Year 11 Programme of Study 23-24

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‭Year 11 Programme of Study 2023/24‬ ‭Subject‬

‭Term 1‬

‭Term 2‬

‭Term 3‬

‭Term 4‬

‭Term 5‬

‭Term 6‬

‭Year End Points‬


‭ omponent 1 –‬ C ‭Portfolio‬ ‭Unit -‬ ‭Focus on‬ ‭producing final‬ ‭resolution ideas‬ ‭& plans‬ ‭based on the‬ ‭body of work‬ ‭as a whole. This‬ ‭development of‬ ‭final ideas‬ ‭is driven by‬ ‭critical studies‬ ‭influences &‬ ‭media‬ ‭experiment‬ ‭conclusions.‬

‭ omponent 1 –‬ C ‭Portfolio Unit -‬ ‭Focus remains‬ ‭on working‬ ‭from‬ ‭the completion‬ ‭of diverse and‬ ‭exhaustive‬ ‭options to‬ ‭successfully‬ ‭complete final‬ ‭resolutions‬ ‭based on the‬ ‭body‬ ‭of work as a‬ ‭whole, ready to‬ ‭submit the‬ ‭Portfolio work‬ ‭as a‬ ‭whole.‬

‭ omponent 2‬ C ‭– Externally‬ ‭Set‬ ‭Assignment -‬ ‭Select a‬ ‭project title &‬ ‭focusing on‬ ‭AO1 & AO3 -‬ ‭initial‬ ‭investigations‬ ‭&‬ ‭observations.‬ ‭Demonstratin‬ ‭g‬ ‭understandin‬ ‭g of critical‬ ‭studies‬ ‭sources.‬

‭ omponent 2 –‬ C ‭Externally‬ ‭Set Assignment‬ ‭-‬ ‭Strengthening‬ ‭observations at‬ ‭AO3 &‬ ‭exploring media‬ ‭options,‬ ‭choices and‬ ‭effects for‬ ‭final‬ ‭resolution(s)‬ ‭options.‬

‭ omponent 2 –‬ C ‭Externally Set‬ ‭Assignment -‬ ‭Focus on‬ ‭working on the‬ ‭completion of‬ ‭diverse and‬ ‭exhaustive final‬ ‭resolution(s)‬ ‭options‬ ‭through to the‬ ‭realisation‬ ‭of intentions in‬ ‭10 hours‬ ‭of supervised‬ ‭time.‬


‭ tudents will have refined working on‬ S ‭GSCE art skills used in producing a‬ ‭portfolio of work as part of the‬ ‭AQA course requirements. They will‬ ‭have perfected their skills of analysing‬ ‭and planning their practical work, writing‬ ‭brief critical analyses and evaluations of‬ ‭their work, using a wide range of‬ ‭appropriate technical language‬ ‭especially regarding their artist research‬ ‭and practical work. They will have been‬ ‭able to reflect on their skills and media‬ ‭and have taken opportunities to‬ ‭experiment with materials and‬ ‭techniques.‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.2.‬ M ‭Making‬ ‭marketing‬ ‭decision –‬ ‭using the 4 Ps‬ ‭to make‬ ‭decisions‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.3‬ M ‭Making‬ ‭operational‬ ‭decisions‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.4‬ M ‭Making financial‬ ‭decision –‬ ‭business‬ ‭calculations‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.5‬ M ‭Making Human‬ ‭Resource‬ ‭decisions‬

‭GCSEs begin.‬ ‭Discuss how businesses grow‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.1‬ ‭ usiness‬ M B ‭Growing a‬ ‭Studies‬

‭ usiness –‬ B ‭methods of how‬ ‭businesses start‬ ‭to grow.‬ ‭Topics‬

‭ opics‬ T ‭2.2.1 - Product‬ ‭2.2.2 - Price‬

‭ opics‬ T ‭2.3.1 -‬ ‭Business‬ ‭operations‬

‭Topics‬ ‭ .4.2 -‬ 2 ‭Understanding‬

‭Topics‬ ‭ .5.4 -‬ 2 ‭Motivation‬

‭ aking judgements about ethical‬ M ‭behaviour‬ ‭ resentation skills‬ P ‭Peer assessment of work‬ ‭Evaluating different types of production‬ ‭Understanding the need for good‬ ‭customer service‬

‭ .1.1 - Business‬ 2 ‭growth‬ ‭ .1.2 - Changes‬ 2 ‭in aims and‬ ‭objectives‬ ‭ .1.3 - Business‬ 2 ‭and globalisation‬ ‭ .1.4 - Ethics,‬ 2 ‭the environment‬ ‭and business‬ ‭ ssessment 1:‬ A ‭SAMS baseline‬ ‭test‬ ‭ ssessment 2:‬ A ‭Exam style‬ ‭questions for all‬ ‭PP grades‬

‭ .2.3 -‬ 2 ‭Promotion‬ ‭2.2.4 - Place‬ ‭2.2.5 - Using‬ ‭the marketing‬ ‭mix to make‬ ‭business‬ ‭decisions‬

‭ .3.2 -‬ 2 ‭Working with‬ ‭suppliers‬ ‭2.3.3 -‬ ‭Managing‬ ‭quality‬ ‭2.3.4 - The‬ ‭sales process‬

‭End Points‬

‭ .4 Making‬ 2 ‭financial‬ ‭Assessment 3‬‭:‬ ‭decision –‬ ‭Dragon’s Den‬ ‭business‬ ‭style‬ ‭calculations‬ ‭presentation‬ ‭Topics‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭4:‬‭Mock Exams‬ ‭2.4.1 -‬ ‭Business‬ ‭(Theme 1‬ ‭previous‬ ‭calculation‬ ‭summers‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭exam)‬ ‭5‬‭:‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭practice‬ ‭throughout.‬ ‭Use exam‬ ‭questions for‬ ‭all‬ ‭assessments‬ ‭for PP‬ ‭grades, end‬ ‭of year‬ ‭exams etc.‬ ‭ ssessment‬ A ‭6:‬

‭ usiness‬ b ‭performance‬ ‭ .5 Making‬ 2 ‭Human‬ ‭Resource‬ ‭decisions‬ ‭Topics‬ ‭ .5.1 -‬ 2 ‭Organisational‬ ‭structures‬ ‭ .5.2 - Effective‬ 2 ‭recruitment‬ ‭ .5.3 - Effective‬ 2 ‭training and‬ ‭development‬ ‭ ssessment 7:‬ A ‭Whole school‬ ‭March mock‬ ‭exams full 1h30‬ ‭mins Theme 2.‬ ‭In class‬

‭ ssessment 8:‬ A ‭Exam style‬ ‭questions for all‬ ‭PP‬ ‭assessments‬

‭ ssessment 8:‬ A ‭End of unit test‬ ‭2.4 and 2.5‬ ‭ ssessment 9:‬ A ‭Use exam‬ ‭questions for all‬ ‭assessments for‬ ‭PP grades, end‬ ‭of year exams‬ ‭etc.‬ ‭ im to finish‬ A ‭before the‬ ‭Easter‬ ‭holidays,‬ ‭perhaps one‬ ‭week after.‬

‭ alculations‬ C ‭GPM, NPM, ARR‬ I‭nterpret business data - financial,‬ ‭marketing and market‬ ‭Interpret business ratios‬ ‭All skills required for GCSE‬

‭ nd of unit‬ E ‭2.3 test‬ ‭ omputer‬ C ‭Science‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Pseudocode and‬ ‭Building Robust‬ ‭Programs‬ ‭ opics‬‭:‬ T ‭Pseudocode,‬ ‭Testing, Data‬ ‭Validation, Trace‬ ‭Tables,‬ ‭Programming‬ ‭Techniques‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Analyse and‬ ‭identify the‬ ‭requirements for‬ ‭a solution to the‬ ‭problem. Set‬ ‭clear‬ ‭measurable‬ ‭objectives.‬ ‭Design suitable‬ ‭algorithms‬ ‭including‬ ‭pseudocode to‬ ‭represent the‬ ‭solution to a‬ ‭problem.‬ ‭Incorporate‬ ‭techniques to‬ ‭verify and‬ ‭validate data.‬ ‭Construct trace‬ ‭tables to test‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Ethical, Legal,‬ ‭Cultural and‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭Concerns‬ ‭ opics:‬ T ‭Legislation‬ ‭Relevant to‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭Science.‬ ‭Implications of‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭Science in‬ ‭Society‬ ‭ ey Skills‬‭:‬ K ‭Investigate and‬ ‭discuss‬ ‭computer‬ ‭science‬ ‭technologies‬ ‭while‬ ‭considering‬ ‭ethical issues,‬ ‭legal issues,‬ ‭cultural issues,‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭issues and‬ ‭privacy issues.‬ ‭How‬ ‭stakeholders‬ ‭are affected by‬ ‭technologies.‬ ‭Environmental‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Algorithms‬ ‭and SQL‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Producing‬ ‭Robust‬ ‭Programs and‬ ‭Topics‬‭:‬ ‭Pseudocode‬ ‭Computationa‬ ‭Exam‬ l‭ Thinking,‬ ‭Technique‬ ‭Sorting and‬ ‭Searching‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Algorithms‬ ‭Defensive‬ ‭Design,‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Maintainability,‬ ‭Explain the‬ ‭Purpose of‬ ‭concepts of‬ ‭Testing‬ ‭abstraction,‬ ‭decompositio‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭n and‬ ‭Anticipate‬ ‭algorithmic‬ ‭computer‬ ‭thinking.‬ ‭misuse and‬ ‭Display‬ ‭techniques to‬ ‭standard‬ ‭prevent this,‬ ‭sorting‬ ‭authentication,‬ ‭algorithms‬ ‭planning for‬ ‭including a‬ ‭contingencies‬ ‭bubble sort,‬ ‭and examples‬ ‭merge sort‬ ‭of input‬ ‭and an‬ ‭sanitisation/vali‬ ‭insertion sort.‬ ‭dation. Identify‬ ‭Perform on‬ ‭syntax and logic‬ ‭data sorting‬ ‭errors and‬ ‭algorithms to‬ ‭choice of‬ ‭include‬ ‭suitable test‬ ‭bubble sort‬ ‭data for a given‬ ‭and merge‬ ‭scenario.‬ ‭sort.‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Revision‬ ‭ opics‬‭: Paper 1‬ T ‭and Paper 2‬ ‭ ey Skills‬‭:‬ K ‭Exam technique‬


‭ nderstand ethical, legal, cultural or‬ U ‭environmental issues in relation to a‬ ‭given scenario. State what is meant by‬ ‭an algorithm taking into consideration‬ ‭abstraction and decomposition.‬ ‭Understand and be able to apply a linear‬ ‭and a binary search algorithm including‬ ‭the advantages of one over the other.‬ ‭Use a flowchart or pseudocode to define‬ ‭the steps in a simple algorithm‬ ‭Recognise standard symbols used to‬ ‭represent NOT, AND OR, NAND, NOR‬ ‭and XOR logic gates. Draw truth tables‬ ‭for the above logic gates. Be able to‬ ‭complete a trace table to trace through a‬ ‭simple algorithm.‬

‭ lgorithms‬ a ‭before coding‬ ‭the solution.‬ ‭ P1: Project‬ M ‭Submission‬ ‭ P2: Trace‬ M ‭Table‬ ‭Assessment‬

‭ nd cultural‬ a ‭issues on‬ ‭society.‬ ‭Discuss‬ ‭legislation‬ ‭surrounding‬ ‭computer‬ ‭science‬ ‭including the‬ ‭Data protection‬ ‭act (1998),‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭Misuse Act‬ ‭(1990),‬ ‭Copyright‬ ‭Patent and‬ ‭Designs Act‬ ‭(1988) and the‬ ‭Freedom of‬ ‭Information Act‬ ‭(2000)‬

‭ P1: End of‬ M ‭Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭ P2: Past‬ M ‭Paper‬ ‭Questions‬

‭ P1: End of‬ M ‭Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭ P2: Past‬ M ‭Paper‬ ‭Questions‬

‭ P1: End of‬ M ‭Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭ P2: Past‬ M ‭Paper‬ ‭Questions‬ ‭Drama‬

‭ 2 Performing‬ C ‭from a text‬ ‭ 2 Performing‬ C ‭from a text:‬ ‭•Look at‬ ‭possible texts‬

‭ 2 Performing‬ C C ‭ 2 live‬ ‭C3 Exam prep‬ ‭from a text/ C3‬ ‭performance‬ ‭exam prep‬ ‭for‬ ‭ 3 exam prep:‬ C ‭examiner/ C3‬ ‭Exam-style‬ ‭C2 Performing‬ ‭exam prep‬ ‭questions and‬ ‭from a text:‬ ‭structure of‬ ‭•‬‭Look at‬ ‭paper etc.‬ ‭possible texts‬

‭C3 Exam prep‬ ‭ 3 exam prep:‬ C ‭Exam-style‬ ‭questions and‬ ‭structure of‬ ‭paper etc.‬

‭ CSE exams‬ G ‭continue.‬

‭●‬ T ‭ o complete C2 exam to a‬ ‭visiting examiner (Date TBC by‬ ‭exam board).‬ ‭●‬ ‭To complete C3 paper on DNA‬ ‭and live theatre review.‬

(‭ pre-2000) to‬ ‭rehearse‬ ‭•Rehearse given‬ ‭text in groups‬ ‭(acting skills and‬ ‭techniques)‬ ‭•Perform given‬ ‭extract of text in‬ ‭groups.‬

(‭ pre-2000) to‬ ‭rehearse‬ ‭•Rehearse‬ ‭given text in‬ ‭groups (acting‬ ‭skills and‬ ‭techniques)‬ ‭Perform given‬ ‭extract of text‬ ‭in groups.‬

‭ 2 Live‬ C ‭performance‬ ‭to examiner:‬ ‭Date given by‬ ‭exam board‬ ‭(TBC)‬ ‭All‬ ‭performances‬ ‭to be‬ ‭recorded for‬ ‭Assessment x 2‬ ‭1 – mock of‬ ‭C3 Exam prep:‬ ‭moderating‬ ‭performance‬ ‭Explore‬ ‭purposes.‬ ‭ – mock of‬ 2 ‭examples/‬ ‭cover character‬ ‭exemplars of‬ ‭sheet‬ ‭C3 exam‬ ‭exam style‬ ‭(non-assessed‬ ‭prep:‬ ‭questions‬ ‭but read by‬ ‭Explore‬ ‭DNA text recap‬ ‭examiner)‬ ‭examples/exe‬ ‭Live theatre‬ ‭AO2‬ ‭mplars of‬ ‭Apply theatrical‬ ‭opportunities -‬ ‭exam-style‬ ‭skills to realise‬ ‭how to write a‬ ‭questions‬ ‭artistic intentions‬ ‭review‬ ‭DNA text‬ ‭in live‬ ‭performance‬ ‭recap‬ ‭Assessment x‬ ‭Live theatre‬ ‭2‬ ‭review‬ ‭1 – mock of‬ ‭performance‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭2 – mock‬ ‭x 2‬ ‭paper‬ ‭1 – Live‬ ‭questions.‬ ‭examiner C2‬ ‭AO1‬ ‭exam‬ ‭Create and‬ ‭2 – Live‬ ‭develop ideas‬ ‭theatre‬ ‭to‬ ‭review‬ ‭communicate‬ ‭question.‬

‭ NA‬ D ‭construction of‬ ‭text and how‬ ‭performances‬ ‭create meaning.‬ ‭Live theatre‬ ‭review‬

‭ NA‬ D ‭construction of‬ ‭text and how‬ ‭performances‬ ‭create meaning.‬ ‭Live theatre‬ ‭review‬

‭ ssessment x‬ A ‭2 exam paper‬ ‭mocks.‬

‭ ssessment x‬ A ‭2 exam paper‬ ‭mocks.‬

‭ O1‬ A ‭Create and‬ ‭develop ideas‬ ‭to communicate‬ ‭meaning for‬ ‭theatrical‬ ‭performance‬ ‭AO2‬ ‭Apply theatrical‬ ‭skills to realise‬ ‭artistic‬ ‭intentions in live‬ ‭performance‬

‭ O1‬ A ‭Create and‬ ‭develop ideas to‬ ‭communicate‬ ‭meaning for‬ ‭theatrical‬ ‭performance‬ ‭AO2‬ ‭Apply theatrical‬ ‭skills to realise‬ ‭artistic‬ ‭intentions in live‬ ‭performance‬

‭ O3‬ A ‭Demonstrate‬ ‭knowledge and‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭of how drama‬ ‭and theatre is‬ ‭developed‬ ‭and performed‬ ‭AO4‬

‭ O3‬ A ‭Demonstrate‬ ‭knowledge and‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭of how drama‬ ‭and theatre is‬ ‭developed‬ ‭and performed‬ ‭AO4‬

‭●‬ T ‭ o perform in GCSE‬ ‭examinations C2 and C3 and‬ ‭achieve target grades.‬

‭ eaning for‬ m ‭theatrical‬ ‭performance‬ ‭AO2‬ ‭Apply theatrical‬ ‭skills to realise‬ ‭artistic‬ ‭intentions in‬ ‭live‬ ‭performance‬ ‭AO3‬ ‭Demonstrate‬ ‭knowledge and‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭of how drama‬ ‭and theatre is‬ ‭developed‬ ‭and performed‬ ‭AO4‬ ‭Analyse and‬ ‭evaluate their‬ ‭own work and‬ ‭the work of‬ ‭others‬

‭ O1‬ A ‭Create and‬ ‭develop ideas‬ ‭to‬ ‭communicate‬ ‭meaning for‬ ‭theatrical‬ ‭performance‬ ‭AO2‬ ‭Apply‬ ‭theatrical‬ ‭skills to‬ ‭realise artistic‬ ‭intentions in‬ ‭live‬ ‭performance‬ ‭AO3‬ ‭Demonstrate‬ ‭knowledge‬ ‭and‬ ‭understandin‬ ‭g of how‬ ‭drama and‬ ‭theatre is‬ ‭developed‬ ‭and‬ ‭performed‬ ‭AO4‬ ‭Analyse and‬ ‭evaluate their‬ ‭own work and‬ ‭the work of‬ ‭others‬ ‭ inal‬ F ‭recording of‬ ‭C2 (live‬

‭ nalyse and‬ A ‭evaluate their‬ ‭own work and‬ ‭the work of‬ ‭others‬

‭ nalyse and‬ A ‭evaluate their‬ ‭own work and‬ ‭the work of‬ ‭others‬ ‭ 11 Study‬ Y ‭leave – exam‬ ‭usually is May‬ ‭= 40% of‬ ‭GCSE.‬

‭ xaminer) =‬ e ‭20%‬ ‭English‬

‭ iterature-Rom‬ L ‭eo and Juliet‬ ‭Aim: To study‬ ‭plot, character,‬ ‭setting, stage‬ ‭directions and‬ ‭key contextual‬ ‭factors/universal‬ ‭topics and how‬ ‭these were‬ ‭received in the‬ ‭16‬‭th‬ ‭century‬ ‭compared with‬ ‭today (e.g.‬ ‭forced marriage,‬ ‭masculinity,‬ ‭societal‬ ‭expectations of‬ ‭men and‬ ‭women, honour,‬ ‭mental‬ ‭well-being,‬ ‭family conflict‬ ‭and so on).‬

‭ anguage‬ L ‭Paper 1‬ ‭Aim: To build‬ ‭on prior‬ ‭knowledge‬ ‭from Year 10‬ ‭and‬ ‭revisit/revise‬ ‭the skills‬ ‭needed for‬ ‭Paper 1.‬ ‭In addition, we‬ ‭want to engage‬ ‭students in this‬ ‭exam paper,‬ ‭providing them‬ ‭with a range of‬ ‭extracts-both‬ ‭films and‬ ‭extracts- that‬ ‭are going to‬ ‭enable them to‬ ‭think about a‬ ‭variety of‬ ‭genres and‬ ‭Skills: language‬ ‭topics.‬ ‭analysis/‬ ‭Skills: language‬ ‭embedding‬ ‭analysis,‬ ‭context/‬ ‭structural‬ ‭developing a‬ ‭features,‬ ‭critical viewpoint/‬ ‭evaluating a‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭text, writing to‬ ‭writer’s methods‬ ‭describe/narrat‬ ‭and applying‬ ‭e in preparation‬ ‭for life beyond‬

‭ iterature‬ L ‭Paper 2‬ ‭Revisit –‬ ‭P&C Poetry‬ ‭ im: To‬ A ‭revise and‬ ‭study a‬ ‭selection of‬ ‭poems from‬ ‭the cluster.‬ ‭ kills: To‬ S ‭develop the‬ ‭skill of‬ ‭comparison‬ ‭and promote‬ ‭independent‬ ‭and‬ ‭alternative‬ ‭viewpoints‬‭.‬

‭ anguage‬ L ‭Paper 2‬ ‭Aim: To build on‬ ‭prior knowledge‬ ‭from Year 10‬ ‭and‬ ‭revisit/revise the‬ ‭skills needed for‬ ‭Paper 2.‬ ‭In addition, we‬ ‭want to engage‬ ‭students in this‬ ‭exam paper,‬ ‭providing them‬ ‭with a range of‬ ‭extracts that‬ ‭explored topical‬ ‭issues such as‬ ‭knife crime,‬ ‭climate change‬ ‭and cruelty to‬ ‭animals.‬ ‭Skills: language‬ ‭analysis,‬ ‭structural‬ ‭features,‬ ‭evaluating a‬ ‭text, writing to‬ ‭describe/narrate‬ ‭in preparation‬ ‭for life beyond‬ ‭GCSEs‬ ‭(copywriter/edit‬ ‭or/proof-reader/‬ ‭lawyer/‬

‭ iterature‬ L ‭Paper 2 Revisit‬ ‭– P&C Poetry‬ ‭ im: To revise‬ A ‭and study a‬ ‭selection of‬ ‭poems from the‬ ‭cluster.‬ ‭ kills: To‬ S ‭develop the skill‬ ‭of comparison‬ ‭and promote‬ ‭independent‬ ‭and alternative‬ ‭viewpoints.‬

‭Revision and‬ ‭Exam Prep‬

‭Reading:‬ ‭ ANG‬‭: To read a wide range of texts‬ L ‭confidently and with insight, being able‬ ‭to perceive strands of meaning and‬ ‭semantic fields, appreciating how these‬ ‭work together with generic features to‬ ‭fulfil the writer’s purpose and construct‬ ‭meanings. Identify the key ideas‬ ‭communicated by texts, summarising‬ ‭and synthesising information with‬ ‭precision. Read and evaluate texts‬ ‭critically and make comparisons‬ ‭between texts, commenting perceptively‬ ‭on a writer’s choice of vocabulary,‬ ‭grammatical and structural features;‬ ‭evaluate and explain precisely how‬ ‭language, structure, form and‬ ‭presentation contribute to quality and‬ ‭impact, using sophisticated linguistic and‬ ‭literary terminology.‬ ‭ IT:‬‭Construct a critical, exploratory,‬ L ‭well-structured interpretative argument,‬ ‭marshalling and coordinating a wide‬ ‭range of references, many of which will‬ ‭be learned by heart. Build increasingly‬ ‭sophisticated interpretations informed by‬ ‭strong and precise knowledge of‬ ‭contextual factors, taking a‬ ‭conceptualised approach to the full task,‬ ‭supporting with a range of judicious‬ ‭references. There will be an insightful‬ ‭analysis of language, form and structure‬ ‭supported by judicious terminology.‬

s‭ ubject‬ ‭terminology.‬

‭ CSEs‬ G ‭(copywriter/edit‬ ‭or/proof-reader/‬ ‭lawyer/‬ ‭semiotician/‬ ‭web-content‬ ‭manager)‬

s‭ emiotician/‬ ‭web-content‬ ‭manager)‬

‭ rovide convincing exploration of‬ P ‭ideas/themes/perspectives/contextual‬ ‭factors/interpretations.‬ ‭ riting:‬ W ‭●‬ ‭Producing engaging, compelling and‬ ‭convincing texts that display flair and‬ ‭originality.‬ ‭●‬ ‭To consolidate prior learning/ability‬ ‭to write in a range of different forms‬ ‭seamlessly and display a confident‬ ‭and coherent performance.‬ ‭●‬ ‭Consciously crafting sentences,‬ ‭employing a range of sentence and‬ ‭punctuation types for effect.‬ ‭●‬ ‭Employ extensive and ambitious‬ ‭vocabulary.‬ ‭●‬ ‭To have mastered the use of‬ ‭linguistic devices to shape and‬ ‭enhance purpose.‬ ‭●‬ ‭To provoke a strong positive reaction‬ ‭(resulting in envy) from the‬ ‭examiner.‬ ‭Oracy:‬ ‭ upils will have mastered the context‬ P ‭and their audience.‬ ‭ onfidence in discussing a wide range of‬ C ‭topics in front of an audience. Evaluating‬ ‭different viewpoints and perspectives.‬


‭ ynamic‬ D ‭Development‬

‭Urban Futures‬

‭ esource‬ R ‭Reliance‬

‭ K in the 21‬‭st‬ U ‭Century‬

‭ evision Final‬ R ‭exams‬

‭ evision Final‬ R ‭exams‬

‭ nderstand the nature and causes of‬ U ‭differences in development between‬ ‭countries and how these differences can‬ ‭be addressed‬‭.‬

‭ actors affecting‬ F ‭development,‬ ‭Zambia an‬ ‭LIDC, Rostow‬ ‭model/Millenniu‬ ‭m‬ ‭Development‬ ‭Goals/Transnati‬ ‭onal‬ ‭Corporations‬ ‭and trade with‬ ‭the context of‬ ‭Zambia‬

‭ rbanisation in‬ U ‭LIDCs and‬ ‭ACs,‬ ‭Opportunities‬ ‭and challenges‬ ‭in London and‬ ‭Lagos‬

‭ verview of‬ O ‭demand and‬ ‭supply for‬ ‭resources‬ ‭(food, water,‬ ‭energy)‬ ‭Food security,‬ ‭food security‬ ‭in Tanzania‬

‭ K population‬ U ‭change,‬ ‭UK’s changing‬ ‭socioeconomic,‬ ‭cultural and‬ ‭political‬ ‭structure‬

‭ nderstand how the processes of‬ U ‭migration, urbanisation and urban‬ ‭growth affect the characteristics of‬ ‭global cities.‬ ‭ nderstand how ways of life vary in‬ U ‭cities, how this creates challenges in‬ ‭global cities and that these challenges‬ ‭can be addressed sustainably.‬ ‭ nderstand the causes and impacts of‬ U ‭the demand for resources outstripping‬ ‭supply with particular reference to‬ ‭achieving a sustainable food supply and‬ ‭food security.‬ ‭ nderstand how the UK has changed‬ U ‭economically, demographically and‬ ‭socially in the 21st Century including its‬ ‭global connections.‬ ‭ now the physical and human‬ K ‭characteristics of the UK including‬ ‭population density, land use, relief and‬ ‭the associated issues of water stress‬ ‭and housing shortages.‬ ‭ se OS map skills to describe human‬ U ‭landscapes in less familiar situations.‬ ‭Apply analytical skills to a wide range of‬ ‭geographical data.‬ ‭ rovide well-developed explanations for‬ P ‭varied geographical features.‬

‭ elect and apply relevant knowledge in‬ S ‭order to discuss, assess and evaluate‬ ‭geographical issues and reach balanced‬ ‭and reasoned judgements.‬ ‭History‬

‭ opics‬‭:‬ T ‭Normans –‬ ‭conquest &‬ ‭control‬ ‭ ontent:‬ C ‭Causes of‬ ‭Norman‬ ‭conquest,‬ ‭Military aspects‬ ‭eg battle tactics,‬ ‭establishing‬ ‭Norman control‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Why did William‬ ‭win the Battle of‬ ‭Hastings? &‬ ‭What was the‬ ‭significance of‬ ‭castles on‬ ‭Norman control?‬

‭ opics:‬‭Life‬ T ‭under the‬ ‭Normans & the‬ ‭Norman‬ ‭Church‬ ‭ ontent:‬ C ‭Feudalism and‬ ‭government,‬ ‭economic and‬ ‭social changes‬ ‭in towns &‬ ‭villages,‬ ‭changes to the‬ ‭Norman‬ ‭Church &‬ ‭Monasteries‬

‭ kills‬‭: Complex‬ S ‭nature of‬ ‭causation‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Write an‬ ‭account of‬ ‭governmental‬ ‭change under‬ ‭the Normans &‬ ‭December‬ ‭mock exams‬

‭ ultural‬ C ‭Capital:‬‭Nature‬ ‭of medieval‬ ‭warfare &‬ ‭leadership,‬

‭ kills‬‭:‬ S ‭Complex‬ ‭nature of‬ ‭change &‬ ‭continuity‬

‭ opics‬‭:‬ T ‭Conflict &‬ ‭Tension –‬ ‭peace making‬ ‭& League of‬ ‭Nations‬

‭ opics:‬‭Conflict‬ R T ‭ evision &‬ ‭& Tension –‬ ‭GCSE Exams‬ ‭causes of WW2‬

‭ ontent:‬ C ‭Development of‬ ‭tensions,‬ ‭Content:‬ ‭escalation in the‬ ‭Armistice‬ ‭1930s, outbreak‬ ‭terms, impact‬ ‭of war‬ ‭of the treaty,‬ ‭formation of‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭the League of‬ ‭What was the‬ ‭Nations,‬ ‭biggest cause‬ ‭reasons for‬ ‭of WW2? &‬ ‭its collapse‬ ‭March mock‬ ‭exam‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭Usefulness of‬ ‭Skills‬‭: Complex‬ ‭sources for‬ ‭nature of‬ ‭Treaty of‬ ‭causation‬ ‭Versailles &‬ ‭Write an‬ ‭Cultural‬ ‭account of‬ ‭Capital:‬‭Debate‬ ‭League of‬ ‭over‬ ‭Nations‬ ‭appeasement,‬ ‭failure‬ ‭Causes of war,‬ ‭psychology of‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭leadership‬ ‭Comparison‬ ‭of‬

‭ ummer‬ S ‭School taster‬ ‭sessions‬

‭ onsistently developing explanations of‬ C ‭significance & cause using ‘complex‬ ‭thinking’ (differentiation by‬ ‭group/type/length).‬ ‭ tudents are able to provide a more‬ S ‭developed explanation of the usefulness‬ ‭of sources using greater historical‬ ‭context.‬ ‭ tudents are able to apply their‬ S ‭understanding of GCSE content to‬ ‭explain what key events are significant‬ ‭and what is the driver of change.‬

‭ CSE‬ G ‭Maths‬

i‭mpact of castles‬ ‭in landscape,‬ ‭ ultural‬ C ‭nature of‬ ‭Capital:‬‭Nature‬ ‭symbolic power‬ ‭of medieval‬ ‭religion,‬ ‭Temporal vs‬ ‭religious leader‬ ‭conflict‬

s‭ ources/inter‬ ‭pretations‬

‭Further Algebra‬ C ‭ ircles and‬ ‭Proof‬ ‭Expanding 3‬ ‭brackets‬ ‭Circle‬ ‭Completing the‬ ‭Theorems‬ ‭square‬ ‭Proof‬ ‭Sketching‬ ‭Iteration‬ ‭Graphs‬ ‭Cones and‬ ‭Quadratic‬ ‭Spheres‬ ‭Inequalities‬ ‭Quadratic &‬ ‭Mock Exams‬ ‭Linear‬ ‭Simultaneous‬ ‭Functions‬

‭ ractions,‬ F ‭Graphs,‬ ‭Sequences‬ ‭and Surds‬

‭ ultural‬ C ‭Capital:‬ ‭Versailles‬ ‭relevance‬ ‭today,‬ ‭peacemaking‬ ‭lessons,‬ ‭failure of‬ ‭multinational‬ ‭bodies‬

‭ lgebraic‬ A ‭fractions‬ ‭ =mx+c‬ Y ‭Equation of a‬ ‭circle‬ ‭Tangent of a‬ ‭circle‬ ‭ uadratic‬ Q ‭sequences‬ ‭ omplex‬ C ‭Surds‬

‭Revision‬ ‭ ssessment‬ A ‭Week‬


‭GCSE EXAMS‬ S ‭ implfy surds, including rationalising the‬ ‭denominator of a surd expression‬ ‭Manipulate quadratic expressions by‬ ‭completing the square‬ ‭Deduce roots and turning points of‬ ‭quadratic functions‬ ‭Understand the concept of an‬ ‭instantaneous rate of change‬ ‭Sketch translations and reflections of‬ ‭given functions‬ ‭Solve quadratic inequalities in one‬ ‭variable‬ ‭Solve a simultaneous equation where‬ ‭one variable is linear and the other in‬ ‭quadratic‬ ‭Find compound and inverse functions‬ ‭Solve problems involving direct and‬ ‭inverse proportion‬ ‭Know, apply and prove the circle‬ ‭theorems‬ ‭Use algebra with proofs‬ ‭Simplify and use the four operations with‬ ‭algebraic fractions‬ ‭Use and apply iteration formulae‬

‭ ind the nth term rule of a quadratic‬ F ‭sequence‬ ‭Find the equation of a tangent to a circle‬ ‭ CSE‬ G ‭Maths &‬ ‭AQA Level‬ ‭2 Further‬ ‭Maths‬

‭Further Algebra‬ P ‭ roof and‬ ‭Geometry‬ ‭Expanding 3‬ ‭brackets‬ ‭Equation of a‬ ‭Completing the‬ ‭circle‬ ‭Square‬ ‭Tangent of a‬ ‭Sketching‬ ‭circle‬ ‭Graphs‬ ‭Iteration‬ ‭Quadratic‬ ‭Inequalities‬ ‭Quadratic &‬ ‭Further Maths‬ ‭Linear‬ ‭Differentiation‬ ‭Simultaneous‬ ‭Tangents/‬ ‭Functions‬ ‭Normals‬ ‭Proof‬ ‭Stationary‬ ‭Algebraic‬ ‭Points‬ ‭fractions‬ ‭Binomial‬ ‭Expansion‬ ‭Mock Exams‬

‭ urther‬ F ‭Maths‬ ‭ actor‬ F ‭theorem‬ ‭Factorising‬ ‭cubics‬ ‭Completing‬ ‭the square‬ ‭Simultaneous‬ ‭equations w/3‬ ‭unknowns‬ ‭Functions‬ ‭Matrices‬

‭Further Maths‬ ‭ ine & Cosine‬ S ‭rule‬ ‭Trigonometry‬ ‭graphs‬ ‭Trigonometric‬ ‭identities‬ ‭CAST diagrams‬ ‭Sequences‬ ‭Equations of‬ ‭circles‬


‭GCSE EXAMS‬ M ‭ anipulate quadratic expressions by‬ ‭completing the square‬ ‭Deduce roots and turning points of‬ ‭quadratic functions‬ ‭Understand the concept of an‬ ‭instantaneous rate of change‬ ‭Sketch translations and reflections of‬ ‭given functions‬ ‭Solve quadratic inequalities in one‬ ‭variable‬ ‭Solve a simultaneous equation where‬ ‭one variable is linear and the other is‬ ‭quadratic‬ ‭Find compound and inverse functions‬ ‭Solve problems involving direct and‬ ‭inverse proportion‬ ‭Know, apply and prove the circle‬ ‭theorems‬ ‭Use algebra with proofs‬ ‭Simplify and use the four operations with‬ ‭algebraic fractions‬ ‭Use and apply iteration formulae‬ ‭Find the nth term rule of a quadratic‬ ‭sequence‬ ‭Find the equation of a tangent to a circle‬ ‭Differentiate and find stationary points‬ ‭Use a CAST diagram and solve‬ ‭trigonometric equations‬ ‭Use the identities sin²x + cos² = 1 and‬ ‭𝑠𝑖𝑛‬‭‭𝑥 ‬‬ ‭tan x =‬ ‭𝑐𝑜𝑠‬‭‭𝑥‬ ‬ ‭ se the factor theorem and algebraic‬ U ‭long division to factorise cubics‬

‭Binomial expand (ax + b)‬‭ⁿ‬ ‭ olve simultaneous equations with 3‬ S ‭variables‬ ‭Calculate with matrices‬ ‭ FL‬ M ‭French‬

‭ nits 9-10 and‬ U ‭11-12‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭Describing a‬ ‭typical day in‬ ‭school, school‬ ‭rules, uniform‬ ‭and ideal school.‬ ‭Discussing‬ ‭future study and‬ ‭careers.‬ ‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Revision of all‬ ‭tenses. Revision‬ ‭of‬ ‭vouloir/pouvoir/d‬ ‭evoir. Revision‬ ‭of il faut and‬ ‭superlatives.‬ ‭Using si clauses‬ ‭with the present‬ ‭and the future‬ ‭tenses together.‬ ‭Using quand and‬ ‭the future tense.‬ ‭Use of the‬ ‭passive voice in‬ ‭the perfect tense‬ ‭or avoiding this.‬ ‭Revision of‬

‭Unit 6 & 7‬

‭Unit 7 & 8‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Describing and‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭the importance‬ ‭of charity work.‬ ‭Comparing old‬ ‭and new health‬ ‭habits.‬ ‭Discussing‬ ‭global‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and social‬ ‭problems such‬ ‭as inequality‬ ‭and their‬ ‭solutions.‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Discussing‬ ‭global‬ ‭environmenta‬ ‭l and social‬ ‭problems‬ ‭such as‬ ‭inequality and‬ ‭their‬ ‭solutions.‬ ‭Discussing‬ ‭travel and‬ ‭tourism,‬ ‭holiday‬ ‭activities and‬ ‭visiting‬ ‭different‬ ‭places, towns‬ ‭and cities in‬ ‭France.‬

‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Revision of all‬ ‭tenses.‬ ‭Present tense‬ ‭subjunctive.‬ ‭Recapping‬ ‭pronoun y,‬ ‭depuis + the‬ ‭present tense,‬ ‭using venir de‬ ‭+ infinitive and‬ ‭using the‬ ‭imperfect and‬

‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Revision of all‬ ‭tenses.‬ ‭Recapping il‬ ‭faut. Revision‬ ‭of pouvoir,‬ ‭devoir &‬ ‭vouloir. Use‬ ‭of the passive‬

‭ evision of all‬ R ‭topics‬



‭ y the end of year 11, students will be‬ B ‭able to…‬

‭ evision of all‬ R ‭topics & exam‬ ‭practice.‬

‭ understand and produce language on‬ … ‭the topics of environment, holidays,‬ ‭school and world of work.‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Full Mock‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening,‬ ‭Speaking,‬ ‭Writing)‬

‭ conjugate verbs accurately in at least‬ … ‭five tenses.‬ .‭..understand a wide variety of advanced‬ ‭structures.‬ ‭ respond to 90-word and 150-word‬ … ‭writing tasks.‬ ‭ respond to role plays and photo cards‬ … ‭in the speaking exam and be prepared‬ ‭for Themes 1-3 of the general‬ ‭conversation.‬

c‭ omparatives‬ ‭ erfect tenses‬ p ‭and superlatives.‬ ‭together to‬ ‭narrate a series‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭of events.‬ ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Using the‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭pluperfect‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭tense. Using‬ ‭Listening and‬ ‭possibility‬ ‭Writing)‬ ‭constructions (il‬ ‭est possible de‬ ‭1 x Foundation‬ ‭…). Il vaut/il‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭vaudrait mieux.‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭En + present‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭participle.‬ ‭1 x Foundation‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Full Mock‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Listening,‬ ‭Translation into‬ ‭Speaking,‬ ‭TL‬ ‭Writing)‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation into‬ ‭English‬

v‭ oice. Using‬ ‭French‬ ‭idioms. Si +‬ ‭present‬ ‭tense.‬ ‭Pluperfect‬ ‭tense. Using‬ ‭possibility‬ ‭constructions‬ ‭(il est‬ ‭possible de‬ ‭…).‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening and‬ ‭Writing)‬ ‭ x‬ 1 ‭Foundation‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭1 x‬ ‭Foundation‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation‬ ‭into TL‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation‬ ‭into English‬


‭ nit 7:‬ U ‭Environment‬

‭ nit 8:‬ U ‭Holidays‬

‭ nit 9-10:‬ U ‭School‬

‭ nit 11-12:‬ U ‭Work‬

‭ kills‬‭: Reading‬ S ‭authentic texts,‬ ‭Talking about‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭problems ;‬

‭ kills:‬‭Talking‬ S ‭about‬ ‭accommodatio‬ ‭n and city‬ ‭breaks,‬ ‭discussing‬ ‭travel websites‬ ‭and holiday‬ ‭destinations,‬ ‭using‬ ‭alternatives to‬ ‭weil : da/den,‬ ‭using more‬ ‭complex‬ ‭question words‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Describing‬ ‭different‬ ‭types of‬ ‭schools in‬ ‭Germany,‬ ‭describing a‬ ‭typical school‬ ‭day,‬ ‭discussing‬ ‭different‬ ‭experience of‬ ‭school life,‬ ‭answering‬ ‭150 word task‬ ‭withi‬ ‭confident for‬ ‭exam‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Identifying‬ ‭different‬ ‭aspects of‬ ‭school life in‬ ‭Germany and‬ ‭England;‬ ‭Making choices‬ ‭about university‬ ‭and careers;‬ ‭Talking about‬ ‭careers‬ ‭choices ;‬

‭ rammar‬‭:‬ G ‭Say must not‬ ‭and have to :‬ ‭müssen und‬ ‭dürfen,‬ ‭Recognising‬ ‭verbs followed‬ ‭by zu,‬ ‭Reconsolidation‬ ‭of pluperfect.‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening and‬ ‭Writing)‬ ‭ x Foundation‬ 1 ‭Listening‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭1 x Foundation‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation into‬ ‭TL‬

‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Consolidation of‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭grammar : 6‬ ‭Revisiting‬ ‭tenses, cases,‬ ‭relative‬ ‭separable and‬ ‭pronouns, use‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭reflexive verbs,‬ ‭of impersonal‬ ‭Using‬ ‭personal‬ ‭verbs :‬‭man‬ ‭preposition‬ ‭pronouns,‬ ‭kann,‬ ‭‘seit’ and’vor’,‬ ‭relative‬ ‭recognising the‬ ‭introducing‬ ‭pronouns,‬ ‭imperfect tense‬ ‭passive‬ ‭impersonal‬ ‭of irregular‬ ‭tense,‬ ‭verbs,‬ ‭verbs,‬ ‭revisiting 5‬ ‭Consolidation of‬ ‭consolidating‬ ‭tenses for‬ ‭complex‬ ‭coordinating‬ ‭exam‬ ‭phrases for‬ ‭and‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭speaking exam,‬ ‭subordinating‬ ‭using‬ ‭conjunctions,‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭prepositions‬ ‭choosing dative‬ ‭End of Unit‬ ‭with the‬ ‭ r accusative‬ o ‭ ssessment‬ A ‭genetive case :‬ ‭(Reading,‬

‭Unit: ALL‬ ‭ kills‬‭: Recap‬ S ‭from mocks /‬ ‭Consolidation‬ ‭from exams‬ ‭ rammar‬‭:‬ G ‭revise and‬ ‭recap all‬ ‭grammar points‬ ‭in the context of‬ ‭productive skills‬


‭ y the end of year 11, students will be‬ B ‭able to…‬ ‭ understand and produce language on‬ … ‭the topics of environment, holidays,‬ ‭school and world of work.‬ ‭ conjugate verbs accurately in at least‬ … ‭five tenses.‬ .‭..understand the use of all four cases‬ ‭and a wide range of prepositions.‬ ‭ respond to 90-word and 150-word‬ … ‭writing tasks.‬ ‭ respond to role plays and photo cards‬ … ‭in the speaking exam and be prepared‬ ‭for Themes 1-3 of the general‬ ‭conversation.‬

‭ x Higher‬ 1 ‭Translation into‬ ‭English‬

‭ FL‬ M ‭Spanish‬

‭ fter certain‬ a ‭prepositions.‬

‭ istening and‬ L ‭Writing)‬

‭ ährend des‬ w ‭Tages‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Full Mock‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening,‬ ‭Speaking,‬ ‭Writing)‬

‭ x‬ 1 ‭Foundation‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭1 x‬ ‭Foundation‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation‬ ‭into TL‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation‬ ‭into English‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Full Mock‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening,‬ ‭Speaking,‬ ‭Writing)‬

‭Unit 8: Holidays‬ U ‭ nit 7:‬ ‭Environment‬ ‭Skills:‬‭Holidays‬ ‭– transport,‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭weather, dream‬ ‭Environment,‬ ‭holidays,‬ ‭global issues,‬ ‭destinations‬ ‭preparation for‬ ‭mocks‬ ‭Grammar:‬‭en +‬ ‭transport,‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭weather in past‬ ‭recognition of‬ ‭and present,‬ ‭pluperfect‬ ‭Present‬ ‭tense, reinforce‬ ‭continuous (de‬ ‭subjunctive,‬ ‭momento estoy‬ ‭revisit se‬ ‭visitando),‬ ‭puede/se‬ ‭introduce perfect‬ ‭debe/se‬ ‭deberia‬

‭ nit 9-10:‬ U ‭School‬

‭ nit 11-12:‬ U ‭Work‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭School‬ ‭subjects, life‬ ‭at school,‬ ‭uniform and‬ ‭clothes,‬ ‭school day‬

‭ kills‬‭: Future‬ S ‭plans, careers,‬ ‭university,‬ ‭looking for work‬

‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Revise‬ ‭adjective‬ ‭endings,‬ ‭more‬ ‭complex‬ ‭opinion‬

‭ rammar:‬‭Si‬ G ‭clauses, verbs‬ ‭of future and‬ ‭wanting e.g.‬ ‭espero /‬ ‭quisiera / tengo‬ ‭la intenction de‬ ‭/ tengo ganas‬ ‭de + infinitive‬

‭Unit: ALL‬ ‭ kills:‬‭Recap‬ S ‭from mocks /‬ ‭Consolidation‬ ‭from exams‬ ‭ rammar:‬ G ‭revise and‬ ‭recap all‬ ‭grammar points‬ ‭in the context of‬ ‭productive skills‬

‭ y the end of year 11, students will be‬ B ‭able to…‬ ‭ understand and produce language on‬ … ‭the topics of environment, holidays,‬ ‭school and world of work.‬ ‭ conjugate verbs accurately in seven‬ … ‭tenses.‬ .‭..understand the use of a range of‬ ‭advanced structures including the‬ ‭subjunctive.‬ ‭ respond to 90-word and 150-word‬ … ‭writing tasks.‬

t‭ense with key‬ ‭verbs‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening and‬ ‭Writing)‬ ‭ x Foundation‬ 1 ‭Listening‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭1 x Foundation‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation into‬ ‭TL‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation into‬ ‭English‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Full Mock‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening,‬ ‭Speaking,‬ ‭Writing)‬

‭ hrases,‬ p ‭pronouns,‬ ‭revise times‬ ‭and time‬ ‭expressions,‬ ‭revise‬ ‭comparatives‬ ‭and‬ ‭superlatives,‬ ‭revise se‬ ‭debe and hay‬ ‭que‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening and‬ ‭Writing)‬ ‭ x‬ 1 ‭Foundation‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭1 x‬ ‭Foundation‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭2 x Higher‬ ‭Reading‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation‬ ‭into TL‬ ‭1 x Higher‬ ‭Translation‬ ‭into English‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Full Mock‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening,‬ ‭Speaking,‬ ‭Writing)‬

‭ respond to role plays and photo cards‬ … ‭in the speaking exam and be prepared‬ ‭for Themes 1-3 of the general‬ ‭conversation.‬


‭ odule:‬‭2.1‬ M ‭Preparing for the‬ ‭mock: AOS 2/3‬ ‭revision/board‬ ‭set brief‬ ‭composition/perf‬ ‭orming.‬ ‭Topics‬ ‭ .1.1 – Board‬ 2 ‭set brief‬ ‭composition‬ ‭planning‬ ‭(choosing board‬ ‭set brief‬ ‭composition‬ ‭options from‬ ‭OCR)‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.2.‬ M ‭Preparing for‬ ‭the mock: AOS‬ ‭4/5‬ ‭revision//board‬ ‭set brief‬ ‭composition/pe‬ ‭rforming‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.3‬ M ‭Review of the‬ ‭mock.‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭coursework.‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.4‬ M ‭Completing all‬ ‭coursework:‬ ‭refining‬ ‭performances/‬


c‭ ompleting‬ ‭compositions‬

‭ .2.1 – Board‬ 2 ‭set brief‬ ‭composition‬ ‭developing‬

‭ .3.1 – Board‬ 2 ‭set‬ ‭brief-developi‬ ‭ng using‬ ‭advanced‬ ‭composition‬ ‭techniques‬

‭ .2.2 –‬ 2 ‭Revision on‬ ‭AOS 4 “Video‬ ‭game‬ ‭music/Film”‬ ‭and AOS 5‬ ‭“Conventions of‬ ‭Pop”‬

‭ .3.2 –‬ 2 ‭Learner set‬ ‭brief‬ ‭composition-r‬ ‭eview/set‬ ‭targets to‬ ‭develop/refin‬ ‭e‬


‭ .1.2 – Revision‬ 2 ‭on AOS 2‬ ‭“Concerto‬ ‭through‬ ‭time”/Revision of‬ ‭ .2.3 –‬ ‭“Rhythms of the‬ 2 ‭Solo/ensemble‬ ‭world”‬ ‭performance‬ ‭2.1.3 – Solo‬ ‭developing/pre‬ ‭performance‬ ‭paring.‬ ‭preparation (for‬ ‭2.2.4 – Exam‬ ‭mock in‬ ‭paper practice‬ ‭December)‬ ‭(aural/theory/sh‬ ‭2.1.4 –‬ ‭ort/long answer‬ ‭Ensemble‬ ‭questions)‬ ‭performance‬

‭Topics‬ ‭ .5.1 – Learner‬ 2 ‭set/board set‬ ‭brief‬ ‭compositions‬ ‭completion‬ ‭ .5.2‬ 2 ‭Solo/ensemble‬

‭ odule:‬‭2.5‬ M ‭Preparing for‬ ‭the Listening‬ ‭paper‬

‭End Points:‬ ‭ oard set‬ B ‭brief/learner‬

‭To have performed solo/‬


‭ensemble performance pieces for exam‬

‭ .6.1 – Revision‬ 2 ‭on all Areas of‬ ‭study.‬

‭To have completed full listening paper.‬

‭End Points‬

‭ o have developed a wide range of‬ T ‭performing, listening and composing‬ ‭skills.‬

‭ ll skills‬ A ‭required for‬ ‭GCSE Listening‬ ‭Paper; being‬ ‭able to delivery‬ ‭high scoring‬ ‭answers in all‬ ‭questions.‬

‭ .5‬‭.‭3 2 ‬ Listening‬ ‭paper‬ ‭practice/revision‬ A ‭ ssessment 8:‬ ‭Short/long‬ ‭End Points:‬ ‭answer‬ ‭questions on all‬ ‭Board/learner‬ ‭2.3.3 –‬ ‭Areas of study‬ ‭Solo/ensembl‬ ‭set brief‬ ‭compositions‬ ‭e‬ ‭Assessment 9:‬ ‭performance‬ ‭completed and‬ ‭Use exam‬ ‭submitted‬ ‭refinement‬ ‭questions for all‬ ‭ olo/Ensemble‬ S ‭performances‬ ‭recorded and‬ ‭submitted‬

‭GCSEs begin.‬ T ‭ o have completed both learner/board‬ ‭set brief compositions‬

‭ ssessments for‬ a ‭PP grades, end‬ ‭of year exams‬ ‭etc.‬

‭ o have completed the full Music GCSE‬ T ‭course.‬

‭ reparation (for‬ p ‭mock in‬ ‭December)‬

s‭ et brief‬ ‭compositions‬ ‭developed‬ ‭and refined‬

‭ istening exam‬ L ‭paper‬ ‭End Points:‬ ‭completed/‬ ‭Revision‬ ‭Board set brief‬ ‭End points:‬ ‭techniques‬ ‭composition‬ ‭Solo/ensembl‬ ‭completed.‬ ‭Board set brief‬ ‭first draft‬ ‭e‬ ‭(2‬‭nd‬ ‭composition)‬ ‭completed‬ ‭performances‬ ‭MARCH 24‬‭TH‬ ‭planning in place‬ ‭prepared/refin‬ ‭RECITAL‬‭:‬ ‭and first section‬ ‭Solo/ensemble‬ ‭ed‬ ‭performing both‬ ‭performances‬ c‭ omposed.‬ ‭performances to‬ ‭prepared‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭parents‬ ‭Revision on‬ ‭paper‬ R ‭ evision of all‬ ‭(6.30-8.30)‬ ‭AOS 2 and‬ ‭practice/exam‬ A ‭ OS and exam‬ ‭3(deep thinking‬ ‭question‬ ‭MARCH 25‬‭TH‬ ‭and preparation‬ ‭question‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭(approx.)‬ ‭practice‬ ‭for mock)‬ ‭continues‬ ‭PERFORMANC‬ ‭E‬ ‭Both‬ ‭EXAMINATION‬ ‭performances‬ ‭Assessment 3‬‭:‬ ‭chosen for mock‬ ‭Interim‬ ‭COMPOSITI‬ ‭(all day in hall)‬ ‭ON‬ ‭COMPOSITION‬ ‭Assessment 1:‬ ‭assessments‬ ‭WORKSHOP‬ ‭WORKSHOP 2‬ o ‭ n‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭performing/com‬ ‭1‬‭(Saturday‬ ‭(Saturday 9-1)‬ ‭questions/tests‬ ‭9-1)‬ p ‭ osition‬ ‭on AOS 2/3 for‬ ‭all PP grades‬ ‭BOTH‬ ‭Assessment 2:‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭COMPOSITION‬ ‭Solo/ensemble‬ ‭4:‬‭Mock Exams‬ ‭5‬‭:‬ ‭S SUBMITTED:‬ ‭performance for‬ ‭(Both‬ ‭APRIL 2‬‭ND‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭PP‬ ‭compositions‬ ‭(approx.: end of‬ ‭(listening‬ ‭grades/Board‬ ‭submitted/solo/‬ ‭paper)‬ ‭term)‬ ‭set brief‬ ‭ensembles/‬ ‭practice‬ ‭composition/first‬ ‭Interpret‬ ‭throughout.‬ ‭draft.‬ ‭business data -‬ ‭financial,‬

‭ im to finish‬ A ‭before the‬ ‭Easter‬ ‭holidays,‬ ‭perhaps one‬ ‭week after.‬

‭ omplete‬ C ‭ se exam‬ U ‭listening paper)‬ ‭questions for‬ ‭all‬ ‭assessments‬ ‭for PP‬ ‭grades, end‬ ‭of year‬ ‭exams etc.‬

‭ arketing and‬ m ‭market‬ I‭nterpret‬ ‭business ratios‬

‭ ssessment 7:‬ A ‭Whole school‬ ‭March mock‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭exams full‬ ‭listening paper‬ ‭6:‬ ‭1h30‬ ‭Solo/ensembl‬ ‭mins/assessme‬ ‭‬ e ‭nt of‬ ‭performances‬ ‭compositions‬ ‭and‬ ‭Board set‬ ‭performances‬ ‭brief/learner‬ ‭set brief‬ ‭drafts‬ ‭Assessment 8:‬ ‭Exam style‬ ‭questions for all‬ ‭PP‬ ‭assessments‬ ‭and interim‬ ‭assessments on‬ ‭performances/‬ ‭compositions‬


‭ ellbeing,‬ W ‭stress,‬ ‭depression‬

‭ areers-‬ C ‭UniFrog. Post‬ ‭16 pathways.‬

‭ onsent,‬ C ‭impact of‬ ‭negative‬ ‭experiences,‬

‭ ecreational‬ R ‭drugs, their use‬ ‭& efects on‬

‭ ritish Values,‬ B ‭Democracy and‬ ‭Prevent‬

‭ tudents will have had a reminder of‬ S ‭how to recognise the signs concerning‬ ‭wellbeing and how to deal with‬ ‭pressures of exams and teenage life.‬

‭1 lesson‬ ‭per‬ ‭fortnight‬

‭ ealing with‬ D ‭pressure.‬ ‭Careers - career‬ ‭pilot pathway‬ ‭planner.‬

‭ exual &‬ S ‭gender identity‬ ‭& diversity.‬

c‭ ontraception‬ r‭ isky (sexual)‬ ‭, STIs.‬ ‭behaviour).‬

‭ trategies for managing mental health‬ S ‭including stress, anxiety and depression;‬ ‭a broader range of strategies for‬ ‭promoting their own emotional wellbeing‬ ‭e.g. how a lack of sleep can affect mood‬ ‭and ability to learn.‬ ‭They will have an understanding the‬ ‭similarities, differences and diversity‬ ‭among people such as different race,‬ ‭culture, gender identity and sexual‬ ‭orientation and the impact of‬ ‭stereotyping, prejudice and‬ ‭discrimination.‬ ‭They will have explored how to take‬ ‭increased responsibility for maintaining‬ ‭and monitoring their own health such as‬ ‭the benefits of regular self-examination‬ ‭and screening for illnesses, about cancer‬ ‭prevention, including healthy lifestyles.‬ ‭Illegal substances such as drugs, - the‬ ‭short and long-term consequences of‬ ‭substance use and misuse for the health‬ ‭and mental and emotional wellbeing of‬ ‭individuals, families and communities.‬ ‭They should have deepened their‬ ‭understanding of how the United‬ ‭Kingdom is governed, as well as other‬ ‭forms and systems of government.‬ ‭They will have explored recognising‬ ‭abuse both in person and online to‬ ‭promote exploitation or extremism and‬ ‭have the strategies to manage being‬ ‭targeted or if witnessing others being‬ ‭targeted. They will have finalised options‬ ‭available for post 16 study pre exam‬ ‭results and have continued to build a‬ ‭skill set of personal skills to cope with‬ ‭the strains of examinations and how they‬

‭ an continue to prepare themselves for a‬ c ‭world of changing employment‬ ‭opportunities.‬ ‭Psychology‬

‭ sychological‬ P ‭Problems‬ ‭(Key‬ ‭concepts+theori‬ ‭es/explanations:‬ ‭Biological‬ ‭Explanations of‬ ‭Schizophrenia)‬ ‭ riminal‬ C ‭Psychology‬ ‭(Key‬ ‭concepts+theori‬ ‭es/explanations‬ ‭of why‬ ‭criminal/anti‬ ‭social behaviour‬ ‭occurs, The‬ ‭Social Learning‬ ‭Theory)‬ ‭ nd of term‬ E ‭assessment‬

‭ sychological‬ P ‭Problems‬ ‭(Key‬ ‭concepts+theor‬ ‭ies/explanation‬ ‭s: Biological‬ ‭Explanations of‬ ‭Schizophrenia‬ ‭+ Biological‬ ‭Explanations of‬ ‭Depression)‬ ‭ riminal‬ C ‭Psychology‬ (‭ Explanations‬ ‭of why‬ ‭criminal/anti‬ ‭social‬ ‭behaviour‬ ‭occurs: The‬ ‭Social Learning‬ ‭Theory,‬ ‭Eysenck’s‬ ‭Criminal‬ ‭Personality‬ ‭Theory)‬ ‭ ovember‬ N ‭Assessments,‬ ‭Full paper 1 &‬ ‭2 Exam‬

‭ sychologic‬ P ‭al Problems‬


‭March MOCKS‬ (‭ Theories/Exp‬ ‭lanations:‬ ‭ ull Paper 2‬ F ‭Psychological‬ ‭and 3 Exams‬ ‭Explanations‬ ‭of Depression‬ ‭and‬ ‭Application:‬ ‭The‬ ‭development‬ ‭of treatments)‬

‭Revision‬ I‭nformal‬ ‭Assessment‬

‭Study Leave‬

‭To be able to‬ ‭ escribe‬ D ‭Apply‬ ‭Analyse‬ ‭Evaluate‬ ‭…Psychological ideas, processes,‬ ‭processes and research in relation to‬ ‭criminal psychology and psychological‬ ‭problems.‬ ‭…Studies by‬ ‭Cooper & Mackie (1986)‬

‭ riminal‬ C ‭Psychology‬ (‭ Explanations‬ ‭of why‬ ‭criminal/anti‬ ‭social‬ ‭behaviour‬ ‭occurs,‬ ‭Eysenck’s‬ ‭Criminal‬ ‭Personality‬ ‭Theory‬ ‭+Application:‬ ‭The changing‬ ‭nature of‬ ‭punishment)‬ ‭ nd of term‬ E ‭assessment‬

‭Heaven (1996)‬ ‭Daniel, Weinberger, Jones et al (1991)‬ ‭Tandoc et al (2015)‬ ‭To be able to:‬ ‭ emonstrate knowledge and‬ D ‭understanding of the features of planning‬ ‭and analysing research and their‬ ‭associated strengths and weaknesses‬ ‭including reliability and validity and the‬ ‭type of research objectives for which‬ ‭they are most suitable.‬

‭ cience‬ S ‭Biology‬ ‭(Differenc‬ ‭es‬ ‭between‬ ‭triple and‬ ‭combine‬ ‭science‬ ‭noted)‬

‭ hysics‬ P ‭Triple‬ ‭AQA‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭Chemistry‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Homeostasis‬ ‭and Inheritance‬ ‭Topics for‬ ‭Triple Biology:‬ ‭Plant Hormones,‬ ‭sampling‬ ‭revision, DNA,‬ ‭Inheritance.‬ ‭Topics for‬ ‭Combined‬ ‭Science:‬ ‭Sampling, DNA‬ ‭and Inheritance.‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Interpreting‬ ‭charts, planning‬ ‭and‬ ‭implementing‬ ‭and‬ ‭investigation.‬ ‭MP1: Paper 1‬ ‭Test‬ ‭MP2: Exam‬ ‭Questions‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Inheritance‬ ‭Topics: DNA,‬ ‭Inheritance,‬ ‭Evolution and‬ ‭Natural‬ ‭Selection,‬ ‭*Cloning,‬ ‭Genetic‬ ‭Engineering‬ ‭(*triple only)‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Performing‬ ‭genetic‬ ‭crosses,‬ ‭application of‬ ‭knowledge,‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭how the‬ ‭work of‬ ‭scientists‬ ‭influences our‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭of biology.‬ ‭MP3: Mock‬ ‭exams‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Inheritance‬ ‭Topics for‬ ‭Triple:‬ ‭Classification,‬ ‭revision‬ ‭Topics for‬ ‭Combined‬ ‭Science:‬ ‭Genetic‬ ‭Engineering‬ ‭and‬ ‭Inheritance.‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Evaluating‬ ‭modern‬ ‭technologies,‬ ‭classifying‬ ‭information,‬ ‭study skills.‬ ‭MP5: Test‬ ‭MP6: Exam‬ ‭Questions‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Revision‬ ‭Topics:‬‭Paper 2‬ ‭Key Skills: All‬ ‭skills‬ ‭required for the‬ ‭GCSE.‬ ‭MP7: Test‬ ‭MP8: Exam‬ ‭Questions‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Organic‬ ‭Chemistry Pt2‬ ‭Reaction rates‬ ‭and the‬ ‭extent of‬ ‭chemical‬ ‭change‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Extent of‬ ‭chemical‬ ‭change‬ ‭Revision for‬ ‭Mock exam‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭comparing,‬

‭ opics‬‭:‬ T ‭Analytical‬ ‭Chemistry‬ ‭Using Earth’s‬ ‭resources‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Revision for‬ ‭Mock Exam‬ ‭Specific maths‬ ‭and‬ ‭practical skills‬ ‭revision‬

‭ essons:‬ L ‭Revision‬ ‭Topics: Paper 1‬ ‭Key Skills: All‬ ‭skills‬ ‭required for the‬ ‭GCSE.‬ ‭MP9: Test‬ ‭EXAMS‬ ‭Single Science:‬ ‭Paper 1‬ ‭(Modules 1-4): 1‬ ‭hour and 45‬ ‭minutes‬ ‭Paper 2‬ ‭(Modules 5-7): 1‬ ‭hour and 45‬ ‭minutes‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Revision of‬ ‭topics 1-5,‬ ‭Paper 1‬ ‭Revision of‬ ‭topics 6-10,‬ ‭Paper 2‬

‭EXAMS‬ ‭ ombined‬ C ‭Science:‬ ‭ aper 1‬ P ‭(Modules 1-4):‬ ‭1‬ ‭ our and 15‬ h ‭minutes‬ ‭ aper 2‬ P ‭(Modules 5-7):‬ ‭1‬ ‭ our and 15‬ h ‭minutes‬

‭ o have a fundamental understanding of‬ T ‭the functioning of organ systems in‬ ‭plants‬ ‭and animals.‬ ‭To begin to understand the importance of‬ ‭the genome in inheritance and an‬ ‭introduction to genetic engineering.‬ ‭To understand how and why organisms‬ ‭evolve and how modern classification‬ ‭systems have developed.‬ ‭To be able to write scientifically using‬ ‭key‬ ‭biological terminology‬ ‭To design experiments to test‬ ‭hypotheses‬ ‭to produce valid results.‬ ‭To have an understanding of the range‬ ‭of‬ ‭scientific equipment and how to use it in‬ ‭the laboratory.‬ ‭To understand the principles of data‬ ‭handling and analysis.‬ ‭To develop their interest and enthusiasm‬ ‭for biology to have confidence in their‬ ‭ability for further study.‬ ‭To evaluate the personal, moral and‬ ‭ethical‬ ‭implications of scientific technology.‬ ‭ nderstand and explain the formation‬ U ‭and reactions of organic compounds‬ ‭- Link structure of organic compounds to‬ ‭their physical and chemical properties,‬ ‭including understanding of pH scale‬ ‭- Analyse and evaluate data on our‬ ‭diminishing finite resources, including‬ ‭order of‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Drawing‬ ‭structures, key‬ ‭terms,‬ ‭analysis,‬ ‭evaluation,‬ ‭balancing‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭ratios,‬ ‭application to‬ ‭industrial‬ ‭processes ;‬ ‭application to‬ ‭unfamiliar‬ ‭processes, link‬ ‭to natural‬ ‭processes.‬ ‭MP1: Organic‬ ‭Exam Qs‬ ‭MP2: Organic‬ ‭Chemistry Pt2‬ ‭Test‬

‭ valuating,‬ e ‭analysing, key‬ ‭terms, analysis,‬ ‭evaluation,‬ ‭balancing‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭ratios,‬ ‭application to‬ ‭industrial‬ ‭processes &;‬ ‭application‬ ‭to unfamiliar‬ ‭processes.‬ ‭Exam skills,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words, key‬ ‭terms‬ ‭MP3: Rates &‬ ‭Dynamic‬ ‭Equilibrium‬ ‭exam Q‬ ‭MP4: MOCK‬ ‭EXAM AQA‬ ‭PAPER 1‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭practical‬ ‭skills,‬ ‭ionic‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭reaction‬ ‭observations,‬ ‭key words,‬ ‭extended‬ ‭writing,‬ ‭application to‬ ‭industrial‬ ‭process.‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭Required‬ ‭practical.Eval‬ ‭uating data‬ ‭&; interpreting‬ ‭graphs.‬ ‭Application to‬ ‭current‬ ‭global issues‬ ‭-‬ ‭sustainability‬ ‭MP5:‬ ‭Analytical‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Exam skills,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words, key‬ ‭terms. Planning,‬ ‭modifying and‬ ‭improving‬ ‭practical‬ ‭methods.‬ ‭Evaluating data‬ ‭&‬ ‭interpreting‬ ‭graphs, mole‬ ‭calculation‬ ‭revision.‬ ‭ P7: MOCK‬ M ‭EXAM AQA‬ ‭PAPER 2‬ ‭ P8:‬ M ‭Quantitative‬ ‭chemistry exam‬ ‭Qs‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Exam skills,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words, subject‬ ‭specific key‬ ‭words, time‬ ‭management,‬ ‭written‬ ‭practical skills,‬ ‭evaluating‬ ‭and interpreting‬ ‭data,‬ ‭core skills.‬ ‭High level‬ ‭question‬ ‭analysis, linking‬ ‭topics‬ ‭and concepts‬ ‭MP9: High‬ ‭demand exam‬ ‭Qs‬

‭ agnitude estimations, and carry out‬ m ‭Life Cycle Assessments to evaluate new‬ ‭materials‬ ‭- Understand how a reversible reaction‬ ‭in a closed system can reach equilibrium‬ ‭and‬ ‭understand how its position can be‬ ‭altered‬ ‭- Successfully write compound formulae;‬ ‭know charges of complex ions and be‬ ‭able to‬ ‭balance symbol equations‬ ‭- Use different analytical techniques to‬ ‭identify unknown substances‬ ‭- Application of the scientific process to‬ ‭industrial scaling‬ ‭- Complete understanding of all eight‬ ‭Required Practical Activities.‬ ‭- Confidently analyse, interpret and‬ ‭manipulate data‬ ‭- Be able to answer high demand‬ ‭questions by linking knowledge from‬ ‭different topics and applying it to‬ ‭unfamiliar situations‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Revision of‬ ‭topics 1-5,‬

‭ o draw simple organic molecules and‬ T ‭explain their properties‬

‭ hemistry‬ C ‭Test‬ ‭MP6: Using‬ ‭Earth’s‬ ‭resources‬ ‭Test‬ ‭ hemistry‬ T C ‭ opics:‬ ‭Combined‬ ‭Organic‬ ‭AQA‬ ‭Chemistry‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Analytical‬ ‭Chemistry‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Using Earth’s‬ ‭resources‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Revision for‬ ‭Mock Exam‬

‭ CSE‬ G ‭Combined‬ ‭Science:‬ ‭Trilogy‬

‭Physics‬ ‭Triple‬ ‭ QA‬ A ‭GCSE‬ ‭Physics‬

‭ eaction rates‬ R ‭and the‬ ‭extent of‬ ‭chemical‬ ‭change‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Drawing‬ ‭structures, key‬ ‭terms,‬ ‭analysis,‬ ‭evaluation,‬ ‭balancing‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭ratios,‬ ‭application to‬ ‭industrial‬ ‭processes &‬ ‭application to‬ ‭unfamiliar‬ ‭processes, link‬ ‭to natural‬ ‭processes.‬ ‭MP1: Organic‬ ‭Chemistry Test‬ ‭MP2: Rates &‬ ‭Dynamic‬ ‭Equilibrium‬ ‭exam Q‬

‭ evision for‬ R ‭Mock exam‬

‭ opics:‬‭Triple‬ T ‭Electromagnetis‬ ‭m‬ ‭Newton’s Laws‬ ‭and Momentum‬

‭Topics‬‭: Light‬

‭ ey Skills‬‭:‬ K ‭Practical skills,‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭comparing‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭and‬ ‭command‬ ‭evaluating‬ ‭words, key‬ ‭data,‬ ‭terms,‬ ‭analysing,‬ ‭reaction‬ ‭key words,‬ ‭observations.‬ ‭extended‬ ‭GCSE required‬ ‭writing.‬ ‭practical.‬ ‭Evaluating‬ ‭Exam skills,‬ ‭data &‬ ‭command‬ ‭interpreting‬ ‭words, key‬ ‭graphs.‬ ‭words,‬ ‭Application to‬ ‭extended‬ ‭current‬ ‭writing‬ ‭global issues‬ ‭-‬ ‭MP3: Analytical‬ ‭sustainability‬ ‭Chemistry‬ ‭MP5: Using‬ ‭Exam Qs‬ ‭Earth’s‬ ‭ P4: MOCK‬ M ‭resources‬ ‭EXAM AQA‬ ‭Test‬ ‭(comb) PAPER‬ ‭1‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Calculating,‬ ‭application of‬ ‭knowledge,‬ ‭explaining,‬ ‭Practical skills‬

‭ pecific maths‬ S ‭and‬ ‭practical skills‬ ‭revision‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Exam skills,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words, key‬ ‭terms. Planning,‬ ‭modifying and‬ ‭improving‬ ‭practical‬ ‭methods.‬ ‭Evaluating data‬ ‭&‬ ‭interpreting‬ ‭graphs, mole‬ ‭calculation‬ ‭revision.‬ ‭ P7:‬ M ‭Quantitative‬ ‭chemistry exam‬ ‭Qs‬ ‭MP8: MOCK‬ ‭EXAM AQA‬ ‭(comb) PAPER‬ ‭2‬

‭ opics‬‭: Light,‬ T T ‭ opics:‬‭Space,‬ ‭Triple‬ ‭Revision‬ ‭Momentum‬ ‭Key Skills‬‭:‬ ‭Key Skills‬‭:‬ ‭Revision‬ ‭Calculating,‬ ‭strategies,‬ ‭application of‬ ‭exam‬ ‭knowledge,‬ ‭technique,‬

‭ aper 1‬ P ‭Revision of‬ ‭topics 6-10,‬ ‭Paper 2‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Exam skills,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words, subject‬ ‭specific‬ ‭key words, time‬ ‭management,‬ ‭written‬ ‭practical skills,‬ ‭evaluating‬ ‭and interpreting‬ ‭data,‬ ‭core skills.‬ ‭High level‬ ‭question‬ ‭analysis, linking‬ ‭topics‬ ‭and concepts‬ ‭MP9: High‬ ‭demand‬ ‭exam Qs‬

‭ opics‬‭:‬ T ‭Revision‬ ‭ ey Skills‬‭:‬ K ‭Revision‬ ‭strategies, exam‬ ‭skills,‬

-‭ Analyse and evaluate data on our‬ ‭diminishing finite resources, including‬ ‭order of‬ ‭magnitude estimations, and carry out‬ ‭Life Cycle Assessments to evaluate new‬ ‭materials‬ ‭- Understand how a reversible reaction‬ ‭in a closed system can reach equilibrium‬ ‭and‬ ‭understand how its position can be‬ ‭altered‬ ‭- Successfully write compound formulae;‬ ‭know charges of complex ions and be‬ ‭able to‬ ‭balance symbol equations‬ ‭- Application of the scientific process to‬ ‭industrial scaling‬ ‭- Complete understanding of all six‬ ‭Required Practical Activities.‬ ‭- Confidently analyse, interpret and‬ ‭manipulate data‬ ‭- Be able to answer high demand‬ ‭questions by linking knowledge from‬ ‭different topics‬ ‭and applying it to unfamiliar situations‬



‭ nderstand how the skills‬ U ‭developed in Physics lessons‬ ‭can be used in a range of‬ ‭careers‬ ‭See connections between topic‬ ‭areas, particularly through big‬

‭ xplaining,‬ e ‭application of‬ ‭knowledge‬ ‭ P1: AQA‬ M ‭End-of-Year 10‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭ P2: Triple‬ M ‭Electromagnetis‬ ‭m Test‬

‭ P3:‬ M ‭December‬ ‭Mock Exam‬ ‭(Paper 1)‬

‭ xplaining,‬ e ‭Practical‬ ‭skills,‬ ‭analysing,‬ ‭modelling‬

‭ pplication of‬ a ‭knowledge‬

‭ pplication of‬ a ‭knowledge‬ ‭-‬

‭ P6: March‬ M ‭Mock – Paper 2‬

‭ P7: Equations‬ M ‭Test‬

‭ P4: Light‬ M ‭Test‬ ‭MP5: Triple‬ ‭Momentum‬ ‭Test‬

‭-‬ ‭-‬ ‭-‬

‭Combined‬ T ‭ opics:‬ ‭Magnetism and‬ ‭AQA‬ ‭Electromagnetis‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭m‬ ‭Combined‬ ‭Science:‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Trilogy‬ ‭Calculating,‬ ‭application of‬ ‭knowledge,‬ ‭explaining,‬ ‭Practical skills‬

‭ P1: AQA‬ M ‭End-of-Year 10‬ ‭Assessment‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭ opics:‬ T ‭Newton’s Laws‬ ‭Revision of‬ ‭and Momentum‬ ‭Paper 2‬ ‭Topics‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Calculating,‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭application of‬ ‭Calculating,‬ ‭knowledge,‬ ‭application of‬ ‭explaining,‬ ‭knowledge,‬ ‭Practical skills‬ ‭explaining,‬ ‭Practical‬ ‭skills, exam‬ ‭technique,‬ ‭revision‬ ‭MP3:‬ ‭strategies‬ ‭December‬ ‭Mock Exam‬ ‭(Paper 1)‬ ‭MP4:‬ ‭Newton’s‬ ‭Laws and‬

‭ opics: Revision‬ T ‭of Paper 2‬ ‭Topics‬ ‭ opics: Revision‬ T ‭of Paper 1‬ ‭Key Skills‬‭:‬ ‭Topics‬ ‭Calculating,‬ ‭application of‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭knowledge,‬ ‭Revision‬ ‭explaining,‬ ‭strategies, exam‬ ‭Practical skills,‬ ‭skills‬ ‭exam‬ ‭technique,‬ ‭revision‬ ‭strategies‬ ‭ P5: Mock‬ M ‭Paper 2‬

‭ P6: Y9/10‬ M ‭Topics test‬


‭-‬ ‭-‬



i‭deas like the particle model and‬ ‭energy changes.‬ ‭Critically evaluate data,‬ ‭information and claims through‬ ‭critical analysis of the‬ ‭methodology, evidence and‬ ‭conclusions, both qualitatively‬ ‭and quantitatively‬ ‭Suggest and verify mathematical‬ ‭relationships between variables‬ ‭Apply knowledge to a range of‬ ‭unfamiliar contexts‬ ‭Rearrange and use complex‬ ‭equations with four or more‬ ‭variables‬ ‭Express answers to an‬ ‭appropriate number of significant‬ ‭figures‬ ‭Use strategies to learn and recall‬ ‭the 23 key equations‬ ‭Apply Newton’s three laws to‬ ‭explain the effects of forces on‬ ‭the motion of an object‬ ‭Apply the conservation of‬ ‭momentum to make calculations‬ ‭about collisions and other events‬ ‭(triple only)‬ ‭Explain how gears and levers‬ ‭are used in machines to multiply‬ ‭forces and gain a mechanical‬ ‭advantage (triple only)‬

‭ P2: Magnetism‬ M ‭and‬ ‭Electromagnetis‬ ‭m Test‬

‭ S‬ R ‭(Eduqas‬ ‭Full‬ ‭Course‬ ‭GCSE)‬ ‭Content‬

‭ hrstian‬ C ‭Beliefs‬ ‭Attributes of‬ ‭God, the‬ ‭problem of evil,‬ ‭the Trinity,‬ ‭Creation, the‬ ‭afterlife, The life‬ ‭of Jesus,‬ ‭salvation and‬ ‭atonement.‬

‭ omentum‬ M ‭Test‬



‭ hristian‬ C ‭Practices‬ ‭Worship,‬ ‭prayer,‬ ‭Festivals, the‬ ‭work of the‬ ‭local and‬ ‭worldwide‬ ‭church.‬

I‭slamic‬ ‭Beliefs‬ ‭the 5 roots / 6‬ ‭articles,‬ ‭Tawhid, the‬ ‭role of‬ ‭angels,‬ ‭predestinatio‬ ‭n and human‬ ‭responsibility,‬ ‭the afterlife,‬ ‭prophets,‬ ‭holy books‬ ‭and the‬ ‭Imamate.‬

I‭slamic‬ ‭Practices‬ ‭The 5 pillars,‬ ‭Jihad, festivals‬ ‭and‬ ‭commemorsatio‬ ‭ns‬

‭ evision (esp.‬ R R ‭ evision /‬ ‭Relationships)‬ ‭Exams‬ ‭Sexual and‬ ‭familial‬ ‭relationships,‬ ‭and the range of‬ ‭religious and‬ ‭non-religious‬ ‭attitudes‬ ‭towards them.‬

‭ nderstand the life cycles of‬ U ‭stars and how the elements are‬ ‭formed (triple only)‬ ‭Understand the Big Bang theory‬ ‭for the beginning of the universe‬ ‭and the evidence that supports‬ ‭this theory (triple only).‬

‭Students will have a sophisticated‬ ‭understanding of the theological‬ ‭commitments underpinning the‬ ‭two religions studied, and be‬ ‭able to evaluate the moral‬ ‭positions they lead to on various‬ ‭topical issues.‬


‭Term 1‬

‭Term 2‬

‭ EA task in‬ N ‭response to the‬ ‭Contextual‬ ‭Challenge‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭To learn about a‬ ‭identifying‬ ‭design‬ ‭opportunities‬

‭ EA task in‬ N ‭response to the‬ ‭Contextual‬ ‭Challenge‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭the need for‬ ‭producing a final‬ ‭design proposal‬

‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the needs and‬ ‭wants of a range‬ ‭of potential‬ ‭different users‬ ‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the different‬ ‭types of‬ ‭research to be‬ ‭carried out when‬ ‭investigating‬ ‭potential design‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the need and‬ ‭purpose of a‬ ‭design‬ ‭specification‬ ‭ o learn how to‬ T ‭use different‬ ‭design strategies‬

‭Term 3‬

‭ EA task in‬ N ‭response to the‬ ‭Contextual‬ ‭Challenge‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭the manufacture‬ ‭of a product,‬ ‭including the‬ ‭selection and‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭justification of‬ ‭the need to carry‬ ‭tools and‬ ‭out a final review‬ ‭processes‬ ‭of the final‬ ‭design proposal‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭the need for‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭quality and‬ ‭the justification‬ ‭accuracy‬ ‭of materials,‬ ‭components and‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭manufacturing‬ ‭the work of past‬ ‭processes in‬ ‭and present‬ ‭relation to a final‬ ‭designers and‬ ‭design proposals‬ ‭companies‬ ‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the need to‬ ‭produce‬ ‭manufacturing‬ ‭drawings to‬ ‭enable 3‬‭rd‬ ‭party‬ ‭manufacture‬

‭Term 4‬

‭Term 5‬

‭ EA task in‬ N ‭response to the‬ ‭Contextual‬ ‭Challenge‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭the manufacture‬ ‭of a product,‬ ‭including the‬ ‭selection and‬ ‭justification of‬ ‭tools and‬ ‭processes‬

‭ SEA task in‬ N ‭response to the‬ ‭Contextual‬ ‭Challenge‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭identifying‬ ‭design‬ ‭opportunities‬

‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the need for‬ ‭quality and‬ ‭accuracy‬

‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the needs and‬ ‭wants of a range‬ ‭of potential‬ ‭different users‬

‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the different‬ ‭types of‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭research to be‬ ‭the need to test‬ ‭carried out when‬ ‭and evaluate a‬ ‭investigating‬ ‭product including‬ ‭potential design‬ ‭the use of user‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭testing and a‬ ‭LCA‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭the need and‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭purpose of a‬ ‭the use of‬ ‭design‬ ‭different design‬ ‭specification‬ ‭strategies‬ ‭To learn how to‬ ‭To learn about‬ ‭use different‬ ‭the use of a‬ ‭design strategies‬

‭Term 6‬ ‭●‬

‭End Points‬ ‭ y the end of‬ B ‭Year 11 students‬ ‭will have‬ ‭completed:‬ ‭ – Investigation‬ 1 ‭Investigated the‬ ‭needs and‬ ‭research, and a‬ ‭product‬ ‭specification‬ ‭2 – Designing‬ ‭This includes‬ ‭producing‬ ‭different design‬ ‭ideas, review of‬ ‭initial ideas,‬ ‭development of‬ ‭design ideas into‬ ‭a chosen design,‬ ‭communication‬ ‭of design ideas‬ ‭and review of the‬ ‭chosen design‬ ‭3 – Making‬ ‭This includes‬ ‭manufacture,‬ ‭and quality and‬ ‭accuracy‬ ‭4 – Evaluation‬ ‭This includes‬ ‭testing and‬ ‭evaluation.‬

‭ o learn about‬ T ‭different design‬ ‭techniques and‬ ‭the need for‬ ‭modelling‬ ‭to learn about‬ ‭how energy is‬ ‭generated and‬ ‭stored including;‬ ‭fossil fuels,‬ ‭biofuels, tidal,‬ ‭wind, solar,‬ ‭hydroelectric,‬ ‭batteries and‬ ‭cells, solar cells,‬ ‭mains electricity‬ ‭and wind power‬

‭ o learn about‬ T ‭the‬ ‭developments in‬ ‭modern and‬ ‭smart materials,‬ ‭composites and‬ ‭technical textiles‬

r‭ ange of‬ ‭communication‬ ‭techniques‬

‭ o learn about‬ T ‭different design‬ ‭techniques and‬ ‭the need for‬ ‭modelling‬ ‭ o learn about‬ T ‭how energy is‬ ‭generated and‬ ‭stored including;‬ ‭fossil fuels,‬ ‭biofuels, tidal,‬ ‭wind, solar,‬ ‭hydroelectric,‬ ‭batteries and‬ ‭cells, solar cells,‬ ‭mains electricity‬ ‭and wind power‬

‭ tudents will‬ S ‭have undertaken‬ ‭a project as part‬ ‭of their‬ ‭non-examination‬ ‭assessment. The‬ ‭project will have‬ ‭tested students’‬ ‭skills in‬ ‭investigation,‬ ‭designing,‬ ‭making and‬ ‭evaluation of a‬ ‭prototype of a‬ ‭product that has‬ ‭allowed them to‬ ‭apply the skills‬ ‭they have‬ ‭acquired and‬ ‭developed‬ ‭throughout their‬ ‭study. The exam‬ ‭board provided‬ ‭three themes,‬ ‭each with two‬ ‭contextual‬ ‭challenges.‬ ‭Students were‬ ‭required to‬ ‭choose one of‬ ‭these challenges‬ ‭and analyse it on‬ ‭an individual‬ ‭basis. Having‬ ‭selected a‬ ‭contextual‬ ‭challenge to‬ ‭work within,‬

‭ tudents have‬ s ‭developed a‬ ‭range of‬ ‭potential ideas‬ ‭and then‬ ‭realised one‬ ‭through practical‬ ‭making activities.‬ ‭The project has‬ ‭allowed students‬ ‭to apply‬ ‭knowledge and‬ ‭understanding in‬ ‭a product‬ ‭development‬ ‭process to‬ ‭investigate,‬ ‭design, make‬ ‭and evaluate‬ ‭their prototype.‬ ‭ he project‬ T ‭required‬ ‭students to‬ ‭follow an‬ ‭iterative design‬ ‭process rather‬ ‭than a linear‬ ‭process‬ ‭requiring them to‬ ‭continually test,‬ ‭evaluate and‬ ‭refine ideas.‬ ‭Assessments‬

‭ eekly homework,‬ W W ‭ eekly homework,‬ W ‭ eekly homework‬ ‭NEA task and‬ ‭NEA task and‬ ‭(Exam style‬ ‭mock exam‬ ‭mock exam‬

‭ eekly homework‬ W ‭(Exam style‬

‭ eekly homework‬ W ‭and NEA task‬

‭ uestions and‬ q ‭NEA task‬

‭ uestions and‬ q ‭NEA task‬

‭Food Tech‬

‭Term 1‬

‭Term 2‬

‭Term 3‬

‭Term 4‬


‭ ood‬ F ‭processing/‬ ‭production‬ ‭Primary &‬ ‭secondary‬ ‭stages of‬ ‭processing and‬ ‭production;‬ ‭How processing‬ ‭affects the‬ ‭sensory and‬ ‭nutritional‬ ‭properties of‬ ‭ingredients;‬ ‭Technological‬ ‭developments to‬ ‭support better‬ ‭health & food‬ ‭production:‬ ‭fortification &‬ ‭modified foods.‬ ‭NEA1 prepared,‬ ‭planned, starts‬

‭ EA1 concludes‬ N ‭Preparation for‬ ‭mock exam‬ ‭Mock exam‬

‭ ock exam‬ M ‭feedback‬ ‭NEA2 started‬

‭NEA2 continued‬

‭Term 5‬

‭ reparation for‬ P ‭GCSE exam‬ ‭NEA2 concluded‬ ‭paper‬

‭Term 6‬

‭End Points‬ ‭ upils‬ ‭will‬ ‭have‬ P ‭refined‬ ‭their‬ ‭GSCE‬ ‭skills‬ ‭used‬ ‭in‬ ‭producing‬ ‭NEA1‬ ‭and‬ ‭NEA2‬ ‭as‬ ‭part‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭AQA‬ ‭course‬ ‭requirements.‬ ‭They‬ ‭will‬ ‭have‬ ‭perfected‬ ‭their‬ ‭skills‬ ‭of‬ ‭analysing‬ ‭and‬ ‭planning‬ ‭their‬ ‭practical‬ ‭work,‬ ‭writing‬ ‭critical‬ ‭analyses‬ ‭and‬ ‭evaluations‬ ‭of‬ ‭their‬ ‭work,‬ ‭using‬ ‭a‬ ‭wide‬ ‭range‬ ‭of‬ ‭appropriate‬ ‭technical‬ ‭language‬‭.‬ ‭They‬ ‭will‬ ‭have‬ ‭been‬ ‭able‬ ‭to‬ ‭reflect‬ ‭on‬ ‭their‬ ‭skills‬ ‭and‬ ‭have‬ ‭experimented‬ ‭with‬ ‭food‬

‭ aterials‬ ‭and‬ m ‭techniques.‬ ‭Objectives‬

‭ rimary‬ P ‭●‬ ‭Time-plannin‬ ‭processing:‬ ‭g is then‬ ‭rearing,‬ ‭fishing,‬ ‭covered, so‬ ‭growing,‬ ‭that the‬ ‭harvesting‬ ‭and‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭cleaning‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭for NEA1 can‬ ‭raw‬ ‭food‬ ‭be done prior‬ ‭to its‬ ‭material‬ ‭(milling‬ ‭commencem‬ ‭of‬ ‭wheat‬‭to‬‭flour,‬ ‭ent half-‬ ‭heat‬‭treatment‬‭of‬ ‭milk,‬ ‭way through‬ ‭pasteurised,‬ ‭September,‬ ‭completed by‬ ‭UHT,‬ ‭sterilised‬ ‭15‬‭th‬ ‭and‬ ‭microfiltered‬ ‭milk)‬ ‭November‬ ‭Secondary‬ ‭(10 hours‬ ‭max: up to 30‬ ‭processing:‬ ‭how‬ ‭marks);‬ ‭raw‬ ‭primary‬ ‭processed‬ ‭ingredients‬ ‭are‬ ‭processed‬ ‭to‬ ‭produce‬ ‭a‬ ‭food‬ ‭product‬ ‭(flour‬ ‭into‬‭bread‬‭and/or‬ ‭pasta,‬ ‭milk‬ ‭into‬ ‭cheese‬ ‭&‬ ‭yoghurt,‬‭fruit‬‭into‬ ‭jams etc.)‬ ‭Loss‬ ‭of‬ ‭vitamins‬ ‭through‬ ‭heating‬ ‭and drying;‬ ‭Effect‬ ‭of‬ ‭heating/drying‬ ‭on‬ ‭sensory‬

‭●‬ ‭Time-plannin‬ ‭g is then‬ ‭covered, so‬ ‭that the‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭for NEA1 can‬ ‭be done prior‬ ‭to its‬ ‭commencem‬ ‭ent half-‬ ‭way through‬ ‭September,‬ ‭completed by‬ ‭15‬‭th‬ ‭November‬ ‭(10 hours‬ ‭max: up to 30‬ ‭marks);‬

‭ fter the‬ A ‭completion of‬ ‭both NEAs, the‬ ‭lessons revert to‬ ‭revision of the‬ ‭subject‬ ‭(theoretical)‬ ‭content &‬ ‭past-paper‬ ‭practice.‬

c‭ haracteristics‬‭of‬ ‭milk;‬ ‭Cholesterol‬ ‭lowering‬ ‭spreads;‬ ‭Health‬ ‭benefits‬ ‭of fortification;‬ ‭Positive‬ ‭&‬ ‭negative‬‭aspects‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭use‬ ‭of‬ ‭additives‬ ‭&‬ ‭GM‬ ‭foods.‬ ‭NEA1 started‬ ‭ ractical‬ P ‭Dishes‬ ‭ rench‬ F ‭Apple‬ ‭Frangipane‬ ‭Tart‬ ‭or‬ ‭Bakewell Tart‬ ‭Beef Lasagne‬

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