The Crops Volume 2, No. 2

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FIRST TIME in history

Tagbanon qualifies for regional journ confab

“During my stay in Iloilo, I got to visit new sights, both historic and modern,” Dumdum said, adding, “We went to the famous Jaro Cathedral with a belfry across the street, as well as tothe CentralPhilippineUniversity and 10ThousandRoses.”

Aside from joining the regional writing competition, the moments of knowing Iloilo by seeing some of its well-known tourist attractions, according to Dumdum, were also anothermemoriestobetreasured.

“I don’t get to travel a lot, but through my talent in writing I was able to enjoythebeauty of other places out of town,” he told The Crops

Meanwhile, Stephen Calixton, publication adviser and Dumdum’s coach, was proud of the school’s achievement courtesy of Dumdum.

“During the awarding in DSPC, I was ecstatic and excited when the school was announced thrice for three different awards,” Calixton said, adding, “I felt this sense of pride as I absorbed the idea that Jiemel will be representing Cadiz City in Filipino Science Writing as he placed third.”

Apart from Dumdum, Joshwa Jison of Grade 7-Sampaguita, was announced fifth in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Filipino Category) while Joseph Jison of Grade 8Orchid, fifth in Sports Writing (English Category).

These placements, as for Calixton, would not be possible without the individual effort of the student-writers to learn more about journalistic writing during the in-house training.

Jemiel Jan Dumdum joined the other participants representing the Division of Cadiz City after winning third place in Science and Technology Writing-Filipino Category during the Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) conducted on September 27-28.

For Dumdum, representing the school in the regional contest for the first time is such

a great honor and he was happy that it happened during his last year in junior high school.

“The happiness is incomparable as this means a legacy left which would live for as longasthereisCNHS-TagbanonExtension.”

Moreover, he said that representing the school also gave him a once-in-a-lifetime chancetoseenewplaces.

“I consider every school writer here a novice and they need more trainings and seminars to further equip their skills in journalism and update them of the current trends in the field,” Calixton said.

Along with him, Lory France Duaquino, publication adviser, was also a coach during the DSPC.

The school was targeting more delegates to send to the RSPC next school year./TC

TO MORE RSPC FOR TAGBANON. Jiemel Jan Dumdum (left) and his coach Stephen Calixton (right).

Student council prexy elected solon in SSG-Cadiz

The Supreme Student Government (SSG) president of CNHS-Tagbanon Extension (TE) was elected as a representative of the SSG-Division of Cadiz City.

Joshua Seballos, CHNS-TE SSG president, occupied the post subsequent to the division elections which took place at the Library Hub of the Division Office, June 14.

Seballos was grateful of the outcome of the poll as it means the voice of the school studentry being heard at the division level.

“I’m so thankful of (my) election, although just as a representative, because after all, it’s not all about what post I am occupying,” he said.

He added, “As a representative in the SSG-Cadiz City Division, I can be able to air out what my co-students at

Tagbanon has to say if there is a chance I could do so.”

“As a leader, it is my responsibility to let the higher ups hear what are the opinions of my fellow students at CNHS -Tagbanon Extension on the issues that concern them as students,” Seballos said.

Ms. Charry Joy Garlet, SSG adviser, meanwhile, believed that Seballos’ election as a representative exposes him to more responsibilities which could make him not only a better leader but a better student as well.

“His election as a representative in the student council of the Cadiz City Division means some more obligations he has to fulfil,” Ms. Garlet said.

“But this is not only more work for him because the responsibilities which come with his position now can also benefit him to become more mature as a prime mover and as a learner,” she added.

Meanwhile, a student leader from


School GSP, BSP joins division camp

Theboyscoutsandgirlscoutsof theCNHS-TagbanonExtension joinedthe CadizCityDivision Encampmentseparatelyheldat theCadizCityReclamationArea andTiglawiganNationalHigh School,respectivelyonSeptember 14-16.

LaurenceRoa,BSPcoordinator, headedthetheteam of boyscout whileLadyJuneIbañezledthegirl scoutdelegatesinbehalfofGSP CoordinatorStephanieBojos./TC

15 campus scribes braced for journalism battle

Fifteenmembersoftheschool pressTheCrops attendedthe intensivetrainingoncampus journalismattheSchoolLibrary, September23-24,inpreparation fortheupcomingDivisionSchool PressConferencetobeheldat TiglawiganNationalHighSchool. Thecampusjournalistswere bracedinvariousfields,suchas broadcasting,layouting, photojournalism,cartooning,and journalisticwriting./TC

Caduhaan National High School-Andres Bonifacio Extension was elected the SSG-Cadiz City Division president for school year 2017-2018.

Every school year, the said election is carried out by the Division to select the students who will be part of the its student council. / PA

School marks Nutri Month Healthy Diet, Gawing Habit for Life!

With the theme “Healthy Diet Gawing Habit for Life,” Caduhaan National High School-Tagbanon

Extension (CNHS-TE) celebrated the Nutrition Month at the school grounds, July 28.

Various activities and competitions were done in line with the celebration which kicked off with a Zumba dance led by Mr. Laurence Roa, a Mathematics teacher.

Nutri-Quiz, Cooking, Landscaping, Dish Gardening, Nutri-Booth, Poster Making and Slogan Making Contests were simultaneously done during the whole-day program.

Jessa Mae Librando from Grade 7-Sunflower snatched the first place in the Nutri-Quiz, followed by Joseph Jison from Grade 8-Orchid in second place and Jiemel Jan Dumdum from Grade 10-Hyacinth in third place.

In the Cooking Contest, Grade 8-Daisy was awarded first place in

the Main Dish Category; Grade 10 -Hyacinth, second; and Grade 7Sampaguita, third. Grade 8-Daisy also prevailed in the Dessert Category, with Grade 10-Hyacinth and Grade 9-Rose keeping the second and third place, respectively.

The Grade 9 won the Best in Landscaping, and together with Grade 10, the Best in Dish Gardening.

The Poster Making Contest, meanwhile, was dominated by twin brothers from Grade 10Hyacinth John Vincent Rivera and John Mark Rivera in first and second place respectively, with Eralyn Dequito from Grade 7Sampaguita coming third.

In the Slogan Making Contest, Genric Harold Peñaflor from Grade 9-Rose reigned supreme as the first placer, followed by the second placer Princes Jen Nalipay from Grade 7-Sunflower and third placer Ronnie Mae Bucao from Grade 10-Hyacinth.

The two sections of Grade 7–Sampaguita and Sunflower–were proclaimed as having the Booth with the Most Number of Displays.

NUTRI-FILLED. Different activities and inter-level contests were done in line with the school celebration of the 43rd Nutrition Month.

Ecologay highlights SciMathlympics 2017

Varying garbage turned into beautiful gowns last September 8 at CNHS-Tagbanon Extension Stage.

Eleven students from different grade level represented their sections in the modelling of the student-created gowns made from recycled materials as the highlight of the SciMathlympics 2017 themed “Enchancing Scientific Mind to


Conserve our Earth’s Treasure.’’

At the end of the competition, Genric Harold Peñaflor, Grade 9-Rose, was hailed Ms. Ecologay 2017, with his long gown of alternating red-blue design.

Joshua Seballos, Grade 10-Hyacinth, was proclaimed first runner-up while John Durilag, Grade 9-Tulip, finished second runner-up.

Aside from the Ecologay, other contests in the MathScilympics were Math and

Science Quiz; Scilympic Can; Create, Show and Tell; Kalikasan Jingle; Tower of Hanoi Blindfolded and One-hand Category; Rubic’s Cube; and Math Cheerdance.

Regine Baladero from Grade 8-Daisy led the Science Quiz, with Rosemarie Veloso from Grade 9-Rose in second place and Joseph Jison from Grade 8-Orchid, third place.

Danilo Dequito Jr. of Grade 10 Hyacinth Math Quiz snatched the first place, placing his classmate Rufel John Nogas in second and May Malihoc of Grade 7-Sampaguit, third.

The artistry of John Vincent Rivera, Jovelyn Esperta and Joshua Seballos of Grade 10 emerged best in the Scilympic Can Contest, putting the work Alyssa Kate Villarias, Alien Allado, and Hans Wyrlo Cabahug of Grade 9 in second place.

Create, Show and Tell was topped by Mari Cris Lansangan, Junelyn Sierba, Ronnie Mae Bucao and Jiemel Jan Dumdum of Grade 10 Hyacinth.

In the Kalikasan Jingle, the Grade 10 students arose victors, with the Grade 9 students placing second and Grade 7, third place.

Leah Lumangyao, Rizaldy Velarde and Jomar Buenavista clinched the first, second and third place respectively in the Tower of HanoiBlindfolded Category while Danilo Dequito Jr. triumphed the One-Hand Category, with Rizaldy Velarde winning second place and Edsel Cardinal, third.

Rufel John Nogas won first place in Rubic’s Cube; with Jiemel Jan Dumdum, second place and John Kim Tamta, third place.

In the Math Cheerdance, the Grade 8 students grooved their way to victory, the Grade 9, Grade 10 and Grade 7 dancing after in second, third and fourth place, respectively.

All performances were judged by Mr. Stephen Calixton, Mrs.Leora Teguihanon and Ms. Lady June Ibañez. /TC

School participates in Division Mathlympics; Grade 10 stude, 3rd in Rubik's


CNHS-TagbanonExtensionnoong Agosto29paraikuwentoang kanyangbuhayatnangsagayonay makapagbilinnarinngaralsabawat mag-aaralngTagbanonElementary SchoolatCNHS-TagbanonExtension.

PinuntoniG.Navoanawalang magandangnaidudulotangpaggamit ngdrogaatpagsuwaysamgautos ng mgamagulang;bagkusayikasasama panitoangbuhayngmgakabataan.

SinabirinniNavoaanadapat magingmatalinosapagpilingmga

babarkadahinsapagkatmaaaringsila rinlangangmagdadalasaisangtaosa kanyangikakalalaglagkatuladna lamangngnangyaringpagsuplongsa kanyasakrimenghindinaman siya angmayginawa.

Ikiwentoniyaangkanyang masalimuotnabuhaysakulunganat kungpaanoanggalawansaloobng Bilibid.

Sinabiniyangmaka-ilangulitnasiya mabartolinasapanahonng pamamalaginiyasakulungan. /TC

CNHS-TagbanonExtension(CNHSTE)joinedtheDivisionMathlympicsat Dr.VicenteF.GustiloMemorial NationalHighSchool(DVFGMNHS), September15-16.

TheschoolparticipatedintheMath Cheerdance,Rubik’sCube,andTower ofHanoi-OneHandandBlindfolded Category.

RuffelNogas,aGrade10–Hyacinth studentofCNHS-TE,emergedinthird placeintheRubik’sCube,followingthe representativesofDVFGMNHSfirst placeandCaduhaanNationalHigh School(CNHS)insecondplace.

Genric HaroldPeñaflor,Joshua Seballos,Angelica,Triunfo,MariCris Lansangan,andJohnDurilagwere

amongthestudentswhorepresented theschoolintheMathCheerdance, whichwaswonbyCNHS,DVFGMNHS, andCNHS-LunaExtensioninthefirst, secondandthirdplace,respectively.

DaniloDequitoJr.andLeah Lumangyao,meanwhile,were the contendersoftheschoolinthe Tower ofHanoi-OneHandandBlindfolded

Navoa, nagpangaral sa mga estudyante sa elementarya at hayskul
COLORS IN THE GARBAGE. The contestants in the modelling of the recycled gowns NAVOA by JOSHWA JISON NOGAS. Third from the left by JOSHUA SEBALLOS

The magical night Of glitz and glamor

National High School-Tagbanon Extension (CNHS-TE) was filled with colors and talents as it culminated the Intramurals 2017 themed “Strengthening Solidarity Through Competition” on September 22, Friday. their hoops into a thing of wonder as it never fallen short to entertain the spectators in the entire duration of the performance. Calling themselves mighty, the freshmen came next with their plain white Tshirts cut and stylized into an eyecatching costume. In flaming red comes the Grade 9 students to end the morning program with a boom. Mr. Christian Belera, Mr. Danilo Diaz Jr. and Ms. Shyr V. Santillan served as judges in the Playground Demonstration.


Various activities were held during the whole day activity. In the morning, the four grade levels vied in the Field Demonstration in the tune of similar music right after the induction of school officers led by Hon. Eduardo Javier Sr., Brgy. Captain of Caduhaan. In the afternoon the Grade 8 and Grade 10 belles volleyed past each other in a championship match while the Grade 10 and Grade 9 spikers banged the court to claim supremacy in the men’s volleyball finals. The gaiety was concluded with the awarding of winners in every competition and in the overall ranking.

With their hats, neon green flaglets, and hula-hoops in silver-blue metallic stripes, the Grade 8 students

Right after tabulation by the guest tabulator Mrs. Suzette Gulmatico,

the Grade 10 students were declared as champion.

In the overall ranking, Grade 9 was this year’s intramurals champion, followed by Grade 10, Grade and Grade 7 in the 1st runnerup, 2nd runner-up, and 3rd runnerup, respectively. / TC


Taga-Tagbanon, wagi sa Sabayang Pagbigkas, Modernong Sayaw

Nag-uwi ng

dalawang parangal ang Caduhaan National High School -Tagbanon Extension

(CNHS-TE) sa Pandistritong

Pagdiriwang ng

Buwan ng Wika sa

CNHS, Agosto 18.

Ginawad ang ikalawang

puwesto sa grupo ng magaaral mula sa CNHS-TE sa patimpalak sa Sabayang Pagbigkas habang ikatlong puwesto naman sa Modernong Sayaw.

Dalamwampu lahat ang miyembro ng pangkat mula sa paaralan na sumali sa Sabayang Pagbigkas; ito ay binubuo ng isang drummer at 19 mamimigkas.

Samantala, ang grupo naman ng mananayaw mula

sa paaralan na sumali sa Modernong Sayaw ay binubuo ng walong magaaral.

Labis ang saya ng mga mga taga-CNHS-TE, lalunglalo ni G. Stephen O. Calixton, koordineytor sa Filipino ng paaralan, dahil sa panalo ng mga TagaTagbanon.

“Ako ay sobrang masaya para sa mga bata sapagkat naisakatuparan ang kanilang hiling na manalo pagkatapos ng isang linggong paghahanda,” sabi ni G. Calixton.

“Pero mas maganda sana kung nakuha ‘yung unang puwesto kasi talagang gusto ng mga mag-aaral na makapagtanghal sa pandibisyong pagdiriwang (ng Buwan ng Wika),” dagdag pa niya.

“Sinabi ko nalang sa mga bata na mas galingan pa susunod,” pagtatapos ni


Samantala, nakamit ng mga magaaral mula sa Philippine Normal University-Visayas Center for Teaching and Learning (PNU-V CTL) pareho sa Sabayang Pagbigkas at Modernong Sayaw.

Maliban sa dalawang nasabing kontes, may patimpalak din sa Paggawa ng Poster, Malikhaing Pagsulat ng Photo Essay, Informance, at Isahang Pag-awit.

Hinakot ng PNU-V CTL ang unang puwesto sa lahat ng mga patimpalak maliban na lamang sa Paggawa ng

Poster kung saan panalo ang SPED High School.

Sumali ang CNHS-TE sa lahat ng mga patimpalak maliban sa Informance.

Sina Nicole Audrey Supala, John Vincent Rivera, at Regine Baladero ang kumatawan sa paaralan sa patimpalak sa Isahang Pag-awit, Paggawa ng Poster at Malikhaing Pagsulat ng Photo Essay, ayon sa pagkakasunod-sunod.

Ang tema ng Buwan ng Wika ngayong taong pamapaaralan ay “Filipino: Wikang Mapagbago.”/ TC


Crops, lalahok sa pandibisyong kontes sa pamamahayag

Makikipagsabayan ang

The Crops ng CNHSTagbanon Extension sa iba pang mga mataas na paaralan sa darating na Division Contest on Campus Journalism na gaganapin sa Tiglawigan National High School, Setyembre 27-28.

Magpapadala ang nasabing pahayagang pamapaaralan ng 15 na kalahok na kakatawan sa Tagbanon sa iba’t-ibang kontes na idaraos.

Ang mga patimpalak na lalahukan ng The Crops ay ang News Writing, Editorial Writing, Editorial Cartooning, Feature Writing, Sports Writing, Photojournalism, Copyediting and Headline Writing, Science and

Technology Writing, Broadcasting, at Electronic Layouting.

Ang unang anim na kontes ay gagawin sa unang araw ng programa habang sa pangalawang araw naman ang huling apat.

Mga guro mula sa iba’t-ibang paaralan ng Sangay ng Lungsod ng Cadiz ang tatayong hurado sa bawat patimpalak sa kategoryang Filipino at English.

Isa sa mga layunin ng pandibisyong patimpalak sa pamamahayag ay ang paunlarin ang kakayahang pampamamahayag ng mga magaaral sa pamamagitan ng isang healthy at friendly na kompetisyon.

Samantala, bago isalang ang mga mag-aaral sa nasabing tagisan at para makapili na rin ng ilalahok, nagdaos ang The Crops ng isang school-based campus journalism seminar na may temang “Ignite” noong Agosto 17. / TC

GINALINGAN. Ang mga mag-aaral ng CNHS-Tagbanon sa kanilang pagatatanghal ng Sabayang pagbigkas. PARANGAL. Ang mga nanalo sa iba’t ibang patimpalak sa pamamahayag sa ginanap na SchoolBased Campus Journalism Seminar-Workshop noong Agosto 17.

The Day I Hurt a Student

respect. He looked at me with an embarrassed smile and everything happened very quickly that I cannot control what was coming out of my mouth anymore. I just caught myself body-shaming him, saying, “Good thing, it didn’t happen to you, or the earth will shake a shake no one would survive.”

Just like the previous meetings, the class that day started with sharing on random topics and a series of good-vibed jokes cracked to cheer the bunch of millennials before proceeding to a boring review for the third grading exam. We first talk about the New Year and all stuffs everyone can think of until one by one jests and punch lines came in. My Grade 10 students were having a good time and of course resounding laughs until I realized that the next joke was already on me.

Atop what seemed like an uproar inside the classroom, one male student loudly ask me how my first driving fiasco went amid giggles. The day before my third ride to school using my secondhand motorbike I lost control of the throttle in an intersection and fell in an muddy trail leading to school, and that is what he was talking about. By the looks of it, my student was mocking me on my first-timer moment flop, but I tried to be my fun self anyway.

Sarcastically, I told him it was good and I want to experience it again. Maybe trying to get the attention of the entire class, he asked me the same question all over again, but I pretended not hearing him and tried to change the topic anyway. He acted like a broken tape on ceaseless rewind until his seatmate joined him in. They talked about my misfortune and laughed about it in front of my face not good.

At that moment, I could feel my face getting red. I lost my temper and the whole situation angered the hell out of me. But like what any teacher would do, I tried to control the rush of my emotion and explained why it happened.

I told him that it was common to a first-time driver, especially that I only learned it by reading a driving manual I downloaded from Google, watching videos in YouTube and doing a barely 15-minute practice with a cousin. I did the entire storytelling in shaky voice (My voice gets shaky only when I am nervous or when I am about to explode). With him still smiling after that, I reached my boiling point, and by that time, I was thinking of how to teach that student the value of respect. At least it went wrong.

I had him learned it the hard, wrong way. I singled him out. My ultimate goal that time shifted from good to evil. All I wanted was to hurt him to the core just like what he did to me when he disrespected me in front of his classmates.

Already showing my evidently furious self, I started by telling him that we are not friends. I am his teacher, so he should talk to me with utter

More wounding words came after the other. It rolled up to the point that I told him how bad he is in my class; that before he makes fun of me, he should first at least try to study harder so as to turn his 7’s into 8’s. Still not content of implicitly telling him he is stupid, I looked at him sharp into the eye and heartlessly uttered, “Gago!” I saw him with his eyes close to tears, so I sealed the drama by saying, “You know what, I am good at hurting people.” And then the eerie silence enveloped the room.

Amid the quiet, I pretended reading “Strawberries and Other Secrets,” but I was actually contemplating on what I did after that. From time to time, I took a glance at the unfortunate object of my outburst. I felt bad about myself, especially when I caught him secretly wiping his tears. I was hurt, not because he hurt me but because I hurt him so bad. Seeing him injured of what I’ve said crumpled my teacher heart. At that moment, I regretted what I did and hoped it never happened. My heart was telling me to approach him, wipe his tears and apologize, but my mind was saying it is not the best time to do so. So I stayed in my seat and internally cursed myself.

While in silence waiting for the clock to strike lunch break, I was thinking of one thing: despite the gravity of your reason, as a teacher, it is never an option to bully a student in front of his classmates. If being silent to show that you don’t like it is not possible, it is better to walk out than to utter words that could hurt someone. Our tongues can break anyone anytime at any moment. And it is the teacher’s tongue that can do a colossal damage. In my case, mine just obviously did.

In my almost two years of teaching, that is the first time I intentionally hurt a student. Though I have reasons, I know what I did was all wrong and I admit it. So that day, all I wanted was to treat the wound I made before it gets sorer and turn into a scar. I wanted to settle the misunderstanding before it affects my relationship with that student. When the bell rang, I allowed everyone to go except one. I let that certain student to stay for a while for a talk. I let him tell his side first while I intently listen. In the end, he acknowledged that what he did was wrong. Right after, I explained why his actions weren’t right and sincerely apologized for how I reacted toward the situation. I told him that I don’t mean all the painful words I said. I saw him smile a lightened smile and we concluded the chat with a handshake.

Note to teacher self: the next time I make my students’ eye tear, I’ll make sure it won’t be because I hurt them./TC



of solidarity in pixels straight from Tagbanon

A SCOUT’S DEED. Clad in their green uniforms, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines from CNHS-Tagbanon Extension conducted a feeding program for both the elementary and high school students who are nutritionally wasted as depicted on the nutritional status record of the teachers, afternoon of September 20.

GREEN SONG. Selected students from Grade 10-Hyacinth did their contribution to protecting Mother Earth through their Kalikasan Jingle rendition during the celebration of SciMathlympics 2017, September 8. SCHOOL-READY. To somewhat motivate the learners to do better in their studies, school supplies were distributed to the all the students of CNHS-Tagbanon Extension, July 5. FROM DEEP DOWN TO HIGH UP. As part of the Laro ng Lahi, Palo Sebo was contended on by teams from each grade level during the school celebration of Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa themed “Filipino:Wikang Mapagbago,” August 4. FRIDAY CRAZE. To energize all the Tagbanonians before classes, CNHS-Tagbanon engages in Zumba every Friday. GET INJECTED. The Grade 7 students received anti-flu shots as part of the school
based observance of the Immunization Month, August 10. BREAK THE QUAKE. Following the orientation on earthquake by the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council of Cadiz City, an drill was performed by the students from all grade levels, July 28.

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