Atlantic County Woman - July/August 2021

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B S Business Spotlight Medical Professionals

progression for him to pursue a career in medicine. His specialty is the treatment of obtain their care from a specialist. While varicose veins may cause disorders of the circulatory system – also known cosmetic concerns for some people, others with this condition will usiness potlight as vascular surgery. He grew up in a “surgical” actually have an underlying abnormality with the valves in the leg family and his dad was his partner for 17 years until he retired. He adds, “When I was a child my Dad would bring me to the hospital diagnosing and treating the underlying condition, then treatment to make rounds with him on weekends. I really will likely be incomplete and provide only temporary improvement. looked up to him and what he did for a living.” It was his father’s dedication and satisfaction with his own career that had a lasting impression on condition? very interested in science so it was a natural the younger Gosin. recovery withTreatment minimal pain “down time.” Dr. Gosin: variesand based on an individual’s particular progression for him to pursue a career in CW: How do you stay current with trends happening in medicine. His specialty is the treatment of obtain their care from a specialist. While varicose veins may cause your profession? the circulatory system – alsosuch known Dr.disorders Gosin: My of specialty involves treating vein problems, as cosmetic concerns for surgery some people, others with thisseen condition will Dr. Gosin: Vascular is a specialty that has fantastic varicose veins and spider veins.He I also treat diseases the arteries such as vascular surgery. grew up in aof “surgical” actually have an underlying abnormality with the valves in the leg as aneurysms, blockage in thewas arteries the brain, for called artery family and his dad histopartner 17carotid years stenosis disease “When (PAD). AsI awas surgeon, I am able to untiland heperipheral retired. artery He adds, in a program of “lifelong learning” and perform surgery when necessary. However, in many cases I am able to a child my Dad would bring me to the hospital treat these vascular problems using modern, minimally invasive nondiagnosing the underlying current withand thetreating major specialty journalscondition, then treatment to make rounds with him on weekends. I really surgical methods. will likely be incomplete and provide only temporary improvement. and regularly attend conferences. looked to him what he didabout for ayour living.” It CW: Whatup is the mostand rewarding part Dr. Gosin grew up on the Jersey was his father’s dedication and satisfaction with profession? Shore, and after graduation from the own career that had a lasting impression on Dr.his Gosin: the younger Gosin. Medical with College, he completed recovery minimal pain andhis “down time.”



Interview With Surgeon Dr. Jeffrey S. Gosin

better and healthier. In some cases, people experience dramatic improvements in their quality of life. It is a wonderful feeling to know thatGosin: I was able provide involves that. treating vein problems, such as Dr. Mytospecialty varicose veins and spider veins. I also treat diseases of the arteries such CW: What is the most challenging? as aneurysms, blockage in the arteries the unique brain, called carotid Dr. Gosin: Every case can provide itstoown challenge. It isartery stenosis andtoperipheral disease (PAD). As aissurgeon, I am able to important rememberartery that each patient I treat an individual. perform surgery when However, in many cases I amthan ablea to Certain elements of hisnecessary. or her care may be more challenging treat these vascular problems using modern, minimally invasive nonsimilar condition in another person. It is that variation that makes my surgical methods. job so interesting.

CW: What is the most part about your Are varicose veinsrewarding a genetic problem? Can they be profession? prevented?

Dr. Gosin: Genetics are one of the most important risk factors in the development of varicose veins. Individuals with a family history are better and healthier. In the some cases, people experience more likely to develop condition themselves, thandramatic individuals who improvements in family their quality life. It is agenetics wonderful feeling do not have that history.ofHowever, are just onetoofknow a that I was able to provide that. number of recognized risk factors. Other risk factors include prolonged standing, pregnancy, increasing age and being overweight. It is also CW: What is the most challenging? interesting note case that can some peopleitswill develop veinsItwithout Dr. Gosin:toEvery provide own uniquevaricose challenge. is any of those factors.that Although there isI no way to individual. absolutely important to risk remember each patient treat is an prevent elements the development varicose veins, certain precautions, likea Certain of his orofher care may be more challenging than wearingcondition compression stockings, may Ithelp to keep the symptoms bay. similar in another person. is that variation that makesatmy job so interesting.

CW: Are varicose veins a genetic problem? Can they be Testimonial

training and do wasyou delighted to come back CW: How stay current with trends happening in and begin his practice. He completed your profession? his residency in general surgery a Dr. Gosin: Vascular surgery is aand specialty that has seen fantastic fellowship in vascular surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He hasa three children and enjoys spending in program of “lifelong learning” and time at the beach and boating. Dr. current with the major specialty journals College of Surgeons and a member of and regularly attend conferences. Dr. Gosin grew up on the Jersey Societyand for after Clinical Vascularfrom Surgery, Shore, graduation the and numerous other national surgical and vascular societies. Medical College, he completed his training and was delighted to come back and begin his practice. He completed his residency in general surgery and a fellowship in vascular surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He has three children and enjoys spending time at the beach and boating. Dr.


College of Surgeons and a member of

Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, and numerous otherPoint, national NJ surgical 442 • Somers 08244 leg was a protruding varicose it was just ugly to me,factors itBethel bothered Dr.there Gosin: Genetics are one vein, of theand most important risk in theRoad and vascular societies. me. I had an evaluation and an ultrasound, and Dr. Gosin explained why I had the development of varicose veins. Individuals with a family history are

prevented? I exercise a lot, and my legs felt heavy. I also noticed that on the bottom of my

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) •

varicose vein and why my legs felt heavy. I’m a nurse, and I’ve worked up on my more likely to develop the condition themselves, than individuals who feet 10-, 12-, 16-hour shifts, my parents both had varicose veins, and I had kids. not that family history. However, genetics are just onemy of legs a Itdo was likehave a triple-whammy. Dr. Gosin did ablation procedures on both number of recognized risk factors. Other risk factors include prolonged The County Woman Magazine andThe I didn’t feel a thing. After my Magazine legs healed from the ablations, I decided seek County Woman The County Woman Magazine standing, pregnancy, increasing age andtobeing overweight. is also treatment for my spider veins. I use makeup cover them up, but IItdidn’t want to do that anymore. Dr. Gosin recommended between the interesting to note that some people willsclerotherapy. Honestly, develop varicose veins without staff the physician himself, they couldn’t be is nicer, they put you right at ease. anyand of those risk factors. Although there no way to absolutely Every one the of them, they were fabulous. I’ve recommended Gosin and like Shore prevent development of varicose veins, certain Dr. precautions, Vascular & Vein Center to several of my friends. wearing compression stockings, may help to keep the symptoms at bay. Suzanne Burgos, patient at Shore Vascular & Vein Center

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442 Bethel Road • Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) • The County Woman Magazine The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

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