VIK ING R IVER CRUISESŽ SILVER SPIR ITS BEVER AGE PACK AGE Start your day with an espresso, savor a fine wine with dinner and celebrate with sparkling wine — all for one package price. On board our river ships, you may have complimentary
5 nights $110
10 nights $220
assorted hot teas and coffees anytime, as well as iced
6 nights $130
12 nights $260
teas, house wines, beers and soft drinks with onboard
7 nights $150
14 nights $299
9 nights $199
21 nights $449
lunches and dinners. We also offer a Silver Spirits beverage package, which covers unlimited wines, sparkling wines, beers, cocktails, spirits, specialty coffees, juices and mineral water throughout the day.
To purchase your Silver Spirits beverage package or for more details, please visit * P lease note: Both guests in a stateroom must purchase the package in order for it to be valid. Prices effective as of October 2017.