Monday, November 9, 2009
Vol. 95, Issue 41
w w w. T h e D a i l y A z t e c . c o m
Tw i t t e r : T h e D a i l y A z t e c
San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1913
TECH SAVVY The president’s plan for cloud technology is a smart move for a more efficient government. page 2
Courtesy of Steve Nowland / NCAA Photos
MORE LOVIN’ Find out what it means to be polyamorous and how it works to have multiple relationships. page 4
TODAY @ SDSU Images of Latin America in Cinema 2 p.m., Extended Studies Center The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is offering the course to explore the development of films from and about Latin America. For more of today’s headlines, visit: Courtesy of Steve Nowland / NCAA Photos
Courtesy of Steve Nowland / NCAA Photos
The San Diego State women’s soccer team defeated BYU for the Mountain West Conference Tournament Championship on Saturday. Read about how the Aztecs got it done on page 6.
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INDEX STATE OF MIND..............................................................2 DATING & ROMANCE.................................................4 SPORTS.............................................................................5 CLASSIFIEDS....................................................................7 THE BACK PAGE...........................................................8
Budget rally Associated Students will host a “Day of Action” budget rally in response to education budget cuts. The event, which features the slogan “When they cut, we all bleed,” aims to unite students on campus, as well as the various groups and clubs at San Diego State. The main goal is to fight budget cuts by unifying the student body. The rally will start at 11:50 a.m. next Monday by the Arts and Letters building. In addition to the rally at SDSU, other CSUs, UCs and community colleges will host similar events that week. A.S. encourages students to speak up about problems on campus resulting from budget cuts and to write letters to legislators. Students are also being asked to wear black every Monday in mourning of the education cuts.
Assembly Bill 656
Suspicious person
The second of three readings was completed last week on the A.S. resolution in support of Assembly Bill 656, which uses money generated from an oil severance tax for California universities. The third reading will take place Nov. 18 at the next A.S. meeting. After the third reading is completed, A.S. will vote the following week to pass the resolution.
Nov. 2 — A man was allegedly seen videotaping women near campus. Police received a call from an individual who reported seeing a man videotaping from a blue van near College Avenue and Montezuma Road. The man was described as a white male in his late 40s with a thin build, brown hair and a blue shirt. If anyone spots this vehicle they are encouraged to contact police.
Oct. 31 — A man was treated at Kaiser Hospital after breaking his hand in a fight. Two groups of people, not affiliated with SDSU, got into a fight after a party at Piedra del Sol apartments. No arrests were made and only one person sought treatment.
Smoking ban The smoking ban legislation passed by A.S. last spring is now in effect. Smoking is now prohibited in Aztec Center, Viejas Arena and the Open Air Theatre.
—Compiled by Senior Staff Writer Sarah Kovash
Battery Oct. 30 — A female student reported being hit by two other female students during an argument. The incident reportedly occurred in a Sigma Chi satellite house around 3 a.m. San Diego State Police Lt. Lamine Secka said the victim went to Student Health Services for some minor scratches. No one went to the hospital and no arrests were made. The incident is still being investigated.
Trespasser Oct. 27 — Police arrested a man and transported him to jail for trespassing on campus after he was issued a seven-day stay away order. Terrance Leisure was found at the Library Information Access Dome. He was arrested after causing a disturbance at the Malcolm A. Love Library. He refused to cooperate with police when they tried to escort him outside and was later cited for obstructing a police officer.
—Compiled by Senior Staff Writer, Kristina Blake
The Daily Aztec
New technologies a smart move
resident Barack Obama is widely regarded as the first truly technologically savvy commander in chief. During last year’s presidential campaign, he used the Internet and new technologies like never before. Now, his administration is leading the way in streamlining government efficiency by promoting cloud computing services for all government agencies. In September, Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra, announced the launch of It’s an initiative to decrease the cost of government operations while simultaneously driving innovation within the government. The Web site serves as a one-stop online shop for government agencies to browse and instantly purchase cloud-based information technology services. These services aim to foster and promote productivity, collaboration and efficiency at all levels. Cloud computing is defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology as “a computing model where IT capabilities are delivered as a service over the Internet to many users.” Essentially, data is moved from small, localized servers in offices to large servers housed in data centers located all around the country. This data can then be instantly accessed from anywhere via the Internet. The administration’s embrace of streamlining new technologies is smart. An able government requires reliance on modernday resources. We shouldn’t be satisfied with a slow, uneconomical government. Cloud computing is the future of computing and the administration is taking the necessary steps to get us there. The federal government currently
Monday, November 9, 2009
spends $75 billion annually on IT services. Procurement processes are tedious, and security procedures are complex and costly. By consolidating all IT services into one operation cost, everything will become more efficient. Agencies located across the country can utilize these services regardless of their location. The U.S. Transport Safety Administration recently spent $600,000 to set up a blog. Considering consumers can easily get a blog for free, that’s a ludicrous expenditure. Taxpayer dollars will be better spent as agencies adopt services, many free, from Having information accessible anywhere, anytime, on any device is required in today’s fast-paced, wired world. Business happens instantly and now the government be able to move just as quickly. While cloud computing continues to advance so can government. The City Council of Los Angeles just approved a $7.2 million deal with contractor Computer Sciences Corp. to replace the city’s outdated IT services with cloud computing. With this deal, Computer Sciences will provide many popular Google Apps services. E-mail, calendar, online chatting and other services will be available to some 30,000 city employees. To alleviate security concerns, an amendment was added requiring Computer Sciences to pay a preset penalty should a security breach occur. The deal is expected to save $5 million in just five years while simultaneously updating all its services.
While L.A. makes the bold move to the cloud, security still remains an issue. Paying a penalty for security breaches is only a cursory move. More needs to be done to protect the networks and, moreover, the country. Collaboration with the government and companies providing cloud computing services is vital to securing data. Cyber attacks are increasing as more people become technologically savvy and capable of hacking networks. Preemptive steps need to be taken rather than waiting for a major attack to occur — which will happen. Google is set to introduce its own cloud computing services specifically designed for use by the federal government next year. The delay is caused by the ensuing issues relating to security and privacy. With Google’s cooperation with government policies, all data will remain at Google’s data centers in the U.S. and be operated by technicians with appropriate security clearances. Such proactive steps secure data without undermining the government’s authority in accessing its information. With L.A. and the federal government both embracing technology to make government more efficient, there is potential for change. Technology is supposed to make life’s needs more assessable. Now, it can make government more assessable, too.
—Andy Lewandowski is a journalism senior. —This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec. Send e-mail to Anonymous letters will not be printed. Include your full name, major and year in school.
Obesity in the United States
State with greater rates of adult obesity:
Mississippi Mississippi’s obesity rate:
32.5% California’s obesity rate:
23.6% Nation’s obesity indirect and direct costs per year:
Study shows half of U.S. children will use food stamps before the age of 20
Siestas should be national policy
MCT Campus
Increased stress leads to less sleep and underproductivity. Daily naps could help relieve work pressure.
ociety’s expectations from individuals are increasingly out of reach. Students are expected to carry full loads at school and at work while pandering to the demands of our personal lives. Professionals are expected to invest increasing amounts of time at their jobs to make up for company losses, often putting in overtime on multiple occasions per week. When we wish there was more time in the day, we create it by sleeping less and working longer hours. The problems with this are numerous, which is why I propose we introduce an old Spanish and Latin friend to the U.S.: the siesta. A siesta is a short nap taken in the early afternoon. Siestas were originally intended to shelter factory workers from the intensity of the sun during the warmest period of the day, but it has caught on in many other areas such as Greece and Southern Italy. Siestas can be a valuable tool in combating decreased productivity in the U.S. that is caused by sleep debt, or the accumulated psychological consequences of poor sleeping patterns. Many develop poor sleeping patterns because of the increasing demands of school and work. “Scientists have found that it can take a
T . J . BR O N S O N S TA F F C O L U M N I S T
week or more for the cognitive and psychological consequences of poor sleep to wear off — even after increasing sleep,” according to The New York Times. This means that even a week after you start sleeping more to make up for lost sleep, you are still not operating at 100 percent productivity. This also means that your potential gains from working at full potential are lost because of accumulated sleep debt. With increasing sleepiness, individuals demonstrate poorer performance despite increased effort, and they may report indifference regarding the outcome of their performance, according to a study conducted at Marshall University. As a country, if we took an hour or two each day to catch up on sleep, we wouldn’t have to worry about the negative effects sleep debt has on our performance. In addition, we would be fully rested every workday and working at 100 percent. Immediately, arguments arise concerning productivity. Some would point out that I am simply taking the productivity lost from sleep debt and transferring it into siestas everyday during the work-
week. I understand that point, but consider France for just a moment. French citizens in Lyon and Paris, by contrast, spend the least amount of time at work according to a global comparison. These areas work 1,582 and 1,594 hours per year respectively, yet France’s $42,250 per capita income last year is not a far cry from the $47,580 in the U.S. The French work about 16 percent fewer hours than the average person around the globe, who works 1,902 hours per year. The bottom line is that a loss in the total amount of hours worked by an employee does not necessarily mean a total loss in productivity. Some countries, including France, realize the well-being of citizens directly contributes to their increased performance. On a separate occasion, Utah has also accepted that when superior performing employees turn in mediocre work and inexplicably move through their jobs at half speed, it is time to give them a break. Last summer, Utah began giving state employees a four-day workweek to improve the balance between work and the rest of a worker’s life. After more than a year, the program has been deemed a success, as 82 percent of people want to keep the new schedule. In addition, the state organizations are in favor of the new schedule because they are saving money on energy and related costs. It is about time we realize our current work schedules are not sustainable and taxing on people’s bodies. If the U.S. allows a plan to grant people a daily siesta every day, they will see less people suffering from problems such as depression and see companies stop suffering from productivity loss because to sleep debt.
—T.J. Bronson is a journalism and finance senior. —This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec. Send e-mail to Anonymous letters will not be printed. Include your full name, major and year in school.
African-American children who will use food stamps:
90% Caucasian children who will use food stamps:
37% Monthly income for families of four who qualify for food stamps:
or less
Families eligible for food stamps that utilize them:
67% U.S. uses less water than 35 years ago Gallons of daily water usage by 297 million Americans in 2005:
Water used for irrigation:
31% Water used by the public:
11% Water used by livestock, industries aquaculture, mining and rural households:
9% —Compiled by State of Mind Contributor Aileen Pantoja
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The Daily Aztec
Monday, November 9, 2009
Polyamorists multiply their love by sharing AN D R E A M O RA CONTRIBUTOR
Liquid Library
Polyamory differs greatly from monogamy with an emphasis on sharing infinite love with more than one person. Although polyamory isn’t as common as the typical monogamous relationship, there is a passionate community of people who follow this lifestyle. For polyamorists, this practice allows for balanced and ideal relationships.
woman for the rest of my life.” For some, polyamory is an alternative lifestyle, while for others it is a way to spice things up. Many are single, curious and just want to share some fun between the sheets. “I do not feel that sex is only for people that love each other,” member of SDPoly Bill Mertl said. “Sex is an exciting and very physically good feeling.” In a monogamous culture, polyamory has always been able to slip beneath the radar, remaining a hidden subculture. Only recently have such books as “Open: Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage” by Jenny Block peaked the interests of monogamists. Ian Miller, member of SDPoly, is currently in a monogamous marriage but said he and his wife have considered polyamory after reading the book, “The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures,” by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy. In the book’s introduction the authors write, “Many people dream of having an abundance of love and sex and friendship. Some believe that such a life is impossible and settle for less than they want … few persist and discover that being openly loving, intimate, and sexual with many people is not only possible but can be more rewarding then they ever imagined.” Miller said it can add a lot of pressure to a relationship if one expects their partner to be perfect. Not all people enjoy participating in all the same activities their partners do. Understanding that and not allowing jealousy to interfere can lead to more fulfilling lives with multiple partners. “I feel polyamory offers us the possibility to find a more complete and satisfying life by being able to experience multiple, simultaneous relationships,” Miller said. “Rather than having to find one person to be your everything, we can choose to take pleasure in our loved one’s enjoyment in an activity and realize we can’t be everything to them.” Whether monogamous or polyamorous, relationships require a lot of work, communication, love and trust. Devi said she has received mixed reactions being polyamorous, but people should not judge what they do not understand. “What is so threatening that I love in a different way?” Devi asked. “It’s been working really well for me.”
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Imagine loving someone so much that sharing him or her with someone else would be ideal. Not only that, by sharing him or her, jealousy and infidelity would be thrown out the window because there would be no secrets or affairs, just people loving other people. For those who practice polyamory, this scenario is not only perfectly fine but, it’s ideal — the more the merrier. “You have the capacity to fall in love with multiple people,” Kamala Devi, author, sex and relationship coach and organizer of said. “Being in a polyamorous relationship is a commitment to making that work with all those involved in an open and honest way.” Devi, a bisexual polyamorist, is married and shares a girlfriend with her husband, Michael McClure. He has lovers whom Devi knows about but does not share and vice versa. Both are engaged in long-term relationships with other people and refer to their lovers as their “poly partners of choice.” One of the core beliefs of polyamorists is that one can love more than one person equally and unconditionally. Love is infinite and sharing it with more than one person exponentially increases the love one can both give and receive. Compersion, the joyful feeling that comes from knowing the person one loves is loved by another, is also a core belief of polyamory. Overcoming jealousy is a sign of emotional maturity. Devi, who hosts monthly potlucks, said she has seen heightened interests in the last five years and is thrilled San Diego has a fairly large and active polyamorous community. A member of, Jasen Hansen said he has always been a naturally flirtatious person and felt guilty being in monogamous relationships because the flirting with other women never stopped. When he first learned of polyamory he was skeptical but discovered it made more sense for him to live a polyamorous lifestyle. “I realized that my nature fit in with the polyamory philosophy,” Hansen said. “It was not about getting into as many women’s pants as I could. It was that I could care for more than one person and I felt like I was denying part of myself by not allowing that to be expressed.” People who choose to be in polyamorous relationships do so with the knowledge and consent of all those involved — there is no lying, cheating or keeping of secrets. Unlike swingers who engage in casual sex, polyamorists practice long-term, committed and loving relationships. “There are just some things you cannot get from a monogamous partnership,” member of SDPoly Christine Saulsbury said. “One person can only give so much. When you can find balance in a poly relationship you become a more well-balanced, happier and fulfilled person.” Some members of SDPoly currently practice monogamy but are open to the idea of polyamory. Member Ryan Pearson said he prefers monogamy but can see the pros and cons of both lifestyles. “(Polyamory is) loving someone deeply, wholly and completely without having the need to possess them,” Pearson said. “Many people that are in monogamous relationships have certain possessive ways of being, often with an underlying fear of losing that person.” Others say they are happily satisfied being monogamous. “I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for over a year,” member of SDPoly Ryan Altman said. “(We) may try alternatives in the future, but for now (I) am digging the one-on-one thing.” Polyamorists argue monogamy is culturally constructed, humanly unnatural and results in increased divorce rates and infidelity. “I truly believe that we were designed to be polyamorous,” Pearson said. “However, even though I do feel that way, as soon as I meet the right match for me I plan on settling down and being monogamous to one
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Monday, November 9, 2009
The Daily Aztec
Dalton leads Horned Frogs to blowout win D AV I D P O P E A S S I S TA N T S P O R T S E D I T O R
All season, the TCU football team’s defense has been getting most of the hype and credit for the Horned Frogs’ Bowl Championship Series potential. But on Saturday against San Diego State, the TCU offense, led by quarTCU 55 terback Andy Dalton, stole the spotlight, routSDSU 12 ing SDSU 55-12. “That was a long day. I haven’t been in one of those in a long time,” head coach Brady Hoke said. “They’re a
good football team. We got beat in every phase — coaching, playing — all phases.” Dalton completed 14 passes for 239 yards and two touchdowns through the air while rushing for 44 yards and a pair of scores on the ground. While Dalton was clearly the Frogs’ Most Valuable Player, TCU’s offensive success came from the balance of its attack. Eight receivers caught passes from Dalton, including receiver Ryan Christian who caught both touchdowns and racked up 106 yards on just three catches while seven different Frogs’ recorded doubledigit rushing totals and helped TCU gain 326 total rushing yards. Though the offense got most of the post-
game attention, the Horned Frogs’ defense showed why it’s regarded as one of the best in the country. TCU held the Aztecs’ sophomore quarterback Ryan Lindley to 16 completions in 34 attempts and 164 yards with two interceptions. “We just didn’t put our best foot forward, obviously,” Lindley said. “Give them credit, they’re a good team. They’ve got some athletes, they’ve got some playmakers, but we just didn’t play our game. We started slow and we need to fix that offensively. We just need to get it rolling.” Lindley’s lone touchdown pass came on a 30-yard bomb to senior receiver DeMarco Sampson who recorded 81 total receiving yards.
Junior running back Brandon Sullivan was one of the few bright spots for SDSU, accounting for 76 of the Aztecs’ 94 rushing yards on 17 carries. “We’ve got a lot of growth that we have to do and a maturity as a team that we’ve got to keep moving forward,” Hoke said. “You’ve got to give them a lot of credit. At the same time, I know there are a lot of things that we didn’t do well as a team that we’ve got to do better if we want to win next week.” With three games remaining against Utah, UNLV and this Saturday, Wyoming, SDSU will have to win two of three games to become bowl-eligible for the first time this decade.
Glenn Connelly / Photo Editor
TCU quarterback Andy Dalton passed for 239 yards, rushed for 44 yards and accounted for four touchdowns in the Horned Frogs’ 55-12 beatdown of the San Diego State football team on Saturday at Qualcomm Stadium.
Sullivan shows improvement E D WA R D L E W I S SPORTS EDITOR
Nelson handles star defensive end TCU defensive end Jerry Hughes came into Saturday’s game with nine sacks this season, averaging a little more than one per game. He’s 6 feet 3 inches tall, 257 pounds, runs a 4.6 40-yard dash and is a projected firstround pick in this year’s NFL Draft. Yet, against San Diego State senior offensive lineman Peter Nelson, Hughes had no sacks, logged just one tackle and didn’t register a single quarterback hurry. “Peter Nelson did a great job,” sophomore quarterback Ryan Lindley said. “It was Pete one-onone all night. He had the backs in there chipping for them and helping him out, but for the most part, Pete really stepped up tonight. He did what a senior leader should do and took on the challenge and really just played his best.” Lindley wasn’t sacked on Saturday, and after the game, he said he was hit maybe one time in his 34 drop backs. Despite playing well against the
nation’s premiere pass rusher, Nelson was more focused on SDSU’s 55-12 loss than he was on his outstanding game. “(Hughes) is one of many great players on that team that we just played and you can tell by the way we just got beat,” Nelson said. “Playing him was a team effort. TCU is a great team and we just got beat by them. We need to get better at preparing for games like this and winning.”
In loss, Sullivan and Sampson shine On a night when the Aztecs were pummeled by 43 points, there wasn’t a whole lot to love about SDSU’s box score. Yet two names still managed to jump off the page: junior running back Brandon Sullivan and senior receiver DeMarco Sampson. Sullivan played one of his best games of the season against the Horned Frogs, picking up 75 yards on 17 carries. It was the second time this year Sullivan has averaged more than four yards per carry, and his 75 rushing yards were his third-highest total of his season. “I thought we ran the ball in there at times pretty well,” head
coach Brady Hoke said. “I thought Brandon did a nice job running the ball.” TCU came into the game with the eighth-best run defense in the nation. Meanwhile, Sampson continued his dominating four-game stretch, racking up 81 yards and a touchdown on six catches against TCU. In the past four games alone, Sampson has tallied an astounding eight touchdowns. Heading into this season, Sampson had only two touchdown catches in four years.
Yoshida gets back on track Aztec senior kicker Lane Yoshida hadn’t made a field goal since Oct. 3 and hadn’t hit a field goal of more than 40 yards since Sept. 19. But on Saturday against the Horned Frogs, Yoshida buried a 45-yarder and a 48yarder and accounted for half of SDSU’s 12 points. Similar to Nelson, though, Yoshida was more disappointed with the loss after the game. “Well, the only stat that matters is the wins and losses today,” Yoshida said. “We didn’t obviously get the win, so it doesn’t matter what I did. We didn’t get the win.”
Glenn Connelly / Photo Editor
The Daily Aztec
Monday, November 9, 2009
Aztecs take MWC crown Win over BYU in Provo, Utah grants SDSU a bid to the NCAA tournament F E L I N A T A M BA KO S S TA F F W R I T E R
The San Diego State women’s soccer team had not won a conference title since 1998 — it had been 11 years since SDSU hoisted a trophy. That all changed on Saturday. In just SDSU 1 his third season at the helm of the Aztecs, BYU 0 head coach Mike Friesen led his team to the Mountain West Conference Tournament Championship. Originally seeded second in the MWC, SDSU was able to take out top-seeded BYU by a score of 1-0 in a nail-biting match on the Cougars’ home field in Provo, Utah. “To come to BYU and win in front of a huge home crowd, at elevation on the second day was amazing,” Friesen said to The Mtn. after the game. Unbeaten in the last 14 games, and having won the last six straight, the Aztecs went into the final match with confidence, but still cautious of BYU’s strong offense. The nationally ranked Cougars were riding their own undefeated streak with 15, but were finally broken down in the MWC Tournament Championship game. It was SDSU junior midfielder Cat Walker’s unassisted goal from about 25 yards out that gave the Aztecs the gamelong lead. Inches from hitting the top post, Walker’s goal at 28:03 would be the goal that would give her a trophy.
The Most Valuable Player award of the tournament was presented to Walker, who demonstrated her worth to the team by scoring in both the semi-final and final games, which give her a total of 10 for the season. “I’m blown away,” Walker said. “It was a full team effort. Maybe I’m the one with the trophy, but there wouldn’t be any trophy if we weren’t all playing together.” SDSU held up defensively thanks to fierce attacks from sophomore defenders Hayley Marsh and Megan McQueeny as well as junior goalkeeper Aubree Southwick’s strong protection of the goal. BYU had plenty of close chances to score, especially in the second half, with play mostly in Aztec territory for all 90 minutes. Southwick did an outstanding job of stopping scores and had six saves in the final game, continuing her impressive SDSU saves record. “It’s so cool to be confident in every line on the field, back, midfield, forward,” Walker said of her teammates. “Everyone was a full team success. It’s not one person up top or Aubree (Southwick) in the back. It’s all the girls on the bench (and) the whole coaching staff; it’s a team effort. It makes the win that much sweeter.” The win on Saturday was an emotional affair as a sea of red and black rushed the field with hugs and tears as the clock dwindled in the last 10 seconds. “There were definitely the nerves and the emotions of being in the championship game,” Walker said. “Every girl has worked so hard to get here. There was a ton of emotion going on. Trying to stay focused and stay calm throughout that is what I think got us the win. I’m out of words; it was unbelievable.” With the victory, the Aztecs earn a birth into the NCAA tournament for the first time this decade.
Steve Nowland / NCAA Photos
Consecutive wins for the San Diego State
Straight games without a loss
Years since SDSU last won at BYU
Advanced Test Preparation
Saves for goaltender Aubree Southwick on Saturday
Total shutouts for Southwick and the Aztecs this year
Goals for midfielder Cat Walker this season, a team-high
Total goals for SDSU this year
Total assists for forward Niki Fernandes this year, a team-high
Advanced Test Preparation
Score Higher, Aztecs!
Monday November 9, 2009
The Daily Aztec
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The Daily Aztec
An “unforgettable” ride
love riding the trolley and seeing strangers forced to be in contact with one another. When the trolley stalls, the McDonald’s fry cook and U.S. Bank manager who would normally avoid all eye contact are forced to glance at each other, bonded by the common goal of journeying between points A and B. Seeing everyone forced to make body contact would make Mahatma Gandhi proud. Today on the trolley, I sat between two women. To my right was a sexy woman wearing a short skirt, those high heels with a specific name — stiletto, platform, painful — and big hair. She was one of those well-kept beauties who other women secretly want to catch mononucleosis. We all bowed and she was crowned “Miss MTS Trolley Green Line” as she boarded. All the men were giving “elevator eyes” — traveling up and down while all the women thought if God exists, he’d make her a lesbian so they wouldn’t have to compete with her.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I only noticed the other woman because she sat to the left of me. This middle-aged woman was like the recurring classmate in a sitcom who never gets a character name because they don’t really matter. She was wearing a nondescript neon green T-shirt and jeans that were too high — like a retired Buffy from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” I crowned her “Miss Forgettable.” It would have been a normal ride of silently laughing at people who were trying to find a seat or kept falling when the trolley stopped and started, but something much better happened. Miss Forgettable picked up her shopping bag and lifted out a too-lacy, too-tiny, black panty. She held it in the air with her arms outstretched and uttered a loud, sexy “Mmm.” The guys looked from side to side to make sure other men were aroused too. All of the
women looked personally and deeply offended Miss Forgettable was telling Victoria’s “secret” in public. No one spoke for a few moments while watching her, as if respecting some unwritten rule to be silent while a woman admires her lingerie in public. She put it back into the bag and then chose another pair. I would say anyone who can command attention like that generally deserves it — she is, after all, probably the first lady to captivate an audience between Fashion Valley and Fenton Parkway. Miss Now Unforgettable and I had the same stop, and as the trolley buzzed by, she strolled away, the ultimate desperate housewife, giggling like a little girl swinging her brilliant-colored bra in the air with an “I’ve still got it” smile.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (11/09/09) Balance is essential for you this year if you want to feel that you're accomplishing anything. Others don't necessarily help you feel successful. Use your own imagination and intellect.You control your feelings far more than you realize. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) - Today is an 8 - The name of the game today is persuasion. Don't apply force. Instead, use soothing words, potions or touch. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) - Today is a 7 - Someone tries hard to change your mind. Face it: your mind could stand a change. Imagine a brighter future. GEMINI (May 21 - June 21) - Today is an 8 You need some convincing before you take action. Review the data and see how it feels. CANCER (June 22 - July 22) - Today is a 7 Domestic issues require stern measures. Handle your own assignment, and give others plenty of time for theirs. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) - Today is a 7 Everybody wants to be in charge today. You know that won't work. Save your ideas for tomorrow. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) - Today is a 7 -
A female takes every opportunity to get the upper hand. React only if you truly care. Otherwise, let her plot the course. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) - Today is an 8 You can't dance to more than one tune at a time. Handle responsibilities first, needs second and desires third. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) - Today is an 8 - A female provides just the right change to your attire or appearance.You look like a million dollars! Now go get it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) - Today is an 8 - Power falls into your lap. A group decides you're the right person to lead them. Remember to say "thank you." CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) - Today is a 7 - The group seems to think you're wrong. Oh, well. Restate your decision in practical terms they can understand. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) - Today is a 7 - Use your powers of persuasion to convince co-workers to go along with your plan. Concise language works best. PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) - Today is a 6 The females in your life present the facts. If you accept them, you get a chance to expand your power base. © 2009,TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
—Kristen Nevarez is a theater arts junior. —This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec.
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THAT’S SO RAVIN’ assistant photo editor lindsey martin captured this masked performer in action by using long exposure and a flash while at an underground club this past weekend.
ACROSS 1 Sends a duplicate to, for short 4 Half-baked, as ideas 9 Tended 14 Fink 15 3:1 or 7:2, e.g. 16 Easy to understand 17 Thurman who played June in “Henry & June” 18 Maine college town 19 Improvise lines 20 Toy that might answer “It is decidedly so” 23 Pub orders 24 W. Hemisphere defense gp. 25 “Cats” poet’s monogram 27 Average 28 Ancient moralist 31 Despair’s opposite 32 Knight fight 34 Imus’s medium 35 Sly inquiry 39 Appears to be 40 Charlatan 41 Helen of Troy’s mother 42 OneZip bag maker 44 Strong wind 48 Cell “messenger,” briefly 49 Critic Reed 50 Barbecue equipment brand 51 Cesar Millan dogtraining apparatus 56 Just right 57 Packaging foam prefix 58 Cavity fillers’ org. 59 Crooner Mel 60 November birthstone 61 Meditative sect
Solution available online at 62 Where many vows are exchanged 63 Covered with marsh vegetation 64 Finish
12 Sudden and precipitous downturn 13 Sphere 21 Pacific island on which a memorable WWII photo was taken DOWN 22 Audible dance 1 Bread bits style 2 Chevy muscle car 26 Job listing initials 3 Puts on, as a show 28 Northern diving 4 Gators’ kin bird 5 Steak order 29 Attorney’s abbr. 6 Yours, in Paris 30 Fill, as with padding 7 Criticize in a 31 Styling goo witty way 33 Military training 8 Classic chocolate acad. drink brand 34 Hwy. 9 Picket line crossers 35 Miley Cyrus, for 10 Alan of one “M*A*S*H” 36 Ready-for-the11 Affluent worst status
37 Gobble down 38 Wild blue yonder 39 Camera type, for short 42 “__ So Fine”: 1963 #1 hit 43 Is 45 On fire 46 Hard to move 47 Quick trip that’s “run” 49 Foot-long stick, often 50 Reeling from a blow 52 Tibetan priest 53 Native Nebraskan 54 “Law & Order” gp. 55 Jagged rock 56 “Let’s call __ day!”