October 18

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thurs oct 18, 2012



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POLICE GAMES: The Toronto Police Service tug of war team – Al Therrien, right, Peter Duncan, Barbara Skully, Nelson Fong, Jeffrey Hsiung and Kevin Cai – are urged on by Sandra Lestati during Police Games competition at the Rogers Centre on Saturday. The annual event benefits the Toronto Police Widows and Orphans Fund. More photos page 6.

Resident calls for more development LISA QUEEN lqueen@insidetoronto.com It’s not often you get a resident coming to a council meeting asking politicians to approve more development in their neighbourhood. But that’s exactly what happened last week when Erskine Avenue resident Jonathan Skelcher came to North York Community Council to urge politicians to approve a 32-storey residential building containing 422 units at 99 Erskine Ave. and 66 Broadway Ave., northeast of Eglinton Avenue and Yonge Street.

“We’re actually quite ready for it,” the 10-year resident of the neighbourhood said. “There are some issues we hope the city and developers will deal with infrastructure...(but) that area should be built up. It is commonsense development.” Councillors approved the project, which still requires approval from city council, Oct. 30. Even though the building will obstruct his rented penthouse view of the sunset a few weeks a year, Skelcher said the development should proceed because he shouldn’t

be able to stop progress. The development is proposed by developer Beaux Properties International Inc., working with builder Deltera Inc., which is part of the Tridel Group of Companies, one of Canada’s largest residential developers. “We couldn’t ask for a better builder,” Skelcher said. His support for the building left councillors shaking their heads, even asking him if he had an interest in the development. “We never, ever get the other side and it’s interesting to see the other

side,” said York West Councillor Anthony Perruzza, who said normally residents come to council meetings to complain developments will add to traffic headaches and put pressure on already overcrowded amenities such as schools, parks and sewers. Skelcher assured councillors he is a personal trainer and will not financially benefit from the project. What’s more, he urged councillors to approve other developments in the area, which is slated for significant growth due to its proximity to >>>CONDO, page 12

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Devin Cuddy Band debuts new album Saturday JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com


ith strong musical bloodlines, one might assume it was only a matter of time before downtown Toronto resident Devin Cuddy embarked on a musical career. Early on in life, however, the up-and-coming young musician had no intention of following in the footsteps of his famous father, Blue Rodeo’s Jim Cuddy. Now set to release his debut album – The Devin Cuddy Band Volume One – the young singer-pianist recalled that there were times when a life in music held no appeal. “It all happened pretty slowly,” he said. “My dad started me on piano lessons when I was 12 and I didn’t like it at all.” That all changed when he was exposed to jazz, first through the works of Louis Armstrong and then through others. That kindled a passion for music that led to Cuddy studying jazz performance

at York University and eventually performing on his own. “Even back in university, I didn’t know I would wind up wanting to perform my own songs,” he said. Cuddy’s biggest influences include classic country and New Orleans blues, with his own music fusing the two and peppering them with a Canadian sensibility. The young singer began performing solo shows regularly at the Cameron House at Queen St. W. and Spadina Ave., where he still sometimes takes the stage in the back room. Eventually, he felt the time was right to create a band, so he enlisted the help of a pair of old York University pals, bassist Devon Richardson and drummer Zach Sutton. The trio then added guitarist Nichol Robertson to form the Devin Cuddy Band. “I had a lot of fun playing solo, but some of my friends said my stuff would sound even better if I had a band so I decided to try


Devin Cuddy will release his debut album this Saturday at the Cameron House.

that,” he said. “At first, I heard the songs the way I played them as a band in my head and thought ‘this doesn’t sound like that’ but then we found a good vibe quickly.” Despite his father’s success in the music business, Cuddy wanted to strike out on his own and carve out

his own niche. He was hesitant to lean on his father for advice, but changed his tune about a year ago. “I finally just realized, he has so much knowledge about the industry, I’d be stupid to reject that,” he said. “The funny thing is,

I’m really proud of my father and everything he’s accomplished. I really enjoy hearing stories from people in small Canadian towns who say Blue Rodeo was the only band to come play there. I admire that and I hope I can do that, too.” The Devin Cuddy Band has just wrapped its first

major tour, playing gigs throughout the east coast. He noted the band attracted an eclectic crowd out there, a far cry from their gigs in some of Toronto’s hipper bars. “We saw a lot of older folks in some places who would gravitate to our stuff, where on a Saturday night here, everybody’s 25 and under,” he said. He enjoys living on Queen West, a hotspot on the Toronto music scene. Playing at the Cameron House, where the band is set to launch its debut album, is particularly convenient. The album itself is being launched on Cameron House Records. “It’s nice to be so close (to the Cameron House) because the vibe here is really musical,” he said. “You’re really playing in front of a jury of your peers.” The Devin Cuddy Band will launch their eponymous first album at the Cameron House, 408 Queen Street West, with shows at 6 and 10 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20.

St. Stephen’s launches book about struggles with identity JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com A group of talented young men and women from St. Stephen’s Community House are hoping their own experiences can help other youth navigate the stereotypes and challenges of growing up biracial. St. Stephen’s has launched a new book titled It’s Not All Black and White: Multiracial Youth Speak Out, which contains poems, short stories and interviews with multiracial writers. The book delves into the young authors’ own feelings and life experiences as they struggled with issues of iden-

tity. “Growing up and being mixed race, when I’d hang out with my white friends they’d say I act too black and when I’d hang out with my black friends they’d say I act too white,” said contributor Bianca Craven. Craven got involved with St. Stephen’s to get support in finishing her education after bouncing around from high school to high school. “I hopped around – I went from a school that was almost all black to one that was all white and I didn’t fit in at either,” she said. “Finally, I went to Central Commerce, which is very multicultural, and had success.” Fellow contributor Kalale

Dalton said she came to grips with some issues from her own adolescence while working on It’s Not All Black and White and hopes other youngsters will be able to learn from her experiences. “It’s very different than growing up uniracial and issues around mixed race aren’t always talked about,” she said. “I wrote about my family and how the assumption is that because I look a certain way, I’ve had a certain life experience. My family is white on one side and people don’t make that connection.” It’s Not All Black and White is the third in a series of books penned by youth using St.

Stephen’s House services. The first book, The Little Black Book for Girls, offers unflinching insights into issues ranging from body issues to school to relationships to sexuality. That book was vetted by health care professionals, picked up by Annick Press and caught on to the point where it has been distributed across North America as well as overseas in Italy, Germany and France. “The books are all written by youth, for youth,” said St. Stephen’s executive director Liane Regendanz. Regendanz is hopeful the new book will enjoy the same success and widespread

distribution. St. Stephen’s youth social worker Karen Arthurton, who helped facilitate the book, said the finished product was the result of months of discussions, workshops and other background work. She noted the book looks at community and identity, stereotypes and more. “It was definitely time for a book like this,” she said. “We’re noticing a growing biracial population among our young people, so it definitely made sense to look at mixed race.” It’s Not All Black and White is available on the Annick Press website www.annickpress.com


Bianca Craven reads from her entry ‘It’s 2012, Where Have You Been?’ during St. Stephen’s Community House presentation of It’s Not All Black and White: Multiracial Youth Speak Out, on Oct. 11.

| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012 |


Opinion Ian Proudfoot Marg Middleton Peter Haggert Antoine Tedesco Warren Elder Jamie Munoz


Your View

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Readers offer public transit funding ideas

The City Centre Mirror is published every Thursday at 175 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, ON M2H 0A2, by Toronto Community News, a Division of Metroland Media Group Ltd.

McGuinty’s replacement must keep transit a priority

I endorse a one per cent corporate and union tax to bail out public transit. Some want property taxpayers to suck it up with yet another new tax or toll road tax. My position is that it is time for our corporations and unions to pay a one per cent new tax for the sole purpose of funding our public transportation systems. Peter Clarke


alton McGuinty’s announcement Monday night that he was stepping down as Ontario’s premier and proroguing the provincial legislature has opened a number of interesting scenarios for Toronto’s many Liberal MPPs. Say what you wish about the timing of McGuinty’s move, Toronto residents can expect a number of their provincial representatives to be serious contenders for the Ontario Liberal Party’s leadership. Toronto has been good to the Ontario Liberals, showing them strong support in the last three provincial elections. After majority government wins in 2003 and 2007, the Liberals formed a minority government in 2011 and would not have done so without Toronto’s backing. Of our 23 seats, 18 went to the Liberals while the remaining five were taken by the NDP. Provincially, more than a third of the Liberals 53 seats at Queen’s Park belong our view to Toronto MPPs. We have strong political influence in the party, Potential and that will be reflected once the race to replace McGuinty leaders need heats up. At the same time to keep local MPPs were talking about McGuinty and his legacy, they residents were also putting out feelers about their own leadership chances. When they make their informed decision, they owe it to their constituents to let them know as soon as possible. Part of McGuinty’s legacy is transit. He created the provincial transit authority Metrolinx with the mandate to build and fund transit across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). Whoever replaces him must continue to make transit in the GTHA a priority. Any MPP from Toronto will clearly understand the importance of the transit file, and it should be a major plank in the campaigns of those running for the party’s leadership. Progressive Conservative Party leader Tim Hudak was at Toronto City Hall Tuesday morning to talk transit at a meeting scheduled before McGuinty made his announcement. He will be making transit and traffic gridlock a key issue when we do get a provincial election call, presumably sometime after the Liberals pick their new leader. Flanked by a number of city councillors, including Councillor Doug Ford, Hudak looks as if he’ll have no problem working with the Ford administration at city hall. McGuinty was also able to work with Mayor Rob Ford. In a statement on McGuinty’s decision, Ford said, “While we had different political views on some issues, Mr. McGuinty and I always had a very good working relationship as mayor and premier.” Maintaining that good working relationship with Toronto’s mayor will be crucial for whoever is chosen as the Ontario Liberal Party’s next leader. Toronto Community News is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. The Mirror is a member of the Ontario Press Council. Visit ontpress.com newsroom

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We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Copyright in letters remains with the author but the publisher and affiliates may freely reproduce them in print,

electronic or other forms. Letters can be sent to letters@insidetoronto.com, or mailed to The City Centre Mirror, 175 Gordon Baker Rd. Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.

I have a thought for a great way to pay for transit in Toronto - why not designate all of the money generated by the parking control officers to fund transit. If council wants to penalize people trying to conduct legitimate business off of the inner city roads, why not? Surely the substantial financial haul that pours daily into the city hall coffers can be rerouted toward this essential service. Chris Belfontaine

McGuinty’s decision proves need for Toronto to fund own transit It’s been a long time since anyone has illustrated the argument for made-inToronto transit funding solutions as well as our soon-to-be-former premier Dalton McGuinty did Monday night. McGuinty’s surprise resignation was not only as leader of the Liberals and premier of the province, but as the remaining steward of Toronto’s current light rail transit expansion plan. That $8.5 billion plan, for light rail on Eglinton, Finch and Sheppard Avenues, is the reliable base-line for hope, for those who wanted to see faster transit to suburban communities. We’ve dreamed of other plans, of course. Mayor Rob Ford briefly created a convincing enough scenario in which the private sector might build subways to Scarborough. TTC Chair


david nickle

Karen Stintz created an even shorter-lived scenario in which Toronto might have as many new transit routes as burst capillaries on an old drunk’s nose. And now, the morning after McGuinty’s exit announcement, there are indications even the $8.5 billion light rail plan isn’t that reliable. Tim Hudak, the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, stopped by Toronto City Hall to affirm his preference for a Mayor Ford-style subway expansion. Although the days are

early, it’s fair to say that Hudak’s chances of being the next premier of Ontario are excellent, as are the chances that Ontarians will be given the opportunity to weigh those chances in an election within the next six months. What happens to the $8.5 billion in light rail funding if that happens? Well, it’s up to Hudak. Work’s already started on the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown line, and unless the Progressive Conservatives want to develop a reputation as the kind of government that fills in holes on Eglinton (as the Mike Harris government did there in 1995) there will probably be some form of light rail transit there. But if the decision gets made to bury the rest of the line, that will take care of most of the $8.5 billion

right there. And Finch and Sheppard will be unfunded. When will subway funding come? “When I am the next premier, we will use whatever dollars are available to build underground,” he told reporters. Uh huh. Toronto’s decision earlier this year to look into funding transit expansion on its own starts to look pretty good, given all that – because really, with a provincial government deep in deficit, whatever money’s available won’t pay for much light rail, let alone subways. It’s pretty clear, as we move into our suddenly very muddy future the only reliable way to get around this town by bus, subway or light rail, is to belly up to the table and put our own money down.

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Community fighting to preserve historic post office JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com As Canada Post continues with its plan to sell Postal Station K, the North Toronto community continues to rally to try to preserve the historic site. Eglinton-Lawrence MPP Mike Colle held a public meeting Wednesday, Oct. 10 as part of ongoing efforts to drum up community support. Colle said he hoped Canada Post would send representatives to the meeting to see just how much the building means to the community. “I think it was very, very arrogant to not attend and listen to the people,” he said. “By their own Postal Charter, they’re supposed to listen and consult with the public.” C o l l e s a i d a Fre e d o m o f Information request regarding Canada Post documents showed that a heritage assessment of the property was supposed to be taken. “Even in their own documents, it’s clear that this building’s historically significant,” he said. “This just gives

‘Even in their own documents, it’s clear that this building’s historically significant.’ ~ MPP Mike Colle us more ammunition to prove this isn’t just another building.” The building was built in 1937 and is one of few remaining buildings to bear the insignia of short-lived monarch King Edward VIII. It stands on the former site of Montgomery’s Tavern, home to William Lyon Mackenzie’s rebel forces during the Upper Canada Rebellion. Canada Post spokesperson Jon Hamilton said the organization did not attend Colle’s meeting as it is holding its own consultation process with the public. Canada Post, however, is not looking for input as to the future of the site, focusing instead on how postal services will be carried out in the area once the building is sold.

At Colle’s meeting, an idea was floated that would see the Anne Johnston Health Station expand its services – and take over the station – across Montgomery Avenue. “There will be 30,000 more people moving into the area and that would be a good place for community meetings and a place where our local seniors could go for health care,” Colle said. Despite that idea being put forth, Anne Johnston Health Centre Executive Director Brenda McNeill said it was far too early to consider that a viable option at this time. McNeill would only say that “it would be nice to see it remain as a community building.” Colle said Canada Post would have to lease the property to the city or the province in order to allow such a use, an unlikely outcome given that it is likely to sell for upward of $50 million. As the community continues to rally to preserve the site, Canada Post has yet to make a decision on the proposals it has received for the property.


cross-town rivalry

Staff photo/NICK PERRY

Go long... Richard Quittenton launches a pass for the University of Toronto Varsity Blues as they face the York Lions in the 43rd annual Red and Blue Bowl Game at Varsity Stadium Saturday afternoon. York defeated Toronto 36-24, leaving both teams with 2-5 records. The overall series is now 26-17 in favour of the U of T. For more photos of the game, visit bit.ly/RxR4eE


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FUN AND GAMES: The annual Police Games were held at the Rogers Centre Saturday in support of the Toronto Police Widows and Orphans Fund. Above, Emergency Medical Services team member Lorne Burns flips a tire during the obstacle course. At left, Julie Lewis, left, and her brother Aaron meet K9 Central’s Kees Kerkhoven and his French bulldog Saba.



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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012



Rider earns bronze medal at provincial equestrian championship DAVID GROSSMAN active@insidetoronto.com

to stables in Stouffville. Deciding to take a year off from pursuing studies in university, Sambasivam has been devoting a fair chunk of his time riding. Depending on his progress, he’s been tinkering with the idea of adding his name to a list of future competitions. After a sparkling performance recently in Bromont, Que., Sambasivam decided he would show his appreciation and offer his horse a shiny red apple as a reward. “I could tell he appreciated it,” said Sambasivam, who once spent his time mountain biking, snowboarding and doing his best as an amateur photographer. But all that appears to have been pushed aside as he nurtures his equestrian experience. Sambasivam was one of four riders who earned a bronze medal in the jumping team competition at the prestigious, and by invite only, Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships. Other members of the Ontario


ike most athletes, Dillon Sambasivam is always looking for ways to improve his performance. If a recent experience is any indication, he may have figured out one approach and, at the same time, help out his best friend. Confused a bit? Well, the 18-year-old graduate of Toronto’s Northern Secondary has a fond interest in the art of horse riding and his buddy of the past two years – a 1,200 pound Gelding – is not the kind you would see in a merry-go-round at the autumn country fair. Sambasivam not only has to worry about his own progress, but also works hard at developing a rapport with a horse – and that, even at the best of times, can be quite challenging despite commuting six days a week back and forth from his Lawrence and Bayview area residence

representing the province with a subsidy to assist them with the costs of accommodation, meals and shipping their horses. Recognized as a pilot project, the championship was a collaborative event between the national and provincial sport organizations governing equestrian competition. A multi-discipline competition, it’s a key event in the development of the next generation of national, international and world champions. It was the first major award for Sambasivam – and, while first considered a hobby, he’s getting to like horse jumping. “Considering that he’s my best friend right now, we’ve got along very well even though we have never exchanged words,” said Sambasivam, who was introduced to riding horses at the age of six when he took some lessons at his aunt’s farm in Caledon. His aunt is Shelley Peterson, an actress and author, but likely best known as the wife of former


Dillon Sambasivam rides at the Canadian Interprovincial Equestrian Championships Sept. 23 in Bromont, Quebec, where he helped Team Ontario place third in the jumping competition.

squad were Helen Chambers of Oakville, Benjamin Eyles of Mississauga and Denis Sweeney of Peterborough. To qualify, he submitted

his best results from last May to August and hoped the response would be B:10”positive. T:10” The Ontario Equestrian Federation provided riders S:10”

Ontario Premier David Peterson. “Riding started out for fun, but it’s getting more serious for me now,” he said. “This award is big for me – a first. It’s quite an accomplishment, but there’s no sitting back and admiring for long, as I have to analyze the mistakes and see how we can improve.” Sambasivam is a casually calm kind of guy, but also quite realistic when talking about competing for Canada on the international circuit. “There are some great riders out there and while it would be nice for me to represent Canada say at a Pan Am Games, it would take lots of time, training and funding,” he said. With continuing education at Dalhousie University in Halifax put on hold for a year, Sambasivam is already planning for several shows starting in December across Ontario, Quebec and the United States. “One never knows where you may end up if you push yourself,” he said.

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CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012 |


It’s Happening ROCKtober 2012 in support of the Kids Help Phone WHEN: 2:30 to 5 p.m. WHERE: St. Michael’s College School, 1515 Bathurst St. COST: $15 Rock-out with award-winning family pop band Marlowe & The MiX at Rocktober 2012, a live kids pop/rock concert in support of Kids Help Phone. Children ages two to 12 and an adult are all invited to sing, dance and party along with the MiX and their special musical guests. Tickets are $15 per person and include pre-show fun starting at 2:30 p.m., live concert from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. and After Party featuring kid-friendly DJs and dancers plus treats, autographs and giveaways. Every family will also receive a free One Dancefloor CD. Visit www. marloweandthemix.com/Rocktober

Rd. E. CONTACT: E. Macdonald, 416483-0695, www.manorroadunitedchurch.com Shop for jewelry, bake table, China, crystal, cheese table, linens, book table, plants, crafts, household items, silent auction, Church Cafe, face painting and Haunted house.

■ Sunday, Oct. 28

Toronto Chamber Choir: The Myste-

rious Pierre A-la-mi-re WHEN: 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Mark Vuorinen, 416-763-1695, www.torontochamberchoir.ca The Toronto Chamber Choir’s season begins with music from the extensive collection of the 16th-century copyist Pierre Alamire. This season-opening Kaffeemusik (lecture-concert) will discover how this merchant, mining

engineer, diplomat and spy was also one of Europe’s most important copyists of music manuscripts. During the performance, images of Alamire’s many volumes of beautifully illuminated copies will be projected above the choir.

Monday of the month WHERE: Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave. A support group for people who have lost a child. Counsellors will sometimes join the meetings to provide more specific grief support.

■ Ongoing

■ Ongoing

Compassionate Friends Support Group Toronto Chapter WHEN: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the second

Email your event listing to letters@ insidetoronto.com and include the date, time, cost and details about the event.

■ Tuesday, Oct. 23

Distillery District Photo Safari with Blurb WHEN: 3 to 6 p.m. WHERE: Security booth at north end of Trinity Square, 9 Trinity St. CONTACT: http://torsafarieorg.eventbrite.com Blurb, an online self-publishing platform, is inviting Torontonians to take to the streets Oct. 23 with documentary photographer Dan Milnor AKA Blurb photographer-at-large, for an afternoon of photography and fun. Learn about lighting, timing and composition and receive on-the-spot advice. Visit http:// torsafari-eorg.eventbrite.com to register.

■ Wednesday, Oct. 24

Where to Shop for Fantastic Bargains and Fabulous Finds WHEN: 7 to 9 p.m. WHERE: Central Eglinton Community Centre, 160 Eglinton Ave. E. CONTACT: Nancy Lyon, 416-392-0511, www.centraleglinton. com COST: $5 Learn to find the best deals in the city. Call to register.

to offer you unsurpassed paint quality and unique colours you won’t find anywhere else.

Toronto History Lecture WHEN: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. WHERE: City of Toronto Archives, 255 Spadina Rd. CONTACT: Jessica Ehrenworth, tinyurl. com/9bqrq2w, info@torontofamilyhistory.org COST: Free The Toronto Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society and the City of Toronto Archives present the 2012 Toronto History Lecture, featuring author and genealogist Janice Nickerson speaking about ‘Stories of York’s Sacrifice: Militia Casualties of the War of 1812’. This is a free event, but reservation is required.

■ Saturday, Oct. 27

Community Fall Fair WHEN: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. WHERE: Manor Road United Church, 240 Manor


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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012

■ Sunday, Oct. 21


CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012 |


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Stunning custom built 4 bdrm 2 stry, loaded with over 100K in high end upgrades and landscaped to perfection. Huge family room addition with 12’ ceilings, heated floors & w/o to patio, gorgeous master bedroom with large balcony, 4 pc ensuite, outstanding workmanship thru-out, with lifetime guarantees on numerous upgrades, truly a must see for $739,000!!

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Prime development land, surrounded by Thistletown Plaza, 3+1 bedroom Semidetached bungalow on a 35’x183’ lot (3 adjacent lots also) providing over 20,000 sq ft for all kinds of development potential, $549,000!!

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Live in downtown Toronto without compromising on space. Completely renovated, designer finishes thru-out, this spacious 2 bdrm corner unit features gorgeous kitchen with Quartz countertop, gleaming hardwood, and many extras just steps to Subway, Dundas square, Eatons Centre, Hospitals, & all amenities for $499,900!!

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Detached bungalow on a quiet cresent,backing onto gorgeous ravine, in a great family nieghbourhood. Separate entrance to finished basement in-law suite, long driveway, and many extras located close to all conveniences for only $399,900!!


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Highly sought after Weston & Major Mackenzie opportunity, Spacious 4 + 1 bedroom, 5 wshrms, 2 storey, large combined living & dining rm, separate family rm with fireplace, family - size kitchen, finished basement with kitchen & washroom ideal for in- law suite, loaded with upgrades & extras must be seen. $599,900!!


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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012



CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012 |



Residential development proposal threatens 400-year-old oak tree JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com A proposal to build three homes on a parcel of land on Manor Road has residents in the area concerned over both the character of their neighbourhood and the fate of a centuries-old oak tree. The site, on the corner of Manor Road East and Redpath Avenue, is home to a tree that has been estimated at roughly 400 years old. “(The builder) said he was willing to plant other trees, but it’s not the same as saving this one that’s been around for hundreds of years,” said resident Doris Low. “How many 400-year-old trees do you know of in Toronto?” Low said the oak tree provides shade and privacy for other residents in the area due to its size. Replanting saplings would not offer the same benefits, she said. “Our neighbourhood is a treed area with nice, big

‘How many 400-year-old trees do you know of in Toronto?’ ~ Resident Doris Low trees,” she said. The tree would be removed to allow two additional threestorey homes to be built in the backyard. Councillor Josh Matlow said the city does not have a policy in place that would preserve the ancient oak beyond the existing legislation in place to protect trees in general. “We have a heritage policy to protect structures, but very little to nothing to protect trees,” he said. The proposal would call for the existing home on the property to be torn down and replaced by a larger home with two other homes also built on

the double-sized lot. “They want to turn a property for two homes into three homes and the variance they’re asking for has stretched the height and density quite largely,” Matlow said. Matlow said the applicants have said the property will be used for their own family, but pointed out that allowing such a plan could open the door to similar proposals in the future. “Ultimately, they need to be respectful of the neighbourhood,” he said. “There’s justifiable concern that if we keep seeing land being severed, it will set a precedent.” Low added that even if the builder were to allow his family to live in the other houses, “there’s nothing stopping him from selling in a year.” Low was planning on attending a meeting at the South Eglinton Rate Payers’ and Residents’ Association Wednesday, Oct. 17 – after

‘We have a heritage policy to protect structures, but very little to nothing to protect trees.’ ~ Councillor Josh Matlow the Mirror’s press time – to discuss the matter and see what could be done to stop the application. In the meantime, Matlow said both he and city planning staff oppose the proposal in its current incarnation. He said he hopes to set up a meeting with the applicant and the residents in an effort to find a compromise. “If (the applicant) is good to his word, he and his family want to live there,” he said. “I would think if you’re moving into a neighbourhood, you would want to be considerate of your neighbours.”

Condo creep, says Shiner >>>from page 1 the Eglinton subway station and the building of the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown light rapid transit line. He said the developments should proceed as long as developers pay to upgrade infrastructure and amenities in the neighbourhood. But not everyone is as thrilled with the proposed development. Ira Micay, director of a townhouse condo corporation to the west of the project, said residents are worried about higher densities, the increase in traffic especially around a nearby school, the loss of mature trees and the reduction of surface parking in an area already lacking in parking. “If we had our way, things would stay as they are,” he said. Willowdale Councillor David Shiner complained about the height of the building in the middle of the block rather than on a main road, warning it will open the door to other developers who will want to push the envelope. “I don’t believe 32 storeys is

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appropriate. It’s the creep, it’s the condo creep,” he said. Deltera manager Peter Jacovcic said the building will be a “great addition” for the Yonge-Eglinton centre. His comments were echoed in a report from city planning staff. “The proposed development improves the lands by replacing extensive surface parking with dedicated parkland, landscape amenity area and a publicly accessible pedestrian walkway,” it said. “The proposed development achieves a good fit with the area by providing a built form that maintains adequate sunlight, privacy and sky views from the public realm.” The parking lots and an outdoor pool will be replaced with landscaping and a new outdoor pool. The walkway will extend down the west side of the proposed and existing buildings, where it will connect with a new park fronting on to Broadway, the report said. A grocery store originally planned to be part of the development is no longer included, the report said.

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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012 |



Space is the Place showcase set for Saturday JUSTIN SKINNER jskinner@insidetoronto.com The Daniels Spectrum in Regent Park will showcase some of the community’s top talent alongside the famed Sun Ra Arkestra this weekend. Students from the Regent Park School of Music will perform with the beloved jazz orchestra, which is directed by pre-eminent avantgarde saxophonist Marshall Allen and features a diverse array of talented jazz musicians. The musicians will be joined by dancers from Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie and elsewhere, who will perform the acclaimed Hymn to Universe. Bright costumes and puppetry will round out the show. The show, titled Space is the Place, will be followed by a community gathering. “ We w a n t e d t o c re a t e a n event in the entire (Daniels Spectrum) building,” said Bill Coleman of Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie. “It’s like a mixer to bring people in the community together with


Dancer Michael Marye, left, with Arkestra member Vincent Chauncey and others during a Space is the Place performance recently. This year’s event takes place at Daniels Spectrum in Regent Park.

food and drink.” The dance ensemble will include luminaries such as Carol Prieur, who was named Female Dancer of the Year by European publication Tanz Magazine. The space itself and the cos-

tumes will be designed by Metis visual artist Edward Poitras and designers Jim Searle and Chris Tyrell of Hoax Couture. With such a broad array of arts on display, organizers hope to bring Regent Park residents and

those from outside the community together en masse for a huge celebration. “We’ve been working as a company in Regent Park since 2008 and we’ve been looking for new ways to bring people together,” Coleman said. “We have people in this area living in social housing and people moving into the neighbourhood into townhouses and condos, and this is something that we think will bring them together.” Coleman noted while Space is the Place is geared toward Regent Park residents, the goal is to let others across the city know about it in order to turn Regent Park into more of a destination, which will help it develop into a community of its own with its own identity. “Buildings are one thing, but they’re essentially just empty spaces,” he said. “We always try to ask ‘how do we help create a community?’” Space is the Place will take place at Daniels Spectrum, 585 Dundas St. E., from 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Admission to the event is free.

Transit public forum Oct. 22 Funding tools for new transit locally and region-wide are on the agenda for a public forum planned for next week in midtown. St. Paul’s city councillor Josh Matlow is hosting the event, billed as a transit town hall, which takes place Monday at the North Toronto Memorial Community Centre, located at 200 Eglinton Ave. W., running from 7 to 9 p.m. The event will include a panel featuring former chief city planner Paul Bedford, Andre Cote from the Munk School at the University of Toronto, longtime transit watcher Steve Munro and representatives from TTC and Metrolinx. Also on the agenda for discussion: the under-construction EglintonScarborough Crosstown light rail transit line, overcrowding on the Yonge-University-Spadina line and a potential downtown relief subway, long coveted by the TTC to relieve pressure along the existing BloorDanforth line. For more information, contact Matlow’s office at 416-392-7906 or email councillor_matlow@toronto. ca

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ERIN HATFIELD ehatfield@insidetoronto.com Dozens of bikes hang on the wall and meticulously labelled boxes of bicycle parts line the other. For the past 15 years the lower level of an old United Church at 761 Queen St. W. has been the ideal home for the Community Bicycle Network (CBN), said board chair Adrian Currie. “This is a perfect space. It is huge with high ceilings, a back entrance,” Currie said. “The only thing this place is missing is a storefront.” But, the organization is now being forced to move and is searching for a new home in downtown Toronto. CBN is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving communities through cycling and recycling. Started in 1993, CBN offers affordable bike repairs, do-it-yourself space where people can come and use the space and tools. It sells used and obsolete parts, runs workshops and rents bikes, which fund their operations. “Our mandate is to promote the use of sustainable transportation through the use of bicycles,” Currie explained. “We focus on low

income, at risk communities in Toronto.” The building they currently reside in, which houses a number of not-for-profit organizations, was purchased by R&B Properties from the United Church and tenants are required to move out by

Dec. 31, 2012. “In September of 2011 we found out that the building had been sold and we would have to move,” Currie said. “We don’t know what their plans are for the building, but it sounds like it is going to be commercial and resi-

dential.” The Toronto United Church Council gave the CBN a generous break on rent, and Currie said finding another suitable space at an affordable rental rate has proven to be difficult. Currie said the CBN has been actively looking since January and have had a couple of leads, and a few prospective properties, but nothing firm. “Downtown Toronto is hard

because rent is so expensive now,” Currie said. “But if we were to move outside of the downtown core we risk losing a lot of our customer base and our membership base – the people that know about us and come and use our services.” They have thought about pairing with other bicycle organizations or not-for profits to share space and save on rent, but that too hasn’t panned out.

The CBN needs to find a ground floor, 1000 squarefeet space with a store front, preferably in an under-served neighbourhood in Toronto, accessible by walking, cycling, public transit and driving. The organization is asking anyone who knows of an available space that could suit CBN’s needs to contact Board Chair Adrian Currie by phone on 416-504-2918 or email via info@communitybicyclenetwork.org.


Community Bicycle Network board chair Adrian Currie inside the not-for-profit’s current home at Queen Street West and Bathurst. The network needs to find a new home by the end of this year.



| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012

Non-profit bike group looking for new downtown home

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012 |



Doug Ford vows to help make Hudak the next premier DAVID NICKLE dnickle@insidetoronto.com City councillor Doug Ford said he’ll work “day in and day out” to make sure that Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak is the next premier of Ontario, in the wake of Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s surprise announcement that he is quitting the top job at Queen’s Park.

“We’re going to win more seats than both parties in Toronto in the upcoming election,” predicted Ford, the influential brother to Mayor Rob Ford. He made the comments at a Tuesday morning press event with Hudak outside Toronto City Hall to talk about transportation, less than 24 hours after McGuinty had made his announcement that

he would not only resign but also prorogue the Ontario Legislature until a new leader was found. The announcement apparently caught everyone by surprise. In a statement released by Mayor Rob Ford’s office, the mayor wished McGuinty well and thanked him for his service as premier. “While we had different

political views on some issues, Mr. McGuinty and I always had a very good working relationship as mayor and premier,” said Ford. “I wish him well and look forward to working closely with the next premier of Ontario to advance the interests of the people of Toronto.” Hudak, for his part, has joined NDP leader Andrea Ho r v a t h i n c a l l i n g o n McGuinty to recall the legislature. “I think the premier is putting a lot at risk here by proroguing the existing legislature,” said Hudak outside city hall. “You put a padlock on the door and there is no more business, putting laws into effect in the province. I’ve known Dalton McGuinty for 17 years – I was a backbencher, newly elected, he came over and shook my hand, said welcome aboard.

And I respect his decision to resign, he’s been in public life for 22 years. “What I do not respect is his plan to shut down the legislature. There are 600,000 men and women who woke up this morning with no job to go to. We owe it to them to continue to work, to focus on jobs.” Hudak was at the news conference alongside several city councillors including Deputy Mayor Doug Ford, budget chief Mike Del Grande, public works and infrastructure chair Denzil Minnan-Wong and Doug Ford. There, he was introduced as “the next Premier of Ontario.” During his speech, Hudak acknowledged there was a great deal of talent among conservative councillors at city hall. But on Tuesday, councillors were coy about whether they would run provincially.

Doug Ford, who mused openly about running earlier this year when it was possible the McGuinty minority government would fall, was somewhat more circumspect. “I’ve always said I’d be interested, but that’s hypothetical,” he said. “We have interests to take care of at the city.” Minnan-Wong, another longtime Progressive Conservative at city hall, seemed to be leaning towards staying put at city hall. “I love what I’m doing here,” he said. “Never say never, but quite frankly there’s a lot to do at the City of Toronto. It’s exciting times. You don’t close any doors in any circumstances, but I don’t have any intentions of running provincially.” n Visit us online for more local political reaction to McGuinty’s resignation.

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First plan in

DAVID NICKLE dnickle@insidetoronto.com

Oxford Properties Group has announced a $3 billion plan to revitalize the Metro Convention Centre with a casino and hotel complex. The plan was unveiled Oct. 12, just two days after Toronto and East York Community Council held public hearings on the possibility of a casino in the downtown core. The Oxford Place proposal is the first specific casino proposal to emerge since the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation announced its intention to allow a casino in the Greater Toronto Area. The Oxford plan would put the casino right at the heart of downtown Toronto, on the parcel of land on the south side of Front Street, bounded by Simcoe Street and Blue Jays Way. The site is the current location of the Metro Convention Centre. In the Oxford plan, the centre would be revitalized and expanded. There would be new retail, office and residential space and 4,000 new underground parking spaces. Integrated into that would be a casino and hotel complex. The casino would make up less than 10 per cent of the project.

of 22 acres of convention space. And there would be residential and commercial space as well. Mayor Rob Ford, like others at city hall, said he would prefer to see a casino elsewhere – ideally on city-owned land so the city could collect rent. “I always said that,” he said, saying he hoped to see about $100 million a year coming into city coffers as a result of a casino. “The port lands or Exhibition Place – that’s my preference. “But if someone can come up with private land with the same amount of revenue, I’ll entertain that as well.”


Plans to build a $3 billion casino complex on the site of the Metro Convention Centre on Front Street have met with a cool response from city officials. “They can put it out there,” said Peter Milczyn, chair of the city’s planning and growth management committee. “But that doesn’t mean there’s even going to be a casino in the city.” Milczyn was commenting on a proposal by Oxford Properties Group, which on Oct. 12 released a proposal to rebuild the Metro Convention Centre – with two new towers, more convention space and a casino. The pitch from Oxford is both to the city and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, both of which are looking at the possibility of allowing a casino to operate in the city’s downtown. The Oxford proposal claims to be well-located for a casino and resort, saying it would not require new transportation infrastructure and would be proximate to other tourist attractions such as Rogers Centre, the CN Tower and new Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada. The proposal would also rebuild the convention centre to offer a total

‘ABSOLUTELY AT CAPACITY’ Toronto’s new chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat said the plan put out by the Oxford Group could cause transportation problems in the already tightly packed downtown. “There needs to be some careful due diligence undertaken,” she said. “There’s already a tremendous issue south of that site with capacity, and we know that Union Station at peak periods is absolutely at capacity. And we’re adding significant density to downtown.” Councillor Adam Vaughan said he was also concerned about trans-






Oxford Properties Group has announced a $3 billion plan to revitalize the Metro Convention Centre area with a casino and hotel complex.

portation issues. He said the casino could, in spite of promises to build 4,000 new underground parking spaces, choke out other users in the downtown. “If that happens, it’s game over for the Entertainment District,” said



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Vaughan. “You add to that the impact that casinos have on property values, and my guess is you collapse the residential condominium market in this city overnight as well. This is a devastating and a catastrophic proposal.”

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| CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012

City Hall hedging bets on new casino proposal

CITY CENTRE MIRROR | Thursday, October 18, 2012 |


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