3 minute read
41 Crystal Clear
from Cove magazine
Right Fit The
Kickstart your fitness journey in 2023.
YOU MAY NOT KNOW that aside from being a Personal Trainer, I am also a classically trained actor.
At Drama School, we were given a project to write a short film, and two writers came in to help us with this task.
They said something that I have never forgotten to this day: ‘Don’t get it right, get it written’.
Starting a fitness journey is likely one of the hardest things you will do, and most of the time that isn’t your fault.
There is a lot of conflicting messaging out there regarding fitness, and knowing where to put your efforts can be a very overwhelming feeling.
And that will lead to procrastination.
Which will lead to delaying getting started – or not getting started at all.
The good news is that your fitness doesn’t have to be perfect, or optimal, or most effective.
If you are starting, you need to do just that: start.
‘Don’t get it right, get it written’.
If you get the habit built, and you keep consistent with what you want to achieve for the first six months, then you can begin to concern yourself more and more with thoughts of ‘optimal’ and ‘most effective’.
But if you are just wanting to get started, then that is all you need to do, as your body will respond very positively from you just taking action.
There are other barriers to starting a fitness journey, and one that keeps cropping up with my clients is their fear of failing. WORDS ADAM BERRY
FEAR is: False Expectation Appearing Real.
You can’t fail if you have no expectations.
And having no expectations is a positive thing in fitness.
Expectations do a number of things to us, but predominately they make you worry that you aren’t good enough, and therefore you are failing.
When you take expectation away, not only does it mean you are unable to fail, but it also means you constantly surprise yourself.
Now who doesn’t like a surprise?
If you really want to get your fitness kickstarted, then please read this next section really closely.
Allow yourself to see it as a journey, with an unknown destination.
I don’t mean don’t have goals, goals are good, but allow the goals to change as you investigate your fitness more and more.
Be willing to be open to new ideas, new thoughts and feelings about what your fitness is and how it might be shaped as you progress through your journey.
Carol Dweck says: ‘Becoming is better than being’.
Rather than focussing on the end product of what you want out of fitness, focus on the things that will make that happen, and you will be far happier with the whole process.
The last thing I want to add is to ask you to have more confidence.
Confidence is a fickle thing, and we aren’t all graced with bundles of it.
However, I do know this: you can be a courageous person, and the more courageous you are, the more confident you will become. This is my favourite quote about courage:
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’.”
It takes courage to start something new, and to try to stick to it.
Especially if that thing is related to such an emotionally charged topic such as your own body and health.
Find courage in the little things each day, find courage in getting to bed on time, and trying something new in your fitness, whatever it might be, and that will lead to pulling yourself out of your comfort zone just enough for your confidence to increase.
When it gets tough, be courageous in just saying: ‘Tomorrow is another day where I have the opportunity to do my best again: and that is a gift’ – it is a gift you deserve to have each day as well.
It’s the New Year.
It’s perfectly normal to want to freshen things up and think about making a change.
If you are wanting to make that change, then great, but do it properly.
Don’t go into 2023 with the same attitude towards fitness you always have done before.
Change your approach to a much more process driven fitness journey, and you will get different results.
I promise you. thegymstarter.com