, care homes can survive to welcome previous and new residents back.

COMPANY VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENT A Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is increasingly common. This may be an ideal way to reduce monthly outgoings while binding all creditors to a contract. However, companies need to be eligible for a CVA. Before talking to a licensed insolvency practitioner you can do a quick litmus test by asking yourself these three questions: • Is the company insolvent or considered insolvent after liabilities are factored in? • Are all directors confident that the business has a viable future and realistic prospect of recovery? • Does the business have projected cash flow forecasts indicating there will be enough capital to cover repayment amounts agreed as part of a CVA?

LOANS AND COMMERCIAL FINANCE PRODUCTS There are more than 50 specialist lenders sympathetic to those refused loans by their bank and this could allow you to weather the storm and ensure you have the resources to bounce back once the pandemic has passed. These established lenders provide alternative finance solutions to government backed loans such as CBILS (Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme) that have come into play since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the UK.


After all other avenues are exhausted, care homes can appoint a qualified insolvency practitioner to carry out a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL); a formal insolvency procedure which involves bringing an insolvent business to an end. Although the process is entered into on a voluntary basis, it is usually the last resort when liabilities outweigh assets. And there are hurdles to jump; such as only licensed insolvency practitioners being able to recommend it, and adhering to strict guidelines. However, it can be the best way to satisfy creditors and help employees - as well as residents. The importance of the care sector has become evident during this pandemic. It is essential to the health of our nation as we live for longer. With that in mind there is still a clear opportunity for business to thrive on the other side of this pandemic. The PPE costs, difficulties surrounding social distancing, and reduction in resident numbers will have been a burden - but a short-term burden on the care sector. If the business is solvent, or can see its way to profitability in the future, a CVA could be the best way to turnaround a business. But every business is different and that is why there are many more financial routes to take than just these three. The UK cannot afford to let its care homes go to the wall and each care home can find a package that will help it come through this Covid-19 crisis unscathed. For more information visit or call the free helpline we’ve set up for this time 0808 253 5271

VJ Day 75: Veterans Commemorate VJ Day and the End Of WWII The 75th anniversary of Victory over Japan Day and the end of WWII has been marked by veterans at Royal Star & Garter’s three Homes. Residents participated in a series of commemorative events at the charity’s Homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe, on Friday (14 August) and on VJ Day itself (Saturday, 15 August). They also took part in the national events marking the 75th anniversary, including a two-minute silence at 11am on VJ Day. At Surbiton, the Union Flag was raised by Florence, a WAAF veteran, at 11am on Friday. There was also a flag-raising ceremony at the Solihull Home, with residents later enjoying tea and cake and raising a toast to the end of the war.

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At High Wycombe, residents joined in the national two-minute’s silence at 11am on VJ Day, before also toasting the conclusion of the war. Royal Star & Garter Director of Care Pauline Shaw said: “WWII played such a massive part in the lives of the residents we care for. Many of them served during the conflict, while others who were too young to serve remember it vividly. It is fitting that, 75 years after Japan’s surrender, they were able to pay their respects and celebrate the end of the war.” Among those taking part in the VJ Day events was WWII Navy veteran Harry Southern, from Solihull, who spoke of the “suicide trip” he was preparing to embark on before Japan’s surrender.


New Insight into COVID-19 to be Gained from Expansion to National Testing Study The ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey will be expanded from regularly testing 28,000 people per fortnight in England to 150,000 by October, the Health Secretary has announced. The survey, tracking the virus in the general population, aims to increase to 400,000 people across the entire project in England. The ONS has also partnered with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to extend the survey across the four nations - making this the UK’s largest COVID-19 surveillance survey. The expanded study will provide extensive, weekly data on the spread of infection, supporting rapid testing and diagnosis of COVID-19 both nationally and in areas of concern. The ONS will prioritise ramping up of testing in the North West of England. Letters have already been sent out to tens of thousands of homes inviting new participants to take part in the survey. Anyone who receives a letter asking them to participate in the study is encouraged to do so. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “We are developing the capacity to test for coronavirus on an unprecedented scale and undertaking one of the biggest expansions of surveillance testing we have ever seen. This ONS survey will be a crucial part of this work – improving our understanding of the rate of infection in the population and how many people have antibodies. “This will allow us to further narrow down the areas potentially affected by local outbreaks and continue our fight to curb the spread ahead of winter. “I urge anyone who is able to take part in this study to do so – you will be playing a vital role in the fight against the virus. The data and insight gathered will help inform our national, regional and local responses to

the pandemic, allowing this nation to get back to the things we love doing.” Reporting on a weekly basis, the ONS study will provide both a national picture of how the virus is spreading as well as granular estimates of the number of COVID-19 cases down to local level. Crucially, this will allow government and local authorities to further narrow down the areas which may be undergoing outbreaks, potentially reducing the number of people affected by new restrictions and allowing for swift action to curb the spread of the virus. Led by the Office for National Statistics and The University of Oxford in partnership with the Departments of Health across the UK, the survey uses routine swabbing and antibody testing to provide insight into the rate of infection and antibody levels in the community. Professor Sir Ian Diamond, UK National Statistician, said: “Vigilance is key to containing this pandemic and the extra data on the spread of infections and antibodies at local level will be invaluable to the planning of effective local responses. “Following this expansion, the ONS-led COVID-19 Infection Survey will be the biggest of its kind in this country. If you’ve been approached to take part then please do so. You will be helping us all to contain this terrible virus and get on with our lives.” Alongside this significant expansion, the government is providing a £2 million grant to the ZOE COVID-19 Symptom Study app to support its data collection. Participants use the app to regularly report on their health and symptoms and whether they have tested positive for the virus or not, making it the largest public science project of its kind anywhere in the world.

Anonymised data from the app will be analysed in collaboration with King’s College London researchers to help track infections across the UK as well as identify who is most at risk and where high-risk areas are. Granular information about symptoms across the country and identified local outbreaks will be provided regularly to government to support decision making. The government will not have access to the base data gathered by the app. The ZOE app is separate to the NHS Test and Trace app launched last week for a trial run, to support national and local contact tracing and help minimise the spread of COVID-19. Together, these studies will help control the spread of the virus by providing vital new intelligence on the scale of local outbreaks, inform our understanding of the virus and how it affects different demographics. Jonathan Wolf, CEO of ZOE: “We are a start-up, so we are delighted that this funding guarantees the future of the study throughout the winter. When we started the study with Prof Tim Spector at King’s in March, we never imagined it could become so important. We have been blown away by the commitment of the British public to help fight COVID, by sharing the state of their health daily. The app is an amazing demonstration of the power of large scale science and the use of machine learning. We have funded the app ourselves so far, and with this funding we can continue the essential work of hotspot detection and research on the long-term risks of COVID. We are delighted that ZOE and this innovative study can play a part in keeping the UK safe.”

Bloxwich Care Home Turns Into Tavern For Special Evening Who needs to go to the pub when you can bring the pub to you? Residents at HC-Ones Ash Grange care home in the West Midlands enjoyed an early evening get together in their communal lounge which had been transformed into a pub. With many care homes across the country being in local lockdown or suffering from outbreaks, staff need to be extra creative in the way they run wellbeing activities, and this was no exception for Ash Grange. Creating a setting which promotes a friendly atmosphere among fellow residents and staff members can really help to lift spirits for everyone. Residents enjoyed having their tea at the ‘pub’ along with a vari-

ety of pub snacks, and a selection of drinks. Then they all played bingo, dominoes and sang along to the background music that was played. Everyone was in such wonderful spirits with one member of staff commenting: “It was lovely to see our residents enjoying a pub themed activity, playing pub games and enjoying their tea at the pub. “Our residents certainly enjoyed the pork scratchings and the alcohol drinks while enjoying a game of bingo.” Resident, Mr Malcolm Dolman, said: “The time at our pub was definitely worth leaving my room for. I enjoyed every minute of it.” Home Manager, Anita Horton, commented: “It was lovely seeing our residents all happy and enjoying a drink at our own pub themed event.”


Yorkshire Care Provider Facing Covid-19 Insurance Battle A Yorkshire care provider is calling for urgent Government intervention after finding it almost impossible to get insurance for his business during the coronavirus pandemic. Mike Padgham says he was quoted up to an 880% increase in insurance premiums to get cover for his nursing home and three care homes at Saint Cecilia’s Care Group in Scarborough. “Our previous insurer, like many others, has stopped offering cover to care providers because the risk is too great,” Mr Padgham says. “Those that are offering cover are charging huge premiums because of the risk involved and because they know that we have to have insurance.” Saint Cecilia’s previously paid £10,000 per year but when it came to renew they were quoted £98,000 – an increase of 880% or £41,000, an increase of 300%. It was only after a seven-day extension past their renewal date that they finally received a quote for £18,000, an increase of 80%. Even with the increase in cover premium, the company won’t be covered for Covid-19 in the future. Mr Padgham says the Government must intervene and support care providers who are effectively being penalised for helping the fight against coronavirus. “I do have some sympathy with the insurance companies because they’re worried about the risk, which is why I want the Government to step in and help the industry. “We stood up and accepted discharged patients into our homes from hospitals, aware of the risk but willing to do so to provide care to people with the virus and to keep our provision viable,” he said. “Now, because of that, we cannot get insurance without paying premiums that will put enormous financial strain upon our business. “We want to play a part to help the Government if a second wave of coronavirus does come, to admit peo-

ple and to help them. But we’re not going to be covered for that in the future if that’s what happens. They say ‘we’re all in this together’ but in reality some of us are and some of us aren’t. Social care has been left out and forgotten again.” The National Care Association surveyed 68 homes that needed to renew their insurance and discovered that 68% of those surveyed had an increase in their insurance premium; 35% had to change insurance provider and 93.5% had no covid cover included in their renewal. “We are not alone, when others are coming to renew their insurance they are finding coverr has either been withdrawn or their premiums have gone through the roof. They have us over a barrel, as we cannot operate without insurance. It is tempting to see what would happen if we did not renew our cover. Would the Government step in and help then?” Mr Padgham, and the provider organisation of which he is chair, The Independent Care Group (ICG), has also written to the Government asking it to indemnify care providers against insurance claims which might be made over residents who die from Covid-19 whilst under providers’ care. It has not received a reply. “The Government wants us to accept people from hospitals, with or without coronavirus and with or without proper testing in place,” Mr Padgham added. “But when it comes to supporting us and protecting us against insurance costs, the Government has washed its hands of us. They can’t have it both ways. If the Government wants care providers to keep caring for those most vulnerable to Covid-19, they will have to support us in turn, otherwise there will be no care available for it to keep calling upon.” The call is supported by Care England. Its Chief Executive, Martin Green, said: “"Some of our members are reporting that their insurance premiums have risen exponentially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is essential that the adult social care sector is funded and supported accordingly. Also it is imperative that the Government considers what policy mechanisms and guidance are at its disposal to support the frontline for example the indemnification of the sector and local support strategies. With care homes being under such immense financial pressure at the moment this could spell catastrophe."

Double Gold Award for Braintree Care Homes quality and the dignity and respect afforded to residents. To qualify for the GSF Quality Hallmark Award, the homes undertook an extensive GSF training programme over more than six months, then embedded this into the home over several months. The final stage was a rigorous accreditation process called 'Going for Gold’. Julie Armstrong Wilson from GSF said: “The New Deanery has demonstrated strong leadership and commitment to providing compassionate, dignified care for all its residents according to their wishes and preferences. The home maintains good communication links with primary care and enables the residents to maintain their links outside of the home and the wider community.” The New Deanery’s award lasts for three years. The accreditation scheme is recognised by Care England, National Care Forum, National Care Association and Registered Nursing Home Association as well as by Skills for Care as an Excellent Provider.

An Essex care home has received a national award for the quality of its care for residents in the later stages of their lives. The New Deanery in Braintree is following in the footsteps of its sister nursing home, St Mary’s Court, which received the National Gold Standards Framework (GSF) award in September. Both homes are run by Sonnet Care Homes, which becomes the largest operator in the area with 100% GSF accreditation. Julia Clinton, Sonnet’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “These awards recognise the outstanding commitment of our entire team to the dignity, independence and personal choices of our residents. “Our staff consistently place residents at the heart of everything we do, consulting with them and supporting them to make their own decisions.” St Mary’s Court Care Home became the first in Braintree to be commended by the GSF last autumn. The national accreditation recognises the organisation and quality of end of life care, leadership

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The Dos and Don’ts of Buying and Selling A Care Home By Chris Rowlands, managing director of Amberglobe Care and Blacks Business Brokers ( months or years ahead, there are a number of dos and don’ts that will help you achieve the outcome you want.


The care sector has been undergoing change for a number of years, and many residential care facilities have, of course, suffered terribly during the Covid-19 pandemic. This will have had financial as well as tragic human repercussions for some businesses. Taking a long-term view, the Government has undertaken to take the funding of social care in hand, with the suggestion of an additional tax levied on, or compulsory insurance paid by, the over-40s to pay for it. What emerges from this remains to be seen, but for the Government not to act after making such a clear undertaking would involve a major loss of political face. The dynamics of an ageing population, coupled with the prospect of finally establishing a sound system of funding for social care, should make care businesses even more attractive to long-term investors. Private equity investment has played a significant role in the sector for some years, and this trend is likely to continue. We cannot predict the course of the current recession but at the moment there is no indication of a major credit crunch of the kind experienced during the financial crisis at the end of the last decade. Trade buyers and individuals with sound credentials and business plans should still be able to secure funding to complete the acquisition of solid care businesses. Whether you are considering buying or selling a care home over the

1. Identify your priorities and ideal buyers. What do you want to achieve from selling your business? Is it all about maximising the price or do you also want to protect staff’s jobs as far as possible? If you sell to larger operator, they might have a central admin team that would put some of your office staff out of a job. If, on the other hand, you are the manager as well as the proprietor then you will need a buyer who either meets the Care Quality Commission’s requirements in terms of professional qualifications or has the resources to employ a manager. If you are planning a few years in advance of selling then now might be the time to start giving your deputy more responsibility and establishing a succession plan. 2. Careless talk costs deals. Many care home sales are completed on a confidential basis, for obvious reasons. At some stage you will probably need to engage your management team in the process but in most cases you should share information strictly on a “need-to-know” basis. 3. Get your house in order. The period between agreeing a deal and completing it will be used by your buyer to conduct due diligence on your business. Any unwelcome surprises will be used as reasons to chip away at the agreed price. You should, therefore, ensure that not only are your financial accounts impeccable but also that your contracts with staff and residents are up-to-date and watertight. Staff qualifications should also meet the latest CQC standards. If you have any outstanding complaints or disputes then these should also be settled as far as possible. 4. Don’t forget you’re selling a property. Perform a thorough inspection of your premises. Buyers will carry out a survey, and it’s better that they don’t find any problems that you haven’t already told them about. A lick of paint will also help. Like selling a house, we all know it shouldn’t be a deal breaker but people do judge by appearances. 5. Get an accurate, professional valuation. Every business is different and has a range of characteristics that will affect its value. These include profitability and condition of the property, and also location. Land values vary greatly around the country, so if you are selling the freehold this will be a major factor in the price you achieve.

6. Turn that frown upside down. Could your care home’s reputation be better? Have you been missing your revenue targets lately? Have you struggled with staff retention? Don’t try to hide this – provided your price is fair, a buyer will want there to be room for them to improve on your performance, whether that’s through improved PR, marketing or HR practices.

TIPS FOR BUYERS 1. Identify the right type of seller for you. If you want to manage the business yourself, or have someone in mind that you want to install, this will be easier if your seller also doubles as the manager. Existing staff will usually be protected by TUPE regulations, although you can make genuine redundancies with the advice of a good employment lawyer. Conversely, if you are buying the business as an investor and have little or no experience in the care sector then you will need either to buy a business with an existing manager in place, or to employ someone suitably qualified to manage the business for you. 2. Work out your preferred business model. Do you want a home that primarily deals with publicly funded residents, which is usually lower-margin but provides a regular stream of business? Or would you prefer to focus on self-funders, which can be more lucrative but usually demands a higher standard of accommodation and is less predictable in terms of numbers of residents? 3. Dig deep in your due diligence. The degree of regulation governing the care sector means that, as well as satisfying yourself the business has sound financial performance and fit-for-purpose contracts with staff and residents (get an accountant and a lawyer to check these), you also need to be sure that staff have the correct qualifications and that there are no outstanding complaints for which you would be liable. Also, pay particular attention to your survey of the building – having to replace a roof or heating system six months into your new venture could blow a gaping hole in your business plan. 4. Remember, it’s a business. If the previous owner was struggling financially then you will need a genuine strategy to turn things around. If you are relying on third party funders then they will want to see this but, if you are laying out your own money, you should be just as thoroughgoing. All the things you want to do to provide great care, and need to do from a regulatory perspective, come at a price. You need to know what that price is, and how you are going both to cover this and to make the profit you want on top.

How A Bag Of Sweets Led To 59 Years Together When a handsome young soldier offered Jean Alexander a sweet at the pictures 61 years ago, little did she know that it would lead to 59 years of wedded bliss. But that’s exactly what happened to Jean and Alan from Newark. Alan Cann, then aged 19 from Manchester, had been stationed at Newark after joining the 2nd Signal Regiment, and on a rare day off, went to the pictures with friends. Immediately, Jean caught his eye and on sitting next to her, he couldn’t help but offer her one of his precious Pontefract cake sweets. After carefully selecting which sweet to have, the bag split, the sweets fell into Jean’s lap and the rest is history. That defining moment – which brought a laugh between them both – sealed their relationship for a lifetime. They dated for two years and kept in touch whilst Alan was stationed in Germany. On his return to the UK during the Christmas break, Alan asked Jean’s parents for their blessing to propose and two years later they tied the knot. Inseparable ever since, Jean says: “He was perfect, and I adored everything about him, still do. When he walked into the room it lit up and people flocked towards him. I was always happy in the background – and that’s why our 59 years of marriage has

worked so well.” Jean and Alan went on to have one daughter Angela who has been supporting, loving and caring for them as the couple have grown older. Alan, 78, who sadly has Parkinson’s Disease and has suffered a Stroke, is now a resident of Red Roofs Residential Care home in Newark, and Jean says that he couldn’t be in a better place. “When you’ve been with someone for almost a lifetime, been at their side every step of their life journey and have cared for them during ill health, the very best you want is to find a place that you know they will be cared for just like you would do yourself – and the team at Red Roofs does just that. “During lockdown, it’s the longest we’ve been apart but celebrating our 59th year recently and importantly together, was so special for both of us and the team at Red Roofs made it a perfect day.” Jeans says that the perfect marriage comes down to compromise. “We were always bickering together, but always found the right decisions in the end – that was us and I’m so pleased to say it has all worked out.”

John “Boy” From Brook House In Cambridge Is Reunited With Medals When John “Boy” turned 100 in June, staff at Brook House made his day very memorable which lead on to a momentous ceremony a few months later. On John’s birthday the Mayor of Cambridge Cllr McPherson had a video call together. During the conversation the Mayor found out that John “Boy” had no family relations and had served in the Royal Navy but his medals had been lost. A few months later the Mayor’s Secretary Penny got in touch with Brook House and said they had been in touch with the Royal Navy and they would like to put on a special ceremony at the Guildhall in Cambridge on VJ Day, 15th August to present John “Boy” with his medals. John “Boy” travelled to the Guildhall with Jessy – Home Manager, Sophie – Lifestyle Coordinator and Pearl – Lifestyle and Wellbeing Lead. On arrival they were escorted upstairs and John was helped to his large red throne chair where he sat with pride throughout the ceremony. Commodore David Elford Naval Regional Commander for East of England, Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridge, Col Roger Herriot and the Mayor Cll Mcpherson all stood to the side of John “Boy” The ceremony started with Sam White the sergeant of Mace welcoming everyone and then Commodore David Elford Naval Regional Commander for East of England relayed his speech about John “Boy” The Buglers sounded and then the presentations of John “Boy” medals took place.

The medals were: Defence medal 1939-1945 War medal 1939-1945 War Star 1939-1945 France & Germany Star Italy Star Africa Star with North Africa Clasp Veteran badge from ministry of defence Commodore David Elford said Social Distancing was the only thing stopping him from clasping the medals onto his chest. Along with the medals was a personnel written letter from First Sealord Admiral Tony Rankin. Many of the guests came up to have a chat with the star of the show. John “Boy” told Petty Officer Ian Hammond that the National Health Service is excellent and we as British are very proud of it, as it is the only one and everybody else are envious of this wonderful service that we have. When it was time to leave John “Boy” was asked if he would like to keep his medals on or put them back in the box for now. John replied we better put them in the box or everyone will be calling me Mr. Clunky. John “Boy” said today has been remarkable and I never expected it to be so grand and just all about me. It has meant a lot to me and I thank everyone that has made this day happen. Back at Brook House Care Home John asked Sophie if she could read the letter from Admiral Tony Rankin. John “Boy” then had some time by himself before he shared his day with his family at Brook House Care Home.


Research Reveals Virus Transmission Risk Faced By Healthcare Staff The risks faced by healthcare workers treating patients with viruses which can be transmitted through the air are highlighted by new research published today by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Researchers from University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust in the UK and Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland examined these risks and how different forms of ventilation can protect those treating patients. The study, called Reducing aerosol infection risk in hospital patient care, was commissioned by IOSH as the risks to frontline healthcare workers when caring for patients with viruses are well known – yet less known is the optimal design of mechanical ventilation systems. Under different ventilation, distance and PPE settings, laboratory experiments were carried out using a breathing thermal manikin as the patient and computer simulation to assess contaminated and supply airflow. It found that if the healthcare worker is leaning over a patient lying on a bed in an isolation room – for example, to check blood pressure, pulse rate of temperature – the air the patient breathes out flows directly towards them. In a room with mixing ventilation, this means their exposure level rises by up to six times, significantly increasing their chance of infection. One form of ventilation, called local downward ventilation can reduce this exposure to one third of the exposure found with a general mixing ventilation, researchers found. However, consideration has to be given into how this is designed and where it is placed to minimise discomfort for patients, for example from draughts such a system creates. The report adds that the position of the exhaust is important as they can capture air only from a short distance and can’t control room air-

flows generally. In this study, the most effective exhaust positions were in the wall behind the patient bed or in the lighting panel above and behind the patient. The report adds that the position of the exhaust plays a role in healthcare worker protection, in addition to supply air distribution. In this study, the most effective exhaust positions were in the wall behind the patient bed or in the lighting panel above and behind the patient. It is hoped the findings can lead to more informed and evidencebased environmental control methods such as well-positioned ventilation, which is considered more effective than the use of personal protective equipment. Mary Ogungbeje, Occupational Safety and Health Research Manager at IOSH, said: “This important research highlights the risks that healthcare workers face when they are treating patients infected with airborne viruses as well as how these risks can be managed. “No one should have their safety and health put at risk by the work they do. Many people working in healthcare have to come into contact with patients who are infected with contagious viruses, so it is crucial that effective systems are in place to protect them. “Our study suggests that some forms of ventilation, particularly local downward ventilation, can be efficient in managing the risks together with the use of personal protective equipment. We hope, therefore, that further research will be conducted to build on these findings and help protect many healthcare workers from being exposed to viruses and potentially becoming ill.” The research also found that the use of nebulisers and oxygen masks with side vents by patients may pose additional risks to healthcare workers. Ideally, they should not enter the room while such therapy is ongoing for a patient with a confirmed respiratory infection – except to turn on or turn off such treatment. If they do have to enter the room dur-

ing such treatment, they should regard this as an exposure to a potential virus and wear an FFP2 or FFP3 mask. Dr Julian Tang, Consultant Virologist at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Leicester, said: “The most effective form of control is the ventilation engineering level of control. That means that we have to try and improve the amount of clean air in the environment compared to the amount of contaminated air. “The research has shown that there are certain types of ventilation – beyond just different speed and volume of ventilation – that can benefit healthcare workers better without being detrimental to the patient. This report has tried to highlight those particular designs to show that if you are going to build a new hospital with new isolation rooms, these sorts of design are what you might want to follow. “Obviously it’s difficult to modify existing isolation rooms to these new findings and some existing facilities will be easier to modify than others, but if you know what the optimal ventilation design and strategy is, you can work towards it.” Fiona Potter, Vice-Chair of IOSH’s Health and Social Care Group, said: “The research evidences what many people would instinctive understand; that the closer you are to an infected patient and the less ventilation available, the higher the risk factors. Hence why there is a requirement for healthcare staff to wear FFP3 and FFP2 masks and full PPE, when undertaking Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs). “The research could provide a valued input into future design and location of ventilation systems in isolation wards and may provide a steer if the Heath and Technical Memorandums on Specialised Ventilation for healthcare premises, are revised.” To view the research reports, visit

Chester Resident Receives Medal for Services in WWII A lady in her late 90s has been presented with a medal recognising services to her country more than 70 years after the end of World War II. Currently residing at Grosvenor Manor care centre on Hatchmere Lane in Chester, 97-year-old Joan Hall has received a prestigious veterans badge thanking her for the work she carried out as part of the 329 Search Light Battery Platoon attached to the Royal Artillery between the years of 1942-1946. The long-awaited medal was presented to Joan at a small but special ceremony attended by her closest family and coinciding with Victory in Japan Day (VJ Day) last weekend. It was a proud moment for all involved, but especially for Joan who was delighted to receive the recognition 74 years after she left the service. The team at Grosvenor Manor made it a happy day to remember with a socially distanced garden party, afternoon tea and vintage songs from the Golden Age Songbird, Anna Beaumont. Joan said: “Wartime was difficult for all involved, but we pulled together and I have many very special memories of my time with the Land Girls helping to support our troops out in the field and ensuring the ‘back office’ operations ran smoothly here at home. I am surprised and delighted to receive this medal so long after the war and humbled that the team at Grosvenor has gone to such

trouble to organise a lovely day for me.” Wellbeing coordinator at Grosvenor Manor Lisa Forth said: “Joan has always spoken fondly about her time in the army and is proud to have served her country. We are so pleased that she has been recognised with this medal and wanted to ensure a memorable day for all despite the current situation with coronavirus.” Joan enjoyed a wonderful career with the army during WWII. Aged just 19, she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) and was called up in 1942 receiving her papers to go to a training camp in Lancaster. Once in Lancaster, she received her uniform and commenced work in operations releasing the male soldiers to go out onto the search light sites. She was finally transferred to London to work in the pay office. When she ended her career, she received her discharge papers with a little note from her Sergeant Major who commended her on her good service and loyal support to the office. Lisa concludes: “Joan leads a very full and active life here at Grosvenor Manor but it is important to us to remember and celebrate our residents lives and memories, so it was very special to share in this proud moment from Joan’s past with her.”


Saving the Care Sector in a Post-Coronavirus World

By Chris Pritchard, Director of Healthcare at Search Consultancy (

avirus threat heading towards us wasn’t yet clear, I was on the judging panel for the British Carer Awards – an initiative to address this lack of recognition. It was an occasion marred by the Home Secretary’s announcement on that very day, that Britain’s new migration policy postBrexit would deprioritise what she referred to as “low-skilled workers”. A bracket care workers were bundled into. Over a day when we had gathered as a collective to celebrate carers, their skills, their hard work, and their incredible dedication, a shadow was cast. The positive noises we were trying to make were drowned out by a central government statement writing off those we were championing as being nothing more than “low skilled”.


It’s probably fair to say that the work done within the care sector is often taken for granted. For those of us who aren’t reliant or even know anyone who is reliant on care support, we go about our daily business assuming that those who require such services are getting them, somewhere, by someone. Then COVID-19 happened, and a sector which rarely makes headlines was suddenly thrust under the spotlight. I have seen first-hand the challenges the care sector has endured throughout the pandemic and know of the challenges that still lie ahead.

THE BOOT GOES IN SO EASILY To say that the care sector is one of the most altruistic outside of the charitable sector, it is remarkable how readily it is attacked. Every single day, hundreds of thousands of care workers provide crucial support to the most vulnerable in our society, allowing them to live with a level of comfort and dignity that otherwise simply would not be possible. Rarely, are these efforts recognised publicly. In the weeks leading up to lockdown, when the scale of the coron-

The only people that would ever describe care work as “low-skilled” are those that have never done it. It is a role that demands the worker be proficient in a range of areas, many which transcend the perfunctory tasks of cooking and cleaning. They must manage patients with a range of issues, some which affect them physically, others mentally. It is common for carers to be assigned to individuals whose specific needs make them prone to violence. They must also provide emotional support. Many patients are in predicaments they do not wish to be in and struggle as a result. Carers must be ready to go from providing a bed bath to providing counsel in an instant. It is a role which thus requires a particular mix of altruism, emotional intelligence, manual deftness, resilience, and commitment. It is a role that most of us could not hack and to describe it as “low-skilled” is a gross insult.

CARE WORK AS A CAREER Amongst the various misconceptions about care work, is the belief many hold that it is a job with no prospects, that workers are locked in a cycle of servitude from which the profession itself offers no opportunity for training or progression. This is simply not the case. The professional expectations of care workers are extremely high and there is a need for them to posses a great degree of knowledge across

a range of disciplines. Though it’s true that many carers remain in frontline roles, this is usually down to choice. Others use their frontline experience to build portfolios for more senior positions. Across the sector there are stories that are rarely told of CEOs and Directors of organisations who started their careers in entry level care roles.

THE ROAD AHEAD These are amongst the most testing times the care sector has ever faced. The pressures on care workers have reached heights that are not reflective of normal times, pressures that are exacerbated by stories played out in the media which rarely paint the care work in a positive light. And, for a sector that already struggles with high staff turnover, none of this is conducive to building a ready, enthusiastic, and committed workforce. However, there is always hope. As a vocational career, care work will always attract exceptional people, the task ahead is for all of us – society as a whole – to reframe the dialogue surrounding it. Documentaries and news items covering isolated incidents of negligence and abuse are neither representative nor helpful to a sector that is overwhelmingly professional and deeply appreciated by its patients and their families. Scare stories around Brexit and the imminent shortage of workers are also not only unhelpful but are untrue as most migrant carers come from outside of the European Union. Although some of the language in the public domain regarding immigrant workers does nothing for either morale or recruitment quotas. The need to find, prepare, and motivate people to enter into and stay within the care sector also transcends conversations around employment rates and the wider economy. It’s about deciding who we are as a nation. At the height of the pandemic, whole streets in villages, towns and cities across the country were moved to step outside their homes every week and applaud the efforts of those on the frontline, including carers. That energy and momentum must be maintained. We are all only a permutation of unfortunate events away from needing carers of our own, helping to strengthen the sector is incumbent on us all.

Dorset Care Home Enables Resident To Share In Family Wedding Joy The Reverend Jim Cocke, the Church of England’s longest serving priest until his retirement in January, has thanked staff at his Dorset care home for helping him play an important role in his granddaughter’s wedding despite lockdown. Jim, 94, an ordained priest for more than 67 years, serving as Vicar of All Saints’, Headington, Oxford, is a resident at Colten Care’s Castle View care home in Poundbury. He had been due to give the address at the marriage ceremony of his granddaughter Lucy in April but like many other weddings across the country the happy occasion had to be postponed because of Covid. When the service eventually went ahead under physical distancing restrictions, only 15 people were allowed in the church – St Giles’ at Hooke near Beaminster, Dorset – and Jim could not attend in person. Instead, staff at Castle View ensured he was able to prepare and send a personal address to be read out by Andrew Boggis, Lucy’s father, with kind permission of the Reverend Canon David Baldwin, who conducted the ceremony. Jim’s words highlighted the importance of partnership in sustaining love and marriage, and when establishing a career – Lucy is a doctor and new husband Nick Dawnay is an army officer.

After the ceremony, Castle View staff facilitated and hosted a Covid-safe visit which meant that Jim could see the newlyweds face-to-face in their wedding attire along with his daughter, Lucy’s mother, Fiona Boggis. Jim, who began his ministry as an assistant curate in 1952, becoming Vicar of All Saints’ in 1957, said: “I felt very much included in the special day. I thought Lucy looked so lovely. It was a great pity not a lot of people could go to the church because of the restrictions, but I am just so proud of her.” Lucy thanked the Castle View team for enabling the visit to see Jim, saying: “It made my day even more special knowing my grandfather was included.” Likewise, Fiona said: “The staff were brilliant. They did everything they could so Lucy and Nick could come and visit. They even put out banners and balloons to welcome them. They couldn’t have been kinder.” Katja Williams, Companionship Team Leader at Castle View, said: “We are very privileged to have Reverend Jim with us in the home. He kindly leads Sunday morning hymns and Bible reading much to the appreciation of those attending. We were only too happy to do what we could to address the challenges of Covid restrictions and social distancing to ensure he could enjoy his family’s special day. We all extend our congratulations to the happy couple,

Neel Radia Appointed Trustee Of St Luke’s Hospice (Harrow & Brent) Neel Radia, immediate past Chair of the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) has joined St Luke’s Hospice (Harrow & Brent) as Trustee. St Luke’s Hospice (Harrow & Brent) is a charity which aims to provide the best quality end-of-life care to people, in a place of their choice. At home supported by Community Care Teams, in the inpatient unit or at the Woodgrange Day Services centre (currently on hold due to the pandemic). Neel says, “I am truly honoured to be appointed as a trustee and look forward to working with the board, our volunteers and supporters to continue to offer the essential services we do. I have over 20 years commercial sales and marketing experience that I look forward to bringing to St Luke’s board of Trustees to support in delivering the Hospice vision and sustaining the care we provide to our community. I have had the opportunity of working voluntarily with other charities & not for profit organisations in the past, which includes being Chairman for the NACC & The Food Chain, so have vast knowledge around the sheer importance of person-centred care. I look forward to proactively supporting and adding value to the board for the overall benefit of the people in Harrow and Brent. I have been a supporter of the work at St Luke’s since 2011 when my grandmother died here, so have first-hand experience of the professional and dedicated end of life palliative care provided. I have enjoyed supporting the Hospice through the years with

fundraising activities which includes organising the Hospice Christmas fete and more recently in 2019 completing the London Marathon”. St Luke’s Chief Executive Alpana Malde said: “We are thrilled that Neel has joined our Board as a new Trustee. He brings a huge wealth of knowledge and experience, as well as his incredible fundraising record. He will serve as a vital member of the Hospice team as we work to shape the future of the Hospice. We’re looking forward to working with Neel, and we’re extremely grateful for the time and expertise which he will be bring to ensure we develop as a charity and continue to provide outstanding care for people in Harrow and Brent.” The Hospice has been on the frontline throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and the charity must continue to significantly increase their income to safeguard vital services that are so needed. Fundraising income has been impacted due to cancellation of events and all 18 charity shops were closed during the lockdown period. Government initiatives have helped the Hospice in 2020 to remain financially stable but there continues to be uncertainty and risk about the impact of a second wave of the pandemic, which may further curtail the retail, and fundraising activities of the Hospice. All services provided by St Luke’s Hospice are free of charge. The Hospice relies on the generosity of the local community for 60% of the funds needed for their care. St Luke’s provides world-class palliative care and was recognised in the 2020 Parliamentary Review.


£5 Million For Social Prescribing to Tackle the Impact of Covid-19 The National Academy for Social Prescribing has been awarded £5 million in funding to support people to stay connected and maintain their health and wellbeing following the Covid-19 pandemic. Working with partners, including the Arts Council England, Natural England, Money and Pensions Service, NHS Charities Together, Sport England and NHS England, the Academy will support a range of local community activities. The funding will connect people to initiatives in their local communities to improve their mental health and wellbeing in response to the impact of COVID-19, including improved green spaces, singing and physical activities as well as access to tailored debt advice. The Academy is working with organisations to develop projects including: • Football – Newcastle United Foundation ‘Be a Game Changer’ programme and The Foundation ‘12th Man’ programme which work to support men with mental health issues. • Art by Post – created under lockdown, the Southbank Centre sends free creative activity booklets to people across the UK who are living with dementia and other chronic health conditions. • Improved green spaces – link workers refer and connect people to their local wildlife and wider activities including food growing, healthy cooking, wildlife gardening, environmental art and crafts, music workshops, and beekeeping. • Singing – English National Opera (ENO) have partnered with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust to devise an integrated six-week pilot programme of singing, breathing and wellbeing aimed at supporting and enhancing the recovery of COVID-19 survivors. • Money advice – the Money and Pensions Service and Mental Health UK have created a Money Support Pack for people who need support with their mental health as a result of COVID. Minister for Health, Jo Churchill said: “This new funding is hugely important, as it will allow us to build on the merits of social prescribing and encourage innovation in local projects, as well as supporting people to remain connected with their local community, reduce loneliness and improve their wellbeing. “GPs and social prescribing link workers have been working incredibly hard to support their patients through this challenging time. As we begin to support the move out of lockdown, social prescribing will be key to tackling health inequalities and helping people recover and rebuild their lives.” Welcoming the funding, Chief Executive Officer of the National Academy for Social Prescribing, James Sanderson said: “Now more than ever, the pandemic has shown the value of social prescribing in helping people to stay connected, feel supported and to maintain their wellbeing. “The National Academy for Social Prescribing has an ambitious agenda to support people to live the best life they can by accessing support in their local communities based on what matters to them. We will be working with key partners across national and local government, the NHS, and

the voluntary and community sector to build the support structures necessary to enable social prescribing to thrive.” The partnership work with football clubs will help build on initiatives such as the Newcastle United Foundation ‘Be a Game Changer’ programme, which has already supported over 2000 men, typically over 40 years old, who traditionally avoid NHS services, may have been impacted by COVID-19 and most at risk of suicide. The Foundation supports fans to talk about their mental health, get involved in walking football, engage in support groups and learn lifestyle advice through the ‘12th Man’ programme. Social prescribing link workers in GP practices will refer people to these initiatives so that more people can benefit. Steve Beharall, Newcastle United Foundation said: “Working with the Academy and social prescribing link workers will enable us to reach more people, to help communities recover from COVID. We’ll be sharing our ‘Game Changer’ learning with other football clubs, to support men’s mental health.” The Academy is also partnering with the Southbank Centre on a new initiative, Art by Post, which was created under lockdown and sends free creative activity booklets to people across the UK who are living with dementia and other chronic health conditions. The Art by Post project aims to boost wellbeing and reduce feelings of social isolation. Social Prescribing Link Workers have played a key role in identifying the people in their communities who would benefit from taking part and connecting them with the scheme. The project has so far reached over 1,800 people across the UK, from Aberdeen to Truro, and with people aged 18-103 joining in alongside friends, family members and carers. Alexandra Brierley, Director of Creative Learning at the Southbank Centre, said: “Working with social prescribing link workers through NASP enables us to connect with the people who are most isolated by the current social distancing measures, and it’s been a privilege to see the artworks and poems that the participants have shared with us. We can’t wait to share these unique creations which will form a special exhibition at the Southbank Centre when we reopen.” The funding will also be used to help people to benefit from green spaces. Working with Natural England, link workers will be able to refer and connect people to their local wildlife and wider activities. For example, Grozone in Northwich, Cheshire is a two-acre community garden, wildlife and horticultural therapy project that delivers a wide variety of wellbeing and learning opportunities to people of all ages, abilities and disabilities. The welcoming, supportive and tranquil natural space has benefited over 1,500 people with activities include food growing, healthy cooking, wildlife gardening, environmental art and crafts, music workshops, and beekeeping. Marian Spain, CEO Natural England said: “COVID-19 has highlighted the importance for people to have easy access to high quality greenspace close to where they live for their mental health and wellbeing. We are

seeing more or more evidence of the good that does for us all. We’ve seen a resurgence in the use of urban parks, beaches and nature reserves by people of all ages and backgrounds who we should welcome and embrace. So, I’m absolutely delighted that Natural England are working with the National Academy to help people connect with nature and to make sure that everybody can access the outdoors, wherever they live, as part of a truly green recovery.” Other innovative projects include English National Opera (ENO) partnership with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, who are developing a social prescribing intervention that will provide crucial support to people recovering from COVID-19. Working closely with Imperial College Healthcare, the ENO has devised and developed an integrated six-week pilot programme of singing, breathing and wellbeing aimed at supporting and enhancing the recovery of COVID-19 survivors. Imperial College Healthcare already use singing as part of an improvement in care aimed specifically at people with COPD and chronic respiratory issues, often related to smoking and asthma. ENO Breathe is being developed as an improvement in care specifically for patients recovering from COVID-19, particularly those who are suffering from breathlessness and the anxiety this can produce. It is the first programme of its kind being developed for these patients. The Academy is already working with the Money and Pensions Service and Mental Health UK to create a Money Support Pack for people who need support with their mental health, as a result of COVID. Social Prescribing Link Workers are sharing this resource with anyone who needs help to manage their money. Caroline Siarkiewicz, Chief Executive of the Money and Pensions Service, said: “Financial, physical and mental health are all deeply connected. We’re looking forward to working with NASP, to ensure that social prescribing link workers can connect people to local money advice and guidance services, to improve financial wellbeing as a core part of COVID support.” Alongside the array of innovative projects, the help provided by Social Prescribing Link Workers have been vital, particularly as the pandemic and the lifting of lockdown has had an impact on those who are already vulnerable, affecting their wellbeing and support networks more so than normal. Working remotely or by providing support through social distancing, link workers continue to manage existing social prescribing caseloads as well as supporting those who need it most. They have been: • Conducting welfare telephone and/or video calls • Connecting people to statutory and community support to meet social and emotional needs. • Supporting voluntary organisations and community groups to develop virtual support offer and creative solutions for people who lack digital skills or access. • Supporting patients to use digital platforms to stay connected.


Using Technology To Free Up Stretched Care Workers In A Time When “Going Beyond” Is A Necessity By Phillip Moorcraft, UK Director, CLB Despite already working at stretched capacity, recent events have forced the social care workforce to “go beyond” to meet the ongoing demands of the current pandemic. In an open letter to the public, Care England chief executive, Martin Green, even called on retired care professionals to return to work, in an effort to keep the sector operational over the coming months. Elsewhere Whitehall officials are planning how to pool workers to cope with large numbers of staff being off sick or self-isolating. Whilst the sickness rate for care workers is usually under 3%, the Government has predicted that a fifth of the population could be off work during the pandemic, meaning care sector personnel could be reduced by as many as 220,000 workers. Care home workers are already tied up with daily tasks and caring for elderly or less able residents, so the additional pressure of heightened staff sickness levels could have a damaging impact on the sector. Not only could the physical and mental wellbeing of staff be affected, but ultimately the quality of care provided to residents will be greatly impeded. So, in a time where ‘going beyond’ is now a necessity, what can care home organisations do to free up stretched care workers? How can they ensure greater quality of life for residents, whilst balancing cost and resources?

HAVING TO DO MORE WITH LESS As the care home sector continues to navigate through the pandemic, workers are rapidly having to adapt to doing even more whilst having less time and resources to do so. This is where innovative technologies and intelligent systems that can improve process efficiencies within the care home can be extremely beneficial. For many care home workers, continuous monitoring of residents can be a time intensive task. Often workers are required to do routine check-ins on residents every two hours throughout the night to monitor resident wellbeing. For one care home of 80 residents, the average number of check-ins per night had been as many as 300. That’s on top of responding to incidents that require urgent attention, and additional cleaning and maintenance tasks night staff are often required to do in what is considered to be the quiet period. Integrated communication and alert systems that utilise acoustic monitoring technology are a simple, yet effective step to alleviating this pressure. In fact, following the implementation of acoustic monitoring technology in the same care home, this figure was lowered to just 15 – a 95% of unnecessary check-ins. By placing acoustic sensors, with or without nurse call functionality, within a resident’s room, care homes can non-intrusively monitor sounds when a resident is sleeping. When any sound profile exceeds its individually set threshold, an alert can then be sent to a central station or forwarded to a mobile device. This enables staff to swiftly respond to the specific residents in need of care whilst leaving the others uninterrupted to rest. The latter is actually seen by many as the most important driver for the use of this technology in social care.


By having technology in place that enables staff to monitor residents remotely, care homes can vastly reduce the need for in-person check-ins and therefore help limit unnecessary contact between residents and staff during the pandemic. Whilst the complete reduction of in-person interactions is simply not possible in a care setting, providing an alternative to physical routine check-ins can help limit the spread of infection by reducing the need for workers to visit resident rooms as frequently. For a number of care homes, domestic style baby monitors are used as a means of reducing continuous check-ins, however, these prove difficult to maintain and often do not have an effective radio frequency. This has led to many homes turning to video baby monitors, for when staff are unable to be present in the room. Whilst this may make monitoring easier for carers, privacy of residents is often compromised through this method. Acoustic monitoring technology on the other hand provides residents with enhanced levels of privacy, as alerts are only signalled should a sound go above the set threshold. To ease resident anxiety throughout the night, where check-ins have been reduced, care homeowners should consider monitoring equipment that allows carers to talk into the relevant room via the mobile handsets and the monitor screens. By doing so, both carer and resident can have the reassurance of communicating without needing to be face to face. If there is an instance where video monitoring is required, acoustic technology can be easily with cameras to provide a flexible solution.

IMPROVING RESIDENT CARE In a time where care homes are likely to suffer from their own employees being off sick, technology that supports a pressured workforce is increasingly important. Reducing the number of routine check-ins means that staff can be deployed more effectively throughout the care home to focus on other valuable tasks and providing higher levels of care, while still being ready to respond to any emergencies. Because residents are not disturbed by in-room monitoring visits, residents can also benefit from a better night’s sleep. Both factors lead to improved levels of mental and physical health, which can improve the residents’ emotional wellbeing, increase levels of contentment and often decrease their levels of frustration resulting in less aggressive or angry behaviour during the day. This improved wellbeing automatically results in a better quality of life for the resident and creates a happier atmosphere within the home for everyone. In fact, the implementation of an acoustic monitoring solution has seen an 80% drop in challenging behaviour for some care homes. The ability to constantly monitor residents via acoustic technology can also help workers to be more proactive in their responses. By using sound to alert staff if a resident is about to get out of bed, staff can proactively offer assistance. As a result, current users of this technology report a fall reduction of up to 55%. Better resident sleep cycles, as a result of such technology can also encourage a decline in the number of falls as the overall wellbeing of residents is vastly improved. Whilst falls can have both negative physical and mental consequences for the resident, they can also add additional pressure to an already strained workforce. A fallen resident requires the assistance of at least two carers to get them back on their feet and potentially more if they have been injured. Incident reports must also be filed, adding an additional administrative pressure. It is safe to say, that recent events have put an unprecedented strain on the care sector. Like many other industries, technology and the digital transformation of internal processes will be crucial to easing workloads. By improving efficiencies in relation to routine tasks, care homes will be empowered to focus resources on caring rather than coping, throughout the pandemic and beyond.


Ground-Breaking New Partnership Seeks To Improve Infection Prevention and Control Procedures The National Care Forum (NCF), Quality Compliance Systems (QCS) and Standards Wise International have forged a unique partnership to help not-for-profit care providers enhance Infection Prevention and Control procedures. Care providers across the country have been working extraordinarily hard to put in place all the required measures to provide quality care in an environment that is safe for both those they support and their workforce. Using the latest COVID learnings emerging from infection prevention and control specialists, and taking account of the newly developed Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection methodology, the three organisations have developed a leading-edge audit tool that supports organisations to assess their own practices, and prepare evidence for audit which not only meets CQC requirements but also conforms to international standards. The tool is structured around eight questions and prompts that inspectors will use to assess infection prevention and control procedures in all care settings in England from September. It breaks down

each of the eight subject areas into easily digestible points, and most importantly, it includes an ‘evidence of good practice’ section. The guidance enables providers to identify areas of improvement and rectify them using bespoke policies and procedures crafted and curated by QCS. Vic Rayner, Executive Director of NCF says of the partnership, “We know that Infection Prevention and Control has always been a fundamental element of high quality care. As we enter into the new ‘COVID-normal’ it becomes ever more central to being ready and ‘here to care’. In response to this, NCF is delighted to be part of an exciting new international partnership between Quality Compliance Systems, Standards Wise International and ourselves. We are all committed to ensuring the highest possible standards in care, and by working together have been able to formulate a tool that will help all our not- for-profit members across the country navigate the highest expectations around Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC).” Mat Whittingham, the CEO and founder of QCS, adds, “The ability to constantly gather and evaluate information is the litmus

test of any audit tool. When we created this one, we decided to integrate the knowledge and experience of major care and compliance leaders into one holistic system. In doing so, we have created a personcentred tool, which ensures carers can achieve the delicate balance of striving for the highest safety standards without negatively affecting the quality of life of service users, staff or family members. “Finally, in addition to creating the audit tool, we hope that the new alliance will provide the catalyst to generate ground-breaking ideas and technology, which will help not-for-profits deliver the highest standards as they strive to provide a world-class package of person- centred care.” David Stevens, Founder and Director at Standards Wise International concludes: “Standards Wise International is delighted to have collaborated with NCF and QCS on preparing this vital tool on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Compliance, and has been able to share its International experience in these toolkits with NCF and QCS.”

The Together Project Launches: Hand In Hand Together “Hand in Hand Together is symbolic of reaching across the divide that has been created between care homes and their local communities during this terrible time we’ve all been through.” Louise Goulden, Founder, The Together Project To help to address the ‘lockdown’ loneliness of people living in care homes, The Together Project has launched Hand in Hand Together, an intergenerational activity to create handprints, have fun, connect with others in the local community and be part of a nationwide campaign highlighting the increased need for intergenerational friendships. Hand in Hand Together will: • Help to tackle loneliness of people living in care homes at this difficult time • Recognise the relentless hard work of the staff supporting them • Provide a fun, creative way for children and parents to connect with older people in the community Care homes across the country have been in receipt of some exceptional outpourings of generosity from people outside the care home system. One group of homes highlighted the fact that residents were keen to give something back, for there to be a reciprocal exchange. However, they have been unable to do so – until now! Children of all ages and older people in care homes will create handprint pictures to send to each other.

It is a wonderful way to reach out to others and gives everyone the valuable chance to interact with other generations. Louise Goulden, Founder, The Together Project said: “Hand in Hand Together is symbolic of reaching across the divide that has been created between care homes and their local communities during this terrible time we’ve all been through.” April Dobson, Head of Relationship Centred Care, Hallmark Care Homes said: “This is a truly heart-warming initiative and we can’t wait to be involved. It’s been an incredibly tough time for everyone, and this will really help to lift spirits.” Parents/guardians and care homes are asked to sign up at: so The Together Project can ‘pair-up’ people of different generations. By signing up, parents/guardians and care homes will help make those intergenerational connections, reduce loneliness, improve wellbeing, and help integrate local communities – it’s a great feeling! The handprints will be made into a collage, forming a picture that represents the project. The artwork will be unveiled at Bucklesham Grange, Hallmark Care Homes, on National Day of Arts in Care Homes (managed by NAPA – National Activity Providers Association) on 24 September 2020, alongside a range of merchandise available as a special memento for taking part at the end of the project.

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British Musician ‘Naughty Boy’ Announced As Newest Ambassador For Dementia UK

Shahid Khan, otherwise known as ‘Naughty Boy’, joins Dementia UK as the charity’s latest celebrity ambassador. Shahid, whose mother is living with dementia, is supporting the charity which is the only national charity caring for families through dementia specialist Admiral Nurses. The GRAMMY-nominated artist joins a growing number of ambassadors for the charity including actors Jim Broadbent, Phyllis Logan, Judy Parfitt and Lorelei King and athlete Adelle Tracey, all of whom have personal experience of dementia in their family. Following on from his starring turn as Jay Gatsby in Dementia UK’s celebri-tea photoshoot earlier in the year, Shahid took part in a new awareness raising film for the charity. The ‘Lives on Hold’ video explains how life for carers of people living with dementia is similar to living in lockdown for many months, and even years. Shahid appeared alongside Dementia UK ambassadors, supporters, staff and Admiral Nurses themselves to raise awareness of the needs of people with dementia as lockdown eases.

Hildo Hayo, Chief Executive and Chief Admiral Nurse at Dementia UK, explained: “We are so pleased that Shahid is joining our growing roster of celebrity ambassadors. “With his personal experience of dementia, he will allow us to speak to a younger audience who may be struggling with the effects of dementia on their family.” Talking about his new role, the musician and songwriter said: “I’m so proud to announce that I’m an ambassador of Dementia UK and I hope that I can use my profile to raise awareness of the cause and the charity. “With my mum’s ever-changing condition and the pressures this places on the wider family, I understand how beneficial an Admiral Nurse would be.” He continues: “I’m learning about dementia all the time so I’m hoping that the relationship will be mutually beneficial and I’ll be able to find out more from the amazing Admiral Nurses at the charity, so that I can provide my mum with the best care possible. In fact, I have already called Dementia UK’s Helpline which I know will continue to be a vital source of support for me as my mum’s condition develops.” Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through its Admiral Nurse service. When things get challenging or difficult for families, Admiral Nurses work with them, understanding their unique situation and providing strategies to help them cope. The Nurses work across a range of care settings within the community, care homes, hospitals and hospices. Some Nurses also work on Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline – the only nurseled helpline in the country which is available to anyone with any questions or concerns around dementia.

VJ Day 75: Navy Veteran Recalls ‘Suicide Mission’ Ahead Of VJ Day Anniversary

Novellini launch BeSafe walls to help the UK return to work safely

Workplaces around the nation are preparing for when the UK can return to a kind of normality. The Novellini Group presents a solution that will help to create safe working environments that are hygienic and adaptable. The BeSafe wall is a protective device that companies with any office, desk space, trade counters, and food service areas can incorporate going forward. The primary benefit? Hygiene. Employees will feel protected with the BeSafe wall as it provides a barrier. Constructed from 6mm tempered glass, it’s easy to clean with any alcoholic disinfectant. In smaller spaces where it’s difficult to sit two meters away, the wall is a particularly helpful solution. Office teams aren’t the only ones who will be happy to see these walls put in place. BeSafe is a smart answer for all industries where contact with the public is required, such as pharmacies, retail counters, restaurants and public offices.

A Navy veteran has recounted the ‘suicide trip’ he was about to embark on near the coast of Burma before Victory in Japan (VJ) Day. Harry Southern was speaking ahead of the 75th anniversary of VJ Day on Saturday 15 August, which brought an end to WWII. The 95 year-old, who now lives at Royal Star & Garter in Solihull, was a Leading Seaman serving on a small 18-man motor launch (ML). They were preparing for a deadly mission off Burma when atomic bombs dropped by American forces on Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced the Japanese surrender. Mr Southern said: “We were there to harass the Japanese and support the Army as necessary. They needed people moving and we moved them around. I remember one time in Burma the Second Lieutenant was shot by a sniper. We got him into a helicopter as soon as we could. He was alive when he left us, but I don’t know what happened to him. It was a little bit unusual for someone in the Navy to be shot with a rifle. I was aware it could have been me on the end of that sniper’s bullet.” On VJ Day, Harry was in Trincomalee in Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka), where his ML was having a refit. It was the vessel he served on throughout his time in the Far East, and had a crew of 18. Harry said: “The reason for the refit was to have sound amplifying equipment installed which would make

the noise of an armada out at sea. The idea was we would cause a diversion to the Japanese, who would think there was an invasion coming down the west coast of Burma. And the diversion would obviously embarrass them because it was maybe three vessels playing gramophone records, just three 18man crews involved. We were putting ourselves in a great deal of danger. You could regard it in some ways as a suicide trip. If they investigated, we were in trouble. But the bombs dropped and the refit was stopped.” Any relief Harry may have felt was soon tempered by the devastation caused to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He said: “I can’t say if I felt relieved [on VJ Day]. I was out there nearly another nine months before I was drafted home. And we didn’t know the extent of death and destruction it caused. That filtered through later.” Harry celebrates his 70th wedding anniversary with wife Sue on 12 August. Sue remembers the end of the war: “It was summer and I’d finished teacher training at the college. It was a summer of leisure as far as I was concerned. We thought ‘Thank goodness that’s over, thank goodness it’s finished’. All my relatives who had been in the services during the war had returned home safely, and Harry’s two brothers were home safely. So we were lucky that we didn’t actually lose anybody.”

Novellini can customise each barrier to suit the space with three versions (floor mounted, trade counter, and desks) and five different sizes. UK Sales Manager at Novellini, Stuart West says ‘We are looking to help the UK workforce where we can and these are a positive answer to those concerns about health and hygiene.’ As specialists in showers and design, Novellini are putting their skills to good use and many businesses across the UK will be pleased to find a safe and stylish solution. They are even available in several colours and glass finishes to suit the surroundings.

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‘Complicated, Costly And Slow’ Dementia Trials are Delaying Future Treatments Alzheimer’s Research UK has called on government to use the investment promised for a ‘Dementia Moonshot’ to transform the way the UK carries out clinical trials for dementia, in an effort to find life-changing treatments sooner. A new report, from the Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics and Gates Ventures, has found that current trials are ‘more complicated, costly and slower’ when compared to other health areas. The study found seven key barriers to clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease, which included lack of awareness from those affected, fear of a diagnosis, unclear disease diagnoses as well as a lack of diagnostics and limited treatments. The report found that around 99% of eligible individuals are never referred to or consider participating in an Alzheimer’s clinical trial. And while there are nearly one million people in the UK living with dementia, there are currently no treatments to slow, stop or prevent the diseases, most commonly Alzheimer’s, that cause it.

During the 2019 election, the Conservative Manifesto promised to double funding for dementia research to over £160 million a year, as part of a ‘Dementia Moonshot’ programme to find a cure for the condition and speed up clinical trials for new treatments. The UK’s leading dementia research charity is now urging government to allocate funding in the upcoming comprehensive spending review to improve dementia clinical trials, making the UK a go-to place to carry out trials and speed up progress towards new treatments. Samantha Benham-Hermetz, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “While we have seen a boost in investment for dementia research over the last decade, and progress is being made in the lab, this report highlights trials for promising dementia treatments can be complicated, costly and slow. But as we’ve seen in recent months with COVID-19, breakthrough research into life-threatening conditions can happen at pace, and collaboration and innovation can speed up trials. We need to mirror this approach to make breakthroughs in

dementia research. “To bring about life-changing treatments sooner, we need targeted government investment to make the UK the go-to place for clinical research. That’s why we’re urging government to deliver on its Dementia Moonshot promise to double the dementia research budget and, as part of this investment, to establish a high performing network of clinical trial sites. In doing so, more people affected by dementia will be able to participate in clinical trials, more trials will be completed successfully and this will speed up progress towards innovative new treatments. Overcoming the barriers to clinical trials we face today will enable us to make the biggest difference to the lives of people affected by dementia in the future. “With almost one million people in the UK today living with dementia, yet no new treatments for the condition in almost 20 years, we don’t have a moment to waste.”

Residents Discover Their Green Fingers At Gravesend Care Home Colchester Care Service During Lockdown Residents Wind Back The Years

Newlands, a registered care service for adults with physical and learning disabilities based in Colchester, has used the UK’s lockdown to grow a love for gardening among its residents. The care home, which is based on Ipswich Road, regularly hosts activity days for residents and, throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, the service has been engaging in innovative and fun ways to keep service users busy and discover new hobbies.

As part of the new programme, the home has organised gardening days so that residents have been able to enjoy the fresh air and sunny weather as they took part in a number of gardening-themed tasks, such as planting flowers and decorating plant pots. The gardening days proved to be extremely popular with residents and many have already expressed their new-found love of gardening. Heather, one of the residents at Newlands, said: “It has been really fun to get out and experiment in the garden. I have definitely found a new hobby for life. “I love all the different coloured flowers that we planted and I think they look great in the pots that we decorated. I can’t wait to see them when they begin to grow.” Nicola Dolden, manager at Newlands, said: “Our residents really enjoyed the range of gardening activities that we put on throughout the days. The plant pot decorating proved to be really popular and was definitely a favourite amongst residents. “The day could not have gone better; the weather was perfect and our residents had thoroughly enjoyed the day.”

Residents at Edward Moore House Residential Care Home in Gravesend, spent a morning reminiscing together, discussing some memory-awakening items. This week, the dining room at the Trinity Road residential care home was transformed into a retro haven, filled with an abundance of familiar and nostalgic items, objects, games, books, music and more, for an evocative activity. Residents gathered together and spent a morning browsing the items and sharing stories of the memories that were prompted by each of the items. All who participated found the activity to be very thought provoking and at times, moving. Modern gerontologists have acknowledged the benefits of people living with dementia

recalling personal experiences from the past, as long-term memory is the strongest and the last to decline, as such, nostalgic activities are excellent for residents living in care homes. Chris Hutchinson, General Manager of Edward Moore House said: “Actively engaging with our residents, and particularly those living with dementia is key to our team being able to deliver person-centered care. Reminiscence activities are excellent for bonding with one another, sparking memories and generally providing a connection. “Certain items can trigger memories that were forgotten, it really is incredible to see how the residents open up when they remember something from their younger days.”


More Improvement Veteran Support Worker Celebrates Needed In Test And A Quarter Of A Century At Trace Programme As Sunderland Care Service Difficult Winter Looms Responding to the latest NHS test and trace figures for England, Dr Layla McCay, director at the NHS Confederation, said: “It’s positive to see there has been some improvement in the percentage of people identified as close contacts being reached and asked to self-isolate, as well as growing testing capacity. “However, we must acknowledge the fact that we are not seeing the dramatic improvement in the test and trace system that will be needed to be sure the NHS and public safety are properly protected. This is especially concerning as the data from the REACT-2 study shows as many as 3.4 million people had antibodies for the virus in England between June and July. These findings suggest that the people who receive a positive COVID-19 test may be the tip of an iceberg. “We now need to see the promised increase in the involvement of local health protection teams, who have a higher success rate than nationalbased contact tracers. Every contact matters if we are to curb the spread of the virus in the general population and protect the NHS from a potentially disastrous second spike of infections, especially with the prospect of an extremely difficult winter looming and as lockdown continues to be eased, raising the potential for transmission.”

A long-standing support worker at Laverneo care home in Pennywell, Sunderland, is set to celebrate her 26th – and final – year working at the home. Denise Collier has worked at Laverneo since 1996, caring for individuals with a range of physical and learning disabilities. During her time at the home, Denise has taken up a variety of different roles, building positive relationships with many of the individuals in her care. She has taken responsibility for taking individuals on

trips, planning daily activities and mentoring and training new staff members, amongst several other important roles. Speaking of her time at Laverneo, Denise said: “Working in care can be really special. It is very rewarding helping extraordinary people do things that no one ever thought was possible.” Recently, Denise was nominated for an award by Salutem, the company that operates Laverneo. Staff cited her mentorship, flexibility, innovation, caring nature and her values as the reasons behind her nomination. She said: “I have been very fortunate having the opportunity to work at a home like Laverneo. The home is operated by Salutem, which means that there are lots of opportunities to meet interesting people from other homes, at events and on trips out. “I’ve also been fortunate enough to support residents on holidays abroad in the past. The residents are always extremely kind and I thrive off the lovely feedback that they give.” Sharon Hedley, service manager at Laverneo care home, said: “It has been a pleasure to work with Denise over the past few years. She has a really lovely and caring manner and it is clear that she cares deeply about the people living here. “Denise has spent her entire working life dedicated to supporting vulnerable people while they achieve extraordinary things. She has been a fantastic member of the team and has provided loyalty and continuity for residents at Laverneo for a number of years. “The world would certainly be a much better place with more

Mölnlycke Launches New Wound Care Patient Educational Resources to Support Patients and Carers During the Coronavirus Pandemic

16 June 2020 at 9am. Milton Keynes. Mölnlycke

launches a suite of new patient educational resources to support wound care practice during the coronavirus pandemic, when home visits from a healthcare professional are more limited. The resources feature a range of easy to follow guides and videos for patients, or their carers, on how to look after their wound in their home, without a healthcare professional present. The resources include simple step-by-step guides on how to

remove an old dressing, clean a wound and apply a new dressing. It also includes top tips on when to change a dressing, signs of possible infection and how best to help a wound to heal. Commenting on the resource, Alison Scofield, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist said: “During this current climate supporting patient self-care with their wounds has never been so important. With step by step pictorial processes to follow for dress-

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Introducing the new HYGIEIA range In the past few weeks the design team at Euroservice have been focussing on the needs of the care sector taking into account the enormous pressures faced over the past few months. Elegant and practical new designs have emerged from market research and the new HYGIEIA service trolleys have been created to combine hygiene and social distancing with style and elegance. The new HYGIEIA trolleys are an attractive and practical alternative to clinical aluminium trolleys given that antibacterial spray can be used freely to sanitise them. Moreover, when not in use the attractive trolleys can be used as a vending trolley, selling personal care products to residents or snacks/pastries to visitors. Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Get in touch with our friendly sales team and we will be happy to help find a trolley to meet your needs.

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Relaunch of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance: Call for Refreshed Membership Charities are being urged to join the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Health and Wellbeing Alliance, following its relaunch on Saturday 15 August, to ensure the lived experiences of the people they represent are reflected in the development of health policy. The Health and Wellbeing Alliance is a key element of the Health and Wellbeing Programme, the aim of which is to promote health equalities and reduce health inequalities across the UK. The Alliance is a partnership between the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and Improvement and Public Health England and 20 voluntary sector partners and consortia, including Age UK, Carers UK, LGBT foundation and the Race Equality Foundation. The Alliance ensures the voice of lived experience is incorporated early in policy development, and that important health and public health announcements and messages are shared through reach communities

who may be directly impacted via direct consultation. Minister for Prevention, Public Health and Primary Care Jo Churchill said: ‘’The Health and Wellbeing Alliance is an excellent way to ensure a range of voices are heard and reflected in Government policy. Over the last three years members have made an enormous contribution to a number of important policy developments. “This relaunch is a fantastic opportunity to ensure that we not only continue to hear from the most underrepresented voices, but also allows us a refresh, so that important health messages reach those they affect the most.’’ Alex Fox, former chair of the VCSE Review and CEO of Shared Lives Plus said “This year we’ve seen how Charities, social enterprises and community groups are vital to mobilising communities to keep people safe and well. The Government‘s renewed commitment to the Health and Wellbeing Alliance is very welcome at a time when, more than ever, the most vulnerable people and communities need government and community organisations to work effectively together. The Alliance ensures that the voice of communities facing the most challenging health inequalities are central to health and care policy making.” The Alliance has already helped shape policy making. For example, when the Department of Health and Social Care needed insight and input on a new autism commissioning model, the Complex Needs Consortium held a consultation with health and social care commissioners, autistic people, families, friends and carers to develop draft guid-

ance to improve the way autistic people are supported. The Alliance has been and continues to play a critical role in informing policy development and cascading messaging during this unprecedented period. Alliance members Homeless Link, for example, played a pivotal role in communication guidance and information to the homelessness sector around Covid-19. While central government guidance was being rapidly developed, Homeless Link hosted weekly webinars to share good practice and hear from the sector about the issues they were experiencing, providing a vital two-way communication stream. The work of the Alliance will continue to be of the utmost importance as we look to the future to tackle these disparities and protect our most vulnerable communities. For example data shows Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities have been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Refreshing the membership now will ensure the Alliance has the greatest possible representation and that their voices are heard by Government. Membership to the Alliance is awarded through a competitive tendering process. Members receive grant funding on an annual basis of up to £80,000 for their core work. Applications are invited from 15 August, and close at noon on 06 November. A Meet the Funder webinar series for interested parties to hear more about the series and ask questions will run from 1-3 September. More information on webinars and application support can be found on GOV.UK.

Burnley Care Home Is Contender For National HC-One Gardening Competition Residents at Lancashire based Dove Court Residential and Nursing Home had a lovely time potting plants in hanging baskets and pots in preparation for the HCOne’s gardening competition held on Friday 18th September 2020. This annual competition includes more than 300 HC-One care homes across the UK. Given the hard start to the year, HC-One wanted to bring some joy and excitement to residents and colleagues by encouraging as many people as possible to get involved in this year’s’ gardening competition. The benefits of gardening are increasingly well reported for having a therapeutic impact on an individual’s health and wellbeing and provides lots of opportunities for

reminiscence activities using all of our senses. The Activities Coordinator at Dove Court, was keep on getting everyone involved in the competition and said, “Our Residents couldn’t wait to get stuck in. Albert (pictured) is a very keen gardener and said he really enjoys doing things like this”. One Resident explained, “I love gardening and this is a great opportunity to help our garden look great by lending a hand”. Home Manager, Catherine Brierley, commented, “It’s lovely to see the residents enjoying themselves and doing something that they enjoy”.


Prevention Before Cure Is Key For Battle with Pressure Injuries In Care Homes, Says Sleep Expert By James Leinhardt, founder and CEO at Levitex ( When it comes to choosing an appropriate lying surface for residents in care, pressure relief, and specifically the prevention of pressure injuries, trumps comfort and sleep quality every time. In 2018, NHS Improvement described pressure injuries as a ‘concerning and avoidable harm’ with the costs to the NHS of treating the condition running at more than £3.8 million every day. Pressure injuries are a major complication faced by people who are bed bound or immobile. The pressure that builds on soft tissue causes distortion to the tissues and/or an interruption to the blood supply – and that kills or damages skin leading to painful ulcers. Last year, The University of Leeds’ Institute of Clinical Trials led the first ever independent evaluation of pressure relieving mattresses of its kind, and evidenced that the dynamic airflow mattress, commonly found in residential care, was found to offer marginal benefit over Hi Spec polyurethane foam mattresses. Also known as alternating-pressure mattresses, airflow mattresses contain air pockets which inflate and deflate to constantly change pressure points on the skin.

Professor Jane Nixon, who led the study into them, also highlighted that: “Some patients find the air mattress unsettling. They are kept awake by the noise of the pump, feel unsafe because the mattress is moving, or just find them uncomfortable. Rehabilitating patients also complain that they can’t move around themselves or get in and out of bed – and that exacerbates already limited mobility.” As long as pressure injuries are treated as a problem in their own right rather than a symptom of poor care, then the problem in my opinion will only worsen. Neuroscientist Mathew Walker wrote in 2017 that; ‘Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body each day - Mother Nature’s best effort yet to contra death.’ However, the UK Sleep Council published a poll that showed being uncomfortable in bed as the main factor in disturbing sleep. Poor sleep posture can also create a vicious cycle – people work all day in positions that cause neck and back pain, and then sleep in ways that don’t treat this, or even make it worse. They wake up the next day in even more pain because of their sleep posture, become frustrated, and go into a routine of bad days and nights. 10 per cent of hospital beds have air flow mattress, and yet until 2019, no one had carried out research on the effects of sleeping on them. Now, these clinical studies, and even our own independent research carried out by The University of Salford and The University of Central Lancashire (Uclan) have demonstrated how important sleeping on the right surface is, so surely comfort should be a given rather than an optional extra, whether it’s in healthcare or a domestic setting. One of the best kept secrets in healthcare and particularly elderly care is the impact of good posture in bed. There are a range of aims that can be related to postural care, which include: • Improved quality of sleep • Increase in amount of sleep • Improve function and communication lying • To maximise comfort and reduce pain • Uphold and progress quality of life

Ease physical care required Protect body shape Maintain or improve muscle tone Support in repositioning and moving and handling needs Postural care may also have significant impact on the health status of individuals and therefore impacts on services and the ongoing cost of health care needed, for example: • The musculoskeletal system – to prevent or reduce contractures and body shape distortion • The neurological system - to provide proprioceptive feedback to aid maintenance of, or improve, muscle tone • Respiratory function – to maintain a good airway and to prevent body shape distortion from impeding the respiratory system • Digestion – to prevent body shape distortion from impeding the digestive system • Pressure care - by improving the body shape and positioning, pressure can be more effectively distributed therefore supporting good pressure care, preventing pressure injuries • Personal hygiene Perhaps, a starting point for better posture in residential care would be prescribing the right pillow and mattress, backed by independent research from recognised institutions to ensure a legitimate benefit for patients. All of our work in healthcare is assessment led, so we get to see at first-hand the damage and body shape deformity patients suffer due to a lack of knowledge or consideration of their posture. Many local authorities have little or no provision for the postural needs of patients in their community, regardless of it being for sitting (specialist seating) or lying down. The sooner posture is a priority in care homes, the better chance we have in preventing pressure injuries at their root cause. • • • •

Sayonara: RCH Care Homes Bid Farewell To Their Inspiring #Rcholympians 2020 Campaign What an incredible 16 days of events and activities RCH Care Homes have had as part of their #RCHOlympians Campaign! Not even the cancelation of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, lockdown or a global pandemic could stop the Cambridgeshire, Bedford, Essex and Kent based homes from coming together in a fun series of sporting and Olympic themed events over the last 16 days. One of the campaign’s aims was to highlight the active lifestyles on offer in the homes, a lifestyle which encourages and enables residents to continue their passions and interests and which helps them receive the many benefits of remaining active as they age. Given the last 5 months, the campaign’s other aim to simply bring residents and staff from all departments together to share stories, create memories, and to enjoy moments of fun, laughter and lightness was a huge success – the RCH Teams aka #RCHRockstars and residents across the Group’s Dementia, Residential and Nursing Care Homes took up the baton, rising to the challenge to make the campaign a gold winning success and to mark the RCH Olympians place in history. Orchard House Care Home (Wisbech) and its Manager Maxine Bain were extremely proud to be kick off the campaign with a spectacular alternative Opening Ceremony, “As part of the celebration of the Olympics, residents and staff wanted to host their version of an Opening Ceremony: it provided a wonderful lead in to the following two weeks, spirits were high and there was lots of laughter and cheer throughout the day. The flags

used during the parade represented the diverse nationalities within the home of residents and staff alike.” Following the ceremony, a calendar of sporting and active events was held throughout the homes and included, but was not limited to, wheelchair badminton and tennis, basketball, virtual shooting range, bowling and various chair-based exercises – all of which showcased the active lifestyle promoted within the homes. No sporting event would be complete without a medal ceremony to accompany it and residents took great pride in receiving their medals as the days progressed. A particularly special moment came when Withens Nursing Home took part in a dry land synchronised swim! The video featuring residents and staff was choreographed by the home’s Activity Co-Ordinator Sara, “Team Withens synchronised swim brought fun and lots of laughter for both our residents and staff. The RCH Olympians campaign has been a great way of enabling residents to have some much-needed fun and we are doing our very best to bring joy and laughter into their lives. The Withens Team are a great bunch, I feel very lucky because, no matter what crazy task I ask them to do, they are always up for anything to make our residents happy!” Residents Eileen and Mavis who were part of the Synchronised Swim team said “Today has been lots of fun, we’ve had a lovely day together”. Romford Care Home and Brentwood Care

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Centre took part in a Great Olympic Bake Off. Chefs Pauline, Adam and Claudia designed outstanding and incredibly delicious Olympic themed cakes, which would rival the ‘Queen of Baking’ Mary Berry herself. Judged by the residents who thought both cakes worthy of a ‘Paul Hollywood’ handshake, the cakes were devoured in quick succession. RCH Care Homes are proud of providing person-centred care, and so the interesting sporting stories which were uncovered during the campaign helped form a book of Sporting Heroes where residents held photoshoots and recreated their own sporting moments which were dear to their heart. From a secret wish to be a boxer to discovering a former professional wrestler, the breadth of talent and love of different sports was readily apparent throughout. Not content with just recreating their own special sporting moments, residents and staff had immense fun dressing up and posing for photoshoots of famous Olympic moments as a homage to the Olympians who have already made their mark on history – poses such as the ‘Mobot’ and ‘Lightning Bolt’ were just the tip of the iceberg of what was created during the two-week campaign. With such a great Opening Ceremony, RCH’s Olympians were determined to have an equally memorable alternative Closing Ceremony to wrap up the campaign, and so thoroughly enjoyed creating a virtual Team Relay race between the homes. As RCH Care Homes cross the finish line, the campaign’s success can be measured in the many special photographs, videos and comments from residents and staff, and how everyone is still talking about their events even days later. Janet, a Laundry Assistant, commented, “This was a great way to lift everyone’s spirits. We had so much fun creating our own entertainment, the residents thoroughly enjoyed it!”, which was echoed by resident Doris who remarked “I’ve loved it!”



Left in the Digital Dark Age? By Jonathan Papworth, Co-founder and director of Person Centred Software (

With the care sector embracing technology more so than ever to help adapt to the ‘new normal’, what are the ramifications of being left in the digital dark age in today’s care environment? There was a phrase in common use 20 or more years ago, which was “if it wasn’t evidenced, it wasn’t done”. This was used to move people from delivering good care, to documenting the good care that they delivered. It enabled regulatory bodies like CQC to carry out inspections without needing to be there 24/7 to see all the care that was being delivered.

There is another change that is going to happen, and it will again help the regulator, but will also help a whole lot more people, including the care provider. About 30 per cent of care providers have already adopted this change, but the coronavirus pandemic has increased the need for all care providers to adopt it. This change is ‘Digital Care’, which quite simply is taking documentation from paper to mobile devices and making it less onerous, whilst at the same time opening up numerous new opportunities. Digital care is a significant change to how care providers operate, and can seem daunting. There are a number of software providers who claim to provide the best solution, and it is easy to choose based simply on price and the hope that the sales presentation is realised. Unfortunately, when software doesn’t live up to the sales presentation, care providers are left believing all software is of a similar ilk and may revert back to paper with the intent to never attempt the change again. Whilst this conclusion is totally understandable, digital care, like written evidence, is a change that cannot be stopped. The technology also enables regulators to receive summarised information that can highlight out of bounds scenarios automatically. CQC, in particular, has recognised that this will enable more efficient inspections, which will save costs. Whilst some inspectors may not yet be on board with this change, it will happen - and care providers will be encouraged to make the change. The benefits of appropriate software to enable digital care extend far further than the regulator. Other bodies, such as GPs, MDT teams, social workers, and funding bodies are recognising the opportunity for digital care to provide insights into social care without having to physically visit

the care provider. This information can be readily summarised automatically, giving insights with minimal effort that would have been nigh on impossible with paper-based systems. Families with loved ones in care can view the care information and interact with their family member remotely, with proven benefits to all involved. Appropriate digital care software also vastly reduces the overhead of maintaining the information that is required, by about three days per person, per month - time that can be used to improve social interactions with people being cared for. When correctly implemented, digital care software improves the lives of all people involved in social care. There is another element that digital care provides, and this is interoperability with other care settings, such as the NHS. Interfaces are being created to enable social care providers to access information held within NHS systems, and these will help communicate information about people receiving care automatically. Care providers will be able to view the medication people are receiving, with no additional effort. There is already a specification for a shared care record so that social care and health care have access to the same information about each person. Already, transfers from a social care setting to a hospital can have the care plan digitally copied to the hospital so that it can’t be lost, and is available to specialists before the person arrives, being totally up to date. Overall, digital care is something that has so many already proven benefits, that it can’t be stopped. It is likely within the next few years to become mandatory, but the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits will be available to the care providers that make the change sooner, and as the industry moves from 30 per cent adoption to above 50 per cent, indecisive care providers will risk being left out in the cold. Jonathan Papworth is the co-founder and director of Person Centred Software, a digital care technology pioneer. Founded in 2013 with the objective of helping to improve standards in social care, Person Centred Software has become an award-winning global company with over 2,000 care homes in the UK alone using their digital care system.

More Funding Needed To Support Vulnerable People Says Care Leader Carer alliance co-chair Melanie Weatherley is calling for the social care sector be treated like the NHS and be given government money to protect it against a second wave of COVID-19 this winter. Ms Weatherley who was also co-chair of NICE and Skills for Care Fellow, and Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association – says that more funding is urgently needed for the social care sector. Her warning to government officials is in response to today’s news that NHS Trusts in England will receive £300 million in support against a possible second wave this winter, while social care has yet to be offered any financial assistance beyond September. In a statement, Melanie said: “Although we are pleased that NHS Trusts across England will receive £300 million in funding to fight a possible second wave of COVID-19, we are disappointed that social care has yet to receive a similar pledge.

The sector’s need for additional funding is becoming very urgent, or we will be unable to sustain our support for society’s older and vulnerable people. The Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund is due to run out at the end of September, and the sector has received no confirmation of assistance after this date. Since July, I have been calling on Parliament for more support in the event of a second wave, so care providers will not be financially-impacted – or once again forced to rely on scarce resources. Again, we are delighted that the NHS is receiving some much-needed funding, but we are asking that social care gets the same consideration, so we can be around to support them in taking care of those who need it most.”

Excelcare Thank Frontline Team Members Through Rainbow-Themed Fundraising Effort As the UK went into ‘lockdown’ due to the outbreak of COVID-19, key workers in the Health and Social Care sector found themselves in the spotlight as an integral part of society’s journey to keep people safe and cared for. Going above and beyond on a daily basis, and often supporting where they may have not before. During this challenging and busy time for key workers, Excelcare’s CEO, Osman ‘Ozzie’ Ertosun, and COO, Sam Manning, created The Excelcare Rainbow Fund. Together with the Senior Management Team, they donated the initial funds and began a fundraising effort with one goal in mind; to ensure that frontline team members in our care homes were rewarded for their hard work, dedication and commitment. Receiving the recognition and thanks that they deserve. With an initial target of £15,000, The Rainbow Fund was shared far and wide to gather support, with many donations from families and

friends of our care homes, their communities and also Excelcare support office team members, who were keen to support their colleagues on the frontline. In addition to our GoFundMe page, efforts were also seen from within Excelcare, with a successful raffle being held, raising £698 and Excelcare’s own Head of Financial Operations, Steve Parker, cycling 437 kilometres with his family to raise an incredible £1,195! Before long, we had surpassed our target, raising a massive £20,000 in total! Chairman Ozzie, had originally pledged to match the amount raised, but after seeing the overwhelming generosity and support from everyone who donated, he has decided to treble our total so that all of Excelcare’s frontline team members received a gift card to thank them for their incredible work during such unprecedented times. With its Annual Staff Appreciation Week being celebrated across the Excelcare group from August 17th, this has presented the perfect opportunity to combine celebrations and praise with these gift tokens to team members for their incredible efforts. Each Excelcare team member is being sent their gift card together with a letter from Chief Operating Officer, Sam Manning.

Microwave Specialist Launches Its Biggest Ever Giveaway Regale Microwave Ovens is offering a free Panasonic rice cooker with every purchase of some of the brand’s microwave ovens. Users can now benefit from a free Panasonic rice cooker when they certain Panasonic microwaves via specialist supplier, Regale Microwave Ovens. Panasonic Rice Cookers are Ideal for cooking porridge at breakfast and keeps it hot for late risers when on standby without it drying out! One of the models where the giveaway applies is the Panasonic NE-1878, a 1,800W inverter-powered microwave designed to feature the benefits of an all metal door. With each purchase, companies can receive a free model SRGA421 rice cooker, worth over £120, which will also come with 2kg of FOC Tilda rice inside. All enquiries received by Regale will be passed to the nearest geographical dealer, and both units will be dispatched by Regale to the operators on the UK mainland with next day delivery, free of charge. There are three other Panasonic ovens included in the promotion, but these

qualifying for a FOC 7.2L Panasonic rice cooker. The ovens are the:• Panasonic NE-C1275 13A plug-in combination microwave oven with ‘five-way’ cooking methods. • Panasonic NE-1880 & NE-3280. The extra-large and very powerful microwave ovens can take 2 x full size (1:1) Gastronorm pans. • Each of these ovens comes with a 7.2litre Panasonic (model SRGA721) rice cooker, Free Of Charge. Each rice cooker comes with a complimentary 5kg of Tilda Basmati rice. Furthermore, Regale will deliver the equipment free to any UK mainland operator on the next working day. Regale deputy MD Iain Phillips said: “Of course there are a few terms and conditions with this fantastic giveaway, the main one being that it is restricted to ‘whilst stocks last’, however we are hoping that we can run it from now to somewhere towards the end of August.” See the advert on the facing page for details or call 01329 285518..


The Importance of Flu Vaccinations in Care Settings By Baljit Kaur, Pharmacy Director at Smarta Healthcare ( With the 2020 influenza season approaching and the NHS under more strain than ever before due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that care home residents receive their annual flu vaccination. Here is a breakdown of the importance of the flu vaccination in care home settings and why all residents should receive it this year:

WHAT IS THE FLU VACCINE? Flu vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, meaning that it contains killed influenza virus, or a recombinant vaccine that protect against infection by influenza viruses by stimulating the immune system to produce an immune response (antibodies) to the virus. Each year, influenza viruses change slightly, making the seasonal vaccine used in previous years ineffective, meaning the vaccination must be administered to patients every flu season. The vaccination helps stimulate the body’s immune system to make antibodies to attack the flu virus if infected. It takes between 10 to 14 days for the immune system to respond fully after having the vaccination. Those aged 65 and over are often given the adjuvanted trivalent vaccine. This vaccine contains an adjuvant that helps the immune system develop a stronger response to the vaccine, making it more effective. This is particularly important for those in care homes, as many will be suffering with chronic illness, which means their immune system will be a lot weaker.

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO ENSURE ALL CARE HOME RESIDENTS ARE VACCINATED? It is especially important to ensure all care home residents are vaccinated as they are at much higher risk of complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia when contracting flu, due to the changes in immune

defences as we get older. The immune system is a lot weaker in the elderly and when accompanied with other health conditions, the body may struggle to fight off the virus. In long-stay residential homes, vaccination helps prevent the rapid spread of flu among residents, therefore protecting all residents from the virus. It is encouraged that all those over the age of 65 receive a flu vaccination and is offered free of charge by the NHS. Residents with chronic illnesses, neurological conditions and diabetes should all be prioritised and vaccinated as soon as possible. Because the flu is so contagious, it is important that those working in care home settings are also vaccinated to further reduce the risk of an care home outbreak.

WHEN IS IT BEST TO CONDUCT THE FLU VACCINE? The best time to have a flu vaccine is in the autumn, just before the flu starts circulating. Vaccinations should start in September and care homes should try to get vaccinated as soon as possible. However even if vaccinations cannot take place until a little later, it is still important to get residents vaccinated. Flu circulates every winter and generally peaks in December and January, which is when residents will be most at risk of contracting it, so further precautions should be taken throughout the home to maintain hygiene. These measures will also help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

HOW CAN ENSURING ALL RESIDENTS ARE VACCINATED HELP IN REGARDS TO A POTENTIAL SECOND WAVE OF COVID-19? Vaccinating all residents against influenza is extremely important, especially in regards to a potential second wave of COVID-19. During influenza season, the NHS sees an increase of patients with serious flu-complications. By ensuring all residents are vaccinated, it could minimise this risk and ensure hospitals are under less pressure with influenza patients, therefore enabling them to have more beds and resources available to cope with COVID-19 patients. There are also concerns that people could suffer from both COVID-19 and seasonal flu simultaneously, resulting in the health service becoming overwhelmed. This winter more than ever, with COVID-19 still circulating and the risk of an influx in cases as we approach the colder months, we need to help reduce all avoidable risks. Vaccinating care home residents will help reduce flu transmission and reduce the need for hospitalisation as a result of influenza complications.

Largest Home Antibody Testing Programme for Covid-19 Publishes Findings The first report from the world’s largest home antibody testing programme tracking who has been infected by Covid-19 in England have been published. The study tracked the spread of infection across England following the first peak of the pandemic. Over 100,000 volunteers tested themselves at home using a finger prick test between 20 June and 13 July to check if they have antibodies against the virus which causes COVID-19. The findings indicate that 3.4 million people – 6% of the population – had already been infected by Covid-19 by 13 July 2020, with variations across the country. People living in London were most likely to have been infected, as were those working in care homes and health care, and people from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups and people living in larger households. It is the first mass antibody surveillance study to be rolled out across the country using a finger prick test that can be used by individuals at home if given approval in the future. Mass surveillance of antibodies in the population is vital to track the extent of infection across the country and identify differences between areas and different groups of the population. While research showed several finger prick tests were accurate enough for large-scale surveillance studies to monitor the spread of Covid-19, no antibody fingerpick test has yet met MHRA criteria for individual use, which means none are currently approved for use outside of surveillance studies. Health Minister Edward Argar said: “Large scale antibody surveillance studies are crucial to helping us understand how the virus has spread across the country and whether there are specific groups who are more vulnerable, as we continue our work to drive down the spread of the disease. “We don’t yet know that antibodies provide immunity to coronavirus, but the more information we can gather on this virus, and the easier we can make it for people to participate in these studies, the better equipped we will be to respond. “The British public have already played a massive part in helping to keep the country safe and I’d urge them to consider signing up to one of the many vital surveillance studies taking place over the coming months as part of our national testing effort.” Key findings of the report on the national home testing study include: • In London, 13% of people had antibodies while in the South West of England it was less than 3%. • The study showed high rates in those with people-facing jobs in care homes (16%) and health care (12%), compared to 5% of people who were not key workers.

• There were far higher rates in people from Black (17%), Asian (12%) and other (12%) than white (5%) ethnicity. Work is underway between the Department of Health, local Directors of Public Health and local authorities to understand and mitigate risks of transmission for BAME communities at a local level. • Almost everyone with a confirmed case of COVID was found to have antibodies (96%). • Those aged 18 – 34 were most likely to have antibodies (8%) with the lowest prevalence in those over 65 (3%). • People living in the most deprived areas had higher antibody levels than those in the wealthiest areas (7% compared with 5%). • People living in households of more than 6 or 7 people (12%, 13%) were more likely to have had the virus compared to those living alone or with one other (5%) • People who smoked were less likely to have antibodies than non-smokers (3% compared to 5%). • 32% of people reported no symptoms, and this was more common in people over 65 (49%). This surveillance study will be repeated in autumn and will test a further 200,000 people for antibodies. While some antibody tests require a larger sample of blood and for the sample to be sent back to a lab, these home antibody tests can be used at home, providing results in under 15 minutes and are more practical for use in large scale antibody surveillance studies. However, no LFIA are yet approved for home use outside of a research study. Testing positive for antibodies does not mean you are immune to COVID-19. Currently, there is no firm evidence that the presence of antibodies means someone cannot be re-infected with the virus. If someone tests positive for antibodies, they still need to follow national guidelines including social distancing measures, getting a swab test if they have symptoms and wearing face coverings where required. Professor Graham Cooke, NIHR Research Professor of Infectious Diseases and research lead at Imperial, said: “There are still many unknowns with this new virus, including the extent to which the presence of antibodies offers protection against future infections. “Using the finger-prick tests suitable for large scale home testing has given us clearest insight yet into the spread of the virus in the country and who has been at greatest risk. “These data will have important implications as decisions to ease lockdown restrictions in England.” Published today are two peer-reviewed papers from the REACT 2 team reporting the findings of studies carried out in May and June that led to the design of the study testing 100,000 people for antibodies.

The first study, published in the journal Thorax [], is the biggest and most robust study on finger prick antibody tests. It analysed 11 finger prick antibody tests to evaluate their accuracy and ease of use among NHS workers, comparing them to gold standard lab-based antibody tests. The research team found the four best performing self-tests were able to accurately identify individuals with antibodies over 80% of the time, while also correctly ruling out those who don’t in more than 98% of tested individuals. None of these tests met MHRA criteria for use outside of surveillance studies. The second study, published today in Clinical Infectious Diseases [], is one of the largest studies of the usability of home testing to date. With over 14,000 participants, two finger prick tests were used by members of the public who gave feedback to improve the process for testing in the larger study of 100,000 volunteers. The study found that over 97% of people were able to successfully perform the test on their own, and up to 94% had a valid result. Importantly, participants ability to read their test results on their own was very similar to that read by a clinician. Taken together these two studies provide one of the most comprehensive assessments of home antibody self-testing to date and underpin the major findings reported today. Professor Helen Ward, lead author for the study of population prevalence, said: “Thanks to the contribution of tens of thousands of members of the public, we have shown that the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 infection in England has spread very unevenly. It has fallen particularly heavily on ethnic minority groups and key workers, particularly in care homes and healthcare. Those in deprived and densely populated areas are most likely to have been exposed to the virus, and we need to do far more to protect people from any future waves of infection.” Kelly Beaver, Managing Director – Public Affairs, Ipsos MORI said: “The thorough and rigorous work carried out by Imperial College London has allowed us to find a robust at home finger prick test for COVID-19 antibodies. This is the springboard for developing a far greater understanding of COVID-19 antibodies and how prevalent they are in the population through our large-scale antibody study, conducted with over 100,000 members of the public.”

Covid19: Accelerating the Use of Digital Technology in Healthcare As this crisis impacts every part of the health sector, significant vulnerabilities are being exposed. The NHS ‘digital revolution’ has long been touted as the key to futureproofing both Social Care and our health service in the face of increasing patient demand. That demand has now reached unprecedented levels and seems unlikely ever to revert to previous trends; against that background; there is an urgent requirement to move quickly to realise the opportunities which are available from digital technology. It is no longer an interesting speculation; it is an essential requirement to support staff and save lives. (Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell)

USING TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY Poor efficiencies in many areas of the sector are caused by the lack of investment in technology.

Technology will improve the way your staff carry out tasks by either speed up existing processes or allowing new, more flexible and accurate ways of carrying out a job or process which will in turn enables live real time management information. Would you expect to check out of a hotel with an invoice and extras raised in

Word or Excel so why do many operators still use this method when invoicing? How many industries with shift workers rely on manual payroll processing outside the care sector? Repeatable systems should harness the power of technology to cut back the massive waste of man hours spent processing and checking manual tasks. In order to work out the best technology for your needs, you should assess your current systems against your requirements. Think about what inefficiencies exist in your homes and how you could: 1. Capture relevant information, such as resident/staff details, in a simple, timeefficient way. 2. Manage your documents to ensure that information is dealt with logically. 3. Avoid duplication at all costs; completing handwritten timesheets which then need to be manually inputted into payroll is a massive, unnecessary waste of time & manpower. 4. Address technological obstacles. The perception that your staffs are not IT literate is out of date; most people own a smart phone so yes they are! See for details or see the advert on page 25.


Mental Health Services Face ‘Rising Tide’ In Demand Due To Coronavirus People requiring support and treatment for their mental health are at risk of not getting the care they need and their conditions deteriorating due to increased demand brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, and constraints in what services can deliver. While the peak of coronavirus has largely passed in England and efforts continue to contain localised outbreaks, health leaders have warned that the peak in demand for mental healthcare in England is yet to come and that the sector needs intensive support and investment to be ready to manage it. In a report out today (Wednesday 12 August), the NHS Confederation has found that providers of mental healthcare moved quickly and responded effectively to protect patients and adapt their services at the start of the pandemic, for example by setting up 24/7 crisis phonelines and implementing digital approaches at pace. This was while public and political attention was focused largely on how acute hospitals would be able to cope with the admissions due to the virus. During its peak, providers saw a 30-40 percent average reduction in referrals for mental health support but this was only temporary, with some providers now reporting the number of patients that they are treating is higher than pre-pandemic levels, and we expect this will rise sharply due to the backlog and because of the broader impact that the pandemic is having on the population’s mental wellbeing. Some providers are predicting a 20 per cent increase across all of their mental health services, while also facing a 10-30 per cent reduction in how many patients they can care for at once because of the required infection control and social distancing measures. To put this into context, a service that has 183 beds and receives 363 referrals for specialist inpatient mental healthcare in a typical month would see an increase of 72 admissions per month, but if their capacity is reduced by 10-30 per cent due to protocols around coronavirus, they could have around 20 – 50 fewer beds in their service to treat patients. The Centre for Mental Health has estimated that an additional 500,000 people will require support for their mental health in the next two years, while it has been reported that there was an increase in

people Googling about self-harm during lockdown, which can be an indicator for a higher risk of suicide. Added to this, concerns are growing about the resilience and retention of frontline mental healthcare professionals, particularly among BME staff who are at greater risk from COVID-19, with burnout and workforce shortages continuing to play on health leaders’ minds. The NHS People Plan had a strong and welcome focus on supporting the wellbeing of staff, but there are major workforce shortages across mental healthcare – pre-pandemic, 27,000 additional staff were needed to meet the existing commitments of the Long Term Plan and Five Year Forward View for Mental Health and without additional staff, these concerns will worsen. In response, the NHS Confederation is calling for members to be supported nationally to understand how demand for mental health services will vary from area to area as the pandemic continues and for appropriate financial and staffing resources to be allocated. Building on how local organisations have worked together so far, integrated care systems should also help lead these efforts. Also, the body is calling for a national recruitment campaign focused specifically on attracting people into mental healthcare roles, and for increased funding for mental healthcare, including capital investment to support the expansion of digital approaches and to modernise physical estates. While widely supported at the time, the £2.3bn that was allocated to the sector until 2023/24 in the NHS Long Term Plan will not be enough to improve services and also cover the costs associated with coronavirus, including implementing infection control requirements, developing digital technology solutions, hiring additional staff and on personal protective equipment. Sean Duggan, chief executive of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network, said: “Although being away from the political spotlight, mental health services across the country have faced unprecedented challenges due to coronavirus which they have responded to remarkably by innovating and moving to different ways of working to protect their patients and staff. “But we must not be fooled into thinking that the worst is behind us. There is a rising tide in demand for NHS-funded mental healthcare associated with

the pandemic, which we expect to remain high for some time and will be felt long after the physical health crisis across acute and community care subsides. “Providers are facing this with reduced capacity across their services, with significant funding constraints, and with a workforce that is close to burnout due to vacancy levels and the pressures placed upon them. “If these issues are not addressed, it could overwhelm services and lead to people having to wait longer for mental health support and their conditions deteriorating. “Above all else, the Chancellor must stay true to his promise and give the NHS whatever it needs and for mental healthcare services, that means recognising that the crisis is far from over.” Elsewhere in the report, the NHS Confederation is calling for: • A cross government approach to supporting the mental health of the nation as many of the determinants of mental health, such as housing, employment, debt and personal relationships, are outside of the NHS’s direct control. • An enhanced and national approach to suicide prevention, targeted to those most at risk, to be led by Public Health England. • A long-term and sustainable settlement for social care, which recognises the specific requirements of working age adults with mental health needs • Increased financial support for charities that have been hit hard by the pandemic and that support NHS mental health services, in addition to the £5m that the government announced in May. Brian Dow, Deputy CEO at Rethink Mental Illness said, “The widespread impact of this pandemic has placed an unprecedented strain on the nation’s mental health. There should be no doubt that, without the proper prioritisation of resources and availability of services, tens of thousands of people will feel the long lasting effects of not being able to access the right care when they need it. “As this report highlights – the long term impact on the nation’s mental health from the pandemic demands a qualitatively different approach. Better integration, longer term funding and building on the innovations that have arisen because of the crisis ought be the cornerstones of a sustainable recovery.”


Charity Launches Child Care Grant For Care Workers

The Care Workers’ Charity has announced the launch of its new Child Care Costs grant, available exclusively to care workers. The childcare costs grants are available from the Care Workers Charity (CWC), as part of the charity’s Coronavirus Emergency Fund launched in March for care workers financially hit by the pandemic. The grants can be used retrospectively covering childcare costs from 23 March up to the value of £2,000. Karolina Gerlich, Executive Director at the Care Workers’ Charity says, ‘We are delighted to be able to offer this new grant, which we know will be a lifeline to so many care workers who have struggled to juggle the demands of their work and families. We are hoping this new support will go some way to help make up for the considerable sacrifices many care workers have made, and all at their own cost.’ Care workers will be requested to provide at least two of the three documents listed below as evidence: 1. Birth Certificate or UK Adoption Certificate or School Certificate of child/children (CWC can give support for up to two children per household), including for Children with Special Education Needs (SEN). 2.Letter from current employer to prove care worker is currently in paid employment and uses childcare. 3.Letter of support from other agencies (including government) to prove childcare responsibilities and costs. The CWC states on its website: ‘We will deal with applications on a case by case basis and till funds last’. Further details can be found at

As the pandemic crisis hits, with self-isolation and home working much greater, the digital revolution has, for most, future proofed “business as usual” But we know a large percentage of social care providers are not so lucky!

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HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL RCP Presents Practical Solutions During the Pandemic PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS


Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) is a leading global provider of hygiene, cleaning, waste and safety equipment to multiple industries. During the pandemic, healthcare facilities have been frontline environments battling COVID-19. The everyday heroics of medical staff have been acknowledged globally. Governments have reacted differently, but their advice has been consistent: ensure regular hand hygiene, enhance cleaning and waste procedures and maintain social distancing.

Surfaces are a primary contamination point. In a healthcare facility, cleaning products need to perform well, wherever they are used, under whatever conditions. RCP’s cleaning products place adaptability at their core. Microfibre products embedded with zig-zag technology remove 99.9% of microbes with or without bleach and are available in multiple colours to prevent cross contamination. Reusable cloths can endure up to 500 wash cycles before they need to be replaced. By using adaptable microfiber products, healthcare facilities improve their ability to clean alongside demonstrating visible cleaning to patients and visitors.


Healthcare facilities were considered the most forthright proponents of hand hygiene prior to 2020 and have still seen a dramatic increase in the need for hand

hygiene provisions. RCP’s contribution to the various settings of healthcare hand hygiene has been through free-standing hand hygiene stations and wall mounted dispensing solutions. Hand hygiene stations can be securely deployed wherever needed, providing instant hand hygiene via alcohol or alcohol-free hand rubs. These stations are touch operated, eliminating cross contamination risks while wall mounted units have antimicrobial touchpoints. Both use sealed soap refills that eliminate the contamination risks inherent in bulk refill systems.


Throughout healthcare facilities, there are multiple points where waste is created and stored prior to transportation. In both cases, it’s advisable to isolate waste in closed lid containers to prevent germs spreading. RCP waste management products provide closed-lid isolation of waste and further reduce risk with foot operation rather than manual handling. Smooth resin construction make them easy to clean between uses, eliminating lingering threats.


In addition to product solutions for healthcare, and to support all facilities through the pandemic towards

Mattress Maintenance Services Helping Hospitals and Care Homes Spring into Action

By Truan Remmington - Contracts Development Executive – Spearhead Healthcare In order to bring a mattress back into service after use, it needs to be completely cleaned and decontaminated to approved standards that guarantee bacterium and viruses such as C.Diff and MRSA are killed, and no cross contamination occurs. A challenge with mattress cleaning is not only that it requires large commercial washing machines but that different mattress types also require different treatment. The construction of air pressure mattresses for example means they cannot be washed in high temperature machines, requiring cold-water disinfection instead. The only certified process available, OTEX, injects ozone into each wash, killing all the harmful microorganisms without using the heat

or chemicals of traditional laundering. However, having the time, staff, and the facilities required to provide this level of deep clean for each of your mattresses can prove very costly. In additional to it being potentially dangerous, there is also a high probability of reputational damage if standards slip and go unnoticed by your staff, because this is something patients and their families will always, quite rightly, notice and report. The right rental and maintenance service will not only provide you with an appropriate mattress when you need it, but offer fast cleaning, repairs, and replacements, ensuring mattresses are up to the required standards. This undoubtedly saves you

reopening, RCP has created digital guidance documents: • Sector specific best practice guides • Cleaning and waste management guidance • Return-to-work preparation guide • Bulk refill soap systems health risk factsheet Constant dialogue helps RCP understand the needs and expectations of professionals across the healthcare sector. Taking this information, using it to develop products that solve multiple challenges, makes RCP the leading choice for performance and ROI. Find out more about Rubbermaid Commercial Products by visiting or emailing

money in the long term, provides the best possible levels of care to your patients and residents, and reassures all stakeholders that hygiene is a top priority; a must in the current climate.


So what should you look for in a rental service – apart from a wide range of special purpose mattresses? Here are a few key pointers: • Rapid breakdown response • All work carried out by trained technicians • Mattresses returned in fully certified working order with free loans while repairs are carried out to allow you continuity of service • Servicing and/or repair offered in a hygiene controlled environment where mattresses are PAT tested, static pressure leak tested and cycle tested • Mattresses placed in an infection controlled 'Cold Storage' zone to control cross contamination • Mattresses completely cleaned and decontaminated using a specialist, certified decontamination system to approved standards • Transparent and clear results reporting for peace of mind In today’s ever-more pressurised care sector, on-demand mattress rental and maintenance services are playing a growing role in helping providers respond quickly to growing patient and resident intake. This allows you to maintain the highest possible standards of infection control practises in all areas. Visit



Hygiene Does Not Stop At The Washroom says Kimberly-Clark Professional

Now more than ever we all want to know that we are doing everything we can to keep ourselves, our colleagues and visitors safe and well. To do this requires understanding the science behind surface wiping and cleaning, says Kimberly-Clark Professional. We want to know that people have washed their hands properly and that places are as clean and as hygienic as possible. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends prioritising the daily cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces. Cleaning vs. Disinfecting Cleaning removes germs, dirt, and other impurities from surfaces or objects by using detergent (or soap

and water) to physically remove germs from surfaces. This process does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection. Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals1. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection. The CDC recommends a two-step daily routine to clean frequently touched surfaces. For Step 1 clean surface with a detergent or soap and water. With Step 2 disinfect the surface using an EN-registered disinfectant. Surfaces considered hot spots for germs include computer keyboards, phones and light switches. Science indicates why these surfaces need daily hygiene protocols in addition to hand hygiene standards in facilities For more information about how to make your facility truly exceptional – a place where everyone feels equipped and empowered to contribute to a more hygienic environment – visit our hand and surface cleaning page. Workplace_Cleaning_0520

Callero Shield for Care Homes and Clinics

For over 40 years, Gratnells Medical products have been widely used for hospital storage. From trolleys and frames, to trays and accessories, the wide range of products makes up the ideal storage solution for any medical environment. Designed with a multitude of settings in mind, the Gratnells Medical range would fit suitably into care homes, dental practices and other surgeries. The Gratnells Callero Shield range is a complete collection of products designed to offer ample storage that is easily moveable and fits neatly into any environment. Treated with BioCote® antimicrobial additive, the trays and trolleys in the range protect against the spread of various viruses, bacteria and germs. Callero Shield trolleys are available in double and treble column width and with multiple tray combinations. Suitable for the safe storage of PPE, medical files and equipment, uniform and beyond, the trolleys are easily movable between locations and can

be set in place with lockable castors. They’re also popularly used as sanitation and cleaning stations due to the ample storage space and the antimicrobial metal worksurface. The antimicrobial Gratnells Rover allows the movement of heavier loads with ease. Robust, hygienic and practical, safely carry medical equipment over any terrain and up and down stairs. With a safety strap to secure antimicrobial trays in place and the option to add antimicrobial lids to trays, contents will be safe on their journey from place to place. Recently added to the Gratnells antimicrobial range are the new SortED inserts. SortED is a new range of removable, modular inserts designed to fit and create separate sections in shallow and deep Gratnells trays. Also treated with BioCote® additive, the dishwasher safe inserts offer a safe and hygienic solution for the storage and distribution of smaller medical equipment or PPE. Browse the full Gratnells Medical range:

Environmental Science Limited (ESL) Restructures its Business to Launch Unique and Effective Palm Tree Foaming Hand Environmental Science Ltd based in March, Cambridgeshire was originally set up in 1994 and has focused primarily on the authoring of Safety ata and Workplace Activity Safety Protection (WASP) Sheets, identifying chemical hazards and providing on-site COSHH monitoring, LEV testing and risk assessment services. This core activity will continue, however due partly to the changed circumstances brought about by Covid-19, the company has made the decision to significantly expand and restructure the business. ESL has built and established trusted relationships within the UK chemical industry over the last 25 years, therefore it is a natural progression for the business to move into the development, manufacture, and distribution of hygiene products. These will include hand sanitisers, sprays, medicated soaps, surface and floor wipes and disinfectants. To facilitate these new product lines, a new business entity is being created with the name “Environmental Science Hygiene Ltd”, and the existing company is renamed as “Environmental Science Group”. Their new website is: One factor behind the change of direction for the business is that some products are being very hastily marketed during this pandemic; therefore they do not perform as efficiently as may be implied. By contrast,

the team at Environmental Science are committed to producing high quality products that are both safe and effective. They also feel it is important to provide complete transparency by supplying the relevant GHS Safety Data Sheets, Product Labels, Product Information Sheets, etc. Our Palm Tree Foaming Hand Sanitiser is unique and different from other current products for the following reasons: • The alcohol is naturally sourced and distilled from the sap of palm trees. • The palm trees are not damaged in the extraction process, so the product is both sustainable and ecofriendly. • Unlike most other sources of Ethanol, by tapping into an existing resource it means that valuable agricultural land can be used for food production instead. • The foaming action is preferred by the healthcare sector over gel-based products. • The alcohol content is in excess of 60% as recommended by the World Health Organisation. • Conforms to the European Standard EN1276. For further information, please contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1354 653 222 Email: Web:

Tel: 01495 772164 I 07967 402995


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Haigh Engineering Resident and patient waste is a day to day practical matter that simply cannot become a problem for frontline carers and nursing staff. With the raised awareness of cross infection risks, the proven reliable waste disposal systems from Haigh are recognised more than ever as being a key part of the toolkit for ensuring that human waste is effectively and efficiently removed as a source of risk, day in day out, without the risks and complications of either washing pots or manual bagging waste for collection. The team from Haigh have been working hard to support this beyond just the manufacture of the Incomaster and Quattro waste disposers here in the UK, but also developing innovative and safe methods to enhance the

servicing provisions that are available to customers. The recently launched all-inclusive rental proposition has proven particularly effective and popular with new and existing customers alike, not least as it reduces the operational, maintenance and financing headaches from sites which have more critical matters to address. For more information about incontinence and bedpan waste disposal please feel free to contact the Haigh team on 01989 763131 or

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial

PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code.

SANOZONE. The Easy Way To Sanotise Your Indoor Spaces SANOZONE, which delivers the most efficient sanitisation performance in indoor spaces, is now available from Barbel. Manufactured by Vitaeco S.r.l., the world famous manufacturer of the highly regarded HotmixPro thermal blender range, SANOZONE sanitises rooms of many sizes in enclosed HRC sites, hotels, restaurants, bars, conference rooms and similar establishments where totally reliable and regular sanitisation is needed. SANOZONE is particularly suitable for hospitals and care home areas, where absolute cleanliness is mandatory, and in areas where it is difficult or impossible to deliver effective sanitisation throughout. The SANOZONE range of machines

use Ozone (O3) technology, a gaseous form of Ozone that fills the room, reaching every corner of the space, santising surfaces and critical hard-to-reach corners homogenously, consistently and safely. The SANOZONE range of sanitisation machines are all equipped with the latest technology and customised disinfection programmes to suit your specific requirements. The running costs are considerably lower than any traditional disinfecting programmes and most importantly, there is no manual labour involved. For further information about the SANOZONE range, please contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email, or visit the website at



The Care Home That Remained Covid-19 Free Thanks To Ground-Breaking Protein

“There isn’t a doubt in my mind that it saved the lives of our residents and staff.” The owner of a care home has hailed a £20 face covering, coated in a ground-breaking protein called Viruferrin™ that is now scientifically proven to stop the spread of Covid-19, as ‘life-saving’, after it helped to prevent a coronavirus outbreak within her home. The news comes as ONS released statistics showing that just over 28% of all coronavirus deaths in Wales occurred in care homes. Former nurse Elen Hughes and husband Trevor Hughes, are owners/directors of the Plasgarnedd Care Home on Anglesey; they purchased the Virustatic Sheild face coverings for all their staff very early on in the pandemic when the World Health Organisation confirmed the COVID19 pandemic threat. This decision, they believe, is the main reason the care home was able to control the disease, despite one resident becoming ill with the virus and given a positive diagnosis. “The face covering, in my opinion, definitely stopped any type of transmission to my staff,” said Elen. “This meant none of them passed it on to the other residents. The protective face coverings have been life-saving. I stand by that! There is not a doubt in my mind that it saved the lives of our residents.” Elen, who oversees a team of 120 carers and support staff over two sites and in the community, made the decision to provide face coverings for all employees some time before guidance from Public Health Wales was changed to make them compulsory for the sector. “I saw these face coverings on the news and decided right there and then to go ahead and purchase them for my team. At that time, we were under no obligation to do that, we were told by Public Health Wales that

we just needed aprons and gloves, but because of my nursing background and I guess, a gut feeling, I just knew that the situation was serious and that we needed to protect our residents (all of whom are in single rooms) and that to do so we needed to protect our staff – even though there were no confirmed cases here.” continued Elen, “However, subsequently, one of our ladies became ill. When her condition deteriorated, our resident was admitted to hospital where it was confirmed that she had the COVID-19 virus. I have no doubt that this lady will have been infectious while she was in our care before and that the Virsutatic face coverings worn by our staff alongside scrupulous hygiene prevented them from becoming infected and spreading the virus through our home.” Some care homes in North Wales have unfortunately not been as fortunate. One with a similar number of residents, which received a positive diagnosis at the same time, has seen several staff members and residents test positive for Covid-19 and a number of fatalities. “We’ve had a similar set of results across both of our sites, so it can’t be coincidence. Others sadly haven’t been so lucky, and I simply put that down to the fact we’ve worn Virustatic Shields and that our amazing staff have followed our own strict infection control guidelines.” Virustatic Ltd, the leading biotech organisation behind the masks, donated 20 of its Shields to Plasgarnedd. Overall it donated 15,000 of its coverings to frontline workers, charities and those most at risk across the UK. Paul Stanton, a former national Director of NHS Board development, who works as an independent consultant with NHS organisations and with senior clinicians commented: “In any care home there is a significant risk that staff who have become infected in the course of their ordinary lives may, before their symptoms develop, unintentionally bring Covid-19 into their place of work and thus spread the virus to colleagues and to residents – unless they are suitably protected against airborne transmission of infected particles. “Where residents, as was the case at Plasgarnedd, are isolated within single rooms, unprotected staff could all too easily have spread the virus from one infected resident to others – and indeed to their colleagues. However, it seems that in this case the Virustatic protective face coverings helped to prevent any onward transmission. It will be important to establish, through properly conducted clinical trials, how important a contribution the protective face coverings can make in other private sector residential care settings”. Initial discussions are already underway between Virustatic and Care England, the umbrella representative body for private sector residential care home providers, to initiate such trials. “It will also be vital to the wider UK economy to establish, through properly conducted and evaluated trials, the contribution that these protective face coverings can make in other non-care workplaces. Potentially, the ability of this new form of face covering to prevent the spread of airborne particulate infections in workforce intensive employment settings could be

game changing” Paul Stanton said. This week it was announced that the ground-breaking Viruferrin™ coating used on the Virustatic Shield has been independently tested and proven to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection at a cellular level. The discovery is being hailed as a significant breakthrough in the fight against the disease, paving the way to research that could deliver a cure. The next step is clinical trials on preventative and curative applications of the Viruferrin™ technology. Paul Hope, Inventor of the Virustatic technology and products said: "The coating has been demonstrated to protect the cells. If that is replicated within the respiratory systems and lungs it will stop the virus spreading because it cannot infect other cells. We believe the tests demonstrate the effective preventative and curative ability of this coating against Covid-19.” Paul made it his mission to find a way to prevent deaths caused in pandemics after his own grandfather died of the Spanish Flu in 1919. This latest discovery builds on 10 years of work by Paul, his family and a team of British scientists and virologists. Paul ended: “I am delighted to hear that our face coverings have already proven life-saving for Plasgarnedd Care.” Plasgarnedd Care is an award-winning Care Provider which has over 30 years’ experience of providing the highest level of care and support for service users in and around Anglesey and Gwynedd. More information: The Virustatic Shield is available to buy direct from the website


HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Proven Technology Offers Greater Protection for Staff and Residents Against Covid-19

Care Homes are having to work around the clock to ensure their facilities are as clean and infection-free as possible, to try and prevent Covid-19 (and multiple other viruses and harmful bacteria) from entering their facility in the first place or containing it once it does. However, routine cleaning and disinfection, even with the use of other hand sanitisers and antibacterial surface cleaners, only sanitises the individual or surface for that moment in time, i.e. as soon as contact is made with an infected surface or introduced from the outside, the area or the person is no longer safe. In the tight confines of a Care Home, supporting one of the most vulnerable groups, cross infection via surface contamination is a major challenge. The transient nature of current cleaning regimes will always prove challenging, particularly as over 80% of germs are spread by hands. Now a proven, independently accredited technology that offers a protective barrier wherever there is a risk of infection is at the forefront of preventing and protecting against the spread of Covid-19. Once applied it stays active, providing up to 30 days

protection on surfaces and 24 hours on the skin. In a Care Home, this can dramatically reduce the chances of encountering a crisis by reducing the spread of dangerous pathogens either by hand or touch. OneSpray’s Hand Sanitiser offers 24 hours protection with one application, contains no alcohol, is ultra-gentle on the skin and won’t wash off during normal daily washing. This means it is very economical to use versus alcoholbased sanitisers, given that typically one person will apply those sanitisers up to 10 times per day. OneSpray’s Surface Sanitiser offers protection on nearly all surfaces including door handles, desks, door entry systems and keypads, touchscreens, phones, kitchens and taps. A single application forms an invisible barrier over the surface that lasts up to 30 days and will not wash off so normal, daily cleaning can continue. OneSpray products incorporate Zoono technology, world leaders in antimicrobial protection. Over 150 worldwide laboratory testing reports support the efficacy of their products. In earlier trials for London Underground a treated train came back 99.9% clear after 28 days of uninterrupted service. OneSpray is offering a Starter Outbreak-Prevention Package, specifically for Care Homes. It consists of a 5-litre Hand Sanitiser with two 1-litre dispensers, plus a 5-litre Surface Cleaner with two 500ml spray bottles. For more information contact 07811113108 or email or see the advert on page 8.

New Health Check Station A new product has been released to help check individuals’ temperatures as they enter a public space. The Health Check Station by Contour Heating has been designed to help control the spread of infection in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Manufactured from mild steel with a BioCote® antimicrobial powder coating, The Health Check Station has been designed with safety and efficiency in mind. A durable Perspex screen with a small cut out provides the user with a safe means of checking employee and visitor temperature upon arrival. With a letterbox-style slot for documentation (such as registers and time-sheets) and informative signage to help reinforce key messages in relation to government guidelines, The Health Check Station can be used in offices, factories, retail units, public buildings, schools and much more. The Health Check Station is available directly from Contour Heating. Call +44 (0) 1952 290 498 to find out more or head over to

Staysafe Visor - CE-Certified PPE Manufactured in the UK Staysafe Visor is a subsidiary of 1st Packaging Ltd, a leading specialist UK plastics manufacturer founded in 2002. Used in a wide range of health and commercial settings, our high-quality recyclable CE-certified face shields offer protection against liquid droplets, sprays and splashes. Our visors are comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, are anti-fog and easy to assemble. As a long-established UK company, we have been able to step up our manufacture of PPE to meet high demand during the current unprecedented circumstances. Our facilities enable us to produce well in excess of 200,000 items per week. At Staysafe Visor our experienced team takes very seriously its role in support-

ing the health of the community by helping to maintain a safer environment. Availability and affordability are the cornerstones of our operation. Because we sell directly to businesses, organisations and the general public, we are able to remove the need for intermediaries and keep costs low. We believe that we offer the most competitive rates on the market for this type of CE-certified PPE. Our high-quality products are helping to better protect employees in the NHS, care homes, education, transport, manufacturing and a host of other workplace settings. For further details about our range of visors please do not hesitate to contact our friendly expert team. See page 4 for details or visit


Meeting the hygiene challenge of COVID-19 By Zak Manhire, Chief Commercial Officer at Regency Design Protecting care home workers and their patients throughout the COVID-19 epidemic and beyond has been a constant challenge, and one that has attracted considerable media attention. It has also prompted the business community to look at its own capabilities, and whether manufacturing and production facilities can be turned over to fulfilling the ongoing demand for protective clothing and equipment.

Made out of premium quality products, Regency Design’s dispensers cut down on sanitiser costs by using sensory technology to dispense an adjustable amount (1.5ml, 1.2ml or 0.8ml) of sanitizer gel or liquid per use. As well as this, the units are constructed out of Mild Steel, which makes them lightweight, yet robust and sturdy. They are all powder coated in a SteriTouch antimicrobial covering to ensure no harbouring of germs on the units themselves. The units are customisable with bespoke under surface mark resistant graphics applied on the front of the unit.

Our company, Regency Design, is one such company that has answered the call, and now produces a suite of products ranging from face visors to automatic hand sanitising units to keep carers, patients and guests safe and avoid cross contamination issues in often challenging environments. All of which manufactured in the UK at their site in Surrey. Our face visors prove useful for care-home staff as they are highly durable, re-useable and CE marked to demonstrate conformity with health, safety and environmental protection standards. They comprise a clear, polycarbonate panel with a soft foam headband and a Velcro adjustable strap. With anti-mist properties, high-quality optics with no distortion and a space for branding / name.

Most recently we have gone one better and added an innovative body temperature reading camera with AI Face recognition, that can measure temperatures within 100 milliseconds and at a distance of 0.5 metres all while someone is sanitising their hands. The infrared temperature sensor provides alerts when a person has a high temperature. The system is calculated with an algorithm for object heat and fast detection temperature accuracy, with a temperature sensing range of 30 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees Celsius and an accuracy of plus or minus 0.3 degrees Celsius.

Along with the face visors, Regency Design has also launched various automatic hand sanitising units to increase hygiene levels. The automatic hand sanitising units help reduce cross contamination by making the hand cleaning process completely touchless. Our units are diverse as they come as both small and large floor standing units, wall mounted units and countertop units, which provide convenience to all parts of a care home. The small and large floor standing dispensers allow all patients to reach the units, whether they are in a wheelchair or standing, and the countertop units provide hygiene for staff, administration and visitors.

The temperature reading system gives care home staff a non-invasive and comfortable way of checking, staff and guests temperatures, with an aim of reducing contamination issues and increasing hygiene. To go with the sanitising units, Regency Design also supplies a sanitiser gel or liquid, which can be put into the automatic dispensers so care home staff can keep their units topped up with ease and without worry of replenishment.

Regency has committed to offer a 15% discount on all its products if you use Carer20 when enquiring.

For more information please contact Zak Manhire on or 07837391421.



CareZips Dignity Trousers ™

CareZips™ preserve dignity and privacy of people receiving care during diaper changes. CareZips™ make diaper changes easier and faster, reducing workload, saving efforts, and saving time! CareZips™ help to deliver better standards of care! Fitted with unique 3-zip fastening system, the CareZips™ make changing of incontinence diapers more dignified and comfortable for the patients and easier and faster for the carers. CareZips™ feature 3 strategically positioned zips, 2 of which run from the waist to the knees on both sides of the body. The 3rd zip goes from the inside of one knee up to the crotch and down to the second knee on the inside of the other leg. This zip facilitates total opening of the trousers at the crotch during diaper changes. The 3-zip system ensures fast and easy access to the abdomen and crotch without having to undress the patients or pull their trousers down.

CareZips™ are suitable for men and women. They are available in 7 sizes for perfect fit. CareZips™ are soft and wrinkle resistant with stretch and give for extra comfort. Practical, durable, washable and non-iron, the CareZips™ trousers are the perfect choice for daily use. Contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866 or see the advert on page 7.

New Skincare & Incontinence Leaflet A new ‘Skincare management in incontinence’ leaflet is available from Thornton & Ross Pharmaceuticals – manufacturers of Zerolon® Barrier Cream. Accredited by the Association for Continence Advice (ACA), the leaflet is designed as a quick guide for all health professionals involved with continence care. Including recommendations from NICE, the leaflet also outlines factors to consider when selecting a barrier cream and advice on helping prevent incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD). Zerolon® Barrier Cream is the latest addition to the Zeroderma emollients and barrier creams range, specially formulated to prevent irritation from bodily fluids including urine, faeces and exudate. To receive a free copy of the ‘Skincare management in incontinence’ leaflet, please email: Thornton & Ross Ltd, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5QH 01484 842217

iMEDicare Ltd Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

iMEDicare Ltd is a dynamic and rapidly growing Medical Device Distributor offering an exciting range of unique and market leading medical products for patient use in the fields of Urology and Continence Management Treatment throughout the UK. Our motto is “Pelvic Health Naturally” – premised on the ability of living tissues to react positively to clinically approved therapeutic measures in a pelvic health con-

text. Our logo features a very interesting version of the infinity symbol in blue – which also looks like the Pelvic Girdle bone structure. This symbol represents a sense of simplicity and balance – an important tenet in providing effective healthcare solutions and achieving optimal pelvic health. We offer a unique blend of professional and patient product training in Clinical and Home environments which are designed to improve individual product customizability, user uptake and long-term patient compliance and satisfaction. See the advert on this page for details.


LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS Cash’s Labels- “The Name Behind the Name” At Cash's, we aim to capture, reinforce and communicate our clients’ brand equity through quality and innovation, from design to distribution. Our product range fully caters for the needs of both small and large retailers and brand owners alike comprising of woven and printed labels, woven badges, care labels, branded and promotional swing tags, garment accessories, packaging and barcoding. Our ground breaking labelling and security technologies are also able to provide an unrivalled level of protection to

our customers' brand by assisting to combat counterfeiting and grey market activity. Our industry leading eCommerce system is designed to reduce cost, improve efficiency and streamline supply chain management and will fully protect the integrity and accuracy of critical business data. The order entry process is very simple meaning suppliers and vendors can spend their valuable time on tasks other than ordering apparel labelling and accessories. See the advert this page for details.

Please go on our website to see the new range of Dishwasher proof ID labels which can also be stuck onto textiles.

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose LaundryTec Chester based LaundryTec since its foundation in early 2016 has become one of Alliance Internationals major UK distributers. Founded by Jeremy Hartigan, the team of industry professionals with the backing of the Alliance Lavamac brand and supported by its service partner PDS Laundry based in Nuneaton. They supply a significant number of the UK’s leading health care operators with equipment, installation and after sale support. The LaundryTec designs offer not only washing, drying and ironing equipment but a full range of handling, distribution, folding and identification systems, to create a fully functioning laundry complete with all items necessary for efficient operation. Every LaundryTec machine includes full installation options, including the removal and disposal of an existing machine. A training program and a minimum of 24 months part and labour warranty. The environment is at the forefront of every opera-

tor’s mind. Standard specification on a Lavamac machine includes functions that automatically weigh and control the energy input into the machine and store the data in the machines memory. Our LS range of electric heat pump dryers require no ventilation or gas services and operates at 3kw per hour.

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Calibre Audio - Unleash the Power of Your Imagination Audiobooks offer a gateway to the world of independence when print is inaccessible. Reading books has many health benefits; from reducing anxiety and helping to combat memory loss, to boosting mental health. Books provide us with companionship, adventure, empathy and enjoyment, and listening to audiobooks extends all of this to people who cannot read printed books. A restricting disability can bring with it the sting of isolation, and being locked out of activities that were once enjoyed can create frustration and loneliness. However, research has shown that listening to audiobooks can boost mental health (ref., helping to

counteract depression and other mental health issues. Escaping to audiobooks provides comfort and companionship as well as being a coping strategy in hard times. Calibre Audio is a charity, providing free audiobooks to anyone who struggles to read print, through sight loss, dyslexia or a physical disability. Our collection of over 11,500 audiobooks includes books from all genres, both fiction and non-fiction, from the classics to the latest blockbusters; from crime to autobiographies. Our books are available online for members or delivered to your door via a free postal service. It is free and easy to join. Visit for more information or to join. See page 4 for details.

Adaptawear Clothing To Help Healthcare & Care Home Workers: Independent & Assisted Dressing If you are a healthcare or care home worker or Occupational Therapist and struggling to dress your patients during this Covid-19 pandemic; then take a look at our range of Adaptawear adapted clothing for both men and women. Adaptawear comfort clothing has been designed to help independent living and assisted dressing with the aim to make getting dressed easier and less painful for both the wearer and carer. Adaptawear designs and manufacturers a range of ladies and men’s open back and drop front trousers, magnetic & open back shirts and blouses, dresses, skirts, open back nighties and front fastening bras. We also sell a selection of everyday essentials aimed at making people comfortable day and night. Adaptawear clothes are ideal for

arthritis, stroke, Parkinson, incontinence and dementia sufferers as well as people of all ages who struggle with buttons and zips. The easy fit clothes are made from quality and natural fabrics to provide maximum comfort. Adaptawear Offers: • Discreetly Adapted Clothes • Independent & Assisted Dressing • Ladies & Men's Daywear and Nightwear • UK Nationwide and Overseas Deliveries • No Quibble 14 Day Returns • VAT Exemption where relevant • FREE Delivery on orders over £100 For more information on Adaptawear’s Product Range please visit Carer readers please quote TC141 for 10% discount off your first order.

Why Specify a Yeoman Shield Fire Rated Door Edge Protector? When specifying for a structure, it’s important to be aware of the level of wear and tear a door can be exposed to in a public building. Door edges, in particular, can be easily damaged or worn down by regular use – which can then render them non-compliant for fire safety regulations. To ensure that a project remains compliant, an architect can specify durable door edge protectors to add durability and longevity to doors. Not only will specifying edge protectors increase the longevity of doors, they will enhance the cost efficiency of a project by reducing maintenance demands and the possibility of having to replace unsafe fire doors. Yeoman Shield fire rated Door Edge Protectors are unique with a 2.0 mm Vinylac outer and a specially formulated 9mm PVCu reinforced core. They are FD30 (1/2 hour) and FD60 (1 hour) rated

with intumescent seals that are in accordance to the fire door’s specification. Fire rated Door Edge Protectors are suitable for commercial applications such as residential blocks, schools and hospitals etc. Door Edge Protectors can also be specified with different fire seals, from a plain intumescent fire seal to a brush, fire and smoke variant. Of course, for doors that are non-fire rated in an architect’s project Yeoman Shield also provide quality edge protectors without seals to enhance durability and reduce wear. Source a full range of door protection panels and kick plates from a single supplier by choosing Yeoman Shield. Our door protection panels and kick plates offer the same lasting durability and quality as our door edge protectors. See page 12 or visit for details.

Workwear Experts For Over 100 Years Grahame Gardner has more than 100 years’ experience in clothing a broad spectrum of medical and healthcare professionals. Our knowledge and understanding of uniform demands ensure we remain one the UK’s most trusted and respected suppliers. We combine our extensive expertise with the latest innovations in technology and fabric and design, to offer you the highest quality garments to meet the demanding standards of healthcare professionals… all at exceptional prices! We also provide one of the most flexible embroidery services available from any clothing manufacturer using state-of-theart technologies that enable us to copy virtually any design or

logo directly onto your chosen uniforms. Whether you’re seeking a classic healthcare dress or tunic, or something from our bold and bright scrubwear range, you can find it with us. As one of the largest workwear providers in the UK, we are proud to be able to offer instant stock availability on 1,000s of workwear garments all in addition to our extensive range of ‘made to order’ items that can be manufactured on demand in a wide range of styles, fabrics and colours. To find out more, or for a no obligation discussion as to how we can help with your workwear requirements, please get in touch on 0116 255 6326 or email

In-House Practical Engagement Workshop Scripts New Pressure Relief Options from Airospring Medical Now Available for Care Homes & Services Airospring Medical manufactures a range of pressure relieving devices. Our flagship products are a range of lightweight and breathable pressure relief cushions and mattress overlays made from high-tech 3D Knitted Spacer Fabrics. Airospring has been awarded a full patent in August 2014 approving this ground breaking technology. Our pressure relief cushions distribute weight and allow maximum airflow. The cushions have been tested for the dissipation of perspiration, a key factor in the fight against pressure ulcers. Welcome to a new standard in healthy seating. Call: 0115 9322403 Email: Visit:

Renray Healthcare Design and Manufacture New COVID19 Response Beds for Temporary Hospitals Renray Healthcare has developed a field response bed to supply to temporary hospitals, with our design expertise and manufacturing capability we have been able to put the COVID-19 Response bed and mattress into production quickly, with deliveries going out across the country to help in the fight against COVID-19. Renray has been supplying beds, mattresses and furniture for over 50 years and due to the increasing spread of Coronavirus, we are proactively using Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) decontamination system in all our Heavy Goods Vehicles prior to delivery of your goods to eliminate the virus or any potential contaminant, making deliveries safer for our staff, customers and users. Let us know if you require beds for temporary or permanent hospitals, to ensure you have everything you need to continue caring for patients in this difficult time. Download our brochure now for more information: The COVID-19 Response Bed Brochure at Please contact customer service on 01606 593456 or who will be happy to assist you. See the advert on page 3.

C & S Seating Postural Management C & S Seating has been providing postural control equipment to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and medical equipment services nationwide since 1991. With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable, waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material. These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either supine or side lying. Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes. C & S Seating is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support (APS) system. Ideal when more control of the abducted lower limb is required (See photo) which has

removable side cushions and middle pommel; this is available in small or large. Our popular range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 vibrant colours provide a softer alternative that fit easily over our standard waterproof rolls. It is recommended you seek professional advice to select the correct product depending on your needs. Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit us at to request or download a brochure, pricelist or order form, request an individualised quotation, speak to an advisor or to place an order. See the advert on page 10.

As training sessions and venues may be difficult to facilitate for some time, Happy Days Dementia Workshop has acted quickly, re-writing their ‘Practical Engagement Workshop’ into a series of easy to follow presentation and training guides. Enriching social care is at the heart of Happy Days, ‘It’s amazing to see how care teams are heartened and invigorated once they see how easy it is to engage more meaningfully with residents on a daily basis’ says Gillian Hesketh, MD of Dementia Workshop. Training in-house can support the safety of your care teams, reduce travel, time and cut costs. Demonstration and nostalgic materials can be included in packages with options to add an activity manual, reminiscence baskets and memory prompts. The workshops are ideal for building carer confidence, boosting morale and uplifting everyone’s mood.

Packages can be created to suit your care team requirements and resident interests. See The Carer front page or find starter practical workshop packs online at / Phone direct on 07971953620 or see the advert on page 1.

The Benefits of Spillsafe Every year, thousands of working hours are lost to the sanitisation of furniture which ultimately can never be completely sanitised. This can feel like a losing battle to “beat the bugs” as any attempt to truly clean soiled furniture will inevitably only be scratching the surface. The true challenge lies inside the chair, a haven for contamination, but therein lies the problem. How do you clean the inside of a chair that has been soiled? The simple answer is “you don’t”. There is no way to truly clean a chair that has been soiled as liquids will find their way into every part of your furniture, absorbed by wood and languishing in foam and fabric. So, what is the solution to sanitising your furniture?

Simply, you stop anything from ever reaching the interior. The truest way of maintaining hygeine is to prevent unsanitary situations from ever reaching the areas that cannot be easily cleaned. Investing in hygienic barriers today not only saves time and money, but ensures the protection demanded by those who need it most. This was our maxim here at SpillSafe when developing our patentpending cassette system – Why allow the uncleanable to become unsanitary in the first place? Matthew Holmes, Director of SpillSafe Ltd. Contact Spillsafe Ltd on 0330 088 4851 or See the advert on page 9.

New Guides To Supercharge Your Care Home Management Is continued customer satisfaction important to you? Could your communications with residents and their loved ones be improved? Does your care home's website need to be brought into the 2020's? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you will be pleased to learn about a series of free expert guides for care home managers and owners. The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) in partnership with the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched a series of guides for the care home industry. These guides provide you with specialist advice on fair trading practices, complaints procedures, communications methods and website layouts for care homes written by and for those

working in the care homes sector. UK consumer law is among the best in the world, but this also means that it can be complicated and in-depth. Care home regulations are no exception, and you may be overwhelmed by it all. These guides make it simple and straightforward so that you can avoid the regulatory pitfalls and improve your business for the good of you and your residents. The guides are hosted on Business Companion, a government-backed website containing a wealth of in-depth knowledge on every element of consumer protection written by industry experts in every sector. Download your free guides at:



Catering with Care

By Rebecca Bridgement, managing director at Radish

Care homes and assisted living environments across the country have been on the frontline of this pandemic and they have survived the unimaginable. Covid-19 has changed life as we know it, particularly so for the vulnerable. In the darkest days of lockdown, residents weren’t always able to leave their rooms. Visits from loved ones have been and remain restricted and, for many, social activities have either been paused or moved online. Across the sector, there has been a big change in behaviour and, five months on, in habits too. The experience of those in assisted living or care environments has changed dramatically, and leadership teams have been forced to find new ways to get through these troubled times – from entertaining residents and facilitating video calls with family members, to ensuring social distancing while promoting health and wellbeing. Nutritional health remains as important as ever but catering for care homes and assisted living environments during a pandemic isn’t without its challenges. For Radish, the catering arm of Churchill Group, a typical day is a lot busier than pre-Covid19. In fact, it’s flat out. The team have had to think on their feet and adapt quickly. It has always been important to protect food from harmful bacteria, viruses and allergens that could be spread by other activities, but this understandably has had to step up a gear since the outbreak. From taking extra care when preparing food and cleaning storage areas, to running

Are You in Need of Dysphagia Training*? Did you know that between 50-75% of nursing home residents suffer from dysphagia1? Nutricia has a training solution for you, a FREE e-learning covering the fundamentals of dysphagia management using Nutilis Clear. The training is divided into 4 sections and has been specially designed for busy health and social care staff caring for people living with dysphagia. It takes 60 minutes in total to complete, however you can complete one section at a time.

HOW CAN THIS TRAINING HELP YOU? • Easy & convenient online solution to dysphagia training • Visibility to track progress in your care home • Raise the quality standard of dysphagia care in a consistent way

training on everything from handwashing best practice to operational transformation to reduce human-tohuman contact, all while adhering to ever-changing government guidelines - it’s fair to say the new normal has taken some getting used to. As you can imagine, our business has had to transform since the outbreak first hit. The operations team at Radish are no longer allowed into the environments that are catered for; they are having to manage their teams remotely which is a completely different style of management. We have really upped our communications efforts to support our teams throughout this time. Other changes are afoot, too. For example, the onsite teams at assisted living sites have had to pair up in bubbles in order to work safely and effectively. Food is prepared in the kitchen, then packaged in disposables and delivered to the doors of residents. We are really proud to have fully recyclable and compostable disposable products so having to react quickly has not had any additional impact on our sustainability efforts. Instead of eating within a restaurant, residents are eating within their own apartments – and are therefore stripped of the social element that makes mealtimes so enjoyable. To make up for that, our teams are always thinking of the little things they can do to make people smile, to make these moments more memorable. On Victory in Europe Day, for example, we delivered a special afternoon tea. We’ve come up with other ideas to help boost morale on non-celebratory days, too, including the introduction of a cupcake competition across all developments, where the residents got to taste their delicious creations. Needless to say there are ongoing challenges and risks, but let’s take some time to appreciate what the care sector has managed to achieve. Despite everything it has had to deal with, there are many examples of how working practices within the sector have transformed to keep everyone safe and well, staff and residents alike. Coronavirus hasn’t gone away and we still need to do our bit to protect each other and the vulnerable, but I believe this pandemic is bringing out people’s caring sides. And since catering is about tapping into the little things that give people joy, we believe this is our chance to shine and to truly make a positive difference to residents in care and assisted living environments. for patients with Dysphagia to complete the modules as part of their induction programme. Existing health and social care staff members should also complete the learning to support their continuing professional development. There is a certificate that can be downloaded once the training has been successfully completed. Use the camera on your phone to scan the QR code to access the e-learning and get started! For any questions contact your local Nutricia sales representative or our Resource Centre at Nutilis Clear is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for the dietary management of dysphagia and must be used under medical supervision.

*This training is intended for healthcare professionals only.

The quality standards aim is for all new health and social care staff members caring

Tackling Malnutrition in Dementia Patients

By Gillian Farren, Registered Dietitian

NUTRITIONAL CHALLENGES Patients with dementia face numerous challenges, all of which can have a significant impact on their ability to eat and drink. In the UK alone, it is estimated that 3 million older people are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.1 Alongside weight loss, key micronutrient deficiencies are recognised, with an estimated 35% of older people showing deficiencies in vitamins A, B12, iron and zinc.2 Although weight loss is part of the natural ageing process, dementia is recognised as a key contributor.3 Moreover, the link between dementia and weight loss strengthens as dementia becomes more severe.4,5 It is important to support dementia patients in eating and drinking well, as inadequate nutritional intake can make a person with dementia more confused.6 Recent guidance from NICE recommends that carers “encourage and support people living with dementia to eat and drink, taking into account their nutritional needs” and “consider involving a speech and language therapist if there are concerns about a person’s safety when eating and drinking”.7 However, dementia carers face specific challenges in supporting patients to eat and drink enough.8

DYSPHAGIA: A BARRIER FOR DEMENTIA SUFFERERS Dysphagia is a term used to describe difficulty or discomfort in swallowing food, fluids and saliva. Dementia is a well-recognised cause.9 Signs of dysphagia in people with dementia include coughing or choking; difficulties chewing; spitting out food; wet gurgling voice after eating; and food/drink spilling from or residue in the patient’s mouth after eating.10 If dysphagia is not managed appropriately, patients can suffer severe health consequences such as chest infections, aspiration pneumonia and choking-related death 9.

PROMOTING A SAFE SWALLOW The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) is a global standard that describes correct and appropriate thickening of liquids and food texture modification, to ensure that they are safe to offer to patients with differing degrees of dysphagia.11 IDDSI gives clear descriptors for all levels of consistency, from level 0 (thin/unthickened) up to 4 (extremely thick) for fluids, and from level 7 (regular) down to level 3 (liquidised) for foods.11 It is vital that patients with dementia are only offered foods and drinks that are a safe and appropriate texture for their current level of dysphagia. This should be assessed and regularly monitored by a registered speech and language therapist. Many dementia patients dislike the taste and texture of thickening agents. Thus, products which do not require added thickener may be more acceptable, and can make it easier when patients with dementia are preparing their own drinks. Interestingly, research suggests that use

products which do not require added thickener can lead to increased food and fluid intake.12

PERCEPTION, DEXTERITY AND DISTRACTIONS Dementia often changes how patients recognise once-familiar foods, drinks and utensils.6 Additionally, preference for sweeter tastes and contrasting colours are commonly observed 3. Involving patients in preparing their own foods and drinks, alongside the use of adapted utensils and cutlery, and a reduction in distracting sounds, sights and objects at mealtimes, can encourage independence and focus, while preventing wandering off during mealtimes.13

USING THE “FOOD FIRST APPROACH” For patients with small appetites, foods and drinks can be enriched by adding foods rich in fats and sugars – such as butter, jam, cheese and cream – to increase energy and protein intake without increasing the amount of food eaten. This is referred to as a “food first” approach.14 While this is the preferred first-line strategy to tackle malnutrition, dementia patients can still struggle to meet their needs from food alone, and oral nutritional supplements or nutrition shakes such as NuVu Life are often recommended to fill the gap.15

HOW NUVU LIFE CAN HELP Made up with 200ml whole milk, one 50g sachet of NuVu Life delivers an impressive 362 kcal and 27.5g protein. When mixed with water or milk, it is IDDSI level 2 consistency. For patients requiring level 2 thickened fluids, NuVu Life removes the need for added thickening agents, thus saving time and reducing risk of error for carers and patients alike. Moreover, NuVu Life is enriched with vitamins and minerals, including those identified earlier in the article (i.e. vitamins A, B12, iron and zinc), which are a specific concern for older people. Just one 50g sachet on NuVu Life provides 100% of the recommended daily intake for these key micronutrients. NuVu Life is available to purchase online (, RRP depends on the quantity purchased. Use voucher code TC30 to claim 30% off your order. For sales enquiries, or to request a sample of NuVu Life, please email or call: 07740 844 405.

REFERENCES: 1. Stratton R, Smith T, Gabe S. Managing malnutrition to improve lives and save money. BAPEN Report 2018. (available at ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 2. Maggini S, Pierre A, Calder P. Immune function and micronutrient requirements change over the life course. Nutrients. 2018; 10(10):1531. (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 3. Prince M, Albanese E, Guerchet M, Prina M. Nutrition and dementia: a review of available research. Alzheimer’s Disease International 2014. (available at [accessed 07 June 2020] 4. White H, Pieper C, Schmader K. The association of weight change in Alzheimer's disease with severity of disease and mortality: a longitudinal analysis. J Amer Geriatrics Soc 1998; 46(10):1223-7. (available at [accessed 07 June 2020] 5. Albanese E, Taylor C, Siervo M, Stewart R, Prince MJ, Acosta D. Dementia severity and weight loss: A comparison across eight cohorts. The 10/66 study. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. 2013; 9:649-656. (Avaiable at [accessed 07 June 2020] 6. Alzheimer’s Society. Caring for a person with dementia: a practical guide. 2019. (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 7. National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Dementia: assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers (NG97). 2018. (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 8. NHS Education for Scotland. Supporting People with Dementia in Acute Care: Learning Resource. 2016. (available at: [accessed 07 June 2020] 9. Holdoway A, Smith A. Meeting nutritional need and managing patients with dysphagia. Journal of Community Nursing. 2020; 34(2):52-59. (Available at: [accessed 07 June 2020] 10. Hansjee D. 5 Fundamental Ms: cutting aspiration risk in dementia and dysphagia patients. Nursing Times. 2019; 115(4):38-41. (Available at: [accessed 07 June 2020] 11. International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative. Complete IDDSI Framework detailed definitions 2.0. 2019. (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 12. McCormick S, Stafford K, Saqib G, Ni Chronin D, Power D. The efficacy of pre-thickened fluids on total fluid and nutrient consumption among extended care residents requiring thickened fluids due to risk of aspiration. Age and Ageing. 2008; 37(6):714–715. (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 13. Crawley H, Hocking E. Eating well: supporting older people and older people with dementia. Caroline Walker Trust. 2011. (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 14. Forbes C. The ‘food first’ approach to malnutrition. Nursing and Residential Care. 2014; 16(8): 442-445. (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020] 15. Robinson K. Nutrition and Dementia. Dietetics Today. Sept 2018; 42-43 (Available at: ) [accessed 07 June 2020]

NEW DYSPHAGIA E-LEARNING Between Between 50-75% of nursing nursing home residents from residents suffer suffer fr om dysphagia dysphagia1

ARE YOU IN NEED OF DYSPHAGIA TRAINING? NUTRICIA HAS A SOLUTION! A FREE e-learning covering the fundamentals of dysphagia using Nutilis Clear*

4 modules 60 min utes minutes

Point your camera at the code to access the registration link


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE TumbleCare from Easylink Workforce Scheduling Solutions Medpage Limited T/A Easylink UK was established in 1984 after the invention of an alarm clock to wake deaf people. The “Shake Awake” set a new precedent in quality standards for products designed for sensory care, notoriously at the time – rubbish. The company invented a new device for the detection of nocturnal epileptic seizures in 1994, which also set a new precedent for quality, especially after the company achieved certified medical accreditation. We could boast and say we have supplied more seizure detection monitors than any other company in UK. You could say we are innovators; we are and very proud of it. To constantly adapt to changes in demands for care technologies, remain competitive and continue to develop new care solutions it takes more than intelligence, it takes passion. Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, failing economy, factories closing and international

shipping facing the worst crisis ever known, we have battled through. At the start of the lockdown we supplied the NHS and Local Authorities with over 2000 bed occupancy detection alarm systems, many of them used to enable long term patients to be discharged from hospital to free up beds for COVID victims. Independent living support was and is essential during this pandemic. Now we launch our new brand. TumbleCare. The TumbleCare brand is a range of fall detection and prevention products focussing on affordable quality and product performance. The products are tough, easy to set, use and provide carers with reliable advance warning notification of potential falls. Visit our website. Firstly, you’ll be amazed at the variety of care solutions we offer, then blown away by our realistically fair pricing.

WristPIT from Pinpoint

unaware that a patient had had a fall for quite some time. Pressing the clearly labelled call button on the WristPIT notifies the personnel on duty that a patient is The WristPIT from Pinpoint,is a bespoke patient call requesting help and informs staff exactly where the transmitter designed to be worn on the wrist. patient is. The call button is recessed and surrounded This wrist-worn personal infrared transmitter by a bump guard to prevent false alarms. (WristPIT) is easily accessible and allows patients to Pinpoint Alarm Systems are installed in thousands of activate a call for even if they are away from their bed or medical facilities throughout the UK and USA. The new a fixed call-point. WristPIT is backward compatible and easily integrated Pinpoint’s renowned PIT technology into existing Pinpoint Systems. (usually worn by staff for personal A green LED indicates the WristPIT is ‘activated’ safety) has, for the first time, been with good battery level. When the battery requires designed around patient use. The changing, the LED flashes red until the battery is WristPIT can withstand showering and changed and the device has been retested. brief submersion in water and also In addition to being water-resistant, the incorporates antimicrobial product WristPIT has been designed to withstand protection, reducing the ability for bacharsh environments and user tampering, teria to grow. meaning suitability for facilities where According to figures published by the service users may be at risk of selfNational Reporting and Learning System, harm. around 250,000 incidents where patients For more information: required assistance in hospital were reported in 2015/16. In many cases, nursing staff remained

Workforce Scheduling Solutions deliver Electronic Time & Attendance systems worldwide, using the latest Face Recognition technology. Why should care homes move from paper to electronic time sheets

The industry is under considerable financial pressures. An efficient electronic booking on/off system that will schedule, provide budgets, calculate hours worked, overtime and absence such as sickness and holiday entitlement will save Time and Money.

How is time and money saved by doing things electronically?

Collecting payroll information from

paper timesheets can be slow, prone to errors, and very labour intensive. Staff rosters can be produced as far in advance as practical and accurate within budgeted hours. Staff book on and off-duty electronically, thus eliminating any time errors. Wage queries are virtually eliminated and immediate checks can be made without wading through reams of paper which invariably are inaccurate, misfiled or even 'lost".

There are many systems on the market - Why facial recognition is important and how it works

Some systems use tokens, which can be lost or left at home, requiring management involvement in the booking on/off procedure.

Fingerprint systems can be beaten and Social media is awash with ways to copy fingerprints. Face recognition combined with a staff PIN is simple to use and manage using touch screen technology and web cams. Staff see their image displayed immediately when booking on or off and confirms their identity visually. It provides the best deterrent available as it builds a greater 'image knowledge’ of each employee, a picture is worth a thousand words. Eliminates 'buddy punching' where employees can book colleagues on/off duty using someone’s tokens, swipe card or even fingerprint.

How is data protected?

With the correct security setup computer systems provide more data protection than paper-based records which can be easily removed or stolen. GDPR covers all data including paper records and therefore the chances of infringing the rules and incurring fines is greater

CARE VISION – Outstanding Care is at the Heart of Everything We Do At Carevision, outstanding care truly is at the heart of everything they do. They have combined over 40 years of hands on experience running care homes and working with some of the smartest mind in tech, they have created Care Vision - An all-in-one, cloud-based system that incorporates all your care and admin in to one easy to use system. Carers can compile resident notes, health observations and EMAR. Care home managers can manage rotas, accounts, HR and house-keeping tasks and log visitors using the digital visitor book. Residents can use the system to make personal choices on meals and activities and use the app to keep in touch with family and friends. Rishi Jawaheer, director at Care Vision says “The 100+ care homes that

PINPOINT WRISTPIT The WristPIT is a wrist worn Personal Infrared Transmitter designed exclusively for patient use. The latest call button is recessed and surrounded by a bump guard to prevent false alarms. It is also backward compatible, allowing seamless integration into existing Pinpoint Systems.

DID YOU KNOW? Biomaster Technology is incorporated into all surface areas of the product during manufacture, inhibiting the growth of contaminating bacteria 24/7 for the lifetime of the product.

use our system have seen its benefits – They are saving 2-4 hours of staff hours per resident, per week and they are achieving outstanding CQC results. Carers love it, residents and relatives love it, and care home managers can’t remember how challenging managing a care home was before it.” Of course, taking on a whole new system can seem daunting, that’s why Care Vision offer minimal investment, all round support and flexible hardware options. They don’t feel the need for long-term contracts, Rishi says “We have total confidence, once you use Care Vision, you will love it as much as we do.” The Care Vision team would love to talk to you about what the system can do for you. Contact at or call 0208 768 9809. See the advert on page 42 for details.


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE What Has COVID-19 Taught Us? During the last few months, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic by services and technology companies has been epic. Decision making processes which normally take months, even years took days. Massive co-ordinated efforts with care homes, hospital trusts, local authorities, manufacturers and suppliers all coming together on projects across the UK. We can certainly say, having been heavily involved in many projects in the UK and around the World, that Courtney Thorne are enormously proud and humbled to have played our part. One of the largest temporary Field Hospitals is the Dragon’s Heart Hospital inside the Principality Stadium in Cardiff. This vast stadium initially housed 335 emergency beds, when an additional 1200 beds were required Courtney Thorne was approached to supply,

install and commission nurse call points throughout the pitch and seating areas. These call points (including shower and toilet alarms) were supplied, installed and commissioned by Courtney Thorne’s own engineering team. Designed into 55 separate “wards” and integrated with paging systems. Completed in two weeks, it was a herculean effort by everyone involved. No one could have predicted what was going to happen when in January we heard of deaths in China spreading. The impact of the lock-down in March brought home the scale of the problem as business owners worried, not knowing what the consequences might be. This was true for those of us supplying the healthcare sectors, with hospitals focussing on the pandemic and care homes locking down to protect elderly residents.

As we reduce the lock down rules, for many people and businesses this means a degree of normality and returning to work, albeit with social distancing. Those in the care sectors however will be more cautious so not to risk the vulnerable and elderly. Where there are COVID-19 free hospitals some of the day to day maintenance, building work, refurbishment will re-start, and it is here that the health and care solution providers need to be ready to support these projects. Care homes need to make sure the safety of those in their care is not compromised by aging or failing nurse call systems. Courtney Thorne continued to provide full engineering, sales and support functions throughout the lock down period. A serious consideration when deciding who will supply business and person critical technology in the future. When we look back on this period, no doubt some of the practices learnt will stand the test of time, such as flexible working with more home working. Video conferencing has at last come of age, e-training, webinars, online meetings have been the savour of many busi-

nesses. It therefore appears to have taken a pandemic to create a situation where communication technologies, readily available becomes normalised. Spending quality time with our closest family is favoured rather than spending hours sat in commuter traffic. Business leaders at last realise that they can trust colleagues to do the right thing. Maybe there is a compromise to be gained where work can be more flexible, coupled with face to face meetings, not for every individual nor every business, however it is a start. For more information about solutions for care, see Courtney Thorne's advert on page 11 or visit

How Can Employers Help Improve the Work-Life Balance and Mental Health of Social Care Workers? Hailed as heroes during the pandemic, social care workers dedicate their lives to help the old, the weak and the sick. Often forgotten and under-valued, their mental health is under strain and COVID-19 has understandably worsened the situation. How can employers help their employees restore a healthier work-life balance?

THE STATE OF THE SOCIAL CARE WORKFORCE A new survey by Quinyx found that health and social care workers are amongst those most likely to have their mental health negatively impacted by their job. The pandemic has made it worse: 54% of those polled said that their work had negatively impacted their mental health over the past 12 months, versus 48% before the pandemic - a 12% increase.

LOW PAY, LONG HOURS AND HIGH EXPECTATIONS COVID-19 has seen them work longer hours and be in the spotlight, with high expectations from their

employers, the nation, the government, and to an extent, global scrutiny over which country will do “better” at handling the crisis. Added to the fear of getting sick or contaminating their loved ones, it is easy to imagine the mental burden on those who risk their lives to help others. Prior to the outbreak, the main reasons invoked by those who suffered poor mental health as a result of their job were low pay (42%) and managers’ expectations being too high (37%). Some concerns were alleviated during the pandemic though, with 72% of healthcare workers polled saying that they felt valued by their employer, versus 53% prior.

WHAT CAN EMPLOYERS DO TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION? While increasing wages may not always be possible, three areas can make a positive difference: - Two-ways communication channels, effective and open, to monitor and engage.

- Allowing greater flexibility and control over work hours to restore a healthy balance. - Optimised schedules to improve efficiency, reduce the overall cost of labour and help both workers and managers plan ahead.

HOW TO SUCCEED? Using technology to improve your workers’ work-life balance and wellbeing is one way to stay ahead of the game. Technology can help keep your employees productive, connected and happy. A solution like Quinyx helps empower workers, while optimising communication, time management and resources. It can also ensure that employers comply with the new regulations around contact and tracing, all through a simple, user-friendly app. * Research conducted by Censuswide in two stages: the first was conducted with 1,200 deskless workers who work an hourly schedule in the following sectors: healthcare and social assistance, retail, hospitality and tourism, shipping/distribution, transportation and warehousing. It took place between 11.03.2020-23.03.2020. The second was conducted with 1,205 desk-




TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE The Tiny Tablet from Inspired Interaction be useful for staff training, presentations and transferring data. "This new interactive experience has been of great benefit to our longterm residential residents with mid to late stage dementia, focusing on three primary outcomes of play: sensation, relaxation and reminiscence. Their interaction and engagement have increased considerably since using the table". Stuart Davies - General Manager Plas Bryn Rhosyn, part of the Pobl Group Tel: 07950 513 176

Our touch tables are portable, adjustable and utilized the same way as a smart phone or iPad. They are ideal for improving the well being of residents through App Technology. Every Tiny Tablet comes with a commercial grade screen and a chargeable built in power pack so there are no potential trip hazards. We offer both fixed and height adjustable tables, making it accessible for standing or seated use. Wi-Fi capabilities allow the table to be used anywhere around the care home, enabling every resident to benefit both in a group activity environment and privately on a one to one basis. Having the option of USB, HDMI, VGA and Bluetooth means various devices can be connected to the table, increasing options of use. This can

Sales & Enquiries: Web: HRH Prince Charles discovering the Tiny Tablet at Plas Bryn Rhosyn Care Home

Using Technology to Manage the Prevention and Control of Infection in Care Homes For care home residents, infections can be serious, and in some cases, life-threatening. So, in the midst of a pandemic, the focus on good infection prevention and control practices has never been more important. Over the last few months, we have supported Radar Healthcare customers in the management of Covid-19 related incidents, helping them to map resident outbreaks, identify pockets of self-isolating staff and anticipate consequential risks as a result. The steps taken in care homes to protect residents and staff from infection represent an important element in the quality of care. So, knowledge and understanding of outbreak prevention, preparedness, detection and management is key.

PREVENT The dynamic management of emerging risks is a collective responsibility and one which ensures your workforce is fully involved in the process of preventing and controlling infection. Risk registers should be actively maintained and monitored with a standardised risk scoring mechanism to facilitate prioritisation. Risk stratification combined with regular audits and assessments to identify potential hazards can then support the creation of preventative action plans.

PREPARE Engaging with your workforce to co-create your strategic and

operational approach to infection prevention and control can support you to embed a culture of continuous improvement in this area. Education plays a critical role in the prevention and control of infection so it’s critical that you manage and track workforce capability and competency – giving you peace of mind that they understand the importance of infection control and the specific role they have to play.

DETECT Clear communication of symptoms, guidelines and procedures ensures staff are equipped to recognise an outbreak and take appropriate action. With standardised procedures for reporting active cases and incidents, you can develop a clear picture of the pace and spread of the infection.

DIGITALISING YOUR OUTBREAK MANAGEMENT PLAN Prompt investigation and control of infection outbreaks is critical to protect the safety of residents and staff but mobilising an infection outbreak response can be difficult if information is siloed or managed manually. Find out more about how Radar Healthcare can support your infection control processes at

Tiny Tablet

Interactive Activity Touch Tables for care homes, education & hospitals. Based in the West Midlands, all of our Tiny Tablets are designed and manufactured in the UK.

Utilising the latest touchscreen technology, we’ve created a range of products that are easy and intuitive to use, combining education & play through the use of interactive technology.

■ Wi-Fi Capabilities

■ Screenshot Function

■ Google Play Store Accessibility

■ Wheelchair Accessible

■ Bluetooth

■ Internet Browsing

■ Films and Catch Up TV

■ Brain Training / Collaborative Apps ■ Skype

■ 8 Hour Use Off One Charge

■ Data Saving Option ■ Multiple Users

■ Durable Screen

■ 3 Year Warranty

■ Full Onsite Training with every product

07950 513 176


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Mainteno Facilities Maintenance and Management Software Whether it’s managing planned maintenance or dealing with fault repairs, Mainteno simplifies the day-to-day maintenance of almost any organisation. Mainteno also seamlessly incorporates asset management and tracking. Mainteno streamlines every aspect of the maintenance management process, saving your organisation time and money. Usability made affordable Mainteno was designed with practicality in mind. The interface is so intuitive that basic operation can be learned in minutes, and you can be a power user in one afternoon. Elegant usability usually means a hefty price tag. However, our pricing structure means that for small

organisations, Mainteno can cost as little as two cups of coffee a month. No set-up fees, no lengthy contracts and a free trial, all mean that the system starts paying for itself straight away. Dr Asif Raja, Bsc MBBS Summercare Managing Director says “Facing significant challenges of ever increasing quality and compliance demands upon time and resources as well considerable economic pressures, Summercare, an award winning provider of residential care and housing related support, sought to upgrade their systems for managing the property and environmental aspects of its service delivery. After an extensive period of investigation and research Mainteno was selected as the platform of choice for the entire organization based on its ease of use, very short-term contract, quick set up and ongoing support.” Visit, Tel: 020 8798 3713 or email

Network Communication Systems

Network Communication Systems Ltd ( NCS ) was established in 1992 and from the outset has provided Telecare and Security Products and Services, primarily to Local Government (Housing) and Housing Associations. Today we have many accreditations to our name including ISO 9001 Quality Management which ensures the company meets its quality commitments The company offers a full range of services encompassing Consultancy, Design, Project Management Installation and Maintenance The company supplies both 3rd party and own brand products for individual and grouped living. Grouped Living encompassing Sheltered Housing, Extra Care and Nursing Homes The Company offers maintenance on any make and model of

Telecare and Security Products/Systems, including system upgrades, partial and full, for better operation with the new digital telephone system being phased in by 2025. Maintenance can be offered on an ad-hoc basis or contractually via various packaged service agreements, depending on customer requirements Recently the company has just completed a design and installation project for Central Bedfordshire Council comprising over 50 CCTV cameras, some of which offer auto-tracking to get the best possible close up high quality image, Recording Equipment, Security Doors including Door Entry and Access Control and Automatic Swing Door Operators. All delivered to the client’s satisfaction. For further information, please visit

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IT’S NOT OBSOLETE UNTIL THE OPERA LADY SINGS Grouped Alarms - Fully Integrated Telecare and Security

• 2 System types available depending on requirements • Door Entry panels and standalone fob readers • Telecare room units with choice of peripherals • On-site / Local Offsite / Off-site operation • BS8521 protocol for remote Off-site monitoring

Door Entry and Access Control

• High quality robust stainless steel panel • Panels and readers can be inter-connected • Cloud based remote management option • Well specified - Will meet your requirements • High reliability and fault tolerant • DDA compliant • Parts availability - 15 years • Low cost

Carephones and Peripherals

• Tele-care for individual properties • High quality product • Available in various models (PSTN or GSM) • Allows connection of multiple peripherals • The only product in the marketplace that offers wireless remote speech stations and voice pendants • Compatible with most Alarm Receiving Centres • Low Cost


have spares, enhancements and expertise for wired and wireless systems abandoned by the original manufacturer, whoever they are.

Call us on 01252-330220 We can give most systems a new lease of life and maintain them into the future.


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE ETHEL, The Smart Care Hub The Covid19 pandemic has really ripped through our healthcare system and it has impacted the Care Home industry in a profound way too. However, what’s been quite evident, is the resilience of staff and their drive to better manage the residents in their care. In a way, the pandemic offers us an opportunity to explore if ‘technology enabled care’ can help us solve some of the issues we are facing. Can Tech help busy Carehome staff offer better support, connect the residents regularly with the family, help with clinical outcomes, without adding to their workload? It is in this context that solutions such as ETHEL, the

smart care hub has attracted a lot of interest from the Care Home sector. ETHEL is a large (16 inch) touch screen personal device with a robust stand and tailormade for 85+ yr olds who have little or no computer skills. Its easy to use interface and robust security features helps a resident connect with their wider family network and clinical team in an easy way. Families can make video calls to the Large screen device, they can send photos and video clips and send simple messages. It also allows the clinical team to offer remote physiotherapy, remotely gather vital signs from the resident on a regular basis and do remote video consultations. ETHEL also comes with a built in Early Warning Scoring system for detecting deterioration. A number of patients across the UK – from Shetland Islands to the devon coast have benefitted from using ETHEL. You can get more information at and/or call us on 07841977559.

C CONNECTING ONNECTING RESIDENT TS RESIDENTS with ffamily amily & clinical team. team.

Qintil Learning Manager Qintil was created for the care sector and we’re proud that so many incredible health and care professionals and their employers use Qintil everyday to learn and maintain skills and manage training and compliance. Qintil is a lifelong learning platform that's built for the way the world works today. You'll almost certainly have more than one job in your lifetime, and quite possibly more than one career. You might even work more than one job at once, or for a staffing agency. We built Qintil so that you can find, share and manage everything that's essential for work - your learning, certificates, achievements and right to work docs - in one place. You can share them, connect to more

Edison Telecom

We here at Edison Telecom Ltd have been providing specialist solutions to your call system requirements tailor-made to each customers needs for over 25 years, says director Bob Johnson. Is your current Nurse Call “legacy�, obsolete, so full of software bugs or commercially not viable for your current supplier/maintainer to maintain? We may have just the part and expertise that you are looking for to give your nurse call a further extension to

than one employer's learning at one time and when you move to a new job, contract or career you can take it all with you and continue to add to your lifelong record of learning. This all helps employers too of course. Now there's an easy way to get a record of new hires' learning and documents and to deliver their own training from any source. Our mission is to help everyone benefit from the thousands of ways there are to learn and to have one place to find, manage and share it all. Try for free today. Call 0300 577 1484 Email Web life, adds Bob, “Edison will treat your nurse call with the same compassion that you give to those in your care. There will come a time when your equipment is beyond repair but Edison are experts in extending the life of obsolete systems.�

Family virtual Family visits Virtual Clinical Virtual C onsultation Consultation V ital Signs & Vital NEWS2 Scores NEW S2 Sc ores Electr Electronic onic Car Care e Not Notes es ethelcar ETHELsmarthub

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.




Arquella's AIDA Data Platform Lotus Care Technology Arquella is proud to release our first version of the AIDA data platform. We are committed to improving the quality of nurse call reporting by integrating cloud-based technology with advanced hardware. This development means that all of your data is easily accessible from any internet device. Our technology is even compatible with some existing nurse call systems. With the easy to read 'Dashboard', you see a brief overview of all your current calls on one simple screen. With a simple click you are able to access more detail easily. Choose rooms, zones, call types, dates and times, you can evidence the care that your residents receive with total ease. All of the data available is easily saved as a report, perfect for your CQC requirements. You

don't need any Arquella equipment to access Dashboard and Reports, our web browser interface gives you instant access onsite or offsite, complete with login control. You control who sees zones, sites or groups of homes, bringing local and national reporting with just one click. We recognise that your care teams deliver excellent care, and we are committed to supporting you in capturing those moments. This is why we strive to provide you with the best technology to gather detailed evidence of the care you deliver. Arquella's future-proof solutions keeps you up to date with all future releases, giving you peace of mind and the ability to 'Capture Moments of Care'. Please call or email us so we can show how AIDA can help you. See the advert on this page for details.

Plexus Innovation Provides GUARDIAN® To Help Safeguard Care Homes Plexus Innovation has forged links with Careline Lifestyles to take one of the job’s pressures off the nursing team at a time that is intense in the industry. Ian Murray and Steve Todd, directors of Plexus Innovation, are successfully rolling out its innovative GUARDIAN® technology. They were keen, during such unprecedented times, that a care company benefitted with no initial cost implications. GUARDIAN® is a remote, automated measurement and alert system that focuses on environmental data including temperature. Ideal in reducing the risk of legionella and ensuring temperature in water or refrigeration units is at an optimum level to protect health, Plexus Innovation’s technology comprises of a combination of hardware, with remote monitoring software. Plexus Innovation supplied training to Careline Lifestyle staff, enabling the user to simply plug in and activate the hardware in seconds, putting the data live onto the portal managed by the experienced team at Plexus Innovation. Provided initially for free, the arrangement covers nine of Careline Lifestyle’s homes across the North East. GUARDIAN® is now monitoring 37 measurement points, including medical fridges and ambient room temperatures, which must be kept at compliant levels. Ian said: “GUARDIAN® is cost effective, reliable and reduces risk. We are delighted to be remotely monitoring for Careline, where lack of compliance can be of detriment to

medications, dispensed to the people they care for. “Previously these critical assets would be checked manually, which leaves room for human error when people are busy or under pressure. Using GUARDIAN® the nurses can get on with looking after the people in their care and not worry about this detail. Our system identifies compliance issues, enabling us to keep clients informed, saving time, effort and often money! “Plexus Innovation can really help and support much of the health, social housing, care and even the hospitality industry perfectly.” Based in the North East, Careline Lifestyle is a leading independent provider of high quality nursing and residential care specialising in acquired brain injuries, neurological, mental health needs, learning and physical disabilities for persons over 18 years of age in addition to providing nursing, residential and social care for the elderly. Kirsty Nealis, Head of Care Delivery at Careline Lifestyles said: “With the extra pressures brought about by COVID-19 we couldn’t be more grateful for this GUARDIAN® helping hand to ensure our compliance measurements are done quickly, properly and even better, remotely. “We are always looking at innovative new ways to improve our services which frees up staff, allowing them more time to support our residence. “ “Thank you to Ian and Steve of Plexus Innovation for the free installation and remote monitoring over these first few months of a new and trying challenge!” More information on GUARDIAN® is available at

The NurseAlert pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot. Lotus Care Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls.  Having many years of experience in

fitting and maintaining Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs. They can specify not only the best system for the environmental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier. Visit for details.

Without QCS we wouldn’t have been rated as an ‘outstanding service’ Rupert Stocks Registered Manager, Guyatt House


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