1 minute read
How is the micro-climate of my room?
AR1329_Task 01 Measuring & Experiencing_Tianyun's Room at RC4
AR1329_Task 01 Measuring & Experiencing_Tianyun's Room at RC4
Blinds half closed, morning sun, fan turned to 3 gears, one window slightly open, door closed
Blinds half closed, door closed
Blinds half closed, door closed
Blinds half closed, door open, hardly any wind at corridor breeze Blinds half closed, afternoon sun, fan turned to 3 gears, one window slightly open, door half closed, afternoon sun covered by clouds occasionally, fan turned to 3 gears, door open
Blinds half closed, no direct sunshine, air is quite still, fan turned to 3 gears, one window slightly open, door closed no direct can feel a bit of the cross ventilation Blinds half closed, door open air is quite still, fan turned to 3 gears, one window slightly open, door closed