ConstructionWorX DIGITAL - Autumn 2023

Page 42

ConstructionWorX DIGITAL


Unusual regulatory heat key summer developments unveiled Summer is typically a quiet time in the regulatory world. However, the legislators were far from taking a break during this year’s summer period. In his latest article, the CEA’s Senior Technical Consultant, Dale Camsell, sheds light on some major developments that took place through the usually quiet summer period. The CE mark will be indefinitely accepted in GB (by one Government department) A major announcement was made by the Department of Business and Trade (DBT), previously known as BEIS, on 1st August. DBT announced that, for those regulations that it has responsibility for, it will continue to accept, for an indefinite period, the selling into the GB market of products displaying only the CE mark. As a reminder, the CE mark is used as a basis for manufacturers to



declare that their products comply with EU regulations, whereas the UKCA mark was created by UK regulators as a means for manufacturers to declare compliance with post-Brexit UK regulations. However, in order to ease the transition following the UK’s exit from the EU, the UK authorities had continued to temporarily recognise the CE mark in the GB market, but only for a time-limited period. The deadline for placing CE marked products on the GB market had previously been delayed on two occasions, with the most recent deadline being 31st December 2024, meaning that any product sold into the GB market as of 1st January 2025 would have to bear the UKCA mark and have any necessary approvals performed by UK recognised approved bodies

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