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With me, not for me


Strategys for safer streets Urbanism with a gender perspective

Principle name


Objective: Approach to the ideal situation.


Strategy: Response towards the improvement of the observed conditions.

-It describes how to identify opportunities for improvement in the streets of the city. -The observations are made through participatory workshops with the Community.



Descriptive scheme of the strategy

-In this section, it is suggested how it should be based on the observations.

This is a proposal to start making the change, individually in small actions, some from home. Also with the Community, in a participatory way in which it is possible to get involved collectively to generate changes in our neighborhoods. Finally, the agencies or organizations that must be turned to for an impact on a larger scale are noted.

Walkability and access


Objective: Prioritize the pedestrian space with respect to motorized mobility, favoring gender needs.

-The crossing is not pedestrian level and increases travel time. -The tours in strollers or wheelchairs become complicated by slopes or stairs and the lack of breaks. -The lighting is poor.


How does it affect us? -For them it is difficult to access the elevated crossings when they bring strollers, heavy bags, among others. -They avoid crossing or change the route. -When the road is not accessible, they prefer not to go out.

-Crosses at pedestrian level. -Evident, signposted and with speed bumps. -If they are elevated, they must have adequate dimensions and slopes as well as efficient lighting and visual permeability.



Strategy: Sensitize pedestrian crossings according to gender and age needs.

-Individually: Respect and use the specific area to cross. -Community: Participate through maintenance, organize to paint and make the crosses a fun experience. -Municipality: Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works (SDUOP)

Walkability and access


Objective: Prioritize the pedestrian space with respect to motorized mobility, favoring the needs of gender.

-There is not enough space for oncoming lanes. -There is a need to turn or dodge to be able to pass. -There is a need to climb a step to access.


How does it affect us? -They perceive a risky situation when they feel that a car is following them and there are no nearby points to take refuge. -Suspicious cars that reside parked too close to the curb can be perceived as a possible risk. They avoid going through there or change their route.

- There must be a considerable distance between the pedestrian lane and the nonmotorized mobility lane, which allows them not to be directly related. - Have a subtle barrier such as: bollards, ridges, planters, etc.



Strategy: Assign pedestrian lanes that respect a comfortable distance from a stranger.

-Individually: Respect the lane that corresponds to each direction. -Community: Conserve and care. Keep clean for a longer duration. -Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works (SDUOP).

Walkability and access


Objective: Establish a mix of uses and proximity between care spaces and public space. Strategy: Distance from the lane of motorized vehicles to avoid suspicious cars and perception of insecurity.


How does it affect us? -They perceive a risky situation when they feel that a car is following them and there are no nearby points to take refuge. -Suspicious cars that reside parked too close to the curb can be perceived as a possible risk. They avoid going through there or change their route.

-There must be a considerable distance between the pedestrian lane and the nonmotorized mobility lane, which allows them not to be directly related. - Have a subtle barrier such as: bollards, ridges, planters, etc.



-Narrow and hidden lanes, where the car can circulate closely and at low speed, gives the perception of insecurity.

-Individually: Report suspicious cars, as a driver, be aware of speed in pedestrian zones. -Community: Respect the boundaries of the premises to avoid invading the pedestrian crossings. -Municipality: Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works (SDUOP).

Walkability and access


Objective: Establish a mix of uses and proximity between care spaces and public space. Strategy: Reduce the distances of the routes to the spaces of basic need.

How does it affect us?


-The routes of them become complicated as they have to travel more distance to reach the daily routine destinations.

-Have a diversity of uses within your neighborhood to meet your basic needs (saving time and less distance). -Have formal and informal commerce nearby. -Options of basic needs, work, school and recreation nearby.



-The spaces for housing, work, education and recreation are not close to each other. The paths to access these are complicated.

-Individually: Propose a business activity, whether formal or informal, from your own home. -Community: Promote a diversity of uses in businesses or emerging services. -Municipality: Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works (SDUOP).

Urban equipment


Objective: Promote different means of transport that are adapted to the diversity of gender, age and mobility.

-Non-continuous lanes of bicycle lanes. -There is a deficiency in protection, lighting and signaling. -Lane space with insufficient dimensions.


How does it affect us? -For them, traveling with children by bicycle represents a risk or it is not possible. -The lack of lighting at night is perceived by them as unsafe. -Your options are limited to being able to move within the city. This makes it difficult for them to carry out their daily tasks.

-Spacious lanes. -Continuous cycle paths. -The bike lane must have adequate protection from other lanes. -Have accessible and continuously distributed bicycle stations. -Allow rest as well as have a service space. -Durable and low-maintenance material. -Lighting focused only on the bike lane.



Strategy: Design a network of bicycle lanes to connect daily activities according to gender.

-Individually: Respect the signs and areas designated for cyclists. -Community: Promote the use of bicycle lanes and constant maintenance -Municipality: Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works (SDUOP).

Urban equipment


Objective: Promote different means of transport that adapt to the diversity of gender, age and mobility.




Strategy: Public transport to connect the different daily activities.

-The public transport system is deficient. -There are few or no transport stops. -The public transport route system covers a minimum part of the neighborhood. How does it affect us? -The deficiency of public transport makes it difficult for them to carry out daily activities, because a lot of time is wasted. -Knowing that the route will be complicated and time consuming, conditions the decision to go or not. -The few schedules and routes can condition the permanence in a place.

-Distribute transport stops strategically in the neighborhood to connect the daily network. -Have different schedules.

-Individually: Respect and care for the units. Report inefficient services. -Community: Promote proper use and responsibility for care. -Municipality: Queretano Institute of Transportation.

Urban equipment


Objective: Increase the perception of safety of women through the maintenance of clean and well-cared spaces.




Strategy: Choice of materiality to maintain the urban image.

-The surfaces or built elements have an obvious deterioration. How does it affect us? -The deterioration in surfaces gives a perception of neglect and abandonment, which is perceived by women as unsafe.

-Consider the use of durable and low-maintenance materials that guarantee a good condition for a longer time.

-Individually: Maintain our facade or property. -Community: Fine or encourage the care and attention of the facades or the premises. -Municipality: Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works (SDUOP).

Urban equipment


Objective: Increase the perception of safety of women through the maintenance of clean and well-cared spaces.




Strategy: Distribution of garbage containers in public space.

-The container baskets and garbage bags, interrupt the passage of pedestrians, wheelchairs and strollers. -The inexistence of cans leads to garbage on the streets. -The streets seem dirty and in turn abandoned. How does it affect us? -For them it causes insecurity, as it is perceived as a neglected and lonely space. -It is necessary to dodge to be able to pass or change the route. -It represents a problem for people who cannot dodge easily due to their age or motor condition.

-Assign a service space for the elevated garbage baskets. -The baskets do not interrupt the pedestrian flow or represent an obstacle.

-Individually: I make sure that my trash does not obstruct the passage. Take out the garbage at a time close to the collection time. -Community: Organize to take out the garbage on a stipulated schedule. -Municipality: Secretary of public services.

Urban equipment


Objective: Ensure the necessary Urban equipments and services according to gender and age to favor permanence in public space.

- Designated elements that do not have backrests, shade or public lighting. -Undesignated items used for sitting. -Deficiency of seats or pause spaces in public space.


How does it affect us? -The lack of seats conditions the permanence in the public space. -The elderly spend less time in public space. -It limits the possible routes to take with children or older adults. -It affects bodies that do not have the conditions to travel long distances. -Limits the eyes on the street so it is perceived unsafe.

-Have shaded spaces. -Have exclusive lighting for the seat. -Distribute continuously so that it is more likely to remain in the public space. -It is necessary the diversity of furniture regarding the ages.



Strategy: Locate spaces for rest on a continuous basis, promoting a comfortable stay for people of different ages and genders.

-Individually: Respect and take care of the furniture that already exists in some places. -Community: Maintain furniture, take care of it and promote its correct use. Together build new rest objects. -Municipality: Secretary of public services.

Urban equipment


Objective: Ensure the necessary urban equipments and services according to gender and age to favor permanence in public space.




Strategy: Have public bathrooms for permanence and improvement of the experience of women in the common space.

-Dirty and paid public bathrooms. -Modules that do not have a diaper changing station. -They do not exist in public space. How does it affect us? -They spend less time in public space -Women choose clothes that are not “complicated” when going to the bathroom. -It is always essential to carry extra objects for hygienic use. -The lack of diaper changing stations limits their time in public space or the decision to go. -Limits the eyes on the street so it is perceived unsafe.

-Have clean and free public toilets. -Have the measurements for a wheelchair or entry with a stroller. -Baths of the appropriate size for girls and boys. -Have toilet paper and soap. -Diaper changing stations are necessary in men’s and women’s bathrooms. -Individually: Respect and take care of the bathrooms that already exist. Use them correctly. -Community: Provide maintenance and promote care. Propose places where they are needed. -Municipality: Secretary of public services.

Urban equipment


Objective: Ensure the necessary urban equipments and services according to gender and age to favor permanence in public space.

-Lack of protective furniture in risky areas.


How does it affect us? -For women who travel with children, these spaces can be avoided or surrounded. -They are possible causes of accidents.

-The protection elements are outside the pedestrian lane. -Have the minimum height and necessary protections considering children.



Strategy: Placement of protection elements that guarantee the free and safe stay of all.

-Individually: Respect the function of such elements. -Community: Provide maintenance and promote care. -Municipality: Secretary of public services. Mobility secretary.

Urban equipment


Objective: Ensure the necessary urban equipments and services according to gender and age to favor permanence in public space.




Strategy: Locate luminaires continuously, making use of different types at different heights.

-Little or no urban public lighting equipment. How does it affect us? -Spaces perceived as unsafe, it is avoided to go through these spaces by going around by completely modifying the route.

-Public lighting must be continuous and uninterrupted by other elements of the streets. -Pole-to-pole gaps of darkness are avoided, providing a fully illuminated path.

-Individually: Report the posts with burned out spotlights. That your own objects do not represent a barrier with respect to lighting. -Community: Provide maintenance and promote care. -Municipality: Secretary of public services. Mobility secretary.



Objective: Configure the spaces to keep an eye on the women’s journeys.

-Little or no Visibility from the house generates lonely streets. -Slim eyes on the street. -Limit activities.


How does it affect us? -They feel insecure. -It is necessary to always be alert, watch your back.

-Ensure the house-street visibility with the use of windows, balconies, permeable gates and terraces. -In the fences, insert with materials that allow visibility.



Strategy: Generate visual permeability through the facades and eyes on the street.

-Individually: Respect the function of such elements. -Community: Provide maintenance and promote care. -Municipality: Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works (SDUOP).



Objective: Configure the spaces to keep an eye on the women’s journeys. Strategy: Promote the diversity of uses on the ground floors.




-Mono use or no use of the ground floors available. How does it affect us? -Gives a guide to lonely areas, therefore for women it is unsafe. -It cancels the possibility of multiple activities in the public space and therefore the movement of people.

-Commercial ground floors that promote self-employment -Diversify the uses and schedules of the premises to keep the streets active.

-Individually: Learn about urban development plans. If possible, contribute by activating the ground floor of your own house. -Community: Participate in development plans to ensure the diversity of services in certain areas. -Municipality: Procedures Municipality of Querétaro.



Objective: Make the paths and waiting spaces for women visible.




Strategy: Design of public transport stops.

-The user waits outside the space designated as a “bus stop”. -It does not have protection, you must stay in the sun. -There are elements that hinder visibility. -There is little or no lighting. How does it affect us? -His body responds insecurely when waiting on the streets. -They perceive insecurity due to visual obstacles. -Stops without lighting represent a risk area for them when getting off public transport.

-Designated a specific and equipped space for the stop. -Have a roof and rest during the wait. -Make use of transparent materiality to avoid feeling insecure -Avoid advertising posters or other visual obstacles. -Establish the appropriate dimensions in which it is comfortable to wait with a stranger. -Have specific lighting for the bus stop.

-Individually: Respect and make correct use of stops. Report when the service is insufficient or there are elements that limit Visibility. -Community: Maintain stops. -Municipality: Ministry of Mobility, Instituto Queretano de Transporte.



Objective: Make women’s paths and waiting spaces visible




Strategy: Remove landscape, urban furniture and other elements that are visual barriers.

-Overruns the pedestrian crossing way. -It prevents safe traffic on the streets causing poor visibility. -Very tall shrubs or crowns too low. How does it affect us? -The pedestrian experience makes it difficult for them. -The low visibility, in them generates a feeling of insecurity or risk.

-Establish a gardening system and pruning seasons. -Shrubs smaller than 1 meter and trees with high crowns to provide shade and at the same time allow the vision and continuity of the spaces.

-Individually: Participate by removing my ads or objects that limit Visibility. -Community: Organize a cleaning, maintenance and care campaign. Report when it is not possible for the Community to remove the barrier. -Municipality: Secretariat of Public Services.



Objective: Make the paths and waiting spaces for women visible.




Strategy: Adaptation of corners, subways, stairs and hidden or abandoned areas.

-Barely lit spaces. -Areas with little or no activity. -There are elements that prevent Visibility in space. -Spaces that give rise to criminal activities. How does it affect us? -For them, it represents an area of ​​risk and insecurity. -They change their route even if it is longer or avoid these spaces.

-Have enough lighting to prevent the space from feeling dark. -Avoid elements that interrupt visibility.

-Individually: Report on areas identified as abandoned or unsafe. -Community: Promote activities to reactivate those spaces. Give maintenance, changing the burned out bulbs. -Municipality: Secretariat of Public Services.



Objective: To promote the safety of women in public space through orientation maps.




Strategy: Place maps of the location of the environment with information on public transport.

-Little or no information related to how to locate and move within the neighborhood. How does it affect us? -Walking through an unknown space causes insecurity, especially if it is at night.

-Have available maps of the urban environment that allow me to know where I am and where to go. -Have information on the stops and routes of public transport. -Inform the location of public buildings and public spaces.

-Individually: Participate in the creation of these maps. -Community: Create citizen participation campaigns for the creation of maps. Preserve, promote proper use and report if they do not exist. -Municipality: Secretariat of Public Services. Ministry of Mobility, Instituto Queretano de Transporte.



Objective: Use inclusive signage according to age and gender.




Strategy: Design non-sexist and diverse signage.

-Signage referring only to the male sex. -It encourages the homogenization of the pedestrian subject, neglecting the diversity of bodies and ages. How does it affect us? -Generates an omission of the diversity of bodies and gender in the public space.

-Use diverse iconography that refers to both genders. -Use non-sexist language in signage and signs in public spaces.

-Individually: Participate in the creation of a new Signage. Respect the signs that exist. -Community: Create citizen participation campaigns for the creation of inclusive signage. Maintain and report when not enough signs. -Municipality: Secretariat of Public Services. Secretariat of Mobility.



Objective: Educate through space about the dignity and well-being of women.

-There is little or no information regarding taboo subjects in public space.


How does it affect us? -There is little knowledge regarding many issues of sexuality, violence, Health, etc. -It is difficult to identify the situation and not act on it.

-Have information available to everyone. -Include the lines or places of support. -Be graphic, easy and quick to understand.



Strategy: Communicate about taboo topics through information printed and displayed in public space. (Sex education, violence, Mental health, Women’s health, etc)

-Individually: Be tolerant and respect, share information and, where appropriate, contribute to the creation of content. -Community: Organize groups to actively participate in the creation of graphics or information. -Municipality: Secretariat of Health, Secretariat of Youth, Secretariat of Citizen Security.



Objective: Educar a través del espacio sobre la dignidad y el bienestar de la mujer.




Strategy: Ofrecer atención y tratamiento de la Health de la mujer, en modalidad gratuita por medio de módulos itinerantes o en plantas bajas.

-No está al alcance de todas. -Es un servicio privatizado. How does it affect us? -Ellas no tienen el conocimiento total de su cuerpo. -No existe la posibilidad de tratamiento de fácil acceso.

-Contar con módulos itinerantes o fijos en el espacio público. -Ser espacios de fácil acceso y ofrecer atención en modalidad gratuita.

-Individually: Ser participe, acudiendo a estos módulos y difundir para llegar a todas. -Community: Solicitar los módulos a presidencia municipal. Promover el uso y difindir la información sobre fechas y horarios de servicio. -Municipality: Secretaría de Health. Presidencia Municipal.



Objective: Dignificar la experiencia en el espacio público promoviendo las medidas de sanidad.




Strategy: Fomentar medidas de distanciamiento físico e higiene a través de asientos aislados y lavamanos portátil.

-El espacio público carece del Urban equipment necesario para mantener las medidas necesarias para enfrentar una situación sanitaria. How does it affect us? -Incrementa la posibilidad de contagio. -El espacio público se convierte en una zona de riesgo.

-Contar con lavamanos portátiles distribuidos continuamente en el espacio público. -Disponer de asientos que respeten la distancia conveniente para evitar contagios.

-Individually: Actuar de manera empática respecto a la situación, respetando la distancia y manteniendo la higiene personal . -Community: Promover el uso de los lavamanos y fomentar el distanciamiento físico. -Municipality: Secretaría de Health. Secretaría de Servicios Públicos.

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