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Braving the murky dangerous flood to cross to the other side for school were students in underskirt shorts and in uniform pants rolled up the thigh. On the steep other side, tricycle drivers and their passengers tarry impatiently just like us. They were on their way to the market and any place across the lifethreatening, natural mess while we were travelling to school where lessons for the day and their recipients awaitus.
When the flood seemed impossible to subside, we would contact the students to inform them of the cancellation of classes and then wheel our way to the Barangay Hall to file an incidental report duly signed by the council chairman or whoever is in chargefortheday.
Days like this are the worst, especially for us teachers of CNHSTagbanon Extension. This means a delay in lesson, falling short on specific grading period, or it could lead tocancellation ofaschoolactivity.
More than the academic consequences, however, the rushing earthy water over the
‘dying’ bridge is a threat to the life of the teachers, students, and everyone traversing it. The crushing stream could push one off the bridge then down the river dotted with boulders. The next thing you know, you are already queuing in quality education to her pupils, she crossed a slippery overflow bridge in HimogaanRiver,onahabal-habal,despite the drizzly weather which saddeningly resulted to her untimely death. As she faced her mortal fate, the world has lost one ofitsheroes. necessity of building a new bridge as the overflow was alreadystartingtocollapse.
After the demise of Ma’am Rona, we were suddenly embraced with fear. With the same situation as hers, the same tragedy could also happen tous.
Just recently the construction of a new bridge in Bernardita, Brgy. Caduhaan has already started and is still ongoing. Every day, we pass by construction workers mixing the cement, twisting iron rods and all jobs essential for molding a sturdybridge.
From time to time,the skies become gray. From time to time, the rain pours. From time to time, the waters growl a sound of worry and fright over thefallingbridge.
However, with the new bridge constructing already in the works, the not-too-distant day will come that the surging water which shares the color of Jollibee’s coffee mocha float won’t be frightening anymore. Only the raindrops hitting the uncovered skin with a feel ofsharpnesswillremain.
For now, we will keep ourselves safe, for the world can’t afford to lose anotherheroyet.TC front of St. Peters golden gates to the heavens to inquire whether you are enlisted to spend the glorious eternityinparadise.
This was what happened to a teacher in a Sagay school, Ma’am Rona. In the desire to deliver
Literally, the road toward performing our purpose in life is never smooth. Thus, we must not fall prey to what scares us, or else we will just caught ourselves stopping along the journey one day. With this in mind, we continued our walk boldly until the government has seen the