1 minute read

Radar Diagram

In order to make climatic data more visually readable and easier to understand, we have created radar diagrams and defined five dimensions.

The four measurable dimensions are luminance, wind speed, temperature and humidity. The fifth dimension is green-to-sealed surface ratio. It is estimated and added so as to differentiate data collected from green space and sealed man-made visually.


Being inside and outside the community plaza have different experiences. Near the river bank, the wind speed is higher and temperature is lower.

The radar diagram is meant to describe the differences visually using shapes or patterns.

The sets of data collected at Oasis Terraces tally with the general environmental condition in Singapore, where better natural ventilation is needed for optimal comfort. In other words, higher wind speed is needed to lower the high humidity level.

Among all the locations, rooftop park and gym are closest to the comfort zone. Here, a link between activity and choice is location is drawn. The rooftop with good natural ventilation fulfill the requirements for exercising, to bring in fresh air and take away excess heat and water vapor.

Increase in Relative Humidity Increase

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