MODERN SPACE Is SDSU ready for a new student union? The choice is yours.
February 26, 2009
Vol. 94, Issue 80
It’s where we eat, play, study and socialize. And for the past 42 years, Aztec Center has put a roof over generations of Aztecs doing just that. But the building, which was heralded in the 1960’s as the first student union of its kind in the CSU system, is now just called “old.” The polls open tomorrow and the future of Aztec Center is in the hands of the student voters. So read on and decide: Is SDSU ready for a new student union? C I T Y 3 F E AT U R E S 4 M O D E R N S PA C E 6 S P O R T S 9 C L A S S I F I E D S 1 1 B A C K PA G E 1 2