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INSIDE Forget the cold, these kids are still enjoying rugby/ 2

Police hang out with St. Felix Centre kids Pilot project could launch city-wide JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com

Is Ford right where he wants to be? / 4

A pilot project that was run out of the St. Felix Centre could wind up being used as a blueprint to improve relations between youth and police across the city. The St. Felix Centre has traditionally run a youth drop-in centre on Friday nights to serve young people in the Alexandra Park co-op and the surrounding area. When officers from 14 Division paid an informal visit to the drop-in centre, it sowed the seeds for the partnership, which saw four officers attend the weekly sessions and play sports, board games and video games with the young partici-

ONLINE Lovable Mr. Sam is the colony cat of the month who is up for adoption

REBECCA FIELD email@insidetoronto http://bit.ly/1lksFwO

Toronto’s World Pride 2014 has taken to crowdfunding/ 10 SHOPPING wagjag.com AMAZING DEALS ON GROUP DISCOUNTS





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n the snowy hills of Banff, Alberta, there are only two Chinese restaurants – neither of which Christina Chong has any intention of visiting any time soon. The East York native will be spending her first ever Chinese New Year away from Toronto. She moved to Banff three months ago for a coveted job at an accounting firm – and so far she doesn’t expect the Chinese atmosphere to be quite as authentic as Toronto’s. The 23-year-old usually spends the holiday listening to her vivacious uncle Gary order a traditional eight dish meal to their round table, usually at one of many suitable restaurants in the Richmond Hill-Markham area – one of the Toronto area’s five hot spots for Chinese immigrants and exceptional

pants. “The officers at 14 Division were targeting high-risk neighbourhoods to make their presence known,” said Elisabeth Leroux, who is studying the results of surveys handed out to participants in the partnership. “We thought it would be a good opportunity to help improve the relationships our youth have with the police.” Police spent 16 weeks attending the drop-ins to interact with the youth. Leroux’s research included surveys handed out to St. Felix Centre youth prior to the police becoming a regular presence at the Friday night sessions. “A lot of our kids have had personal run-ins with the police >>>POLICE, page 3

Sochi-central at Ryerson for city’s LGBT community dim sum. This year’s Chinese New Year’s celebrations will run from Jan. 31 to Feb. 15. >>>THE CHINESE, page 13

JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com With the Olympics set to start in Sochi, a group of organizations are coming together to provide a safe and welcoming space for the city’s LGBT community to join together and watch outdoors. PrideHouseTO will see a large viewing screen and outdoor lounge area set up at Victoria

and Gould streets on the campus of Ryerson University. The venue will serve not only to provide members of the LGBT community a friendly venue, it will also serve to raise awareness of PrideHouseTO in general. “PrideHouse is a group of 15 different organizations that came together for the Pan Am/Parapan Am Games,” said >>>RUSSIA’S, page 3

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014 |



carrying the ball

Readers’ Choice Contest

Rugby practice: Xavier Ryel, foreground, and Mariama Katekyeza practice during the Toronto Nomads Rugby Juniors winter training session held Saturday afternoon at St. Michael College’s sports dome.







in Gift Cards available to be won!!! Enter the City Centre Mirror’s Readers’ Choice contest for your chance to win one of the following gift cards: Gift Card to Centerpoint Mall Gift Card to Centerpoint Mall

THE NOM MINA ATIO ONS AR RE IN! This is your chance to choose the City Centre Mirror’s 2014 Readers’ Choice Winners. Cast your vote for your favourite local businesses for your chance to win one of the gift cards. Make sure you nominate in at least 45 categories to be eligible for the draw. Thank you for participating and good luck!

Vis sit www w.insiidettoro onto o.c com m and click on CO ONTES STS S under Local Interest. HURRY, vo oting g en nds at mid dnig ght on Feb bruarry 23 3rd!! No purchase necessary. The Contest is open to residents of Toronto, Ontario 18 years of age or older. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Two (2) grand prizes will be awarded. Approximate retail value of grand prizes is approx $300. Entrants must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest closes February 23, 2014 at 11:59pm. To enter online and for complete contest rules visit www.insidetoronto.com and click on CONTESTS under Local Interest.

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Opera singer comes back home to Regent Park Cabbagetown native Simone Osborne performing in Canadian Opera Company’s Un ballo in maschera Feb. 2 to 22 JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com When not touring the world and earning acclaim from critics and audiences alike, soprano Simone Osborne is right at home in Regent Park. Osborne, a 2008 winner in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, recently moved into the revitalized Regent Park, a short jaunt from where she lived before her career took her out of the country. “I used to live in Cabbagetown with a couple of musician friends, so I was familiar with the area and I had seen some of the changes that have been going on,” she said. “When I walked into (her new home) I just fell in love with it.” Osborne spent a few years without a real home base, essentially living out of a suitcase as work brought her from one far-off destination to another. “When you’re an opera singer, you’re kind of a free agent,” she said. “I come back to Toronto when I work with the Canadian Opera

lessons. Though Osborne wanted to learn to sing jazz, her teacher had other ideas. “My first teacher told me if I wanted to learn to sing, I would learn to sing properly, so I started out in classical music. The first song I remember learning was an aria from a Puccini opera and I actually just sang that in my last performance. It was surreal standing on the stage singing that song that I first sang so long ago.” Powerful voice


Vocalist Simone Osborne is starring February 2-22 in the Canadian Opera Company’s upcoming production of ‘Un Ballo in Maschera’ at the Four Seasons Centre and will return next season in ‘Falstaff’.

Company, and they’ve got a rehearsal space in Corktown and at the Four Seasons, so the location is perfect.” The soprano had no idea growing up that she would make waves in music, much

less as an opera singer. Unlike many in her field, she had no real aspirations to start a career in opera. “I used to listen to the Beatles and jazz at home and I never really studied music,”

she said. “I really wanted to take singing lessons when I was younger, but my mom wouldn’t let me.” She tuned in to opera when she finally had the money to pay for her own singing

On the strength of her powerful voice, Osborne toured a dozen different countries last year. While her singing has earned her rave reviews both at home and abroad, she credits other elements of her on-stage presence for her success. “I always try to work on my stage persona and be not just a singer, but a singing actress,” she said. “I like to think of myself as a wellrounded performer – I don’t just stand there and, as we call it, ‘park and bark.’ The opera today isn’t just the stereotypical show with a

fat lady with horns on her head just standing there and (holding a note) for as long as she can.” Osborne’s on-stage physicality will help when she appears in the Canadian Opera Company’s upcoming production of Un ballo in maschera (A Masked Ball), in which she will play the role of Oscar. “We’re running all over the stage and putting on a piece of theatre to go along with this beautiful Verdi piece,” she said. While she has climbed to greater heights than she could have possibly expected in opera circles, Osborne noted there are a few roles she would love to take on, including the role of Mimi in La boheme and Violetta in La traviata. “It seems like I’m drawn to the big, dramatic storylines,” she said with a laugh. “Basically, if she dies, I want to play her.” Un ballo in maschera will run from Sunday, Feb. 2 through Saturday, Feb. 22.


For showtimes or tickets, visit www.coc.ca

Police and drop-in centre youth quick to bond >>>from page 1 or have had family members who have had run-ins with the police,” Leroux said. “The surveys asked questions like whether the police had ever been to their homes. We were trying to determine what their opinions of the police were.” While some of the youth were wary of the police, they quickly seemed to bond while playing everything from touch football, basketball and soccer to chess, Monopoly and video games. “It got pretty competitive and you would see some trash-talking, especially during touch football,” Leroux said. “The kids were treating the police the way they would treat their friends, which was cool to see.” The pilot program recently

It got pretty competitive and you would see some trash-talking, especially during football.. – Elisabeth Leroux

drew to a close, with the youth surveyed once again on their opinions of police. The police were also surveyed on the experience, and Leroux hopes to have the results of the study shortly. She said the police have asked to see the results, as well. Lasting impact? “All the data should be in by the end of February,” she said. “I want to see whether or

not there’s still an impact that lasted after (the project) ended and the report will make recommendations on whether or not the experience was beneficial for the youth and the officers, what worked and what didn’t.” Should the study show that relations between youth and the police improved following their regular interactions, similar programs could be rolled out in other at-risk communities. Leroux said the results of the study should be ready by the end of March. For more information on the programs offered at the St. Felix Centre, including the youth drop-in centre, visit www.stfelixcentre.ca


Check out 14 Division police at http://www.torontopolice. on.ca/d14/


Toronto Police Service Mounted Unit Const. Jeff Brough, aboard his mount Guardian, visits the St. Felix Centre drop-in program in August 2013 as part of a pilot project aimed at broadening local youth’s experiences with police.

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014 |



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Get out and participate in Chinese New Year


riday marks the start of the year 4712 in the Chinese lunar calendar, and there’s plenty of celebrations slated in and around Toronto over the coming days to help welcome the Year of the Horse. In our special feature in today’s paper, we’ve outlined some of the events local residents can attend while also taking a look at the history and traditions surrounding Chinese New Year. Find out more by visiting our events calendar online at bit.ly/torontocalendar The Chinese zodiac is made up of 12 animal signs, each representing a certain year, which repeats every 12. The Year of the Horse, which begins tomorrow, is in 2014 and will come again in 2026. The other 11 animal signs are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Last year was the Year of the Snake, our view and 2015 will be the Year of the Sheep. Each animal sign also has Year of the certain traits associated to Horse people those born in that particular year. For example, those born are restless in the Year of the Horse are said to be restless and seeking of independence, along with being good with money. Being able to not only learn about but actually take part in the many different cultural celebrations in our city each year is one of the great things about living in Toronto. We urge local residents to take some time over the next few days to seek out at least one Chinese New Year event. If you are of Chinese descent, you’re probably going anyway and if you’re not, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about one of Toronto’s largest cultural groups while also having fun. And if you go, send us a photo to ccm@insidetoronto.com How Toronto’s Chinese community grew from the first recorded resident, Sam Ching in 1878, to what it is today also provides an interesting look at changing attitudes and policies both in our city and across the country toward immigration. The Greater Toronto Area is now home to hundreds of thousands of immigrants of Chinese descent. Toronto has a number of areas with large concentrations of Chinese businesses and attractions including both downtown’s Chinatown and Chinatown East at Broadview Avenue and Gerrard Street. Also, the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto is in Scarborough.

Write us The City Centre Mirror welcomes letters of 400 words or less. All submissions must include name, address and a daytime telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Copyright in letters remains with the author but the publisher and affiliates may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters can be sent to letters@ insidetoronto.com, or mailed to The City Centre Mirror, 175 Gordon Baker Rd. Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.


Who are the real victims in the Ford saga Watching Rob Ford the past week and a bit brings to mind nothing so much as a prizefighter, bleeding from the ears and spitting teeth as he hangs on the ropes nursing a couple-three broken ribs, telling his manager before the last round starts: “Don’t worry. I’ve got him right where I want him.” It’s an absurd place to be for the mayor of Canada’s largest city. A full week ago, a broken elevator helped ensure Ford arrived late to deliver a lunch speech at the Economic Club of Canada – so late the club is offering refunds to its attendees. On Monday night, the mayor arrived on time to the Toronto Region Board of Trade’s annual dinner – uninvited. He reportedly sat down at the back of the room, and partway through a speech by Board of Trade President Carol Wilding filled with implied criticism, left. Earlier that day, he com-

david nickle the city plained to the media that his own executive committee had “stabbed” him “in the back,” and that was why he dare not tell anyone about his plans to cut taxes in this week’s budget debate. ‘Victim’ On that, and other things too, Ford appears to be conceding tactical defeats. In so doing, he paints himself as a victim of Toronto’s undemocratic elites. The ‘little people’, Ford no doubt hopes, will take umbrage on his behalf. It’ll be a neat trick if he can pull it off. Because the fact is that Ford is a wealthy label-making heir, who has spent the past year or more over-reaching even that lofty privilege. He’s used his office to benefit his family’s business and

(Mayor Rob Ford) will not acknowledge that any of his policies have driven up the cost to taxpayers.

his football coaching hobby – admitted to using hard drugs and being in a “drunken stupor” – and subjected those he identifies as enemies to slanderous and unfounded attacks. All of which has opened both Ford and the city to the sharp-tongued ridicule of the world. In reality, Toronto’s ‘elites’, such as they are, have become as much a victim in this scenario as Ford has made himself. But never mind that. As the mayor sets himself up for more body-blows, leading with his jaw, he reinforces his own dishonest narrative that he is the only one will-

ing to fight for the interests of Torontonians in a city “addicted to spending.” He will not acknowledge that any of his policies have driven up the cost to taxpayers. Push the boundaries He will not acknowledge that the “culture of entitlement” he has fought at city hall is in fact a culture whose boundaries he has in fact pushed. He will simply continue to push at the much narrower boundaries that Toronto council established for him last year when they removed many of his powers and resources, and do so until voters pass judgement in October. And then, he and the rest of the city will see: whether he has it where he wants it, or not.


David Nickle is The Mirror’s city hall reporter. His column runs every Thursday.

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city centre in brief

conference on wStaging sustainability FEb. 2-5 Sustainability 2014, an international conference set for Feb. 2 to 5, will be the largest gathering of innovative sustainability practitioners in the world. Hosted at three downtown Toronto venues: Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St. W., 99 Sudbury and MaRS Discovery Centre, 101 College St., as well as streamed to satellite locations across Canada. Visit www. sustainablepractice.org fundraising concert for st. Alban’s A group of musicians will play a pay-what-you-can show to raise funds in support of youth music initiatives at the St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club. Money raised will be used to purchase a guitar for the club’s pick-up guitar class. The show takes place at the Central, 603 Markham St., from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31.


alternative wedding wBrides show feb. 2 and grooms-to-be are invited to a free alternative wedding show to find the ideal way to celebrate their nuptials. The first-ever Perfect for

Gathering Here Today expo will feature local florists, photographers, caterers, DJs and more. It will take place on the second floor at 461 King St. W. from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2. Learn how to apply for arts grants feb. 4 Arts for Children and Youth and Mural Routes are co-hosting a pay-what-you-can workshop to teach emerging artists to apply for grants. The workshop will be facilitated by freelance writer Julia Chan. It will take place at Studio 408, 401 Richmond St. W., from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4. To register, call 929-9314, ext. 109 or email Brittany@afcy.ca


free programming for st. james town kids St. James Town Community Corner is offering free afterschool programming for children aged four to six. The weekly Story Time and Crafts sessions includes storytelling, and gives kids a chance to make simple crafts. It will take place Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. at 200 Wellesley St. E. To register, call 416-9646657.


festival wTeatea set for Feb. 1 and 2 lovers are invited to drop by the Toronto Reference Library to join in the second annual Toronto Tea Festival. The event features tastings of teas from around the world, tea-making implements, presentations and more. It will take place at the library from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1 and Sunday, Feb. 2.

dents an opportunity to learn more about plans to electrify Union Pearson (UP) Express, the train that will run between Union Station and the Toronto international airport. Open houses are scheduled for: • Monday, Feb. 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Locus 144 Restaurant, 171 East Liberty St., Unit 144 • Monday, Feb. 10 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Lithuanian House, 1573 Bloor St. W. For details, visit electrification@metrolinx.com or visit www.gotransit.com/electrification


pets Friendly dragons A bearded dragon is a great pet for families with children


food Enjoy an afternoon tea

day of the year Canadian-ukrainians BIKE ride ON SATURDAY wcoldest w gather at city hall Cycle Toronto is once again More than 300 Canadianinviting residents to bundle up and join in the Coldest Day of the Year Ride. The annual event will see cyclists biking from Queen’s Park to Dufferin Grove Park, where they can enjoy skating and a campfire. The event will kick off at 12:15 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1. electrification open Feb 3 & 10 whouses

Metrolinx and Hydro One Networks Inc. will host joint public open houses to offer resi-

Ukrainians gathered outside Toronto City Hall in biting temperatures on the afternoon of Sunday, Jan. 26 to rally against the deaths last week of three protesters in Kyiv allegedly shot by government police, with many renewing calls for President Viktor Yanukovych to resign. They later held a candlelight vigil inside St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox cathedral near Bathurst and Dundas streets.


The Kitten and Bear know how to do tea – and scones



health Healthy 2014 Tao of Wellness offers tips to keep your New Year’s resolutions



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SAVE TORONTO’S WATERFRONT Say NO to $300M of your tax dollars being spent on Pearson-by-the-Lake. Sign the Petition. www.nojetsto.ca/take-action

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014 |



‘Russia’s treatment of LGBT people is alarming to say the least’: Besharat >>>from page 1 PrideHouseTO sport and recreation senior specialist Barb Besharat. “We want to make sure those games are the most inclusive for the LGBT community in the history of multi-sport games.” That this year’s winter Olympics are taking place in Russia adds a certain gravity to PrideHouseTO’s work. The Olympic host country has been criticized around the

world for its attitudes toward homosexuality and the passing of laws banning so-called “homosexual propaganda.” “Russia’s treatment of LGBT people is alarming to say the least and it calls into question the safety of athletes, spectators and the families of those competing in the games,” Besharat said. “This is an opportunity for us to highlight the work LGBT folks are doing in Russia.”

It’s just an amazing outdoor wintery event. – Barb Besharat

The political climate in Russia may spark plenty of discussion at the site, but despite the politicization surrounding the issue of LGBT rights, Besharat said PrideHouseTO’s primary goal in setting up a public view-

ing area is to celebrate the Olympics as a whole. Different groups, such as the LGBTQ parenting network and LGBT sports leagues will host their own events at the PrideHouseTO venue throughout the Olympics, and there will be skating and some refreshments on hand for those enjoying the games. “For the most part, it’s just an amazing outdoor win-

tery event,” Besharat said. “Looking at the Farmer’s Almanac, the weather looks amazing for February – between minus two and plus two – and there’s the refrigerated rink there, the big screen, we’ll have nightly programming and it’s all closed off to traffic.” PrideHouseTO will be open throughout the Olympics, and programmed events will run primarily from 4 to 10 p.m. on

select evenings throughout the games. Victoria and Gould The intersection of Victoria and Gould streets will come to life at 7 a.m. on Feb. 23 for the men’s gold medal hockey game and the closing ceremonies.


For more information visit www.pridehouseto.ca












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OFFERS END JANUARY 31ST. FIND YOURS AT CHOOSENISSAN.CA OR YOUR LOCAL RETAILER ± Finance offers are now available on new 2014 Pathfinder S 4X2 (5XRG14 AA00), CVT transmission. Selling Price is $31,692 financed at 2.9% APR equals 182 bi-weekly payments of $193 for an 84 month term. $0 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $3,363.52 for a total obligation of $35,056. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Conditions apply. ≠Representative semi-monthly lease offer based on new 2014 Altima Sedan 2.5 (T4LG14 AA00), CVT transmission/2014 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG54 AA00), manual transmission. 2.9%/0% lease APR for a 60/39 month term equals 120/78 semi-monthly payments of $128/$79 with $2,930/$0 down payment, and $0 security deposit. First semi-monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Prices include freight and fees. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/ km. Total lease obligation is $18,248/$6,190. Conditions apply. †The 0.9% purchase financing for up to 48 months offer is available with the purchase of new 2014 Juke models. Representative finance example based on a new 2014 Juke SL AWD (N5XT14 LN00), CVT transmission with a selling price of $30,007, financed at 0.9% APR for 48 months, equals 104 bi-weekly payments of $274 with $1,998 down payment. Total cost of borrowing is $517.68 for a total obligation of $30,525. $1,500 NF Cash is included in the above selling price and only applicable on the 2014 Juke SL models available only with subvented loan rates through Nissan Finance from Jan. 15 – 31, 2014. †The additional discounts of $1,500 NF Finance Cash is only available on the purchase finance of 2014 Juke SL models. The discount will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and can be combined with special finance rates only through Nissan Finance. Conditions apply. � $31,692 Selling Price for a new 2014 Pathfinder S 4X2 (5XRG14 AA00), CVT transmission. Conditions apply. � Models shown $24,899/$34,707/$31,507/$43,792 Selling Price for a 2014 Sentra 1.8 SL (C4TG14 AA00), CVT transmission/2014 Altima Sedan 3.5 SL (T4SG14 NV00), CVT transmission/2014 Juke SL AWD (N5XT14 LN10), CVT transmission/2014 Pathfinder Platinum 4X4 (5XEG14 AA00), CVT transmission. ±≠†��Freight and PDE charges ($1,575/$1,695/$1,560), air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, certain fees (ON: $5 OMVIC fee and $29 tire stewardship fee), manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Lease offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Offers valid between Jan. 15 – 31, 2014. ∞Ward’s Large Cross/Utility segment. MY14 Pathfinder vs. 2013 Large Cross/Utility Class. 2014 Pathfinder S 2WD with CVT transmission fuel consumption estimate is 10.5L/100 KM CITY | 7.7L/100 KM HWY | 9.3L/100 KM combined. Actual mileage will vary with driving conditions. Use for comparison purposes only. Based on 2012 EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. 2014 Pathfinder Platinum model shown. ^Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada (AIAMC) Mid SUV segment, AWD/4WD, 7-passenger, V6 gasoline models only. Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. Always secure all cargo. See Nissan Towing Guide and Owner's Manual for proper use. *All information compiled from third-party sources including manufacturer websites. Not responsible for errors for errors in data on third party websites. 12/17/2013. Offers subject to change, continuation or cancellation without notice. Offers have no cash alternative value. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©1998-2013 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc.

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city centre happening in

it's happening w Friday, Jan. 31

Free Start-Up Advice WHEN: 11 a.m. to noon WHERE: Jimmy’s Coffee, 107 Portland St. CONTACT: Blake, www.ownerswanted. ca, blakevandelft@gmail. com COST: Free The Canadian Youth Business Foundation experts will help take the stress out of exploring a business idea by providing mentorship and advice to help take things to the next level. Meet author Paula Altenburg WHEN: noon to 4 p.m. WHERE: Chapters (Bay and Bloor), 55 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Anjana, anjana@ entangledpublishing.com COST: Free Paula Altenburg, author of the Demon Outlaws series, will be meeting fans and signing copies of her books at Chapters. She will be at the Chapters at John and Richmond Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. GrandNIGHT – a gala fundraiser in support

of the Stephen Lewis Foundation WHEN: 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. WHERE: Factory Theatre MainSpace, 125 Bathurst St. CONTACT: torontoislandgranniesinspirit.weebly.com/ grandnight.html COST: $75 A special presentation of the North American premiere of “Free Outgoing” by acclaimed Nightwood Theatre in Toronto. There will be wine, food, talkback with actors, and opportunity to bid on Toronto Island experiences. Call 416-5049971. The Grandmothers Campaign raises funds to support the courageous work of grandmothers raising their grandchildren orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa.

w Saturday, Feb. 1

2014 Toronto Tea Festival WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge St. CONTACT: Lisa, 647-878-6934, info@teafestivaltoronto.com COST: $15 Sample hundreds of teas

and learn from experts in the industry at one of the complimentary presentations. Shop for all your favourite teawares, teas and related products. Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Choral Conductors’ Symposium Free Concert WHEN: 3 to 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St. CONTACT: Jennie Worden, development@ tmchoir.org COST: Free Concluding the TMC’s fourth annual Choral Conductors’ Symposium, this free afternoon concert is a great opportunity to enjoy a concert of diverse

get listed!

The City Centre Mirror wants your community listings. Sign up online at citycentremirror.com to submit your events (click the Sign Up link in the top right corner of the page).


Cash in your closet today at TrendTrunk.com *actual member results based on selling price. Visit TrendTrunk.com for more testimontials

choral works and see some of Canada’s upcoming choral conductors at work. The #artlive Vogue Ball WHEN: 8 p.m. WHERE: Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W. CONTACT: Chrissi Forte, 416-973-4342, media_relations_dpt@harbourfrontcentre.com COST: $10 World Stage 2014 launches with style. This year they are playing with hometown heroes and heroines from the House of Nuance to mark a new year of live art.

looking ahead w Wednesday, Feb. 5

Taxes: Free workshop WHEN: 6 to 9 p.m. WHERE: Central Eglinton Community Centre, 160 Eglinton Ave. E. CONTACT: Nancy, 416-392-0511, programmanager@centraleglinton.com COST: Free Learn about tax planning, tax credits, tax deductions, as well as how to save on taxes with basic tax knowledge. Register.

Check out our complete online community calendar by visiting www.citycentremirror.com. Read weeks of listings from your neighbourhood as well as events from across Toronto. CONSUMER FEATURE

Fifty years of homecare in Toronto This year marks 50 years of publicly funded homecare in Toronto – caring for the people of our community. There have been many changes in the services provided over the years, but some things have come full circle. In 1964, when The Home Care Program for Metropolitan Toronto was founded, doctors still made house calls. The program’s aim was to reduce the pressure on hospital beds, and support people with short term care as they completed their recovery at home. In its first year of operation, 948 patients were cared for. Over the years, that original organization has evolved into the Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre (TC CCAC), funded by the Ontario government and one of 14 CCACs across the province. Last year, it cared for 46,039 people. While the focus of care today is typically on long-term supports that allow seniors to stay in their homes longer, clients of all ages receive care, including medically complex children and adults. The idea of homecare has expanded in 50 years. In 1985, the Home Care Program registered its first client with HIV/AIDS. This was still a time when much was still unknown about the disease and its transmission. The Home Care Program showed leadership in educating service pro-

Homecare has come full circle in the past 50 years. Doctors are starting to make house calls again, often supported by Toronto Central CCAC.

viders and the medical community about the disease and those in need of care. In 1992, in partnership with Casey House, an AIDS hospice, the Home Hospice Program was launched. Today, the Toronto Central CCAC continues to value partnerships and leadership. Today it works in partnership with family doctors, hospitals, community services, EMS and others, creating integrated teams of healthcare providers who communicate with each other about their clients. Clients and their family caregivers are also seen as partners in care – new training for staff and service providers guides them in taking the time to lis-

ten to clients to find out what is most important to them. In fact, a recent survey found 87 per cent of Toronto Central CCAC clients reported overall satisfaction with their care. With an aging population, caring for people in their own home has never been more important. But with its long history of respect, compassion and innovation, home care in Toronto is ready for the challenges of the future. And one thing has come full circle: doctors are starting to make house calls again – often supported by Toronto Central CCAC staff and services.

– Carol Millar Director, Hospital Transitions and Relationships

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014 |


Frank Leo

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Situated on a Quiet Court fronting on The National Golf Club, Spectacular custom built bungaloft on a Premium pie shaped professionally landscaped lot, circular driveway, double door entry to lavish foyer, gourmet design kitchen, gold accents, island of your dreams, open concept Family room, walkout to terrace, magnificent master bedroom retreat with luxury appointments, 5 piece ensuite, W/I closet, sitting area with gas fireplace. This Exquisite Bungalow is the home you deserve. $1,750,000


Incredible luxury condo, great location close to Vaughan Mills shopping centre,Canada’sWonderland,restaurants, and all conveniences. Fabulous gated community, 24hr concierge, Fantastic facilities, spacious 2 bdrm condo, stainless steel appl.Granite countertop,gleaming ceramic & hardwood flrs thru-out. A must see for $589,900!!

BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW!! Situated on a quiet cul de sac, premium 50’ lot, gorgeous landscaping brings out its beauty, large patio & pond, renovated kitchen, 3 bdrms, spacious principal rooms, and separate entrance to 2 bdrm in-law suite for only $469,900!!


Builders Model Home. 3380 square foot Luxury, Detached 4+1 bedroom 2 storey with walkout basement, open concept layout, gleaming hardwood floor, granite countertop + S/S appliances in gorgeous kitchen, master bedroom retreat, separate entrance to Nanny/In-Law suite, Plus much more in High Demand location. Simply Stunning only $949,900!!



Large 3100 sq ft 4+1 bedroom beauty! Double door entry, French doors, cathedral ceilings, fireplace, fabulous family size kitchen, granite countertop, gorgeous enclosed sunroom, magnificent main floor master, 4pc ensuite, hrdwd flrs, California shutters, large open concept loft O/L family room, high demand Woodbridge location close to all conveniences, must be seen for only $875,800!!



Nestled among million dollar homes detached 4+1 bedroom 2 storey on 52’ lot in high demand neighbourhood. Large foyer, circular stairs, formal living & dining room, plus separate entrance to finished bsmnt Nanny/ In-law Suite. Amazing opportunity, Value plus, only $699,900.



Fabulous Ranch style bungalow in high demand south Etobicoke area. Wide 53’ lot, with concrete double drive, well maintained property, 3+1 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 full baths, separate in-law with 2 entrances, large verandah, deck and interlock patio, new roof (2007), thermal Windows and many extras for $699,000!!


Spacious 3+1 bedroom in high demand Jane/ St. Clair location, great curb appeal backing onto park, new kitchen & bath, beautiful skylight over staircase, large master bdrm with ensuite, separate entrance to professionally finished basement apartment, and many extras for only $579,000.

Situated on a premium 150’ lot, + serene quiet high demand nieghbourhood, beautiful country-like setting. Detached 3+1 bdrm updated large bungalow with addition, fabulous wood work through out, plenty of charm and character. Renovated family size kitchen + bath, large deck, magnificent master bdrm with full ensuite, finished walk/out basement simply must be seen only $549,900!!

Spectacular detached 3+1 bedroom in high demand South Etobicoke. Modern renovated kitchen, granite countertop, island of Your Dreams, renovated baths, gleaming hardwood floors, separate entrance to finished basement. Ideal for In-Law suite situated on a spacious lot. Simply Must Be Seen for only $499,900!!

Located in the beautiful town of Erin, great property, large home with spacious principal rooms, plenty of room for large family or potential to generate revenue. Parking for 6 cars, in-ground pool and hot tub, plus many extras, close to all amenities in town, great value for $489,000!!


THE ESSEX 2 Tridel built fabulous corner suite 2+1 bedroom, open concept living & dining rm, W/O to balcony fabulous kitchen, granite countertop, breakfast bar, master bedroom with ensuite & walk-in closet, amazing amenities, steps to subway Bloor line/ Kipling Station only $379,900!!

Large 3 bedroom home in the picturesque town of Lefroy, just North of Bradford. Renovated eatin kitchen, W/O to deck, spacious open concept living & dining room, laminate floors thru-out, large private fenced lot, steps to Killarney Beach, and Lake must be seen for only $349,900!!


SCARLETT & EGLINTON!! Incredible 3 bedroom suite, opportunity knocks, great location, well maintained, spacious layout, parquet floors throughout, 2 full washrooms, ensuite laundry, and all amenities, located close to TTC, parks, golf course and all conveniences only $299,000!!

Exceptional 2 bedroom suite with approximately 1000 Sqft of luxury. Stunning espresso floors and cabinetry, granite counters in kitchen and 2 bathrooms, stainless steel appliances. Elegant waterfront living, steps to the Lake, shops, restaurants, GO Station and all conveniences. 24 hr concierge, lounge, party room, courtyard, and 7th floor terrace overlooking the Lake, complete with outdoor lounges and BBQ facilities. Simply must be seen for only $419,900!!



Amazing opportunity, 2 bedroom suite split bedroom plan, 10’ ceilings, huge balcony 2 w/o, fabulous amenities include concierge, gym, aerobics, squash, sauna and outdoor pool, steps to lake, waterfront trails, and all conveniences, just minutes to downtown Toronto. Live the life for only $295,000!!


Spectacular 1 bedroom brand new never lived in suite, open concept layout, gleaming hardwood floors, granite countertop, modern kitchen, new appliances, all amenities, pool , Gym, theatre, and much more, plus 24 hr Concierge, steps to transit & Sherway Gardens Mall, amazing value only $249,900!!




Fabulous central Etobicoke location. Large 3+1 bedroom 2 storey townhome, open concept living and dining room, walkout to large private balcony, updated kitchen, thousands spent on upgrades, master bedroom ensuite, plus den can be used as a fourth bedroom. Only $234,900!!



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Copyright© 2009 Frank Leo

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014



CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014 |



World Pride using crowdfunding to help bring in speakers Many invited speakers to World Pride 2014 hard-pressed to afford the trip JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com As the world prepares to descend on Toronto to celebrate World Pride 2014, organizers are reaching out to the public to help bring about a global conference on human rights. Wo r l d P r i d e a n d t h e University of Toronto’s Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies are putting together the conference, which will see speakers from around the world speaking of

the perils faced by the LGBT community in many countries. Unfortunately, many of those invited to speak are hard-pressed to afford the trip. An online crowdfunding campaign has been set up on Indiegogo to help defray their costs. “The major cost we have is in helping to bring panelists (for the conference) from around the world,” said Brenda Cossman of the Bonham Centre. “We have 180 people who have accepted

The people we have coming are the people on the ground – policymakers, lawyers, performers and artists. – Brenda Cossman

and of those, about 90 have asked for full or partial bursaries.” Bringing people in from around the world will help shine a light on the injustices faced by countless members of the global LGBT community. For many, simply being who they are has been deemed criminal and subject to persecution and – in some

cases – violence. “In Canada, we haven’t got a bad record (with regard to LGBT rights) though there’s still a long way to go when it comes to First Nations and trans issues,” Cossman said. “The conference will be sort of a state of the union and a way for people to share strategies on fighting for LGBT rights.” Panelists will discuss the challenges, victories and setbacks on the road to securing LGBT rights in many countries, with guests coming from countries such as Uganda, Russia and Nigeria, where persecution is a major concern. “The people we have coming are the people on the ground – policy-makers,

lawyers, performers and artists,” Cossman said. “They’re all activists in one way or another.” There will be panel discussions regarding news and education, HIV/AIDS awareness and advocacy and various other issues. As educational as the panel discussions will be, even greater value will be derived from giving people from around the world a chance to discuss LGBT rights and figure out ways to learn from one another. “A lot will happen off the stage, in hallways, over lunches and over coffee,” Cossman said. “Panelists will be able to engage in a discus-

sion with each other on how to advance their own struggle in their own countries and how folks on the outside can help.” The Indiegogo campaign is looking to raise $15,000 to help panelists make their way to Toronto for the conference, which will run from June 25 to 27. “Now we just need people to effectively sponsor our panelist,” Cossman said. The deadline to donate to the campaign is Feb. 8. Visit www.indiegogo.com/ projects/worldpride-humanrights-conference


Visit the official World Pride 2014 site at www.wp14to. com


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$470,000 Welcome to the Brand New Scenic on Eglinton by Aspen Ridge Homes. A spectacular new development in the thriving neighbourhood of Toronto’s Leaside Community. This chic 2 bedroom suite features an open den, 2 baths, dark wood floors and cabinetry, huge 6’ kitchen island with granite countertops, lavish finishes, modern ensuite with glass shower, floor to ceiling windows, 30’ balcony, 9’ ceilings, underground parking and storage locker. Amenities include concierge, living plant wall, indoor pool, sauna, exercise gym, children’s room, party room, dining room & guest suites. Visit virtual tour for more photos and information at www.35brianpeck-unit1104.com


Sunday streetcar stops wremoving The TTC is considering removing all “Sunday” streetcar stops to prevent stop-and-go-service and bunching. A new report to be presented at this week’s board meeting also recommends placing all streetcar stops 300 to 400 metres apart, which it states would help service efficiency while also keeping the stops within a reasonable walking distance. Removing all 39 Sunday stops, which were first employed in the 1920s as a way to reduce the walking distance for churchgoers, is expected to be presented to the board in late February. GO Train cars ordered wMore

Metrolinx is spending nearly $500 million on 65 GO Transit passenger train cars meant to boost service

rahul gupta TO in TRANSIT within the Toronto region. The transit planning agency also announced it has an option to order an additional 75 coaches from manufacturer Bombardier to boost GO’s rail fleet in anticipation of an eventual transition to frequent, allday service. The trains will be manufactured in Thunder Bay, where the TTC’s new streetcar fleet is also under construction, and delivered starting in 2016. Expressway design options wGardiner

Wa t e r f r o n t To r o n t o i s expected to release in February updated designs of the four main construction options it is considering for the elevated portion of the Gardiner Expressway,

between Jarvis and Leslie Streets. The options under study for the crumbling expressway include maintaining the Gardiner, keeping it intact and improving the public realm below, replacing it with a new elevated structure or removing it completely and replacing with a grander Lake Shore Boulevard. A public meeting for the study takes place Thursday, Feb. 6 at the Toronto Reference Library. To register, visit www.gardinereast. ca

The simpler look also indicates five distinct surface line types organized to display among other

things vehicle frequency and on what days the service operates. Visit www.ttc.ca

Rahul Gupta is The Mirror’s transit reporter. His column runs every Thursday. Reach him on Twitter: @TOinTRANSIT


Company proposes cable cars in Don Valley Could cable cars one day become a dependable way of traveling into the city’s ravines? A Toronto-based company thinks so. Bullwheel International Cable Car Corporation is floating a proposal to build a gondola network descend-

ing into the Don Valley from Danforth Avenue and connecting with the Evergreen Brick Works conservation centre. Not much is known about the idea, including how much it would cost and when it would be built, but cable-pro-

pelled transit (CPT) – which has been used for well over 100 years across the world from mountainous regions to denser, urban areas such as New York City and London – would be ideal for the Don Valley, according to company founder Steven Dale.

sought on revamped ttc map wfeedback

T h e T TC c o n t i n u e s t o seek rider feedback on its revamped system map, which shows every bus and streetcar route in the city as well as the complete subway map. In contrast to previous versions, the new design which is posted on the TTC’s website focuses solely on the 416 area.


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giving blood a family event. Someone you know may need you this long weekend. With 16,000 new donors needed in Central Ontario this year, please consider bringing someone who has never given blood before with you to your next appointment.

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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014


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The Chinese find great symbolism in numbers Among zodiac signs, the horse is restless and the most misunderstood >>>from page 1 Celebrations will be held in all five Chinatowns in the Greater Toronto Area – home to more than 280,000 immigrants of Chinese descent. While at dinner, Chong’s cousin Jeffrey and his wife Fornita will hand Chong and her sister Gina red envelopes filled with cash – a tradition that brings immediate good fortune, though it’s meant to bring health and luck to those who receive them. “Not being able to go home and celebrate Chinese New Year with my family is going to be kind of sad,” Chong said. “We get together and catch up with everything. Not being able to do that is something I’m really going to miss. I’m going to give (my parents) a call and hopefully they’ll send me money.” Chinese New Year is considered a family reunion dinner. Toronto’s Walks and Bikes Tour guide Shirley Lam puts on a number of tours throughout the two-week festivities. Some are food tours through Toronto’s downtown Chinatown which touch on some of the food traditions as well as cleaning rituals. “Between now and next Thursday is all of the frenzied cleaning up, dusting, getting your hair done already – I got mine done on Monday,” Lam said. Lam noted that it’s bad luck to cut or clean your hair on New Year’s Day. Any household cleaning must also be done prior to Jan. 31. “The 29th you have to stop doing cleaning and purging and stuff and the 30th is New Year’s Eve and you

shouldn’t be pitching out anything else at that point,” Lam said. This year, communities across the globe will be celebrating the lunar new Year of the Horse. They’ll decorate their homes in red to fend off evil spirits, and set off firecrackers for the same purpose. Lam noted that also important is symbolism in numbers. Usually at dinners there will be from eight to 12 dishes – eight being a very lucky number in Chinese culture. ZODIAC It’s ironic for Banff-based Christina, who was born the Year of the Horse, to be spending her first Chinese New Year away from home on the year that celebrates her sign of the zodiac. Horses like Chong are often restless and seek independence. They’re also great with money. Her sister Gina, the rooster is always busy and more aggressive in her goals. The other 10 animal signs are traditionally said to have competed in a race, the order of those who won is the order in which the years are celebrated. First – the rat – is charming and quick witted. The Ox came next and is reliable and dependable. Tigers are strong and competitive with a natural authority over others. The Rabbit is the happiest sign when among friends, but are often shy and cautious among strangers. The Dragons are born leaders, idealists, and perfectionists. Snakes are restrained, refined and intelligent. Then came

Staff photo/NICK PERRY

Drummers help bring in the Year of the Horse at the Scarborough Town Centre Saturday afternoon.

the Horse, the most misunderstood sign. They often leave home at a young age and will be restless no matter where they end up. Sheep are the most feminine of signs. They’re elegant, charming and artistic. Monkeys come next – they’re inventive, quick witted, though seldom taken seriously. Next is the Rooster – sometimes abrasive and considered rude, but with high ideals. Man’s best friend the Dog comes next with their honest, faithful, and sincere attitude. Chong was born and raised

LOCAL EVENTS THE CHINATOWN BIA will hold its annual celebrations over two days with opening ceremonies kicking things off at the Chinatown Centre, at 222 Spadina Ave., at noon on Saturday, Feb. 1 and Dragon City Mall, at 280 Spadina Ave., at 1 p.m. The festivities will include traditional performances including lion dances,

in Toronto’s east end, but her genealogy represents the wide range of Chinese immigrants who have come to make up more than 11 per cent of Toronto’s growing population. Chong’s paternal lineage represents one of the turbulent past for Canada’s Chinese. Though widely accepted in the Greater Toronto Area today, her great-grandfather faced a different fate when he arrived in Victoria, British Columbia in 1885 on a ship full of passengers set to work on the Canadian National

martial arts demonstrations and Chinese dance and opera. The Toronto Zoo’s panda mascot will drop by to entertain children during the celebration, and there will also be various arts and crafts demonstrations for youngsters Other attractions designed to highlight Chinese culture and traditions include a wishing tree, yoga, dim sum making demonstrations, paper lantern making, a Chinese windmill and

Railroad. The Canadian Government had just implemented a $50 head tax on Chinese entering the country in hopes of curbing their immigration. “He smuggled my greatgrandma in, so two for the price of one,” Chong said. Families received an apology from the Canadian Government in 2006 for the head tax as well as compensation. The family is now settled among Toronto’s large and growing Chinese community. Chong, a fourth-generation Chinese descendent, some-

dart playing for luck. The free event will run until 5 p.m. on Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday at both locations. THE LILLIAN H. SMITH LIBRARY at 239 College St. will ring in the Year of the Horse on Saturday, Feb. 1 with a lion dance and a WuShu kung fu demonstration, Chinese Zodiac face painting for kids, Cantonese opera, and Chinese dance and classical music.

times feels that growing up in Toronto was a more westernized upbringing . “Growing up in this city makes you more open to other cultures. You’re a multicultural citizen.” Chong said that her extended family is quite traditional and celebrations like the Chinese New Year help her get back to that. “Growing up in a Western culture, it’s good to get back to your roots,” she said. “Because my extended family is traditional, it’s a good way to connect and get close to them and learn more.”

The face painting starts at 1 p.m. with parents asked to pre-register their children by calling 416-393-7746. The live entertainment will run from 2 to 4 p.m. A TASTE OF THE WORLD (www.torontowalksbikes.com) will offer tours of the Chinatown area. Various restaurants will offer special fare to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, January 30, 2014

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Job Posting

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THE COMPANY: A subsidiary of Torstar Corporation, Metroland is one of Canada’s premier media companies. Metroland delivers up-to-the-minute vital business and community information to millions of people across Ontario. We have grown significantly in recent years in terms of audience and advertisers and we’re continuing to invest heavily in developing best-in-class talent, products and technology to accelerate our growth in the media landscape and strengthen our connection to the community. For further information, please visit www.metroland.com. THE OPPORTUNITY: Want to build great digital businesses that more than 3 million Canadians will use each and every month? Want to revolutionize how people shop online? Want to do it with an amazing team of entrepreneurial, passionate people in a fast-paced environment? If the answer is yes then Digital Commerce is looking for you! Digital Commerce is a specialized group within Metroland that grows wholly owned digital startups including WagJag.com (a Canadian leader in daily deals), Save.ca (a Canadian leader in digital flyers and coupons), and TravelAlerts.ca (a growing Canadian leader in travel deals). We are looking for a Manager of Finance to lead the Accounting function for WagJag and TravelAlerts businesses. This position is located in our downtown Toronto office.

ROLE DESCRIPTION: The Manager of Finance is an accounting professional with extensive experience in financial reporting, forecasting, budgeting, and internal controls. The primary mandate of the role is to manage the full accounting cycle, including preparation of period financial statements, for multiple businesses in the Metroland Media Digital Commerce portfolio. The position also takes primary responsibility for coordinating financial and income tax audits. Additional responsibilities will include assisting with preparation of quarterly forecasts, annual budgets, tax filings and other projects, as required. In performing all functions of the role, the individual will be accountable for ensuring the integrity of accounting processes and systems of internal controls. The Manager of Finance will be responsible for providing leadership and mentorship to accounting team members. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES: • Managing Receivables & Payables Functions • Assisting With Working Capital Management • Performing Monthly Variance Analysis & Coordinating Investigation Of Key Variances • Leading And/Or Assisting With Projects, As Required

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If working for a highly energized, competitive team is your ideal environment, please email your resume to clbentzen@metroland.com by February 5, 2014. Thank you for your interest. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

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last week’s answers

How to do it: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 by 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

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