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from Cove magazine
Dr Michael Sempf at GC Dental Solutions offers professional services and advanced care.
MOST PEOPLE have a basic understanding of implants when it pertains to a single missing tooth.
During this procedure an implant is surgically placed into the jawbone.
Following a healing period of several months, the implant becomes biologically fused (osseointegrated) into the bone and can ultimately support a tooth.
Many people have also seen marketing regarding ‘All on 4’ – this simply means ‘all’ teeth on ‘4’ implants.
Provided certain criteria are met, a provisional bridge can be placed on the implants the day after surgery.
The big advantage for patients is they can avoid the need to wear dentures during their treatment.
Understandably, the first question dentists often get is ‘How can this be done so fast? I thought it needed time to fuse to the bone?’.
The reason?
Because the implants are all connected via a rigid fixed bridge, they can take load while the implants osseointegrate in the usual fashion.
The implants are all essentially working as a team, and the load from chewing is shared during the integration period.
A soft diet is essential during the four months following surgery to minimise these forces.
Once integrated, normal chewing can resume.
It is a highly skilled procedure, using implants that have been designed specifically for the purpose.
Dentists who perform this procedure have also undertaken further training in this field.
Dr Michael Sempf at GC Dental Solutions has been performing All on 4 since 2015, and has unrivalled experience on the Gold Coast.
In addition to a post Graduate Diploma in Dental Implantology, Dr Sempf has undertaken specific training in All on 4 with the leaders in the field.
In 2017, he trained with Dr Larry Benge in Melbourne, who was the pioneer in bringing All on 4 to Australia.
Dr Sempf also travelled to Lisbon, Portugal in 2018 to train with Prof Paulo Maló, who developed the protocol.
If you would like more information about All on 4 or any other procedures, Dr Michael Sempf and the professional team at GC Dental Solutions are on hand to answer all your questions. gcdentalsolutions.com.au | 07 5573 1368

Dr. Michael Sempf is a leading Gold Coast dentist with advanced training and experience in dental implant therapy.

State of the art, purpose built facility. Offering quality dentistry in an opulent setting.
GC Dental Solutions ~ Contact us to book an appointment

It’s important to do a mental health check-in this New Year.
WITH MANY OF US barely able to catch our breath from the stressful end-of-year rush and hangover of Christmas, it’s important we make time to stop and check-in on our mental health.
The holiday season brings a mixed bag of emotions – some of us are looking forward to taking a break before we move ahead to a new year, and some are struggling under the pressure of family or financial stressors.
Unsurprisingly, most of us may be feeling a little more than burnt out, with the accumulated pressures of the last couple of years taking their toll.
The Banyans Healthcare Group has just released concerning statistics revealing a sharp increase in mental health issues, namely anxiety, chronic stress, and burnout.
Enquiries to the service for anxiety increased by a staggering 99% from 2021 to 2022 – with the majority from women.
The data also showed noteworthy increases in enquiries for alcohol and prescription drug addiction support.
It now appears we have a new kind of pandemic on our hands.
Common signs of stress to look out for include aches and pains, insomnia, unfocused thinking, heightened emotional responses, and emotional withdrawal.
If left unchecked, chronic stress and burnout can lead to more severe problems such as anxiety.
Panic attacks are one of the most common anxiety symptoms and includes shortness of breath, dizziness, shaking hands, nausea, and sweating.
In the wake of the pandemic, some of us may have found our alcohol intake creeping up.
According to the ABS, one in five people reported increased alcohol use since COVID-19.
Women were more likely to report increased alcohol use, citing ‘stress’ as one of the significant reasons.
Those who feel the need to drink alcohol more often than is recommended (more than two drinks per day) may have a problem with alcohol misuse.
If you, or someone you know, may need support in reaching mental health and wellbeing goals this year, read on.
The Banyans Healthcare Group is a private, luxury rehab in Brisbane providing Residential and Day Programs designed to teach you the skills to overcome stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns.
Program offerings include focused, ‘live-in’ residential treatment ranging between 2-12 weeks located at their private residence in the serene South East Queensland hinterland; or their flexible Day Program whereby guests attend one day per week for up to eight weeks at their centrally luxury facility in Bowen Hills, Brisbane.
With a treatment model which delivers a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, guests work with multiple health practitioners, including a psychologist, psychiatrist, nutritionist, dietitian, exercise physiologist, yoga therapist and more, to achieve long-term, sustainable results.
If you would like to learn more about how The Banyans can support you to live your fullest life, speak with their expert team today.
Reference: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2022). Alcohol, tobacco & other drugs in Australia. Retrieved from https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/alcohol/ alcohol-tobacco-other-drugs-australia
The best in wellbeing transformation, personalised mental health care & private rehabilitation