The Carer #39 Winter 2018

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Issue 39

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Inquiry Launched on Long-Term Funding of Adult Social Care

MPs are to hold a Parliamentary inquiry into the long-term funding of adult social care ahead of the government’s green paper on care and support for older people.

The joint inquiry by the Communities and Local Government and Health Committee seeks to identify funding reforms that will command broad consensus to allow progress in ensuring the long-term sustainability of both the health and care systems. The Government has confirmed its intention to present a Green Paper containing proposals to reform care and support for older people before the summer recess. Written submissions are invited on the following by 7 March: • How to fund social care sustainably for the long term (beyond 2020), bearing in mind in particular the interdependence of the health and social care systems; and • The mechanism for reaching political and public consensus on a solution. There have been several in-depth reports over the last decade examining the longterm funding of health and social care. In March 2017, the CLG Committee concluded that “the need to find a way to fund social care for the long term has now become urgent” and recommended considering using national taxation as a new source of funding. In April 2017, the Lords Committee on the Long-term Sustainability of the NHS concluded that reforms were needed “as quickly as practicable” and, on the potential sources of funding for social care, recommended “an insurance-based scheme”. There have also been calls for the reforms to be implemented by an independent body. In November 2017, a cross-party group of MPs wrote to the Prime Minister, calling for a “cross-party NHS and Care Convention”. Responding to the launch, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “We support the launch of this inquiry which will no doubt provide valuable evidence to help inform the forthcoming Green Paper. “The Committees are absolutely right to focus on long-term funding solutions and how to build political and public support for them. We do not need a major overhaul

of our care and support system; the Care Act provided that and the vision it sets out in legislative terms enjoys widespread support. What we need is consensus on funding solutions so the Care Act vision can be realised. “Long-lasting reforms cannot come soon enough to prevent more care providers going out of business, contracts being handed back to councils, care workers losing their jobs and less investment in prevention, which is impacting on all those who rely on social care, and hindering the ability of social care to help mitigate increasing pressures on the NHS. “Extra funding for social care can empower councils to prioritise prevention work which is key to reducing the pressures on the health service and keeping people out of hospital in the first place so they can lead fulfilling and independent lives in their communities and close to their loved ones, which will reduce costs to the public purse. “An essential foundation for long-term reform is greater awareness amongst the public of why adult social care matters in its own right. Everyone who has a stake in our care system should help build this awareness. Similarly, progress is only likely to be made if there is cross-party consensus on a way forward. The LGA stands ready to help build that consensus. “But while it is right to look longer-term, we must not lose sight of the perilous state of social care funding today. Social care needs to be put on an equal footing with the NHS and government needs to use the upcoming final Local Government Finance Settlement to provide genuinely new money to address both immediate sector pressures and the £2.3 billion funding gap facing social care by 2020. “This year’s winter health crisis and the way councils are successfully using extra social care funding from the Government this year to reduce delayed transfers of care – reducing delayed days by 20 per cent since July – should incentivise government to inject significant new investment into our social care system to prevent it breaching its tipping point. “We will be submitting evidence to this inquiry which we urge is acted upon to fully inform this summer’s Green Paper and possible subsequent legislation.”




VIEWPOINT Hello and welcome to the Winter issue of The Carer! I would begin by welcoming any new readers to our publication, we have in 2018 made changes to our distribution database which of course means that some of you may be reading our publication for the first time. Who are we? The Carer is a quarterly residential and nursing care home publication in EDITOR print and online mailed out FREE to residential and nursing care homes throughout England and Wales. We bring news views professional comment products and services, in print, digitally, on our website and in our twice-weekly digital newsletter which you can sign up to via our website. We always welcome industry news and comment so if you have anything you would like to share please drop us a line. One of the great challenges for the care sector in the next few years will very likely be staffing and recruitment, and Britain’s decision to leave the European Union is cited as one of the main reasons the industry may face a recruitment crisis. According to a news report in 2017 adverts for jobs in the social care sector increased 64pc on the previous year, as the care sector industry expands and the number of workers from the European Union decreases. Approximately 60,000 of the 1.2 million NHS workforce are from other EU countries, including more than 10,000 doctors and more than 20,000 nurses and health visitors. In adult social care, 90,000 of the 1.3 million workers employed by local authority and independent sector employers come from elsewhere in the EU. The existing policy of free movement will unchanged until the UK concludes the terms of its exit from the EU and may also include a transition period which may grant further rights to EU residents who are working here. That said, the evidence to date points to that Brexit is having a staffing impact in the care sector. The number of EU nationals registering as nurses in the UK has fallen by 96 per cent since the referendum, with just 46 EU nurses registering with the Nursery and Midwifery Council in April 2017. There has also been a fall in the number of EU nationals taking jobs in the social care sector. We here at The Carer have been introducing companies their products and services covering almost every aspect of the care sector from uniforms to furnishings, technology, nurse call systems kitchen equipment cleaning and hygiene products bathing, sluice rooms, laundry services professional services, compliance management, I think we covered almost everything a busy residential and or nursing care home would need possibly with the exception of recruitment! So, we are introducing a dedicated Carer recruitment website which will be going live before April. We are confident our dedicated recruitment website will be a vital tool in helping you reach and attract the right person for the job! Further details will be on our website

Peter Adams


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Lack of High-Quality Care Homes to Choose From say MP’s TWo-THirds (66%) of MPs in england, including just over half (53%) of Conservative MPs in england and four in five (82%) labour MPs in england, agree that their older constituents do not have enough high-quality care homes to choose from. in addition to this, more than half (51%) of Conservative MPs in england and four in five (83%) labour MPs in england were concerned that, without action, the quality of the care homes market in their constituency will deteriorate over the next year. That’s according to a new poll of MPs of all parties representing constituencies in england commissioned by independent age, the older people’s charity. Following the expanded social care responsibilities given to Jeremy Hunt in the Cabinet reshuffle, the new poll by ComRes found a majority of MPs in England from both major parties were concerned about their older constituents and the local care homes market. This poll is released ahead of the publication of the Government’s social care Green Paper expected in the Summer. According to the survey, more than four in five (82%) Conservative and around nine in 10 (92%) Labour MPs in England agree that older people who are eligible for residential care should be given a choice of at least one care home rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Moreover, more than one-third (37%) of Conservative MPs in England and more than two-thirds (68%) of Labour MPs in England do not believe that the care homes market in their constituency is functioning well for older people. Janet Morrison, Chief Executive of Independent Age, the

older people’s charity, said: “MPs in England are strikingly pessimistic about the quality of care homes in their constituencies. Older people who need residential or nursing care need to be given a meaningful choice when it comes to their care, so it is worrying that so many MPs expect the quality of care homes in their area to get worse next year if nothing is done. This is a stark reminder of the challenge facing Jeremy Hunt in his new expanded role as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. The quality and cost of all types of care must be addressed in the forthcoming social care Green Paper for both the long and short term. With so many MPs seemingly having lost faith in their local care homes market, it’s time to get on with finding a solution.” A recent Freedom of Information request sent to local authorities by Independent Age found that councils are not routinely taking CQC inspections into account when arranging residents’ care home placements. Many of those that do, do not keep a record of how many people they place in ‘inadequate’ or ‘requires improvement’ rated care homes. Although local authorities are not legally required to take CQC ratings into account, the Independent Age survey shows that two-thirds (66%) of MPs in England agree that older people who are eligible for residential care need legal protection preventing them being offered only care homes rated by the CQC as ‘inadequate’ or ‘requires improvement’. Independent Age is calling for the social care Green Paper to set out clear solutions for a fairer, more transparent and sustainable care system that will instil confidence in MPs across all parties, as well as older people and their families, to show that the government has fully comprehended and taken on board all the issues surrounding social care.

Number of Older People With Four or More Diseases Will Double By 2035 a sTudy published in age and ageing, the scientific journal of the British Geriatrics society, reports that the number of older people diagnosed with four or more diseases will double between 2015 and 2035. a third of these people will be diagnosed with dementia, depression or a cognitive impairment. The study, conducted by researchers at Newcastle University’s Institute for Ageing, found that over the next 20 years there will be a massive expansion in the number of people suffering from multiple diseases, known as multimorbidity. As a result two-thirds of the life expectancy gains, predicted as 3.6 years for men, 2.9 years for women, will be spent with four or more diseases. Over the next 20 years the largest increase in diagnoses will be cancer (up by 179.4%) and diabetes (up by 118.1%) in the older population, whilst arthritis and cancer will see the greatest rise in prevalence. In the population over the age of 85 years all diseases, apart from dementia and depression, will more than double in absolute numbers between 2015 and 2035. Professor Carol Jagger, Professor of Epidemiology of Ageing at Newcastle University’s Institute for Ageing led

the study which has developed the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) model. She said: “Much of the increase in four or more diseases, which we term complex multi-morbidity, is a result of the growth in the population aged 85 years and over. More worryingly, our model shows that future young–old adults, aged 65 to 74 years, are more likely to have two or three diseases than in the past. This is due to their higher prevalence of obesity and physical inactivity which are risk factors for multiple diseases.” In the UK, healthcare delivery was built, and generally remains centred, on the treatment of single diseases. Professor Jagger adds: “These findings have enormous implications for how we should consider the structure and resources for the NHS in the future. Multi-morbidity increases the likelihood of hospital admission and a longer stay, along with a higher rate of readmission, and these factors will continue to contribute to crises in the NHS.” The authors state that patients with complex multi-morbidity need a different approach. They conclude that a single-disease-focused model of health care is unsuitable for patients with multi-morbidity. There needs to be a focus on prevention of disease, and a bespoke healthcare service provision for patients with multi-morbidity.





NHS Winter Crisis: New Care Initiatives Can Support The NHS In Times Of Need And Address Current Problems In Social Care WHilsT lasT month marked a breakthrough in the nHs winter crisis, with the bed occupancy rate dropping and pressure on nHs staff easing, it is difficult to imagine the nHs can withstand another winter in its current state.

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In an interview with Sky News Director of Policy and Strategy Saffron Cordery said: "Although we saw a very slight easing of pressures last week, NHS trusts are still working at or beyond full stretch, resulting - at times - in care for patients that falls short of what trusts and their staff want to provide. Having said that, it is encouraging to see how NHS trusts have worked to recover the situation, with far fewer ambulance diverts and a significant drop in delays to hand over patients when they arrive at A&E.” The problem remains that a temporary care initiative that can relieve the pressure on the NHS during highusage periods – e.g. winter – and be sustained throughout the year, still does not exist. Not only would such a solution free up NHS beds in times of need, but also offer an initiative that can cover a wider range of care requirements. If your business specialises in initiatives that can address ‘the increasing complexity of need and expand care to address the needs of hard to reach The need for such a solution was only compounded by the Prime Minister who, when asked whether the NHS was in crisis, suggested: "The NHS has been better prepared for this winter than ever before, we have put extra funding in. There are more beds available across the system, we've reduced the number of delayed discharges of elderly people who would otherwise have been in NHS beds rather than in social care." Vic Rayner, Executive Director of the National Care Forum, recently outlined her vision for social care in The


sCHool pupils received a World War 2 history lesson from a medal winning veteran of the conflict living at a stockton-on-Tees care home.

Guardian. Her article ‘A brave and bold new world: my vision for social care’ touched upon the ‘integration between health and care.’ An example of such initiatives is ‘discharge to assess units.’ These units provide ongoing care and support, where elderly people who have recently been discharged from hospital can recuperate. Establishing a solution like discharge to assess units - that could run in conjunction with a hospital or care home provides a foundation where both sectors can support each other, with neither sector taking priority. To attend CPD accredited seminars on the latest initiatives in social care, register for your free ticket by calling 0117 990 2097. Meanwhile, the Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo offers the opportunity for care home owners to identify the solutions that can improve the level of care and cover a wider range of care requirements. Our first aim is to help generate industry growth so the demand for beds expected over the next few years can be met. In meeting these demands, the care industry can relieve the pressure it currently finds itself under. Filling more beds ultimately means that the care industry will have the funding to develop additional care facilities. Our second key ethic goes hand in hand with our first – we want to improve the level of care and facilities care providers can offer. Improving the level of care throughout the industry will create more initiatives that can cover a wider range of care needs. 3,000 care home owners and senior decision makers are due to attend the event on the 25th & 26th April 2018 at NEC, Birmingham. Tickets to the event are free, making this the must attend event for care home owners looking to develop and grow their care home businesses. groups’ - please contact 0117 990 2109 to discuss exhibiting opportunities at the Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo.

WW2 Veteran Gives Pupils First-Hand History Lesson

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The youngsters from St Teresa’s RC Primary School, in Ingleby Barwick, visited residents at Ingleby Care Home dressed as children from the 1940s. Among the residents is John Podsukites, 95, who received the Medal of Ushakov from the Russian Federation in 2016 for his service on the arctic convoys in 1944. The convoys – named the “worst journey in the world” by Winston Churchill – delivered essential supplies to the Soviet Union during the height of the War. John was part of a convoy that fought off 18 attacks in two days by German U-boats and aircraft, before arriving safely at its destination. He showed the children photos of the ships he served on, shared his expe-

riences and told them stories about the war. He said: “It’s really important youngsters know about the war, even though it was a long time ago.” Several pupils from the school’s Year 4, 5 and 6 classes wrote notes about their visit to the care home. Year 4 pupil Maddie, 8, said: “The care home was an amazing experience. I loved listening to John and looking at all his amazing medals. He taught me a lot of things about World War 2.” Year 6 pupil Benjamin, 10, said: “I loved meeting the residents, especially John. We were learning about WW2 at school so it was very convenient.” Kirsty Walsh, activities coordinator at Ingleby Care Home, on Lamb Lane, said: “John loved talking to the children about his experiences. “The teachers were even asking if he could go to the school to do a presentation.”




Voucher Scheme Initiative Proposed to Tackle Care Crisis THe CounTy Councils network has warned that social care funding will face a £2.5bn gap by 201920. This problem should not surprise anybody, as forecasts over the last several years have predicted this. There have been few practical suggestions to solve this problem, however a new salary sacrifice scheme similar to childcare vouchers has been proposed as a way to partly fund the future of adult social care. Currently, there is no obvious and financially viable solution to this problem despite predictions that the issue will continue to worsen. The alternative adult social care vouchers scheme has been put forward by John Woodward OBE, president and founder of the Busy Bees Group, a leading provider of childcare in the UK. Both Mr Woodward and the organisation were instrumental in lobbying the government to help working families with childcare costs via a non-taxable benefit. The result was the Childcare Voucher scheme which launched in 2005 which has helped more than 600,000 families. Similarly, social care vouchers would allow eligible tax payers to sacrifice a portion of their salary – which depend-

ent on income could be up to £100 per week* to fund either their own or a dependant adult’s care. The vouchers could be flexibly accrued or deducted and if needed would allow multiple tax payers to contribute to a single individual’s care. John said: “The gap between what can be provided by the state and what is required by those who need it most has increased. More funding must be made available as demand increases, but taxpayers cannot bear the entire cost of everyone’s care. “This new initiative will give families the freedom and flexibility to not only fund care but to boost the quality of support they receive. This is only part of the answer.” Reflecting on his experience managing salary sacrifice schemes with Busy Bees, John also added: “We’ve proven that this type of option is popular, simple to run, has controlled costs and is rarely defrauded. Vouchers have already proven to work in practice and in this instance would provide long and short-term benefits while keeping the individual in control over all their care choices.” Mr Woodward is calling for the vouchers scheme to be added to the upcoming social care green paper to encourage debate and discussion of the issue.

Major Care Home Group Drops ‘After Death’ Fees Following CMA Action THe CoMPeTiTion and Markets authority (CMa) has welcomed Maria Mallaband Care Group’s decision to stop using a contract term requiring the payment of one month’s fees following the death of a resident who paid for their own care. The move comes as part of an ongoing consumer law investigation by the CMA into fees charged by a number of care home providers, and its year-long study of the residential care home market where the CMA made clear its concerns that it is unfair to continue to charge fees for an extended period after a resident has died. Maria Mallaband, together with its sister company, Countrywide Care Homes, operates 64 residential care homes in England and Northern Ireland. In response to intervention by the CMA, the group has agreed to amend its contract terms at these and any future care homes it operates so that fees will only be charged up to the date of death. As part of its work, the CMA found that charging fees after death was widespread across the sector and that practices vary. In order to ensure that care homes take a consistent and lawful approach, the CMA will be publishing

compliance advice for the sector as a whole. It has today launched a public consultation seeking views on its draft advice, so it can reach a final view on whether it’s fair to charge fees after death and, if so, for how long. Michael Grenfell, Executive Director for Enforcement at the CMA, said: "It is important that care home residents, and their families, can be confident they will be fairly treated, especially during the difficult period after a family member has died. "We are pleased that the Maria Mallaband Care Group has been responsive to our concerns about fees charged after death, and has taken clear and positive steps to make changes ahead of our public consultation on such fees. We expect other care homes to make any necessary changes in line with our final views when published. We now want to hear from families and care homes as part of our consultation." The consultation includes a draft of the CMA’s compliance advice and will run for 4 weeks, closing on 16 February 2018. The CMA will then publish a final version of the compliance advice and a summary of the responses received.


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Famous American Miniature Horse Visits Connaught Court Residents residenTs aT Connaught Court in york were in for a treat this week, as Monet, an american miniature horse visited the Home with his owner, Katy. Katy, who works for KL Pony therapy, who provide pony visits to care homes, events and parties, went around the different areas of the Home for residents to meet Monet. The miniature horse took a look into the hairdressers, as well as a resident’s room, joining in to a family visit. Activities Coordinator Stephanie said: “Monet certainly put a smile on the face of

many residents today as he went round the Home. Katy was happy to answer all types of questions that residents asked, from ‘How old is he?’ to ‘Will he grow any bigger?’. Meeting animals is a great way for our residents to grow more confidence and to experience something a little bit different.” Monet became famous in the ITV show ‘This Morning’ with Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, where he made a bit of a mess on the studio floor.

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Vast Majority Of People Who Pay For Social Care Won’t Benefit From A Cap On Costs nine in 10 people who pay for their own care in england won’t benefit if the ‘cap’ on care costs, currently set at £72,000, goes ahead. set at this level, it will take a typical pensioner over 6 years to reach the cap, which is double the average life expectancy for someone in residential or nursing care. However, introducing a cap on costs at £100,000 that includes all costs of care (an ‘allinclusive cap’) will benefit up to four times as many people and within two to three years. That’s according to new research from independent age, the older people’s charity and the institute and Faculty of actuaries (iFoa). The government’s proposed lifetime cap on care costs for adults in England is set at £72,000 and the latest plan was for it to come into force in 2020. The idea of a cap on care costs was first introduced by the Dilnot Commission in 2011 which argued that to guard against “catastrophic” care costs, adults should face a lifetime limit set at £35,000. The cap recommended by the Commission was only ever intended to apply to individuals’ personal care costs. It did not take into account the full costs of care, such as Daily Living Costs, which include food and accommodation, and make up a large part of annual care home costs. This means that many people could continue to pay towards care costs, years after having technically reached the ‘cap’ limit. The new research examines different scenarios and how over a 10-year period a cap set at £35,000, £72,000 and our proposed ‘all-inclusive cap’ of £100,000 would affect total care costs typical pensioner households have to pay, compared to the current system where there is no ‘cap’. Key findings include: • An ‘all-inclusive cap’ set at £100,000 protects those who live longer than average in residential care and truly caps the full range of care costs for those with high care needs • If a £35,000 or £72,000 cap were introduced, a typical older person would end up paying more than £150,000 over six years in residential or nursing care and up to £300,000 over ten years. This is because they would still have to contribute to their daily living costs well after they had reached the cap

• Nearly 6 in 10 older people with high domiciliary care needs – those who need up to six hours of care a day - could stand to benefit from the ‘all-inclusive cap’ set at £100,000, compared to around a third (35%) under the £72,000 cap • The £100,000 all-inclusive cap helps to reduce variation in total care costs between regions in England, as under the £72,000 ‘cap care costs can vary by over £130,000 between the North East and South east by Year 6 • Improvements to the means test are a crucial part of the Care Act reforms and a more generous means test, or ‘capital floor’, at £100,000 would allow more older people with modest assets to benefit from means tested support The government dropped and then re-affirmed its commitment to plans for the care cap during the 2017 election campaign. But following the ‘dementia tax’ row, it said it would look at the idea in more detail in the long awaited Green Paper on social care. Janet Morrison, Chief Executive of Independent Age, the older people’s charity, said: “Paying for care can be a huge burden on older people and their families as they try to manage their finances in older age. A cap on care costs is welcome, but it needs to be meaningful and transparent as to what costs the cap will cover. The cap as proposed under the Care Act is neither of those things. Without an ‘allinclusive cap’, people with the highest care needs will continue to see their costs rise well over £100,000. In the Green Paper on social care, the government must urgently set out plans to introduce a cap on care costs that covers all costs and will realistically be reached within the lifetime of an individual in care. Only then will a cap make a material difference to the lives of older people in care.” Older people and their relatives need to understand care costs and have peace of mind that they know what they are likely to have to pay for, even with a cap on costs in place. Independent Age and the IFoA recommend that the government introduces a higher cap of £100,000, but that this is inclusive of all care costs. This would reduce complexity in the system, create a clearer cap on costs and mean more older people on moderate incomes are likely to benefit from a cap. The government’s long-promised Green Paper on social care should be published urgently and lead to firm action, with cross-party backing for final proposals.

The Alzheimer’s Show 2018, Olympia London

The Carer is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage.Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

THe alzHeiMer’s show will be at olympia london on 8th and 9th June 2018. The two-day event, which is set to attract healthcare professionals, carers, family members and anyone affected by alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss, is the uK’s leading exhibition and conference designed to provide help, information and advice, as well as showcasing the latest and best products and services. Featuring a full conference programme in three theatres, ques-

tion time panel sessions, practical activity workshops, professional advice clinics and a wide range of dementia and care exhibitors, The Alzheimer’s Show is a valuable event for those working in the care and health sector wanting a better understanding of dementia, the challenges it can bring as well as providing access to information, new ideas and practical tools to help those living with dementia. For further information and to book tickets visit Tickets cost £15 online, £20 on the door.



CMA Calls For Urgent Action In The Care Sector THe CoMPeTiTion & Markets authority (CMa), the consumer watchdog, has published the final report of its care home market study. Two of the key themes in the report are the urgent need for funding reform and concerns about care providers using unfair contract terms. Funding crisis The CMA clearly identified the funding crisis in the sector, which the Government has been painfully inept at addressing, and recommended improved local authority funding and commissioning practices. It was particularly alarmed by its findings of a funding shortfall of £1bn a year caused by inadequate local authority funding. It noted that this had led to the widespread practice of providers cross-subsidising underfunded local authority rates with higher rates for self-funders, with the result that, on average, self-funders are charged 40% more than the rates paid by local authorities. It is hoped that the CMA’s findings and concerns will be reflected in the Government’s Green Paper on social care funding reform. It is disappointing that the Government has delayed the Green Paper until the summer of 2018. unFair contract terms The report highlights a number of concerns about unfair contract terms used by care providers and gives a stark warning of the need to review your care contracts now and update them if they are not compliant. The concerns identified by the CMA are as follows: • Charging fees for prolonged periods after death • Charging substantial refundable deposits • Asking for substantial upfront payments (e.g. administration and management fees) • Making hidden charges for ‘extra services’ • Failing to provide contracts, or providing contracts which

are vague and unclear • Asking third parties to act as a guarantor for care fees in inappropriate circumstances • Charging third party top-ups without due regard to the Care Act and Care & Support Statutory Guidance • Increasing fees in an unfair manner • Lack of transparency around treatment of Funded Nursing Care contribution • Charging top-ups to service users in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funding in an unlawful way • Unfair termination clauses The findings by the CMA match Royds Withy King’s experience of the issues that often arise when reviewing and drafting care contracts, and dealing with contract disputes, for providers. Although the CMA is focused on protecting the consumer, poorly drafted contracts leave providers exposed so there is a strong incentive for you to get your contracts in order. The CMA has made a number of recommendations to address its concerns and is calling for new regulations to require providers to comply. It also plans to produce further guidance for providers on how to comply with consumer legislation next year. In the meantime the CMA will continue to monitor practices in the sector and take enforcement action where necessary. It has already launched consumer protection action against a number of care providers for requiring service users to pay substantial upfront payments and making excessive charges after death. other recommendations The CMA has also made a number of other recommendations for the sector: • A requirement for providers to publish indicative pricing information on their websites • The introduction of a new statutory notification to CQC when a provider asks a service user to leave its service or imposes a ban on visitors • Improved complaints procedures to make it easier for service users and their families to raise concerns. James Sage is a partner and head of Health & Social Care team at Royds Withy King, the law firm.


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A Simple Way to Overcome Dementia Communication Barriers a leadinG dementia care centre in seaford is keen to share its advice and successes in caring for people with dementia. its January top tip for anyone caring for someone with dementia is to use a simple but very effective communication aid. Clifden House Dementia Care Centre has implemented the use of simple but very effective communication aides for its residents. These are called ‘Communication Cards’. Communication Cards are pictorial representations of common emotions and needs, and have proven to be an exceptionally useful mechanism for residents – allowing dementia sufferers to quickly and easily express themselves clearly. A person with dementia can often have difficulty communicating. They can struggle to find the right words and frequently repeat words or become stuck on a certain syllable. This can be very frustrating and often distressing for dementia sufferers. ‘I feel’ expressions are the first set of communication cards and includes faces and words to describe how they are feeling. Examples of emotions on the cards include

worried, excited, sad and cross. Nial Joyce of Clifden House said: “Every member of staff at Clifden House carries communication cards with them. They find them useful for engaging with residents and help overcome communication difficulties. “It is important for us to understand how residents are feeling and these cards are a great help. They allow us to give a more focused standard of care and help to minimise misunderstandings and potential frustration for the resident.” Communication Cards are also very handy to use alongside everyday conversation to keep residents aware of how they are feeling and to let them know that it’s normal for them to have trouble communicating. There are many free communication resources available online or, like Clifden House, you can purchase communication cards from If you would more information or tips about communicating with dementia suffers cards visit or contact Clifden House on 01323 896460 or email

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Admiral Nurses Awarded for Long-Standing Service deMenTia uK, a charity providing specialist dementia support, has awarded three of its admiral nurses for 20 years’ of service. The awards recognized alison Coignard, dr Julia Botsford and debbie Hawkins as providing exceptional standards of care and support to families facing dementia, helping to define what it means to be an admiral nurse. Admiral Nurses provide the specialist dementia support that families need. When things get challenging or difficult, Admiral Nurses work alongside families affected by dementia, giving them one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions, helping families face dementia with more confidence and less fear. Alison Coignard was one of the first ever Admiral Nurses since 1993, providing impeccable support to people living with dementia through the Central and North West London NHS


Foundation Trust. She is now employed directly on the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, using her knowledge and experience for families who most need it. Dr Julia Botsford has held a number of positions in clinical practice including working as a Senior Admiral Nurse at Barnet, Enfield and Haringey until 2015. With her extensive experience, she has published a book entitled ‘Dementia, Culture and Ethnicity’ providing insight on how culture can impact on the provision of dementia support and care. She also balances her time working on the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline. Debbie Hawkins led the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust for many years, before going on to work on the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline in 2014. Debbie has been pivotal in realising the appropriate way of communicating a diagnosis of dementia to a family. In addition, she has led the way in helping people with learning disabilities who then go on to develop dementia. Commenting on the awards, Dr Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO at Dementia UK, said, “It’s an absolute privilege to recognise the long-standing service of these three amazing Admiral Nurses. All of them have been at the heart of key developments within Dementia UK as we constantly look to increase specialist dementia support. They are simply great examples of what it means to be an Admiral Nurse – a practical and emotional lifeline to families living with dementia.”

Over 75s “Left In The Dark” Over Care Needs As Latest Official Figures Show Continued Life Expectancy Gains The CLH South West Care Expo is being held to promote awareness and education of the products that are available from CLH to help care organisations meet their daily challenges.

Book your FREE place today!

seven in 10 of those aged over 75 have not given long-term care any thought, according to the Just Care report 2017 as ageing population raises urgent need for improved awareness of the importance of planning care Biennial ONS statistics1 released today find that the cohort life expectancy at age 75 in 2017 is 87.7 and 89.3 for men and women respectively, while projections suggest those reaching 75 in 2040 will live to 90.8 and 92.3. The figures raise concerns that many of those aged 75+ are not receiving the help they need to plan adequately for the possibility of needing care in later life. This is despite evidence of increasing pressure on care services from an ageing population which is set to see the numbers aged 85+ double to 3.2 million by 20142. Planning ahead for care has never been more important. Yet the Just Care Report 20173 released this week indicates that those aged over 75 are not thinking about their care plans: • 70% have not given long term care any thought, planned for it or spoken to friends and family about it

• Only 5% have made financial plans and just 3% have discussed the sort of care home they want to stay in • 27% would consider staying with their children yet less than 1 in 10 have actually discussed it with them • A third (33%) would rely on their children to decide on their care arrangements Stephen Lowe, group communications director at Just, commented: “Later life care is a topic many people are not thinking about and they need greater help in understanding the system if they are to receive the kind of care they would like. Today’s figures are further proof that those aged 75 are likely to live into their early 90s but growing life expectancy does mean greater risk of illness and disability with at 80% of over 85 suffering from at least two long-term health issues4. “With the social care system already under pressure and no imminent sign of reforms, it is crucial that those approaching old age are not left in the dark regarding the importance of planning and they receive help to make plans while they still have time. This will move away from lastminute decisions that may put more emotional and financial stress on their nearest and dearest.”

Ombudsman Calls for Councils to Be Clear on Care Home Costs THe loCal Government and social Care ombudsman is reminding councils across england they must give families accurate information when placing relatives in care homes, following an investigation into a complaint against lincolnshire County Council.

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The investigation found a family was not told about the possibilities available to them when their father was placed in a care home as an emergency. They were left with no option but to pay a ‘top-up’ fee, when the council should have offered them the choice of a home which did not require the additional amount. When they struggled to pay the fees, their father was threatened with eviction. During the investigation, the Ombudsman also found the council had unclear information about care home fees on its website. It has asked the council to review its procedures to avoid similar problems happening again. Michael King, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, said: “Councils have a duty to provide accurate information to families about care home placements. This is particularly important at times such as this where families do not have the luxury of being able to plan for their relative’s care. “We issued a focus report on this subject in 2015 and I would encourage anyone working in the field to have a look at the good practice guidance it

contains, and check their own policies and procedures to ensure they comply with the Care Act.” The father, who has dementia and physical disabilities, had already been assessed as eligible for council funding when he was placed by the council in emergency residential accommodation. The council should have offered the family the option of placing the father in a home which did not require them to pay an amount on top of what the council was already paying for his care. The Ombudsman’s investigation found because the family was not given this option, the council should have paid the full amount. When the father went into arrears with his account because his family could not afford to pay, the care home threatened to evict him. Instead of realising its mistake and taking over the payments, the council put the burden on the man’s daughter to find another care home. The Ombudsman’s investigation found the council was responsible for overseeing the administration of the ‘top-up’ fee. Even if the family had been obliged to pay the fee, the council had not offered them the option of paying direct to the council, rather than to the care home. The Ombudsman has the power to make recommendations to improve a council’s processes for the wider public. In this case the council should now review its procedures and top-up fee contract to ensure people are offered the option to pay the top-up-fee directly to the council.




Big Demographic Changes For Society Will Impact How We Provision Care Sir Nicholas Soames Calls For “Social Care Tax by Izabella Jagiello, Head of Background Checking at Experian iT’s a well understood phenomenon, but the uK population is changing, and as a society we are living longer, but not necessarily healthier. Key research from the World Health organization this year demonstrated that life expectancy is likely to break 90 years by 2030. More recent indications this year show the rate of growth stalling, it’s likely that any slow in the rate of longevity may be a temporary thing – brought on by socioeconomic changes, and could be reversed once again and have the trend continue on its original course. But even then evidence has also emerged this August from The Lancet that almost 190,000 new care home places will be needed in under two decades to accommodate soaring demand – so for the next two decades the population trend remains on course, and the industry must respond. As of last count, the UK has 14,450 centenarians, and more than 750 are over 105 years old. This is a 72 per cent increase compared to the last decade. Naturally this creates greater reliance on the industry to look after the elderly as the number of aged outstrips the ability of society to care for them in traditional ways. demand For quality care to increase Residential and non-residential care home demand is due to grow significantly over the next 25 years with expected total demand exceeding 2 million compared to 1.1 million in 2011: a 75 per cent increase in 30 years. It is highly skilled workers that society needs to offer care services in this environment. Yet this very issue is a particular challenge for care. Given the scale of the task ahead of the UK, and the scale of the opportunity for the sector, it is essential that care home providers start to plan for growth before the changing demographics of society catch the industry unprepared. A strategic roadmap for employment on-boarding is required. the right employees For the role The process of vetting and accrediting of carers is going to become a key battleground for homes competing to provide quality services. Getting the right workforce in place and then retaining them in the face of the challenges the role brings will become more important for the well-being of a larger cared-for resident population – and to support for the care home organisation’s stable growth. Getting this right results in a strong brand reputation based on excellent service, happy, fulfilled staff, and well-cared for residents. Getting it wrong can result in non-compliance, penalties (or even closure) and of course, unhappy residents and their loved ones. Employee vetting and background checking is increasingly named as one of the core components of organisations across all sectors, Experian has found. It’s even more apparent in the care sector where people’s physical

and psychological needs are the core component of the service. The consequences of an unqualified member of staff might be dire. Basic checks, such as ensuring new and current staff have the right to work in the UK, no disqualifying criminal background, and legitimate qualifications are some of the measures that need to be taken. They also need to be taken fast to ensure business decisions can be made with agility in fast-moving times. Juggling compliance and Faster hiring Compliance is, of course, the primary reason why employers conduct background checks. CQC inspections are routine and ensures that care homes comply with regulation. As part of this process they can request evidence that a suitable disclosure was obtained when an employee was appointed. Recent research discovered that a little under half of employers have reduced the length of the hiring process to hire faster. They still need to ensure they hire quality people that will stay in order for the shorter hiring process to not in fact be inefficient overall. The types of screening and the process and candidate journey when recruiting significantly affects these results. A separate survey found that HR directors average a whole month (27.59 days) recruiting before they find the right employee. It’s easy to understand why time and money tend to be the biggest barriers for performing administrative tasks like background checks. Yet with a changing labour market the competition for roles will become fiercer, and getting the right processes in place to protect residents, employees, the company, and provide return on investment, is crucial. According to The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the average recruitment cost of filling a vacancy is £4,000, increasing to £6,125 when the associated staff turnover costs are included. This is a significant investment on an individual who may be, until vetted, more trouble than they are worth, if they don’t stay. merge compliance and staFF care to one process Some organisations are moving towards a complete end-to-end solution whereby the candidate, upon acceptance, is managed through to contract and throughout their employment. This ensures the business remains compliant, has quality assured employees, and maintains a process specifically tailored to its needs. The process should be more cost effective and efficient than a piecemeal approach. Even simple integration of data and checks outsourced can add incremental value – as can access to online tools that process required information. So, with more and more parents, elderly and dependants poised to need more care in the future, the well-prepared care home needs to have a long term strategy in place. It needs to quality assure, comply and ensure that the right candidates come through and remain in the industry to make a big impact in shaping the organisation of the future. There is a no doubt a strong future for the industry, but only those organisations that properly plan and execute to ride the long-term trends will provide the beat outcomes and see the maximum return.

Care Home Cooks Attend Nestlé Professional Training Day a THird of the kitchen staff from across the orchard Care Homes Group attended a hands-on training day in november, at the nestlé insight and learning Centre in york, as part of an ongoing national partnership between orchard Care Homes and nestlé Professional. The partnership was established earlier this year, with Nestlé Professional supplying a variety of products to Orchard Care Homes. Nestlé are also set to support Orchard Care Homes in the second annual ‘Chef of the Year’ series in 2018. Justin said, “The challenges of cooking within a care home setting revolve around the fact that

many older people live with impairments in taste, smell, and sight. It is important therefore to use versatile ingredients that are highly nutritionally packed, and that go far, offering residents a broader choice of meals and snacks that meet their nutritional needs.” Food and Beverage Manager for Orchard Care Homes Dianne Lilley commented, “The ongoing training and development that we offer our Cooks, in partnership with nationally recognised foodservice brands such as Nestlé, is evidence of how we are continually seeking to improve the mealtime experience. We are pleased that Nestlé has supported us with the delivery of this training course, which will ensure the continued diversification of our menus.”

one oF the Conservative party’s leading figures, sir nicholas soames has called for a ring-fenced tax on people over 40 to pay for elderly care. sir nicholas soames believes those over the age of 40 should have to pay into a national insurance scheme, with the funds raised being used exclusively to meet the costs of social care for the elderly. Currently many in social care end up paying tens of thousands of pounds for home help and care home places, and those who cannot afford the costs of care are funded by the state. Sir Nicholas said: ‘Every day I see families who are desperately anxious about the provision of care for their elderly relatives. It isn’t good enough for this to go on and on.’ He claimed the whole system of adult social care was ‘creaking at the seams’, adding that the social care crisis is the UK’s ‘greatest single problem outside Brexit’. In a parliamentary question, the Mid Sussex MP highlighted Japan, where a compulsory insurance scheme for over-40s to fund social care ‘commands near universal support and seems to work very well’. Junior Health Minister Jackie Doyle-Price said the Government would be ‘looking to experiences in other countries’ for a Green Paper next summer.







Government Must Focus on How Brexit Affects the Voluntary Social Care Sector BrexiT Will undermine support for disabled people unless the government shores up the voluntary social care sector, according to a new report. Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG), representing leading not-for-profit disability support providers, has issued Risks and rights: how social care can survive Brexit. The report illustrates the negative consequences for social care once Britain leaves the EU, such as a loss of EU care workers. It also suggests practical solutions to avoid further instability in the sector. The report calls for government to urgently focus on the issue, given that the exit from the EU coincides with an existing crisis in social care. VODG, a member of the Cavendish Coalition which lobbies on Brexit-related workforce issues, recently warned of the fragile state of social care funding in its True Costs report. According to the Care Quality Commission, the sector is at ‘full stretch’ in terms of funding. The new analysis from VODG outlines how Brexit raises a number of concerns for voluntary sector providers of adult social care, including: • The impact on the sector’s ability to recruit and retain staff (some 90,000 people from EU countries work in adult social care) • The potential for economic downturn and its impact both on the funding of adult social and on the sector’s cost base

• Loss of funding from and partnership opportunities with the EU • The rights of disabled people, as many disability rights originate in EU law • The potential for Brexit to distract from the need to reform the adult social care funding system, and make it sustainable. VODG also sets out solutions to these challenges, recommending that government: • Safeguard the supply of health and social care workers needed to continue delivering safe, high quality care • Work with the relevant bodies to develop a strong, sustainable plan for how the sector can respond to Brexit • Analyse how losing of EU funding affects voluntary sector services • Give assurances that Brexit will not mean that reform of adult social care funding is abandoned. VODG chief executive Rhidian Hughes said: “Social care is already under enormous pressure, so the fresh challenges created by Brexit demand full and focused attention. Since the decision to leave the EU, VODG has consistently lobbied government and has monitored the risks and consequences for the sector. Now we need firm assurances from government that social care remains on its radar. The government must work with us before and after Brexit to safeguard the sector’s future; we have to ensure that support for disabled people is not undermined.”

Former WW2 SAS Serviceman Recalls His Experiences a ForMer sas serviceman residing at a Caerphilly care home has been reminiscing about his time stationed in Malaya and Korea during the second World War. 86 year-old Bob Chidgey, a resident at HC-One’s Trafalgar Park Care Home in Nelson, enlisted on 9th January 1950, joining the Royal Welch Fusiliers at Brecon where he did his basic training before being transferred to Colchester Barracks. On 19th March 1953, he was transferred to the 22nd Special Air Service 1st Battalion Welsh Regiment, where he travelled by troop ship to Changi for basic parachute training, with further training taking place in the jungle that summer. Christine Karanja-Jones, HCOne Care Home Manager at Trafalgar Park, commented: “Bob joined our family back in June with plenty of stories to tell our

staff and residents. We were amazed to learn about his travels during the war and he even dug out his medals to show us. “Bob has led an extremely interesting life and he’s a real character because of it. There’s never a dull moment when he’s around and we felt really privileged to hear all about his time in the SAS during our recent Remembrance Day event.” The decorated soldier attained an array of medals for his contribution to the war effort, including the Korea Medal, the United Nations Service Medal Korea and the General Service Medal Malaya. The SAS was founded in 1941 and is the British Army’s most renowned special forces unit, with the 22nd Regiment carrying out a number of operations worldwide. Their motto, ‘Who Dares Wins,’ has become a popular quote in British culture.







Council Funding to Be Further Cut in Half Over Next Two Years already sTreTCHed councils in england will see the core central government funding they use to pay for vital services incliding protecting children and caring for elderly and disabled people, cut in half over the next two years. The Local Government Association is calling on the Government to use the upcoming Local Government Finance Settlement to provide replacement funding to all councils in 2018/19 and 2019/20. This is the only way to avoid councils reaching a financial breaking point which will threaten the existence of some local services by 2020. The LGA said councils, which have already experienced unprecedented funding cuts since 2010, will see their central government funding further cut by £2.7 billion between 2018/19 and 2019/20 – a 54 per cent reduction. Almost half of all councils – 168 districts, counties, unitaries and London boroughs – will no longer receive a penny of this government funding by 2019/20. Instead, they will actually have to give some extra business rates income back to the Government. The pace of these funding cuts was intended by government to coincide with local government as a whole keeping 100 per cent of its business rates income by 2019/20. These plans will no longer be in place by the end of the decade and remain in doubt after the Local Government Finance Bill, which was passing through parliament before the General Election, was not reintroduced in the Queen’s Speech. Delays to the reforms mean councils are now heading towards a funding “cliff-edge” in two years which some councils and local services could be pushed over without urgent funding. The LGA said funding gaps and rising demand for our

adult social care and children’s services are threatening the vital services which care for our elderly and disabled, protect children and support families and are leaving increasingly little left to fund other services, like cleaning streets, running leisure centres and libraries, and fixing potholes. Without government action in the Local Government Finance Settlement, town halls will need to find billions more in savings to plug even ever-widening funding gaps. As a result, the LGA is calling on Government to use the upcoming Settlement to: • Reduce the pace of reductions of core grant funding to all councils in 2018/19 and 2019/20. • Clarify its intention to allow local government as a whole to keep all of the business rates income it collects. While the LGA remains committed to working with the Government to deliver these reforms, we are clear that any extra income kept by local government needs to be used first and foremost to plug funding gaps. • Publish its planned Fair Funding Review consultation and confirm the date of when it will be implemented. A fairer system of distributing funding between councils is urgently needed. • Commit to not making any further changes to the New Homes Bonus, paid to incentivise housing growth. This is worth £1.25 billion to councils this year and already set to reduce by 28 per cent by 2019/20. • Abolish council tax referendum limits. It should be local authorities and their residents to decide how local services are paid for. No other national tax subject to referenda. • Fully fund the restructuring of the local government pay spine necessary to manage increases in the Government’s National Living Wage over the next two years.


Tackle Malnutrition in The Elderly To Save The NHS And Social Care £15 Billion A Year a Cross-ParTy group of MPs and Peers has issued a rallying call to the Government, to look more closely at the problem of malnutrition in the elderly which is set to cost the nHs and social care £15.7 billion a year by 2030. The MPs and Peers find that: • Despite a continued reduction in absolute poverty amongst pensioners, over a million older people are likely to be malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. • The main causes of this malnutrition are loneliness and isolation, often brought about by a string of setbacks such as bereavement, illness, shop closures and a loss of community transport or Meals on Wheels. • The estimated annual cost of this malnutrition to our country’s health and social care services is £11.9 billion. This sum will increase to £13 billion in 2020, and again to £15.7 billion by 2030. Malnourished older people are more vulnerable to accidents and ill health, for example, and are also more likely to take longer to recover or heal. • Targeted investment in services which protect older people from malnutrition would deliver significant annual savings to the NHS, not least by reducing the number of hospital admissions and limiting the number of days older people spend in hospital. Among the key recommendations to the Government are: • Public Health should be tasked with publishing data on the extent of malnutrition in the elderly. • Screening tools should be used at all levels of care, to identify and subsequently treat in the community as many older people as possible who are either malnourished or at risk of being so.

• A reallocation of existing expenditure on pensioners should be considered, in which Winter Fuel Payments are withdrawn from the richest pensioners and invested in innovative community projects which protect older people from malnutrition by ensuring that, for example, they eat at least one hot meal per day. The group also calls on Britain’s biggest supermarkets to open up a new front in the battle against malnutrition amongst older people. Three reforms, in particular, would move us onto the front foot in this battle: • The provision during set times of the week of assisted shopping, including ‘slow’ or ‘relaxed’ checkout lanes, so that older people can continue to shop independently for the food they wish to eat • Accompanying those shopping sessions with a lunch club in the in-store café area • Subsidising the community travel that older people will require to get to the supermarket, both to buy their shopping and to attend the lunch club Commenting on the report, the group’s chair, Frank Field MP, says: ‘Hidden beneath the radar, there are malnourished older people in this country spending two or three months withering away in their own homes, with some entering hospital weighing five and a half stone with an infection, or following a fall, which keeps them there for several tortuous days, if not weeks. ‘The elimination of malnutrition amongst older people is urgently required for the sake of the NHS, and social care services, but above all for purposes of humaneness. Hence our central recommendation in this report, for a series of innovative pilot schemes that feed and care for older people.’

Congratulations to Sam The Carer “Unsung Hero” Future Healthcare 2018 Exhibition and Conference, 13-14 March 2018, Olympia London

ConGraTulaTions To sam Buckley of The Boynes Care Centre, in Worcestershire a 39 bedroomed residential nursing care home specialising in dementia care, who proved to be a worthy winner of our “Carer Christmas unsung Hero award”! our sales manager sylvia came up with the idea of asking owners and managers in the care industry to nominate somebody or a home they felt worthy of a small award for the work and dedication which can sometimes go unnoticed, Sam was nominated by her manager for her wonderful enthusiasm and dedication and for her compassionate work with residents and helping promote the home, introducing many new initiatives, and we were delighted to send Sam £100 of Marks & Spencer gift vouchers. We had a phenomenal response and it was almost impossible to pick an individual winner from the many many wonderful uplifting nominations we received, so we

decided to add to runners-up, who won £50 each again in Marks and Spencer gift vouchers; Angela O’Connor of Chase Dale care home in Northumberland who was nominated by her manager for her devoted care and attention with residents in the end stages of dementia. Angela is a long-standing carer who through her work has won the respect of her colleagues, residents and resident families, often going far beyond her role as a carer. We were also delighted to include the team of the Jean Garwood House, in South Croydon as a runner-up a charity home dedicated to supporting people with disabilities. The home and the team have gained a wonderful reputation locally with social services as a last resort for disabled people in need, displaying exceptionally high standards of professionalism and dedication and have gone to great lengths in developing the capabilities of disabled residents improving their quality of life. It was very humbling to read some of the fantastic and uplifting nominations which made us proud to be involved in such a dedicated industry, once again well done to the winners and well done to the nominees we are just sorry we could not award everybody!

THe FuTure Healthcare 2018 exhibition and Conference at olympia london, is an event not to be missed. organised in association with uKiHMa, this is the only event in the uK dedicated to showcasing products and services in sustainable and affordable healthcare solutions on a global scale. Future Healthcare 2018 is on track to host more than 4,000 attendees from 45 countries with exhibitors from 25 countries. Excitingly, the conference will be opened by Lord James O’Shaughnessy and Philanthropist and Entrepreneur of Dragon’s Den James Caan. Experts will address the biggest challenges facing 21st century healthcare and will explain how advances in innovation will

offer greater integration and collaboration to better serve future generations, in both the public and private sector. “International Hospitals Group (IHG) are delighted that this event will be happening in the UK, especially at this pivotal point in the future of healthcare.” Chester King, Chairman IHG Asia. “I would like to convey my appreciation to the Future Healthcare team, for facilitating an innovating event and nurturing collaborative brilliance.” Invest in Health Theatre is a unique initiative. Event Director Dawn Barclay-Ross is delighted by the take up for this: “There has been huge interest in this initiative, meaning that we already have 30 young companies ready to participate in the theatre where a host of companies willing to consider offering investment to develop inspiring and life-saving projects both in the UK and internationally will be listening.” Participants will have 10 minutes to tell the audience why their innovations are shaping the future of healthcare around the world. See the advert on page 17 for details of visit







Hospices 'Should Be Used More To Ease Pressure On Hospitals' nearly three quarters of uK adults (73 per cent) say hospice services should be used more to help relieve the pressure on hospitals according to newly released findings of a survey published by the charity Hospice uK. And less than half of adults in the UK (47 per cent) say hospitals are “well-equipped” to provide end of life care according to the survey conducted by ComRes. However, three quarters of those surveyed (75 per cent) say that partnerships between the NHS and hospices improve the quality of care in hospital. The ComRes survey commissioned by the national hospice and palliative care charity indicates there is keen public appetite for more collaboration between the NHS and the UK’s 220 charitable hospices. The findings are published amidst warnings the NHS is facing its worst winter in recent history, largely due to increased demand caused by seasonal illness. Currently, many hospices work in partnership with their local hospital to provide care for people approaching the end of life who are admitted to hospital but who have no clinical need to be there. This care can include support in a hospice in-patient unit, or hospice care provided in someone’s home. In addition, through training and education programmes hospice staff work with palliative care teams in hospitals to help improve the quality

Under Starters Orders WiTH JusT over three months to go, Cleanex 2018 is all lined up and under starters orders. The team are busy behind the scenes putting all the final plans in place and meeting with exhibitors to help them finalise their stands and get the maximum impact from their space. Held at Ascot racecourse, the leading horse racing venue, CleanEx is a must have date in your diary. This is the only UK-based opportunity to see all the latest innovations, supplies and equipment from the leading suppliers all in one place. If you miss this one, it’s another two years to wait to see everyone in one place together again in the UK. This year’s show is set to be the biggest yet. Over 74 exhibitors will be on hand to talk to you about their latest products. Almost all will have working machinery on their stands, giving visitors the opportunity to put products through their paces and witness the results first hand. There are plenty of experts available to provide pro-

of support offered. Some people do need a stay in hospital as part of their end of life care. Hospice UK is leading an initiative called ‘Building on the best”. It aims to ensure staff in acute hospitals are supported to deliver high quality, compassionate end of life care and targets specific areas for improvement. The ComRes survey also highlighted worries among UK adults about where they will die in the future; four in ten (40 per cent) say they are concerned they will not be able to die “in the place of my choice”. Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) say they are “very concerned” about this. Tracey Bleakley, Chief Executive of Hospice UK, said: “This ComRes survey indicates there is a strong public appetite for greater collaboration between the NHS and the UK’s charitable hospices. “By working closely with NHS staff – through training and education programmes – hospices can help improve end of life care for people who need to be supported in hospital. “In addition, hospices can help increase patient choice by providing community-based care alternatives beyond hospital for dying people, which in turn can help free up beds in overstretched acute services. “Hospices can do much to help bolster our overloaded care system but their role is often overlooked. This is not about hospices providing a stopgap for overstretched A&E departments, it is about a viable long-term solution that supports patient choice and also helps ensure that increasingly scant NHS resources are targeted effectively”. fessional guidance offering free advice on problem garments and textiles, with particular emphasis on stain removal. Visitors are invited to bring along a problem item for treatment. There are prize draws and exhibitors often run show-only promotions too so you may find that there are offers available on some of the products you’re considering. The show takes place over two days, a Sunday and a Monday, giving you a choice about when to come to suit your own schedule. It takes place at the magnificent Ascot Racecourse - conveniently located close to the M3, M4, M40 & M25 motorways and to London Heathrow for international visitors. For those coming by train there are regular trains from Reading, London Waterloo and Guildford. The railway station is just a seven-minute walk from the racecourse. On the Sunday evening there’s an informal networking dinner at the nearby Macdonald Berystede Hotel. It’s a relaxed evening that gives a welcome break from the hectic day on the exhibition floor. The last event was very popular with 240 guests so book your place or table early to avoid disappointment. Entry to the exhibition is free. All pre-registered visitors will be entered in to the prize draw. You’ll find all the information and registration details about CleanEx 2018 on the show’s website at

Compliant Care Home Access Control From Abloy seCuriTy exPerT abloy uK has supplied Crediton Care & support Homes ltd (CCsH) with a compliant electric locking solution for Kite House, a new care facility in Crediton, devon. CCSH specialise in providing residential care for people with Autism, Aspergers, Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Issues. Barn conversion, Kite House is the newest of its facilities, offering a full range of residential, day-care and domiciliary services. Exeter-based Guardian Security handles all the security needs of CCSH, and was responsible for selecting the best solution to fit the requirements of Kite House. Specialists in access control, Guardian Security created a bespoke security solution, specifying seven Abloy solenoid electric locks to work in conjunction with the existing access control system. One of the key requirements for Kite House was the ability to lock down the facilities at any given point, and isolate areas such as the kitchen and quiet rooms if needed. They also wanted the facility to feel more like a home and less like a hospital, to make patients feel comfortable and relaxed in their surroundings. Abloy EL560, EL460, and EL561 locks were recom-

mended for use in the doors of high-traffic buildings because they can withstand the heavy usage that comes from many people using the door for access daily, making them ideal for this installation. Only the outside handle is electrically controlled, and the lock can always be opened by inside handle for easy egress. Mechanical opening by cylinder is always possible too, and the EL560, EL460, and EL561 locks are also compliant with EN179 and EN1125 Fire and Escape standards. Sean Monger of Guardian Security, commented: “For Kite House we had quite specific requirements when it came to access control. The locking solutions didn’t just need to be functional - they also had to be durable and of the highest quality. “Abloy was the first choice, as its locks offered the highest quality and reliability, were able to withstand physical strength, and they also conform to regulations and compliance. James Moore of CCSH, added: “The works that were undertaken were done to a high standard and they have been helpful in responding to any enquiries that we have had.” For further information on any of the products and services available from Abloy UK, please call 01902 364 500 or email

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Prime Minister Helps Care Home Resident Celebrate Her 109th Birthday THeresa May took time out of her busy schedule last month to help one of her constituents to celebrate a very special birthday. Irene Thompson, a resident at Clara Court care home celebrated her 109th birthday on 11thDecember, and as well as spending time with her family and friends, she was joined by special guests, Theresa and Philip May. The Prime Minister and her husband visited the home, where they spent time chatting with Irene and her family, before joining the rest of the residents and the Care UK team in celebrating Irene’s landmark birthday. To mark the occasion, the home team held a special party, where Irene and the Prime Minister were the guests of honour, and there were plenty of treats and musical entertainment for everyone to enjoy. Born in 1908, Irene lived in Richmond, South London, and has lived through two world wars. She remembers the death of the Queen’s father, and the Queen’s coronation, where she took part in the many street parties of the time. Irene married her husband on 30th September 1939 at the Registry Office in Kingston, Surrey, and worked as a telephone operator, but had to give

up her job during the Second World War. After giving birth to her son, Ian, Irene became a full-time housewife and mother. Irene was married to her husband for 61 years until he passed away, just before their diamond anniversary. Irene remained living in her own home until she was 108, with occasional carers coming to support her, until she moved to Clara Court in January 2017. Irene said the secret to a long life is always being happy and content with life. Debbie Winwood, home manager at Clara Court, said: “It was an honour to welcome Theresa May to Clara Court for what was an enjoyable afternoon celebrating Irene’s birthday. Irene was looking forward to celebrating with her family and friends, and there was a real buzz of excitement when the Prime Minister’s visit was announced. “Residents are at the heart of everything we do here at Clara Court and we always like to make an occasion of important milestones such as birthdays. Irene had a really wonderful time celebrating with her family and friends, and we were delighted to welcome Theresa May and her husband who helped make the day even more special.”

apetito Tops Sustainable Fish Cities Caterers League Table for 2017 aPeTiTo, suPPlier of meals to the health and social care sector, has topped the sustainable Fish Citiescaterers league table for 2017. The league table follows Sustainable Fish Cities’ call for all contract catering companies to commit to and publish a robust sustainable fish buying policy. This comes after its investigation found wide variations in how well contract catering companies are checking and sourcing sustainable fish, with red-rated species being sold by some caterers. The announcement recognises apetito’s commitment to producing the highest standard of food, placing its ethical and sustainable policy at the core of the business and its objectives. From ensuring all employees are paid the Real Living Wage, to only using sustainable seafood, defined by the Marine Conservation Society, apetito is proud to make a real difference in these areas Commenting on the results, Laura Hardman, apetito’s Ethical and Sustainable Manager, said, “We’re absolutely delighted to be ranked as

leaders, taking first place on the Sustainable fish catering 2017 league table. We strive to ensure the ingredients we source allow us to make great quality, nutritious meals that have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of both our consumers and the planet. “We will continue to challenge ourselves to set a higher standard and deliver against our ethical and sustainable objectives in the years to come.” Ruth Westcott, Coordinator of Sustainable Fish Cities, added, “apetito deserves to come top of the Sustainable Fish Cities league table. It has proven it takes sustainable fish sourcing seriously. We were particularly impressed by the proportion of fish in its meals which is Marine Stewardship Council certified or rated 1-2 by the Marine Conservation Society. apetito is setting the standard for others to follow. Well done” During autumn 2017, Sustainable Fish Cities conducted a survey of the main contract catering companies in the UK to find out how well businesses are supporting marine conservation through sustainable fish policies and actions.





STP Funding Used As “Quick Fix NHS Solution 2018 Could Be 'Year of No Return for Social Care' addiTional FundinG, aimed to help the nHs get on a financially sustainable footing, has instead been spent on coping with existing pressures, according to the national audit office’s (nao) report, published today. The NHS received an additional £1.8 billion Sustainability and Transformation Fund in 2016-17 to give it breathing space to set itself up to survive on significantly less funding growth from 2017-18 onwards. It was also intended to give it stability to improve performance and transform services, to achieve a sustainable health system. The Fund has helped the NHS improve its financial position from a £1,848 million deficit in 2015-16 to a £111 million surplus in 2016-17[1]. Within the overall position, the combined trust deficit reduced to £791 million in 2016-17 from £2,447 million in 2015-16. There has also been an improved underspend of £154 million across clinical commissioning groups, yet 62 groups reported a cumulative deficit in 2016-17, up from 32 in 2015-16. Despite its overall financial position improving, the NHS is struggling to manage increased activity and demand within its budget and has not met NHS access targets. Furthermore, measures it took to rebalance its finances have restricted money available for longer-term transformation, which is essential for the NHS to meet demand, drive efficiencies and improve the service. For example, the Department transferred £1.2 billion of its £5.8 billion budget for capital projects to fund the day-today activities of NHS bodies. On top of this funding, many trusts are receiving large levels of in-year cash injections, most of which are loans from the Department, which have worsened rather than

improved their financial performance. Extra cash support increased from £2.4 billion in 2015-16 to £3.1 billion in 2016-17. Clinical commissioning groups and trusts are increasingly reliant on one-off measures to deliver savings, rather than recurrent savings that are realised each year. Between 2014-15 and 2016-17 the percentage of savings that were non-recurrent increased from 14% to 17% for commissioners, and from 14% to 22% for trusts. This poses a significant risk to the financial sustainability of the NHS in the future. Progress has been made in setting up 44 new partnership arrangements across health and local government, which are laying the foundations for a more strategic approach to meeting the demand for health services within the resources available. In reality, partnerships’ effectiveness varies and their tight financial positions make it difficult for them to shift focus from short-term day-today pressures to delivering transformation of services. The NAO has made a number of recommendations to the Department, NHS England and NHS Improvement, which includes moving further and faster towards aligning nationwide incentives, regulation and processes, as well as reassessing how best to allocate the sustainability and transformation funding. “The NHS has received extra funding, but this has mostly been used to cope with current pressures and has not provided the stable platform intended from which to transform services. Repeated short-term funding-boosts could turn into the new normal, when the public purse may be better served by a long-term funding settlement that provides a stable platform for sustained improvements”.

soCial Care could pass the point of no return in 2018 unless the Government orders emergency action to support the sector ahead of any reforms arising from its promised green paper.

Directors of adult social services are warning that tens of thousands more older and disabled people will go without the support they need next year – and many working adults will have to give up jobs to help care for their parents – if urgent steps are not taken to back the sector with special interim funding and a new national strategy to recruit and retain care workers and nurses for nursing homes. So many organisations that provide care are quitting the sector because of low returns and severe recruitment problems that directors fear the damage will become irreversible in 2018. Margaret Willcox, President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), said: “We eagerly await the green paper on support of older people and the extensive reforms that are needed to place social care on a sustainable long-term footing. But we must have action in the short term to ensure that the system can survive. “The crisis facing us is so acute that we fear social care could pass the point of no return in 2018 while we wait for decisions to be made.” ADASS has welcomed the Government’s commitment to the green paper on care and support of older people – and to a parallel programme of work on meeting the support needs of younger adults – and the £2 billion emergency funding announced for the sector in the Budget last spring, half of which is available this year. The greater flexibility to raise council tax that was given

to local councils in last week’s local government finance settlement will do very little to help, however, and will be of minimal benefit to areas with lower property values where care needs are often greatest. But directors are reporting that providers continue to hand back contracts for home care and refuse to accept admissions to care homes at rates councils can afford. In a growing number of areas in England, it is becoming extremely difficult to find providers willing to take on home care work. ADASS is warning that the sector cannot wait until reforms resulting from the green paper. The consultative document is not due until next summer and any decisions are unlikely before 2019 at the earliest. Ministers have already promised to produce an interim carers’ action plan to support the 6.5 million unpaid carers without whose commitment the system would collapse. Directors are calling on the Government to honour that promise speedily and build on it with interim packages for funding and workforce. On funding, ADASS says that the one-off £2 billion will do nothing to close the sector’s funding gap, estimated independently to be on course to reach £2.1 billion by 2020. By the end of March 2018, councils in England will have made cumulative savings in adult social care of more than £6 billion since 2010. On workforce, a concerted initiative is needed to address the sector’s turnover rate of almost 28% and the 90,000 job vacancies reported every day. Ministers need to give strong backing to Skills for Care, the sector skills agency, which is consulting in January on ideas for a national recruitment strategy.

Adaptawear’s Ladies & Men’s Trousers For Winter adaPTaWear are pleased to announce that its best-selling Trouble Free & drop Front Trousers are now back in stock for both Men and Women! • Drop Front Trousers – available in men’s or ladies styles; these smart, stylish trousers open wide to the hips with Velcro fastenings on the waistband. Perfect for customers who struggle with limited dexterity and need help with dressing or toileting.

Flowers Make Us Feel Good! Wellbeing is at the forefront of care home agendas. a regular dose of nature is widely accepted to contribute to wellbeing. However, it can sometimes be hard to get out and about. A way to ‘bring the outside in’ is to enjoy having flowers in the home. A Harvard study found that being close to flowers at home reduced people’s feelings of anxiety and depression, increased feelings of kindness and compassion, and had an overall positive impact on wellbeing. A study by Rutgers University involving senior citizens being given different gifts, showed that receiving flowers had lasting positive effects on moods. Those receiving flowers reporting a decrease in depression, a widening of social contact

Available in sizes Small – XX Large in choice of colours. • Trouble Free Trousers – available in men’s or ladies styles, these smart tailored trousers open down to the hips with discreet zips on both sides to aid dressing and toileting. Optional elastic waistband. Available in sizes Small – XX Large in choice of colours. For more information on Adaptawear’s Product Range please visit Carer readers please quote TC141 for 10% discount off your first order. See the advert on page 7. and even scoring more highly on memory tests compared with those who received alternate gifts. MeadowSweet lovingly creates posies of British, seasonal flowers with a different design each week. Tailor-made for the care home sector, fresh flowers arrive boxed and already arranged in a vase of water. They are perfect to display by a bedside or on a coffee table. Packaging, vases and green waste are reused and recycled at each delivery. If you’d like to offer a regular flower service to residents in your premier rooms, or if you are looking for a thoughtful gift for a loved one, why not take a look at our MeadowSweet posy subscription service. Our beautiful flowers are full of fragrance and nostalgia and are guaranteed to brighten both the room and the spirits! Currently available in Bournemouth, Poole and East Dorset. (see our advert on page 3).







NACC Care Chef of The Year 2018 Competition Opens for Entries Royal Badge Manufacturer Secures £1.2million Investment The naCC Care Chef of the year 2018 competition is now officially open for entries. The National Association of Care Catering’s (NACC) prestigious culinary competition seeks out the nation’s best chef working in the care sector. Designed to continually challenge care chefs, the competition requires them to create new exciting recipes whilst adhering to a strict budget and meeting the nutritional needs of their clientele. It also celebrates the excellent talent, skills and professionalism of chefs in the sector and raises its profile as a rewarding, dynamic career choice. Sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Cooks and Premier Foods, the NACC Care Chef of the Year 2018 is open to chefs from across the care sector – including residential homes, local authorities and other care organisations, plus community services such as meals on wheels, day centres and luncheon clubs. The deadline for entries is Friday 2 February 2018. The NACC Care Chef of the Year competition challenges entrants to create a nutritionally-balanced, twocourse menu (main and dessert) that is suitable for service users in a care setting. The combined food cost for both courses should be no more than £2.25 per head based on

Services for the Less Able our serviCe has been built to provide our Clients in both nursing Home and Private home locations, with a service second to none. so should the need arise for you to call upon us for our specialised service you can be sure that the service we provide will be carried out quickly and efficiently, giving full customer satisfaction and peace of mind. S & T Services is a small group of Engineers who are all factory trained, as well as their expert knowledge and experience in servicing and repairing products

three portions and it must be nutritionally balanced. The menu must also incorporate one of the Premier Foods brands listed in the competition entry brochure. Participating chefs will have just 90 minutes to produce their dishes and they will be expected to demonstrate nutritional understanding of the foods they are using, plus culinary flair through flavours, execution and presentation. All paper entries will be judged by a central judging panel that will be looking for innovation, costing, suitability for the environment, adherence to nutrition guidelines, taste and overall menu balance. Successful entrants will be invited to compete at the regional heats in March 2018*, where they will have 90 minutes to produce their dishes and demonstrate their skill set under the watchful eye of the competition judges. The two highest-scoring competitors from each regional heat will secure a place in the national final on Wednesday 6 June 2018 at Barking & Dagenham Technical Skills Academy. Here they will compete for the coveted title NACC Care Chef of the Year 2018. For more information on the NACC Care Chef of the Year 2018 competition and to download an entry form visit

from leading Manufacturers of Specialist Bathing and Lifting equipment such as Chiltern Invadex, Arjo, Huntleigh, BHM, Invacare, Reval, Oxford, Sunrise Medical and Parker Baths. With access to several manufacturers’, we are able to advise & recommend equipment most suitable to the individual needs for both the resident & carer! We are also able to source both new & refurbished equipment such as baths, hoists, beds, wheelchairs and other equipment associated with special needs with warranties at competitive prices. For further information call 01386 765877, email: or visit See the advert on page 15 for details.

Don't Miss The Manchester Cleaning Show! iF you do one THinG THis year… don’t miss the Manchester Cleaning show - 11-12 april, event City, Manchester. This regional show is now in its second edition after an incredible launch event featured on BBC Breakfast in 2016. Hygiene remains a large challenge for the care home sector with the spread of germs hitting the most vulnerable hardest. By keeping up-to-date with the latest innovations in cleaning products and equipment, you can make sure you are caring for your

clients in the best way possible. Event highlights include a fantastic line-up of speakers giving advice on future proofing your business, recruitment, health and safety and creating business growth. The 2018 exhibition has grown with 100 exhibitors offering demonstrations, discounts and advice to the thousands of visitors expected to attend. Sign up for your free pass now online at

a noTTinGHaM-Based manufacturer of bespoke name tags and badges has received a £1.2million investment from Frontier development Capital (FdC). The deal will see the business pursue further expansion plans, including welcoming new director ian Bradbeer FCMa to the existing management team. Established in 1992, Badgemaster produces around 250,000-300,000 badges each month for more than 30,000 customers, with approximately 5million people wearing its badges every day. The business has delivered products for clients including Harrods, Selfridges, Waitrose, John Lewis, Boots, Nandos, Thorntons, Virgin Atlantic, O2, Centre Parcs, Costa, Easy Jet and Premier Inn. In 2006, the firm was awarded the Royal Warrant for its work supplying badges to the staff of the Royal Households, achieving worldwide recognition. John Bancroft MBE, Managing Director at Badgemaster, said: “Badgemaster is built on strong customer loyalty and a track record for delivering quality badges at competitive prices. Being able to provide our clients with an extensive range of products with a focus on customer service and quality has helped us to achieve continuous year-on-year growth. With this new investment from FDC, we can plan and prepare for the next exciting chapter in Badgemaster’s story. We want to ensure that the business

Victor Manufacturing Limited For moving, storing, and holding hot and cold foods, uK equipment producer, victor manufacturing can help. With 70 years of manufacturing experience, Victor is able to deliver an extensive range of catering equipment suitable for a wide range of organisations, including hotels, restaurants, hospitals, sporting arenas and educational establishments. The product range includes gas & electric hot cupboards, hot plates, kitchen passes, heated plate dispensers

Hughes Trade Hughes Trade is a one-stop-shop for everything electrical. From radios to televisions, kettles to washing machines and urns to fryers, we keep huge stocks so products can be delivered where and when you need them - at the best prices. For Care Homes in the Midlands, Kent and East of England, Hughes Trade Commercial department also provide a professional and competitive commercial laundry product supply (sales and rental) and service, with Miele Professional trained engineers who are also fully conversant with IPSO, ADC, Primus, Huebsch, Electrolux and Hobart. All work is fully guaranteed and

continues to improve, evolve with technology, invest in our staff and establish an even stronger management team to take the business forward in the years to come”. John Bancroft MBE founded Badgemaster with his wife Vicky in 1992, with the couple working from a portacabin. The pair have grown the business each year, with the firm now employing a 88-strong team at its manufacturing facility in Newstead, Nottinghamshire. John was awarded an MBE in 2013 for his services to business. Graham Mold, Senior Investment Director Frontier Development Capital, said: “Badgemaster is a hugely successful family run family business built on strong foundations and values. Their ability to act as a one stop shop for all types of product is a major differentiator, and their focus on quality and customer service is second to none. We are delighted to be involved in the next phase of the Badgemaster growth story.” Paul Bevan of Mazars, who advised on the deal, said: ‘John and Vicky have worked tirelessly over the last 25 years to establish a wonderful business and it has been a pleasure helping to secure this latest round of funding, which will allow them to develop the business further. Excellent support from FDC.” Freeths and Nelsons provided legal advice for FDC and Badgemaster respectively. Telephone - 01623 723112 Website - and warmers, counter top servery units, pie heaters, pasty warmers, heated drawer units, refrigerated salad wells, deli bars & counters, patisserie units, heated tiled, ceramic & glass top carvery counters, bespoke and custom food servery counters, mobile heated and refrigerated servery units as well as a comprehensive range of drop-in gastronorm compatible hot and cold food service modules. The entire range of Victor products are all handled and managed efficiently through the company's comprehensive network of national and local distributors. For further details visit or see the advert on page 18. undertaken by longstanding industry professionals to the highest standards. Hughes Trade has been supplying Care Homes for many years; our fully trained advisors are on hand to assist with your selection, provide clear paperwork and offer credit account facilities subject to references. After 96 years in business and a turnover in excess of £100m, as the business supply department of one of the UK’s largest and most successful electrical retailers, Hughes Electrical, we know the value of customer service. We would love to price for your business; we won’t let you down. Please contact the National Sales team for further details. Tel: 01603 750444 Fax: 01603 750445 See the advert on page 11 for further details.








Controlling Infections Waterproof Bedding Protection That Doesn’t Feel Waterproof

By Graham Harvey, MD of leading biotechnology company, BioCote Ltd Measures To ConTrol the spread of infection are widely practiced, but limited, so a proven complementary strategy is to integrate antimicrobial additives into surfaces to make them inhospitable to bacteria. With Public Health England predicting that increasing antibiotic resistance could lead to 10 million deaths by 2050 worldwide, plus leading economist Lord Jim O’Neill saying it could also cost the global economy $100 trillion – when it comes to care and nursing homes reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAI’s) can only be achieved by decision makers being more open to innovative technology. The current HCAI regime of infection prevention and control strategies (including hand hygiene, cleaning and training procedures) has long proven to be ineffective. Care settings play a major part in spreading the infections - they are a breeding ground because of shared facilities and enclosed environments, circulated air, common contact surfaces and extended mixing. Common disinfectants have limited residual effects and bacterial populations are rapidly displaying increased resistance. Silver ion antimicrobial technology, however, makes all kinds of surfaces inhospitable to pathogenic microorganisms. It has no specific site of microbial attack, making evolution of resistance extremely difficult, destroying up to 99.99% of harmful bacteria, fungi (including invasive species like Candida auris), and even flu viruses within two hours - through proven protein and oxidative damage, membrane disruption and DNA interference. Additives are introduced during the manufacturing process and exert, by chemical or mechanical means, a negative effect on any contaminating microbe causing them to die. Antimicrobial silver is multi-modal (as opposed to antibiotics which work only in a unimodal manner) and is effective against a wide range of superbugs, including MRSA which is responsible for a range of complications such as skin infections and more seriously blood infections, plus VRE which cause severe gastrointestinal conditions and survive for many months on hard surfaces.

Equally susceptible to silver in an ionic state is E. coli, which is particularly prevalent in the UK and best known for disease related to the urinary tract, plus carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) like Klebsiella pneumoniae – both particularly nasty causes of surgical wound infection. CPE has been classed as the most ‘critical’ group of bacteria by the World Health Organisation because it poses a particular threat in care and nursing homes and among elderly and medically compromised patients whose care requires devices such as ventilators and blood catheters. CPE also encompasses the likes of Escherichia, Shigella and Salmonella, which can cause severe, sometimes deadly, infections like septicaemia and pneumonia. With the numbers of antibiotic resistant bacteria continuing to grow, current methods to control multi-drug resistant pathogenic bacteria are increasingly limited. However, antimicrobial technology can successfully be combined with thorough hand-washing practices and regular cleaning to minimise cross-contamination and become an essential and far reaching element of healthcare infection control. Because it does not wear out or wipe off surfaces, it can provide a continuous decontamination effect and a ‘live’ five month care home study demonstrated a 95% reduction in total microorganism counts when comparing a unit (bedroom and bathroom) with and without antimicrobial treated products – this peer-reviewed study was first published in Wound Care and the British Journal of Community Nursing. Going one step further, a Birmingham University study demonstrated visually, via epifluorescent microscopy and molecular dyes, the ability of antimicrobial technology to inhibit biofilm formation on treated plastic. The test organism for this work was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a problematic disease-causing bacterium, particularly in the immune compromised and in care settings) and via the international standard IS022196:2011 it exhibited a highly significant antimicrobial action (99.7% reduction) against P. aeruginosa whilst in its biofilm state. Granted, antimicrobial technology doesn’t remove the need for regular cleaning, but it is arguably the best complementary strategy - with integrated antimicrobial protection providing a much more comprehensive and robust solution to contamination within residential and nursing care homes.

carewell living’s waterproof bedding protection range is high quality and discreet – they really do have to be felt to be believed. they take a much needed, but also much maligned product and transform it into comfortable, soft, undetectable piece of bedding that is breathable. Absorbent and waterproof, they are a great natural alternative to sweaty plastic under sheets. The undetectable layer of polyurethane that makes these bedding protectors waterproof also acts as an anti-allergy barrier, protecting against dust mites – a major cause of increasingly common conditions

asthma and hayfever. Available in both brushed cotton and Tencel fabric, in fitted and flat sheet styles – it’s difficult to see how something that feels so luxurious can be so practical. Tencel is made from sustainably sourced naturally hygienic wood cellulose fibres, its natural waterproof and absorption properties draw moisture away to keep you cool at night, whilst inhibiting bacteria, mould and mites. Their cotton protectors soft to the touch, naturally absorbent and breathable without negotiating on their practicality. For more information on Carewell Living bedding protection, please visit

Free Factsheet on MRSA for Care Homes inFeCTion ConTrol specialist, Cairn Care, has launched a fact sheet on Mrsa or Meticillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. Whilst MRSA bacteria can live harmlessly on the skin or in the nose, it can lead to infections when it gets through the skin via a wound or indwelling device such as a catheter. These infections can range from mild skin infections such as boils and skin abscesses, through to very serious illnesses like pneumonia and septicaemia. As Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus has become resistant to Meticillin and other antibiotics, it can prove very difficult to treat. As a result, it is important to take basic precautions with any care home residents that have MRSA. To help care homes do this, Cairn Care’s free factsheet includes 12 tips for effective

infection control of MRSA, a visual handwashing guide and other useful advice. Dr. Peter Binns, Managing Director of Cairn Care says: “The launch of our free guide on MRSA is particularly timely given the findings of a recent study which showed that MRSA is widespread in our community. This is contrary to the common belief that most outbreaks and transmissions occur in hospital. “In fact, researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine identified 173 separate infection clusters in a 12-month period in the East of England alone. This shows that care homes should not be complacent when it comes to managing the spread of this particular bacteria.” To request your free MRSA fact sheet ‘Caring for residents with MRSA in your care home’ email

Hand Hygiene Can Help Defeat Winter Bugs EACH YEAR at around this time, we are warned of the dangers of influenza (‘flu’). The strain may vary, but the effect remains largely the same. This year it’s Australian Flu that’s impacting our health. 1 Reports stated that 4.5 million people in England were suffering “influenza-like symptoms” in January and 24 people died from flu in the UK in a single week. Chris Wakefield, Vice President, European Marketing & Product Development, GOJO Industries – Europe Limited, says hand hygiene is crucial in limiting the spread of this seasonal virus. The importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of illness cannot be overestimated. Contaminated hands can sequentially transfer some viruses to up to seven surfaces and fourteen people can be contaminated by touching the same object. Put those figures together and it’s easy to see how one person’s illness can spread widely and quickly; even before you consider them coming into direct contact with anyone. The situation is made worse by the fact that some pathogens can live on surfaces for weeks or even months meaning a high potential for clients, staff and visitors to be exposed.

A requirement, not an added extra The simple act of hand washing can make a huge difference to health, helping to prevent the spread of germs. Hundreds of studies published over the past 20 years show it reduces Healthcare Associated Infections by between 25% and 50%. Vaccines are a powerful weapon in the battle against flu, but they are not a universal panacea. They can only protect against the three or four viruses that research suggests will be most common each year. Hand washing is the first line of defence to help minimise winter infections. By providing access to effective and attractive hand hygiene systems, incorporating soaps and sanitisers that appeal to the senses of touch and smell, care environments can boost the health and well-being of everyone at their facilities.

Not something to be sniffed at Flu can be debilitating, often leaving people bed-ridden and unable to work for several days. Symptoms include fever/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle pain, headaches and fatigue – a formidable list to which even the healthiest person would find it hard not to succumb. For those already requiring care, the infection can be a lot more serious. Hand hygiene systems in care environments should incorporate easy-to-use and effective products, and these should be freely and widely available. Washrooms are central in combatting infection, and the provision of pleasant and effective soap in dispensers that are simple to operate and built to last is vital. A hand sanitiser dispenser at the exit can also improve hygiene.

reception/waiting areas, beside lifts, and eating areas or canteens are all touch points with a high risk of contamination. Supplying hand sanitiser dispensers in these areas – wall-mounted, freestanding, or in pump bottles placed on tables or desktops – can reduce the threat. Travelsized bottles can also be kept in a pocket or bag, or attached to a belt loop or a bag for hand hygiene wherever you go.

The wrong soap can make the situation worse Even with the best intentions, it is possible that washing hands won’t in itself prevent infections. In fact in some cases, bulk refillable soaps, can actually cause more problems. Pouring the soap into the open reservoir increases the risk of germs, dust and insects, which circulate unseen in the air, permeating the soap. The resulting bacteria not only pollute the soap, but can also coat the inside of the soap dispenser. This creates a biofilm which is extremely hard to clean, so each time the dispenser is refilled, the bacteria contaminates the new soap. Refills which are hygienically sealed at the factory and simply ‘snapped’ into place on site are the smart, safe and sustainable option. They mean that the soap is never exposed to the outside environment, ensuring it is contamination-free.

For more information on GOJO dispensers and formulations call +44 (0)1908 588444, email or visit

High traffic areas such as 1




HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Novel Partnership Creates Europe’s First Antimicrobial Nitrile Gloves TWo World leaders in their respective fields have combined their expertise to create europe’s first bona fide antimicrobial nitrile examination gloves. Unigloves® new Fortified single use gloves incorporate silver ion technology from BioCote®, which has been scientifically proven to destroy 90% of harmful bacteria within just 15 minutes and 99.5% in only two hours. BioCote is proven effective against E.coli and Salmonella, antibiotic resistant superbugs like MRSA, VRE, CPE and CRE, invasive fungi species such as Candida auris, plus H1N1 influenza, H7N9 and the current Aussie/French flu strain. Chris Wahlers, Managing Director of Unigloves, says:

"As a renowned solutions provider, we’re confident that Fortified will quickly become a must have for our healthcare and hygiene critical clients. Such premises are a breeding ground because of shared facilities and enclosed spaces, circulated air, common contact surfaces and extended mixing." Guy Charteris, Partner Development Manager for BioCote, adds: "What a forward thinking and innovative partner like Unigloves also gets from BioCote is a complete support package – this covers all things antimicrobial, not to mention data to support any marketing claims (a legal requirement)." Request a sample at request-a-sample

Keep Residents Infection-Free With Good Hand Hygiene nursinG and residential care organisations need to focus on adopting good hand hygiene routines this summer to prevent the spread of infection and illness among its residents. “Changes in temperatures can lead to an increase in the number of infection outbreaks,” says Manty Stanley, managing director at TEAL Patents. “Washing hands with soap under running, warm water is the gold standard in hand hygiene and does more than any gel or wipe to prevent the

spread of infection. If it is just a question of access to running water, TEAL has the solution.” Working with nursing and residential care organisations for over 10 years, TEAL has developed a range of units specifically for operation in nursing and care home environments. All TEAL units are available to buy or hire for delivery to an address in the UK within 24 hours. For further information, please visit: W: T: 0121 770 0593 E:

Incontinence UK: Multi-Pack Discounts on Kylie Washable Pants incontinence uK stocks the well-known Kylie® washable incontinence pants for ladies and men and is offering a multi-pack discount on purchases of 7 pairs or more. Trusted by the nHs, nurses, carers and individuals the fashionable Kylie® washable underwear is fitted with the unique Kylie® leakguard protection as well as offering excellent levels of absorbency suitable for urinary incontinence. Kylie Lady Washable Incontinence Pants MULTI PACK DISCOUNT - BUY 7 PAIRS AND GET £10 OFF! These soft ladies incontinence briefs look and feel like normal under-

wear but have a built in incontinence pad (absorbency 350ml). Available in black or white in sizes S – XXL. Kylie Men Washable Incontinence Pants MULTI PACK DISCOUNT - BUY 7 PAIRS AND GET £10 OFF! These soft men incontinence yfront pants look and feel like normal underwear but have a built in incontinence pad (absorbency 350ml). Available in black or white in sizes S – XXL. For more information on the full Incontinence UK’s Product Range please visit Carer readers please quote CARER18 for 10% discount off your first order.

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection angloplas are a uK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (hcais) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to

Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code. There you can use the easy online shopping system, or alternatively if you are NHS or an account customer, via an emailed or faxed purchase order. You can also view and/or download the latest catalogue and price list.

Aromapersonal - Caring Products For People Who Care THe aroMaPersonal range comprises professional-grade cleaning, hygiene, odour management, protective personal and ‘spill clean-up’ products that counter common care home cleaning problems including bodily fluid spills and malodour. Combining the power and efficacy of professional grade hygiene products with premium perfumes and essential oils, aromapersonal products create a hygienic, clean living environment without any residual bleach or institutional chemical smell. Aromapersonal products have been created by Quentin Steele, an expert with 30 years’ cleaning industry experience in hygiene and odour management, and Julie Foster, an expert aromatherapist, perfumer and product designer

Sorted for Safety a Wide range of waste is produced in nursing and residential care homes. Managing it safely is every healthcare professional’s responsibility. infectious wastes must be made ready for safe disposal and never mixed with domestic/residual waste streams or recyclable materials. The safe management of healthcare manual (previously known as the Health Technical Memorandum 07-01) provides a framework for the process of classifying types of waste. Once sorted, the next step is to use the right type of container for each type of waste, including vari-

with first-hand experience of caring. They understand how to combine anti-bacterial ingredients and bioenzymes - to break down the proteins found in vomit, bodily fluids and faeces that can be hard to clean from surfaces, floors and textiles – with natural fragrances to create a hygienically clean, fragrant environment. This extensive innovative range includes: Direct to Floor Cleansing and Deodorising Formula and Hard Surface Antibacterial Cleansing & Deodorising Formula that you simply spray and wipe away; Bio-Enzyme Odour Management Formula to break down proteins in bodily fluids; Loo Guard to repel faecal splashes and stains; Absorbent Aromatic Granules to absorb toilet spills and a Nose Guard Aromatic Balm to minimise odour during caring tasks. Visit for further details. ous colour coded sacks, for instance: yellow bags – infectious waste which must be sent for incineration orange bags – infectious waste which can be sent for alternative treatment to render it safe prior to disposal Tiger bags – offensive waste that does not pose an infection risk which may be sent for energy recovery. These can include items with bodily fluids such as stoma or catheter bags, incontinence pads and hygiene waste. Speak to your supplier for more information.




HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL Air-Freshening Solutions for Care Homes Infection Control Resources FdT’s oxy-gen Powered range of air-freshening systems are designed to counter the unpleasant odours that can present themselves despite the presence of a thorough cleaning regime. The system eliminates malodour, while emanating beautiful, freshsmelling fragrances into the air. It uses a patented medical grade technology to deliver fresh scent and control odour. The patented, environmentally-friendly, Oxy-gen® Powered technology provides consistent, continuous fragrance without particulates, propellants or solvents. Care homes have the option of the colourful VIVA!e air freshening system, the latest innovation - programmable Oxygen-Pro or the tamper-proof SHIELD model. Unlike aerosols which spray every 15 minutes, Oxy-gen Powered system releases fresh fragrance oil continuously for round the clock freshness. Oxy-gen Powered cartridges are REACH, IFRA and CARB compliant. The proprietary odour neutralising agent, Neutra-lox eliminates malodours instead of masking them. This means care homes can ensure a cheerful and pleasant smelling environment, without worrying about any harmful side effects.

The Oxygen-Pro can be programmed to work for 30, 60 or 90 days, with the flexibility of two cartridge sizes. Two new targeted malodor eliminator cartridges have been introduced, aimed at specific tasks. The Neutra-Lox Super is specifically meant for facilities such as hospitals and care homes, where odor elimination is a challenge; this cartridge has a concentrated form of FDT’s proprietary Neutra-Lox malodor technology with just a hint of fragrance. Kleer, a 100% natural plant-oil based malodour eliminator, has been scientifically proven to eliminate ‘any and all malodors’ in areas like garbage rooms where strong odors is a particular problem. The Oxy-gen Powered products, with their safe and effective odour-eliminating and fragrancing capability, shall prove to be great environment-enhancers for all care homes. For further information visit

Ontex - Personal Hygiene Solutions onTex is a leading international producer of disposable personal hygiene solutions for all generations. offering a comprehensive range of continence products, supported by a dedicated team of professionals providing leading levels of customer service. Recognising the importance of face-to face contact with customers, Ontex have invested in a large team of

qualified nurses who offer and training and support (on their iD and Lille branded products) to Care Homes and the NHS. Ontex is a key supplier to over 300 NHS organisations and is currently NHS Scotland’s preferred supplier Their quality, value-for-money products are also distributed in more than 110 countries through retailer private labels and leading brands including iD Expert and Lille. | | Please see the advert on page 9 for details.

KalGUARD Offers Maximum Benefits For Limescale Control liMesCale ConTrol is recommended for any business located within a hard water area, and especially those that rely on the availability of hot water, such as restaurants, care homes, schools, leisure facilities and hotels. If left unchecked, limescale can lead to problems such as higher energy bills (British Water estimates that just 1.6mm of limescale can increase a heating system’s fuel requirement by up to 12%), as well as premature repairs, breakdowns and replacement of secondary hot water system components and appliances, business downtime, and unnecessary, unplanned capital

expenditure. To inhibit the buildup of limescale, KalGUARD® from Sentinel Commercial is a scientifically- and independently-proven limescale control device which uses unique driven electrolytic technology: the only powered device-led methodology to be recommended by UK Building Services Compliance Guide to Part L. WRAS-approved KalGUARD is able to treat an entire system when installed on a rising main before pump and booster sets, providing a value-engineered solution to limescale control. Once commissioned, KalGUARD requires only a bi-annual service if the system filter is fitted. KalGUARD is available in a range of sizes, from 22mm through to 108mm. To find out more about the benefits of KalGUARD, call 01928 704330 or alternatively visit

CareZips™ Incontinence Dignity Trousers Carezips™ are a new adaptive trouser garment that preserves dignity of incontinent people and aids carers in delivering better care. Fitted with unique 3-zip fastening system, the CareZips™ make changing of personal incontinence products more dignified and comfortable for the wearers and easier and faster for the carers. CareZips™ feature 3 strategically positioned zips, 2 of which run from the waist to the knees on both sides of the body and the 3rd zip from inside of one knee all the way up and down to the inside of the other knee. The 3zip system makes access to the abdomen and crotch during diaper changes fast and easy. There is no need to

undress or pull the CareZips™ down. CareZips™ are unisex and available in 7 sizes for good fit. Made in popular colours, CareZips™ fabric is soft and wrinkle resistant with stretch for extra comfort. Washable and non-iron, the CareZips™ are perfect for wearing every day. When worn over hip protectors for incontinent people (i.e. HipSaver QuickChange, HipSaver OpenBottom, HipSaver EasyFit), the CareZips™ improve dignity and comfort and help to prevent fall-related hip fractures. CareZips™ Incontinence Dignity Trousers improve lives of the most vulnerable people and their carers! Contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866

Preventing Allergic Reactions & Skin Irritation With Glove Use disPosaBle Gloves are an integral part of the health industry and are used in almost every sector of medicine, from hospital care to home care. Whenever dealing with a patient or resident, doctors, nurses, and healthcare specialists are expected to wear disposable gloves, to protect their health and the health of the patient or resident who they are caring for. According to the World Health Organization, medical gloves are recommended to be worn for two main reasons: 1. ‘To reduce the risk of contamination of health-care workers hands with blood and other body fluids.’, 2. 'To reduce the risk of germ dissemination to the environment and of transmission from the health-care worker to the patient and vice versa, as well as from one patient to another.’ While disposable gloves are a vital resource in facilities such as hospitals and care homes, constant wear can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation to occur. The good news is that these reactions can be prevented, it’s just a case of knowing how to do so. If you are in charge of running a care home or other facility that uses disposable gloves, you are responsible for ensuring that they are used safely, and latex allergies are taken seriously. What you can do to help reduce the risk of latex reactions when carers are carrying out their nursing duties is as follows: • Provide your team members with non-latex gloves to use in instances where there will be a limited amount of contact with infectious materials. • Instead of offering your team members latex gloves, vinyl, nitrile and polymer gloves can be a better option.

Another option is to provide reduced protein, powder-free gloves if latex is the only suitable option. Employers should also provide training to their team members regarding latex allergies. If any workers display signs of a latex allergy, a prompt evaluation is necessary by a medical professional. Offer team members the use of a gentle hand cleanser, such as Dr Harley Skin Wash by NewGenn, which can be used when gloves are removed, to cleanse hands and reduce the risk of dermatitis occurring. Latex isn’t the only concern The fact is that when skin irritations and other symptoms occur with glove use, it is essential to realise that latex may not be the cause. Other glove types can also cause reactions. However reactions to nitrile and neoprene are much less common, and reactions to vinyl are almost nonexistent. Often, reactions to vinyl gloves and other materials aren’t actually a reaction to the glove. The skin irritation is caused by contact urticaria, which is a skin irritation caused by perspiration and a lack of ventilation inside the glove. To help reduce the risk, sweat absorbing liners can be used. Information about these and other products will be available at the CLH Healthcare event at the CLHExpo2018, on 14th-15th March 2018 at Sandy Park, Exeter. The purpose of this FREE event is to promote awarenesss and education of the products that are available from CLH to help care organisations meet their daily challenges. See or the advert on page 8 for details.

do you: want assurance that your staff have up-to-date infection prevention and control skills in the fast-moving world of superbugs, changing national guidance and increasing scrutiny of health and social care providers? if so, you will also appreciate the need to be compliant with current legislation and CQC registration. WE: are a highly experienced NHS Infection Prevention and Control Team and believe our unique education and training resources can help you reduce the risk of infection to your staff, service users, family and visitors. We produce extremely cost effective evidence based resources. Our easy to use colour workbooks with ‘Test your knowledge’ questions, come with a certificate of completion. They are also designed to be kept as a handy reference tool. At just £2.99 per copy when buying 21 or more, it is an extremely affordable resource. Over 80,000 copies have been sold. Other resources include: • IPC CQC Inspection Preparation Pack for Care Homes available to purchase • A full set of IPC Policy documents available FREE to download • Audit tools, posters and more ... But don’t take our word for it – see our website for further details:, email or call 01423 557340 to order.





Improving The Bathing Experience For Everyone BaTHinG is an essential element of daily care, and it is important to ensure that it is a safe and pleasant experience for residents and care staff. dennis Goodes, managing director of The assisted Bathing Company, provides some useful guidance on bathroom planning Many residential and nursing homes have two choices when it comes to catering for residents bathing requirements, and these are determined by the space available. Whether you have en-suite facilities or a specified multi-use bathroom, the choices available to you can be quite different. If you are planning to install a bath, you should ensure you allow enough space to manoeuvre a wheelchair or transfer system, such as a mobile hoist, around the seat end. If you are buying a bath with a built-in seat lift, the seat will swing out either to the left or to the right, so you will need to decide which side is best for access and the lateral transfer of the resident onto the bath seat. Generally speaking a square metre would be sufficient, but remember to look out for possible obstructions where the seat swings outwards. There are many practical functions to consider when planning a setting for safe bathing. If residents are capable of bathing independently, or have en-suite facilities, you may choose a fixed height bath, but you should opt for a powered traverse seat. A seat with a powered traverse action allows the bather to enter and exit the bath independently without requiring assistance from care staff. Fixed height powered baths are more economical to buy too. However, if residents need carer assistance to safely enter or exit the bath, then a height adjustable bath tub would be more suitable. These baths offer greater flexibility and the adjustable height feature helps to protect care assistants from back injury and other strains. Of course, the choice of a fixed height or height adjustable bath is influenced by the nature of the care to be provided. In multi-bathing situations in a purpose built bathroom, the flexibility of a height adjustable bath makes sense, but height adjustable baths do not work in a room where there is limited access from one side or, as

“Better Than A Throne!” a neW gadget at home is enabling a Muscular dystrophy sufferer to stop feeling scared, and transformed a frequent, daily activity into “a delight”. And, says former teacher turned disability blogger Rosemarie Lawy, it has revealed a hidden benefit: the security it is giving her means she now feels safe enough to leave her wheelchair and walk a few steps. “It takes me five minutes or more, but that feeling of independence!” she says, “It’s only the few steps from the bathroom door to the toilet, but it is invaluable to my self confidence, and part of my exercise regime to retain what little muscle I have left.” The gadget in question is an Aerolet Vertical toilet lifter, from Closomat, which fits over her WC to help her get on and off the loo at her home in Muswell Hill, London. She is so delighted with it, that she’s even featured its benefits on her blog Rosie without a Ramp, which she runs, using knowledge she has gleaned over 30 years of coping with a degenerative condition, to help others realise the range of assistive technology available. Before she bought the Aerolet, Rosemarie was relying on her wheelchair to lean on to help her get on an off the toilet. This was putting strain on her arms. She considered a commode, then discovered via internet research the Aerolet.

in an en-suite, the bath needs to be sited against a wall. Also, height adjustable baths cannot be sealed to a wall, and so access for cleaning must be allowed for at the planning stage. Accreditation A bath that has been designed to be used by disabled people is defined as a Class 1 Medical Device (Medical Devices Directive 93/42EC) and manufacturers should be registered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The Water Regulations Advisory Service (WRAS) requires that installers connect only approved components to the mains water supply. This is not a legal requirement, but it is a water company by-law. If equipment connected to the water mains is not approved, a water company can insist that it is removed. Although it is not necessary for baths to be WRAS approved, any part of the installation that is connected to the water mains, such as taps, showers, connecting pipes and thermostatic valves, must be approved. Conclusion When choosing a bath always check or ask an installer to check the location of the utilities - electricity, the hot and cold water supply and the waste water outlet - before placing an order. Manufacturers build each bath with fixed utility inlets and outlets and these cannot be changed easily on site. Power assisted baths need to be installed by trained and competent installers because they are potentially dangerous, as most electrical items are, and it is important that they are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. From fixed or variable height baths to powered seats that safely and gently rotate the bather into the bath, assisted baths can improve the bathing experience for both residents and carers. Therefore, you should protect your investment by choosing a reputable company to supply the bath that has the experience to understand your requirements, and is going to be around for the lifetime of the bath and will be there if needed. by Dennis Goodes Managing Director of the Assisted Bathing Company Reader enquiries - Tel: 01590 647479 or visit “The thought of someone having to empty the commode horrified me. The Aerolet is a real boon. I keep my dignity. It turns my toilet into something more like a throne. It’s not got Louis XVI ornate carvings but for sheer practicality it beats any throne hands down.” The Aerolet fits over the WC. Easy to use controls in the integrated arm supports lower and raise the unit to the height required. Vertical and Tilt options are available, to accommodate people’s differing strengths and weaknesses. A few weeks of use have highlighted additional benefits for Rosemarie: “I can adjust the height to suit according to my level of tiredness and strength at the time. I was scared about falling off the toilet before. Not now, it gives me stability getting on, ‘going’ and getting off. Because it lifts me in the vertical, without tipping me, I feel in control and secure. I chose the backup battery pack too, so there’s no risk of me getting stuck on the WC from lack of electricity- not that we get power cuts these days, but it’s an added comfort.” The Aerolet is part of Closomat’s brand-leading range of bathroom & toilet technology that is already enabling tens of thousands of people to live independently, in their own home, without care support. It is complimented by the Vita range of wash & dry (bidet) toilets, height-adjustable basins, changing benches, hoists, and body driers- which help create a stylish yet accessible bathroom or toilet, that can be easily and costeffectively adapted to accommodate changing user requirements.. The equipment is complimented by the most comprehensive sales and after-sales support available in-house, including site survey, CAD blocks, technical and white papers for download, installation, commissioning, and repair & maintenance. The range of Closomat products is detailed on the company’s website, so specifiers and users can easily see the solutions, watch videos on how the equipment works, and find out how other users have benefitted. For further information, please call 0161 9691199.

Polyflor launches Polysafe Quattro PUR – Next Generation Safety Flooring For Barefoot And Shod Areas PolyFlor, THe uK's commercial and residential vinyl flooring specialist, has just announced the launch of their new Polysafe Quattro collection. This innovative safety flooring range offers barefoot and shod sustainable wet slip resistance with a studfree finish for enhanced comfort underfoot. Polysafe Quattro has been specifically designed to provide a high degree of slip resistance in continually wet areas such as standard and adapted bathrooms, walk-in showers and wet rooms in the care home sector. As the potential for slips is higher in wet environments, it is important to choose a HSE compliant safety flooring such as Polysafe Quattro which offers sustainable slip resistance, assured throughout the product’s guaranteed life. Polysafe Quattro has been engineered to offer enhanced slip resistance for bare feet and footwear, achieving 50+ on the Pendulum Test (Slider 96) plus Class B to DIN 51097 for barefoot use and also conforming to the EN 13845 European safety flooring standard, with successful completion of the 50,000 cycles abrasion test. Polysafe Quattro is available as a 2mm gauge flexible sheet which allows it to be thermally welded, coved up walls and easily installed around drains and awkward corners for a hygienic and watertight wall to floor finish. Polysafe Quattro is available in a carefully developed colour palette of 12 shades, including warm neutrals, fresh blues and soothing greys that will complement any interior design scheme in a commercial or residential setting. Six shades feature a subtle tonal chip design,

whilst the other six are a solid colour with colour complementary aggregate. Ideal for creating a calming ambience, these designs have been specifically developed for use in dementia friendly environments, generating a harmonious feel whether in a residential care setting or within a person’s home. Tom Rollo, Polyflor’s Marketing Manager, comments, “Polysafe Quattro has been designed to enhance both commercial and residential interiors and encourage a sense of wellbeing. This range is an exciting addition to our safety flooring portfolio offering an aesthetically pleasing yet practical solution for areas where there is a high slip risk, so users can feel comfortable and safe.” A comprehensive brochure, shadecard and presenter are now available for the Polysafe Quattro range. Sampling can be ordered free of charge from the Polyflor website or by calling the Polyflor Samples Direct Hotline on 0161 767 2551. Manufactured in the UK, Polysafe Quattro is 100% recyclable through the Recofloor vinyl take back scheme and contains recycled material. The collection has also achieved a generic BRE A+ rating (ENP 415) in major use areas, helping to contribute points within a BREEAM Assessment for a building. Polyflor is the first floor covering manufacturer to be awarded BES 6001 certification for Responsible Sourcing, notably achieving an ‘Excellent’ rating. The Polysafe safety flooring brand includes two other specialist collections which offer sustainable slip resistance in continually wet areas – Polysafe Hydro and Polysafe Hydro Evolve. For more information about Polysafe safety flooring visit Further details of Polyflor’s extensive range of resilient vinyl flooring are available from Polyflor Ltd, Radcliffe New Road, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 7NR. Tel: 0161 767 1111. Fax: 0161 767 1128. Website: Email:

Simple Affordable Solutions for Bathing Needs ahm installations are specialists in providing bathroom and kitchens that have a unique difference. the firm, based in lincoln and newark, specializes in creating rooms to facilitate independent living... Being able to live independently is a vital part of dignity in later life. That’s why Lincoln and Newark based AHM Installations has spend over 25 years perfecting the design of rooms to facilitate those with mobility problems. The firm’s specialism means that AHM Installations are well-placed to provide advice with unprecedented expertise and product knowledge. But moreover, its

team of in-house fitters and specialized tradespeople provide a trustworthy service that facilitate the same peace-of-mind during the design and installation process as you’ll experience after the creation of each new room. In addition to complete kitchens and bathrooms, the firm can also provide heating solutions, and can install stairlifts for mobility over different floors. AHM Installation have more than a few ideas for making life easy, whether you’re looking to configure a kitchen or bathroom. For more information on AHM Installation’s bespoke kitchens and bathrooms, call 01522 500288 or 01636 821443 or see




TECHNOLOGY & SOFTWARE Innovative and Intertwined Care Software Solutions Sharing Services, Robotics And More – Technology Provides Many Answers For Adult Social Care

FirsT esTaBlisHed in 2014, the company began trading in 2016 under founding director Cheryl Kenealy’s management. The company was initially set up to replace the paper-based care file in a multitude of environments such as the client’s home, the care home and community-based clinics and centres that provide outreach nursing and care services and support services to adults.

Since their humble beginnings, the company has progressed immensely and are now well-renowned as a recognisable, leading brand due to their high-quality, mobile, care management software solutions. Their bespoke care software solutions provide comprehensive, easy-to-use, digital end-to-end care management solutions for both care homes and home agencies. Specialising in providing services for care planning, assessments and clinical information, as well as Rostering, eMAR, HR, and IOT, their mobile, web-based care, medical and monitoring solutions address the care plan management problems associated with laborious, inefficient and unreliable paper-based patient records for the healthcare sector. Designed by nurses for nurses, using their knowledge, skills and experience in the care sector, Zuri has revolutionised the way clients can operate their businesses, by having all the real-time information you need ready at your fingertips, wherever you are. As the healthcare industry moves from analogue to digital, the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) is a convenient tool with several applications, from smart sensors and remote monitoring of movements to medical device integration that monitors vital statistics such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation. These devices, which can be embedded in the physical things around us,

can gather and share valuable information directly with each other and the cloud, making it possible to collect, record and analyse new data streams faster and more accurately, improving the entire system of client care, not to mention the client experience. Zuri are leaders in providing care agencies and residential care home owners with the technology they require to optimise the care service they offer to their clients in a virtual environment. Their end-to-end care management solutions offer family members peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are not only being cared for by their carers using the latest, market leading care management software, but their daily care, medication needs, and activities are being monitored by cutting edge, innovative IOT sensory technology. Care agency and care homeowners can take advantage of this technology to optimise the care service they offer to their clients by being informed of all their clients’ activities in a virtual environment. They can then allocate care workers more efficiently based on carefully analysed human behaviour rather than rigid time slots, creating a more person-centred environment. Their certified GDPR checked solutions can help provide you with the care plan management tools you need in order to successfully run and improve your care business management. Zuri ensures excellent customer service with their highly skilled and experienced team, who are happy to provide clients with any support that they may need with their management software solutions. If you would like to get in contact with Zuri to find out more about how their many specialist digital services can help benefit your care facilities, then don’t hesitate to pick up the phone today. More information can also be found by visiting the website below: For further information call 0800 2100094 or visit

Consort Claudgen Launches SL Single-Zone Controllers ConsorT ClaudGen have introduced three new wireless controllers which can be connected to one or multiple sl heaters to form an sl heating system. All controllers have comfort and setback temperatures settings. The SLPB and SLVT controllers have a control button with status indicators and a 4-stage run-back timer where a heating period remains active until the run-back timer expires. There is a choice of three time periods available: 5, 15 or 30 minutes. When the button is pressed four times, this takes the run-back time period to 20, 60 or 120 minutes. Additionally, the SLVT has temperature control buttons and a digital display to show the room temperature. The SLTI, however, features a 7-day

timer with three heating periods per day and is designed with four large control buttons with an electronic lock to prevent tampering with controls. For details, visit or call Sales at 01646 692172.

By Tony Pilkington, managing director, Younifi adulT soCial care in the uK gets a bad press. it’s chronically underfunded as a service, and we’re all living for much longer. But as local authorities ponder over a long term solution to many of its current challenges, it’s clear that an alternative approach to accessing, managing and delivering care is needed if the nation’s future care needs are to be met. We recently conducted a piece of independent market research, surveying the views of 2,000 people – a mix of those who receive care, family and friends that provide care and people with an interest in what care should be like for them in the future. Unsurprisingly the overriding findings from the research showed that people want a better way for their care needs to be met, with 72% of adult care recipients and 78% of people caring for others believing that there’s a better way of delivering care to adults and the elderly. Interestingly, the research pointed to the use of technology as being ‘a better way’ to deliver care, with over three quarters of people (76%) prepared to trial the use of technologies to access and manage their care. The research showed that the majority of respondents were keen to embrace technology to help them in a variety of ways. 88% of respondents were interested in the use of technology to help them remain independent; 87% believe it has the potential to keep them safe; an equal number think it will help them to keep control of their own care; while 84% would like it to help them stay informed; and 82% think it might just be the answer to allowing them to remain at home for longer. What’s more, to really test the appetite for innovation in care, we asked whether our respondents were opposed to the idea of robotics being involved in their care if it meant an improvement to their quality of life and were open to it being used to assist them physically: •Improving safety e.g. detecting hazards (61%) •Helping with mobility (60%) •Assisting with lifting and moving (59%). However, there seems to be a little more resistance to the use of robots for mental assistance suggesting people want to be able to think for themselves for as long as possible: •Less than half (46%) are receptive to the idea of using robots to provide them with information •Similarly, 45% of respondents would be open to the use of robots for therapeutic benefits •Just under a third would consider using them for companionship purposes •And, only 20% would consider allowing a robot to make a decision for them e.g. deciding what to eat Despite these figures being lower, there is still a relative-

ly significant group of people who consider robotics beneficial for non-physical support. As ambitious and futuristic as those questions might be, it’s clear that both those being cared for and those doing the caring are willing to try new ways or methods for achieving the best outcomes for themselves or their family members. However, the research also showed that less than a quarter (23%) of those receiving care feel as though they know enough about the types of services on offer to make informed decisions about their care choices in the future. It also highlighted that many people are confused by how much their current care actually costs, with a staggering 71% of care recipients admitting they had little or no idea about this. In addition to supporting people in their home, technology could provide the answer to help councils too. With 87% of respondents believing technology can help them to keep control of their own care, councils have a real opportunity to create and facilitate a care system built around the person. Using technology to support bringing people, communities and providers closer together in the way care is managed, paid for and provided. Technology can also keep care recipients and their carers better informed on the social care and community-based care and support options available to them. A recent report from SOCITM found that half of councils fail to provide good online service to support adult social care. Technology also provides the perfect platform for sharing services with others to reap multiple benefits. For example, if a care recipient regularly attends a local lunch club and pays for a taxi service to get there and back, by sharing details of this service online with other local people who are also interested in attending, but haven’t because they can’t get there, may be able to take advantage of the lift share. Technology has the means to unite isolated people and increase their overall wellbeing rather than solely meet their care needs. The research showed that very few people are currently sharing services, overall just 3% of cared for people and 5% of carers claim to already be doing so. While in contrast, 59% of cared for and 67% of carers are open to the idea or would definitely consider it to meet a number of agendas including: cost savings, sharing advice, sharing skills and other social benefits. Technology has so much to offer the adult social care market, but it is yet to be implemented in a consistent way to help more people access, manage and deliver a variety of care and support options. Today, the vast majority of us use online banking, do our monthly food shop via supermarket websites and many even arrange doctor appointments or order prescriptions digitally, so why not use it more widely for adult social care? Technology has a key role to play and the possibilities are significant and rewards could mean better outcomes for those in need of care, carers and councils alike.






aT e & s Home care, we are specialists in providing mobile hardware solutions including airtime to the healthcare sector. in our search to find a company to partner with we found i Care Health, one of the leading software companies for the health care sector. Their software is second to none for domiciliary care, and working with ourselves we have been able to

complete the package by including a hardware solution which is designed for your sector. We are able to split the costs down into smaller monthly and more manageable amounts but give you access to everything from day one. Perhaps as important with our help we will provide the hardware fully setup, with hard cases, extra screen fronts, car chargers etc. We know what it takes time wise to set up, run and manage your hardware and we are experts at helping you do that as painlessly as possible For further information Tel: 01270 536 918 or visit

Workforce Scheduling Solutions Now With Face Recognition

DutyHours and TimeCap

Workforce scheduling solutions has joined forces with reliant Consulting services (rCs) to deliver Time & attendance systems worldwide, usa, europe & australia, using the latest Face recognition technology.

Control Costs Staff Wages

DutyHours Staff Time & Attendance

✓ Full accurate employee shift information. ✓ Holiday, sickness and other absence recorded. ✓ Booking on with Face recognition accurate and fast. ✓ Agency staff proof of attendance. ✓ Eliminate paper Time Sheets. ✓ Reduce payroll errors. ✓ Night time & Weekend compliance “Check Calls”. ✓ Electronic Visitor Book to NOW automatically record WITH FACE RECOGNITION! visit details. ACCURATE AND FAST


Tel - 03333 444 562

49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA

We has been in the business of Time Management for over 20 years, and has a vast experience in software development. We developed “Face Recognition” as an alternative to card, fingerprint, and key fob systems ensure that each member of staff can only book themselves on and off duty. “Face Recognition is not expensive and we have many customers using this technology very successfully. It has the advantage of not requiring any interaction by the staff, no cards that can be lost and their face is discreetly recorded each time, so no mistakes!!” DutyHours™ and TimeCap™ are easy to use and will dramatically reduce time and costs to produce staff payroll. It is suitable for a single home or for organisations that have multiple homes and centralized payroll.

Last minute changes to employee schedules are handled fast and efficiently and it will dramatically reduce pay queries. Staff simply clock in/out with their unique PIN and they can look up their time sheets showing work done or work planned in the future. We have introduced the concept of “Check Calls” in which employees are required to make regular calls through the night and weekends. During a recent CQC inspection at one of our customers, this feature impressed the inspector as being visual evidence of the actual employee working. The system creates an electronic timesheet of which job, where, when, which department and accurately calculates and controls pay hours including Bank Holidays, Sickness and other absence. It will identify allowances such as overtime, weekend and night shift working and export the hours for your payroll or for your accountant. Call Workforce Group on 0333 447 044 for more information and a demonstration of the system.

The Product Designed for Your Business From Time & Attendance to Care Planning Fusion’s Cloud Based Care Management software is a reliable and flexible business tool with low upfront costs and monthly licensing fee. no need for expensive servers, you simply sign up, login and access your data from any online device. The system fits into your homes daily working life to replace and streamline many of your laborious and time consuming tasks. Fusion is a quality product enabling our clients to run highly effective, efficient and profitable care centric businesses with enduring

value. Fusion provides a complete and intuitive staff management system in a secure cloud based environment to promote accountability and consistency including staff hours, rotas and absence management along with comprehensive training planning and recording. We know your primary focus is on providing and improving the best possible care whilst working hard to optimise business processes. Fusion assists by providing comprehensive multi contract income management and reporting functions along with in-depth occupancy reporting to provide you with the information you need when you need it. Ecareplan, a unique care planning solution so intuitive it will rewrite the way in which you build, review and manage your care assessments. Ecareplan is an industry breakthrough, a unique and intuitive system which allows the care worker not only to use our extensive document library but to also build their own Assessments and Risk Assessments by the utilising ground breaking wizard based tools which are incorporated into this cloud based system. The care sector is facing difficult challenges with regulatory requirements, recruitment and the national minimum wage to name but a few. The team at Fusion have many years combined experience of the sector and the headaches that go with it, our products are designed for your business, you can rely on us. See the advert on page 29 or visit




NURSE CALL & TELECOMS Juno Telecoms - A One Stop Shop NURSE CALL AIDS Bennett Security Ltd

delivering care. Juno addresses this challenge by providing a real one stop shop solution for the complete care communications system, including nurse call, notification and telephony. A truly integrated solution resulting in faster response times by nursing staff; accurate logging and recording of all events; and one single point of contact for technical support who can remotely access call units, the notification server and the phone system in order to program, diagnose or change any settings. For further information: T: 01332 412 251 E:

This sensor is designed to alert staff of movement within a room fitted with an infra red nurse call point. it can be positioned on the floor at the foot of the bed.

Bennett Security: Delivering Quality Workmanship And Reliable Support With The Personal Touch

This unit is discrete, robust, cost effective, user friendly, requires no cables to trip over, and works with Quantec, Intercall, Caresafe and many others. If you do not have infra red points they can usually be fitted quite easily by your handyman, myself or your usual supplier.

We oFFer a complete healthcare communication solution for patients, residents, nurses/carers and management. integrating nurse call, nurse notification, telephony applications along with iP and deCT wireless handsets offers a one stop solution for all healthcare environments such as assisted living, long Term Care and acute Care facilities.

In many cases differing technologies are supplied by different suppliers. They are sometimes connected to each other but mostly not fully integrated. Healthcare & Care home staff depend on different suppliers and support staff to manage a partially integrated solution, leading to delays in

and fire door safety maglocks. I have worked as a sub-contractor for many of the larger security system companies including ADT, Bell and Chubb, amongst others, carrying out installations on their behalf. I would welcome the opportunity to quote for fire or intruder alarms, nurse call systems, emergency or security lighting, CCTV or door entry systems (no hidden service contracts/charges). I am also happy to take over the maintenance of existing systems. See advert this page for further details

For over 18 years we have been delivering high quality security systems to both the domestic and commercial markets. i supply, install and support a wide range of systems including fire alarms, security alarms, CCTv, door entry systems, access control, nurse call, emergency lighting and security lighting. We supply look after the needs of many nursing/care homes, installing and maintaining fire alarms, nurse call systems, freeswing door closers

Medpage Limited MedPaGe liMiTed have manufactured quality affordable caring technologies for over 30 years. We specialise in providing bespoke design and development solutions for patient care. We were challenged recently to develop an alarm solution for a wandering resident in a care home on a limited budget. The alarm was to operate independently from the house nurse call system and required to

Wireless movement sensor no more pressure mats

Keep an eye on your wanderers

It can be used in place of a pressure mat and will easily cover both sides of the bed or the whole room. The auxiliary socket if fitted may be used for anything that can be plugged in to the wall socket without having to use long leads I.e. pear pushes, chair mats etc. These sensors are now used in nursing homes throughout Scotland with great feedback. If your nurse call system is not suitable for a wireless movement sensor, Bennett have a wired one which will work with any system.

Bennett Security Ltd Lynkyla, Old Inn Road Findon Aberdeenshire AB12 3RL


send notifications to the carer mobile phone with time and dated incident reports. This we did with 100% success. The alarm is now a mainstream product sold nationally. Reassurance and confidence in a supplier is paramount to a successful business relationship, especially where healthcare is concerned. You can rest assured that when you buy and use our products you are connected with a company with backbone and a passion to offer care technologies that deliver performance and quality. Visit our website for further information about our products or Telephone 01536 264869 to request our new catalogue. See the advert on page 2 for details.

Juno can help you improve communication between healthcare professionals and end users to deliver better, faster, more convenient care and support.

Juno specialises in providing communications, connectivity and nursecall solutions for residential care and nursing homes. hospitals and clinics. We provide ethical and honest advice based on our assessments of staff productivity and your existing patient experience. We will then work closely with you to tailor a solution that is bespoke to your exact requirements, to provide a system that can help you to further enhance patient care, reduce operational costs and increase staff productivity.

T: 01332 412 251

Suite 9, 32 Friargate, Derby, DE11 BX E:





Nurse Call Systems from Alarm Radio Monitoring Grouped Alarms - Fully Integrated Telecare and Security

• 2 System types available depending on requirements • Door Entry panels and standalone fob readers • Telecare room units with choice of peripherals • On-site / Local Offsite / Off-site operation • BS8521 protocol for remote Off-site monitoring

Door Entry and Access Control

• High quality robust stainless steel panel • Panels and readers can be inter-connected • Cloud based remote management option • Well specified - Will meet your requirements • High reliability and fault tolerant • DDA compliant • Parts availability - 15 years • Low cost

Carephones and Peripherals

• Tele-care for individual properties • High quality product • Available in various models (PSTN or GSM) • Allows connection of multiple peripherals • The only product in the marketplace that offers wireless remote speech stations and voice pendants • Compatible with most Alarm Receiving Centres • Low Cost

ALARM RADIO Monitoring (A.R.M) is a UK based manufacturer of wireless Nurse Call and Staff Alarm systems; offering a comprehensive range of Nurse Call, Staff Alarm, Fire Alarm, and Door Access bespoke systems. With over 30 years experience in the design & development of wireless Nurse Call & Staff Alarm systems, A.R.M has established itself as a key player within the wireless solutions market to the public and private healthcare sectors. Wireless solutions are ideal for environments which do not lend themselves to running cables, for example listed buildings or busy environments. Wireless systems can be fitted while your home remains operational, so you do not have to close rooms off and they offer greater flexibility and ease for future expansion. Care Homes choose A.R.M nurse call systems because they: • Are quick and simple to install. • Make it easier for staff to identify the

NCS: A UK Manufacturer of Telecare Equipment and Door Entry Systems networK communication systems (ncs) is an independent manufacturer of a wide range of telecare equipment and facilitate the design, build, installation, and maintenance of telecare systems such as social alarms, door entry systems, warden call and access control systems.

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

source of calls because they give full text descriptions. • Give management the tools they need to monitor and control best practice. The system provides a full audit trail of which buttons are pressed and response times. • Failsafe eg alerts you in the event of a system fault or batteries are running low. • Carry a year’s guarantee. • Are supported 24/7, 365 days a year by specialist engineers over the telephone or online. Take the ongoing cost out of your operation with our unique return to base service exchange policy and low cost of ownership along with flexible finance options. No matter how demanding your environment, A.R.M believes everyone – whether you’re a customer in a care home or team member – should be within safe reach. Whether you need a combination of a Nurse Call, Staff Alarm, Fire Alarm, Door Access system, we have a team to help design a package that will meet your requirements. For further details call 01568 610 016 or email

Since its formation in 1992, NCS has built a strong reputation for quality workmanship, efficiency, cost effectiveness of the equipment, and superb after sales service, operating from its 7,000 sq ft premises in South Yorkshire.

With a committed management team and a highly trained and dedicated workforce, the company strives to provide the best possible customer care, beginning from the design stage and reaching through to providing maintenance over many years of the life of the equipment. Many Local Authorities and Housing Associations have seen the benefit of choosing NCS as their preferred partner for telecare equipment resulting in a strong portfolio of long-standing clients. For further details Tel:01302 873333 or visit the website at




NURSE CALL & TELECOMS Lotus Care Technology THe nursealerT pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot. lotus Care Technology ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of

mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls. Having many years of experience in fitting and maintaining Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs. They can specify not only the best system for the enviromental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier. For a site consultation or friendly advice call them free on 0800 8499 121 or local 01822 613258.

Installing Landline Phones In Your Resident’s Room Is A Pain…Right? Getting BT or some other provider to install a line needs organising, staff have to be around to show the engineer where the line needs to go not to mention the risks of potential damage to the décor… Sure, they could have a mobile phone but they need charging up and a contract or even worse, topping up. Oh, and guess what? mobiles phones get misplaced and the Care Home staff spend valuable time trying to track them down. We wanted to make life easier. Now residential Care Establishments with our help can offer hassle free landline phone and number in the residents rooms - almost instantly. You could also make some additional recurring revenue in the process or create a residents welfare fund. Without lifting a finger! It’s so easy you can actually market this to potential customers!

Radio Nurse Call Leads the Way! WiTH Today’s technology it is possible to upgrade an old nurse call system in under a week. Gone are the days of engineers installing cables and being on site for weeks, as with the new radio nurse Call a call point can be fitted in a resident’s room in minutes. Flexibility is another benefit, as units can easily be repositioned when necessary, and multiple displays can be positioned around the care home to ensure staff never miss a call.

• No Set-Up Charge • No Long Term Contract • Fixed Monthly Rental – Calls Included You can also use facility to call residents loved ones, as it's free to call! NO MORE HUNTING EACH FAMILY MEMBERS NUMBER TO CALL, THEY ALL CAN BE ACCESSED VIA THEIR ONE CALL NUMBER • Emergency, Single Number Access To Resident’s Contacts – One Call Connects Them All!! Your resident gets their own, number to call and receive calls via dedicated telephone numbers, which their family pays a monthly rental. which includes all the calls inbound and outbound! – We handle all the support so you don’t have to. Interested? Visit or call 0800 0210182 Southern Care Maintenance Ltd, SCM, was established in 1987, and are a specialist independent company for the Service and Maintenance of Nurse call, Fire and Nursing equipment. They have many years experience in both fitting and servicing Nurse Call systems covering Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Essex, and South London. This month they are launching mySCM, a new online customer portal free of charge to all service contract customers, so that they can access service records, certificates and invoices securely 24/7. For more information see and follow the link to the Nurse Call page. You can also download a case study of a customer using Radio Nurse call or ring 01580 890089.

ONE CALL - CONNECTS ALL Provide Your Residents Their Own Line • Instant Set-Up - No Waiting For BT • Free Installation • No Contract • One Call will set up a fund that will be donated back to the care home on a yearly basis to be spent on the residents.

85% of Care Homes say they struggle to get hold of family members in an emergency. So One Call can provide your staff with easy access to up to 9 of your residents loved ones. • All your resident's contacts are called at once • Their contact has to accept the call - No Frustrating Voicemail's. • Their contacts know the call is from the Care Home

Visit or call 0800 0210182


01202 552333




FIRE SAFETY DB Fire Safety Limited DB FIRE Safety Limited is an independent fire safety consultancy supporting businesses and organisations throughout the UK. The Fire Safety Order 2005 requires that all businesses and organisations in England & Wales, including residential care and nursing homes, have an up-to-date fire risk assessment and that staff receive instruction in fire safety procedures. Legislation also requires that fire risk assessments are reviewed on a regular basis (recommended to be at least annually) It is critical that there is a suitable and sufficient set of procedures for staff to follow in the event of a fire emergency. Therefore, all staff must receive appropriate training in those procedures that must be tested by carrying out regular fire evacuation drills. It is also strongly recommended that all staff should

receive instruction in general fire safety awareness. Such training would enable staff to fully understand the fire hazards and risks in their respective areas and, therefore, hopefully help prevent a fire from occurring in the first place. In the majority of residential care and nursing homes, there will also be a requirement for appropriate staff to be designated as Fire Marshals or Wardens; to have particular responsibilities in the event of fire. DB Fire Safety Limited was recently voted The Best Independent Fire Safety Consultancy 2017. When interviewed following that award, the Managing Director, David Black said: `We help our clients by carrying out the necessary fire risk assessments and providing continual updates. We also provide training to staff in general fire safety awareness as well as training any Fire Marshals that may be required. We are proud to include a substantial number of residential care homes as clients where we provide owners and managers with the support they require to help them meet their responsibilities laid down by fire safety legislation and ensure that all their staff and residents are as safe as can be reasonably anticipated. Winning this award demonstrates and proves our commitment to ensuring that all the advice we provide our clients is always in their best interests.` Our motto `Your Partner for Fire Safety` accurately describes our mission that has led to our receiving this award.` From our offices in Peterborough we offer a FREE 24hour consultancy service. Please pay us a visit on stand 13032 at the Dementia Care & Nursing Expo NEC or see the advert on this page.

IP65 Rated Toilet Alarm Kit Announced BALDWIN BOXALL has announced the availability of IP65 rated toilet alarm products. Fully tested and certified, users can connect the units to the manufacturer’s four-way toilet alarm panel or one of their EVC systems – Omnicare or Care2.

Please mention THE CARER when responding to advertising.

There are four products in the range: a ceiling pull cord, reset button, call button and call & reset point. The units, available separately, are designed so that they can be combined with the UK manufacturer’s standard toilet alarm products. This makes it possible for installers to fit the IP65 rated

items where required, such as the pull cord and reset button in a shower with a standard overdoor light outside the room. The new products are the first of their kind to market and provide a long-awaited solution. Users of standard toilet alarm kits have historically faced the problems of failed units in humid areas with frequent replacements or inoperative systems. These new products will be welcomed as they will provide a long term solution – saving valuable time and money. For further information, please visit the website at or call 01892 664422.

PRODUCTS & SERVICES Freedom by Steelite International The Freedom range has been designed and developed by steelite international to introduce a radical new product range that responds to the needs of today’s patients in Healthcare. The new yellow and Blue with a two-tone colour contrast is a vibrant, warm and homely collection that has been specifically designed to aid functionality and independence in eating and drinking whilst brightening up meal service for those individuals with restricted mobility or memory. Heather Lovatt, head of marketing, Steelite International, says “The vibrant contrasting colours enable patient’s clear visibility of food, giving a relaxed and upbeat feel to meal times.

“The cleverly designed shapes are aligned to food service portions, and the improved presentation results in less food waste.” The plates feature a cleverly designed undercut shoulder which is helpful in getting the food onto a spoon or fork. This greatly enhances the ease of eating without assistance. “A selection of Freedom items are now available in melamine material, perfect for any care environment.” All products within the Freedom ceramic collection come with Steelite International’s lifetime edge-chip warranty. Less breakages result in money being saved, allowing for spend elsewhere. For more information, visit

Space Air - The UK's Independent Distributor for LG HVAC Systems sPaCe air with 37 years experience in HvaC industry are uK nationwide distributors of the full range lG HvaC (Heating, ventilation and air Conditioning) equipment covering one to one splits, Multi splits, Multi v™ vrF (variable refrigerant Flow), Therma v™ air to water medium/high temperature heat pumps, extensive local, remote and central control systems and spare Parts. The Air Conditioning capacity range extends for 1 kW one to one to 269 kW systems with the largest variety of indoor units from Cassettes (1, 2 & 4 way air distribution), Ceiling, Floor, Wall and Low/Medium/High static ducted type. The Heat Recovery Ventilation- HRV offers flexible and high efficiency ventilation.

ServiceSport servicesport is the uK’s leading fitness equipment service provider and remanufacturer. An intensive remanufacturing process offers an affordable alternative to buying new equipment, whilst retaining the look and feel of brand new apparatus. ServiceSport remanufactures customers’ own assets, as well as offering full ranges for sale. The company offers a total exercise solution for retirement, extra care and other communities working with older people, helping to keep the UK’s population fit and healthy during their later years. ServiceSport’s Managing Director, Colin Marriott, is eager to forge links with the care industry.

The unique Therma V™ Medium (55ºc) and High (80ºc) temperature domestic/commercial heating & domestic hot water and water based systems, which is ranked amongst the leading technology in the world. All LG-HVAC products are Eurovent Certified and to ISO9001-14001, Quality and Environmental Standards with extensive HQ facilities in Weybridge covering show rooms, training centres and CPD facilities. Space Air offers Nationwide coverage including design, selection, logistics, spare parts, remote and on site technical support. Contact us on tel: 01483 478 715 or by email: or visit our website for extensive information or see the advert on page 11. “Our main aim is to lengthen the lifespan of gym equipment, helping care providers avoid costly repair and replacement bills,” he said. “We do that via regular maintenance contracts or by bringing the equipment back to Chorley and remanufacturing the product before redeploying it back to the customer.” ServiceSport provides independent technical and maintenance support designed to maximise the life of fitness equipment of any make and model. There are different levels of servicing to suit a customer’s specific needs. From ad hoc, annual scheduled service agreements, all-inclusive contracts, audit servicing to full estate management. ServiceSport also offers planning design, own brand fitness equipment and parts. Visit their website, email or telephone 0845 402 2456 or see the advert on page 18.

Please Get In Touch If You Need High Quality ID Cards Or Name Badges From Just £1.50 please see what our customers say about us; “The quick turnaround and quality that Chris and his Team produce time and time again is simply superb - nothing is too much trouble. I 100% recommend QIDC to anyone looking for quality id badges.” (Simon Walton (Field Manager – Channel Assist) “So pleased we chose QIDC to produce our ID cards, each order is high quality, budget-friendly and super speedy.”(Lizzy Jewel - Marketing, Communications and Events Officer - Safer

London) “Great service, fast, efficient, quality products but inexpensive – win, win all round” (Lea Roberts - Commerce and Finance Director - BCAS Biomed) “QIDC have served us very well for many months now. They always deliver promptly a high quality lD Card for our Charity volunteers. Communication is excellent and the service second to none" (Denise Randall - Chairman – The Edward Foundation) Visit further details. See the advert on page 4 for details.

HotmixPro Gastro – Special Diets at Your Finger Tips • are your dysphagia patients missing out? • are you struggling when producing therapeutic and texture modified diets? • are you maintaining appetising flavour and colour of fresh ingredients? safe -The 2 litre heavy usage mixing bowl sits within a fully insulated stainless steel casing easy to clean – All stainless steel construction and dishwasher proof mixing bowl easy to use - Operates exactly to programme at a touch of a finger efficient - Speed range from 0 12,500rpm allows blending, small and large amounts, to just the right texture

Meltemi Uniforms MelTeMi are specialists with over 30 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of uniforms for healthcare and administration. We provide a wide range of uniform options for Care Homes that not only create identity but also provide superior quality, comfort and thoughtfully designed features that protect your staff and provide outstanding performance across all roles. In addition to our healthcare garments we also offer a wide range of business suiting featuring a selection of coordinating, machine washable garments to keep your administration and management teams looking effortlessly smart. Meltemi offer a great selection of healthcare tunic designs and styles from stock and have just introduced an even greater choice as standard. We offer a sampling service so that you and your team can review the quality, colours and

Financial Benefits – Precise temperature setting dramatically reduces waste by maximising nutritional values as well as helping your residents to sustain their best health levels memory - The integrated SD card can store numerous ‘Special Diet’ recipes hotmixpro gastro is an essential support for every busy hospital and care home kitchen Limited Space or Limited Budget? HotmixHome (junior version of HotmixPro) will be YOUR answer – just ask! invest in the Best Visit or call Phone: 01629 705110, or Email: See the advert on page 18 for details. styles of garments and a comprehensive logo service to increase identity. We can also manufacture special sizes, accommodate any cultural and maternity requirements and offer a generous returns policy for exchange or refund. All healthcare garments can withstand industrial washing for infection control purposes and incorporate special features for wearer comfort and flexibility such as our “Flexi Stretch” our comfort fabric with stretch and lightweight fabric options. All fabrics have been independently tested to ensure that they meet the rigours of the role whilst remaining comfortable and smart. For larger uniform projects we can offer a complete project management package including bespoke garment design, wearer trials, sizing sets, on-line ordering and bespoke stock holding agreements guaranteeing a fast delivery from our group-owned production facilities. Meltemi are full members of the ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) and have been audited to meet the demands of the NHS for ethical trading throughout our supply chain. Please call on 01603 731 332, e-mail or visit or see the advert on page 3.




FURNITURE & FITTINGS Christopher Guy Interiors CHrisToPHer Guy interiors is one of the largest independent suppliers of nursing home furniture, residential home furniture and dementia care furniture in the country today. We are a family run business and the owners have been involved in the manufacture of furniture for over 40 years. We are constantly expanding in the field of nursing home furniture, residential care home furniture and special needs furniture. We have one of the best ranges of exclusive contract fabrics and are proud of our quality and the excellent value of our products. We deliver throughout the country and always put the customer first and endeavour to meet their requests. We constantly have special offers on on clearance fabric and vinyl furniture. spectacular clearance oFFer. Up to 950 chairs available with up to

100 clearance fabrics variations of your choice. queen anne clearance deals 500 available £119 + VAT Jemma clearance deals 350 available £124.99 + VAT Florence clearance deals 100 available £139.99 + VAT Nowhere else in the country can these chairs be bought at this price. Free delivery on orders of 10 or more chairs. Competitive prices keep Christopher Guy Interiors ahead of all their competitors and our turnkey packages cannot be beaten for price, quality and value for money. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01274 660123 or visit

A New Dawn From Franklite FranKliTe liMiTed have been known for their quality of product and service in the decorative lighting market for over 40 years and, over recent years, the Company has built an astonishing reputation for quality led lighting. Recently, Anovocare’s Cloghran Nursing Home in Dublin asked Franklite to create a design that would incorporate as much LED as possible whilst avoiding glare problems that can

be created by some poorly designed downlights. Franklite’s range of quality recessed downlights offer a modern, simple lighting scheme with clean lines and an unobtrusive way to illuminate spaces. The chosen LED lighting for the nursing home was well positioned to provide ambient lighting and more focused task lighting. As intended, the results were magnificent and can be viewed on our website. Franklite have a team of professional and knowledgeable personnel who can demonstrate Frankled technology and discuss individual requirements. Call 01908 691818, email, visit or

Rotherham Care Home Keeps Warm with New Heating System and Industrial Boiler Filter sHeFField Based plumbing and heating firm Pro Plumbers 24-7 has installed a new heating system in a care home in rotherham, including a BoilerMag xT industrial boiler filter. The filter has achieved outstanding results for the care home, ensuring the new heating system is clean and efficient by preventing the build-up of ferrous oxide and scale. Ricky Kurpanik, Managing Director of Pro Plumbers 24-7 said: “The filter has done an amazing job of keeping the new system clean. We chose the BoilerMag due to the strength and capacity of the magnet, and obviously how well it works. Not only is it very well designed, the pn16 flanges are great. It’s easy to install, and very reasonably priced for a commercial boiler filter.” Pro Plumbers 24-7 was founded 11 years ago, and has worked all over the UK providing plumbing and heating design and installation. As a small family run business based in Sheffield, Pro Plumbers 24-7 is one of the only companies in the area available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This

speedy and efficient emergency plumbing service covers all aspects of gas and LPG, both domestic and commercial. The business places a great emphasis on the importance of keeping a boiler in good working order all year round, and meeting all required safety levels. Ricky continues: “With winter on the way, staff and residents at the care home now have complete peace of mind that that their heating system is in excellent working order, and is using energy more efficiently.” The BoilerMag XT is ideal for large heating systems, providing heating system protection by preventing the build-up of ferrous oxide and scale, reducing energy bills, increasing boiler life, and reducing maintenance call outs. The XT also includes an automatic air vent, which greatly reduces the potentially damaging effects of air accumulating in a heating system. With the range available from 2” to 12”, the XT unit has a large collection capacity, is very competitively priced for a large heating system filter, and now comes with a 10 year warranty. Visit for further details.

New Chair Designed For Residential Care and Challenging Environments MasTer uPHolsTerer and furniture maker Crowther & sons has strengthened its contract furniture collection for residential care and challenging environments with the launch of the innovative Hatton chair. Specially designed by Crowther & Sons for care environments where challenging behaviours mean that conventional furniture lacks the durability and safety features required, the Hatton is hand built in the company’s Lincolnshire workshop by a team of highly skilled furniture makers and upholsterers. It features a rugged, heavy hardwood frame and lockable seat ensuring it is both secure and tamper-proof. Shown here in Manhattan yellow, the Hatton is available in a wide range of colours to co-ordinate with existing interi-

or schemes in easy-to-clean, liquid resistant specialist fabrics so daily and scheduled hygiene and infection control is easily facilitated. The modular seat can be lifted out when unlocked for easy cleaning and the lipped edge on the undersides ensures any liquid spills run away from the chair. “We have worked closely with clients over many years in the specialist residential care home market and have now responded to increasing demand for a high quality, heavy weight, tamper proof chair that is easy to clean yet provides comfort, an element of fun and design aesthetic with added durability and safety,” comments Edward Crowther. For further information visit or telephone 01522 510520.




FURNITURE & FITTINGS Beautifully Designed | Professionally Made | Carefully Installed aT renray we have been producing high quality healthcare and medical furniture for 50 years and are one of the uK’s largest and leading suppliers to the healthcare sector. Whether you require just a fast efficient delivery of quality furniture or a full turnkey installation and fitting service, we have the experience and resources to handle your project. We understand that you are purchasing healthcare furniture that is fit for purpose, stylish and will continue to perform well into the future, which is why we design and build our furniture with you in mind.

• Manufacturing high quality furniture since 1966 • UK and European design and manufacturing operations • Largest in-house turnkey operator in the UK • In house logistics with weekly delivery service to mainland UK and Ireland • Experienced uniformed drivers and installation teams • Free room placement unpacking and packaging removal • Furniture and furnishings compliant to approved British Standards • 5 year warranties on curtains, frames and bedroom furniture If you would like a free consultation or advice from one of our highly trained consultants, please call: 01606 593 456 or visit

Apex - Market Leading Therapy Surfaces and Bed Frames

aPex Medical are delighted to be exhibiting and supporting the inaugural dementia Care and nursing Home exPo at the neC in Birmingham on the 25th to the 26th of april. APEX will be showcasing their innovative Rota-Pro rotational chair bed, which helps users ingress and egress form the bed without the need for hoisting, giving the end user more dignity and freedom. They will also be showcasing their advanced range of Dynamic therapy surfaces, to help with the healing and prevention of pressure ulcers, APEX also offer peace of

C & S Seating C & s seating are proud to be the national supplier of 24 hour postural management and control products for over 25 years. Initially developed by the Company founders and a consultant specialist physiotherapist, using on-going feedback from healthcare professionals we now have a wide selection of positioning equipment available. We assemble and supply 9 different sizes of t-rolls and log rolls (ranging from paediatric to adult) in a machine washable wipe-clean Titex or Soft Knit covering as standard. Our Knee supports and width adjustable aps systems are also

mind with full clinical and service support with their products. APEX’s stand is located near the main entrance to the show, please feel free to pop along and learn more about their innovative products and services. APEX’s marketing manager Matthew Thornton has said “As a global healthcare brand we are very excited about being part of this event right from the start, and the opportunity to showcase our unique products and series to a wider audience.” Visit or see the advert on page 8. available in 2 sizes. Our new popular Soft Knit range of covers in a choice of 5 vibrant colours provide a softer alternative that can be fitted easily over our standard waterproof rolls. Ask our friendly sales team about our inflatable trolls that are designed for short term use and ideal for holidays and aqua therapy aid. The inflatables also prove a valuable tool for Physio’s and OT’s during the assessment process. All fabrics meet the UK Flammability standards and carry a CE mark. We are also ISO 9001 regulated. It is recommended you seek professional advice to select the correct product depending on your needs. Contact us on 01424 853331 or visit us at to download a brochure, pricelist or order form, request an individualised quotation, speak to an advisor or to place an order.




FURNITURE & FITTINGS Elstead Lighting elsTead liGHTinG has become renowned for their comprehensive decorative lighting Collection offered to the care home and hospitality sector. There are more than 2,700 models in the collection designed by the uK team as well as usa partners Feiss, Hinkley, Quoizel and Kichler. The catalogue is backed by very large stock holdings in both the uK and Poland distribution centres so that elstead can help you deliver your turnkey projects.

a number of dramatic wall sconces and decorative ceiling flush lights perfect for corridors, beautiful chandeliers for dining rooms and foyer pendants to brighten up entrances. When adding an extra layer of lighting in the bedroom or lounge areas, choose from more than 150 table lamps in the portable collection. Elstead offers many classic and modern above-mirror lights, wall and ceiling fittings which are IP44 rated for the bathroom. For the drive and garden areas Elstead has a vast range of exterior lanterns, bollards and lamp posts. Visit the Elstead Lighting showroom in Hampshire, UK to see almost 2,700 inspirational decorative lighting products on permanent display. Be sure to pre-order your copy of the new Master Catalogue which will be launched in March 2018.

In this year’s collection there are

What A Difference A Chair Makes… CareFlex Clinical specialist, Becca dunstall, reports that 30% of patients in the community and around 20% of patients in nursing homes in the uK are at risk of pressure injury, resulting from improper seating. “If we’re thinking about a grade one pressure injury, were there may be some redness but the skin is still intact, treatment costs about £1000. For a grade four, which can see full tissue loss, even down to the bone, it could cost up to £20,000 to treat that one injury. So if we’re thinking about a 100-bed nursing home where up to 20 of those residents are at risk, we’re talking almost half a million pounds just to treat 20 pressure injuries in one home!” Roll that figure out nationally and the figure is staggering. Specialist seating can play a very important part in alleviating the problem. Many people are bed bound because ordinary chairs and wheelchairs do not give them enough support, but with the right seating choice they can re-join their friends and family in daily life. People with kyphosis and many elderly people sit in chairs with their head slumped forward or to the side – chin to chest. Gravity can trap people in these destructive postures. This impairs their breathing, their ability to speak, so communication is poor, and their ability to eat and drink will be compromised.

Depressing… and dangerous. Sitting for long periods in an asymmetrical and unsupported position can lead to skin and soft tissue damage often resulting in pressure ulcers, ranging from a slight discolouration of skin to a serious, deep wound that may leave many tissue layers exposed. This process of skin breakdown can be made worse by other factors such as incontinence, immobility, sensory impairment and age. Pressure ulcers often develop on the buttocks, sacrum, hips, and heels, along the spine and around the head. The result will be pain and anguish, often in patients already suffering from chronic illnesses. Of course chairs are not magic. A person must be properly assessed to select the right chair to meet their needs. The chair must be correctly set up for the individual. That is imperative - a chair set up for someone else could cause more harm than good! And then, of course, ongoing, carers need to monitor their charges throughout the day to check they have not manoeuvred themselves back into a destructive position, or they are just not comfortable. Seating is just one part of the 24 hour posture and pressure management system. You need to get the rest right too! But when you think … appropriate seating can help offer people a better quality of life. It can help save the NHS billions of pounds. Specialist seating - common sense. For further information see the advert on page 1, call 0800 018 6440 or email

Euroservice Trolley Manufacturers WiTH over 35 years of experience in the sale and manufacture of wooden trolleys for the catering trade, euroservice trolley manufacturers have now acquired a worldwide reputation and still offer an extensive /comprehensive range of top quality wooden trolleys manufactured in the uK. Top quality is a priority in the production of all of our products and Euroservice are specialists in the manufacture of sturdy and beautiful looking trolleys which will grace any environment from the small privately owned restaurant to the splendid 3 to 5 star hotels, resorts and Residential homes. Thanks to a careful marketing strategy and recommendations, the UK manufactured Euroservice range of trolleys have become the first choice for trolleys in many catering establishments. Reliable and appealing trolleys are always needed in catering establishments and Euroservice trolleys are sure to contribute to the smooth running of any operation and will

enhance the level of service through their sheer visual appeal. The fast growing range of UK manufactured Euroservice trolleys is now well known in the catering and nursing care industry in the UK and exported to many other countries including Australia, South Africa, the Middle East , the Caribbean , Scandinavia and other European countries. The increasingly popular bespoke service enables you to design your own trolley with the added bonus of our expert advice, if needed. However, if your needs are more immediate we can provide standard models in record time. Standard virtually off the shelf models include the mini bar trolley, the sweet trolley, the cheese trolley, the drinks trolley, the flambé trolley, waiters station and dumbwaiters as well as room service wooden trays. Euroservice’s excellence in the manufacture of wooden trolleys is backed by a personal, efficient and friendly service second to none. We are always busy researching the needs of the market and launch new ranges according to market demands. Whatever your needs you can be assured that Euroservice can cater for them and we look forward to your call. Freephone: 0800 917 7943

Freephone: 0800 917 7943



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LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS Armstrong Equip Laundry At Shrewsbury Care Home The Cliffdale residential Home in Pontesbury, shrewsbury is housed in a Grade ii listed building and has been operating as a care home since 1945. licensed to care for elderly and dementia residents the home scores Good against all criteria in the CQC report. it caters for a total of 27 residents in some single and some double rooms, most of which have en suite facilities. The laundry, which was equipped by Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems on their fixed price hire scheme, handles all the laundry from the home including bedding, towels, dining room items and all the residents’ personal clothing. It is operated by the care staff and, according to Tammy Hanmer,

manager of the home, “is operating pretty much all the time, day and night!” Initial training was given to staff by Armstrong when the laundry was installed, and the training is passed on to newer members of staff, “it’s important that all staff know the correct programmes for different types of laundry,” Tammy said. The fixed price hire programme covers all maintenance and repair issues including parts and labour throughout the length of the agreement, and allows care homes to install a fully compliant laundry without the capital outlay and makes budgeting easier – there are no nasty surprises if a machine needs repairing. For further information contact Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems - Tel: 01635 263410 E: Website:

A Reliable Service Partner is Key to an Efficient Laundry Function A LAUNDRY function is a central service in any care home and commercial laundry equipment is an important procurement area in terms of hygiene adherence, day-to-day logistical operations and financial projections. As such, it is vital to source the right service partner, who will support the smooth running of your operation and offer the relevant industry, planning and technical advice. You need to ensure the reliability and stability of any supplier, and to feel confident that they are capable of delivering a service that you can depend upon. Forbes Professional has been providing a first class customer service since 1926, and has a solid understanding of the specific requirements of the healthcare sector. We have flexible finance options and can provide commercial washers, dryers, rotary ironers and dishwashers on a rental, lease purchase or purchase basis. We can also provide complimentary chemical detergents and auto-dosing equipment

for a complete solution. From the initial site survey, we assume a consultative and advisory approach to business, with all clients being assigned a dedicated account manager who remains their contact for all on-going account management or service requirements. We advise upon all plumbing, electrical and regulation requirements, and ensure that the right product decisions are made for the specific project. Our team of manufacturer and City and Guilds trained field engineers fully install and commission all equipment, as well as providing any necessary user training to enable the products to be fully optimised. If a service requirement arises we provide a same/next day engineer response, and aim to have an engineer on site within 24 hours. Our clients have total peace of mind in that they know that they will receive the ongoing service that their organisation requires. For more information contact Forbes Professional by emailing or calling 0345 0702335.

Fowler UK - Commercial Laundry & Catering Equipment THE ORIGINS of FowlerUK go back to 1966 when the father of the present managing director, David Fowler, set up a business to supply and service white goods in the local community. In 2005 David took over the running of the business and decided to focus exclusively on the supply and maintenance of commercial laundry and catering equipment. The business continued to trade on family values such as reliability, care for others and trustworthiness.

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

The secret to FowlerUK’s success lies in building a personal connection with each customer. The most important element in this is recruiting people who fit with the compa-

ny values, and who demonstrate these to customers and colleagues on a daily basis. FowlerUK is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of commercial laundry and catering facilities in the Care Industry, supplying and maintaining equipment in care homes and hospitals nationwide. The product range that FowlerUK has made available is extensive and varies through different specialist requirements specific to each industry. FowlerUK are constantly searching the markets for new technological developments to assist in saving their customers money as well as providing the same fantastic results. The results of FowlerUK’s determination to stay true to its family roots are impressive. FowlerUK is undoubtedly a local business making a national impact. Telephone 0800 6199 337 or Website




DEMENTIA CARE & TRAINING W&P Training Ltd BaCK in november 2017, the CQC issued their updated Key lines of enquiry (Kloe). There are 41 new Kloe’s which link to a new approach to inspection. The new Kloes also align with themes that the CQC have identified as needing improvement based on their experiences. in broad terms they are: • System leadership, integration and information-sharing • Information governance and data security • Technology: For efficiency, accessibility and more person-centred • Medicines: Robust and safe medicines management • End of life care: Delivering good quality care at the end of life • Personalisation, social action and the use of volunteers • PIR becomes the Provider Information Collection PIC I think there is going to be more focus on business processes and the systems that underpin them and whether they are effective in improving the lives of the people receiving the care. Owners, Directors and Senior Management will also be under greater scrutiny to ensure there is a good balance of skills and experience in place to manage the business effectively. Inspections will still be heavily focused on the quality of the service at the point of delivery but there will be more information gathered by the CQC from multiple sources to help guide them on when and what to

Adventure with Dementia as exPerTs in the provision of specialist dementia training and consultancy to health and care sector providers and with over 50 years of insight into the needs and challenges faced by people living with dementia, we have developed an innovative approach to help care providers deliver a structured and measurable pathway to service excellence. Adventure with Dementia provide an easy to use dementia care quality improvement programme which identifies priority areas using their SEE ME Values Framework. SEE ME has been developed to engage teams to make informed assessments and set realistic and achievable actions for themselves, through a team responsibility approach. The SEE ME Cycle generates a programme for continuous and sustained improvement including an independent

focus on during an inspection. This market oversight means they will gather information from organisations such as the Health and Safety Executive or Environmental Health plus they will use historical data from previous inspections to see how the service has performed over time. A key component of Market oversight will be the new Provider Information Collection (PIC). This is an online working document that must be completed at least annually (CQC recommend updating it every 3 months) and failure to do so will result in an automatic Requires Improvement rating for the well-led domain irrespective of how Well-led your organisation might be. So, updating the PIR should become embedded in your daily routines because it will demonstrate your commitment to good governance and effective quality management. Leaving it to the last minute at the end of year does not project a view that your organisation is on top of its record keeping and governance procedures and let’s be honest trying to gather data or capture events from up to a year ago is much harder than something that occurred yesterday. What all this means in practice is a more holisticapproach to inspection using information from numerous sources that will form an overall picture of how your service is performing. So, providers need to ensure their data capture, recording and reporting mechanisms are effective and robust. Visit W&P Training Ltd's website at or call 01305 767104 or see the advert on page 2. observation study by Adventure with Dementia. Our creative approach to learning offers a series of one day programmes to explore the key aspects of life we all take for granted and which require more attention and focus when experiencing dementia. The benefits to well being, relationships and outcome of meaningful purpose and contribution to every day life, can all be found within our different approach classes. Using the latest in design and technology to improve the lives of people living with dementia, our expertise in the transformation of both old and new environments can support you to create a balance of interaction and calm to reflect and appreciate the challenges experienced by individuals with dementia. Real life experiences can be emulated and developed in a meaningful and engaging way to provide constant and appropriate stimulation, interaction and occupation thus promoting well being every day. We are exhibiting Dementia Care & Nursing Expo on 11033 please pay is a a vist!




DEMENTIA CARE & TRAINING Innovative Training Course Launched To Improve End Of Life Care In Nursing Homes a neW training programme tailor-made for care and nursing home staff has been launched by a leading lancashire hospice to improve end of life care for residents. The 4Elements to End of Life Care course has been developed by experienced palliative care professionals within the Knowledge Exchange team at St Catherine’s Hospice near Preston. It aims to equip staff with both practical and communication skills to help residents stay within their familiar environments at the end of life, avoiding unnecessary and inappropriate deaths in hospital. The training comprises of four modules covering advance care planning; do not attempt CPR; long term conditions at the end of life and managing symptoms with a syringe driver. It also cov-

What is a LifeByte ? develoPed FroM our unique liferooms™ and lifeWalls™, the new lifeByte™ is a bite size piece of Fun that puts a smile on everyone’s face by bringing back memories of happy times at the Beach, helping to create ‘little islands’ of calm and contentment in a potentially scary chaotic world. all you need is a wall and we can bring the enjoyment of the seaside straight into your

ers the principles and practical implementation of personalised care plans for people in the last days or hours of life, including the importance of appropriate and compassionate communication with the person affected, if appropriate, and their loved ones. Care and nursing homes can invest in the full training package, or select relevant modules– providing the flexibility to tailor training to the skills set of staff. Lynn Kelly, Director of Knowledge Exchange, said: “We are proud of our 4Elements programme which we have devised to empower care and nursing home staff to be able to offer the best possible support for residents and their families at the end of life.” Contact the hospice’s Knowledge Exchange team for more information or to book: 01772 629171 /

Home! “The LifeByte™ is a great way to engage and communicate with residents. Tactile surfaces everywhere, integral touch sensors to create seaside themed sounds, waves or music, along with gentle mood lighting, aromas such as Candy-Floss as well as lots of interesting things to see and do, means your residents have a really enjoyable day at the seaside – everyday! With Little Islands we know that anything is possible!” But don’t take our word for it, scan the QR code and see for yourself… Little Islands – Innovation in Dementia Care, by Design Visit for further information.

Enrich Social Care with Happy Days - Ideal for all Care Service Providers HaPPy days reminiscence materials are designed to Make a difference to social care. We want to help people live as well as possible with dementia - That’s why many of our products include conversation prompts or replica memorabilia and carer guides. Because we’ve carried out extensive market research, finding out what people really need, want or would enjoy, we feel certain our tried and tested materials will help carers enrich social care, create meaningful conversations, encourage a sense of fulfilment and provide shared enjoyment to benefit everyone’s well-being. Being aware of budgets, Happy Days range of memory prompts and

Geopace Training GeoPaCe TraininG is the uK’s leading provider of Phlebotomy Training Courses delivering accredited and nationally recognised training to the highest of professional standards. All courses adhere to CHS132 – the National Occupational Standard for Phlebotomy and to Skills for Health guidelines HSC376 as well as

social activities are cost and time effective. Visit our one-stop online shop or phone to order and save time searching and sourcing reminiscence materials. Try Snakes, Ladders & Chat or Match It cards pairs game with retro images to prompt conversations. See our nostalgic displays, activity boards, themed murals and reminiscence wall art to uplift social environments and ensure quality living. Call us for a chat and design advice. We accept NHS purchase orders and Care Home accounts. Order line: 01253-899163 Shop online: following WHO guidelines. Courses are available as classroom, eLearning or Blended Learning (hybrid) and cover all levels of experience from novice through to experienced phlebotomist. Geopace Training have developed a reputation for excellence in training, delivered to a wide and varied audience of students and organisations including Colleges and Universities, Hospitals, Care Homes and GP Practices as well as individuals. Group training on-site provides a very cost effective method for staff education and CPD. For further details Tel: 01525 713377, Website: Email:




PROFESSIONAL & FINANCE Revised Care Home VAT Definition Requires Careful Planning RECENT CHANGES to the way care homes are defined for VAT purposes have brought developers much-needed clarity. However, some care homes may still fall outside of HMRC’s definition and it is important to establish this early on to avoid potential penalties and costly litigation. Historically, hospitals and similar institutions, viewed by HMRC as buildings offering medical treatment and typically employing a high proportion of medical staff, have not been eligible for zero-rated VAT on the costs of constructing a new facility. However, a zero rate VAT relief has been made available for care homes, defined as providing residential accommodation with personal care, required due to old age, disability, past or present dependence on alcohol or drugs, or a past or present mental disorder. HMRC’s revised policy in relation to care homes follows a decision in Pennine Care NHS Trust v HMRC, in which the First Tier Tribunal ruled that a specialist mental health unit was eligible for zero-rated VAT on construction services and materials for a new facility. HMRC argued that, in aiming to reduce or prevent the worsening of patients’ illnesses, the care home was acting as a hospital. However, they lost the appeal, with the judge concluding that the type of bespoke and specialist care provided by the unit was sufficiently different from the services provided by a typical hospital. In light of this, HMRC’s definition of care homes also allows the construction of treatment rooms to benefit from zero rating if used exclusively by residents of the care home 95 per cent of the time or more. Length of stay is also an important factor in deciding whether a building is a hospital or care home for VAT purposes. While hospitals generally aim to treat patients quickly, care homes generally offer extended periods of residence for patients suffering from long-term conditions. However, one limitation of HMRC’s new definition is that it fails to provide thresholds in this area. For example, in the case of care homes providing rehabilitation for people dependant on drugs or alcohol, length of stay

may be considerably shorter than a typical stay in a care home for the elderly. In the Pennine case, the average length of stay was approximately two years. With HMRC also clearly specifying the types of care homes benefiting from the relief from VAT, issues may also arise around whether residents and their treatment fall within these defined areas. The process of declaring VAT status involves the developer completing and issuing a certificate to the contractor, pledging that the building will be used solely as a care home. It is then the contractor’s responsibility to conduct appropriate checks to ensure this is correct. For example, HMRC’s definition states that facilities such as a ‘day centre’ offered to non-residents would not qualify for zero-rated VAT. With many care homes unlikely to fit neatly within HMRC’s definition, it is essential that developers consider all elements of their building from the outset of the project in order to avoid the disruption and potential costs that might be caused by an investigation. In many cases, planning ahead may also allow developers time to consider properly how the building might be used in the future and in doing so, help to clarify its VAT position. If in doubt, developers should aim to reduce any potential risk by approaching HMRC for clearance in advance. It is also worth developers bearing in mind that they may be able to recover overpaid VAT where they believe it has been incurred on supplies that might have been eligible for zero-rating under the revised policy. This involves recovering VAT from a supplier, who may be able to reclaim the VAT from HMRC and repay the amount they overcharged. Thoroughly reviewing HMRC’s policy paper ahead of this process will ensure those affected are in the best possible position for making a successful claim. HMRC’s broader VAT relief for care homes is a positive development, which could help to provide a muchneeded boost to care home sector development. However, with a degree of uncertainty remaining about whether certain types of buildings will qualify for zero rating, it is essential to plan ahead. By reviewing all aspects of the project carefully, developers should be able to make the most of the changes. Robert Facer is a VAT director at accountancy firm, Menzies LLP.

Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

uComply - Immigration Compliance Made Simple our WorKinG population has never been so high at over 31 million which is good news, right? How do we perceive the management of our most precious resource, our staff? • Have your resources increased • Have your budgets increased • Have your number of sleepless nights increased? Perhaps you may think that the last bullet point is a little flippant. We’ve all observed that resources are being constrained both in monetary terms and headcount on all administrative (non-revenue) functions across the board. Yet we all are still expected to provide and improve on service levels in a vastly more regulated environment with less! Recently, I’ve seen mention of an article by Tise4Sleep

Fraser and Fraser When having to research next-of-kin for an unclaimed estate, family members can seem untraceable. It is in supporting these types of cases that working with a professional firm of probate researchers can assist you in saving time and unnecessary costs. By utilising expert knowledge and strong international relationships, Fraser and Fraser assist the Public Sector and Care Homes to trace next-of-kin. Tracing family lines can be a complex process, involving time consuming research and having to utilise knowledge of many jurisdictions. By engaging an experienced, well-resourced genealogist and international probate research firm, you will have the best chance of successful-

where they cite the top five professions who are kept awake thinking about work-related issues; Human Resources (93%), Marketing (89%), Doctors/Nurses/Dentists (88%), Lawyers (87%) and Artists/designers (85%). The study looked at 1,000 adults and the results above really show the dilemma for HR professionals or anyone who is managing staff. By their own professional calling they nurture and care about the people they look after, but at the same time they are asked to make/enforce difficult decisions. Things flagged to me as items that we should be concerned about are: The first new concern is GDPR, which is about to go live in May 2018 and will require a major overhaul around the way we manage personal data in our business lives. Mistakes here could run into millions of pounds (4%of turnover or €20million whichever is the higher)! The second is compliance with all the other existing regulations like Right to Work where mistakes can cost 10’s of thousands (£20,000 per illegal worker foundand or prison sentences, not to mention the reputational damage). Are there any magic bullets that could help protect your pride? For further information, please call 01707 800840 or visit ly finding those elusive family members quickly. Fraser and Fraser truly understand the sensitivity that needs to be applied to issues such as tracing next-of-kin. From the outset, we provide clarity regarding the process and costs involved, while at the same time providing you with the added security that all your information is handled with strict confidentiality. Our reliable results are built upon comprehensive experience, having worked with the Public Sector since 1971. If you would like more information or to refer a case please contact Visit us at the Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo stand 9070.

Care Homes: distress, insolvency and risk FOR THE PAST decade the UK’s healthcare sector has attracted often unwelcome attention following well publicised scandals such as Winterbourne View/Castlebeck, each of which involves a complex story of political and regulatory influences, funding pressures, the demands of a growing and ageing population, difficulty in recruiting , training and retaining the right type of staff, public scrutiny, increases in operating costs and tension between the need to remain financially viable and the requirement to provide a high quality, compassionate social welfare function.

The comparisons in Figure 1 below of census data from 2001 and 2011 shows that the 85 – 89 age category grew by 22% over the ten year period, whilst the general rate of net population growth was below 10%. The proportion of those aged 60 – 64 increased by a whopping 33% whilst the proportion of those aged over 90 increased by an equally impressive 28%.

authority and NHS funded clients - sustained deflation in fee rates continues to threaten their viability at a time when the sector needs to grow, not shrink. Furthermore, the length of time that elderly people spend in residential care has been increasing whilst the needs of residents have become more complex and more expensive to provide for.

That translated into a real term increase in the UK’s population of over 75’s of 425,000 people between 2001 and 2011, many of whom will eventually suffer from conditions associated with old age requiring expensive medical intervention or complex nursing care.

Notwithstanding demographic and funding pressures, the age of the UK’s care home stock also presents a challenge, with analysis by Christie & Co. suggesting that nearly 40% of open care homes were built before 1990. Older building require more intensive maintenance and capital expenditure to prevent them deteriorating and becoming obsolete or, worse still, posing a danger to their users. Regulatory changes, developments in health and safety legislation and shifts in best practice may compel operators of such homes to reconfigure facilities and, at this point, the associated capital expenditure can begin to place an unsustainable financial burden on the business. The cycle of decline often starts here and the circle soon becomes a vicious one. The other key pressure point for many operators is the costs of staff and the ability to recruit. And now it is not only the living wage that is the cause of the problem but, following recent Employment Tribunal decisions, the need to pay overnight staff for time spent sleeping whilst at work.

In their foreword to the Care Quality Commission Report “The state of health care and adult social care in England 2016/17”, Peter Wyman and Sir David Behan make the stark but accurate comment: “The future of care for older people and the adult care system is one of the greatest unresolved public policy issues of our time”. It is perhaps for these reasons that, for many years, care homes have been a key industry sector for insolvency appointments – a pattern which is unlikely to change in the short to medium term. The manner in which residential care home tend to fail shows great consistency, illustrated by the cycle set out below. Data source:

Information from the Office for National Statistics summarised in Figure 2 below also illustrates stark regional and gender based differences in life expectancy. At present a boy born and living in Blackpool is predicted, on average, to live a staggering 12 years less than a girl born and living in living in the comparatively wealthy district of Chiltern in Buckinghamshire.

Insolvency practitioners play a central role when called upon to intervene in a failing care facility; not only do we have to understand the financial context of each situation but also the specific risks that have to be assessed, monitored and mitigated. On a macro-level the UK’s ability to provide appropriate public and privately funded health care services is inextricably linked to the dynamics of a population that is not only growing but simultaneously ageing thanks to improvements in diet, medicine and working conditions. By the end of 2016 the proportion of over 65’s had doubled since the early 1960s. Moreover, the proportion of people in the very elderly category (over 85’s) is increasing much faster than average population growth.

If a care facility fails and a formal insolvency process ensues, a rescue strategy will often be predicated on the trade being maintained so a going concern purchaser can be identified. However, there are a number of insurance and legal risks that have to be addressed when considering whether to keep an insolvent care home open. For short terms fixes there are few problems that money cannot solve so the first issue is to identify funding for working and capital expenditure. In most cases this will be provided by secured creditors, motivated by a desire to prevent the complete erosion of the value of assets over which their loans are secured. Client and staff safety is paramount so ensuring the business is compliant with a raft of employee regulation and health and safety legislation is essential. This will typically include gas and electrical safety audits, food hygiene certification, monitoring and prevention of legionella risks, avoidance of trip hazards, fire safety certification, measures to avoid scalding incidents, asbestosis surveys (particularly in older properties), mechanical and engineering surveys, infection control, hoist and manual handling training, controlled substance protocols, EU working time directives and monitoring of potential violent or dangerous residents.

Data Source:

The implications of these demographic factors in terms of pressure on care services seems clear, providing a fundamental driver of public policy on a national and regional basis. However, the UK is yet to see concomitant changes to the size and shape of service provision on a universal basis. Indeed, if anything, the reverse has been true. Herein lies the crux of the major challenge facing the UK’s care sector: for a significant minority of facilities – in particular those reliant upon local

If any one of these risk areas cannot be adequately mitigated then insurance policy conditions may be compromised, statutory warning notices issued and, for the licensed insolvency practitioner acting as responsible person, prosecutions proceedings issued. In such cases it is simply not appropriate to keep a failed care home trading in order to secure a going concern sale, in which case a controlled wind down will take place as a precursor to a vacant-possession disposal. At this point a different set of risks will arise with a far great focus on the property itself.





Nursing & Residential Home Specialist Agency Eddie Dribble - the best known name in the private care industry

Valuations undertaken - Nursing and Residential Homes always wanted for sale nationwide

Emanuel A Dribble 26 Arthur Road New Malden Surrey KT3 6LX Tel/Fax 020 8942 0852

Reduced commission rates for owners replying through this advertisement Reduced commission rates for RNHA members

The Current Emphasis On Promoting ‘Care In The Home’ Should Be No Threat To Occuancy Levels In Good Quality Care Homes Offering Beds In Appropriate Care Categories Many Care Home owners are finding it difficult to achieve the full potential of their premises, not least, due to the current emphasis on promoting care within the users’ own houses, meaning that many high quality homes have empty beds. Specialist care, however, will continue to be provided by Care Homes set up to provide the specific type of care required. This can be achieved by including several categories within one establishment or a home catering for a single care type. It might be possible to increase the number of occupants in a home by offering care in another category within the existing premises or in a newly built extension or annex. Residents with a requirement for care that cannot be provided in their own homes will tend to be looked after in a specialized unit within their locality. In many instances there may be potential to increase the number of occupied beds in a Home by carrying out a reorganization of rooms or adding an extension or new wing in the grounds to create a new unit to provide care in a use sector new to the home and in demand locally. A Home running full, or near full, or a larger home is in a much better financial position than a smaller home or one with low occupancy levels.

It is worth Home Owners examining the type, category, number and quality of their bedrooms and facilities to see if it is possible to provide rooms of a different category, a greater number of bedrooms, or improved rooms more attractive to privately funded users. It may be possible to fill a space in the grounds with a new ‘wing’ to house residents requiring specialist care, for which there is a high local demand. Forrester Associates is an award winning architectural practice specializing in the care home sector, with over 30 years experience. They are offering a free initial appraisal to see if a home has the potential to boost occupancy and increase profitability by carrying out alterations, extensions or new construction. They are able to advise on the most cost effective ways of changing or enlarging homes to make them more profitable. They offer an optional nationwide full architectural package from initial designs, through planning permission, building approvals, tendering and construction supervision up to CQC approval. Fees are competitive and they are able to point the way towards a finance provider. Call or email Forrester Associates to discuss your home or to arrange an appraisal on 01527 833876 or and see what could be achieved.

Better Together; New Look for Nurse Plus A NATIONAL healthcare organisation, which has opened 60 branches this year, has unveiled an exciting new look as part of its ambitious business growth for 2018. Nurse Plus has launched a fresh and modern brand image alongside a new and improved customer focussed website and Central Service Team. The key message going forward is ‘Nurseplus – Better together’, representing the visions and values for continually looking to improve communication with partners and clients, and how they provide Nurseplus with a voice. With 12 more branches planned to open in 2018, as well as introducing the business into Scotland, the positive changes will support the workforce to enable the aspired objectives. To improve efficiency and quality of customer service the new Central Service Team, to be based in Liverpool, will ease the workload of regional branches and provide all clients with a more streamlined service.

Pamela Bruce, Nurse Plus Managing Director, commented: “We are all very excited about our business plans going forward and the changes we are making will support the whole workforce to continue to improve the service they provide. “We hope to be able to further our service offering, especially in the areas of providing more complex care. Our new look is important for the future, but we have not changed, we are just evolving as our business grows!” Nurse Plus was established in 2005 by a group of experienced healthcare and recruitment experts. Since then the company has grown rapidly and provides homecare and nursing agency services, with 60 branches across the UK. The company’s progress has been underlined by the recent investment from Sovereign Capital and shortlisting for a number of high profile industry awards. To view the new brand and website and for more information about Nurse Plus, visit or call 01233 510502.

Surewise - Carers & Personal Assistance Insurance IN 2017, research conducted for carers week found that 74% of the UK public feel that carers are not sufficiently valued by society, with an even higher 83% of those who have previously had a caring role agreeing that carers are not valued. Carers are an invaluable part of society, providing care and support to those who cannot care for themselves, often at the sacrifice of their own social lives and responsibilities. It’s for this reason that decided to launch our Thank A Carer initiative, providing any and all members of society with the opportunity to nominate exceptional carers for the work they do. are dedicated to helping and protecting customers against the unexpected, providing insurance to enable them to live life

confidently against unforeseen circumstances and to ensure everyone receives the support they need. The Carers Week research made clear that currently, the carers in our community are not receiving the support they thoroughly deserve, so Thank a Carer host frequent opportunities for anyone to nominate a carer to win prizes and giveaways and, above all, the recognition that what they are doing every single day, is valued. If you would like to get involved in the opportunity to give back to carers today, be sure to join the Thank a Carer community at and nominate any carer you know that is more than deserving of a thank you for their service - and start giving back to those who give today. For further information, visit

Global Business Finance gloBal Business Finance was established over 26 years ago by the firm’s present senior partner, mark widdows, and since then has arranged over £1.8bn in loans for healthcare clients. The firm works exclusively in the care sector providing a very personalised service, as the firm knows every client is individual with individual requirements. Mark and his team spend time getting to know each of their clients in order that they can ensure all needs are met and the loan facility tailored to their client’s individual requirements. Global offers national coverage and with the support of email, fax, regular telephone conversations and face to face meetings the firm are able to put together a professional and comprehensive bank application. The bank managers that Global work with are all specialist healthcare managers who have extensive knowledge within the sector and fully understand the requirements of the clients that Global introduce. Mark Widdows, the firm’s senior partner, trained as an accountant before establishing the brokerage in 1989, other key executives are his wife, Sally-Ann, who specialised in nutrition before becoming a registered care home manager and Rupert, his son, who is also a qualified care manager and holds a degree in dementia with the leading Bradford Dementia Studies Group through Bradford University. The family own and run two care homes so fully understand all aspects and issues of care home owners which brings a unique ability to the firm to work with clients and convey their needs to the bank that is lending. With over £1.8bn in completed care home loans you should strongly consider Global Business Finance to represent you for your next loan application. See their advert in this issue on this page. Reader Enquiries - Tel: 01242 227172 Email:




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