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Salty Catharsis
am an all-day happy person that my favorite movies have tobetearjerkers.
You don’t understand. I am not that blue kid lurking behind a clown’s mask. I am, in fact, the life of the party, the jester in the desert, or one of your insensitive friends who can’t suppress even a smileduringveryseriousmoments.
Crying gives me happiness, to conciselyputit.
Ask me of my must-watch movie list. With all the mock sobbing and bawling in between, I’ll recite titles of mostly tragic motion pictures I have abusively watched.FromthemysteriousThe GreenMileto the Jewish historyinspired ABeautifulLifeand The BoyinStripedPajamas , I’ve cried anoceanoverallofthem.
The tears I shed when I cry over sad movies dissolve all the fears in my head. They crush the boulders heaving inside my heart into mere stones, then into pebbles, then into dusts, and then into nothing. After brushing off these negativities dwelling in me, I havenothingleftinsidebutdreams andhappiness(orsoIbelieveitto be).
I call this “salty catharsis”— releasing all my glooms and cynicisms by crying, my own way of coping with stress maybe. I don’t drink alcohol heavily (only occasionally when partying with friends). I don’t cut my wrist (I cut cheese). I don’t indulge into prohibited drugs (but into writing). Never have it crossed my mindto takemyownlife(howIwishtolive longenoughtotraveltoeverycity in the world). I just cry my eyes
I beg to disagree, then, when someone says that crying is a weakness. For me, it not only makes for a good outlet to ease the feeling of desolation, but it also exhibitsstrength.
WhenIwatchaheart-breaking movie, I tear up because I put myself into the situation. This scenario manifests empathy, which isaGod-givengift astrength.
So I’ll cry whenever I feel like crying. I’ll bawl until the pain subsides.BecauseIamstrong.
However, sometimes, after releasingeveryundesirablethought and feeling I have been keeping inside, I feel lost and empty and then unbearably burdened again. Only then that I admit to myself that I really need someone to talk to.
Tears, as I’ve said earlier, can erase all our toxic emotional cargos; but these salty drops alone can never solve our problems. We need to treat our wounds sooner beforetheygetfatal.
Someone out there is always ready to listen and help us out. Andoncewetooktheboldstepto talk about our worries and fears, the happiness we enjoy afterwards won’t be short-lived. We won’t be needing anymore a dose of sad movies every once in a while to drown our personal pains as they still keep coming back no matter howmuchwecry.
Let’s cry over a movie tonight ifwewanttobehappytomorrow. But let’s be brave today to talk aboutournightmaresifwewantto live in genuine happiness for the restofthedaysahead.TC