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bring out empathy and how empathy can give birth to human benevolence. Our experiences doesn’t only shape the kind of people that we are today, but on a more important note, it gives us a light on what others in a certain situation would feel, think, and need. As we, too, have been into the same situation before, we know how to react andifwefeelthatourfellowsneedhelp,wetendtogiveahand.

I’d also like to think that it was my empathy that kicked in when I posted that status on Facebook. Majority of my students are children of sugarcane farm workers who earn meager income and this is something I could relate to as my parents were also working in a sugarcane farm before. I knew too well that in a laborer’s home, every hundred is gold


Thus, when others provide them a single or two of what they need in the prom, their worries are reduced; and as their teacher, I am nothing but extra joyful that my students can go to prom because of the acts of kindness by other people theybarelyknow.

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