Una serie de microacciones | Parte 2

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Una serie de microacciones Hércules, Querétaro

Prefacio Abstract


El proyecto plantea una serie de microacciones que se concentran dentro de un centro comunitario en el barrio de Hércules, utilizando como eje rector de diseño el agua. Será a través de él que se regenere el sistema que envuelve el Río Querétaro, al ecosistema, el tejido y la conciencia social.

The project proposes a series of micro-actions that are concentrated within a community center in the Hercules neighborhood, using water as the guiding design axis. It will be through it that the system that surrounds the Querétaro River, the ecosystem, the fabric and the social conscience is regenerated.

Si bien las acciones que tomamos a primera vista son pequeñas y no están directas sobre el río, estas son tan sencillas que pueden ser replicadas a lo largo del barrio para que a la larga se genere un mayor impacto.

Although the actions that we take at first glance are small and are not directly on the river, they are so simple that they can be replicated throughout the neighborhood so that in the long run a greater impact is generated.


pequeñas accione

hacen GRA


ANDES cambios

Índice Index


Capítulo 1



Capítulo 2

El sitio


Capítulo 3

Las piezas


Capítulo 4

El proyecto


Capítulo 5

Maqueta digital


Capítulo 6



Capítulo 7




Capítulo 4

el proyecto

Plan de acción Action plan

Jardín de lluvia Rain garden

El jardín de lluvia se considera como área de vegetación nativa que se encuentran localizados en espacios estratégicos con el objetivo de recolectar, limpiar e infiltrar el agua de lluvia que corre sobre las superficies impermeables y que así se pueda dar la recarga del acuífero. Estos jardines tienen la capacidad de filtrar hasta un 99% de contaminantes que son arrastrados por el agua de lluvia. De igual manera se plantea el reutilizar parte de esta para alimentación en sanitarios y oxigenarla en las fuentes antes de enviarla de regreso al río.

Evapotran Evapotran

Retención temporal Temporary retention

Filtra Filtra

Sedime Sedimen

Mezcla de suelo capa superficial del suelo arena composta grava

Tubería perforada cone Perforated pipe conn

Infiltra Infiltra Jardín de lluvia Rain garden 84

The rain garden is considered as an area of native vegetation that is located in strategic spaces with the objective of collecting, cleaning and infiltrating the rainwater that runs on the impervious surfaces and thus recharging the aquifer. These gardens have the ability to filter up to 99% of pollutants that are washed away by rainwater. Moreover, it is proposed to reuse part of this for restroom areas and to oxygenate it before sending it back to the river.

nspiración nspiration

ación ation

entación ntation Soli Mixture topsoil sand compost gravel

ectada a cuenca del jardín necting to catch basin

ación ation Jardín polinizador Pollinator garden 85

Vegetación del paisaje. Jardines polinizadores Landscape vegetation. Pollinator gardens

12 m






Justicia spicigera



Dondonea viscosa


Salvia polystachya


Sedum moranense

Planta polinizadora con usos medicinales y propiedades antimicrobianas

Controla erosión, infiltra el agua de lluvia, mejora suelos, fija el nitrógeno a los suelos, alimento para fauna silvestre

Mejora de suelos y control de erosión e infiltración de agua de lluvia, especie indicadora de la calidad del aire

Planta polinizadora de bajo mantenimiento, tolerante al sol, al calor y al frío, y a la falta de riego

Pollinating plant with medicinal uses and antimicrobial properties

Controls erosion, infiltrates rainwater, improves soils, fixes nitrogen to soils, feeds wildlife

Soil improvement and erosion control, infiltrates rainwater, an indicator species of air quality

Low maintenance and pollinator plant, tolerant of sun, heat, cold and lack of irrigation





Palo Blanco

Asclepias curassavica

Dondonea viscosa

Fija el nitrógeno, árbol multipropósito para la regeneración de los suelos erosionados

Planta hospederas para mariposas, alimento para fauna silvestre

Retiene el suelo erosionado y seco, filtra el agua

Controla la erosión y conserva los suelos

Fija el nitrógeno, árbol multipropósito para la regeneración de los suelos erosionados

Retains eroded and dry soil, filters water

Controls erosion and conserves soils

Fixes nitrogen, multipurpose tree for the regeneration of eroded soils

Fixes nitrogen, multipurpose tree for the regeneration of eroded soils

Host plant for butterflies, food for wildlife

Dondonea viscosa

Albizia plurijuga

Acacia angustissima


Vegetación del paisaje. Jardines de lluvia Landscape vegetation. Rain gardens

12 m




0m Pirul Schinus molle


Salvia Salvia polystachya

Lirios Eichhornia crassipes

Ahuehuete Axodium mucronatum

Mejora de suelos y control de erosión, alimento para fauna silvestre

Mejora de suelos y control de erosión e infiltración de agua de lluvia, especie indicadora de la calidad del aire

Fitodepuración de aguas residuales, alimento para fauna silvestre

Depuración y saneamiento, refugio de fauna silvestre

Soil improvement and erosion control, feeds wildlife

Soil improvement and erosion control, infiltrates rainwater, an indicator species of air quality

Phytodepuration of wastewater, feeds wildlife

Depuration and sanitation, wild life refuge


Juncos Juncus

Carrizo Phragmites australis

Fitodepuración de aguas residuales

Controla erosión, refugio de fauna silvestre, regenera humedales y estabiliza ecosistemas

Phytodepuration of wastewater

Controls erosion, wild life refuge, regenerates wetlands and stabilizaes natural ecosystems

Mezquite Dondonea viscosa

Retiene el suelo erosionado y seco, filtra el agua

Retains eroded and dry soil, filters water

Palo dulce Albizia plurijuga

Controla erosión, infiltra el agua de lluvia, mejora suelos, fija el nitrógeno a los suelos Controls erosion, infiltrates rainwater, improves soils, fixes nitrogen to soils


Corte vivencial jardines - talleres - acueducto Experiential section gardens - workshops - aqueduct

Aprovechamos la topografía del terreno para diseñar una sucesión de niveles donde interactúan jardines de lluvia y polinizadores al mismo tiempo que articulan y encausan al usuario entre las áreas construidas y la naturaleza del espacio. Presentándonos también una inigualable vista del elemento que denota el elemento vital: el acueducto.

Escanéa el código con tu celular o ingresa al link y vive el espacio


We take advantage of the terrain topography to design a succession of levels where rain gardens and pollinators interact at the same time that they articulate and channel the user between the built areas and the nature of the space. Presenting us also a unique view of the element that denotes the vital element: the aqueduct.

Scan the code with your cell phone or enter the link and live the space






centro de reciclaje


En los talleres se realizan actividades de aprendizaje tradicionales de la zona como la elaboración de artesanías con carrizo y textiles; actividades deportivas como yoga y danza folklórica; así como pláticas de orientación social, salud pública y concientización ambiental.De la misma manera se presta como un lugar para realizar sus festividades de la feria de la barbacoa y la nieve entre otros. In the workshops, traditional learning activities of the area are carried out, such as the elaboration of handicrafts with reed and textiles; sports activities, such as yoga and folk dance; as well as talks on social orientation, public health and environmental awareness. In the same way it lends itself as a place to carry out festivities like the fair of the barbecue and ice cream, among others.

Corte por fachada - talleres Facade section - workshops

Losa de concreto armado con Malla Electrosoldada de, concreto premezclado f’c=200kg/cm2, TMA 3/4”. Concrete slab reinforced with Electrowelded Mesh, concrete premixed f'c=200kg/cm2, TMA 3/4".

Protección vertical de carrizo. Marco de pino de madera de primera 8x4cm, contramarco de pino de madera para cimbra 2x2cm y carrizo entretejido. La unión se da mediante pijas negras de 10x3” y 10x2”. Vertical protection of reeds. Fir wood frame 8x4cm, wooden pine frame for 2x2cm cimbra and interwoven reed. The union is made by 10x3" and 10x2" black cocks.

Columna sección 75x150cm, armada con varillas del no.4@25cm; estribos de varilla no.3@20cm de refuerzo vertical, concreto f’c=200kg/cm2 TMA 3/4”. Column section 75x150cm, armed with rods of no.4@25cm; stirrups of rod no.3@20cm of vertical reinforcement, concrete f'c=200kg/cm2 TMA 3/4".

Firme de concreto armado con Malla Electrosoldada de, concreto premezclado f’c=150kg/cm2, TMA 3/4” RN, revenimiento 14-16cm. Concrete firm reinforced with electro-welded mesh, concrete premixed f'c=150kg/cm2, TMA 3/4" RN, 14-16cm thickness.

Losa de cimentación armada con varillas del no.6@30cm en ambos sentidos. concreto f’c=200kg/cm2 TMA 3/4”. Foundation slab armed with rods of no.6@30cm in both directions. concrete f'c=200kg/cm2 TMA 3/4". Zapata muro. Patín de 1.60 ancho por 0.60 alto, armado con varillas del no.12@30cm en ambos sentidos, dado de 50cm de espesor armado con varillas del no.10@15cm en sentido horizontal y varillas del no.12@20cm en sentido vertical, concreto f’c=200kg/cm2 TMA 3/4” RN, revenimiento de 12-15cm. Wall shoe. Skate of 1.60 wide by 0.60 high, armed with rods of the no.12@30cm in both directions, dice of 50cm of thickness armed with rods of the no.10@15cm horizontally and rods of the no.12@20cm vertically, concrete f'c=200kg/cm2 TMA 3/4" RN, revenimiento of 12-15cm.

Plantilla de concreto f’c=100kg/cm2 agregado máximo 1 1/2” cemento normal en espesor de 7cms. Concrete template f'c=100kg/cm2 added maximum 1 1/2" normal cement in thickness of 7cms.

El Centro Comunitario tiene como protagonistas el concreto reforzado para el soporte estructural y el carrizo como protección vertical manipulable, para dar una sensación de solidez y calidez.

Terraplén Embankment

Terreno Land

The Community Center has as protagonists the reinforced concrete for the structural support and the reed as vertical manipulable protection, to give a sensation of solidity and warmth.

Corte vivencial - talleres

Experiential section - workshops Las áreas construidas son accesibles y visualmente permeables para que el usuario pueda identificar las actividades que se realizan en el complejo desde distinto puntos. Se utilizan también materiales naturales que se obtendrán del mismo sitio para la elaboración de louvers que permitan esta funci´n. La alternancia en la altura de los volúmenes generan diferentes sensaciones. Escanéa el código con tu celular o ingresa al link y vive el espacio


The built areas are accessible and visually permeable so that the user can identify the activities carried out in the complex from different points. Natural materials are also used that will be obtained from the same site for the elaboration of louvers that allow this function. The alternation in the height of the volumes generate different sensation

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Mercado Retail


insumos y desechos

local bodega local

cuarto de máquinas local local

local local local

El mercado compuesto por 8 locales brinda lugares dignos de compra venta de productos que ofrecen los habitantes de la zona.

The retail area made up of 8 stalls offers worthy places buying and selling products offered by the inhabitants of the area.

Corte vivencial mercado - acueducto Experiential section retail - aqueduct

Las actividades del mercado se desarrollan dentro de un entorno natural donde se ofrece al visitante un espacio de recreación y convivencia. La techumbre se integra a los andadores aprovechando la topografía. Además de que invita a la integración de las piezas del proyecto con el acueducto y el río.

Escanéa el código con tu celular o ingresa al link y vive el espacio


The retail activities take place within a natural environment where visitors are offered a space for recreation and coexistence. The roof is integrated into the walkways taking advantage of the topography. In addition, it invites the integration of the project’s pieces with the aqueduct and the river.

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Playground y aprendizaje Playground and learning

Imágenes de Richter-Spielgeräete Images by Richter-Spielgeräete

El playground se plantea como un espacio de juego, aprendizaje y concientización a través de actividades y equipamiento especial donde los niños aprenden jugando con elementos de agua y arena. The playground is proposed as a space for play, learning and awareness through activities and special equipment where children learn by playing with elements of water and sand.



Imágenes de Richter-Spielgeräete Images by Richter-Spielgeräete



Imágenes de Richter-Spielgeräete Images by Richter-Spielgeräete



Imágenes de Richter-Spielgeräete Images by Richter-Spielgeräete



Imágenes de Richter-Spielgeräete Images by Richter-Spielgeräete

Capítulo 5

maqueta digital

Capítulo 6


Referencias References


Documento Plan Rector Hércules Barrio Mágico (s.f.), proporcionado por el Delegado César Guerrero FIQMA. (13 de Agosto de 2014). Catálogo de Plantas Nativas del Estado de Querétaro. Obtenido de Issu: https://issuu.com/fiqma/docs/catalogo_de_plantas_fiqma Mahoney, J. (s.f.). Jardines de lluvia residenciales. Obtenido de Save the rain: https://savetherain.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/StR-SPA-Rain-Gardendigital6_20_12.pdf Richter Spielgeräte. (s.f.). Sand and water. Obtenido de Richter Spielgeräte: https://www.richter-spielgeraete.de/en/playground-equipment/products/sand-andwater/ United States Department of Agriculture. (2011). Los jardines de lluvia. Obtenido de Natural Resouces Conservation Service: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/ nrcs142p2_011368.pdf


Capítulo 7


Catálogo de juegos Richter Spielgeräte Richter Spielgeräte playground catalogue



© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Order No. 5.15820 Millwheel made of stainless steel, Photo © Daniel Perales

Play value It is attractive both for children and older people to put something into motion by means of visible power. When it is possible to change this power by mechanical influence, the attraction is even greater. The element of water as a power source is of great importance. Therefore, water wheels are always an important component of a water play installation. Both Mill Wheels are propelled by the weight of the water. However, it is important to know about the clearly visible and recognisable relationship and to have the possibility to change something. Fundamental characteristics - Unique by its original mill wheel design - Incentive for playing: recognize Recommended for - Kindergarten children - School children - Water play areas without supervision Barrier-free - Independent play

Design G. Beltzig

Mill Wheel of wood Mill Wheel of stainless steel

Order No. 5.15813 Mill Wheel made of Wood





SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 5.15813 Mill Wheel of wood

Order No. 5.15813 Mill Wheel of wood Core-free Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape Ground anchor All parts used for anchoring to the ground are made of hot-dip galvanised steel or stainless steel Roller bearings Roller bearings made of stainless steel for rotating elements, easy to maintain and exchange, sealed




For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list. craftsman-like water wheel construction with grooved and slitted wood connections

Order No. 5.15820 Mill Wheel of stainless steel

shaft, hub and hoop of stainless steel, glass bead blasted Dimensions (small deviations possible) height width diameter of wheel weight

0.85 m 0.55 m 0.80 m 50 kg

Order No. 5.15820 Mill Wheel of stainless steel whole equipment of stainless steel, glass bead blasted, for use in chlorine water there is also a special steel alloy available, thickness of material 3 mm easy-grip contact surfaces

Scale 1:20

Roller bearings Roller bearings made of stainless steel for rotating elements, easy to maintain and exchange, sealed

Safety check according to EN 1176

Components 1 part each Installation information Surfacing requirements Recommendation: sand with drainage or paving stone with gully and a corresponding surface design; The Mill Wheels are only designed for overshot operation. Please refer to drawing for required minimum height difference.




Foundations Order No. 5.15813 Mill Wheel of wood 1 item 50 x 90 x 50 cm excavation depth 70 cm Order No. 5.15820 Mill Wheel of stainless steel 1 item 50 x 50 x 50 cm excavation depth 70 cm Attention: Exact measurements may vary, for all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved.

For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list. Dimensions (small deviations possible) height width diameter of wheel weight

0.70 m 0.45 m 0.65 m 27 kg

For use in aggressive environments such as salt or chlorine water, the equipment is also available in marine grade steel (V4A).



© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Order No. 5.15920 Big Bucket Wheel

Play value The Metal Bucket Wheels are an eye-catcher in water play areas, particularly when reflections of sparkling light emphasise the agreeable design. The small bowls, arranged in a radial shape, are very attractive for children. When the Wheel starts turning by the power of water, the one at the pump is working even more intensive in order to accelerate the movement of the wheel. The Large Bucket Wheel can also be driven by a stream of water in a channel. Fundamental characteristics - High-quality design - Incentive for playing: small buckets arranged in radial shape Recommended for - Supervised play areas, such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar - Public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar Barrier-free - Independent play Photo © Daniel Perales

Design J. O. Gaier

Small Bucket Wheel for concrete base Small Bucket Wheel for site foundations Big Bucket Wheel

Order No. 5.15910 Small Bucket Wheel, Photo © Paul Upward Photography






SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180

Scale 1:20

Order No. 5.15900 Small Bucket Wheel for concrete base

Technical information all equipment of stainless steel (available in marine grade steel /V4A on request) glass bead blasted thickness of metal sheet 3 mm diameter of hemisphere 150 mm Roller bearings Roller bearings made of stainless steel for rotating elements, easy to maintain and exchange, sealed For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list.

Order No. 5.15910 Small Bucket Wheel for site foundations

Dimensions (small deviations possible) Order No. 5.15900 Small Bucket Wheel for concrete base width 0.45 m projection over concrete base 0.50 m diameter of wheel 0.40 m weight 13 kg fitting concrete base see Order No. 5.15950 in the price list Order No. 5.15910 Small Bucket Wheel for site foundations height 0.45 m width 0.65 m diameter of wheel 0.40 m weight 13 kg Order No. 5.15920 Big Bucket Wheel height 0.85 m width 1.10 m diameter of wheel 0.80 m weight 22 kg


Components 1 part each Installation information Surfacing requirements Recommendation: sand with drainage or paving stone with gully

Order No. 5.15920 Big Bucket Wheel


Foundations Order No. 5.15910 1 item 50 x 90 x 30 cm excavation depth 70 cm Order No. 5.15920 2 items 40 x 40 x 30 cm excavation depth 50 cm Attention: Exact measurements may vary, for all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved.

Safety check according to EN 1176




The Bucket Wheels are made for overshot operation. The required minimum height difference can be seen in the drawing. If it is wished to install the Big Bucket Wheel for undershot operation, a large amount of water and a strong flow is required for it to function correctly. A minimum water-flow rate of 66 cm/sec. is required. The bottom bucket should dip into the water by about half, or even better, three quarters of its diameter. When the Bucket Wheel is driven by banked up water an amount of at least 3/4 m³ is required to generate a few revolutions. The Small Bucket Wheel cannot be operated undershot at all.




Play value This equipment is a nicely shaped water scoop where children can play and observe the flowing characteristics of water. When the wheel is turned around, water is drawn from the basin. The water then pours into the channels on both sides. It is directed by the channels into the flow dish and is redirected from there into the basin through a water outlet pipe. The water quantity coming into the channels varies with relation to the rotating speed of the wheel. The water can, for example, flow from both sides into the dish so that a constantly changing flow configuration results.

© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Order No. 5.42010 Water Scoop

Design M. Rohrbach

Photo © Hamish Ta-me

Fundamental characteristics - Special technical solution for water intake and distribution - Awarded design - Through water flow from both sides, special flow configurations can be observed - The Scooping Wheel can also be combined with other water play systems - Unique and original - Incentive for playing: big wheel

Scooping Wheel Water Scoop

Recommended for - Kindergarten children - School children - Public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar - Swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar Barrier-free - Independent play




RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Safety distance Device dimensions Functional distance

Order No. 5.42010 Water Scoop

Equipment made of stainless steel, glass bead blasted Easy drive in maintenance free plastic bearings Grip-friendly rim Dimensions (small deviations possible) Order No. 5.20880 Scooping Wheel Diameter Weight

1.20 m 70 kg

Order No. 5.42010 Water Scoop Height Length Width Weight

1.20 m 2.65 m 2.70 m 130 kg

Flow Dish Diameter Height

0.90 m 0.20 m

Attention: Exact measurements may vary; for all installation dimensions refer to current assembly instructions. Technical changes reserved. For use in aggressive environments such as salt or chlorine water, the equipment is also available in marine grade steel (V4A).

Scale 1:50 Safety check according to DIN EN 1176


Installation information

Order No. 5.20880 Scooping Wheel 1 Scooping Wheel with bearings and alternating water runoff 1 Rack

Surfacing requirements no fall height according to standard

Order No. 5.42010 Water Scoop 1 Scooping Wheel with bearings and alternating water runoff 1 Rack 2 Water Channels 1 Flow Dish




Recommendation: Pavement or a similar surface with a runoff for water · Water depth: for a proper function a min. water depth of 20 cm is required. · Water supply and water basin have to be provided for on site. Foundations Scooping Wheel 2 items 50 x 30 x 40 cm Channels 6 items 30 x 30 x 40 cm Flow Dish 2 items 65 x 30 x 40 cm Excavation depth each 60 cm

© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH



Photo © Daniel Perales

Play value The See-saw Pump is a very attractive element on water play areas. One child can operate the pump by moving his or her centre of gravity, but also two children can work together for moving the pump to and fro. The holding tube provides safety and helps to coordinate the movement with the others. The pump is also available with a lateral water outlet (special construction) which can be used as water supply for a small channel or a gutter. The combination of the See-saw Pump with a Spraying Head is especially attractive. This can produce a high or a bubbling water jet, depending on the type. It is funny if the Pump and the Spraying Head are installed without visible connection between each other and the fountain unexpectedly splashes passers-by. Fundamental characteristics - Can also be used for producing water pressure - Unique and original - Incentive for playing: holding tube, inclined surface - Movement: moving one‘s centre of gravity Recommended for - School children - Young people - Water play areas without supervision Photo © Paul Upward Photography

Design G. Beltzig

Planning information Individual solutions for the water supply must be devised, depending on the plans. Up-to-date details on the connection for the water supply and other technical information is available to download as a table at our website www.richter-spielgeraete.de.

See-saw Pump for direct connection to the water main See-saw Pump for water supply from a pond or similar





Order No. 5.18600 See-saw Pump for direct connection to the water main

Technical information

Safety distance Device dimensions Functional distance

Housing of the pump completely made of stainless steel, glass bead blasted. Tread surface of embossed sheet. Sintered bush For all reciprocating movements we use sintered plain bearings which are self-lubricating in use and can easily be exchanged if necessary For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list. Holding tube made of metal tube with a diameter of 42 mm The type of the See-saw Pump and the water connection depend on the local situation Required diameter for external water supply 1 inch Compression proof or vacuum-suitable proof diameter 1 inch Water requirement approx. 15 l/min Dimensions (small deviations possible)

The following drawings show examples of different possibilities of installation. Other combinations with equipment from our water play range are possible. Order No. 5.18600 See-saw Pump for direct connection to the water main Water pressure max. 6 bar

Installation of the Spraying Head

Type of Spraying Head

Order No. 5.18815

Height Length Width Max. pedestal height Weight

1.25 m 1.00 m 0.40 m 0.45 m 100 kg

Components 1 See-saw Pump with foundation frame and with coupling Note For areas with intense solar radiation we offer a wooden deck for the tread surface in order to reduce heating-up (Order No. 0.57300).

Order No. 5.18810 Installation information Reinforced surface

Order No. 5.18700 See-saw Pump for water supply from a pond or similar 2. on Concrete Basin with Self-priming, pump connection max. suction lift 3.50 m Order No. 5.22000 ff. see own catalogue sheet

When planning the installation, ensure the spraying head or a similar outlet (e. g. rock fountain) is located at a level higher than the See-Saw-Pump. Otherweise water will run through permanently.

Order No. 5.18835

Foundations 1 item 90 x 35 x 50 cm Excavation depth 50 cm

Order No. 5.18830

Attention: Exact measurements may vary; for all installation dimensions refer to current assembly instructions. Technical changes reserved. For use in aggressive environments such as salt or chlorine water, the equipment is also available in marine grade steel (V4A).

or Foundation Anchor Order No. 5.18056 Scale 1:50 Safety check according to DIN EN 1176






Order No. 5.28032 Sickle Gate

Recommended for - Kindergarten children - Supervised play areas, such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar - Public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar

© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Play value Experience the power of water – this can be achieved particularly well by damming water and then opening the floodgates. It is most fun when natural materials such as mud, leaves and small sticks are used to dam the water. However, this is often not possible or desired. Therefore, complementary elements such as locks or flaps are required.

Order No. 5.28035 Rotating Gate, Photo © Daniel Perales

Design F.J. Wagner

Rotating Gate Sickle Gate

Order No. 5.28032 Sickle Gate, Order No. 5.28035 Rotating Gate, Photo © Daniel Perales




RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 5.28032 Sickle Gate

Order No. 5.28032 Sickle Gate cover plates made of glass-bead blasted stainless steel body, gate, ball head and plain bearing made of impact-resistant, colouredthrough PUR plastic parts, black Dimensions (small deviations possible) height width damming height weight

0.30 m 0.40 m 0.15 m 10 kg

Material Order No. 5.28035 Rotating Gate rotating frame made of glass-bead blasted stainless steel plain bearings, gates and ball heads made of impact-resistant, colouredthrough PUR plastic parts, black

Dimensions (small deviations possible)

Order No. 5.28035 Rotating Gate

height width damming height weight

0.35 m 0.50 m 0.15 m 9 kg

Components 1 part each

Installation information Surfacing requirements Recommendation: surface of reinforced watercourse All equipment can be easily installed into any artificial watercourse. Foundations according to installation situation. Attention: Exact measurements may vary, for all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved. For use in aggressive environments such as salt or chlorine water, the equipment is also available in marine grade steel (V4A).

Scale 1:10 Safety check according to EN 1176





Special version

Fundamental characteristics - Child-oriented dimensions according to ergonomic knowledge - Naturally shaped de-barked posts - Appealing to the senses with its space-defining design - High-quality design - Numerous play offers - Sturdy tongue and groove floor allows for large play space below the platform - High play value with low space requirement - Can be combined with other equipment - Incentive for playing: sand hoists, sand wheel, chains - Movement: physical exertion, climbing

© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Play value The Building Site is one of our “work” play offers and provides children with the opportunity to realistically mimic the working world of adults. Heavy loads can be moved using rollers, sand or gravel can be tipped into channels and tubes, a bucket wheel turns around and, depending on the model, a tipper tray also fills up. Carrying out a joint undertaking fosters creative cooperation. The structure should be installed in a bed of sand or gravel. This will allow the element of earth to be ideally incorporated into the play activity.

Order No. L5.01000 Building Site larch version, Photo © Barbara Evripidou

Recommended for - Kindergarten children - School children - Supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar - Public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Building Site 01

Photo © Barbara Evripidou



RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 5.01000 Building Site 01

Equipment made of spruce / fir, larch, ash Peeled white Palisades peeled white means that bark, cambium and sapwood are removed, the natural shape of the trunk is preserved and can be experienced Bevel cut Vertical stand posts with bevelled end grain section as constructive wood preservation measure Perforated The earth / air zone of the wood is perforated by numerous small bore holes to ensure that the impregnating agent penetrates this particularly endangered zone Core-free Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape Tongue and groove Tongue and groove planks made of 4 cm solid wood, highly resilient, no trickling of dust / sand, protection against direct rain

Scale 1:150 Safety check according to DIN EN 1176


Installation information

1 4 4 4 2

Surfacing requirements corresponding to a fall height of ≤ 1.50 m (please refer to price list for more detailed information) Sand is required for correct functioning.

Platform Ladders Sand hoists with 4 shovels Sand pipes Sand chutes, 2 levels, 1 sand wheel

Foundations 4 items 60 x 60 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Attention: For all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved. Equipment also available with steel feet or made of larch with steel feet.

Hardwood rungs Climbing rungs made of hardwood (ash) Ø 4.2 cm, milled and mortised, secured against twisting, easy to grip and not cold for children to touch Chains Chains made of hot-dip galvanized steel (1.4301 / 1.4571 at extra charge) welded before galvanising, short-linked, without eyelets on the connecting parts, easy to exchange and shorten For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list. Sand pipes made of plastic, wall thickness approx. 7 mm Sand container made of textile-reinforced rubber belt, 8 mm thick Sand wheel hot-dip galvanised Dimensions (small deviations possible) Height Platform height Platform floor Length Width Weight



2.55 m 1.50 m 1.60 x 2.50 m 3.10 m 2.75 m 700 kg








RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 5.01100 Building Site 011

Equipment made of spruce / fir, larch, ash Peeled white Palisades peeled white means that bark, cambium and sapwood are removed, the natural shape of the trunk is preserved and can be experienced Bevel cut Vertical stand posts with bevelled end grain section as constructive wood preservation measure Perforated The earth / air zone of the wood is perforated by numerous small bore holes to ensure that the impregnating agent penetrates this particularly endangered zone

Order No. 5.01400 Building Site 014

Core-free Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape


Claddings Claddings made of mountain larch (4 – 5 cm) or spruce / fir (3 – 5 cm). Peeled white by hand, natural tree surface remains tangible and perceptible

Scale 1:150

© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH

Safety check according to DIN EN 1176


Installation information

Order No. 5.01100 Building Site 011 1 Platform 3 Ladders 3 Sand hoists with 3 shovels 2 Sand pipes 1 Sand chute, 2 levels, 1 sand wheel 3 Walls 2 Benches 1 Table Order No. 5.01500 Building Site 015 as above, but additionally 1 Stainless steel slide with ground anchor Order No. 3.63020 Order No. 5.01400 Building Site 014 1 Platform 4 Ladders 3 Sand hoists with 3 shovels 2 Sand pipes 1 Sand chute, 2 levels, 1 sand wheel 1 Stainless steel slide with ground anchor Order No. 3.63020

Surfacing requirements corresponding to a fall height of ≤ 1.50 m (please refer to price list for more detailed information) Sand is required for correct functioning. Foundations Building Site 4 items 60 x 60 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Slide Excavation depth for ground anchor 55 cm Attention: For all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved. Equipment also available with steel feet or made of larch with steel feet.

Hardwood rungs Climbing rungs made of hardwood (ash) Ø 4.2 cm, milled and mortised, secured against twisting, easy to grip and not cold for children to touch Chains Chains made of hot-dip galvanized steel (1.4301 / 1.4571 at extra charge) welded before galvanising, short-linked, without eyelets on the connecting parts, easy to exchange and shorten








Order No. 5.01400 / 5.01500 as above, but additionally One-piece construction Total construction of the slide made of 2 mm stainless steel, drawn in box form, surface glass bead blasted, without welding seam between sliding surface and side cheek


For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list.

Dimensions (small deviations possible) Height Platform height Platform floor Length With slide Width Weight Best.-Nr. 5.01100 Best.-Nr. 5.01400 Best.-Nr. 5.01500

Tongue and groove Tongue and groove planks made of 4 cm solid wood, highly resilient, no trickling of dust / sand, protection against direct rain


2.55 m 1.50 m 1.60 x 2.50 m 2.90 m 5.80 m 2.40 m

Sand pipes made of plastic, wall thickness approx. 7 mm Sand container made of textile-reinforced rubber belt, 8 mm thick Sand wheel hot-dip galvanised

800 kg 700 kg 850 kg





RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 5.02000 Building Site 02

Equipment made of spruce / fir, larch, ash Peeled white Palisades peeled white means that bark, cambium and sapwood are removed, the natural shape of the trunk is preserved and can be experienced Bevel cut Vertical stand posts with bevelled end grain section as constructive wood preservation measure Perforated The earth / air zone of the wood is perforated by numerous small bore holes to ensure that the impregnating agent penetrates this particularly endangered zone Core-free Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape Tongue and groove Tongue and groove planks made of 4 cm solid wood, highly resilient, no trickling of dust / sand, protection against direct rain

Scale 1:150 Safety check according to DIN EN 1176


Installation information

1 3 3 2 2 1

Surfacing requirements corresponding to a fall height of ≤ 1.50 m (please refer to price list for more detailed information) Sand is required for correct functioning.

Platform Ladders Sand hoists with 3 shovels Sand pipes Sand chutes, 2 levels, 1 sand wheel Inclined climbing net Order No. 3.69160

Foundations Building Site 4 items 60 x 60 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Inclined Climbing Net 2 items 50 x 50 x 40 cm Excavation depth 80 cm

Richter Hercules type rope Richter Hercules type rope, a combination of galvanised six-strand steel cables and polyester yarn, diameter > 20 mm, laid and glued with very good abrasion resistance, strong sheathing even in the case of damage by puncturing Aluminium rope pressing Aluminium rope pressing, cylindrically pressed, with rounded ends S-connectors S-connectors Ø 8.1 mm, made of high-quality stainless steel, rounded

Attention: For all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved. Equipment also available with steel feet or made of larch with steel feet. Dimensions (small deviations possible) Height Platform height Platform floor Length Width Weight

Hardwood rungs Climbing rungs made of hardwood (ash) Ø 4.2 cm, milled and mortised, secured against twisting, easy to grip and not cold for children to touch

2.55 m 1.50 m 1.60 x 2.50 m 4.90 m 2.75 m 700 kg

Rope connection fixed Fixed rope connection without dangerous openings. Screw connection adjustable and countersunk in the wood Chains Chains made of hot-dip galvanized steel (1.4301 / 1.4571 at extra charge) welded before galvanising, short-linked, without eyelets on the connecting parts, easy to exchange and shorten For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list. Sand pipes made of plastic, wall thickness approx. 7 mm Sand container made of textile-reinforced rubber belt, 8 mm thick Sand wheel hot-dip galvanised















Play value Our Building Site Combination offers numerous opportunities for creative play and exercise. The platform can be reached via a climbing net and ladder, while the slide offers a swift getaway. The diverse “work” equipment, hut and the play area under the platform invite children to hide away and engage in different kinds of role-playing games. Working together on the building site is equally enjoyable for both big and small children.

© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Photo © Barbara Evripidou

Order No. L5.03000 Building Site Combination 03 larch version

Fundamental characteristics -Child-oriented dimensions according to ergonomic knowledge - Space-defining design and natural wooden surface appeal to the senses - Offers a range of play opportunities - Large play area underneath the platform - Incentive for playing: sand hoists, sand wheel, chains, climbing net, swing, slide - Movement: physical effort, climbing, swinging, sliding

Building Site Combination 03

Recommended for - Kindergarten children - School children - Supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar - Public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar



RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 5.03000 Building Site Combination 03

Equipment made of spruce / fir, larch, ash Building Site refer to Order No. 5.01000 Claddings Claddings made of mountain larch (4 – 5 cm) or spruce / fir (3 – 5 cm). Peeled white by hand, natural tree surface remains tangible and perceptible One-piece construction Total construction of the slide made of 2 mm stainless steel, drawn in box form, surface glass bead blasted, without welding seam between sliding surface and side cheek Swing seat Ergonomically shaped swing seat made of rubber with soft shock absorbing edge. Durable due to strong profiled steel insert Richter Hercules type rope Richter Hercules type rope, a combination of galvanised six-strand steel cables and polyester yarn, diameter > 20 mm, laid and glued with very good abrasion resistance, strong sheathing even in the case of damage by puncturing Scale 1:150

Safety check according to DIN EN 1176


Installation information

1 Platform 3 Walls 2 Benches 1 Table 3 Ladders 2 Sand hoists with 2 shovels 1 Bent sand pipe 1 Sand chute, 2 levels, 1 sand wheel 1 Balustrade at the side of the swing 1 Single swing with swing suspension 1 Vertical climbing net with firemen‘s pole Order No. 3.69350 1 Stainless steel slide with ground anchor Order No. 3.63020 1 Sand tipper Order No. 5.01200

Surfacing requirements depend on overall construction corresponding to a fall height of ≤ 2.00 m (please refer to price list for more detailed information) Sand is required for correct functioning.

Dimensions (small deviations possible) Height Platform height Platform floor Length Width Vertical net Weight



3.00 m 1.50 m 1.60 x 2.50 m 6.25 m 7.90 m 1.75 x 2.50 m 1200 kg

Foundations Building Site 4 items 60 x 60 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Stainless Steel Slide Excavation depth for ground anchor 55 cm Vertical Climbing Net 1 item 60 x 60 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Firemen’s Pole 1 item 40 x 40 x 30 cm Excavation depth 50 cm Single Swing 2 items 60 x 70 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Sand Tipper 1 item 135 x 60 x 50 cm Excavation depth 70 cm Attention: For all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved. Equipment also available with steel feet or made of larch with steel feet.

Aluminium rope pressing Aluminium rope pressing, cylindrically pressed, with rounded ends S-connectors S-connectors Ø 8.1 mm, made of high-quality stainless steel, rounded Swing joint Drop-forged, hot-dip galvanised swing joint with sintered bush and integrated swivel Rope connection fixed Fixed rope connection without dangerous openings. Screw connection adjustable and countersunk in the wood Adjustable Adjustable two-piece bolt connection, easy to maintain, no projecting threads Interlocking Interlocking connection, with milled metal rings or serrated disc dowels, to reinforce the bolt connection under high loads transverse to the grain direction of the wood Sintered bush For all reciprocating movements we use sintered plain bearings which are self-lubricating in use and can easily be exchanged if necessary For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list. Firemen’s Pole Ø 42 mm made of stainless steel, glass bead blasted













© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Play value Our Building Site Combination invites young and old to imaginative role plays. In order for the element earth to be experienced accordingly, the scaffolding should be placed in a sand or gravel pit. This allows you to excavate and transport sand to your heart‘s content, move loads back and forth and tilt them into pipes and bucket wheels. Since several children can play at the same time, the scaffolding promotes communication and cooperation as well as creativity and imagination.

Recommended for - Kindergarten children - School children - Supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar - Public areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Fundamental characteristics - Child-oriented dimensions according to ergonomic knowledge - Naturally shaped de-barked posts - Appealing to the senses with its space-defining design - High-quality design - Numerous play offers - Sturdy tongue and groove floor allows for large play space below the platform - High play value with low space requirement - Can be combined with other equipment - Incentive for playing: sand hoists, sand wheel, chains - Movement: physical exertion, climbing

Building Site 09



RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 5.09001 Building Site 09

Equipment made of non-impregnated mountain larch Peeled white Palisades peeled white means that bark, cambium and sapwood are removed, the natural shape of the trunk is preserved and can be experienced Bevel cut Vertical stand posts with bevelled end grain section as constructive wood preservation measure Core-free Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape Tongue and groove Tongue and groove planks made of 4 cm solid wood, highly resilient, no trickling of dust / sand, protection against direct rain Laminated wood beams Laminated wood beams made of non-impregnated larch, glued according to EN 14080:2013; for very large timber cross-sections; comparatively low shrinkage, almost completely free of cracks Scale 1:150

Safety check according to DIN EN 1176


Installation information

Building Site 1 Platform 4 Ladders 4 Sand hoists with 4 shovels 2 Straight sand pipes 2 Bent sand pipes 2 Sand chutes, 1 sand wheel attached

Surfacing requirements corresponding to a fall height of ≤ 1.50 m (please refer to price list for more detailed information) Play sand is required for correct functioning.

Transport System 3 Transport rails incl. stand posts 3 Tyre segments 1 Pedestal with step and balustrade on 3 sides 1 Sand chute 1 Shovel 1 Pedestal with step 1 Crane 5 Shovels

Foundations Building Site 4 items 60 x 60 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Transport System 5 items 50 x 50 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm 8 items 50 x 50 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm



Chains Chains made of hot-dip galvanized steel (1.4301 / 1.4571 at extra charge) welded before galvanising, short-linked, without eyelets on the connecting parts, easy to exchange and shorten

Sand pipes made of plastic, wall thickness approx. 7 mm Transport rails galvanised, with rubber buffer Container wagons with hand protection Sand wheel hot-dip galvanised

Dimensions (small deviations possible)

Transport System Rails height Length of rails Pedestals height Side length Weight

Ground anchor All parts used for anchoring to the ground are made of hot-dip galvanised steel or stainless steel

For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list.

Attention: For all installation dimensions refer to current installation instructions. Technical changes reserved.

Building Site Height Platform height Platform floor Length Width Weight

Hardwood rungs Climbing rungs made of hardwood (ash) Ø 4.2 cm, milled and mortised, secured against twisting, easy to grip and not cold for children to touch

Sand containers made of textile-reinforced rubber belt, 8 mm thick 2.55 m 1.50 m 1.60 x 2.50 m 3.10 m 2.75 m 1200 kg

1.25 / 1.75 / 2.30 m 6.00 m each 0.60 m 1.30 x 1.25 m 420 kg

Sand crane, revolving 350°, axially connected to post, with maintenance free turning mechanism









RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 3.19850 High Swing long for attachment to Platform 1.50 m

For a description of the materials used for the attachment swings, please refer to Movement Swinging. Dimensions (small deviations possible) Order No. 3.19850 High Swing long Height Vertical clearance Length Width Weight

3.00 m 2.80 m 3.65 m 2.30 m 185 kg

Order No. 3.19852 High Swing special long Height Vertical clearance Length Width Weight

3.00 m 2.80 m 3.95 m 2.20 m 145 kg


© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Order No. 3.19850 1 Support frame 1 Cross beam with joints 1 Swing seat with chains 1 Quarding section for platform Order No. 3.19852 1 Support frame with steel feet 1 Cross beam made of steel with joints 1 Swing seat with chains 1 Quarding section for platform

Order No. 3.19852 High Swing special long for attachment to Platform 1.50 m

Installation information Surfacing requirements corresponding to a fall height of ≤ 2.00 m (please refer to price list for more detailed information) Foundations Order No. 3.19850 High Swing long 2 items 60 x 70 x 60 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Order No. 3.19852 High Swing special long 2 items 60 x 70 x 40 cm Excavation depth 60 cm Attention: Exact measurements may vary; for all installation dimensions refer to current assembly instructions. Technical changes reserved. Order No. 3.19850 also available with steel feet.

Scale 1:100 Safety check according to DIN EN 1176





SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Technical information

Order No. 3.69140 Inclined Climbing Net for attachment to Platform 1.00 m

Core-free Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape Richter Hercules type rope Richter Hercules type rope, a combination of galvanised six-strand steel cables and polyester yarn, diameter > 20 mm, laid and glued with very good abrasion resistance, strong sheathing even in the case of damage by puncturing Aluminium rope pressing Aluminium rope pressing, cylindrically pressed, with rounded ends S-connectors S-connectors Ø 8.1 mm, made of high-quality stainless steel, rounded

Order No. 3.69160 Inclined Climbing Net for attachment to Platform 1.50 m

Chains Chains made of hot-dip galvanized steel (1.4301 / 1.4571 at extra charge) welded before galvanising, short-linked, without eyelets on the connecting parts, easy to exchange and shorten For more detailed explanation of the quality characteristics see price list. Dimensions (small deviations possible)

Order No. 3.69180 Inclined Climbing Net for attachment to Platform 2.00 m

Order No. 3.69140 Net Installation height Weight

1.50 x 2.00 m 1.00 m 55 kg

Order No. 3.69160 Net Installation height Weight

1.50 x 2.50 m 1.50 m 60 kg

Order No. 3.69180 Net Installation height Weight

1.50 x 3.00 m 2.00 m 65 kg

Components 1 Inclined climbing net with cross beam Installation information Surfacing requirements corresponding to a fall height determined by installation height (please refer to price list for more detailed information)

Scale 1:100 Safety check according to DIN EN 1176




Foundations 2 items 50 x 50 x 40 cm Excavation depth 80 cm Attention: Exact measurements may vary; for all installation dimensions refer to current assembly instructions. Technical changes reserved.








© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Photo © Daniel Perales

Photo © Daniel Perales

Play value Those playing on the Forest Fountain system can experience a wide range of spatial and sensory effects of the medium water as a result of their own physical activities. The height of the masts and length of the pipelines enables the water to achieve the greatest possible spraying effect, while the jets and rotors create different, continuously changing shapes and structures. The contrast, created by the strictly geometrical masts and pumps, contributes to the aesthetics of the overall design. Recommended for - School children - Public play areas without supervision, such as kindergartens, schools, after- school programmes or similar - Swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar Photo © Daniel Perales

Design J.O. Gaier

Forest Fountain

5.27001 - 5.27537



Order No. 5.27035 Horizontal Star Rotor Photo © Paul Upward Photography

Rotors and jets Order No. 5.27030 / 5.27530 Low Collision Disc Spraying area 2 m, width 0.50 m Order No. 5.27031 / 5.27531 High Collision Disc Spraying area 4 m, width 1 m Order No. 5.27032 / 5.27532 Vertical Jet Spraying height up to 10 m, radius 2 m Order No. 5.27033 / 5.27533 Spiral Rotor Spraying area radius 2.5 m Order No. 5.27034 / 5.27534 Vertical Star Rotor Spraying area 14 m, width 1.50 m Order No. 5.27035 / 5.27535 Horizontal Star Rotor Spraying length Ø 10 m, radius 5 m (reducible) Order No. 5.27036 / 5.27536 Umbrella Jet Spraying area radius 3 m Order No. 5.27037 / 5.27537 Reservoir Water Umbrella Spraying area radius 2 m Order No.. 5.27034 Vertical Star Rotor

Order No. 5.27031 High Collision Disc

5.27030 / 5.27530


5.27031 / 5.27531

5.27035 / 5.27535

5.27036 / 5.27536

5.27037 / 5.27537

5.27032 / 5.27532

5.27033 / 5.27533

5.27034 / 5.27534


Components Pumps Order No. 5.27010 / 5.27015 / 5.27016 Long Handle Pump with valve Order No. 5.27110 / 5.27115 / 5.27116 Long Handle Pump with water reservoir One Pump cylinder with stainless steel mechanism on concrete well, Ø 110 cm, depth of installation approx. 60 cm, pump swipe of ash wood Ø 9 cm, length 2.30 m, weight approx. 900 kg, depending on type of distribution station (single or double), 3-way valve with pan bar handle and direction arrow, made of stainless steel / plastic, height 40 cm

© Richter Spielgeräte GmbH


Connection to main water max. 6 bar, connection thread 1 inch inside, compression proof diameter 1 inch water requirement approx. 15 l/min Order No. 5.27020 / 5.27025 / 5.27026 Pump See-saw with valve system Order No. 5.27120 / 5.27125 / 5.27126 Pump See-saw with water reservoir Two Pump cylinders and stainless steel mechanism on concrete well, Ø 110 cm, depth of installation approx. 65 cm, seesaw beam of larch, length 4 m, optimized concealed bolt head, hand grips of stainless steel (glass bead blasted), fall height ≤ 1 m, weight approx. 950 kg, depending on type of distribution station (single or double), 3-way valve with pan bar handle and direction arrow, made of stainless steel/plastic, height 40 cm, connection to water as above water requirement approx. 20 l/min

Design J.O. Gaier

Masts Order No. 5.27030 - 5.27037 Larch wood with steel foot, height approx. 4 m, 18/21 cm

Masts made of wood

Forest Fountain

Order No. 5.27530 - 5.27537 Cap of stainless steel or complete masts made of stainless steel tubes Ø 133 mm Foundation 80 x 80 x 80 cm, Excavation depth 110 cm, edges to be rounded if sand and gravel is used Supply line between pump and mast, fabric hose 10 m and hose connector, included supply line to be laid in empty conduit such as drainpipe or flex pipe Ø 80 mm, not included in delivery supply line with 2 % gradient to pump concrete well for draining during period of frost Order No. 5.27001 - 5.27537 / 5.27002 / 5.27003 Registered Design 000777982-0001/ -0010 Europe Trademark 007371834 Europe



5.27001 - 5.27537


RICHTER SPIELGERÄTE GMBH · D-83112 FRASDORF · PHONE +49-8052-17980 · FAX 4180 Planning information The masts and pumps should be arranged so that it is possible to observe the fountain effect when pumping. Accordingly, the masts with the smaller spraying radiuses should be positioned closer, and those with a larger spraying radius further away, at the edge of the space. The distance to the masts and between them should be 3 - 6 m. The effect of the sunlight and the contrast with darker backgrounds such as trees or the flat faces of buildings plays an important role here for the optical effect. In the case of higher spraying Masts made of stainless steel, powder-coated

heads, the prevailing wind direction should be taken into consideration. The surfacing of the ground should be firm or graveled and be provided with a well working drainage. The water supply and the system must be drained during frost periods. Sensitive parts such as pump valves must be removed and stored in a frost-free location.

The Forest Fountain is a very complex play structure, we recommend the consultation and planning by our team. The pumps are also available with programmable rinsing for flushing the pumps and masts.

Individual solutions for the water supply must be devised, depending on the plans. Up-to-date details on the connection for the water supply and other technical information is available to download as a table at our website www.richter-spielgeraete.de.




5.27001 - 5.27537


small actions

make BIG c


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